#im not sure how much the bewitched people of the town realised of that witch fight that happened at the end of wandavision
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rearranging-deck-chairs ยท 4 months ago
thinking about herb and that poor neighbour who had to play police chief. witch hexes your town, you go through a collective trauma, new neighbour with bad timing who you may or may not realise is also a witch moves in next door, you have three years of a neighbourly relationship with her, then one day she starts thinking shes a detective and your street, being good neighbours, try to help her out a bit, three days later she stands in front of your yard, naked and angery, calls herself agatha, you start thinking maybe someone needs to call in professional help, does she have family somewhere? the next day shes dead
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herobrinna ยท 3 years ago
its 2 in the mf morning and i had the worst TOH au idea so im gonna scream it to the void:
ok so instead of Luz, a travel agent who just lost their job finds their way into the isles and decides to make a deal with Eda to open up a tourism thingy to the Boiling Isles. Eda being a lot more chaotic at the start of the show obviously agrees, and they decide to split whatever profits between them.
but then how do you convince people of this hole other real (especially with its portal being at some abandoned house)? well at first its advertised as funky lil art project, with tours pretty much just being of Eda's backyard and priced pretty cheaply. but as it becomes more popular people realise that - holy shit, none of these things are props, and are actual real things, so it goes viral and tours expand into local towns (or well, just Bonesborrough), and the price for these tours skyrockets.
see at first Eda and travel agent guy manage to keep this business kinda hidden, like with Eda being a criminal she should know when and where scouts patrol around town, so tours would be done with careful scheduling in place to make sure no scout notices, plus with very small groups at a time. and with how the local demons and witches dont notice, well who would honestly believe that random groups of humans are appearing. but shit starts to go down when the youtubers start visiting.
see they immediately start doing stupid shit for views, like going into the wilderness for a 24 hour survival challenge or something, and as Eda and travel agent guy are starting to struggle to keep this from getting out to the emperor's coven, some youtuber completely blows their cover with a "Trying to Sneak into the EMPREROR'S CASTLE at 3AM" challenge.
during this hole time Belos was so peaceful, the Day of Unity was just a few months away and everything was going exactly to plan, so he was focussing on finalising the draining spell or something, completely at bliss on the shit happening. at least up until some humans break into his castle, screaming at the top of their lungs into some device hes never seen in his life. and of course hes pissed and tries to figure out what the hell is going on.
and once he does he is just seething with rage, this is exactly what he was trying to prevent all his life! now these innocent souls are getting bewitched by the devilspawn of this realm. he should have arrested Edalyn the second he suspect she might have the portal, he was such a fool to leave her with that thing.
but its ok, with the Day of Unity happening soon everything will be fine, and he can lead these poor souls back on the righteous path.
or so Belos thinks, until human governments get in touch.
see with videos from tourists going viral the hole world was watching in awe at the "discovery" of this new realm, governments around the world especially, and when it was deemed safe, they decided to make first diplomatic contact.
so all of that because i made this stupid edit:
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and man poor Belos is confused shitless. all his life he thought he was gonna go back to the human realm as a hero, witch hunter general, whatever, anything but as their leader. yet here he is.
and he hates absolutely everything, not only does he now have to face the fact that, yes the human realm did drastically change, but also people seem to be accepting witches (at least to an extent, which to Belos is absolutely disgusting)
so logically he thinks that the entire human realm got bewitched.
during this time whatever governments are attempting to share their technology and scientific innovations (and Belos is playing along, introducing them to magic for the time being). and with all the shit happening the eclipse comes and goes with no chance for Belos to go through with his plan. the humans seem to be too bewitched anyways, he reasons, if he went through his plan then and there, they would have painted him as a villain, no he needs to show them how evil witches truly are, so they end up regretting ever making contact with them. and once he finds out about the weapons of mass destruction humans have invented (so much more efficient than the draining spell!), he devises a new plan.
so once again he plays the slow game of earning people's trust, even letting witches emigrate to human countries.
see, as humans still werent used to magic they didnt have any precautions against it, so Belos could easily command a few witches to assassinate whatever major figures (like an illusion witch can make themselves go invisible, or an oracle witch can predict the exact time someone will be at an easy to get place, etc).
basically Belos starts ww3.
and i thought of a lot more about this but im tired now and cant be bothered to write so ehhh.
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