#im normal about fax
iloveschiaparelli · 5 months
Yes im definitely normal about maximum ride nooo im definitely not having a resurgence of a special interest
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3liza · 6 months
my attending left the hospital im at with my insurance so i met the new one yesterday and like the first thing she did was tell me some straight up wrong information which appeared to be either her receiving slightly wrong medical data after a game of doctor telephone or possibly just completely fucking up at reading a study herself.
i almost never am able to respond during appointments when a doctor does this to me because of course i cant track down the study while im on the zoom call, so in several cases now i have sent a mychart message and once an actual fax after the appointment, JUST to let a doctor know they told me some complete nonsense. and im always polite and professional about it, and im sure its annoying as hell and that they usually assume im wrong or crazy without actually checking their information, but the possibility that it will prevent the doctor repeating that misinformation to someone else makes me keep doing it, more or less compulsively.
me: my biggest acute medical problem is probably the chronic dehydration. i cant drink enough fluids to stay hydrated because of the gastroparesis, and if i try, the fluids come back up, causing GERD issues. sports drinks and pedialyte are very helpful, but expensive. homemade preparations require an amount of time and executive function investment i am having trouble keeping up with. what do you suggest
the doctor: theres new research that 50/50 apple juice and water is actually better at rehydrating people than pedialyte or sports drinks.
me: that doesnt sound right. apple juice has that much sodium in it?
the doctor: pedialyte actually has too much sodium in it and can cause additional dehydration :)
me: thats true for healthy patients b--(remembering im keeping it polite and upbeat because i cant antagonize someone who is about to refill my adderall) ok thats good to know thanks
sure enough, when i got home and repeated this to the discord and people actually started looking into it, the only study that came up about apple juice concluded that it was better at keeping medically normal children from getting dehydrated during gastroenteritis because apple juice tastey and kids will drink more of it voluntarily. apple juice has 7mg of sodium per 236mL. POTS patients can sometimes require up to 10 grams of sodium supplementation per day.
im unclear on why so many doctors assume the Healthy Test Subjects they have been reading so much about are going to turn up in their offices as patients for anything except yearly wellness exams. arent most of the people seeking medical attention for actual symptoms already suffering from various problems that by definition have fucked up their metabolic processes, nutritional requirements, how much sleep they need, how much exercise they tolerate, etc. this seems like less of a failure of medical education and more one of basic reasoning skills
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
i said i would make this post, so here i am. here is the red guy analysis, starting with this qna answer from baker terry. i talked about this question before, it was “whos your favorite to write for?” and after a bit of debate the answer ended up being red guy for pretty much everyone. i mentioned that, but i left out this answer specifically because of how significant it is. im gonna go on a bit of a tangent here, but i promise itll come back around and make sense
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this is what ive been saying about red guy!! hes been going through a constant character arc that never reaches its completion because he is torn down again and again. “hes sensible and together until he isnt” is such a good description, because he might be the MOST normal character but he isnt truly normal. not really. thats very important.
i think red guy is a realistic character, a very human character, and the thing about people is that we’re not as normal as we think. there are differences about all of us that don’t quite fit, and some of us moreso than others, but that is the true normal. true normal is to not be normal. that is what red guy represents to me. we relate to him and think he is sensible because he is, but that doesnt mean hes free of oddness altogether. thats what makes him even more relatable.
but he doesnt realize this, hes riddled with insecurity, and THATS what makes him the way he is. he doesnt quite fit anywhere. hes out of place in his own world, and hes out of place in every other world as well. he doesnt enjoy the house, and he tries to run, but even when he runs he doesnt like what he finds outside. he’ll never find a place where he perfectly fits. he’ll try, but he’ll fail.
but thats another thing. because he doesnt fit anywhere as he is, he usually tries to fit in instead. the characters around him (the fax machine thingy, the trash can, lily and todney) they all tell him that theres something wrong with him and the way he lives, that he could be better, that all he has to do is listen to them and he’ll be normal and respected. and so he does. he listens to them and tries his best to be happy with it. hell tell himself that hes normal and everyone loves him now. that weird people are below him, that nothing is wrong with him because hes perfect. he wont believe it, he’ll be unhappy playing pretend, but at least hes better than everyone else now. at least hes the most normal one. at least hes normal, right?
but then he’ll end up back home, and things will go differently tomorrow. there could be a day where hes waltzing around in clothes, masking who he is and pretending to like it. but then there could be a day where hes coming to terms, where he looks in the mirror and he doesnt care much what others think anymore. where he’ll say “im not supposed to wear clothes, this is the way i look” finally sticking up for himself. he’ll start being kinder, to others and himself. he’ll start being more honest, more open, more loving. he’ll still be as average and monotone as ever, but he’ll be slightly different. he’ll be happier with himself as he is, he’ll ACTUALLY like himself instead of just pretending.
but happiness doesn’t last in a house like theirs. his memory loss will rip away at the realizations he has. he’ll go right back to being bitter and miserable. i dont believe the house is in a timeloop, i hate that theory with a burning passion, but thats besides the point. timeloop or not, he’ll be built up, and then the next day he’ll be knocked back down. he never reaches a point where hes fully happy and i doubt he ever will. i doubt any of them ever will. it makes me so sad, but at least he gets close enough.
in conclusion, duck and yellow guy are very nonsensical and complicated characters, but red guy is too, just in a calmer and more easy-to-understand sense. just because hes the regular, human kind of complicated does not mean he isnt worth analyzing. i wish people would see him as more complex instead of just “relatable depressed tumblr sexyman” like if yall paid attention youd realize that yes, he pulls off the suit, but hes miserable in it. it’s literally him masking. i wish people paid more attention to these things. no shame if you dont, hes supposed to be a more chilled out character compared to the other two, so its natural that people wouldnt think as hard about him. but hes not as smart and reasonable as yall give him credit for, he is until he isnt.
or, if we want to go with the gayer conclusion:
hes YOUR babygirl because hes hot in a suit, but hes MY babygirl because he thinks electricity is magic. because hes an embarrassment to everyone around him. because he doesnt like wasting food or making a mess. because all he wants is a family, and he already has one, but its not normal or functional enough for him. because he smiles more often than everyone thinks. because hes actually kind of an asshole but duck outshines him in that department. because hes selfish and yet he dislikes himself. because he is complicated in the most human way, with a little bit of an inhuman thought here and there. because i am in love with him im just going insane now i need to shut this shit down. ive gotten my point across. goodbye, i love you ! (leaves you a spherical internet device which i created)
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johnwicklover1999 · 1 year
naming pokemon like race horses is my favorite thing to do and i fully believe stanley would do it as well.
i think stanley would use fighting/rock/normal ? i havent thought about pokemon since i finished xyz years ago so im grasping for straws here.
stanley and his loyal garchomp, Fax Machine
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Collab Fics: Highlights from the Notes, Part 1
so if you're new around here me and my nontumblr friend Zhelday make collaboration fics between our fandoms. One's up on Ao3 already (The Alliance of Misfits, Genshin/Star Wars Bad Batch). But we've got more. And we talk to each other a lot in the notes for each one as we figure stuff out. So, I decided to grab some quotes from those notes and post them out of context. Part one? A fic still in the works, Splatoon x Red Dwarf. Yeah. Yeah I know it sounds weird. But here we go! Zhel types in blue, I type in purple. We are extremely normal.
Oh no no noooooohahahahaha Cal's gonna have a fun time with him. Get sniped. Actually before he even tried he's gonna be getting a Dynamo to the back of the kneecaps
the less said about those fish the better. OH SHIT
Salad cream?
Can I do an Only One Bed with Lister and Rimmer? Please?? HAHAA
Fuck I need a good insult gimme a minute.
She has information from the SAUCE
Milord these are teenagers
Rimmer's probably gonna shit himself
They talk the same way except Kryten is British
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 no.
Where The Hell Is This Apartment Building
Also my mouse isn't working so bear with me
Ok turns out only one of my usb drives is using which means i either use my USB with the draft on it or use my mouse. Not good ew fine. Im so bad at using a computer im actually not sure where the reboot button on this one is help. I dont have a menu in the bottom right corner. Im not using a school laptop the windows 11 layout is different i figure I'm just struggling
ONE TWO SEVEN 3 DOWN TO ROCKEFELLER STREET hell yea its workin again.
Okay that was a throwback but I'm getting you now.
Fax machine lmaooooo
Although I guess Cat isn't really an advantage.
Literal forehead smack
Kryten's the soccer mom.
No wonder Jaymoji carried.
if youre wondering if i am cheating i am not the test is done
Like excuse me that's gay as hell
Can the reason just be "because i dont like you"
YoU bRoKe tThE NoTeS DoC!
we basically made a TARDIS.
So we made a busted TARDIS without a soul. Wonderful.
Surely rimmer's not scared of a fish.
the Gang is abusing using Cal's scope from his weapon to spy on them.
Both groups take at least ten minutes to quit making out
Anemone's not there lol lmaoo Shit
Also Europe is just gone.
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faxmachine0210 · 2 years
Alrighty, last break at work. They had me go about an hour early since Im closing my dept. by myself tonight, which means Fax-ey (how should I say my name? Idk, I dont think I should use my real name) here should have a good rest of the night. Its slow, its a sunday night so most of them "good ol christian folk™" aren't gonna be here, and most normal people will be at work tomorrow. Hopefully the rest of the week goes well. I get out of here in ~3 hours, so I should™ be fine... Should™, assuming my boyfriend is having a decent day as well.
Yeah, Im 100% just gonna make this page my journal, lol. A journal I can talk to people on.
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mlm-cottage-love · 3 years
(this isnt really related to your blog much but idk any other blogs to tell and i have to write it somewhere) feel free to delete this
but my bf just got top surgery last week and its great and obviously im so fucking proud of him and happy for him and its sooo amazing watching him feel as comfortable as he does with himself now laready
but also i am also trans and have been waiting all the same years he did ans now i have to not only be my usual level of dysphoria but also be constantly reminded of it now. and id be a little more fine if like i had an appoint of my own set but my therapist hates me and hasnt texted me in two weeks and i just need her to write my letter (i had my consultation in september) and im sure she has a base letter she works primarily with queer people i just need her to edit it a little and paste my name down and fax it and then i she never has to think about me again and fuck
again, sorry ik this isnt like what your blog is about but i needed to write this somewhere he wouldnt see because hed just feel really bad for it even tho its not his fault at all
Ay nah you're perfectly fine!
That seems really hard to deal with, and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me about something like this :)! I can't give you advice or try and disprove your thoughts in this situation, and I feel as if that isn't my place, but I'm proud of you for being able to bring this up with someone :).
I'm also proud of how well you seem to be dealing with it, and while I don't love that you seem to have some negative thoughts about how your therapist feels about you, and the twinges of negative self talk and point of view, from what I see you're doing a fantastic job at coping with a situation that, from what I understand, must be really hard to go through.
Those are completely normal feelings, and they are by no means wrong, shameful, or spiteful. If I or anyone was in similar shoes as yours, I guaranty that that thought process may cross their mind. That doesn't mean anything negative about you, as you are not defined by your thoughts or emotions, I sincerely hope you take that and understand it.
I do love seeing how much you care about your boyfriend though, and I love to hear it! You and everyone deserves a relationship they enjoy, and I hope that's something you have! I'm sure he'd like to have a conversation about this though, as from what I see he also has a lot of care for you, but that's a decision you have to make, and one I would be exceedingly proud of if you chose to do :).
My blog doesn't necessarily have a theme, and I'm more than willing to help those if they ask me, I'm happy you felt like you could talk to me about this :). You don't have to apologize for needing a 3rd party to vent to, that's completely normal and healthy, and a great step to take.
Feel free to speak to me whenever you want! Even if it's to give advice, or just to vent to me, I'm always willing to support people and no one will ever be an exception :).
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bluebeetle · 7 years
love learning someone u were friends with for years doenst wanna be friends anymore but not like... bc they told u but bc they removed u from all their social media + their significant other did as well and it seemed like they were avoiding u last time u saw them in public :’)
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some continuation i guess
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this time with the emperor
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we get the basic rundown, born to human parents, massively gifted, immortal, hidden among humanity and all that. It’s here where his motivation to shepherd humanities psychic awakening is really first brought up [something thats given overall more prominence in the book as well]. a much more interesting note however
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now, this probably seems inconspicuous enough at first glance. Indeed even in modern canon 40k’s imperium is first actually created over ten millennia ago. However, take into consideration this little bit earlier in the lore section that i didn’t think to much off at the time
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now, taking this into consideration, the implication here is that the age of strife, something that is typically thought to end right before the unification wars in modern 40k lore, is only considered to have ended after the emperor’s internment upon the golden throne, and that further the imperium seems to only officially be a thing upon the that internment. Now this suggests some things to me, two large ones possibly being
a) the unification wars and the great crusade were more so part of the same wider war, ie that the wars ‘only the emperor remembers’ were a large conflict between various warlords to determine who got the rightful rulership of the crumbling pre age of strife human civilization. or
b) the emperor started the age of strife in order to dominate humanity to control and shepherd the psychic awakening he saw humanity stumbling into.
take your pick i guess. food for thought and all that. also
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in my earlier post i jumped the gun, the 1st edition emperor is still a punk who needs human souls to survive. Though in this case its not some vague need to bind his soul to the chair or anything, no, its just that he apparently cant eat or drink anything else and hes really god damn hungry and thirsty all the time. Which is hilarious and i almost feel is just a better explanation in general.
to be fair he does look like this 10 millenia later
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makes sense he would need to eat unconventionally.
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as well, as opposed to specifying 1000 psyker souls a day it just mentions a vague ‘hundreds dying every day’ which is still a lot but also likely less then modern emps eats everyday.
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some explanation/emperor wank on why the emperor needs to be fed everyday. not much to say, just that i feel like the implications here atleast lean a bit more towards the emperor being pitiable in his own right as someone so dedicated to this vague future ideal of humanity that hes forsaken most of his own physically and mentally. 
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apparently humanity underwent no genetic changes over 38,000 years that werent the direct result of mutation from environmental hazards.
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@ lordsofmedrengard  early dark angels lore, here we can see where they got stuck with the moniker of “first legion” from in 30k modern lore, and its cause here in the first 40k book they’re noted as being ‘honored as the first marine chapter’. Guess it was something they felt needed to carry over... I like the copious more amounts of wine in the old dark angels chapter, and they seem a lot more aristocratic here then in modern 40k. Which makes an interesting contrast compared to the barbarian stocks of soldiers mentioned earlier in the book as being preferred for “legiones astartes”
we get some rundowns on the branches of the adeptus terra next, not much particularly new to note outside of them all being part of this larger governmental priesthood. some highlights though
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the old school custodes uniforms are in fact the traditional uniform of the custodes in 1st edition. 
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custodes wielded ‘lasers built to resemble the traditional and symbolic guardian spear’ whatever the fuck that means
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tech priests and the adeptus mechanicus were monastic monks who primarily lived on earth and didn’t stick metal parts into and all over their bodies. they were consequently much more boring as the echlissiarchies IT department.
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arbites basically doubled in the sisters of battle’s role as the militant branch of the state religion.
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arbites fashion choices and the arbites acting in a similar manner of chaplains as well really.
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the more voluntary nature of the astronomican in the first edition, the trainees learn how to safely let the battery drain them but it still seems to be a demanding job with a high fatality rate
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they also share monastic tendencies and a uniform with the mechanicus, though theres is a fashionable blue.
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included the entire bit on the administratum cause honestly, i find it incredibly fascinating. The parallels are certainly there between modern and 1st edition administratum, but i feel how its presented here just has more teeth and intrest to it. That is to say, its not just the ‘oh what fate, administration has become even more horrid, tedious and soul draining in this grim dark future, woe be us!’ that tends to get tossed around when mocking administration. Instead its a literal organization of religious monks dedicated to tax filings, school administration, rezoning and what have you. Blessed be the regulations and all that. Is there small cults dedicated to paper clip gods? what holy rites are involved when faxing documents compared to when faxing fourms? This is shit i want to know more about.
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all adeptus terra adepts carry a knife and are likely legally allowed to shiv you here as well incidentally. 
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the inquisitors are mostly the same, though with no mention of chaos whatsoever. less sub divisions from the looks of it too. this bit did catch my attention though.
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psychic powers seemed to be a hell of a lot more common among inquisitors back then as well.
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quirky inquisitors, who’d have thunk it. [its not that surprising, i just like that they took the time to mention it is all]
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don’t know wtf is going on here though, especially as to whats going on with dudes armour on the left. looks like a knight crossed with an oven.
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we get the usual spiel of psyker background, but then we get some interesting differences in opinions here on psykers compared to modern 40k imperium. How justified or not it is, is up to you but its definitely a shift in tone i would say.
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possibly the proto servitor narrative wise? As said, 1st edition 40k readily uses robots, so servitors would be unnecessary. technomats on the other hand fall between that as menials who likely operate these things but dont full on replace them like servitors eventually will.
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astropaths are basically the same, though the 90% statistic im not sure if it holds over to modern 40k. im thinkin likely but i could be wrong.
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navigators outside of not ubiquitously having the third eye mutation also seem to have much more personal freedom and respect in imperial society in 1st edition. probably pretty comfy to be a navigator back then really. Aside from that, navigator families are still a thing.
space marine time!
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well we get the same ‘feral world recruits as warrior god soldiers’ sortta stuff, it is mentioned and stressed that hive world criminals apparently make better stock in terms of raw aggression. Entire gangs will even be rounded up for the purpose of making new space marines.
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the early process to create a space marine. no special organs, but bio-chem and the black [plastic?] carapace were there from the start, and hypno indoctrination is alluded to. Apparently this is still barely controlled chaos though. [and on a personal note, nothing that indicates it was male exclusive either, outside of general attitudes of the 1980′s]
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early organization graph of a space marine chapter.
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chapter markings and armour
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iron hands apparently only had the one iron hand?
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list of chapter symbols with names and colours, these keep appearing in the book. seems i was wrong on only the imperial fist symbol, its actually the crimson fists chapter symbol so thats 3 of the modern big 9 that didn’t exist back then.
we get a break down on the typical structure of a fortress monastery for space marines next, using the space wolves funnily enough who were far more normal as it were in 1st edition [and also their home world was lucan isntead]. and its got a lot, and well its all fairly interesting ill just shotgun blast some highlights
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that the space wolves had an entire fuckin ship hanging in their great hall i find endlessly amusing, so thats why its there. the rest are interesting in terms of the domestic situation of space marines.
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lovesaadiqa · 3 years
BBL Costs, Prep + Recovery
Im booked!!  I talked to a few friends who I know either got this surgery or is getting this done.  I wanted one since forever but I wanted my teeth done first.  The deciding factor came down to my birthday plans.  
Originally I was going to do a birthday tour.  First weekend of October in Miami for carnival, 2nd weekend in Atl for Freak Nik, 3rd weekend in Bahamas and finally Nola for the finale.  Well Nola was just hit with a storm so yeah that’s out. Once I totaled up the flights, hotels, food and spending money.. I was like hmm, I can get a fat ass and started this process.  Immediately looked into surgeon and Dr. Pena was my favorite, his bodies come out so mf snatched, he’s located in Columbia.  Columbian surgeons can take out way more fat than American doctors however, the fatality rate is stupid and ultimately the factor that made me choose an American doctor.  
The next step was choosing the surgeon for the body I have and the one I want.  I weigh 151 and im 5′6″ I’m considered a “skinny bbl”.  I started researching doctors in Atlanta (so I could recover at home) and Miami (like duh).  I chose to go with Dr. Desouza in Miami with CG Cosmetics for a few reasons.  First, I love the look of his skinny bbl’s on other women with the same body type, weight and height as me.  Secondly, he was having a special for the end of the year (lipo 360, bbl, jplasma for $6500 for the surgeon I wanted) this almost sold me but it was the surgery date!!  Jplasma is skin tightening procedure to help with loose skin, you can only get this with lipo.  When they perform lipo they created canals under your skin to remove the fat.. well those same canals are essential when getting Jplasma.
Ok so I decided on the surgeon, contacted the cosmetic group and had a consultation which is pretty much just front, side and back view pictures.. I think they use this to make sure you don’t need a tummy tuck prior to surgery.  They also asked me questions about previous surgeries and if i’ve ever had anesthesia.  The next step went pretty quickly, we talked about what would be lipo’d (abs, waist, back.. I wanted inner thighs, an additional 2k, but was advised to wait on my pre-op to decide), when I wanted to book and how I'd pay.  My consult was on August 30th.. I bitched up when she attempted to take my payment.  I am a money hoarder and spending that much money made me feel like I was being financially irresponsible.  I called one of my Aunt’s who I felt wouldn’t judge me and also give me sound advise.  We talked about my fears, why I was getting the procedure and of course money.  My Aunt gave me excellent advice, reassured me and is a professional CNA who offered to accompany me so yeah I dare not turn that down, lol.  August 31, 2021, I called my coordinator (the contact between me and my surgeon) and told her I wanted to book, she asked me when I’d be ready and I requested first available which was 9/20/21!! Excited is an understatement.. I'd be 24 days post op on my birthday.  After I calmed down I paid in full for multiple reasons:  had to in order to secure the date, all surgeries book in this year had to be paid in full, it was the only way to get the discount.. My coordinator gave me so much information I couldn’t see straight (I was also high as shit off life thinking about a fat ass and me in the same sentence).. she emailed + texted everything, congratulated me and we hung up.
I get the emails:  “raise you hemoglobin with these vitamins” I purchased vitamin C $2, folic acid $2, iron $3 and floradix $35 - amazon, I take them as directed on the bottle and start eating my ass off (just to give my surgeon more to work with, lol).  Talking to one of my gf’s I realize I have to be cleared for surgery?!?!  What?  I open my email and sure enough I have to have blood work done 15-20 prior to surgery, it was 9/3 and a Friday.. SHIT!! I fly over to an Piedmont Wellstreet urgent care facility as recommended by my friend (she started this process as well so I was crazy grateful for her experience and that she shared it with me).  Urgent care was full but opened the next day, my ass was in that line at 7:32 am, I was the 13th person in line and they opened at 8.  I get to the desk and my appointment is at 10:30 and I'd have to pay the office visit fee to be seen, it was $155.  I came back at my allotted time and was told how much all of my labs would be.. $302.  My labs were to be processed and faxed to my surgeon by 9/9 because Labor Day weekend so.. yeah.  
I discuss accommodations with my Aunt and realize it’s cheaper, safer and more beneficial for me to go to a recovery house.  I search high and low baby and most of them were booked.. found one regardless with lymphatic massages included called Flawless Recovery House.  This wasn’t my 1st-6th option but the one with availability on my surgery date so I paid a deposit to hold onto my spot.  Total was $1312 for 5 days with 5 massages, I paid a $200 deposit.  Next, I booked my flight, round trip $116 with Delta.  My surgery date is on a Monday, I have to have my pre-op done on the Saturday prior so I booked a hostel from the 18th-20th on booking.com for $66.  I know I could have gotten an airbnb or hotel room but I wanted this experience.  I want to go to Amsterdam and stay in a hostel so I need to know what to expect.  Also I cannot party, smoke, drink or eat before surgery so fuck it.. a hostel will do, lol. 
I smoke big fucking weed and watched someone else’s bbl journey today and realize if I fail the drug test, my surgery will be cancelled and it’ll cost me $1500 to reschedule.  Boy the shit sent me into panic mode like I've never experienced before, only to find out the weed isn’t the issue nicotine is, it slows down your heart rate.  I can smoke weed just not out of a wood or a rillo and nicotine takes 3-4 days to get out of your system so a bitch barely made it.  I just won't be smoking until I get back home lol.  Just to be super informative no alcohol, diabetic meds, cocaine, pcp or anything that will fool with your heart or makes your bleed.  Today is 9/11 and im one week out from my pre-op... my body is a joke cause I haven’t gained a single pound and normally it’s nothing for me to put on weight.  I took my acrylics off, when you’re put to sleep they monitor your oxygen levels with those clamps they put on your fingers and they aren't the most accurate when you have on dark polish or acrylics.  I also cannot wear lashes cause when they go to fill this ass in I'll be laying flat on my face.  I mean my hair didn’t have requirements but I figure since im naked I might as well be bald.. y'all should see me rn, I look very much like a young man but im hype.  I’ll be back later to tell y'all what I pack and purchase prior to my flight.  Imma put the dates at the end of each update.. today is 9/11/21
My surgery group send me list of supplies  that I would need and the cost came to roughly $1100.  Naive me was definitely going to purchase everything on the list from them until I saw Leslie’s (@prettyhaute - on ig) bbl vlog.  I went on amazon and got away with murder.  Below I’ll list what I purchased and the price I paid versus what the surgery center was quoting me.
Faja - I paid $74.69 - Quoted $160.50 || BBL Pillow - $26.99 - Qouted $42.80 || Arnica pills - $8.95 - Quoted $37.45 || Compression socks - $13.99 for 3 - Quoted $10.70 for 1 || Foams - $17.99 for 3 - Quoted $64.20 for 3 || Scar Cream  $$29.82 - Quoted $80.25 || Arnica Gel - $7.92 - Quoted $21.40 || 
There a shit ton of items on the suggested list that I didn't purchase but way more items that wasn’t on the list I still need for instance:
Crocs, benadryll, robe, adult diapers, straws, earplugs, liquid iv, stool softener, antiseptic body wash, avocado float, back board, urinal, pineapple juice, throat calm, 3 moo-moo’s and a massage roller (the crocs are the only thing on this list that cost more than $20).  My flight is at 7:15a tomorrow and im so damn nervous but excited.  I will spend Saturday and Sunday gallivanting around Miami and then body , ody, ody, ody, ody, ody.  I still have to send my entire itinerary to my aunt but I think im all set.  9/17/21
Pre-op was packed but I went on Saturday and was in and out in an hour.  I was charged for a covid $80, 3 post-op massages $150 and a drug test $20.  I went over my clearance paper work with a medical assistant who also took 9 before pics of me.  Keep in mind, your surgery can be cancelled or reschedule if all of you labs aren’t at the surgery center on pre-op day.  I cannot stress how important it is to take your labs with you!!!  Mine were faxed over from urgent care but I was also provided copies which I took with me.  The photos were sent directly to my surgeon to analyze before surgery.  From my knowledge, I was also to be fitted for my faja but that never happened, do NOT leave pre-op without a faja!!! I paid for 3 massages from CG totaling $150 which I regret badly.  I do NOT recommend getting massages from the surgery center.  There are 4-5 different surgeons performing surgeries on any given day and they do at minimum 4 surgeries per day, that’s at least 15-20 different girls with the same surgery and post-op date.  CG had 2 massage therapists to drain 15-20 girls.  I was drained for 9 mins, your drain massages should last at least 45 mins for maximum drainage.  I only used 1 of the 3 massages I paid for and was denied a refund.  That is a huge downside to CG once they have your money good fucking luck getting it back! Ps. Ellie was a royal fucking cunt!!!!!  She told my medical assistant that I didn’t need a faja so I was never fitted for one and woke up out of surgery with a binder on versus a faja like I should have.  I wanted to slap the shit out of her and took the charge on the chin but I wanted my surgery so I refrained.. I was put on a 12 hour fast and contacted an hour after pre-op with my surgery address and time.  My fast started at 7pm the day before surgery and my surgery time wa at 6:30a, there was a $300 for showing up to surgery late.  All I could bring to surgery was compression socks and a faja (that I didn’t have), I was instructed to bathe with dial (the orange one) before surgery to make sure my incisions weren’t infected, no lotion, perfume, deodorant, makeup, nails, lashes, no jewelry/piercing or hair products and no personals ie, purse money, wallet also you will need a companion or surgery will be cancelled.  I’ll upload all my paperwork at the end.   Surgery day arrive at the surgery center at 6:15 am how about the entire fucking staff was late!  Bitch I was outside in Miami alone with compression socks on and a moo moo, LIVID.  No one arrived until 7:10 am, baby I wanted to kill everyone but fuck it, it was go time.  I’m escorted to a room, changed into a paper gown, piss tested, my labs were reviewed again and finally my surgeon comes in!  We were in the exam room alone which was weird cause I was asshole naked but he kept it 1000% professional, he asked me what I wanted and I say “the fattest ass” he looked me dead in my eyes without a single hesitation and said “it’ll heal like a diaper”  LMAO.  I showed him areas that I wanted lipo’d to death and he marked me up, I didn’t aka e picture of my mark ups but shit was rolling by then, he walked out I put my paper gown back on and the anesthesiologist walked in.  I expressed my biggest concerns to him, I didn’t want to die and I didn’t want to wake up during surgery.  He explain why the drug test was so important because certain street drugs will have adverse effect with the anesthesia.  My anesthesiologist walked me up to the surgery room and I hopped on the table, they put massage boots on both of my feet and inserted an iv, the mask was put on my face and my heart rate went to heaven, I wanted to shit myself bro.  The anesthesiologist told me to make a tight fist, I asked what time it was, 8:08am.. I woke up to a nurse helping me into a wheelchair with a binder around my waist and I was scream crying because my entire body ached, I didn't know where I was and the anesthesia is no hoe.  I was escorted to my recovery house’s transportation van and taken to my damn bed.  
I chose Flawlesss Recovery House with Ms. Opal.  I paid a $200 deposit before 2 weeks before surgery and the balance the day I left.  I opted for a 5 day stay.  I loved it there bro and couldn’t imagine trying to recover at a hotel or air bnb!  There were nurses there 24-7, I was roomed with one other girl but the house had a total of 4 bedrooms, one of which no one occupied and the door was always shut but my room was the only room with 2 beds, the others had 3 beds.  I had a call button, it was love, the nurses came expeditiously when I rang it.  They made 3 home cooked meals per day and I don’t eat meat, they accommodated me with no hesitation.  I loved it man.  So couple hours after surgery I attempted to use the bathroom on my own and blacked out, the anesthesia is really fucking strong and took an entire day to wear off (for me), the nurses helped me pee in a cup until then.  Post op day 9/21/21, I went in to make sure I looked good, got a faja finally and received that lousy as drain.  Back to the recovery house I was able to walk finally w/o passing out and in went my foams, I also could pee by myself with the use of a urinal.  I was constipated for 2 days, first bowel movement was on post op day 2. I paid for an independent massage therapist named Tatiana, she used a ultrasound machine to massage me so I cancelled her.  When I took my faja off for my massage it was washed and dried by the time I was done, I took a shower and put my faja on with my foams.  I cancelled Tatiana because don’t let nobody use no machine on you until you are at least 2 weeks post op, hand massages only.  All the girls were getting massaged by the literal best massage therapist (in my opinion) her name is Brittany, I could cry she was EVERYTHING, I was tender but she put the painful massage theory to bed!  She taught me how to drain myself and how to open my incisions without the q-tip looking thing.  In 45 mins she drained 5 of those doggy pad things worth of fluid off of me.  I received 4 massages in 5 days.  I left on Saturday 9/25/2021 on Sunday, back in Atlanta, I received my 5th massage and that when I was told I have not one but 2 seromas.  I swear on everything I love it was because everyone wakes up from surgery with a faja on but not me (Fuck you Ellie, lil bitch) I had on a binder (its what they use for tummy tucks).  The lady who did my 1st massage in Atlanta was Bri, not gone post her ig cause she did a damn good massage but when I asked her to syringe drain me the good sis stuck this long ass needle in my seroma but could get the fluid out, cancelled her too (the massage was good asf tho but nah).  Tired and tried I bit the bullet and booked a packed with Dream Body ($455 for 5 massage, I think, don’t quote me look it up on there site and follow them on ig)  because they are the biggest name in Atlanta, Jayda Wayda goes to them.  The  most painful massage yet, yes Michelle lil ass is so strong but she will get the fluid up off you.  She made me tear up bad and no matter how much I screamed or even tried to push her off of me she understood the assignment, Michelle helped me get back into my faja after my massage and told me my faja was too big and to have it altered.  She recommended a lady on ig @siri2sir but to know me is to know I altered my shit myself.  Allow me to tell y'all, I look good asf!!!!!!! 10/4/2021 
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gayboysero · 4 years
Mansplain Skyrim lore to me. Give me the deets. The Tea.
ohhhhhhhh my god
okay in my defense its been a while since ive actively Read the Wiki (which i used to do for fun) but here are some of my favorite fax and details
if the imperials actually cared, they would crush the stormcloak rebellion. one of general tullius’s dialogue lines is that he can’t get the bulk of cyrodil’s upper ranks to take the skyrim civil war seriously. he struggles to get enough troops to keep the war at a standstill. if ulfric stormcloak succeeded in taking solitude and becoming high king, the full might of the cyrodillic empire and the aldmeri dominion would be unleashed on skyrim. i’m not saying it would be a total victory, the stormcloak have a knowledge of the region and support within skyrim (and maybe an alliance with morrowind or black marsh who are not part of the empire, although i dont see why argonians and dark elves would want to work with modern nords). however, i dont think even the nords could stand up to both the empire and the dominion.
there are a number of great houses in morrowind that are constantly vying for political power. my fave is indoril, house of the nerevarine, for personal (oc) reasons. however, indoril has been unpopular since the collapse of the tribunal, who they were hugely connected to. then the red year fucked up most of vvardenfell (sparing mournhold, the capitol of house indoril), and argonians invaded and sacked mournhold and its surrounding cities. they’re doing better though! they’ve rebuilt mournhold in some capacity and will likely regain their influence in time
another dunmer house got shit on so badly they’re no longer considered one of the Greats. house hlaalu was really close with the empire, working and trading with them n all that. then during the oblivion crisis, most of the empire’s soldiers were called back to cyrodil to defend the capitol, leaving morrowind defenseless against the daedra. house redoran stepped up and defended the country both from the daedra and then the invading argonians. hlaalu was hated for its connection to the empire and taken off of morrowind’s council
that being said, houses hlaalu and dres were the first to try to outlaw slavery in morrowind and were hated by the more traditional dunmer houses, including indoril (not pog)
the akaviri are/were a humanoid race of (fantasy) japanese people originiating from akavir, far east of morrowind. sky haven temple was originally an akaviri outpost from the time they tried to invade skyrim. they had katanas! very cool people. anyways they’re all extinct now, having been literally or figuratively “eaten” by a serpentlike race called the tsaesci (say ess ee) who are also native to akavir. (there are also monkey people and tiger people on akavir. the whole content seems to be fantasy version of east asia, given both its very very far east geography and also everything else about it.)
there are a race of maormer (sea elves) south of the summerset isles. they’re ruled by a deathless wizard and no one knows much about them. im p sure they havent been seen since the 3rd era (skrim takes place in the 4th)
i feel like this is pretty well known, but the wood elves have an agreement with Yffre, the god of forest they live in (valenwood), to not kill or eat any plants. they’re basically antivegans. because of this, they often engage in cannibalism when fighting each other or outsiders.
the dwemer, tamriels dwarves/deep folk/etc were not actually short! they were named that by the giants native to skyrim, who are taller than everyone. dwemer were actually elf-height, probably equal to modern elves. one of the theories ive read about the disappearance of the dwemer is that the heart of lorkhan, which is the magical artifact they were trying to f with, acted as a big ol’ soul stone and gobbled them all up. sad if true!
jflskdfj theres this one book in skyrim, i think its called “ALDUIN IS REAL AND HE ENT AKATOSH” where some nordic farmer who couldnt write too good basically defended the case that alduin existed. (written before alduin came back). you can read it here
the nords are colonizerssss okay? fuck them. they came from a continent called atmora, north of tamriel and even harsher than skyrim. they settled in saarthol and were mostly minding their business when the snow elves. okay so the snow elves did do a massacare on them. which was uncool. so then the nords (then atmorans) responded by doing a near-genocide on the snow elves. all in all it was kind of a shitty situation. also to be fair to the nords, they probably didn’t count on the dwemer using their ~magic mushrooms~ to systematically devolve the snow elves into the race of creatures now known as the falmer. but still im not a huge nord fan lol
this is also probably common knowledge i think but the type of khajiit you encounter in most games is only one form a khajiit can have. depending on the positions of the moons at a khajiit’s birth, they can take up to 16 shapes, from the typical humonoid we’re familiar with to giant sabrecat like beasts to normal looking housecats. regardless of shape, all khajiit can communicate with each other (somehow). this is why house cats aren’t seen in skyrim; im pretty sure the only “housecats” in tamriel are actually just khajiit
i don’t remember the creation story of tamriel that well, but i know that the stars in the sky were created when the aedra (godlike beings) left the mortal plane and literally tore through the sky. the moons were created by two of the bigger more important gods, but i don’t remember who.
pretty much every story about the daedric prince molag bal comes with a huge trigger warning. just in general. he created vampires and no i willn’t tell you how. don’t worry about it, its not a fun story
the ~crazy~ daedric prince sheogorath (prince of madness, chaos, disorder) was actually once the prince of order and logic, and was called jygglag. he was so powerful that the other daedric princes cursed him to be a madman to keep him from getting in their way. once an era he turns back to his true self, but only for a short time.
im sorry this post is so long
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yffresbeard · 5 years
I'm sorry you're having a rough time! Hope things get better. I love your writing and I love hearing about Esra and her adventures! I'd love to hear more about her if you have some fun facts! :)
it's a silly thing im upset about but im still upset over it
esras my greatest love ahh heres some fax
her favorite type of meat is poultry and small game but she'll almost never turn down food (so long as its pact-kosher)
when she tells actual jokes she doesnt get many laughs but people will often burst out laughing I normal conversation with her, and she doesnt know why
as shes grown shes learned that she has, in fact, felt emotions besides anger, but didnt have words for them or a way to express them so it all just came out angry
her first allegiances are to the Green and the Valenwood. everything else is secondary
she has a strong sense of justice (in terms of right-and-wrong, not necessarily in terms of legality) and a soft spot for the little guy (pun not-intended)
has, more than once, been picked up by the guards in auridon for going on biting sprees of uppity, racist altmer. ayrenn always allows her release. once raz broke her out, and ayrenn had to release them both
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sebastianejw-blog · 5 years
Peaky blinders
No offence to anyone that liked it
I got to the kinda middle of ep 3 & decided I would rather shot myself than watch it, it's just boring, the story isn't explained all that well & I only caught interest in Thomas, I really want his hair cut xD I found him really interesting I thought he might be a kinda emotionaledd character & I find those intresting & with breif info we get of his part & views early on I thought of two things that would keep me as a viewer him going around being a shelbg not being influenced by anyone cause of him being emotionallees & maybe seeing how he deals with a woman or anyone truongno get in his pants & the first interaction with grace was great he didn't nt care he was rude to her, it was a string character especially during the time period for a guy to be too broken that he's completely just shut down is believable.
I looked more on social media & just out of context it seemed like Thomas was gay I kinda sat back & was like yeah I kinda get that, it was an intresting thing so I was like alright i'll watch him get dung bumy this girl who did some reason just really rubbed me the wrong way I just did not like her at all het character is something I've seen before & idk I just really git pissed off by her.
But then I just couldn't watch anymore so I went to watch more stuff on Thomas & cilian & I see a thing about Thomas & grace & I'm hoping it's not what I think it'll be & gueds what if filuck8ng is & they end up together & urs bullshit I keep watching shows that portray their characters in a way to begin with that the starting theorys are normally he's not gonna be faxed by anything or he's closeted & in a tone where its not acceptable, intresting theorys & plot ideas & the look like they're gonna run with it but already not even really 3 eps in & they've just done a U turn.
I have my preferenced now a days I don'tind stuff about the olden days Dunkirk was fucking amazing but they had good actor the relationship between the boys was nice it was just an intresting thing to watch & the nice ending where my personal favourite characters live was like the best
& yes I do find films that havea little bit of lgbt stuff I it, when their isn't much out there I find those stories a lot more fucking interesting & again Dunkirk the two surviveing gus their sexuality is kinda in the air but the close bond the have us kinda gay lol xD & is just really wholesome
Idk just a war series is a bit off putting to begin with but I judge a lot of series off like the first ep & at a stretch the 2nd. & this was just god owful, the beginning concept, what I thought it was. Was interesting & it was shot nicely the actors are all decent
(the girl that's gets married to freddy is in merlin lol)
But non of the other storied really gripped me I didn't really get why the whole relationship between the girl & freddy was a big no no cause it wasn't really explained appart from some politics stuff that is never gonna interest me. Idk it was just bland, the filming was good & Im definitely gonna see where Cillian goes cause he's a nice looking dude & a good enough actor for me to give even episode 3 a chance
I sound like I'm making myself to be above this series, obviously I'm not. i could probably not do what they do in it, but it's like my view of dbh, their were other paths they could've done & they shouldve just fucking done it
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Single Mom Au! Nayeon
Requested:  Hello! Just came by to say that your single mom twice au is great! I'm lowkey obsessed and I wanted to see if you could maybe write more of them?
Sorry I know you get a lot of twice requests but can you do a single mom nayeon and Sana? Thank you <333
A/N: Im living for these single mom au requests, can you tell? 
Admin: Mirae
Sorry for any spelling or grammar issues 
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Nayeon was who you'd least expect to be a single mom, she looked like she would have a spouse, a kid, and some type of family pet
After all, she was a successful lawyer who never lost a case, she lived in a really nice house that was too big for anyone, and she never once showed any sign of struggle
So it came as a shock to you when you learned that the successful lawyer was the single mom of twin boys, but not just any twin boys, the same twin boys that put gum in your daughter's hair
How were you supposed to convince the principle that it was her sons doing and not your daughters? Nayeon was a lawyer for christ's sake, she specialized in bullshitting out of problems
You, you worked at the local aquarium as a receptionist, you didn't have the nicest house and sometimes you were struggling to make ends meet
“Mr. Lee ill have you know that my sons have never once acted out before, so why would they start now? Its so sudden, such a dramatic change from their normal behavior,” Nayeon spoke, her voice was full of determination and bitterness, no doubt towards you and your daughter 
Even if it was something as small as her sons put gum in a little girls hair, she could lose some major reputation, there would surely be someone out there who thought of that as a serious issue and would write a heavily worded article
“Miss Im, while I do agree with what you're saying to a point, Y/D/N has never acted out either, in fact, out of all the students she is the one with the least behavioral problems. The damage to Y/DNs hair has already been done, all I'm asking is that you pay for a haircut and styling,” Mr. Lee did his best to keep his voice calm but he was covered in sweat, it had looked like he ran a marathon
While you wholeheartedly thought that her sons did it, you didn't want someone to make a big deal out of the situation, besides, one of the students in your kid's classes happened to be the daughter of the biggest gossip writer in the area
“Mr. Lee I hope you understand that while I'm very happy you tried to do something with this situation, id rather just leave and schedule my daughter's hair appointment, I don't need Miss Im to give us anything,” you said while carefully standing up and grabbing your things
Nayen and the principle widened their eyes, neither of them were expecting to hear that
“O,, oh,, Are you sure about that? We can always make Miss I'm pay?” you laughed softly at his words
“No its fine, kids will be kids, in fact I'm pretty sure I put gum in someone hair when I was their age,” you joked trying to lighten the mood
Now what you didn't expect was to hear Nayeon laugh genuinely, she fished around in his purse for something before handing you a business card
“How about you fax me over the receipt for the haircut and styling after it's done and ill have some money wired to your account,” you looked down at the card before shaking your head
“No, its fine, really,” you said bere bowing and exiting the room, once you were out you made your way to the classroom where your daughter would be waiting 
“L/N!” Nayeon shouted from behind you, you heard her heels hurriedly tapping the ground, you turned around and looked at her with a confused face
“Thank you for what you did back there. If word had gotten out that my sons put gum in someone's hair I would lose rep. I just,,,, I don't know why they did it? Their always good kids around me? But I'm not around them enough, being a single parent is a lot harder than I thought,” her voice was low and filled with sadness
You never once stopped to think, she was a single mom of twin boys, yeah she had a great job and a big house but that did mean anything, she worked a lot so she wasn't around her boys as often and surely living in that big house made it pretty lonely when you don't have someone to enjoy it with
“ I can kinda get where you're coming from. When I had my daughter, I was in college studying marine biology, I couldn't afford to have her and college so I had to drop one. Its been really lonely and hard ever since I'm always working so we can make ends meet so I don't get to spend as much time with her as I should. I'm worried that she is going to hate me in the future for that, ya know,” you stared intensely at the ground, you had just confessed a big thing to Nayeon
“I have this Thursday off and while I was going to stay at home and do paperwork,,,how about you and I take our kids to the carnival that just opened downtown?” you were certainly surprised to hear her words, thee Im Nayeon just invited you to hang out at the carnival with your kids?
“Id love too,” you said smiling over at her, it was like a relief had been lifted from Nayeon's chest
“That's wonderful,” she said, the look in her eyes made your heart beat faster than it had in years, you didn't know what Nayeon was going to call your outing but you secretly hoped it was a date
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firstgeners · 6 years
trying to keep these resolutions
hi friends, it’s me your favorite wolf, coming out during a full moon *Shakira voice* a-OOOO. is it even a full moon? is mercury in reggaetton again? whatever, ya’ll know what I mean. a lot has been going on since my last post, so this is gonna be a long one. get ready ladies and gents. so, new job, new brother in law, another amazing Conscious Queens and I’m already starting my planning for 2019. let’s talk about this title real quick, real quick. resolutions in July instead of January? for why? 
 so fun fact, I consider my birthday as a new year, Samiah New Year was in May. and this is the year of the glo up. Or at least that’s what I’ve intended. And I don’t know what it is about this year, but my life clock struck 27 years and all ze fax went out the window.
 I’ve been working to become closer to my faith, and the concept of setting intentions has become more ingrained in me. In Islam, intention is almost everything. If you intend to do something good, there is a reward in that; if you actually fulfill that intention there’s another reward for that. If you intend to do something good, but the execution is basura, your intention will always save you. I’ve typed the word “intention” so many times in these last few sentences that it doesn’t even look like a word to me anymore. 
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so let’s go back and talk about these resolutions. I wanna share what I’m actively working on in year 27 of this series of ridiculous events that make up Samiah. 
1.  Being brave enough to be unapologetically myself, and to stop trying to be perfect all the time.
Guys. this has been my favorite one. I have been my normal vocal, silly, annoying, stupid mistake making, randomly inquisitive, overbearingly loving self.  I live from my heart completely, this means that I occasionally make a damn fool out of myself but that's okay because I am free in my foolishness and fierce in my love. It’s been so freeing. like ripping off your bra after a long day. why the fuck did I wait so long? 
2. To give the most sincere love I can. 
to myself. my mother. the rest of my family. my friends. people I interact with everyday. if I find my person, then to him too. and I wanna talk about what sincere love means to me. it means to make sure Im communicating, being patient and kind, seeing and accepting the ugly, nurturing where I can, not trying to change anyone to what I think they should be. Being my best self.  and most importantly, accepting when someone reciprocates this sincerity, while letting go of those who take this precious love for granted. 
3.  Consistently learning more about my faith,  and practicing what I learn. 
This has been an ongoing one. But I set the intention to get my obligatory and optional prayers as part of my routine. I’m making efforts to read the Quran in English so I am understanding the stories and timelines better; honestly I feel an emotional bond to my holy book because of this. It truly is a book of transformation. I’m learning to listen, to accept, hasbunallah wanikmal wakil. I will say though, I feel myself being tested more, but am becoming more proud of my reactions. inshaAllah, to more growth, knowledge, and unconditional love. May Allah open our doors. 
4. To take care of my body and mind. 
My body is a temple, but I am the architect. this last Ramadan was so transformative. after so many years, I finally feel like myself. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m learning how to balance being giving, while also keeping my cup full. I’ve changed my diet so I’m consuming more of what my body needs and loves, not just sugar and grease and other things that are delicious, but dont need to be part of my everyday. I’m back in the gym regularly again, slowly getting stronger and it’s the bees knees I’ll tell ya. I cut down on the Netflix, and went back to my old habit of snuggling en la guarida de la loba with a good book and getting lost for hours. My current favorite is A Temporary Gift, but warning you will spend the first half of the book sobbing. Currently reading Big Magic, waiting on  The Unfinished Memoirs’ of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to come back in stock cuz I needs to get my hands on it. 
5. Coming back to writing. 
This blog has been one of my favorite projects. I love connecting with you guys. I love hearing how you’re helping children in ICE detention centers reunite with their parents. I wanna help those working to rehabilitate human trafficking victims back to a normal everyday life. I want to spread awareness and support those raising money to help a friend afford their medical procedures. I wanna tell you about how I struggle to stand up for myself because I always fear I’ll be too rough and hurt someone else’s heart. Or how I struggle to let shit go, and to forgive. Or how I am proud of myself for working my ass off and getting myself so far in my career in a short amount of time. you guys are my tribe, ubuntu. 
6.  Stick to my traditions
I am a strong believer in weekly tea dates, pinky promises, and saying good morning/good night. I think the last one means the most to me. I know when I wake up in the morning, I am not guaranteed to be on this earth until the night. And when I go to sleep at night, I know it’s not guaranteed that I will wake up in the morning. Good mornings and good nights are my only guarantee that I’d at least leave the people I care for with 2 sweet words, and the memory of a sweet tradition. 
like I said a lot’s been happening. life is too fucking short to be anything less than happy. to settle for a career that doesnt set your passion ablaze. to hold onto a grudge when ya’ll could just forgive each other and move on. to stay stuck on someone that isn’t matching your vibration. to give up on something that you believe in to you core. take the negative shit with a grain of salt and focus on what makes you smile. and I know, this shit is easier said than done. but be strong and perseverant. focus. stay close to your pack. howl into the night when you need to.
let’s call these resolutions my intentions instead. hopefully I make it to year 28 with better intentions, and even better actions. May Allah open our doors. 
with love and respect always, 
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kriskittie-blog · 6 years
Top Latest Five wifi cable modem Urban news
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Despite using the faster AC wi-fi normal, this router’s speeds are still capped at 343 Mbps down and 141Mbps up. This is certainly a good amount of velocity for any conventional cable Net strategy while, as again, several companies give in excess of 50 Mbps options.
In combination with utilizing the modems in a house with various related laptops, smartphones and tablets, we also Examine the indicator lights on each modem to see that they are obvious.
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 (mō'dəm)    A device for transmitting and receiving electronic facts in excess of phone wires. Modems deliver information by converting it into audio alerts and receive it by converting audio signals back into electronic sort. The velocity at which modems transmit info is measured in bps (bits for each next).
I just needed to know since Im living on campus but we really need to use cable connection mainly because There is certainly not wi-fi.
Your cable modem handles the relationship from the ISP to your own home, but your router distributes the link to each of the units within your family. Some routers just can’t keep up with our superior bandwidth use, contributing to very poor network overall performance.
The two voiceband and cable modems are promoted as freestanding, ebook-sized modules that plug into a phone or cable outlet along with a port over a personal computer. On top of that, voiceband modems are set up as circuit boards specifically into computer systems and fax machines. Also they are available as modest card-sized models that plug into laptop personal computers.
Considered one of the newest innovations in World-wide-web technological innovation now will be the pocket Wi-Fi. Just like your common modem in the home, it connects to the web wirelessly, but the only real variation is the fact that it's a little, moveable gadget you could slip inside your pocket anytime. What's more, it requires a SIM card that connects you to definitely any tower of one's telecommunications services supplier in an effort to Provide you entry to the web. And identical to your typical router, it allows you to entry the web utilizing your smartphone, laptop, desktop Laptop, or tablet.
Benefits of Pocket Wi-Fi
A Pocket Wi-Fi product has numerous rewards to other types of Connection to the internet. No, it are unable to offer you Net speed as rapidly the one your cable or DSL can provide, but there are actually certain conditions that this option is the best for yourself. One of many important advantages of this product is the fact that it lets internet access to a number of Wi-Fi enabled products you may have at your home. Contrary to the common broadband stick which is restricted to regardless of what gadget It truly is plugged in, this machine can provide Access to the internet to approximately five equipment at the same time. A further advantage of this engineering is the fact it will give you access to the net 24 hrs on a daily basis, seven times a week, wherever you may be and no matter what you could be accomplishing. This option is provided by your telephone's 3G World wide web, but in place of consuming your cellular phone's data by utilizing 3G, it is possible to only join your phone for your pocket Wi-Fi and enjoy unlimited internet access without worrying regarding your phone credit score.
Who's an excellent Applicant for the Pocket Wi-Fi?
People that Are not able to Put in World-wide-web at Home - This technologies is the best option to suit your needs in the event you can't install an ADSL connection or every other sort of internet connection in your home.
Those Who are Often on the run - Should you be a occupied person and are usually out on enterprise journeys, this technology is great for you mainly because it provides entry to the World Wide Web at any time, any place. What this means is it is possible to ship email messages, connect to Skype, and communicate with your consumers and colleagues anywhere you may well be.
The underside Line
A pocket Wi-Fi has its possess share of disadvantages and it may not normally be the most effective internet connection selection for you. Contrary to Cable or DSL Web, it may be a bit slower and the caliber of the connection may not be pretty much as good. However, there is absolutely no issue that this useful Answer is the right option for anyone who needs to achieve access to internet irrespective of time and placement.
Do you think you're trying to find that great modem that may suit your private home and Business office wants? Do you believe in the strength of wireless networking? Do you even Imagine way too that wireless networking is actually a development in these periods? Then you certainly much better trust Motorola Surfboard sbg 6580 to present you with whatever networking wants you have!
This Motorola Surfboard sbg 6580 is surely an all-in-one product – it delivers substantial velocity sharing function plus a bandwidth networking security that you just are looking for. The excellent news about this Motorola Surfboard sbg 6580 is The reality that it really works 8 x speedier than any other cable modems you ever had or one other cable modems that you usually see in electronic suppliers. This Motorola Surfboard sbg 6580 includes three hundred mbps velocity so you can Have a very faster connectivity for any a lot quicker and even more economical on-line online games, video uploads, video clip phone calls and even online shopping! It's very much equipped – There exists a twin band entry point. So that you can say Of course to a complete media expertise in a faster Net velocity. This modem is built-in with a cable router which has a attribute of DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS three.0 cable modem, Wifi access level of 802.11n and 4 gigabit Ethernet ports of 4 gigabit.
In case you are discussing mobility, this modem is particularly made for it. This modem is quite ideal for modest business’ networking needs and for houses way too. It supports a large number of services to create your gaming and streaming knowledge an exceedingly fast 1. The Motorola Surfboard sbg 6580 is suitable with Macintosh, Windows and UNIX Software package purposes.
Now While using the Motorola Surfboard SBG 6580, you can easily share your digital pictures, files, movies as well as other multimedia providers to the world wide web. This is an extremely inexpensive sort of modem simply because you should be able to benefit from its full opportunity. It even comes along with a firewall that may be crafted-in to help you protect and secure your data from malware attacks and other Web threats.
The Motorola Surfboard SBG 6580 comes in a slender structure. To help you lessen the muddle of wires, intake of Electricity and Office environment or desk House. You might rarely reboot and Of course, it is possible to safe your documents from hackers with the help of your WPA-PSK stability. This modem is a good combo because it offers nothing else but fast and trusted provider. Now you can have extra enjoyment in the online games, Voip calls, downloads as well as other file sharing activities.
This modem pays off For several years and plenty of a lot more many years to return – it truly is a great router and modem combo in one. Here is the modem that you ought to get should you are trying to find a quick and successful internet connection. When you are trying to find the whole offer then This is actually the modem for you. You can easily discover this product or service on the internet and it is generally bought on sale. So no matter whether you select the Motorola Surfboard sbg6580 or maybe the Motorola Surfboard sbg900, with Motorola, you can't go Completely wrong!
Routers are external equipment which happen to be applied to connect different Laptop or computer networks in a single entire community. Or they are often made use of to separate 1 Connection to the internet in between a quantities of end users.
Routers are external products which are applied to connect different Computer system networks in one full network. Or they may be employed to separate 1 Connection to the internet in between a quantities of consumers. The organization routers utilized by World-wide-web Provider Vendors have countless ports so which they can distribute their Net between the end users of a certain region and as a consequence of that they are not well suited for residence usage, but naturally Additionally, there are basic routers for home utilization who have 2 to five ports and can certainly split one particular Connection to the internet into two ? by doing this you save cash, because you don?t must pay back two Web charges for 2 computer systems once you can just break up a person internet connection to two personal computers by making use of a router. The computer software that comes along with the router is mounted on a principal Computer system which is referred because the grasp Computer system of your community produced from the router. From that master Laptop you may Command the incoming and outgoing site visitors for each on the pcs working with the online market place, that way you can prohibit a person in your network to work with the online world you share with him utilizing the router. The company routers employed by Online Company Providers have hundreds of ports so that they can distribute their Web in between the consumers of a particular location and as a result of that they are not ideal for residence utilization, but certainly there are also simple routers for home use that have 2 to 5 ports and can easily split a person Connection to the internet into two ? in this manner you cut costs, simply because you don?t should shell out two Online charges for two computer systems whenever you can just split a person internet connection to 2 desktops through the use of a router.
Several of the modern-day routers may possibly not merely transfer World wide web to other computer systems but also make a "hotspot" meaning you may have wireless Online in your home. The way in which routers transmit wireless sign is by getting the cable internet connection after which you can recreating it in wi-fi broadcast and spreading in a certain radius around it. Distinctive routers have unique wireless vary so you can purchase the just one that fits your condominium, Office environment or other places that could need wi-fi World wide web. Wi-fi routers also have an adjustable antenna which allows you to aim the wi-fi broadcast towards the put you may need it.
Routers are being used everywhere, if it wasn?t for them we wouldn?t have any Connection to the internet all. The typical router is available in a very compatible sizing and isn?t bulky at all in order to very easily slot in a secure place wherever it won?t be harmed by chance. As well as the wi-fi routers can be found in even smaller measurements with the option to hold them on a wall. a mean user who desires to save money by not shelling out two World wide web bills or you only simply intend to make a wireless network in your house, Business office or caf? ? then routers would be the critical to this. We are able to give you the very best routers dependant upon your needs ? from the lowest priced kinds for the dearer which possess additional extras. Regardless of which just one you'll opt for we assure you that you'll be happy with the quality router you got.Buy here best
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