#im normal ab this guy dont even worry about it
kat-kore · 4 months
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to breathe and loathe, to live and sigh
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aothotties · 11 months
How they help you get over someone
| Eren | Armin | Reiner | Jean|
Word count: 1016
Warnings: Levi is in his 30s, car sex, mating press, pet names (mama), squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex.
“But i just feel so dumb, im literally so stupid” you huffed to your gym buddy, Levi as you spotted him.
He finished his set then sat up and turned towards you 
“Y/N, you're so young. You're going to make mistakes plus you're a girl. No ones mad at you for believing what he said to you and having sex with him” he said plainly 
You always vented to Levi when you were upset and he always found a way to give you great advice and help you through everything. Him being older made it easier to trust him because you felt like he was grown grown and had it all together
“I'm mad at myself. I feel like I'm too old to still fall for the same bullshit I fell for in highschool. Were you like me at my age?” you stated as tears threatened to spill from your eyes
“ I was worse” , he responded, “don't feel bad about it. Its a normal thing for you to be upset that he fucked you then never spoke to you again, youre not the problem. Any woman, no matter what age, would be upset about that. I mean there's some succubuses out there that just smash everyone and don't feel a thing, but most women aren't like that”
You couldn't lie, levi always reassured you and made you feel better about making regular human choices and never allowed you to beat yourself up for making mistakes
You both finished your workout and left the gym. He walked out next to you and made sure you were safe in the parking lot because it was late at night. You stopped at the car and he pulled you into a hug
“You'll be alright, mama. Don't be so hard on yourself” he said and you buried your face in his chest and began to cry 
Even though his words made you feel better you were still sad. He rubbed your back and let you get it all out and refused to let go until you finished crying
You pulled away and wiped your tears on your shirt
“Thank you, i really appreciate you, Levi” you said to him once you composed yourself
“Dont worry about it, i'm always here if you need me” he responded.
You stared up at him completely enamored. You had the strongest feelings for him and had them for a while. You tried sleeping with that other guy thinking it would help you get over him but it clearly didn't work. You just ended up sad and crying in his arms which strengthened your feelings. You were convinced Levi didn't feel the same and you were too sacred to say anything in fear that it would ruin the friendship you have
“Aye aren't you glad you asked me to be your gym partner”, he said trying to change the subject
“yeah , i guess” you laughed as you responded 
“You guess? You know you wanted to be like me, that's why you approached me and asked for my help” he nudged you a little bit as he teased 
“That definitely not the reason i approached you but yeah let's go with that” you told on yourself before you even had the chance to realize it
He looked down at you and smirked as he nodded, “ yeah i know”
He confirmed in that moment that he knew exactly how you felt about him and apparently he felt the same because he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards his car
Levi drove a nice white tesla and you had been dying to see the inside 
He had you in the back seat folded completely in half as he pressed his weight onto you 
His dick was reaching so far inside you that your mind went blank. All you could do was moan his name while he fucked you at a steady pace.
Sweat rolled down his abs as he was sliding in and out of your dripping wet pussy. He was mesmerized by the way you were sucking him in. He was also taken aback at how good your body looked folded under him.
Sometimes at the gym he would make slick comments about your ass but you never realized it was his way of telling you he felt the same.
“Fuck Levi, r-right there. Im gonna cum baby” you whined as you grabbed his biceps 
His pace didn't change and he continued to fuck you all the way to your peak
“Mmhmm mama, cum for me” he said as he watched your face contort in pleasure
Your high flooded over you and you came hard all over his thick cock. You felt bad that you squirted on his perfectly clean seats but he couldn't care less. He wanted to see you cum for him over and over again and didn't care about what happened to his car.
He never let up and kept going until you came for him multiple times. Each time you came a mantra of praises left his lips. 
His pace became more erratic as he came close to his climax. You could feel his dick throbbing inside you as he was about to cum
“ gonna cum inside you mama, f-fill you up real good” he stated between deep grunts
He slammed into you hard one last time then you felt as his hot thick cum spilled inside you. He slid out and watched as it pooled out of you but he quickly pushed it back in with his fingers.
You both threw your clothes on and you stepped out of his car and wobbled as you tried to stand up straight. He laughed at you and shook his head. He put his arm around you and walked you to your car 
He leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead 
“Best cardio i've ever done” he stated as he opened the door for you 
You hopped in your car and deleted the other guy's number knowing damn well he did not match up to Levi in any way.
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Heres a dream drabble that turned hella sad, but nonetheless here it is. An extra for you guys dont cry itll be okay.♡
Never said I was a good writer.
🔞18+ NSFW Like one scene.
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~Marcos POV~
"Lets go to the fortune teller Marco" you hear Ace say as your both walking through the underwater city which was in a enormous bubble of air.
"Allright Yoi" you cave easily quite intrigued yourself to find out something. Once at the shop Ace peer pressures you into going in. A pretty half shark half human looking lady says
"Hello there gentlemen how may I help you today?"
"I wanna know about my future will I be famous?!" Ace blurts out as she giggles at his request then motions for him to sit down in front of her glass orb on her table as she sits and stares into the orb.
"Hmm strange im not getting anything usually that means the person will die soon. Sorry." She says apologetically. Ace gets up confused looking then motions for you to sit.
"Id like to know if I have a soul mate and who they are Yoi" you ask politely as she hovers her hands over her orb she starts speaking
"You do, but they are not from this time. You will enter a portal in one week and bring them to this time. There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance. Her name is (n)." She says as your eyes grow wide then return to normal, chuckling you hand over some undetermined amount of berry then say.
"All right thank you. Ace lets go Yoi" you say as she nods and Ace follows you back to the ship you thinking
'This must be a scam my soulmates from another time? Impossible'
~One Week Later On Deck Of The Moby Dick~
Your in your office when you hear your name being called.
"Marco!" You hear Ace yelling as he bursts through the infirmarys door. Huffing he yells
"Theres a portal that opened on deck you probably want to hurry!" Shocked you run out and follow him to the portal as some of the crew on deck gathers around it. You remember the fortune tellers words
"There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance." As you put your arms through the portal you feel something soft, put your arms around it then yank as a girl falls out of the portal onto your chest you both on the floor.
~(N)s POV~
You were in your room listening to music on your headphones via bluetooth when you felt and arm around your waist then a yank as you fall backwards your headphones are knocked off as you fall onto something soft. When you opened your eyes again you werent in your room but on deck of a ship with something soft under you. You look down realizing your sitting on someone as you get up all wobbly from teleporting through time. Your wearing a short black dress with short sleeves nothing else not even shoes or socks. You hear gasps as the man you fell on stands up.
'Dam hes tall hes got to be at least six foot eight' you turn around looking at the portal as it closes and dissapears.
'Shit well looks like im staying here' you gulped as you turn back to the handsome man who had blonde hair, glasses, a purple jacket open showing off his hot abs and chest, blue pants with jewelry adoring his side and sandals. He stared at you then asks
"Is your name (N)? Yoi" you gulp and ask
"How do you know my name?" He smiles then says
"Dont worry about it Yoi" you gulp.
'He seems nice but I can tell he also is very observant like me.' you think as he seems to notice how uncomfortable you are.
"Welcome to the Moby Dick my name is Marco the Phoenix. Yoi" you just nod as you look around at the crowd around you.
"All right thats enough staring back to work everyone!" He yells as the crowd disperses, you feel more at ease. He notices and says
"Sorry about yanking you through that portal it seems you cant go back now... where are you from? Yoi" he asks as you untense a bit.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You state and think
'It seems like im in the past now strange. I better make the best of it since I cant go back now' you think looking up meeting Marcos eyes as hes smiling. You wear a plain expression on your face.
"Heya there im Ace nice to meet you (n) sorry about ol bird brain over here" you look at Marcos side seeing a black shaggy haired man not wearing a shirt with black shorts and a cowboy hat says
"Um ya nice to meet you too?" You say confused as to why your here.
"Wait where am I what year is it?" You question as your head begins to feel fuzzy starting to forget details about where your from. Gripping your head Marco looks concerned.
"Are you all right? Here come with me let me give you a check up. Im a doctor. Yoi" he gently grabs onto your hand and leads you to the infirmary making you blush.
'His hand is so gentle and soft.' You think. Once sitting on a med bed he starts his check up using his stethoscope to gauge your breathing but your heartrate increases with every brush of his hand on your chest. He seems to notice and takes his hand off of you as you blush slightly.
"Shortness of breath.. racing heart rate... Yoi" he puts a hand to your forehead.
"Fever.. Yoi" he jots down your symptoms as hes continuing your check up.
"Even I could tell you im sick right now" you say as you get up grabbing a tissue sneezing then blowing your nose. He jots down your symptoms as he glances back to you.
"Yes your definitely sick what other symptoms do you have? Yoi" you look to him and say
"Hot flashes and cold sweats thats it really. I was on antibiotics for an infection six hundred mgs and it halfed my other medications so im going through withdrawals and now... ill be going through total withdrawals because all my medications were in my time..Greatttt." you say sarcastically as he frowns and says
"Ahh right thats going to be a problem, all right im sorry about that. Unfortunately we dont have anything to help withdrawals but I can do this. Yoi" he reaches his hand out and a blue flame appears as you cringe closing your eyes but then realize its not burning just warm. Opening your eyes you hear him chuckle as you feel some relief. Confused you say
"Whats this magic? Um thank you?" Chuckling he explains all about devil fruits and how they work in this timeline. Very intrigued you listen then smile as he transforms into hybrid form then Phoenix form and back to human.
"Ahh!! Thats so cool!!" You exclaim as he chuckles and says
"You think so? Good. Hey since your stuck here now why dont you join our crew the Whitebeard pirates? Yoi" he asks as your eyes widen.
"Pirates?! We dont have pirates in my time" You yell as Marco seems worried.
'Pirates! This gentle handsome man is a pirate?!' You think as you calm down and ask
"Are you guys good pirates?" He looks shocked then replies
"Well I dont know about that, theres good and bad for everything right? Yoi" you feel stupid for that outburst.
"Ahh yes ... your right sorry it just caught me off gaurd."
"Take your time to think about it theres no pressure. Yoi" he chuckles and you sigh in relief.
"Thanks Marco" you sneeze again and he says
"Here let me get the medicine." He stands from his rolling chair and digs in a cabnet then hands you a bottle of pills.
"Here these should help. Yoi" he says then leaves the room and comes back with a cup of water and hands it to you. You open the pill bottle take one out and swallows it with water. Marco smiles probably that you trust him enough to take medicine from him.
"You still need to meet Pops when do you want to meet him? Yoi" he asks as you cock your head in confusion. Marco sees this and elaborates more
"Pops is the Captain of the Whitebeard pirates his name is Whitebeard or Edward Newgate to be more precise. Yoi" you nod then say
"Ohh well can I meet him now im rather curious" you say as Marco smiles again and says
"Sure follow me Yoi" you both stand as you follow him barefoot out the door to the deck and right before the gaint of a man.
"Hey Pops this is (n) just making sure you meet her before getting her settled for now she hasnt decided on joining yet. Yoi" Marco says as the gaint man looks at you.
"Shes the one you dragged out of that portal earlier. Well since shes allready here get her set up with a room then ill need you to go on a mission. By the way where are you from? lil lady"
Marco tenses up as you noticed.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You say then Marco says
"All right Pops ill be back to get the details Yoi" Whitebeard nods then waves you both away. You follow Marco to the rooms and he leads you to a single person small room as you look around the room you say
"Cute." And he replies
"Its not much but its cozy. Yoi" he hands you your room key with the corresponding number on it. You set your pills on the dresser.
"Thanks." You say locking up then putting the key into your pocket then follow him back on deck as he gets details for his mission.
"..... so itll probably take a week to complete" Edward says to Marco as Marco replies.
"Allright got it Pops. Yoi" Marco turns looking for someone then walks up to Ace you following him silently.
"Hey Ace take care of her while im gone itll be a week. I better get going. Yoi" you see the black haired man named Ace say with no shirt on
"You got it Marco" he smiles then give a thumbs up to Marco. Painiced a bit you look to Marco and say
"Your leaving allready?!" He turns to you and chuckles.
"Yes im the first devision commander. I have a reputation to upkeep. Dont worry Ace will take good care of you. Ill be back before you know it little bird. Once I get back we can talk more. Yoi" he says and pats your head causing you to blush slightly both men taking note. Marco transforms into Phoenix form and flies up and away as you watch him. Then you hear Ace say
"Dam I wish someone would stare at me like that" he chuckles which makes you blush again and motions you over to him while hes drinking with friends. He goes to the cantina and grabs another mug of booze your assuming and hands it to you.
"So (n) how old are you cutie?" Ace asks you
"Im thirty how old are you?"
"Im just twenty haha you dont look your age at all I thought you were closer to my age not Marcos" you look at him quizzically.
"What? How old is Marco?" You ask as he replies
"Marcos forty four." He smiles at you bumping mugs and says "Cheers!"
"Cheers wait hes forty four?! He totally doesnt look it" you blab out which makes Ace laugh and give you the ahha so you like him eyes, so you gulg down some ale trying to cover your blush.
"So whats twenty twenty three like?" Ace asks
"Hmm my memories getting more fuzzy the longer im here but I remember that theres more land than water people drive cars instead of ships."
"Whats a car?" Ace sounds intrigued as he gulps down some booze
"A car is a machine that transports people or things like a ship but is much smaller on wheels on roads like wagons. But their must faster going up to two hundred mph or miles per hour" he almost spat out his drink.
"Woah thats fast!" And you nod smiling now warming up to him more as he was peppy. He smiles back and refills your drink for you.
"Thanks Ace but I shouldnt drink that much." You admit
"No one around here cares if your tipsy or drunk (n)"
"I figured as much since your pirates. So why should I join you guys give me a good reason?" He looks shocked.
"What you havent joined yet? Well for one were all family here and for two we will all protect you from now on"
'Protect me? But im safe if I just stay on the ship right?' You think as Ace grabs another refill and you just sip on your second mug.
~At Dinner~
"We have a guest from the year twenty twenty three. Now treat her with respect as Marco brought her here but hes off on a mission right now... also....(words, words, words)....." You hear Pops say as Ace glances at you from your side. You hear murmurs then some claps and a whistle. Ace said you could sit in Marcos spot when dinner started.
~In The Middle Of The Week~
The week had been pretty uneventful. You discovered that Ace was the second devision commander, Thatch was the fourth devision and Izou was the sixteenth devision. They all sat at your booth during dinner so you grew found of them. Your withdrawals have been getting worse you felt so weak you mainly slept and ate and drank but today you unlocked your door then felt arms drag you out of your room into the hallway where no one was right now.
"So you belong to Marco huh? Well see about that pretty lady" One rookie says while pinning your arms above your head and grabbing your throat. Another rookie starts unzipping his pants. You scream as loud as you can
"ACE HELP!!!" Hoping he would come to save you. The first rookie covers your mouth then says
"Shit she screame-" you bit his fingers down to the bone as he yells then you hear a familiar voice
"Sorry fellas we dont have room on this ship for traitors!" seeing Ace punch the first rookie KOing him then punches the second with his pants open KOing him too, you falling to the floor huffing for air then go up and hug Ace.
"Thank you!" You say as he pets your (L) hair.
"Its all good now my pretty girl. They wont be bothering you anymore." He says then realizes your crying. He wraps his arms around you rubbing your back saying
"Shh there there its okay now your safe. Marco will be back sooner than you think and he can protect you too" you stop crying eventually and release Ace letting him dragging the two who were knocked out to deck and throwing them over board after grabbing their room keys.
"See all good!" Ace beams at you.
"Yea ...." you say shaken up still.
"Why dont you start hanging out with me until Marco gets back?" He says and you just nod.
~On Sunday So One Full Week Has Passed~
You hung out with Ace when youd leave your room and help him with paperwork over the rest of the week. You started opening up more to him, Thatch and Izou. Your withdrawals were a bitch and you knew itd take at least a month before they lessened. You shake slightly wherever you go. Today was supposed to be when Marco got back so you were sitting on a barrel on deck with Ace drinking and talking.
"Hey Ace why was I-"
"Hey look who it is!" He points to the sky and you turn your head to see a blue Phoenix fly onto deck and transform into human form. You see Marco headed to Pops probably to report in. You get up and run over to him embracing him in a hug.
"Marco! Your back!" You yell happily as he smiles, chuckles and looks down at you petting your head.
"I see someone missed me haha. Here follow me I need to report in. Yoi" you let go of him and follow him up to Pops. After his report he looks to you and asks
"So have you decided on joining or not (n)? Yoi" you nod and reply
"Yes ill join but im afraid all I can help with is paperwork haha" you giggle as Pops says
"Well then welcome aboard (n) Child why dont you fill the first devisions assistant spot then?" You nod
"That sounds great ill try my best Pops!" You chime and shuffle your feet nervously. Marco leads you over to Ace and Aces buddies and asks
"So how was the week? Yoi" Ace sighs and says
"Well there was only one incident but I took care of it and her. You two probably have alot to talk about dont you?" Marco nods as he leads you to his room unlocking it and letting you inside leaving the door open to make you feel better. He sits on the couch resting his head on the back, you sit next to him.
"Hey Marco so whyd you bring me here?" He tenses at the question glances at you and sighs
"Well.. before I brought you here. I went to a fortune teller and she said the person id bring through the portal would be my soulmate... Yoi" he blushes lightly resting his eyes. You also blush a deep red as he meant you.
"I see well then...im not opposed to the idea..." you say and blush harder which makes him look to you with a shocked expression.
"My world sucked to be honest haha I like the simple things in life anyways." You smile as he pats your head you leaning into his hand.
"Someones cuddlely haha if you want cuddles all you have to do is ask. Yoi" he states as he withdrew his hand you pout.
"I said you have to ask silly. Yoi" blushing super red you ask
"Marco... could I have cuddles please?" He smiles at you saying
"Of course my little bird come here. Yoi" he pats beside him and you scoot over then lean on his chest as he wraps an arm around you. Shaking slightly from withdrawals he asks
"Have you been taking your medicine? How are your withdrawals going my little bird? How are you getting along on the ship? Yoi" you look up at him meeting his gaze
"Yes I always take my medicine and they got worse honestly it sucks so much. Im doing okay im slowly getting used to everything." You say shaking he transforms into hybrid form and wraps his wings around you.
"We can stay like this for awhile if you want. Yoi" you hear him say as you reply
"Id like that Marco your so warm it feels so nice. Thank you for being so kind" your shaking lessens.
'Hes so laid back its so nice' you think.
"Of course my silly birdie. Yoi" you both dont move and eventually you fall asleep on him. You dream of your old timeline when you awoken by something
"(N)... (n).... Yoi" you hear as your brought back to consciousness. You rub your eyes as you look up and see a smiling Marco looking down at you, petting your hair with his wings. You blush and your sure he takes note of your face. You sit up as he transforms back to human form.
"Whatsup Marco?" You ask sleepily yawning. He chuckles and says
"Its dinner time sleepyhead. Yoi" you look at him and say
"Yay~ food"
"Here come on cutie. Yoi" his comment making you blush, him noticing and smirking. Holding your hand he leads you out and locks his door.
"We didnt talk much sorry I fell asleep" you yawn. He pets your head and says
"Its all right you seemed like you needed the rest so I let you sleep. You looked so cute sleeping. Yoi" he says leading you to his table sliding in the booth then patting beside him you obey and sit next to him.
"Lets congratulate (n) on joining the crew cheers!....(more words)..." Pops says holding up his sake gourd with everyone cheering then drinking. You sip your drink as you dont like alchohol that much you just socially drink and Marco takes note of you. Eating dinner you chat with them all at your table smiling and laughing which makes Marco smile too. After dinner was over you all decided to stay up playing spin the bottle.
"Okay Izou I dare you to take your hair down and say im feelin fabulous!" Ace dares Izou as you all laugh while drinking you were on your third mug feeling quite tipsy but shaking a lot less due to the alcohol. You didnt notice Marcos gaze on you as Izou does the dare and spins the bottle it lands on you and you pick dare for once.
"Allright I dare you to sit on Marcos lap for the rest of the game" Izou says as you blush looking up at Marco he pats his lap and you scoot over sitting on his lap then asking
"Is this okay?"
"Yes dont worry little bird. Yoi" he smiles looking down at you and you smile back turning your attention to the bottle you spin it and it lands on Ace as he picks truth. Thinking hard as the alcohol had tinted your cheeks red you ask
"Hmmm okay whats your body count?" Confused he asks
"What do you mean (n)?"
"How many girls ya slept with?" You correct yourself and he blushes seemingly embarrassed holding up a zero with his hand laughing. He makes you laugh as you lean back into Marcos chest you feel Marco tense up slightly then release. You stay leaning on him as it felt nice.
'Marco feels so nice I can feel his abs and chest why is he so hot?!'
"(N)! (N) (n)!" You hear your name being called and are snapped from your thoughts.
"Its your turn or were you daydreaming about someone~" they all snicker and laugh while you blush and yell.
"Was not! Im just sleepy!" You hiccup and defend yourself as they all chuckle.
"I pick truth" you say while reaching for your mug but Marco slides your mug away. You look up at him with questioning eyes as he whispers in your ear making you involuntary shiver and the other guys snicker drinking more.
"Cant have my assistant having a hangover tomorrow~ Yoi"
"I dont get hangovers" you correct him as he raises an eyebrow.
"Hey you guys im gonna head to bed let me know how it goes" Thatch says getting up and leaving while Izou stands also
"Same here goodnight everyone" Ace whines and says
"Come on guys things were about to get good!" He yells but stands as you try and crawl out of Marcos lap Ace holds out a hand for you. Taking it you manage to stand swaying a bit.
Yawning you rub your eyes as you hear chuckles. You turn to see Marco stand grabbing your mug headed to the cantina putting them away as Ace looks at you saying
"Well guess its time for bed huh, see ya tomorrow you love birds" Marco chuckles and walks back to you as Ace leaves leaving you alone with Marco. Looking up smiling at him he puts a hand on your back leading you to your room.
"Sweetdreams my little bird. Yoi" he says sweetly and pets your head. Turning to him as you unlock your door you say
"Goodnight handsome" *hiccup* you giggle and wave as he goes back down the hallway to his room. You close the door and lock it as you plop down and curl up in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You awake to knocking at your door. With a bed head you go open the door to see
"Goodmorning my little bird slept well I see. Yoi" he chuckles as he fixes your hair.
"Thanks and Goodmorning Marco!" He smiles at you then says
"Time to go to work Yoi" you nod, grab your pills, then lock up and follow Marco to the infirmary. He unlocks the door and lets you in. Sitting across from him at the table he notices your pills and gets you water then hands it to you. Taking your pill, he smiles at you then sets a stack of paperwork on your side of the table. He shows you how to fill out the paperwork and you both get to work. After awhile
"Take a small fifteen minute break (n). Yoi" you look up and nod getting up and headed to the cantina.
"Hey there what can I get yea (n)?" Thatch asks
"I was wondering if I could get a smoothie and what kind does Marco like?" You ask
"Sure lil lady what flavor, weve got melon, strawberry, cherry and pineapple. Oh Marco? He loves anything pineapple" Thatch says
"Could I get a cherry smoothie and could I get a pineapple one for Marco please?" You ask politely smiling.
"Sure! Taking a little break then?" You smile at him and say
"Yup!" Thatch smiles and starts grinding the ice. After he grinds the ice he grinds the fruit and puts them in each mug then stirs and slides them to you taking a sip of yours you blab out
"Thats so fuckin delicious Thatch!!" He chuckles then says
"Glad you like it you better head back to work, he points at the infirmary and your gaze follows his pointing finger to see Marco staring at you through the window.
"Thanks Thatch see ya later!" You say hoping off the barrel grabbing the drinks and walking back to the office. Using your back and elbow you try opening the door but felt it open quickly and you feel yourself fall backwards but am caught by Marco. You hear a chuckle from him as he helps steady you.
"You allright? What have you got there baby bird? Yoi" standing you say
"I got you and me a smoothie here big bird" you turn and hand him his smoothie which he seems surprised.
"Awe thank you. You didnt have to get me this. Yoi"
"Well its hot out and you havent drank much of anything today." You say as he raises an eyebrow
"You keeping tabs on me now? Haha Yoi" he chuckles and sips his drink then his eyes widen slightly.
"Howd you know I love pineapples? Yoi" he asks with a smile. As he stands aside letting you pass him to go to your desk.
"I asked Thatch, he told me" you beamed at him as he nods.
"Allright cutie time to get back to work. Yoi" he says a smile adorning his face.
~October 5th More than Six Months Later~
Whenever the Whitebeard pirates docked at your first island, Marco helped you get some more clothes and shoes etc and womanly products really whatever you needed. Eventually you found out Ace told Marco your age. Marco had said it didnt bother him though. Youve grown quite close to Marco and Ace. Marco and you would cuddle in the open with his wings wrapped around you and Ace would openly flirt with you and give you piggyback rides. You found out a week ago that today is Marcos birthday hes turning forty five today. Your thirty but it doesnt show. Youve been working on something to give him even if it wasnt much.
"Acceee stop pestering me im almost finished here" he looks at your hands while your both chillin in your room on the bed with the door open.
"Ah come on pestering you is my second nine to five" he says laughing as you laugh and reply
"Why dont I believe you? And you go outside those hours you know haha. And done! What do you think will he like it?" You ask as you hand the intricate leather corded bracelet to Ace. He examines it then hands it back to you.
"I think hell love it and if he doesnt ill wear it. And I think hes coming better put it away (n)" Ace says as you put the handmade intricate bracelet with blue and yellow beads on it in your shorts pocket then someone approaches your open door.
"Hey you guys what are you doing? Come out for cake Thatch made. I need Ace to light the candles and (n) blow them out with me Yoi" you see Marco say as he raises an eyebrow to you both being nervous chilling on the single person bed as you both were sitting cross legged.
"Yay cake! I havent had sweets since I got here!" you jump off the bed then put your shoes on and pull Aces arm so hes following you both. Hooking arms with both of them you swing on their arms.
"Your so silly (n)" Ace says while you all make your way to deck you just smiling at them. After getting to deck you all huddle the cake and the rest of the crew is cheering on Marco singing happy birthday as Ace lights the candles Marco asks
"Are you ready (n)? Weve got to get all of them in one go or my wish wont come true Yoi" you nod seriously and giggle as Ace says
"There all lit now blow them out you guys!" You wait for Marco to start blowing the left side as you blow the right side and managed to get all the candles. You clapping, Marco gives you a side hug
"Thanks for your help (n) Yoi" he smiles then releases you as Thatch cuts a slice and hands Marco a plate and fork.
"(N) come share this with me Yoi" Marco says as Ace says
"Happy Birthday Marco!"
"Thanks everyone thanks Ace! Yoi" Marco smiles as he sits down and pats his lap. You instinctively sit on him as he uses the fork to grab some cake and motions for you to eat it off the fork. Looking up at him he says
"Well go on, you were so excited to eat some cake before what happened? Yoi" Marco chuckles as you say
"But its YOUR birthday Marco the birthday boy should eat the first bite" he chuckles then eats the bite of cake off the fork them gets another fork full motioning for you to eat it. Blushing red you open your mouth as he gently lets the fork slide off your mouth.
'Ahh! An indirect kiss?!' You think. Putting your hands to your cheeks you yell
"Ahh thats sooo good and its pineapple flavored!!" You both hear Thatch say thank you from over where the gaint cake was as you notice everyones drinking and partying now with cake slices everywhere. Marco continues to feed himself and you till you both finished the cake. Ace came over handing Marco and you a mug of ale.
"Thanks Ace, Yoi" you both say at the same time which makes you both laugh and him chuckle. After awhile of drinking on your third mug
'Oh shit I almost forgot his gift' you think
"Hey Marco close your eyes real quick" he obeys as you squirm on his lap to get the bracelet out of your pocket. You hold his hand seeing a light blush over Marcos face makes you blush at holding his hand. You gently slip on the bracelet then say
"Okay open!" He obeys then looks at his wrist and smiles
"Wow its so intricate is this what you were hiding in your room? Yoi" he smirks as you blush red
"Hey howd you know?! Did you eavesdrop on us?!" You yell he just shrugs
"You were hiding something. Yoi" he says raising an eyebrow at you which makes you giggle
"Okay you caught me big bird" you say and lean against his chest face red as he chuckles petting your hair
"Thank you for the gift ill treasure it Yoi" making you smile into his chest. After drinking your third mug you felt slightly tipsy and were cuddling Marco as he used his wings to cuddle you back.
"Hey Marco its been awhile wheres (n) did she go to bed allready?" You hear Ace ask
"Shes right here. I think shes tipsy though. Yoi" You feel Marco lower his wings revealing your face against his chest as you open your eyes to see Ace and blush as your hugging Marcos waist.
"Your sure cuddly (n) makin me jelious over here haha. Do you want to join our game?" Ace asks. You rub your eyes and hop off of Marco grabbing your mug while Marco changes back to human form grabbing his mug drinking.
"Sure Ace whats the game?" You ask swaying a bit.
"Drunken truth or dare" Ace says as you facepalm.
"Ace im allready feeling it" he grabs your hand as you know Marco follows you both.
"Too bad! You allready said sure!" Ace chimes and you sigh in defeat. Sitting in the circle that was forming you waited for everyone to refill their mugs. Marco filling yours and sitting next to you with Ace on your other side. Halfway through the game you picked truth two times meaning you had to drink two mugs of ale and if you werent tipsy before you definitely were tipsy now. The bottle lands on you as Thatch says
"Truth or dare (n)"
"Uhm dare"
"Okay I dare you to kiss one of the men here" Thatch snickers as he glances at Marco which you didnt cetch since you were tipsy. Blush adding to the redness in your face you glare at Thatch who chuckles
"You cant switch unless you chug your mug" he says as you look around the circle them all looking at you blushing even more you turn to Marco and quickly reach up holding onto his shoulders kissing him on the lips then sit back down blushing seeing Marco blush too.
"Okay I did it!" You yell spinning the bottle as everyone chuckles.
"(N) I said kiss I didnt say where to kiss" he laughs as you glare at him flipping him off. The bottle lands on Izou which he chugs his drink and you ask
"So do you have any fetishes?" To which he blushes
"Yess (n)" and you laugh with everyone as he spins the bottle it landing on Marco.
"Ill do dare. Yoi" Izou smirks as he says
"Okay I dare you to kiss (n)" chuckling Marco turns to you leaning down sweet soft lips meeting yours then departing as they all clap you blushing even more if that was possible him chuckling at you.
Marco spins the bottle it landing on Ace as Ace says
"Truth" and chugs his mug.
"All right do you have a secret crush? Yoi" Ace blushes and says
"Yes okay" waving it off as he gets up to refill his mug while you giggle. Once he comes back he spins the bottle it landing on you again.
You gulg down your mug as he asks
"Allright (n) who is your crush?"
"You guys stop embarrassing me!" You whine as you sway and gently punch Aces arm making him laugh at you.
"Ughh fine" you close your eyes cross your arms and take a deep breath as you respond.
"Its Marco.." you admit blushing deep red as you felt a pair of strong arms drag you onto a lap. You allready knew whose lap you were on, Marcos since you both would cuddle a lot.
"Awee (n) It seems like he feels the same" Ace chuckles as you look up at Marco him smiling wide then pecks your forehead. You continue playing spin the bottle then Izou, Thatch and Ace call it a night as your left with Marco alone on deck now. Looking up to him you lean up kissing his cheek then say
"Happy birthday Marco I hope it was okay" looking at you he leans down kissing your soft lips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing turns into making out as you reciprocate. Finally breaking for air your blushing like mad giggling.
"So who do you like handsome" you ask as he chuckles.
"Your definitely drunk but I like you too silly to bad you probably wont remember tomorrow." Staring into his eyes you decide to be bold
"Well I might remember if you cuddle with me tonight" you blush but your drunk face was allready enveloped in red.
"Ouu is that an invitation? Yoi" he asks chuckling as you nod.
"Sorry but we wont fit on your bed how about you cuddle with me on mine? Yoi" you just nod and he picks you up bridal style then head to his room unlocking it then locking it once in he sets you on the bed as he undresses his jacket showing off his abs and chest which you couldnt stop staring at.
"See something you like? Yoi" you hear as you blush even more and nod making Marco blush as he comes to the bed sliding in. Him gently pushing you down into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you pulling you as close as possible to him. Your hand cups his cheek as he stares into your eyes.
"Hey so what was your wish?" You whisper.
"I cant tell you silly but it came true. Yoi" Giggling you lean up your lips meet his closing both your eyes you make out as he clutches you close. Feeling a twitch in his pants makes you wet but you know your limits. Breaking for air you huffing he says
"Go to sleep my little bird. Yoi" he nuzzles your head kissing your head into his warm chest as you obey placing both your hands on his chest letting the hum of his heartbeat lul you to sleep.
~The Next Morning~
Your woken up with kisses on your head.
"(N)~ little bird~ Yoi" you come too and open your eyes to see Marco and your cuddling on his bed.
"How are you? You drank a lot last night. Do you remember anything? Yoi" he says as you blush everything comes rushing back to you. Blushing deep red he chuckles
"I remember yea unless it was all a dream." You say. He leans down kissing you as you reciprocate kissing him back. Making out for awhile he breaks for air as your both huffing.
"It was no dream dear. Yoi" he says making you blush.
"So ... you like me too?..." you whisper as he rubs your back.
"Yes I do. Yoi" he admits a light blush dusting his face and yours. Wrapping your arms around his waist you sigh as he asks
"(N) would you be my..... girlfriend? Yoi" shocked you blush a deep red with a look like is that okay? Making him chuckle. Him petting your head he says
"Dont worry its all right. So what do you say? Yoi" he asks as you reply
"Id love that Marco" you smile then lean up to kiss him again. He reciprocates kissing back as he clutches you close. Breaking for air he says
"Allright we have to get to work my little bird. Yoi" smiling at you he slides out of bed putting his glasses on as you pout. He chuckles and hands you the key to the infirmary.
"Why dont you go get started in the infirmary while I finish getting ready. Yoi" he says. You reluctantly slide out of bed saying
"Okay big bird ill go do that" he leans down pecking your lips.
"Good girl. Yoi" he says making you blush as your let out of his room. Everyone knew youd wear some outfits more than one day in a row so wearing this outfit again wasnt a problem. But coming out of the first commanders room the next day turned some heads but noone said anything to you since everyone knew you both were so close anyways.
You walk to the infirmary and open it, grab a stack of papers, and walk to your chair setting them down then sitting down starting paperwork. Soon Marco walked in with wetish hair.
'He must have needed to take a shower. Dont get a nose bleed (n) ahh! Marco in the shower. Ahh!! Me and Marco in the shower ahh!!!!!'
"(N)~ (n)~ ohh (n)~ Yoi" Marcos voice pulls you from your thoughts.
"Im not daydreamin I swear!" you yell as he chuckles and raises an eyebrow.
"Dont even ask" you blush deep red as he laughs now.
"I wasnt planning on it silly. But now im curious what were you day dreaming about? Yoi" hiding your face in your hands you peek at him through your fingers.
"Its nothing!"
"Okay okay Yoi" he says chuckling and sits in his swivel chair grabbing a stack of allready done paperwork from your side of the table that he needs to finish. After you quickly finish up the rest of your paperwork for the day you notice Marco finishing his. Walking over behind him you start giving him a shoulder massage.
"Mhhh feels s'good Yoi" he sits straight as you work your magic.
"Im glad you like it handsome" you say rubbing out the knots. He lets out a soft moan which makes you feel hot down there and blush. Slowly sliding your hands down his chest you kiss his cheek then neck making him shiver. Resting your head on his shoulder he says
"Now how am I supposed to get any work done with you doing all this to me? Yoi" he whines as you giggle.
"Ill stop then" you say and were about to pull away when he gently grabs your hands on his chest.
"Nevermind I like it Yoi" he says which makes you giggle on his neck causing him to shiver slightly.
"Oh you like this?" You say kissing his cheek then butterfly kissing his neck.
"Yes I definitely like this. Yoi" he continues to work but keeps stopping.
"You know what come here. Your too distracting my little bird. Yoi" he pats his lap to which you obey, sit on him resting your head against his chest and kiss the side of his neck one last time. Feeling a bit of a bulge below you makes you blush as he leans down and kisses you, soft lips on yours. Him holding your back for support, you both make out and you slide your tounge out as he reciprocates flicking your tounge bar. After some time you break for air huffing, face red, pussy wet in your shorts. Him chuckles smiling at your face and cups your cheek.
"Is someone embarrassed or just hot and bothered? Yoi" he asks calling you out, making you bury your head in his chest, him chuckling more.
"You know its perfectly natural to have such feelings. Yoi" he says as your heart feels like its gonna burst out of your chest. He seems to notice as he says
"Seems I was right haha. Dont worry beautiful well go at your pace. Whenever your ready. Yoi" you nod against his chest as he continues doing paperwork. Once he finishes his paperwork he lets out a sigh seeing you cuddled against his chest.
"(N) working hours are over, want to get some drinks then cuddle? Yoi" sleepy you nod and get off of him. Yawning you follow him to the cantina.
"Hey Thatch can we get some smoothies going please? Yoi" Marco asks.
"Sure how are you guys doing today? I overheard someone slept in the same room last night" Thatch looks to you and winks while Marco chuckles. Your face going red Marco notices and says
"Its not like that Thatch my little bird just wanted cuddles. Yoi"
"Ahh right." Thatch says as he slides over the drinks.
"Thanks Thatch!" You squeal.
"Thanks. Yoi"
"Sure anytime you lovebirds haha" Thatch chuckles as you both go over to the table sliding in the booth Marco pats his lap and you obey sitting on him while you both finish your drinks. Cuddling into his chest you shiver and hold your head.
"Brain freeze owww!" Whispering in your ear
"You need to learn how to not suck it down so quick. What am I going to do with you my little bird? haha Yoi" he chuckles then uses his flames on your head.
"Thanks handsome" you say and kiss his chest making him transform into hybrid form covering you in blue wings as you continue to kiss his chest then neck. Feeling a bulge again you nip at his neck causing him to bite his lip muffling a soft moan.
"My my what are you trying to do to me my baby bird? Keep this up and ill have to punish you. Yoi" Marco whispers as you look up to him with a devilish grin.
"Oh ya what did you have in mind?" You say boldly which shocks him then he squeezes your thigh with his wing making a moan escape from you. Blushing deep red you stare into his eyes with your lewd glossy eyes. Whispering in your ear
"Are you sure? You dont know who your messing with little bird. Yoi" he slightly growls as you cut him off kissing him as he clutches your thigh the heat getting to you making you even more wet. Breaking for air you say
"Im sure Marco my sweet handsome man" you say as he transforms into human form and picks you up bridal style walking to his room turning some heads but you see Marco is just smiling as normal as he opens his room and locks the door gently throwing you on the bed he sits next to you as you sit up and lean on him. He takes off his jacket hanging it from the bed pole railing as you blush at him again.
"What are you blushin at baby bird? Yoi" he asks as he kisses your cheek then makes his way down to your neck making your heart race and making you shiver. Chuckling he cups your face and kisses you which turned into making out as you wrap your arms around his neck soft moans fall from your lips as he gives a moan in response him wrapping his arms around your waist. Breaking for air you couldnt help but blush. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt then asks
"Are you sure (n)? Yoi" putting your hands on his you help him take your shirt off revealing your black lace bra blushing he gently kisses the crevasse of your breasts as he unbuttons and unzips your shorts sliding them down as you kick off your shoes. You run your hands through his hair. He bends down kissing your lips as he undoes your bra revealing your pierced breasts. He licks one of your nipples then starts sucking as you let out a moan shuffling your legs as he slides off your panties with some effort.
"Ahh! Marco feels good" you see his bulge against his pants so you unbutton his pants but have trouble since he has a sash and jewelry adorning his side. Marco stops sucking and undoes his pants sliding them off leaving his shoes on as he slides his boxers off too revealing quite the package ten inch cock dripping with precum. Smiling you lean forward
"What are yo-! Yoi" taking his cock in your mouth you hear a moan escape from his lips as you swirl your tounge around his tip. Swirling your tounge bar around his crevasse of his mushroom head you start sucking, slowly going deeper and deeper making moans fall from Marcos lips
"Fuckk! Dam it (n) that feels so good! Yoi" after a couple minutes your deep throating him, humming keeping pace making him grip the bed railing he pulls you off of him throwing you on the bed.
"Your in for it now. Yoi" you see blue flames in his eyes as he spreads your legs hands gripping your thighs as he bends down and you feel his velvety tounge inbetween your folds of your pussy sucking on your folds and entrance as he sticks his long tongue in your wepping hole.
"Ahhh!!! Marco!! Yes!!!" You yelp as your thighs twitch trying to close but he holds them firmly in place while skillfully eating you out.
"Marco!! Gonna ahh gonna cum!!" You yell as he thrusts in and out with his tounge.
"Fuckk!! Marco im cum-ming" you felt your walls constrict around his tounge as he laps up your juices. After cleaning you with his tounge, he crawls on top of you his lips meeting yours as you kiss then he breaks off asking
"Are you ready my little bird? Yoi" you look at him with a lewd expression nodding.
"Yes im ready Marco~" you run your hands through his hair as he positions his precumming dick at your entrance slowly inserting himself as you gasp at his girth as he slides his full tip in making you moan
"Ahh Marco your so big!!" He chuckles and starts thrusting, slowly inching his way in you as you grip the sheets. Feeling his sweet lips on yours you reciprocate wrapping your arms around his neck playing with his hair. Parting for air he finally bottoms out in you reached your cervix making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk! (n) your so tight" you hear him say as you moan
"Ahh god! Marco your so fuckin big! You hit my wall!" He chuckles while moaning. Suddenly you both hear a knock on his door. He puts a finger up to his lips for you to stay silent as he continues to thrust into you. Biting your tounge, you try not to moan.
"Who is it? Yoi"
"Hey its Ace have you seen (n)? I wanted to ask her something." Ace says through the door.
"Shes right here, were talking well be out soon. Yoi" he smiles while he thrusts extra deep into your g spot, at right here causing tears to form and you to actually bite your tounge. You dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Okay Ill ask her later, well have fun you two" you hear Ace walk off as Marco chuckles
"You did so well baby bird should I reward you now? Yoi" as he continues his slow paced thrusts, gasping for air you say
"Please yes Marco! Your gonna make me cum again!" You say squeezing your pussy muscle.
"Ou you naughty girl! Maybe I should punish you instead? Yoi" you shake your head no releasing your muscle as he chuckles
"So you think you deserve a reward now? Yoi" you shake your head yes as he says
"Since youve been so cooperative, I suppose ill reward you. Yoi" saying as he folds you into a mating press making you moan
"Ahh fuckk yes!! Marco sssoo deeep!!" You hear him chuckle as he picks up his pace now hitting your g spot every time, that ball of heat in your abdomen begging for release.
"God!! Your sso good aat thatt!! Gonna cumm!!" He smiles at you keeping a good pace as he continuously hits your spot.
"Cum on my cock (n)!! Yoi" he yells in your ear thrusting deeper if possible, sending you over the edge. Your face contorts into a lewd expression as you come to your third orgasm this time being more powerful
"Ahh!! Marco!!! Im .. im s'soo good! cumming!!" He picks up the pace, thrusting through your high as he starts to relentlessly pound you.
Moaning uncontrollably now you start to drool.
"You like that? Like my cock buried deep in your pussy? Yoi" he asks loudly as you nod
"Yess big bird!! I love it!!" You yell with tears in your eyes as he smirks. Going at now a break neck speed he moans with you. Feeling your self cum prematurely your walls clamp on his cock making him grunt but continue thrusting.
"Naughty girl tell me when your gonna cum! Yoi" he thrusts extra deep at the word cum, making you a moaning mess.
"Ssorry!" You yell hanging onto his neck.
"Shit! Im close! Where should I cum? Yoi" looking at him with lidded sex driven eyes managing to get out
"My birth control is still effective so cum in me Big bird!" his eyes widening
"Are you sure my good girl? Yoi"
"Yes please I need you!!" you moan out loudly as he continues his speed and thrusts as deep as he can feel your greedy hole sucking his cock deep in your womb.
"Get ready (n) im about to cum deep inside you! Yoi" Just hearing his words make your abdomen burn you about to cum again also.
"Mar-co im go-nna Im gonn-a cum!" yelling as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Cum on my cock baby bird cum with me! Yoi" He bends down sucking hard on your neck leaving his marks on you.
"Ye-s fir-st comm-ader!!!" your tounge out, you gasping for air. You feel one of his hands on your abdomen him feeling his cock splitting your womb open as he thrusts into you. His cock twitches in you as his cock stiffens you knowing that means a male is about to cum.
"Im gonna cum little bird! Yoi"
"Me too" you both yell as you feel your cunt swallow his dick, walls clamping down makes his cock squirt his gaint load into you.
"Fuck im cumming big bird!!"
"Im cumming too!! Take my hot seed (n)!! Yoi" Marco moans as he thrusts through both your sex highs.
"Fuc-kkk!!! Go-d Mar-co y-es!!" you moan as he slowly comes to halt. Slowly letting your legs down with a gasp from you, he slides you closer to him making his cock go all the way into you pressing your cervix as he picks you up. Stepping into the shower with your fucked out face arms around his neck legs around his torso. As he holds your ass and back, he chuckles as you both regain your breath, him faster than you since hes also a fighter.
"Was it that good my little bird? Yoi" chuckling he stares into your eyes as he turns on the water. Having developed a deep blush you respond
"Uh huh"
"Im gonna pull out now little bird. Yoi" him chuckling, you nod and gasp as he holds you up while sliding his gaint cock out of you. Once he pops out his tip you moan loudly as he sets your feet on the floor feeling both your cum dripping out of you. Leaning against his chest your sure he can feel your legs twitching.
"I dont think I can walk straight Marco" chuckling he pets your head as he soaps you both up then helps clean you after himself him fingering your throbbing cunt soaping it up then letting the water rinse away all the soap. Moaning at his touch you kiss his chest as he turns off the water. Shivering at the loss of heat, he steps out handing you a towel as you walk out legs twitching as he transforms into hybrid form wrapping his warm wings around you holding you close to him. Leaning into his chest you close your eyes as he holds you, the water evaporating off you both. Once dry he takes your towel and puts it into the hamper as you both get dressed.
"How do you feel now my little bird? Yoi"
"I feel much better thank you Big bird~" you coo to him. He helps you get dressed as he dresses too. You both exit his room as he locks it, he bends down and says
"Here hop on Yoi" obeying you hop on his back as he hikes you up on his back holding your thighs, he walks you both to dinner turning some heads. He lets you down at the table and he slides in patting his lap as you obey sitting on him.
"Talking my ass" You hear Ace say at the table making you cock your head to the side. He just points to his neck as you realize what he meant. Marco had marked you it rushing back to you, you blushing deep red as Thatch, Izou and Marco just chuckle. Marco petting your head as Ace says
"You coulda just said you guys were busy"
"Uh huh because that always works with you" you say to Ace crossing your arms. Ace gives you a face and you giggle.
"So im guessing you two finally are a thing?" Ace raises an eyebrow as you hear from behind you
"Yea haha my sweet little birdie couldnt help herself Yoi" looking up at Marco you blush deep red as you turn to your side resting your head against his chest yawning.
"Awee is someone tired~ Yoi" he lets the word tired roll off his tounge making you blush harder. Glancing up to him then closing your eyes you just nod. Snickering Ace says
"Ya I bet your tired~"
~Six Months Later~
The Whitebeard pirates stopped off at an bar island, Ace piggybacked rode you to the bar. Marco said hed be there soon that hes finishing up first commander things. After awhile of chatting with Ace.
"So I over heard that one of the nurses likes you Ace~" You say as you both drink some ale.
"Really now which one?"
"Oh Kiki now ya shes super cute. What should I say to her?" Ace asks while sipping his ale.
"Just ask her how she is doing use an icebreaker then see what she says dummy." You giggle as you hear some pirates walk in making a ruckus turning to look but felt an arm wrap around you as your mug falls from your hand. You realize the man who had you also had a knife to your neck.
"Dont move Fire Fist Ace shes ours now!" Your assuming the leader of these thugs. You notice Ace look behind you as most of this guys crew was faceing the bar.
"Oh you dont have to worry about me saving her" Ace says as you feel a presence behind you and the leader lowers the knife slightly confused.
"What? Whaddya mean?" The thug leader asks.
"He means me! Yoi" The thug leader turns around but sees his crew knocked out in one attack of Marcos hybrid form then before you know it your freed from the thug leader grip and Marco kicked him through the door out onto the street. Marco transforming into human form walks out the door to outside. You follow with Ace in tow outside and see Marco punching the thug leader into unconsciousness.
"Marco hes out!" You and Ace yell to him. He stops and walks over to you putting an arm around your waist pulling you with him with Ace in tow.
Suddenly you wake up in your bed beads of sweat pour down your body. Looking around you just see your room headphones playing the One Piece theme songs. Slowly realizing that you had just had a vivid dream you start crying. Tears flowing down your face tears staining your shirt and covers.
"It was just a dream.... just a dream..."
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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parkersvibes · 5 years
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
You cant ride a bike?
Anonymous said: i’m crying at that picture where his face is all scrunched updjahdhdjs
Anonymous said: Do you think he’s got abs?????? I definitely wouldn’t mind but it seems kinda odd to me??😌😔
Anonymous said: those new photos? BITCH WE BEEN FED. im off to pound my meat, i dont even know how as a woman i would pound my meat but this is the language those photos have brought out of me
Anonymous said: Harry being with the Gerbers I feel like he's getting fed nourishing meals and proper food, I feel like cause they're parents they're looking after him and not just baking 1000000 loaves of bread
Anonymous said: i want to know SO SO much what harry thought of the sex scene in episode 2 of normal people, it physically pains me i cant see his reaction
Anonymous said: some of you are being so weird about this beard situation just cause y'all dont like it. he's in quarantine. he's being lazy and chilled out like the rest of us. appearances literally don't matter rn. what harry does with his appearance isn't really for us anyway lol. he doesn't wake up every day and think how can i look good for my fans (: if you don't like it that's obviously fine but stop being weird about someone's appearance in a time like this
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waltrp · 4 years
Tumblr media
BIDDI BOPPI BOOP A SPECIAL MESSAGE ADMIN ZULEMA: WHO PUT THE GLAD IN GLADIATORS? ASH. Hercules is one of my favorite disney movies and one of my favorite casts here at walt. to see our boy Herc FINALLY be taken up. Truly a blessing from the gods on Mount Olympus themselves. Did I find this entire app endearing and maybe even squeal a little ? absolutely. You captured Herc’s loneliness, loyalty, and his essence so beautifully. Another stellar app from a stellar writer. I am so excited to see him on the dash ! You have 24 hours to send in your account. Please refer to THIS PAGE for your next tasks. We can’t wait to roleplay with you. Welcome to our Ohana xx.
It’s a pleasure to meet you…
ash, 22, gmt, she/her
Are you positive you can be active?
I have realised i am on a very different time zone to everyone else but im online 80% of my day so i am very very active!
How did you stumble upon Walt?
The gods gave me a gift in the zane holt tag a few weeks ago!
Did you read the rules?
Yes indeedy
Are you sure?
Scuttle,  I mean I could probably make that happen if im successful with this app
Character you want?
Hercules Zervous
Please describe the character for us
I would describe Herc as a lost soul. A kid with so much potential to be one of the greats but cast out of society because he is too different for them. A person who has been so careful to try and fit in with a crowd only to be constantly let down by them. A lost soul who even though he knows his worth he’s having a hard time finding his place in this world among the normal people. A kid who never gives up trying, who wants to help the people who wouldn’t give him the time of day. A genuinely caring person in a sea of greed.    
Second character choice
None at this time.
It’s time to see that sample para.
Hercules grunted as the weights hit the clip with a loud clash, the sweat was rolling down his forehead onto his face in thick, warm droplets, the muscles in his arms were trembling and his grey t-shirt was stuck to his defined back after laying down on the bench. He leaned away from the bar and sat up wiping at his face with the end of his t-shirt, Phil had really been pushing him lately with the workouts every week it was getting more and more challenging but Hercules liked having a hurdle to jump over. He stretched out his big arms and his sweaty back before he stood up straight and got a good look of himself in the gyms mirror, he didn’t look half bad. His abs were glistening with sweat under his shirt, the veins in his arms were popping after being flexed for so long and his legs were chunky, strong and toned in all the right areas, not even the insane amount of leg hair could put a girl off him. Looking in the mirror he tousled at his red hair that was now matted to his head and sighed. He had all the makings of a model, a chiseled body, a pretty face, a charming smile, a hero complex. Realistically Hercules should have been the guy all the guys wanted to be and who all the girls wanted to date, but that wasn’t the case. Hercules didn’t have a friend in the world.
Picking up his damp towel and water bottle Herc made his way towards the showers trying to ignore the hurt in his heart when people averted his gaze, he wasn’t sure if it was a personality thing or a Californian thing but even here the people didn’t seem to want to get to know him. Reaching his locker Herc set down his belongings and watched as friends laughed and chatted together about girls and weekend plans and gains, he tried nodding at a couple of the guys to weigh in on their conversation but they shut him out like he wasn’t even there. With a defeated sigh Herc reached for a clean towel and checked his phone for the time, seeing a new message from Phil he sat down to open it.
[MSG: FROM PHIL]: Hey Kid saw your fitbit activity you are CRUSHING IT! Round 2 later?
Hercules sighed sadly, there had to be more to this journey than workouts with Phil.
[MSG: TO PHIL]: Thanks man i’m feeling the burn now. Actually I cant later I signed up for that build a community together project. It starts at 11am.
[MSG: FROM PHIL]: You know kid you’re burning yourself out. These people they aren’t like you they don’t understand. Dont set yourself on fire to keep them warm if they have their own matches.
[MSG: TO PHIL]: This time its actually about giving back. I’m not looking for anyone to throw me a parade I’d settle for just a conversation.
[MSG: FROM PHIL]: Well be careful, people are idiots. Also have fun, you deserve a day off.
Hercules scoffed at Phil’s text and slipped his phone back into his gym bag. He sat on the bench and exhaled slowly, for weeks he had been trying to make friends in Elias. Joining sports teams and book clubs, a cooking class, an actual gym outside of his home, community groups, charity groups, he was trying so hard to fit in and help the local people. I mean It wasn’t as if he could slay a dragon to save them– or stop a rolling bolder with his bare hands from crushing an old lady, the old world wasn’t the same as the new world and Hercules began to worry that he would never make it home to his parents. He had to become a different kind of hero to what his Father was, not one who saved damsels from monsters or villages from beasts, Hercules would have to be something much more valuable to Elias, he just needed to figure out what that was.
Slamming the locker door shut Hercules stood up and began to walk towards the steaming showers lost in thought, his sandals clipped against the tiles as he made his way past the lockers pausing at a community bulletin board. A hopeful smile danced across his lips as his eyes took in the colorful piece of paper in the middle of the board, it was like a sign from Zeus himself saying not to give up. Hercules let out a delightful chuckle as he tore the paper from its pinned place and reread over the words in thick black font. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A HERO? JOIN THE ELIAS FIRE FIGHTERS TODAY! Hercules grinned ecstatically at the flyer, oh this was perfect, it just what he needed when he needed it. With a careful touch this time, he placed the notice back onto its original placement and nodded at it before triumphantly continuing his walk to the showers whistling a joyous tune. This was how he would get home.
Anything else, love?
I dont know if im allowed take up a second chara or not yet but i thought i would try apply anyway:)
sad breakfast club
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callboxkat · 6 years
(Un)Broken - part 3
Author’s note: I’m back! It’ll be at least a week before you guys get another part, but have this one for now. :)
Warnings: self deprecation, headache mention, doctor mention, injury mention, food mention
Word count: 1579
Masterpost in the notes!
Patton walked into his apartment and quietly shut the door behind him. He slid the lock into place, then leaned back against the door with a soft sigh. He didn’t know why he was upset. He should be happy, shouldn’t he? He’d spent the evening bowling with his friends, after all.
He just kept remembering that moment, when he’d cheered about Logan knocking down those two pins—because Logan had been having a really hard time, and it was the first time they’d hung out together having fun like they had before his injury, and Patton had just been so excited to see him finally hit some pins! Logan, though, had clearly not been nearly as excited. Patton had seen how he rolled his eyes. Probably thinking that Patton was making fun of him. But Patton would never do that—Logan was one of his favorite people in the world!
Patton traipsed over to his sofa and threw himself onto it heavily, facedown on the cushions.
He knew that it was dumb. It was just one little thing, one little eye roll. It just hurt him to think that Logan might have thought poorly of him, even for a second.
He was distracted from his wallowing when his phone chimed its text tone at him. Patton reluctantly rolled partway over, just enough to grab his phone from his pocket and bring it up to his face.
Oh! It was Logan! Patton quickly swiped to open the message. It was a group text, sent out to all of them.
Logan: I greatly enjoyed our excursion to the bowling alley this afternoon. I hope that everyone else had as pleasant of a time as I did.
A second message popped up a minute later.
Logan: My apologies if I somehow lessened anyone’s enjoyment of the evening. I understand that especially while I am still in recovery, I am not the most ‘fun’ person to be around. Thank you for inviting me along.
Patton started furiously typing, but a series of other messages were already flooding in from Joan, Virgil, and Roman, all telling Logan that they’d had fun too, and yelling at him for implying that he’d somehow made the evening any less fun. Patton sent off his own message anyway, and as soon as he did, the notification that Talyn was typing their own response came up. Good. Logan didn’t get to talk bad about himself! Not on their watch!
Several long minutes went by, and then Logan responded.
Logan: Perhaps I misread the situation. Thank you for your assurances. It will not be necessary to ‘march over to my house’, ‘physically fite’ me, or hug me so tight that you ‘wring out the nerdiness’
Logan: Additionally, Virgil, I feel the need to remind you that Patton may decide to physically fight you if you continue to insist that gloominess is your area of expertise.
Patton paused, then scrolled up. He must have missed that message in the barrage of notifications. He found it—Virgil didn’t get to be self-deprecating either!—then scrolled back down to reply.
Patton: I will! I’ll fite both of you if I have to!!!
Virgil: Ok Pat chill, no fighting necessary
Patton: Good!
Roman: We should go bowling again. You all only got a glimpse of my skills.
Roman: (Virgils dont interact)
Virgil’s and Logan’s replies came through simultaneously.
Logan: I do think I would enjoy another such outing.
Virgil: You can’t stop me
The chat devolved into banter after that, mostly between Virgil and Roman. Patton just read the messages as they came through, not replying, until the others had to leave.
Monday rolled around all too quickly for Patton’s taste. He didn’t particularly want to get up early today, to go to class—one of them was math, after all—but he supposed there were bright sides. He did also have an art class today, and he would get to see his friends at lunch! He just preferred Tuesdays and Thursdays to the other three days of the school week because he had his actual classes with his friends.
Patton struggled through his morning class, which felt like it was moving at a glacial pace. He felt like he’d been there for so long. But finally, the bell rang; and with immense relief, he traipsed down to the cafeteria to meet his friends.
“I don’t blame you,” Roman said when Patton had finished sharing today’s math class woes. They and Virgil were sitting together, eating lunch in the cafeteria. “When are you ever going to need to know how to calculate a third derivative?”
“Exactly,” Patton sighed, putting his head down on the cafeteria table. “But it’s required, for my major….”
“You—you could always ask Logan for help,” Virgil suggested after a moment. “He’s pretty good at math.”
“Uh, yeah, I sure hope he is,” Roman said, his tone of voice mimicking that of a certain well-known six-second-video. “He’s a math major.”
Patton shook his head, but he did so without lifting it off the table, so it was more like he just rolled it morosely from side to side. “I don’t wanna bother him. He’s still got his concussion thingy to deal with.”
“C’mon, Pat, it couldn’t hurt to ask,” Roman said. “Besides, he could do derivatives in his sleep. Concussion or not.”
Patton just let out a soft, extended whine. If he hadn’t still had his head down on the wooden table, he would have seen Virgil and Roman glance at each other.
He felt a gentle poke on the top of his head. “What’s up?” Virgil asked.
“He’s gonna think I’m dumb,” Patton mumbled.
“Why would he think that?” Roman sounded genuinely confused. Patton could hear Virgil’s chair creaking as he shifted.
“Because he already does,” he heard himself whine. He knew he should just stop talking, but… whoops.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Virgil argued.
At the same time, Roman said, “That’s preposterous!” He normally had a habit of pronouncing it like ‘perpostrous’, which annoyed Logan to no end. He was pretty sure Roman did it on purpose at this point, evidenced by the fact that he said it correctly this time, when Logan wasn’t there.
“Logan knows you’re not dumb,” Virgil continued. “And it’s not like he hasn’t helped you before. What’s up?”
Patton sighed, gathered his willpower, and lifted his head from the table, sitting up. “I… I guess you’re right,” he sighed. He forced his features into a meek smile. “Sorry, kiddos. I’m just tired.”
“That’s okay.” Roman said.
“I mean… I get it,” Virgil said quietly. “Logan’s got stuff to worry about already. But he’s getting better, isn’t he? He’s allowed to drive and use phones and everything again. And it’s—it’s like Ro said, the stuff you’re working on is easy for him. I’m not—I’m not saying it is easy,” he amended quickly, even though Patton hadn’t been offended. “Logan’s just….”
“A huge nerd?” Roman suggested.
“A huge nerd. In a good way. Not being like him doesn’t make someone dumb. And you—” he fixed Patton with such an intense stare that the sophomore actually shrank backwards a bit. “You. Are. Not. Dumb. Nobody thinks you are. Not me, not Roman, not Talyn or Joan… and Logan sure as heck doesn’t think you’re dumb either.”
Virgil was clearly running out of steam (that still happened sometimes when he talked a lot, though he was getting better) so Roman jumped in.
“If we’re not allowed to talk bad about ourselves, neither are you.”
Patton looked at them both for a second. Virgil was chewing the corner of his bottom lip and Roman had half a piece of Crofter’s-covered toast forgotten in one hand, but both were looking at him intently.
“O-o-okay. You’re right. I just got a bit silly, I suppose. I don’t like not understanding things.”
“We know,” Roman said. “You could always get someone else to tutor you, but I’m sure Logan’ll help if you ask…. Where is he, anyway?” He frowned slightly, leaning away from the table to look around.
Patton searched the room for a moment too, then glanced at the Mickey Mouse watch on his wrist. Logan should definitely have been here by now, if he were coming.
Virgil briefly chewed his lip a bit more intensely than before, then stopped and opened his mouth. “He—could he be sick?”
Roman sighed. “Probably… I hope he’s okay. Logan never misses class.”
That was true. The first time any of them remembered Logan missing class had been when he’d gone to the hospital after his accident. Logan valued class attendance too highly, and he was religious about hygiene, so he rarely so much as caught a mild cold. Recently, though, things were different.
“Could be another doctor’s appointment,” Patton mused noncommittally.
“I thought he had one on Friday, though,” Virgil pointed out with a frown.
Roman shrugged. “He’s probably fine.” He set down the toast that he seemed to finally remember was in his hand. “I for one am just glad he’s taking care of himself.”
Virgil nodded in agreement. Patton took a sip from his drink and didn’t respond.
“Hey…uh, you’ve got an art class today, right?” Virgil asked, changing the subject.
Patton nodded, brightening. “I sure do!”
“What are you working on?”
Patton turned to grab a little sketchbook from his backpack and opened it up, showing Virgil a few sketches as he talked about his current project. He knew Virgil was trying to distract him. He let him do it.
Tag list: @patton-loves-coloring @starryfirefliesbloggo @purplesoul-at-hogwarts  @gaylotusthatexists @quoth-the-sparrow @awesomelissawho @amuthefunperson @faithfreedom @heck-im-lost @gayfandomsaremything @bunny222 @syndianites @astraastro @momolinia @captainswan618 @hamilin-manuel-miranda @goldenkiddos @afilhadehades-blog @virgeofselfdestruction @theresneverenoughfandoms @iris-sanders-athena @super-magical-wizard @rainbow-sides @thefallendog @fanficptsd @zodiac-awesome @lookitsthatquietgirl @nerd-in-space @pearls-of-patton @ab-artist @angered-turtle @im-so-infinitesimal @raygelkitty @dr-gloom @whats-going-on-kiddos @the-dumbster @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @fillyourteacup @kittiebrick @youtuberswithalex
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
You’ve Always Been Mine
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chapter 15
i sat in my room, looking at the ceiling. it was already about to be 3am- and i hadn’t slept. i reached down for my phone and tried calling nori again. this time, it rang.
i sat up, hopeful that she would answer. “come on, nori. pick up.” i said annoyed.
i tossed my phone on the nightstand as it went straight to voicemail. what could she be doing right now? why weren’t the guys back. 
my mind raced with thoughts of nori and wonho. i groaned as my mind went back to the after party incident. 
pacing my room, i brushed my fingers through my hair and bit down on my bottom lip. 
i gotta see her.
i grabbed my hoodie, throwing it on over my head and snatched up my phone.
on my way out, kihyun came out of his room.
“jooheon? where are you going?” he whispered.
i rolled my eyes, ignoring his statement and left the dorm.
arriving at nori’s apartment, i jumped out of the car- racing straight to her door.
“nori!” i called out as i knocked.
i waited for a few minutes- no answer.
i knocked again.
“please- i just wanna talk. let me explain” i voiced desperately. 
i sat there for a minute, before realizing that no one was home. where in the world could she be? 
i gently cleared my throat as wonho approached me.
“i could go get something for you, if you like-”
his eyes never wandered. part of me wanted him to look, but the other half- didnt.
“t-that would be great. thank you.” i finally announced. wonho shook his head and snickered. 
“i dont remember you ever being this nervous.” he said as he walked to the door. “any special request?” 
i shook my head. “whatever you like, is fine with me.” i tugged the sleeves over my hands and gave a polite smile. 
“oh wait-” i said holding up my finger. i quickly ran to my room, grabbing the extra room key from the dresser and handed it to wonho.
“just in case i end up falling asleep.” i chuckled.
wonho nodded, taking the key and slipping it in his back pocket- then left.
i relaxed my shoulders and exhaled with relief, running back into my room and shutting the door- before shownu woke up, looking for a late night snack too.
before i could get back in bed, i heard a phone ring. i furrowed my brows and tilted my head.
“oh.. that’s me.”
i hadn’t had a phone in so long, that it didn’t even register for a moment. searching the room for my purse, i yawned and tossed my dress off to the side- finding my purse hiding. 
retrieving the phone, jooheon’s name popped up. i guess he saved his number before giving it to me.
i sighed and let it ring, as i stared at the screen.
i wanted to answer, i really did. but i just couldn’t- literally. my fingers weren’t moving.
i missed him badly. i wanted nothing more than to be with him, at this exact moment. but, he just pissed me off so much. i felt like he really didnt have my back with this whole seulgi thing.
and wonho was right. jooheon should be treating me better. this wasnt fair to me. and to be honest- im really pissed off that he didnt even tell me about the award show in the first place. AND for making me think that he invited me, then showed up with her.
i huffed then placed my phone back into the bag, tossing the entire thing on the floor- once again.
i should really just give him a taste of his own medicine. see how he’d like it.
i rolled my eyes, pulling off wonho’s sweater and the alcohol panties- jumping back into the robe. i felt this was a little more appropriate for when wonho got back.
after picking up some food, i made my way back to the dorm for a few things. shownu and i needed something to change into once we left the girls, and i figured misun would appreciate something of shownu’s as well.
afted i packed the bags- i knocked softly on jooheon’s door. i figured the least i could do, was let him know that nori was safe. if he even cared.
the lights were off and it was extremely quiet, which was weird. he would normally be playing music or rapping to himself.
turning the knob, i opened the door to an empty room- a little disappointed. i honestly, didnt even want to be fighting with him. it wasnt like us. but, i knew nori was a sensitive topic and i guess he felt a lot for her. i couldnt blame him- she’s an amazing girl.
sitting down on the bed, i sighed- thinking of how this thing was going to be fixed.
i snapped my head in the direction of the door and there stood kihyun, squinting his eyes.
“what are you doing in here? jooheon’s not here.” he said rubbing his eyes.
“where’d he go?” i questioned.
kihyun shrugged.
“i have no idea- he just left.” he ran his fingers through his hair as we were quiet for a moment.
“how are the girls?” he asked folding his arms. i laughed a bit.
“why do you care? you dont even like them.” i announced.
kihyun breathed out heavily.
“it’s not that i dont like them- i just seen all this drama happening before it even unfolded. and no one ever listens to me.” he shrugged.
i stood up from jooheon’s bed and hummed.
“so, that means you have to be disrespectful to two women who did absolutely nothing to you?” i said walking past him.
kihyun was quiet and didnt move an inch. he stood there for a minute or two, before following me out to the front door.
“you’re right.” he said softly.
i looked back at him- and for once, he looked like he was actually sorry for something. i knew that hell would have to freeze over, in order for him to actually say those words though.
we stood in silence for a moment before i flashed a small smile. i understood and so did he. words didnt even have to be exchanged at this point.
“they’re fine. i’ll tell them you said hello.”
we both nodded then i made my way back out to the car.
hearing a knock, i shot up from the bed and ran down the hall- opening the front door for wonho. he had two bags strapped on his shoulder and a few bags of food.
“i guess you didnt need the key after all.” i said chuckling. “that was fast.”
shutting the door behind him, i grabbed the food from his hands and placed it on the counter- before looking inside. “you know, sushi is my favorite.” i giggled.
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“so i’ve heard.” wonho grinned as he placed the two bags on the couch. “oh, before i forget.” he said reaching in his back pocket.
he froze for a moment.
“shit.” he mumbled.
“what’s the matter?” i asked, tilting my head.
“i think the key fell out of my pocket.” he said looking down at the floor. i shook my head and laughed softly. “it’s okay- we have another one. dont worry about it.”
he hummed, turning his attention back to the bags. “i figured you’d be more comfortable in these.” 
wonho held up a pair of sweatpants and a familiar looking shirt. tossing one of the sushi rolls in my mouth, i looked down at the counter.
“jooheon’s?” i mumbled. 
“yes.” he said plainly. “felt this would be a little more respectful to you.” 
i glanced up at him and his expression was soft. as i chewed, i thought about what i said to myself earlier. about jooheon, getting a taste of his own medicine. he needed to feel the type of hurt that i was feeling, and boy was i ready to give it to him.
“i think i would sleep better if i had something of yours.” i said quietly.
wonho’s brows lifted and he chuckled.
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he nodded and didnt argue with my statement- as he walked back over to the bags, grabbing some clothes for me. 
was i doing the right thing?
picking up another roll, i tossed it in my mouth before walking over to him. he smiled as he turned around, handing me his sweatpants and a oversized t-shit. i took them, thanking him- then ran off to the bathroom to change.
stepping into the sweatpants, i laughed as i pulled them up. they were obviously way too big. i rolled them at the waist then slipped into his t-shirt.
leaving the robe on the bathroom floor, i walked out- and wonho was shirtless.
“oh..uuh-” i said blushing. i quickly turned around and he laughed.
“stop being weird- you’ve seen me shirtless countless times on stage.” he said calmly. “its okay.”
meeting his eyes, he shook his head and walked over to the sushi, grabbing the boxes and bringing them over to the couch. “come sit with me.” he said angelically. i followed behind him like a lost puppy dog, and plopped down on the cushion. it was hard to keep my eyes off his body, if im going to be honest.
part of me thought, he only wanted to be shirtless to show off his abs. not because he was comfortable. i silently laughed to myself and he looked over at me.
“what?” he said handing me a pair of chopsticks. i shook my head. “nothing. just thinking.” i voiced.
“hm, what are you thinking about?” he said sitting back after popping a sushi roll in his mouth. he draped his arm across the back of the couch, making it impossible to keep my eyes off his chest. it was just there, and open. and so muscular.
“trust me, you dont wanna know what goes on in my mind-” i said jokingly.
“of course i do. i’d love to hear.” 
we sat for a few hours, talking and laughing. the rain had calmed down a bit and the sun was starting to rise.
“oh my gosh, what time is it?” i said looking out the window. “the sun is already rising?”
wonho slightly yawned and looked down at his watch. “it’s already 5:15am” he chuckled. 
i couldnt believe we sat here for that long and just talked.
i sighed and looked back over at him. “im sorry for keeping you up. i know you guys have a busy day today.” i said apologizing.
he shook his head. “i had a great time- you dont need to apologize.” wonho flashed a soft smile.
a few minutes later, shownu opened the bedroom door- walking out into the kitchen- of course, with his shirt off. wonho and i both greeted him with a soft, good morning.
“you guys havent slept, have you?” he said putting on his glasses. shownu ruffled his hair a bit and yawned.
“i’ll be okay. but nori, should really get some rest.” wonho rubbed my hand before taking mine in his and helping me to my feet.
“nice clothes.” shownu said sarcastically as he came to grab his bag from the couch. i slightly blushed, looking down at my feet.
“um, thanks for the food wonho. will we be seeing you guys later?” i asked, walking over to the hallway where my room was located.
shownu chuckled. “we’ll defiantly let you know after practice. wonho, you should shower first- i wanna spend a little time with misun before we leave.” he said quickly. 
making his way back into the room, wonho approached me.
“will you be alright if we leave you two here?” he asked. i nodded and looked back down at the floor. “im sure we will. thanks for staying- it was really nice talking to you all night.”
wonho agreed then opened his arms, pulling me into a hug. his milky skin was soft and he squeezed me very lightly.
“go get some rest.” he pulled away from my body, grabbing my hips and pushing me to the bedroom. with that, i chuckled and made my way inside- shutting the door quietly.
walking back into the dorm- i looked down at my watch and groaned at the time.
“where have you been all night? you dont look like you slept at all.” kihyun said greeting me.
i shook my head and didnt speak.
“hey..” he said softly as he followed me to my room.
i shut my eyes, placing my hand on my door. “i just wanna sleep, kihyun. im not in the mood to talk.” i groaned.
“its about nori.” 
i sighed and entered the room and he stood in the doorway- with his hands in his pockets.
“yeah, yeah. i know- you told me so. anything else you wanna gloat about?” 
i belly flopped onto the mattress, covering my head with the pillow. 
“well, since you mentioned it. this-” i heard a light chuckled in his voice.
i pushed the pillow off my head and looked up at him, widening my eyes a bit.
in between his fingers, sat a white and gold key card- reading “four seasons”.
“is that a room key?” i sat up quickly, taking it from his hand. “where did you get this?” i questioned as i furrowed my brows.
kihyun shook his head. “just go fix all of this, please. so we can get the group back together in one piece.”
he patted my shoulder and walked off.
i opened my eyes and groaned as i heard a few knocks at the door.
did anyone else not hear that?
“misun..are you awake?” i called out for her as i walked into the hallway, eyes halfway closed. squinting at the clock in the kitchen, i noticed it was 6am. i hadn’t even been asleep for an hour yet. 
as i walked closer to the bathroom, i heard the shower turn off.
huffing slightly, i made my way to the front door- ripping it open. as i rubbed my eyes, they became wider. i inhaled sharply and froze entirely.
jooheon was standing right in front of me, with pink and white roses in his hands.
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my mouth hung open as he looked down at me. he looked so tired, like he hadn’t slept in years. his hoodie was tossed over his head and his smile was weak.
“nori..” he breathed. “i tried to call..” he stated.
his words weren’t even processing correctly.
was this a dream?
i rubbed my eyes once again and jooheon was still standing there.
“w-what are you doing here?” i stuttered. my heart was beating so fast, it almost felt like it was going to burst.
before jooheon could open his mouth, the bathroom door swung open and wonho walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“who’s that at the d-?”
wonho stopped as him and jooheon made eye contact.
i felt the sadness in his eyes as they went straight from wonho, to me. he examined my attire, finally making the connection.
i was in wonho’s clothes. 
me, nori- the woman that was in love with jooheon, was in wonho’s clothing.
his shoulders dropped and his face became extremely pale. the flowers fell out of his hands and he slowly started to back up.
“jooheon..i swear, this isn’t what it looks like..” i whispered. the tears started to fall from my eyes, and i didnt even know it- until they hit my chin.
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tf-guru · 4 years
Basic transformation part 2, a transformation story featuring woman -> pig, woman -> fuck plant, man -> demon, and man -> troll MC
Mckenna woke up inside of a beauty salon. Someone asked a question as she came back to reality. She was standing at the counter as the person repeated the question
"So is a full makeover okay?"
Mckenna looked up and at the questioner. The lady behind the desk had a large beehive and a black shirt with a black apron hanging down. Mckenna gathered her thoughts slowly then she asked
"How did I get here?" The neon lights ahead buzzed and the lady laughed
"Through the front door silly, now let's get started." She opened the small gate to the actual salon area and beckoned for Mckenna to come inside. Putting away her worrys Mckenna walked in as the lady continued
"Alright, lets start with your nails." The two lady's sat down at a desk as the lady unpacked her nail kit and introduced herself
"Im Paula, by the way. What's your name?"
"Mckenna" she replied putting her hand on the desk. Paula selected a color and turned around to show it to her
"Mckenna, that's a pretty name. How's this color?" The polish was a dark shade of green and McKenna nodded her head. Paula began to paint her nails and asked
"So, you gonna be in town long or what?"
"Excuse me? What do you mean by that?"
"Honey, its a small town. Everyone knows everybody and since I don't know you you must not be from around here."
"Not to be a bother but what town would that be?"
"Alterbourough, Michigan. Its so small I'd doubt you'd find it on a map."
Mckenna then thought,
'So thats the explanation, I must have blacked out or something on the way to Michigan and then decided to go get a makeover.' She then responded to Paula
"No, were just passing through. My friends and I are heading up to a cabin for vacation." Mckenna's hand sort of felt strange, almost numb. She began to look at it when Paula hit her with another question
"Do you have a boyfriend?" A mental image of Derrick appeared in her mind. She looked at his face but then her eyes drifted down to his trousers. She imagined sucking his cock and how amazing it would feel. She slipped into a lust endured haze and didn't even notice as the skin around her hand began to take a greenish hue.
She finally snapped out of it when she felt the seat get a little moist due to her leaking pussy. Paula had her stand up and head over to the hair styling station. Mckenna didn't think anything of her green arm, only of sucking Derricks cock when she would get home. Paula sat her down and begun to style her hair. Subconsciously Mckenna reached down under her skirt and started to rub her pussy that was now munching at her panties.
Paula asked another question
"So what do you like most about your boyfriend?"
"Oh he's nice but the thing I love most is his big throbbing cock." She didn't know why she was being so upfront with this stranger but as soon as she mentioned Derricks cock Mckenna slipped a finger under her panties and into her pussy. The green had spread to her breasts causing them to not only turn green but to fill out more as well. Soon, half her body was fully green. Mckenna began to slink deeper and deeper into the lust.
Hailey entered the strange area and remarked simply on its magnitude
"Holy shit." She walked into the main room and then looked to find two hallways, one was dark and the other featured overhead led lights. Within the hallway was many doors spaced evenly. As she got closer she strained her ears and could hear...
Mckenna! She couldnt make out any distinct words but she new it was her friend.
Mckenna had fully ripped off her soaked panties and was masturbating furiously. Paula stood and watched the poor girl as Paula herself began a transformation. Her breasts receded into normal human nipples, she lost her hourglass frame but gained muscle in return. Soon she was a tall, muscular, man. Paul saw Mckennas lips puff up into a soft blanket perfectly suited for sucking cock.
Paul approached and dropped his pants. Upon seeing his large member Mckenna dazily said
"Must... suck" she closed her eyes and opened her mouth as Paul slid a finger into her mouth
"Not yet my little fuckplant, not yet." Mckenna looked up at him as...
Hailey bursted in through the back door of the salon. She saw her friend, now fully tinted green and called out
"Mckenna! Snap out of it! Don't give in to the temptation!"
Mckenna looked over and said
"What- do you- mean temptations? Wait, why are you here and when did you get so pudgy?" As soon as she finished speaking Mckenna refocused back in to Paul.
"This isn't you! You must resist!"
"Must... resist... must suck! Im a good fuck-" Mckenna was cut off by Paul shoving his penis in her mouth. Hailey tried to run to her but some sort of energy was keeping her back.
"Mckenna! Look at what your doing! Look at yourself! See past the- the illusion!" Mckenna kept sucking as her skin faded to a darker shade of green. Her breast grew even larger but she as a whole began to shrink. Her mouth pressed forwards into a long dick-sucking chamber as her fingers merged into long leaves. As she sucked her thoughts became overpowered by one simple thought
"Must... suck" Paul reached bellow her chair and grabbed a pot. He then lifted Mckenna up and sat her in the pot. She continued to mindlessly suck as she settled into the pot. When her transformation was complete Paul pulled away with Mckenna still suckimg at the air. Paul gave one look at Hailey before running out the front of the salon.
Finally, the force field dropped and Hailey headed towards her friend. She went to grab her friends pot when Mckenna latched on to Hailey's finger and started to suck.
It felt like she was having twenty orgasms at once and Hailey almost fell to the floor due to it. As Mckenna sucked Hailey's previously fought off changes began to come back. Her nose flared up and extended into a pigs snout, her ears grew large and drooped over, and she omce again gained more weight. Looking up past her snout, Hailey saw Mckenna sucking and realized what was happening. She quickly pulled away and the changes regressed until she was back to her chubby self.
Looking where Paul had gotten the pot from Hailey also found a collection of sex toys. Grabbing one she shoved it in Mckenna's agape, drooling, dick craving mouth. She then looked a the sucking fuck plant and said
"Look, I don't know if your still in there Mckenna but we have to find the boys so they don't become creatures like us. Alright, lets go." Hailey grabbed Mckenna by the pot and carried her outside the salon.
Derrick awoke in a small, simple room. Not unlike the dorms back at college. He was chained to the post of a bed with his hands behind his back.
"Hello? Anybody here? Help?" Then, as if answering his prayers Derrick heard a popping noise and then a tall brown skinned man wearing a fancy black suit approached him. Perhaps the most interesting piece was the mans legs. Bellow his waist were two large goat thighs, covered in a thick dark brown fur before finally being completed with two goat hoaves and a tail to boot.
"My my my. Seems like you've gotten yourself into a predicament havent you Derrick."
"How do you know my name? What is this place? Why am I here? Who ar-" the mysterious man cut him off
"Shhh shh shh shh shh. Ill go over your questions one at a time. Starting with introductions. I am Pan a pretty famous satyr, though those Greeks myths were never quite right. Why don't you stand up and shake my hand?"
"I am uh chained to the floor."
"Oh yes! I'm sorry. Off those go." With a wave of his hand Pan made the chains disappear.
"Now to address some of your other questions" Pam continued "The place you're in is my home. Why are you here? Well recently one of my many servants well... let's just say there's a position in my organization and I need someone to fill it. I believe that someone may be you."
Derrick thought about it for a moment as he thought back to the events from before he woke up here.
"Wait. Where are the girls?" He questioned, to which Pan responded
"Oh yes your friends are getting... acquainted with the place. But for you you shouldn't need to worry about them anymore. This is what matters Derrick! Our deal would be simple. I give you the gift of immortality, God like powers, all the amenities my home has to offer, yadda yadda yadda. All I ask in return is just eternal patronage, really a small price to pay."
"I dont think I could do that. I-I have a girlfriend I have a life!"
"Oh tish, why go about your boring human life and eventually die when you could join me and rise above the rest! You could see worlds you never thought you would! Learn things you never thought possible! Magic! Things go way deeper than that puddle you call human existence, trust me. All you have to be willing to do is take it for yourself!"
Derrick was deep in thought for a moment before looking up.
"I agree. On one condition."
"Mckenna gets to join me. You make her immortal and I will join you."
"Well... hmmm. Its highly unnatural but, what the heck. Deal granted!" The two shook hands and Derrick started to feel strange. Like some sort of energy growing inside him and it wasn't just his penis slowly creeping down his leg.
"Whats going on!?"
"Oh fear not, your bodies just getting acclimated to immortality."
Derrick had always been a relaxed guy when it came to exercise but now it looked like he always had been. His normally slightly flabby stomach was now home to a chisled set of abs. His arms and legs became more toned and muscular. When he felt the changes stop he inspected himself, already glad he made the deal.
But then he felt another change. He undid his tightening pants only to see thick fur, akin to Pan's starting to coat his own legs.
"This wasn't part of the deal!"
"Oh but yes it was, specifically under God like powers."
Derrick was about to offer rebuttal when he felt his legs burst through his jeans. The fur now covered his legs and got to his feet. His toes begun to fuse together in cloven hooves. His penis grew large and flared at the tip, turning into a fully ursine penis. He gripped it and almost immediately cummed as the changes easily brought him to climax. To top it all off Derrick could now feel a tail spiral around his furry legs. He leaned on the bedframe for a moment to catch his breath before finally saying
"Alright, now let me see my girlfriend"
Pan tugged at his collar and begun to explain
"Well it appears your girlfriend well. She did something she wasn't supposed to and well. Let me just bring her in" he waved his hand and McKenna the fuck plant was now on the table next to the bed.
She may have been completely changed into a constantly horny, sucking creature but Derrick could tell it was Mckenna.
"What did you do to her you son of a bitch!" Pan waved his hand and a stack of books appeared next to Mckenna.
"Look Derrick, here's what you can do. In one of these books there's probably a spell to reverse a transformation like that. You familiarize yourself with them and let me know if you need help. Toodles!" And with that final utterance of toodles, Pan was gone.
"Alright babe I'm going to- uhah." While Derrick was busy being mad at Pan Mckenna had found Derrick thick throbbing member and was now quickly sucking.
One second Hailey was carrying her friend turned fuck plant and the next she wasn't. She briefly stopped to look around and called out
"Mckenna!?" She stopped for a moment to listen for Mckennas sucking noises but heard nothing. She them decided she had no time to waste and kept looking down the long hallways filled with doors, trying to listen for her boyfriend.
Around five minutes later she approached a long carpeted hallway when she saw him, joe! He was lying down in a cot in what appeared to be a strange cave. He looked strange, he was covered in dirt and his clothes were all torn. She went to open the door when she felt a hand on her arm.
"I personally wouldn't recommend that young lady." She reeled back in shock at the half man half goat in a fancy suit before her.
"Who-who are you?"
"Im Pan, the famous diety of Greek fame, but that's not important. Essentially I run this place. All the things you've seen, your friend, the farmer, the farm itself. Its all ran by me. And let me say I am pleasantly surprised you managed to resist your changes. Well, mostly." He poked the layer of fat still surrounding Haileys stomach.
"What in the hell is wrong with you! Let me go!"
"Not quite yet. Hailey I'm offering you a deal. Granted how impressed I am with you it would be unfit to simply keep you here without a choice. Here is the choice. You go through that door" he gestures behind him as a glowing door appears. "And you get out of here scott free. Don't worry about the repercussions of your friends going missing I can have that taken care of. Maybe even your boyfriend over there will pass the test and you two can ride off into the sunset. But, you go rush to your boyfriend now and there's no going back. Trust me, there's no way out. Make the smart choice."
"Sometimes... the smart choice isn't the best choice. Sometimes you have to do what's right."
"And to think I had respect for you" Pan dissappeared into a puff of smoke as the glowing door closed. She went over and tried to open the door to the cave but it wouldn't budge.
"This isn't fair Pan!" No response. Hailey watched as her boyfriend awoke and she banged on the glass. He made no reaction to it. She watched as a bearded old man came in and said something to Joe. She continued to bang on the glass.
Joe awoke, alone. He looked around to try and interpret his surroundings but all he saw was an empty cave with an opening to one end. Strewn around him was various medicinal items like herbs, mortar and pestle, bandages, ect. As he finally realized he was super dirty and disheveled a man hobbled into the room and said
"Its nice to see you Joe, how are you feeling?"
"What? Where am I? Who are you?"
"Ah I see, in one of your moods again. Joe, you've been here two months. I'm Jack Hewitt. I've taken care of you ever since the crash."
"What crash?"
"Oh yes, you and what I assume were your friends were driving along the road near here and you hit a tree. I saw the whole thing and tried to rescue all of you. I'm afraid your friends are dead Joe."
"What? It can't be! I thought we had run out of gas and-and"
"Here, drink up. It'll help you concentrate." Jack handed Joe a small vial which he cautiously drank. Almost immediately what blurry recollection he had of them running out of gas shifted to him being dragged from the burning car by Jack. He then remembered snippets of being carried to a small wooded camp and being placed in the cave.
He watched as Jack smashed up some herb in the morter and pestle before offering it the Joe.
"This is the ukamimus herb, wakes you up." Joe took this and instinctively chewed on it slowly.
"If you need anything Joe, don't be afraid to ask." With that, Jack left Joe alone in the cave. Joe thought about his friends. Derrick, Mckenna, Hailey. He thought more about Hailey, and his sorrow turned to arousal with his penis growing in his pants.
Checking that Jack wasn't near Joe took off his riped jeans and touched his throbbing member. He thought of Hailey as he rubbed his cock. Her round supple breasts, her cute brown hair, her ability to eat a lot of food.
He stopped for a moment. Why had he thought something like that? He dismissed it and continued. As he approached orgasm he thought more about her. Her scent. He remembered one time when she came home after a jog and was all sweaty and then they had sex. He focused in on her sweat and how much he liked it. As he was lost in this haze he missed his stomach gain weight. Then he orgasmed, as he did so his balls grew and his penis became even longer.
He stood up, still fully erect and nude and realized he was now at least a foot taller.
"What the? Eh, must have grew in sleep." He then heard his stomach growl so he headed out of the cave almost hitting his head on the ten foot high opening. Almost as if he read his mind Jack was cooking a goat on a skewer over a camp fire.
"Im hunger." He said aloud, not addressing his nudity. Jack said nothing and watched Joe grab a leg off the goat and eating it to the bone. As he ate he gained even more weight until he was sitting around four hundred pounds.
When he was finished he walked back to his cave. The bottom part of his face began to jut out and two of his bottom teeth grew put into protruding tusks.
Going to jerk off again he looked down and felt something was wrong but couldn't quite place it.
"Me... fat? I no fat." Any harder words escaped him as the usually smart Joe searched for words he didn't know. He inhaled his musk.
"I big stinky troll. But I human? I human! Or... I fat troll?" He scratched his head as he tried to figure out the answer.
"I horny troll." With that he jerked off one more time and official crossed the point of no return. At that very moment a door that was previously closed swung open behind him.
"Joe!" The massive troll turned around to see his... his... he couldn't find the word for it. After settling on mate he said
"Hay Hay? Why you here?"
"Im here to get you out. You have to fight the transformation!"
"Tran-tran... me no change. I'm a big stinky dumb troll." Hailey then tried to explain what was happening but Joe wasn't listening. He instead was focused on Haileys breasts and how much he wanted her to suck his dick. A trickle of drool fell from his mouth as he walked towards her, his fat jiggling with every step.
"Joe? Joe!?" He grabbed her and brought her towards his large sweaty penis. She tried to pull away but he was too strong. His penis entered her mouth and the taste of sweat and the smell of musk engulfed her.
'Must resist!' She thought as the sweat covered penis touched the back of her throat. But the smell of his musk soon became too much and she fully gave herself to him.
She regained weight and lost her even slightly thin figure. Her nose flared up and extended outwards into a piggy snout. As her ears grew and flopped over Joe finally came unleashing his salty load into her mouth. He fell back in ecstasy as she detached and fell onto her side. Her eyes lost some of her human blue in exchange for a pigs dull brown. A small tail curled from her backside as her hands and feet merged into simple trotters. Her transformation finished as she rounded out into a barrel shaped body. She snorted and looked up
Pan had entered the room and put a hoof on the pigs back. She looked up at him cluelessly with dull brown eyes. Pan sighed and began to lead her back to the farm.
Joe awoke like most days, horny. Almost two actual months had passed since he had been transformed but Joe did not know or care. He simply woke up, ate a leg off the goat that magically appeared every morning and masturbated. Jack had long gone leaving Joe alone in a small forested area. He wasn't sad or bored. He was content with his simple life of eating, jerking off, and sleeping. But one day that all changed when a girl named Alda had stumbled through the forrest, half human half troll but changing rapidly. By the time they finished having sex she was fully a four hundred pound troll. Now his days consited of eating goat with Alda, having sex with Alda, talking to Alda (which wasn't anything complex given their limited vocabulary), and sleeping with his arms around Alda. And Joe, well. He finally felt happy.
After she had been taken back to the farm Hailey had adapted quickly. Having the mind of a pig made it easy. She had very blurry memories of her friends but otherwise she was like any other sow. She got to eat slop, mud bathe, and have sex with boars. It was nice. Around two months after she had arrived at the farm she was visited by Pan. "Hailey?" She perked up without knowing why and trotted over to the man she remembered brought her here. "Look, I've given it thought and I'd like to grant you an opportunity." She looked at him dumbly and snorted. "Oh, right" he said and waived his hand. Suddenly all of Haileys intelect had returned and memories flooded back. She looked down at her fat quadrupled form and snorted in panic. "Shhh shhh shhh." He ran his hand down her back. She hated how much this calmed her. "Like I said I have an opportunity for you. You can either remain a dumb sow for the rest of eternity or you could become one of my actors. Youd live a good life shape-shifting into various forms to trick people into changing into creatures. I don't usually do this but I was thinking about how well you did in your test even if you did slip up there at the end." She considered her options in her head. As a sow she didn't even realize what she was missing but now that she could think she decided that whatever it took, she would be human again. A minute later Hailey stood up and Pan outstretched his hand "Welcome aboard!"
"Retrindoso!" Derrick let out another spell directed at his potted girlfriend and then sighed at the lack of effect. He had been trying for two months to turn his girlfriend back. Hsi spacious room was filled with books and little notes but still all he had managed to do was make her boobs bigger.The spell he tried was intended to make someone young again so he figured if she was human when she was young she would be human again. Sadly it didnt work. He looked at another spell and put his finger in her mouth and she quickly sucked on it. "Greendeich!" He yelled and waited to see if anything happened. As nothing did he looked for another spell when... Mckennas leaves began to sperate into distinct fingers and her roots spread out into toes. She stood up an eyed Derrick whose attention was still on the book. Her dick sucking mouth receded into a normal human one. She then said "babe?" Derrick spun around in shock. His girlfriend was still completely green and covered in vines but she was humanoid! "Mckenna?!" Mckenna jumped at him and said "I wanna fuck you so bad!" As she began to go down on him Derrick thought 'Hey, its a start!'
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straw-bana-blog · 7 years
Strawbana Texts
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Ruby Sun 
(5:13 p.m.) Hey Ruby what are we supposed to bring??? Blake said u said nothing but like (5:13 p.m.) We can’t bring NOTHING, y’know? (5:26 p.m.) Ruby. Pls (5:27 p.m.) we have to leave right now!!! Help me out here!! (5:30 p.m.) we’re leaving I’m bringing a literal dildo
(5:31 p.m.) nO (5:32 p.m.) pls dont sun im begging u
(10:58 p.m.) ur lucky I’m a good friend
(10:58 p.m.) i seriously would have died (10:58 p.m.) thank u for not ruining my innocent soul
(11:03 p.m.) I wouldn’t have done it you know. I don’t even have a dildo. Where do ppl get them?? Do they just magically appear under ur bed?
(11:04 p.m.) :)
(8:47 a.m.) hey r u busy??
(8:48 a.m.) I mean it’s summer holidays and it’s before 9 in the morning on a sunday, but nah I’m free
(8:52 a.m.) gr8. meet me @ my place in 10
(8:53 a.m.) ????? where are ur manners young lady
(8:58 a.m.) pls? :)
(8:59 a.m) I’ll be there in 15 (1:43 p.m.) u make it back ok?
(1:45 p.m.) ye (1:46 p.m.) just got back now y?
(1:52 p.m.) just making sure you’re ok (1:56 p.m.) sorry we ended up being out so late… my bad
(1:57 p.m.) don’t worry about it, like I said, it was my fault too. I just needed to talk to someone, thanks for listening.
(1:57 p.m.) hey I’m just glad you came to me first (1:58 p.m.) also I think this is the first time u actually used proper grammar wow
(1:59 p.m.) i can use proper grammar whenevr i want 2 ty vry much (1:59 p.m.) and actually I messaged Blake first :^)
(2:01 p.m.) ur evil
(2:02 p.m.) u kno u love it (2:02 p.m.) + what did u expect ur sis is HOT
(2:03 p.m.) somebody, please kill me.
(8:53 p.m.) hey sun what r u doing tomorrow?
(8:55 p.m.) ruby i love u but I CAN’T go for another 5 hour walk tomorrow (8:55 p.m.) I will literally die (8:56 p.m.) I can already feel my legs turning to lead. please. have mercy.
(8:58 p.m.) nono, Yang wants to know if u and blake wanna come over tomorrow and do a movie marathon (8:58 p.m.) we’re inviting weiss too, if that helps blake :p (8:59 p.m.) but trust me i think my legs r about to fall off 2. so much regret…(8:59 p.m.) i think it’s a sign i should start working out again.
(9:00 p.m.) you used to work out?? When? (9:00 p.m.) as a kid??
(9:01 p.m.) o yea, u weren’t here yet back then… (9:02 p.m.) ok u have to promise not to laugh here.
(9:04 p.m.) why would I laugh at you?? have u seen my abs??? being strong is cool
(9:05 p.m.) yeah when it’s for cool reasons. (9:06 p.m.) I…. used to fence…..
(9:07 p.m.) …...as in put fences up?
(9:07 p.m.) sGVajhKhBkdu I’m leaving
(9:08 p.m.) no! no I’m just kidding ruby don’t go! I’m sorry it’s just a little funny (9:10 p.m.) you’re just not the type of person I imagine fencing I guess…? (9:23 p.m.) ruby pls…. (9:48 p.m.) Blake said she can come if that helps…… (9:52 p.m.) which means I can come too? (9:57 p.m.) why do u do this.
(1:30 a.m.) hey u still awake??
(1:32 a.m.) yeah, got Blake on me tho. Trapped. (1:33 a.m.) she’s heavier than u would think
(1:34 a.m.) ye, yang and weiss r actually cuddling rn it’s kinda cute
(1:35 a.m.) better not tell Blake in the morning
(1:35 a.m.) i’m not stupid enough to, i dont wanna die so young
(1:36 a.m.) so what are you still doing up??
(1:36 a.m.) i could ask u the same thing
(1:36 a.m.) dodge the question much? Don’t make me come over there and tickle it out of u. u know i will
(1:37 a.m.) it really isn’t anything serious actually. I just couldn’t sleep I guess?? I’ve been having more and more trouble lately. And it’s even harder with everyone else sleeping in the same room. (1:37 a.m.) like I love Yang but her snoring…. I’m surprised weiss hasn’t woken up or kicked her or something already
(1:38 a.m.) oh i’m sorry. and we were all being pretty loud too when you decided to try and get some sleep earlier… did you even get any?
(1:39 a.m.) nah, but don’t worry :) I don’t normally sleep that much anyway.
(1:40 a.m.) jeez i’m sorry ruby. I’ll remember for next time. Do you want me to let you try and get some sleep?
(1:40 a.m.) no don’t worry about it sun, honestly. I’ll get a couple hours at least. It’ll just take me a while to actually get to sleep
(1:41 a.m.) do u want me to wake up Blake and we can leave?? That might help. We could just wake everyone up and all go home… (1:41 a.m.) I know you still live with Yang, but I can’t help that. You just gotta live with it.
(1:42 a.m.) don’t worry, I’m not that worried about Yang :p (1:42 a.m.) really though, don’t worry. It’s not something that can be helped (1:43 a.m.) I think even if I was in a dark and silent room, I’d still have trouble sleeping you know? (1:44 a.m.) It’s not really something I’ve talked about with anyone else but… I’ve been having nightmares ever since Yang lost her arm. (1:45 a.m.) before you say anything, I know it was an accident, but it still scares me, you know? I’m not a stranger to death, but seeing my sister come that close…
(1:45 a.m.) Hey, Ruby don’t worry about explaining yourself to me. You know I’ll support you no matter what right? (1:46 a.m.) Look. I know we’re not really the best of friends, but I care about you. A lot. Probably more than you think. I think you’re strong and cool, and looking back I probably should have known you would have done fencing or SOMETHING, with your love of weapons. (1:47 a.m.) I just want you to know I care about you. So if you ever need to talk, like yesterday.. I’m here for you. That includes talking about your nightmares, and everything that happened with Yang.
(1:49 a.m.) thanks sun. I’m sorry for bothering you again. I promise, there’s nothing majorly wrong with me, it’s just some nightmares. Really. I’ll come to you if I ever think it’s starting to become more. And I won’t even pretend to message Blake first :p
(1:50 a.m.) No problem, Rubes. I’m glad you trust me enough to share this sorta stuff with.
(1:50 a.m.) :) (1:54 a.m.) Hey (1:54 a.m.) do u wanna know why I quit fencing? It’s actually a funny story.
(1:55 a.m.) shoot.
(1:56 a.m.) well actually, the funny story is why I STARTED fencing, but it’s all the same story anyway. (1:57 a.m.) so actually the reason I started is because I wanted to swing a sword around (what a shocker :p) and I thought fencing would be cool. I thought I’d get to stab some people and learn how to swing a sword (1:58 a.m.) what I didn’t know was that you don’t get a sword. And you don’t even really get to swing your sword around a lot. You just sorta… poke ppl. (1:59 a.m.) anyway, I was actually pretty good for a while… I got into the national championship. Everyone was super proud of me. Yang and dad came to every game. My uncle Qrow even made it to the finals. (2:00 a.m.) Then I lost. (2:00 a.m.) The funny thing was, I didn’t even really care. Everyone else seemed to be way more disappointed than I was. I was just… glad it was over and I didn’t have to go to another, harder match. (2:01 a.m.) so I quit. I’d kept going because I was making everyone proud, I kept going because I was good. But once I had nothing left to do it for, I just… Couldn’t bring myself to even try. (2:02 a.m.) anyway dad was… let’s just say really upset. It was super dramatic. But Yang… She understood why, I think. (2:03 a.m.) she just gave me a slap on the back and said ‘Competition too easy for you eh? I know what that’s like.’ (2:04 a.m.) I always appreciated that she just understood me and let it go, you know? And now sometimes I go to martial arts practise with her and just watch. She’s pretty good at hand-to-hand. (2:05 a.m.) sometimes I think about just following her footsteps. But I think I need to find something that I’m good at all on my own.
(2:07 a.m.) You just keep on surprising me Ruby. (2:07 a.m.) No but really, that’s actually mature of you. I think it’s pretty cool you want to find something for yourself.
(2:08 a.m.) I’ve always been the type to try and walk my own path, I guess.
(2:09 a.m.) That doesn’t surprise me at all.
(2:11 a.m.) hey im gonna go to bed now, but thanks for listening sun. i feel a lot better :)
(2:12 a.m.) no problem
(1:25 p.m.) hELP (1:26 p.m.) yang is chasing me. i think shes going 2 kill me (1:26 p.m.) she MAY be covered in grape soda…. from a can… that i may have shook up… a lot (1:28 p.m.) sun pls help???
(1:31 p.m.) I think I’m good, rubes. shes ur sister
(1:32 p.m.) D: (1:35 p.m.) you’re lucky im a fast runner. otherwise i think i would be ded (1:37 p.m.) im not even joking. yang MIGHT have been wearing her new white shirt….. and it may or may not be stained right now… hehe (1:38 p.m.) u should have seen the look on her face when she realised it was me. hilarious
(1:38 p.m.) what r we going to do with u…. honestly (1:39 p.m.) u NEVER stick around to watch the crime. they can’t blame u if they can’t see u ;)
(1:42 p.m.) I think you might be a bad influence on me….
(1:43 p.m.) D: (1:44 p.m.) excuse u which one of us is the junior detective huh? That’s right. me 
(1:45 p.m.) i think ur forgetting which one of us stowed away on a ship to get here
(1:46 p.m.) u got me there, princess 
(1:46 p.m.) ;) (2:03 p.m.) hey what are u doing right now anyway???
(2:05 p.m.) on the clock actually. a junior detective’s work is never done!
(2:06 p.m.) ha-ha (2:06 p.m.) no but really.
(2:08 p.m.) no really, I am actually on the clock right now, why?
(2:09 p.m.) oh (2:11 p.m.) no reason I was just curious. Blake said u weren’t at home (2:12 p.m.) i though maybe u had gone and got urself a girlfriend or something ; 
(2:15 p.m.) Nah. I know I flirt a lot with other girls.. but I don’t really want to date anyone right now
(2:23 p.m.) oh ok. (2:25 p.m.) i was just joking u know. i know ur not really that kinda guy (2:26 p.m.) You’re too nice
(2:29 p.m.) u calling me a nice guy??? (2:33 p.m.) you’re gonna ruin my bad boy cred :^(
(2:35 p.m.) haha don’t worry. i’ll keep ur secret :^)
(2:40 p.m.) knew i could trust u red
(2:43 p.m.) ugh. regretting it already
(2:45 p.m.) what? don’t like it?
(2:46 p.m.) doesn’t it sound creepy 2 u????
(2:49 p.m.) should i just stick to princess? ;)
(2:52 p.m.) pls…. although it is better than red……
(2:55 p.m.) I’m taking that as a yes, princess!
(2:59 p.m.) why r we even friends…..
(3:01 p.m.) u know u love it
 (11:48 p.m.) hey, you wanna go for a midnight walk
(11:52 p.m.) but… it’s cold
(11:53 p.m.) It’s summer! (11:54 p.m.) :(
(11:55 p.m.)  how about u come over here? u can join me in my blanket nest ^^
(11:56 p.m.) that is so… (11:56 p.m.) adorable. (11:57 p.m.) alright I’m in. be over in 10?
(11:59 p.m.) :D
 (4:32 a.m.) hey u make it back ok? i feel bad u had to walk back in the dark alone…
(4:33 a.m.) don’t worry, I’m a big strong man <3 (4:34 a.m.) which means if I got stabbed, I could yell SO loud. (4:34 a.m.) im sure you’d come save me
(4:35 a.m.) ….but it’s so cold outside….
(4:35 a.m.) RUBY! (4:36 a.m.) D’:
(4:39 a.m.) im sorry… you’ll be remembered sun
(4:42 a.m.) i wouldn’t need to be remembered if u would come outside and save me!!!
(4:43 a.m.) sun was such a great guy, everybody loved him and his loud, girly screams….
(4:45 a.m.) i guess I’ll just save myself then :^( (4:47 a.m.) i’ll be my own knight in shining armour
(4:50 a.m.) good for u!!! u don’t need no man
(4:52 a.m.) i might if i was getting STABBED, ruby
(4:53 a.m.) nah, girl power sun!
(4:54 a.m.) I think that only counts if you’re actually a girl.
(4:56 a.m.) girl power is good for everybody!
(4:57 a.m.) except when ur getting STABBED. did i mention???
(4:59 a.m.) you big baby (4:59 a.m.) fine… I guess I would force myself to leave the sweet, warm embrace of my blanket nest for u…. If u were getting stabbed.
(5:01 a.m.) :) (3:06 p.m.) hey, do u wanna go to the movies with me tonight? (3:09 p.m.) just you and me
(3:09 p.m.) oh sorry, i already asked yang, is that ok?? It can just be the three of us if u want?
(3:12 p.m.) yea thats fine. (3:13 p.m.) but I get to pick the movie this time!
(3:15 p.m.) noo you always pick those buddy cop movies!! They’re all the saaame! People shoot each other and the cops always win
(3:18 p.m.) hey, Try Hard 3: Try harderest is a classic and you can’t deny it! You know you loved watching it (3:23 p.m.) besides, last time u picked we watched a stupid movie about a dying dog
(3:25 p.m.) hey, how was I supposed to know the dog was going to die??? it traumatized me just as much (3:27 p.m.) and if it was so stupid, then why were u crying 10 minutes in????
(3:32 p.m.) hey little bobby finding out Bud had cancer was an emotional, tender moment where ANYONE would have cried. (3:32 p.m.) Anyone who didn’t is a monster.
(3:34 p.m.) hmm… (3:36 p.m.) anyway, Yang said she wants to go see Injustice 5 (3:37 p.m.) it’s still an action movie, so you should be happy right?
(3:40 p.m.) well… (3:41 p.m.) it’s no Try Hard 3, but it’s better than whatever you might suggest.
(3:42 p.m.) hey! (3:43 p.m.) I can pick out good movies, just you watch. Next time we go let me pick. I’ll prove u wrong
(3:45 p.m.) deal. (3:45 p.m.) but next time no inviting Yang. just the two of us.
(3:47 p.m.) you’re weird (3:49 p.m.) but deal. I’m gonna pick a movie so great u will bow before me! (3:52 p.m.) and then you’ll have to pay for the next movie
(3:53 p.m.) yeah yeah, but I’m only paying for you! (3:54 p.m.) and if i win u have to buy me dinner :p
(3:56 p.m.) as if I would ever lose!
(3:59 p.m.) yeah well i think no matter what happens, i’m not losing either ;)
(3:59 p.m.) again. ur weird
(4:01 p.m.) ;* <3
 (2:31 a.m.) I’m boreed.
(2:32 a.m.) and I’m sleepy (2:32 a.m.) what’s up??
(2:33 a.m.) idk. just cant sleep i guess
(2:34 a.m.) is there something i can do?
(2:35 a.m.) not sure. talk to me
(2:36 a.m.) about what?
(2:37 a.m.) i dont know, puppies? unicorns and rainbows??? whatevers on your mind
(2:38 a.m.) ok puppies ARE always on my mind, but unicorns and rainbows sun? Really??
(2:38 a.m.) hey im not the innocent one of the group ok (2:39 a.m.) what do u think about then?
(2:41 a.m.) idk… regular stuff??? my friends, my family… people i care about. also puppies
(2:42 a.m.) yea i got that part. (2:42 a.m.) and i guess i just thought maybe (2:43 a.m.) idk (2:43 a.m.) that you thought about crushes or something (2:44 a.m.) that’s what most ppl think about
(2:46 a.m.) yeah i guess. sometimes i do. idk i don’t really have any crushes right now (2:47 a.m.) unless you count my undying love for cookies. (2:47 a.m.) and Blake’s thighs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(2:48 a.m.) ur so weird ruby (2:49 a.m.) you’re supposed to be the innocent one
(2:50 a.m.) oh you know im only kidding. (2:51 a.m.) blakes too in love with weiss anyway
(2:51 a.m.) if she wasn’t, would you like her??
(2:52 a.m.) what do you mean?
(2:53 a.m.) i was just asking. since we were already on the topic of crushes anyway
(2:54 a.m.) I guess (2:55 a.m.) nah but really. i liked blake once but… it was just a stupid crush (2:56 a.m.) and anyway that was before u got here.
(2:57 a.m.) what does that mean??
(2:58 a.m.) what? Nothing??? I just meant it was a while ago
(2:59 a.m.) oh ok
(3:01 a.m.) you’ve been weirdly interested in crushes lately
(3:02 a.m.) not really. i’ve been asking everyone. guess im just curious
(3:04 a.m.) u want to talk about something?
(3:08 a.m.) not really (3:09 a.m.) anyways thanks 4 curing my boredom (3:09 a.m.) I’m gonna go to bed now
(3:10 a.m.) hey don’t leave!! now i cant sleep :(
(3:11 a.m.) goodnight ;*
(3:12 a.m.) Sun Wukong u get ur butt back here (3:15 a.m.) sun pls (3:22 a.m.) ugh goodnight
 (5:47 p.m.) hey yang and i are gonna be a little late (5:47 p.m.) we kinda crashed
(5:48 p.m.) what???! On her bike???? Were you guys wearing helmets? Are you okay?????
(5:50 p.m.) yeah, yeah we’re fine. It’s nothing major, we just have to exchange insurance details with the guy who ran into us. (5:51 p.m.) yang’s got a big cut on her leg but she said she’ll just bandage it when we get over there.
(5:52 p.m.) you guys aren’t even going to the hospital?? Go to the hospital!!!
(5:53 p.m.) calm down, monkey boy. We’re fine, really. it isn’t a big deal. Yang’s bike even still works
(5:54 p.m.) leave it there, im coming to get u guys (5:57 p.m.) where r u  
(5:59 p.m.) you don’t need to sun we’re like, 5 minutes away.
(5:59 p.m.) already in the car bout 2 drive (6:00 p.m.) call me 2 tell me where u r
(6:01 p.m.) u really don’t need to…. But ok
(11:59 p.m.) hey where did u go?
 (12:00 a.m.) I just went for a walk. I needed to clear my head
(12:01 a.m.) hey if this is about earlier im sorry
(12:02 a.m.) nono, i just needed some fresh air dw (12:02 a.m.) it was just a bit crowded in there
(12:03 a.m.) rubes, it was just the gang. (12:04 a.m.) what’s really going on
(12:05 a.m.) it’s nothing (12: 06 a.m.) i guess im just thinking about what you said earlier
(12:07 a.m.) that? i said don’t worry about that. its not your problem.
(12:10 a.m.) no that’s not what i meant (12:11 a.m.) forget about it
(12:12 a.m.) what does that mean??? (12:12 a.m.) what did i say? (12:15 a.m.) ruby??? (1:03 a.m.) hey at least come back, ok? i promise i won’t make u talk about it (1:16 a.m.) just come back ok?
(1:29 a.m.) im already home, don’t worry. u guys stay there (1:32 a.m.) I think I just need a little sleep (1:34 a.m.) im not really feeling well
(1:35 a.m.) well it’s no wonder when you were out in the cold for 2 hours (1:36 a.m.) im coming over
(1:38 a.m.) no just stay over there ok? You guys have fun
(1:39 a.m.) ruby. Clearly im not going to have fun if you’re not here.
(1:42 a.m.) sure you will. Everything’s fun if you’re there
(1:43 a.m.) ok I’m really coming over there now.
(1:44 a.m.) and i’m going to bed (1:45 a.m.) have fun with your party, monkey boy
(1:45 a.m.) hey I’m the only one giving out nicknames here (1:47 a.m.) sleep well x
 (11:30 a.m.) hey are you feeling any better? Yang told me you’ve been throwing up
(11:34 a.m.) how nice of her. (11:35 a.m.) I’m ok. I think I really did get sick being out in the cold for hours…
(11:36 a.m.) told u (11:38 a.m.) do you want me to come over and make you soup?
(11:45 a.m.) yes please (11:46 a.m.) you’re the best
(11:49 a.m.) I know right? ;) (11:49 a.m.) anyways I’ll be over in 10 ok? In the meantime pls don’t die on me
(11:53 a.m.) yes because that’s exactly my plan
(11:54 a.m.) it’s a very good plan, princess.
(11:57 a.m.) don’t patronize me, Wukong (→_→)
(11:59 a.m.) please you love it
(12:01 a.m.) … (12:02 a.m.) <3
(12:02 a.m.) :D
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hodgepodge509388 · 3 years
First gay incest experience lead to bisexual incest
So before i get started let me clarify that nothing physical happened until i was of legal age. Also this is my first story so please be kind and helpful with comments or ideas on how to improve. Also if anybody has any questions about this story JUST INBOX ME ;). Enjoy
My dad and I had always been close in what some people would call an odd way. My mom passed away when I was 3 so dad basically raised me by himself. Growing up we did everything together. Cuddled (sometimes he would be naked) and watched sports, went to games, he would give me baths, and some other stuff. But as I got older I noticed how dad would start to look at me more and more and for longer amounts of time.
Well I love sports so when I made my college swim team i was excited. I loved it. And I was actually pretty good at it. The only thing I wasnt used to was the trunks we had to wear. The coaches could call them trunks all they want but they were more like speedos/thongs for guys. So ya they took getting used to haha. Anyway, my first day of practice I came home still in my trunks and went to the kitchen to find my dad. I walked in and noticed dad eyeing me.
Dad=hey how was the first day?
Me=not bad, these (I point to my trunks) are going to take some getting used to though
Dad=ha ya I bet. Dont worry they look fine. Hey your uncle is coming into town Friday for the big first scrimmage.
Me=oh ok cool. Well Im tired so Im going to change and go to bed. I turned and walked towards my room and as I left I saw dad looking at my ass.
The next few days were filled with dad eyeing me up and down and making jokes about me being a swimming stud. So when Friday came I was hoping I could actually win my race. I woke up Friday morning and was at the training pool before dad even woke up. 10 mins before the race started I saw dad walk in with my uncle. Dad and my uncle kind of look alike. Dad is about 64 with medium muscle and abs. My uncle was about the same but a bit more muscular.
I got ready and positioned in my starting stand. As dad and my uncle found their seats (right behind me of all places). The gun went off and I was in the water and off to the races. I ended up winning the heat by almost 3 seconds. After the entire meet was over I met dad at the stands.
Dad=hey your uncles bringing the car up front. I have your gym bag so just meet us outside.
Me=ok Ill just shower quick
Dad=no dont worry about it your not that dirty.
Realizing I was still in my speedo I ran to the car with my towel around me.
As I got in the middle of the van I was greeted by my dad sitting next to me and my uncle driving.
Uncle=well if it isnt mr speedy
Me=ha thanks. Glad you could make it
Uncle=no problem body. Seatbelts on everybody!
I put on my seatbelt and we headed home
Dad=so didnt I tell you he fit out that speedo nice?
Uncle= ya you did.
Me=what do you guys mean?
Dad=nothing son you just fill it out in the right areas for a boy your age
Uncle=I cant disagree on that
Me=oh well ummm thanks
Dad grabbed my towel and pulled off from around me.
DAD=So would you like to see what hes hiding under this speedo?
UNCLE=Im kind of driving he joked
DAD=just pull over in this parking lot then
(I thought they were joking until the van pulled in and parked)
ME=what are we doing?
(As my uncle gets out of the van and gets in and sits on the other side next to me) DAD= dont worry its ok. We just want to see what you have down there .
DAD=its ok, remember how you used to see mine when you were younger? And I saw yours in the tub during baths.
ME=ya I......gues(before I could finish my sentence dad pulled my speedo down to my feet)
DAD and UNCLE= wow
DAD=you have grown since the last time I saw it
UNCLE=hell champ your hung for your age
ME=(sitting there a little embarrassed and nervous) really?
DAD= oh yeah you are. (Without warning he took my limp dick and shoved it in his mouth)
I let out a shocked/surprised gasp but my uncle just put his hand on my shoulder
UNCLE=its ok buddy. Just relax.
ME=it actually....hmmm...mm...feels pretty good.
My uncle laughed and watched as my dad deep throated my cock.
My cock started to grow in my dads mouth as he licked my rod and looked up at me. I tilted my head back and relaxed. It felt AMAZING.
UNCLE=your dads been talking about wanting to do this for a long time now
ME=hmmmm really?
UNCLE=yep. And now I see why, your body is great. Would you want to try something?
My uncle unzipped his pants and pulled out one of the fattest dicks Id ever seen.
He then grabbed my head and guided my mouth down on top of his dick.
I didnt know what to do so I just did to my uncles cock what dad was doing to mine.
UNCLE=thatta boy
UNCLE=you think hes ready?
DAD=(pulls his head up from my cock) ya I think so
My uncle picked me up turned my ass towards him then set me on his lap. I could feel his saliva covered dick touching my back. It had gotten even bigger.
UNCLE=ready when you are
(My dad moved himself in front of me and took of his pants and sat down in front of me) (my uncle slapped me on the ass and said brace yourself. With that he picked me up and sat me on his dick)
UGHH!!! I let out a cry of slight pain. But as soon as my mouth opened my dead shoved his now exposed dick in it. I tried to push his dick out and gasp for air but he held the back of my head in place and throat/face fucked me.
As I was gagging on dads dick my uncle started to pound my ass. I felt my ass jiggle/bounce with every thrust. He let out a moan as the pain I felt at first started to fade and reemerge as pleasure. My dad continued to face fuck me as he asked my uncle where he should cum.
UNCLE=well Im cumming on his nice little bubble butt ass (he smacks my ass)
DAD=hmmmm Im about to cum.
I was surprised when the saliva in my mouth was replaced with a thick warm liquid.
He pulled his cock out and rubbed it on my face as my uncle pulled out and came on my ass. I sat down in the chair sore and tired.
DAD=now you REALLY need a shower when you get home
We all got dressed and went home.
The whole drive home i couldnt believe what just happened. I had just been fucked and used by my own family. I sat there silent in a wave of different emotions as we drove home. What shocked me the most was that dad and my uncle were having a normal conversation like nothing had just happened. We got home and i got out of the car and headed to the door. As i opened the door i felt a hand smack my ass behind me. I turned my head to see my dad behind me.
DAD=hey how bout we keep this little thing between the three of us? No telling how other family members would react if they found out
A slight rush ran through me at the idea of such a taboo secret.
ME=ya....um ya sure. I said as i walked into the house. A few hours passed and my uncle had gone back to his house. I was in my room all showered and cleaned up and watching tv when dad knocked on the door. I got a bit turned on as i thought about what he could want or need.
ME=come in. Dad walked in and walked up to my bed
DAD=hey son look.....I...about earlier. Im sorry i just couldnt resist or help myself. Your uncle and i had been talking about you for a while and it just.. I cut him off
ME=did you enjoy it?
ME=did you enjoy touching your boy? I smirked a bit
DAD=well...well ya. Look Im sorry if it hurt you or.. I cut him off again
ME=did he enjoy it to?
DAD=who your uncle? Yes he said he loved it.
I smiled a bit. Well then its fine
ME= ya, i see cocks all the time in the locker room. Besides its not like i have never been with a guy before. Your just....just um..i was never expecting to ever see or feel the cock of a family member.
DAD= ya Im just.. Well we are sorry.
ME=so you bothreally enjoyed it huh? I laugh
DAD=if Im being honest FUCK YES!
Hearing all this gave me an idea that got me stiff.
ME=Ok well Im going to bed dad. Night.
DAD=goodnight son
As dad left my room I laid awake thinking about something i never thought i would. Who else in my family would or even wants to fuck me?
Thenext morning i was horny due to everything that was done and said the day before. I felt like being a tease so i got up and headed to my sisters room. She was away at college so the room was pretty clean. I walked over to her dresser and opened the bottom container. I got dressed and headed downstairs. I got to the bottom of the steps and saw dad with his back to me in the kitchen cooking. I walked up to him and stood beside him facing him.
ME=so what is for breakfast?
Dad looked towards me and his mouth dropped and his eyebrows raised as he saw his son wearing a short skirt belonging to his daughter.
DAD=HOLY...What are you doing?!?
ME=what you dont like it? I do a slow spin around to show how the beginning of my ass cheeks show just before the skirt hides them.
DAD=no its just i....uh..well i didnt expect this.I smiled knowing that being a tease is what i do best. I sat down in a chair across from my dad with my legs unfolded.
ME=so im curious, besides uncle has anyone else in our family said anything about me or my body?
Dad noticing i wasnt wearing any underwear could see the beginning of my balls in the skirt
DAD=why do..you ask? I mean your grandpa always says what a great mature man you have grown into but i dont get why your asking. I look at him and smirk ;)
DAD=youre not serious are you? You dont mean you want to try anything crazy with someone do you?
ME=i have been hard ever since you and uncle did what you did. It is such a rush now looking back and thinking about it now. I want to see if anyone else is kinky like you and him.
DAD=no! No way! There is no way the whole family would all be ok with that. I stand up and walk over to him.
ME=that is why we are going to do some thinking and research first. Come on dad. So far we know you and uncle wouldnt mind it. You said grandpa has talked about me. What about anyone else? What about uncle Timmy? Isnt he gay? Come on we have to find out and i have an idea of how to find out who would be interested.
ME=we will make a list of everyone we think would be interested in at least seeing me not necessarily touching me. Then i will text them a pic of me. If they respond with rage or negatively ill just tell them it was supposed to go to a girlfriend.
Dad stood there surprised.
DAD=wow! You have actually thought this out?
ME=ya and just leave the rest to me
So as dad listed off those he thought would be interested i was eating and getting turned on just thinking about who in my family might be interested.
About two hours later dad came to me and gave me the list of everyone to send the pic to.
DAD=i cant believe we are doing this.
I grabbed my phone and handed it to dad
DAD=what? i smirked and replied
ME=i need someone to take the pic and its not like you havent seen me naked before. I joked.
DAD=ok. Without warning dad pushed me onto the kitchen table.
DAD=lift up the skirt a bit so they know what they might be getting. I listened and lifted it a bit as he took the pic. He then turned me around and slapped my ass.
DAD=lift up the skirt, let them see your bubble butt to. I did and dad took the pic.
I took my phone and sent it to the list of relatives we made. A few hours passed and there was no word from them. Then one by one replies came in. Of the list that we made only two people off of the list replied in a bad way so i just told them it was supposed to go to a gf. As i looked at those who replied in a decent way i got a bit hard as i read their replies out loud. DAMN!And dont know how or why i got this but im not complaining :). i showed dad the texts and he was shocked.
DAD=no way! No fucking way!
ME= HA! i told you. Now we wait a week and then at thanksgiving reunion ill show you my final plan.
DAD=ok. If you say so.
So all week long i couldnt get the idea or more family members touching and seeing me out of my head. Finally thanksgiving day came. That morning i woke up rock hard. I was about to but on some briefs and my pants when i got an idea. Instead i headed to my sisters room and grabbed a few things. I got dressed and headed downstairs. Dad and i got in the car and took off to my uncle Kevins house (the one who fucked me) because he was hosting the family reunion. As my dad drove i couldnt stop thinking about what might be about to happen when we get there.
DAD=what are you going to do or say if someone says something or asks you about the pics? He worried.
ME= just relax and leave it to me. Besides even if anyone was going to say anything about getting pics like that from a relative i doubt they would tell other people in the family about it. Just relax.
We arrived at the house and as soon as i walked through the door i was getting looks from those of my family who replied in decent way. Their looks of confusion and wonder kind of turned me on a bit. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to everyone who had replied positively to my pic text. I sent a text saying nobody say a word about the text. Not everyone here received those pics like you did. Just wait till all the other family members leave and ill explain everything.
I sat down and tried to control all the hormones building up inside me. Everyone sat done at the table to eat the thanksgiving meal. As i finished my plate i went and sat back down. About two hours passed and goodbyes were said and hugs were given and some family members left the party to return to their homes. I looked around to notice everyone who had replied to my pics was still here. I stood up and took a deep breath
ME=ok now that they are gone everyone follow me. And NO! the kids cant come with you.
I put in a kids dvd for the kids to watch as i guided everyone else into the living room. THIS WAS GOING TO BE FUN ;)
PART 2 coming soon
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I do not know what i am
I was raised by men, and i can appreciate a really pretty girl when i see one, i tend to think every girl is pretty, but i know which ones align with the standards of those men.
I was not allowed to talk about the attractiveness of men. But i was forced to constantly hear some very derogatory things about attractive women.
I was not allowed to speak out about it.
I was to sit, and wait and follow orders.
My job was the kitchen and the laundry and the cooking and the cleaning and all of the things that men 'shouldnt have to do'.
When guest came over i was put in the spare room and they were given mine..
When i was 12 a man came to stay and he was given my room.
He was nice at first, he saw that i liked books and he showed me his collection.
He noticed i liked crafts and he would give me money to make him things.
He seemed nice, and he was foriegn so he had many interesting stories.
He gave me coins from different places.
But his hugs were too tight.
The way he hugged me was weird and it made me uncomfortable.
I became wary of him.
I wasnt sure if he had touched me on purpose or not.
I was ordered to hug him, he was my uncle after all. (Recently, at the time, married to my great aunt and staying with us while the house got fixed apparently).
I avoided him. He would catch me washing laundry and 'help' me by commenting on my underwear, make an excuse to corner me when no one was looking and touch me in places i did not want to be touched. He would say if i told i would get into trouble, everyone would think i was to blame. It was my fault. I should thank him for teaching me how to be a big girl.
He asked in front of everyone if i was angry at him for something.
I was embarrassed, frightened. He was smiling behind that stupid glass, i knew he was cornering me, but i was afraid to tell them why i was afraid.
Everyone was staring at me.
I said no.
Things got worse, he wanted to teach me grown up things, he would sneak into the guest room while i was sleeping and i would wake up with his tongue down my throat. I couldnt sleep anymore. I would hide under the covers and pray that someone would see what was happening and help me. He would tell me if i told he would kill my whole family in thier sleep. I was afraid. I never said a word. Eventually he left. It didnt make me feel better. i tried to get on with my life. To pretend like it never happened, like i was normal...
I was put on birth control at a young age but was told it was to help with my period and that it was 'not because we dont trust you'
I never did anything against the rules.
I stayed between the lines.
I read books in the dead of night while my brothers snuck out to party.
I caught them with cigarettes and remembered what my DARE instructor had said about them. I snatched them and ran and i destroyed them and tossed them over the fence, useless.
I cried in my junior year when a boy took off his shirt and i saw that he had abs. It was part mortification and part awe because I didn't know that six packs actually existed.
I played sports, and i liked them, but i quit because my father and grandfather turned everything into an excuse to scream and yell. It stopped being fun.
I was never allowed to correct them even when i had proof that they were wrong. Proof did not matter, the science was wrong the book was wrong, simply because the man of the house is always right.
I graduated high school, and for once was told by my father that he was proud of me.
But it was not for studying hard, or graduating, it was not for the scholarship or my decision to try college.
It was for not getting pregnant and bringing dishonor on our family.
There had never been a chance of that.
I was never alone except with my books in the dead of night.
It hurt because i was the one who followed the rules.
I decided on a college and was shot down, if i went there, i was told 'you are abandoning the family just like your mother'.
I went to a different college instead, the one my father graduated from, it was 30 minutes away and if i was late getting home even by five minutes he would get into his truck and come looking for me.
He would demand to know why i was late when i met him on the road and get upset if the answer was anything other than 'the teacher held us back'.
I eventually worked up the courage to apply to the college i originally chose. I did it hesitantly behind his back, because i wanted out.
I got accepted and i worked hard to get there, arguements abounded and when i moved in i was alone.
It hurt because i was afraid.
I had always been given orders someone else always knew what to do.
But i was in unfamiliar territory.
I was 100 miles away.
Not far, but far enough.
Too far according to them.
I made friends, i worked hard.
I still felt guilty.
I felt as if they would show up around the corner every time i made a decision.
I was always looking over my shoulder.
One 'friend' decided to catch me in the parking lot once on my way to the dorms from work. I was cornered between my open car door and him.
He grabbed me and groped me and i cried and i was terrified and someone just so happened to walk by and recognize me, they didnt see what was happening but they called out to me and it gave me an escape, because he backed off, there were people watching.
I hid in crowds after that.
I avoided him.
I made the walks from class to class as short and inconspicuous as possible.
He was angry.
He caught me between classes, and demanded that i apologise for my behavior.
He threatened me, he was a black belt, he was wearing a gi, sweating from his class. His eyes were blue and they terrified me, not just because of the grip he had on my wrist, but because my fathers eyes turned that exact shade of blue when he blacked out from rage.
Another guy saw what was happening and jumped to my defense.
He got slammed into the wall for his troubles, and lifted off the ground.
More people came to investigate the yelling and he was gone.
But i lived in terror from then on.
Afraid he would be around the corner.
Afraid to leave my dorm room.
Afraid to eat alone.
Eventually he disappeared.
I hesitantly got back into a routine, but i refused to walk even short distances alone.
I did my best to stay surrounded by people until i was home behind a locked door.
I missed my family, the protection they offered.
I found a familiar face, from high school and he asked me out and i agreed, because i knew him, because he understood my fears and he promised he could protect me. He reminded me of home, and of safety.
But after awhile he demanded that we have sex. He said it was because he loved me, because its what couples did.
I had never been interested in sex, but i did it because it seemed like it was expected of me.
I never enjoyed it and always felt awful afterwards, in a few cases i just felt used.
But he told me if i got pregnant he would abandon me.
I should lose weight.I ate like a pig I was a bad person if i didn't want to do it.
I thought its what i was supposed to do when i dated someone for a long time.
After it ended i felt so awful and gross i couldnt scrub off his fingerprints.
I felt stupid.
I felt used.
I felt like trash.
I had agreed to it, but it wasn't fun, it didnt feel good, i hated myself.
I worried for a solid month.
He decided from then on that i owed it to him.
When i finally worked up the courage to break it off i had decided that i hated men.
But i met someone three years ago who changed my feelings.
I dont know what happened but i sort of automatically trusted him.
He was constantly worried about doing something that would make me uncomfortable and if he asked me if i was uncomfortable and i said yes he would immediately back off.
When we finally did have sex he was worried he might have hurt me or made me uncomfortable to the point that I actually felt really safe and relaxed and it was almost funny to me how concerned he was.
The thing is... I actually really enjoyed it for once.
Not just the sex.
But his personality...
How concerned he was. he was awkward and worried and kind and gentle
No one had ever treated me gently before.
Even now, after three years he always asks, he always worries, he is always gentle and careful and kind.
Despite everything he thinks im pretty, he doesn't yell, he never yells. He always asks if I'm okay, if i am afraid of someone he takes me away from them, if i am anxious he soothes me. We have our own little bubble, I dont have to worry when he is with me.
I want to run away with him and never look back.Maybe then i can imagine for awhile that we are the only two people in the universe. That all those bad things were just a nightmare. That i woke up to his face and he told me that i was safe and none of it was real. That i will always be safe, that he will always be here, that nothing in the universe can ever take him away from me. That i wont be alone again and i dont have to be afraid of anyone or anything. But when he is gone, even if its just to work, i am alone, i am afraid, i dont want to exist, existence is worry and fear and darkness when he is not here, there is danger in places that i used to think were safe.
He worries too, he gives me tools to protect myself, small weapons and sprays, we can't afford much. I don't know if they will be enough, i jump when a stranger approaches me in a parking lot, when someone i dont know speaks to me in a library, i fiddle with the pepper spray as i pump gas and with the knife as i pay for it. All the doors are locked, if he leaves the vehicle i am with him. Its gotten dangerous lately, people getting abducted, raped, sold. Always from the person asking for help or seemingly just looking for a pleasant chat.... I am safe with him, i can not sleep if he is not there with me. And everyone tells me i am stupid for being afraid. That i spend too much time with him. That we are too attached and its not normal. That not being able to sleep wothout him is silly and i am being ridiculous. They don't understand why i cant sleep, why i am afraid, why i have anxiety attacks when they corner me or try to fix me. The therapists says my problem is that i am afraid to be angry. I should use i statements, i am afraid to tell her everything that no one else knows, so i write it here instead. Because maybe someone will understand why i cant say any of this out loud. Why i am afraid. Maybe someone can tell me how to be brave, and strong and how to sleep with the light off.
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
You’ve Always Been Mine
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chapter 14
sitting on the couch, i sank into the cushions and closed my eyes. this wasnt right. this wasnt how i pictured everything. i couldnt believe that wonho was sneaking around with the girl that i loved. how could she even allow him to do so. i pulled out my phone, trying to call nori’s new number. i sighed as it went straight to voicemail. she probably hasnt even turned it on yet.
i looked up from my phone, seeing hyungwon walk out into the living room, sitting next to me.
“you did on number on your knuckles there.” he said point down to my hand. i glanced down and noticed all my knuckles were bruised and red.
“i guess.” i said looking out towards the window. “why are you so angry?“ he asked as he crossed his legs.
i snapped my head back in his direction.
“im not angry- and im not having this conversation.” i said getting up from the couch. i went straight into my room, slamming the door and falling onto my bed.
“I TOLD YOU SO.” kihyun shouted through the wall.
pulling up to the hotel, wonho and i got escorted up to the suit. we greeted the bodyguard then he knocked gently, waiting for an answer. misun slowly drew back the door- peaking through the crack before greeting us with a weak smile.
“hi.” she said almost to a whisper. she quickly glanced over at wonho- who had a patch on his nose, and dried up blood on his busted lip.
“bless your heart, please come in. i’ll make you guys some tea.” she said pulling the door completely open.
wonho took a seat on the couch, as misun started the tea.
“where’s nori?” i asked, taking off my jacket and joining her in the kitchen. she exhaled softly and nodded over to the bathroom. “bathing. i dont think she wants to be bothered.” misun turned around and placed her hands on her hips, leaning back against the counter.
“will you please explain whats happening?” her expression was full of worry.
i pulled her into a hug, shutting my eyes and sighing. she wrapped her arms around my waist, slipping her hands underneath my shirt to rub my back.
“im a tough girl, i can handle this. i just need to know that we’re safe here.” she whispered into my chest.
i nodded.
“i would never take you somewhere you’re not safe. wonho and i are staying with you guys tonight.”
she nodded and pulled back a bit to look up at me.
“something else happened-” she said searching for my eyes. “your energy is different.”
i was confused on how to tell her, that tomorrow- i would have to tell the entire world, that she was my girlfriend. i hadn’t even officially asked her yet. this situation was taking that away from her. she didnt deserve to be thrown into this.
i looked down at her, lifting my hand to push her hair back then kissed her forehead.
fuck it. i’ll just do it now.
“misun- tomorrow, a lot of changes will be happening. involving you and nori, but also- you and i.” i started.
the worry grew in her eyes.
“i never pictured this moment in this exact way- but, it doesn’t matter now. whatever happens, i dont ever want you to feel like you’re second to anything. you’ll always be top priority. no matter what. misun, will you officially be my girlfriend?”
her eyes slightly widened and she tilted her head a bit. a small smile appeared on her lips, and i could see a few tears starting to form in her eyes. her brows furrowed and she slowly nodded her head.
“of course- i would love to.” she whispered before taking a deep breath.
my smile now matched hers and she laid her head on my chest. i squeezed my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
“tomorrow, i’ll have to announce our relationship.” i said softly.
her head shot up.
“so soon?” she questioned. i nodded. “come, sit.”
i grabbed her hand, taking her over to the couch where wonho was waiting. i sat down, then pulled her on my lap.
“when we got back to the dorm, our manager was waiting for us.” i began.
“you guys got in trouble, oh my god.” misun covered her face with her hands.
“babe- everything will be fine. i promise.” i said taking her hands. i gently placed a kiss on her knuckles and laced our fingers.
“someone took a picture of you and i, kissing.” i said rubbing her hand with my thumb. “that’s why, this all has to be so soon.”
i gave her a minute to process everything. for a moment, it looked like she was trying to solve a really hard math problem. she finally sighed and stood to her feet, releasing her hands from mine.
“okay.” she said nodding. “okay?” i shot back in questioning.
misun made her way back to the kitchen and i watched her for a moment before following her. she turned off the tea, grabbing three cups. as she poured, i held her waist.
“i know this is all so sudden. its okay to feel scared, misun.” i said softly. “it’s normal.”
she was quiet for a moment.
“fine- im terrified.” she said finally, slamming her hands on the counter.
i looked over at wonho, who got the hint about excusing himself. he silently made his way to the balcony and shut the door.
i exhaled and turned her body around to face me.
“i will not let anyone, hurt you or nori.” i cupped her cheeks and looked down at her. “you guys will always be protected. i know this is a big title for you and everything is happening so quickly- but i got you.”
i flashed her a reassuring smile and she shut her eyes.
“what am i going to do about my job?” she whispered. “i wont be able to work there anymore after all this is released.”
i thought for a moment.
“you could just let me take care of you.” i said tilting my head and chuckling a bit.
i knew that wasnt going to work for her though. she was strong, and independent. she didnt need me to take care of her. even though, i wanted nothing more- than to do so.
she folded her arms across her chest. “i dont need you to take care of me, shownu. im a grown woman.”
i laughed.
“i know, babe- at least let me take care of you- until you find something else that you wanna do. deal?” i said backing up a little extending my hand.
she glanced down at my fingers then back at me, before shaking my hand.
wrapping a towel around my body, i exhaled deeply and smiled to myself a bit. that bath was really needed. it calmed me, and put me in a better place to think.
gathering my clothes, i exited the bathroom. shutting the door behind me- i noticed shownu and misun in the kitchen. “oh, hi.” i said tightening my towel, embarrassed.
shownu turned his head and chuckled before covering his eyes with his hands. “hi, nori.”
“sorry.” i said slightly laughing. i ran off to my room and shut the door behind me.
i quickly dried off my body, putting my bra back on- then covered myself with the hotel robe. i tied it loosely around my waist as i walked over to the windows, taking in the view. as i turned my head, i noticed wonho- standing by himself on the balcony, slightly leaning on the railing. i smiled while i watched him. he almost looked like he was at complete peace. i gently knocked on the window, making him turn his head in my direction. i instantly noticed the bandage on his nose and frowned. i waved and so did he.
i held up my index finger, signaling him to wait for a moment and he nodded. i released my hair from its bun and fluffed it a little before sliding on the complementary slippers- making my way out towards the balcony.
as i shut the sliding door, the night wind tossed my curls off my shoulder.
“hi.” i said weakly. wonho opened his arms, where i felt more than welcomed. i hugged him for a bit and he slowly rubbed my back. his chest was very muscular. it felt different from hugging jooheon. he was warm and the smell of his cologne was soft, but strong. it made me smile.
as i pulled away, i examined his face. he must have been a mind-reader, cause he instantly started laughing.
“it doesnt hurt. it looks a lot worse then it is.”
how could he be so happy, right now? his member- who’s supposed to be like a brother to him, clearly broke his nose. not to mention, busted his lip.
i sighed and looked down.
“im so very sorry for all of this. its all my fault.” i said walking up to the railing. i looked out towards the city- wondering what jooheon was thinking about, right now.
“it’s really not. you didnt do anything.” he said joining me. wonho stood so close to me, that i could feel the heat coming from his body.
“i just dont understand how we got here, ya know?” i said looking at him. his eyes were already on me and he was chuckling.
“what’s so funny?” i said turning my body in his direction. he looked out towards the view and shrugged.
“i guess im just having a hard time comprehending why you picked jooheon- out of all people?”
his eyes met mine, once again- and i almost got lost for a second. 
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nori was quiet for a moment. her eyes never left mine though. i wanted to be honest with her- tell her what i was really thinking, in this exact moment.
“i just think you deserve better, thats all.” i said confidently. 
a small laugh released from her throat.
“if i didnt know any better, i would say you’re trying to flirt with me- mr. hoseok.” she said folding her arms across her chest.
“you’re the one who came out here with a robe on. if i didnt know any better, i’d say that you’re trying to seduce me.” i stood up straight, looking down at her and lifted my brows.
she snickered and rolled her eyes, playfully.
“it’s the only thing i have right now.”
she pushed my shoulder back and i laughed. it felt good to see her smile. havent see it in awhile.
“here- i’m sure this would do a better job of keeping you warm tonight, anyway.” i grabbed the bottom of my hoodie, lifting it over my head- slightly exposing my abs on purpose. i playfully tossed the garment on her head and she laughed.
pulling at the sleeves, it fell in her hand and her smile faded.
“i dont think i should take this.” she admitted. i tilted my head a bit.
“im not sure if its respectful to jooheon.” she looked up at me, with sadness in her eyes.
“it’s not like im giving you a ring and asking you to marry me.” i chuckled. “besides, being respectful- is the last thing on jooheon’s mind when it  comes to you. so i dont think you should worry about any of that.” i leaned my back against the railing. “its just a hoode.”
“im not accepting a no from you, nori. just take it.”
she shut her eyes for a moment then nodded.
the weather changed very quickly from the time i shut my eyes, back to opening them. the sky became darker and we could smell the rain.
“we should go back inside.” wonho said softly.
he placed his palm on the small of my back, as i walked into the suit, him following behind me.
shownu and misun were still in the kitchen talking, as we approached them.
“well, its been a very long night- to say the least. i think im just gunna go to bed now.” i said sighing. misun nodded and made her way over to me, giving me a hug. “goodnight, i love you.” she said squeezing me. “i love you too!”
i said goodbye to shownu and hugged wonho, then made my way to my bedroom.
later that night
i laid in bed as the rain drops hit the window hard. i was tucked under the sheets, in wonho’s sweater. i did feel a little awkward, i must admit. i didnt have on any underwear. i defiantly wasnt going to put the liquor stained ones on, and i was in the room by myself.
thats okay right?
thunder crashed through the sky and i jumped, throwing the blanket over my head.
god, i hated weather like this. i really hated being alone at times like these.
i didnt wanna wake misun- im pretty sure she was exhausted. i slowly removed the blanket from my head and sighed. my stomach instantly started growling. i groaned and sat up.
“but theres no food here.” i said talking to myself. i glanced over at the clock.
room service is defiantly out of the question. getting up from the bed, i glanced at my clothes on the floor. i scrunched up my face and pouted at the thought of putting last nights underwear on.
it’s fine- im sure wonho and shownu were long gone. its just misun and i- plus, i wont even show my body when i speak to the guard at the door, when i ask him to send someone for food.
i slipped on the underwear, instantly regretting it- as the smell of liquor took over my nose. as i opened the door slowly, i peaked out into the dark hallway.
making my way through, i stopped in the kitchen to double check the fridge.
“cant sleep either?”
i jumped, slamming the fridge shut and looked out into the living room.
wonho was sitting on the couch, smiling over at me.
“what are you still doing here?” i said pulling down his sweatshirt. it hit me just before my thighs, so i felt really exposed.
“oh, uh- shownu didnt tell you that we were staying?” he asked. i shook my head.
“you scared me.” i said breathing a little heavy. my heart was beating fast and i placed my palm over my chest.
he flashed a smile as he got off the couch.
“im sorry- i didnt mean to.” he slipped his hands in his pockets and lifted his brows. “you hungry?” he questioned.
“uh- just a little..” i said trying to hide behind the counter. he laughed at my actions. 
“you dont have to hide. i know how to control myself, nori.” 
8 notes · View notes
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Does anyone know of anykind of affordable health insurance for my mother?
She is age 62, never worked outside the home, and presently does not have health insurance...""
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
What are the requirements for car in surance in the usa states?
I would like to know what kind of car insurance do you need to have in every state.
Is there anyway I can get insurance coverage for a vehicle if I don't have a license?
I am a senior citizen and have never driven. I need transportation desperately. I can purchase a car but find I cannot get insurance for any driver of my car if I don't have a drivers license. I have not been able to find anyone I would really trust to put the car in their name. Any suggestions?
Would insurance on a 2005 pontiac GTO be cheaper then insurance on a 2000 Grand Prix GTP (Supercharged)?
Does driving a corvette raise your car insurance?
Does driving a corvette raise your car insurance?
Driving w/ no insurance?
i was driving my dad's car to the movies one night and got into a car accident. I don't have insurance on the car because its my dads, but i do have insurance on my car is it possible to get my insurance to cover the accident?""
How much would it cost me a month?
If i wanted to buy a car for $16000 and i am 16 with no credit or anything. I have a job but my mom said she would pay half the payment and the insurance so i need to know how much would the monthly payment be. Thanks
Canada car insurance -- am I getting screwed?
Our 1990 GMC truck (average condition -- nothing special!) was vandalized about two months ago. The punks damaged the doors so badly trying to get in that our insurance co. was going to write it off. Aside from the doors, the truck is perfectly fine (runs great), so Hubby spoke to the adjuster who promised us a cash settlement , and said he wouldn't write the vehicle off. We got a chq in the mail, and used some of it to put new doors on the truck (it's not pretty, but we don't really care). NOW we got a letter from AB Transport saying that the truck is salvage, and no longer legal to drive. Insurance wrote it off! The cash is gone (spent very wisely -- don't judge!), and now we are being forced to buy a new truck. Insurance told Hubby that we didn't have a choice , but I thinks that's bogus. Hubby signed papers for the cash settlement, but nothing for the write off. CAN THEY DO THAT? What are our rights?""
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
Insurance question?
I just bought a 2008 Honda Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I can't even drive it because I dont have insurance, what is the cheapest (most affordable insurance) I should get, i am 20 years old living in ontario california.""
How do I get back a revoked license in Colorado without owning a car or having car insurance?
When I had my license revoked for DWAI in Colorado, I was told that I could get my license back when a year was over by submitting an SR-22 form. The way I understand it, you can't get an SR-22 form unless you have car insurance. Is this correct? I don't have a car or car insurance, so how do I get my license back?""
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
""Looking for auto and home insurance recommendation in Castle Rock, Colorado?""
We will moving from Wisconsin to Castle Rock, CO in January, 2007. We are building a new home there. We would appreciate any auto and home insurance company recommendations & comments in that area for the best coverage & service at the lowest cost.""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
""On average, how much is motorcycle insurance in Ontario?""
I'm 19, new rider, live in Scarborough Ontario. As a car driver, never crashed before Planning to get either a GS650F or SV650SA If possible could someone share their own experience on motorcycle insurance and how much it might cost. Some of my friends told me it's cheaper than car insurance while others told me its twice as much as car insurance""
""Pregnant, on my parents insurance, can I get medicaid for my baby?""
I am a 23 year old student, working part time in retail and living with my mother. I am 25 weeks pregnant. My parents' insurance covers my prenatal appointments, but it will not cover my baby. Will I qualify for medicaid? (I live in California, so here it is actually called medi-cal).... I went to the office to apply, but the lady told me to come back when I was in my third trimester. I really want my baby to get insurance, but I am worried that I won't qualify. I would appreciate hearing your experience if you have been in a similar situation, or know how it works. Thanks!""
""Affordable braces (Columbus, OH)?""
I'm wondering if anyone knows of any Orthodontists that will do braces within an affordable price range around Columbus, Ohio. I'm willing to travel out of city, not so much out of state. I have two kids that are in desperate need of braces, but I can't afford to get both of them done with the prices that most orthodontists have been giving me. One of my girlfriends told me that she got her son's braces done for about $1700, which AMAZED me. Unfortunately, that office is now closed. Does anyone know where I can get braces done without going out of the price range of about $3000 each? I'm willing to go higher, but with this economy, not much higher. Also, I do already have dental insurance.""
Has anybody else got a days car insurance on another person's car?
Hi all I'm just wondering if I could get 1 day car insurance on my grandmas car because my car has broke down its just I have got tickets booked and paid for a theme park this weekend even thow I'm fully comp and my grandma is I can't drive any other car because off my age I'm 22 she said I can borrow it to get there and back but I'm gonna be really gutted if I can't go and do you think I could get a days insurance for my grandmas car thanks guys I'm insures with the AA
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
Car insurance?
Ok, cheap me has been trying to find a second hand car (Opel corsa). Found one I might like at about 29k with a mileage of 167k on Carfind. Tried to get an eQuote from First for women - (I'm still waiting). Anyone could suggest any other reasonable insurance companies I could try? Or do any of you know how much I would be paying for insurance, just an estimate. Would also love some help with any other cars (preferably Opel corsa) at reasonable rates. Looking between 20-35k and no more than R800p/m. If anyone has info please contact me by email. Thank you PS: I'm in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs)""
2003 Hummer H2 insurance cost? For 16 year old? 10 points!?
How much will the insurance cost for this car? This car is FREE for me because it's my dad's and he wants me to have it as my first car. It only has 60,000 miles on it for a almost 10 year old car. It is practically new with a tv inside and nice rims. How much will insurance be?""
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
Insurance on a 1987 Z28 Camaro ?
How much would insurance on a 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro for a 16 year old ? just need an estimate, thanks""
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auto insurance quote md
How much would insuracne cost on a 2010 Chevy Camareo for a 17 year old?
What are some nice cars that arnt sports cars? Insurance costs alot for a 17 year old with a sports car
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
Would it be cheaper to put my name on my parents insurance ?
would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver instead of my own as i got the cheapest quote as 3000 euros for my own policy would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver on theres? my parents have 25-28 years experience with no claims ?
Cheapest car insurance for speeding violations.?
I'm 20 and a male
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
No health insurance?
I don't have health insurance anymore because my COBRA coverage is over now. Because I have a pre-existing condition other health care companies won't take me. I have tried to find a job that offer health insurance, but seems very difficult right now. Because I own half of the house where I live. I been told that I cant qualify for any low income health care services. I don't know what to do? I dont even have a job, and Im considered well off to qualify for something. Have anybody out had this problem? I live in California.""
What is the different between pension saving and life insurance?
i plan to buy for my personal insurance but i have no idea which one i should go for. Is that everyone of us need to have saving insurance to make life be protected? My friend suggested me to go for the pension plan , but some of them they not agree why should i go for any insurance saving. I have a confusion now.""
How can I get health insurance?
Me and my family are moving to Arizona in August, we are now living in Illinois and are receiving medicaid, but we are forced to move out of state for some personal reasons we make about $2,100 per month but that is because my Dad is on Social Security Disability cause of a back injury when he was working, our rent will be around $1,000 and that take about 1/2 of our money and there is no way we could afford health insurance as well as getting everything else""
Best car insurance provider for person in early 20's?
Which provider is best suited for in this age group, located in California? Thanks!""
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
Female car insurance companies?
does any1 know any good cheap female car insurers?
How much does a motorcycle insurance cost?
20 yrs old. ninja 250r 2009. Southern Cali
Car insurance ?
who knows the most cheapest it car insurance company plz ?
My teenager (17) just got her permit. Would she be covered under my insurance?
I have not added her specifically to my insurance policy. I only have PLPD on the vehicle. Would she be covered if she hit anything... anyone , yikes! Or do I have to call to add her? It will raise my policy a LOT but she's almost 18 and when she gets her license she will have to pay for her own insurance. So for now I am trying to fly under the radar but legally. Is that possible?""
How to get cheap car insurance ?
I have just passed my driving test 2 weeks ago and im 18 ive been searching forever to get a cheap quote but its not working anyone know what to do and who to go with
What would be the average cost on home insurance?
just an estimate, i have no clue is it 30$ a month, 100, 200, 300, 500?""
""Why do people think because Obama wants heath care to be more affordable, that he is for socialism?""
I personally am tired of paying over $10,000. for medical coverage and co-pays because we do not get a more reduced rate, then would be from a larger company, we do recieve a small ...show more""
Vintage car insurance rates?
I'm 17 and looking to buying a vintage Alfa Romeo or something. Would insurance be sky high? Are rates higher for older cars that are classified as vintage?
Car insurance question?
I am British and my wife American. We will be relocating to the US soon. Will my British driving licence be sufficient to be a 'named' driver on my wife's car insurance?
I have a question about insurance..who is the most well known insurance in canada...and give a great benifit?
i have a question about insurance..who is the most well known insurance in canada...and give a great benifit?
Car insurance?
I am a minor living with my mom and she is being a ***** about car insurance so can i get on my dads insurance even though i dont live with him? i live in delaware by the way.
auto insurance quote md
auto insurance quote md
Lower cost health insurance recommendations needed?
I'm hoping to be working in a few more days thru a staffing agency but their insurance isnt very good, over $800/month for my son and I and VERY limited medical. He has ADHD and has to have coverage. I doubt if we qualify for any state assistance too. But I've looked at a few individual plans thru various carries and they arent much better... for just over $350/month we're both covered (not including dental or vision) but the deductible is SUPER high does anyone know of any insurances with individual plans with a decent price and coverage. We're in California""
Free car insurance offers?
Does anybody know of any car companies that are currently offering one years free car insurance when you buy a new car in the UK?
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
Where do I look for health insurance for my family?
Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
i am looking for a good and cheapest car insurance in Florida...Help plz
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Can somebody give me an estimate on the price of car insurance in NY?
give me an estimate on average price?
What do can i do? Car Iincident! but no insurance!?
Ok i live in Orange County in California. Yesterday on my way to school i got t-boned by a 1998 Ford F150. I drive a 1998 Honda Prelude. I was driving down a street and the light turned yellow so i ran it and the guy was waiting to make a left turn at a yielding section, he saw me coming when the light turned yellow and he just stepped on the gas and T-boned me on the driver side. He didn't take blame for it, and he states that I ran a red light when his light was green. Police wasn't involved. We are all okay, nothing happened to his vehicle, he just has a light scratch on his plastic bumper, buy my car got wrecked from the passenger side. Now the main problem is i don't have insurance on my vehicle but he did. Now i don't know what to do.""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Is it expensive to insure a Prius?
I want to invest in buying a toyota prius but I heard that the insurance for these vehicles is expensive. I have Allstate insurance. Anyone who owns a prius, is the insurance ...show more""
Need to know where to quote car insurance!?
I have a teenager and would like to know what website I can use to find insurance quotes for him without giving personal information like my address and name etc. and a car type (he doesn't have a car!). I don't want to call my insurance place or give personal info because I really don't want my insurance premium to go up! Thanks
Car insurance on new car in FL??
I am going to go get a new car today. The dealer told me I don't have to contact my insurance carrier yet until after I get the car. He just needs me to bring proof of insurance on any of my cars. Does anyone know how long I have in the state of florida to get my new car on insurance. I signed up for new insurance a few weeks ago that takes effect in a week so I wanted to know if I can wait until then or do I have to get it earlier? Thanks!
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?
Where can I find the best and most affordable Health Insurance?
not some rip off. but a real company and i hate BCBS
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!""
Which is on average better out of petrol/diesel cars?
In terms of performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel cost (miles per gallon etc), insurance etc""
Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance?
I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good??
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
Who has the best car insurance thats the cheapest?
i need the best (or even the not so best) car insurance that is perferably the cheapest with a range of 100 to 160 dollars a month for a civil service worker
How much would it cost to put an 18 year old on progressive car insurance?
I have to add my daughter to my insurance and I want some input before I make any decisions. What is a good estimate for how much it would cost?
Health Insurance and im currently pregnant?
I live in Orlando, Fl and I'm pregnant, is there any insurance company that i can get a health insurance now?""
How Much do you pay for Car Insurance?
Im 19 and i just bought a new 07 Impresa 2.5Si non-turbo.....my insurance is 2650...i was wondering if anyone else was getting screwed Ohh ive had my liscence 2 1/2 years, no tickets, no accidents, nothing""
Cheapest Scooter Insurance for 16 year old?
I just turned 16 and want to get a scooter The actual license and scooter isnt too expensive 50 for provisional, 89 for CBT, bout 20 for the thory and 60 for practical However, insurance is a pain!! :/ does anyone know who the cheapest insurer is for a 16 year old? I would love to be able to drive on the scooter but insurance is too much. Also, what is the best scooter to get. By best i mean a scooter which has the cheapest insurance? THanks a lot!!""
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
Geico car insurance !?
i have car insurance with Geico, on the policy was said Effective date : 12/20/2009 ... ( just bought insurance from Geico on 12/29/2009 ). i got accident today,( 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump into the front of my car and the front bumper messed up really bad... i know on the policy its said the effective date is 12/20/200/9 but still i wonder am i cover when i just recently bought the car insurance from them ( for 1 day and a half i guess ) ?!!! am just so ... panic and .. confuse right now !""
auto insurance quote md
auto insurance quote md
Can you buy health insurance for only your baby?
we need insurance for our one year old,we did have the state welfare insurance for the first 11 months,now shes 13 mos. and her dad is working but no insurance for a couple more months and what if she gets sick and more shots will be needed soon,so can you buy insurance for only a baby or do you have to have an adult on the plan also""
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Do you think it's best to get your own life insurance?
I just got married and had a 2 month old daughter this year. My baby is so precious and I am thinking What If I die anytime. I want to set her up as early as now. I don't want her to go through any hardships in life that I gone through. I'm 31 and I can pay for the insurance right now but I'm thinking if it's more logical to pay the insurance premium or just save the money in a bank. Please give me some insights on this.
Father is looking for medical insurance. Any suggestions on which company?
My father is looking for medical insurance that covers stuff like x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, etc. Does anyone have a good medical inssurance company that covers that stuff ...show more""
Should it be illegal for Insurance companies to....?
Should home insurance companies be banned from offering flood insurance seperatly? Shouldn't the insurance company pay for any natural disaster no matter what? How can these crooks get away with not paying for a house being destroyed in flood if the house is not in a flood plain. People were left with nothing in the floods that hit Nashville last May, because the insurance companies wouldn't pay. Obviously those houses WERE in flood plains.""
Whats a good affordable car insurance company in dfw?
would like to pay no more than 100 dollars a month liability but i was looking for suggestions for insurance companies for my car to check out, a company that offered raodside ...show more""
Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?
My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks
Why is my car insurance so high?
I bought a 2007 nissan sentra in 2011 and unfortunately didn't look into the insurance factor when I made my decision. I do have a lien on the car, but I'm in my 30's, no tickets, no accidents, okay credit, and I'm still paying over $200 a month in insurance! I pay more for the insurance then I do the car payment! Is the insurance high because it is a foreign car or what?""
Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?
My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
First of all i need a new car and now i have a 2004 honda civic and i got prefered to a 2011 camaro from a friend who really needs to sell it because they are having a baby and they offered me 2,500$ to 3,000$ ofcourse id take it but my mom said if the insurance is really high i cant get it? How high would the insirance be its a two door 2011 camaro""
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
How could I lower my motorcycle insurance?
I looked over some of the things that insurance companies look for in giving deductibles and so far i came up with things like: 1. alarms, security devices, etc. 2. lower amount cost of accident coverage 3. rider training courses im 24, and i heard insurance rates go down after you turn 25 but i'm not sure if this applies to motorcycles also. i don't make too much at my job (min. wage) so i need the lowest rate i can get. what else can i do to bring it down???""
How much do Fed-Ex Drivers pay for insurance?
I just got employed with Fed-Ex. Does anyone know about how much my insurance will be?
""Insurance company totaled my car, How much will i get for it?""
I was in a pretty bad accident and the insurance company says that my car is totaled and they will write me a check for the amount. My question is what amount? On KBB would it be the trade in value, private party value, or the suggested retail value?""
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
Can I get insurance??
Im 18 years old. I have never had insurance before because my parents have never had insurance. I just graduated from high school. I need insurance to help pay for some dental work. I dont have a job yet but Im working on getting one for the summer before i go to school. I know I am legally an adult so isnt there some kind of poor young peoples' insurance I can get? Or can I still apply for medicare or something because I am still basically under my mothers care. I appreciate any suggestions.
Insurance price on harley-davidson?
what would be a good estimate for yearly cost of insurance on a harley? -92 heritage softail classic
Car Insurance Cancellation Question?
My father's car insurance was canceled for non-payment. He pays for the insurance every six months. Apparently they stopped mailing him bills and sent a bill to his email account. It was an old out of date email account. The sent the notice of cancellation to this email account as well. Since, he no longer has that email account he didn't get either notifications. He has 3 cars under this policy and has been a customer for over 30 years. The insurance company told him that he would have to pay for the months (Aug - Dec) that he was not covered in order to reinstate the policy. This seems unfair to me. He wasn't covered during those months and they wouldn't have paid a claim so why does he need to pay for it? Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated.""
What 125cc motorbike is cheap to insure but will do over 70mph?
Preferably a four-stroke in insurance group 2
""A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance?""
A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. No one got hurt but my sun room (patio) is all damaged. My famlity also got scared to stay in the bedroom since the car hit some part of our bedroom also. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance, or consult a lawyer?""
What is the best company for mobile home insurance?
Need full replacement policy on mobile home over ten yrs old
How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three?
male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child.""
How to find stolen life insurance benefits?
If someone were to submit a benefit disclaimer letter to a life insurance company with a forged signature (the beneficiary was never told of the policy). What would be the best advice (other than seeking an attorney) to find any and all life insurance company names at the time of the insureds death? Can I report a fraud claim with my state (Ohio) if I have physical proof? I can file a missing life insurance/annuity search request, but dont know if this will help me find any disclaimed benefits already stolen. I have a feeling life insurance companys would keep this quiet. I suppose I could cold call the life insurance companys that operate in my state and ask if they have my name on file.""
Car insurance on eclipse?
i recently had suv and a pickup truck. ar insurance is about $500 a year through farm family were on the farm policy so its a lot cheaper. I recently sold my truck (diesel) got tires of the awful gas milage (ford f-250). with the cost of diesel going way up again it was costing on empty-full $150 thats total b.s. anyway i been looking to get something with good gas milage that does not cost a lot to fill up. i have been looking into cars and taken carefully into consideration they get better milage but i have seen cars even is 20 mph accidents totaled. my next question is how much would car insurance be on a eclipse. if i did get a car i don't want a pice of junk looking old lady car i would want something that looks very nice. i was looking into the mit. eclipse/spider. was curious how much car insurance was if i stayed with farm family. i was going to call and ask them but i don't have the physical car yet and they would need to know exactly what kind of car year etc it is to give me the exact amount. I'm 22 years old with 5 years driving experience. only 1 accident. (old person was in hurry to airport for vacation told me and cop he did not think it it was needed to stop so he ran stop sign and hit me. i have owned 2 pick ups, 1 trail blazer. pickups, ad suv's fall under farm category cars don't so i am sure it would be more then what i pay now. i don't want to switch insurance either i hear horror stores with others. farm family paid me every time that week for accident repair i hear others you won't hear from them or they don't pay you or hospital bills if its needed farm family does. my spelling is not the greatest at it i got a little lazy.""
Insurance Status of a car buyer?
I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.
auto insurance quote md
auto insurance quote md
0 notes
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
"Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Motorcycle insurance?
What are ways to get cheaper insurance on a sport bike? I'm 24 and am looking into getting one but all insurance sites I've visited say at least 6000$, any hints or ways to get that lower? I'm in Ontario as well. thanks guys""
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Choosing the most affordable insurance company?
I'm currently staying in Texas and I am shopping for an auto Insurance for my Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. I'm 22 years old and I started driving for the past 9 months, and also had received my Texas drivers license 9 months ago. I never had an accident of any kind or received any tickets. I need to find an auto insurance company that's affordable, I understand that because i'm a new driver and young I will be paying more. But I would like to get any tips on getting a cheap quote while satisfying all minimum state requirements for bodilly injury liability, property damage, motorist and etc. plus a $500 deductable for both comprehensive and collision coverage. Also if im asked how old I was when I received my drivers license, would it make a difference in my auto insurance monthly payment if I lied and said I been driving since I was 20 instead of 22?""
Can you file an car accident insurance claim without a police report?
this is re: a very minor accident. our car bumped into the other car after they slammed on their breaks. No damage at all to our car. The license plate and screws are bent on the other car. Other person uncooperative and after we gave our insurance info to them, refused to give info to us. Police on scene did not file report, told us to just deal with it on our own. My worry is, can they file a claim? wouldn't it be just our word against theirs? advice would be helpful thanks.""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
iv found a car ita a puegout 206 n its 2002, 50000 miles n its a 1.1. i expected the insurance to be cheap but everywhere i look i keep getting insurance quotes which are around 2000 quid im like what the hell!!! so does anyone know anywhere tht gives gd qoutes???""
Will they provide motorcycles at a motorcycle safety course?
I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja , but i dont know how to drive on its easy to learn i driven motor bikes over seas but its not the same. Well the motorcycle satey course will the provide a motorcycle a sports bike not a cruiser? and what do i need to bring exactly? Do you guys know on average how much motorcycle insurance cost for a 19 year old?? I know its different from different parts but from where your from. Detailed answers are much appreciated thanks guys!""
Car insurance in California?
I heard that if you have a car insured in California, each additional car that you acquire that's registered has 30 days before it needs to be insured. Is this correct? If so, where can I find the official documentation?""
When does insurance rates go down?
I been in an accident in 2006 and I was looking for insurance quote for less and I wanted to know if it will lower in 3-5 years. start with a clean slate. Thanks
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
Purchasing an aircraft with no licenses? Insurance costs?
Hi guys my friend is selling his Piper Warrior and I'm interested in purchasing it with no licenses. Obviously I would have my friends who are CFI qualified with me every time I am in the aircraft until I do acquire the license. Anybody have an idea for insurance costs for owning an aircraft without a license as well as renting the aircraft to others?
Advise please for a cheapest and reliable car insurance here in orange county CA?
For a 2012 honda civic LX thank you
Whats the cheapest Car insurance?
Im 19 about to turn 20. I have a drivers liscence but no car. i need the cheapest insurance that will allow me to legally drive any normal car. I live in long beach, ca.""
If i buy 2008 BMW M3 - how much would i have to pay for insurance?
i am 17 years old Ontraio Canada the car should come in white, alarm system, no tinted windows fair safety rating...""
CA Senior Supplement Insurance?
I've reached the age now lucky I guess, Seniors from California which supplement insurance is best in cost/ benefits PLEASE Help. :)""
How much would insurance be on a 2001 convertible mustang for a 16 year old?
hey everyone I was wondering what price range i would be looking at for a 2001 convertible mustang. not looking for a exact answer just a ballpark range. I have a 3.00+ gpa male 16 year old no ABS on car convertible thanks all.
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Is Bristol West Insurance a good company?
I am looking to change my insurance company and got a really good quote on insurance, but it's seems a bit too good. Does anyone have any information regarding this company? I found them through Farmers Insurance Group.""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.""
How are my insurance rates gonna look if i....?
i'm currently 17 (18 april 8th) and i've been driving legally since last july (got permit oct. 2007). on my record it says i'm driving my mom's 98 chevy venture (minivan). my dad and i are getting a 5.0l v8 mustang from around '86 to '93 and are fixing it up for me to drive. my dad's worried that the engine is pretty powerful so insurance rates will skyrocket (which he obviously doesn't want to pay along with the awful mpg this car has). will my insurance rates lower, stay the same, go up a little, or skyrocket?""
Individual Dental Insurance for NJ?
I've been staring at dental insurance plans all day and finally it makes no sense anymore. I've enrolled in a discount plan but my dentist says I should get insurance for the procedures I'll be needing. I've only found one plan that seems to cover my area. Cost is not that big of an issue as more WHERE TO FIND IT. My job doesn't offer it. I'm an unmarried adult and I just need to purchase insurance (pref PPO) that will be effective as soon as possible.
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
Is Aetna Health Insurance any good?
I am healthy, but if something happens I want to be sure I am covered. Have you had any good or bad experience with this company. I currently have Humana, and they don't want to pay for a minor office visit, so I am changing. Anything you could offer would be great. Thanks.""
Is car insurance very high in California?
Is car insurance very high in California?
When is the best time to cancel car insurance?
Car insurance is coming up to renewal. Found a cheaper company to go with for the next year. When is the best time to cancel, before the renewal date or just after? I want to keep my NCB I have built up with them and move it over to new company for the next year, also if I cancel before the renewal date would this affect my NCB that I have built up with them?""
Does anyone know anything about car insurance or adding a car?
So im 18. I have car insurance with my mom and at country financial insurance. I am tryin to add a car that i have on the policy. But am i able to add if im 18 and the only one on the car title? I thought yes since im 18, but need another opinion.""
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Anyone have Mega Insurance?
It's supposed to be for the self employed. Is the high premium worth the benefits or even the coverage compared to other insurance companies out there (like e health insurance.com)
How much would insurance cost for a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 17 and a new driver but I was going to buy a 1990 firebird and I was wondering what the average price I would have to pay for this car
""When Shopping Around for Auto Insurance, Is Price Most Important?""
The Wall Street Journal published an article a few weeks ago discussing how rate shopping for auto insurance can payoff. You can review the article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html Some of the tips include: 1. Be aware of your financial behavior 2. Understand what discounts you qualify for 3. Price matters, but service does also Does the cost of auto insurance outweigh all other factors? Were you aware of what insurance companies are looking at to determine costs? How does quality of service factor into your final decision? Full disclosure: As is mentioned in my Yahoo profile, I am here as a representative of State Farm. Our goal is to help people become better educated about how to evaluate insurance needs.""
How much will a teen pay for their own car insurance?
if its a used car that is completely paid for.
""Why am I paying for Car Insurance, and why is it the Law?""
Okay, I can see having a mandatory policy, or coverage plan in the event there is an accident, and someone gets hurt. That, I understand. Even though I already have health insurance, and the person that (may or may not hit me) may too have it, I still understand. But here is my real question: Every month, every year, we all pay into somthing called (car insurance), we pay, we pay, then we pay some more. So when its all said and done, and after a month, a year, whatever, why dont we get ANY of the money back that we paid, seeing as how (WE NEVER HAD AN ACCIDENT)...... I know that there will be a slew of morons who say its the law , or its to cover your butt if you get hit , and so on, and so on. Duh.... But no matter how you swing it, I've paid into it for the last 7 years, never had an accident, and I've paid thousands, so why dont I get any of that money back, what did I pay for? I can even understand a situation where we all paid for auto insurance but get a certain percentage back, but to mindlessly pay money into a machine and get nothing in return, how is this not giving money away.. Oh, and when its all said and done, imagine you pay for coverage every month, 200+, then some (fill in the blank) who dose not have insurance smashes into your car at night because he or she was drunk, you wake up in the morning, report it, your rates go up. Get hit by someone who dose'nt have insurance, your screwed, so in all honesty, whats the point. Have you every been in an accident, then tried to file a claim, its like pulling teeth. Investigators and claims agents come out of the woodwork, and did you know thier job is to find a reason to deny your cliam?""
Is my insurance company liable?
My insurance company offered me a policy to cover a de restricted scooter which I agreed to take out, but in order for this policy to take effect I had to give up 4 months of cover totalling around 160 and pay a 80 deposit on the new policy. Last week I was sent a letter notifying me that my insurance was cancelled so I called them and was told that I had to return a copy of my CBT certificate. I rang on Sunday and was told a completely different story and that was that the company they placed me with had decided that they were not going to cover me even though the whole point of changing them was because they specificity dealt with my type of vehicle . They have now offered another policy for 515 pounds with is 100 pounds more than my previous and I am not willing to pay this as they lied to me and told me that I was insured to ride around even though they knew that I was not covered. I have copies of the insurance certificate to prove that they sold me the policy and all other relating documents. Please advise on what I can do.""
Can you get a car without insurance?
b/c im getting a car without insurance
How much is car insurance in CA?
My family is planning to move to CA because my dad got a better job. We have 4 drives in the house. How much would it cost a mouth for one car?
Where can I get cheap car insurance for provisional drivers? UK?
I have a full license and I'm about to get insured but want to add my mum as a learner... which UK company has the lowest rates for provisional license holders?
Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!?
I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?""
Running costs for first time driver?
Hey, on average how much do you think running costs (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) will be for me to drive a car per month? I'm planning to start learning to drive soon (I'm 20 and live in the suburbs- Essex/close to London) the car I'm looking to get would be one from insurance group 1 and I'll probably be doing about 12,000 miles a year, just driving to and from work and socially every now and then. Thanks for any help :)""
Help insuring a Car?
I am 16 years old and from the UK. I will be turning 17 in november and getting a driving licence. I was offered a car from my step dad. It is a 1996 Honda Civic Coupe LSi in green/blue. It has a 1.5 litre engine, and although not very powerful, it is very desireble to steal. It might be important to mention here that it has an automatic transmission. Here is a picture of the same kind of car. http://www.auto.vl.ru/catalog_photos/honda/civic_coupe/honda_civic_coupe_11787.jpg This car has a sentimentle value and it is the first car I ever drove. I have tried online insurance sites to see how much it would be to insure. All the prices are very high. I just wanted some advice on how to insure this car cheap. Or at least cheaper then the quotes I have been getting. I am willing to keep it in a garage, it has an alarm and I will use a steering lock, but the quotes are still expensive. .Thanks for any help I get
A question about compulsory auto insurance?
When I insured my car last month, I told the agent that I want basic insurance, and I thought that was what I purchased. I never any information about my policy, all they sent me was the monthly bill. So today I went to the agent and notified them of this, and they gave me a Coverage Selections Page paper, and I noticed that on part 4 of the compulsory insurance they set my limit to $50,000 while the minimum is only $5000 here in Massachusetts. Apparently the premium for having the $50,000 limit is $503. Since the car is no longer operational due to an accident last Sunday and I want to keep my insurance for four months until I can replace the car, I was wondering how much I would save if I lowered the limit to the state minimum of $5,000?""
Life insurance for people with bad health?
Are there any cheap life insurance companies that insure people who have existing health conditions such as heart failure?
Please help about car insurance?
I'm about to get my license when I turn 18. So I was wondering how much would car insurance be for an old car that's already paid off?
How much is car insurance? I'm doing and economics project...?
Like for a 38 thousand dollar car. Looking for a lower premium and a higher deductable but in order to find a price i would have to actually sign up for car insurace and i can't do that. What would be like the best option for me would you say...? Anyone???
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
22y/o tourists getting car insurance in the US?
My mate and I are hoping to tour across the U.S. to celebrate graduation. Starting in one place and driving to another, so we'll have to buy the car (he's staying over there), and we want to get insured on it. However, we're 22 y/o Brits and I've heard that can be difficult. Google just feeds me lots of car rental insurance stuff; how would it work in the US if we wanted to buy the car there? Do you guys have any advice?""
""Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Live in FL need to know were to get low car insurance rate for my daughters 2001 saturn sl1?
She is going to need comp and collision because she owes on the car she is 22 and has 1 speeding ticket cost per month now is approx 170.00 any help would be great she has progressive now
Is there insurance for?
is there insurance for rabbits or is it just for cats and dogs? my rabbit is about 3 years old and want to get some insurance for her if i can.
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
Is the homeowners insurance higher in florida if you have a pool?
Is the homeowners insurance higher in florida if you have a pool?
How to get car insurance at 16 without putting it under your parents name?
i just got my g1 and im looking to buy a car within the next couple of days. i live with my mom and she doesnt drive or have car insurance and my dad has been outta the picture for a long time. so how can i get car insurance under these cirumstances?
16 year old male car insurance question?
My mom has Gieco car insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me on a 1998 Jeep Wrangler with a security system, and 4x4 drive. I tried to get a quote yesterday on the fone but they made me wait like 40 minutes so i hung up and it never works online so please help me.""
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
Do I need to declare an accident I had on my wife's car insurance when I renew my motorbike insurance policy?
I am a named driver on my wife's car insurance policy and last year I was involved in an accident (in the car) which went through the insurance as my fault. I have my own insurance policy for a motorbike which is now due for renewal. Do I need to declare the car crash? Will I still be legally insured on my bike if I don't mention it? (ie Will the insurance company still be obliged to pay out if I have an accident on my bike?) I'm in the UK. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
About car insurance companies (& their rates)........?
Hi, I've got a general question about car insurance companies. Do companies really charge more to insure a 2 door car versus a 4 door car? I understand the whole 2 door=sports car theory, but not every two door is sporty. Does it really make that much difference? For instance, there's a 2001 Chevy Cavalier 2 door in my local newspaper for $2500. Would my parents pay more for insurance coverage on it than if it was a 4 door Cavalier? As far as I know, this one isn't a Z-24--it's just a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks in advance!!! :)""
Best car for gas and insurance for a 16 year old male?
Hi im a 16 year old male and need a older car because apparently there better on insurance? old as in from 1996-2002 what would be my best bet for gas/insurance?
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
09' Honda Civic Insurance?
I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!""
What are the Best site for Comparing AUTO INSURANCE Quotes Online?
can anybody please shade some lite of reasonable car insurance quotes comparison sites?
Insurance for you stocks?
Is there any type of insurance for purchasing stocks, like if I lose a lot of money somebody will pay me back? Why not? You just pay a premium every so often and if you lose the company gives you 75% percent back but take claim of your stocks, it would take the fear out of investing!""
""I'm turning 19 in August, Is there any free health insurance?""
I've had All kids for the past several years and now that I'm turning 19 in August they're taking it away. I'm a full time college student, I can't afford health insurance, what can I do? All of the money that I make goes towards my schooling.""
How is my motorcycle insurance so CHEAP?
Okay so im looking into buying a motorcycle this summer. Ill be turning 18, and have always wanted a bike. So i was looking at how much insurance would cost me for it because i hear that its expensive and im a full time student and work minimum wage job, so its not like i have money just to shoot out my *** for fun. I was looking at progressive, because they show instant online quotes so i dont have to actually call in and give my real name and social security # and stuff like that. So i go onto progressive's, and enter all my real info like age and stuff(but lie about my actual address and name and email cause i dont want constant ads and spam). And i got cheaper than expected quotes.....So i put in, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Male. Turning 18 in july. Put in that i have motorcycle endorsement and taken safety course(i havent yet, but i will by the time i actually own a bike and have to buy insurance for real). No accidents or tickets. 0 years riding experience(although i ran multiple quotes and noticed price drops by $29 for a 12month policy if youve had even 1 year of riding experience, which is nice). And i got a quote for $285 12month policy. For Bodily Injury & Property Damage 50/100/25. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury 25/50. $100 deductible on comprehensive for bike(again i ran multiple quotes, and changing the deductible amount on comprehensive only saves a few bucks). $500 deductible for collision(this deductible amount changes your rate incredibly). No other coverage. Got quoted $285...seems kinda cheap to me considering im so young? Not complaining that i save money....just wondering if this sounds normal? Random insurance question, lets say im riding my bike and going at a good speed, say 45+mph. Then fall and completely eat ****. I injure and damage only myself and my bike. Lets say my bike needs some repairs or maybe even replacing, and my leg is broken or something like that. Will any insurance cover any costs since it was my fault to my own personal injury? Is this when health insurance kicks in for medical bills? And would motorcycle insurance pay for any of this? If so, which kind? Like comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured motorist? Because i have no idea. This next part might be a little hard to understand, so ill try my best. But i ran multiple quotes and changed the age i said i was, for instance, i put in my real birthday on one July 1996, than i put July 1995 on another just to see how much the rate goes for a 18yr old, because once i actually get the bike i will be 18. The quote where i put my real birthday and said i was 17, got quoted $285, the quote where i said i was already 18, got quoted $319.....how is that possible that i get a $34 cheaper quote for being younger??? I feel like someone at progressive online site is trolling me and getting my hopes up now, just to see me go ape **** when i actually go get a real quote. Thanks!""
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?
What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?""
A Question About My Health Insurance?
If I have health insurance, for example, health net..and I got married..would I still be covered even though I have a different last name or will my health insurance drop me?""
Getting insurance for my new born?
I'm was born here in California but my husband isn't. He's an immigrant but my question is that we just had a new born and I'm wondering would there be a problem getting my baby insurance. I'm asking since I know they'll ask for his income and since I don't work I have no choice but to put his. I can't say I'm a single mom either since we got married. Does any one have any advice on what I can or should do? Please no rude comments thank you.
How can the government force us to buy health insurance?
I don't get how people aren't more upset about this. I don't want to have to pay for health insurance. I go to local clinics when I get sick and I pay my bills. And If I ever need an ambulance or something I will pay for that out of my own pocket. I don't want health insurance. But under the democrats new plan I would have to buy insurance that I don't want! Its just as bad as being forced here in california to buy car insurance when I don't want it. How are poor people going to afford to pay for health insurance? I have friends who know that they won't have the money to buy insurance. The economy is though enough. How are people without jobs going to buy health insurance? My dad lives in massachuasets. And he's told me how much he hates having to buy insurance there.
""After 7 years out of country, why the high car insurance rate?""
Seven years ago, I got a job working overseas. I sold my car here in the US before I left. Now I have returned to the US to live and I bought a car. I was shocked at the insurance rate - the cheapest I could find for a 2013 Ford Fiesta was $1112 for six months of coverage! I asked the agent why the rate was so sky high. Well, because the assumption is that you have been driving here in the US as an uninsured motorist for the past seven years . I tried to show proof that I was living overseas for those seven years, and that I didn't have any vehicle to insure in the US. But my explanation fell on deaf ears. Is there any way to explain my situation to Safeco (the insurance company)?""
""Car insurance, from provisional to full uk?""
I have recently bought a car (a 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 Collection) & am on a provisional license taking driving lessons atm. Im looking at different car insurance quotes online & am thinking of going with Admiral as it seems like they offer the cheapest car insurance for my situation. As far as I'm aware, I would have to pay approx 1,100 to insurance my car while still on a provisional license, & approx 1,600 with a full uk. (A lot of ppl have said that insurance will be more expensive while on a provisional license but I know for a FACT that it's the other way around seeing as I would have a fully qualified driver with me at all times, meaning that I'm less likely to have an accident!!) Anyway, Because I'm looking at insuring my car for Nov while I still have a provisional license (I'm going to pay it monthly), when I hopefully pass my test at the start of Dec & obviously notify the insurers that I will have passed my test & therefore gotten a full uk license, HOW ON EARTH will that affect my insurance? Any help will be MUCH MUCH appreciated!!...I'm really CONFUSED atm!!!!! :):)""
How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?
I am thinking about getting a saturn sc1 and just wondering how much my insurance will go down. right now I pay $100 a month for a v8 88' mustang convertable. Thats pretty cheap for a mustang I hear and I just want some people are paying for newer 4cyl insurance.
Scion tC...how much woul i pay monthly with car & insurance?
Im 19, been driving for two years, no accidents, no tickets or anything like that. I juss ont know how muc it woud be monthly. if anyone knows please.""
""Auto Insurance, Please Help!?""
What are good coverage amounts for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured Motorist for auto insurance? I just want to make sure i have enough coverage for my insurance.""
What's the average cost of maintenance of a recreational aircraft (piper archer III)?
How much you would have to pay annually to maintain a hobby like this one. Including fuel, hangar, insurance, etc.""
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
How do I find past articles. The 1 about cheap car insurance spacificaly?
my email account is [email protected]
""Im 18 and i live in mississuaga, im buying a car but im not sure of a cheap insurance?""
hi, i just got my g2 i live in mississuaga ontario, im looking into buying a new car but insurances are going crazy high here, do u guys know any cheap insurances ???? thanx for the help""
Insurance for a car your selling?
I just bought a lemon, I am 19 years old and I have never owned a car and only had my liscense for a few months. I want to sell it but do I need insurance to have it transferred to my name. I am just going to sell it to a mechanic.""
No license/expired registration/insurance in full effect and new title...? In NY.?
License expired 6 months ago and I have kept up with insurance even though my vehicle just sits in a garage. I'm in NYC and in college so there is no reason for me to drive for the past 2 years. My insurance company renews the policy every 6 months and my insurance rate is still that of Upstate NY where it is at least $1,600 cheaper. NYC is $600 more and I was told that I would have to cover my brother who is under 25 (not allowed to drive my car nor want to) just because we share the same address. My insurance company seems to be using my last registered address so I have been too afraid to renew registration and notify my insurance company of updated address. Recently I got around to changing the title to make it legit; the vehicle was what I won in my divorce settlement. Vehicle is also completely paid for and completely mine. Question is, with the title now under my name, do I need to register it right away? Would my rates automatically go up (they will use new NYC address on title)? Do I need to notify my insurance company of the changes if I am not driving the vehicle for the next 5 months? Will they even know?? I ask these questions because I am a full-time student who do not work so I can't really afford the extra costs in insurance. I hope to get a job in May '10 right after I graduate with my Bachelors and move to NJ where I hope to live and work. At that point, I would care less about how much they want to charge me. I am just concerned about the ramifications of not updating address or registering the vehicle for another 5-6 months. Thank you!!""
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
What amount should I expect to pay for car insurance on a 2010 Camaro? I'm 18 years old.?
I am just finally getting my license. I go to the North Carolina School of Science and Math, have scored an 800 on multiple SAT Subject Tests (2190 on my SAT), and have made straight As throughout high school. I've also attended a driver's education class (while this applies more to driver's insurance instead of car insurance, I'd assume it still carries some weight). The Camaro is a 2010 V6 LT1. Am I going to have to pay like hell to afford this?""
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
How much do you pay per month for your car insurance and gas?
Insurance question?
When you move in with your boyfriend could you be put on his insurance, or would that only work if you are married?""
How much am I gointo pay for car insurance?
I am 17 turning 18 soon and when I graduate I plan on getting a 2011 Subaru WRX STI or a 2012 Mustang GT . I was just wondering how much I am going to be paying for insurance on either one. I will be 18 when I get it, I am a male and have a clean driving record. Please help, this will most likely be the deciding factor for which car I get. I would also like to know which car you would get. Thanks!!!""
How much would my motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 18 I live in Northern Virginia. I have car insurance with Geico for a 2005 Honda Accord EX. I start college as a freshman in less then 2 weeks. I have no records (accidents, speeding, thefts, etc..) I have a part time job (18 hours a week) I understand that they're are a lot of factors in this but i would just like a rough estimate.""
1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence?
how much will it cost for me monthly just estimate the price please to have insurance on that car thanks and are ponitacs goood with there motor and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me about the insurance please thanks
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
Are there any insurance companies that will cover pregnancy in texas?
I am 7w4d pregnant and without health insurance. I have been getting check-ups at a local clinic but I really need to find a doctor. I have not found an insurance policy that will cover maternity costs though. I've heard Medicaid has strict eligibility and is almost impossible to get if the dad is present in the baby's life,which in my situation he will be. Does anyone know of ANY insurance policies that will cover pregnancy?""
Honda CBR 600 insurance...should i get collision?
I just bought a 1995 CBR F3. My first bike I got last year was a klr250, rode it since last summer all year (no car for me), even rode in the snow for the hell of it. For the KLR250, my insurance was 200 a year all minimum with only like 500 for comprehensive. For the CBR, my insurance im looking at is going to be 200 a year without anything, only the minimum liability. I like the fact of how cheap it is, but even though I have great experience with motorcycling, should I just go ahead and get bare minimum insurance? Bike cost me 1800 dollars, awesome condition. valves all good, just putting in a manual CCT this week. Its cheaper than the KLR (i got it for 2k), but i dont know why im feeling i need so much more coverage this time. Maybe cause the bike is CLEAAAAN. What yall think?""
Ca insurance for teens cost?
how much does car insurance for a 16 year old person cost?
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old.?
Nissan 350z in florida. I heard that if you take drivers ed in school it lowers your insurance, is this true? To SLACKER286 (answers all of my car questions lol): how old are you and how much is your insurance each month for your 350z, thanks""
What is cheap car insurance for a new driver?
I am a new driver and I need insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. I am a student and I need cheap insurance
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
My insurance is like $300 a month...help?
I just got a free quote from whipers.com but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic?
Were can i get an auto insurance quote for cars PRE 1981?
i am thinking of buying either a 1965 mustang a 1969 mustang a 1970 mustang or a 1965-69 lincoln continental... and i wanted to get cheap insurance quotes.... but all the sites like progressive, geico, allstate only let you insure at lowest 81 any one know a good quote site""
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Whats the difference between home insurance and rental insurance?
for my rental property? Is it a good idea to switch home insurance to rental insurance when a tenant is living in my rental property just in case if they smashed some holes on the wall, or some damages on the property? Thanks!""
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
Black River Falls Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54615
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