#im new to this kind of toys so they look a bit wonky
justdeich · 5 months
Have a proof that I have been doing nothing but sewing and embroidering this whole week
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No they won't be bold. I'll add hair later.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
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Jetsams are sharks, and are meant to be kind of a counterpart/natural predator to the dolphin-like Flotsam; to the point where the two looked near-identical. Nowadays there are more differences, with the Jetsam sporting two fins, sharp teeth, slightly different markings, and an upright posture. Personally, I like to think of these two as a case of mimicry, with the Jetsam having evolved to trick Flotsam from a distance.
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Visually, the Jetsam has a nice tough look to it that gives it a lot of personality, and the way it sits upright plus the two fins gives it a bit more uniqueness so it isn't just a normal shark. My only issue with it is that the gray underbelly is a bit too dark and low-contrast. Gray as the accent color is fine; it just needed to be a lighter tint.
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The Jetsam benefited quite a bit from customization, as its old art was starting to get very dated and needed a redraw anyway. The new Jetsam looks a little less tough, but the smile is nice as it shows off their teeth, and it gives them a fun kind of mischievous look. The overall look didn't change much, but the head has been changed significantly to have a much better, less wonky shape to it, and the markings now stop above the mouth instead of near the eyebrow. The shape of the hind fins have also been improved, and they're one of the only pets who can make the customization fists look good.
Favorite Colours:
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Maraquan: How do you make an underwater version of something that already lives in the water? Make it into a deep-sea fish, obviously! The overall design is easily recognizable as a Jetsam, but its been given a horizontal posture with bioluminescence and an angler fish light/teeth. The palette is great, using neutral browns and greys for the body and bright neon blues for the accent color. My only nitpick with it is that the teeth feel a bit busy and don't quite make sense if you look at them too long, but overall, this is a great design.
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Pastel: The pastel Jetsam is just plain pretty, using a soft pink and turquoise palette. What really makes it work is that instead of using flat colors, it employs subtle gradients so the turquoise becomes blue in areas and the pink gets some subtle highlights. On top of that, it's also given a sunlight-under-water ripple texture, with a few small speckles on areas like the eyebrows and tail. A lot of effort went into this design compared to your standard pastel pet, and it really paid off.
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Toy: Alright yeah, this one's just fun. The pool floatie idea is a great concept that works perfectly for the colour, and the execution is also really solid, including lots of raised plastic ridges, seams, and plenty of highlights to give it that plastic look.
My only issue with it is that weird handle on the side of the head. I guess some shark toys have these, but I've never seen one personally and it honestly just looks distracting and kind of out of place. Also, I do wish it was semi-transparent (think like the good Jelly-coloured pets), but that's not a big deal. Still a really good colour regardless.
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BONUS: The robot Jetsam has a mostly red and white palette with a few black accents, and it works really well for this pet. I love the visor, and the patterning on the fins is really neat. Both versions are fine; the UC/styled version looks a bit more robotic, but the customized version reads a bit better overall.
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ceciliamarier · 1 year
we have some hangings ya know and wally at the bottom not hung looking at us or at least straight ahead. and a gray barnaby taking his head off like a mascot with some creepy looking guyunderneath you can only see his chin and smile and barnaby's eyes are kinda wonky one half close the other 3/4 open him and his fedora? his half colorful circle and half black with thin gold vertical line vest cool
theres julie's old design she looked more like a monster muppet this time i like the design. she and frank are icing a triple layered cake theres a clock i like with big eyes half lided at the top then you notice how where 12, theres a closed eye at 3 theres a half open eye at 6 its fully open and at 9 its 3/4 closed reminds me of moon phases i dont expect everything to mean something like some deep meaning but things can still have meaning and deep personal meaning to me.
i think her hair is part of what makes her her.im not sure what she has in her hand its not a worm but kinda looks like one like that striped puppet one. the cake candles say NEW and the quote at the bottom of the page says What a wonderful Merry Day! in relation to that id say theyre celebrating a new day. thers pink striped wall paper two shades maybe this is julies house
a thing at the top of the fridge thats probably part of the fridge says something with a D and 197somethinng what number looks like a sideways capital M like a backwards or maybe a different looking seven idk. on the clock the the dots between a given eye where number should be are deliciously different very nice when zoomed in also i can notice a crack in the wallpaer julie's very fuzzy hand. there are sprinkles on julies side theres also a picture of someone on the fridge hung upside down with a flower magnet as a digital page it looks brownish like a page out of an old book interesting julie does look straight out of something like that. frank is trying to be consistent with his design and has dressed / is dressing the bottom layer and biggest in an organized way whilst the rest is random julie stuffing candles on the sides of it which is very cartoony.
picture books i never really grew up massively liking them like i do cartoons but this stuff makes me want to idk see this kinda stuff
i had so much to say about the julie and frank one
one image seems like mind convincing or control first the you're going to get rif of it children have seen it and now they know what to do….im wondering
it also says the neighborhood exists! which is the opposite of what i got shadow readign aka me "home doesnt exist"
in the first image theres a figure that is unrecignizable its not poppy but very fuzzy and big and has a lanky neck
the neighborhoods happiest little blue bird flies in with a dance in his heart! It's like he's really here! So we're going to get rid of it for good! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! You're going to get rid of it! You're going to get rid of it! You're
i think of bot ai. maybe i should get rid of it and if everyone did we'd forget about it. i dont see that happening though but who knows
the blue bird has hair like poppy but is blue theres a toy of him with his neck sticking out of like a top decorated with musical notes looks like a toy to me. and a hand reaching for it. i guess its happening gettig rid of blue bird
theres a logo like those smiling face logos except one eye is wonkily looking up to the middle of the forehead kind of the other staring straight they never show those logos looking like that above it says MARLO in a red circles and circled R to the right this page says opposite cards. okay so frank is like a grumpy character and these are just teaching cards. a bit rude that the example is Hello! to blue bird ooh and Goodbye. on franks card not hostilly though
featuring emie dorelaine's playfellows
they both have phones franks is light blue with a frown personalized huh? and happy center face for blue bird whats his name i like his chest feathers sticking out of his shirt kinda like shadow's chest fluff. he got a long beak. music notes on his shirt damn was he gonna be a musical artist neighbor the only medium obviously missing by the neighbors his shirt colorful has diagonal stripes an he's wearing jeans jeans arent that impressive he has birdy arms and humanish hands. so in the story theyre like lets get rid of him but he's also not part of the website sigh
at the bottom it reads copyright @ Dorellaine Inc, 1970, 1971, 1972
clown says blue bird is gone because "whatever my mans Wally wants he gets."
puppet horror #rip to u sonny
was that gonna be his name?
spooky sesame street
It'll have its own page up when i got the time
search >>> having two tags for the same thing is too much
@ partycoffin on tumblr
Jul 13, 2020
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