#im not in it for the followers i want to see fellow artists work
chuichewychewy · 1 year
i only want to make new socials n post art on them when im manic 😬
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mickmundy · 1 year
i am now hooked on bushmedicine bc of your fics, would u happen to have fic/blog recs? 👀
OH MY GOSH EEE THANK YOU SO MUCH MY FRIEND ;__; I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING MY SERIES!!!! ;u; as for recs.. ohoho... yes... i do.., fortunately i have amazing talented friends whose work i admire and adore!!! just going to say that this list is by no means exhaustive or complete and is being done completely off of the top of my head, so PLEASE don't feel bad if i leave anyone out!! ;__; <333
also i'm really not super active on here so i mostly know twt accounts but i'll do my best! i'll firstly advise you to just look through my bushmed tag on my blog. lots of great folks in there!! ^v^ so much talent!! aoguaougaaa!!! and to my friends who have supported me with my own fics thank you so much ;;; i owe u all everythign!! <333 going to stick this under a cut since it's kind of lengthy!!
for fic recs, i actually don't have a lot of time to read many, sadly!! ;_; BUT i'll gladly point you in the direction of some of my besties' fics that i have read and absolutely adore!!:
see that my grave is kept clean by @fairyouth.... my favorite. john is a freaking MASTER of writing them and i love his big huge creative mind!!
heatstroke by @eurovamp... kat is so talented!! i LOVE her interpretation and they have so many fun au's!! i haven't gotten a chance to read it but she also wrote a bushmed naga fic that they've been talking to me about and AAHHH IM SO EXCITED TO READ!!
as for fanart, i'll also use this as a chance to promote my lovely talented friends!! i don't speak for them of course but i believe some of them (myself included) might be more active on twitter, i'm not sure! :( but i'll rec them here regardless hehehe!! some accts are ns/fw too so just a heads up!
@lovey2dovey2 YESSS FELLOW MEDSNIP LESBIAN!!! HEHEHE!! she's SO talented and kind, and all of her interpretations are SO fun and creative!! absolutely adore her art style!!
@5piecechickendinner / @5piececockdinner DEEEEEE absolutely stunning pieces, great moody art and a joy to talk to!! a blast to talk headcanons with too!!
@rabidratbaby -> twitter acct! amazing pieces, conveys such tenderness and sweetness in their art, both nsfw and sfw!! super chill and immaculate vibes in general!!
@radioactive-gremlin -> support her on patreon! char's got it all... lighthearted silliness and super sexy comics!! a total delight to follow and befriend!
@lubby-beez LUB!! so sweet to know, and the queen of saucy medic art!! amazing coloring and body type representation and super fun ocs!!
@poisonedflame if you follow me on here you've probably seen me reblog ren's amazing sfms quite a few times hehe... so kind and talented, huge-brained and a wonderful friend!!
@skymacaroon fantastic art and super fun to talk to, absolutely love how he draws medic and sniper!!
@oldkamelle one of the accounts that warmly welcomed me to tumblr.. ;u; very kind and so great to talk to, totally wonderful artistic talent!!!
as for folks who i am not very close to but whose works i still adore and cherish and scream so normally and lovingly any time i see them on my tl and who i want to still give some spotlight to! i hope it's okay that i'm tagging you in this! ;-;
@goo-p absolutely no notes... ellís's style yields so much range for whimsy And more somber/serious pieces... absolutely stunning!! a joy to work with creatively and to speak with!!
@hootsimedes such cute style and so many amazing creative ideas!! and so kind!! ^u^
@halfhihat SUUCH a cute style!! absolutely love the cute little comics he draws!!
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gloopytits-chaosmod · 26 days
it wont matter how great you make a thing, people who see art as a productive force will always judge you for how well your life fits into an office environment you're not even working in. like the act of work is so worthless you gotta make up reasons to be upset at people as if mild pressure from the guy above the guy above suddenly promotes you to "middle manager of the internet people"
i can't see myself working with office people for this reason. im sure it feels great to publish but like graduation and childbirth it feels like a moment you build up to in order to alleviate the pains of abiding by the system that creates its conditions.
like think about it: authors are okay with publishing. it's a given they'd want to publish because in their craft they are labourer first, craftsmen second. Writing is an all consuming profession that as a protocol wants to create as much writing as possible. Through the lens of laymen lithit, authors are recognized by their extensive bibliographies and not by individual works because a subjective categorization system that'd acknowledge the art isn't compatible with a complete system of categorization when the end product is something acceptable to the vibes in the room.
When authors fight and wrestle a literal industry of money bags and their middle managers and their legalese translators how much of that effort build a foundation that whatever comes after was worth the time and effort and retroactively paints the "bumpy road" authors survive through as a path up in some immeasurable quantity of success even if it was just a path forwards in time?
What gets me about these questions is the paranoia I come to regard my fellow writers with. Why should someone on the outside looking in believe there is a balance between supporting existing power and getting the bag? Arguments could be made about "holding the door open", but what does that do? I think it feels good to think about a philanthropic gesture and we focus on that feeling of the possibility of goodness and we ignore that any radical voice would still be watered down to hell and that "risky and radical" projects that "indie houses" are taking "chances" on are still selected by the projected capacity for that work to keep the lights on.
Where does that leave any radical project? Can radicalism exist in a world where there is no basis for self-rejection, for stepping out of the grindset and judging what you've become? "It's better than nothing" is all it boils down to, but there's no capacity for the creation of radical art when opinions like this are actively argued against by people who see that tiny crack in the door and got their eyes fixed on it. I mean I'm not hating on anyone who gets the bag but I think there's a violation against the medium itself for it to only be discussed through a lens that is friendly to Capital and copyright and yadda yadda. Small artists LOVE capitalism. And after all, why wouldn't they? Do you get paid being a downer?
Nobody gets paid being a downer. You gotta choose to be a downer, that's my superpower. You choose positive positive and then you'll be pickme'd by the algo or some dutch broad with 1.5k followers as long as you give out the vibe of someone who is compatible with an office environment. There are no friendships or comradery in here if the conditions of art involve 1 person and 10 others contractually obligated to review. Yes, the process makes good art, great art even, but it creates a soulless forum where everyone is arguing against their self interest in building independence from the incentives.
"I got rent next month! I got family to feed! People depends on my income. These are just idealist ideas not coherent plans for what YOU'RE going to be doing. It's unfair to say we are arguing against incentives when we are doing what makes sense in our current conditions."
I know what I'm going to be doing. I want to make my art. Not great art, or even good art, just my art. I've rambled on my perspectives because I find them increasingly uncommon in a very corporate digital environment. and I'm not reading medium articles fuck that. They got guilds and stuff now! You can self publish but the top spots appear reserved for people who are signed with a publishing house IT JUST KEEPS HAPPENING WAAAAH i was gonna fact check this but the sign is now locked behind login? i guess?
A society of evil is made through the virtual happiness. An untainted happiness that cannot be smeared by human imperfections or a refusal to feel joy when it knows of indignities committed in her name. This intelligence exists because everyone believes they are doing their best with what they are. They were. The current state of affairs is hundreds of millions of people over centuries doing their best and a handful of white guys in offices at random times undoing that work periodically as a heart pumps. Those guys only stayed there because even at the height of enslavement nobody with arms reach shot to power recognized what they were doing as evil. The same way indignities were codified through law and underclasses were created by warping biological facts and historical myth to fit the notions of what "felt right", we continue this tradition of mythmaking to paint the pointless suffering our existence leaves behind as somehow good, as somehow contributing, as somehow spiritual, all while praying whatever poison lies at the bottom of the pond doesn't clasp its maws around your neck as you bend down for a gulp of fresh dharma mmmm yum yum. What we leave behind is already clear to me: a soup that can tell any story we like. Authors defined by their bibliographies and not what they said. Corporate fluff pieces and twitter threads.
What we leave behind is an untainted happiness that cannot be smeared by human imperfections or a refusal to feel joy when it knows of indignities committed in her name. It exists because everyone had a really good idea of what they should be doing, and they did it, so the only ones left to tell you what happened will tell you that their lives was good. Perfect. Like everything that existed, like everything that ends.
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bauhausdog · 5 months
i feel weirdly energetic for some reason, (◕‿◕) so im gonna talk about something in my mind a bit.
basically, i think that "learn the rules before you break then" and both "shape language is real, triangle can indicate danger" and "shape language isn't real, look at all these square characters, they have nothing in common" are kinda flawed and highlights what i think its a deeper problem on how we tackle art theory as a whole. Also, i think appeal is subjective and that, actually ugly or "unappealing" things have value.
skip to the star emoji if you just want to read my main point
I don't like how the drawing fundamentals are treated as a single canon, i personally don't believe in a single canon on, uh... pretty much anything, perception, even though there's quite a lot of objective ideas in it (like how lenses work, ambient occlusion, anatomy, etc.), that doesn't mean the way we make those connections and create theories based on them is objective and silver bullet proof. To make my point a bit clearer, I'm specifically talking when people refer to the "fundamentals" as the rules, to further sharpen my point of view, i rarely, if ever, believe in rules in art. To exemplify of what i mean, let's immerse a bit in the world of... uh.. renaissance era, although it would be delightful to rant about centralizing "art" as "beauty and skill" and those as whatever western society at the time thought it was good, i am not and i dont want to make a comparison of bigoted "beauty" guidelines to "uhmmm, not so objective aesthetics" guidelines, but i do want to use a specific pattern of thought in it.
Ok, so, (at least the art we known) from that era looks kinda the same right, that's because they had a somewhat set of ideas and values of what made "something pretty", and "good art", that is, realism = good. Ok, then let's say you, fellow artist, wake up in bed, and decide to read a hypothetical "art rules" book and decide to compare it to the "good art", you see how you should structure the steps of a drawing, how you should apply anatomy, how you should render shit, and so on. "golly gee, that's a bunch load of rubbish if i ever seen one" You might say, but you take another look at your 1500 deviantart gallery book, all of the popular mainstream artworks seem to have followed these steps, right? But there's something missing,
Here's a question, how do you make something new then? art right now doesnt look like reinassaince that much anymore. You might say "oh break the rules", im gonna get to that part, put that in the back of your head. Ok, so, how do you create something new? how would you create artwork? if you were trained like those famous painters, you would probably just follow their steps and mindset, and create similar artwork, but can you break the pattern while upholding restrict art guidelines? imo you can't
"bauhausdog, what does this have to do with cannons?" shhhhhh... im gonna get to that part.
So, art history taught us that, in a nutshell, people just ducked around and finded out, breaking that rigid art canon piece by piece, although it's worth noting that a lot of it was also ideological, but i want to shine a spotlight on the art part of this phenomenon, "art should have realistic colors" lol no, fauvism, "art represents reality" lol no, surrealism, "art should be realistic" lol no, modernism, "art should not be realistic" lol no, naturalism.
people broke that weird rigid old canon, and people learned that they could make new things bc of this experimentation.
Alright, let's tie evertyhing together so far, in the modern day, we have taken a lot of lessons based on these art movements, we absorved a lot of stuff, we have knowledge of almost everything, our process of drawing, our way of arting, our 'artstlye', is super varied, there is a lot of elements at our disposal, we can be as realistic as we can, as cartoonish as we can, we live in the same timeline as tawog and everything everywhere all at once, shows that mix different methodologies, philoshopies of art in one motion picture.
excuse my "middle-upper class got out of art school trust fund guy" term here, but we do live in a hypermodern reality, this is super, super cheesy, but it is everything, all at once :PPP.
Now, let's wrap the previous question, how do you create new stuff? experimenting, literally thinking outside, inside, and about the box, that box being our conception of art, also, the way we conceptualize art is super importqant, i mean, its literally the way our little heads organize what is a art and how do you art a thing.
"bauhausdog, you said something 30 minutes ago about the back of the head", ok, so, to talk abut how we conceptualize art, let's talk about, well, the thing. Until now, my thesis isn't breaking any new ground, i'm not proposing a solution, or at the very least pinpointing a problem, well, i can kill the rest of the birds with just a single stone, a quote stone.
"learn the rules before you break them", it seems reasonable at first, let's break down the phrase, "learn the [rules](...)" what is this "rules"?, well, it's the general notion of art fundamentals, "(...) before you "break" them", what breaking means, exactly? well, if we take fauvism, fauvism was about subverting naturalistic rendering as the "correct pretty" standard, fauvism is basically messing with colors, duck around, find out. This distinction is important to make, in my interpretation, "breaking" is equal to that, experimenting outside a strict set of guidelines.
But wait, did you catch it? the weird connection with these two sentences, "learn this general set of rules, then you can experiment and get to your own conception of what art is", this sounds weirdly similar, where i've heard that before....
this is where it all comes together, follow me on this logic for a bit. Based on what I talked about the art movement argument, i said that previous experimentation (eg: modernism) lead to a better conception about art and its elements in general (eg: learning about abstraction and how to incorporate that on an artwork with modernism), the give-away here is that we build upon to a better and more comprehensive understandment. So, the contradiction to me is, if you need to learn and build upon a certain set of guidelines to then be able to do your own thing, there is something wrong with this set of rules.
To me it is just so weird that these rules just ignore that we live in a world of everything, why a "wrong" color palette is wrong? why airbrushed pillow shading is wrong?
and i'm not crucifying this one phrase, in my opinion, this is part of a wider acceptance of just this general "art guidelines" that you need to learn to improve.
What i am criticizing here is a generalized "art conceptualization canon" that fails to consider the subjectivity of aesthetics and caters to a mainstream type of art, and is tunnel visioned and doesn't teach art beyond the bite sized pieces of information.
I don't have a lot of examples to back this up, but what i do know is, there's no agreed upon, universal opinion on whats appealing or not, what works or what doesn't, what's true or what's not. The only example i will bring up is this. perfect perspective is bullshit, like, persperctive is the least broken rule here, perspective should not always be drawing straight lines converging trhough a point, honestly, freehand it, use your knowledge to distort it. "draw straight lines converging to a point" is a bit shallow
In my opinion, art should be taught in a more hollistic way even down to the little details, actually, i think it would be beneficial to teach a hollistic view in art as a whole, as in, the individual elements don't live in a vacuum. And also, there should be an emphasis on different aesthetic values (eg: naturalistic, western comic book, modernistic, eastern) and be mindful of the subjectfullness of aesthetics.
In conclusion, i think we should start refering to the general "fundamentals" as like, "post-modern western society's theory on illustration aesthetics" or in an actual serious manner something like "objective art theory". that's still a janked mess of a broken, but i would much prefer structuring things as like "perceptual color theory", "emotional color theory", "western color theory", instead of plain "color theory"
tldr: "art fundamentals" are a bit reductive, tunnel visioned and puts a single set of aesthetic values on a pedestal
also, a bit of a tangent, but i dont believe in a universal appeal at all, "dont shade with airbrush", "dont pillow shade" there's at least one human being that really, really likes the look of airbrush with a pillow shading look, just follow your art honestly, even if it is ugly, who cares, ugliness should be celebrated, not in the "not conventional" kind of way, i mean graffiti is beautiful, but i hated graffiti, acne looks pretty, but im still trying to unlearn to hate acne.
extra tangents: i think that color theory reflects certain aesthetic values and is not universal (dont have anything to prove but a suspicion), let people do random ugly shit for fun, "bad" art has value.
sorry if it doesnt sound coherent as much as i try to push my brain power my head feels foggy when i try to talk about something
I will add to this more later
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fauvestictragedy · 3 months
this isnt au stuff mb but im just so hyped someone is actually in the room fandom!!!! i recently just binged all 4 games (recently as in finished 4 like 30 minutes ago) bc of the summer sale making the bundle super cheap and it kills me how its story isnt more popular, especially for how old and iconic it is. i just wanted to say hi to a fellow room fan, and i would absolutely love to hear anything about your au you wanna share! have a good day!
Hello there, fellow fan.
Autism goes fucking insane man.
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Something something random hyperfix on absolutely unspoken characters from the series: See, Dr. Beckett (his first name is Adam to me.)
The protagonist is actually just Trevor Pinerod, an old OC of mine, he just gets used as Tag because I could NOT be bothered to make a new character design. Anyways, as he is also a man with a medical degree, he’s homies with Beckett, and works with him, as the top doctor at a hospital, which Beckett now runs following what happened with Lucy Montfaucon. (fun fact: originally Trevor and Beckett were supposed to hate each other, but we got bored and now they are the best of friends. Take what you will with that. They be dropping the hardest lines of all time and oh my god they kill me ouuuuuugh)
Anyways, fun fact is that a lot of what I’m working with is built alongside @scylla-and-charybdis-posts and @balencia (Rose, and Deity.) !! We actually are just a few RPers who don’t know how we got here over the last two years.
Rose is responsible for a large portion of Dr. Beckett’s writing, and I just am the one who does the funny art. You’ll also occasionally see Rigby, Robert, or McAllister too, as I did designs for the last two like two days ago, and I just like Rigby. I also have Hirst, Montfaucon, Lucy, and Hydrus with designs, as well as Simon and A.S. Maggey has one but we actually know what she looks like 100% pretty much.
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Anyways here’s your content. My asks are ALWAYS open for TR related thoughts, and I have a separate ask blog for my Pokémon AU!!
Thanks for reaching out man, I’m the only artist around the fandom 95% of the time, and I may be crazy but I gotta feed y’all one way or another.
- Les Fauves
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 8 months
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As a sorcerer, it is a curse yet as a blessing, that's what I am. For I am Daichi Pheon-X, a sorcerer who fights evil spirits with the flames of the Dark Pheonix within me. And Oh, this is my trusted partner, Eito! Nice to make your acquaintance!
A JJK OC blog focused on adventure, crack! and feel good rps. but also open to dark themes and angst!
Daichi & Eito,
For Mobile Readers who want to know about Daichi & Eito on Mobile. Click here.
Rules under read for mobile
Hi everyone! This is Dani, manager of Daichi! I am 25+ old. So here are the rules No hate or drama – I don’t follow people who stir up either.
I usually follow back when it’s a fellow RP blog.
I do not rp smut with Minor RPERS ( That is illegal )
I don’t mind OCs or any fandom, but if it’s a fandom I don’t know about then I might send you an ask so you can help me fill in what the fandom is about if it’s confusing. It will help us both! Or maybe surprise me!
As for OCs! I love OCS. After all, I am rping OC. That said, I don’t mind characters that seem like “sues”. So if you're a rper who is worried about your OC being 'sue', please let me know so I can help out. After all, I know the feeling when starting out as OC rper. I believe as an artist and writer, RPers can help one another, especially when they’re new to the game! I think building an OC is a starting point, what they need is a journey. By 'journey' I mean by threads to see how your OC reacts with their surroundings and the world in general. I believe it's a good way to build character development. OCs never stay what they are at the beginning. They grow. After all, OCs are like our babies, right?
That said, if I notice that you do not wish to develop well-balanced characters when getting feedback after several threads, I can’t follow you or RP with you any longer if it's not working.
Godmodding is not permitted. I won’t do it, so don’t please do it either. However, certain situations with an OP muse ( especially canon muses)  are acceptable, but I would prefer to plot it out (especially in a fight scene) before your muse does anything to mine ( like who wins or loses or ending in a draw or the fight is interrupted by external factors).
As for the font sizes, I can change the font size to match your writing style in a thread if you wish. If my font or format is hard to read or the opposite, just ask!
I have some trouble with my grammar, but if we’re writing together, I invite you to correct it. Sometimes I get overly excited and write as fast as I think and even after double-checking, I might miss a few things like typos or grammatical errors. My apologies and please let me know if I have a typo or is there anything confusing to you, I make sure to fix it right away.
Please message me or inbox me if you have ideas for plotting. I love plotting threads and planning them.
If I made a mistake in the thread, or if the reply is at all confusing, please! Just PLEASE tell me in IM or ask and I can fix it! If there’s a need for any clarification, please ask me and I will answer right away.
I might not get to every one of my threads every single day. I am sorry for any delay, but I can’t write if I’m stuck and I can’t write if I’m pressured. I won’t pressure you, so please don’t pressure me. This should be fun, right?
I create supporting characters or NPCs ( characters that are part of the story thread to move the plot along, like think of it as a mission or case.). If you need clarification, please hit me up.
I also draw my own icons! This includes Eito and Daichi/Kisho. Please, please, please do not take them without permission. I put a lot of effort into them by drawing them.
Note: if I unfollow you which is HIGHLY unlikely for me to do so….please assume it’s a Tumblr glitch or misclick on mobile  ( like I misclick the follow button when I want to click on the ask button and then follow you back which is a likely cause ) which does happen. It happened to me a few times and to others as well. If I plan to unfollow you, I will soft-block you and not refollow after a week. Because of this, if you unfollow me whether I unfollow you first or not ( and I don’t remember that happening.) I will send you an ask to confirm if it’s a Tumblr glitch. If that is not the case, please ignore the ask and I will understand thinking it’s a softblock and I will move on after a week of waiting. There are times when tumblr glitch happens to me!
Interacting with Daichi/Kisho
I love fighting and serious rp, as well as crack! So I’m flexible!
I have no qualms about writing problematic and dark themes. I mean this is JJK, right? Things get crazy.
I don’t mind RPing action, gore, dark or anything! (romance is rare)
Speaking of romance, romantic relationships are rare for me. If you request one, it needs chemistry and time between our muses ( a slow burn) especially if they have incredible dynamics. I don’t like when relationships between our muses don’t develop and go straight to romantic without any reason. I do not mind if your muse wants to date my muses but you must ask and it needs to have a good reason why though. I recommend a good story with a reasonable plot that can possibly build up a romantic relationship between them over time. That said, I have the right to disapprove if I feel if it doesn’t work out.
As for other ships, I mostly prefer platonic, rivalry, mentorship, friendship, enemies, frenemies, dependence, familial, sisterhood, brotherhood, and bonding. Again, romance is pretty rare for me but I’m not against it, it just needs development between our muses to get there. 
That said, I do not ship adults with minor muses in romance ships.
One more thing! You have  FULL permission for your muses to hit and discipline Daichi/Kisho, if he does something stupid or says the dumbest things. It is allowed and encouraged. Sometimes that guy needs a reality check and it’s a way to pull the reins on him if he does something crazy that is dangerous. So if your muse has the urge to smack him upside the head or bonk him because he does or says something stupid, please feel free. 
I think that’s all for now! If there is something that is not in the rules that you need to ask or have concerns about. Please let me know.
With that said, thank you so much for reading the rules! I appreciate it so let's have some fun!
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
hi my friend shared one of ur rancher posts with me on twt and i went INSANE- so i wanted to know if u had a twt? (cause thats where im most active for ranchers stuff) :0
?? My post has broken containment??? Incredible. If that's the one I just posted tonight then that's insane skldjf
No, I deleted my Twitter back in like... 2019 or 2020? I was only there to keep up with publishers and PitMad but then I never used it... never looked back, ha ha.
You're welcome to hang around my blog if you like (I use the tag #Team Rancher for all my Rancher commentary, reblogged art, or original art and I like to think I have a pretty good tag system so you can follow me if interested and blacklist stuff from other fandoms you don't care about; I try to talk positively about my fandoms, keep things clean, and not hate on anything since I like having a peaceful fanspace I can sink myself in and step away from the outside world :) But I'm multi-fandom, so I've got a mixed amount of stuff and it's okay if that's not for you).
-> If you haven't looked yet, I encourage you to browse my Team Rancher tag and check out some of those awesome artists and fellow fandom members!
I do have a very active AO3 account. I regularly post MCYT and non-MCYT content there, but you can specifically subscribe to my Pixels Imperfect series on AO3 if you only want emails for my MCYT content. It's a series, but it doesn't have to be read in order (It's just where I keep all my "morally gray pixel people living their best lives despite the outside world being total anarchy" stuff).
Specifically, tomorrow I'm posting the first part of a short story called Criminal Experience and Chapter 1 involves Tango visiting Mumbo's llama farm. Jimmy's not there, but maybe you'll still enjoy if you like Tango, ranch animals, and/or are curious to see if you like my stuff and my Tango portrayal :) [EDIT - Link]
-> I also posted some Jimmy content this past Tuesday; he makes his first big appearance in Chapter 6 of Dog's Life.
Again, totally fine if this doesn't fit what you're looking for since I'm giving you "Tango content" and "Jimmy content" but not specifically "Team Rancher content"... that's just all I've got right now! But I love talking about them and their characterization and you're always welcome to hit me up if you like!
I don't have anything that is specifically Team Rancher on my to-do writing list, but I'm working behind the scenes on a "put all the Life series into a single coherent timeline and making everything as canon as possible" project, so there will probably be some Team Rancher there. It's Scar-centric so I only have the Clockers nailed down right now, but the Ranchers were my faves so they'll probably exist in some shape or form in that series.
That series is called Neighborhood Watch, though I don't have anything posted for it on AO3 yet so I can't link you that one :')
-> If you are a Team Rancher fanartist/fanwriter and you use Twitter to post Rancher content, feel free to reblog or reply to this post and self-advertise! (But keep this post sfw, please)
[Psp psp even if you don't use Twitter, feel free to reblog or reply because I'm firmly a Tumblr user but I'd also love more Team Rancher in my life <3]
I'm glad you enjoyed my post! I really like Team Rancher... they are just very kind to each other and I could talk for ages about how they passed Scott's compatibility test with flying colors even though he was trying to rig it so they break up SLDKFJSLDFJ <3 Tango and Jimmy were just super kind to each other and incredibly comedic... Double Life was such a fun series. I miss them.
I've got a ton of Rancher fanart reblogs in my drafts/queue but I'm trying to space them out to avoid slam-dunking my followers, sldkfj. We love Team Rancher in this household. Thanks for stopping by!
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uneventfulhouses · 2 years
silly question but any chance you have any advice/tips for interacting with/meeting more fellow shyan fans 👉👈 my girlfriend is very supportive but i also send them ten billion shyan messages per day and i want to give them a break Hdjsnfjs
hi omg this is literally not a silly question at all, and im so sorry for taking so long to answer i was at work. but!!! i don't really have any tips, but im happy to share how i found my circle of friends for the last three years (crazy how time fliesssss)
when i started watching bfu, i followed any blogs that appealed to me/might be ship friendly. you can tell pretty much off the bat if people are ship/shyan/rpf friendly, most people have some kind of indicator in their bio if their header/icon doesn't give it away lol and going through the /shyan tag helped! i followed artists and fic writers and gif makers. i interacted with posts. when i started writing fic, i made a post asking for a beta, and i happened to find one of the sweetest souls in the whole world!
from there, it's like networking lol they were in a discord server, which i was able to join, and i made some new friends there. there are some writers' servers floating around that are active, and i know @shyanshippingsociety is chock full of sweethearts. if you're into reading fics and keep up with a bookclub schedule and are above 18, the @skepticbeliever-bookclub is always taking applicants!
this fandom literally has some of the sweetest people i've ever had the pleasure of meeting. some blogs i recommend giving a follow:
@queerunsolved @hereforthecultstuff @ghostdefiles @bergoozter @littlekingbergara @ghostbergara @psychicbergara @slashsleuth @miraclesofpaul @justcourbeau @sequencefairy @drunkkenobi @allredpen @ghostyprince @ebonybow @blacktofade @bodhirookes
there are so many more, (please forgive me and you see this and feel like i missed you) but these ones are blogs i enjoy and are fairly active. making friends is so hard sometimes, but this is the friendliest group of people, im sure you'll find plenty of new pals!
hope this helps!!!! love ya! 🧡
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lucksea · 7 months
wait are you pro-ai?
ok . hello. im not sure what prompted this but here lets break it down for my new followers
POINT ONE: corporations should be held responsible for paying artists a living wage, rather than trying to circumvent any and all costs by cutting corners, including using machine-generated images in place of hand-made images. this is true! i agree. workers should be paid fairly for their effort. that goes for everyone in all occupations.
POINT TWO: is where the issue falls apart. the debate on "real vs fake art" is indescribably, infuriatingly, irreversibly stupid. ESPECIALLY when there are people trying to bring legality into it. Pro tip: you do not, under any circumstance on this green and godforsaken Earth, want a government to be able to decide which art is legal and which art is not. ESPECIALLY NOT THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, WHERE MOST OF THIS DEBATE TAKES PLACE. that is a truly dystopian concept. i have absolutely no interest in arguing further about this. anything is art. asking an image-generating machine to make something from buzzwords you feed it is also art because anything can be art. i dont care about anyones opinion. "art theft" has been an issue eternally since the dawn of time and especially the dawn of the internet. ai is not special in this regard. people will trace and steal until we all burn in the sun. its a problem i as an artist dont give a shit about ... if someone steals my art and claims it as their own well whatever. thats not gonna ruin my day. in fact my art has already been reposted to pinterest without credit. who gives a shit. why are you as a fellow artist so deeply concerned with monetization and corporate recognition that you desperately need people to know you are the one who made something? that you see your art style as an IP that needs to be protected? in the wise words of someone else on the internet. la problema is el capitalismo. you have let yourself be poisoned by the desire for money and fame.
furthermore, many arguments made against AI are made in bad faith by people who dont understand what machine learning is. a dear friend of mine who has been passionate about machine learning for years before this whole AI craze began has compiled a handy tag of posts about this topic, that go into much more detail than I can. if youre actually interested in what machine learning is, how "AI generated content" works, and why this entire argument has (as all internet arguments do) become something far removed from the original problem, you should check it out.
tl;dr i do not give a shit because its stupid and i am not interested in arguing about it
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
I CAN CONFIRM THAT BLACKBERRY JAM IS A GOD-TIER FILLING. THE DONUTS ARE SO GOOD :DD I made mini ones this morning and the household promptly demolished half of them 😭
:oo i am 👀👀ing at your recommendations and noting them down ty. If i ever spot the cheesecake or petits fours when im out i will be sure to try them :D
Im so excited for the Hotguy comics zine!! The Scarland artbook was the first project similar to that that I followed & downloaded and it was SO incredible to see sm artists come together like that and create something so special :))) Can't wait to see more of them like the hotguy zine in the future!!
I am so 👀 at the s6 oneshot. VERY interested to see what that dynamic is like, and I have huge faith in you using every emotion from the oneshot against us in the main fic and vice versa
The flight went... idk we landed safely so i guess i cant complain LMAO. Did not manage to sleep and we arrived in the early morning, except it's summer here and my body refuses to sleep when the sun's out so instead of getting to catch up on sleep after getting home I just curled up in my bed and spent the next 5-ish hours phasing in and out of existence 😭
Ive only seen snow once so an ice storm sounds. Terrifying?? Im glad your power stayed for the most part, i would not want to go through that without heating
LETS GOOOOOOO GLAD THE BLACKBERRY DONUTS WERE A SUCCESS!!!!! :D ironically im answering this ask while eating blackberry yogurt so the trend continues SKDNAKCNSKDKSK
YEYE absolutely!!! And both can be made at home with the jam depending on what ingredients you have :] ive seen decent recipes for both before, altho i dont have any immediately on hand.
Im so so happy everyone seems super hyped for the HOTGUY COMICS Zine!!!! Ive been working hard to keep it running smoothly and my fellow mods have been doing some absolutely INSANE work, especially on the various graphics. Somehow our team ended up with three graphic designers in three different directions and then me as the one writer/editor SKDBSKNDKSD so we've got a ton of our bases just automatically covered. Its been a lot of fun to mod so far and i cant wait to see who else applies!!!!
OOF sounds like the plane ride home wasnt quite so pleasant as the first one there 😭😭😭 glad it went safely though!!! Oughhh and that sounds so brutal with the summer, too-- VERY different from ice storms 😂😂😂😂 we were fine luckily, heating and everything stayed perfectly intact the entire time, and the temp has started rising again so the ice is melting, which is great bc i need to order groceries LMFAOOOOO
I still think its funny how quickly i adapted to the weather up here-- being born and raised in the south you'd think i'd get super cold really easily, like my partner who's from cali, but nope, im still out here in tank tops and shorts right up until the ice starts to form. perks of being a little furnace i guess FJSHDJSNDJSJD
As for the s6 snippet 👀👀👀 well im sitting down to finish it right neow, so wish me luck!!! :D
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mickmundy · 1 year
fic rec anon here! ty for the recommendations :] I read the fics and aughhhh im even more hooked now akdjsoxjs all the artists are *chef's kiss* amazing the brain rot truly has reached its peak
just coming in here to say once again that your bushmedicine slow burn is sooooo good augh <3 <3 I finally caught up to the latest fic of the series
its like you're twisting a knife in my heart excruciatingly slowly and the pining and yearning between these two is SOOO good waugh (PLEASE draw out the yearning more i love the building of their relationship and repressed internal dilemas akdhskdhdoah no pressure of course)
once again, I hope when you eat your favorite dish, it'll be the best it has ever been :]
YAAAY ^__^ mission complete... we got em my friends... we bring the bushmed!! HEHEHE i'm so happy to hear that!! ^v^ <333
AND EEEE THANK YOUUUU ;__; <333 i'm literally SO excited that you feel that way, i know my fic series is quite long so i'm always afraid people are like oh jeez fuck that when they see how long it is SKDFKSDK... i'm so glad you feel that way!! ^_^ i'll always talk about it too but i just feel annoying when i do sdflmsdkfm.., trying to overcome that! but your asks make me SO happy you have no idea!! ;__; <333
i'm not sure if you use tumblr a lot, and if you've seen this stuff please forgive me! but you can also check out some of my tags:
a bushmed aesthetic tag for things i think suit them
a thou giveth fever tag for wips, musings/asks about the series, and more!
my personal medic/sniper tag with everything i've ever posted about them in it, like headcanons, asks, and so on!
a tag full of fun ask games that i always encourage my followers to send me numbers from (just tell me what post!) that i'll happily fill out for medic and sniper anytime!
you can also, as you know, always send me asks about them, my fic series, anything you want! i always love hearing from fellow bushmed enjoyers!! ;u; <333
AND OHOHOO don't worry... i still have Many Plans for beloved medic and sniper... >:) i'd say at this point right now, the current fic i'm posting is probably the like... halfway-ish mark, leaning Slightly closer to the end... but we're still nowhere near the conclusion! HEHEHEHE... at the rate i'm writing, my beloved readers will have weekly bushmed fic updates for the next few months, if i can keep going at the pace i have been!! ^v^
about loving the pining... absolutely! i feel the same. i think it can work really well for both of these mercs specifically too, since sniper is so used to being repressed and has to learn to put himself out there, and medic is so used to being so abrupt and up front that he has to learn to be a bit more sensitive to others (and not just when it suits him!)... the feelings are there, but is the communication?, and so on...
i've said it before but i think true love is when people come together and feel something for one another and work at that relationship.. (nothing against soulmates stuff or anything ofc) but i just prefer to portray love how i feel/see/perceive it, which is something Tender between people who are flawed but what they feel is Real... and i also think that romance is what You define it as and it's just as beautiful and varied as love itself! :') which as i'm sure you've gleaned is also a huge part of my series!
we still have quite a bit of time left on our journey together my friend... you need'nt worry.... i won't spoil anything, but things are going to get.... complicated.... HEEEHEE >:)c
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log No.33_ addsmespice
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Firuz and Inari are a pair of naughty ass alts tht I made to start some adult content w WAV and we have yet to shoot a scene with them but for avis that I put together with less than 100Ls they look goodt. Stay Tuned! Follow their twitter its, https://twitter.com/firuzinari!!
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she cute X.X So yaaahhhhhh Wav and I are working on episode 2 of Meta Love Talks and I am working in general on a full schedule for my creative ass (thank the fates) I am super grateful that I have so many amazing ideas and I ask for the strength to carry them out to completion and be fully committed and consistent in the act of self love that is putting it all out. AMEN!
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Sub to our Youtube page! https://www.youtube.com/@studio19.
One thing we didnt mention and want to make sure we do more moving forward is give visibility and credits to all the creators that make our content possible. I honestly haven’t been good at doing that because of pure laziness lol. I will do better! I do not want to gatekeep any of these amazing creative tools and things that come together to make videos and pics and looks possible! So ya that first episode we filmed at a historic Sci Fi spot in SL called Hangars Liquides, def a place to check out because the artists there are dedicated to the political movements that art generates in their home countries. Its a dope ass movement behind Hangars that we didnt know about till after the filming. I have to do a whole post and more on that because its so fascinating to me.
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I have been pulled into a deeper love for the history of SL, as time goes on there will be more history added and so everything we do in this platform can become apart of that too. Something to think about. Legacy is important to me. In RL and SL has now been a fun way to “troubleshoot” so to speak, the habits and skills necessary to make that happen fr. My Amor tribe will grow, and I have recently been honored to have been asked to be someones daughter. *pinch me im dreaming!* So now we growing our own family and im being introduced into another one all at once. Inshallah!  
Im pretty sure a black creator on zooby hud made this texture for the onesie and its just so clever because its got shoes and pants and a top but on one onesie its brilliant! I need to log in and look and add in where its from later for yall! Genius.
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We have been experimenting and practicing more with lighting and photography, getting content. Its been a lot of fun and sometimes also can be daunting. Always remember never compare yourself or your work to others as tempting as it may be! Unless you want to stifle you motivation and creativity! Heed this warning fellow creators don’t you dare do that to yourself! I get into that mode sometimes feeling like “oh no one likes my stuff” but then I realize that hey, I LOVE IT lol and thats all that matters. The bonus is that people that end up liking it too  are oftentimes creators that I myself admire and who’s work I think is amazing representation of SL so that means a lot more to me than having hundreds of likes. I see a lot of ppl get discouraged and maybe this can help put things into a diff perspective. Keep doing you!
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Wav had a whole ass amazing idea to do a shoot in the rain and so of course I needed to have us do a kiss in the rain. We have that on our RL couples bucket list. I think one of our meta love talk episodes will def have to include that segment in there because its really fun putting together and finding new things that we can experience together. Game changer! Anywayssss look how cuuuuuteeee they aree *hearteyes*
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I be so annoying and nagging Wav a lot more than I would like to admit XD He shuts me up when he does things like take me on romantic dates like this... its such a treat. Also funny asl whenever we try and have a meal and realize we actually have to make reservations so that people can RP the whole dinner for us lmaooo. I hope that one day we can fully get it together but it is really the thought that counts for me. I dont care if we are eating air sandwiches as long as its with MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN. lols and they had a bar cart! I was going in on green fairy absinthe and champagne. Reminded me of RL college days I made my own wormwood tincture.. I used to concoct all kinds of potions since very young. I started out in a coven in 3rd grade... but thats another story entirely !
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We need to go back and buy this couples walker it was such a delightful thing lol even when it was glitching out we were walking on air and thats how I feel when I am around this man (and when he’s not being annoying because we are mirrors for one another lmao) Fairytales are not always a walk in the park, the beautiful moments only exist because you choose to make them happen. Our generation has to learn that great things do not always come quick, they can be easy sure but things that last take time.
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spnfanartpond · 2 months
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The SPN Fanart Pond was created with the intention of bringing new creatives and established artists together to help share and encourage creativity. This is a safe place for artists and crafters to ask questions, meet new people/artists, get tips/advice/help with artwork, running your own blog, and art and craft in general.
All forms of Supernatural fanart are welcome here as are all kinks and ships (including non-con). We’ll never shame you for your kinks and/or ships, and we want you all to feel safe and open to share and explore. Being a member of the ArtPond is to be a member of our diverse, growing community. All ArtPondies should maintain respect, or at the very least, civility amongst one another at all times: one-on-one and in chat rooms. This is a hate-free space where we are free to explore and enjoy what the world of fanfic, fanart, and Tumblr have to offer.
No discrimination. This includes, but is not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, race (skin color) and religion.
No hate speech.
No bullying.
No kink or ship shaming. We accept any and all forms of artwork or crafts here. If you find it triggering, please do not read it. We encourage liberal use of warnings and tags so everyone can be safe.
Anyone found to be breaking the above will be removed from the ArtPond, including tag lists, the discord server, and any challenges as well as our sister groups, Spn Fanfic Pond @spnfanficpond and Fanfic Ocean @fanficocean
Founder and Admin Emeritus, Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Admin Manager, Laili - @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Admin, Outofnowhere82 - @outofnowhere82
Admin, Slytherkins - @slytherkins
All of our Admins and Lotuses are open to answer any questions/concerns any of you awesome people have. Be sure to submit your art and crafts; we want to share your work and for all of our pondies/followers to see what you guys are up to!
Please feel free to talk to one another and spread those creative seeds. Newbies, please don’t be intimidated by the established artists.
Message from Admin Manager
I know what it was like to be a new creative to the interwebs. I actually didn’t share any fanart or even sketches until nearly a year after I started drawing it and was on tumblr a while because it’d been years since I had drawn anything. It’s scary and intimidating, and it feels like everything is being judged or just not good enough. I can assure you that our wonderful “Lotuses” will be glad to help you with anything and everything you’ve got questions about.
If you are too shy to reach out to your fellow members (which is okay, we just wanna help you break out of your shell), please don’t hesitate to send an ask to the blog, or IM us, and we will be glad to help in any way we can.
We want to be your one-stop shop for all kinds of Supernatural fanart, no matter what your preferences are.
Thank you all for being the fantastic people you are and we hope you have fun in the ArtPond!
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skitastc · 8 months
Hello my fellow Tumblr user!!!✨️✨️
Thanks for clicking on my profile uhh I'm Skitastc and you could call me Skit or Clueless, I am AroAce/Agender and go by any pronouns!🧍‍♂️
I haven't posted on Tumblr in a while and I've been thinking for a while of posting here again so here I am!👏 (Probably should think of a better way to word this better but ehhh.. lol)
Here is my ✨️Carrd✨️ if you want to check out my other social media's and stuff if you want
If you find me on Instagram (All my accounts are under the same username) just leave it be, I'm not posting there anymore thats why its not in my Carrd unless I decide to go back to posting there again but I'm not really intrested on that for now, ig.
As you have seen in my bio, I am a multifandom artist and so I have a lot of interests in the internet
And currently the fandoms I'm in(Or is intrested in the most) are Phighting, Undertale(Aus, yes FUCK im in the sans au community😔), and Transformers!✨️
And also QuackitySMP(Im not those kind of fans please spare me—), Bang Brave Bang Bravern, Object shows, Fnaf, Ultrakill, Dead Cells, Fionna and Cake, Fear and Hunger, Hermitcraft, Limbus Company, Sky: Children of the Light, Reverse: 1999, Animation vs Minecraft, Poppy playtime, and Lego Monkie Kid!
If you were a follower earlier before I decided not to post on Tumblr anymore you could see that I have gotten better at my art work after a whole ass year which is of course, really great^^
Also, heres my persona!!
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chupenguin · 1 year
write the figure skating au anyway! there's a bajillion skk musician aus that follow a lot of the same tropes, but people read them all anyway. even the lesser known ones still reached some sort of audience because, even though it's the same concept, there are variations in the execution that will resonate with ppl more than in the bigger fics.
i'm sure that someone will walk away from the bigger fic writer's figure skating au, wishing there was something just slightly different to completely satisfy them. your version of a figure skating au could be exactly what one specific person is looking for
and, if you're still worried about coming off as unoriginal, you can make small changes that will make your au stand out. (idk anything about figure skating, and idk the differences between your au and the other person's au, so these suggestions may not really work lol) for example, you could change what level they're competing at (local vs prefectural vs national vs international). or the scope of the story could be different. you could focus solely on skk and their relationship with the artistic side of skating, or you could focus on their dynamics with other figure skaters (like idk, are there any skating-related cultural differences that could come up with them and characters from the guild?) you could also stand out by deciding if you want the focus to be more on the build-up and training, or the in-competition results on the ice (which is one of the reasons why haikyuu and blue lock feel different despite both being sports animes about teenage boys)
idk i'm just spitballing here and this is getting really long 😅 i just don't want to see a fellow writer to give up on a project they're really really passionate about
Ahhh sorry for the late reply
But well, thanks for this
I really don't want to give up on it, it's my baby, i've worjed harder on it than in my career but well, i guess i need a small break, seeing big, popular accts geting thousand likes in a project similar to yours, when you know yours wont ever get 5 or 10 likes, is always a bit disencouraging
So i think i just need a break, maybe wait until that big fic is complete or something, idk if im even going to read it,opening the tab already made me sad
But tyms for this, it really helped
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hanabeeri · 1 year
my mind has been in dark places recently. so im trying to pull myself out, by planning some stuff that i want to do soon.
i would like to continue a painting that ive started roughly a year ago. i havent worked on it in a long while, partially because i cant decide on the dress that i want to paint. ive been thinking about something with a lot of lace in pure white. i want to continue watching one piece and oshi no ko. i want to work on an old thesis of mine i wrote when i was still doing my alevels. it wrote about the experiences of transgender people throughout history; back then, i remember there was this big issue (and still is in many parts of the world) whether transwomen should be allowed to go to female bathrooms (answer: of course!!!), which lead me to pick this topic. i would like to meet up with my childhood friends because i didnt see them in awhile. maybe we could go on a picknick near a lake, go for a swim and maybe play some drinking games, as always. i would like to finish two books im currently actively reading. maybe ill pick up jjk and reread it, because yesterday i talked to someone about it and today i saw a video of sukuna, so perhaps its a sign. oh and i want to pass my exams. im not sure what ill do next semester if i do, because i still have to take some seminars for my other major in order to finish it. im not good with handling stress TT
i learned from yesterdays experience that drinking on my own really isnt my thing. als der rausch dann auch kam war mir einfach sehr langweilig. normalerweise trinke ich nur mit freunden und dann unternehmen wir auch dinge, die spaß machen. i just laid on my bed, feeling a bit woozy but not woozy enough. and usually my mind is so full of thoughts and sounds but when i drink it gets really quiet haha. so while i may have had a nice time not thinking, it was quite boring.
also recently i was studying with a friend and another student and sometimes i would write kanji out with my finger in air and it was so strange to me when they couldnt see what i was writing. people say drawing is a skill not a talent but in moments like these i beg to differ. because when i do things like that around fellow artists they always get it jgfhsjdkgh like, wdym your eyes only follow my finger but your mind doesnt picture the image i am drawing in the air. look harder.
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