#im not gonna tag the orhers...
eldhuug · 1 year
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Favourite self made Lenny's compilation :-))
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sharpbutsoft · 4 months
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he was sweet like honey, but all I can taste is the blood in my mouth
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josephtrohman · 1 year
that was the most insane best emo night i EVER could have hoped for even with its downsides
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zeroroheichou · 5 years
My prof: ok so I’ll be in the building from 10:30 to 12:30 just make sure you come in and give me your boards by then
Me, arriving at the building at 11:15 with my boards after quite literally working all night on them, only to discover that nobody has seen the prof today:
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highqualitymercy · 6 years
Some of you have never been starved for affection and felt like all your friends were actually indifferent to your existence and it really shows
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kiora006 · 7 years
TAG 85 Thinggy... or something I dunno...
Tagged by @estrelarabyss
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
•Drink - Caprisun Fruit Punch
•Phone Call – My cutest little cousin you’ll ever see
•Text message - My Creator [Mother]
•Song You Listened To – BAKUROCK
•Time You Cried – The other day thinking how beautiful Sonya from Fire Emblem is. [Jk I never cry [[ Jk I can’t remember, probably when talking about being useful]]]
•Dated Someone Twice? – Well I’m sure I’ve marked more than 2 days on my calendar. Different months. When I get called to work. [Calendar jk]
•Kissed Someone and Regretted It – It was slobbery but honestly, she kissed from the heart, she’s like that, always happy and makes her clumsy. She’s the cutest. [Dog accidentally licked my face]
•Been Cheated On – That one time... when my “partner”... was using 3DS cheats on Monster Hunter and never told me and I was FOOLISHLY DEFENDIG THEM. DESPICABLE. PLAY A GAME WITH HONOR DAMMIT, EVEN IF YOU SUCK. Suck at it with STYLE. God I hate Monster Hunter.
•Lost Someone Special - Yes... thank you for everything... Kaori Miyazono.
•Been Depressed – Absolutely.
•Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up - Hmm... maybe if I drink enough Caprisun. For that second one, Put me on a tournament or something involving what I’m passionate about, and you’ll find me kneeling over the toilet at 5AM easily.
•Made New Friends – ... IM TRYING OK.
•Fallen Out of Love - Adios Erza Scarlet.
•Laughed Until you Cried – Until it hurts on the pit of my stomach because I never cry [jk]
•Found Out Someone Was Talking About You – Apparently I have and they seem to be pleasant for someone bitter and lonely as I. Go figure.
•Met Someone Who Changed You – I’ll never forget that doctor that actually took my depression as a medical problem and talked to me about it.
•Found Out Who Your Friends Are - Haha usually it feels like only 1 remained, the others are FOR MY FB COLLECTION MUAHAHAHA- [Jk, I casually chat with a few... maybe 2.]
•Kissed Someone on Your Facebook Friends List - My Creator [mother] demands a kiss before bedtime. She so fluffy.
•How Many of Your Facebook Friends do You Know IRL – I try to at least meet them before accepting them. Only a few selected and choosen ones have the privilege of viewing my quality shared memes, and my work.
•Do You Have Any Pets - Musashi. My cutest pure mutt breed doggo ❤️
•Do You Want to Change Your Name - Both my creators bestowed this name upon me, so I shall carry it until the end... even if it’s too long for a signature and somehow I get it wrong...????? [I do like to simplify it with a pen name when it comes to my work though. Don’t want people finding out what I do].
•What Did You do For Your Last Birthday – Survive post hurricane apocalypse the right way... DRAWING.
•What Time Did You Wake up Today – 8AM
•What Were You Doing at Midnightlast Night – Um excuse me? Who are YOU to ask how I spend my nights- watching Overwatch content.
•What is Something You Can’t Wait For - For Hayashibara Megumi to give me a call so we can do a duet and eat food afterwards. [Jk I can’t wait for the Lion King remake to PLEASE DO JUSTICE on the hyenas or at least good representation]
•What Are You Listening to Right Now – Monochrome Rainbow by Tommy Heavenly with Untold Stories of the ER on the background.
•Have You Ever Talked to a Person Named Tom – Probably but tell me about Carlos or Luis and I can make an endless list.
•Something Thats Getting On Your Nerves – MONSTER BLOODY HUNTER AND THE HAPPINESS OF MY SO CALLED “PARTNER” [Jk don’t get this the wrong way, but they certainly are a bit of an annoyance to me]
•Most Visited Website - The cursed Trinity of FB, Tumblr and Twitter.
•Hair Colour – VERY dark Brown.
•Long or Short Hair – I wanna cut it... less hair the better.
•Do you Have a Crush on Someone – [Why is Kashima so cute...?]
•What Do You Like About Yourself – Not easily impressed. I use it to try and get people to do even better.
This is a personal one but, If I get jealous with an artist, I doesn’t fule envy, instead I use it to try to better my work. A one sided rivalry.
Oh I’m also gifted in the art of ruining romantic moods so hit me up for a wedding y’all.
•Want Any Piercings? – And be a nuisance to the airport security? Don’t think so.
•Blood Type – In a letter between A to Z
•Nicknames – Depends... I go by two names with fam and when I’m outside. I can pass by with two identities MUAHAHAHAH
•Relationship Status - This question is so stale at this point.
•Zodiac - I’ll humor you this once, Scorpio.
•Pronouns - I genuinely don’t care. Call me a dude helicopter bro if ya want.
•Fave TV Shows – The Amazing World of Gumball, Pokemon, and a few others.
•Tattoos – Nah, kinda overrated a bit. I do admire the creativity in designs though.
•Ever Had Surgery - Hasn’t been required at least.
•Piercings – Regular. Earrings. Nothing more kiddos.
•Sport – I love em but unfortunately I’m not meant for physical activity.
•Drinking – That fruit punch caprisun and bottle of water I had were fantastic. 10/10 would drink again.
•Waiting For – This questionnaire to be finally over. Oh and maybe my will to draw to come back, that’d be great.
•Want - Sleep.
•Get Married – That’s for me alone to know.
•Career – An unfortunate artistic soul with a side of part time test center administrator.
•Hugs or Kisses - Neither. They’re both hard to draw.
•Lips or Eyes - Eyes. They can be fun to draw.
•Shorter or Taller - In between. Drawing proportions can be troublesome.
•Older or Younger - Around young adults. It’s the most common thing to draw.
•Nice Arms or Stomach - Is this the part I admit I admire the human body in general? It’s a very interesting art study subject.
•Hookup or Relationship - This isn’t even in my vocabulary.
•Troublemaker or Hesitant - A troublemaker that’s miss understood... it’d make for writing and interesting character. *nods *nods
•Kissed a Stranger - Who in blazes is this questionare taking me for.
•Drank Hard Liquor - I think ya ran out of questions at this point.
•Lost Glasses - They are my life. I must NOT
•Turned Someone Down - Yes. I couldn’t accept that sandwich with tomatoes. I’m sorry for failing you cheff.
•Sex on First Date - I can’t express how much no is on this single question.
•Broken Someones Heart - That’s what they get for falling for someone who didn’t want anything more than friendship.
•Had Your Heart Broken - I expected so much from Princess Mononoke. Such a shame.
•Been Arrested - I got sent to my room a few times. That counts right?
•Cried When Someone Died - I never cry [.......*sobs for Kaori]
•Fallen for a Friend - Well I one time... tripped on a friend’s leg. That sure hurt as hell.
•Yourself – They all keep telling me to do so. So I’m gonna keep making sarcastic and fake ego jokes until I sart believing it.
•Miracles - Whoah this got very personal all of a sudden
•Love at First Sight – I remember it... when I layed my eyes on her... I knew... she was the one... I WILL NEVER FORSAKE WHEN I SAW LUCINA FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THAT SSB4 TRAILER
•Santa Claus - I never believed in him.
•Kiss on a First Date - Ya first gotta find a date. Once ya got one, establish dominance. You have your space, I have mine. Don’t you dare come near me.
•Angels - Sure.
•Best Friend’s Name - CLASIFIED
•Eye Colour – Brown
•Fave Movie - Lion King.
•Fave Actor – I dunno, Chris Pratt? Oh! And Amy Poehler, she’s pretty rad.
I was half asleep finishing up answering these so I dunno what I typed on half of these so excuse me.
I tag @jessicarocket @velvetviolence @sonansu @azumarocket
And whatever orher individual... I’m tired.
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partiallystar · 6 years
kind of sexy of me to be having this bra show through my shirt. very dy
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