#im not especially remarkable in anything. im can't create what i want how i want it
kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
yeahwhat it all really comes down to is that i hate myself isnt it.
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If I could change one thing about Obey Me:
Well, I would actually change a lot of things, but what's pretty high up there on my list is: rewriting Levi to be the Avatar of Gluttony.
I know, I know! That sounds crazy! Levi is perfect! Let me just explain my reasoning:
Levi is an Otuka and a problematic trend I noticed in Otuka circles is their consumerism. There's always more anime to consume, more figurines to buy, more merchandise. There's this ever present aura of never being satisfied as there's always more content to consume.
A lot of anime doesn't even really end, with the really popular ones having thousands of episodes. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, I'm sure that it's those anime are very good. But there's definitely a quantity over quality problem with anime, with a lot of artists getting underpayed so studios can pump out more content.
And isn't that quintessentially gluttony? Never being satisfied? Always on the lookout for something new, no matter its quality, only to eat it up and move onto the next big thing?
Some people might argue that that's Greed, to always be amassing more. But I would argue that the difference between Greed and Gluttony is being satisfied. If you're greedy you can still be satisfied with the amount of stuff you have now, hell, the satisfaction you get from having what you have might be a driving factor for wanting more - you like what you have, and you want to get more so you'll be happier. But Gluttony is never satisfied, it's constantly being on the lookout for something new because what you have is never enough.
I know most people associate Gluttony with food, and I don't blame them. That is a big aspect of Gluttony. But I think going with this angle would be very interesting. Especially seeing as Beel's hungry can seem kinda one note? So much so the characters in the game even remark upon it. So I think choosing a more unique angle would create more story opportunities.
For example, there could be an arc about reintroducing Levi to his love of anime from a story perspective, instead of just a way to consume.
Plus, I think it'll be pretty cute seeing Levi and Mammon fight so much when their sins are so similar. Something something, two sides of the same coin lol.
I do really like how Levi is portrayed in the game. I think having him being so self conscious as the Avatar of Envy was a really unique spin. And how his Okuta-ness plays a role in that envy - how he's never satisfied by real life so he escapes to fantasy worlds.
I just think that Solmare could have done a little more with the Gluttony sin. I understand why they chose not to do it this way, if this idea even crossed their minds, an arc about not buying new content and learning to be satisfied with what you have would kinda go against their business model of constantly getting new cards.
I find the 7 sins, along with the 4 horsemen and anything to do with the Underworld interesting, and thus spend too much time thinking about how I would create my own 7 sins ocs.
If I ever do create a Gluttony avatar oc, Im unsure if I would go with this characterization, as it's basically just Levi lol. I think having a Gluttony oc who is never satisfied with content would be interesting. Kinda relate it to how writers and artists feel about fandoms these days. How it seems like fans are so hungry for new content, constantly asking about a new chapter, a new art piece, instead of commenting on and appreciating what you already made.
Maybe emulate those Tiktok book lovers who have hundreds of books they haven't read yet, and yet they're constantly buying new books. How they buy a new copy of a book they already own just because it has a new cover, or it's in a language (many times a language they can't even read). With a lot of these book lovers reading hundreds of books a month, leaving you wondering if they ever stop to enjoy the book. If they have time to wonder about a plot twist, let a powerful line sit with them. If they think about a book and its themes before moving onto the next one.
(Obviously this is a subgroup of TikTok book lovers, I'm not saying all of them are like, this is just a trend that I've noticed.)
Idk, I just feel like there's a lot to say about how modern audiences devour content because there's so much of it. How companies encourage people to binge their shows because it makes them more money. The dopamine infected doomscroll apps create so you use the app more because you become so addicted to finding something good, yet never being satisfied enough to put down the phone.
So. Uh. Yeah. Gluttony is a cool sin to play around with. Wish Obey Me did something a little more interesting with it.
If any of yall have any ideas on different ways to portray the 7 Sins I would love to hear them! Shot me an ask, or a message, or anything! Who knows, we might create a little band of ocs lol.
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