#im not gonna expend energy sweating about it til it happens
ludinusdaleth · 1 month
i think we've very firmly hit the "c2 fan breaking point" of this campaign where the fanbase can tell the end of the campaign is probably nearing and thus are racing to conclusions & going into doomerism. and as someone who survived whatever the hell the reaction to c2's percieved ending was before the last episode even happened, i am going to tell yall, it's really best to wait til the end of it for proper judgement. if people were surprised that c2 could decently wrap up a multitude of plot points in about 3 episodes (when most folk realized c2 was ending via matts announcement), i think c3 has a lot more going for it to wrap up its threads, in infinitely more than 3 episodes. even if you didnt like c2's ending it made incredible fools out of those who freaked out and assumed it would end with no connection to anything past the nonagon, and i can see folk running to that now for c3 as if most of the cast is not on the worlds most high alert that a hammer is about to drop and something massive is about to unfold that requires their hardest work.
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