#im not directly responding to the op because they asked not to
lecinea · 2 years
“Plenty of other people in MDZS (namely WWX) go through way worse shit than JC and none of them turn into murderous nutjobs.”
Babes, Jiang Yanli died and Wei Wuxian literally committed a massacre, maybe it wasn’t the thousands that they later claimed, but it probably was still a lot. As a response to the Lotus Pier massacre and getting dropped in the burial mounds he tortured Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu and Wang Lingjiao in such an extreme way that they started cannibalizing themselves and each other for it to stop. Wen Chao had his genitals bitten off. Like, this is not me saying they didn’t deserve it, but Wei Wuxian canonically very much turned into a murderous nutjob himself before he died.
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25 lazarii
so ive been thinking on neils ask and answer about the joint miracle crowley and aziraphale performed. now the way it could read is that the two didn't used to have the power of resurrection/power that is capable of resurrection, but now they do. but could also read that they didn't (as is, retrospectively from now) have the power, because it doesn't belong to them. it's this latter possibility that im going to look at because honestly? the whole thing feels to me a bit OP.
so i realise that it's not necessarily about resurrection as an act, but instead the potential to resurrect. regardless, im going to start from key moments of resurrection as a marker for their abilities:
first notion we have in s1, exactly as neil remarks, is aziraphale is able to revive a dove after warlock's birthday party. originally, this was crowley in the book (and was reportedly swapped for blocking reasons), so im going by the show only in this post to keep consistency:
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and this is supported by crowley intimating in the resurrectionist minisode that aziraphale was too late to save morag - that he could only have helped when she was still alive but instead she died whilst aziraphale was dithering:
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in fact, to me, the only time i can recall in GO (ie shout at me if wrong) we see anyone successfully resurrected is by adam, and this is marked by the reappearance of my beloved lesley, the international express delivery man:
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"Adam had rebooted reality... people who were dead were now alive, and things that were broken were miraculously restored."
the only issue appears to be that crowley now seems to be able to exercise a power of resurrection in s2, where he appears to 'bring back' mr brown, and do so rather confidently as if he always had this kind of power...
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this confidence would mirror what he says to shax, here:
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although, whilst it may be implied that mr brown was killed by the demon, we only truly see him being hurtled through the air. and, whilst crowley appears to bluff that demons can't hurt humans directly, shax appears to believe him.
now, she could have just come to the resolution that they ought to kill mr brown anyway, rules (fake or not) be damned, but the fact that we don't actually see his death intimates that shax might have just toed the line (the demons yeeted him across the street, but was he technically hurt/killed? was shax responding with her own bluff when saying, "civilian casualty"?)
edit 21/08 - IM SMUG
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ergo: was mr brown truly killed in the first place, and therefore did crowley truly resurrect him? i think the majority of people are going to say yes, and i would initially agree, but then we come to the below where crowley appears to have riddled it out:
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now it could be a case of s2 giving us the 'what' (they are insanely powerful when working together), but the 'why' (eg. power of being essentially soulmates, love, two halves of the same whole etc.) is what is going to be determined in s3.
but the conclusion that crowley came to (and im thinking entirely with critical-noggin-topped-by-tinfoil-hat head on here) feels a bit odd in the sense that it would be that simple, and doubly-odd that at this point narratively - the series that is meant to set up s3 - that the answer would be given here.
it is a parallel to the fact that crowley and aziraphale seem to work best in cohesion - their body swap proved that somewhat - and the miracle is another example of where working together does work, but neither of them are at the character-development point yet of actually recognising it for what it is and means.
it's definitely the romantic, poetic option - that they are powerful because they do it together - and for that reason i definitely think there's some truth to it, but one of the vibes i got from s2 from multiple set pieces is that things are not initially as they seem. a couple of those things appear to have been resolved (gabriel/beelzebub, for example) but there are a load of chekhov's guns left lying around the metaphorical armoury, and i have to wonder if this is one that we all thought was decommissioned.
i want to also add that the gabriel miracle, in terms of set up, directly mirrors the facing down of satan. a key difference is that in s1, they are holding hands with the literal son of satan, whereas in s2, they are holding hands with a former archangel that doesn't appear to have any power whatsoever:
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now, a miracle wasn't performed in the airfield scene (as far as we saw anyway, but potentially not counting adam's ability to retcon papa-dear), but this is directly after aziraphale names adam as 'human incarnate.' furthermore, this incredibly astute observation on the power of names by @rudeaziraphale highlights that adam, by definition of his given name, is meant to be human incarnate, and always was. and then we take into account crowley's line at the end of s1:
"For my money, the really big one is all of us, against all of them."
"What? Heaven and hell, against... humanity?"
so actually, is this what the miracle comes down to? that the power they exhibited is not just crowley and aziraphale together, but them, and humanity binding them together? crowley and aziraphale were always meant to be the same character - we know this from when neil has talked about the initial drafts he sent to terry - but actually are they truly whole without the entity that made them, influenced them, into who and what they are now?
the last thing i'll note is neil's earlier march ask here, which indicates that to bring someone back from the dead is a 'heavier weight than they could lift'. that may well just simply reference that together they could do it, absolutely, but i have to wonder if there is a secret third ingredient in the mix as well.
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
literally exerting sooo much self control and impulse control not to snap back at idiots replying stupid shit on my posts. people are annoying as fuck sometimes. like if you have 'commentary' about how i interact with shit and answer asks, you can literally fuck off. i spend absurd amounts of time trying to be nice and provide specific bears and nice replies to people at their request. and then the one time i get slightly irritated people freak the fuck out and start lecturing me about being 'unprofessional' and 'rude' and 'obnoxious' like im sorry but fuck all the way off. this is fucking tumblr. nothing about tumblr is professional. i don't have to provide y'all with bears. i don't have to make a pinned post to explain myself. newsflash, i already have a pinned post that i'm rather fond of. i don't have to act or respond to things any kind of way. i choose to respond kindly with nice encouraging messages and provide bears, and spend ridiculous amounts of time looking up specific requested bears for people. i choose to do that because i want to make people happy and spread some positivity. i choose to do that because this world is shit as fuck sometimes and i want to create a little space free from drama and negativity where people can enjoy bears and get a little reprieve from this shit ass world and the bullshit of life. i choose to do all that because i want to. but heaven forbid i'm not in the mood 100% of the time to always be perfectly nice and happy and go-lucky. and then i get shits giving me crap over it like i'm somehow obligated to do all this shit for free and always respond exactly the way they desire me to. and it is pissing me the fuck off. because i genuinely put so much effort into bearotonin and trying to make other peoples' lives better in this one tiny small way. i have a life y'all. i have a job and school and an actual adult life with responsibilities. but i choose to do this because i love bears and i think bearotonin is hilarious and making people happy is something that makes me happy. but i don't owe anyone anything, and if you have complaints about the way i comport myself or respond to messages or posts i make, well you can fuck off. i don't want to hear it. you don't need to reblog my posts and tag them with little messages about how you disagree, or write replies/comments saying i should act better or should be expecting this, or send me stupid asks. you can literally keep your negative thoughts to yourself. because people need to fucking realize that your tags are not private. if you put them on a post, the op is going to see them. and in this case, the op is going to be super pissed off by them.
to be clear, 99% of people are awesome and super nice and i love y'all dearly (and this post is absolutely not about you in any way), but the other 1% are really getting on my fucking nerves right now and it is taking a lot of effort to not engage with them directly and tell them to fuck off to their faces
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lycanthian · 1 year
ao3 authors dont take bluntly worded messages personally (challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE!)
like youre mad someone showed enough interest in your work to ask if there would be more because, what, it was worded directly? not all people communicate the same way, neurodivergent people especially tend to have trouble communicating tone over text, and youre so mad someone you dont know didnt use the exact language you wanted them to when asking you a question that you blocked them and blamed them for losing your motivation to write??? how the fuck were they supposed to know that asking you a question would ruin your entire month? does somebody seriously need to write an mla cited 5 page essay wth mla citations praising your work to ask you if theres going to be more? is the desire in itself to see more not enough of an indication they like it????
hey! that wasnt my fucking post. i know exactly which one youre talking about. i dont know who you are but i dont know what youre getting out of directly sending me this considering im not even a big writer. and that aside, i agree with OP of said post youre referencing. as a neurodivergent person i struggle with task paralysis and executive dysfunction among other things and if someone were to go onto one of my work and make such a direct comment (regardless of if its a Demand or a Request) and ask for more, expecially if its something im doing just for fun, it would make it infinitely more difficult for me to get around to doing it now that it feels like an obligation rather than a hobby. besides the fact that we're talking about AO3 fics here, and writers dont owe you or anyone shit unless youre paying them adequately. you dont get to make a comment expecting a continuation of something from some who is not obligated to continue it.
argument aside, you dont get to respond to a post that i reblogged in my own asks and basically directly argue with me, and you dont get to be rude to people directly in my ask box. i dont fucking care who you are. i cant say im not mad, but like, cmon man. if youre gonna make such an obnoxious move, at least do it off of anon so as to be able to actually talk about it after this initial response. if youre some random person i dont know, what the fuck. if youre someone who follows me, or even someone who im friends with, im disappointed. i dont want anyone to unfollow or break mutuals or anything over this but like. if you even care beyond pissing me off just talk to me normally.
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Hiyah! Im sorry to interrupt you for a while, I know this might come strange but I just wanna ask for some help if you can maybe possibly take a look the post I pinned for my lil cat, we’re in desperate need of help so a reblog/boost might definitely help us a ton! I hope you’d consider but if not, its okay and I do understand! Wishing you good health and stay safe! Pls send me a msg for a response or answer the ask privately. 🙏🙏
so are u like a real human person running this scam or are u a bot
red flags that this is a scam, for any confused readers:
asking me to respond in private? what?? if a person wanted me to “signal boost” (which would be dumb bc my blog doesnt have a large following), they’d typically ask me (or a more popular blog, if they were smarter) to publish the ask or reblog their post so my followers would see it
the asker’s archive is turned off but a quick scroll thru their blog reveals that they’ve only been an active user since yesterday. (first post reblogged at (per my time zone) 6:11am on sunday, donation post made at 6:29am on sunday. yeah.)
the vast majority of their posts are pulled from one fandom tag (the last of us), and most of their reblogs are directly from the OP of the post, which is not how a “normal” tumblr user operates
no original posts by this user except for the one asking for money
(bonus: no tags on any reblogs)
two different names on the donate post: @Evan-Naeher for the venmo but Austin Tuck for the paypal. if ur gonna lie on the internet at least keep ur story straight <3
and, for people who genuinely need help, i HIGHLY recommend checking out some charity subreddits instead of making a donation post on tumblr; a random_acts_of_whatever subreddit is Dedicated to giving posters in it money, and will be frequented by people who WANT to give money, whereas a tumblr post asking for donations that circulates often winds up just being considered annoying, because people don’t typically expect or want to see a post asking them to spend money on a relative stranger on their dashboard.
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nanjokei · 1 year
all your sycophants telling you to be meaner, nah youre just an asshole. did you like. even read the post in the first place. bc it doesnt look like you did?? i get that it makes you feel cool and good abt yourself to mock other ppls thinking-out-loud type posts but you basically telling them to shut up and keep their thoughts out of The Pure And Perfect Tag�� and then go on to say "oh im autistic ive never gotten the chance to rly speak up and be mean so this feels good" like..... thats so painfully hypocritical. you should KNOW how it feels to be told "shut up no one cares" so why are you doing it to someone else? so im telling you to shut up. youre annoying and no one cares and you shouldnt use other people as punching bags. asshole
did you get it out of your system. that's great. i don't really feel like giving a benefit of the doubt response anymore given after the first ask you decided to go ballistic like this... like, not even being sassy, i could have just responded "are you mad" and published it. but i am a neurotic person who will respond even if it's not in the way i initially set out to. just for you.
just for transparency, here's the first ask i got last night:
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hi. i think you are projecting a lot of feelings onto me that i did not express and stretching my original statements. which in some sense, some may see as understandable! i was being less than gentleman-ly! i don't know if this is the op messaging after i blocked them or a friend coming in to give me a piece of their mind, it does not matter. this is something i was gonna say even in the first ask: had i been approached for an apology, i probably would have caved and apologized, because i'm weak to that kind of thing. at the very least even if i didn't agree, i would have wholeheartedly apologized for any distress or trouble. this isn't bull or me trying to flatter my way out of a situation. the response i got— which a friend ended up reading, to be honest i just blocked right away— was thoroughly strange, something something apologizing and being like "idk tumblr tag etiquette" and choosing to delete the original post. which i would not know how to respond to. i'm not some kind of tag police or god of tumblr or whatever, so why apologize to me or delete the post. i am writing this response under the assumption that it could be someone else, but a hit dog will holler, in this one sentence i will address OP directly: that response was strange. had i read it, i would have either ignored it still or apologized, i have no idea, but initial my response really was "but i have no power over this person or anyone". i did not ask for you to clean up your contribution to a tag or police it. i simply stated my opinion on my blog when prompted by a third party expressedly out of earshot of the op. is that a morally correct thing? proooobably not. but it is the internet. "why are you, the person who got hated on, continuing the cycle of hate" type bs might as well be a self fulfilling prophecy. if you feel this way, why send me asks about it at all if you're gonna go ape over me not responding immediately? does it mean so much to you? go ahead and block. i do not argue with people online. but i'll respond because clearly you want one. not gonna prostrate myself before anyone, and respond just as coldly as you are painting me out to be. this is my special fanservice to you, since you wanted to believe that about me so badly.
>pure and perfect tag
i do not check tags for a reason. i checked it one time. i guess this implication comes off of what i said so i'll say it out clearly but i genuinely could care less past the initial pang of cringe what is in there. had nonnie not continued to converse with me i would have moved on ans forgotten about it. i am not a police or a militia. it means nothing to me most days if a tag is "good". who the hell cares. you are obsessing over my existence, my opinion and the weight of such a thing a bit too much over here.
>shut up no one cares
neeeever said this, and no one has ever said this to me. the story i recounted about being called toxic was in the youtube comments and was 5 years ago. no one told me "no one cares". it just hurt my ego. anyway, if someone cared so much to send two asks about it, then thank you. i really won't shut up.
>never got the chance to speak up and be mean
>my sycophants
it was one nonnie. are you obsessed with me or something? i am like one random ass blogger on a dying website. i do not have an army or cult of personality. i am just one guy.
>end of the ask
heard you loud and clear. thanks for the feedback, not gonna reflect on it much though. it was an asshole move. does it make me an asshole? yup.
it was catty and petty of me. i knew that much from the very first ask i answered. but op wasn't tagged, i didn't send anyone to them either, so i can only really think "what were you doing on my blog anyway". because yes, this is a blogging site, not a pvp site, i didn't engage with anyone to start fights. didn't bring op's name into it, didn't actively mock them (the comment about them not being special was ad hominem though i admit to that much. sorry.)
you cannot expect everyone to be 100% nice and handle people with kiddie gloves in their own blog space when they are not bringing you into it especially given i did not direct anyone to anyone's post.
had it been me i would have just blocked and moved on. pwease no steppy and all that. whoever sent op an ask about it to make them respond is kind of a drama obsessed weirdo lol. like i'm just saying. causing both me and op a headache. it did not have to shake out like this. neither of us were gonna engage with each other and everyone could have gone to sleep without any icky feelings. honestly, from my point of view, both of you are strange. wow, i am barely hiding who i think is behind this ask. but it really is addressed very generally.
don't send me another ask! i will just publish them with no response. this situation was entirely avoidable and i lament that you decided to both waste my time and your own with all this. just block me like i asked!
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liquidstar · 3 years
hi this is evilmario666 anon. im ok now and i realized that despite the misogyny that does exist on account of genre and perspective re:zero actually understands the subaru archetype of guy very well and i was jumping to conclusions too quickly based on what i was seeing. it was impolite and unfair of me and id like to apologize both to re;zero and you, i am no longer on the verge of a blood rage. thanks once more because i am genuinely having a ball of a time . lost track of arc numbers but im on the one where subaru accidentally SPOILERS kills emilia becaus he tries to reveal return by death
NO YEA ANON ITS OK sorry i didnt respond to ur first ask last night i was too tired to read long things lol
but i TOTALLY get how you feel like subaru early on legit annoyed me with his behavior, and it was completely intentional. not that he didnt have his endearing traits, i think the first thing that made me really like him was the fact that he got to know the names of the village kids and legit cared about them a lot because before getting to know them he just considered them and everyone around him as "npcs", and the village kids in particular arent "important" characters. (also dont take all of what im about to say as subaru hate, having read most of the story now i legit love the guy but im just talking abt his portrayal in the show in the early arcs)
basically arc 1 just served to introduce us to characters and concepts so there wasnt all too much of an arc there, subaru is dense as hell so he still came out of all that thinking he was gonna get his Isekai Harem Fantasy and so when he arrived at the mansion in arc 2 he literally treated all the characters like tropes (even before that though he would assume emilia's behavior based on what the tropey response would be). he just didnt see any of them as people and thats where a lot of the conflict came from, in order to overcome in that arc he had to actually befriend both rem and ram in a way that actually mattered, and he really did start to care about them as people and we know that because of the story he tells ram about the ogres.
arc 3 though addresses his mindset about this hero fantasy he has a lot more bluntly, because while he may have grown some in arc 2, he still has a huge martyr complex and places emilia into this role where he gets to be her hero even though she didnt ask for that, and their fight about it is simultaneously really satisfying to see him called out, and hard to watch because hes being such a child about it, hes so incredibly entitled to her at this point. the show luckily frames him as completely in the wrong and shows us the nastiest parts of this mindset in him. one of my favorite scenes in this arc is the one where he accidentally kills her, but just before that. when he rushes into the room and yells at her about how shes useless and unable to save anyone and we focus on her face, and she just says "why are you crying?" and the cut zooms into her eye to reveal that he was staring at his own reflection in it, he was talking to himself. that just perfectly describes what she is to him at that point- a beacon to project all his insecurity and doubt. re:zero loves using those eye-reflection shots, and i love seeing them because my absolute favorite theme in the story is "self-recognition through the other"
subaru does legitimately learn and become better, he acknowledges how shitty hes been in his convo with rem and it gets turned into a really sweet moment between the two of them, and it gets memed a lot but "i love emilia" is honestly a really good line because its in that moment that he stops trying to either run away or project and face his feelings genuinely in a way that doesnt throw her under the bus. by the time arc 4 rolls around hes so much more likable, and his dynamic and relationship with emilia becomes honestly really cute, the way they talk is sort of dorky and charming (spoilers, but even when they have another argument that calls back to the one they had in arc 3, you feel its coming from a legit place now, and when he kisses her he does so only after getting explicit consent and telling her its okay to dodge). hes so much more sympathetic and you really root for him. i loved the choice to not show any of his backstory until arc 4, the point where youre supposed to be on his side completely.
all that being said though its NOT a series i think is perfect nor do i think its super feminist, i just think its a good deconstruction of these isekai tropes and calls them out in a blunt way that i enjoy seeing. there are lots of things about it that i dont like too though, some of the character designs sort of bother me and seem antithetical to this, part of that is that the writer and character designer are different people but it still passed. but i still enjoy the story and characters enough that it doesnt totally sully my enjoyment of it (some are more egregious than others tho). at the end of the day im so along for this whole ride, i love the way it explores its themes, again especially the whole "self-recognition through the other" thing but also suicidal ideation and of course the deconstruction of what the isekai genre has become.
TL;DR: the series perfectly understands the type of nerdboy that watches isekai anime and wants to be sent to another world just like their favorite blank-slate nerdy protagonist and it directly calls them out, saying "no. youre not gonna be an OP hero who saves the day and gets all the bitches with that fucking attitude. youre not gonna be able to escape your insecurities via this escapism, you treat the women around you like trash, youre not entitled to any of this, youre just pathetic." and though subaru is a character that gets better many of the viewers of the series straight up plugged their ears to its themes so they can jack off to rem lol.
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Hello and Welcome!
You can call me J—my main is @heyyesimtrash-whatofit so if you see them respond to you in the comments it’s me I swear—and I’m the sole weirdo running this blog :) When it comes to what I post on this blog it will be mostly writing, for that is what I’m most confident in, however art is an option too and you might occasionally get that.
What I’ll Write:
If I’m being honest? Pretty much any type of oral Vore is a go for me. Soft, Hard, Safe, Fatal, Same Size, G/T- Im fine with all of them. G/T Fluff is also something I’ll write but if I do imma have a different blog for that (which I’ll link here if I do) Just keep it SFW and we’re good!
What I Won’t:
Any type of Vore outside of oral. I simply cannot grasp unbirth or whatever else you could manage to come up with. Just no. Also NSFW. I’m not gonna put any of that (directly, i know I posted a story with some suggestive stuff in it) on my page when I specifically ask for no NSFW asks. I’m not writing porn thanks. Also I normally don’t drag children characters (like- under 10. At least as preds) into my Vore stuff so yeah. I’m aware I have (lmao New/sies and Kara/te K/id fixations who) but those are exceptions and should no way be taken as kink or NSFW thank you. Yes, we’re gonna ignore the QuickFang fic because they were aged up in that (I know I never said it but it was and I’m sorry for not saying so)
Fandoms I’m Big Focus™️ on Rn:
It’s been a hot minute for some of these but we’ve got-
Bac/k to the Fu/ture
The G/reat G/atsby
Fandoms I’ve Written for/Focused on in the Past (which I can still talk about from time to time):
In Sp/ace W/ith Ma/rk (and other similar projects)
Profe/ssor Layt/on
Do/nt St/arve
The Kara/te K/id/Cob/ra K/ai
Litt/le Sh/op of Hor/rors
Madn/ess Co/mbat
Phan/tom of the Ope/ra
The Sta/nley Para/ble
(Def more I’m forgetting but you get the point)
So uh, yeah. Guess this is finally a big ol hello to y’all. Any scenario for these characters, questions, scenarios in general, ideas, or whatever else you might want to see can be dropped in the ask box. I’m gonna try and answer some that I have put off thanks to school and shit in the past however many months.
Just know that I don’t see Vore as a sexual thing. Yes there are people who do however I’m not one of those people. If you wanna take my works that feature only adults as kink then go ahead I can’t stop you but do know that I did not intend that.
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carpathxanridge · 3 years
can yall seriously stop indiscriminately piling onto every single person who make an “anti-terf” post? like i know ur very smart and can totally own the tras but when the person involved is like a random teenager without a platform? when they’re female and dysphoric? and especially when they’re not being particularly antagonistic toward radfems? like at that point u need to seriously ask urself if ur engaging because you hope to get them to actually think about radical feminism, if u have a thoughtful response or observation and want to start a discussion (in which case you can weigh whether it’s necessary to respond directly, or if you should perhaps make a separate post with a screenshot: is your response in dialogue with op, or with your followers about op?), orrrr if ur engaging because you want to win. because im feeling like it’s the latter for a lot of you and it’s seriously immature.
this goes especially if u agree with the hypothesis that the trans community is cult-like and preys on dysphoric, gay and mentally ill teens... then u would reasonably think that engaging in such an antagonistic way confirms that “cult” programming, confirms their beliefs that the world is transphobic and wants them dead and that radfems are hateful and radical feminism itself is dangerous to engage with. some of yall need to let go of ur egos and either engage with some of the compassion u claim to have for dysphoric women, or else not engage at all.
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zhaozi · 4 years
when someone wants to blame me and people i occasionally speak to for them hypothetically attempting something if they were in a depressed episode then maybe it’s time for the truth to be put out in the open. i’m sincerely glad you’re not in a depressed episode, but maybe you should think about whether other people are. blaming them for something you might have done given a hypothetical what if isn’t fair to anyone.
axelle (@piningbisexuals) decided that she was going to post all about how me some other people in the thai drama community were attempting to run her off the platform by bullying her but she’s strong and she’ll pull through. what she neglected to mention is that the people who were ‘bullying and harrassing her’ were lgbt voices who wanted explainations for what could be considered microagressions or homophobic behaviour. 
i can’t speak for everyone but i took my concerns to her directly through direct messages because there was no need to get anyone else involved. (important fact before we continue: i am autistic, it take 3 seconds to find out this information on my about me page). as a result of my autism i understand i can often come across as blunt but unfortunately i don’t have the luxury of turning my disability off. i tried to be as polite as possible when contacting axelle any time i had queries and she responded in ways that confused me. 
i appreciate that english isn’t her first language so i shared screenshots of a messgae with @yihwas to ask for her opinion on whether the phrase ‘you did good’ was patronising in the context of the message. upon finding out this information, axelle took it upon herself to twist the events and state them in a way that made her seem more like a victim than she actually is. however, i am of the opinion i did not do anything wrong, and if i did i sincerely apologise. if anyone says my messages were rude, it was unintentional but i know because of the autism that i can come across as blunt. 
the first set of messages we exchanged were in response to her tags about off’s hand being over first’s crotch in a photo op. i thought it was a bit weird to make a beeline and focus in on the crotch so sent an ask about it. i’m posting a transcript instead of screenshots as it’s effort to add them in on mobilt but i have no issues posting them if needed. below is the transcript:
minghao-ah:  hi there, i was just reading through your blog and some of your tags rubbed me up the wrong way and I was just wondering if you could clarify on them a little bit. On this post (https://piningbisexuals.tumblr.com/post/636938447688499200/piningbisexuals-offguntay-being-extremely-subtle), you focus a lot on First's hand and whether or not he's touching someone's crotch and that seems a bit of a weird thing to focus on. Was it intentional? Hope that it's okay to ask for clarification! 😊😊 piningbisexuals:  hi, well I found it funny that in this picture https://www.instagram.com/p/CIZ8wBugW5w/ first's hand seems to be on off's crotch bc of the moment the pic was taken. it's not that deep, the hand placement made me cringe & bc I like to share everything on my tumblr I brought it up. I'm happy to clarify, especially as you seem polite & nice, but I also must admit I'm a little lost as to why that's an issue at all? I'm a little lost lol minghao-ah: it just seemed an odd thing to focus on is all. ive seen a lot of similar photos and my thoughts never stray to oh that person's hand is close to touching this person's crotch. i guess im a little used to fetishisation coming from a kpop fandom background and was just a little worried that you might be forcing sexualisation onto a completely innocent moment, especially with the last tag. as it was all completely innocent, I'm sorry I wasted your time! maybe ive just been on tumblr for too long and worry that everyone is a bit weird. it's easier to just ask rather than mistaking someone for a weird person. thanks for clarifying! 😊 piningbisexuals:  no I wouldn't be sexualizing off & first lol, I wouldn't do that to anyone but it's not like I ship them together so yeah I just found the timing of the pic funny. yes you did good asking me, I'd never want anyone to misinterpret my words. no problem!
the second exchange was in relation to an ask she received about itsay and a comment she made that it would not have been as successful if it was not marketed as a bl drama. below is the exchange:
minghao-ah: hi there. me again. just asking for more clarification because im sure i must be misunderstanding something. I'll skate over the intro because you haven't cited sources for your believe that the majority of bl watchers are lgbtq+ and i don't have the time currently to go looking for some so let's just stick a pin it that. in a response to an ask about itsay you say all mlm representation is still representation regardless of the quality. do you not think this is a harmful statement? bad representation is harmful. for example if your only representation of a gay man came from tharntype, you'd think that gay men were going to assault you in your sleep and accost you in the showers. if your only representation of gay men was the 'im not really gay, i just love you' trope then if you were a gay man you might find it wrong that you find more than one man attractive. is that not harmful for a large audience to be ingesting these stereotypes? the bl label isn't what made itsay big. the household name actors and the big production company behind the project is what helped made itsay big. plus if you're saying that labelling it as a gay series meant it wouldn't be as big doesn't that infer that boys love is good but gay isn't? should we infantalise gay men and their relationships for the sake of a label. surely if it was true representation then it would be under the title of a gay series? please correct me if im misunderstanding anything. id hate to think people were reading a message that you didn't intend to put out. piningbisexuals:  okay dude, so like I'm happy to answer, but also... I kinda feel like you're purposely trying to misinterpret my words? idk maybe you don't mean it that way but also I'd love to be able to express my opinion without my intention being misinterpreted. when I said mlm representation is still representation I was talking about mediocre mlm representation, aka shows that are not very produced & written but are still bl. I was not talking about shows with sexual assault & other harmful tropes. itsay being about two guys falling in love thus being bl is absolutely part of what made it big, especially with inter fans. as someone who watches both bl & non bl thai dramas it's very clear that what most of the inter fans watch is bl & only bl. you can have a different opinion, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong. we can have different opinions & it's okay minghao-ah:  i promise im not trying to misinterpret your words. i take things on face value which is why id prefer to ask for clarification rather than call you out publically or anything. im grateful you take the time to reply and that don't misunderstand the intention behind my messages. im aware we can have differing opinions and most of the time accepting those differences is healthy. it inspires debate and education, which im sure you'll agree is important. thanks again for letting me know your thoughts. in future would you prefer me not to message you? i understand that it might be difficult to have someone interpret your words the wrong way and it might cause offence to be asked to explain your reasoning. piningbisexuals:  honestly I appreciate you being nice & polite and I have no ill-will towards you at all, but also I just hope that in the future you can know my character a little more & know that I've said many times that I despise real life shipping, fanservice, shows with sexual assault & harmful stereotypes, so what you might misinterpret as something I'm saying is literally the direct opposite of all my values. so yeah it can be a little upsetting to have your intentions questioned. I can't tell you not to message me about it but I'll just ask you to really read my words & try to understand where I'm coming from before messaging me for explanation. english isn't my first language so yeah sometimes my wording can be a little awkward or what not, but I still think my intent is pretty clear
following this exchange, she blocked me so there was no way to discuss if i was misunderstanding something. throughout the exchanges i tried my best to be polite and open but i felt the response i got was standoffish with the aim to shut down conversation. as i said, i’m not good at detecting tone due to my disability to i asked sophia for help sometimes. 
in addition to this she has repeatedly deleted asks that i have sent her about her sexualisation of actors including the use of the title ‘daddy’. (as someone in her replies inferred, no i wouldn’t prefer it if she infantilised actors. there is a huge spectrum between daddy and baby.) in an ask she did answer she said it was because off was 30 thus old, his nickname is papi and it’s a meme and not sexual. if calling him daddy is because he’s old, then surely grandpa would be more appropriate. if his nickname is papi then stick with papi, you don’t need to translate it? finally, it’s not a meme, don’t kid yourself. i hope the following screenshots provide an understanding of what i was talking about when i said ‘sexualisation’ 
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but off isn’t the only actor she’s done it too, so what’s the excuse there? she did it with drake who would’ve been 17 at the time of slam dance but okay he’s a ‘thicc daddy’. is it because of his age or does he also have a nickname i don’t know about? and what about ryan hawley? her tags speak for themselves about whether it’s a meme or sexual. 
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i kept this private because there was no reason to make it public. if she would have apologised for the misunderstanding or just stated her case it would’ve been done. she was repeatedly dismissive and sometimes downright rude. she has had evidence bought to her in private of things that could be considered transphobic for example tagging a gifset of joss wayar in drag as ‘if this set flops youre transphobes’ and she deleted the tag but didn’t apologise for it. 
after speaking to sophia and shannon (@1akorn) all anyone wanted was an apology. all you had to say was ‘i’m sorry, i will listen to lgbt voices and experiences’. instead you chose to actively shut down lgbt voices, disrespect someone’s disability and cause upset when you didn’t need to. i understand i might have done some things wrong, i am willing to learn from this and continue educating myself. i can only apologise for things i’ve done wrong if those things are bought to my attention. 
there was never an attempt to push you off the platform. there was an attempt to open a line of discussion which you closed. that’s not my fault and i won’t be made to take the blame for it.
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gayregis · 3 years
it's not my intention to come off as rude, but could you perhaps think more using insane" less? I don't want to tell you what to do but this word as well as others like "crazy" as descriptors are so deeply rooted in common usage but also very, very ableist at the core. I think it's important to unlearn these things and be more mindful of their impact and the implications towards the mentally ill.
this might be a long answer but like... yeah. this can get pretty personal so. that’s why it’s long. **and i am asking anyone reading to not reblog this post because of it being personal** but i wanted to respond to this ask and not ignore it, to let you know that i do care about what you’re talking about, but i do just want to challenge your perspective a little.
i want to say that, although it’s not your intention to come off as rude, it is kind of rude to assume that i don’t deal with mental illness and that i’ve never thought about this before. just because i don’t have all of my mental illnesses listed in my bio does not mean i am not mentally ill... you kind of don’t know anything about me regarding this, because i try and keep it private and not make a lot of vent posts, because i generally am become uncomfortable with venting online to strangers. you saying “the mentally ill” like it’s a foreign concept is pretty funny to me considering that i struggle with mental illness...
okay so. let’s get to the response to this
first off, i agree with you that using words like “crazy” and “insane” can be rude and ableist when used in a rude and ableist context. if you are calling other people “crazy” and “insane” to describe their actions towards you, like a guy saying “my crazy bitch ex girlfriend”, that’s obviously fucked up and an improper use of the word. additionally, other words, like “ps*cho” and shit are totally off the table to say, imho, as they have a much deeper effect.
but i think that it depends on how you use the word. much like saying “that’s so gay,” VS “i’m so gay,” when you’re actually using the word to describe your own feelings and emotions, that’s pretty much a proper use of the word in terms of its definition, instead of using it to hurt others or to associate it with something to look down upon. this leads me to my next point, which is how i use these words to describe myself, which is personal so i’m going to put a read more
as for the personal side and context as to how i typically use these words, i feel like i usually use them in their proper manner, i.e., to describe my own feelings.
this ask came in like, directly after i posted these tags, so forgive me if i’m connecting to the wrong thing, but these were my tags for context:
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so my tag “goes insane, bites u” is pretty silly, at first glance. right, it’s like, a meme or a joke? well... the use of “im insaneeeee” as a phrase that has become common recently “as a joke” has actually been kind of relieving to me as someone who deals with trauma and a whole sleuth of other things... like, when i am feeling super overwhelmed, panicked, and yes , “insane,” i can say, “haha im insanneeee” and it won’t sound like i’m weird for being this way, that i’m weird for having panic attacks, meltdowns, sobbing randomly, etc, etc. 
you can’t see me do these things, because the entirety of my life doesn’t exist on tumblr , so i understand that it might just seem that i’m some weird random fandom blog who doesn’t give two shits and has a perfectly happy life. but i do experience these things and it’s part of my life
when i say “im going insaneeee”, etc. in relation to posts about parental characters / parental relationships,,,...... did you ever think that there might be a reason behind that? or that i might be reacting in an actual “insane” way? i phrase it jokingly, but a lot of the time, i am actually “going insane.” i phrase it like this for both my own comfort (what i talked about where it normalizes it and makes me feel less weird) but also for brevity, and ALSO? to make the artist/op/etc feel way more comfortable than if i literally just spilled everything and said, “this art represents a relationship i desire between myself and my absent parent, whose violence towards me and my other parent still affects me every day, to this day...........” because that’s fucked up and no one would want to read that coming from a stranger, right? i think i’ve said before that the witcher is like “a coping medium” for me and i interact with it not just on a general fandom level, but it has provided me kind of like a way of dealing with shit that i’ve had to encounter...
obviously i don’t have to describe my entire life and trauma to a stranger on the internet, because that’s just not something that i either feel comfortable with or that i need to do, but i wanted to just give an example of where i’m coming from with this. 
i also want to say that i have seen this argument many times, and i also think a lot about a post about this specific argument but i can’t find it right now, but basically what the post says is that eliminating words like “crazy” and “insane” from our vocabularies with no thought of WHY we’re doing it beyond “it can be ableist”, without actually considering what these words mean and the variety of ways in which they can be used, and what we could do to directly benefit the lives of mentally ill people, is a HUGELY liberal standpoint that focuses on the performativity of personal choice instead of the SYSTEMATIC CHANGES that would help lessen the effects of the ableism baked into our society. 
so yeah that’s pretty much it, i get if it makes you uncomfortable and i’ll try not to use these words in like derogatory ways like “you’re insane if you think that...” because i get where that can start to feel wrong, although i can’t remember a post i’ve made where i said that (if you want to link me to posts like that that i’ve made, i can edit them). 
thanks for the concern anon and i hope this answered your question, but i just want to say like, even though i think your intent was good, please consider how you’re interacting with people and do not assume the mental health status of everyone you see online...
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 27)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:1644
Warnings: escaping cell, doubts,lying,deceit
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Fury arrived at the Tower just a few days later, giving Shannon an opportunity to discuss allowing you out for a day. 
“Ms. Shannon, Director Fury has entered the building and is headed up to Mr. Stark’s office,” the Al alerted her of the current situation.  
“Thank you, JARVIS, redirect him to my lab, would you please? I have some things to discuss with him,” she asked the Al while continuing her notes from the study she was working on with Bruce. “If you could please have Charles’ number ready for after my meeting to proceed with my visit to the mansion as well that would be great,” she added. 
“Of course, Ms. Shannon,” came from the nearby wall tablet. 
Fury was actually here to see Tony about something for the Avengers and things of the such, the last thing on his mind was the prisoner down in the lowest level. Getting into the elevator he proceeded to head to the top floor where Stark had his office.
“Mr. Fury, I’ve been asked to redirect you to Ms.Shannon’s lab she would like to discuss some things with you,” The Al system told him as he was reaching her floor. 
“Alright. Let her know I’m on my way there now,” he replied, not sure why exactly she wanted to speak to him, everything discussed came directly from Stark.
Upon arriving to her floor he got out of the elevator and followed where Bach’s concerto no.1 in C major, Op.7 was playing. He had to give her credit for the type of music she played. Getting to the lab he could see that she was hard at work on one of her extensive studies. He knocked on the door so as not to startle her.
She looked up from her paperwork and saw that Fury was at the doorway. “Come in, come in Director Fury,” she told him waving him to one of the other tables. “I’m glad to see you here. Was the flight here okay?” she asked trying to keep things casual. 
“Thank you, yes. I will have to ask Stark what airline he uses for his trips,” he said looking rather calm.  “I was told you wanted to speak to me?” he asked, looking around the room. 
“I could give you the number for the private jet company we use on your way up to see Tony after.” She told him while going to take a seat. “Yes, actually I was hoping to discuss about one of the two prisoners we have down in the lowest level.” She winced while saying ‘prisoners’ because she didn’t really feel like that’s what you were.
“Have there been any issues with them?” he asked, sounding concerned. “We could have them relocated, if that's what it is.”
“No! No, actually they’ve been rather compliant,” she said looking to one side of the room. “What I wanted to ask was if you would consider releasing Y/N from the cell a few times…?” she asked, sounding nervous.
“Now why the hell would I do that?! They are considered Terrorists to the U.S,” he said loudly. “Have you gone mad? The moment you let one of them out they’ll wreak havoc on the city,” he stated as if he knew her. 
“That is where you're wrong, Director Fury. I know what they did was unforgivable, but the reason I ask this is because I would like to take her with me to see Professor Xavier about getting her powers under control so that they are no longer considered a threat to the lives of civilians.” She started explaining everything that had happened and how the powers you have aren't something you can fully grasp and keep on a leash. She also went on to explain how her mutation had taken a different route and would like Charles to take a look and see if there’s anyway that it can be handled and seen that it will not take any negative effects on her anymore. 
After a long debate about whether or not it would be safe and logical to have you leave the cell twice a week, Fury relented and said he would allow it so as long as they made sure that no one can see you leave the building and headed to the mansion. 
“Listen the only way I can say yes is if you have Captain Rogers be an escort to the prisoner all the way to the mansion and if you find a way to get her out of the tower undetected,” he stated. He also added, “Is Stark aware of any of this? What has he said?” He felt as if though Tony would never agree to such a thing.
“Tony is completely unaware of the situation. If he were, there would be no way I would have been able to speak to you at this moment,” she explained the situation to him. “And on getting her out undetected from the tower I’ll have a fellow mutant friend come and take her to the car we will take to the mansion. As well as have Steve come with us,” she finished hoping that it would be enough to please him and to give her the green light on this, she hoped to help you, to regain your life and not let those powers of your get the better of you. 
“If it goes as I state then you may take her only on the conditions established at this time and nothing more,” he stated, making his word final and began to get up. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to speak to Stark about the new plans for the Avengers, I’ll have the information relayed to you.” 
“Thank you, Nick. I truly mean this, you won’t regret it!” she said sounding really excited to tell you and hoping to get to the mansion as soon as possible. 
“I sure hope the hell I don’t!” With that said, he left, making his way to Tony and remembered to keep this quiet. No need to worry the man anymore than he already was. 
“Ms. Shannon, would you like me to call the professor now?” The Al system asked having been waiting for her to finish with Fury. 
“Ahh yes please, JARVIS, and send a message to Nightcrawler about meeting with me today, please. I need to speak to him as well,” she replied being immediately connected to the mansion’s system. 
“Right away, Ms. Shannon,” he responded and went to do as requested. 
“Hello, Shannon, it’s so good to hear from you again,” Charles said while going around the mansion keeping an eye on the students. “I was hoping to hear from you,” he added 
“Hi, Professor, it good to hear your voice too, it's been very busy here in New York,” she said sounding a bit tired. “I was hoping to see you about my mutations it seems there’s a problem and I don’t know how much more I can take of this…” she said.
“My dear child, you’re always welcome to come and see me, when would you like to come? I can have the training room set up and the equipment for the testing there as soon as possible,” he said sounding very calm and reassuring.
“Thank you. I was planning on going there in two days actually, there's also another thing, Charles…” She got quiet for a moment 
“What is it, my dear? What's the matter?” he asked a bit worried something might have happened. 
“My friend could use your help too. It seems that she’s acquired some powers that have gotten out of control and we were hoping you could find the cause of it and how to help her take control?” she asked him hoping he had positive news for her. 
“Well that sounds unfortunate but of course she’s welcome to come. Will you two plan on staying at the mansion?” he asked so as to have the room she used to use prepared for their arrival. 
“Actually no, seeing as she’s not exactly allowed to be left free we will be traveling to the mansion a few times.” She was adamant about not telling him the events of New York were your doing. She didn't want him to see you in a negative light. “It’s best if I explain in person,” was all she said. 
“If that's how you would like it then I shall have everything ready for when you come, see you soon my dear,” he said before ending the call. 
Now that those two things are out of the way the only thing left was to get ahold of Nightcrawler and see if he can help her get you out of the tower without Tony being aware of it. She had JARVIS send the text out to him in hopes to get a quick response. 
“Ms. Shannon, Mr. Nightcrawler has agreed to help you with getting Y/N out of the tower” the Al read the response text that was sent. “I would advise against it however, Ms. Y/N is under no circumstances to leave the tower without Mr. Stark being aware of it,” The Al had said as a matter of factly. 
“JARVIS if you so much as say a peep of any of this to Tony I’ll personally make sure that your Al system be changed with FRIDAY’s chip, Im aware that Tony wouldn’t like this but this is my responsibility and I'm choosing not to let him be apart of my choice.” She said in a serious tone. 
“Of...of course, Ms. Shannon I promise not to say a thing to him.” He seemed to sound nervous; as if an Al could get nervous. 
“Thank you JARVIS! You're the best,” she told the system in a cheery voice.
Tag List: @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr​ @kaelingoat @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sorryimacrapwriter @glitterquadricorn @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm @alyssaj23 @sea040561 @princess76179 @thisismysecrethappyplace @sarahp879 @malfoysqueen14 @ellallheart @breezy1415 @marvelmayo @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​ @tngrayson​​
@wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
<---Prev   Next ---> Core
“I’m not a coward.” Killer hissed. Shatter opened a portal
"Than come on chicken!" She hops through the portal and lands right in front of shade.
Shade jumped. “The hell?!” He hissed at Chara. “Chill out.” Error said with a sigh.
"Hello to you too shade" she rolls her eyes. "Error! Hello, I didn't get to talk last time. What have you been up to?" She goes over to shine and looks at her pet
Skink has grown quite a bit, he was the same size as Shine “Well, Ink has been complaining on how her game has become dull and needs some ‘spicing up’” Error shrugged. “ Whatever that means.”
"nothing good I'm sure" she looks around. "Where is she?"
“She left a bit ago, said she’ll be back soon.” Error replied. (2 turns)
"uh huh," she gets a chill thinking something is going to happen. She looks to shatter.
Shatter seemed to have the same feeling as she looked around. 
sense she's right by shine all she does kinda go closer to her in a protective mannor
The ground spiked up, hitting Shatter directly in her soulstone.
chara sees shatters soul stone break. "INK ALL OF YOUR STUPID IDEAS MEAN NOTHING AS LONG AS CAN RELOAD. SO THE JOKES ON YOU" she looks around for her
Ink was on top of the roof. “Not if I overload your save file to now.” She said with a smirk as shatter turned to dust.
"Good luck trying you piece of sh**! Oh god I hate you! Void cult yeah right" chara climbs up to face her.
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Ink paused for a moment. “Where did you learn that...”
"I thought you knew EVERYTHING." She sneers her eyes glowing
“Not when I’ve been stuck here.”
"whatever I don't care about your excuses. I'm going to make you hurt, you're going to tell me about this cult. And then I'm bringing shatter back. " chara surrounded ink with red knives
“I can bring her back, but not unless I get something in return.” Ink replied
"Like you need anything" the knives are right by her skin grazing her
Ink’s blood was black and reformed instantly into new skin. “Enterainment.”
"Maybe you should stop being a perv and mind your own business for once in your life" she makes the knifes cut back at her, they form jags more like a saw
She saws through inks arm only for it to slowly reform. "Error wanna help me out?"
“Kid, I’ve tried, she doesn’t feel pain unless she gets burns.” Error said.
"Like, actual burns or chemical burns?"
Ink signaled for Error to be quiet
"You can speak errz, she doesn't own you."
( did killer follow or is she still back at the other place)
(She stayed back.) “Yeah but she can certainly kick my ass.” Error responded, remembering last time She got in the way of one of Ink’s games
(I am just now realizing how much Ink is like the other mother from coralline)
(Yeah that sounds about right) 'I'm surrounded by cowards.' She looks upset. 'Its around this time I wish I was bigger and or could teleport' she tries to tackle ink off the roof anyway with the use of orange magic
Below is a shallow lake so that would answer her question of water Resistance
Ink turned to liquid, dodging.
chara checks ink
(Endurance 10/10 Speed 9/10 Physical attack 1/10 Special attack 9.5/10 Physical Defense 7/10 Special Defense 9.5/ 10)
chara puts up a ring of fire around ink
Ink looked at this. “Really?”
All I can picture is chara saying "go ride a rollercoaster" all angry like in that balloon shop video
"Just because you're op as fu** doesn't mean you have to make fun of me!" She waves her arms
Ink looked at Chara before her eyes flared and the flames went out.
"You know, I say 'I hate you' a lot but for you I really mean it." She shoots forward and slashes into her ink that just moves out of the way. "Help me error damn it!"
“Again, I know better than to do that.” Error said. “Yeah? But I don’t!” Shade hissed climbing up.
chara's pretty shocked that shade wants to help. "Well, ah gee. Thanks kid,"
Ink turned to Shade, a slight glare on her face.
Chara wonders if she were to fuse with shade and then go back in time if she could revert it. 
 Shade shot towards Ink, who turned to liquid to dodge.
chara goes in from the other side trying to leave her no where to go.
Ink went in between Chara’s legs and reformed behind her.
 Chara sighs. And turns to her. "Why did you do it. She's my friend, how is this fun to you!" she looks like she actually might cry.
“Because, it’s illogical.”
"fun has NOTHING to do with logic. What world are you living in? Why hasn't the protesters of these world's come to destroy you? I've never been justice oriented but you don't deserve to live." She's been attacking her the whole time getting no where
Ink grabbed Chara’s throat. “You can’t kill something that wasn’t truly alive to begin with.”
Chara struggles kicking and clawing at in not being able to breathe.
Ink then dropped her, not going to kill Chara yet
Chara catches her breath rubbing her throat. She looks over to shade tiredly
Shade was slipping off the roof.
she growls and looks up at ink. "What do you want."
“I already told you, entertainment, you play my game, I bring your friend back.”
 she rolls her eyes and sits down loosing her balance "What does that entail?" She mummbles
“You can continue your little journey, but...” she thought for a moment. “You are to kill all fusions.”
"That's stupid."
“Think of it as a challenge, 18 fusions, for the eighteen pieces.”
She growls "That's nothing but a waste of life. Especially sense the fusions I've met aren't even hostile." She pulls up her save file "I'm not playing your game." She thinks of a few minutes ago and starts to try to jump back.
Ink smiled. “I must say, I am impressed.”
She gives her a side glance as if telling her to go on
“I’ll bring her back. In due time of course, but you do have my word on that.” Ink said.
"I take your promises as well as I take asy's as to say not at all. But I do want to know what you're impressed by? I'm groveling at your damn feet"
“That you refused my offer, most versions of yourself jump at the idea of a mass genocide.” Ink said.
"Ah I see, I take pleasure in making those hurt who deserve it. I'm no sociopath. Like you." She puts a hand over the reset button. "See ya on the other side freak." She salutes and pushes it.
She was when they came out of the portal. “I’m not a coward.” Killer hissed.
"So you say killz, so you say." She grabs shatter's hoodie stopping her from going in the portal
Shatter flinched. “Woah what’s wrong?” “So now you know why I’m not going?” Killer said in a snarky tone
"You could say that. Okay let's make this simple." She pulls shatter all the way back. "Im going to say a quick bye to the kits, and you open the portal back up after I'm done alright? Just stay here. "
“Ok, will do.” Shatter said, still confused. Ink watched from the roof. “You know, resets are such a pain, ruin so much planning.”
Chara's through the portal and it shut, she glares up at ink for a moment before saying "Don't talk to me." Putting up a hand and going over to shade
“About time you came back!” He said.
"Yeeeeeah about that..." she rubs the back of her head trying to think how to say it. "The thing is we're planing on keeping you two with... well with error." She looks to error " you can baby sit right?" She says with pleading eyes
“I have been... I’m not there mother, don’t wanna be either.” Error replies not looking up. “Come on Error. I think it will do you some good.” Ink added. “No way Ink, kits are grabby, and thanks to you, I can’t handle that.” Error hissed softly 
"I-... I don't even want to know what you mean by that." She shakes her head. "But thank you error, you're a life saver. I'll find. Someone else I guess."
“Yeah, whatever.” (Yeah, ink hurt Error the last time she intervened in one of her games, so much so that Error has ptsd from it.)
he calls to shine. "Hey kid get over here!" Back to error. "You should get away from ink. She's nothing but a head ache and you know it"
Shine ran on over. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have to clean up after her.” Error said
"Maybe if you stop giving her attention she'll take a hint that EVERYONE HATES HER" she turns to ink at the last word. She gives shine a hug when she makes it over.
Shine actually started purring softly when she got hugged, extremely happy to have affection. “So? What if they do? Won’t change much.” Ink said
"Being liked is more enjoyable than anything in the multiverse. Of course you'll never know that." She pats shines head and walks over to where the portal was. "Shatter I'm ready!" She has no clue how shatter's powers work so she just yells and hopes she heard.
Shatter opened the portal. Error looked to Ink, thinking.
"Bye error, think about it, kay?" She smiles and gets the kits through the portal and follows.
Shine was still nervous about Killer. Shade happily greeted Tonic.
Tonic looked ecstatic to see them. Chara claps once and says. "So! The whole void cult, ink knows about it. Also ink killed shatter. I feel that keeping the kits with us is kinda awash now. No one's going to be safer or in more trouble if they stay." She shrugs. "Or we could drop them off with nightmare."
“Night would eat them within a week, on purpose or not.” Killer said.
"Oh yeah I forgot her weird eating problem..." she clicks her tounge. "Well kids what's your opinions?"
“Can we stay with you?” Shine asked “What about that laughing lady?”
"What the hell is laughing lady?"
(LJ) “No she was creepy!” Shine whined, hiding behind Chara.
"Oh LJ? Yeah that's not a bad idea"
“Thank you.” Shade said. Shine whined softly
"Have a better idea kiddo?" She looked behind her to shine. "You don't want to stay with us we're not nice."
“Yes I do...” shine mumbled
"What is it?"
“I wanna stay with you guys!” Shine spoke up
"Yeah I heard you the first time. But we're going to be running around killing big groups of cults. I kinda don't want you there for that. Nor would skink."
“Take me with you please!” Shine whined
"Pfff, why?"
“B-because....I dunno!” Shine whined louder, clearly annoying Killer.
Chara noticed and lead shine a couple paces away from the group "Listen shine, you deserve to grow up having fun. You don't want to see me and killer mess up the universe and practically brainwash others."
“But-But you are fun!” Shine said 
"HA fun? yeah no kiddo, you'll have a lot more fun without us. plus you have skink! you'll be fine"
“B-But...” shine stuttered.
chara looks at shine quietly and then sighs. "we'll come see you later. alright?" 
“Promise?” Shine asked.
"ehh. sure. as long as i'm not dead by than or something." she shrugs
Shine then hugged Chara. “Okay, as long as you come back.”
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(yeah i'm not great either. i'm going to put a couple pics here and i can only do it one at a time so sorry! if you have other ideas for some moves for frisk do tell)
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chara hugs back. "heh, that's funny i thought you guys didn't like me very much
“Shade doesn’t.” Shine said.
"do you know why?" she lets go and starts to head back over to the group.
“Something about ‘irresponsible jerk’?”
"the irresponsible jerk being me? i don't get it." she cocks her head."
(for color changes you could have kris and chara and the vessel you make at the beginning of deltarune DANG it would be so cool)
“Me neither.” Shine said. “I said put me down!” Shade hissed at Killer who was holding him up by his foot.
"i leave you for one second killer" she sighs jokingly. "put him down."
“Not until he apologizes.” Killer hissed. “Never!” Shade hissed back
"what he do?"
“Called me a ‘blind psycho bitch’.” Killer hissed.
chara shrugs "i thought you had thicker skin than that killz"
“Oh can it.” Killer hissed. Lifting Shade higher off the ground.
"let's get the kits out of here before killer does something dumb." she tells shatter.
Shatter’s eyes glowed purple as she freed Shade from Killer’s grip
"know what hold up, i wanna take them to that island and test out something if that's good with you guys." she stretches and starts picking various plants and putting them in her pockets.
“What island? The one where we fought?” Shatter asked.”
"nah, the one with the waterfall we were just at"
“Got ya.” Shatter said, opening a portal.
they go through and chara instantly turns to tonic. "okay!" she sits on the floor infront of them. tonic blinks confused. chara pulls out all of the plants and lays them out. "that thing we read about you said you were a support thing so i wanna see what you can do with dumb materials like these." "okay?" tonic says
Shatter watched, actually interested in the experiment. 
chara gives tonic a stalk of grass seed, tonic absorbed it into their paws. tonic turns a light green shade and chara makes a grumpy face. "i don't want simple healing! i want some kind of resistance to lava and crud. i know you can do that, it said so." she shoves a few more twords tonic that they take, most of them deepen the shade. leaves and weeds. when tonic got to a mushroom it was different, a bit of blue magic went to tonic's core and stayed seprate from the green. (i must sleep, bye)
Shatter thought for a moment. Before summoning an egg. “Try this.”
tonic had a little sigh not exactly enjoying the little experiment. the egg gave an indigo shade that stayed in their paws.
It was the egg of a lava lizard, an aquatic creature that would dive into lava pools and turn the molten rock into armor. Shatter senses that he was uncomfortable. “You ok?”
the indigo had a tint of purple to it, almost like it didn't know what color it should be. tonic nods to shatter. "that might be what i'm looking for" chara says. "give me your hand" she grabs tonic's hand
Shatter, just to make sure nothing went horribly wrong, turned into a lava lizard and went into the stream
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 chara took off tonic's hand as they held up their arm to not let the liquid out. chara went over to look how shatter was doing holding the potion ready to try it out.
Shatter nodded, the molten rock warming up her scales
chara drinks the potion and tosses the hand back to tonic. chara's skin glowed purple for a second and she went into the water. she felt perfectly fine. "haha! yess!!" she went to swim down trying to find an opening to the volcano; 
Shatter was swimming much faster than Chara, and allowed her to hold onto her tail.
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 she held on and the two of them swam under finding a crack where warm water was coming out of chara let go and started to move away some of the rocks around it.
There was an air bubble, she could hear someone talking. “You feeling better now? Good, you had me worried.”
she gives a questioning look to shatter and tries to go closer
Shatter broke some of the rocks to allow Chara to surface
she makes it into the area and shakes her hair and clings to a rock to keep her up. the person who was talking probably noticed her instantly.
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The person was facing away, petting a phoenix
 "hey you, what you doing in here?" she asks. climbing on the rock.
 The person turned to Chara. “Oh I was just helping Rodon here heal.” She said with a smile
"why are there people everywhere? i swear like what? or stars, whatever." she hops across the rocks over to where neon is. she slides over and pokes the phoenix
“Well, I’m no star,” She said (with a 😅 face). The Phoenix squawked and nipped Chara’s finger.
chara moved before it could bite her. "alright, what are you?" she looks intrigued.
“Well, a carbon life form, but Ink kinda made the whole, ‘carbon life forms are soulless and evil’ thing seem universal, or I guess multiuniversal.” She replied
"cool! you're like that jerk! you can tell me how to torcher her!" her eyes sparkle. "error's too chicken to tell." tonic was looking down into the water with the kits and sees shatter resurface.
Shatter shook off the water, turning back into herself. “Well, that’s pretty mean....” the person said. “I don’t even know who you are.”
"where'd chara go?" tonic's confused. "does it really matter who i am? everyone knows she deserves it."
“She found a pacifist star to chat with, she’ll be fine.” Shatter said. “Well...she can’t really help being the way she is.” The woman said
chara shakes her head confused. "excuse me? she killed my friend to 'spice things up'. SHE CAN'T EVEN ENJOY a story so she's doing this for no reason. she's the worst thing in existence!"
“Woah, woah, ok, ok. Sorry, I didn’t know that.” The woman said
"yeah," she folds her arms. "care to share now? i'd be quite grateful." tonic nods and looks to the kits. "do you want to try going in the water?" the bit of potion still off their arm no sure what to do with it.
“Water, it burns carbon, it’s a chemical reaction, hydrogen burns carbon.” The person said. “Me!” Shine cheered.
tonic happily handed it over to shine. "i was actually thinking about that thank you. too bad she's so hard to pin down in anyway." she pauses. "is this phoenix yours?"
Shine drank it. “Well, I can actually help on that.” The person said. “And no, rodon lives here.”
"woah really? you'll help? you just said you don't even know me."
“Well, unlike Ink, I’m not soulless. It’s called sympathy.” The person said. “My name’s Neon by the way.”
"well damn, alright i won't complain. i'm chara." she kinda feels bad she didn't specifically say that her friend isn't dead anymore but... eh.
Neon smiled and climbed out of the volcano, the lava not harming her
chara not willing to get burned to death doesn't risk going the way neon did and swims up the almost boiling water back to the rest of them. "guys! we've got help!"
“Really?” Shade asked. Shine was splashing and playing in the water
"yeah she'll get around her soon i assume. she's a carbon 'star' just like ink and she said she'll help us break her."
“And why should we trust her?” Killer hissed. “Because I’m not like Ink.” Neon said.
"you don't trust anyone killz. you're right we'll keep an eye on her but be positive! cool things could happen with her help"
“I understand your mistrust, but don’t worry.” Neon smiled. Shine yelped and went out of the water as the potion wore off.
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( here's a bad idea, swap ink that has too many emotions and has to drink acetone a lot to make them less extreme.) tonic went over to shine "are you alright?" chara nods. "yeah killer don't worry! okay so ink says she's always listening or whatever so the only way that i can even think of finding her is to specifically ask her to come here. so i'm asking. currently." she shrugs knowing it's not going to be that easy.
“Burn...” shine whined. “Yeah not that easy.” Neon shrugged, “she doesn’t literally always watch, she listens to the creators, who are currently rambling about another version of Ink.”
"i can help you with that, no worries." tonic starts to heal her up ('they're currently rambling about another version of ink, lol i don't know why that's funny to me) "oh" chara says. "wait how do you know that?"
Shine had burns on her legs. (Because it’s what we were doing) “I can hear them too.” Neon explained.
( that's what I mean! It shouldn't be funny! ) "uh huh... can you like... ask them to shove ink over to us?" Tonic fishes healing and shines legs feel better than ever.
“You two heard Chara, are you gonna make it that easy?” Neon asked seemingly no one. (Which Ink? 😈) “My creator asks ‘which ink’” Neon sighed. “She never makes things easy.”
( Lol this is so weird, HI NEON) "... know what. I don't trust them at all maybe we should forget them." "You know which ink" she rolls her eyes
“You’re creator calls my ability weird and says hi to me.” Neon explained. “Hello, Zora.” Shatter sighed. “Can I use you as a link to find Ink?”
Chara's just confused
“Sure you can try.” Neon shrugged as Shatter’s eyes turned purple.
Tonic trots over to shatter
(is that so?) “She’s at the marble ruins?” Shatter said with a questioning tone
tonic seems to know that place and looks at their watch thing which hasn't done anything resently
Killer seemed suspicious. “Can’t be that easy.” “Lotus is there...” shatter sighed. “That sounds about right.” The watch was on Draco. 
Chara cocks her head. "Well let's go!"
Shatter sighed and made a portal
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they get to the marble ruins where lotus is. chara slides up next to her and greets her. "hello! where's that jerk ink!"
She slid next to a teen in a black cloak. “What the hell are you planning to prank us with this time?” Lotus asked in a bored tone. “Hey Lotus! There was some bu-.....” another chars yelled as they rounded the corner.
"ooo hey a me!" she hops up and down. "HI!"
Lotus looked at them both, her eyes glowing. “Ok, that makes sense.” She said, before going back to tending to the plants. “Uhhhhh... ok, this is weird.” The other Chara said(let’s call him oc for now)
 "well get used to it, there's a lot more weird where i came from." tonic joins them and so do the kits "but sieriously. i assume you're lotus? shatter was talking about you and I NEED to see ink asap."
“I know already, and I can’t detect ink, she has no soul. I can see people for what they truly are, and see how long they are supposed to live for.” Lotus explained, her voice lacking much emotion. OC huffed. “Yeah, it sucks because you have destroyed three of my hosts, THREE!”
"pff, sucks for you." turning her attention to lotus "yeah? that's pretty fancy... know what hold on-" chara goes and grabs killer's arm. "tell me about her if you'd be nice."
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“Why just tell you when I can show you?” Lotus suggested with a sigh, her eyes glowing as a silhouette off a creature formed around Killer. Inside of that silhouette was one of a girl who seemed to be crying. Killer herself seemed in a trance when Lotus was doing this. “Another corrupted soul... so cool.” OC said with a smile. (Creature in picture)
"that's not 'cool' that's my friend ya jerk." she sighs. "is there anything i can do to help her?"
“Well, see the lighter part, the girl? That’s her true self, it’s just hidden. She had done this to herself.” Lotus’s eyes stopped glowing, Killer shook her head as the silhouettes disappeared. “They are when ya get to see them fight, so gory.” OC smiled.
chara glares at oc "... i don't like you." she looks a lotus. "even if she did do this to herself can't i help?"
“You won’t be the last.” OC smiled. “Well yes, there are some traditions to ‘cleanse’ a soul of such corruption, but that would change the person you know.” Lotus explained, before a familiar face showed up; Papercut. “Hey, Lotus, you have the new knife I left here?” She said, yawning like she had just gotten up.
chara wasn't thrilled to see papercut not wantting to get into a fight with her knowing she'd loose. "i don't want to just 'fix her' i want her to just feel better."
“Have you asked her what she wants?” Lotus asked.
"i meannnn, not really?"
Neon wandered off, catching Shade’s attention. Shine was nervous. “And I left your knife in that old shop, with the pink roses.” Lotus told Papercut. “Thanks.” Papercut said leaving
"well aren't you popular." she turns to killer. "well? what do you what?"
“I’ve told you before, I’m fine like this.” Killer said. (A Corrupted shell can also be used to as a safety shell, it makes the host feel protected)
(got ya) chara stares her down. "i don't think i believe you."
Shatter sighed, looking around. “Believe me or not, it doesn’t change how I feel.” Killer said bluntly.
chara clicks her tongue. "whatever." back to lotus. "so you said you don't know where ink is?"
“I do.” Oc said, “I pranked her this morning.” He laughed. “It was awesome!”
"would ya show us?" tonic tapped her foot thinking she should follow neon and so she does that.
Neon was looking around, walking into one of the ruins, “there you are.” She said, finding Ink. “Well I can’t leave until I heal, now can I?” Ink replied her wing was all burnt up, “She went into one of the buildings, I burnt up her whole wing, it was epic.” Oc smiled. (Oc is my headcanon of Chara btw)
(yee i was assuming that) tonic has the instant urge to heal ink but they refrain. "well damn i guess we better get going before she heals. why are you stronger than me! that's not fair!" she pushes oc forward wanting him to lead to the place
(you should tell me how oc looks >:3 )
(Well He is after a Genocide timeline, he’s tall, slim build. Massey hair that almost covers his eyes, which are blood red.) Neon sighed. “Well, I can’t say you didn’t deserve it.” OC chuckled, leading them to some of the buildings, looking in each one.
chara follows, looking back at her group noticing two are gone. "shade where'd those two go?"
(dang it all. i don't even know this kid and i already picked a song for him)
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(i take it back, he's toby)
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(i don't know how to express how much i love your ink. she is gorgeous. in fact .... lol. i made a star that's infatuated with her and follows her around.)
(Shine was the one who stayed, and he has a striped shirt with 2 or three stripes, and he is around 6’1” so tall boy.) Shine shook her head. “T-they followed Neon.” “I walk through a doorway and get water dunked on me, yeah I deserve that.” Ink replied “No, it’s a result for messing with this stories flow, your not linked to the creator like the rest of us, so you can affect the flow in ways she doesn’t like.” Neon explained (Actually in the church they talked about expectations, so maybe I should tell you mine about you?)
tonic nods accepting neon's explanation. chara groans. "well which way?"
Shine pointed to the building.
chara goes to that building "ah there you all are!" ?? "why are you talking to her neon?"
“Kept her from fleeing, did it not?
"suppose so." chara throws a knife at her other wing. tonic stepped aside not wanting to watch a torture session.
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Ink hissed at this, the wing raw and burnt from OC’s prank.
Chara throws some purple webs down wrapping Ink up "so so so. Do you feel guilty for any thing you've done?" Under her breath. "Dang it I'm starting to sound like sans"
 “No, of course not, I cannot feel guilty in the first place.” Ink hissed, Shine whined slightlyz
She goes close to ink and summons an ax. "I'm going to MAKE you feel guilty. You're not above conciquences and I'm going to prove to you that exact fact." She slams the ax ink her leg
(Into her leg)
“Not gonna happen.” Ink hissed breaking some of the webs and reaching to Chara, she just needed to consume some carbon to get back to full health
Chara growls and a starts attaking somewhat wildly and signals to tonic who shakes their head not wanting to do what chara asked them to before but after chara threw a knife at tonic as a warning they gave up and used about half of the liquid inside them to cover ink, it basically would react like water.
Ink screeched at this, burning up.
"that's what you should feel like constantly! You deserve it!" This time as she couldn't move she cut off her boiling leg successfully.
Ink grabbed Chara’s arm her hand almost bone. She pulled Chara in
Chara tried to form a knife but her magic is low so she trys to claw her hand away from ink
Around that time a glitchy portal appeared with a defending pop (get ready, template gets annoying, also ink knows template plenty well.)
(Ok, gotcha.) Ink scratched Chara’s arm using the carbon in her blood to heal
Chara kicks her in the gut managing to get away as ink’s hand snapped off of her arm turning into ink and falling on the ground. Chara whines for someone to help her with ink. Neon, shatter, killer she doesn't care but she needs to get this done before she heals all the way
Neon wasn’t completely okay with the idea, and actually wanted Ink to heal. Shatter felt similar, seeing this as going to far. Killer hated Ink, so gladly joined in with her knife.
The two of them work on that until chara gets hit in the head and falls to the floor, template was invisible and tried to nullify killer as well.
Chara tries to get up but passes out
Killer went numb, backing up. Ink’s skeleton was made of diamond like material
"ink! Oh my god are you alright?!" Template kneels by her though he doesn't have anyway to heal her. "
“I’ll be fine, just need carbon.” Ink said, digging up some carbon from the rocks, using it to remake her body. “Good to see your finally back.”
"Seems I can't leave you alone for a second anymore!" He growls at killer and tonic who were the closest. Tonic backed away to shatter. "What's wrong with you all?! Leave ink alone!"
“Technically you have been gone for 7 months.” Ink replied. Killer shook off the numb, hissing back. “And why are you defending the squid?!”
"I cant keep track if time." To killer "Because she didn't do anything to you! She's my ma- my friend. She's my friend." (He was gonna say mate but they're not.)
“Friend?” Killer started laughing
Template had blush roll over him as he's easily flustered. "Yes. Now get lost unless you want your soul stone shattered."
Chara slowly shook off the bludgeoning she just got and looked at the new star. Chara’s livid as ink is no longer basically only a skeleton. She splashes the water on the floor at ink and slides over to get another hit in. Template stomps down on charas hand and kicks her away to neon.
“Is that a challenge?” Killer hissed before seeing Template attack Chara, she then lashed out, actually trying to bite him. Neon caught Chara, her palms burning at the water.
Template made killer's soul stone indigo and increased the gravity on her. She's pretty resilient to his attack as she's right by his neck as he guards himself with his arms he pulls at her hair with the arm not pushing her away.
Killer landed a bite, the black dripping from her eyes getting into the wound as she released.
Chara shook her hand as it almost feels broken. She grimaces and gets away from neon noticing the burns. Template is very defencive but every move he makes he does get weaker. "Toxins. The way of the coward" he states and pulls her down to the ground deforming her soul a little.
“No, the way of brain over brawn.” Killer hissed, resisting as much as she could
He rolls his eyes and the gravity gets stronger as his hatered slowly grows. "Are we going to have a problem or will you leave my friend alone?" The ground cracks under killer.
“As long as you leave Chara alone...” Killer hissed, cracking under pressure
The pressure was released seemingly agreeing to killers demand. he went back over to ink and sat by her.
Ink looked at Template. “You sure do know how to make situations interesting.”
he blushes and looks away shyly "Heheh, I try."
Killer looked at Chara, “You ok?”
Chara lifted her hand to show killer, it was mangled and a purple shade. "That felt really good." She says sarcasticly.
It kinda flops over grossly. "I don't have enough dt. Someone wants make me a save star?"
 “Sh*t, yeah I know that feeling.” Killer cringed. “Neon, can you repair it?” Killer asked. “Yes, yes of course.” Neon said, fixing the hand. “Although that variant may be troublesome.” Ink hissed softly.
Chara didn't like the feeling of the healing as her hand was pretty numb before and now the pain is in the main dealing she makes groans and bites her arm to keep her from screaming. "Do you mean the killer or chara variant?" He asks quietly.
“I mean Neon.” Ink replied, watching her heal.
"...perhaps." he watches as well. " do you want to stay here to watch or do you want me to take you somewhere to heal? " "I can keep an eye on them if you like."
“It would be appreciated if you keep watch while I heal.” Ink said to Template
He nods. "Will do." Chara snaps "ARE YOU DONE YET" as she holds back tears
Ink turned into a liquid and fled. “And done. Sorry hands are complex...” Neon replied
Chara pulls her hand away as the pain stops. "It's fine.. thank you."
(Can I just say it's so precious how killer cares for chara ;u; what a good girl)
(If she heard you say that...) “Ok, good. I was worried.”
( BUT SHE'S SO CUTE! SHE MUST KNOW!) she looks at neon not sure how to read her. "Why didn't you help just now with ink? And you shatter? You guys just stood there!"
“Ink isn’t that much different than me, so it’s... unnerving to say the least.”
"What about you shatter?"
“Honestly my reasoning is stupid, sorry.”
"I still wanna hear it."
“Something told me not to.” Shatter explained
"... huh?" Chara doesn't get it at all. "You're kidding right?"
“No, told you it was stupid.”
"What told you? I don't get it."
“My gut.” Shatter said. “Always good to listen to that, Papercut said, coming over to see what was happening
"Well my gut tells me that my friends probably should have helped more than they did." She stands glancing to template. "Now we have to find her again." She looks to papercut, "not that I mind but I also kind of do, what do you want? Frankly you're creeping me out."
“Nothing much, just waiting for Rotten to show up.” Papercut smiles.
"Uh-huh... Alright so here's the question for shatter and neon. If we find ink again will you help or not. We shouldn't waste our time with it if we'll just get a repeat of what just happened. I'd much rather level up with the kits."
Neon shook her head. “I will.” Shatter nodded
"Kay~" she stands "i'ma go see if I can find lotus again. Killz would LJ or one of your other friends like to try out that cleansing ritchual or are they all happy how they are like you?"
“Probably Nightmare.” Killer said.
"Cool. Shall we than?" She grins "maybe she'll give us something for our efforts. Like watching the kits haha." She looks around trying to find oc
OC was sparing with Rurik. “Yeah, I can teleport us.” Killer said
"Thank you, you're a life saver Yuma." She grins and walks through the portal. Template followed like he said he would from a desent distance.
Killer took them to Nightmare who was asleep again
"Nightmare!hey boss! We got some cool news!" She shouts up at her.
Nightmare opened her eye. “Yeah? What’s up?” She yawned
Chara climbs the tree quickly and sits on a branch. "We met a star that can clear you from your corruption! How cool is that!"
Nightmare sat up quickly. “What?”
"You heard me"
“Where.” Nightmare said sternly
She looks back down. "Killer, doll, mind taking us back?" She hops down the tree.
“I’m not a doll.” Killer said, before teleporting them all back
Chara snickers and they're back at lotus. "It's her, she'll help you."
Template is starting to get impatient, he wants to see if inks healing alright but he knows she'd be mad at him if he just left. So instead he taps his foot and draws in the sand with a stick.
Nightmare went up to Lotus. “You really can help me get rid of... this?” Nightmare asked. Lotus nodded
(so i totally don't remember what nightmare said happened to her sister, want to remind me?) tonic hopped over interested to see the process
(Well Dream helped save a human child from falling off a cliff, when the father saw this he thought Dream was trying to hurt the child and pushed her. Her impact on the rocks below broke her soul stone.) Lotus’s eyes glowed as she revealed Nightmare’s ‘true self’. Much like Killer, a corrupted shell, a sad center.
( well gee that's sad.) template is disturbed by the corruption and he kinda scowls in their direction
Lotus then summoned her scythe, carvings of a rose vine was in the handle.
the watchers stay silent at the anticipation
Lotus slashed through the corrupted shell, Nightmare’s coating cracked and fell off as pieces. Her real self had night black hair and deep violet eyes,
tonic takes some of the shell that was dropped. chara goes closer to night inspecting her. "how you feel boss?"
Nightmare looked over, before looking at her hands, “a-amazing... I’m... me again.” She smiled
chara grins back happy that she's pleased. "pretty cool lotus. pretty cool indeed."
Nightmare stretched back, hissing since there was still pain, but was still happy.
"where'd you learn how to do that?" she asks
“Well, I’m a reaper, so I just reaped the corrupted part of the soul.” Lotus shrugged. 
"that's really strange. but hey i guess it works!"
"so night." she's obviously expecting nighmare to do what she asks. "sense we oh so kindly led you to this little reaper and now your feeling good how about you watch the kits?"
 “I can also control souls, including lost ones.” Lotus said
"oh yeah?" chara being herself instantly wants this power. she makes a scythe. it gets a black hue that radiates off it. simmilar to what lotus's had.
Lotus’s scythe glowed a soft red. “The scythe isn’t the source of my power, kid.”
(idk if you missed it but chara asked night to baby sit the kits) "well duh." chara says. "ya gotta start somewhere. here let me see..." she spins it and tries to get the shade lotus's magic is.
(Oh I did miss it, Nightmare accepted) “It’s all about the main slash, you need to use your entire upper body.” Lotus instructed
"similar to an ax i assume?" she does her best slash she could manage.
“Not exactly, you curve more.” Lotus explained.
"curve more. got it." she holds the sythe back far behind her and leans into the swing. "hows that?" "not to disturb your lesson chara.. but shouldn't we go find ink?" tonic says as they absorb the shell.
Neon thought for a moment, as if listening. (Skull lagoon, 😈) Shatter agreed with Tonic.
template didn't like the sound of that and instantly goes to the little cave behind a wall of vines that ink was resting in. "but this is fun!" she whines. she sighs "but you're right. this is time sensitive. let's go." she says unhappily. "you two are staying with nightmare." talking to the kits.
“Ok!” Shine smiled. Ink was almost back to her full game. “They are at the skull lagoon.” Neon told the others
"you're handy." she says to neon. "glad you stuck around" template portaled a little bit away from ink as to not hurt her ears with the pop his portals make. he moves the vines away and is relived to see she's looking alright. "they're on their way. apparently the little agreement we had didn't last long."
“That makes two of us.” Neon smiled. “It’s fine, the soil here is high in carbon,” Ink responded, absorbing just a bit more.
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Unforseen Chasm (part27)
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Part 27 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 1644 Warnings: escaping cell, doubts, lying, deceit Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Fury arrived at the Tower just a few days later, giving Shannon an opportunity to discuss allowing you out for a day. 
“Ms. Shannon, Director Fury has entered the building and is headed up to Mr. Stark’s office,” the Al alerted her of the current situation.  
“Thank you, JARVIS, redirect him to my lab, would you please? I have some things to discuss with him,” she asked the Al while continuing her notes from the study she was working on with Bruce. “If you could please have Charles’ number ready for after my meeting to proceed with my visit to the mansion as well that would be great,” she added. 
“Of course, Ms. Shannon,” came from the nearby wall tablet. 
Fury was actually here to see Tony about something for the Avengers and things of the such, the last thing on his mind was the prisoner down in the lowest level. Getting into the elevator he proceeded to head to the top floor where Stark had his office.
“Mr. Fury, I’ve been asked to redirect you to Ms.Shannon’s lab she would like to discuss some things with you,” The Al system told him as he was reaching her floor. 
“Alright. Let her know I’m on my way there now,” he replied, not sure why exactly she wanted to speak to him, everything discussed came directly from Stark.
Upon arriving to her floor he got out of the elevator and followed where Bach’s concerto no.1 in C major, Op.7 was playing. He had to give her credit for the type of music she played. Getting to the lab he could see that she was hard at work on one of her extensive studies. He knocked on the door so as not to startle her. 
She looked up from her paperwork and saw that Fury was at the doorway. “Come in, come in Director Fury,” she told him waving him to one of the other tables. “I’m glad to see you here. Was the flight here okay?” she asked trying to keep things casual. 
“Thank you, yes. I will have to ask Stark what airline he uses for his trips,” he said looking rather calm.  “I was told you wanted to speak to me?” he asked, looking around the room. 
“I could give you the number for the private jet company we use on your way up to see Tony after.” She told him while going to take a seat. “Yes, actually I was hoping to discuss about one of the two prisoners we have down in the lowest level.” She winced while saying ‘prisoners’ because she didn’t really feel like that’s what you were.
“Have there been any issues with them?” he asked, sounding concerned. “We could have them relocated, if that's what it is.”
“No! No, actually they’ve been rather compliant,” she said looking to one side of the room. “What I wanted to ask was if you would consider releasing Y/N from the cell a few times…?” she asked, sounding nervous.
“Now why the hell would I do that?! They are considered Terrorists to the U.S,” he said loudly. “Have you gone mad? The moment you let one of them out they’ll wreak havoc on the city,” he stated as if he knew her. 
“That is where you're wrong, Director Fury. I know what they did was unforgivable, but the reason I ask this is because I would like to take her with me to see Professor Xavier about getting her powers under control so that they are no longer considered a threat to the lives of civilians.” She started explaining everything that had happened and how the powers you have aren't something you can fully grasp and keep on a leash. She also went on to explain how her mutation had taken a different route and would like Charles to take a look and see if there’s anyway that it can be handled and seen that it will not take any negative effects on her anymore. 
After a long debate about whether or not it would be safe and logical to have you leave the cell twice a week, Fury relented and said he would allow it so as long as they made sure that no one can see you leave the building and headed to the mansion. 
“Listen the only way I can say yes is if you have Captain Rogers be an escort to the prisoner all the way to the mansion and if you find a way to get her out of the tower undetected,” he stated. He also added, “Is Stark aware of any of this? What has he said?” He felt as if though Tony would never agree to such a thing.
“Tony is completely unaware of the situation. If he were, there would be no way I would have been able to speak to you at this moment,” she explained the situation to him. “And on getting her out undetected from the tower I’ll have a fellow mutant friend come and take her to the car we will take to the mansion. As well as have Steve come with us,” she finished hoping that it would be enough to please him and to give her the green light on this, she hoped to help you, to regain your life and not let those powers of your get the better of you. 
“If it goes as I state then you may take her only on the conditions established at this time and nothing more,” he stated, making his word final and began to get up. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to speak to Stark about the new plans for the Avengers, I’ll have the information relayed to you.” 
“Thank you, Nick. I truly mean this, you won’t regret it!” she said sounding really excited to tell you and hoping to get to the mansion as soon as possible. 
“I sure hope the hell I don’t!” With that said, he left, making his way to Tony and remembered to keep this quiet. No need to worry the man anymore than he already was. 
“Ms. Shannon, would you like me to call the professor now?” The Al system asked having been waiting for her to finish with Fury. 
“Ahh yes please, JARVIS, and send a message to Nightcrawler about meeting with me today, please. I need to speak to him as well,” she replied being immediately connected to the mansion’s system. 
“Right away, Ms. Shannon,” he responded and went to do as requested. 
“Hello, Shannon, it’s so good to hear from you again,” Charles said while going around the mansion keeping an eye on the students. “I was hoping to hear from you,” he added 
“Hi, Professor, it good to hear your voice too, it's been very busy here in New York,” she said sounding a bit tired. “I was hoping to see you about my mutations it seems there’s a problem and I don’t know how much more I can take of this…” she said.
“My dear child, you’re always welcome to come and see me, when would you like to come? I can have the training room set up and the equipment for the testing there as soon as possible,” he said sounding very calm and reassuring.
“Thank you. I was planning on going there in two days actually, there's also another thing, Charles…” She got quiet for a moment 
“What is it, my dear? What's the matter?” he asked a bit worried something might have happened. 
“My friend could use your help too. It seems that she’s acquired some powers that have gotten out of control and we were hoping you could find the cause of it and how to help her take control?” she asked him hoping he had positive news for her. 
“Well that sounds unfortunate but of course she’s welcome to come. Will you two plan on staying at the mansion?” he asked so as to have the room she used to use prepared for their arrival. 
“Actually no, seeing as she’s not exactly allowed to be left free we will be traveling to the mansion a few times.” She was adamant about not telling him the events of New York were your doing. She didn't want him to see you in a negative light. “It’s best if I explain in person,” was all she said. 
“If that's how you would like it then I shall have everything ready for when you come, see you soon my dear,” he said before ending the call. 
Now that those two things are out of the way the only thing left was to get ahold of Nightcrawler and see if he can help her get you out of the tower without Tony being aware of it. She had JARVIS send the text out to him in hopes to get a quick response. 
“Ms. Shannon, Mr. Nightcrawler has agreed to help you with getting Y/N out of the tower” the Al read the response text that was sent. “I would advise against it however, Ms. Y/N is under no circumstances to leave the tower without Mr. Stark being aware of it,” The Al had said as a matter of factly. 
“JARVIS if you so much as say a peep of any of this to Tony I’ll personally make sure that your Al system be changed with FRIDAY’s chip, Im aware that Tony wouldn’t like this but this is my responsibility and I'm choosing not to let him be apart of my choice.” She said in a serious tone. 
“Of...of course, Ms. Shannon I promise not to say a thing to him.” He seemed to sound nervous; as if an Al could get nervous. 
“Thank you JARVIS! You're the best,” she told the system in a cheery voice. 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ ​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ 
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lopships · 5 years
about and byf/byi (update as of 5/28/19)
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i’m bambi, 
welcome to jackass.
my full chosen name is bambi maxine amber.
im 18 years old.
that means blacklist my not safe for minors tags (nsfm and nsfm; ment) or don’t follow at all
that also means im a fuckin adult and i can post whatever the hell i want on my own blog without policing. 
im hella white.
which means all of my viewpoints are coming from a white person who has always been privileged because of that fact. i can’t speak on some shit and i own that.
my pronouns are it/its. 
im a nonbinary demigirl. that means i don’t associate with the standard gender binary, but i present as a girl and don’t mind feminine nicknames or associations. but don’t be fooled, im just as much a girl as a porcelain doll is. :)
i will not tolerate being misgendered. i don’t have any alt pronouns. if you struggle with them for any reason, im sincerely sorry, but i won’t be comfortable interacting. i hope you understand.
im bisexual and polyamorous.
in my book, bisexual and pansexual are basically interchangable terms. pansexual isn’t More Inclusive Bisexual. it doesn’t “also include nb people”. it isn’t “hearts not parts”. all of those things are rooted in transphobia. if you sincerely and stubbornly believe any of those things and refuse to talk about it respectfully? don’t bother following.
i’m in a relationship with a wonderful boy who has a wonderful system who i am dating multiple members of irl.
i am mentally ill
i have borderline personality disorder, autism, adhd, dissocative identity disorder, and post traumatic stress.
i am also hypersexual. more on that later.
before you interact
if we share an f/o, don’t do it. just don’t do it. my borderline personality disorder makes it very hard to tolerate sharing f/o’s of any kind, and it will probably give me incredible anxiety. im not gonna argue with you about this, and you aren’t owed an explanation. if you need to, send me a pm saying that we share one and you’d like me to block you/you to block me for that reason. that’s the only exception for this rule.
are you personally offended or angry at something i said? planning on reblogging a post with a very passive aggressive comment, either in the reblog itself or the tags? are you considering sending an ask? maybe a pm? do you want to vaguepost about me? know that i will be blocking you immediately, taking screenshots of your bullshit, and me and my friends will laugh at you while you pout in anger. block and move on, it’s that simple.
are you uncomfortable with d. d. l. g. or c. g. l. r. e.  interaction? don’t even look at me. go ahead and block me, in fact.
are you comfortable with transmed/truscum/maps/nomaps interacting with you? would you rather have an inclusive, “peaceful” community than a selectively exclusive but safe one? go ahead and block me.
before you follow
does any of the above apply to you? don’t follow me.
are you a minor or uncomfortable with not safe for work or not safe for minors content? don’t follow me.
are you interested in one of my f/os, and are following just to like my content of them and reblog it from op, or, heaven forbid, directly from me? don’t follow me.
do you value a quiet, inclusive space that defines inclusion with pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and actual terfs over the safety of minors and lgbt people? don’t follow me.
are you one of those annoying ass mutuals who don’t actually give a shit about original content, have never and have no intention of reading this post, and just like to reblog ask games from me without sending any? go ahead and unfollow me, if you ever get some sense in your fuckin’ head to read your mutuals links. 
i condone d.d. l.g. and yandere content that doesn’t non-consensually involve the public. if you don’t like that shit, you don’t have to follow. but i think victims of abuse and trauma should be able to cope with their trauma in however way they see fit without having their morals policed by people who don’t know anything about their lifestyle. any asks sent my way about this will get deleted.
i don’t condone nor excuse the actions of my f/os. i know a few of them have done entirely inexcusable things, but as a victim of trauma, csa, rape, abuse, manipulation, etc, and a fucking adult, i get to choose who i daydream about kissing. not you.
i do not ship with real people. i do not condone shipping with real people if you’re an actual adult who knows better. i have gotten way too many asks about this.
i will post suggestive and not safe for minors content on my fucking blog because im a hypersexual person and ive earned the right to. if you have an issue with it? block me and keep scrolling. 
90% of my anon hate gets deleted. 10% gets responded to if i can think of a funny joke to respond with, or i can answer a legitimate concern. 100% of it gets screenshotted and laughed at with friends.
i follow and interact from @heartfulsong
my discord is #bambi7843
if you’re 18 or over, consider asking me about my private discord server for self shippers who partake in suggestive content with their F/Os
you can always pm me with anything. don’t be shy.
if you have a legitimate concern or question about my about, feel free to send it in an ask or pm.
like this post if you read. reply with your self ship url if your ss is a sideblog. <3
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raveneira · 5 years
I realized something
Im currently in a debate with someone on twitter about SasuSaku/SasuKarin I wont go into details but it basically revolves around Karin as a character vs Sakura as a character and Sasuke’s relationship with team 7/Taka etc
During this debate, I had to do a ton of research on certain things to refresh my memory and argue my points which yes, unfortunately, involved going onto SK blogs
But in doing so, visiting several SK blogs, seeing different SasuKarin posts and their arguments for it, not just on Tumblr but in plenty other places like youtube Instagram other sites on google etc and I noticed a pattern
Majority or I should say ALL the SK fans arguments that I SEEN [of course Im not speaking of the entire fandom only the part I SEEN]
Everything regarding SK although they ‘claim’ to care about Sasuke and his feelings, I noticed a pattern in every single post and argument made by them
NONE OF THEM actually talk about Sasuke’s feelings
Lemme elaborate, the pattern that I saw constantly when speaking of SK and why they should be together etc it all comes down to one thing, or I should say, one person
Everything I saw was about KARINS feelings, about KARINS backstory, about KARINS horrible childhood and trauma
Basically, the main argument for the pairing is all about Karin, nothing to do with Sasuke at all
Let me elaborate further, to put it in simple terms the arguments and reasoning basically boils down to pity
Thats right, the very thing they accuse Sasuke of getting together with Sakura for is the EXACT THING they use to argue for KARIN
I’ll go even more in depth so you get the full grasp of the BS and the hypocrisy
They think Sasuke should be with Karin because she loved him, she was selfless and only wanted him to be happy, she stood by him even in his darkest moments, Karin and Sasuke have similar pasts so she can understand him better, Karin grew up being used and abused and Sasuke was the first one to show her kindness, Karin loved him unconditionally, Karin deserved love, Karin deserved to be happy, if together they would make really OP kids, the Uzumaki and Uchiha need to reunite again, Sasuke wasnt aware of Karin's feelings to the full extent they actually were so he couldnt properly respond
Do you see the pattern? none of this directly talks about Sasuke, it all revolves around Karin
Let me ask you, which part of those arguments actually mentions Sasuke’s feelings for Karin? in which point do they mention Sasuke’s pov at all? I had yet to encounter one
The most I found was that he respects her, he chose her, he saved her from Bee, thats literally it
Everything else is just all about Karin's feelings for HIM not the other way around which is all based around pity
Sasuke should get with Karin because of how hard her life was, how tragic her life was, how selfless her love was, how much shes done for him, how much shes suffered, Karins been used and abused since she was a child she should be happy with Sasuke who also had a traumatic childhood, Karins Uzumaki genes mixed with Sasuke’s Uchiha ones would create a really op kid, its so sad how Karin never moved on she truly loved Sasuke she should have got a happy ending with him instead of Sakura who was just out of pity and fanservice
The irony is astonishing, it all boils down to Sasuke should get with Karin because of what SHES been through and how SHE feels for him and how bad THEY feel for her because ‘her life was so terrible, she deserved a happy ending’ which is just utter bullshit and quite frankly disgusting
So its ok for Sasuke to be with Karin out of pity for her horrible life just to give her a happy ending they think she ‘deserved’
But not get with Sakura out of pity for her feelings for him and hurting her how he did
I see pitys only ok when it involves the character/pairing you prefer, I see all that talk about SS not caring about Sasuke’s feelings was all bullcrap
Its funny to me how SKs arguments revolve solely around Karin's feelings for him yet SS argues both sides and the feelings and relationship and development of Sakura AND Sasuke together
But when it comes to SK its all about Karin and what she deserves, when it comes to SS its about what THEY deserve and how Sakura AND Sasuke feel for eachother, its not a one-sided argument
I also find it partially sickening that one of the main arguments for SK is Karins genes, keep in mind these people supposedly care about Karin and feel sorry for her messed up upbringing being used and abused for her power, yet you condone using her in this pairing just for her Uzumaki genes mixing with Sasuke’s to create an OP kid, that is beyond disgusting
This messed up argument actually reminds me of the storyline of Maburaho which I’ll post here for those who have never seen it
Kazuki learns that he is a descendant of most of the world's greatest magicians from both the eastern and western worlds. Even though he has a feeble spell count, his offspring has the potential of becoming a powerful magician.
The male protagonist, Kazuki, is a second-year student from an elite magic school, Aoi Academy, with serious social problems, and because he has a low spell count of only eight spells, most of the other students, especially the girls, would not notice him. At the beginning of his second year, it is revealed that he is descended from not only the most powerful of eastern mages but the most powerful of western mages. Having both powerful bloodlines fused into one body means that despite his low spell count, he is capable of wielding nearly omnipotent power. He is, therefore, the most powerful character in the series.
Basically, the MC Kazuki is seen as a loser because he can only use his magic 8 times and obviously isnt very popular with the ladies, however once its revealed that his genes are super powerful and that his child would be one of the most powerful mages in the world, all the girls suddenly want the D and are constantly pursuing him trying to get his genes
It’s the same for the SK fandom, they look down on Sakura because of her average status and glorify Karin as superior because of her superior genes thus making for a much stronger offspring when combined with Sasuke’s
So, bottom line, when it comes to SK its all about pity, Karin's feelings, Karin's genes, her deserving happiness and Sasuke should just reciprocate just to make Karin happy since she had a crappy life
Sasuke getting with Sakura out of pity is something I never wanna see again from SK, they have no room to talk about pity hooking up nor falling for someone's looks, nor do they have the right to claim they're more of Sasuke fans than SS
Of course they can still say this and feel how they wanna feel Im not trying to control anyone, Im just saying that from now on when I see those arguments Im gonna view them in a whole new perspective and see it for the hypocritical bullshit it actually is, especially when they claim to care about Sasuke yeah thats a riot lol
Anyway thats the end of this mini-rant I guess, should be obvious Im not directing this at the entire fandom just the portion of it that I’ve seen, its honestly pathetic and makes them look like not real Karin or Sasuke fans
It’s similar to the NS argument that Naruto should have gotten with Sakura because hes the MC and he deserved her etc, but genes are never a part of it so SK is arguably worse in this regard, its just a disgusting way of shipping two characters you claim to like
Pity, what one character deserves, who has better genes, how bad someone's life is so they deserve to have what they want in the end whether that person likes them back or not just give them the happy ending you think they deserve
Yeah, thats terrible
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