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pundeserving · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @sympathykick (thanks! i always feel so flattered when people want to know about me) Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. Nickname: I don't really have one! so just Allie 
Gender: Girl 
Star Sign: gemini 
Height: 5′8 
Time right now: 9:04 pm 
Last thing I googled: i was trying to find that picture of danny phantom busting through the brick wall but he's super buff, so unfortunately it's "ripped danny phantom breaking through wall" (which did NOT yield results) 
Favorite Solo Artists: i'm sure i have some, but nobody's coming to mind rn 
Song stuck in your head: honestly ive had 'Aaron Burr, Sir' stuck in my head for like my entire 10 hour shift 
Last movie I watched: i think it was finding dory 
Last TV show I watched: Brooklyn nine nine 
When did you create your blog: like...ew 2012 
What kind of stuff do you post: i just reblog everything i'm so sorry?? i usually try to keep it light though like not a bunch of political stuff 
When did your blog reach its peak: ...peak? lol i don't know how to judge that 
Do you have any other blogs: nah 
Do you get asks regularly: nah 
Why you chose your URL: I love puns 
Following: 170 
Posts: a lot lol 
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw 
Pokémon Team: valor 
Favorite colors: bright yellow then I also really dig pastels 
Average hours of sleep: i get like 4 or 10 theres no in between 
Lucky Numbers: 5 
Favorite manga characters: so many... 
How many blankets do you sleep with: 3 currently (but also a fan bc counter ingenuity) 
Dream job: something with medicine/psych 
Dream trip: i'd really love to go to greece and south korea and...god so many cool places Im real tired so Im not going to tag anyone in particular but mutuals hmu if you want to say i tagged you
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