#im planning written sequels to all the jealous fake texts
starry-kfics · 7 years
jealous [eunwoo]
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a written sequel to this fake text scenario (can be read separately with little confusion)
word count: 1881
warnings: none
“So you want to meet Kim Minjae-sunbaenim?” Eunwoo suddenly blurted out one day while you were grabbing lunch together.
After he had abruptly ended your text conversation about it, you never expected him to bring up the topic again. You had a mouthful of rice and could only nod, shocked.
“There’s going to be a K-Drama awards show soon, and the cast of The Best Hit are invited. Minjae-ssi says he needs a date, so I told him I had a friend who would be willing to go with him.” Dongmin seemed reluctant as he explained to you, and you nearly choked on the rice in your mouth.
Depserately swallowing before you spoke, you said with a shocked grin, “Are you kidding? I would love to!”
“That’s what I thought. It’s in two weeks, and sunbaenim will pick us both up from my house, okay?”
Two weeks later, you were in front of ASTRO’s dorms, nervously knocking on the door.
“Y/N noona! You’re so beautiful!” The shocked voice of Sanha squealed as the lanky boy opened the door to the dorms for you.
“Thank you, Sanha.” You smiled, following him inside as he went into the kitchen to grab a drink.
“I still can’t believe Eunwoo hyung finally got the courage to ask you to be his date.” The maknae said nonchalantly over his shoulder as he rooted through the fridge.
Your eyes widened when he said that, and you immediately started sputtering through an explanation, “I’m not Dongmin’s date, I’m his costar Kim Minjae’s date tonight. Dongmin set us up together.”
“Oh. Noona, forget everything I just said! And don’t tell hyung what I just didn’t say, because he’ll kill me.” And at that rushed ramble, Sanha darted out of the kitchen and towards his bedroom, juice in hand.
Still shocked at what he said, you didn’t realize Dongmin had left his room until you heard an audible gasp, and turned around to see your friend standing there, jaw dropped. He was looking handsome as well in an all white suit, which only made him look like an angel on earth. It paralleled sharply with the deep scarlet gown you were wearing, sent by Minjae especially for you to wear tonight. The neckline showed the most minimal amount of cleavage to make it a little sexy, and the flow of the material draped across your frame accentuated your body perfectly. Paired with jewelry from your own collection, and styled hair and makeup, you felt like a different person.
“Hey, Dongmin-ah.” You smiled, messing with your handbag for a moment. “Sanha let me in.”
“Y/N-ah, you look, wonderful.” He couldn’t seem to even formulate words, and you found it slightly amusing.
“Thanks. I like your suit, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Another bedroom door opened, and two shorter figures ran out, yelling happily. “We need to get pictures!” MJ yelled, holding up his phone, camera out towards you and Eunwoo.
“Hyungs, please stop.” Your friend groaned, but they merely shook their heads.
“I need pictures of my son on his big night!” JinJin squealed excitedly, and you stood next to Dongmin for a few pictures before there was a knock on the door.
“Ah, that must be sunbaenim.” Dongmin seemed relieved to have an excuse to get out of the impromptu photo session, heading towards the door. “Hyungs, you need to leave.”
“We’re not allowed to see him after what happened last time.” MJ whispered cryptically to you, leading JinJin back into their bedroom.
You didn’t even have the brain power to really think about what the boys were talking about, you were to busy internally freaking out, fidgeting with your handbag again. Rooted to the spot, you held your breath as you heard Dongmin open the door, then give a friendly greeting to his costar.
“Ah, sunbaenim, I should introduce you to Y/N-ah.” He said brightly, and when you heard your name, your head snapped up and you looked to the men in front of you.
Minjae was still addressing Eunwoo for a moment, saying, “Eunwoo-yah, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m not your sunbae?”
“Sorry, Minjae-yah.” He said sheepishly, then took to introducing you. “Kim Minjae, this is Y/L/N Y/N, one of my best friends, and your date for tonight.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N-ssi.” Minjae bowed, and you bowed to him as well.
“Pleasure is all mine, Minjae-ssi.” You nearly choked on your words, desperately trying to control your breathing.
“I’m happy the dress fits you, I got the measurements from Dongmin-ah.”
You looked to your friend, remembering why he knew your measurements. “I’ve dragged him to the mall to go shopping with me enough times, I’m glad he’s noticed.”
“He’s very observant. Now, enough about Eunwoo,” Minjae said approvingly, offering his arm out to you. “I’d like to know more about you, Y/N-ssi.”
You linked your arm with his, following the star out to the limo that was waiting. Eunwoo exited with you two, sitting across from you in the limo. When you got to the venue, you were wide-eyed as you took it all in. Eunwoo stepped out of the car first, then Minjae, who offered you his hand to help you out of the car. When you stood, there were dozens of flashing lights and camera clicks that went off, and you were blinded for a moment. You felt a set of hands steady you and guide you away from the paparazzi outside.
“Thank you.” You nodded to who you thought to be Minjae, but it was Eunwoo that was smiling down at you, promptly letting go of you.
“You’re welcome.”
“I am so sorry, Y/N-ssi, I didn’t expect there to be so many cameras outside.” Minjae apologized, taking your arm back in his.
“That’s alright, Minjae-ssi, I’m not completely unused to it. Dongmin took me to one of his first film debuts, although there wasn’t nearly as many paparazzi there.”
“It was a short film festival, and I had a very minor role.” Dongmin downplayed the event, and you shook your head.
“Your acting was still incredible.”
Minjae was watching your interaction with somewhat of a confused face, but shook his head, merely guiding the both of you to the seats with the rest of The Best Hit cast. You didn’t know any of them, and anxiously sat between Minjae and Dongmin. Minjae was nominated for quite a few big awards, while Dongmin had only a single nomination for Best Supporting Actor. As you talked and chatted with Minjae, you found that even though he was fairly charming and an interesting man, you didn’t quite seem to click with him. Not like you did with Dongmin.
As you were realizing this, the winner for one of the big awards Minjae had been nominated for was announced, and your date had ended up winning. You cheered and clapped for him as he went up, accepting the trophy, then was asked to make a speech.
You wanted to watch eagerly as he did so, but your thoughts were still preoccupied by the other actor beside you. Turning your head ever so slightly, you looked at your friend. In the dim lights, his handsome features were illuminated just enough that you could see that he was also staring at you.
He leaned forward, and you startled, unsure of what he was going to do. His mouth ended up beside your ear, and you realized he was just going to whisper something as to not be rude. “Are you having a good time?”
“Yes, thank you.” You replied quietly, and he smiled half-heartedly.
“Ah, your date is coming back.” Dongmin leaned back in his seat, moving away from you.
You could still feel his warm breath over your ear as he spoke, and a small shiver went down your spine. Refocusing yourself to Minjae, you clapped for the actor as he returned to his seat.
“Congrats!” You grinned, hugging him for a moment.
“Thank you, Y/N-ah.” He said, and you were caught off-guard when he gave you a peck on the cheek then sat down as if it was nothing.
On your other side, Dongmin shot up to his feet when that happened, and the other audience members looked at him curiously. Without a word, he walked down the aisle towards the doors that led out of the event hall. Mumbling some excuse to Minjae, you followed your friend out of the auditorium. He continued down a hallway, and you ran after him as fast as you could in the heels you had chosen for the night. Not only that, but he had much longer legs than you, his strides were quicker.
“Dongmin!” You called after him in the deserted hallway.
He pivoted on his heel, turning sharply to look at you. The calm, collected Dongmin you usually saw was gone, he looked to be in serious distress, and you gently rested your hand on his arm. “What’s wrong, Dongmin-ah?”
Your friend didn’t answer, instead grabbing your waist, firmly pressing his lips to yours. You felt your mouth part, mostly in shock, but also to allow him to deepen the kiss. This was not how you expected this night to go, and yet you didn’t stop it. You were here as someone else’s date, but it felt like fate how your bodies interlocked, your hand at the nape of his neck, and his on your waist.
When you two had stopped the kiss for air, you let out a small giggle. “Cheesy and dramatic.”
Dongmin let out a breathy laugh too, hands still on your waist. “I’m not a k-drama actor for nothing.”
“Speaking of,” another man’s voice came from down the hall, where you had ran down away from the auditorium. It was Minjae, hands stuffed in his pockets, looking confused and slightly awkward again. “The results for Best Supporting Actor just got announced, and uh, you won, Eunwoo-yah.”
“I’m already a winner.” Dongmin smiled down at you.
You rolled your eyes, giving him a light shove on the chest towards the auditorium. “Go get your trophy, you cheeseball.”
“Alright, alright.”
There a loving smile across your lips as you watched him retreat down the hall, back to where the awards show was. That left you and Minjae in the hall, clearly you had to talk about something.
“I kind of saw that coming.” Minjae commented, and you raised an eyebrow. “When Eunwoo was telling me about you, I could tell he was in love.”
“And you said yes anyway?”
“I was hoping to get him to man up and confess.”
“You two really are k-drama actors.” You scoffed, walking back towards the event hall with Minjae.
“You bet.” He held the door open for you, and you were able to see Dongmin on stage, being handed his trophy.
Dongmin spotted you, his smiling quadrupling in brightness as he gave a small wave to you. Even though Minjae made him go the long way around, you were glad your friend had ended up confessing, this was the start of something that was long overdue.
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