#im not going to be like oooh i hate [x] soooo much but man....
bbq-potato-chip · 3 months
man theres nothing like having a notp
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puste--blume · 8 years
Tag tag tag tag tag :D
I was tagged by @steampouda , whoop whoop another tag
Rules: answer all questions (that you can), add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions (same as @steampouda, Im also just gonna tag a few, sorry, there are too many on here )
I’ll tag @notthecarlilefromtwilight , @1stlieutenant-riza-hawkeye, @heartandstride, @aviragooutoflesbos, @redflamel, @angua-von-uberwald @story-flower If you want to do this :D
coke or pepsi: uhm water please, I hate sweet pop
disney or dreamworks: How could I decide?! See, I love the quirky dreamworks style but seeing as they still have to give me a good female protagonist i’ll have to go with Disney (and especially Mulan)
coffee or tea: coffee AND tea, jeez, why not both?! 
books or movies: Ok , well see here, movies adapted from books usually suck but I love me some good cinematography and I currently own about 200 DVDs (I’m not kidding) and regularly spend my money on movie theatre tickets, but then I read almost always at least 3 different books at once. Ugh fine I chose movies.. no books... bovies!
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: team marvel!!! have you guys SEEN LOGAN??!! fdjkfdhsaj soo good
x-box or playstation: uhm don’t own either but playstation, i really wanna get one
dragon age or mass effect: don’t really have an opinion
night owl or early riser: night owl trying to become an early bird
Cards or chess: ...board games, but in this case cards, I’m not a strategic thinker
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate <3
vans or converse: uhm I own 2 pairs of converse and no vans so I have to say converse
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: who?
fluff or angst: fluff, I just hate reading angst
beach or forest: forest by the beach (see, I’m good at wiggeling out of things haha
dogs or cats: I’m severly allergic against both so turtles, especially greek turtles, testudo hermanni boettgeri :)
clear skies or rain: clear skies all the way
cooking or eating out: cooking, unless I’m lazy
spicy food or mild food: depends, I like spicy food if its done right, like not peppery spice but like ginger etc spice. So don’t just put hot sauce on stuff but actually season it spicy
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween is not so big where I live so really solstice/yule/christmas, when the whole family comes together :)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I’m always cold so being a little too hot but balance things out a bit. Because I mean if you can make the a little too cold feeling go away by putting on more clothing, ok, then I’ll chose that, but in case it’s something that never goes away, I’d rather be a little too hot all the time
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: lol, I just dreamed about being an OC marvel mutant that could influence the feelings of people nearby and that shit is pretty powerful, so I’ll chose that. closely followed by being able to fly, I mean, who doesn’t want that right?
animation or live action: animation (by the way, I’m still really freaking out about how bad they can make the fullmetal alchemist live action... anyone still as worried as I am?)
paragon or renegade: what?
baths or showers: baths <3
team cap or team ironman: team iron man! c’mon, he has spidey <333
fantasy or sci-fi: BOTH IS GOOD, I hate deciding! also, as a lit major let me tell you the boundaries are pretty fuzzy, so I probably can get away with this :D
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they:      1:  Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one (Terry Pratchett)                                                                                                 2: A heart’s a heavy burden (Howl’s Moving Castle)                                3: Oooh! All right, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! (Make a note of this:) dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dis...(Mulan)                                                                                              4:Udo: Hallo Kinder, ich bins der Udo. Das schreib ich mal eben an die Tafel, so.Kinder :äh, hä?! Kind 1: Da steht gar nicht Udo! Udo: Boah weißt du wie egal mir das ist, ich bin doch nicht euer Deutschlehrer! Ich lehre hier das grausamste Fach an der gesamten Schule, ja?! Kind1: Mathe? Kind 2: Sport? Udo: HAUSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHRE!!! *ziiing* *grillenzirpen* Udo: Was is? Kind1: hust Udo: Boah, das ist ein ernst zu nehmendes Fach, ja?!! Das is voll wichtig! (by the one and only coldmirror, Harry Potter und der Plastikpokal <3)
harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter all the way
when you feel accomplished: I don’t know, when I’ve done something for my BA thesis paper?! I guess...
star wars or star trek: star wars <3333
paperback books or hardback books: hardback look nicer but I need books with me when I travel and since I move a lot, I have come to prefer paperbacks
to live in a world without literature or without music? ???!!! 
who was the last person to make you laugh? my boyfriend <3
sour or sweet candy: neither, I like all things chocolate though.
do you believe in aliens? I think its pretty cocky to assume we are the only lifeform out there, the universe is huge, man
dawn or dusk dusk :)
piercings or tattoos tattoos, I want one soooo bad, but I dont have money
girls? HOT????? damn yes we are <3
snow or fog fog, because I’m sooo sick of winter at this point
do you sleep facing the wall or the room? I move sooo much in my sleep, I face everywhere
TRC or AFTG: what does this stand for? 
horror or drama: uhm, I recently got into horror, so for today I’ll say horror
ocarina of time or majora’s mask? never played :( but I want to start getting into games more :)
would you rather live in an area of more nature or city? City, i’ve grown up in one and lived in a rural area for a year and hated it :D but I still like to have nature close to the city
what’s your addiction right now? gilmore girls, just got into it :D also, cosplay as a big convention is coming up :D
what languages can you speak? German, English and Polish
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I honestly like living in Germany, we have good healthcare and the government isn’t so bad, but I think Sweden is cool, if it wasn’t for the long winters :D
sun or moon? moon :)
potato bread or banana bread? banana bread!
are horses good? yeah, I’m allergic but I especially LOOOOVE iceland ponys :D, I used to horseback ride until my allergies got to a point where I couldn’t see anymore after a lesson so my mom made me stop
Edward Elric or Alphonse Elric? dammit @steampouda, why did you have to make it so hard :D ok, well, I’m gonna go with Alphonse but never make a mother choose between her children 
Logan or Deadpool?
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