#im neither of your dickhead parents
vagueiish · 24 days
what exactly is one supposed to do about accepting things you can't control when the thing you can't control is a person who is actively fucking over many people, including children?
#especially children#like itd not be an issue if the children were not involved. the person would be persona non grata#but the children exist and are involved and we have no legal recourse apparently. so what the fuck. what the fuck#i want to leave. i cant leave. i want to leave#i think id want to leave anyway without this person just bc im sick of this place#but this person makes things 10x worse#the children give me pause bc i do love them but also. maybe this makes me sound shitty. theyre not my repsonsibility#maybe if i can get my own life set up and get stable on my own id try to get the children away from this person#but rn it's not happening#sometimes i think this person had kids to babytrap us into not booting them#honestly i think the law should allow for one free punch#i dont think violence is nec3ssarily the answer for...most things#but some people ....some people need a#need to be socked in the fucking jaw and face tangible consequences for their actions#bc they dont face any consequences otherwise#or at least dont recognize any other consequences as being the direct result of their own selfish dickhead actions#alas. the law is the law#and everything here feels so precarious as it is#it sucks though that 'wanting to control someone else's actions' in this case is i want this person to treat other people fucking decently#and be respectful of their time and the fact that they have their own lives#i get being a parent is hard but to force other people to pick up your slack without any input from them#thereby controlling their lives and fucking them over#and thats just straight up shit behavior. the hardships of parenthood do not justify that#and you barely parent. screaming at kids for being kids is not parenting#and literally nobody made you bring these poor kids into the world. this was 100% your choice#and sure prochoice but honestly people who can choose otherwise having kids when they have to know full well#that they neither have the capacity nor actual desire to actually attempt to parent#they deserve a slap. fuck it. i dont have it in me for compassion#and i have a lot more to say actually that wont fit in the tags. whoops#to the void with love
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dollyluvss · 3 months
[[ “ where are you..? “ ]]
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♱ a lovely friendship. started out playing at the park as children, your best friend leaves you while he pursues his soccer career. but when he returns..? { mean!kunigami rensuke x afab!reader! }
warnings. . .
angst angst and more angst, hate fucking, mouthy/bratty reader (sorta self indulgent-) choking, mentions of self harm - substance abuse/pure pressure - and bullying - reader over thinks.
biting, pussy slapping, just filth.. throat fucking, dom/sub dynamics, slut shaming, LOADSSSS OF DIRTY TALK, creampie(s), throat fingering(? idk why to call it..), hair pulling, headlocks,impact play/spanking/slapping, kunigami and reader have potty mouths :p, superrrrr mean!kunigami :<, slight dub-con at the begining of the smut scene, size kink if you can see, arguing, manhandling..brr.. you have been warned!
it had been almost a year since you last saw your best friend. he was always with you before he left, you, his family, and soccer is all he cares about really. you two were close, very close. always joking around, teasing each other and backing each other up when it comes to anyone who disagrees. you always were sassy as a kid, that sass turned into a full blown attitude as you reached your teen years, cussing out anyone who pissed you off or even looked at you sideways. kunigami, being fairly level headed, was always there to, quite literally, hold you back from pouncing on the next sorry person to face your anger.
you and kunigami bickered from time to time, becoming full on arguments as you grew older. they never lasted long really, you barking at him into backing down. he never liked to argue with you, neither did you, but sometimes you two pushed one another’s buttons a bit to much.
“oh shut up, ren!” i groan, growing more irritated as seconds passed. a stupid, very petty, argument over how loud his music was, it woke you up. and not in a good mood at that.
“im allowed to play music, ___.its my house, i can do what i like!” he argued back, voice raised but not as much as yours.
“shut it the fuck off! use headphones you dickhead!” i growled, lip turned up in a nasty scowl. rensuke sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. stress marks on his forehead. “alright fine, m’sorry kid..” he mummbles, ruffling you head and bringing you to his chest in a soft hug, a genuine apology.
“whatever..” i grumble into his chest, hugging his waist. “just had a long week, wanted to have a good nap ya’know?” i mumble in his chest. he laughs, patting my head.
god you miss him, miss the bickering, cuddles during movie nights, sneaking out of his parents house to the beach to have fun in the water.
sigh..come back soon ren.. i think to myself, chin resting in my hands as i stare tiredly at my laptop.
buzz buzz!
i glance at my phone, i gasp, jumping back in my chair as i grab my phone, bag and put on my shoes. rushing out the door to my car as i make my way out to kunigami’s house.
ren’s momma:3 : rensuke came home a few days ago! he’s home watching the house while im on vacation, go stop by and say hi sweetie!
i smile at he text, she was such a lovely woman. always helping you when your own mother couldnt.
i speed over to his house, pulling into the driveway as i race out of my car and run up to the door. i unlock it with my spare key, removing my shoes as i head downstairs to the basement. i walk down the stairs, a familiar living room, small work out coroner to the left, a kitchen, bathroom and washroom, his room in the far back of the basement. i take quiet careful steps towards his room, i push past the curtain to his room, his sent filling my nose as i lock my eyes on him.
“..hi- ren..” i say, i cant believe hes back, its been so, so long. i walk over to his side as he looks up at me.
budump. badump.
my heart beat rings in my ears as he looks up at me. his eyes are, cold. his stare is harsh, shooting daggers at you even.
what the fuck happened? did he join the military and quit soccer? i think to myself.
“so much for a warnin’..” he grumbles, voice almost hoars. a far cry from his calm, sweet voice that almost dripped with honey when he spoke soft enough.
“i-i..” i stutter, shocked at his change in demeanor and appearance. my mouth agape, mind flooded with questions.
“you just gonna stand there..” he says, more of a annoyed response than a question. he stands up, towering over you. fuck..was he always this big? i shake away the thought, looking up at him as i place my bag down next to him doorframe. i whisper “how are you..?” im feeling, uneasy..his whole vibe is just— off.
“fine.” he grumbles, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. he looks almost unsure, like your a complete stranger.
“u-um..can i have a hug?” i stutter, the tension in the air is almost suffocating me. he glances down at me and my heart drops.
disgust, like a dirty dog jumping all over him.
“ive got better things to do, no.” he says stern and cold lacing his voice, hes looking at me like a pest.
“oh- uh. okay? damn..” i grumble back, a pout forming on my lips at his harsh rejection. “what crawled up your ass?” i reply, pout turning into a almost scowl now as i eye him up and down when he walks past me. stopping after those words leave my lips.
“buzz off, ____. im busy, cant bother with your bitchy attitude today..” he almost growls, like you mean nothing to him.
“excuse me?” it comes out before i realize it, mh words laced with venom. my scowl now a nasty snarl as i turn to face him.
he turns his head to look at me, glaring at me like i just said something extremely disrespectful.
“whats your fuckin’ problem?” i growl, stepping closer to him, getting in his space much to his disliking.
“watch yer mouth.” he says sternly, turning to face me, he looks down at me with hate in his eyes. i cant stop the shiver it sent up my spine. i swallow the lump forming in my throat and glare back.
“or what? whats your fuckin’ issue? i dont see or hear from you in a year and you come back all tight and shit? fuck happened to “hi ___! i missed you how are you?” huh?” i throw my hands up, voice getting louder as the seconds past. my emotions taking full control at the sight of whats now left of my best friend.
“so damn mouthy..cant say anythin’ to you without you gettin’ bitchy can you?” he barks back, voice still low and deep but the bass almost shakes me off my feet.
“oh! look who finally grew some fuckin’ balls! guess they kicked your ass around in there huh?” i say, a sly, almost devilish, grin appearing on my face. basically poking a angry bear with a stick.
he growls, “watch yourself..im not fuckin’ around ____..” vemon starts lacing his words just as much, if not more, than you.
“i just want to see my best friend, is that so bad? you couldnt have even TRIED to call me? you call your mother and sisters but not me? i though i was special to you?” i scoff, i understand he worked hard at blue lock. i mean, its quite literally all over his face— but he couldnt even relay a message back to me? not once for the 11 months he was there? my eyes feel sore as they gloss over. fuck..no relax, keep it together ____ . i think to myself.
“well? what happened to all those promises? that youd call me if it ended up being something long term, if you could get your hands on a phone?” i day, voice cracking slowly as my resolve to ‘keep it together’ .
“i dont have time to listen to your bitchin’..so fuckin noisy..didnt wanna hear you bitch ‘n moan over the phone or in person.” he spat back. that does it. the frog jumping from my throat as i double over myself in a sob. unable to stop once i start, i rub my eyes as i start breathing harder, hiccuping every so often.
had he always felt like this? did all i really do is ‘bitch ‘n moan’ to him? what about my other friends? my family, teachers? his mom, or sisters? you always did have quite the talent for annoying people ever since you were small. being left out or subtly teased in ‘friend’ groups, being dared to leave at sleep overs and partys. you tried cigs, weed and alcohol to try and seem cool to your peers. trying to push the thoughts of self harming in any way you could think of as you down two more shots, head feeling like cotton as your ‘friends’ all pack into their car and drive off. leaving you absolutely stranded and alone a hour from home.
you dont know when you feel to the ground but your on your knees, right hand on the carpet of his floor while your left grips your shirt on your chest as you breath faster and faster. mind racing fast at how to calm down, trying to focus on anything but the loud negative thoughts clouding your head. ears ringing loud starts dying back, your eyes are focused back in, breathing jagged but stable as you start counting up. soon you let out a shakey breath before looking up at kunigami. your eyes widen in shock when you see him looking down at you with such hatred.
“your so pathetic. get the fuck up.” he barks, not a single ounce of remorse for his so called ‘best friend.’
i get up, knees shakey as i stumble. i look up at him and glare. “your bein’ a fuckin’ cunt right now kunigami.” his family name spilling from my lips like hot lava.
his face scrunches slightly at the sound of his family name coming from you mouth, something you never called him. “watch yer mouth, brat.” he growls.
“bite me, ren!” i snap back, my minds blank of how we ended up back to arguing but i continue to curse at him, ‘bitch’ and ‘pussy’ leave my mouth multiple times as i grill into him, walking closer to him, my hands shoving him backwards towards the wall….is what you swore just happened. your back and head are pounding as you feel the wall behind you and big strong hands holding yours next to your head in a painful grip, sharp, mean eyes staring at you like prey..
“shut up.” he spits, literally. he spit in your face. you flitch back at this, yelling as i trash in his grip. “let me go..! ren let me go!” i bark , trying to wiggle out of his grip.
“shut..up!” he yells back, pulling me forward before slamming me back against the wall. i yelp and stare at him wide eyed. a pathetic whimper leaving my throat as he moves closer to my face.
“watch that smart mouth of yours..or i teach you how to shut the fuck up..” he growls against my ear, body now flush against my chest. i can feel his heart beat..
“g-get the— fuck off me..!” i groan, once again squirming as his grip on my wrist tighten. he presses his body harder against mine, preventing me from moving as i squeak in surprise.
“do it again, watch what i fuckin’ do to you..” he whispers, for some reason its scarier than when his voice is raised. ‘he wont do shit..’ i think.
wrong. ooh sooo wrong you were.
his hands maneuver my hands above my hands, his left hand holding them firm against the wall. his right hand you ask? shoving his two longest fingers down your throat, harshly.
i gag hard on his thick fingers, trashing around as much as i could as he starts fucking my throat with his fingers, not pulling the out more than two inches before plunging the back down my throat. i gag and choke on his fingers as i try to pull my head away. i feel my eyes start to flutter into rhe back of my head at the lack of oxygen.
“fuckin’ slut..always bitchin’ ‘bout somethin’ dumb…fuckin’— take it..” he groan in my ear, it sends a shiver down my spine as my heads pushed back more as he pushes his digests deeper.. my body starts slowly sliding down the wall, he lets go of my wrist as he pulls me fully to my knees. my hands fly to his wrist and grip it weakly, trying to pull his hand out of my throat. tears begin to fall from my eyes as he tug my head back by my hair. a loud moan coming my sore throat.
“ gag, r- gag, en— gag” i sputter out, his fingers moving faster. my eyes fully rolling back now as i feel myself going limp.
“shut it, fuckin’ whore..you wanna talk back? this is what happens when you dont fuckin’ listen..” he growled into my ear. soon he removes his fingers, i lean against his thick thigh as i gasp and cough for air. his hand lands on my head, he grips my hair and pulls my neck back to look up at him. my eyes wide at the sight of his cock, gulp, hes huge..to big— way to fuckin’ big..
“open yer mouth..” he demands, i gasp as hip tip hits my lips. he takes this as a invitation to slam himself down my throat. i gag, hard, on his cock. his hand in my hair using it as a handle to pull my head up and down his length. using my mouth to his desires.
“shit— thats right..t-take this dick..fuuuck..” he groans lowly, rolling his head back as his tip hits the back of my throat. hips bucking up in my mouth.
a lewd, gul gul gul, comes from my throat as i open my mouth to gag and cough on his cock. my hands gripping his thighs harshly. nails leaving marks in there wake as i claw his legs. i fall on my ass as he pushing my back flush against the wall as he snaps his hips in my mouth over and over. calloused hands slammed against the wall and he uses my mouth like some fleshlight.
“fuckfuckfuck— take it- take this dick- f-fuck, g-gonna cum down that f-fuckin’ nasty throat baby..” he looks down, hips snapping at a slower speed but deeper this time small ‘take it.’ ‘s leave his mouth as he reaches his high. pressing my head against his pelvis with his right hands while he leans his forehead on his left forearm. groaning- no— growling as he cums down my throat. i cough and gag as he fills my mouth, he pulls away harshly as i gasp and take big gulps as i swallow his cum. my face is covered in spit ‘n cum.
“w-what..cough, gulp, is wrong- with you..?!” i shout hoarsly, throat sore from his assault with his cock.
he dosent reply, grabing my neck as he grips it harshly. walking me backwards and turning me around before pushing me on the bed. he pulls down my shorts and underwear quickly, he spits on my cunt. rubbing two fingers up from my clit to my entrance, pushing past my walls as he starts fingering me and hard.
i put my right hand out behind me, left gripping the blankets on his bed and i try to push his hand away. but, my attemps are in vain as he pins my hands behind my back as keeps fingering me, pushing a third finger in as he speeds up. he leans his chest against me from behind, his mouth biting down on my nape. leaving a harsh teeth back as he starts biting my neck.
“fuckin’ mouthy bitch..take my fuckin’ fingers slut..fuuck..pussy fuckin’ loves it huh..” he growls against my neck. my face falling against his bed as i moan loudly. hips grinding up to match his pace as a knot forms in my stomach.
“dont you dare fuckin’ cum..beg me for it..” he groans against my ear, licking and kissing down and up my neck. im a babbling mess but i manage to say one thing.
“f-fuuuck— you..!” i squeal as i feel myself on the brink of cumming. he pulls his hand from my cunt and pulls my leg up by my knee. resting it on his bed before he starts slapping my cunt and ass over and over.
“you never learn huh? fuckin’ spoiled brat.” he growls, slapping my wet cunt one last time as hard as he could. drawing a loud moan from my throat as my body loses the tenseness it had from his spanking. he pulls away, pulling my hips flush against his cock, he pulls my hips up and down along his length a few times before slipping into my pussy with a slow, deep thrust. his left hand pulling my head back by the hair, again…sigh… “fuckin’ loud mouth bitch..ill make you fuckin’ learn to hold that ditry tongue of yours next time..” he moans, hips slamming against mine as he using my hair as a handle to push himself deeper..
“r-reennnn-suukeee!” i gasp in a high pitches moan, taking my bottom lip between my teeth as i try to hold myself up with his harsh thrust pushing me forward over and over. fuck hes strong.. i think to myself, eyes crossing as he hits my g-spot dead on. i let out a loud, high pitches moan as he hits it repeatedly.
kunigami lets out a nasally laugh before he speaks. “that yer spot slut? s-shit..tightened around me- gotta be it hm?” he leans forward, harsh grip on your hair moving to you shoulder before wrapping his muscular arm around your neck. a headlock.
he hold his wrist with his left hand to hold your neck firmly. “f-fuuuck..thats it you dirty whore..cum on my cock- t-there ya go..shit..” he growls against my ear, pulling me into a messy and rough kiss as he hips pump his cock deeper into me.
i moan in his mouth as he tightens the headlock, i pull back as he hits my spot one last time before i cum hard on his cock. but of course, his pace quickens. chasing his own high.
he lets go of my neck, letting my chest and head fall against his bed and he pulls my hips higher. practically slamming my hips against his. its to much for your poor cunt.
“g-gonna cum..fuck— such a good pussy, fuuck..!” he growls once more before pulling me flush against him as he cums deep inside me. he leans against my back as he pumps his hips slowly as he drags out his orgasam.
“..not done with you yet..still havent learned your lesson properly have you?” he snarls in my ear.
its gonna be a long night..
hello hi yes its been a while (almost a year—) i hope you enjoyed!! i sure as hell did!! please feel free to reblog as it is greatly appreciated! :3
- dolly..
*do not copy, translate or steal my work.*
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
"Free of Pointless Commands" liveblog!
It's finally time!! My period's been leaving me feeling like garbage, but I'm on the upswing now. It's time for blorbo from my shows.
As always, spoilers under the cut :)
Before I even start the episode I want it on the record that I read the episode description and the bit about Constance "using her gift". PLEASE let this be the necklace from the book PLEASE I am BEGGING
0:14 I unironically love these recaps
1:08 "car 15" this dude is definitely in cahoots 🥴
1:34 "your accent insults the nation" LMAO CONSTANCE WHAT
1:40 why are you saying this out loud WHY DO THEY DO THIS SO MUCH
1:52 I like how they call them "the greys", it has a good ring to it lol
1:59 "they'll probably take us back to where mr benedict and number two are" okay valid
2:01 "the same grays who tried to brain sweep me?" OKAY VALID
2:44 I dont know this man's mother but I love her 😂
Okay I rewound LMAO. In this house we dont skip intros unless they really suck
4:27 why does kate know what non-liquid assets are 😂😂
4:53 if that spyglass is also a kaleidoscope I would actually scream
4:59 "I'll take the whole bucket" buddy that is a price far too high
5:16 baby girl, what's up
5:23 🥺🥺🥺 please dont let that be a necklace from mr b
5:54 I love these girls so much
6:32 "I dont know. I'm hungry." No worries bb we all get hangry
6:36 whaaaat was that face connie girl
6:38 "Constance, what's wrong?" REYNIE NOTICED TOO
6:48 fucking christ how does she know
6:54 shit. SHIT.
7:01 okay it's time for fucking PAIN bc sure he's happy and carefree and will probably eat and sleep better but this is synthetic bullshit that isnt doing anything good for him in the long run and I'm feeling a lot of things about it
7:07 "My." Shut up you pretentious dickhead
7:15 all that flexing can't possibly be compensating for something, can it? Hmmm?
7:26 kiss ass. A kiss ass with a long standing grudge and too much pride.
7:30 "I'm so proud of you" NO
7:34 "...and almost bizarrely happy" okay so he's aware that it's strange
7:46 stop being manipulative challenge (impossible)
8:03 curtain is the sort of guy who very obviously peaked in high school and talks about how much he loved it way too much
8:34 "it's your associate.. she seems to have your ear, and she doesn't strike me as particularly joyful." ohhhhh, so that's his angle. I'm so glad she got out when she did
8:45 "the way I feel now, anything seems possible" this shit is so creepy, like a hivemind
8:53 there's our girl!!!
9:24 "....👌🏼 I'm over-parenting" LMAO IM DEAD
9:42 okay but where did Miss Perumal go
10:12 "we won't be putting her in a dangerous situation where she wont be able to-" *Miss Perumal rides in on a moped like a badass* YOU WERE SAYING????
10:29 daaamn, she knows her stuff!
10:56 "did you hot wire this? 🧐" "there are things you dont know about me 😐" SGHDJDJD THIS EXCHANGE
11:04 YES Milligan in the sidecar 😂😂😂
11:43 "Constance has the gift" Constance: 😳 please tell me she didnt barter the gift away for their taxi fare
12:38 Awwwwww
12:43 "now, make a wish." "I wish to be free of pointless commands." ROLLLL CREDITS
13:06 AWWW they definitely missed Rhonda's birthday by now then 🥺 the two of them are so sweet. What a funny fucking gift too
13:13 "it will be tough to outdo this, but I enjoy a challenge" have I mentioned I love them
13:15 they are about to saw the cake in half LMAOOOO
13:28 oh my gosh constance backstory. CONSTANCE BACKSTORY.
13:34 "I'm fine." Oh sweetheart, my baby girl, she was so quick to deny but you KNOW bbg is messed up about it
13:47 "this is my home. I'm fine." brb sobbing
14:06 NOOOO 😭😭
14:44 "Kate would fall apart without her bucket" true
15:07 two things:
1. There's another one now???
2. Neither of them are smiling anymore
Okay I lied three things, 3. J&J are doing this in secret, without Curtain knowing. J&J redemption arc????
15:29 "I dont see the problem" then congratulations on being blind
15:44 there you go jill!!!
15:52 "is he currently in a good mood?" LMAO DUDE
16:12 "just... find them a doctor" good fucking luck with that
16:28 "every time. Unwanted tomato." I sympathize, I also do not like tomatoes on my sandwiches
16:29 well that's just wasteful
17:11 oh my gosh is she about to trade her bucket? The whole thing???
18:07 daaaamn they're so sneaky
18:24 the performance of a lifetime 😂😂😂
18:48 good job but please get out of there while you can
19:16 my love I am so glad you went to the authorities but unfortunately they are the authorities, the justice system fails more people than they dont
19:34 "your claim is nonsensical." "You malign a good man." And there it is.
19:55 "someone's finally at the wheel" THE QUOTE FROM THE FIRST SEASON. 'LIKE NO  ONE'S AT THE WHEEL'. SHDJFHDHJD
20:04 "you sound like someone who could, frankly, use some time in dr curtains program" that's fucking terrifying
20:06 "compulsory or not" that's fucking terrifying
20:27 please I'm begging you call Rhonda
20:43 noooo they're out of gas
21:10 the POSE 😂
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21:22 they're so confused LMAOOO
21:29 what in the hell is happening here
21:30 oh. Okay 🤪
21:57 he is learning so much from Miss Perumal. I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH
22:40 the pearl can just be taken out of the shell like that? What's kept it from falling out up until now?
22:57 off to Germany then, but that's incredibly vague
23:17 "Curtains men could show up any second" damn right they could
23:21 speak of the devil and he shall appear
23:24 oooh and theres a couple of them now!!! Exciting
23:32 *breath* "I'd like a receipt please" why did that make me laugh
23:38 okay but what the fuck is happening
23:41 "hnnnng what's happening?" GSHAHHAHA MY QUESTION EXACTLY DUDE
23:48 *walking in aimless circles giggling* this is me when I'm drunk
23:53 oh my god she did come back I KNEW SHE WOULD BREAK OUT JUST TO BREAK BACK IN
24:01 poor number two 🥺 she looks so freaked out.
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24:01 Someone please give this woman a hug and some anxiety medication
24:11 the pure euphoria in "my brother has pie trucks?? :D"
24:23 "they're ALL cult of Curtain" okay but cult of Curtain is a great way to describe this
24:23 I really hope his cringe isnt for her wording even though I totally know it is WHEN WILL THE OTHER SHOE DROP
24:47 "what's there to smile about" kinda rude but yeah he's literally giggling at her
24:54 that eye narrow. She knows.
25:01 "and of course our current status" "kidnapped. Status: kidnapped." She is the sole voice of reason
25:09 the quiet "oh no" GOOD LORD THE QUIET REALIZATION. There has to be at least one fic that will be written about this scene alone.
25:33 "this incredible newfound joy is not going to influence my ability to do what is right" okay two things:
1. I do not believe you
2. It will stop you if your body shuts the fuck down??? I mean they dont know about that but still
26:25 "there's no conventional reason for this, this... vacancy" okay the word vacancy makes it seem one thousand times more sinister holy shit
26:29 oh good lord another one
26:29 also I'm pretty sure this shot is the one from the trailer, we all thought it was that prof from season 1
26:58 "kate, do you have a pen?" "Do I have a pen?" The SASS
27:24 her visible disappointment that there is no city specifically named Palindrome has me giggling
28:00 noooo no no no the adults got there just barely too late. AGAIN.
28:11 at least the kids will actually have tickets this time, it's a lot harder to hide on a train
28:17 watch that be some random passenger with her hair like that
28:24 called it
28:32 okay she looks so precious in that yellow coat. So freaking cute
28:40 NOTHING but air hahahaha
28:43 well shit, the polo team is a problem. It's like I said earlier, it's a lot harder to hide on a train
28:55 oh shit, they arent working with the greys? Or maybe Curtain did plant them and the two parties just dont know each other?
28:58 okay gang maybe stop shoving your faces in the very visible window
29:13 "disgrace to the sport." the pure DISDAIN
29:29 "couple of broken ribs, maybe a dislocated shoulder, but we'd live!" Why do I have the feeling these are injuries someone will attain
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look at that FACE
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30:01 she looks like such a gremlin holding the whistle like that 😂
30:06 AWWWW Reynie fell asleep on him 🥺
30:14 what's on your mind bb boy, it's not your shift but you're wide awake
30:22 daaamn. that time of night is that time where it could be super late or super early, depending how you look at it
30:30 "you haven't slept. Why not?" A valid ass question
30:50 "you havent prepared yourself" valid! He needed the rest to be alert enough to keep watch
31:19 oh now he's sleepy. I can relate though- I used to work shifts in that late/early time of night while I was in college, and I would never be able to get to sleep before my shifts, but I would be dead tired while I was supposed to be working. It's a vicious cycle
31:31 okay the fact that it faded out and faded back in so many times makes me think either the rest of them were taken, or that their situation is drastically more dangerous somehow
31:59 NO NO NO NO NO
32:12 DAMNIT. of COURSE they would end it there.
Part of me thinks that Constance will be in the bathroom or something super mundane, and she'll have some snarky remark about how she can handle herself. Every other part of me is thinking the obvious, implied, and very unfortunate circumstance 🥴
What a fantastic episode. I cant wait to think about it for the next 3 days straight.
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starconsumer444 · 4 years
very disgusting that your imagine +18 from sakusa, how did you manage to write that with such tranquility? kidnapping, abuse, semi-stockholm syndrome, really? I understand that there are people who like to write character smut, but what you wrote crossed the line, really. even if there is tw/cw still disgusting, making imagine with a serious subject is not funny, not to mention that it totally ruins the character's image. rethink about what you've been writing, you can have more than 100 notes, but not everyone likes it
Hi Anon, 
I typically don’t respond to things this quickly these days because, quite frankly, I find it to be absolutely draining, but this is easy to address and get out of the way.
It’s worth noting that I don’t write with tranquility, I write with nothing but sleep deprivation and will power. I’m never doing well when I get up and decide to write anything, it’s actually just something I have a knack for that I would trade for literally anything else. 
Having gotten that out of the way, I do not care to be chewed out in this way. You have got to be an absolute imbecile to read the warnings on a work and proceed to read said work knowing good and well, in your heart of hearts, that you are not going to like it. Why would you even bother putting yourself through that when it’s actually unhealthy for you to do as much? I get that you don’t like such content, but my blog isn’t yours to police or anybody else’s for that matter. 
I write what I write on this blog because exploring both light and dark fantasies is what makes me happy, and I think I’m entitled to that much? I know it’s disgusting and I don't care. I did what I had to do; I put multiple warnings and even bold them for people like you who seem to bypass them. It is as simple as this: If the content isn’t for you, don’t consume it. The only reason this doesn’t happen in bookstores (because yes! even published authors write sick shit) is because you have to pay for it and jackasses like you have to think before purchase. But, as long as I write what I write for free and I tag it as it is I’m above criticism or ridicule until I ask for it. This is not your safe space, and I’m not required to baby you or hold your hand and walk you through ignoring what you don’t like in any capacity. If it crossed lines you were uncomfortable with crossing then why the fuck did you read it? It makes zero sense, and it is the most pea-brained shit to do.
To address your comment about ruining the characters image: I would like for you to explain in full detail, how on gods green earth you expect me to give half a damn about the fact that you chose to consume non-canonical content about a fictional character despite a multitude of warnings and that ruined the character for you? Why do you expect me to care? It’s above me at that point.
You and others choosing to do that shit to yourself and blame it on others when you get hurt deserve that shit because at the very least you’ll learn not to do it again. “Fuck around and find out” at its finest.
“rethink about what you've been writing, you can have more than 100 notes, but not everyone likes it” has got to be one of the most dense and narrow minded things that has ever been said to me. Clearly, if I was interested in engagements and everyone liking my content I wouldn't have to plaster deterrents all over my posts, but seeing as I do, you can easily conclude where my interest lies. Even then, I do write content with mass appeal, thats literally how this blog started (and even then I had warned that things were going to get detestable and dark); I care for that work as much as anything else. To think everyone is even going to enjoy the same thing as you is single minded and it’s even more self-centered to try to enforce your preferences on others.
So having said all that I leave you with this: Either go read the softer content and heed warnings or get off my blog and block me. Either way, you won’t like the content I plan on posting in the future so, take care of yourself and stay away from my blog, yeah?
 At the very least— learn to mind your business. Thank you. 
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pidgebeifong · 4 years
atla characters as bnha characters (part 2)
Post-redemption arc Zuko (aka thank-god-ur-not-bald-anymore) as Todoroki Shouto
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if you didn’t see this one coming idk what to tell you
Daddy Issues™
emotionally scarring burn on left eye inflicted by a parent
Co-Presidents of the Shitty Dads Club
gorgeous, sweet, out of ur league
have to be at least friendship level 3 to unlock Mysterious Tragic Backstory
fire powers that they wouldn’t use/lost the ability to use for a while
hot (both literally and figuratively)
the favourites of their fandoms
Socially Awkward™
both have a sweet & kind friend who’s partly the reason they’re not angsty and emo anymore, everyone say thank you midoriya for giving us the todoroki we have today (give me platonic!zukaang/tododeku or give me death)
started out friendless and now they have like six bffs
‘farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance, and father is for emotional distance’
Pre-redemption arc Zuko (aka what-the-fuck-is-that-ponytail) as Bakugou Katsuki
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weird hair
Angery Bois™
im sorry they both look like really angry pomeranians i can’t take them seriously
‘you wanna go?! you wanna fuckin go?!’ tell me that isn’t the entirety of bakugou’s dialogue summed up in two sentences
‘let me see what you have’ ‘A KNIFE’ ‘NO’
torments the hell out of peace-loving main protagonist & hunts them down
both have had their lives saved (kinda? at least deku tried) by the main protagonist when they were still assholes
have father figures (kinda? does all might count?) who just want them to stop being fucking assholes and make the right decisions for once but do these dumbasses listen? no
have kidnapped someone/been the one who got kidnapped
100% would recommend anger management therapy. pls for the love of god sort out ur deep-rooted issues
repressed gays
zuko gets a pass bc of his emo tragic backstory but honestly baku was such a jerk to deku in szn 1 for literally no reason. fuck you bakugou
Azula as Dabi (aka Todoroki Touya, we all know it’s true at this point)
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yes i have a special place in my heart for villains with blue fire and tragic backstories, what about it
figuratively and literally hotter than their siblings (don’t @ me y’all know it’s true)
the ‘evil’ sibling one of whom was actually just misguided and whose redemption arc i’m still waiting for, but i’m not going to elaborate on that bc the way the atla writers handled azula just makes me mad & I’ll end up talking forever about it
fathers majorly fucked them up (ozai was abusive to azula, fight me)
kinda psycho
god if dabi really does turn out to be a todoroki and still doesn’t get a redemption arc i am suing. my heart cannot take this pain again
their most popular ships are both gay with a person who’s the complete opposite of them and have/will inevitably betray them in the end (tyzula, hot wings. manga readers know what i’m talking about but i don’t think dabi/hawks is too popular a ship with anime-only fans yet)
Ty Lee as Ashido Mina
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pink!!! pinkity pink pink
bubbly and fun, peppy attitudes
‘be gay do crimes’
actually incredibly dangerous and formidable even though they don’t really look like it (can you imagine fighting someone who can literally paralyze your entire body with a few punches? or shoot honest-to-god acid at you? we stan two (2) queens)
really flexible and good at sports (ty lee’s acrobatics, mina’s hip hop dancing)
both part of iconic squads (ozai’s angels, the bakusquad)
both their squads have a kinda mean leader (azula, bakugou)
don’t really take criticisms too harshly and always brush off mean comments by azula or bakugou with a smile
yeah i don’t really have a lot to say about them bc they don’t have a lot of screen time (we were robbed) but they’re cool
Mai as Aizawa-Sensei
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110% done with ur shit
Did Not Sign Up For This
the OG emos
*drives up to mcdonalds with ten kids in the backseat clamouring for fries, orders one (1) black coffee and leaves*
every day their will to live dies a little more
neither of them have bending/powers that are useful in combat so they’ve both learnt to be really good at fighting the traditional way, without bending or quirks
just let them sleep ffs
kinda hot when they’re fighting
dragged into dangerous situations by the main characters when they just want to mind their own business and take a nap
‘wake me up (wake me up inside)’
Uncle Iroh as All Might
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father figures
cheerful, jovial, always there to save the day
very powerful & strong
kinda old
both have antagonistic relationships with the ‘abusive fathers in power’ in each of their respective series
you probably can’t tell but i really don’t like iroh (even tho i adore all might) so it’s kind of hard to find good stuff to say about him, but i’m trying
give good advice that’s useless anyway bc the protagonists literally never follow it
both adopt a young boy who isn’t actually their kid but whom they have a closer relationship with than the boy’s actual dad has with the boy
train that young boy to become their successor
Fire Lord Ozai as Endeavour (aka human pieces of shit)
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burn in hell
apologise to your fucking kids
why was end*avour given a redemption arc in the manga that’s just as bad as h*ggar getting that stupid fucking redemption arc in voltron, makes absolutely zero (0) sense
good at one (1) thing and it’s giving their kids emotional trauma that they’ll have to carry around for the rest of their lives
have stupid beards and moustaches that makes them look like paedophiles
being indirectly/directly responsible for burns on their sons’ left eyes
hold on a sec i’ll be right back just give me a moment, i gotta go punt these dickheads into the mfing sun
if they were dying of hunger and i had a feast in front of me, i’d tell my servants to burn the leftovers
Princess Ursa as Todoroki Rei
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both forced into marriages because of their bloodline/powers that would make their future kids strong
had abusive husbands who were very powerful and feared
scarred their kids (literally)
disappeared from the household while their kids were still young due to an incident where they killed/harmed a family member (ursa poisoned fire lord azulon, rei scalded shouto’s eye)
had a child/children who was/were disregarded in favour of the child who was favoured bc of their abnormally strong powers
unintentionally abusive (ursa fucked azula up bad, don’t @ me)
idk what else to say we got like two and a half seconds of screentime in total for each of them
Emo Zuko (like even more than normal) as Tokoyami Fumikage
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professional Edgelords™ such darkness
so drama
very emo
Sparky Sparky Boom Man as Bakugou Katsuki (aka sparky sparky boom boi)
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boom boom time to die
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jvmp3 · 5 years
thick as thieves
“Hiiii can you make a fluffy/comedy Jeonghan au/imagine where he’s your close family friend and he’s rly close to your younger brother and parents. When he hangs around your house he always teams up with your brother to play pranks on you. Then one day he asked the help of your family to ask you to be his girlfriend. But like with drama in te midst of everything somehow. Tysm idk if it’s too long tho 💕💕” - @i-purple-you-v
paring: i guess y/n and jeonghan
genre: fluff and crack idk
warnings: uh none ? just some kissing and swear words
words: 4.2k
a/n: first of all i hope you like this !! it’s really not my best lol but i hope its enjoyable, also i had fun with it !! second i know its long,, but i got carried away :] oh also areum is not jeonghan’s sisters name !! i made that up lol, it could be idk but i just made it up. if i made any mistakes, don’t hesitate to tell me !! i looked over it twice, but it’s inevitable hehe anyways happy reading !! stay hydrated babies <3 i am a jeonghan one fine day enthusiast so-
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   you know that from the moment you wake up to the time you step out of your room, someone is bound to attack you. whether it be your younger brother or your best friend, you were never surprised. your best friend, yoon jeonghan, had been in your life quite literally from the time you were carried into your house two days after you were born, up until now. his family had moved into their house the day you were born and surprisingly they had a little boy that was just a few months older than you. you two had known each other from diapers and playdates your guys’ mothers would set up, and you were both now seniors in high school. 
   to say jeonghan was pretty was an understatement, you had watched him blossom and to say you were attracted to him was nothing but the truth. even when he let his hair grow out, you still found him breathtaking. apart from his looks, he was never but anything nice to you, although he could sometimes be a dick. he’s sly and clever and while he wasn’t outright mean to anyone, that wasn’t rude to him first, this made your friendship all the better. from his cleverness and your sarcastic witty comments about anything, you two were unstoppable. you two were partners in crime, thick as thieves if you will. the tree between the two houses stopped neither of you from going over to each others houses and only proved to strengthen your relationship as it became a regular hangout spot. from talking about anything to star gazing at two am, the spot was one of your favorite places. going to school with jeonghan was nothing but fun - you two causing little problems for others and then blaming it on one another. 
   the only thing that was annoying about said boy was that he never failed to cause trouble at your house. it was never anything to actually cause harm but they were annoying. jeonghan and your younger brother seemed to be glued at the hip when he was over, you didn’t mind - you loved seeing him bond with your family - but these pranks were getting out of control. as soon as your brother could walk and speak, jeonghan had stolen him away from you and started devising their plans to ruin your life. once they were both home from school, the two of your favorite boys would be dead set on making you question if they really were your favorite boys. your parents were also very fond of the boy and didn’t seem to mind that he seemed to love to tease the hell out of their daughter. the pranks weren’t that bad when they first started doing it but sometimes it would get out of hand. like the time you were almost late to school and they had put salt on your toothbrush that morning and watched your reaction when you stuck the toothbrush in your mouth, you quickly spit it out and washed your mouth out while flicking water on the two laughing boys on your way out of the bathroom. or the time when they taped a piece of paper to the bottom of  your computer mouse when you were trying to do homework, you were almost in tears when you tried calling one of your parents, jeonghan was chuckling when he pulled your hand that held your phone so he could show you what really was the problem. you slapped his chest as a frustrated sigh left your lips. the pranks weren’t only at your house though - when jeonghan was out at dinner with your family one night, your brother and him had secretly asked for the waiter to keep the wasabi on your dish, and your reaction when you started eating was priceless. your brother and jeonghan, plus your parents, were losing it at the restaurant and all you could do was offer a glare that promised you’d get back at the two later. 
   it was the first day of senior year and you were scared that the pair of boys were going to ruin your morning. it was the first day of your last year of high school and to say you were excited about leaving the place was an understatement, and if your brother and jeonghan tried ruining that for you, you might just lose it. 
to the devil <3: if u try anything this morning, ill fight you dumbass
from the devil <3: i wont lol just come downstairs already, im waiting on u slow poke
you descended down the staircase careful to not mess up your uniform. you made your way to the kitchen, the dark haired boy sat across from your parents at the table, scrolling through his phone. your brother was nowhere to be seen and a sigh left your lips as you went to grab a banana from the table. you stuffed it in your bag, along with grabbing the carton that was in front of your best friend. he stared at you while you sipped from the banana milk and reached to take it back but was surprised when you spun around and headed towards the door. he quickly grabbed his bag from the floor and walked after you, you both said your goodbyes to your parents as you grabbed the car keys on the small table by the front door. you handed the half empty carton back to jeonghan and laughed at his visible pout once you entered the car. you both put your back packs in the back seat before turning the car on. 
“don’t worry hannie, my parents stocked the fridge with more for school.” he smiled buckling up before sipping on his drink in the passenger seat. you stopped at house a few down from yours and jeonghan’s and saw your friend joshua leaving his house. across the street another one of your friends, soonyoung, walked out of his house with a smile on his face and waved when he saw joshua. they made it to your car and slammed the doors shut, making you jump. “hey dickheads, i’m driving you to school in my new car, best if you didn’t slam the doors shut.” you smiled back at two behind you before taking the car out of park and made your way to leave the neighborhood. your friend group sure was a wild one, but you couldn’t have asked for better friends. the drive to school didn’t last long, and with the small talk about summer was, you pulled into your designated spot ten minutes before the bell. the four of you left the car, joshua getting your bag and soonyoung getting jeonghan’s. you all decided to meet up with the rest of your friends to chat before the dreadful day of school started. 
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“jeonghan you can’t just expect me to drive you everywhere now that i have a car.” you told him as you turned the key in the ignition. “i am not your chauffeur!” the brown headed boy laughed and watched the way you backed out of the spot, he was admiring the way your undivided attention was on driving. it was on keeping yourself and the boy safe. his heart hammered in his chest at the thought of your attention on nothing but him. jeonghan’s cheeks felt warm and he turned the ac up to keep his cool. 
“you know i don’t get my car until my birthday so you’ll have to deal with it for now. i’ll drive your car around for you and take you places! i’ll even pay if we go get food and stuff.” his hand drifted over to where yours was on the gear shift before placing it back on his thigh. you smiled and turned your head towards jeonghan and put your hands on the wheel, starting the drive to the cafe you and jeonghan go to a lot. 
“as long as you pay, i’ll take you anywhere.” jeonghan felt his heart rate pick up again at your words and he swore he saw a blush paint your face. the drive to the place was uneventful and after grabbing your usual drinks to go, you drove home. jeonghan grabbed his bag along with yours from the back and followed you till you got to the door, he turned around and felt a tug at his shoulder. the jingle of keys came to his ears and the pull from his shirt brought him into your house. the smell of your home rushed into jeonghan’s nose and he smiled at the sound of your younger brothers voice that could be heard from the living room. “hey kiddo, did mom pick you up early?” the boy looked up from his spot on the couch and nodded with a smile on his face. jeonghan went straight to him and sat with him as he drank his cold beverage. you treaded up the stairs and threw your bag to the ground once you made it to your room. the walk back to where the two boys were was quiet, too quiet. on the last step you let out a small scream. you felt something hit you on the back of your head, your hand moved to feel it and you were surprised to find something sticky touching your fingers. your body tensed up as laughter erupted from behind you, your other hand went up to your hair as you tried picking it out of your hair. jeonghan’s clapping made you jump and you fingers kept at it, they were pulling and picking and yet you couldn’t seem to get it all. 
your fingers were coated in a sticky substance as you turned around looking at the pair. tears pricked your eyes and jeonghan stopped high-fiving your brother. “what did you guys do.” jeonghan rushed over to you and pushed your brother out of the way before any tears fell. 
“stop. stop pulling at it or it’ll be harder to get out. we can get it out.” he grabbed your hands and held them in his own. a few of your fingers had the gum on it, he could see the remnants of it and he pulled you away from the staircase into the kitchen. jeonghan’s hands felt warm, you could feel them against the back of your hands as he made you wash your hands in the sink. “we can use peanut butter to get it out. we’ll get it out.” you heard jeonghan mumbling when he dried your hands. apologies left his mouth in a hurry as he told your brother to go back to the couch, he walked over to the pantry and grabbed the peanut butter. “i’m sorry, we didn’t think you would try and get it out. we didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.” you were starting to freak out again and your hands instinctively went to your hair again. 
“jeonghan, we have to cut it. i have to cut my hair and he doesn’t like short hair. he won’t like me with short hair.” jeonghan felt his heart tighten at your words and he stopped what he was doing with the jar. the front door opened and your mom walked through, 
“hey guys i’m back from the store and i picked up- what happened?” your moms confused face came into view and then the tears came. “why is she crying? jeonghan, sweetheart why is she crying?” your mothers hands were on your face as she wiped the tears away. jeonghan’s hands stopped and he placed the opened jar of peanut butter on the countertop you were sitting next to. “jeonghan go. go home and we’ll call you later.” the said boy was still blurting out apologies as he walked out of the room and grabbed his bag from the couch and then left the house without another word. 
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the next week and a half had passed with little to no conversation, or even glances, from the two of you. you realized just how much your life had been filled with jeonghan. from the moment you had woken up to the time you went to bed. your thoughts were filled of the boy. jeonghan hadn’t spoken a word to you, let alone look at you, and you hadn’t spoke to the boy since the day he left your house. your mom had decided that the gum was stuck and that no amount of peanut butter would get it out. that night you had gone to sleep with a new look, your semi long hair was cut right at your shoulders and you couldn’t tell whether or not you liked it or not. it was different and that meant the boy you were kinda using to get over jeonghan wouldn’t look at you anymore. jeonghan was the boy of your dreams and he didn’t look at you like that. not like the way you looked him. and what better way to get over someone then to date someone else. so you had tried for months to get over jeonghan. and now that your hair was short, you didn’t have a chance with the guy. 
you didn’t want your senior year to start like this and neither did he but you both couldn’t face each other just yet. jeonghan hadn’t talked to anyone really besides his family in that week and a half. he was sad and he knew exactly why. he was devastated that you liked someone that wasn’t him. he wanted it to be him. he liked that you cutting your hair would get the other boys attention off of you. it meant that he would have you back as his best friend and not constantly trying to get the attention of some boy. jeonghan and your brother had planned it out, they knew they needed to get the gum out of your hair as soon as possible once it was ‘stuck’. they had planned everything out and yet it went wrong so fast. he wanted to tell you he liked your hair, he loved it. jeonghan thought you looked beautiful no matter what. he wanted to tell you but he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you, let alone look in your eyes. he wanted his best friend back, he wanted to be able to talk to you again. he hadn’t been sleeping well lately and he thinks its because you haven’t sent your usual goodnight texts to him. jeonghan wanted to hold your hands when you had a bad day, take you out to your favorite restaurant, and talk to you under the stars in the tree in between your guys’ houses. he wanted you.
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the fourteenth day without jeonghan was when you finally decided that you had decided that enough was enough. you hated not talking to the boy and you desperately wanted the boy back in your life. you had gone over to his house one day after school, completely forgetting that he had after school activities on tuesdays, you saw his sister though. 
“hi areum, how are you?” you watched the young girl walk around the kitchen and smiled at her. 
“i’m good, but i’m guessing you aren’t here for me? jeonghan’s okay, he’s a little upset but he won’t talk to me about it.” areum bit into the apple and you bounced on the heels of your feet. you couldn’t tell why you were so nervous, you’ve known areum since she was a baby. watched her grow up into the young women she is today. but you felt your nerves kick in for some reason. “i’ll tell him you stopped by, and make sure you talk to him. i know he misses you.” areum smiled towards you and walked to her room. you left the yoon house hold and walked the small distance to your house, you made it to your room and grabbed your phone. 
to the devil <3: come to the tree tonight at midnight please, i miss you.
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midnight came sooner then you thought, and pacing the floor in your room was enough to keep you busy for a few hours about thinking of what you were going to say. with ten minutes till, you waited on the platform that his parents had put up for the two of you. the window to jeonghan’s room clicked and out came the brown headed boy. he sat down next  to you and offered a small smile. 
“i like the hair by the way, it suits you and you look pretty. and if some jackass can’t see that, they don’t deserve you.” jeonghan went grab your hair and his fingers caressed your face. you tilted your head into his touch, missing it. you missed him. jeonghan also didn’t miss the way the color arose on your cheeks, and it wasn’t from the cool weather outside.
“jeonghan, we need to talk. about everything.” you reminded him why you were there and grabbed his hands to hold them. he squeezed your hands in a means to tell you to continue. “i’m sorry for everything, i didn’t mean for this to turn into what it is.” you let your head drop and he let out a small sigh, knowing that you would blame yourself before blaming him. “and for what its worth, i stopped talking to seungcheol. i didn’t even like him that much.” his face broke into a smile, which you didn’t notice, at hearing your words and you squeezed his hands this time to let him talk. 
“well for what its worth, i’m sorry. i’m sorry for how everything turned out. and for kinda forcing you to cut your hair short.” he began and looked in your eyes, jeonghan held your gaze when he talked and you decided to add that to the long list of things you liked about him. “i’m really sorry and i want things to go back to normal. i want us,” he motioned his finger in between the two of you “to be together again. to be friends” you smiled back at him and dragged his hands towards you, he got the hint and wrapped his hands around your waist, yours around his neck. jeonghan felt you sneak your head into his neck and he smiled once again. he liked the way your hair smelt and he reminded himself to ask you later about what scent it was, he wanted some for himself. 
jeonghan was planning something big, and you just didn’t know it yet. things were okay with the two of you, and he could finally sleep again.
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a week after everything went back to normal jeonghan had been over at your house more than usual and you didn’t know why. the week had been filled with constant conversations from the two of you ranging between school to what you missed with one another during the week you hadn’t talked. there was small touches between you and jeonghan, but you wish there was more. he hugged you a little longer and made sure to tell you how happy he was that he was back on your life. how happy he was to be with you again. the day had gone on normally, as well as a wednesday without jeonghan could go. he stayed home that day due to a sickness that he didn’t want to get you sick with, which you were thankful for, but you missed him. you pulled into your driveway seeing your dad standing in front of the front door. after grabbing you bag, that had extra notes in it for your sick best friend, you walked up to your dad. he smiled upon seeing you and he handed you a white envelope that you failed to notice until now. 
you questioned why he was there and all he did was motion for you to take the envelope and read it, which only fueled your curiosity. you opened the small envelope and carefully read the writing. 
i love your smile
you smiled and read the second writing that was farther down.
find your mom angel
you stepped past your dad with the note still in hand and smile on your features. you found your mom after little trouble, in the kitchen and another envelope was in her hands. she smiled when you grabbed it, and reread the note over your shoulder.
i love your laugh, and the way you always see the best in people. i love your eyes and the way they crinkle when you laugh really hard.
your eyes drifted down again,
find my other partner in crime love
if you weren’t crying from the first note, you could definitely feel a few run down your cheeks now. your mom pointed towards the stairs and after she helped you clear your face of any tears, you made your way upstairs. all the room doors were closed except yours and you could see your brother standing in front of it with another envelope in his hands. after making your way to him, he handed you the letter and hugged you,
“he really likes you sis.” you laughed and patted his head, you opened the envelope and read the five words on the paper which made a few more tears fall,
i love everything about you. 
your brother pushed you into your room and your eyes went straight to the open window, you could vaguely see the cute boy on the other side. you made your way to him, sitting with your knees touching on the small platform, and jeonghan was waiting for you with the last envelope, he though you looked beautiful with your hair slightly swaying with the small breeze and how the smile never left your lips. he wanted to wipe away your tears and hold your hands. you started laughing and jeonghan wasn’t quite sure why.
“aren’t you supposed to be sick ?” he laughed with you and pushed the letter into your hands,
“just open the damn note already so i can kiss you.” he watched a blush rise to your cheeks and he wanted to take a picture to remember this moment forever. you opened it quickly also wanting to kiss the boy in front of you,
i love you.
some of your tears had fallen onto the paper and jeonghan moved closer to grab your face, his touch was comforting and you leaned into it. jeonghan watched your eyes fall shut when his fingers started wiping your face, he thought he had never seen anything prettier. you were perfect in his eyes and he loved everything about you. his moved his hands to cup your face better and brought his lips to yours. you only kissed one other boy before jeonghan and it was actually one of your closest friends today, junhui still made fun of the kiss that you both shared in seventh grade during a game of spin the bottle. but the kiss with jeonghan was electrifying. made you want more and your skin felt like it was on fire. you loved the way his lips felt against yours. your hands clenched into fists before moving to his face. he was warm and you thought you could hold him forever. jeonghan tilted his head and backed away to smile in the kiss before going back in, the boy couldn’t get enough of you or your lips. he’d kiss you until the end of time if you’d let him. after some small pecks and a whine from the boy when you pulled away, you grabbed his hands and laced your fingers together. 
“you can kiss me whenever you want but i’m kind of hungry.” he chuckled and leaned in for another small kiss, surprising you, and made moves to stand up. he pulled you with him into your room and he hugged you.
“my parents were gonna take us out after i did this but i still need to ask you something baby,” the use of the pet name hadn’t gone unnoticed by you and you smiled as you tugged his body closer to yours.
“yes i’ll be your girlfriend you dummy.” it was his turn to smile and he separated from you only to bring his lips to yours again. you pushed his chest away after a few seconds,
“also you know i never really liked seungcheol, and i was only using him to get over you cause i thought you would never like me back.” you clutched his shirt in your hands and he rewrapped his hands around your middle.
“oh thank god.” he watched as your eyes crinkled when you laughed and he swore he fell in love again. 
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you thought after becoming jeonghan’s girlfriend, the pranks would stop, but it seemed to only make him do it even more, as he could repay you with kisses. your short hair was currently covered in baby power and when he came up behind you to hold your waist, you rubbed your head against his shirt.
“this is what you get hannie.” he smiled and leaned down to leave a kiss on your cheek. you placed your hands on his and he turned your connected bodies around so you could see the other culprit, he ran away as soon as the two of you locked eyes.
“hey! get back here!” he retracted his hands from your sides and watched as you started tickling your brother and inevitably getting baby powder everywhere. jeonghan couldn’t have been happier, he finally had the girl of dreams and he was so lucky that he fell for someone like you. 
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“Wait... You’re the Little Voice Inside My Head?”
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Genre: fluff, soulmate! au; you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts, which isn’t always the best thing
Pairing: Lucas X gender neutral reader
Warnings: cussing, you will have a cavity by the end of this it’s too damn sWEEt
A/N: wong yukhei can stay in his mcfreakin lane:)) okay:)) this hurt me to write he truly did make his way up my bias list and I am .? okay,, I guess this is what we are doing
ever since you were little, you always heard voices inside your head
those voices being 1. you, and 2. a little boy you had never heard out loud in your life
the first time you heard him was when you were four, playing with an imaginary friend in your room
I wonder what Mommy is making for dinner, you thought and lo and behold
I want my mommy to make something without vegetables!
uhhhhhhhhh .?
that was not your voice
but you being a four year old with an imaginary friend, you were like “cool I guess, sometimes it be that way” 
at dinner you brought it up to your parents, but of course they passed it off as your imaginary friends
I mean,, lets be real
you were little and ran around the house all day talking to your imaginary friends, so that was the logical explanation in that situation
that was only the first incident you had with the boy speaking in your head
and lemme just say, as y’all got older, it only got wilder
you only knew that he heard what you thought for one reason
he’d always, and I mean ALWAYS
one time in elementary school, your class was taking a math test and you had no fuckin clue what was going on
uhhhhhhh what the frick is 8 times 9 divided by 2 plus 4???
don’t worry tho, your mystery boy came in clutch
40! The answer is 40! his little voice chimed, saving your ass and being the reason you scraped by with a b
as time went on, you heard him more and more, and occasionally yall would have full conversations
only when you got older did you realize
shit dawg, this is my soulmate
once you hit middle school, you finally sat your parents down and basically said
that imaginary friend that would talk in my head when I was little hasn’t gone away and im pretty sure that’s my soulmate quirk
of course your parents were like. oh ? worm ? 
you explained to them the whole thing tho
“ive had legitimate conversations with him before, he hears some of my thoughts and I hear his. I can’t really control what all he hears, though, and neither can he, so it’s very weird to hear things out of context.” 
the entire time your parents sat there, both confused and happy
on one hand, they didn’t fully understand how it all worked, 
and on the other, they were proud because their lil baby was all grown up, talking to their soulmate!! moving towards the second part of their life !!
from that moment, your quirk progressed even more
you started to talk to him more and more, and he heard more and more of your thoughts
it was odd, really, because everybody has thoughts that make them guilty
you know, thoughts that can embarrass you for even thinking them?? 
not because they’re dumb (although let’s be real, everyone has their fair share of dumb thoughts), 
but because you know they’re mean:/
one night you were up thinking that,
thinking: you probably hate me…. all of my thoughts are so mean and harmful, and it brings me shame to know that I can be so vile to people without even meaning to. I’m sorry…. I wouldn’t blame you for hating me. 
for some reason, your mystery boy was awake (bitch go tf to sleep it’s three in the damn morning) and he responded
hey, two things…. 1. you’re such a dumbass, and 2. it’s not your thoughts that matter, but how you react to them afterward. the fact that you think your thoughts can come off as mean show that you care, and that you’re not as shitty of a person that you think you are. 
listen,,, we all know lucas ain’t always that deep but we can pretend for this au ok
you sat there in complete shock and then he went, anyways you adorable idiot, go to sleep, you have finals in the morning. 
from that night on, you talked to him more and more
had a bad day? lucas would know all about it as soon as you got home
lucas did something embarrassing while out in public? you’d hear about it while in public as he tried not to spontaneously combust
you will never believe what I just did…. the barista told me to have a good day and I said “you’re welcome”
of course you laughed,,, that dumbass is supposed to be your soulmate ?? 
but you told him chill dude, everyone says shit like that sometimes, it happens to the best of us 
he was with you during your cringey phases (as you were with him during his) 
he was there the first time you had your heart broken
your friends all told you not to date the popular basketball player, but you said yeet I guess and well
lucas consoled you as you cried, not over that boy but over yourself for thinking something like that could work
“I don’t know why I even tried. He isn’t you, and he never will be. Hell, I don’t even know your damn name but I know we fit together more than that guy and I ever could.” 
that night was the first night you learned his name, wong yukhei, or lucas as his friends called him
“My name is Wong Yukhei, but my friends call me Lucas. And I’m sorry some guy treated you like shit. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, you deserve the whole world. I wish I knew who you were, where you were, so I can finally meet you and tell you everything I never told you.”
and that was the first night he learned your name 
“y/n, my name is y/n, and I know we are going to meet soon. I just know it. I can feel it.” 
and you were kind of right ??
it all depends on what your definition of soon is tbh
bc that whole sappy convo took place in your junior year of high school
and y’all met in college !!
it was high key odd and not at all how either of you planned to meet, tho
it was your first week at college, and you were nervous af
parents? gone. responsibilities? crippling. adulting? expected. 
you finished moving in a while ago, and by then had met your not so pleasant roommate 
let’s just say uhhhhhh this roommate had been a complete and utter dickhead
so you threw on some shoes, grabbed your laptop and wallet, and went to the library on campus
after all, it was only the first week, there shouldn't be too many
you walked in and the first thing you saw was someone crying and saying “FUCK SCHOOL” 
naturally you were like, “bitch me too. tf?” 
but decided to not say that to that kid so you quickly skrrted the fuck out there (yote, if you will)
as you dipped real quick, you went through your options in your head
coffee? target? dorms? 
coffee seemed like your best bet, so you hauled your ass to the campus café 
as soon as the door opened, stress melted from your mind
i’ll drink to that, bro
the place was not too busy, it was during the middle of the day so people were either asleep or busy
there wasn't a line so you walked up to the person working at the register 
“shit fuck what should I order from this coffee place??” 
“mountain dew with two shots of espresso” - the ever so helpful Wong Yukhei
“okay what the fuck??” 
“lemme get uhhhhhhh iced coffee I guess,” you said, paying and waiting for your drink
while waiting, you went and grabbed a straw, and out of the corner of your eye you spotted a fuckin. GiAnt enter the establishment
he seemed goofy tho,,, so u were like. ok. cool. pop off, I guess. 
you couldn’t hear him speak, but inside your head you heard, “Iced coffee.” 
“yeah, what about it? I already ordered it, you’re a little late.” 
he did not respond which had you going ?? miss keisha, miss keisha, oh my fucking god she fucking dead !
you patiently waited for your cold bean juice while the guy paid and literally stumbled right by your feet to get a straw for himself
before you could ask if the Clumsy Giant was okay, the barista called out, “ Y/N!” 
you went to pick up the drink, and felt two eyes drilling holes in the back of your head
naturally, you turned around like. ? we got beef? 
but found the actually kinda cute boy staring at you in shock
“What?” you sheepishly asked, not sure if you had something on your face or if something was genuinely wrong, which would explain why that weirdo stared dead at you 
“Y/N.... y-your name is Y/N?” he asked, and his voice clicked right away
fuck, dude
you already knew the answer, 
you could recognize that voice anywhere
but you still wanted to ask and make sure you are not dreaming
however, before you could ask, 
the barista called out his name
f u c k, dude
“Wong Yukhei?” 
“Y/N L/N?” 
you two both broke out into a grin upon hearing the other say your name out loud
yall clung to each other, wrapping the other in a huge hug
meanwhile, the barista was standing behind the counter, waiting for lucas to grab his drink like :/ i’ll wait!
“this is touching, and all.... but can you please grab your coffee?” 
“THAT IS MY SOULMATE!” lucas announced, obviously giddy at finding you
and tbh, you were feeling it, too
yall sat down at a little table and for a while, just stared at the person sitting across from the other
then, “I’m glad I met you.” 
“Me, too,” he agreed
and thus the start of a relationship with pretty much no communication issues ever, 
mostly due to the fact that there were no secrets 
not that either of you minded, because lets face it
you two had souls that were reflections from one another, and you can’t hide a secret from yourself so why would you hide a secret from him? 
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Edie & Buster
Edie: oi my sister there Buster: She's at work Buster: Are you alright? Edie: tell her come home so everyone get off my dick Buster: I can't tell her what to do Edie: ha yeah u can Edie: i know how she is Buster: Come on Edie: What I thought you want everyone 2 know Edie: or that not include me Edie: wouldn't be the first Buster: 'Course you're included, Eds Buster: Alright fine, I'll be honest Buster: I don't wanna tell her to come home Buster: Do you get that? Edie: oh i get it Edie: its fucked up but i'm with it Buster: Call me a selfish cunt if you want but that's how it is Edie: Why'd I call u that Edie: u didn't do that shit den bounce on us Buster: Yeah but I want her to stay here Edie: yeah u getting ur dick sucked Edie: i said i get it Buster: It's not like that Edie: it is tho man Edie: i'm sorry to tell u actual Edie: but whatever she chat, you ain't special to her, you know Edie: that's just how she do Buster: Nah, babe Buster: It's different Edie: oh mckenna mckenna Edie: thought you was smart Buster: I am Buster: That's why I know what I'm saying is legit, yeah? Edie: the timing ain't got u fucked Edie: oh no i'm in trouble, here's another distraction, like Buster: Like I said, it isn't like that Buster: Me and her have been together long before Drew did what he did Edie: and she's wanted drew to pipe her long before you Edie: ain't none of us believe that just came outta the blue Buster: Don't Buster: She's never wanted him like that Buster: It was one sided, all from him Buster: Yeah, he's been playing that way for a while too but Edie: I'd hear her and Indie talking you know Edie: now that's fucked up, catch her talking to me like that and he ain't even wanna be my dad Buster: What do you reckon you've been hearing? Edie: 'low it, KNOW what i hard Edie: heard, whatever Edie: she thought he was soooooo hot, like every other bimbo in this family Buster: Maybe for one second when she was a kid Buster: It doesn't mean anything other than that Edie: oh boy you drank too much koolaid Buster: Nah Buster: I've been there when he's been acting up, I've seen it for myself how much she wasn't about him like that Buster: Trust me Edie: obvs she ain't gon be wid it when you're about Edie: like at the baby shower Edie: she ain't thick Edie: smarter than u Buster: She isn't ever Buster: It's fucked up Buster: He is Edie: save the spiel baby Edie: he's this family's scapegoat for when they wanna do the fuck shit they wanna do Buster: He's a cunt regardless Edie: u cute Edie: don't let her play u the same Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I know exactly what I'm doing Buster: Do you? Edie: haha Edie: babe, is it really that good it worth dis Edie: i always know what i'm doing Edie: whatever i want Buster: It's worth way more than this shit Buster: Believe it or not Buster: Like it or not Edie: no one like it but what they gon do right Buster: They can do whatever they want Buster: So can I Edie: dun know who u think u preaching at or why Edie: i don't give a fuck what u do Edie: came here cuz i need em off my dick and back on hers and i'm outta here Buster: Why are you chatting at me then like you wanna save me from her or something? I don't buy it, Eds Buster: You could have just said that and left Buster: You care Buster: So talk to her Edie: i care bout me Edie: they're pissing me off more than normal Edie: shame if they get u too but ain't gonna be crying over it baby Buster: Come to London Buster: You can stay here Edie: i dont like u like that mckenna Edie: soz Buster: Shut up Buster: You know what I mean Edie: rahhhh u actually so fucked up lmao Edie: i got places i wanna be Edie: thats the point Buster: You want your fam off your back I'm offering you somewhere to be where they won't be Buster: That's the point Edie: who she Edie: just cos she wanna try out for new step mum Buster: Aint I always had your back? Come on Buster: She isn't gonna give you grief like that Edie: you alright but dont get it twisted u ain't know me like that Edie: i don't wanna see her again at all Buster: I'll get you a hotel if you wanna come then Edie: hell no u cant buy me Edie: i ain't no hooker like ri be Buster: Don't call her that Buster: You know it ain't true Edie: it is tho Edie: she can do what she want but i aint gotta respect it or call it by a diff name to make her feel good bout it Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: You ain't a kid, you know how this all works Edie: she gets paid for her company Edie: what u wanna call it Edie: what makes u feel better Buster: Forget it Buster: I'm not trying to hit my head against the bricks Edie: hahaha thats what they always say when im right Edie: well if she aint gon go back for them she should know her man going pure apeshit, wilding out again like he think he the age he feelin Buster: Nah it's what they say when you won't be told. Not the same thing, like Buster: For the last time, he ain't her man. She doesn't give a fuck what he does or doesn't do Edie: meh whatever you say boy Edie: someone needs to go cheer him up Buster: Not our problem Buster: You do it if you're that bothered Edie: well he won't speak to me will he Edie: i ain't that fuckable, clearly Edie: or he got more morals than yous, either or Buster: Fuck's sake. Don't say shit like that to me Edie: awh mckenna only playin Edie: it's kinda funny tbh Edie: she act like she give the most shits about this fam Edie: and then she ruin it like that cos she wanna bang Buster: Hilarious Buster: She hasn't ruined anything Buster: Behave Edie: yous don't know u ain't here Edie: i'm tellin ya, why u think i'm jumping ship Buster: Neither are you, babe so don't act it Buster: If anything's fucked it's cause Drew fucked it Buster: You should be used to that as a concept Edie: didn't fuck himself mckenna Edie: all yous carry on blaming him til he the only one left tho Buster: I'm blaming him for this 'cause it's his fault Buster: I'm not trying to go any further back in time Edie: what u so whipped for Buster: Fuck off Buster: I know you'd love it to be that simple but it ain't Edie: u actually serious u think u love her Buster: I do love her Buster: I know that Edie: gon take up heroin next mckenna Buster: Grow up Edie: not the one still playing kissing cousins Edie: cute Buster: I don't care what you think Buster: And if that's the best you've got, don't bother, like Edie: good Edie: me either Edie: easier init Buster: Sometimes Edie: don't do halves Buster: Me either Buster: But you ain't the only one getting grief and feeling over it so Edie: fair you are chucking one in your fam, what u expect Edie: i've not done shit Buster: Whatever you say, babe Edie: ha tell me dickhead what have i done u reckon Buster: You're a bit of a cunt honestly Edie: boohoo Edie: if i was i'd fit right in Buster: You are and you do Buster: Deal with it, like Edie: all i do is deal with the unfortunateness of it trust Buster: Don't we all Edie: well bondings been fun babe but i got to go Edie: tell 'em all fairwell from me if you could tah u a real one Buster: Not your errand boy, sorry about it Buster: But not Edie: oh well Edie: they'll deal with not hearing it Buster: Since you ain't giving 'em a choice, yeah, they'll have to Edie: since when did u have to Edie: i ain't had 1 Buster: You've had plenty Buster: There's always choices Buster: Don't chat that bullshit to me Edie: nah Edie: god bless thank god u pretty Buster: Yeah Buster: On both counts Edie: i never had any it was all decided 'fore i even got here Buster: Nah Edie: yeah, mckenna Edie: he ain't want me, ma did Edie: i don't want her Edie: what a sad lil circle Buster: That's a cop out Buster: None of us got to pick our parents, babe Edie: least yours picked you Buster: Your ma picked you and Caleb Buster: You've got a mum and a dad same as I do Edie: well i don't want either of 'em Edie: so i'm offski Buster: Like I said, choices Buster: That's yours Edie: yeah it is Edie: finally Buster: Alright Buster: So stop wasting both our time with this chat then, yeah? Buster: It ain't going nowhere and you've decided you are Buster: Somewhere to be, like Edie: oooh Edie: touchy Edie: i'm waiting for my ride n my time Edie: what u even doin Buster: You don't care so what does it matter Edie: long as it matters to you babe Buster: Cheers Buster: Good insight Edie: ikr Edie: talents are wasted on this town Buster: You and me both Edie: shut up dickhead Edie: streets are paved with gold are they not Buster: Again, you wish it was that simple, babe Edie: why u even invited me then Edie: n u don't wanna fuck me Edie: rude Buster: I can only offer what I can offer Buster: I said it was an out from your fam not a fix all paradise, like Edie: lame and untrue to boot Edie: unfortunate but happens to the best of yas Buster: Whatever Edie: you might be ignoring the family tree like Edie: nothing in it for me Buster: Fine Buster: Don't come Edie: wasn't gonna Edie: doubt we got enough disel to get that far Buster: That's what planes are for Buster: But you know Edie: you know i ain't got that money Buster: I wasn't suggesting you paid for it Edie: kai has less than me lmao Buster: Him either Edie: mckenna mckenna mckenna if she's really doing that bad a job there's places you can go, people you can see Buster: This is boring Buster: You're just repeating yourself now girl Edie: you ain't my first choices either baby it's cool Edie: he's picking up Buster: Very gentlemanly Edie: like i ain't paying for it lmao Buster: If that's your way of saying you need money, make your mind up, like Edie: i'm saying that's where my money goes and is why he ain't getting on no plane Edie: paranoia man it'll get ya Buster: Yeah Buster: I bet Edie: Poor baby Edie: and Charlie thought he left all that behind him Edie: unlucky Buster: Can't say he don't know how to handle it at least Edie: that's a joke init Buster: Are you laughing right now? Edie: Big time Edie: got even less of a handle than ali and caleb Buster: Sure the judgement really helps too Edie: who's judging Buster: You Edie: Nah Edie: I don't care enough for that, I'm just laughing at the mess, not commenting on it Buster: Whatever you say Edie: how much would you give me Edie: outta interest Buster: How much do you want? Edie: ha you're such a bullshitter Edie: wouldn't stall if u was serious Buster: It's a serious question Buster: I don't know how long you're going for or where Buster: Not just gonna pull a number out the air Edie: for good and wherever we end up Edie: guess there's no ballpoint on that eh Buster: That's what you're saying now but if you're gone for a day and I give you a grand its not you who looks like a mug Edie: you a mug thinkin u get to tell me what to do with it like her Edie: its drug money mckenna don't act dumb Buster: Have I said shit about how to spend it? Nah Buster: Be serious and I will Buster: Tell me how much you want Edie: wow you really are dumb Edie: be careful out here baby Edie: even i ain't gonna play u like that but so many will Buster: Fuck off Buster: You're all talk, kid Edie: i'm serious Edie: ain't got your rents biz head have u jesus Buster: You don't know shit about what I'm got or not, Edie Buster: Don't act like you do Edie: you showed enough cards Buster: Nah, I'm showing you I can help you Buster: But be stupid Buster: How far you think you're gonna get with no money and no way to get any? Buster: Unless you're gonna play it the same way as Rio does whilst judging her for earning it Edie: you can help me get high? you and half the punters in this postcode, my da included Edie: ain't special baby and i ain't tryna enter yours so i don't need much Edie: plenty ways of getting cash that don't involve selling your ass Buster: Yeah, you're really smart Edie: aw thanks Buster: Cheers yourself Buster: Not a waste of time at all Edie: You're precious Buster: I know Edie: I reckon we've talked for sufficient time you can play you tried to stop me now Buster: I'm not gonna bullshit anyone Buster: That's for you to do Edie: as you like Edie: oh, tell ri gracie keeps crying, like ALL the time Edie: more than usual Buster: Tell her yourself Edie: alright Edie: she didn't reply last time i wrote her tho but worth a shot Buster: Try saying something worth reading Buster: I know it's a stretch but Edie: aw darn, i really thought i was smart Edie: oh well Buster: Bye, Edie Edie: laters mckenna Buster: Unlikely from how you're selling it, but sure Edie: see i don't know what u reckon the point of u is if you ain't gonna let me hit u up on the reg for cash Edie: you ain't know how this works Buster: I'm not trying to be anything for you Buster: Not my job Edie: knife thru my heart Edie: she always got the best of everything so used to it Buster: yeah yeah Edie: there u go again 💘 Buster: Poor baby Edie: u got jokes Buster: I know Buster: Pretty, smart and funny Edie: when u suck urself off that's somehow grosser than the incest Edie: eurgh Buster: Hilarious Edie: no jokes Edie: i reckon that's hurting your chances more Buster: I didn't ask and I don't care Edie: awh so in love is it Buster: Even if I wasn't, not gonna take advice from you Edie: why not Buster: Not gonna write you a list either Edie: i get laid Edie: by people i ain't related to n all, craziness Buster: Well done Edie: why thank you Buster: Sure your boyfriend wants to talk to you more than I do Buster: So on you go Edie: probably not if he's started without me but you know Buster: Well all the more reason to catch him up then Edie: ha you really don't like me do you Buster: You're not as stupid as you sound Buster: Good to know Edie: its chill b Edie: i dont like me either Buster: Do something about it then Edie: who for? Edie: this cunt Edie: i think not Buster: For you maybe Edie: that's the cunt i was referring to Edie: keep up Buster: You're just being so edgy right now, like Buster: How can I? Edie: we all know u aint vanilla now boy quit playin Buster: You first Edie: what u chattin i'm bein painfully real Buster: You're trying too hard, babe Edie: at what lmao Buster: This game Buster: Been there, done it Buster: You ain't been real this whole convo Edie: tragically i have Edie: soz you found it disappointing but same Buster: Disappointing ain't the word Buster: If you wanna put any in my mouth, try even harder Edie: you should save the wiser older brother bit tho Edie: ur actual sis would probs benefit Buster: I'm not trying to be that for her or you Buster: Unlucky Edie: now who's not being real Edie: it's cute, don't be ashamed Buster: Why should I be real for you? Edie: u shouldn't Edie: just a bit weird to be lecturing me Edie: unless you really tryna kick it daddy and its all do as i say not as i do Edie: i'm with you Buster: Weird ain't the half of what you reckon I am so why do you care? Edie: why do you Buster: Why do I care about you? Buster: Don't be stupid Edie: i'm not u got no reason Buster: Yeah I do Edie: ha sure Buster: Whatever Edie: you're as bad as her aren't you Edie: i got it fucked feeling sorry for you at the start Edie: you gonna chat like family means anything, god, at least i thought you were committed mckenna Buster: She ain't bad, that's your first mistake Buster: She's better than me, that's your second Edie: three strikes and i'm out? Edie: fun Edie: lemme think Buster: If we were playing that you'd have been out ages ago, babe Edie: good to know Edie: underestimated myself again but that's life Buster: I wouldn't know Buster: Not how I'm living Edie: hmm i wouldn't peg you as a total jump the gun cum in your pants type but if you insist Buster: You ain't got a clue how to peg me but it doesn't matter Edie: i been in the know on that but like i said Edie: don't like u like that Buster: Good Edie: lmao gotta draw the line somewhere mckenna Edie: glad to know it's at butt stuff Edie: on that note, peace Edie: my ride here Buster: Bye again Buster: Been a pleasure, obviously Edie: put it on my tab Buster: 'Course
0 notes
surveymeupmate · 7 years
Survey w/ ella
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? e- no. not yet. no, dont put that 
k- defo not 
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? e- idk
k- in some ways 
Do you like someone? e- yes 
k- sadly
Is a best friend pissing you off right now? e- no, i luv em
k- no
Are you happier now or three months ago? e- probably now but only a tiny bit more 
k- defo three months ago lmao 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? e- saw jack, it was good, it was nice 
k- ...
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? e- never
k- dead
Are you waiting for something? e- probably yeh
k- exams to be finished 
If you could change your eye color would you? e- nah i dont suit any others 
k- the ones that are like two colours or a brighter green 
What was the weather like today? e- shit
k- the usual 
Do you think you’ll be married in ten years? e- fuck knows 
k- hopefully not
Does your ex still love/like you? e- no
k- hahahahahahahahahah
Are you stubborn? e- yes 
k- depends
Do you tend to hold a grudge? e- depends, i can do 
k- depends 
Where were you at 9am this morning? e- in bed, not my bed but a bed 
k- same but my bed 
How has the week been? e- good? yeh, good.  a bad start but finished off great 
k- a rollercoaster 
Did you go out or stay in last night? e- went out, well i stayed in but not in mine
k- both
Something you do a lot? e- complain 
k- overthink
How many states have you lived in? e- 0
k- none
Can you commit to one person? e- yeh
k- not at the moment 
Who was the last person to hold your hand? e- jack 
k- tom :////
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? e- depends, like i dont have a specific 3 strikes and ur out 
k- same
Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? e- i hope so
k- same 
What do you miss most about your ex? e- nothing cos we’re besties 
k- im not getting into this rn 
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? e- yeh
k- nope 
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? e- he loves oasis n he’s cute 
k- hes a dick
Something you really want right now? e-  *sexual thoughts* 
k- emotional stability 
e- yeah that would be nice as well
How long have you liked the person you like? e- a month but ive mega liked him for the past few weeks 
k- proper liked him since the 6th of may
Does any part of your body hurt right now? e- my side a tiny bit but not rly... actually i have a headache now i think about it
k- my throat 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? e- yeh i think everyone saw me 
k- no 
Can you recall the last time you liked someone? e- yeh now 
k- same 
Are you happy with the way things are going? e- some of them 
k- not at all i want to die™
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? e- maybe 
k- hopefully not 
What plans do you have for tomorrow? e- dying and also being dead
k- same 
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? e- *shakes head*
k- idk man 
Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? e- urm no
k- not my all but a bit
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? e- yeh only a few times, many times
k- yeah 
Do you and your last ex hate each other? e- no
k- no but we should 
When was the last time you were sick? e- like a week ago
k- maybe soon 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? e- no
k- yes 
Do you tend to waste a lot of money?
e-  probably
k- yes
Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
e- nooooo? 
k- yes 
When was the last time you got a haircut? e- a month or two ago
k- a while ago
Did you sing at all today? e- yeh 
k- yeh 
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? e- the weather cos i dont drive 
k- same 
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? e- noo?
k- i think i might ?
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? e- typing, but it has to be a laptop
k- texting
If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? e- give it away 
k- depends
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? e- fuck knows 
k- emotions are not real, simply chemicals to help us survive 
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? e- neither, im not arsed 
k- idk man 
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? e- skinny
k- same 
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? e- i want to say break dancer because they are cooler but being a ballerina is peng so in conclusion neither 
k- break dancer 
When it comes to Baseball would you rather be on the field or in the stands? e- in the stands
k- i rly dont give a shit about baseball tbh
I’ve got to know, who do you prefer: Mario or Luigi? e- Luigi, no mario, actually neither *goes on the name all the characters in the franchise*
k- idk man 
Have you ever changed clothes in a public area (not a dressing room)? e- probaly, yeh like on the beach 
k- yeh 
How many months apart is your birthday from your best friends? e- 4 and 1 
k- 4 
Yes or no: Techno music?
e- neither can it depends 
k- idk 
Yes or no: pigtails?
e- sometimes 
k- sure
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? e- do they?
k- a lot of things 
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? e- well yeh
k- yeh
Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? e- no 
k- i dont think so 
If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? e- i could but id get sick of the paparazzi 
k- maybe idk 
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a letter P? e- no
k- i dont think so 
Did you talk to one of your best friends today? What did you talk about? e- yeh loads 
k- shes legit in front of me rn 
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? e- funny
k- depends how im feeling but funny most of the time 
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? e- yeh but i have them all the time 
k- maybe idk 
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? e- yeh
k- yeh 
How old is your oldest cousin? e- i am the oldest cousin so 17 
k- idk late 20s 
What if you saw your best friend holding hands with your ex? e- id be like katie why are you holding ur own hand lol 
k- i dont think she would tbh
Your last relationship, who dumped who? e- katie dumped me what a dickhead, wait we never actually broke up, katie im breaking up with u 
k- it was mutual, kind of 
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? e- 16
k- 14 i think.
Is your home town nice? e- no, not the town center anyways, its a mess
k- its better than some places i guess 
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? e- it would be fun ;)
k- idk man, it would be chill 
When/where did your last hug take place? e- in toms brothers bed this morning, more of a cuddle than a hug 
k- in toms doorway last night 
Do you consider yourself mature enough to make your own decisions? e- yeh
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? e- yeh, i know my mums entire life 
k- a little bit
You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? e- dunno katie but obvs not rn 
k- ella probs 
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? e- yeh
k- yeh 
Do you think someone has feelings for you? Are these feelings returned? e- yes and yes 
k- yes and no
What if the last person you texted were to ask you out? e- idk what this phrase means 
k- i would b like ella what about jack 
Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain. e- no
k- no
Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? If so, where? And why would you prefer to be there? e- no
k- asleep  cos i love sleep but im happy chilling atm 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? e- can do 
k- a lil bit
Can you remember what you dreamt about last night? e- no
k- i think it was something to do w/ shit that is stressing me out but i cant remember that well
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