#im normal. about him. i wanna put him in a jar and shake him real fast.
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borealiszero · 11 months ago
i hate kim dokja so much I cant even wish for kim dokja to have a bad day even tho he died in front of me multiple times and changed the trajectories of my life
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authorkimberlygrey · 6 years ago
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“You’re gonna get us in trouble...again.”
Speedpaint here 
and here is this week’s short story: 
Glory was beginning to wish that he’d stayed home after all. When Papa had offered to take him with her he’d thought they’d be doing something exciting. Instead, they’re standing around talking.  If he’d wanted to stand around and listen to grown-ups talk he could go anywhere.
Instead, he’s in the healing ward which is even worse than the normal places grown-ups stand around and talk in because he has to be quiet in the healing ward. He tugs on Papa’s hand, hoping that he’ll take the hint and quit talking. He doesn’t, he just lets go of Glory’s hand and pats him on the head.
Glory scowls at her and sighs. Papa keeps talking. He sighs louder. The healer he’s talking to notices and smiles at him. “Why don’t you go see if Clemency is done with Honor’s lesson for today?”
Glory doesn’t know who Honor’s supposed to be but anything would be better than standing here. The healer points him down the hall and to an open doorway. The room is filled with strings of drying herbs and jars of medicine. Glory wrinkles his nose at the smell.
To his surprise, there’s another boy in the room around his age. He’s following another healer around as she shows him the difference between two leaves that look pretty much the same to Glory. The healer looks up when Glory steps into the room, “hello,” she says, sounding a little bit confused. “Can I help you?”
Glory hesitates for a second, “one of the healers told me to see if Honor was done with his lesson for today?”
The healer’s face clears. “You must be Unity’s boy, is your father still talking to Peace isn’t he?”
Glory nods, scowling a little.
The healer smiles softly, “well if Honor would like to go play then he’s welcome to.” She looks down at the boy and he smiles brightly up at her.
“Can I?” he asks, voice eager.
“Run along,” the healer says, “but quietly.”
“We will,” Honor and Glory reply in unison, grinning eagerly at each other.
They dart out of the herb room and down the hall. Glory sneezes as the smell leaves his nose. “I don’t know how you can stand that stuff.”
“You get used to it,” Honor replies with a shrug. “What are you doing in the healing ward?” He takes a step back, “you’re not sick are you?”
Glory shakes his head. “No, my Papa is talking to someone.”
“Oh,” Honor says, a little quieter. “My Papa is sick.” He brightens quickly, “I’m learning to be a healer though and so I’ll be able to make him better. I’ve read a ton of books.” He puffs his chest out proudly, wings flaring a bit.
“Being a healer is boring.” Glory tells him. “My Papa is a soldier and I’m gonna be one too. He protects the queen. And before her, he protected the king.”
Honor scowls at him. “My Papa is a soldier too, but he says that Healers are the ones who fight the real battles. Soldiers only fight White-Wings but Healers fight tons of different stuff.”
Glory frowns at him but he can’t really think of an argument and he doesn’t want to fight with Honor because if he does then he’ll have to go stand with Papa while he talks and he’ll be bored all over again. “Do you want to play something?” He asks instead.
Honor thinks for a moment, eyeing Glory suspiciously. “Are you a tattletale?”
Glory’s wings bristle. “No, I’m not.”
Honor looks at him for a minute more, eyes squinted. “Are you sure?”
“I haven’t tattled once.” Glory insists.
That convinces Honor and he nods. “Then let’s go on an adventure.”
“An adventure?”
“I know a way out of the city,” Honor says proudly, “My mama took me once. We can go out there and find herbs like a real healer.”
“But I want to be a soldier.”
“You can guard me,” Honor says, “like a real soldier.”
Honor smiles and takes his hand and they dart out of the healing ward. No one takes notice of them as they race through the city. Glory loses track of where they are at some point, but Honor seems to know where he’s going so Glory just holds his hand tighter.
Then they’re in the forest. Its louder than Glory thought it would be. Leaves rustle and animals and bugs make noises to each other. It's darker too, the sun is blocked by all the plants and only makes it to the ground in little patches.
“Come on,” Honor says, tugging his hand. “I see some stuff over here.”
Glory follows after him, but he’s suddenly feeling a tiny little bit less brave. “Maybe we should stay close to here,” he says, “so we can find our way back.”
“It’ll be okay,” Honor says, “If we need to go back we can just retrace our steps! I know lots of stuff about the forest, I’ve read three books on it.”
“Three?” Glory asks, impressed.
“Yeah, and they didn’t even have that many pictures.” Honor brags.
“Wow,” Glory whispers to himself.
“Yeah, so I know what I’m doing.” Honor takes his hand again and tugs him deeper into the trees. As they walk, Honor points out plants to him, “that one’s a burrower root, you can eat them. And that’s one’s...uh...that one’s just a plant I think.”
“What’s this one?” Glory asks, pointing to a plant with red flowers about as tall as his knee.
“That’s a flower.”
“But what kind of flower?”
Honor takes a step closer and perks up once he sees the leaves. “That’s fever-balm, you chew it up and it makes your fever go away.”
“We should get some for your Papa,” Glory says, reaching out for a stem.
Honor smacks his hand away. “You gotta be careful when you pick herbs,” he says, “if you’re too rough with them then you can mess them up.”
“That sounds dumb.” Glory frowns.
“Its what Clemency told me,” Honor says with a scowl. “And I’m the one who’s gonna be a healer so you’ve gotta listen to me.”
“No, I don’t.” Glory argues. “Soldiers don’t have to listen to anyone but the queen.”
“Do to! Papa says that Healers get to tell soldiers what to do all the time and they have to do it. He always listens when healers tell him what to do.”
Glory glares at him, but Honor isn’t paying attention.
He’s already bending down next to the flower and gently plucking individual leaves off of the plant. “See?” he says, “you just gotta take the leaves off so the plant can grow more.” he gives Glory the first handful and goes back for more.
“They make my skin tickle,” Glory says after a moment.
“They’re supposed to.” Honor says, “that’s probably the medicine.”
Glory rubs one of the leaves up and down his arm, laughing at the trail of tingles that follow it. “I wanna be a healer.” He decides. “This is fun. “
Honor wrinkles his nose, “no you don’t. It's mostly boring. This is the fun part.”
“Well, I just want to do this part then.”
“That’s not fair.” Honor tells him, standing up. He has a handful of leaves too and the plant looks a little bare. “We should leave the rest so the plant can recover.”
Glory nods. “Should we head back then?”
Glory turns and looks for the clearing they came from. All of the plants look the same. Beside him, Honor is very quiet. Glory glances at him and sees that Honor is looking at him. “Do you know the way back?” Glory asks in a whisper.
“Yes!” Honor says, sounding insulted. “Its just...this...way?” he looks at Glory.
“Is it?” Glory asks.
“Well, maybe its this way,” Honor points in the opposite direction. Glory drifts a step closer to him so that their wings brush. Suddenly the forest seems impossibly big.
“We should just pick a direction and go.” Honor says. “We’ll find it eventually.”
“No, we should stay here.” Glory argues. “Someone’s gonna come looking for us and it’ll be easier if we stay in one spot.”  
“But if someone finds us we’re gonna get in trouble,” Honor whines.
“Being in trouble is better than being lost.”
Honor doesn’t look all that convinced, but before he can argue there’s a familiar shout. “Glory! Honor!”
“Mama!” Glory calls back, “we got lost!”
A second later both of his parents come through the wall of leaves along with a woman that must be Honor’s mother. Glory’s parents sweep him up into their arms and crush him. “Never scare me like that again,” Mama whispers to his hair.
Glory feels tears burning in his eyes and he buries his face in her neck. “I’m sorry,” He sobs. “We were just getting herbs for Honor’s papa.”  He holds up his handful of leaves to show her. They’re a little bit crushed now but they’re mostly okay.
“Its Fever-Balm,” Honor says, sounding a little tearful himself.
His mother gingerly takes a leaf from him, “Oh darling no, it's not,” she sighs. “Let’s get the both of you back to the healing ward.”
“I think I’m gonna be a soldier again.” Glory says as Clemency wraps his hands with bandages and ointment. The tingles have faded and now his hands are red and itchy and there are spots on his arms where he rubbed the leaves.
“Don’t scratch,” Clemency reminds him, putting balm on the spots.
Honor is quiet until all the grown-ups have stepped away to talk and then he leans over and promises in a whisper. “Next time I’ll bring my plant book.”
“Next time?”
“My mama says the only way to learn is to keep going after you make a mistake,” Honor says.
Glory thinks about it for a minute. “Next time I’ll bring some yarn too, so we can leave a better trail.”
“You’re a good friend.” Honor says, leaning his forehead against Glory’s. “We’re gonna be best friends.”
“Forever?” Glory asks.
“Forever.” Honor agrees.
[Ascendant is my upcoming christian fantasy novel about Guardian angels. My WIP page for desktop users is Here you can read the first chapter Here
and the post for mobile users is Here and you can read the first chapter on Wattpad Here Summary:
For hundreds of years, war has raged across the realm of Guardian Angels. White-Wing against Black-Wing. Grace is the Saboteur, daughter of the White-Wing Spy Master, destined to end the war once and for all. But all of that is snatched away when she is captured by the Black-Wings. Trapped in their secret city, Grace finds herself questioning everything she’s ever been told. About her enemies, and about herself. ] Tag List: @wingedcatwblr @angelwriteblr  @elaynabwriting
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@ill-write-when-im-dead @ceejay-silvertongue
@emberris @itwasanalaskanbookworm @ragethegemini @boothewriter
@hazeywrites @chargeofastar @kainablue @mezvii @inexorableblob
If you’d like to be added or removed from the list just shoot me a note
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breeeliss · 8 years ago
[Femslash February]: Theme Park
this got a touch angsty and im sorry. it ends on a good note tho, i promise
also: the cauldron ride i mention is like the American-version of the teacup rides. y’all know the one. 
Day 13: Theme Park (Alyanette + post-reveal)
Words: 2106
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
[Previous: Aquarium]
Marinette pressed her car keys and two tickets to Parc Asterix in Alya’s hands one morning. “Let’s go on a day trip.”
She’d interrupted Alya while she was in the middle of typing an article she had due in a few days. But Alya grabbed the tickets and flipped them over in her hands to make sure they were real. “You blasted money on these? We haven’t gone to that place in years – ”
“I know!” Marinette shouted. She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose, trying to control her tone. ���I-I know I just….I wanna go now, okay? I just. I need to go, and I need you to come with me.”
Alya frowned and pushed Marinette’s hair behind her ears, fingers getting caught in the tangles that Marinette hadn’t combed out in three days. “Okay, um. Let me just save this and get my coat. Then we’ll go, okay?”
Marinette waited in the living room – sans makeup, in old clothes she never liked wearing out the house, hair uncombed and thrown into a bun – while Alya packed them cold lunches and collected her money and credit cards. 
The akuma attack ten days ago was one of the scary ones that only ever cropped up a handful of times. The last one was over a year ago, far enough back to lull the city and Ladybug into a false sense of security and make this new one particularly horrifying. Alya wasn’t able to catch all the footage, but the rest of the Internet had filled in the gaps. See, when your wife was flying across the city and battling an akuma that could make objects and people disintegrate with a single touch, you couldn’t help but be filled with excitement and pride, and you feel privileged to even know someone as strong and selfless as that, let alone be married to them. 
But when you see her pinned down by that akuma, his hand hovering just above her face, poised to kill and not harm, you get snapped back to a sobering sort of reality that reminds you how much danger she puts herself in everyday. 
Apparently, she got away with only a singed cheek since Chat Noir had finally recovered from his injuries in time to save her. All was well in the end, and Alya had sobbed into Adrien’s shoulder that day, thanking him with a level of sincerity she hadn’t thought herself capable of. But Marinette had come home that day, called out of work for a week, left her discarded clothes on the floor of their bedroom, and crawled into bed. It was five days since then, and she hadn’t done much else but stay there. 
Alya decided to work from home that whole week to keep her company. Adrien had come over a couple of times, laid next to her in bed, petted her hair, cooked the three of them dinner while Alya tried to get Marinette to eat. Alya spent nights curled around Marinette, muttering lullabies in her ears so that she could try to get some sleep, but nothing worked. Adrien assured her that it was a scary situation, and she just needed time to snap out of it. Alya was willing to give her that time. 
But now….they were going to a theme park for the day. 
Alya and Marinette used to take trips to Parc Asterix every few months, but the habit fell off as the two of them became busy with work and the need to budget for things more important than theme park rides became much more pressing. It was a short drive from Paris, just under an hour or so, but this time the ride felt much longer. It was probably because Marinette hadn’t bothered to bring the playlists she always brought for the car ride, and because the car was absent of her charming, inane chatter. She was silent, her cheek pressed against the cold window as she looked out at the cars driving alongside them. 
Once they arrived and passed off their tickets, Marinette took off straight into the park. They’d been here so many times that they didn’t need a map to find the rides they wanted to, and it didn’t take long for Alya to notice that Marinette was sprinting towards the spinning cauldron ride. 
When they were little, Marinette always hated going on it. Marinette couldn’t stand spinning things and Alya would always spin the cauldron too hard and make Marinette sick. But Marinette jumped onto the queue and raced for the first open seat she could fine. Alya slipped in across from her and watched Marinette grip the wheel in the center with alarming force. “Don’t hold back.”
Alya reached forward and grabbed the wheel as well, feeling like this wasn’t the time to be denying her anything. “Are you sure?”
The ride started, and Marinette put her whole body into turning the wheel. Alya helped pick up the slack until pretty soon their cauldron was spinning more quickly than anyone else’s. Alya could see Marinette’s face turning green, but that only made Marinette yank harder on the wheel to make it go as fast as it could possibly go. The colors and the noises outside the ride were blurring together and swirling more rapidly than even Alya was comfortable with, but they kept the speed going, faster and faster, right up until the ride was jolted to a jarring halt and it was time for them to get off. 
Marinette was shaking and breathing hard once it was over, and the two of them had to sprint to the nearest bathroom just in time for Marinette to drop to her knees and throw up in the toilets. The first time they’d gone on this ride together, Alya had accidentally made Marinette sick and they were in a similar situation as this – Alya holding her hair back while Marinette emptied all of her nausea into the toilet bowl. But Alya wasn’t laughing, and Marinette wasn't cursing her existence. Marinette was panting and staring off into space, like she was thinking of going back on again. 
Alya helped her up off the floor. “Let’s go fill your stomach with something.”
They went back to the car to eat the sandwiches that Alya brought until the color came back to Marinette’s face and her stomach was settled. When they went back to the rides, Marinette started eyeing the roller coasters and didn’t ask Alya before she started forming the queue. 
They were waiting for their turn when Alya grabbed Marinette’s shoulder. “You….sure you want to get on?”
“Yeah,” Marinette mumbled. “I’m in the mood for a good scream.”
The moment they were strapped into their seats and started the ascent to the top of the first drop, Alya reached over and grabbed Marinette’s hand. Marinette grabbed it back in an crushing grip, and the moment the coaster started to drop, they started screaming. 
Marinette loved roller coasters. She laughed during the rides and lifted her arms up in the air during the drops. This time her hands were down and she was screaming as loudly as she could manage. Alya joined her, understanding that sometimes, you needed an excuse to scream out all the rot festering in your heart and let it leave your body so that you wouldn’t have to hold onto it anymore. The ride ended, and Marinette had tears in her eyes, and Alya knew they weren’t from fear. Marinette scrambled out of the car, and led Alya to another coaster, and another, and another, and another. 
By the time Marinette was out of tears, and her throat was sore, Alya walked her to the other end of the park. “Let’s try the Ferris Wheel, okay?”
The sun was still out, so the queue for the Wheel wasn’t long at all. Alya did some clever pleading with the ride attendant to let them stay on for a few more revolutions than normal. Alya had stayed in the middle of her seat, assuming that Marinette would take the one across from her, but Marinette curled up against Alya’s side, draping her legs across Alya’s lap and wrapping her arms around her middle. It wasn’t until their car was too high up for anyone on the ground to see them that Marinette buried her face in Alya’s shoulder and started crying. 
“Somedays I feel like quitting, Al,” Marinette began mumbling. “And I know I won’t actually do it because the city needs me. I can’t be that selfish, it wouldn’t be fair to everyone else. But it’s hard some days and I just don’t want to do it anymore, I just want things to be normal so I can be safe and keep you safe and the two of us can just be happy without anything complicating it.”
Alya smoothed her hair back and rubbed circles into her knee. “I know, babe,” she whispered to her. “I know, just let it all out.”
“And Adrien tries so hard, Alya, I trust him with my life,” she kept on. “I trust him with everything because I know he’d never let anything happen to me. He’d die before he let anything happen to me, but he’s not perfect. He makes mistakes like me, and he almost didn’t make it that time. And it’s not his fault, it’s never his fault, but for a second I just kept thinking that I wasn’t going to get out of it, and that I was going to let everyone down.”
“You never have to worry about letting anyone down, Mari.” Alya was pressing kisses into the crown of her head in between sentences. “You have given all of us more than we deserve, all for nothing in return. You’re allowed to be selfish, and you’re allowed to be scared.”
“I don’t want to leave you alone,” Marinette sniffed. “I never want to leave you, you’re one of the most important things I have. I never want to leave you alone.”
“And you’re not going to,” Alya assured, holding her closer to her side. “I know your job gets scary, and I know that I can’t even begin to understand the danger you put yourself in. But I trust you. I trust you and I trust Adrien. You two always come out of it in the end. You’re here and safe with me because you always come out of it in the end.”
Marinette gripped her shirt tighter and breathed in shakily against her neck while Alya let her cry. “You’re safe, babe. You’re here, and you’re with me, and we’re safe, and everything’s fine.”
They stayed on the Wheel until Marinette stopped crying and her eyes didn’t look quite so puffy. They cycled through some of the carnival games and went on a few more rides, just to use up the tickets they’d already bought. Marinette was still quiet through most of the day, but Alya caught her smiling during one of the shooting games they were playing and heard her laughing on the last free fall ride they’d gone on.
When they went back to the car park to go home for the evening, Marinette held Alya’s hand that wasn’t busy with the steering wheel. She cycled through her phone and actually plugged in one of the old road trip playlists she used to play whenever they went on long drives. Marinette leaned back into her seat, and breathed in the crisp evening air floating in through the open windows. “Thanks for coming with me. Sorry for….well. I feel a lot better now.”
Alya lifted Marinette’s hand and pressed a kiss to the wedding band on her finger. “I’d do anything for you. You know that.”
Marinette woke up the next morning, showered, loaded her laundry, and hummed along to the radio while she cooked breakfast for the two of them. She called her office and let them know she would be back to normal on Monday, and rattled to Alya about all the projects she was going to try and blast out tonight, no matter how unrealistic it seemed. 
Alya smiled at her fondly as she listened on, watching the brightness come back to Marinette’s eyes and laughing at her gesticulations that almost made her knock her mug of coffee over. 
Marinette had small cracks and fissures like everyone else, and knowing that she was Ladybug made them all the more obvious to Alya. But Marinette filled them with smiles, singing, hugs, kisses, and more warmth and beauty that Alya thought was even capable from another person. 
And Alya loved her with all her heart for it. 
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