#im not gonna do the translations because its 1 am
simptasia · 3 days
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LOST: Season One
#lost#abc lost#lost one cap per ep#this was a project i was gonna do anyways but the timing worked out that i could post the first one on the 20th anniversary!#this is one cap per ep every season. from left to right. and this is important: its not a cap that sums up each ep#its a cap that REPRESENTS each ep. the way i choose them varies every episode#sometimes its an utterly iconic moment. sometimes it reps the theme of the ep. or it hits with a theme of the character themselves#sometimes the cap i use won't even involve the character whose centric episode it is. trust me. this makes sense#anyways i'll give a good example: for outlaws i was so tempted to use a shot of the judgemental soulful gaze of the boar#or perhaps sawyer in the rain after he shot that man#but! i used that shot of sawyer's dads legs as sawyer is hiding under the bed. i feel it worthy because this moment. this scene#is literally a core part of sawyer. it's a defining moment of his backstory. of his character. so yeah. makes sense yeah?#anyways some eps had Too Much going on (lord i could make one of these for exodus part 1 alone) and some not enough#or well they DID but like lacked in caps that Hit in the way im thinking. thank heavens charlie shot ethan cuz i was worried about that ep#i was like ''aw shit what am i gonna use'' and then an iconic lost moment happened kjhfdsjkhfd#anyways. there are 25 eps in season one. so im really glad that the last ep contains one of the moment iconic visuals/moments in all of los#oh i should add that these caps are unedited. i did not fuck with the colours or saturation in any way#i found 'em and i pieced them together. this is harder than it sounds. i browsed through all the screencaps of every ep of season one#and i will do so the remaining five seasons#some of these were super easy like i knew what cap i'd be using before i even started (eg. do no harm. the moth. in translation)#but some took some real Thinking. and some eps even had several caps that would have worked. this has all been quite interesting#also yeah. y'all already know damn well what cap i'm using for the very last episode
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hockeyisforthegays · 6 months
if it weren't for the language difference (and the fact that i've now left it longenough that i think yuuji "noticing" it at this point would be weird) i would absolutely do something in heroine with the fact that teen!gojo uses ore and adult!gojo uses boku. because that's something that drives me crazy about him
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
all my attention part 1
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warnings- swearing, smoking, fights (mention of blood), gets a bit sad toward the end
words: 4.8k (im sorry)
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well. anyways enjoy its my first Kaultiz fic so maybe a little everywhere but please read and enjoy 🤍
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I sat backstage messing around with my mic waiting to do sound check, I love my job and I'm lucky to be doing this at 17 but I do miss laying in bed all morning and not having to worry about what I look like constantly "Y/n we need you now!" our stage directer called to me pulling me from my thoughts, I stood fixing my sweatpants around my hips and carried myself to stage were Gustav was sat taping away at his drums "okay just need to go through where you'll stand in schrei" I nodded waiting for the man to decide "go top left" I complied and made my way to the corner near to the blonde boy
"does my snare sound normal to you?" I herd Gustav ask then a loud hit on the skin of the drum, it was lower sounding then usual
"no.. maybe tighten it again" he nodded and began playing with the bolts at the side
"Y/n can you speak into your mic" he asked sitting on one of the plastic chairs in the pit
"hellllooooo" I spoke getting a laugh from the drummer
"perfect...okay your done can you send Georg out" I nodded walking back out wiping my eyes as I made my way into our backstage room, 'quickest sound check ever' I thought to myself
"Georg they need you" he huffed rolling his eyes and grabbing his bass
"its way to early for all this" I agreed "its half fucking six!" he grumbled leaving the room, my attention turned to the only other person in the room, Tom, he was slouched on the sofa with his dreads freely sat on his head, we near enough had the same outfit on except he was wearing no shirt, as usual
"how did it go?" he spoke looking up to me to which I shrugged "oh Bill wont be back till like 12 he has meetings and vocal shit to do"
"I thought, anyways how was yours?" I spoke referring to the soundcheck
"well my guitar wouldn't come through the speaker, then the mic cut and I tripped so, perfect" I laughed at his words "anyways wanna smoke?"
"yeah" I hummed seeing him stand and grab his cigarettes from my bag I brought with me, we pushed the exit doors open and walked into the warm morning air that was finally in Germany, it felt like it had been winter for ages but finally It was warming up "I don't know whether I feel like performing tonight" I sighed as he handed me a cigarette, I brought it to my lips and he lit it for me
"why not? you love it" he was right but today just felt like... not a good day to do anything "you'll be fine when we get out there, I know you will"
"I just.. I don't know" I hummed breathing white smoke from my lips
"is it because of Brian?" Tom spoke making my head snap to him
"Brian! no of course not, me and him were done weeks ago I don't fucking care about him" I defended
"because you know he's gonna be their tonight Y/n. look I'm not the one to usually say this but nobody else is saying it- you broke up only two weeks ago and you've ignored what your feeling"
"fuck Kaulitz you're going soft" he laughed taking a drag "and I don't have a 'feeling'"
"I don't give a shit.. wait no I give a shit about you, not him, but honestly are you okay?" he spoke placing an arm over my shoulder to which I sighed again resting my head on him
"i...no, but I don't wanna think of it uno, he made me believe he loved me and that he was the one but all I saw was him hitting it off with a stupid bimbo" Tom's grip tightened comforting me "am I that bad?" I asked laughing solemnly
"I mean.. I" Tom began with a sly smile
"fuck off" I laughed shoving the dreaded man
"hey! I'm joking" he rolled his eyes at my childishness
"but I am sexy as fuck, I have piercings, fuck I dye my hair and yet I'm not better than a skanky, badly blonde haired big lipped whore" Tom shook his head stamping out his cigarette to which I followed
"well tonight play like the git isn't there and if anything find a fan pull them up and kiss their god-damn lips" Tom was a bastard for revenge, when his last girlfriend broke up with him (many years ago) he slept with 5 girls and sent her a picture with the caption 'pussy4ever' I looked back to the boy as he began to speak again "or kiss me?" he smiled wriggling his eyebrows
"yeah sure I will Thomas" we both laughed, in fairness we always found ourselves subtly flirting with one another but never really meant it, the little jokes, touchiness, it was all good fun. We walked back inside and watched as Gustav came off stage swirling drum sticks around his fingers and Georg with a grumpy look across his face
"whats wrong with you sunshine?" Tom spoke holding the backstage room door open for me which I whispered a 'thank you' and sat onto the brown, cold, leather sofa
"fucking bass wouldn't link!" he groaned going to the fridge in the corner and pulled out a water "every time we kept trying and in the end it was the wrong line" Georg slammed against the wall and hit his head
"dude calm down its fixed now" Gustav spoke looking at the bassist who was in no need of being told to 'calm down' Tom sat himself next to me and rested an arm around the back of the sofa occasionally tapping my shoulder and laughing every time I looked to see who it was, we all sat in a comfortable silence all In our own worlds- I was worried for tonight, seeing Brian again is making feel like I need to be sick, I just hoped I wouldn't mess up my parts.
we were all quickly pulled from our heads and turned to the door where Felix our stage director was stood "we need you all, don't bring your stuff" he spoke in a hurry and running back to who knows where, we all sighed internally and stood up. Being closest to the door I held it open for the other 3 but they all waited
"just go-"
"Y/n we have this argument all the time" Gustav pushed me through the door before I could even argue back and they followed out laughing as I shoved the drummer back with a yelp leaving his mouth. We made it to the stage and walked to the middle, the feeling in my stomach got considerably worse as for the first time I realised how big the show was going to be my eyes curled around the room I couldn't even see the end of the building
"what are we doing?" Tom asked coming to stand next to me and resting his arm on my shoulder as for him I was 'perfect arm height'
"well I need to explain lights to you-" we all gave a small look to one another, nobody want to stand and listen to how the lights will be during the set but we also all knew we had no choice "so when you-" I acted like I was listening but I faded away, I stared right threw Felix and I imagined Brian instead, those fucking dark blue eyes, curly brown hair and that emotionless face he pulled when he said 'we're over' it's been 2 weeks since it happened and Tom was right I didn't really show that I was upset in front of anyone or how the moment haunts me, but they don't see what happens behind closed doors...
"Y/n" I herd a whisper into my ear and I looked to the boy beside me, his eyes looked worried "we need a few minuets" Tom's voice cracked through what Felix was saying and before the older man could interject I was pulled away back behind the curtain "you need tissue" he spoke, my forearm still in his hand as he dragged me into the bathroom next to our backstage room
"Tom I'm fine" he shook his head pulling toilet roll off and folding Into a square
"so do please tell me why you're crying?" I sighed, I knew he wouldn't stop till he got an answer or something from me
"strobes make me emotional" I spoke looking to the floor but he wasn't playing around
"look at me" he commanded but my head wouldn't let me, and I just stared to my shoes "please" at that it was like a release button was pressed and my head snapped up, our eyes met straight away but vision became watery "talk to me-"
"what did I do Tom? I tried everything, he had everything he said he wanted, and he's the only fucking one who's ever wanted me for me, not because of you four guys, not because of my work or money, he wanted me!" I sobbed as for the first time I finally told someone how I really felt "I haven't said a thing but to know he'll be here tonight makes me feel like shit- I can't look at him Tom, after everything we did and for him... for him to say its over and the same night fuck a girl kills me every day! I loved him and this is what I got-" I called in an almost scream, I leant against the wall and slid down until I could feel the tile on my legs and I just held my head, crying into my palms
"I know, and I know its going to be hard babe I know" he spoke and I felt his hand stroke my head "and he wont be the only one to ever want you, so many people will, I promise, you can find someone so much better- fuck sake you're Y/n Y/l/n!. and tonight we'll play the best we ever have just to show him, and I swear to fuck he tries anything on you, he'll be dead" I nodded finally lifting my head and looking towards the boy who just opened his arms for me while crouching, quickly I jumped to him which for the first time in a while- I felt at peace
"yeah..yeah we will" I breathed hiding my face in his neck
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6:00pm (one hour before the show)
"HELLO!" a voice rung into the room followed by a spiky haired boy who walked through the door "fuck me its dull in here" he laughed coming over to sit on his make-up chair
"where the fuck were you!" Tom called to his twin In a angry tone
"meetings and voice stuff" the other brother came back with
"you said you'd be back by 12!" Tom shouted
"I got caught up alright get over it I'm here!" Bill rolled his eyes and slipped of his shirt and began changing for the show, I decided it'll be best if I did the same, the other 3 were ready anyways
"I'll be back" I spoke getting up and going to my bag pulling my outfit out and walking to the bathroom. I locked the door and stared at myself in the mirror, my hair really needed a re-dye, the Y/H/C was really starting to fade, moving on I took off my vest and bra and pulled a lacy black one out and slipped it over me so I didn't have to unclip it, I saw a glimmer of light in the bag and pulled it out seeing a matching thong 'Fucking Clair' I smiled to myself and quickly slipped it on, I did look good I couldn't lie, I posed in the mirror and fixed my hair around my head- I needed a photo "CAN SOMEONE GRAB MY PHONE!" I called waiting to hear a knock as I combed through my hair with my nails
"here- woah" I herd a voice behind me say and I quickly turned seeing Tom looking me up and down with a smirk appearing on his face "who's that for?" he asked leaning against the door frame, his eyes set on my body
"well first of all- how did you get in I locked it, secondly its not for you Kaulitz so don't get you're hopes up" I spoke facing him and his eyes only widened "get out Tom" I laughed seeing him raise his hands in defence
"hey! don't blame me" he smiled placing the phone on the side and walking out and shutting the door which I promptly locked smiling at the idiocy of the boy "dudes she is in a thong!" I herd Tom telling the rest to which they all 'ooo'ed at
"CREEPS" I shouted hearing an up roar of laughter, I rolled my eyes and carried on pulling the phone up and snapping a few pictures of myself, then I grabbed the skirt which just about covered anything and a white top which usually matched Tom's as we decided we'd being doing that for the next few shows. I left the bathroom holding my old clothes and phone and saw all their heads spin to the door "god you guys need to get some pussy or something" I grinned seeing them all blush
"do a twirl Y/n" Bill spoke re-directing the conversation and so I did and he clapped when I bowed
"don't do that on stage if you're facing the crowd" Gustav smirked "I just saw your ass and I don't think your mother would be impressed if that happened"
"good call, someone write- don't bend at audience!" Georg spoke settling in his seat, we all sat and could hear the faint chats of the audience that was arriving, I began pacing around the room humming my lyrics to myself over and over
"smoke?" Tom asked to which I passed him out the door and waited for him outside, the cool night air hitting my skin "here- you need to calm the fuck down" I nodded taking the cig out the box
"I just don't wanna mess up" he smiled at me, lighting the end of the tobacco and then his own "what if they boo me or leave?"
"babe they won't" his hand wrapped around my waist and held me gently "everyone loves you out there, I've seen at least 100 people in your shirts, you've got it" I looked up to him and our eyes connected instantly "if anything look to me I'll do something alright?"
"like trip up or was that only for soundcheck?" he fake laughed rolling his eyes again making me smile, the distance seemed to shorten, we do have our moments but those are funny- this felt real...? tension building around us, eyes locked and ash falling by our feet
"you know-" he began
"TOM Y/N COME ON!" Bill crashed threw the door, hair standing on end and dressed in black (new for him) we quickly broke apart and took one last drag from our smokes before kicking them out and walking inside, people crowded us giving us mics, drum sticks, picks, guitars, sprays, you name it we probably had it
"WELCOME.... TOKIO HOTEL" the speakers sounded and the twins swagged onto the stage followed by me and Georg and Gustav last going to his kit
"GOOD EVENING TRIER" Bill called and the crowd erupted "how we all doing?" and the screams made us smile, it was such a familiar feeling but seeing everyone happy helped, Bill looked to me and gestured for me to come over so I brought myself to the front of stage passing Tom who winked to me getting a 'ooo' from the people in the room who saw, the black haired boy placed his arm around my head and the sea of people snapped pictures and screamed my name
"I think I know what the people want" I spoke with a smile, jokingly the boy 'leaned in' and screams of anticipation filled the building "no not that" I called as we pulled away and the boys behind got the cue to start playing schrei and I ran back to my place hearing the cheer only get louder as Bill began to sing- we loved destroying the imaginations of our fans, its thrilling there was always rumours, usually around me and that I am 'fucking them all' but it's defiantly not the case.
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It was time, I saw the boys look towards me and with a breath I joined the lead singer up front, being a backing singer I wasn't needed much but I was showing something tonight "so you all see my gorgeous girl Y/n here?" Bill spoke pulling me to the front of the stage, hands spiked up everywhere scratching to touch just a thread of our clothing "she has some news!" with a toothy smile Bill past me his mic and backed away back to the group behind- I wasn't used to being centre stage but it was crazy, I could see everything (ish) smiles and tear stained faces
"so you all know we haven't had new music in a few months right?" they all shouted incoherent words "well- you seem like a crowd who'd wanna see some new material!?" I looked back to the boys who were all dopily smiling at me as the people infront blew up in shouts "okay okay so, I wrote this song when I was at not an amazing time in my life.. I felt like giving up but instead, with the help of these, I wrote my feeling into a song, usually this would be preformed by our lovely Bill but.. just got tonight, I'll be singing" I hyped and the band got into places to start playing don't jump
I began singing the words and walking around the tip of the stage holding the hands of as many as I could 'On top of the roof The air is so cold and so calm I say your name in silence' until my eyes landed on him- the words seemed to be pulled from my mouth, everything went silent and he knew what he'd done to me... the song was partially made because of what he did before we broke up, my mind switched as I herd the strum of Tom's guitar- remembering his words 'and tonight we'll play the best we ever have just to show him, and I swear to fuck he tries anything on you, he'll be dead' with a breath I carried on stomping my way back up stage to the rest of the band Bill was off the other side by Georg and I went to my place by Tom, a smile smothered his face as I stood facing him 'hi' he mouthed, I let my free hand reach for his face and held his jaw getting a roar from the fans, Tom placed a kiss to my palm and I soon let go trying to hide a very big blush from swamping my face and our next move came to play- we both turned back to back as his strummed his guitar, I leant against him spilling my lyrics until the beat jumped again 'I scream into the night for you Don't make it true Don't jump The lights will not guide you through They're deceiving you Don't jump' I walked back to mid stage being followed by Georg first who smiled at me and banged his head, then by Tom who only smirked sending me a wink. I got to the edge of the stage and hands reached to me and I tried to hold them all 'And if all that can't hold you back I'll jump for you' the song ended and the building blew up, cheers, screams, claps it was a rush, I blew kisses to them all, my mind forgot about what I was thinking before. Bill and Gustav joined us at the front and we all did a joint bow getting a laugh from us all, the others let go but Toms arm still stayed around my shoulder pulling me close
"see told you they'd love it" he whispered I smiled looking to him, he was sweaty and panting slightly as when he concentrates to much he forgets to breath, his arm pulled me even closer and he planted a kiss to my forehead before the lights turned off- our queue to get off stage the 5 of us were ushered off and as I stepped over to be in the backstage area someones arms scooped me into a hug though I couldn't see because the whole place was pitch black "Ugh you did so well" it was Tom's voice, calming me instantly "they loved the song!" he spoke settling me down but still had me close "told you they would" I looked back to the sweaty guitar player and he pulled my head to his as he pressed a kiss to my forehead again
"get room!" Gustav poked erring a laugh from he rest "nobody wants to see a softy Kaulitz!"
"eh what do ya mean- he aint soft" Tom quipped eyeing his friend up
"gross" Gustav laughed walking his way back to our room, me and the other boy followed and walked in to see Bill lay on the sofa with his makeup nearly rolling down his face due to being so hot
"Y/n I can't get over the audience" the black haired man spoke "god... that was one of my fave ever shows"
"I can't get over it" i went to my bag and pulled my cigarettes out and the boys all seemed to perk up again "coming?" I joked seeing them all get up as we went to the outside, it was dark with only the security lights illuminating the floor, I handed them all a ciggy and pulled my lighter out and burning the end "I saw Brian, he was just kinda stood there" they hummed "I'm over it- he can fuck who ever he fucking wants because none will ever be as good as me" I groaned feeling the hot smoke going out my mouth
"I saw him and he just looked sad, he misses you, I can tell" Bill spoke getting a shove from Gustav "what? I doesn't matter. All I was saying is that he looked sad probably because Y/n/n was happy unlike when he last saw her" I laughed, we stood in a silence finishing our cigs, stepping them out and walked into a runner calling all our names
"BILL!...GEORG!?" he looked out off breath "Finally- we need you all, meet n' greet" we all had the realisation and practically sprinted to our room and began to spray any aftershave or perfume we could find as after running round and singing you sweat, meaning we don't smell the best, me and Bill fixed our eyes and hair and then we all walked out like we hadn't just shit ourselves and made our way to the front of the building to see a line of (mostly) fan girls crying out
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"thank you so much I loved the show and the new song! holy shit it was amazing" a girl named Bethany spoke hugging us all one last time, we were told not many more people so we fixed ourselves up and waiting for the next person
"I love the flowers" I spoke looking at the roses a girl called Alicia brought me "is their anyone else-" as I spoke the door opened with Erik (our runner) holding it for the next fan, we all looked up and saw a brunette boy.... blue eyes "what the fuck do you think you're doing?... seriously!" Brians eyes were red and face tear stained, I felt myself tense up at the sight, all the boys stood scarily still
"I want to talk to you babe" his voice shook, those eyes staring into mine, its like he didn't realise he was in a room of people who really did not like him "please its me... baby please"
"don't call her baby" Tom grumbled " she doesn't have to do shit for you" I looked toward the boy, his hands in a ball already he moved quickly, towering over Brian
"Tom" Bill warned but no remorse went to his twin, we all watched as Tom stared down at Brian saying words to fast to even work out, Brain looked like he was about to break down nodding his head
"and I'm not fucking lying- you ever touch her, talk to her, anything... I wont fucking stop until you can't move and my hands are red- understand?" I looked toward the others, I wasn't scared for Brian but more worried that something would happen, Georg got the memo and walked to the guitarist placing a hand on his shoulder, I saw Tom relax and walk back to us leaving my ex standing with shock on his face, he looked back to me
"please" he pleaded 'shit' is all I thought as I saw Tom's face drop, his knuckles white he stormed back to Brian "...dude-" he squealed before the guitarist had him up the door slamming him back and forth, I watched as my ex's face became red trying to shove Tom back but him being a lot shorter- he had no chance, perfect "GET THE FUCK OFF ME DICK!" he shouted and Bill grabbed his brothers shoulder and pulled him off
"leave I-" the singer couldn't finish as a fist flew into his shoulder "WHAT THE FUCK" Bil'ls hand collided with Brians face sending him back quickly followed by Tom punching down at the boy, nobody touches the other twin without the other one getting involved. The fight continued until a scream cut the room, blood was on Toms arm and he stepped back, Gustav was keeping me back by our picture wall and Georg stood next to him and seized looking over
"damn-" Gustav hummed, I looked over to see Brian holding his nose and Tom proudly standing above
"this is your fucking fault Y/n... I should've dated you-" his words stung "this would have never bloody happened if I had just left you earlier!" my heart ached "fuck" he grumbled standing against the door, I looked to his eyes- black and blue. He took a step forward, stumbling slightly but he quickly found his feet again and came at me "YOU DID THIS!" I turned back waiting for my pain- a punch, a slap, a kick but I never felt it THUD I opened my eyes to see Georg on the floor slamming his fist into the boy again- he was really getting the works tonight
"BA-ST-ARD" he chanted before the door burst open to two runners with astonished faces who quickly grabbed their walkie-talkies and spoke some words I couldn't work out, within seconds security rammed in pulling Georg off of Brian who looked even worse and we were all taken back out "fucking dick what did he think he was doing!" and the five of us were pushed out the room
"arsehole" Tom stormed "hope he's in fucking pain for ages-"
"I can't believe he tried to punch me, ME!" Bill shook his head going through to our room I walked with Gustav giving him a 'look' to which he only nodded at "he's a dick" the boys all sat and I just stared into the mirror- those 5 minuets felt more like hours and I just didn't have any words
"this is your fucking fault Y/n... I should've dated you-"
"this would have never bloody happened if I had just left you earlier!"
those sentences flying around my head, I couldn't pull myself away from it, I just looked at myself, I just felt- wrong
"what the hell! why did I just have to see security drag a bloody nosed kid out that room!" Our stage manger burst in "you lot are a world famous band we don't need stunts like that being pulled! 16 people have had to miss a meet n greet because of it!" he shouted but I couldn't hear him really- I wasn't there "Y/n!" he shouted snapping me back
"I'm sorry" I spoke turning to face him
"it's not her fault" Gustav spoke "he was fucking deranged" I laughed slightly looking back at him with a smile
"I don't care! its not a funny matter, its disappointing" we all nodded as he walked out, I turned to the boys and looked to the twins, Tom had blood over him still and Bill just looked pissed off
"I think I'm going to go to the hotel..." I spoke grabbing my bag off the side and hanging it over my shoulder and pulling my skirt lower to feel more covered "bye-"
"wait-" someone spoke "I'll come lemme clean myself up first- five mins" it was Tom, I nodded and settled myself onto my make up chair watching him run to the bathroom
"we're not annoyed at you Y/n, its not your fault" Georg spoke coming over stroking my shoulder "he's a prick"
"I know- I just feel bad, you all basically got hurt because of him and the whole thing was so pathetic I doesn't even seem real like.."
"yeah I get it- its fine, just sleep it off alright" I agreed and watched through the mirror Tom come back in
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autisticlalna · 1 month
"You Were Right" (and a behind the scenes on how we got here)
initially i was gonna make a post going over all of Anathra's lore so far but then i realized i do not quite have the spoons for it, and also i'd like to break it up into easier to cover parts anyway. so let's jump straight into the most recent mystery!
i've already talked before about the hidden messages in Rubyco's videos, and about the split-second easter eggs in Viking's. encrypted messages aren't exactly new to Skyblock Kingdoms.
but, okay, let's rewind a little. it's 1 am, a couple days before Anathra's episode 8 premieres. i'm winding down for bed, see the premiere on my homepage, and go: hey! i wonder what Anathra's doing next episode!
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hey what the fuck is that. why is there elder furthark
a bit of backstory on me: i love translating things. you probably know this by now. i also knew a guy who was big into norse mythology stuff, and that included him knowing elder furthark. so i immediately peg that as "oh, shit, that's elder furthark" and track down a translation tool.
("why are you going into backstory" we'll get to that. lol lmao.)
anyway, its 1 am, i run it through the first tool i find, and get:
someþiŋ ' weird ' happened
...or "something weird happened".
i go to bed. when i wake up, Moxi has shared something from Anathra's discord:
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...but i can't figure out what it translates to.
timeskip to the premiere.
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Anathra gets a delivery from the End Kingdom after helping Josh out with villager stuff. he goes to place the shulker down, it's suddenly nighttime, and...
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hey, what
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iou were right
...okay, here's where we loop back to that backstory bit, and also i pull back the curtain to showcase how hilariously bad this went for the dnerds.
i recognized the alphabet as elder furthark
(and yet my dyslexic ass doesnt realize theres two rs in it until now. it has been 5 years.)
trying to translate the box name gave me gibberish ("io nht tuil")
i also knew from the "something weird happened" message that elder furthark isnt 1:1 with the english alphabet
oops there are two translator tools. oops they use different runes for "y"
due to [gestures at cherry and doak], there is a minor scuffle about if it says "you" or if it actually IS supposed to say "iou"
we still cant translate the box
still cant translate the discord message either. this is about to be really funny
people in the sbkcd are also translating it, so we compare notes
anathra steps in to save us:
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i am immediately embarrassed because, oops, turns out Angerthas (dwarven runs from Lord of the Rings) has alphabet overlap with elder furthark, so that's where the confusion came from. seeing as it's a post-filming decision, that does mean that the episode description and chat message were translated correctly, but the box is in Angerthas and, despite having the same runes, they do not correspond to the same english letters.
i spend a bit alternating between bonking myself for my mistake and bonking my very tired head against Angerthas for a bit until WhiteQry suggests that maybe what Anathra said in chat is the same thing. later, Aquelon is able to translate it as "IU WER RAIT". or,
...right about what?
skipping back to the events of the episode: Anathra realizes that he's lost time. he says he's only felt this "once before", doesn't know what the writing is, and is generally thrown off by... whatever just happened.
i need to rewatch Anathra's pov before i can dig into what i think the message means-- my initial guess is that it has something to do with his ?nightmare? from episode 5, although im not sure past that. considering his pov plays with the concept of the fourth wall a bit as-is, the message also might not be for Anathra (and he can't read it with glasses on either way).
Anathra's in the middle of something. there's a lot going on with him, inside and outside, and i really want to do more overviews of his lore because it's very fun. until then, keep an eye out for more strange messages i guess.
im in hysterics. how did this happen. please dont ever think im professional. all of these super cool in-depth explainer posts are the end result of so much clownery but i needed to show you guys just how much of a MESS this is lmao
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geneticcatalyst · 1 year
as promised, an exploration of my one pet problem in fandom, or: misinterpretation of jby's first death (ft. zzs)
heres the thing. i occasionally see people reference what seems to be a misconception of the (english translation) text in qi ye. both the fact that its a translation and the metaphorical phrasing make it pretty clear to see why they got the wrong idea, but i firmly believe its still the wrong idea. i am by no means calling the people who got this mixed up dumb or bad, i am simply leaning over their shoulders going 'wait no bestie pls read that again pls read that one more time!!' because this is one of my favorite books and this thing is a key piece of one of my favorite things about it.
i said i was gonna pull screenshots for this post but i think it will be a little while before i get to another reread and i can't ctrl+f the google doc so im just gonna whip this out from memory. if anyone does have this particular passage on hand feel free to pop it in here. the rest of the context/explanations are just from my cursory research, im not chinese or a historian.
cards on the table. the only thing i love more than unhinged gay romances is unhinged platonic soul mates. its catnip to me. i go feral every goddamn time. and i havent stopped losing my mind about zhou zishu and jing beiyuan since that first qi ye scene. what do those guys have going on? not even sure they know but it's A Lot. ive got like 18 other unpublished drafts trying to work that out slash losing my fucking mind at the lengths they go to about each other. that relationship is at the center of both novels even if the spotlight isnt on it. so I admit that my readings are colored a bit by how much i like that they like each other!
which is why im shocked baffled and, ok, lightly salted, to see a few people make the claim that zishu (personally) tortured/killed beiyuan in his first life.
so what the text says is that after helian yi stopped trusting beiyuan (after su qingluan's accidental death), he was basically put to death. but even the emperor has to have a half decent reason to execute someone. the text describes these reasons- ten of them- as zhou zishu's masterpieces. it also refers to them as great shames to beiyuan's standing. what's happening is that helian yi has zishu frame beiyuan for treason or other betrayals against the emperor/the country. it isn't specific as to what, but it doesn't really matter, because its all fake and zishu is really good at his job. so yes, it is fair to say that zishu is the INSTRUMENT of beiyuan's death, but he didn't kill him, he just laid the groundwork.
the text goes on to another slightly confusing line where it says something to the effect of that when each of these accusations were read out in court, each line drew blood from jing beiyuan. that's a metaphor! it's just saying that his reputation was torn apart and ultimately his fate is sealed, despite the phrasing there are no literal injuries happening.
also, i may not have the timeline perfect on this part, but in zishu's introduction in the beginning of the novel, the narration tells us outright that while zishu is partially responsible for beiyuan's death, he was like. cool about it. in what seems to be the first and only time he ever steps out of line or goes against helian yi's command (!), after setting all this up but- if im remembering right- before the news actually breaks in court the next day, zishu warns beiyuan. now this admittedly doesnt do a whole lot because the only other possible option (cut and run) isn't a very good one, but it's the only thing zishu can do. he doesnt have to, but he does it anyway (!). of course beiyuan doesnt even consider doing this, he's stubborn and heartbroken, but he really seems to 1. appreciate the risk zishu took here to try to give him a chance and 2. not hold the whole set up against zishu or take that bit personally.
so what actually happened at the end of beiyuan's first life? he was sent the 3 zhang of white silk. the text does explicitly say this once, but if you're not familiar with the practice it may not click. receiving the white silk from the emperor is what happens when you're too high ranking to execute like a commoner but you've fallen from grace and are being politely asked to hang yourself in order to clear your name. and of course beiyuan, stubborn and heartbroken, does. yes, it's a forced suicide, but it isn't a murder.
anyway, its in that secret conversation, where zishu secretly meets with beiyuan seemingly to try to convince him to save himself and beiyuan outright refuses, that beiyuan promises that if theres a next life (ha), they'll get drunk together. and of course against all odds, there is and they do.
the thing about the idea that some people might think that zishu killed beiyuan is that after that nothing between them makes sense. even if it was at helian yi's request, i just cant see that not permanently damaging the friendship, i don't think beiyuan could immediately pick back up being best friends in the seventh life with that memory in the way. why would zishu go out of his way to warn beiyuan one day if he was perfectly capable and fine with killing him the next? why would beiyuan not only be happy to meet zishu again in the seventh life but also go out of his way trying to save zishu's? none of their other interactions really make sense if you believe there was a murder done there. idk. it clouds the whole throughline of the story which is that they have a bond!
i think maybe people think it is in character due to the other ruthless murders, and they're not wholly wrong, but that's the kicker for me. zishu will murder all kinds of innocents no questions asked, but he's suddenly trying to give an out to his coworker and drinking buddy? hello? thats insane, and that's the point.
furthermore, if you think maybe it would make sense for helian yi to have beiyuan violently killed (since it keeps fucking happening later), i actually have to become helian yi's lawyer for a moment here and say that that doesnt make sense either. helian yi is sitting on a throne gained by shadowy means but he's the Good Guy Ruler and that reputation is important. hes not a cruel person and he may have become paranoid but he still has a shared history with beiyuan. plus, even the emperor has to abide by a certain amount of decorum when he wants to have people killed, especially when that person is also a high ranking member of court. beiyuan's status is basically second only to the royal bloodline, he's essentially the prev emperor's godson, as well as a previously close confidante of helian yi himself. the white silk was regarded as a privileged, dignified means of offing someone. helian yi is perfectly within social acceptability to do this to beiyuan with the pretext of beiyuan's disgrace. but it would be pushing the boundaries for the good and just emperor to suddenly have one of his top advisors and members of high nobility brutally killed like a common criminal. he could probably do it, but it would reflect on him and his reputation too. he could do it in secret, but would have to cover up the disappearance of a prominent court figure. it just makes sense to use the white silk as the neatest, most acceptable legal justice channel here. maintain emotional detachment, be polite, everybody's honor gets honored and such.
so that's the ted talk. theres even some beautiful fanart on here of white-haired first life beiyuan holding the white silk! he wasn't tortured or outright executed, and he chose to obey rather than escape or fight the false claims of treason even though his friend tried to give him the only out he could manage. to interpret things differently really skews the character motivations and plot for everyone- beiyuan, zishu, helian yi- in a way that warps the story out of believability, imho.
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chorusofkhonshu · 1 year
Theory of Numbers in LN
I guess I will explain myself slightly. While researching the the podcast, it got me wondering. Noone has had a part of herself in Nowhere, a part that hides secrets from herself, something that when in the waking world she says she feels a part of her is missing. So I wondered what part of her is missing. Not her body, not her mind, not her soul. The Ferryman needs her to accept Nowhere so that all of her can go thru the Halfway Point. If it was her soul crossing over then there'd be no need for her to physically cross. So I looked for a fourth option. And surprise surprise there was a fourth option. A theory posed by a rather famous psychologist who was alive during the time period that I estimated TSON to take place during. His theory was basically the same as Otto's professor, all of them in the same line of work. And like Otto's professor, his theory was dismissed because it leaned to far into mystics. If you look hard enough you can find this. The fourth option presented was called The Shadow. There are two shadows, the personal shadow and the collective shadow. I may talk about personal shadows in a later post, but lets skip to the collective shadow. The collective shadow is the dark side of humanity, all coming together to form something almost like a place. He called this place, this hypothetical world of the worst of humanity Unus Mundus which translates to One World, a place where past, present and future all meet. A shadow, a thing that when asked if it exists, the answer is no, but you can see your shadow! Its something that exists and yet doesn't. And how is Nowhere described by Noone? Below is a description of the Collective Shadow and world of LN before the podcast.
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After that brief introduction I can finally move on to the numbers! The collective shadow was something that you could dream into, is what is stated briefly. Now in these dreams, time has no meaning in the collective shadow is what the old professor said, and in Nowhere time has no meaning either. The clocks in all games are all wrong, they are either going faster, slower or the numbers aren't even in the correct order. Go ahead and look. The clock in episode 1 of TSON, the numbers are all wrong. So then........whats the use of numbers? Numbers in dreams, have symbolism attached to them. Each number having an Archetype attached to it. I am not going to go thru them all but I'll go thru 2 of them for now. Number 1 Archetype- Known as the Child, the Divine or the Innocent. This is Mono, whose name can mean 1. One who has trouble willingly growing up, who is innocent not in the fact that they are good, but that they are naive, with child like tendencies. How does the Divine aspect come in?
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Mono developed the ability to somehow tune the Transmission, that is his "Divine" nature of his Archetype. Moving on to Six Number 6 Archetype- The Rebel
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Does this not perfectly encapsulate Six? Her description is
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She's split in two, goes to the Maw, kills the Lady, takes her power, heals herself. She overturned things without powers, now that she has some, whose gonna stop her? She is a rebel. I wanna go on more but its sleepy time for me. These late night insanity sessions be doing numbers on me. If you interested look of Jester and Archetype number 9, or number 3 and 5. Pls let me know if im crazy.
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robiinurheart33 · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @sergeantwoods !! I went a little crazy on the questions lols,,,
1. how many works?
Honestly no idea lmao (if ur talking on ao3, I don’t have an account there, but I’ve been thinking about it.) (14 wips atm)
2. Total word count?
Again, no idea LOL! My actual works have been around 1K ish per post? So id say in total maybee 10k?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, COD. I wanna expand more soon though, so stay tuned in the far, far future
4. top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m gonna list down my fav fics of all time (multi fandom) if im reading this correctly
1. Anything by buzzcut_season really. Their writing is spectacular and made my heart clench on so many occasions. My personal GOD of writing fluff. And the person that got me through the hells of teenage puberty.(for the record, i am still in puberty lmfao) my firsts in the tag tooth-rotting fluff and the magics of slow burn. (Sk8 the Infinity)
2. Neon Void by sugarpastels. The creator is here on Tumblr with the same user so if you wanna check her out go ahead!! FANTASTIC writing, villain Leo au with heart pounding scenes that leave me dizzy. A fic has never made me breathless and needing to pace around my room more than this one (special shoutout to her sister as well who is writing a mutant mayhem fic that unfortunately didn’t get added to the list but is still super well written!!) (ROTTMNT)
3. Anytime You Need Me by thirteenbullets. I really don’t need to elaborate more. Character analysis + fluff + non sexual intimacy + long fics… it’s the perfect series for me. I felt like a stuck gold when i read this. (COD)
4. The Eldest Brother by dEBB987. Classic 2012 x 2018 crossover, but it doesn’t have ooc and is just such. A. Fun. Read. Made me giggle and kick my legs more than one occasion and good family feels all around. (TMNT)
5. Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus. Old Leo comes back to the past after the events of the movie to readjust to new life. The right amount of drama with the perfect amount of slice of life. This fic actually gives the old turtle a break but also not letting go of the teenage angst and everything that comes with seeing your dead friends young and alive again. Would have been higher on the list but it’s not completed sadly. The author does write for COD as well though, and it’s worth to check it out! (ROTTMNT)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I love love love it when people comment and try to interact if possible.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the panic attack Ghost fic. Haven’t written much angst if im remembering correctly. I’m a major fluff person
7. fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god i really haven’t written a proper fic at all helps. I’m frantically swiping through my robs ramblings tag and just realising most of the ghoap stuff i write is about their undying dedication to each other. Jesus. Happiest ending is probably one of my blurbs cause every time i try to write actual fluff i overheat and explode.
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
Nah. I don’t think ill ever write smut honestly not because im asexual its just that I don’t think I can write one accurately if that makes sense. Also im a minor I don’t think im allowed to do that
10. craziest crossover?
None yet
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not, but if i have i would take it as a sign that I’ve made it as a writer. Unless it’s more popular than the actual post in that case burn it with fire.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unfortunately and fortunately no. I would LOVE to collaborate, don’t get me wrong. But i would get so anxious about not disappointing the other person or procrastinating and motivation and all the works and just. Yeah I don’t have the mental capacity for that rn.
14. all time favourite ship?
ghoap, renga, ineffable husbands, solangelo (Off the top of my head rn)
15. what’s a wip that you want to finish but doubt you will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
I would say making everything just too dramatic and emotional
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I can barely talk irl how am i supposed to write witty banter
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. As a bilingual myself i love seeing diff languages it’s like a bonus secret for that language user
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. That was when i was in my “i think this is so cringy of me and i hold myself back because of it” because wow. I reread some of it recently and it’s horrible it will stay and rot in my notes app. Although i will say it’s so nice to see how far I’ve come in terms of writing and just posting publicly in general
20. favourite fic you’ve written?
The drunk soap one and the Ghoap one where they’re on stakeout together. I didn’t like the second one initially, but i think slaving over it worked. I love how I managed to balance the quietness and mutual respect and fondness of each other.
If you couldn’t tell, i had a lot of fun answering these questions haha
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations!! You know more about me than the average online follower 👏👏👏
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alright guess who caved in and decided to go and watch the rest of season 4 using the google translate camera on my phone AND HOLY SHIT. without spoiling anything: I already thought this before watching but my opinion that this is one of the best cartoons ever made just gets proven right every single episode like it is perfect I genuinely don't know how the show manages to raise the bar every single season its actually crazy, this season is definitely the best we've had so far and that is saying something because the first 3 seasons are incredible and I haven't even finished it yet I've got a few eps left
Beware it will get very spoilery from this point onwards so do not read if u haven't watched yet !!!
anyway just finished Episode 6 and I genuinely am like. actually shouting and gasping out loud because of this episode oh my GODDD this episode is insane???? I expected we'd finally get some backstory on MK and stuff but HOLY SHIT this is WAY crazier than I thought ,
I'm probably missing / misunderstanding a lot of dialogue because of google translate but from what I've picked up I have so many questions and theories I'm/?.1/1.1// I guess they get answered in the rest of the season which I am gonna try and watch tomorrow if I can but oh my GOD.
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I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST WUKONG BUT IT HAS MK'S HAIR ???????????????????????????
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wearethekingdom · 1 month
Tell me about your trip bro >:3 seems like you got some really cool stuff!!
RAHHHH GNAWING. AT THE BARS IF MY ENCLOSURE RIGHT NOW!!!1!!!! i was hoping someone was actually interested in what i was saying cuz sometimes posting on here feels like talking to the wall. this is gonna be like really long sorry, you dont have to read it
ANYWAYS YES. So me and a couple other people went up to the north of ireland for a few days which was so so awesome sauce because i love drives. see i never say long drives because once someone got needlessly mad at me for calling it a long drive and started indirect posting about me but 4 hours is like the longest you could drive from one place to another here. so. its long for me kind of (ignoring my copious weeks-long US roadtrips)
we got to the place where we were staying at, the beds were so uncomfy think i wouldve slept better on the floor tbh BUT it's fine. we went to the shop because everything is like cheaper there and i got this blanket with ghost dogs on it for my dog cuz he likes covering himself in a blanket when he sleeps, its really cute so i had to get him a new blanket. then we tried to go out for dinner but told us we werent allowed in to the place we booked the day before because no minors were allowed in at that time like lad put that on your damn website then 🙏🙏 so we ate the random snacks we had bought earlier in our room, which was kind of way too delicious
DAY 2?!?!
We went to the Titanic museum cuz i like history and raujerng um it was fucking awesome, some of the workers there spoke irish which was so cool, i took some photos of stuff and i learnt so much about the titanic that i didnt know about. I also cried in the middle of one of the exhibits because i realised just the sheer amount of people who died and. yeah. but nah it was a great experience
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then we went to some shitty science museum cuz it looked cool on their website but we were the oldest people there everyone was like FIVE. so we left quickly.
Then we went on a walk and it was super duper pretty, we also went swimming there, sea swimming my favourite thing EVER!! did some diving off the rocks, realy enjoyed that
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For dinner we went to this like dinerish thing, it was really cool and the food was so tasty, we didnt get kicked out of this place (fuck yeah) I tried dumplings for the first time and they were actually really good like i didnt think i would enjoy them but yeah! i also got strawberry lemonade which i thought i didnt like for whatever reason but now ive tried it again i do!
DAY 3?!?!?
last day cuz i have school soon. SO we woke up super late and totaly overstayed but like womp womp owners didnt give a single shit. We went to the 2nd hand book shop where i got The Great Gatsby, Batman The Dark Knight, Lost in Translation, and even more than i showed so i also got Will Grayson Will Grayson, Catching Teller Crow, The Honest Truth and Wayward. They were all like 2 pounds which is so good cuz every book is atleast 11 euro back home cuz idk they dont like doing 2nd hand bookshops down there for some reason. Then we went to the vintage store where i got my postcards cuz i loveeee collecting old postcards with messages on them, the 1958 one is now the oldest postcard i own and its SO COOL LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, im actually so happy i found it. Also got those 2 ceramic guys, the hippo and the bunny, if you got a name suggestion JJ let me know cuz i havent named them yet. Then we got on the road back home where we listened to shitty drill rappers and irish rebel songs all the way back
it was such a good trip and i am yet again sorry this is so long
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renjibozo · 2 years
episode 8 trailer dropped, you know what that means !
guess who's back for another prediction.
ok first off before i put the cut, i just think rei's english is so pleasant to the ears that's all
okay spoiler territory time
(edited a little to add in a little something)
it seems we're finally at that point of PV 2 and 3 where they started planning and preparing a birthday !
but first let me just cry about how cute the conversation between kazuki and rei are before i get into the topic of the scenes playing in the trailer
(don't trust my translation 100% i am only going off of how i understand it with limited knowledge)
Rei: Because Miri came, I started to feel the seasons. Kazuki: That's true∼ Rei: And I thought summer was just hot. Kazuki: You do become more of a hikikomori when the summer comes... Rei: Summer was just limited to coolers, but... Kazuki: But? Rei: There were... also days where I thought the sunlight was nice
also this
Rei: It's the first time that I've ever thought that I liked this weather Kazuki: Barbecuing on tiles sounds good too Rei: I'll have to refuse. Kazuki: Eeh?
i love how rei's a little more talkative and especially about his likes and dislikes when it comes to summer
anyways onto the scenes!
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kazuki and miri are preparing but i'm still not sure if they're preparing for rei's birthday because putting kazurei's conversation aside, it should be related to the episode still like the previous trailer for episode 7
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since miri's zoo trip is over and the rainy season was shown in episode 7, and kazurei talked about the summer weather, i can only guess that it really is gonna be a rei birthday thing because no way is it miri's birthday bc hers is in november, and her acquisition was in christmas eve
rei bday might be somewhere between june to september
i will cry if i get this correct
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the suwa manor i assume??
we don't really see rei outside of the house on his own especially in work attire so this is new new
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this implies that despite kyutaro once looking at rei saying he knows the consequences of betraying the organization the most, he is in contact with his boss (father)
did he have an escape attempt once? is this episode going to elaborate on that? this seems more of a rei backstory episode after kazuki's backstory episode
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local malewife malewifing as usual, nothing out of the ordinary except he looks just a bit more natural in his position rather than vaguely distressed
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im willing to bet kazuki's the one who did her hairstyle because i feel like rei would just accidentally tug on her hair every few seconds but i might be proven wrong or they never show us
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favorite child and unfavorite child face off? they have similar facial structures and hair strand placement
the color contrasts is screeching into my face as well
(also i just think rei looks like slender man in that screenshot jesus christ he is terrifying)
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now why is this man here
he cannot be related at all so whats he doing here !! was he hired by rei's boss to take care of him or something !!!! curious. so curious
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i really do wonder what sort of conversation they're having in the midst of a gunfight inside a ship
maybe the organization found out about miri and them taking in miri?
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the infamous "Rei-papa looks lonely sometimes" scene which really just wants me to think its a rei bday episode
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he's showing too much emotion so i'm convinced that there was a threat made to miri and kazuki by favorite poster suwa child
we never see this man with any kind of scratch or wound from episodes 1 to 7 during gunfights, but we see him a little roughed up in this scene for once which really screams this man might be nearly superhuman but he is not Immune to physical damage (nor is he immune to psychological warfare)
this episode has me hyped because it seems like a tenser vibe compared to kazuki's more melancholy confrontation with his past which he ends up coming to terms with
hopefully rei does get back home safe and sound even if he gets a wound or two, manifesting!!
thats all folks, thanks for coming to my newest installment of yuzu loves overanalyzing 40 seconds of footage
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jewwyfeesh · 2 days
Things that Gradually Drift Away - 1 (2024 ver)
Writer: Mitsuki
Characters: Sakuma Ritsu, Isara Mao
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Mao: You’re working really hard too, so you don’t have to bother yourself with that ‘troublesome one’ of mine anymore, okay?
2024 remake of the first ever tl posted here; im still having some technical difficulties so pictures will be few. happy reading!
[ ♪ ]
Season: Summer
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Library
Ritsu: Good evening, ‘Transfer Student’ ♪ Why are you still here so late? It's Summer vacation right now; you’re not gonna find another soul in school.
Good children go home at night~ It’s not like you’re me. If you loiter around in these kinds of places at night, you might get snatched away by monsters you know?
…‘Transfer Student’, you look so lifeless now. Usually, you would’ve already talked back by now, saying stuff like “it’s still daytime, night hasn’t fallen yet”; even if I explain, you wouldn’t listen.
But, not talking back is also praise-worthy, yes? Would you like me to praise you?
Naaah, I think not. ‘Cause it’s too troublesome ♪
…Mm, why would I be here during the ‘nighttime’, and awake too? To be honest, the thing I cannot stand the most is the sun. I should be sleeping right now because I don’t have the energy, nor do I have the strength.
I wasn’t aware of this just now, but after hearing the ‘Transfer Student’ mention it, I found that rather unimaginable.
Perhaps it’s aaaaall Maa~kun’s fault?
It’s already the Summer holidays, but Maa~kun’s still drowning in work, and has to come back every day. He’ll be kinda pitiful if I’m not arround to accompany him, right?
That’s why I’m in school too. When the sun shines on my back, it’s like I’m being tortured.
But I am willing to suffer for my no good ‘childhood sweetheart’[1].
This is how things actually went, but Maa~kun wasn’t grateful at all, and kept complaining non stop.
Truly, what a dishonest child. I wonder what went wrong during his early childhood education ♪
Soooo that’s how I ended up over here. Sleeping here is very comfortable. The air conditioning is cooling, and the books are super useful. If you’d like to try, I can give you half of my stack.
Eh? You’re here to look for materials?
Like this, you practically have no free time, ‘Transfer Student’. Ah, don’t tell me – I don’t want to know. If I heard about it, it’ll increase my troubles even if I’m not interested in the slighest.
Slow and easy is the best… ♪
But even so, the very least I could do is to help you look for some books, for I’m most familiar with this area ♪ What kind of materials are you looking for? I’ll tell you where they are, and you can go retrieve them yourself.
After you’ve found them, leave this place to me yeah? Fuwaaaa… fu… ♪
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…My, the curiosity of you teenagers truly knows no bounds. The book I’m reading, and the things you’re looking for, have no correlation whatsoever.
Even if it’s just the name, I am under no obligation to tell you. So you can stop asking about it~
Knowing more isn’t always a good thing~ There will always be situations where knowing less is more – you’ll be happier that way.
You see, taking the ‘Seven Mysteries of Yumenosaki’ as an example. Before knowing of it, you weren’t scared, right, ‘Transfer Student’? But the second you came to know about it, even the smallest action could cause you to faint ♪
See, for fabricated ‘mysteries’… when the number of people who are in on it increases, it’s no longer scary. The fewer people who know about it, the higher its effectiveness.
If everyone knows about it, it is no longer a ‘mystery’ that can hold its water, no?
Whatever I’m preparing right now is precisely that – thus, I cannot leak anything to you, ‘Transfer Student’. So be good and just give it up ♪
Ah… My throat is so dry from constantly yapping to you, and it hurts. Help me open this drink, ‘Transfer Student’. I’ve already done so much for you.
Gimme ♪ ‘Transfer Student’ won’t deny anyone of anything, huh, which is why everyone flocks to your side. Everyone in Knights, Anija… Maa~kun too.
Or… Should I say, you have some ‘mysterious’ power that can draw people in? If that’s the case, could you give me some of your blood too? Who knows, maybe your superpower is flowing through your veins ♪
…I’m kidding. I don’t want your blood. When you’ve found whatever you’re here for, get out. Hurry up, and stop disturbing me.
Remember to shut the door properly. I’m about to go to sleep, so if another reckless bastard barges in like you did, things won’t be fun. Doing things at this hour is really too tiring.
Location: Student Council Room
Mao: Oh, thank you ‘Transfer Student’! You’ve done a great favour looking for all those materials for me.
I’m so sorry – I’d only intended on getting your assistance with planning for Trickstar’s Summer vacation training, but you ended up getting dragged to help out the Student Council.
The week prior were chock full of exams and ‘S1’ and whatever not, so the paperwork accumulated by the Student Council is taller than a mountain. Just sparing it a glance makes my head hurt so bad.
If I continue being buried in work like this, I think I might need to ask the Vice President for some stomach medication?
That’s why I had to call on you for help, ‘Transfer Student’. Even though these documents can’t be handled by someone outside of the Student Council, but… I think it should be okay for you to help look for some related materials…?
To say the truth, we’re really shorthanded right now. Everyone’s practically at their wits end.
Ah, but there’s no need to worry. I won’t keel over and die before the work gets completed. I feel a little lighter being able to tell you all of this.
Don’t take it to heart, okay? Else I’ll feel really apologetic.
Oh, speaking of which… Did you see Ritchan in the library? Has he been resting?
Huh? That’s rare – for him to be awake during the daytime, and reading to boot…?
Usually no amount of yelling would have any use. He’s really laid-back, isn’t he?
Ritchan would never let himself feel tired… Even though I say this, I’m still worried. I’ll head over to the library to check on him… and take a little break while I’m there.
‘Transfer Student’, you think there’s something off about him too, right?
I really apologise for the trouble he’s brought you. He’s older than you, yet you still have to run after him for this and that.
You’re working really hard too, so you don’t have to bother yourself with that ‘troublesome one’ of mine anymore, okay?
Matters regarding ‘childhood friends’[1]… you can leave it to me, the ‘childhood friend’ in question ♪
It’s okay, you can let me handle it. After all, I’m plenty experienced in this area.
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Hey! Don’t give me that kind of look. I don’t take pleasure in doing this – I’m only saying it because I’m really used to it.
[ ☆ ]
Story Masterlist | Chapter 2 →
[1] here they use the cn idiom 青梅竹马, which means childhood sweethearts / a couple that had an innocent affection for each other in their childhood / a couple who grew up as childhood friends
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conanssummerchild · 2 months
im cringe and bored out of my mind so im gonna rate random song lyrics in my notes app even tho like maybe 1 person will see this lmfao
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5/10 i like the lyric and blue and orange were literally our colours (coincidence that they made the colour of shit mixed together ._.) but it is so far from original, everyone and their mother has used this kinda lyric in their songs
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7/10 factually correct, i am so alone!
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4/10 not sure it reads right, what i meant by this is the smoke getting in my throat = not being able to get the words out and it getting in here eyes = her crying, idk
6/10 (same song) we get it, its fire imagery, but yeah i deserved it definitely so also factually correct, yay
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7/10 (makes more sense as part of the full lyric) this one is about someone else because shes been on my mind, idrk what else to say
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7/10 gotta work on the pacing of this line i think, i'll be able to tell better when i have my guitar with me (i miss her sm 😭) but extra points bcs this was so rick sanchez coded of me
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5/10 who do i think i am writing music in spanish /j fr tho im still not very sure about this line tbh bcs the rest of the song is in english and idk if this would fit, i only added it because that first line is smth we used to say to eachother
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7/10 solid babble, fun story of origin for this line is when i was calling things off with this girl MY DUMB ASS actually said i still love you, en plan muchisimo (idk the english translation for that bit srry) even tho ur a taurus LIKE GIRL. NOT THE TIME !! SHUT THE FUCK UP !!
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5/10 true thing she said to me when we were breaking up via text from our less than a month long situationship that i still think about two years later, dont know how im going to incorporate it into the song though
okay well enough embarrasment for today i've learnt a lot from going through these lyrics (that i cant for the life of me keep a relationship 🙂)
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devondespresso · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @museumgiftshoperaser
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
technically 2, but its a sfw and nsfw version of the same fic fhajklfjdalfjk
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
...6,357. i promise i write.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just stranger things so far, but i have seriously thought about writing about Fender's gender from Robots (2005) and I promised my friend a Shark Tale fic for their birthday fjalhfdjkalfdj
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Never Again
Never Again (sfw)
fascinating statistics arent they
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
never gotten comments on ao3, i do reply to what i get on tumblr tho because it literally makes my day
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(including my unposted work) Never Again, tho i think its more bittersweet than unrelenting angst
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
tho its technically not finished, We'll Be Alright (Steve Henderson AU) has a very happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
im gonna say no? despite writing something spicy at the beginning of Never Again it was not a good time (for me or Nancy)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't yet, and while i wont write them off entirely itd have to have really strong potential for me to want to do it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i dont know how well id go. on the one hand im usually good at group stuff but im also an annoying perfectionist with my writing
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
platonically stobin 100%. i dont get nearly as attatched to the romantic ones so i kinda just bounce around the fandom. Really love a lot of the steve harrington rairpairs floating around, plus robin and vickie
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I dont realllly have a writing wip i know i wont finish cause i've just been posting those vague ideas instead of actually writing them becuase i know i wont. My only active wip is the steve henderson au and im hoping praying to god that i dont suddenly loose passion for it
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue probably, coming up with how different characters are saying things, what theyre saying, what they mean, all the little differences in their voices, I love it. that and having characters interact with the environment
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
overthinking and underthinking, stopping myself from making something happen or a character do something because theres this pull in my chest telling me its wrong. even just standard selfishness or saying something without the express intent of making sure it wont hurt someones feelings. i also start sentences with verbs djaldjdjaf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
makes sense if characters are speaking multiple languages i guess. depends on pov and how limited it is to the pov character. like if the pov character doesnt speak spanish it'd be better to write "and they said something in spanish they didnt understand" instead of writing the spanish out assuming the audience doesnt know it either
19. First fandom you wrote for?
stranger things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
definitely my steve henderson au. i wish it was shared already but at the same time i've editied and changed so much im glad i havnt officially yet. its helped me work through a lot and has even caused noticable improvement in my relationship with my family even if they dont know it exists. i cant promise itll be fully posted soon, but i am so exited for when i do
tagging @stobinesque @marvel-ous-m @eriquin @itsthestrangestthings @findafight @fag4dykestobin (no pressure ofc 💕)
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littlelcvestory · 11 months
thank you @wesperbrekkered for tagging me even though im so inactive on like all my fandom accounts 😭😭😭
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 13 :)
2. What is your AO3 word count?
29,858 words 😭 thats kinda crazy for me ngl
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
my main is six of crows! my ao3 still has my fics from when i wrote solangelo tho lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
sparks fly (whenever you smile) with 268 (wesper)
we were in screaming color with 244 (solangelo)
Doctor Death (god this fic is so old i hate it 😭) with 236 (solangelo)
i wanna teach you how forever feels with 221 (wesper)
time can't stop me quite like you did with 205 (i wrote this for a school assignment, it's from the book they both die at the end)
i strongly dislike this list mainly because of solangelo being on there and how long ago i wrote those fics because theyre really bad now 😭 perhaps leave more kudos on my wesper fics :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
YES it makes me so happy that people enjoyed what i wrote. i'd like to say it's author fuel but i have not touched any of my fics since august but they ARE author serotonin
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's either time can't stop me quite like you did (because he literally d!es) but none of my SoC fics have angsty endings, because none of them have endings. haha
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhh i'd say it would be i wanna teach you how forever feels purely because it's a cute domestic post-ck wesper
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i dont think im widespread enough to have haters on my fics tbh 😭
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
nope, i am literally 16 !! although i have written a few very intimate passages but theres also taught you the way you call me baby which is the closest i'll ever get for now
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
my wesper romeo and juliet au like fire and powder that i havent touched since august! this was like my most big brain idea ever but i'm torn between discarding it and starting from scratch or continuing as it is right now
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
i dont think so, and i hope not !
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
no :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
also no
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
wesper. next!
15. What’s a WIP you’d like to finish but doubt you ever will?
THE ROMEO AND JULIET AU I AM CRYING i need to continue it as soon as possible oh lord
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure tbh! i do find writing dialogue easy but it also leads to my downfall sometimes which i'll explain in the next question
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
inner monologues, because they jump around too much and i eventually stray from the original thought. or anything thats not closely tied to a character ... i'm really strong with character driver things but if you hand me a plot, i'm gonna struggle (which may be why the r&j au is failing LMAO) and how i said with dialogue, it ends up being dry and makes the scene move a little too fast. i'm really bad at slowing down scenes 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
never done it before hehe
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson, i think
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
my romeo and juliet au because its the most ambitious thing i ever tried to accomplish. i really want to get back to it because i'm still so intrigued by the idea of it and i was shocked i wrote 10k for the first chapter but it felt like it was being squeezed out of me... i'll do my best to get back to writing i've had insane weiters block (no thanks to school 🙄)
thanks for tagging me rae :) i'm tagging @artsypretzel @jazzythursday and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it :)
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sixofsol · 11 months
@johaerys-writes tagged my main (@heypax) for this, but since ive talked about my fics more on this blog i decided to do it here instead !
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mean, I haven’t written anything for anything but six of crows since like year back… But! I do miss writing patrochilles, and tsoa is the fandom i’ve written the absolute most for! If we’re looking back, I’ve written hadestown, steven universe, haikyuu!! and a bunch more years ago.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
we were shotgun lovers // I’m a shotgun running away - six of crows, wesper, 772 kudos
like moss climbs a tree - song of achilles, patrochilles, 446
i want someone to try, and let me down easy — six of crows, wesper, 405 kudos
from the outside looking in - the song of achilles, patrochilles, 371 kudos
twisted roots and sunny days, the song of achilles, patrochilles, 363 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES if i dont miss when i get them (i dont have the email motifs on) i always do ! it means so much someone commented and i always love having a lil conversation about this thing that i wrote.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as much of an lover i am of hurt no comfort i very rarely write it lmao but a lot of my tsoa fics had sad endings. autumn’s coming around is the first one that popped into mind, but that’s at least slightly open ? i’ll hold your hand while you drown, less so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like a lot of my fics have equally happy endings haha, the one that came to mind was our hair tangled in the breeze, simply because its a happy ending canon complaint tsoa fic which is a feat lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope the closets ive ever come was when i was 12 and people were like nice story but god your grammar and spelling is terrible! which was fair!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah I’m a fade to black kinda girlie
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I never anymore but well,, Once upon a time i was 14 and obsessed with glee and sherlock and well….
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as ik
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope !
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, but I would enjoy trying!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
…this is hard because wesper has been running around in my head for a year but simply cause ive been obsessed with patrochilles longer im still gonna say them
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’d love to continue for everyone im about to prove wrong, and I think I even have a mostly finished chapter lying around somewhere, but I’ve just not had the inspiration rip.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at writing characters in general, especially when it’s from their pov. first person pov my beloved.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not really a person who uses a lot of metaphors of writes flowery language, but i wish i was!! i love very beautiful language and poetic writing but i just don’t do that that much im pretty straight forward, which isn’t a bad thing but I wish i could expand a bit more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
takes me out the story way too much, it’s fine if it’s like one word every now and then but nah. ive read a couple of young royals fics, and as a swedish speaker its a bit jarring to suddenly have swedish words there lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If non published count, harry potter. if only published, glee!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
i’m gonna be fair to myself and choose one for soc and one for tsoa.
autumn’s coming around for tsoa and a fire died last winter for soc, which ironically are my least popular fics in the respective fandoms!
thank you !! and im tagging @leglesslouie @jackwolfes @wesperbrekkered @deathless--aphrodite
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lizthinspo · 3 months
i keep thinking to myself just make it to the end of the year and then ur free to do whatever you please but until then we are crying and screaming my lungs out. isn’t it so funny how the only way i can feel ok is through being myself and driving around, bc that’s how i clear my head probably bc i wish there could be a reckless driver in my path that can pls kill me so i don’t ever have to go back home. i can’t go home. it’s like im not even wanted there, i know when im not wanted somewhere. it’s summer, MY summer, im supposed to be living, instead im crying thinking about ending my life, i feel like im losing control. the things that i used to make myself feel ok are being taken away from me daily. i feel like im going insane bc everything i do is somehow wrong or not what was needed of me and it hurts so much bc how else am i supposed to be alive and happy and ok if im not loved by myself and i hate myself inside and outside i feel like im not good enough for anybody, i feel like im the one person ppl always forget abt like when we’re in a public setting and with a bunch of ppl, i feel like im always the one to have been forgotten or left out. its a horrible feeling honestly bc I WAS THERE. i feel like i don’t deserve anything and i really don’t. but since ik these are my last few memories i want to make the most of them but im also scared of my mom and what she’ll say of me when im happy. and yes i smoke and drink and cvt but honestly i love smoking bc it takes away all of my pain and im left feeling nothing, ik it seems crazy but it makes me feel like im going to make it out alive and ok even for a split second but thats why im always smoking. bc you most def don’t help me feeling ok, you’re the reason why i never feel safe nor ok nor alive nor happy. i enjoy drinking bc im not gonna make it to 21 so im just getting to still experience it and also it makes me feel happy and danceful and full of joy but you always seem to take it away from me always and it truly sucks so much because sometimes i do really want to be happy w you bc you’re my mom. and i wanna be good for you but no matter what i do you can never truly appreciate anything i do. that’s why ive given up, bc you’re never gonna open ur eyes and actually see how much im trying. this summer i had so much planned! i was so hyped and excited abt it, you should’ve heard me all of senior year, talking abt how happy i was gonna be bc im free from school and im finally gonna be able to be me. idk what else you want from me, i wanna go out and have sleepovers and have friends and be out w them for hours on end and stay out late. you say i can’t go out bc im drinking but maybe if i went out more often without ur fucking mf bitch phone call on my ass every single minute. i wouldn’t be out drinking and smoking everyday as you probably think i do now bc i could actually experience happiness. and ykw my #1 rule is to never cvt myself for anyone else’s problems but i truly think that this one deserves one bc i think if she takes my car im actually gonna lost and idk what to do. i keep saying and telling myself to keep pushing for jared and jensen and misha but i don’t think i can bc im so tired and over everything i don’t wanna live anymore. i wanna slit my wrists or hang myself to my death bc i cannot bear the thought of you saying that you’re disappointed in me bc that shattered my heart and to just continue to tell me these awful things that i wish i could respond with just fucking kill me already FUCKING KILL ME! i’m sure that’s what she wanted to do either way. she says she’ll be here for whenever you need me but i don’t need you i’m fine without you in fact i’m better off without you. ik that my intentions are good for others not for myself bc everything i’ve heard come from your mouth i believe by the amount of times that you’ve told me the same things so much so that i start to believe it myself and that translates over to me hating myself constantly and not being able to experience having real friends and have a relationship and to just experience any from of love
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