#im not good with other cats for long periods of time
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maddogmp3 · 9 months ago
me 3 hours ago: this edible aint shit
me now: i Have Never Known such an all-encompassing Peace within my Soul
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thehivemindsys · 2 months ago
Eddie Gluskin Headcanons because I cannot stop thinking about him and im bored
Happy holidays, I usually just am not happy during this time of year so I’m pushing down my emotions and writing angst. Enjoy. Tw: Self harm, CSA, rape, misogyny, violence, typical outlast stuff.
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-Eddie hates bathing and has to be physically restrained if the doctors wish to get him clean. This is mainly due to his CSA, as Eddie was attacked a lot while he was in the shower-but it is also due to him feeling uncomfortable with being nude for long periods of time.
-Eddie hates dogs. His family had a dog that was specifically trained to bite him if he commanded it to. Eddie doesn’t own any pets, really, and believes that cats are too “feminine” for him.
-During his initial murder spree, Eddie killed around 34 people-men and women, who he all gave the definition of “bride” to. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and was sent to Mount Massive Asylum. For a time, he actually had a proper psychologist before he was eventually signed up for the Walrider program after he attacked the wrong guard.
-Eddie has diagnosed Schizophrenia, BPD, psychosis, and could possibly qualify for a DID diagnosis.
-Eddie could possibly qualify for DID because he has a few seperate personality states: a younger version of himself, trapped within his childhood, “The Groom,” the dominant personality states, and a version of himself that is haunted by his trauma, and rather prefers to be alone. Though it is unclear if this is DID or just due to his BPD (he does dissociate from reality quite often, though).
-Eddie’s favorite movie growing up was Sleeping Beauty, and often quotes it to the best of his memory. He believes that Prince Phillip is the perfect depiction of a devoted husband, and Aurora is the most beautiful woman in the world.
-Sketching and tailoring are his favorite hobbies. He most often draws women in goregous dresses, and has a very traditional Disney-like style to his artwork.
-Eddie believes that it is the 1950s and is incapable of perceiving the current year as it is. He writes things like computers, camcorders, and cellphones off as “advanced space-age technology.” Don’t ever ask him to operate a computer because he would have absolutely no idea how to do it.
-If Eddie could comprehend the concept of a trans person, he would for sure be a supporter-due to his psychosis and delusions, however, he couldn’t comprehend it even if he tried. He can’t even comprehend that he may be gay.
-Eddie may have targeted women before the asylum, but once he was incarcerated, he practically exclusively targeted men-even when there was a female presence in the asylum, he didn’t attack them nearly as much as he did the men.
-Eddie is actually a pretty damn good chef. He has to be, considering his only qualification for a good “wife” is that “she” has to be alive and breathing. (Even then…)
-Eddie has a love for salted caramels.
-Eddie has a hard time keeping his anger in check, and rarely keeps his hands to himself. He was transferred to an isolation cell after he groped a guard, and he was never really allowed out of maximum security afterwards. This, plus other forms of inhumane treatment at the hands of Murkoff, eventually led to his mental health getting worse and his transfer to the Walrider program once it was deemed that he was “too far gone.”
-Eddie may be a charasmatic, boisterous man but deep down, he is suffering from crippling lonliness and deep seated insecurities that will likely never fully go away.
-Eddie did self harm before he was transferred to Mount Massive.
-Eddie’s best friend in the asylum is Frank Manera canonically, but he does have a rather good relationship with many of the Variants, including The Twins and Chris Walker. He and Frank used to have cells right next to one another, and communicated through a hole in the wall.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years ago
umm, you’re taking Gwen x reader? I have a request. Black cat reader who was best friends with Gwen and Peter but is the rival of Spider woman. Something or another happens and their identity’s get revealed
love it if we made it
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gwen stacy x blackcat!reader (gn)
warnings: cursing, tiny angst, gwen's peter is alive here, reader has hair long enough to tie them (only description)
a/n: i rlly hope u like this!
A robbery happened on a Tuesday, 6th July 3AM sharp. A robbery in a golden jewelry store. A minute after that, the Pandora store next to it.
No one cared about the robbery, of course. People were too busy talking about the anonymous donation worth more than 15000 the next day to three different centres in need of them.
Gwen Stacy's mind however, is still stuck at a particular difficult nemesis, the black cat. She's never failed to capture a villain like this, never took this long. But again and again, with time, the annoyingly quick and sneaky cat escapes from her grasps.
It was probably obvious that she wasn't too enthralled by any of the breaking news today, all of them critiquing the infamous Spider-Woman for being unable to get her webs on the villain. Her mind was so full and blurry with different kinds of thoughts that she didn't notice her own best friend walking into class and waving at her.
You took your spot next to Gwen, creaking your chair loudly to get her attention. When she finally flinches out of hee daydream and looks at you, she's met with a knowing smile. "Sleeping? Its not even the first period yet." She shook her head and forced a smile out. "No, just dreading AP maths." You laughed at that. Gwen was good at maths, and all the stupid numbers and figures that came with it, that couldn't have been the reason.
"Well, whatever it is, I need you took a little alive for this gift im about to-" "Gift?" Her eyes brighten up immediately. You grinned at her and pulled out the small paperbag, waving it in front of her.
Gwen, impatient she is, snatches it from you and gets to opening its ribbons open. "It's not even my birthday." She mumbles. "Good, now you can't ask me for anything on your birthday." You settled it, earning a mischievous smirk from her. She knows, you would've given her anything if she'd only asked.
You revel in her suprised expression as she pulls out the golden bracelet, it was a waving design, two long whirling gold around in a circle, with a small blue diamond placed in the middle. "You are insane." She says, glaring your way. "What? Can't treat my girl?" The both if you turn slightly pink with those words. You should've just said your welcome.  "The blue reminded me of you. A centerpiece around all the golden whirly shit." She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head. "I love it, thank you." You replied with a nod and your same small smile.
"This must've costed you a lot though,  couldn't you have bought me a two dollars friendship bracelet." She joked while putting the gift on her right wrist. "Oh don't worry, I stole it." You say with your usual tone.
Gwen almost backtracked when you said that, before hitting herself awake in her mind, forcing herself to leave the Spider-Woman alter ego aside for today.
You were making a joke because you didn't want her to feel bad, you always did. So she rolled her eyes before repacking the box and the paperbag to put them under her table. "You'd be a shit thief." She concluded. You furrow your brows. "Well then, at least I'd get to see Spider-Woman." You teased while wiggling your brows.
"I wonder how many people became really bad burglars and thieves just to get her autograph." The last of your sentence became muffled ariund the sounds of other students as your teacher finally arrive, but gwen who heard it all to well only smiled at the thought. 
School finished two hours ago, and neither of you saw or heard from Peter the whole day. He was probably at the lab again, as he always was so you didn't really bother.  Gwen, on the other hand, wouldn't stop trying to get him to answer his phone.
She's pacing around the room with her phone speaker on while you're laying on her bed, messing with her giant flower shaped plushie while she loses her mind. "Maybe he left his phone at home." You reasoned. Gwen shool her head and kept trying.  "He always lose his damn phone."
You frowned at her and decided you were done waiting. "Gwen, its over 10pm, I need to get back home, my dad will be worried." You say before getting up and taking your jacket from her coat hanger. "When has your dad ever even noticed if you're gone." She snaps, phone thrown on her bed in frustration. 
Your eyes widen at the words and you scoff at her.  She opened her mouth to apologize, immediately getting cut off. "Look, I don't know what spider has crawled up your ass these days, but we both know Peter's always disappearing these days, he's probably fine, and I'm going home since you're so worried over your friend that isn't in front of you." You ended the conversating as soon as it started, not giving her a chance to respond, you left her room, banging the door.
Your house was a few blocks away from Gwen's. When you're sure no one's around, you climb up quickly inti your room by the window, hands fast, some help from your claws. Tossing your backpack onto your bed, you changed into your suit without wasting time.
Gwen was right about something, your dad has long since noticed if you ever even came home these days. You jumped back out of your window, swinging upwards onto the roof instead of the streets.
You hopped from building to building, taking your time while enjoying the view. The lights. They were beautiful tonight,  accompanied by the bright moon, staring down from above. Even the neon signs of Joe's Pizza seemed pleasant to look at in times like this. You wished you could've shared these kind of moments with Gwen, but you didn't want to think of her now.
You find a spot above a tall empty building, where the ciry lights seemed clearer, and the smell of trash and dog piss was further away. Pulling your hair up in a bun, you tied it over twice, fixing it so you'll be able to see better without your hair always on your face.
And what a fate, as you're tilting your head down whilst your hands fixes the hairtie, a robbery happens right in front of your eyes.
Your heart skipped a beat at the crime, until you remembered you were also a criminal of a sort. This was interesting to see. A crime done by someone other than the Black Cat, finally.
The pleasure was shortlasting though,  when you had realized who was getting robbed. It was Peter. The masked man pulled out his gun, aiming it to Peter's face when he tried to run. "Run, and I'll shoot." His voice a mumble from below.
You move to stand up, backing away from any visibility, tiptoeing until you've reached the end of the building and hopped off, landing on your feet.
When you walked over the building to stand behind the robber, Peter's eyes involuntary widen,  as if a warning towards another civillian. But you weren't a civilian,  and when he takes in tbe suit and the masks, he realized who you were.
The robber gets annoyed when his eyes weren't on him anymore. "What the hell are y-" he spuns around towards you, receiving a kick to his stomach, making him fall on his back on the blow. You smiled at the victory watching Peter look between you and the fallen robber in confusion.
It seemed your victory didn't last long when a sling if webs shot againts your face.
You wretched the sticky web out of your face, growling in disgust. "Robbing an innocent citizen? That's low, even for you kitty." The annoying voice spoke. Once you manage tu cut the webs off fully with your claws. Regaining your vision,  you sneer at the ghost-spider, standing in front of Peter, who's finding protection behind her. "Is being blind apart of being spider-woman? I didn't rob him, I saved him." The hero's eyes squint along with her mask. "You? Saving people?"
Your eyes actually widen in offense before looking towards Peter. "Tell her doofus! I literally kicked him for you."
Gwen swings her head back at him and he stutters in panic. "Wh-I mean, yeah, she did, technically...kick him." You fold your eyes and glare at her as she turns back at you.  "See?" The two of you lock eyes for a minute long before she finally speak. "Peter Parker-" She calls him.
Both you and Peter frown at the name dropping . "-go home. I'll deal with her." The boy doesn't hesitate, turning his back and running way.
You snorted at her words. Always a show off. "You'll deal with me? How?" She tilts her head. "Like this." When you saw herbhand moving up, you move faster than her, snatching up her wrists in a tight grip as you push her againts the wall. "I might not have any venom on me, but try that again spidey, and I'll make you'll feel these claws for days." You see her physically wince at the words.
"You think just because you saved one man, that erases the 166 crimes you've done?" She asks sarcastically. You pout and pretends to think.  "I think, I really don't give a fuck, but its nice of you to remember all of my crimes, definitely not weird and obsessive or anything." 
She tries to speak again but you shush her when your eyes bore into the bracelet on her wrist. Firstly, who is stupid enough to wear their jewelry outside of their suit? Its like they're begging to be robbed.  Secondly; "Where did you get that bracelet?"
Your nemesis lets out a 'huh?' You repeat yourself, sterner. "I bought it?" You scoff. "You couldn't have bought something I've robbed." She seems annoyed by your questions. Being accused of stealing by a thief is pretty hurtful. "I could've brought it before you robbed it, you know."
You hummed thoughtfully at her words before you spoke. "You could've, or-" Your grip on her loosens, "-We're both just really, really, stupid." Gwen cocks her head in confusion. "What the hell are y-" realization hit her then. "Oh my god, no."
"No? Are you sure, Gwen stacy?" She winced at the mention of her name. Her hands move towards your mask. "How did I never..." Her words trails off a second before loud voices of people coming your way was heard. You pull her back swiftly into an alley, putting yourself between her and the open space.
The both of you lean yourselves againts the wall, you feel her fingers slowly slips into yours and holds back a tired sigh.
Once the group of kids has passed the alley, you finally relaxed. Her hands try to pull aw
ay but you curl your own fists around it.
She spins you back to her and her free hand moves to graze over your mask. "I didn't want you or Peter to be involved like this." She murmed. Your own hand slids around her waste as you lean closer. "I don't think it's up to you, Gwen." She huffs. "You know what I mean." You say nothing, eye staring down at your intertwined fingers. 
"Are you still going to get me arrested, spidey?" You could feel her glare from inside the mask. "What? Because I'm your friend, it all changes now?" You honestly ask. "Because I love you, and I know you and your heart, is why it's all different now. You're not who I thought you were, you can't be,  the Black Cat I've thought of before was evil in my head, evil and cruel."
You say nothing, waiting for her to continue. "You're not evil, and you're not cruel." You raised a brow. "Then, what am I?"  She's hesitates. "You're, with me. And I'm not going to let them take you, not anymore, whoever your secret identity is." Your mouth remains shut at that.
  All the bad jokes and sarcastic comments dies on your throat.  But your stubornnes always wins, "You didn't really seem to care much about me this evening."
Gwen groans loudly. "Come on, we'll go back to my place, I won't even look at the ground on the way home to shown you how much I'm paying attention to you now." You snort, a smile escaping you despite your efforts to remain upset at her.
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crazylittlejester · 23 days ago
I'm having a really shitty day, do you have any fluffy headcanons of the modern au Links? It doesn't have to be anyone in particular, I love them all (sorry if this is demanding, you can ignore this if you want to /gen)
i gotchu anon, im sorry to hear your day hasn’t been going well i hope you feel better 💙💙💙
- Twi is strong enough to hold (for brief periods of time at least) all of the dogs on the ranch, none of them are too heavy for him, so if they’re in the mood to be “lap dogs”, he can absolutely hold and cuddle them. Wolfie in particular loves to be held, and Twi will carry that dog around like a puppy because he loves him so so so so much and he gives him so many kisses and talks to him like a toddler. and Wolfie is obsessed with every second of it
- when War isn’t feeling good, mentally or physically, he’ll flop face down on his floor and his cat Tara will come sit by him and rub her head against his jaw until he picks her up and goes to his bed. Sometimes when its more of a mental health bad day he’ll call Wild and Wild will come over and make sure he eats something and just be there near him for as long as he needs (War does the same for him when he needs it)
- Sky loves to carve little birds for his girlfriend but he’ll also make little goats for Twi and little cats for War. Both of the boys have all the little figures Sky has made them on their desks so they can look at them
- Sky stress bakes because cooking is something that makes him feel calm and happy, so whenever he’s stressed out their apartment smells INCREDIBLE, and then he feels better by the end of it AND theres a delicious meal. Sometimes he’ll end up making more food than he, Twi, and War can reasonably eat so they’ll invite Legend and Hyrule up
- War’s cat Milo has a love for kitchen counters and so when Sky’s cooking and Milo is inevitably on the damn counter, Sky will call him “Chef” and say things like “Well we have to get the milk now, Chef Milo” as if the cat is going to help him open the fridge. Sky also sings/hums to himself as he cooks and Will end up singing/humming to the cat
- Twi goes through some pretty low lows with his mental health and sometimes he doesn’t have the energy to speak, but he’ll come silently sit next to War or Sky somewhere in the apartment and thats how the others know he’s looking for a little extra love so War will usually give him a cat to hold and they’ll watch a movie
- Every time War slips on a patch of ice on the pavement Twi makes fun of him because “mr world champion figure skater slips on patch of ice” will never NOT be funny to him, and War will hit/kick at his ankles until he falls down too
- Groose will sometimes send Sky texts like “haha fuck you, you loser, i caught this really cool ass bug and you dont have one of these” and Sky, out of sheer spite, will drop literally everything he is doing, go to the city park, and search for a cooler looking bug so he can respond with “FUCK YOU” and a 0.5 of whatever bug he found. This has gotten him out of bed on days where he was too depressed to move, this has made him go outside and walk around when he really REALLY needed it, because somehow Groose always knows when a good 30 minutes of looking in the dirt for bugs will be good for Sky and he always feels better afterwards
- War took Sky and Twilight skating once, led them both out into the middle of the rink, and then sped away, leaving both of them in varying degrees of distress. Sky was able to figure things out and get back to the edge, but Twi just stood there like a baby deer on a frozen pond (if either of them expressed being GENUINELY upset and scared, War would’ve gotten them immediately)
- Every so often they’ll have “sleepovers” where they all drag their shit into either War’s bedroom or the living room and watch movies until they fall asleep together on the floor/War’s bed. The cats join them every time
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universesweetheart · 1 year ago
Negotiation (Dazai x Reader)
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Pushing the chubby Dazai agenda, he's so cute! Look at his little belly, im gonna cry it's so cute!! Missing him terribly.
In which we bribe him with affection and feed him
Read my other dazai oneshots here, here & here This has been in my draft for soo long, but I got a job and forgot about it. Happy late Diwali!
Bye now - Mars ♡
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Out of everything you saw yourself doing this year, dating an overdramatic enigmatic manchild who whines like a baby was not one of them.
How did you get here? You started officially dating Dazai a few months ago, you two were exclusive. Before that you probably fooled around for a year, flirting here and there, and going on dates, random hook ups but somewhere along the way, you fell for each other. Hard.
It did have a trial and error period and you did have to set some firm boundaries, because as much as fooling around with him was fun, you craved the security of knowing this wasn’t some meaningless fling to him.
Fast forward to being exclusive with Dazai, he’s an amazing partner. His genius brain is quick to pick up on even the smallest changes and he reads you like an open book. He’s affectionate and he always finds money, granted never his own, to spend on you. He’s great in bed and he’s sweet with words. The list goes on. He’s almost perfect.
However, he’s not the best at opening up, he can talk your ear off without revealing a single thing about his mind. His heart. He also tends to neglect himself very much, at first you thought it was just temporary work stress but even when he’s away from work he does it.
At first you noticed how he only puts in efforts when you’re around, and the longer your relationship went on, the less effort he made. The biggest issue you have is how he so carelessly skips meals. It makes you angry but after some thoughts and rants to your cat, you’ve decided to bribe him.
You wanted to be subtle about it but honestly, he probably already picked up on it. You’re convinced he just allows you to do what you want.
You started off small and your plan was to gradually build him up to regular meals.
The first time you did it, it was as simple as feeding him a bite from your snack. A simple yogurt bowl with fruits and a “Mm, try this, it’s good” and stuffing his mouth with a spoonful of yogurt and berries.
That became a regular habit you did, giving him small bites of your snacks whether that be protein bars, cookies, chocolates. This then transferred into your meals, purposefully adding more to your plate so you can whine about not finishing it and offering the rest to him so he can.
That didn’t last long, he quickly caught on your little act and urge you to feed it to your cat instead.
Then the brilliant idea of bribing him with kisses and affection to eat came about. It started with an argument and then you two not speaking for two days. Angry as you were, you decided to deny him of your hugs and you two slept with you backs to each other, you slept at least. Dazai stayed up and drank his feelings. The second night he didn’t even come home, God knows where he were.
The third day you two resolved your little conflict and with some probing, sweet words, kissing and negotiation you got Dazai to eat at least one full meal a day.
You both agreed on that. Baby steps, one meal a day, it’s better than drinking alcohol and eating tinned crab almost every day.
Right now, you were both on the couch, you on his lap with his arms lazily slung around you. You had a small bowl of rice and stir-fried vegetables along with some eggs.
You held the chopsticks up to his lips and looks at him in his eyes, “Please” you looked down at his lips, “For me” you watched as he hesitantly opened his mouth and took the food and chewed and swallowed.
Placing a kiss on his forehead you praised him for his first bite.
Then you repeated that until the bowl of food was almost finished, feeding him, kissing him, praising him.
After he managed to finish, you placed the bowl down and caress his cheeks, “You did so good, m’proud” you mumbled and kisses him. Your hands cupped his face, lips brushing against his cheeks, the tip of his nose, the crease of his brows, his temple, his jawline. Just anywhere your lips found, you placed sweet kisses.
He smiled and you felt like you’d melt away and fall off the couch if it weren’t for his arms around you. “Thank you, Bella” He mumbles quietly, and you can’t help but capture his lips in another sweet kiss. You feel his hands squeeze your waist, pulling you closer to him as he desperately returns your kiss.
He pulls away from you, his brows furrowed, and he belched and it catches you off guard. Dazai looks at you, awaiting your reaction and when he saw your smile and heard a little giggle, it triggered his own smile.
“I really am proud of you, Osamu”
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desire-mona · 10 months ago
siiiigh. todd autism headcanons because im projecting.
(using they/he/she pronouns for todd in this post. will explain but also if u dont agree i dont care, tw for alcoholism. time period is vague but autism hasnt existed as a legitimate medical diagnosis for all that long, so keep it in mind i guess.)
- cannot for the life of him stand welton's blankets. so itchy, just thin enough to not warm you up enough but still make you sweat, not long enough to cover your entire body. yes im making the blanket line in their poem about actual blankets, a boy needs to vent somewhere.
- beyond terrible temperature regulation, ALWAYS just a little too hot which is made worse by her sensory issues when it comes to wet fabric. constant slight agony and it never really goes away. theyre about 5 minutes away from crying about how uncomfortable they are at all times.
- had god awful handwriting until high school, like his teachers could BARELY read his handwriting it was Bad. OOOOOH OH MY GOD THERES A TRAIN GOING BY I CAN HEAR IT HONKING this is a really ironic thing to be pointing out rn but its sooooo worth mentioning. its still honking this is fun. 🚂. anyway. her parents made her spend an entire summer fixing her handwriting bc that was like the One thing her teachers criticised. its Fine now but their motor function simply doesn't deliver in the handwriting department.
- had a VERY INTENSE special interest in aquatic life + marine biology growing up, like read every book about any ocean animal in any library intense. his parents eventually forced him to abandon it because its "not a good career focus" but he still perks up when anyone mentions fish. once talked neils ear off about the biodiversity of coral reefs for roughly 2 hours, neil took her to an aquarium for their first date. rip todd anderson you wouldve loved spongebob squarepants.
- looooves pets, namely cats, but they have Too Sweaty hands all the time so any animal fur sticks onto their hands and just feels. so awful.
- had a brief period in his 20s where he was definitely an alcoholic, started as a social drinker but got too addicted to the feeling of not having to adhere to social conventions quite as hard, especially around other drunk ppl. eventually went sober after they realised they just Cant Stand the feeling of a hangover anymore. autistic ppl r more likely to develop a dependency on alcohol if we do start drinking. just btw.
- gets a Pretty Expansive vocabulary after actually starting to pursue literature. sometimes his family lightly teases him about using big words but it confuses the hell out of him. its just a word she thought would apply best!!
- soooooo obsessed with what other ppls idea of them is, both in an anxious way and out of genuine curiosity. would never ask ppl what they think of her bc she thinks thats 1) very broad 2) seems compliment fish-y and 3) just gonna lead to "i think ur great/ nice/ whatever filler compliment." but the dream is to sit someone (neil) down and just ask him every single question possible about how he perceives him.
- asks a billion clarifying questions about anything someone asks him to do, gets anxious about how many questions he's asking, tries to just figure it out, freaks out about the possibility of getting it wrong, ends up doing the thing perfectly. weekly occurrence.
- never fully grasped the appeal of religion (most definitely grew up catholic or christian or Something) just bc she could NOT let the lack of proof go. ALSO not an atheist bc the vastness of space scares them out of it. religious beliefs r a weird topic for them.
- suppresses a good chunk of his stims in public bc One total time someone looked at him weird while he was chewing on a sweatshirt string and he was like i gotta stop NOW. eventually develops tics and has to mask THOSE in public too. dear god someone let this girl unmask. also i started ticcing while writing that bc my body does this great thing where i only tic when im reminded of the concept of ticcing. its great and totally doesnt make me think im faking them (faking for who? dunno bc it usually happens when im alone)
- DOES in fact stim around neil bc NEIL STIMS TOO!!!!!!!! joyous day when they found THAT out! gets vocal stims of random lines from whatever play neil is practicing for. YEAA ART THOU THEEEEREE was a vocal stim for a solid week and a half which made neil VERY excited (autistic neil. how i love u autistic anderperry)
- velcro is The most evil vile disgusting material to ever grace this mortal realm. he hates it more than anything ever and i mean that fully. the feeling of BOTH sides, the noise, how easily it comes apart, she hates it all.
this is the gender part
never really viewed gender and gender roles as anything to adhere to beyond the fear of punishment if they dont. finds any social convention relating to gender to be Really dumb and meaningless, bc gender isn't (scientifically) real in any capacity, so why treat it like that? for the longest time just shrugged and said "eh, i guess im a boy" bc thats what she was used to being told, and didn't feel particularly drawn to agree OR disagree. eventually realised on a late night that Wait. i dont Actually care what i am. like yeah im a Male i guess but also im just me. my brain doesnt have a gender and i basically am my brain, right? and then never really thought about it again because that's genuinely how little he cares. adhering the most to canon with that mindset, she never really tells anyone (for obvious reasons on top of the overall apathy) and just lets the he/him happen to her but. in my dream world? agender they/he/she todd anderson. and this is MY blog so those are the pronouns im using from now on. i will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl very often view gender differently than allistic ppl, will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl are more likely to be trans. autism!!!
also yes that entire paragraph is just my view of gender, change the pronouns and the todd mentions and its just me. what of it.
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sarejima · 11 months ago
i am a starving child and am requesting kyman fanfics to soothe my hunger (PLS recommend ME SOME)
Unfortunately I'm a green and inexperienced mother but I'll do my best!! (thisll be long as i cant keep from waxing poetic about fics i like)-
The love of my life and one of the best things I've had the pleasure of reading period is “Know your Enemy” by Elsen. It's beyond perfect to me enough so that even though it may never be finished I'm sort of satisfied. Eric's characterisation is beautiful and literally just as hilarious as in the show itself with the way he schemes and jumps over nonsensical hoops in his head in order to satisfy his self image in processing his feelings for Kyle and unwitting desires to submit to him. The plot and setting in and of themselves also somehow complement his absurdity. Also has just the right amount of perversion. (Okay I'm done sorry)
Another genius Cartman channelfic that I was audibly giggling at due to the insanity of his mental gymnastics is "I crush everything" by Rainbow_Convection which is quite short and mainly deals with him "processing" his feelings
(The above person is really good at writing compellingly about manic impulses and emotions so check out their other fics too)
On a similar note and also exploring implications of Cartmans outright deluded conscious, this time through Kyle's perspective, is 'Imaginationland 4: a tale of two Kyles' by Sinshipsahoy where it's revealed to Kyle (in increasingly horrifying ways) that Cartman's mind is (literally) swarming with him.
(This guy also has a worryingly well written corpse desecration fic so if that's your cup of tea)
In the 'I'm with Stupid' series by numbknee Eric gets together with Kyle and is annoying and fiercely loveable and everything's great until Kyle realises that sadly Cartman's views on relationships/love in general- but especially with Kyle, his 'enemy'- had been significantly skewed from the start due to an aversion to vulnerability, stunting their progress. I especially like the fourth and last fic/chapter.
Kinda depressing but in 'Sharing Last Names' by serpenrzbreath an adult Cartman's Kyle obsession is partly due to lamenting, while in the depths of denial, his own collosal wasted potential as over the years wasted rotting and room-bound due to severe mental instability but also just lack of trying, one of the only things grounding his shame is Kyle's comparative success, and when a time of reckoning comes an unwilling(?) Kyle is all he feels like turning to. However he soon learns that pity and concern is much more confusing and enraging than ire.
Some more Kyle focused fics are
'Love and the other thing' by Gumdroppy where we get an equal amount of Kyle and Eric perspective- Kyle who revealed his love for Eric as a kid first and loves Eric WAY too much for his own good(to the point where his friends feel the need to take measures to ensure his best interests) and Eric who perhaps fell harder- worships the ground Kyle walks on- but can't seem to help the kneejerk hurt and abuse that flows from his hands. Bonus points for jealous Stan and Kenny being an angel.
Ans also by Elsen 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let My Mortal Enemy Eat My Ass' which is really hot with a compelling theme of overcoming Kyle's past trama what can I say
'It's basically a weird cat, right?' By Verimakea is a adorable fic about adult Kyle who by chance meets Eric in raccoon form(and then not-so-raccoon form) in which Cartman has separation issues and Kyle is forced to battle loneliness and incteasing mildly worrying feelings for this addition to his life.
Some other concepts:
'Baby, Just Say Yes' by shortstackedcheesecake96- a beautiful wonderful fic where the palpable chemistry between a (surprisingly earnest about the subject and a talented actor) Cartman and (quite good novice) Kyle get cast as Juliet and Romeo respectively. There's so much compelling teenage awkwardness where they both appear to be unwillingly drawn to each other despite everything in ways they feel they really shouldn't- Kyle especially is almost embarrassingly captivated by an Eric in his element- and it's such a pleasure to read; just thinking about some scenes has me wanting to reread it lmao.
(This writer also has a lot of enticing and well-written smut too)
'Fake it 'till you make it' by mewtwos is another fic I hold so so close to my heart in which Kyle and Eric have to fake date for a bit, until they realise that these fake displays of affection draw them in a little bit too hard; make them a bit too lightheaded, and by that point the reel has already been cast. It's insanely well written.
'Expertise' by Mewtwos where Eric is a little too eager to practice kissing with kyle and they have a little awakening
'To Be Wanted' by Verimakea- a Cowboy au where Kyle takes it upon himself to capture Wanted Sheriff Cartman, but things quickly gp array and they and up stuck together in one place for an indeterminate amount of time, with Kyle put in a position where he often has bo choice but to rely on the other. This writer is seriously skilled at painting subtly erotic/suggestive imagery, and writing complex emotions into characters through their actions so its quite the fun leg-kicking read lol.
'Copacabana' by Senkenwoo is a bittersweet fic about jaded middle aged retired performer Kyle recalling how he lost his charming and endearingly annoying bartender lover
Some unconventional smut cus y not:
'Laid To Rest' by gosh_zillah in which Kyle has a deep seated desire to be a cocksleeve and subsequently gets watched in his sleep by an enthralled little audience for a bit(among other things as he proves to be quite perceptive lol)
"You're in his DMs? i'm in his walls, we are not the same" by ratherblue - Eric watches Kyle have smexy times thru a hidden camera; implied mutual pining. Also Kyle's trans
'Cause I'm a free bitch, baby' by knumbknee where Kyle sees an Eric in proper drag for the first time and is transfixed
'sleep tight' by bloodylamb is a quirky little sleepover somnophillia fic where Kyle's mildly vocal about his Eric-disposition in his sleep if you're good with dubcon.
I'm sure you weren't expecting to be waterboarded by text and for this I apologise
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ep2nd · 4 months ago
If you had the choice to and anything In lmk
What would you and in any category.
Character, back story, episode adding, style, anything you want!
I'm gonna guess the ands mean "Add"
Also why did I not post this????
So if I were to add anything, I'd add the other 2 Celestial Primates- no contest, I have like page notes and essays for them, I love em dearly I want them here:(
I'd also add for some episode ideas- A snow day, Monkey Kings staff gets broken, if the other 2 Primates were here- all 4 would get their powers mixed up, and if not just switch Macaque and Wukong, Wukongs birthday, them traveling to the Underworld(great opportunity to see past Wukong enemies and maybe dead characters, for the spider gang fans), a day with Guanyin, a three-legged race but Yin and Jin took control and forced people who don't get along to team up, more about the Dragon Clans, Subhodi, thats it, and an episode where Macaque discovers his creator(s), also one with Nuwa and Wukong BECAUSE WE WERRE ROBBED
For style, everything's fine, for Back story- definitely more about Macaque and Wukongs history, because some things don't coincide with JTTW timeline, also their ages cause I'm still confused, like something said 1,000 apart but like how would macaque and wukong live together?? (That's a topic for another day). OH AND ALSO PIF DEPARTURE FROM THE CELESTIAL REALMS COME ON WE NEED THE TEA. And also Erlang and Wukongs relationship, because if the Jade Emperor ended the fight, did they ever face off?? (I hope)
Continue for Episode adding- I would like to see more episodes, but the pace is good for its show, better than Ninjago in former seasons where it felt repetitive and just more screentime. Lmk uses its screentime wisely and effectively, though sometimes it does feel rushed. I'd like more fun episodes where they just time together.
Also maybe a Celestial Villain, instead of a Demon villain, mix things up
Also Fuxi, Nuwas brother or husband, or both, depending on the Myth
I wanna know who created Wukongs Staff
More of Chang'e she's fun
Just more Mei and MK time, I miss em:(
Always enjoy JTTW references!!!
Bring back the Female Nation and pregnancy water you COWARDS
The Mayor- let him steal ALL the kneecaps
That'd all for now sorry for waiting so long, kinda forgot to post it:(, sorryyy
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millersfinest · 2 months ago
could u make headcannons of cat?? its a weird req but i love how u perceive ellie & i think u write her so perfectly and would love to hear ur take on cat
since we only saw her for a short period of time, ofc there’s not much to base off of but that’s what makes it even more fun yk? like u get to make ur own personality for her & i’d love to hear what u concoct!!
dating cat (tlou II)
cw: mentions of ellie williams, some fluff ofc, a little bit of nsfw toward the end.
note: this is such an interesting req omg!! i’m glad you love how i write ellie, and i hope this kind of fits how you perceive cat as much as i do <3 like you said, a lot of this is just my own personalization based on the comments made about her and my own brain :p this ended up a bit longer than intended, but i feel like im still missing some stuff lol. if anyone wants a part 2 lemme know x
also… thank you guys for 240+ pookies!! i don’t think i mentioned that yet. i love you guys so much <33
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cat! is an optimist to her core. she has a bunch of faith running through her body most of the time.
there could literally be infected breaching the walls of jackson, and she’d still find an upside to the situation. that’s what people either loved or hated about her.
you would have to get to know her personally in order to find her deepest insecurities and worries tbh.
cat! isn’t the type to mislead. she’s very upfront about most of her intentions and the things that she wants.
after her breakup with ellie, she became hesitant when considering getting into another serious relationship. she feared labels—afraid that you’d find interest in someone else (while being in the relationship) or she’d find interest in someone else.
so instead of going through with it anyway, the first nine months you were together was a friends with benefits thing (i’ll dive more into that later). she’s the queen of taking things slow.
however, once she’s ready to lock down… she’s in for the long haul.
cat! is a huge doodler. well, she does tattoos, so that makes sense. but, if you weren’t asking for anything permanent—she would get a sharpie marker and practice drawing on your skin. literally anytime of day… but, especially when you guys were alone.
she would straddle your bare back and begin making designs. and if she was feeling extra productive that day, she’d draw on you as if the sharpie were a tattoo needle. little felt pokes would be made, which would kind of tickle but you let her.
“after i’m done with you… you might even want the real deal!”
“i’ll believe it when i see it.”
cat! was a very certain type of person. when she was good at things, she had no reason to feel anything except proud. she rarely needs secondary approval.
that rareness comes into play when involving you, though. for anything that she does, when the two of you get into a relationship (arguably a little bit before then) she does value your advice and opinions. you’re like a favorite consultant—no matter what your response was.
you could critique how she handled a conflict or even as little as critique her drawings, and she would look at you with the biggest set of brown eyes you’ve ever seen. she was always open to receive from you. other people… not so much.
with that being said…
cat! could be a bit of a hothead at times. her happy-go-lucky personality wasn’t impenetrable.
while she was over her ex, seeing ellie with dina pissed her off sometimes. because she knew that they were making eyes at each other during their relationship—and that was too close to cheating for her.
but, your touch and your voice always managed to calm her. “she has no idea what she’s missing out on.” you’d say, wrapping your arms around her neck, kissing her warm cheek.
or, whenever she’d take her drawings and painting more serious (she paints a little bit), she’d trade with the art store in jackson. and every time someone hovered over her work to purchase, she’d listen in on their opinions—and they weren’t always good. they should’ve had a denser stroke here. i’m not sure how i feel about the style of this portrait.
it’s was all hooplah to you, but those words practically made steam come out of her ears.
cat! would eavesdrop and then step into the conversation with a red face and clenched fists. “you’re talkin’ a lot for someone who can barely draw a circle— yeah, i’ve seen it.”
you’d have to pull her from the art store, holding onto her clenched fist. she’d eventually unclench with your soothing words, and hold onto you as if you were an anchor.
cat! was a woman of many jobs in jackson. she didn’t frequent patrols much, but she spent a lot of time in the gardens. however, when she did go on patrols, she’d always come back a little bit more serious than when she left.
even if you guys weren’t living together yet, she would find you. stumble into your home and into your arms. she’d hold onto you with vice-like grip, pushing the air from your lungs. she didn’t take lightly to the blood and viscera she saw out there.
cat! spent so much time in jackson that she almost forgot what it was like to be out there. that’s why she went on patrols every once in a while.
there was one time when she was out there that she saw a decaying pair of people, nothing but bones and deteriorating clothes. their boney hands were intertwined, and in the other were pistols. for a split second, all she could think of was you and her. could this possibly be your guys’ fate?
she came home to you that night and didn’t want to leave your side. big-spooning you in your bed, whispering words into your neck. “if anything ever happened to you… i think i’d die.” and “i l-love you so much— words can barely describe how much i love you.”
“i love you, too.” you respond with partial shock. that may have been the first time she said those words to you.
cat! is a words of affirmation and physical touch type of girl.
words of affirmation: she thrives on your vocal support—she needs it. whether she’s dealing with a problem, or she’s leaning into your thoughts on one of her pieces. she fully believes that relationships are where two people are joining together; so your input will always be important.
and on another note… she loves to be praised by you. anything, she loves to hear: “you’re so good at this” or “you’re doing so good for me”. you’re her favorite person, so she wants to make you happy.
physical touch: simply put—she’s a huge cuddler. a cuddlebug, if you will. she loves been enveloped with you. there’s not subtly surrounding her wanting to touch you… like at all. you could be out at a party, and she’d want her arms wrapped around you. if you were sitting and she was standing, she’d wrap them around your neck, leaning her chin on your head. if you were both standing up, she’d wrap them around your abdomen.
in private, she’d be more about skin to skin contact (which isn’t always sexual, but it often leads to that).
you could be cooking or doing whatever and she’d slide her hands under your shirt, even if her hands were cold af, just to feel your warmth. leaning her head on your shoulder, kissing the smooth skin of your neck.
omg, don’t let her be gone/busy for most of the day. when she comes home it’s clothes off cuddle time. swearrr!! and that may or may not escalate depending on how the both of your days went.
now for a little bit of nsfw <3
cat! is indubitably a switch in my eyes (i spent some time thinking about this lol). and a solid one. everything is dependent on what happens in the moment between you two.
but, it should be mentioned, that during the fwb stint at the start of your relationship… she was mostly topping. cat was having a hard time letting herself go after her breakup—you basically had to earn your way to her trusting you with her body.
cat! went from dominating to allowing things to fall as they may.
the one thing she did care about, though, was making you feel good. if that meant bottoming then so be it—but she did enjoy hearing the sounds you made when she went down on you and/or her fingers were inside you. there was nothing more affirmative than you moaning her name.
or, when she bottoms, there’s always so much love in how you touch her. if you’re not good w your words physical affection was always the way to go. every kiss, every stroke, every lick dripped with an i love you.
the first time: as in the first time she bottomed, letting you take over, she was so nervous that she trembled under her skin. it was your delicate touch that calmed her. and when you pushed her toward that finish line—her climax—tears fled from her eyes.
being with cat was so much more than just hopelessness and smiles and beautiful art. she was just a girl who cared a lot. and, luckily, you were apart of the small group of people she cared a lot for.
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prof-peach · 1 year ago
Hi again! Its me, idk if you remember but i sent you that weird horned shiny caterpie a long time ago. I had another question. My partner recently caught a pumpkaboo. He is also very much into haloween decorating, but hes afraid to carve any jack-o lanturns. I was hoping if there is a way to help his new pokemon and let him carve this year. Any advice would be wonderful.
Ah yes, good to hear from you again, your caterpie is doing very well by the way, settled right into a small colony after an adjustment period and has made a lot of friends.
As for this Pumkaboo issue, it does happen, theyre sweet pokemon but struggle to see the difference between themselves and pumpkins, so the panic can settle in.
What we normally do is encourage them to use razor leaf as a move, and basiclaly play fruit ninja with them. As often as you can just throw fruits and get them to try to cut them up with the attacks. After a while, say a week or so, slowly introduce small pumpkins or gourds in. Say nothing and just mix them into the game of aim and slice. They are not usually perceptive enough to pick out what it is theyre attacking while its moving in the air, especially in daylight where their eyesight is a little less detail orientated, and will continue the game without further thought. Again, these are not overly intelligent pokemon on average, more curious or tricky, even timid (but there can be exceptions).
Once they eventually realise theyve been playing a game with vegetables by letting them examine the remians when you all clean up, they usually clock that vegetables and pokemon are not the same. they do not smell the same, nor do their insides look similar in any way. Its more about breaking the barrier between what they will and wont do out of nervousness, proving that they are not the same as pumpkins first hand, and that there is no scary or terrible concequence to attacking said vegetables.
Posing the idea of carving together after that tends to become far simpler, they can connect the dots of 'i am a pokemon and alive and sentient' and 'that is a vegetable and im not hurting anyone like me', most of the time this species wont partake due to a fear of the unknown, a hypothetical, or a disconnect in information, fill in the gaps and they tend to come around to it pretty quickly.
But theres always the alternative if you find youve got a real scardy cat: Paint the lanterns. Glow in the dark paints are easy to buy, so you can bypass the need for a candle or knife, and this way you dont have to front up something that may cause yoru pokemon emotional discomfort, though I personally would suggest confronting this nervousness.
It is a minor issue, and it's healthy to experience situations where you need to be in an uncomfrotable state and maintain calm composure. This is a great example of just letting them experience the world so they can handle their feelings and emotions in a healthy way instead of freaking out if they see something they don't like or understand, launching an attack out of fear and being a danger to themselves and others.
Good luck with fruit ninja, it doubles up as fun enrichment for all your pokemon, and is snack time so- win win!
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sleepyhouse2art · 1 month ago
hey, sorry if this is invasive i'm just genuinely curious -- why haven't you gone outside for a year? (i deal with a lot of stuff too that prevents me from leaving the house for long periods of time like this as well, so trust me i'm not judging, if anything it's just nice to not be so alone in doing this if that makes sense lol 😅)
hey!! no no it's not invasive <3 this might be a little long im sorry
i've struggled pretty bad with agoraphobia before. there was a period before this where i didn't leave my house for two years but that was more because my schiz was really bad. after those two years i was fine for a year, i could go out without too many problems at least. but something happened to me last year.
so last year on dec 5th i was walking home from the gas station and a white van pulled up beside me. i looked at it and thought, 'oh shit it's finally happening, it's finally happening', and then i didn't have time to think anymore because i heard running behind me. as soon as i turned my head there was a man in a balaclava and he said to me, 'shh shh shh babygirl'. suddenly i was on the ground. i genuinely thought it was the police for a second and that i was being arrested. then i realized they would have yelled at me first and i knew it wasn't. if i didn't realize fast enough he would have cuffed me. he had handcuffs. when i saw the glint of the handcuffs that meant death to me. so i fought.
i am like 5'2 and 88 lbs so i am not good at fighting and i am not very strong. i struggle to pick up my largest cat, lol. i don't even know how i struggled enough for him not to be able to cuff me dude. i think he got frustrated so he just picked me up. i was saying no no no no no no no. he started carrying me to the back of his van. i was kicking him and hitting him. it didn't do anything at all. i saw the fence of the motel beside us and i saw the lightening purple sky and i saw the dead plants crawling up the fence -- this is my street, i wasn't even half a block from my house -- and i knew if i didn't get away right now that i would never see my husband or my cats again. i carry pepper spray in my coat pocket every time i go out cause im scared of men, and i carry it open so all i have to do is depress the button. i remembered just then that i had it. we were inches from the back of the van. he was going to put me in the van. i knew what would happen to me if he put me in this van. he was going to rape me and kill me and nobody would ever know what happened to me, my husband wouldn't ever know what happened to me, i would just disappear. i pulled the pepper spray out off my pocket and i just sprayed it behind me. i had never used it before. having it, and having it open like that i think saved my life. cause he fucking went down. i went down too, because he was carrying me. i started running. the weirdest thing was i tried to scream as i ran to my house but i couldn't even get a real scream out. it just wouldn't come out of my mouth. i don't know why. this is weird too -- i know i got pepper spray in my eyes but i could see perfectly until i got into my house and shut the door, because once i was inside and safe i legit couldn't see anymore. i had to shout for my husband to come help me up the stairs.
i have had really bad fucked up things happen to me and i have been raped more than once and i have had guys pull weapons on me before but nothing has ever scared me more than that man trying to pull me into that death van. i couldn't go outside after that. i couldn't even open the door to check the mail. i was so afraid he'd be there. and i read in the local nextdoor website about how other people had seen the white van too, how he'd followed a teenage girl on MY STREET again on her way to school and a nice lady had asked her into her car instead because she'd just dropped off her own kids and she saved her and drove her to school, how a woman waiting for the light at night had been trailed by the same white van with the same lightskin guy in it and she'd flashed her gun and he'd got spooked and turned around. i knew he was out there. i couldn't leave. i don't know what happened to him. i'm still really scared he's out there. i worry he still drives around in my neighborhood and that he'll see me and he'll kill me. i don't know if i will ever go outside by myself ever again. i can't imagine it. it's weird. i don't know.
so that is what happened and why i haven't been outside until today. im sorry you have struggled with not being able to go out too, it really sucks. it feels so shameful and you feel trapped and just shitty and like a burden, or at least i really do. i hope things are good for you right now, or at least if they aren't good i hope they are at least okay.
sidenote this is sort of funny -- he broke my glasses and i lost my shoes lol (my husband had to go back and find them in the snow) but he also took the chips i was bringing home from the store. i know because when my husband went to get my shoes and look for my glasses they weren't on the ground anymore. lmao
reminder to everyone everyone everyone but especially afab people PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE carry pepper spray and know how to quickly use it. it saved my life and it could save yours. the one i have is this police-grade pepper spray that may or may not be legal that my husband bought off some dude, i forget the brand but it has like a wildcat or a dog on the front and i don't like looking at it but he says it's a good one. don't cheap out on pepper spray because when you need it you really need it!!! you can get a good powerful pepper spray for like $20.
anyway, thank you for weathering this extremely overlong answer and i hope your night/morning is decent!!!
love to everyone who reads this <3 please be careful and safe and warm!
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urfavslav · 2 years ago
various headcanons of tr characters !
when ran asks you to be his s/o he gifts you gloves. while u may not think anything of it other then his love languages being gift giving. he's asking you to be his forever. they're symbolism that while the gloves would protect your hands, he would protect you.
imagine giving senju one of those sanrio hats that have velcro at the bottom ,, so they stay on ,, yknow ,, but she is so thrilled. so she wears it 24/7
if you say or do something stupid, hanma won't let it go. period. it will become an inside joke, something he uses to see u laugh, also he will do that with things he's done too. use 'em as stories to cheer u up.
emma sano would be so aggressively caring ,, but in the cutest way ever. cutely aggressive texts urging you to drink some water, eat something and get rest before she rushes over to do it for you !
thinking about petshop trio ,, chifuyu and kazutora eventually push baji to get a piercing ,, he ends up getting an industrial ,, sbsjs. it shows when he pulls his hair up also, chifuyu has considered a nose piercing. he likes simple studs.
sanzu deals with mania and or hypomania. for him they can be really scary because he also uses drugs and that heightens how he feels and emotions during that time. he calls it 'madness episodes', after his episode is over (for him they last a while. anywhere from a week to almost 4 weeks) it takes a while to get him calm. even after it ends. haruchiyo craves being close to you, sharing your warmth and inhaling your scent. it calms his nerves like an anesthetic. please indulge him.
kakucho likes chocolate chip waffles. like he just doesn't like pancakes for some reason. you start to notice a pattern when he makes waffles in the morning on his days off. he only eats his choco chip ones. maybe strawberries on top.
when hanma wakes up (whenever his ass does) I think he has like leftover eyeliner smudged around his eyes ,, also playing playing his long fingers and tracing his tattoos ugh
shinichiro with an s/o who's slightly taller but their love language is physical affection. they give minimal acts of affection though. hand holding, hugs. etc. one of shins fav acts of affection is when his s/o ruffles his hair. he'll get all flustered with warm tinted cheeks, eyes squinted and a goofy smile on his face. he's so cute :(
if I saw south, I'd try n hang off his arm ,, I just think it would be funny I also think he's a fan of play fighting ,, i think he will ruffle tour hair and pick you up like a cat ,, by the scruff of ur hoodie
mikey's texts that may not make sense. the typing looks like 2007 scene tumblr, all lowercase with words shortened so bad it doesn't make sense and faces like [:(, XD, :p] his texts look like ; 'hiii bby !!! im almst ther jst wait a bit kay !!!! I promise u he's abt to jump on his bike and visit u, or calls where he's just about to fall asleep but tried his hardest to stay awake for you so he can heat ur voice ,, even though that makes him feel even calmer. it's gonna put him to sleep
koko has money, but like he has nice shit, he takes this nice, modded car, he goes around at night, driving to get a break from the bonten trio shit ,, playing around with his loud ass engine revving it up. then goes on his spotify premium with one of his favorite playlists
for stay home dates mitsuya sets up his record player to play old, classics and sway his partner around when they aren't feeling so good to cheer them up :(
sleeping/nap dates with mikey are a staple ! no matter if you're immersed on a book or your scholastic duties, or even cooking he will pull you for a nap.
sanzu plays around with tarot cards and gives readings when he's completely high or drunk. the other executives pay no mind to it, but when he sobers up and asks the execs what he said about the cards and goes 'yeah, that sounds just about right, but just this and that too." the execs look blown out of their mind and slightly scared that he remembers
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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angelismmm · 2 years ago
Hiii! Can I pretty please req Kokomi, Noelle, Ayaka and Hu Tao with an affectionate reader?
⟢ care to be mine? oh you already are?! ft. noelle, kokomi, ayaka, & hutao! ・sypnosis. how about we go out together, and you'll be mine, and i'll be yours! oh i already know we're together, i like falling in love with you over and over again! ・notes. WOOOO GENSHIN WOMEN!!! im so happy to see this request ngl nsjsdsdsd, anyw thanks for giving me this req!!! ・warnings. fluffy, overly affectionate reader if that counts, implied relationship between character & reader
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THE 77TH FUNERAL DIRECTOR: HU TAO ・YEAHHH SOMEONE MATCHES HER ENERGY!!! definitely whenever she sees you while going on a stroll around town, will open her arms for you to run into to her while tryna hug her back, if you would she loves to give piggyback rides to you too. loves you so much, and so does she!! probably would also run around town in both your free time to prank people, and every successful prank would be one kiss, from the one and only you!! she wants you to be there to see it too!!
・accepts your affection with wide arms, even with you draped around her shoulders, your head resting on hers while she does work is her favorite!! kinda makes her know she's safe, because you're there with her. just know your boundaries, and when is the right time and she'll do the same, loves every bit of your affection, lets her know that at least someone enjoys her little pranks hehe. her being in your warmth is enough to make a bad day go well. you being there to cheer her on is enough to make her face light up, at first the affection was so unexpected, but she was so up for the idea. doesn't care if other people see you and her do all that pda stuff, just lets everyone know your affection is hers. ・probably adopts a cat that you've been feeding everyday near your shared home, absolutey loves it with you, like parents to the cat. names it her favorite dish. always notices when your mood changes to something a bit negative, and that's a go signal for her to be overly affectionate this time!! loves making you smile, then loves it when you hug her in return. kiss her forehead whenever you guys cuddle!! definitely loves it, would try to hide her face away from you so that you wouldn't see the millions of shades in red covering her face. ・probably loves words of affirmation, and acts of service, getting told she's annoying for her pranks isn't exactly a good feeling. but the things you do for her, and the things you do to her, all the praise you give while she's done nothing to deserve it, all the hugs, kisses, and love you give, and she still feels like she has to do more, but assure her that she shouldn't because all you want is her, she'll fall 100% ・the way you got introduced to zhongli was you chasing hu tao around for a kiss probably. then you bump into him, and hu tao comes running at you both, again. and introduces you both, and zhongli is slightly surprised she has a significant other, but is like a proud dad. while you both are rambling to each other like a lovey dovey couple, and he third wheels, he thinks you both fit each other like a jigsaw puzzle, because there should always be someone to love you, even if the rest of the world hates you.
probably would make fun of you whenever you say something cheesy, "for all that it's worth, i'm glad i met you." you'd say while looking up to the setting sun in the distance, "no you aren't." she teases, looking back at you, smiling, "yeah, you're right, i have dreams of you stapling your fingers to your face." "ew!! stop saying that!!"
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THE DIVINE PRIESTESS: SANGONOMIYA KOKOMI ・dream come true to her, probably liked you as soon as you both met, probably sun and moon relationship. she's a bit of both, but she likes it better when you do all the talking, and she does the listening. after somewhat a long period of time that kokomi's been gone, obviously you'd miss her, and she'd miss you. but whenever those long missions finally finish, she loves the feeling when as soon ass you see her, you come running with your arms open just to hug her ・loves mostly anything and everything about you / anything you're willing to give, aka your affection. probably loves whenever you become cheesy with her, makes her flustered.
"Hey I have a day off tomorrow, wanna do anything special?" Kokomi asks, getting up her chair to face you with a bright smile painted on her face, "I just wanna be in your arms, in your presence, anywhere you go, I just wanna be with you." You said, noticing the small tint of rose on her cheeks, "Well, anywhere is alright, just make sure you enjoy yourself there. Your happiness is mine." The eye contact between the both of you, the grin spread across from ear to ear on your face, made her really flustered, "O-okay! I have to go get something really quick, so just wait here and we can talk about where we'll go!" Walking out the room, Kokomi put her head in her hands, she definitely knows you'll treat her right
・whenever she's down, whenever she's failed in something, whenever she feels like she isn't worth anything, and you aren't with her, her mind wanders to all those memories of your smile, and imagines your warm embrace around her, because she knows you mean every word you say, whenever you compliment her, she knows she's at least worth something to someone, always wants to keep you close after those moments. ・matching clothes with her!! like her whole wardrobe got to be matching with yours. loves it whenever you remember the little things about her, like her favorite dish, or what kind of movies she prefers, her spotify playlist on save, or even the flowers she prefers. overthinks a bunch, the question of you both never meeting always comes to mind, but you were a friend of gorou's that just happened to be able to help with a certain mission. ・surprise date nights for those days she's off, but has got off those depressing shifts at work, and the impossible amount of paperwork really just set her off, she wasn't as happy as she was before,
"How about you just follow me okay?" her hand in yours, running towards somewhere, "Okay, but why did you make me dress up?!" her screaming from behind as you led her out to a small table with 2 chairs, decorated with white lilies, kind of like a little cottage in the wild, where no one else would disturb you both. her favorite food set out on the table, along with your own favorite, "Alright, you can open your eyes!" As you let go of her hand, the light reflected off her skin, the vine-decorated ivy cottage right before her eyes, a hopeful gaze looks back to you, "is this.. for me?"
・thanks gorou so many times for introducing the sunshine in her life to help brighten her mood. and thanks the archons that she met such ethereal beauty, and kindness in person in her life, every night, she looks up, and closes her eyes, thanking the people who got her here today, and praises the archons for letting her meet you.
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SHIRASAGI HIMEGIMI: KAMISATO AYAKA ・first found you running around with yoimiya plus some children. lighting those little fireworks on a stick at night, and carrying them home once they've fallen asleep, their parents are just real busy people, you and yoimiya had decided to babysit while they were out, for free, and no pay. ayaka was free that day, and made the best decision of wanting to hangout with yoimiya, and to get to know who this wildly attractive person is. ・finds out your name while you blurt lots of stuff out while talking to yoimiya, walking through inazuma with ayaka between you and yoi, looking at what's new, and what you can afford. and what really made her fall is when you asked if she wanted anything, clearly looking hungry, and her answering that she's fine and she doesn't really know what she wanted to order if she was, and you ordered all kinds of dishes and let her try, thought you were really nice about it, especially how you were a little short on money, yet you were more than willing to spend every last dime on her, even if you both just met. ・once you both finally date, yoimiya is more than welcome to be your guys' third wheel on dates, in fact always has been even before you both got together.
"You know, before I asked you out, I asked Ayato & Yoimiya's permission." You said holding her hand and grinning at her, "She did! Was very happy to say yes!!" Yoimiya interrupted, hugging both of you from behind, "And I promised to always be your third wheel when I could!" Laughing your hearts off, Ayaka loved seeing you smile, it made her smile too.
・"You're gonna get hurt!" x "At least I'll have fun!" definitely, kiss attacks on her face once she comes back from somewhere, doesn't do a lot of pda though, will keep your relationship a secret 'till she's ready, she still has a reputation to keep yk? she doesn't mean that in a bad way or anything she just wants to keep you safe, letting enemies know you're her weak spot. doesn't want anything happening to the best thing in her life. ・"you're all i ever want" x "flustered*" purely, lowkey scared of how much affection you give her, it makes her super happy, but scared, scared to accept it, she hasn't opened her heart up to anyone before, but you were very willing to give everything to her, right after meeting her. the way you remember those little details about her make her blush hard. even the first day you met, the meals she liked, anything and everything you mostly knew about her, and she would she could do the same, obviously the standard things about you she remembers, even the little grin you do when you get her blushy with one cheesy pickup line, but all the little details you've observed from just being with her for a short period of time makes her even more thankful to the archons, every night, every day, whenever she can she'll be with you, she'll be in the embrace of you arms.
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THE MAID OF THE KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS: NOELLE ・the sweetest at trying to confess her feelings to you. catches them while you were helping lisa with the books in the library, right after taking them back from late clients. she was skimming through books on how to get stronger, and her eyes wandering off the book, looking up to see the most beautiful person to ever set earth, while watching you turn around to reveal your most luxurious face, to see you both made a bit of eye contact, she ducks down behind her book again. ・once you finally go, she'll come up to lisa with all the books in her hands,
"hey ms. lisa? can i ask who that was?" noelle turns a bit shyly, while slamming the books back on the desk owned by lisa. "oh? are you saying you're interested in them?" lisa smirks, and putting the books below her rounded desk again, "i- no i mean-! that isn't what i meant! i just wanted to... get to know their name, they seem interesting! that's all!" stuttering all over the place, tint of ruby all over her face. "their name is y/n. they live pretty close to here, and in the library often, they help me and jean quite recently, and they've helped a lot, they thought you were pretty cute too, you know." lisa said, getting up and giving noelle her library pass back, sliding it across the desk, "t-thank you.." taking it back, and getting out of the library as fast as she could, at least she knew your name now.
・probably take shifts near your home while patrolling around mondstadt. one time, and the time she finally found out her feeling for you were romantic; she was lowkey getting harassed by a drunk adventurer, who seemed to just get out the tavern, having 1 too many drinks. you immediately coming to defend her, pulling out your weapon, "get lost, weirdo, she doesn't like you." you said trying to escort noelle out of the situation, "oh but i think she does.. she's blushing, and it's all because of me, alright? you should get lost, because we were having a moment here. i'm an adventurer, hic-! don't intimidate me!!" he screams, "anyways sweetheart, come on.. you just accepted me asking you out, let's go-" slapping his arm harshly off her waist, "dude can't you see she's mad uncomfortable?! she doesn't want you around her! so get the hell out of here!" the shiny vision hung around your waist was already making him cower. "damn alright.. jeez, see you around, sweetheart." the creep walks away, "you hurt or anything? your name is noelle right?" you ask, while checking if the man did anything bad to her while she wasn't in your sights, "i-i'm alright! how do you know my name, if i may ask?" she asks, pushing her hair behind her ear, "i'm y/n, and i asked lisa, you shouldn't worry." ・she confessed through your similar interests in books, a library date, she asked you out through letters, heartfelt words were spilt onto the paper. the way you give her everything you can in terms of affection makes her feel safe, the way you defend her makes her feel like she can trust you all the much more. falls in love over and over again when receiving your bear hugs, feeling your hands wrap around her feels like she's the luckiest woman in the world. when your soft lips hits her cheek, she will melt in your arms. every kind of love you give her makes her blush all the time. ・your small smile after your lips and hers crash makes her wanna smile too, your small kisses on the forehead made her become a tomato, your kisses printed on her neck send shivers down her spine, your affection makes her feel wanted and valid. she always wanted to feel wanted, she wants her feelings to be valid, your affection makes her feel 100 different emotions, loves everything you do, supports everything you do, pretty okay with pda, just blushes madly whenever it happens. ・"quiet & shy" x "affectionate & extroverted social butterfly"
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ireallylovepupplies101stuff · 11 months ago
IM Gods AU info
I have decided to throw yet another AU at tumblr that my dear friend @midnightfire830 and I have worked on together. So if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask the both of us!
This post will have the basic information to understand the AU better before diving into the story, like who's a god, who's a demi-god, who's a mortal, what they all do in this AU regarding powers and jobs, and what the AU world is like. After that, I'll be diving into the plot of the AU in the next post.
so for now, enjoy!!!
World Building Details- While mortals live in typical and common villages and homes, the gods and demigods tend to live in a large floating kingdom filled with castles. Each castle is named after the god who owns it. Occasionally some gods and demigods live among the mortals, hiding in plain sight and offering help to those who either find them unintentionally or seek them out for aid. The mortal villages tend to be named after the gods they worship the most in hopes of pleasing them and gaining their blessings. They also give offerings to show their respect when the gods come to visit. This AU takes place in an ancient Greek themed time period.
God Chraracters:
Mickey- God of Magic, and wishes: With his powerful magic, Mickey can and will grant a single wish to a mortal, but only if that wish is what their heart truly desires, and if it's not something that'll harm someone else. Sadly, his magic has limitations. For example, he can't use magic to grant wishes that toy with life and death, and his magic can't do anything against another god of greater power then him.
Oswald- God of the Forgotten: He isn't a well-known God, but the mortals that do know him, worship him greatly because he watched over those the world has forgotten, and gives them hope. He keeps tabs on those that worship him, which included a very beautiful cat woman who Oswald loved and cherished with all his heart.
Demitasse- Goddess of Solar flare, and warrior spirit: With the almighty power of the sun, able to bless mortals with warm sunny days, or use her intense burning powers in battle, she is an extremely powerful Goddess warrior who fights to protect and will give her blessings to noble warriors so that they will have a better chance at victory and make it home to those they protect.
Dice- God of Luck, and Greed: Not the most honorable god to worship, he is usually the God people who like to gamble will pray to for better luck, but that doesn't always work in their favor, considering his god powers include manipulating the luck of a situation where it can either benefit, or hurt someone. He uses his luck power on himself mostly, earning him the Greed title as well.
Devil- God of the underworld, and sin: The god that drags the sinners of the surface to the underworld, he's also known to have a following of gods/demi-gods with a sin-based title who are incredibly loyal to him. His followers are willing to do anything he orders of them to get in his good graces considering his tremendous power.
Saltbaker- God of Baked Goods, and Gluttony: When people smell the sweet scent of something warm and delicious, they always give thanks to him for the blessing of a warm treat to bless their soul, but sometimes the warmth isn't always enough. He is also the god people blame when someone gets carried away with their gluttony, because he is rarely satisfied and wants more. Especially when it comes to power.
Granny- Goddess of Rest, Home and hearth: A weary traveler will always give thanks to her after a long trip and they finally find a safe place to rest. Hiding among the mortals, she offers shelter to those who need it most when traveling, she blesses them to sleep well, and then sends the traveler on their way feeling ready to continue on their journey. 
Oddswell- God of health: He is the god people and doctors pray to for a person to either heal from an injury or recover from a terrible sickness. He is also the God other gods/demi-gods go to when in need of medical aid thanks to his amazing knowledge of medicine and what to use for any situation to better the outcome.
Yakko- God of chaos; God of Persuasion: While leading his siblings in spreading chaos around the world, he is also known for his power of persuasion. He can convince anyone to do just about anything without having to take away free will, and can sense when a person has no free will. Although he and his siblings are gods of chaos, the three of them are prayed to by those who desire their chaos to be used for justice. (which they are all too happy to help with).
Wakko- God of chaos; God of Prophecy: Though creating chaos for those around him and his siblings, much is misunderstood about his true power. Many that worship him argue that he can see into the future, while others claim he can see how the story of a person's life will go. Either way, if someone seeks him out for him to tell them how things in the future will turn out, most of the time he refuses to answer, claiming "spoilers"
Dot- Goddess of chaos; Goddess of Space: Creating chaos along with her siblings, she is known for her power to bend and warp space around her. Having the ability to jump from one place to another, make pocket space for storage, or to make space around her long or short, she uses her powers to further the chaos and shenanigans she and her brothers create.
Scrooge- God of Wealth: He is the god people pray to in order to benefit their wealth, considering he's rumored to be the richest god in existence. People tend to have rumors that praying to him actually don't work, considering those with wealth tend to get nothing out of their worship towards him, but people from a poor background that work hard claim that worshiping him does help.
Hat- God of Guidance: Though not a popular god to the mortals, he is the god who trains young gods/demi-gods who struggle to control and use their powers without being overwhelmed and/or causing a lot of destruction. Even if he's not exactly a gentle and kind teacher with his guidance, he will make sure those he teaches are prepared to use their powers in any way.Mortals who manage to seek him for his guidance are rarely ever accepted, when they are though, they have to be able to handle his brutal teaching.
Wilson-God of Wisdom: Living among the mortals, he is the god people go to in order to learn about anything from his incredible collection of knowledge from around the world. He is willing to help those who wish to learn with good intentions.
Demi-God characters:
Cuphead- God of Celestial fire, and rage: With the powers of the stars, when angered, he is a powerful force to be reckoned with in battle. Though when not using his power for combat, he is known for shooting stars into the night sky to create constellations that tell stories.
Mugman- God of the Sky: With the power to control the weather, he is a bit more popular with the mortals than his brother. They pray to him for good weather for the day, or to help their crops. He is however a powerful fighter with the ability to shoot lightning and control the weather with his intense emotions. 
Holly- Goddess of memories: She is the demi-goddess people pray to in order to remember something, due to her being known for her ability of remembering everything and for her love of learning.
Cagney- God of Nature and Agriculture: The demi-god that watches over the plant life of the world, he is thanked by the mortals when they have a good harvest with plenty of food, or when flowers perfectly bloom. Tends to butt heads with Mugman over the weather being bad or trying to get Mugman to make nice weather all the time for his plants.
Donald- God of Ducks, and tantrums: Though he watches over the ducks of the world, animal and duck person, when people are throwing a fit for whatever reason, he is usually the one mortals blame due to his reputation for losing his temper, often. He can also make others in the same room as him feel irritated or ready to snap when he feels the same way.
Huey- God of the Smart: Has a godly ability to use his intelligence to think through any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians.
Dewey- God of the Tough: Has the godly ability to fight through any situation. Is often worshiped by warriors. 
Louie- God of the Sharp: Has the ability to see every angle in any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians and warriors
Dimitri- Goddess of Justice: Helps keep order and balance in the Gods home kingdom and fights for justice in battle. Teaches mortals willing to learn how to practice justice systems, morals, and obeying laws meant to help them.
Mortal Characters:
Bendy: A stubborn servant who works under Cuphead, he works hard to do his job, but he doesn’t take garbage from other gods or do pointless things just to kiss up to Cuphead.
Boris: Living among the mortals in his and Bendy’s home village, he writes to his brother often and looks forward to getting Bendy’s letters back.
Alice: An apprentice to Oddswell, she enjoys learning how to offer medical help to those in need, and shows great respect to the gods she’s around.
Felix: An apprentice to Wilson, he aids his mentor in finding and collecting new knowledge for the world to learn.
Cala: Captured by mortals and offered to the gods as a gift, she was put on display in a giant magic glass tank for the gods to stare and admire her without fear of her turning them into stone.
Sasha: A servant to the gods, she sings for their entertainment during parties and events the gods throw.
Ortensia: A previous worshiper of God Oswald, she was one day approached by Oswald, who wished to get to know her on a personal level. Overtime she became his loving wife, and they had many demi-god children, but due to being a mortal, her time with Oswald eventually came to an end.
Cannikin: A warrior of his home village, he met and fell in love with a powerful warrior woman who would come and go from the village as she pleased, and enjoyed sparring with her whenever she was around. They had a beautiful son together, and had another child on the way when he was taken away from his family in a brutal battle. He never learned his wife Demitasse was a goddess.
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triptychofvoids · 1 year ago
First things first, I love your head cannons and the way you draw it's very very crunchable, now the question, do you have any science party head cannons? That's all, thank you!! :3c
thank you i appreciate it!! and yes i have a few im normal about them <- foaming at the mouth btw
you know the drill theyre going under the cut in case it gets long
someone made a post about this already i think and i dont remember who but medic and engineer would be so good at parallel play. theyre both content to be in the lab or in the workshop doing their own thing just alongside each other, maybe occasionally dragging the other over to look at what theyre working on either to show it off or get feedback of some kind. they both find each others work to be fascinating even if they dont completely understand it, and on the occasion they combine their knowledge to work on something together it always ends up being Really Fucking Cool and fun for them, regardless of whether or not it ends up being something successful. thats their idea of a date. parallel play working on fucked up and evil science stuff
out of all the mercs, engineer and heavy strike me as the ones that would do most of the cooking. not that the others cant cook (although i think some of them would need supervision....) but most of the time they just dont really want to, and besides theyd both be very good at it. but anyway engie would know about medics sensory issues and him being picky about certain foods and hed always try to make meals everyone will enjoy. if there is something in a dish that he knows medic wont like then he will either mess with the recipe a bit in order to exclude it or will just make it on the side so everyone else can have some but medic wont have to deal with it.
medic uses a weighted blanket and likes to hold onto things in his sleep as well so anytime they share a bed engie gets compressed into a jpeg. this is sometimes avoided because it isnt uncommon for engie to pull an all-nighter or for medic to wake up freakishly early so sometimes medic will already be asleep and/or will get up before him but still, its like a hydraulic press in there
like i said about engie knowing about medics sensory issues and whatever else, sometimes on the battlefield if medic is starting to get overwhelmed he will fall back to a dispenser and engie will shoo anyone else off to go find a health kit instead so medic can get just a few brief moments of peace
they have the kind of relationship where neither of them ever get bored of each others company and neither of them ever run out of things to talk about. which is very cool and awesome for them and sort of boring and awful for anyone else who might get stuck in a room or a car with them for any extended period of time
medics love language, platonic or otherwise, can be best described as 'all of the above'. hes very affectionate and bitey and he isnt always very good at communicating that he cares but he tries to convey it through things like weird gifts (like how a cat brings back dead animals), surgery and medical evaluation, talking a whole lot and hoping it counts for something, acts of service but he can only kill and dissect, etc. and engie somehow has the patience to put up with it. engie is big on acts of service and words but it doesnt matter because medic saps up any and all affection he is given like an infinite sponge and then tries in his own deranged way to return it tenfold
also. i think shipping these two is so funny because at first glance it might look like medic is the feral one and engie is the responsible one but then you look again and the roles have switched. and then you look a third time and theyre actually both a little unhinged. anything in the name of science
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lazaruspiss · 8 months ago
recently realized that dick had a relationships with all three of his rapists beyond one incident, like he lived with liu and eddie for a while, mirage posed as kori for an extended period of time and we really have no way of knowing how long he was with catalina, this creates a pattern of people that he knows betraying him and using him for their own gratification
which makes me think of his relationships with his family and friends rn, if one of them started crossing boundaries would he accept it? would he even have expected it? if babs didn’t hear him say wait one night would he know that it’s a mistake or would he think “ah, you too?”
like he loves his family and trusts them with his life but I don’t think he can trust them not to hurt him and that includes sexually, part of it is the constant paranoia that comes with being a vigilante for almost two decades and part of it is unprocessed trama but thinking anyone could start to abuse him probably isn’t good for his health or for his relationships lmao
oh for sure for sure!! im also fairly convinced dick would struggle seeing any of those incidents as rape. the liu incident doesn't meet the proper legal qualifications, he was at times blamed by his own team for what happened with mirage, and so much plays into the situation with catalina that im not sure he'd even be able to process it at all. the murder takes priority, and he'd see it more through a lense of him failing to save cat than him being assaulted.
dick wouldn't /want/ to have been assaulted, so i don't think he'd categorize any of that as rape. if others cross boundaries, he might justify/minimize it out of habit. less that he thinks anyone could/would abuse him, and more that he would never recognize harm done to him as abuse.
(some notes for those without context on some of the stuff being referred to!)
liu and eddie: there's a storyline in which dick runs away at 16 (or as he puts it, one month short of 17) and lives on his own. by which i mean, most likely homeless. he works as a dishwasher iirc. one day, his coworker recommends these people who take in teenaged runaways and offers them a place to stay. it's functionally a gang that uses cult recruitment tactics to manipulate teenagers into doing their bidding. the /they/ being liu and eddie. dick is just another kid, and doesnt realize what they're doing until he's already pretty deep in it. there's a fair amount of bonding and attachment, with liu and eddie showing him favoritism and singling him out in a way that makes them his primary support network. eventually this all leads to a sexual encounter between dick and liu. something worth noting: the age of consent in new jersey (where gotham is and where this story is set) is 16, and as it was a technically consensual encounter it is incredibly unlikely for it to be legally classified as rape/sexual assault.
mirage: ok imma be real u gotta ask someone else for this one. or maybe read the actual comics bc tumblr is a mess when looking for actually useful info.
catalina: ok!! ok... from my understanding there was originally going to be a full plotline about dick being in an abusive relationship with catalina, but it was rushed/cut short so that DC could put nightwing in a batman crossover event. classic. but dick had already been trying to mentor catalina for a decent while before she started abusing him. tried to /mentor/ her. her hurting him? to dick, it would likely feel like a reflection on him. that /he/ must have fucked up for her to end up doing something like that. it's left somewhat vague, but we don't have any reason to not believe cat continued to sexually abuse dick off page. we see her get him drunk and try to get him to sign marriage documents, she wants to /possess/ him. dick is incredibly dissociative throughout the aftermath, up until DC needed to force him out of his own story arc to hold daddy bat's hand. sorry lol
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