#im one of the few people who have been here for years without using xkit
risingroseakira · 1 year
@staff this isn't twitter, fucking change back the layout PLEASE for crying out loud
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calleo-bricriu · 6 years
I hate the word “mun” and will not use it to describe myself, but this is that ‘how the blog is run’ thing going around.
I'm usually pretty fast; I tend to slow down if work is busy or if I'm not at home as mobile doesn't have xkit and it makes it harder to neatly trim replies.
Usually, if I don't reply within a few hours, it's within a day or two.
Rarely, I draft something then forget I drafted it, then realize it like 2 weeks later when the other person asks if I saw their reply.
Honestly, if I don’t reply to something for over a week and you see that I’m otherwise active, that’s probably what I did and you can absolutely feel free to poke me about it.
They can be reblogs, conversation in comments, etc...doesn't bother me either way and I don't usually care about ask reblogs though if it starts to get long I'll usually split it off into its own new thread.
Not picky about length as long as you give me something my character can realistically respond to and that can range from a couple of lines to several paragraphs depending on what's going on.
I don't care if you use icons or text formatting, but I don't and the closest to formatting I get is bold, italic, heading, strikethrough, and sometimes colors. My eyesight is terrible, so weird curly fonts that are also small are almost impossible for me to read, even with my glasses on.
Waiting for replies is no big thing; with several people I write with regularly, it’s 2+ weeks between replies, sometimes longer.
Hell, once, @absintheabsence went on like an almost 3 year hiatus and we picked back up about where it had left off. So, yeah, unless you specifically tell me you want to drop a thread, I’ll wait until you either reply or deactivate and disappear.
If I have a bunch of them I’ll queue or schedule them but, otherwise, they get posted as I finish them.
I think all of them I've written have been plotted or split off from asks.
Don't really do open starters because--I don't know, I just never do. I have some starter things tagged that other people can send if they want to.
I also don't mind if someone tags me in a starter they want to do with or without asking me about it first; if something is too off the wall I might ask them to change something but that's pretty much never happened.
Pretty much open for anyone, mutual or not, but it is an IC askbox unless I've specifically posted an OOC meme.
If not, anything sent in will typically be answered IC.
If you want to chat with me OOC about something, use the Tumblr IM thing or Discord.
I do not do M!A/Magic Anons.
Eh. I'm not that picky, I'll generally give anyone a chance to see if our characters or writing styles click, that includes duplicates of characters.
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; either option is okay and I'm not going to be offended or upset if we don't end up clicking and a thread gets dropped or we do one thread then never speak again.
The only things I'm not super into are crossovers who don't have a specific Harry Potter verse that includes NOT carrying over large chunks of another fandom that don’t necessarily really fit into the HP universe into the character. It's just not a thing I'm personally into.
I also tend to be weirdly picky about OCs, at least for following them back.
That said, I'm not mutuals only and I usually only unfollow if we both never interact and I'm not super interested in just reading along.
I also tend to unfollow if you post a lot of untagged or uncut NSFW as I do often idly browse and do replies at work and if you don't tag, Tumblr's tag filter system doesn't, y'know, work.
Constant meme spam and begging for people to send stuff in is also kind of a turn off after awhile as it just comes off as kind of creepy and desperate and past experience OOC with people who do that has never been pleasant because they'd always end up leaping on me demanding to know why I 'never sent anything in' if I didn't send in something from literally every meme they reblogged but if I happened to point out they never sent anything to me and rarely answered any things they specifically asked me to send in, I'm being "aggressive".
So, yeah, constant meme spam + begging people for replies/asks/memes is probably going to make me quietly unfollow.
Still fine writing with you unless you’re also complaining that I don’t send you ‘enough’ memes or complain to me about how everyone ignores you while you’re--kind of ignoring me, but probably won't follow back because I don’t like my dash being choked up with rapid fire desperate meme reblogging.
It's here.
But, if you'd rather not click:
Things I would absolutely love to do more of RP wise:
RP with more adult characters/adult versions of characters.
RP that doesn’t necessarily involve shipping or push toward shipping. I don’t mind shipping at all, but it’s not my main focus.
RP that involves philosophical or theoretical magical discussion/experimentation.
Slice of life type RP.
Marauders Era/First War RP; I do actually like playing the younger version of this character, though I prefer playing from 5th year on.
Casual, back and forth conversation type RP either as short reblogs or in the comments on a single post. It’s relaxing and often branches into the larger threads or plots as it’s a good way to get some easy rapport going.
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ellanainthetardis · 6 years
As of yesterday Tumblr has banned nsfw content from the tags and is shutting down blogs. Care to give your two cents on the matter? Personally I’m freaked over what it will do to fandoms
I’m not certain I really have two cents to give, to be honest. 
I’ve been on tumblr long enough that there have been a looot of scares like that and it usually lasts a couple of days, a week at most, and then it moves on until the next big scare. A couple of weeks (months?) ago, it was blogs getting deleted because of the pic copyright thing… So mostly I’m here watching the thing happen… I won’t lie, yes there is a twinge of anxiety because I know most people read me here, I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog and it would make me sad to lose it but mostly I’ve seen crisis like that before and it’s never as huge as the general rumor makes it out to be. 
The only really frightening thing is that they got kicked off the app store although the reason for it is legit and cannot be disputed so they will go to any length to go back on it because otherwise they will lose money. The problem is people have been complaining about spam bots for ages and the staff is unable or unwilling to really tackle the problem so now we have counter bots that aren’t not as performing as they should be so yeah there are probably lots of problems trying to get a hold on that situation. 
I think the sad truth is that tumblr has been on a slope for a while now. It changed a lot from what it was a few years ago. I mean, I can only speak for myself here but I have a (relatively, I’m not tumblr famous) big amount of followers and I have been having less interaction with people than when I had 60. Mostly, I have the same anon who use that medium to chat with me, a few people I chat with over im and the wonderful people (most of them the same) who are always leaving comments or rebbloging my stories. All in all I would say I interact with 10 people top nowadays. I saw that phenomenum on other blogs too. Tumblr has gone from a real fandom exchange platform to something a bit less social. The only time I really check tumblr nowadays is when I post and to fill my queue. It’s also true it’s probably the case because my main fandom is small so maybe that explains it. 
Not to digress too much, I guess they’re targetting porn blogs and bots. As long as you don’t post either, I guess you’re okay? If they do delete your blog, you can appeal to get it back if you did nothing wrong, I heard, although it may take a while for them to answer your mail and it would probably be easier to just create another one. On a personal note, I said it several times, you can find me on twitter, ao3 and fanfiction.net so I will never be lost ;) I guess if you’re afraid of losing contact with your own followers, you can create a twitter or instagram account (if you don’t already have one/wants to keep yours real life oriented) and ask people to follow you over there as a preventive measure but honestly I wouldn’t worry too much. As long as you’re not a spam blog hopefully you will be okay. 
As for fandoms in general, tumblr is an easy place to gather, like livejournal was back in the day. After livejournal, there was ff and deviant art, then there were forums, then there was tumblr and now we have ao3… Maybe it’s the natural evolution taking place? Maybe another social media will emerge that will allow gifs and fanart and such… I know it can seem frightening, all the more to someone young (I’m assuming you’re around 20) but it happened before with other sites and it never killed fandoms. Nothing can kill fangirling. Fangirling will always survive. It survived since the dawn of time. 
I have lots of love for tumblr, I had so much fun here, particularly with the hayffie fandom, I really have a lot of amazing memories here, I’ve made quite a few good friends but there is no denying there are also a lot of functionality problems. I mean without new xkit, I’m not sure I would even be still using it… 
I’m not sure I’m doing a good job at reassuring you… Well, here are my two cents. It’s out of your control anyway so there is no point worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet. If tumblr does shut down/is not a welcoming place for fandoms anymore, I promise you something else will come to take its place. Trust me, I’ve been in the fandom game for give or take ten years now and it always does. Fandoms always find a way. 
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