#im not interested in that enough to want to explore it outside of Actual Yugi/s vs Actual Kaiba
clannfearrunt · 1 year
im so sorry but i have to ask are Rill and Thresher supposed to make me think season 0 kaiba and yugi I think it's the green hair that does it
the primary inspiration for Rill is absolutely S0 Kaiba and I'm not exactly being subtle about it! However, Thresher is not Yugi in any way whatsoever.
Thresher is based on a character concept I wanted to follow through on since 2019 before I ever watched Yugioh and doesn't really have an existing character in other media I can really point to as a comparison point or specific point of inspiration. I actually almost scrapped their concept entirely because when Splat 3 came by and had Shiver be a shark themed Octoling I was like FUCK they got to it first!!! People are gonna think I'm immediately ripping off a canon character!! But I got over it because who gives a shit, I was here first, and it's not actually very similar to what I was wanting to do anyways
Then about a year after I actually made Thresher into a proper character I caved to my dark desires of "I want to play with that cabbage freak in this other setting and see what he mutates into" and the only character I had lying around to throw him at happened to be Thresher.
The biggest inspiration for how Thresher deals with Rill has been a hawk I saw once sitting on a house roof ignoring a tiny ass songbird that was repeatedly dive-bombing it and bouncing off of it without doing any visible damage. I'm being completely serious this was the funniest thing I've ever seen
Anyways point is I think the biggest trap people fall into with these 2 is that they see a Kaiba and assume that there's going to be a Yugi somewhere to match when in reality I made these two completely independently of each other whoops
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