#im not gonna post exclusively in it but i like it it's so silly
benny-the-spaceman · 4 months
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i love good cop so much. she's my little tootsit whatsit i need to give her all my life savings. bad cop is ballin too both of the cops are awesome but good cop is my silly little guy so sorry bad cop i have a fave and it's your brother. LOOK AT HER. MY PRETTY PRINCESS. I LOVE GOOD COP 😭
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i guess benny likes good cop too (:
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
one of my favorite (/sarcastic but not really cuz its like funny idk) things in fandoms is when people make ocs or self inserts or 'x readers' being shipped with characters, but the oc/sona/reader is literally just another character from the source material.. its like youre shipping the characters but didnt want to admit it, so you made a kinsona and branded it as something else..
and its NEVER subtle, actually its super blatant every time and im always shocked when nobody points it out..
i have seen uncountable saiki k x readers where the description is like:
"saiki meets someone whose thoughts he cant read for the first time, and even though he doesnt trust her at first, she keeps proving that she is kind and has good intentions!" you mean nendo? reader is girl nendo?
"this time, he meets a girl whose thoughts honestly match up with her spoken words almost perfectly for the first time!" hairo. youre shipping saiki with girl hairo.
"saiki meets someone whose thoughts are too fast and jumbled to re-" ITS AKECHI, THATS AKECHI, ITS LITERALLY AKECHI.
"saiki meets someone whose just as immune to teruhashi as he is for the first and only tim-" this is hairo again, awe bae you secretly LOVE haisai ?!?
"saiki sees his old childhood friend for the first time in years after an incident caused them to be apart and then they fall in lov-" WHY DID YOU EVEN WRITE THIS AND NOT CALL IT SAIKECHI.
its even funnier when they say its like that characters little sister, but the way they write it is still literally just the character, like their personality, dialogue, even their relationship, is the same..
not all of them fit this exactly, but the ones that take a boy character and turn them into a girl oc to ship them with a boy, it reminds of how in equestria girls they couldnt make applejack and rarity endgame so they gave them boyfriends who looked IDENTICAL to each other.. thats what youre creating, guys, youre creating heterosexual rarijack.
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melodiafunfacts · 4 months
Welcome to Melodia Fun Facts, where we do, in fact, share fun facts about HarmoKnight! From stuff that's easily overlooked, to things you need to search the game files for, we have it all! And we're accepting submissions for things that even I might have looked over! Expect fun facts every now and then!
Stuff to know!!!
This blog is run by @phioneplatinum! If you want to see what I do outside talking about HarmoKnight facts, then feel free to see!
I go with She/Her pronouns!
These facts are all either in game, or mentioned by Game Freak themselves! [mostly in-game facts though, but do expect some outside of the game!]
This blog is not affiliated with Game Freak or All Possible Futures. This is a blog for fun!!
Want to submit a fact? Send it via the submissions box or send it in my Discord DMs! (phioneplatinum)
I have some understanding of Japanese, so expect some language difference facts too!
Fact Submission Rules! [don't worry, it's not too strict!]
All fact submissions must be things either official or seen in game.
Fact submissions must be mentioned as a fact. [ex: Fun HarmoKnight fact! (insert fact here)] If it's not a fact, please specify so I don't get confused!
Actually yeah that's it, if there's more, I'll update it.
With all that said, please enjoy the facts! :D
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
telling myself i get to buy a monster and/or a slushy today when we go out (bc we at least need to do recycling/bottle drop off and potentially groceries too since we'll be there)
bc i only slept five hours and yeah i can exist on five hours easily, have done before and god knows I'll have to in the future plenty, but also
sleeby boy deserves monster aussie lemonade bc sleeby
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burntgender · 11 days
aight yea probably should do a lil intro post to pin woooo
this blog is 18+ only!!!
my name is Hadley (well sorta but I'm in the process of trying it on and seeing if it fits but this seems like a good enough place to start with it ;3)
i'm from the UK, i'm autistic, probably a bit adhd, a freshly baked enby (non-binary), a bit of a stoner and like real fucken horny lol. oh and im non-monogamous and bi :) (or pan/whatever means you have no preference and will fuck anything that moves i just like the bi colours lol)
not on any hormones yet but i'm on the waiting list to be seen ^^
this blog is basically gonna be exclusively nsft so if you don't have your age in your bio or pinned post, or that age is under 18, please do NOT interact w/ me
given the inordinately horny nature of this blog i don't wanna be too specific with details about me, but here's a few of the things i'm interested in!:
music production!
my really cool queer friends!
doing unspeakable things to subs!
and as for the kinky stuff i rlly like, that's just below here ;3
cumplay, oral, breeding, freeuse, dom/sub, overstim and edging are my favessss ;3
runners up include cockwarming, hypno, brat taming, giving praise or degredation, marking, choking, spanking, collars, petplay, sexual worship, corruption, dumbification
voice kink (dear fucking god i adore making silly subs whimper)
putting large things in my butt, though my body makes me unable to do that often
Penis Haver™, but i would 100% have both if i could and may medically pursue that some day
i'm a switch and can exist on complete opposite ends of the scale at the same time and it gets very confusing sometimes but god it's fun
i'm ~6'3" and WILL bully you for being smaller than me ;3333
that's everything i can think of rn but i'll inevitably think of something later and update this post ^^
(no blood/ws/unsanitary pls)
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theatreofwysteria · 6 months
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Dotty enjoying summer :DDD (it is summer to me, do not break my illusion.)
I'm gonna do what i always do.
I'm gonna talk at you abt things that arent dottore (or genshin) related at all yaaaay,
okay so ive been working on chapter covers for my story since i'll be posting it like *exclusively* on artfol and nowhere else (infinite text yooooo)
literally no one cares, none of you are gonna read my silly goofy story but YEAAAH COVER IMAGESSS 🔥🔥🔥
this is only the first 9 / 15 so. bit more work to do lol
also any suggestions for books with good fighting scenes would be nice pls and thank youuuuv!! i realised the reason im struggling so hard is because i'm only knowledgable of fight scenes in comics (my comic had many fight scenes but that doesnt mean i know how they work rjjfjjrejzjsjs) i could rlly benefit from some writing with nice fight scenes frfr
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ashes-onthewind · 3 months
I like green, shush
Hiya! My name is Ash! Please use exclusively he/him
my ask games are: here, here
go reblog this if you would :3 or this
"famous" posts i have: baikal seals, trahearne appreciation,
context for my blog title
my pfp is a commission from @honeybyte !!
I hate longass pinned posts so! The rest is under the cut, motherfuckers
I write and draw sometimes over at @kickintheleaves! I reblog emotes I want to use on @ashess-inthewind, my as of yet inactive BBC Merlin sideblog is @resident-merthur-enthusiast , and my contribution to the gimmickverse is @irate-art, which is currently inactive while I get my shit together :( I've got stuff to queue on it when I have time but yeah feel free to tag me on any of these!
My tags are as follows: (never consistent)
# ash asks <- for when I send other people asks
# ash answers <- for when I answer other asks
# ash draws <- for finished art pieces
# ash scribbles <- for every art, including sketchy little doodles!
# ash rambles <- for my original posts and long comments
# ash comments <- for when I shpeak on a reblog
# tumblr heritage <- for classic posts I've gotten on my blog!
# not my art <- might tag it sometimes when I remember, usually I fast-reblog though
# might just write this <- things I want to write
# might just draw this <- you'll never guess. things I want to draw. waow
# into the archives <- something I want to come back to later, usually a reference
My friend tags are, in no order and not a full list:
# my silly <3 <- @/retsameki, my girlfriend <3
# potato stick <- @/irishfry
# sir morphy <- @/mrmorphea
# bee juice <- @/honeybyte
# cactiddies <- @/cactus-with-boobs
# the rats <- @/fivemillionrats
# bardbucks <- @/v3ntissecrets now @/banhamm3r-r3al
the rest of yall just get username tags im too lazy for that shit anymore
#lunarsys <- @/thelunarsystemshares / @/thelunarsystemwrites
@/vampiricram my bestie
If you want a friend tag u gotta ask im not gonna do them much anymore
Enjoy the chaos!
I'll make this pretty eventually I promise lol
Miscellaneous Links
Secret Dashboards
Radar (my dog!) pictures here
Adobe analog
Art references here, here, and here
What to cook when you have no food at home
dunkin lesbians
Heritage posts I managed to get on my blog
The guy who forgot to turn on anon to send himself hate mail
ice pack or pee, the endless question
list of tumblr folklore
while you studied the blade
Important information
Esk*mo is a slur
How to adult
Be careful before donating
colour calibrate your monitor!
Prompts and stuffses
Writing prompts here, here, here, here, here
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meowish-teabag · 10 days
intro post :D
idk how to do this... eruhgrg... hello im kahei :D strange enstarrie guy idk how its actually pronounced but i would like "kah-hai" other interests include (not limited to): honkai star rail, genshin impact, zombie land saga, bungo stray dogs, vanitas no carte, project sekai
might post about ships i enjoy so theres your warning for that or smth
art and/or edits may include mildly suggestive or slight blood stuff
he/him pronouns for me please! i am a minor!
probably mostly gonna be yapping, shitposts, card edits, or art from time to time 🤔 reblogs too
website (please check out): https://totallynotacat.neocities.org/
eng only
feel free to ask questions with the little ask me anything thing i think it would be fun LOL just nothing like... super nsfw or personal thats weird (again, im a minor)
idr have a dni cause in the end i cant stop you or anyone from interacting but just be decent
dnf if you post exclusively nsfw, gore, that stuff idk
byi uhm my personality is considerably like nina iseri and leo tsukinaga (imo at least) but a bit more silly or smth so do with that what you will heart /sar
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lion-buddy · 22 days
yeah i saw!!!
everyone over at bird site [derogatory] was posting abt it lol. i didnt realize it was gonna happen so soon.
some stuff was revealed that i want to mention, but to avoid spoiling ppl itll be under the cut
while i havent been watching wonderful actively, i have been keeping track of it from the sidelines and asking friends their opinions on it. seems silly and fun! the villains and conflict seem interesting too, and i find it funny that no one seems to trust the unicorn thing lol. aside from general character dynamics thats about the extent of my knowledge on the series. im planning on checking out the movie once its up on sites, which who knows when thatll happen. i think its scheduled for international release by the end of october but idk if thats accurate to the US. bleh.
the one thing i was looking forward to with wonderful was seeing what they were going to do with daifuku. i know the theory was mid season cure, but now i think everyones confused?? it seems like he and satoru are getting some sort of role in the movie, but im unsure if theyre supposed to be precure. i wont lie, their designs dont really feel like precure outfits. something feels missing when i look at them, especially when put next to the others. maybe theyre too simple? idk. i do like their hats tho, and daifuku's civilian outfit is cute. but maybe theyll grow on me, or maybe theyll just be movie exclusive. we'll just have to wait and see
im also very interested in seeing what they do with the 3D aspect, i think its a medium that will tie in well with the video game theme. ive watched all stars memories, and that movie has some super cool 3D animation. im hoping they can do something fun like that again.
prediction, when i do watch the movie i think im gonna end up liking natsuki lol. idk what her role is supposed to be exactly, she may just end up being one note. but i really like her design, the mask is so gender.
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
i think its hilarious people are calling m cb’s girlfriend when that horny mfer is still liking half naked insta models pics as of a day or two ago. if he had a gf he wouldn’t (i hope) disrespected her like that. whereas i think sg and k are probably together or at least in the early stages bc they definitely seem cutesy together whereas all pics of cb and m (including nye) have ‘we’re just having fun’ vibes. also the way m is dressing and still posting on insta, she’s definitely not giving off ‘i have a bf’ vibes.
people just stiring drama (not u, ofc. ur the only snc blog i keep up with bc you have reasonable answers to this stuff) in the tag calling both girls the ‘girlfriends’ lol
plus as a personal observation as someone who’s only known who snc are since october, cb doesnt strike me as someone who will settle down before 30 (if he ever wants to). hes 27 now right? maybe in the coming years he might start wanting something solid but he strikes me as someone who isnt looking for that rn. idk im 29 this year and im sort of in the same boat. like only the last 6 months have i been thinking ok its probably time to find someone…
i mean, i would assume he'd not do that either, but i think it also depends on what m feels like. she might not care. also there are a lot of girls colby is just friends with, and he'll like their scantily clad pics so idk about it being an issue.
and as for what she wears, again, i don't think that matters. colby doesn't seem like the type to want his girl to fully cover up or whatever. and also, just bc you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to dress conservatively. you still have the same body underneath, whether or not you show it off. and if she feels confident, who gives a fuck what colby thinks lol
but as i've stated before, idk how serious m and colby could be. they've only known each other since sam's bday. so they've only been together for a month and some change so… eh. if they want to be together forever, so be it. that's awesome. if not, it is what it is.
as for sam and k/la girl, yeah idk about them either. they've seemingly been together since septemberish. so, it could be serious and lead to something more committed. or it could just be a silly fling that lasts for a bit of time and then ends. but i hope they enjoy whatever time they do spend together.
colby has had almost exclusively flings since 2016 after he broke up with his only girlfriend (or he claims to be his only girlfriend). he has a lot that he needs to work on internally before he starts committing to anyone. he himself has said that basically. so i don't see him settling down anytime soon, but who knows. and same thing with sam. he just got out of a long relationship, so my first thought would not be to jump into another one. but he also has said he's a monogamous person and likes being in relationships. so… it's a bit up in the air for both of them. but i don't see them settling down any time soon.
and as for me, there's always been just a lot going on in my life so i've never really taken time to focus on my love life. or the couple times i have, it's been unrequited and heartache. however, i'm very happy i didn't date when i was younger bc i genuinely hated myself for a long time. and i just know i would have tolerated a lot more bc i didn't care about me and just didn't want to be alone. like i was borderline abused by dudes i wasn't even seeing back then. now, i love myself (for the most part lol) and have no issues being alone. and i also know what i want. and if a man, or woman, ever tried anything with me, i'll just leave lmao
i would like to get married in the future, but it definitely isn't gonna be this year or most likely the next sksk
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emerxshiu · 9 months
kirby doodle dump (+ some small animation tests)
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(this one from today) this dude lives rent free in my head, still trying to make his gijinka more interesting, i dunno, also trying to draw other types of hair, mainly curly (main reason i even wanted to change the one i had) here im just practicing, hold on im rambling and going in cir- next
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remember last post when i said i was gonna drop some kirby doodles but choose to draw other stuff instead, from this one to down, these are those doodles. i scrambled to search for my crayons but i coulnt find my blues and purples, and also my pink, at least i have the others. sometimes i get the need to draw with stuff like that, im thinking about buying pastels, i rlly like the art i see with them, but im afraid i might not like using them that much and end up wasting money, it has happened quite a few times with stuff like acrylics.
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he will.
welp, already knew abt the story, i just bought deluxe for the epilogue (fun fact, rtdldeluxe released on the 24 of february (if i remember correctly) two days before my birthday, needles to say i ate good that day (and also because the sploon3 dlc would drop two days later too) i also have a exclusive rtdldx poster for the pre-order :3 )
aaand then i procrastinated it and basically took up almost a year to finish the main mode and magoland missions, then beat magolor epilogue in like 4 hours, already kinda talked abt magolor epilogue in another post so basically, loved it, wish there was more stages there or to be abe to even further upgrade abilities.
rn im doing extra mode (a bit reluctant because im only doing it for the 100%) not rlly liking that mode a lot, but its ok, bad thing is that ill have to do the true missions in magoland, its gonna be a pain
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first i was gonna make it a gijinka, but i didnt like how it was turning out so i did it with normal kirbs, i think it was suppossed to have some inplied kirfluff, i forgor
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the grimm reaper and loaf, felt way too lazy to do fluff too so he's just there with the text, i love epic yarn so much, i have tried emulating it but it either requieres me to have a wii remote or runs like absolute shit. im thinking about someday getting a 3ds, not just for epic yarn, robobot, triple deluxe and also because i always wanted to try flipnote (it seems cool!) but that is if im lucky enough to find them at a good condition and affordable price
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digital doodle instead, was gonna make an animation but got too lazy, im so inconsistent with my shading
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i did make this animation, its more of a test, but it didnt work out that well
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i do have this silly one tho
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plaquerat · 2 months
Hiii I have been seeing your strong Cumulus posts and I have been eating them UP and I also saw the post that may or may not be vagueing your post (the one that's like let fat people be fat or whatever) and on my life I really think that there's no winning with writing about fat characters!! So we shall just continue to have fun and do what we please!! Also I am so sorry for how kind of out of hand this is gonna get but I think ur really neat and I don't like to see you feel bad and I have a lot of feelings so pls just ignore if this is overwhelming 🙏
But anyway, no winning when talking about fat characters... Like with strength:
If fat Cumulus is strong, people will say let her be weak! She doesn't have to be strong to 'apologize' for being fat! But also if you write Cumulus as weak, then people can go the other way and be like ugh fat people can be strong too! In fact many are! This is such a fatphobic take!
And im here with the extremely loud incorrect buzzer for everyone! Lmao everyone relax!! We are here to be fun and silly and!!! Perhaps!!! Even horny!!!!!! I think quite a few people are too eager to read posts in bad faith because of the weird little morality police officer in their head that won't let them just scroll past something they don't like? Also idk how to even say this how I mean but like the energy of wanting to defend people against fatphobia (or ableism or homophobia or you name it) is GREAT but also if there's no discretion with what's made from love and what's made from hate (internalized or blatant or whatever) and you just go after any little thing then there will be NO writing or drawing or art in general of fat characters and idk how to express that that is literally infinitely worse to me?? Like pls don't bully people into silence even if that's not what you think you're doing my loves it really can turn into people just giving up and doing nothing at all! A direct and kind conversation about what is bothering you is waaaaay more effective and may reveal that in fact you agree about many things!!
BUT what's so wonderful is that there are sooooo many nice and lovely people and what else is wonderful is that I am deeply in love with Cumulus and every iteration people want to share oh my LORD I am a winner no matter what!! Strong Cumulus my beloved weak Cumulus my beloved mom friend Cumulus my beloved mean Cumulus my beloved weird Cumulus my beloved I can't lose!!! I'm here to have fun and I keep that front of mind and it's so good for me! And if I don't like something?? That's just not for me, actually! I shall scroll along!
Anyway a lot of people must learn to relax and have fun and stop making problems where there aren't any! You also don't have to have the excuse that you're a lesbian and you love women and you want strong Cumulus to carry you it's literally fine to just write whatever you want about a character you love this is all fiction and fun and we are here to share our love! Uuugh I'm gonna stop now before I get weird and sentimental but anyway don't let anyone get you down too bad the important thing is to have fun and adore Cumulus!!!!!! And be nice to each other!!!!!
Truly. Truly, truly. I'll complain about things but ultimately they don't affect me. I think if anything it's really great people have so many different takes. We're playing toys. I was just so ?????? when I saw that post that feels like a vague like hdbghjs i very much make my posts with myself in mind first. "Apologizing" for being fat by being strong is such an insane like. thing because I'm very much. I mean I've said it plenty. I'm like exclusively attracted to fat people. I should be allowed to make this beautiful fat woman strong.
I do think there are explicitly harmful headcanons ie a lot of infantilization allistic people can have toward autistic characters but most headcanons like. Aren't meant to do harm. Most of the time it comes deeply from love for a character. I'll side-eye stuff like mom friend Cumulus but like that's really the furthest huh. Not gonna let it ruin my day. I know I can come across as kinda mean but I'm just blunt with my words and if I'm on my own blog I'm gonna rattle off thoughts since you know. Basically infinite journal. and it helps knowing I'm not alone in opinions I have but good lord we all (me included) should calm down more.
I think fandom culture's shift to being like. Ahhh I don't know what to call it. Like character takes Define You as a person and people Need To Be Right. And it sucks because with Ghost the lore is. Not super duper deep or rigid and with ghouls specifically there's literally nothing. Everything people do with them is made up. it's like- it's like when you play Pokemon. My team isn't going to be the same as your team and you use what you like and some people get way to into it.
It's been said to death but let's all try to be nicer to each other. Life is scary. It's not worth it to fight over things that don't matter when you can be putting joy and love out into the world. Let's not forget how Papa himself tells us how to treat each other, huh?
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canneddolts · 1 year
i need to talk abt my stupid playlist
ignore that its youtube i dont like spotify. its songs that remind me of the half lifers so not really a character playlist but i have Reasons that id like to expadn on (under the cut its so long)
goinog from bottom to top oldest to newest (ill probably edit this later on..muhahaha) (PS every barney here is blue shift exclusive idk a thing abt hl2 guy...)
more than a feeling: i found my first ever boston song on guitar hero arcade and i feel like gordon would be rly into guitar hero. this is repeated many times. also it j reminds me of them
dont you forget abt me: ok im starting to kinda hate this song but it was the original them song too......i forgot why (it was also in one of my gmods i think)
take a chance on me: i posted this stupid barney image to this song & it stuck so much also PLEASE banrey JUST ONE CHANCE GIVE M
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ok next 3 (true & the sun always shines on tv & i want to know what love is) theyre all just them songs too.....i posted them to those songs too when i was Just Getting Into Halflifing and idk
OH ALSO ALSO the sun shines on tv reminds me of the truman show & i saw a lot of parallels btwn him and gordons whole Thing so therefore. gordon song. ALSO I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUUGHGHHHHH its so pretty and so good and such a good story and AARGH
mud on the tires: dont look at m
italian medley: I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!????!?
cant fight this feeling: i heard it on the radio during driving lessons while i was at the Point where everything reminded me of barney. so..i could do some deep analysis (same w half this playlist but i feel silly doing so)
bulls on parade: bwaowo ptch waowao THE MICROPHONE EXPLODE (i had a video idea w gordon) (ALSO another guitar hero song for mr freeman)
owner of a lonely heart: they are losers
call me: guh. i like this song
ogrodu serce: again.....i heard it on the radio in my barney stage. i also hc'd him with a super thick southern polish accent for a while (?) i was gonna put oczy zielone bc Ha! Gordon freeman green eyes but i dont like that song
007 WOAH why were the numbers so big??!!!: i really haveno idea....something something security guard
somebodys watching me: THAT ONE FUCKING HALF LIFE FANART ILL REBLOG IT AGAINAGAINAGAINAGAIN AFTER THIS POST I LOVE IT SO BAD!!!!!!! its so good and so ppgpfhddbdhbbhjbhjbhjvbhjdbhjbhj AAAAGH i like thsi song too but its always gonna remind me of mr freeman
unwritten: dude Idk. barney though
arthur intro idk: the video w gman singing it to alyx....so real so true idk much abt her but im getting hl2 from the library soon MUUAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA (this is one of the half life specific songs)
just the way you are: hey you guys remember the video of barney;s va as the gecko singing dont goooo changinnnah. its also a gordon song bc it was in my gordon stasis gmod vid
the picard video: barney has a star wars voiceline ("Have you seen the new IG-88?" (the droid)) and i think hed like sci fi in general....idk anything abt either franchises though spare me
out of touch: i had a vision of them luckystar dancing to this song while eating cereal
lay all your love on me: i like this song & barney is very abba fan to me
even the nights are better: again again...i heard it on the radio
waiting for tonight: this video of the american idol gba game was stuck in my head for days & i feel like barney would be a bad singer. his voice acter is super good at singing cough go to mike shapiro soundcloud NOW cough so i think the opposite would be funny
escape (the pina colada song): barney.. if you like pina coladaaas
baby come back: uuurrggggh gordon freeman 20 year stasis uuurrrr
cheri cheri lady: another gman singing this video also i like this song!!!!!
the sign: real
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
Unofficial Mod Mai’s gender headcanons list since other people are doing it. (+ a fun extra headcanon that is very random)
Ichika: Demigirl (She tried to get her cactus to grow blue flowers once so they were like Miku.)
Saki: Transneutral/Non-binary/Doesnt give a fvck about gender (They needed braces for a few years)
Honami: Transfem (Likes fruit punch)
Shiho: Transfem (Cuts her own hair)
Minori: Pangender (Tried to cut her hair to look like Haruka’s hair once. It did not go well.)
Haruka: Honestly I can’t decide for her. I like Transfem and Transmasc Haruka so… their gender is whatever Im feeling like it is. (Her favorite color is purple.)
Airi: Transneutral (As a child she had a pet rock named Saku and treated it like it was alive. She fed it and everything.)
Shizuku: Demigirl (Her phone wallpaper is set as Haruka. She had to get Airi to help her change it though. And yes this is shizuharu propaganda)
Kohane: Transfem (Sometimes forgets to put her contacts in and can’t find her glasses so she just can’t see for the day.)
An: Transfem (Im gonna be honest I can’t come up with anything for her. Sorry…)
Akito: Honestly I can’t decide for him but thats because I just. Haven’t looked enough into his character to make a decision and man he could be anything. (I also dont have a random headcanon for him sorryyyyyy)
Toya: Demiboy (He sometimes accidentally does the :3 smile)
Tsukasa: Non-binary (His bed is 70% plushies, 10% pillows, and 20% space for him to sleep on. He insists this is very comfortable.)
Emu: Transfem but doesn’t care what you call her (Bought a whole store because Rui mentioned they needed a part from there for their next robot. This also might be emurui propaganda…)
Rui: Transfem but prefers they/them pronouns (With said store Emu bought, Rui started exclusively buying parts for their robots from there unless an absolutely necessary part wasn’t stocked there.)
Nene: Demigirl (Now owns seven game systems because Emu overheard that she wanted another system. Emunene propaganda maybe? I prefer it platonically but ehhhh I’m a multishipper…)
Kanade: Transfem (A bit clingy towards Honami… heheheheheheh honakana is cute…)
Mafuyu: Agender (Their real smile is similar to Rui’s. The whole :3 thing you know.)
Mizuki: Transfem (Has started to do the :3 smile occasionally because of how often she spends time with Rui. This just might be Ruimizu propaganda…)
Ena: Transmasc (Slightly fearful of Honami because of her art.)
BONUS!!!! A couple of NPC’s!!!
Riho: Transfem (Likes to doodle while coming up with new songs)
Reki: Transmasc (Unfortunately I dont really have anything for him. But he is very silly to me.)
No Mai because, frankly, I do not remember what I last said my headcanons for her were and I do not want to confuse you guys (I tend to be very flexible with some of my headcanons, especially gender ones, so yeah…)
- Unofficial Mod Mai
should we make a tag for gender headcanon posts
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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viksalos · 1 year
ok anyway i’m gonna draft this cus this might just be me getting mad about a thing that is very specific to me idk
basically i saw a post (and it really doesn’t matter who wrote it cus it’s more than a year old now and it didn’t even break 300 notes) which was making fun of people for claiming to have religious trauma when OP assumed they hadn’t been to X amount of catholic services. this by itself is a bit silly bc catholics gatekeeping religious trauma as being exclusive to them is obviously myopic, but one of the tags was like “you don’t have religious trauma you have ptsd from familial abuse that used religion against you” and im like. i fail to see how that’s not religious trauma?
like i’ve said before on this blog, my religious education was primarily reform jewish via my mom with smatterings of various christian denominations mostly via my dad; you could not measure any amount of “christian religious trauma” i have by continuous service attendance but like yeah my experience of christianity is still primarily one of punishment, alienation, antisemitism, supersessionism. and like sure, my dad is a dipshit who never stuck with anything for very long including going to any one church, so no that trauma does not include X hours of christian education or whatever. but boy oh boy did he still like weaponizing our “christian heritage” when i exhibited any proximity to judaism!
and i also feel like *part of* my difficulty with christianity is specifically not knowing what the fuck christians are talking about when they talk about concepts that are seemingly basic to them and having to piece it together after the fact from the random smattering of things i *do* know. and these concepts are just woven in the fabric of US society; everyone seems to understand them instinctively but me! or like i’ll be talking with my (ex-)christian friends about our various bad run-ins with christianity and then it’ll be my turn to talk and they’ll look at me like i have three heads because they can’t conceive of religious trauma that’s specifically centered around christian antisemitism. or i’ll be talking with my jewish friends and because *they* had a more rigorous or conservative jewish education, i won’t fit in with them either--and this too can be partially due to religious trauma on their part!
i guess the other thing too is, this post was kind of in keeping with a different post i saw about protestants appropriating catholic iconography when trying to make art about *their* religious trauma. and on the one hand it’s funny to me that we’re supposed to care about the trappings of a colonial institution being appropriated, on the other hand it’s funny as an outside observer cus i do think the iconography they listed as examples are more alike between catholicism and protestantism than they are different. like i remember some of the examples were stained glass and gothic churches (protestants also have those; i live in a city with many protestant gothic churches) and multi-eyed and winged angels (those are described in the tanakh; they are not exclusive to either of you).
and like maybe it’s corny but i do think they have become kind of signaling things for people with religious trauma to find each other and talk about their experiences. are these particular symbols necessarily 100% authentic to everyone’s experience? probably not, but 1.) they make cool art, and 2.) the looming and foreboding nature of some of these symbols (i’m thinking of the exteriors of gothic churches especially) can be evocative of the sense of alienation one feels when you’ve definitively decided you no longer want anything to do with the church, but it’s still ever present. imo these types are mad because they want exclusive use of the cool art symbolism more than they want to facilitate community. if you wanted to say that art symbolism is not a solid basis for a community, THAT would be an argument i’d respect, but that’s not what y’all said.
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