#im more into physique now that im not worried about strength
What’s your favorite workout routine
The one where my whole body is sore and my ass fatter after
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
mokubat knows his leanness makes latikam upset. reminds him of the occupation. but its whatever. Appreciates the fact that he is apparently Incredibly Sexy by mortal standards and uses this to his advantage to be as much as a slut as possible with them.
zumi puts on a brave face to hide that she is deeply insecure about the way she looks. She'd give everything to just look vazuvyn. Having a more feminine body shape would help too but its by far not her biggest problem.
susarikas's biggest problem is just moving around. his body was never meant to... be like this. Unknown to everyone he will grow into it and live an adulthood without inhibition but right now its awkward to deal with. He doesn't let it get to him as he has no fellow young vazuvyr to compare himself with (though this itself does make him rather lonely).
dusk is reasonably mixed. ellyon dominated media that makes the ideal body one that she could literally never physically obtain vs living in a strong gwenduraag community where her body is normal and average. She has reasonable insecurities but nothing noteworthy. However, she is oblivious to how pretty she is with her hair down.
liz loves her body. It took a lot to get her body the way it is. her only issue is she wishes she had casarin's huge caboose, then she'd be perfect lmao.
You may not like it but kayanit is what peak female performance looks like (big snake)
levis, a naturally thin conventionally attractive jewel ellyon, has never once had to think about how his appearance would be received. He is taking aging with grace btw, thanks for checking in, we were all so concerned.
im going back and forth with something about nerus so put a tiny redacted about something here. That aside, i have a whole other essay about him and hydrel's insecurities with being half faeren. Might post later idk. Know he worries about his looks but its not in his size or shape.
galan, like everyone* else in their family, has no reason to be insecure because they're all thin and conventionally attractive. admittedly though, he is somewhat insecure that he has zero physical strength. Man couldn't protect a woman from a salmon. But it doesn't get to him that much because he hides behind his intelligence anyway. I have a business degree I dont need to lift heavy things such as a bag of flour.
vaens didn't have any issues until his thyroid failed on him and he got fat. deeply insecure about the changes, worst of all despite knowing its just medical condition he contextualizes it as a moral failing; that its a punishment from god. it is some solace to him that his wife loves him all the same. disclaimer that this is not why he is an horrible person, just another symptom of the bigger issue of his religiosity.
morgan is both conceited in her appearance and insecure. Looks at everyone else and thinks "at least I dont look like that". Fully believes that thinness is a holy thing and deviation is the result of one's own moral failing. We don't see behind the scenes but while she admires vaens's power she also judges him harshly for his body, though she keeps that thought to herself.
adaen was a soft squishy nerd. Always tried to look tougher and meaner to compensate but failed miserably and ended up just looking softer and dorkier in the end. Wasn't strong like his brother but he was the funny one.
fjinmars was also on the soft side but in a way that was still a very idealized feminine look. She never had to deal with anyone giving her shit about her appearance. And the media cant get to her because she knows things that society does not.
no notes about kentras as i havent designed him yet
anrai was heavy set, being a wrestler before being deployed his size and shape was praised albeit not for his looks. After coming home from his first service he went from having a wrestlers physique to being plain fat. It was fine. It was truer to who he was anyways; a soft hearted guy who just wants to live a peaceful life and cuddle with a cute wife.
naljuun was never insecure of her appearance but of being a tiny helpless girl. Runt of the family and having grown up having to do manual labor which never seemed to be good enough. Doesnt like to think about it. Just glad that casarin took after his dad and not her.
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glamrock-jre · 4 years
chapter 1: the end of the beginning
“you really did fall in love with me, huh?” a soft, husky voice asked as it cracked.
keigo laid on the ground, tattered up and bruised. “i hate to say it but...yeah i really did.” keigo confirmed as he gave a weak smile.
Three Months Ago
Now Playing: Ferrari by The Neighborhood
smoke filled the air as the outline of a dark figure stood on a balcony, contrasting the bright lights of the city that laid in front of the silhouette. the figure exhaled as they looked down on the city, taking in the sounds of the cars passing by right along with the bustling people who held conversations and were heading to their destinations.
the door to the balcony opened as the figure didn’t bother looking as they took a long drag of a neatly rolled blunt that rested between their index and middle finger.
“what?” the figure’s low and husky voice boomed softly through the air, the smoke sneaking into the air. they rested on the fence that the balcony provided, not sparing even the slightest glance towards the door.
“that’s not how you talk your momma..” a small brown skinned woman rested on the doorframe. her jet black hair was in a small curly bob as she wore a baby blue robe around her small frame.
the figure seemed to tense up for a moment and then relaxed soon after.
“i didn’t know it was you ma..” the woman walked onto the balcony and walked in front of the figure, which is her presumably her son.
before the mysterious male could take another drag from the blunt he held, his mother grabbed it and took a drag from it, blowing the smoke out.
“i told yo ass i don’t want you smokin this shit.” the woman said in a soft but firm voice as she threw it off of the balcony, witnessing it fall into the lights of the city.
“i know ma. im sorry-“
“no no no baby boy. i don’t want you sayin that sorry shit either.” the mother interrupted as she rested her finger over her son’s lips gently, shushing him.
the unknown male seemed to visibly tense at his mother’s words once more.
“stand up baby.” the unknown male stood up almost instantly as the small woman sat down on the lounge chair the figure was previously in.
“come rest your head in my lap and tell your ma wassup wit you.”
“wasn’t askin. if you not gone tell me, at least let me calm your nerves cause you standin over there like you nervous and shit.” the figure seemed hesitant for a moment but eventually sat beside his mother and then rested his head on her lap.
she immediately caresses her son’s head as she ran her fingers though his hair, her fingers getting caught in some parts because of the kinkiness of her son’s hair. this same process went on for a few moments until the unknown male spoke.
“you ain’t gone ask nothin ma?” his soft, smoky voice questioned as the woman sat there in silence.
“you a grown man, not a little boy. it’s up to you if you gone tell me or not.” the unspecified male relaxed and sighed softly.
“i got something that’s gone benefit you and the family.” the woman hummed softly, urging the male to continue.
“it’s a real good plan that i been thinkin of for a while now and i think it’s gone work.” the woman breathed deeply as she pat her son’s head softly.
“sit up honey.” the unidentified male sat up and the mother snapped her fingers. water appeared suddenly and molded into a brush. she grabbed the brush and started to brush her son’s hair.
“watashi wa watashitachi no shinpai ni tsuite o shiri ni nani o tsutaemasu ka?”(“what i tell yo ass about worryin about us?) the sudden language change startled the unidentified male as he let out a shaky sigh.
“yaru ni kono detaramena basho kara dete moraitai..“ (“because i want yall to get out of this bullshit place..” he started as he took a deep breath.
“koko de yaru no tame no tawagotode wa arimasen. korera no hitobito wa karera ga yaru o fakku suru koto ga dekiru to omoimasu, soshite watashi wa finade wa arimasen korera no guchi ni karera ga yaru o hashira seru to omowa semasu-“ (“aint shit for yall here. these people think they can fuck yall over and i aint finna let these bitches think that they run yall-“
“mite yo kuso kuchi no shōnen.” (“watch yo damn mouth boy.”) the woman scolded as she yanked the male’s hair. the male let out a small yelp of pain as he whined slightly.
“gomen'nasai, okāsan.” (“sorry ma.”) the male apologized as the woman continued to brush his hair.
“listen baby...” the mother twisted the male’s hair with intense care. “i told you ain’t gotta about worry about us. you need to worry about yourself and what you gone do. you worry about other people too damn much that you don’t focus on yourself.”
“i don’t care about myself ma-“
“well i do dammit. plus, there won’t be a you to care for others in the future if you don’t take care of you-“
“i KNOW ma.” the sudden outburst made the atmosphere tense. the mother sighed as she put her son’s hair in a messy bun.
“look at me son.” the unrevealed male turned to his mother. the woman wrapped her arms around her son’s small physique. the male learned into her touch.
“i got your twin brothers and sisters to take care of me.” the male opened his mouth until his mother spoke again.
“they strong enough to keep me and yo daddy safe, okay?” the male nodded softly.
“i know you my lil tough one and the second man of the house...” the small woman smiled softly. “but you ain’t always gotta be strong and fight for us. we can hold our own.”
“you believe in your brother and sister’s strength right?” the unknown male nodded and the woman laid a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“okay then. you should rest baby.” the figure grabbed his mother’s hands and cradled them against his chest gently.
“you gone head ma. imma sleep in a few.” the woman gave a slight nod and stood up, walking to the balcony door. the mother turned around a bit and gazed at her son once more.
“i love you, son.” the unspecified male strides over to the fence of the balcony. the woman looked away and walked through the door. she froze when her son spoke.
Now Playing: Mount Everest by Labrinth
“watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu okāsan.” (“i love you too ma.”) the mother smiled gently, a tear riding down her cheek. she disappeared behind the door as she locked it. the son sighed softly as three pairs of wings sprouted from his back. his wings soon turned into two bodies, one of light and the other of darkness.
“hmm...what you gone do my lil cobra?” the dark body questioned, its deep and sensual voice spoke softly to the unspecified man.
“why are y’all two here?” the man questioned in annoyance as he gazed at the city again, resting his face against his hand.
“aww don’t be like that. we’re just your two split personalities tryin to see if you finna go through wit this plan you got goin.” the dark one spoke once more as he casted his distorted hand around the male’s neck, applying a bit of pressure.
“seduction ain’t gone work on me, kurumi. you get it from me after all.” the dark body, kurumi, let out a distorted fruity laugh.
“you finna give me a lecture or somethin, kioyoshi? you just there bein silent and shit, which is dry of you.” the light body, kioyoshi, shifted slightly as it stayed quiet for a moment. there was a tense silence for a moment until kioyoshi spoke softly.
“you know ma is right...” the man sighed disapprovingly and shook his head.
“ma just be sayin that shit to keep me from doin shit that she think is stupid-“
“well it is kinda stupid doe-“
“nobody asked you, kurumi.” the man rolled his eyes slightly as he continued to speak.
“what i came up wit ain’t gone only benefit our family but it’s gone benefit us too. y’all need to show some more trust and faith in me.”
“me and kurumi do trust you-“ kioyoshi started in a soft, deep voice that was also distorted before the unspecified male growled lowly and slammed his hands on the fence of the balcony, shutting kioyoshi up.
“WELL LET ME DO WHAT THE HELL I NEED TO DO DAMMIT!” a silence enveloped the three beings in a stiff quietness. it felt like it lasted forever until the man spoke once more, breathing deeply. he put his weight on the fence of the balcony.
“i ain’t mean to yell at you, kioyoshi. but i want y’all two to be with me on this shit. i feel like im doin the right thing this time. i just need at least y’all to agree to help me go through with this.”
another stiff silence. after a few minutes, the two bodies molded back into wings.
“kioyoshi? kurumi?” the man called out to the two. each of his wings fluttered when he did so.
“thank y’all...” the man spoke contently as he stood on the fence, closing his eyes.
‘this time...i won’t fail..’ that was the man’s last thought when he fell from the balcony, leaving a black feather and a white feather with blood splattered on them on the fence.
Three Months Later (Present Day)
Now Playing: W.A.B by Megan Thee Stallion
keigo walked down a sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, gazing at his surroundings.
the ringing of a bell whenever someone entered a cafe, the erupting conversations that went on between two or more people as they walked down the sidewalks, the cars that occasionally zoomed down the streets of Japan, and let’s not forget- the commotion that surrounded him when he was noticed by his fans.
keigo gave a smug smile as he bathed in the attention he got. he started interacting with his fans, taking pics with them, showing off his wings and all of that jazz.
“can you take a picture with me? please?” an excited girl asked as keigo smiled and put up a peace sign.
“say cheese.” the camera flashed as the girl thanked him and ran off.
keigo looked around as he smiled in content then he saw an outline of a figure on top of a building. he tilted his head softly as the figure walked away. keigo shrugged it off and went back to appealing his fans.
suddenly, gunshots went off and civilians started shrieking and running away from the source. keigo looked around, seeing everyone panic and run around.
“i need for everyone to get to safety as quick as they can!” keigo yelled over the crowd as they kept running to safety. keigo flew into the air and looked around to spot where the bullets were coming from. his sharp eye snapped to a woman who held a gun. she had a psychotic grin on her face that was very disturbing right along with her pink dilated pupils.
a sweet but sinister giggle erupted throughout the rowdy crowd.
“come on hero~ aren’t you gonna save your sweet little civilians or just let them die?” she started blindly shooting at the civilians. some of the targeted civilians fell to the ground due to getting a shot in the back, leg, or the head unfortunately.
keigo sent his feathers off towards the armed woman. the woman laughed once more and her eyes glowed brightly as she pulled her head forward as another head came out of her neck, then her arms, and then finally her entire body. the feathers pierced the first body as it fell limp on the ground.
“well that’s something you don’t see everyday.” keigo stated in an amused tone.
the woman giggles once more as she did the same action with much more swiftness than before, creating more replications of herself.
“you heroes make my job too easy~” she started running around everywhere, making more clones as she went.
keigo quickly flew after her and shot more feathers towards the woman. he kept hitting clones as the woman laughed more.
“i would’ve thought that you were more sharp than this, hero.” keigo gave a look of confusion for a moment as he heard more of the civilians scream. he quickly looked and noticed the replicas of the woman shooting the civilians.
“dammit..” he shot some feathers toward the previous replicas as they fell one by one.
‘shit...im running out of feathers..’ keigo landed on the ground softly as he struggled to keep up with the clones and the actual person.
“the hero’s in a pretty tough situation...~” the woman laughed hysterically as she stood on a mountain of her replicas.
“just like my sister...who was just as helpless as these dumb civilians who somehow gets to get their lives saved.” she snarled as she shot a bullet towards keigo.
Now Playing: What’s New by Megan Thee Stallion
“these damn heroes..” a small male flipped from the top of a building and glided down towards the ground. he took a deep breath and opened his mouth.
a grating scream resonated throughout the street as everyone covered their ears.
“what the hell!” roared the psychotic woman as she covered her ears.
keigo winced as his ears started ringing as he looked at the ascending figure.
the momentum of the unknown male’s body seemed to slow down as he landed on the ground with grace and swiftness.
“now who’s the crazy lady tryna kill civilians and shit?” the male looks around at everyone as he pops a red lollipop in his mouth, fixing his outfit.
keigo watched from afar as he made a quick observation of the small man.
the man wore a tight fitting red and black jumpsuit with his chest out (which showed his smooth brown skin) and it snuggled against his curves rather nicely, long red bottom open-toe heels that reached up mid-thigh, black gloves that fanned out at the wrist, four red spiky thigh chokers, silver chains decorated the black belt and the silver zipper at the top of the jumpsuit, and a red and black mask covered his face.
the male’s semi-kinky hair seemed to be in a low messy bun as two curly strands hung in front of his face. lastly, his piercing two-toned eyes had a playful intent in them.
everyone looked at the unknown male in awe and perplexity. the unknown male finally finished fixing his outfit and looked at everyone.
“uh hello? ain’t nobody gone say nothing?” the male waves his hand and gave a perplexing look.
“it’s me.” the woman spoke out and smiles sinisterly. the male looked up at the woman and broke out into laughter as the woman gave a look of confusion.
“oh you deadass?” the male asked in slight surprise as the woman growled a bit.
“you little-”
“so you gonna come down here and fight like a real woman or are you gone stay there bein a pussy?” the still unknown male swirled his tongue around his lollipop. “you’re gonna get your ass beat anyway so lets get this over wit already.”
“you’re mocking me!” the woman screamed as some of her replicas from the pile got up and aimed their guns at the unknown male. he shined a toothy grin as his fangs showed. he tossed away the lollipop stick from his mouth, the candy part being gone.
“you think surrounding me with yourself is gone stop me from gettin to you? tedious much?” the small male rolled his eyes out of boredom as he rested one of his hands on his hip and the other playing with a strand of his hair.
the woman snarled as she yelled, “you cocky bastard!” each of the woman’s replicas shot their guns as bullets headed straight for the male.
the brown skinned male licked his lips and chuckled softly.
“stop.” the bullets slowed to a complete stop in front of his face. the small male pushed a few bullets aside with two fingers as he walked towards the clones, shining a smirk.
‘that’s not something you see everyday either.’ keigo thought as he (and the crowd) observed the male’s actions, recollecting his feathers.
“go.” the bullets hit the building behind the male, causing the window glass to break. the woman scowled as all of her clones ran towards the male as quick as they could. the small male sighed as he effortlessly dodged each of the clones’ attacks towards him.
keigo’s gaze stayed glued onto the male as he watched the small male dodged the attacks with swiftness.
“you gone do somethin, hero?” the male’s eyes connected with keigo’s as he parried a clone’s attack. “last time i checked, heroes ain’t supposed to be standin ‘round when there’s conflict happenin.”
keigo broke the eye contact and looked at the woman as she started to flee. keigo quickly fell to her and sent his feathers to knock her down.
“i hate you fucking heroes so much!” the woman shot at keigo as he quickly dodged the bullet and sent more of his feathers and knocked her gun out of her hand.
the woman grunted as the gun flew through the air. the small male caught the gun and looked at it.
“disassemble.” as soon as the small male spoke those words, the gun fell apart in his hands. he walked up to the woman in her vulnerable state as he stomped his heel into one of her hands, causing the woman to yelp in pain as she tried to push his foot.
Now Playing: Hmp by Micah
“who are you?” keigo landed on the ground as he strides over to the male and the struggling woman. the male looked at keigo for a moment and then casted his gaze back to the woman.
“who’s askin?” keigo let out an amused sound, shining a smug smile.
“pro hero hawks. number-“
“okay hawks. imma need for you to deal with this woman already.” the woman who was still struggling decided bite the male’s ankle. the male gave a glare and grabbed the woman by her hair, picking her up off of the ground.
“ow! let go of me!” the woman thrashed around in his grip as the male went to her ear, softly whispering inaudible words to her. the woman resistance slowly came to a stop as her body fell limp.
“you’re a defiant one.”
“i get that a lot.”
“are you a civilian?” keigo questioned as the police arrived to get the unconscious woman.
“i don’t believe that’s any of your business.” the small male put another lollipop in his mouth as he glanced at keigo.
“well i gotta make sure you aren’t using your quirk without a license. it’s a penalty for that type of stuff, yknow.” keigo took a few steps towards the unknown man.
‘he’s definitely not as small as i thought he was.’ keigo thought as he noticed that the man was almost the same height as himself, just an inch shorter. he also took notice to his mismatched eyes, which were red and hazel.
“what’s your quirk?”
“that’s not your business either.” keigo let out a soft laugh and looked the male.
“that attitude of yours is entertaining. i like it.” the brown skinned male raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms slightly, smirking a little.
“i see you one of those heroes that don’t let people get under your skin....” the small male gave keigo a down-up look.
“heh i guess you could say that.”
“but eventually they would fuck you over.” the male finished as he played with a chain on his outfit.
“no one can fuck me over so that’s where you’re wrong.” keigo disagreed confidently as he tilted his head slightly. the male let out a sound of amusement as he scratched his head.
“nah cause i know when a cocky, arrogant, selfish bastard is nearby. my radar’s goin off a mile a second right now.” keigo once again laughed with a slightly bitter tone.
“and i know when there’s a cocky, bratty, little bitch when i see one and they’re right in front of me.” a vein popped out of the brown skin’s forehead and he clenched his fists slightly.
“you know what? im not finna entertain you.” the still unspecified male laughed it off as he turned away from keigo.
“it’s not like you haven’t already i mean look at you.” keigo provoked with a smug tone.
“my self control holdin me back by a thread. a skinny, weak, thin thread so you might wanna watch your mouth.” keigo smirked and spoke once more.
“you feelin’ froggy? then leap.” as soon as those words came out of keigo’s mouth, a high roundhouse kick was delivered to his face. keigo grunted as he stumbled a bit. the male delivered a kick to his chest soon after, causing keigo to collapse to the ground. the male walked up to the winged man, resting his foot on his chest and leaning on his knee.
“this is somethin to remember me by.” keigo looked up at the male, noticing that he was holding a yellow lollipop. the brown skinned male applied pressure onto his chest, making keigo groan in pain as he tried to push the man’s heel off of his chest.
“imma let you slide because you don’t know me and i don’t know you.” the male raised his heel off of keigo’s chest and stood up. keigo gasped for air and coughed harshly for a moment.
“and imma just give you this.” he tossed the yellow lollipop onto keigo’s chest and smirked slightly. the police arrived at that moment and aimed their guns at the unknown man.
“ima sugu te o agete kudasai!” (“put your hands up now!”) the brown skinned man sighed and rested his hands behind his head, stretching softly.
“it must be because im half black..” the man spoke to no one in particular as he heard the police cock their guns. he glanced over at the psychotic woman’s body, noticing that she started to wake up from her short slumber.
“watashi wa anata ga anata no jū o mukerubeki monode wa arimasen...” (“im not the one you should be pointing your guns at..”) he nudged his head towards the woman on the ground, making the police look and aim their guns at her. the woman grunted as she looked around tiredly, quickly rising to her feet. she looked around frantically and then snarled as she saw the brown skin man.
“im going to KILL YOU!” the woman screamed as she aimed her gun at the male. wings grew from the male’s back as he leaped into the air.
“ima wa saru watashi no kyūdesu.” (“now’s my que to leave.”) keigo gazed at the male and the man connected his eyes with his. he winked at keigo and shined a toothy smile. the woman gritted her teeth and started shooting at the male. he flew around, dodging the bullets swiftly.
“taka no mawari ni aimashō.” (“see ya around hawks.”) the police tackled the woman down, causing her to struggle once more. keigo stood up and wiped the dirt off of his face, grabbing the lollipop and putting it in his jacket pocket and watched the man fly off towards a building.
Now Playing: West Coast by Lana Del Ray
“you’re not getting away that easily.” keigo quickly flew after the man. the male looked behind him and frowned a bit, noticing that he was following after him.
“i said see ya around for a reason.” the male flew faster as keigo was gaining up on him.
“i can’t just let some random person who decided to use their quirk get away like it’s just something to do normally when they should know that there are laws for this type of shit.” the male rolled his eyes in annoyance and landed on the building and started to sprint. keigo also landed and continued to chase the man.
“if you want your ass kicked again you could just say so cause i’d do so gladly.” the man leered as he noticed keigo keeping up with him.
“you caught me off guard so that doesn’t count.” keigo reached out to grab at the man until the man hopped to another building. he rolled so the landing wouldn’t be rough in his ankles. keigo skidded to stop himself from falling off the edge.
“well you heroes s’posed to have yall guards up no matter how safe you think the situation is. that’s your fault.” the man spoke from the other building as he ran off again.
‘what is with this guy?’ keigo pondered as he flew after the man once again. the man leaped from building to building as keigo wasn’t too far behind.
‘what is with this guy?’ the man thought as he saw keigo chasing him once more. he sprinted quicker whenever keigo got too close for comfort.
“well you didn’t seem like a threat to me. i mean you’re so small.” keigo mocked as he flew beside the man, throwing a smug look his way. the man looked over at him and glared as leaped over and jumped at keigo. the man landed on keigo’s back and stood on it.
“you talk a whole lotta shit for a man to be ridin on your back.” the man made known as he started stomping on the winged male’s back, making keigo grunt in discomfort as he struggled to keep flying.
“my wings are back there so watch your step.” the male smiled as he looked down at the flying man.
“oh you mean these?” the man stepped on one of keigo’s red wings as he groaned painfully. his balance was thrown off and the man stumbled upon his balance being thrown off too.
“mind you, you’re on top of me and im the one flying so if i go down, so do you.” the male let out a deep chuckle as he grabbed onto a streetlight pole and he balanced on top of it like a cat would with a beam.
“you might wanna watch ya face.” the man warned as keigo looked in front of him. he would’ve face planted into a window if he didn’t fly upwards in time. he went on top of a building and looked for the man once again. he searched around everywhere until he saw a glimpse of long kinky hair on another building. keigo quickly soared to the building in seconds and landed on top of it.
“im done playin cat and mouse, actually, bird and prey. you can come out and come with me or im gonna have to use my feathers.” keigo stated as he was greeted back with silence. he cautiously grabbed two of his feathers and peeked around a fragment of the roof, seeing no one there.
suddenly, keigo jumped away from the building fragment and looked at where he stood before.
“you really startin to piss me off.” the man walked out of the shadows as he glowered at keigo.
“there you are-“ keigo dodged a punch from the man and grabbed the man’s wrist. the man turned as he threw a kick at keigo, only for keigo to push his leg away and twist his arm behind his back.
“ah!” the man gritted his teeth and growled as he tried to wiggle out of keigo’s iron grip. keigo pulled the man’s hair, making the man cry out in pain and grab at keigo’s hand.
“it’s the hair every fuckin time..” the man muttered as keigo pulled his hair enough to make the man look up at him.
mismatched eyes gazed at golden ones. for a moment, they both were just the only ones there, which they actually were but like they were in a different world.
“if you wanted my name you could’ve just asked.” the man broke the silence as his voice got a bit shaky. keigo snapped back to reality and showed a complacent smirk.
“but it wouldn’t have been my business though, huh?” the man rolled his eyes, letting out a small laugh.
“touché. but can you at least let me stand up and introduce myself?” keigo raised an eyebrow slightly.
“im deadass not gone do nothing, i swear.” the man assured with a smile.
“that smile of yours says otherwise.”
“you gone have to trust me?”
“i just met you.” the man sighed deeply.
“fine. fine i won’t actually do anything for real.” keigo hesitated but in the end he let the man go. the man breathes deeply and stands up, looking at keigo.
“where’s my lollipop?” the man suddenly asked as he scratched his head. keigo look perplexed for a moment and then he thought for a moment, flashing back to when the man gave him a lollipop after he kicked him earlier.
“i have it.”
“good i want it back cause that’s my favorite flavor.” the man was about to grab it from keigo until he moved it away from him.
“ah ah ah~ not until you tell me your name.”
“it’s only fair. you gimme your name, i’ll give you your lollipop back.” the man rolled his eyes again, crossing his arms. keigo smiled as he started humming patiently.
“rubae.” keigo paused and smirked at the man, now known as rubae, humming in satisfaction. rinse reaches for his lollipop and keigo shrugged and gave it to him.
“you looked like you was about to some slick shit.”
“for a moment but im a man of my word.” rubae bit his lip a little and opened the lollipop. he walked up to keigo and looked up at him.
Now Playing: Talk to Me by Matthew Bento
“why you take a sudden interest in me? i could be a villain, maybe even worse.” keigo breathes deeply and opens his mouth to speak.
“because i saw you lookin at me earlier. yknow from that rooftop.” rubae tsked and shook his head.
“how would you know if that was me?”
“because i remember seeing that kinky hair of yours. it looks really nice too.” rubae smiled and looked down.
“we just met and you over here flirtin and shit..” keigo chuckled softly and leans towards rubae.
“what? don’t know how to take a compliment?” keigo pointed out as rubae took a few steps back.
“no. i mean yeah, but...“ rubae stammered as keigo laughed softly.
rubae shook his head and stayed quiet. then keigo raised rubae’s face up by his chin, sending shivers down rubae’s body.
“what happened to that confidence all of a sudden? you went from talkin’ shit to being a bashful mess.” rubae realized how close their faces were to each other.
‘he comin at me strong as fuck...” rubae thought as he took a deep breath and put the lollipop into keigo’s mouth. he walked past keigo and stood on the edge of the rooftop.
“i thought you wanted this back.” keigo remarked as he turned to rubae, taking the lollipop out of his mouth.
“you look like you needed to try somethin new.” rubae replied, making keigo laugh once more. rubae walked forward, preparing himself to fall.
“watashi wa sugu ni anata ni audarou to kanjimashita.” (“got a feelin i’ll be seein you soon.”) rubae smiled slightly as his mismatched eyes glowed in the sunlight, his kinky long hair dancing in the wind.
“sorenara minakereba naranai nodesu ne?” (“just gone have to see, huh?”) rubae ended with a playful tone. he fell back off of the rooftop of the building. keigo quickly ran to edge, only to see that rubae wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“hm..” many thoughts came to keigo in an instant as he walked away from the edge going back to the street where he and rubae met.
A/N: wassup y’all kazu here !! this the first chapter of detour and i decided to do this story because it really just popped up into my mind and i wanted to just share my creativity with y’all. tbh, i feel like im also writing this story cuz i wanted to make my poc/black people and the males feel included bcuz y’all very much deserve to feel included. i know it’s my oc but i still hope that y’all will enjoy the story. hope y’all enjoyed and look forward to the second chapter of detour. thx for readin <33
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mf-despair-queen · 6 years
Jigsaw Pieces - Chapter 4 - Mitch Rapp
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Mitch Rapp/Reader
Word Count: 4,715
Summary: Mitch has changed since the in Ibiza. After some fearful words, Mitch disappears without notice. She’s determined to find him - no matter the cost.
Warnings: None Really?
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Eighteen Months Later…
Mitch changed.
After spending countless weeks in the hospital for his injuries, he was forced to undergo physical and mental rehabilitation. You couldn’t count how many times the doctors had called because he had awoken in the middle of the night screaming at the tops of his lungs from the trauma on the beach. You couldn’t count the number of times you saw him collapse from pain, the wound in his leg throbbing with unyielding agony. You couldn’t count the number of times you stood outside his hospital room, staring through the window at his broken figure, fingers running over the scar on his shoulder.
Yet, he never said a word of it to you. Not once did Mitch say anything about his pain or his distress, keeping a cold persona that made your skin crawl and your wrist ache.
After graduating with your masters, you moved down to Rhode Island with Mitch, despite his silent protests. He never actively pushed you away, but you couldn’t help feeling that he was trying to distance himself from you. Writing it off as part of his painful loss, you stayed with him, caring for him just as you always had.
Every night, you would show up at his apartment door, letting yourself in with the spare key he never complained that you had. He would be shirtless at his computer or in his bed, reading some book in which you weren’t sure the contents were. Every once in a while, you would find him knee deep in exercising, his fists pounding away at the punching bag hung up from his roof. His eyes, dark and mysterious, would glance up at you, never truly acknowledging your presence in his messy home. He would follow your form across the apartment until you found the kitchen, placing the groceries you got for him in his fridge, making dinner for the two of you.
He would grace you long enough to sit at the table for an awkward, silent meal, words rarely being shared. The clink of silverware against the plates filled the apartment, sometimes Mitch being preoccupied with a book. He never gazed at you for long, your eyes lefts to linger on his form, taking in the changes he had undergone in a year and a half.
His hair had grown out, the once shorted chocolate locks having grown out to something that was reminiscent of his high school days. The ends curled towards the roof unless they were wet with sweat or a shower. His luscious locks had lost some of its sheen, mirroring his depressed form. You only knew that it was the same fluffy locks he always had because he would sometimes fall asleep after dinner and you would sit with him, running your hands through his hair. It seemed to calm him, a wave of relaxation washing over you almost like you were able to feel his aura seeping through your system.
To add to the longer hair, the man had grown out his beard considerably. It felt like the first true sign that he was a man now, no longer the teen you went to highschool with. A thick brush of hair covered his lip, chin and cheeks, hiding the constellation of marks that were spread across his jawline. It saddened you that they were invisible to the naked eye as the hair got longer. Recalling the nights you could just say next to each other talking, you had counted the number of marks and moles he had strewn across his fair skin countless times, memorizing them without realizing it. Though, staring at him now, his slender digits stroking the length of his beard, tugging at the end strands
His body had changed. The fact that he strolled around his apartment shirtless helped you to admire his newly improved physique. His arms had bulked up from incessant training, the same veins you were used to running alone paled skin. His pecs had tightened, showing off his collarbone more pronouncedly. His shoulders had broadened with his increased muscle tone, his sheer strength of will resting on them. The thing that made you frown the most was the star that glared across the room on his shoulder - from either side - from the bullet wound he incurred. It was the bitter reminder of what had happened; it was the imperfection that seemed to keep him going.
The cold man sat across from you, you heart breaking at the sight. You never stopped caring; you never stopped loving him. If anything, you cared for him more than ever. From the time you saw him lying in the bed, broken and lost, you wanted to be there for him. And over time, as you watched him recover - watching him grow strong physically and mentally - you couldn’t help but feel your rapid heartbeat pounding against your ribcage, a clammy hand placed over it when you were alone. Your body burned, yearning to touch him, hold him and tell him things would be ok. You wanted to feel loved, even if it was a simple friendship once more.
The burning intensity that spread up your arm, however, worried you.
An uncomfortable knot typically sat inside you, something unsettling egging at your insides. Your mind screamed that something wasn’t right - that something was off. But what it was, you couldn’t say for sure. The only sign your had was the constant sizzle the ran through your veins, resembling adrenaline and determination that didn’t feel like your own. The source: the puzzle piece. Everything seemed to radiate from it and resting a hand over it at night, it felt like your skin was n fire under chilled, icy hands. Whenever your eyes fell upon Mitch, the burn seemed to increase, your thumping heart speeding up without the feeling of love.
Swallowing thickly one night, you placed your fork down with a loud clatter than caught Mitch’s attention for once. Dark whiskey eyes glanced up from his own food, a brow raising. Your hands fell into your lap, fingers fiddling together anxiously. Your eyes squeezed shut, unsure why you felt so nervous. It felt like it had been forever since you spoke to him. It felt like you hadn’t had a normal conversation with the Mitch you knew and loved. His gaze now felt like it was piercing your soul, your blood running cold. His warming presence now teetered over you, intimidating you with just a glance.
“Mitch,” you breathed, finally daring to look up at the man. “Are you ok?”
The question was honest, and you could see Mitch waver slightly at the sudden inquiry. His hand shook, the fork placed on the table slowly. His reddened lips pursed together, rubbing together in thought. His eyes narrowed before falling to the table, pondering whatever words he would spout off. Cocking your head to the side, you waited, no immediate answer coming. Your hand unconsciously rubbed at your irritated wrist, a sense of dread and anguish beginning to wash over you. Your lip quivered, eyes glistening with unshed tears you had withheld for years.
“Please,” you let out quietly, voice cracking under the weight of worry. “Please, Mitch. Just answer me honestly. I’m so worried about you.”
“I’m fine,” came his quick reply. His sultry voice made you shiver, the man returning his gaze to you across the table. A fire burned in his orbs. His hands curled into tightened fists, knuckles glowing a ghostly white from the tension. “I promise, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure-”
“Yes,” he cut you off, giving a small smile that screamed fakeness. “I promise, I’m fine. I will make things right, I swear.”
His words sparked a sense a distrust - a feeling you never thought you’d feel. Something felt off with the way he said it. Something wasn’t right because the mark imprinted in your skin burned hotter with determination. Yet, behind the fire was a cold wave that told you one thing.
Mitch lied about being fine.
He wasn’t lying about making things right.
The words lingered in your mind ever since. You wanted to piece together what it meant. You were scared your friend - your crush - was going to do something he may regret one day. Nightmares plagued your mind of the reckless things he could attempt, the result always the same. He would lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood, the crimson liquid spreading out in every direction. Finally, it would settle around your feet, staining your bare feet. His lifeless eyes would bore into you, head giving a sickly crack as it tilted in the wrong direction in a zombie-like manner. His mouth would part, the same words making you scream yourself awake.
Why didn’t you help me? Why did you let me die?
In your state of panic, you began to use your days ff to tail the man. Taking note of his odd behavior as the fall and winter weather approached, you bundled in the warmest jacket you could find, a bean on your head and gloves on your hands while following him, keeping a safe distance so he wouldn’t pick up on your presence. His head occasionally would whip around, as if he felt eyes on him at all hours of the day.
You hid in a corner of the gym, sipping on a bottle of water while watching him wrestle and fist fight with the other men. Mitch seemed to be oblivious to your form watching over him, too focus on the punches he would throw, the kicks he laid and the aggressive grappling he had become fond of. One too many times, you saw how violent he would become, spinning his body around in a way that made his butt stick out in the black and red gym shorts. His legs would wind around a man’s torso, hands gripping at the shirt to begin choking the defenseless trainee. Only when they were red in the face and on the verge of passing out would Mitch be ripped away, his opponent gasping for air with the mumble of low curses under his breath.
The increased violence furthered your worry. Mitch could be a hard ass growing up, but before your eyes, this was new extreme. He seemed primed to kill, his sight gone red with one thought: fulfill the task at hand. Even in training, he seemed to be prepping for something, not caring who was in his way of becoming strong. His steps never tangled and his hands never wavered, the intent to end a life sickening.
Your head snapped up one cold afternoon, the straw of your coffee between your lips when you heard the yells of Carlos from the mats. The pen in your hand fell into your notebook, straightening up where you sat to see what was going on. Mitch was swiping his thumb across his nose, cheek red. His eyes had narrowed as Carlos’ booming voice carried.
“That’s it, Rapp. You’re done. Get out,” he told the sweaty man. Mitch glanced between the gym owner and the guy gasping for air on the ground, cursing out Mitch. Noticing he stood stagnant, Carlos’ voice raised, pointing at the door. “Get out!”
Mitch rolled his eyes, an air of annoyance exuding from him body. He reeked of it, not caring who knew he was pissed off. Ripping off the gloves, Mitch trotted to his belongings, removing the leg pads before pulling on his shoes. His hair stuck to his forehead, clothes clinging to his limbs. Whipping his jacket onto his shoulder, he stood from his seat, gym bag tight in hand.
“Have a nice fucking day,” was his bitter remark. You winced when the clang of the door banged open, Mitch disappearing into the cold while the door clattered shut.
Gathering your stuff, you rushed over to Carlos, giving him a sad smile. “I’m so sorry about him, Car. He’s just… he’s been on edge.”
Carlos sighed, rubbing his chin. “I know he’s your friend, but you can’t keep making excuses for him, Y/N.”
“What? I’m not-”
“Watch out for him,” Carlos said. “He’s going to get hurt with this reckless behavior. Or worse - he’ll get someone else killed. And I’d rather not hear that it’s you.”
You frowned, tightening your grip on your bag. You stared at the ground, biting at your lip. “He wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I don’t know about that anymore.”
You left without another word, following Mitch to his next destination: the gun range. With every step you took, all you could think was, He would never do that.  
Walking down the packed street, you slid past people as fast as you could, trying to keep pace with the ever vigilant man. Your hands were stuffed in the pockets of your jackets, only pulling out glove-clad hands when you moved by people while uttering low apologies. Your eyes never left the man through the gaps in the crowd, a considerable gap to keep from being noticed.
Through the entire process of tailing your friend, you missed the shutter of a camera going off, a man in black clicking photo after photo of Mitch as he hastily sped his way down the Rhode Island streets of gray brick and cobblestone. The circle with a distinct crosshair narrowed on the man for a flurry of pictures before turning to you. The man in black taking the photos stared at the image of you he had captured, clicking the radio on his ear.
“Candidate is on the move to the gun range. The girl is on his tail.”
“Does she know anything?”
“I don’t think so. I think she’s just concerned.”
“Well, make sure she doesn’t pick up on his habits. If he makes a move, we can’t drag her into this.”
“Yes, ma’am, Director Kennedy.”
You didn’t know that the last time you would would see Mitch was that day at the gun range. You had stood worried near your coworker who agreed to cover for you as you watched Mitch. It started out normal: shot after shot making your ears ring, even through the noise cancelling headphones you were designated to wear in the pit. Each shot that was fired nailed its target, the paper cut out of a human being displaying holes in the head and chest.
The noise picked up when he swapped guns, the hand gun exchanged for a high powered rifle that struck through the air with a sickening crack. The constant ‘boom, boom, boom’ made you wince, watching the slaughter of the target in progress. Dust was flying, bullets hitting the wall behind the target as it was torn to shreds. People stopped at stare at the man you called your longtime best friend, his form unwavering and unflinching.
You stood from your seat in panic when the alarm sounded, blaring into your mind clearly. Each step into the gravel Mitch did made you heart jump, clammy hands gripping at the bottom of your shirt. After swapping guns again, the even more high powered pistol firing off into the air, Mitch was attacking other targets. When he moved forward, the gun dangled at his side, the former athlete swapping to a handheld pistol as if he were finishing off a target after he ran out of bullets.
You wanted to run after hi, hugging him from behind to stop him. But Jeremy held you back, shaking his head. Sadly, you were forced to watch Mitch get escorted from the premises.
You didn’t follow him after that. You headed home, soaked in a bath, and never heard from him again. He seemed to vanish, leaving nothing more than a note on his fridge door that said he was on a trip and not to worry about him. The words didn’t calm you, your worry building each day that passed. Phone calls went unanswered, going straight to voicemail after a while. Texts went unread, no reply attempted. No sign of life lingered in his apartment, the mess the same very time you walked in, walking back out immediately after. Dust was gathering on the surfaces. Mitch’s landlord asked every time you walked in what was going on.
All you could tell him was you didn’t know before passing him the payments Mitch neglected while he was away.
Sitting at work one afternoon, Wendy, you seatmate, slide over to you, leaning on her elbows as she eyed you. Her long black hair draped across her shoulders, tips brushing against the tabletop. Her dark eyes narrowed on your form, bright red lips pursed together. Manicured nails drummed against the polished table, the click clack making your nerves rattle. Amidst all of your stress, you were on edge from lack of sleep. Hearing her chair squeak when he shifted into a different position to stare at the side of your face, you let out a deep sigh, turning to her.
“Can I help you, Wen?”
“You look like you haven’t slept again,” she pointed out. Gesturing to her own face, she pointed out the spot just under her eyes. “Your make up didn’t cover the bags. And you look like you haven’t eaten. You’ve lost color in your cheeks.”
“Is my makeup really that bad that you can tell?” you huffed, pulling a mirror from your purse.
“Yes and no,” she mused. “I just know you that well. So, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
“You’re a horrible liar.”
You sighed again, letting your head fall to your lap. You hand instinctively rubbed at your wrist, feeling a brief sting of pain course through your body. It wasn’t nearly as bad as some of the shockwaves you had encountered, but it was rattling whenever the sudden feeling took over. Wendy watched on, waiting for you to answer.
“I’m just worried,” you admitted, eyes darting to her for a second. “Mitch hasn’t been home in over a month. He was he was on a trip, but I haven’t been able to get a hold of him. I’m scared something happened. The last time he left like this, he was shot in Ibiza. He hasn’t been the same since and I’m afraid that he went off to do something reckless. That he’s on some suicide mission.”
You wanted to tell her more. To tell her about the burning sensation that flowed through your veins like fire. To confess about the feelings you felt that weren’t your own: the sense of dissatisfaction that happened days after Mitch vanished, the anger that made your skin crawl, the shocks of pain that ripped through your body nights ago while a sense of determination and focus kept your eyes open. But, you knew she would think you crazy. It was like telling someone you could hear voices. It wouldn’t end well to say something.
“All he left was a note, right? Saying he would be away?”
“Yeah,” you murmured. “I’m sure he left it because he knew I would stop by. I-”
“You always do. I know,” she mused. “You care a lot for that man but it feels like he doesn’t care back.”
“No, he does,” you said, almost as if trying to convince yourself too. “He’s been my friend forever. So, whatever’s been going on - what’s been going through his mind - I don’t think he wants me involved. That’s why I’m afraid he’s going to do something reckless. He won’t tell me so I don’t try to butt in. He knows I will. I feel like he has some death wish.”
“Well, he’s stupid if he keeps pushing you away.”
“I…” you started, letting out a choked sigh. You were fighting back tears. “I don’t know why he’s fighting so hard against me. I know he’s been hurt and he lost Katrina, but all I’ve ever done is been there for him. And he keeps himself so sheltered now. I don’t understand what happened or why he’s being like this. Everything changed, Wendy…”
Wendy rubbed your back, giving a sad smile. “He’s a male. Males do dumb shit.”
“You can say that again.”
“As much as I hate the guy for making you feel so shitty, I want to say that he has good intentions. If you were as good of friends as you say, he must be doing this for a reason. He kept himself away maybe because he doesn’t want you to get hurt by something?” Wendy grinned, trying to lighten to mood. “Or, maybe deep down, he just loves you so much that he is afraid you will reject him.”
You let out a bitter laugh, unable to smile fully. Maybe he does care and he’s pushing me away because of it. Because of Katrina…
“How about you take the rest of today off?” Wendy proposed. Your brow rose at your friend, silently asking what she was talking about. “I will take care of the work you have to do today. You should go to his apartment and snoop around.”
“Snoop around?” you inquired.
“Have you ever actually looked around since he left?” she asked. When you shook your head no, she continued. “Maybe there is some clues around for where he went to what is going on.”
“Isn’t that an invasion of privacy?”
“You have a key to his apartment. It’s not like you are breaking in,” she claimed. “As far as I can see, it’s perfectly fine for you to look around.”
“I don’t know…”
“Y/N,” she cut you off. Her hands took yours, smoothing over the tops. “I know you care about him. I know you are worried. So, figure out where he went. It’s the only way to put your mind and heart at ease. Just look around. Maybe there is something there you never noticed. Something that’ll tell you what you need to know. Anything that helps, I want you to look for.”
You pouted for a second before nodding. “Fine.”
“Good,” she grinned. “Text me and keep me updated if anything happens.”
“I will. Thank you, Wen.”
You rushed from the office, headed straight for Mitch’s desolate apartment. Mr. Hazir nodded at you when you walked in, rushing up the stairs to the second floor where the apartment sat. Your hand shook with the key, making you stop to take a deep breath before sliding the key into the lock and twisting. The door clicked, squeaking open as you entered. The dark apartment made you grimace, the smell of old, sweaty clothes giving off a distinct musk wafting up your nose.
Your bag was left by the door as you wandered the apartment, searching for anything that may give you a clue to his unknown location. The punching bag swung lazily when your hand brushed against it, the chain rattling against the hook with its strained weight. His work out gear sat discarded on his ruffled bed sheets, training gloves and pads full frontal vision for you to see. Dust collected on your fingers when they were swiped along any surface, reassuring to his vacancy.
Sitting on the bed, you flicked your eyes through the apartment, straining to see if there was anything out of place that you weren’t used to seeing. “Where did you go?” you asked aloud, receiving no answer back. You sighed, laying back on his bed, feeling the cold sheets and blankets under your hand. “What are you up to, Mitch?”
Your throat tightened with unshed sobs and tears, choking back the sorrow you felt. You forced yourself to sit up, going through his drawers to find something - anything. Your mouth dropped at the sight of the multiple books on the Arabic language, culture and history you never truly realized he was reading. Balls of paper were in the waste bin near his bed, each one being a different article about the same person: Adnan Al-Mansur. The last article you picked up made you body quiver.
It was an news article about the attack in Ibiza.
“Mitch…” you whispered out, biting your lip.
Moving to his computer, your heart sunk further into your stomach. The keyboard was covered with a transparent keyboard with the Arabic alphabet. More books and papers were piled on either side of his laptop, adding to the confusion of what he was doing. Powering on the laptop, you were met with his login information, the password unknown. You sighed hopelessly, not wanting to attempt to break in. Instead, your fingers brushed across the keyboard, feeling warmth along your tips despite the cold plastic it felt. Your fingers moved like you were typing unsure what you were saying.
It just felt natural.
“What have you been doing?” you asked yourself. “I don’t get it. You’ve been learning Arabic, but for what?” You felt dread seeping in, not wanting to believe the following question. “Were you planning revenge on Mansur, the man who murdered Katrina?”
Nausea began to set in. Your stomach twisted with unanswered questions. You needed to escape before you spewed your lack of food onto the hardwood floor. The chair clattered backwards in your haste, hitting the floor with a loud thump. Your heel clacked against the floor while rushing for the front door, stilling before you got there. Your body froze, eyes directed at the closet that hung ajar.
You tried to push it closed, but something impeded it. Swallowing thickly, you pulled it open, letting your arms drop to the sides. Pasted to the inside of the door were pictures of Mansur, slices and cuts ebbed into the photos. The Wooden door had been punctured, but by what? The knife that still sat imbedded in Mansur’s forehead. The black handle poked straight out, blade sharp and stuck in the wood. The pit in your stomach grew at what you saw, the worst becoming reality.
You ran away, not looking back at the evidence of insanity and maniacal vengeance that was present in that room. You didn’t want to admit what you knew. You didn’t want to believe that Mitch was out for revenge.
Mitch was on a suicide mission to kill Adnan Al-Mansur.
The room was dark. The only sound was the clicking of fingers against a keyboard. The multiple screens that were perched along the wall were the only source of light, eyes flittering between the codes that appeared before them. The white letters against a black screen flashed rapidly across the screen until the stopped with coordinates to the destination in question. The eyes blinked, blinded from the constant staring at the bright screens in the dark hour.
It was after midnight.
But the chair sliding against the floor was loud, feet padding across the room to find the first bag possible. Clothes were shoved inside, hygiene products shoved into a small pouch on the inside. A passport sat on the bed, ready for use. A hand grabbed the phone that was connected to the computer, dialling a number rarely used.
It was cheating to do so, but you had no choice. Years in a computer science field and you were well adept in the task of breaking into someone’s phone, tracking the location of its whereabouts. The task was illegal, so you rarely did it. But when Mitch changed, you knew you needed a way to keep an eye on him.
Zipping the bag shut, the phone pressed to your ear, you spoke to the person on the other end confidently.
“I need the first available ticket overseas. Preferably the fastest travel.”
“Where is the destination?”
Your eyes fell on the computer before swinging the bag onto your back, backing towards the door. One hand rubbed the jigsaw piece on your wrist, feeling the determination that spurred from not one, but two sources: yours and the unknown presence that lingered around, giving you a sense of comfort that came from something, or someone, else. You were going to him. If he was still alive - you would be there. Even if he didn’t want you there, you couldn’t abandon your friend. Your mouth parted to answer, accepting what you had to do before answering.  
You would save Mitch, one way or another.
“Istanbul, Turkey.”
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bigboobshaunt · 6 years
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Owain/Brady smut, a commission for an anonymous client
~2k words
Commission info
On Ao3
“’Twas a cold and stormy night when the lonesome hero staggered back through the deep, dark forest, breaching the town’s borders. The pungent blood of his enemies still dripped down his sword, being washed ever slowly by the falling rain, but the man did not concern himself with such trifling matters… he had to report his victory to the townsfolk, and he planned to see it through!”
“Is it time for my part yet?”
“Psst, no, not yet! I’ll signal it to you when it is, don’t worry!”
“Sorry, I forgot… yer stories can be weirdly engrossing sometimes.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, and I’ll even ignore the ‘sometimes’ part… but anyways, as I was saying! Ahem… The hero’s legs grow more and more tired, his muscles suddenly seem to weigh like lead... but he is unflinching in his walk. The deed is done, but his quest is not yet truly over before he notified the person who asked that of him in the first place...”
Conspicuously, Owain pointed his index finger at his lover, who cleared his throat before giving off his clearly rehearsed dialogue. “O brave hero with the dark countenance, is it you I spy in this humble church’s worn down gates? Have ya – I mean – have you returned safely from your task? Are the people of this small town truly safe from the er, Battling Brigands of the Bloodthirsty Beast?”
“Heeeey, you promised you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I promised that only IF ya workshopped the name a lil’ more. Didja forget?”
“I suppose you win this one, but... back to the story… Yes, your holiness, I have vanquished the great evil that assailed all of the honorable and fair people of this town! Never again shall you know fear like this. Never again shall you have to lock your doors at night, send your children away in the night, nor lock up your most prized of possessions… and for that I, too, am thankful. I wish, however, that I could say I was unharmed, but that is not so… Fate seems to have seen fit to brand me with this wound in my stomach, and I am afraid I am not long for this world… but it pains me none to go, knowing you shall sleep safely from now on.”
“Please, brave hero, don’t say things like that! Here… I can nurse you back to health, if you follow me to my chambers. I couldn’t bear to lose a soul as noble as yours, especially after such a great deed! I shall devote my all to you until you are safe from harm, just as you have done for us… and for me.”
Grabbing Brady’s left hand, Owain squeezed it and gently lifted it closer to his lips, placing the softest of kisses on the back of it. “O kind priest… your words touch me deeply, stoking the very fires of my soul which slumber in my chest. I’ll accept your offer on the condition that you allow me to stay here after I get better… I would like to help with rebuilding this church and this town. They should shine brightly, as warmly as its inhabitants and as beautiful as you.”
Though such effusive praise was being given to a fictionalized version of himself, Brady couldn’t help but to give Owain a small smile, added to by the pink coloration that began to show on his cheeks.
Tenderly, Brady let go of Owain’s hand and trailed down Owain’s body, undoing the buttons on his nightshirt with dexterous fingers, trained by years of violin practice.
“Impressed by my physique, I see? You needn’t say a thing – it is only within my obligations as a wandering hero to keep my body in top shape, and ensure that I am always ready for combat… I will once again be in peak condition after you finish patching m-” Owain stopped in the middle of his speech, surprised at the look his partner had given him.
Before he knew it, Brady had bridged the gap between them, and he kissed him voraciously. Feeling the healer’s hands cup his pectorals, Owain moaned into the sudden kiss, trying his best to match Brady’s sudden hunger for him.
“Heh… I’m not sure the hero and the priest would start off like this so soon, but I’m certainly not complaining,” Owain snorted, burying his nose in Brady’s neck, embracing him tightly and taking a whiff of the man’s scent.
“Ya don’t know how impatient the priest can get… waitin’ in an empty church, worryin’ ‘bout the hero… specially if he already had feelings for ‘im before.”
“Even with all of my practice… I can’t match up to your artistic touch. You’re a genius, Brady! Backstory! It’s exactly what this tale needs! A slow burn romance between its title characters… I am sure that I can make it happen...” Owain said, sweetly gazing into Brady’s eyes before they kissed again.
Fondling Owain’s plush chest with one hand, Brady used the other one to untie his own nightshirt, finishing that by pulling down his bottoms and freeing his desperate erection.
“Now then… shall I tell you of how I got said wound? I was there, right in the middle of the brigands’ hideout and I knew I must have been getting closer to their boss’ room. When the heat of battle subsided, and silence reigned, I walked atop the goons’ fallen bodies to reach a-”
Without warning, Brady pushed Owain down onto his back, and with a determined tug, he pulled down his husband’s undergarments, licking his lips at the sight of the exposed cock before him, as though he had just found an oasis after being stranded in a desert for weeks.
Leaning closer, Brady dragged his tongue down Owain’s body, starting at his shapely pecs and making his way down the toned, strong abs before arriving at his lower body. Brady wasted no time before pressing Owain’s well-endowed member against his face, nuzzling its length and giving it quick pecks.
Burying his nose at the base of it, where the cock met the balls, Brady sniffed his lover’s privates deeply, taking in their unique scent, which only served to heighten his own arousal. Taking one of Owain’s balls into his mouth, Brady sucked on it, closing his eyes as he tasted the wonderful, salty taste of the sac, which while he loved, he knew it couldn’t compare to another of Owain’s tastes that he hoped to try that night...
Looking up, he noticed how Owain’s face seemed frozen in surprise, and he knew he had to perform expertly and give his all to satisfy. Diligently, Brady wrapped a hand around the mast of Owain’s cock and pulled down the man’s rather tight foreskin, exposing the previously concealed mushroom head.
Vividly, Brady remembered a saying he had heard, that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach… and though he understood what it meant, he had to disagree. The way to hold their attention was definitely through the tip of his cock.
Drawing the head into his mouth, Brady gave it the most thorough of licks, covering all its surface with his saliva and then sucking on it with gusto. Owain’s cock was another of his favorite tastes, and he was determined to treat both himself and his beloved.
Making a show of it, Brady removed the head from his mouth with an audible pop, before giving the entire length of the member a lick – from Owain’s balls, covered with a dusting of blond fur, to the wide tip, which was perfect for spreading out his ass for the thick shaft to come whenever it entered him.
“Oh, Brady… gods,” Owain let out, cursing under his breath as his husband worked on his shaft with his lips and tongue.
Chuckling at the thought of having managed to get Owain himself lost in his roleplay’s script, Brady gave the slit atop Owain’s cockhead a final, teasing lick before he opened up his mouth to swallow more of its size.
No matter how often they fucked, handling Owain’s girth was never truly easy. Brady could feel tears escape the corners of his eyes as he fought his gag reflex. He was not going to back down now. Not before he showed Owain what he was capable of.
Working Owain’s shaft deeper into his throat, Brady massaged his own aching cock, his hand gliding much more smoothly once his fingers and his member were wet with pre cum. He moaned to the best of his abilities, given Owain’s member was still in his mouth.
Pulling it out almost felt unnatural, like his mouth did not feel right when Owain’s throbbing dick wasn’t in it. Not wanting to go without it much longer, Brady caught his breath and swallowed the wet member once more.
Throwing his head back, Owain grabbed a fistful of Brady’s hair, calling out to a multitude of gods when the man sped up his rhythm for bobbing his head up and down the thick shaft.
Feeling his own release draw near, Brady felt a surge of happiness course through his body as he conquered his own gag reflex, being met with a face-full of Owain’s musky dark blond pubes when he finally managed to deepthroat his beloved.
“Fuck my mouth… please,” Brady whispered when he withdrew the member from his mouth. Forcing himself to say such a naughty line may have been difficult for him in any other context, but it was made easier by how prompt Owain was to comply.
Still holding on to Brady’s gelled, spiky hair, Owain pressed the man’s face against his crotch and bucked into it, being careful not to start too roughly, but slowly building the strength of his thrusts until  his balls began to slap against Brady’s chin.
Brady knew he would choke on Owain’s cock and then still thank him, had he been rougher to start with, but the tender approach his husband had, which extended to even something as flagrantly sexual as this, was yet another of Brady’s favorite things about his man.
The way Owain’s cock tasted and the way it twitched inside his mouth, coupled with the rapid nature of the thrusts and the physicality of them, the proximity to Owain’s skin and its scent… Brady could no longer resist and his fast stroking of his own cock lead to his seed splattering onto their sheets.
Pulling himself away from the middle of the swordsman’s muscular thighs, Brady gasped for air and stuck out his tongue, looking up expectantly at Owain as he brought himself closer to the tip of Owain’s cock.
Making a fist around his cock, Owain slapped it softly against Brady’s cheeks, only then noticing the drool that had dripped down the corners of Brady’s mouth.
Pointing his erection towards Brady’s tongue, Owain pleasured himself, feeling how much more sensitive Brady’s blowjob had made his member. He only needed to jerk his cock for a few dozen times before his seed landed on his husband’s tongue and on his face.
Swallowing the plentiful load, Brady used his fingers to find the remaining droplets, which he then licked clean. “So… do ya think I can improvise?”
In lieu of a reply, Owain extended his hand to Brady, pulling him into an impassioned, hungry kiss.
Afterwards, Brady rested his head on Owain’s plump, sweat-covered chest, hearing his beloved’s heartbeats slowing down to a steadier rhythm and feeling as though he was listening to the most calming symphony.
“You caught me… with my guard down this time… next time I’ll be the one who surprises you during roleplay. Mark my words… my love.”
Snorting, Brady sighed contentedly, drifting off to sleep with the most pleasant of smiles upon his lips.
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vortexboss-blog · 7 years
Who did this to ya?
Pairing/Finn Balor X Reader
Summary//It was no secret to the WWE locker room that you and Finn Balor were extremely close to each other. You both had developed feelings for one another over time, but kept it a secret from each other. Finn was in a match one day when you were attacked by someone, resulting in injury. Once Finn finds out he makes it his job to find out who hurt you. His behavior is so different that it makes you question him on why he’s being so overprotective, and that leads to you both admitting what you truly felt for one another.
This is my first imagine on here, so it’s going to be horrible
Thanks to @caguayo85 for the very first imagine request.
You stood with your arms crossed over your chest while you watched Finn make his entrance. You caught yourself cracking a smile as the camera men captured every inch of Finn, dressed in his tight ring gear along with that leather jacket of his.
Finn’s entrance was always so fun to watch and see how involved the crowd was with him. Although, you found yourself focusing more on Finn than anything else that appeared on screen.
You couldn’t quite remember the precise day and time, but you do recall developing a crush on the proclaimed ‘Demon King’ not to long ago. It was only a matter of time before those feelings finally made themselves present, whether it was an uncontrollable smile, or a feeling of absolute giddiness, you always found yourself wooing over Finn even when he wasn’t around.
You and Finn had developed a strong friendship since the day you both met, and you were pretty certain that it was going to stay that way, and that’s the way Finn would of wanted it as well. You did a pretty good job of concealing your feelings, especially when around him and the other talent backstage.
You know how the story goes.People find out about who your interested in, and boom, next thing you know that person, Finn in this case, finds out, and well the rest is pretty obvious to see.
Over the seemingly loud voice of Michael Cole’s commentary, you were able to hear what sounded like someone rushing towards you from behind. At first you figured it was just someone who was in a hurry to get somewhere, so you kept your attention on the TV.
The scuffing of shoes against the ground became more apparent which made your eyes shoot away from the small monitor, you couldn’t even turn your head to gaze over your shoulder as your body was shoved roughly onto the table where the monitor had now toppled over the opposite side of the wooden surface
You were being attacked by someone.
You attempted to turn your head again in the direction behind you, resulting in a hand clutching the back of your head and slamming it down onto the wooden table, nose first. Pain shot through your head, and nose as you quickly moved one of your hands to your face to make sure you didn’t shed any blood
The blow to your head had made you momentarily dizzy, but you were still able to feel the person viciously yanking you off the table.
You were able to hear them emit an audible grunt as they pulled your small body off the table, but you couldn’t quite identify who the grunt belonged to.
They held onto the back of your neck with a tight grip, while their other hand held onto the tights you were wearing from your match earlier this evening. It was like one of those holds you use on opponents outside of the ring when you’re trying to toss them back into the ring.
This time they tossed you against a large metal cabinet.
Your spine had contacted with the metal handles of the cabinet which resulted in a sharp pain shooting up your back. You slid your back down against the cold metal until your bum touched the floor, and you were in a seated position.
While seated, you hung your head down so you were looking at the floor, your hair had fallen in front of your face, so you still had an unblemished view of who had ambushed you.
As you were moving your head back to its normal straight forward position to catch a glimpse at who stood in front of you, a big plastic bin that was placed on top of the metal cabinet fell onto your already battered head.
The impact from you hitting the cabinet must of been enough to make that bin fall, which was quite surprising since the bin felt super heavy on impact.
A loud groan of pain escaped your lips, your head was violently throbbing in pain, for a second you actually forgot where you were.
When you could finally muster up the strength, you slowly tilted your head up so you were in view of your surroundings all while keeping a hand on the top of your head, where you knew for sure a bump would sprout soon.
No one was around, it was completely empty like before. There was no sign of who attacked you.
You weren’t entirely sure as to why no one was around, you would think there would be a camera man, guards, interview’s and other backstage personal floating around in every nook and craney, but there was no one to be found.
The throbbing in your head only became worse with every second that surpassed. Even when the throbbing began to cease, the pugnacious pain lingered only to make you more uncomfortable.
Your vision started to grow extremely blurry. Even though you tried to recuperate your normal vision, it just kept getting worse and worse.
Even through the culmination of blurriness, you could see what looked like two silhouette’s rushing over towards you. Your vision provided no clarification as to who they were or what they were doing.
Next thing you know you completely black out.
As you slowly started to come back from your black out, you could hear two male voices from a close vicinity. For the moment what you were hearing just sounded like gibberish, but as your body began to wake up more and more you could clearly tell whoever was with you wasn’t verbalizing some unknown language. Your eyes slowly began to open due to the sensitivity of the bright lights that hung in the ceiling. You didn’t want to strain your eyes, so you waited for them naturally adjust.
“Ah, she’s awake.”
A groggy groan pushes past your lips. You bring your hands up balling them up slightly to rub your sensitive eyes.
“Wha-what happened…” you wobbly ask the medics as both slowly help you to a seated position on the medical bed.
You blacked out and hit your head on the floor.” One medic confirms.
Your mouth gapped open, you hit your head for the third time today. That last one must of done you In for good.
“Miss Y/N, you have suffered a concussion somehow, which is oddly strange because you only hit your head once.” The doctor confusedly assumes.
You understood why the medics sounded so confused, they weren’t there to witness the other two times you took some blows to the head.
“Well actually…” You trail off causing both medics to shoot you a look of concern.
You do your best to explain what happened, and how your head was hit from being slammed on the table, and the bin of whatever fell onto your head as well.
“Well that explains why you have a concussion then,” The medic says in realization.
“How long am I going to be on the shelf?” You ask concern producing in your voice as you spoke.
“We’re looking at about roughly a month.” The medic who sat closest to you confirms. “Month and a half, maximum,” the other medic adds.
You let out a sigh of relief, thank god it wasn’t more than that. You probably would of gone crazy if you were out for more than a month and a half. This is your first time getting injured since being apart of WWE, so it was going to take awhile for this to click in your mind.
“Hey, is that guy still outside?” One of the medics asks the other.
“Im not sure, maybe.” The other one responds.
“What guy?” You ask, your curiosity peaking out of its shell.
The medics share a look before they both look back to you.
“A wrestler,” the medic furthest away from you says as he goes through some files, “He practically busted in the door about 10 minutes after we brought you in, and he was freaking out, asking if you would be ok, and what happened, but we didn’t say anything we kinda had to chase him out.”
“What did he look like?” You ask even though you were pretty sure you knew exactly who it was.
“Hmmm..he had a very nice physique, blue eyes, he was about 5 foot 10, oh and he’s an Irish fella.”
“Finn…” you mumble to yourself.
Of course Finn was going to be the one to go batshit crazy if he found out you were hurt. He had to be worried sick right now, and for him to have heard about this right after his match probably just added to his mental and physical exhaustion.
“Can I please go?” You ask, knowing you need to let Finn see that your ok and everything is going to be fine.
“Yeah go ahead just take it easy, and no more hitting your head, we’ll do a follow up later.” The medics jokingly says granting you permission to leave.
You nod and plant your feet on the ground making sure to steady yourself since you were still experiencing some light dizziness. You slowly walked over to the door grabbing onto the metal handle. You turn to the two men, “Thanks guy’s,” you wave to them.
“You welcome,” both say in unison.
You twist the handle and push door open, and move out into the narrow hallway. You quietly ease the door in your direction making sure it didn’t slam to hard when it closed. Once the door quietly shut, the sound of someone’s feet against the floor could be heard behind you. This time you turned around ready to fight whoever it was.
You were expecting that person who attacked you to come back again but turns out it was just a sweaty Finn who pulled you into his embrace. Despite how sweaty he was and how horrible he smelt, you couldn’t help but hug him back. Finn held you tight, as if someone were going to swoop down outta nowhere and take you away from him.
Finn reluctantly pulled away from the embrace allowing you get a full view of his body. If anything you should be the one worried about him right now. His milky white skin was covered in red marks, scratches, and welts from his match. His condition was just as worse as yours. At least that’s your own opinion.
You noticed Finn frown as he focused on something that was on your face. Finn’s hand went to gently graze a bump that formed on your hairline from one of three times you hit your head. It didn’t hurt bad, but once Finn’s fingers came into contact with it, you winced softly which made him draw his hand back to his side.
“Finn I-”
“Who did this to ya?” He cuts you off with his question.
Finn’s voice was low, his accent sounded thick, you knew he was pissed, you couldn’t just hear it in his voice, but just by looking into his eyes you could see he wasn’t very happy with the situation at hand.
“Who, Y/N?!” He asks a little louder this time startling you.
“I-I don’t know, Finn…” You answer back right as the last word left his mouth.
“How can ya not know Y/N!?” He scolds you causing you to step back a bit, “Ya were da one getting attacked and ya didn’t see who did it?!”
You rapidly shake your head no not wanting to speak. Finn just looks at you, his chest rising and dropping rapidly with every breath he took, his fists were balled up and his knuckles were a different shade of white compared to his already pale skin tone.
“If ya don’t know who did it then I guess I’m gonna have ta find out myself.”
Finn walked away in whatever direction with the intentions of finding whoever hurt you. You respected him for caring and all, but he was taking it to a whole other level. Plus you didn’t need him to fight your battles for you. You are perfectly capable of handling the situation correctly.
You darted after him in the direction he walked in catching up to him shortly after.
Once you caught up with him, you stepped your body out in front of his, but he didn’t stop, he simply just moved around you and kept going. You caught up with him again except his time you placed your hands on his hard chest trying to bring him to a halt to no avail. If Finn really wanted to, he could walk straight through you with no struggle, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally.
“Finn it’s not that big a deal.” You try to convince him. In response he gave you the “are you serious” type of look.
Finn stalled out finally causing you to stumble backwards a bit.
“Not tha big a deal?!” He practically shouts. “Ya have a concussion, and yer gonna be out for a month an’ a half.” He says exaggerating the whole sentence making it seem like it was the end of the world.
“Wait, wait, wait.” You stop him sticking your finger up. “How do you know I have a concussion. I didn’t even mention anything about it yet?
“I may of have been listening while ya were with tha medics.“ He nonchalantly admits crossing his arms over his chest. You weren’t upset that he was listening, you were just confused as to how he knew your status.
“Finn what the hell are you going to do when you find out who did this to me.” You ask referring to the bump on your head.
“Not like you can go demon king on them.” You joke.
"If i have ta I will. I don’t care who they are what they did was a horrible act of violence tha was absolutely unnecessary.”
Before you could argue back Finn had turned his back on you and began walking in the direction you were coming from before. This time he walked much quicker.
You repeated your actions from before and place your hands on his chest again trying to stall him again. Only this time it was way harder since his pace was much quicker.
“Why do you care so much about what happened?” You question still trying to fight back against Finn. You had even tried planting your feet while pushing against his chest for leverage, but due to Finn’s strength he ended up pushing you instead.
Finn’s silence frustrated you, and you knew having a sour attitude wouldn’t make it any better.
“Why do you care so much about me?!” You question but shout at the same time.
This time you cocked your arms back ready to shove Finn due to your own frustration, but before you could Finn caught your wrists in his grasp preventing you from shoving him.
In one swift motion, Finn yanked you into his embrace. His arms wrapped around your waist while your hands laid on his chest.
“Finn wha-”
You were cut off by Finn’s lips crashing down against yours. At first you thought that you were dreaming, were you still unconscious in the medics room, and this was just some amazing dream you’d wake up from any second. It wasn’t until Finn’s hands gently squeezed your waist for you to realize that this wasn’t a dream, and you were wide awake and this was actually happening.
Finn disconnected your lips, but still held you against his body by your waist.
“Wanna ask why I care so much about ya again?” He asks with a small grin.
"Finn I-I’m so confused..” you trial off, you were absolutely bewildered by his actions. When it came to Finn, you always thought you were trapped in the friend zone with him.
“Y/N, I never made it obvious, but I have liked ya’ for da’ longest time, ever since we had gotten so close dats when I knew tha I felt more for ya than just being friends.”
Once again you were bewildered. You always thought that you and Finn would remain nothing more than friends, it never crossed your mind that Finn could have the same feelings back. That was something you’d only catch yourself imagining in a perfect world.
Finn noticed the time you were taking to respond, so he let you go and moved away to give you some space.
"If ya don’t feel tha same then it’s ok.” He nervously says scratching the back of his neck. His bicep flexing in the process. Your heart melted as he spoke, his nervousness was one of the many adorable things you noticed about him. He would go from this badass man, to a nervous and shy man which was a quality that you had noticed with him for quite some time.
“Finn of course I feel the same.” You clarify stopping him in his tracks. His eyes widen and the most surprised look fills his face.
You do?” He asks. His overly excited tone fueling your happiness.
“Yes Finn, everything you said was exactly the way I felt for so long. I hid my feelings from you and everyone else. Every moment we spent together was amazing and I just found my feelings growing even more every time I saw you. I guess I was just always scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way back…” you say trailing off in your sentence.
You let your head hang low feeling a bit feeling ashamed your eyes were looking at the valley that divided both of his muscular pecs.
“That’s not possible…” He says while taking your chin in between his index finger and thumb. “Because I love you, so much Y/N.”
"Will ya do me the biggest honor in the world and accept to go out on a date wit me?” He asks taking your tiny hands in his huge ones.
At this point you were practically spewing with happiness, Finn Balor. The most attractive man on the WWE Roster, at least in your opinion, had asked you on a date
"Yes, Yes Finn.” You say with a ginormous smile forming across your face.
Finn smiles as well and his hands gently trail down to your waist pulling you back into his embrace. You stared into his bright blue orbs as he cupped your face with one hand pulling you in for one more kiss. This time you kissed back, you hooked your arms under his arms bringing your hands to his shoulders.
Finn’s touch sent waves of electricity through your body, you felt as if your whole body went numb. Even the pain in your head was going numb.
Finn pulled away looking you right in your eyes.
Now lets go figure out who did this ta ya.” He smirks devilishly.
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
What You Need to Know to Start Working Out After 50
If you are new to train, or coming again to it after a few years of a layoff, it is vitally difficult. You haven’t got the identical sense of fearlessness that you just had up to now. You could lack confidence for a lot of causes.
  If you might be over 50-years-old and beginning out, the problem can appear overwhelming. The fact is that we’ve an growing old inhabitants, extra consciousness of the advantages of train, and a way of urgency about lowering the price of healthcare as we age and bills go up.
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    Unfortunately, the health trade continues to be dominated by the picture of youth and muscularity, usually neglecting older trainees. Most of this neglect might be greatest attributed to the truth that it is solely not too long ago that older individuals have felt inspired to take up train. We dwell longer and the standard of our life is instantly impacted by our skill to stay lively. People are starting to get it.
  Strength and Conditioning for People Over 50
I’m not going to patronize older readers by treating them as if they’re youngsters. You’ll see loads of articles about the necessity to take it simple, tempo your self, and be sure to have your physician’s permission to begin figuring out.
  You’ll see conflicting recommendation about what you may and can’t do: do not squat, do not carry heavy weights, be sure to take these dietary supplements, do not bend right here, do not twist there.
  Fortunately, at Breaking Muscle, we’ve entry to trainers, coaches, and consultants who’re within the discipline and coaching 50-year-olds in any respect phases of their health journey. Some are older trainees themselves, some are completely centered on older trainees.
  Matthew Levy of Fitness Cubed does not see any distinction between being an older trainee and a youthful one, “I’d say that folks over 50 want the identical issues as individuals underneath 50. The foremost variations are that you will want to have in mind the years of damage and tear on the physique and that considerably extra time usually must be centered on constructing power at finish vary to maintain the joints wholesome.
  Additionally, the anatomical adaptation section and hypertrophy phases usually must be longer and the maximal power and maximal energy phases extra abbreviated and on the larger finish of the rep ranges for these phases.”
  Levy continues, “So for example, if the recommended rep range for maximal strength is 3-5 reps, I would tend towards lower weight and higher reps – 5 reps rather than 3.”
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    Every particular person goes to be completely different. Every growing old physique can have a historical past of exercise that may decide how a lot put on and tear already exists. You need to be sensible about the way you begin an train program if you’re coming it contemporary at an older age, however you do not have to be timid about it, both.
    “It’s never too late to start training. As we get older strength training becomes even more important because we start to lose muscle mass in older age. But studies have shown that older muscle still responds to exercise stimulus which, is very important for avoiding falls, for example, in old age.” Says Wayne Bradley, Gabinete Dietetico De Rueda-Bradley vitamin clinic.
  Athleticism Declines with Age
Your athleticism will decline as you become older. It begins in your twenties. However, we additionally see that fashionable athletes are staying within the sport longer than beforehand thought doable by adopting regimens that have in mind that they cannot do the quantity of coaching that they did when youthful.
  Scott Glasgow, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Brigham Young University, and former Xtremeperfect Weightlifting Club President says, “By the time an athlete is in their 50’s, I would estimate that optimal training for competitive weightlifting should include no less than half of the work being performed in modes that are clearly identifiable as bodybuilding in nature.”
  Jesse Irizzary, in his article on Bodybuilding and Olympic Weightlifting Aren’t Mutually Exclusive, says, “Bodybuilding work can be therapeutic, help aid in recovery, and used as a means to increase mobility, not limit it.”
  So, even if you’re a world-class athlete, you are going to need to undertake an strategy that helps in restoration and will increase mobility as you age. By extension, if you’re not a world-class athlete and beginning out later in life, that you must be cognizant of the necessity for restoration and an emphasis on mobility regardless of how usually somebody touts the advantages of power coaching.
  Lift Heavy, Even in Old Age (or Heavish)
Tom MacCormick, an knowledgeable in hypertrophy out of London, England, is a agency believer in lifting heavyish. MacCormick refers to The Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University that established 10 biomarkers of growing old.
  “The top two were muscle mass and strength. The higher the levels of these the lower your age-related decline. Fast-twitch fibers are the first muscle fibers to decrease in size as you age. These are also the ones that are most positively associated with strength, muscle mass, and blood sugar management so, it makes sense to train these throughout your life.” Says MacCormick
  So, as an older trainee, you don’t have to try to break any world data or danger damage with maximal hundreds to stimulate the fast-twitch fibers. These fibers will likely be absolutely activated with hundreds at round 85% of your 1-rep max, which will likely be age-appropriate. Performing difficult units of 6 reps imply each rep will recruit your fast-twitch fibers.
  “I suggest that you include resistance training, on multi-joint movements, in the 6-10 rep range to promote strength, power, and muscle mass. All of this will have an anti-aging effect on your body and extend your healthspan.” Says MacCormick.
  This is the place it’s important to watch out you do not get patronized when getting recommendation. For somebody beginning out at age fifty and up, quite a bit will rely upon the standard of the work they do and never ego lifts, private data in poundage or any of the opposite issues that would find yourself pushing you in the direction of damage and failure.
  Enrico Fioranelli at 4E Fitness Training provides, “When exercising over 50 you need to place greater emphasis on how your body responds to the exercise you are doing, and how you feel that day. Don’t worry so much about what you are doing on a particular day worry more about how you feel throughout your workout.”
  Exercising After 50 Means Having Patience
Jarlo Ilano, Managing Director, GMB Fitness additionally believes that high quality of labor issues, “In my opinion, the first points for exercising after 50 is that progress tends to be considerably slower than somebody half that age and that accidents take for much longer to heal.
  “So the emphasis ought to be on the consistency of coaching somewhat than depth. The late Robert Follis (UFC Coach) had a fantastic line that resonated with me: It’s higher to do some bit quite a bit, then to do quite a bit a bit of bit. This particularly holds true for older trainers. It’s merely not value it to train intensely, solely to get injured after which be unable to coach constantly.
  “It’s a paradox but, trying to improve faster only makes it slower!”
  Pain-Free Training for Older Athletes
Rachel Binette of CrossFit City Line is absolutely conscious of the wants of her older shoppers. She says, “When coaching older athletes, I’ve discovered that their priorities sometimes shift from needing to be aggressive on the board to feeling good and having the ability to dwell their lives pain-free. We are combating decrepitude versus attempting to PR our deadlift.
  “What this interprets to in courses is making certain that they’re modified appropriately. Distances and reps are diminished to protect the stimulus of the exercise and weights and actions are modified to protect motion integrity within the face of fixing mobility.
  “As an example, several of my older athletes have “frozen shoulder” or very restricted overhead mobility. We modify away from barbells to dumbbells, deal with core engagement to forestall overextending the low again, and be certain that they’ve a path by bodily remedy to proceed to enhance.
  “When it involves physique composition, sustaining muscle mass is a excessive precedence for all of our athletes. In our older athletes, it may be the distinction between having the ability to stand up after a fall or not.
  When we coach vitamin for these athletes, there isn’t a change between what we do for our middle-aged and youthful athletes. Their exercise stage and muscle mass (we’ve an InBody scanner to take the muscle measurements) are taken under consideration after they have plans arrange for them.”
  Mobility is Key for Older Bodies
“Mobility is the closest factor there may be to the fountain of youth. As all of us age the objective ought to be Not to coach so as to add extra years to our lives, however somewhat so as to add extra life to our years,” says Brandon Richey of Brandon Richey Fitness.
  Richey’s sentiments are echoed in feedback we get from many different coaches, reminiscent of Micki Pauley of Warrior Body in West Virginia, “KEEP MOVING! Moving EVERYDAY is likely one of the best possible issues you are able to do for your self after 50 – even when for a brisk stroll. Strength coaching 2-Three days per week turns into much more necessary as a result of it helps preserve the muscle groups robust to carry out fundamental, on a regular basis duties!!”
  It’s Never Too Late to Start Exercising
Matt Beecroft of Reality SDC says, “Biologically there are a number of issues that age us together with, however not restricted to- oxidative stress, irritation and a lowered skill for autophagy.
  “We know that in order to help reverse our aging we need to improve the quality of our breathing (including using hypoxia), improve our sleep, experience heat and cold, fast, get sunlight, eat predominantly plant-based, reduce chronic stress and move much more, to help reverse aging.”
  Amanda Thebe of Fit n Chips, who focuses on coaching older athletes and particularly girls dealing with menopause, believes that it’s best to simply begin, “If you might be on the fence about power coaching, my recommendation is to begin lifting weights straight away- the earlier the higher.
  With main power declines as we age and the next danger for power ailments, constructing lean muscle turns into extra necessary than ever as a supply of prevention. There comes a time in your life when trying good bare is trumped (you may exchange that phrase with wins if you’d like) by residing life longer. It’s not horny however it issues.”
  Quality Fitness is Key For Aging Bodies
“When it comes to training over 50 focus on quality over quantity. Place extra emphasis on training intensity versus training duration. In the words of Bill Grundler; More is not better. Better is better.” Says Michael Tromello of Precision CrossFit, Agoura Hills, California.
  Jesse McMeekin of Adapt Performance provides, “I’ve found that focusing on making things harder before simply making them heavier is a good idea for most lifters, particularly as we age and accumulate the inevitable aches and pains.”
  The actual key to train and exercises within the later years is consistency and a systemic strategy.
  Jonny Slick of Straight Shot Training explains it as such, “I can’t stress enough the importance of strength training with my clients over 50. And I don’t just mean “power coaching” as in lifting gentle dumbbells for tons of reps… I imply systematic, progressive resistance coaching that challenges older athletes.
  Whether my shoppers are 25 or 75, all of them must be comparatively robust. We work on this by establishing good mechanics, practising these lifts with consistency, and step by step including depth acceptable to the place they’re at of their health journey.
  Getting stronger makes every part else simpler exterior of the health club, and it is among the finest issues you are able to do to forestall accidents, preserve muscle and bone mass, and handle your physique weight.”
  The Research and Concern About Exercising at an Older Age
There are quite a few, widespread, sources of analysis which can be broadly quoted to encourage extra consciousness of the advantages of train for these over 50, particularly if they’re simply beginning out on their health journey.
  A examine known as, Comparable Rates of Integrated Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Between Endurance-Trained Master Athletes and Untrained Older Individuals, basically checked out masters athlete males who had been lively for a while in comparison with these simply beginning out.
  Without trying into the genetics or specifics of any of the contributors of the examine, this examine, by Manchester Metropolitan University in England, discovered that a newbie group might basically meet up with the group that had been lively for a few a long time.
  In essence, one group was into intense train, had been for many years, and the opposite was not. Yet, that was not an obstacle to the starters turning into late-bloomer athletes.
  In a examine known as, Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Across the Adult Life Course With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality, the findings are much more encouraging as a result of being inactive however growing bodily exercise throughout midlife was related to 32% to 35% decrease danger for mortality.
  If all of the consultants and experience on this one article, a small slice of the information we’ve about these items, does not persuade you that past 50 is just not too late to start an train routine or, even, intense train plan, then let’s simply depart it at that.
The post What You Need to Know to Start Working Out After 50 appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/what-you-need-to-know-to-start-working-out-after-50-2/
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