#im maybe on here for an hour and a half a day now? compared to a time before im scared to put a number to
mothusband · 2 years
since i unfollowed 600 people and have started spending less time on here i've been feeling so much better. i think everyone needs to try at least an hour less internet time a day and see if that clears your brain because my god i didn't realize just how badly social media has been weighing me down until i cut down my time by a lot.
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romanticintheory · 4 months
and.. maybe can you write for a part two? pleaseee🥺
HIII TYSM IM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED!!! here's a pt 2! i am very sick at the moment, though, so this might be a bunch of gibberish (i sincerely apologize if so). hope you like it <3
simon riley betrays you pt. 2
simon "ghost" riley x reader || pt. 1 || masterlist
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-miraculously, they let you go.
-you half expected someone to drag you out of the car with the barrel of a gun pressed against your temple with the intent to fire, but no. after a few excruciatingly long hours alone with your arms and legs bound, someone new came to cut your ties and let you loose.
-maybe they were just bad at their job, you thought. after all, why would they let you, essentially a witness, go free without any repercussions?
-a few years pass. you try to move on, but its impossible when your entire world was shattered in one night.
-you never heard back from your father since then, but that wasn't the thing that hurt the most. you couldn't go a single day without thinking about the sting of betrayal. any happy moment you had was spent comparing the time you felt that same feeling with him, before anything in the world was wrong to you.
-what's worse, there was something telling you that you shouldn't tell anyone about it even if you wanted to. a voice in your head kept telling you that maybe, maybe they're keeping you on a leash. maybe someone was watching you at this very moment ready to take you out the moment you spilled your experiences.
-in a way, your fears are confirmed when you meet simon again miles away from the last place you lived. you had moved for this exact reason; you never wanted to see his face for as long as you lived.
-it happens when you're walking alone in the street. you moved to this area specifically because you heard it was quieter and, more importantly, safer. but how much of that could you escape, really?
-your attacker approaches you as you're making your walk home from work, a kind of confidence on his face that makes the common individual want to roll their eyes.
-"what's a sweet thing like you doing out alone at night, huh?" he asks, his footsteps staggered like he's had one too many drinks.
-you give him the usual speel of, "oh, my friends are waiting for me... yeah, i've got a boyfriend. haha, i'm okay, no need to accompany me, thanks."
-your soft attempts at rejection only seem to agitate him, because next thing you know he's stepping toward you and putting a hand on your arm with a bone-crushing grip.
-"c'mon jus' let me-"
-his voice is cut off by the sound of a loud thud and the stranger's yelp of pain. it takes you a second, but you realize the defense on your behalf came from beside you.
-oh, thank god.
-you and your now injured attacker now adjust your gazes to sit on the silent newcomer. just like that, your settled sense of dread has come back and increased tenfold.
-there he was, with that stupid mask over his face and his hands curled into fists for preparation of what he was going to do next if the man didn't scurry off.
-"you'll leave," he says darkly under subtle pants, as if he ran before coming to your rescue. "if you know what's good for you."
-the stranger wastes no time in running off into the night, leaving you with your worst nightmare.
-for a while, you both stare at each other like you can't believe the other is real. it takes everything in you not to cry or beg him for answers. no, after everything you worked for, you're not going to throw away everything you built in the past few years to recover from him just to throw it all away now... right?
-"why are you here?" you ask coldly. "come to finish the job?"
-although your eyes were icy and your questions came with a rigid tone, there was genuine fear in your question. what if the soldier that untied you wasn't supposed to? what if you were supposed to be dead all those years ago?
-"no. never."
-even though he knows the reason why, his heart still hurts at the thought of you believing he'd just up and kill you like that.
-"really? that's rich," you scoff, except you're terrible at hiding the tremble in your breath and the tremors traveling through your body.
-spotting your growing fear, he scrambles for something, anything, to make you fear him less.
-"i was worried, that's all. after that night," he pauses, eventually deciding to skip the details of what he did to your father. "i didn't know where you went. thought i could just get over it, but i guess i just knew i needed to check in on you just in case."
-you resist the urge to roll you eyes. "right. you're back again to 'check in on me'? to come back and meddle in my life again?" you're struggling to keep your tears back as they form in your eyes. "you've already taken so much. how selfish can you be?"
-he stares at you for a moment before slipping his hand into his pocket and taking out a gold watch that belonged to your dad.
-"i'm sorry about your father, but you have to understand that he-"
-"not that, simon. it was never that," you push his hand away and the offer that came with it. his eyes became confused. "i mean you. it's always been you. you just come into my life telling me you love me, that you want to be with me so much and then just take that all away? and you never even bothered to tell me it was a lie, just let me get tied up by some stranger to be left alone and scared!"
-there's a new look in simon's eyes at your words, but it's hard to decipher them from behind the mask.
-"it wasn't a lie," he says slowly, lowering the hand with the watch in it back to his side.
-"oh, please." the trembling has not died down in the slightest. "i bet you're still mad that worker of yours took pity on me and let me leave before you could do anything about it. like i said, back to finish the job."
-your eyes are now trained on the ground. there was a conflicted feeling in your body at the moment. on one hand, this was the man that let you get tied up and left in a car while he "handled" your father. on the other, this was the man you loved. the one who was kind to your ever desire, who always understood you in ways you never knew possible.
-"i told them to let you go," he finally manages.
"i..." he hesitates. "i told my captain that if i was going to give them your father's location, they were to let you go no questions asked when the whole ordeal was over with." and it was true. he hated even imagining poor you, being interrogated by his colleagues in an isolated, barren room. you had been through enough.
-and even if you had been a part of your father's scheme, there was a part of simon that loved you too much to care (though he'd never admit it to himself).
-it was a good thing price trusted his judgment. he didn't know what he would've done had he said no.
-the tears are now streaming down your face and you can do nothing to stop it. it all felt like so much. you were so, so confused. if he did love you, why did you feel this way? how much of this could you trust?
-cautiously, he goes to wipe the tears away from your face, murmuring a quiet, "hate it when you cry." for a second, it was a familiar feeling. you felt like you were back in your shared flat with simon while having a breakdown over life's struggles. in moments like those, you never would have expectated that life's struggles could take the form of simon himself.
-you can't help but lean into his touch. maybe you were insane for allowing him to touch you like this, but you wanted nothing more than to let him into your life again. the resolve you worked so hard to build was crumbling away the longer you spent with him.
-"the reason it took so long for me to find you..." he's holding your face in his hands, now. "for so long, i thought i ought to leave you alone. i know i should. i wasn't lying about when i said i was worried if you were still alive, but," he swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. "i also miss you. 'nd i know, 's incredibly selfish of me after everything i've done to you, but i can't help it."
-one of his hands leaves your face to slide the mask and balaclava off his face. there he was again, his aged brown eyes and soft jawline, the sides of his face littered with small scars you still remember to this day.
-"i'll make it up to you," he whispers. "anything you ask, i'll answer. about my past, your father, anything. you ask me to get you something, i'll have it for you wrapped all nice 'nd pretty. hell, i'll get on my knees and pray to you if you order me to, love."
-it was like your nightmare turned into a fantasy, having him here begging for your forgiveness.
-"anything you want, i want to give to you. jus' let me be a little selfish, too."
-you bite your lip as you think it over. you know the correct answer would be a clear, hard no, but you can't bring yourself to do it. not after all those nights wishing he was encasing you in his arms again, whispering all the things he adored about you as you drifted off into sleep.
-as much as you shouldn't be believing him, you do.
-"...anything?" you ask hesitantly, and it takes everything in simon not to pull you in close and never let go.
-again. no, he needs to be sure he won't scare you off again.
-"anything," he promises, fingertips tracing the edge of your jawline.
-"okay," you agree, the tears finally having stopped flowing. happiness does not even begin to describe what simon was feeling. "for starters, you can walk me home."
-with the watch long forgotten and broken on the edge of the sidewalk, he holds your face for a bit longer before letting go. eventually, he offers his arm to you and you take it.
-there's a part of him that mourns the years lost that he could've had with you. maybe, if he came to you sooner, he wouldn't have to be so careful about being around you, now. but, no, these were the consequences of his actions.
-at the very least, you were still giving him a second chance, and he was intent on not fucking it up this time.
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luvrsbian · 1 year
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A/N: she's finally here!!! this was initially supposed to be a one shot but has kinda turned into a draft up of a pretty plotless, sweet, fluffy mini series. it follows canon for the most part minus eddies death ofc but because im bad with canon lore and science shit, its not heavily mentioned (some minor canon lore was changed but it's not super important.) this is a fem!reader, no use of y/n, set in 1992, 4k words, and i've kept reader pretty vague for inclusivity minus some background lore. this series is not 18+ (yet) but my page is, so please do not follow if you are a minor. thank you sweet baby mona @enam3l for beta-reading for me (ily)
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Eddie Munson liked his life. He liked his friends, even if a lot of them have now dispersed across the continental United States for school, jobs, general life (minus Robin who has somehow managed to make her way to Australia doing God knows what.) He liked his home, a house on the edge of town – slightly bigger than the old trailer – which he still shared with his uncle. He liked his style and hobbies and taste in music and movies that haven’t really changed much in the last 5 years since his final senior year. 
He really liked his job. 
Which felt odd for him to admit to himself.  It wasn’t anything like what he thought he would be doing. A younger Eddie Munson would imagine himself traveling city to city, adored by fans, living creatively and free spirited.  
But a middle school janitorial gig kept him young. One could argue 26 wasn't even that old, however, compared to his friends (who he'd already been older than) with their careers, relationships and growing families, he felt like a lonely old man. So, yeah, the awkward, funny, and extremely honest pre-teens made him feel young.  
Initially he thought the job would be lonely. It’s a small town with even smaller schools. Besides him, there was only one other night janitor that he alternated weekend cleans with and only really ran into during day-to-night shift changes. Ron was nice enough, older than Wayne, with a far higher patience for children. Unsurprisingly, behaviours from high school died hard and the teachers and administrative staff all kept to their own little cliques. Resulting in Eddie keeping to himself, rarely speaking outside of his custodian duties or the occasional faculty meeting. 
He didn’t even think he’d interact with the students aside from cleaning the odd vomit or getting stuck balls out of the gymnasium rafters. He unintentionally found himself yet again the outcasted mother goose to a small hoard of pre-teen metal heads when their unofficial leader, Matty Sherman, caught site of the various posters Ed keeps hung up on his office (custodial closet) door. The seventh grader quickly forcing himself under Eddies wings and refusing to budge. Matty was a good kid. Reminded Eddie a lot of himself at that age. He was loud, abrasive, and way too confident for such a gangly frame in ill-fitting clothes. Matty had hair though which 13-year-old Eddie couldn’t relate to. 
There was also Ms. Virginia Wagner. The eccentric, nurse who has been working at Hawkins Middle since Eddie was attending. Maybe even before that, he wasn’t quite sure and whenever he asked anything close to finding out her age, she quickly shut him down. She was sweet. She was funny. She was also a mean old hag sometimes, but God did Eddie love that about her. If he was just 20 - or more realistically 40 - years older and wasn’t almost certain she swings the other way, he’d shoot his shot.  
The Summer season was extremely uneventful for Eddie. Due to the kids being out of school, his hours were cut in more than half with only the yearly repairs and deep cleaning needing to be done. He went into work about 3 days a week, spending the extra free time to do some manual labour gigs here and there around town. When he wasn’t working, he was hidden away at home watching movies, listening to music, trying to plan out ongoing and future campaigns for Hellfire meetings that have begun to be fewer and far between now that everyone has dispersed. On some rare occasions when he didn’t feel like a complete shell of a person and was able to leave the house to socialize outside of life obligations, he met up with the few friends that remained in the Hawkins area (which at this point in time was really only Steve Harrington and Gareth Emerson.) 
It was now the Monday of the week before students would return back to these fluorescent lit halls. That meant all other faculty were now gracing the school to prepare for the year ahead. Organizing and prepping and finalizing lesson plans and class rosters.  
Eddie had a slight pep in his step as he walked through the halls, scuffed up sneakers squeaking on the shiny, extra polished tiles. He whistled a silent tune that clashed with the jingles of his keys that he swung around his middle finger. Getting to the janitors closet to put on his navy coverall and put his hair into a low bun. He zips up the stiff material, covering the self-altered muscle tank top that had the logo for some local band down in Indianapolis he saw a few years back before things went to shit. A cracked and stained mirror hanging up over his work sink being used to make sure his hair looked casually messy in the bun. With a final once over, he hooks his keys to the belt loop of his coveralls and preps for the day's work. A glance at his wristwatch, the one that has somehow survived hell and back just like him, reads 7:58. Just 4 hours and 2 minutes until lunch.  
He couldn’t wait. 
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Eddie used those 4 hours and 2 minutes to check each stall in all bathrooms were fully stocked with toilet paper and the likes, clean the actual toilets themselves, and make sure the water was running properly in every sink. Once that was taken care of, he began on his biggest task of the week of dragging desks and chairs out of the back storage building to be put into classrooms. Sheryl from the administrative team having left the small packet of papers indicating how many seats each room would need for the coming year.  
He could move the chairs in stacks at a time but could only really stack two - maybe three if he was careful - desks on his hand truck before it became a safety problem. Once moved into the main building, he had to wipe them down, tighten any loose screws that could make them wobble, and make sure they were still in usable condition. Eddie had completed almost 3 of the 32 classrooms before lunch finally rolled around.  
He grabbed his lunch sack from the custodial closet and whistled on his merry way to the nurse's office. He’s been eating lunch with Virginia for as long as he can remember. Of course, there was those 5 years of High School and then the year of recovery following the events of his second senior year, and the summer breaks of course, but besides all those he’s been eating with her for a good 7 years.  
This ritual beginning in his 6th grade, the first year he moved in with Wayne, all sad eyed and past aside due to events outside of his control. Kids he had grown up with suddenly not wanting anything to do with him. He wouldn’t really make any friends again until 7th grade, and his first band of misfits was created, Corroded Coffin. 6th Grade was the worst year of his life until 1986 and now it’s about tied.  
Sadly, in middle school who you ate a meal with or gave the time of day too was so integral into maintaining the hierarchal balance of the ecosystem. It was bullshit. With everything that happened that lead to his father going to jail and him burdening his uncle, the kids of Hawkins middle school decided Eddie wasn’t worth risking their own reputations. He doesn’t remember exactly how it happened, his brain kicking the memory out at some point to make room for more important stuff like D&D lore. But he does remember he went from eating lunch in the bathroom to eating it in Nurse Wagner’s office.  
Even after being integrated back into the Middle school social circle, he couldn’t just leave her to eat lunch by herself. She needed him with his alternative music education and retelling of the fantasy books he’d been reading lately and his strong headedness that could keep up with her dry and sarcastic quips many interpreted as rudeness. Although Eddie would still refuse to admit it, in actuality he probably needed her more than she needed him. 
He doesn’t knock, just moseys his tall frame into the nurse's office, wide dimpled smile on his lips as he hears rummaging coming from the actual office area that was blocked off by a wall. He looks at the two plastic-y beds covered in paper sheets, inhaling that antiseptic smell that can only seem to be found in medical settings. No fluorescent lights were on, only natural light being let it from the two big windows.  
There are curtains on them now which surprises him. Floral pinks and yellows with lace on the edge that really fit the grandma vibes Virginia has but refused to acknowledge. The windows all have blinds, but curtains were deemed a non-necessary commodity by the school board budgeting team, meaning if you wanted curtains, you’re gonna have to fork money out of pocket for them. Eddie had asked Virginia about it once, commenting about how it would help spruce up the place. Make it look a little less sterile. She told him to go to hell, that she’s a nurse not rich. Any out-of-pocket money she spent on work only going towards things that actually matter, like the allergen friendly laundry detergent and the nicer, name brand candy for the candy bowl. 
Putting his lunch on the side table of the first bed, he lays down in a relaxed position. Hands behind his head, legs crossed, eyes closed, he lets out a relaxed sigh. 
“Virginia, dear, I really love what you’ve done with the place,” he calls out to her, hearing the close of the filing cabinet and footsteps soon following, “feels all homey now, dontcha think.” 
The footsteps stop. 
“I'm glad you like them. You feelin’ comfy there?” 
That was most definitely not Virginia Wagners voice. 
Eddie jolts up, eyes wide and cheeks red. He’s not one to get embarrassed easily but since recent events he’s been a bit more reserved in how comfortable he gets around strangers. And you were most definitely a stranger. A pretty stranger. A very pretty stranger in a teddy bear patterned scrub top and an oversized cardigan with embroidered sunflowers. You’re a disorienting mess of patterns and colors but you’re also, like, really pretty and Eddie isn’t sure how to go about this. 
“You’re not Virginia,” is all he can get his voice to come out with. 
“I’m not Virginia.” You give a chuckle. A positive response, Eddie thinks. 
“Where’s Virginia?” 
Eddie is now standing away from the bed and closer to the door, ready to run from the situation if needed (something he’s learned to embrace in the last few years.) You give him a friendly smile, hands in your cardigan pockets, the sleeves bunched up. You look cozy.  
“Florida. She’ll be in the Caribbean by the end of the month,” you supply. He can tell your fingers are fidgeting in your pockets. His hands are fidgeting at his waist, pinching at the material of his coveralls.  
You shrug your shoulders, “Retirement.” 
“Oh,” Eddie sighs, eyes breaking contact with yours for the first time since standing, shifting to look at your white - almost pristine - sneakers on the tile floor her spent all summer mopping and waxing and removing scuff marks from. “That sucks.” 
You snort. Teeth biting your bottom lip to stop from laughing at him further during this awkwardly endearing meeting. Your own eyes looking him over now that he isn’t completely focused on you. He’s cute. His cheeks stained your favourite shade of pink once he realized you weren’t the now retired nurse he had been so fond of. Hands covered in jewlery. His inability to stay still so natural it makes you think he doesn’t even realize he’s been shifting his body weight back and forth from his toes to his heels this whole time. Tall, lean, maybe with some extra fluff hidden under the baggy attire. He’s got some shadow of hair on his cheeks. And if you weren’t a civil person and he wasn’t a stranger, you’d be begging to kiss at the column of his throat. 
Your gaze moves to look around the waiting part of the office to avoid thinking even more things about this guy. A brown paper bag chicken scratched with the words ‘ED LUNCH’ catches your eye. Before you have a chance to speak yourself, he starts his interrogation again. 
“Who are you?” 
Your attention cuts back to him quickly. With a smile that shows all your teeth and a hand leaving your pocket, held out for him to shake, you give your full name. 
He takes it with his own reserved smile. His hands and rings are warm, but they still tingle your skin from the unfamiliarity of the metal. You enjoy it you think. Before he can introduce himself, you beat him to the punch. 
“You must be Edward, right?” 
He grimaces, “Just Eddie,” your handshake falls. His hand back to his hip and your hand back into your pocket, “Just Eddie is fine. More than fine, actually. Preferred, really.” 
Another chuckle from you. Eddie knows he’s funny when he wants to be but if it’s this easy to make you laugh, he doesn’t ever want to stop. 
“Well, just Eddie,” you smirk at his eye roll, “you can join me for lunch if you’d like. I feel like my presence may have ruined your initial plans,” you let out a huff of a laugh and gesture to the lunch sack by the window. He grimaces again at your wording and shakes his head. 
“It didn’t ruin any plans just was shocking ‘sall,” his hand moves from his hip to rub at his slightly scruffy chin, pretty brown eyes back on yours, “but um, yeah. Yes, I’d love- like to join you for lunch.” 
You smile. He smiles back. 
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Eddie has sat in this chair, in this office, and eaten his lunch for years. Today it feels awkward and unfamiliar.  
It might have something to do with you sitting where Virginia used to sit. Same chair, same desk, same office, but completely different. Virginia didn’t decorate her space, leaving it functional and impersonal, if people wanted to know about her life they could ask her. She wasn’t going to flaunt it.  
You were very different. An orange, gaudy looking vase filled with fake flowers. A matching candy bowl with various sugary, little treats. A picture frame of you and what he could only assume was your family based on the similar features shared between each person. A decorated Coke can with the top cut off and trimmed with glued on lace and covered in holographic stickers of vibrant cartoon animals, sparse enough to still see the iconic red drink logo, was now holding an assortment of colorful gel pens.  
Even the chair wasn’t safe from your interior decorating, a purple knitted blanket folded over the top of the rolling seat. The seat itself now adorning a red, white, and black cushion of an ugly faced bulldog with a spiked color and cap with the letter G, the words ‘GEORGIA BULLDOGS’ splayed above him. A sports team he assumed.  
The conversation hadn’t started back up since the introduction in the sick room. Both of you taking your respective seats in the office area, opening your lunch bags and digging in.  
Eddie being a creature of habit brought his usual bag of pretzels, a can of Pepsi, and a sandwich made of whatever he could find in the kitchen. Today it was two slices of whole wheat, mayo, lettuce, the last piece of deli ham, and shredded cheese.  
Your own lunch seemed much more put together. For starters, you had an actual lunchbox, a bulky and vibrant plastic thing with Snoopy sleeping on his dog house on the front. Inside, there was your own ziploc bag of green grapes, a can of Coke, and a sandwich cut into triangles. White bread, crunchy peanut butter, and grape jelly. A Little Debbies Swiss Rolls pack sitting on the corner of your desk for dessert. 
He’s mid chew on the final bite of his sandwich, half his Pepsi left, his pretzels being the first thing devoured, when you speak up. Your own sandwich having on triangle section left, grapes gone, and Coke untouched. 
“Have you always lived in Hawkins?” 
You’re wiping your mouth with a folded paper towel, curious eyes focused on him. You’re very good at that, he’s realized. Eye contact. Focusing on your center of attention. Eddie has never been good at it, having to remind himself to look at the person talking to him. It’s polite, Wayne would say, shows people you’re listening and interested in what they have to say. Eddie gets so worked up in remembering to seem focused, he loses it and doesn’t hear what’s being said. He hasn’t had that problem with you so far. He thinks he could look at and listen to you all day if you let him. 
“Born and bred,” he swallowed his bite and shrugs his shoulders, rubbing his hands together to get the crumbs off, “you’re not though, are you. Feel like I’d remember you,” he raises an eyebrow. Feeling a little more confident in himself, especially with the obvious signs of you not being a local, and gives a playful smirk. 
“You got me,” you hold your hands up in mock surrender, moving your arms back to rest your elbows on the edge of the desk, “I’m from Georgia.” 
Eddie nods, the seat cushion making sense now. It’s your home team for… sports. A sport. Probably football. Eddie mentally pats himself on the back for guessing it was a sports team. Good on him for knowing sports. (Eddie doesn’t know sports.) 
“So,” Eddie lulls, small talk never being his forte. Much more interested in getting into the nitty gritty of conversation when interested in someone but he doesn’t know you yet. He needs to find something to relate with you on and he can’t do that with tidbits he may know from growing up in town like he could other people his age or older here. “You’re like a southern chick,” it was your turn to grimace.  
“You’re really bad at this,” you snort and shake your head, finishing up the last of your own sandwich. Tidying up your desk, throwing away the ziploc bag and sandwich wrapping and paper towels. Opening the coke can and moving the swiss rolls pack to in front of you, looking back to Eddie. With a tilt of your head and saccharine grin you ask, “Splitsies?” 
He nods at the opportunity to get a sweet little treat before addressing your initial comment, “Small talk requires talking and I just don’t really do that anymore with people who don’t already know me or just have a preconceived idea of who I am,” he shrugs his shoulders again, voice softer, slight regret in being too real. Eyes watching your fingers open the package, folding another paper towel (which he has now realized are coming from a roll kept in the lowest drawer of your desk), and setting one of the processed roll cakes on the indented paper before placing it in front of Eddie’s seated and slouched body. “Thank you,” He looks back up to you and you’re already looking at him. 
“Virginia told me a lot about you,” you smirk, lifting your own cake to take a bite. Your eyes not leaving his except for split a second to give an appreciative glance and hum to the cream filled ‘pastry.’  
“We’ve been corresponding for months,” you snicker at your own use of the word, making you feel like some sort of 18th century countess or captain, rather than a young nurse taking over the position of an older nurse.  
He looks panicked at this reveal. Which is cute considering he had a bit of white cream on his upper lip. Although he looked so pretty when his brow furrowed, it was clear he was frightened so you were quick to reassure him. 
“All good things, of course. I think she’s just worried about you. It’s cute, really, just really cute.” Another kind smile on your lips and your hand holding out the paper towel - his now eaten roll was sat on - as hint for him to clean his mouth off. 
Eddie knew Virgina wasn’t one to gossip but the prospect of a rare new person in town he’s actually interested in, being privy to all his shit-uations without him telling them himself, scared him. But Virginia did love to meddle and that may be worse. She was a big supporter of Eddie needing friends his own age.  
Letting out a sigh of relief that his tragic history had yet to be exposed, Eddie returned your smile with his own half one. You reach into your desk again, pulling out a letter instead of paper towels this time. ‘Edward’ scrawled in a familiar, loopy handwriting with blue ink on the white envelope caught his eyes. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion and intrigue.  
You hold it out for him to take like it was something precious, “This is for you.” From Virginia, is unspoken but recognized between the both of you. Who else would it have been from. Eddie flushing as he realized, Virginia never told him about you. Virginia never even told Eddie she’d be leaving. They didn’t speak much, or really at all, during the summer unless they happened to run into each other outside of these brick walls.  
Callused finger pads grazed your palm when he took the letter from you, he kept his eyes focused on examining the letter. A sad smile on his lips appreciating the loops of the E and W and curves of the D’s. Realistically he knew Virginia probably wasn’t gonna be gone from Hawkins forever, she had roots here. A son. That’s son kid or maybe kids now, he wasn’t sure, hadn’t checked in on Rick since he got out of jail in ‘88. But it still hurt that she was gone, without a word, and was happy enough to talk to her replacement about him but not to him about her. You. 
“I’m gonna read this later,” he mumbles and puts the offending but appreciated letter in his deep pocket. A quick glance at his watch read it’s been about an hour since making his way into the nurses office, lunch was over. He threw his trash out in the bin by your desk and gave you a friendly smile, standing from the seat in front of your desk. 
“Maybe we could do this again sometime,” eyes shifting around the office again, not really taking things in, just needing to not get trapped back into your gaze. “Ya know, with my lunches free now and everything,” he humorlessly chuckles. 
“Eddie,” you spoke softer than you had before, a more sympathetic smile on your lips, “I’d really like that.” 
He looks at you now. You have really shiny eyes. What a weird observation, Eddie thinks, but it’s true. With a quick wave of his hand before retreating them back into his pocket, fingers playing with the paper edges of Virginias letter. He begins his trek out the door.  
“Hey, next time though,” he stumbles in a spin to walk backwards while speaking, “We’ll speak more about you than about me. Feel’s like you know too much about me,” he huffs with a smug smile before spinning back to look forward. “See ya, Peach.” 
Your sweet laughter follows him out into the hall. You call out, “See ya, Eddie,” to his retreating back, watching the door long after he’s left.  
“Peach,” you snort and shake your head, teeth tugging on your bottom lip to stop from smiling too wide. 
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the clean up crew (taglist): @avobabe87 @bakugouswh0r3
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could i get a nikki sixx angst where reader thinks he’s cheating on her and they have a big fight but it ends up in fluff🙏🙏
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thank you for requesting!! i hope you like it and its what you were looking for.
Nikki sixx x reader 
Glancing at the clock on the wall for probably the 20th time since 11:30 pm, when Nixxi said he'd be home. It was no almost two in the morning. For the past few weeks nikki´s been getting home later and later from the times he says, he doesn't act like the guy y/n fell in love with. 
A thought crosses y/n´s mind as she sits on the couch waiting for Nikki to come home. What if he's out with another girl? What if hes fucking another girl right now? What-what if he doesn't love me anymore? y/n thought to herself. She's never let the thought of Nikki cheating cross her mind before but with how he's been acting she can't help it. 
She's so deep in her thought that she didn't hear the front door open and her boyfriend stumble in. Nikki stopped when she saw someone in the corner of his eye. Looking over at his girlfriend he walks over to her “hey babe why are you still up”  he says slurring some of his words. The sudden voice behind y/n made her jump and look up at the obviously drunk man. “I was waiting for my boyfriend who said he'd be home almost three and a half hours ago.” as the words leave her mouth nikki rolls his eyes. “I was out and lost track of time no big deal” he says throwing his arms up. 
“No big deal?!” y/n says rasing her voice “Nikki the past few weeks youve been acting diffrent, not coming home untill almost three in the fucking morning, probably out fucking some random bimbo, while im here waiting for you to come home so i know youre fucking safe!” she says standing  up, looking at her boyfriend who was making an extremely confused face. “Cheating? Are you serious y/n?!” he says glaring at her. “When have I ever made it so you wouldn't trust me? Huh?” nikki says getting in her face 
“Oh i don't know, not telling me where you've been, being distant, not having time for me anymore because if you're not doing drugs you're out doing god knows what!” y/n yells at nikki causing him to turn around, pick up a bottle of jack that he had left laying around one day and throw it across the room making it shatter. “y/n ive never even fucking thought about cheating on you, but you know what. Maybe I will if you already think I am” he says, looking her in the eyes. 
y/n´s eyes well up with tears but before she could say anything nikki starts “oh now you're crying. Typical” rolling his eyes he goes up stairs hearing her crying behind him. Once he's upstairs and in their room, he goes into his closet and shoots up. Reality of everything that happened tonight is sinking in. Nikki wasnt out with another girl, no other girl could even compare to his y/n, and to know that she thinks that low of him hurts a lot.
While nikki is upstairs, y/n is down stairs looking at the shattered glass with teary eyes. After almost ten minutes she decided to clean up the glass carefully. Once she's all done she slowly makes her way upstairs. When she entered the room she already knew nikkis in the closet, so she walked over, opened the door and saw Nikki lying on the ground, a needle laying next to him. Her eyes start tearing up again as she picks the needle up putting it into the trash before turning her attention to nikki 
“Nik? Wake up” she says rubbing his face a little until his eyes open looking at her in a daze, a big frown makes its way to his face when he remembers what happened “baby?” he asks sadly “come on nikki let's get you in bed” y/n says while trying to pull him up. “I'm so sorry y/n, i-i've never cheated on you i promise” nikki says turning to face her, putting his hands on her shoulders “please believe me sweetheart” he begs the woman in front of him. y/n smiles and leads him to the bed, and pushing him to lay down “well talk about this in the morning nikki, you need to sleep right now”  
As she gets into bed next to him he lays his head on her chest. “I love you y/n, more than anything in the world. When I'm out I'm just with Tommy and the guys drinking i promise” he slurs from both the drugs and tiredness. y/n kisses him forehead before whispering “i love you too nikki, now get some sleep” 
The last thing she heard before he passed out was a mumbled ‘im sorry’
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seethesin · 1 year
do you know what you want?
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pairing: Shane McCutcheon x F!Reader
tags/warnings: cursing, sexual content, fingering, semi-public sex (mdni, 18+)
a/n: seeing this post in the shane mccutcheon tag made me go feral, im not gonna lie. thank you and full credit to @enzo32sposts for inspiring this fanfic. i hope you don't mind that i wrote this, because this one's for you :)
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It seemed like every lesbian in Los Angeles was forcing her way into Wax for one reason and one reason only: Shane McCutcheon.
Truthfully, you didn't understand the hype. Sure, the woman had talent. But you were skeptical that the raving reviews she got were based solely on her hairdressing capabilities. You knew well enough that those hands were doing more than adjusting hairlines.
Your thoughts took a turn when your best friend was able to nab an appointment with the legendary Shane. She raved on the phone for a half hour after and when the two of you met up for brunch, you had to take a double take. Between the intricate layering, highlights, and volume, you didn't even recognize your friend. She looked incredible.
Shane McCutcheon made her look incredible.
And you needed to know what it was that made Shane so coveted by the community.
So here you were—a month later, it was the soonest Shane had available—sitting inside the Wax waiting room. You managed to fill the last appointment slot for the day, much to your relief. You probably should have decided what exactly you wanted done, but you were more interested in participating in this... experience than anything else.
Snapping back to reality at the sound of your name, you finally come face-to-face with the lothario who enraptured more women than you knew.
Shane McCutcheon.
"That's me," you reply, gathering your belongings as you approach Shane. Your gazes lock and the faintest glint streaks across her eyes. Maybe your brain was playing tricks on you, but you could have sworn you saw her look you over. The ladies were right; Shane was easy on the eyes.
Too easy.
"Great, I'm Shane," she starts, extending her hand to you. You take it swiftly, giving a polite shake. You can't help but map out the callouses of Shane's fingertips at your initial contact. The thought of them inside you flickers across your mind and you immediately dismiss it. "Follow me around back and I'll get you started."
You nod in return. You keep pace with Shane, stepping through into her studio as she pulls the curtain open for you. Pulling it back shut, she motions for you to sit. You do so, quickly placing your belongings on the side table and out of the way of Shane's workstation.
"So," she starts, walking towards you from behind. She's studying you through the mirror, her fingers wrapping around the top edges of the chair. Another vulgar idea takes over your thoughts. It's harder for you to get rid of this one.
"What are you here for?"
Your teeth dig into your lower lip, brows furrowing as you try to think of something on the fly. You really should have decided before coming in. But Christ, how do you think when you have this woman—who looks so much hotter in person compared to all the ridiculous descriptions your friend gave you—stationed right behind you?
She was too close to you to be considered professional. You swallow and the faintest hint of a smirk pulls at the corners of her lips.
"Well," you begin, trying to maintain some control of this situation. When did it get so hot in here? "I want something—"
You stop breathing entirely.
Shane's hands are in your hair, smoothing and styling it as she watches you through the mirror. It's natural for hairdressers to touch your hair. So why is it such a shock to the system when Shane does it?
Shane's grinning now, eyes shining as she waits for you to speak again. She must have felt you freeze underneath her hands.
"I want something different." Her hands retreat from your scalp and slide back down to the top of your chair. You choke back the whine threatening to escape your lips at the sudden loss of contact. She's still looking at you through the mirror and a low hum of acknowledgment rumbles out her throat. She steps away from you, turning around to ready her tools.
"Okay," her voice trails off, and you can't help but steal a glance at her through the mirror. Shane looked good even from the back. The jeans she was wearing accentuate her behind too well. You like the leather jacket she has on too; you had to refrain from asking her where she got it from.
You look away as soon as she turns around, bringing her styling tools towards her workstation. "That doesn't really help me though."
You respond with a petulant huff. You weren’t exactly helping yourself either.
She slithers back behind you, serpentining her arms on top of the armrests of your chair. Your arms reflexively pull towards your torso at the skin-to-skin contact, your hands settling into your lap. Shane chuckles and slowly, she leans forward. Her breath fans against your cheek and the caress of her lips against your ear is searing. You flinch.
If possible, her voice drops an octave.
"What do you want, [Y/N]?"
"You." It comes out without warning and as soon as you say it, your eyes go wide. The flush crawls up your neck and blooms across your face as you watch Shane. She is absolutely delighted and a stupid, smug smile cracks across her face.
"That's better. I can work with that."
She spins the chair so that the two of you could finally stare at each other. Without warning, her lips crash into yours. Your brain is spinning, unable to form anything coherent at the moment. The only thing you can focus on was matching Shane's vigor.
Her hands are on either side of your face, her fingers digging through your hair. Cautiously, your hands creep up to Shane's shoulders. The way she kisses is overstimulating. Between her tongue flicking against the roof of your mouth and her teeth gnawing on your lower lip, you didn't know what to expect next. However, you refuse to sit there, hapless and needy.
With a surge of newfound confidence, you yank her down closer to you. She moans in approval as you kiss, her hands now trailing down your neck before finding purchase on your waist. She shuffles closer to you, bending her leg so that her knee presses against your pussy.
You gasp.
Shane smiles innocuously, pulling away from the kiss. Her knee burrows further between your legs.
"Tell me what you want me to do," she rasps, loving the way she makes you squirm. Instead, you find the strength to shove her jacket off, exposing the white t-shirt underneath. Her nipples are perky against the fabric and it makes your mouth water. You want them in your mouth.
"Fuck me."
Shane bobs her head in a curt nod and immediately removes her knee. The lack of friction makes you shudder, but it's only temporary. Shane's lips are back on yours and her hands and trailing down to your groin. She's making quick work of your pants button, tugging the zipper before shoving the offending garment down to your calves. Her hands hook around your knees and—without breaking the kiss—you cant your hips forward. Shane's already on top of your unspoken command. Her fingers slip under the waistband of your underwear and yank them down to join your pants. One arm hooks around your waist while the opposite hand buries itself into your cunt.
Her middle finger strokes from your clit to slit, prodding gently before plunging inside of you. She begins to pump slowly, trailing wet kisses down your neck. She peeks up at you through dark, hooded lids as she bites the base of your neck.
Your fingers are already lacing into her hair, gripping so tightly your knuckles are white. Shallow, staccato moans begin to push from your chest as your hips jut forward. Shane sucks the bruise already forming on your skin and runs her tongue across it. The two of you lock eyes and she sneers. You give her hair a tug, warning her to stay on track.
You start to roll your hips impatiently, needing more than just one finger. The attempt at coaxing her works much better than you anticipate. Her ring finger joins the fray and suddenly, her thrusts grow deeper.
"Didn't peg you as a brat," she muses, digits curling as she fingerfucks you. Her tongue flickers at your throat.
"'m not," you start, slamming your hips to meet her brutal thrusts. "I know what I want."
"About time."
The heel of her hand swivels against your clit and you tremble. One hand—at this point, you couldn't tell if it was yours and hers—flies into your hair, gripping tightly as you tilt back into the salon chair. The coil in your stomach snaps and your orgasm washes over you. Shane's lips are back on yours, most likely to swallow the moans bubbling from your chest. She lets you ride her fingers as you cum, brushing your clit gently with her thumb as you bask in the aftershocks.
Shane is patient and slowly, pulls back from the kiss. She waits until your breathing evens out before unsheathing her fingers. Her lips envelope around them and nonchalantly, she sucks them clean.
Your clit throbs.
"Well," Shane leans forward, your noses brushing against each other. "If we had more time, I could have eaten you out too."
You quirk your eyebrows at her.
"Who said this was the only time you could fuck me?" Shane licks her lips, pupils dilating as she ogles you.
It's your turn to smirk.
"I should get to your hair first." Shane spins the chair back around so that you face the mirror. After a moment of observation, you begin to laugh. Your hair is completely unkempt; wild and frizzy from all the grabbing.
"No, keep it like this."
Shane gawks at you.
"Because it's exactly what I wanted." Something different.
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basil-does-arttt · 1 month
hold on wait a second i had a thought
in the DLC prolouge cutscene for DMC 5, when Vergil is in that stone passageway area, he says "its nearly time" (in reference to him splitting himself in half).
We know what day it happens, april 30th. The date is shown in Nero's flashback scene. This is of course assuming Vergil did all that on the same day, which i think is what happened. (He could open a portal to his house to travel, and why would he wait any longer and risk dying first?)
Anyway. Thats not my point, my point is: did he choose to do it on this day on purpose? Is this date special?
Im overanalyzing here so this may be a stretch, but: Could that be the day Eva died? Think about it. Him splitting himself was a "rebirth" of sorts: discarding his humanity to become a full demon in search of ultimate power.
Vergil being stabbed by those demons the day Eva died could also be counted as a kind of rebirthing for him: In the span of a few hours, he lost everything. His family, his life. And maybe even, his full humanity, as he gained his DT form in that moment too (shown by him having the same triggered-style eyes Dante uses when threatening V toward the start, also (half)triggered.) No longer was he a mere human boy, but now half a devil - the things that killed his family - too.
Knowing Vergil, it could make sense. In DMC 3 he's quite proper and a bit sentimental, much more so than Dante and i can see him caring more for these kinds of niche details in his life a lot more than Dante too. I also think he may have still been in that mindset when coming out of the Nelo Angelo body (however that happened), in a way that he hasnt really grown or matured while he was Nelo Angelo due to all the mind-fuckery performed thanks to Mundus.
(Could also be clarification for the reason Vergil still looks so young, quote "because of how much time he's spent in the underworld compared to Dante". He didnt live there, certainly not by choice. But he was captured and tortured by Mundus for 10 years. My thoughts is that he's technically still in his teenage body, as becoming Nelo Angelo and being in the underworld for so long thanks to Mundus halted (or at least very significantly slowed) the aging process. Time could move slower in hell but thats a rant for another time, ive gone off track.)
As such, him choosing such a special (traumatic) date to essential commit suicide on doesnt seem like much of a reach to me. Vergil has always been methodic. He doesn't do things hap-hazardly and never has, even as Nelo Angelo when he invites Dante outside to set up a proper fight rather than just taking the opportunity and attacking in the bedroom.
Of course you can argue it was coincidence, and he just stumbled across Nero by chance and decided to do it right then and there. He had to have found Nero first of all, figured out his plan of attack (probably so he wouldnt draw unwanted attention and possibly be stopped), then actually put it into motion. He couldnt exactly control the date Nero happened to be in the right place at the right time and gave him an opening. Im not trying to convince or anything, just sharing ideas, But wouldn't it just be so in character for april 30th to be a special date for him??
Overall i at least think the reason he chose to do it at the house was intentional for reasons stated above. If it wasnt, then why didn't he just... idk, find an alleyway or something and split himself there?
Those are my thoughts. Id love to hear other people's theories and such on this too.
It mustve taken him some time to get back to the house. Not hours, but not seconds. 15 minutes seems like a good amount of travel time for someone who can teleport using portals alongside a bit of walking. If he got there early he could've just waited too.
A specific date, april 30th, and at (likely) exactly 6:00pm. In VOV while it is black and white, i assume the attack happened late into the evening, since the sky is dark when he gets back to the house a bit later. Idk how he would've known that it was exactly 6:00 but... anyway, Mundus also seems like the type of guy to plan shit, especially an attack like he did to Eva and the twins, if that whole "eva died on april 30th" thing was true.)
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jsluvtzu · 11 months
im fangirling over all of your fics ngl.... could you maybe write something fluffy for chaeyoung? like reader meeting her for the first time in an art exhibition and then silly little sapphics falling in love
son chaeyoung x fem!reader
summary: meeting you was just a coincidence. or was it fate?
cw: cute lesbians, men dni
wc: 1.9k
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long to get out, buttt here it is! sapphics crushing on each other and falling in loveeee
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you always loved coming to the art museum down the street during your lunch break.
it was a slower day than usual that day, so your boss let you have an extra hour off.
the exhibits had new pieces put in every friday and you loved being able to be one of the first few people to see them.
it was a weekly thing for you — coming to the museum to admire the featured works from small upcoming artists.
you always failed to notice the one girl admiring you though.
she had her eyes on you like you were a new art piece, examining your features from afar.
your hands were stuffed into both pockets of your half zipped up hoodie as you strolled across the floor, taking in each detail of every frame in front of you.
she came here just as often as you did, using it as an excuse to catch glimpses of you.
the girl was anxious and fidgety compared to your somber and peaceful demeanor. her antsy energy collided with your tranquil one across the room as she worked up the courage to come up to you and start a conversation.
thoughts of a public rejection and humiliation clouded her mind and filled her ears with responses that haven’t even been uttered yet, but nonetheless, she had a little hope that it could go well.
her hands were clammy as she rubbed them together restlessly, the sound of her heart beating at the speed of light replacing the previous scenarios.
she felt her footsteps grow heavier with every step she took closer to you, approaching you like you were a radioactive substance.
you stopped in front of a piece that intrigued you — it was one the artist left for you to interpret in different ways, just how you liked it.
as you studied the meanings of the painting, you looked to your left and saw a pretty girl standing next to you.
she was shorter, her long hair covering some of her features, and her simple dress outfit with a black coat over it drawing a smile out of you.
the girl turned her head to you and froze seeing your smile, awkwardly smiling back and shying her face away.
you watched her slightly rock back and forth on her heels and glue her eyes to the wood floor below you, wondering what’s got her so worked up.
“i really love this piece. i love the way the artist has multiple things going on to make one big picture. what do you think?”, you blurted out to fill the silence.
the girl shot her head up and flipped her gaze between you and the piece on the wall which she couldn’t care less for right now, hurriedly looking for something she can relate with.
“y-yeah, i really like the.. the details.. and the way you can see a different like scene.. if you just look at it from a different perspective.”, the girl was visibly nervous, her tone further proving it.
“exactly! i think perspective is so important in art. it shapes your view of every work you come across and how it should be interpreted, you know?”
you were glad to have someone you could share your love in art with, even if she’s a little confusingly timid.
the girl cleared her throat and nodded her head excessively, “right yeah, i know, it’s a different meaning for everyone. for me i think the piece represents the beauty of falling in love and how it unfolds.”
you smiled and tilted your head curiously, her response being exactly the one you wanted to hear.
“wow, that’s actually crazy”, you said, laughing slightly.
“what is?”, the girl answered hesitantly.
“i see the piece the exact same way. the way it shows the first stages of falling in love with someone. like here’s the infatuation stage and the euphoria of it. that’s why this part is a little messy”, you slid one hand out of your pocket to point at the area you were talking about, “it represents the blurry feeling you get when you’re in that state.”
you turned to look at the girl and observed her reaction, stuffing your hand back into the pocket it was in.
she was already staring at you when you looked back, probably not even focused on anything you just said.
she smiled and silently agreed with you, nodding her head again and scanning her eyes over your face — almost like she was in some sort of infatuation stage.
“yeah.. i feel the same way.”, her doe eyes locked onto yours, entrancing you.
there was a pause in the air, both of you only focused on each other.
“i’m.. i’m y/n.”
you turned your body to fully face her, holding out your hand to shake hers.
she reached her own hand up to meet with yours, the both of you grasping each other in a firm handshake.
“i’m chaeyoung.”
your eyes didn’t leave hers yet, too scared they might disappear if you looked away.
“it’s nice to meet you, chaeyoung.”
chaeyoung’s hands were soft and warm, but not too warm and not too cold either.
she let her grip on your hand go, ending the handshake, but you wished it didn’t end there.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. would you maybe wanna.. grab a coffee with me? there’s a small cafe just down the street.”, chaeyoung almost regretted asking, mentally punching herself to prepare for your rejection.
“yeah! i would love to.”
she raised her eyebrows slightly in shock, shaking her head to refocus.
“okay.. okay! come on, i’ll lead us there.”, she said, motioning for you to follow her.
as you two walked down the street, you both engaged in light small talk, getting to know each other beyond your shared love for art.
“so.. do you come to the museum often?”
of course chaeyoung knew you came often. every friday at around 12 pm. she just didn’t wanna look like some complete freak who stalked you.
“yeah i do actually, i come during my lunch break since i work not too far from here. what about you?”
“i go sometimes to destress from work and whatnot, it’s a nice way to get my mind off of things i guess.”, she said, shrugging.
you hummed in response, slightly upset that she seemed to have a lot on her shoulders.
the two of you arrived at the entrance of the cafe, chaeyoung speeding up a bit to open the door for you.
you giggled at her kind gesture, thanking her and holding the door for her on your way in.
as you ordered your drink at the counter, she was just as attentive as the barista taking your order, silently telling herself to memorize it and bring it for you the next time you meet.
you two sat down at a table in a far corner, sipping your drinks and continuing your conversation beforehand.
when you got lost in explaining some work drama to chaeyoung, she pulled out a pen and started scribbling on a blank napkin.
after you finished your rambling and looked at chaeyoung, you saw her constantly looking up at you and back down to her napkin, her pen moving skillfully.
“okay, done! sorry, you just looked really pretty, i had to draw this moment before it went away.”
chaeyoung slid the napkin across the table and you finally got to see what she had been working on when you were going off about your dumb coworker.
it was a sketch of you, arm on the table with your chin resting on your palm. she managed to perfectly capture the way your hair was styled, the way your smile shined, even down to the rings you wore on your fingers.
“wow, chaeyoung this is amazing.. how did you even draw this so fast?”, you said, amazed at her skill as you examined the intricate details she put into it.
“it’s pretty easy when your muse is nice to look at.”
you couldn’t control your burning cheeks and forming smile at her flirty remarks anymore, tilting your head down to hide your face.
chaeyoung wasn’t lying either. she thought you were the prettiest girl she had ever laid eyes on, and she was glad she finally took her chance and talked to you.
hearing your passion about art was the cutest thing ever to her. your genuine love for it attracted her to you more than she could imagine.
she wanted to know everything about you.
more than just the way you perceived the world, more than your coffee order, more than what irritated you about incompetent people at work.
she wanted to know what made you feel most loved. what it would be like to come home to you.
“whatever.. my turn to draw you now.”, you said, still giggling like an idiot.
you reached over to grab her pen off the table and took the napkin from under your cup to scribble your own sketch of her.
chaeyoung watched you patiently and noticed the way you hid your “drawing” with your free hand, slightly furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
“aaand done! do you like it?”
you slid your napkin over to chaeyoung and observed her as she looked over the piece of paper.
the fact is, you didn’t draw anything special at all.
your idea of a sketch of chaeyoung was writing your phone number down and drawing hearts and smiley faces everywhere.
chaeyoung broke out into laughter at your antics, rubbing her thumb over the material.
“i do, i really like it.”
you reached into your pocket to check the time on your phone, realizing you had about 10 minutes to walk back to work.
slightly saddened, you put your phone away and held your face in both of your hands on the table this time, beaming at chaeyoung.
“well i have to get back to work, but make sure you interpret that drawing reeeally carefully, it’s an important one.”, you said, scooting your chair back to stand up and grabbing your drink.
“oh i will, don’t worry. i’ll be sure to consider every single detail.”, chaeyoung said as she watched you grab your things.
you laughed at her playing along, “i’ll see you next friday then?”
chaeyoung smiled and dropped her hands to her lap, still holding onto your art piece.
“next friday it is.”
you nodded and smiled at chaeyoung one last time, walking towards the door and looking back to mouth a “call me” and gesture a phone with your pinky and pointer fingers.
chaeyoung chuckled and watched as you headed back to your regular life.
when you completely disappeared from view out the window, chaeyoung drew her eyes back to the napkin in her lap, inspecting it again and scoffing to herself with a big smile on her face.
moments of your hour together flashed through her mind, making her blush as she pulled out her phone and went to her messages.
she typed your number in, making sure she didn’t miss a single digit.
chaeyoung was twiddling her thumbs over her screen, figuring out the perfect thing to text you.
she tapped the sides of her phone while she attempted to think of something, slowly growing frustrated with herself.
and the best thing she came up with?
hiii it’s chaeyoung :p
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strawberryya · 2 years
eager angel
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Joshua x reader
synopsis: after a long, hard day, sometimes pegging your lovely boyfriend is the perfect way to escape reality and have some horny fun.
word count: ~3.5k
genre/contains: smut, fluff, comfort, established relationship, bottom!Joshua, sub!Joshua, dom/switch!reader, gn!reader, reader gets wet, pegging, anal penetration, use of strap-on, degrading pet names used lovingly, praising, a little bit of teasing, mentions of food, half-implied aftercare(?)
rating: 18+
a/n: had an exam -> needed to forget about the exam -> pegging Joshua :D Also, thank you again, wonderful, amazing uncle Jenna @huiranghaes for proofreading and boosting my confidence in my writing!!!
.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・.
“Hey angel,” you said, welcoming home your boyfriend from work. 
Joshua was dragging his feet while walking into the living room and plopped down right next to you on the couch that you had situated yourself on since you got home from work yourself barely an hour ago. He gave you a peck on the cheek before letting his head fall down onto your shoulder. 
“Your home kinda late, bad day at work?” you asked, noticing that something was obviously not right with him. 
“Yeah, just a long day, and annoying coworkers, and clients, and traffic, and my lunch was really not what I needed today for some reason, and it was just all wrong,” he said with such a completely exhausted tone that you felt your heart hurting for him just from hearing this short recap. 
You gave him a small kiss on the head, hoping that would comfort him at least a little bit. 
“That sounds awful, I’m sorry you had to go through a bad day today.” 
“Yeah, I’m thinking a night in with just us is exactly what I need today to fix it,” he responded looking up at you and kissing you on the lips, soft and tender. 
“C’mon, get under here with me,” you said and shifted while lifting up the edge of the blanket covering your legs. It didn’t take any convincing for him to snuggle up under the comfy blanket, intertwining your bare legs with his soft suit pants. 
“Did you have a better day than me though baby?”
“It wasn’t as bad, I had a pretty decent lunch actually, but yeah, not exactly great. That’s partially why I have been sitting here since I got home.” 
“I’m sorry, do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, concern and compassion filling his eyes, but you really didn’t feel like thinking about that right now, so you shook your head, “Not really, maybe later when I feel better and can just rage-talk about it.”
“Well, just tell me when and im all ears,” he said, smiling with love and concern, while he picked up the hand he had managed to get a hold of underneath the blanket and kissed the back of it, making you giggle at the cute gesture. Not that it was rare, it just always made you feel so giddy whenever he did small things like that. 
“Thank you, angel,” you said, placing your head on his that had placed itself back down on your shoulder. And the hand that had previously been in your hand had slipped out of it and was now mindlessly caressing your upper thigh in small motions, making your mind wander to something that was completely different compared to the bad day conversation. 
Somehow, you knew that your mind wasn’t the only one that had started wandering. Joshua’s breath and the way his hand made certain movements that you could recognize anywhere, anytime, was telling you that he was thinking of the same exact thing that you were. 
“So… do you wanna escape all that with me for a moment?” you said, only the slightest bit unsure if your intuition had been fully correct. But when he answered with an incredibly excited and ‘thank god you said something so I didnt have to’ type of exhale: “God yes!”, you were a hundred percent sure that your intuition had been correct. 
“Did you prep already?” 
“Yeah, I- I did this morning just in case we were going to…” he mumbled, looking away a bit, but there was really no need for him to be embarrassed or shy about being prepared. You definitely enjoyed having him love you fucking him so much that he had made prepping a part of his morning routine. 
“Aw, sweetheart aren’t you a good boy for me today, but do you prefer a reward or a punishment for being the desperate little slut you are?” you asked, watching him look back at you with his pretty brown eyes, “Hm, what do you think? You can choose.”
“I- I’d like the reward…” he stuttered out, a gorgeous scarlet color painting his cheeks as he spoke. 
“Of course, my baby will get anything he wants today then.” 
As you got up, untwining your legs from his and pushing the blanket off of your body you added “Why don’t you get those trousers off, and ill be with you in just a second,” and left to put on the strapon and Joshua, being eager to please you, scurried off into the bedroom throwing off his suit jacket and pants. However, he left his boxers on, knowing how much you loved to play and tease him while seeing him grow hard underneath the thin fabric. He was honestly already feeling semi-hard at just the thought of you making him feel good and he knew you would love that small detail.
When you walked into the room, you were still dressed as you had been just a minute ago, still covered up, however, the tent visible under your oversized shirt was impossible to miss and Joshua couldn’t help but let his gaze trace over the plush skin being revealed from underneath the shirt that rides up with every movement, the solid cock hiding underneath it only making it slide higher up on your thigh. 
He himself was only dressed in his white button-up shirt loosely buttoned and a pair of black briefs, not hiding the way he was growing harder with each passing movement that he stared at your figure being teased in front of him along with the promise of the pure pleasure you would bring him. 
“Hi angel, you ready? Want me to make you forget about your day and make you feel good?” you said with a small smirk playing at the corners of your lips, watching Joshua react both by nodding yes and by his entire body leaping forward towards you, closing the short distance between you and kissing you while cupping your face in both his hands. his eagerness made you smile into the kiss. 
It was always so much fun exploring new things, that is something you had discovered together in the past couple of years, but still, just kissing and letting each other’s hands explore the other’s body was still one of the most exciting things you two did. When it was just the two of you, nothing else, small touches and whispers of “I love you, you know,” and “God, how do you taste so good,” mixed together will small smiles and little gasps and moans just never lost it’s magic somehow. 
“You ready for more?” 
“Shua angel, you know we don’t do that,” you said, removing your hands from his body in an instant, “Words baby.” 
“Please give me more, please!”
“No need to beg today sweetheart, we’re playing nice today remember…” 
However, he wasn’t planning on pleading with you any longer, especially since he could only nod mindlessly as he felt your hand back on his skin and traveling down over his torso towards the black fabric covering his cock and more importantly for today’s agenda, his pretty little ass.
You could feel the way he jerked forward as your fingertips slid across the outline of his erection, loving the way he moans out your name in a low whisper. When you move your hand away from him and dip your fingertips just below the waistband of his underwear, moving around his gorgeous hips and towards his lower back, you can’t help but smile as you can feel him shift his legs while arching his back just enough for you to get the hint and lower your hand to his cheek, squeezing it and caressing his ass as you notice how he is practically begging for you to touch him where he needs you to. 
His whimpers are filling your ears and the way he shifts in search of your touch is filling your brain to the very brim, turning you on too much for your own well-being. 
“You want me to stretch your pretty hole out angel?” 
“Please, please, yes, I need your fingers, I need your cock, I need you so bad,” he began pleading again, not wanting you to stop if he didn’t respond properly again.
You slid your fingers down between his cheeks, pushing down two fingers on his hole, just begging to be fucked. When you began rubbing small circles around his ass, you felt him push back onto your fingers, pushing them inside just ever so slightly. This made you both moan; the feeling of him opening up just enough for you to push inside with your tips and feeling him squeeze around your fingers made you feel dizzy with the rush of lust you felt imagining him taking in the cock currently bent up in between yours and Joshuas hips. 
“I need more,” he groaned into your neck. 
“Greedy today, aren’t you angel?”
However, the way you were having issues controlling your own breath, and hips at that, gave you away and Joshua called you out immediately by smirking into a kiss and grinding his hips teasingly down onto you, making you moan into his mouth. 
“Okay! Never mind, get the lube baby.” 
This, he was completely on board for, and while you dropped some of the lube onto your fingers, Joshua used the seconds of you being preoccupied to remove the black boxers, letting his cock spring free. You noticed his shiver as the chill in the air washed over his bare skin.
“C’mere,” you said as you gestured for him to come back to you, and once he was right in front of where you were sitting on the edge of the bed, you pulled him down by the shirt with the hand not covered in the slippery lubricant and gave him a quick kiss. When you pulled back, you could see just how turned on he was by the way his face was slightly flushed and his pupils dilated like crazy. You yourself weren’t exactly one to say anything about the horniness-levels of anyone else in the room; feeling yourself overheating and salivating at the mouth at the thought of just sucking his pretty dick where he stood.
However, that could be put off for later tonight. So you pulled him back in, kissing him again, letting him hold your face in his hand as you slide your tongue over his bottom lip, giving it a small nibble and smiling at the whimper he lets out from the sensation. Once you pulled back his lips were even more swollen than a minute ago and you simply admire his flushed face and messy look for a moment, because how can someone look so fucking gorgeous, already half fucked out and still begging to get fucked like a perfect little whore. This was something you would never get over, you thought as you patted the bed, insinuating that he should get on it. 
“Ass up angel,” you ordered and he obeyed immediately, his arch looking so pretty, you had to stop yet again and just admire him. The curve of his back to the way he was spreading himself open on the bed - just for you. You couldn't help but take a moment to take it all in.
“Like what you see so much you forgot what you were about to do huh?”
You smirked at his comment, “You look so pretty all splayed out for me, ready sweetheart?”
“Fuck yes-” he said, but his answer was turned into a groan due to your fingers, slippery, wet, and hot touching down on his begging hole. The lube, warmed up from your hands, did the trick, and your fingers could easily find their way inside his tight hole. You pushed them in and then slid them out at a pace making your reward seem more like a punishment in Joshua’s eyes.
“More, more, please,” Was all you heard coming from Joshuas’ lips, occasionally muffled by the covers and pillows on the bed. 
You quickened your pace, spreading your fingers once you felt him being relaxed enough to take it. You let your other hand alternate between spreading his cheeks even further and stroking his dick for just a moment before leaving it abandoned and twitching from the lack of friction. Not to mention how when you dragged your hands up his back, following his spine and seeing him arch, even more, you pushed up the white button-up and revealed more of his gorgeous back to you, letting you gaze down onto his hips, teasing you to grab them as you fucked him until he was so fucked out he was drooling. 
“You think you’re ready to take my cock angel?” 
“Yeah,” he moaned breathlessly, eager to feel you inside of him finally.
You reached over to the lube bottle still laying on the bed and let it slip down over the cock strapped to you. In the meantime, Joshua was trying to concentrate on staying patient, so when you tapped his cheek with a light slap, he had to force his concentration to focus on your words. Once he caught the meaning of your words, he quickly did as you had instructed and flipped himself over, now laying on his back, legs bent up, revealing everything you wished to have on display. His cock was leaking precum already, begging to not be neglected, but you both knew that wasn’t what he needed right now. 
He looked at you as you climbed onto the bed, to sit in between his legs, as you stroked the lube onto your cock. Joshua couldn’t help but look at how you had made a mess yourself, arousal dripping down your thighs and now mixing with the lube dripping from your hand and cock. 
Fuck, you looked hot as you stared down at him, practically eating him with your eyes.
“Could you unbutton that shirt for me? Don’t wanna ruin it any more than it already is,” you requested and he obliged, more than happy to let you gaze down at him as more of his skin was exposed to you. 
“Thank you, baby, you’ve certainly been obedient today, for the most part at least, and we did say you would only be rewarded today, so let’s make you feel as good as you want to, yes?” 
“Yes,” he said, once again interrupted by a moan, this time caught by your lips as you bent down to kiss him while you let the tip of the cock push at his entrance, testing him, teasing him almost. 
“Such a good boy,” you whisper out as you feel his walls give out and let you inside his tight hole. 
After letting him adjust for a moment, you feel him relax around you from the way your cock was able to inch forward. You pulled out and pushed in again, your strokes slow and deliberate, letting him take you in, inch by inch until you were close to bottoming out. His whimpers and moans had mixed with his pleas of wanting more and wanting it faster, never mind that you were both aware that this way was the one he would enjoy the most in the end. Having him properly stretched and warmed up always resulted in his pretty little hole not being able to get enough of your cock, sucking you in, and not wanting your cock to leave the tight walls hugging it. 
Trying not to get ahead of yourself, you push in, only moving ever so slightly, staying in place and only stroking an inch in and out of him while bending forward and leaning down to let your lips melt on top of his, swallowing the small whimpery moans escaping his lips. 
You released his lips but didn’t change your pace or strokes, leaving him wanting more as you kissed down his jawline and down his neck and chest, leaving the faintest purple marks wherever you saw fit. His whimpers each time you released a spot on his skin made you want to make another one, and another one, and yet another one until his skin was painted purple like the sky at dusk on a late summer evening. 
But the way he was pulling at the fabric still clinging onto your body signaled to you that no matter how much he enjoyed your lips on his skin, he needed a bit more from you. 
“Want me to fuck your pretty hole properly angel?” 
“Please, I need it.”
And you obliged to his pleas, grabbing hold of his hips, dragging your cock out, and pushing it in with a much larger stroke than before, making Joshua almost lose himself completely in the pleasure surging through his body. You could tell that he was going to cum sooner rather than later, and you decided to reward him properly by not dragging it out, no matter how much you wanted to see him beg for it for hours more. 
Your strokes became even more precise, hitting just the spot you knew drove him crazy, seeing his cock twitch and leak and pulsate until he was half screaming “Yes, that’s it!” while moaning like a pornstar. You kept your pace, letting the sheer force of your motions drive him wild. His orgasm was close, and you felt a knot building in your own body, awaiting a release, untouched but running on overdrive from the scene playing out in front of your eyes. 
He was sucking you in like never before, and he began falling apart right in front of you, moaning and whimpering your name as his cock twitched one last time before releasing his hot white cum, landing on his bare torso, covering some of the lower marks you had made just a while ago, and the sight combined with the way you name was coming out of his pretty little lips as he looked so fucked out made your own orgasm crash into you, and you moaned as you continued to push your cock in and out of his pulsating hole. 
You slowed your pace and your moans became whimpers and low whispers of praise, and his moans of your name turned into low whispers of it along with at least a dozen ‘thank you’s’. And when you pulled out and let yourself fall down on your side, your head landing on Joshuas’ stretched-out arm you felt so completely satisfied it amazed you that he had made you feel this way even though he hadn’t even had time to touch you yet. 
.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・.
“Fuck, you made me come from just seeing you,” you said through your heavy breaths as you were coming down from your high. 
“Does that mean you aren’t up for round two after dinner?” he asked, smiling at you as he turned his head to look at you on his arm beside him. 
“Really you’re gonna start testing me as soon as you get what you want huh? Now I might have to reconsider giving you everything you want today, maybe some punishment is exactly what you need later,” you wiggled your brows a bit as you said that, letting a smirk grow onto your face as Joshua scoffed at your warning, the post-nut clarity apparently making him incredibly cocky this time around. 
“Before we do any of that, mind helping me to the bathroom?” 
“Of course angel, but I’m feeling a bit wobbly myself, so I’ll support you and you support me and we waddle.”
“Alright, let’s waddle to the hot cozy water, like penguins,” he said, lifting himself up and capturing you underneath him, bending down to kiss you slowly, lovingly and so softly you felt like you would levitate any second if he didn’t let your lips go from his perfectly plush and puffy lips. 
“Okay, let’s waddle,” you said, somehow shuffling yourself off of the bed and onto the floor, helping Joshua up from the bed, and helping each other stabilize one another. The scene making you both burst out in laughter. 
“What should we get for dinner?” 
“Definitely delivery, there’s no way we’re standing and cooking today,” you answered without a moment’s thought. 
“You deserve one of those pebbles for that opinion, and if we manage to penguin waddle without dying I’ll give you two pebbles and a kiss.”
“Two pebbles and three kisses or no deal, I’ll trip us over myself and then we might never get up and we will just have to be penguins stuck in a pile of snow instead.” 
“Okay okay, you’re a tough man to deal with, but I’ll accept the demands, now let’s go get cleaned up and I’ll somehow order us some food to recharge,” 
“Yes, waddle forward!” he shouted out, making you both burst out in laughter yet again. 
.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・.
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frootloopscos · 5 months
4) Avoid Responsibility
Tag list: @naompspsps @bagofburntcreampuffs @lemon-koii @bluerosegardens @lost-woods-rabbit @friskybee @amebaby @transriddlerosehearts
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Chapter 4) This Son of a Boltund
"As punishment for today's infractions, Yuu, Ace, and Grim are all hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" Crowley declared with a glare, "you will all meet in the cafeteria after your classes. Are we clear?" "Yes sir."
NOW. . .
Yuu, Grim, and Agent stood in the cafeteria waiting for Ace to arrive so they could get this punishment over with. "I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleanin'. I can't believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!" Grim complained while laying on of of the tables. "Well, it is yours and Ace's fault that we're in this mess, so suck it up and try to learn from the experience." They said to him while searching through their back before their eyes widened, "it is in here!" They yelled taking out a box that Agent recognized.
"Mmmm, what's bugging me is that Ace ain't even here yet!" His attention was then grabbed by the object in the trainer's hand. "What is that?" He asked standing up to get a better look at the box. "It's my pokebox, it lets me switch out what Pokémon are on my team, usually I can access it through my rotom phone but I guess it got disconnected when we were brought into this world." They said with a grin, "Agent you wanna see Cinder?" They asked teasingly to their starter. The Inteleon nodded "Teleon!"
Yuu grins and takes out Snom's pokeball from their belt as they set the box onto the table allowing the little stand to come out. They placed Snom's pokeball on the stand and took out their Rotom Phone to scroll through their boxes before choosing Cinder. The box sucked Snom's pokeball inside and released Cinder's, Yuu grins putting the box back in their bag, "Alright Cinder, come on out!" They said throwing the ball into the air, a bipedal, white, rabbit-looking pokemon materialized from the white light. "Cinderace!" It yelled with a smile.
"Cinder, welcome back girl!" Yuu said giving their Cinderace a hug which she happily returned before looking around and spotting her mate "race!" She yelled letting go of her trainer before hugging Agent.
Yuu let the two Pokemon catch up to eachother and looked around realizing that Ace still wasn't there yet. "Alright, where is that dumb ginger? It's been at least half an hour since their classes released." They said annoyed, Grim nodded in agreement "he's super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!" Yuu sighed, "it's possible," they mumbled pinching the bridge of their nose before exhaling. "Let's go look for him Grim."
"Ain't no way am I doin' his punishment!" Grim agreed "I don't care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin', he's washin' those windows!" He yelled before the two of them went off, Agent and Cinder following behind them. When they got to Ace's classroom Grim ran in yelling, "hey Ace! get over here! Try to hide from me, will ya!" Only to pause seeing the room empty aside from a painting. "Huh...Maybe there's really no one here?" He asked looking behind the desks.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'm here." The painting spoke up causing Grim to freak out, "bwaaah! That painting just talked!" He said looking to Yuu to make sure he wasn't crazy. Yuu nods "yes, and? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school? The lady in the portrait on the that wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why shouldn't it be able it talk! Is that really so strange?" The painting asked, Yuu shook their head, "compared to other things I've seen in my world, it's not odd." They mumbled "do you know where a student named Ace Trappola is?"
"Ah, I know the one. A new student I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago." The painting explained making Yuu scowl, "that son of a Boltund." They said beffore thanking the painting and leaving to the dorms with Grim and their pokemon. "Agent, Cinder, go make sure he doesn't get out of this." Yuu commanded their pokemon, the two nodded and ran ahead to the Hall of Mirrors.
When the two pokemon arrived Ace was complaining, "yeah right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and—" he was hit on the back of  his head with a rock kicked by Cinder. "Cinderace!" She yelled pointing at him angrily. "Great job girl," Yuu said after catching up with Grim in toe. "Crap they saw me!" Ace said before Growled, "stop right there pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!" He yelled, "who in their right mind would ever wait?! See ya!" Ace yelled as he ran towards Heartslabyul's mirror.
"No way are you gettin' out of this! You think I wanna wash windows?! Yuu get your pokemon to do something!" Grim yelled at the trainer, all this alerted a blue haired boy standing by the Heartslabyul mirror "hm?" He asked turning to see Ace running at him, "outta my way!" He yelled, "hey what gives?!" The boy yelled in response. "Please stop him, he's shirking his cleaning responsibilities!" Yuu yelled for help, the boy looked shocked.
"What? That's not right! But how do I stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could. . .hmm. . .no. . ." He mumbled before Grim yelled, "I don't care how! Just do something! Anything!" "Anything?! Anything, huh. . . All right! Here goes anything! I summon thee. . . Something heavy!" He yelled pointing his magic pen at Ace. A cauldron appeared out of thin air and fell right on top of Ace.
Ace and the boy, who Yuu now knew as Deuce began to argue with one another causing them to become distracted before Agent noticed something, "Inteleon." He said to his trainer making their eyes widen, "he ran away?!" They yelled and left the mirror hall to see Grim running down Main Street "haha I'll let you two handle the rest! Bye bye!" He yelled as he ran.
"You caught me so you could run away yourself?!" Ace yelled at the cat, "hey you there! Uh...Juice?" "My name isn't "Juice." It's Deuce! With a D!" Deuce replylied with a glare, "this is partially your responsibility you know! So help me catch that little furball!" "How is this my responsibility?!" "Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic, that means this is up to you and me!" And with that the two boys began to chase after the fire cat.
Woo boy we're almost caught up with my Demon Slayer fic!
Word Count: 1121
Published: April 29th, 2024
Edited: n/a
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sinning-23 · 1 year
Socket Wrench: Chapt. 2
Heres chapter 2 yall ummmmm im actually pretty happy about it buttt I'm still tryna build that tension between Dk and the reader so far so good? Anyway Enjoy!
Chapter 1 found here
Chapter 3 here
Chapter 2: You fight like a substitute teacher
Apparently, you'd been in the garage all hours of the night and even into the morning. Being a fast learner had its perks especially when you seemed to be getting every trial-and-error test right on the first try. Even though DK had left you to fend for yourself a few passersby watching you get used to the tech gave you some pointers which you were thoroughly thankful for. 
You were lucky enough to have your phone in somewhat good condition and your headphones managed to stay in your pocket after all that happened (yes sirrrrr). It had to be a miracle because lord knows you wouldn't be able to focus without some kind of music. You'd been working on building your own bike from pieces of different kart models. These mods were crazy, speaking of which, the wheels and the rims and-
“Did you sit here all night?” A seemingly familiar voice asks, echoing in the emptiness of the garage. Everyone else had long gone, but DK did say he would up check on you later. Guess he kept his word, you smile at the thought.
“Maybe, these karts are amazing. I couldn't bring myself to stop working” You huff, brushing the oil off your hands and onto your pants and trying to wipe whatever grime off your face. 
A few stray braids are loose from your ponytail and the light sheen of sweat covering you made your skin glisten a bit. The sun was just about to rise and here you were, not having a wink of sleep and covered in….hell just dirt in general.
He’d never say it out loud but god did you look good like that, all rugged and tomboyish. He liked that you knew how to carry your weight here and were more than capable of doing it on your own. All independent like.
“You don't have this where you're from?” DK asks, circling your half-done bike as if to inspect your craftsmanship.
Damn, you really knew your shit. The bike looked great and for you to only have been in the kingdom for about a day and in the garage for even less? To say he was impressed was an understatement. 
“Nope, and we certainly don't have strange kingdoms and talking animals.” You chuckle, rolling a differently styled wheel towards the bike to see if you liked the look of it.
You’d definitely have to add those later, they’d make your bike much faster that way.
This had to be the most comfortable silence you'd felt the entire time you'd been here and the start of an actually decent conversation with the so-called prince.  He watched you work and you zoned in on the little details like how your paint looked and how comfortable the seat was.
Despite him absolutely radiating frat vibes when you'd met him, the air seemed kinda mellowed out far more than when you’d first met. And even so, the vibes were kind of….flirty?
“Hey, speaking of which, why don’t you give me a tour? Not everyone can say they got a tour from a prince in a kingdom in a completely different universe.” You suggest, gauging his reaction and gosh was it promising. 
He smiles a bit, shrugging his shoulders in response.
“How about you get cleaned up and I’ll meet you back here when you’re done.” He offers, nodding at your current state. 
The kingdom is quiet at this hour, stars beginning to fade into the daylight above you as the water below fills the air in a constant ambiance. The air is fresher here, trees and bushes covering damn near everywhere. It's so pretty here, nothing compared to the concrete jungle you'd grown so used to.
“Hey, so I have some questions.” You state, keeping the walking pace with him. 
“Shoot” He responds.
There's a pause before you ask and you both stop for a moment. Where he had taken you you have no idea but that wasn't what was really burning into you now. If you were going to be here for a while, you at least wanted to get to know him first. Maybe you'd even get to come back here and visit once you got back to Brooklyn…..but part of you didn't want to go back. 
Being here hadn't been hell or anything. You’d gotten to work on something you're passionate about, look at new mechanics you didn't even know existed and maybe even make a new acquaintance….friend even. You couldn’t leave this behind. 
“How long do you think I’ll be here? I-I'm not saying it like I'm in a rush to get home but…what if I said I like it here. I mean, I got to work on one of my very first passion projects, if you can call it that, and I'd even count meeting you as a plus” You chuckle, playfully punching his shoulder.
DK laughs back, slightly shaking his head. 
“You proved yourself as far as I'm concerned. Your bike looks incredible, and you got it down in no time. Pretty impressive lady.” He jokes, referencing having called you that earlier. 
“Now all that's left is to find your friends, and you can go home.” He pauses again, this time taking a moment to really get a look at you, the rising sun illuminating your face and eyes.
He thought you were pretty good-looking before but now, just being alone, and being able to really study your features, his heart stutters a bit.
“Or you could stay here.” That was softer than you’d expected. He paused a bit early too, almost like he didnt want to finish the rest of that sentence.
You swallow hard, on the fence about what you’d previously said. You have a business back home! One you worked your ass off trying to get and now you wanted to throw it away because of some cool go-karts and some stupid magical realm? 
“I could, but I shouldn't. I have my own thing going back home that I worked my ass off for. But this, I can't get this anywhere else. Never in a million years. I don't want to spend my whole life feeling like I made a mistake going back and not exploring what's out there.” You explain, a bittersweet scowl creeping over your face. 
“I've only ever traveled as a kid with my dad But this, this is something special. To travel through the universe and different worlds? It sounds amazing.” You sigh with a shine in your eyes.
“Alright that's enough, just go for it! Do what you want and forget everything else. Live without regrets, and then you'll feel fulfilled. And have some confidence, you’re too pre- what I'm saying is be happy with your decision no matter what you choose.” He explains, his much larger hand finding your shoulder. 
If the eye contact you two had barely held before wasn’t important this definitely was. Your lips part for a moment, wanting to speak but nothing finding its way out. You stay quiet, seeing him do the same. He looked, genuine in all honesty and if silence wasn't broken by his boisterous laughter, you may have heard your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
“ WOW, that was wise, good job on me for that.” He chuckles, proceeding down the path ahead, pointing out landmarks here and there. The sun was already up pretty high, and the kingdom beginning to buzz to life. 
What was that all about?
First, he suggests you stay, and then that eye contact? And was he about to call you pretty???? You decide to shake it off, besides, it was about time to head back to the palace temple. As you both began to travel back conversation was easy. You joked back and forth, taking light jabs at each other as the two of you tread lightly. He opts to show you some of his favorite spots around the kingdom in the meantime.
There was still more he wanted to show you and not enough time. Before either of you could take the first steps to do so, you were approached by several guards, requesting that DK report to his father, something about a “Ring of Kong” among many other things. What was going on? You didn't even get a chance to look at that place yet???
“Ayo? What’s happening?” You question, a scowl written over your face before he could get a chance to walk away.
“I can explain later, head back to the palace you’ll be fine, someone will come get you`.” He nods, following the various guards back to where he was needed. 
…..WHO WAS HE TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO?! There was no time to question it though because the once soft buzz of the streets turned into an excited riot as the rest of the villagers head in the same direction. You needed answers, asap.
“Hey! What's going on? Where is everyone going?” You question, trying to get answers from whoever was willing.
“You didn't hear!? There's a duel at the ring!” 
Well hell, word travels fast around here, doesn't it? There'd be a slight change of plans. If the ‘ring’  this passerby was the same one DK was just summoned to, you’d be damned to miss it. Who was he dueling anyway? There was too much shit to answer and not enough time. The objective? Get to the mf arena. 
It took a little longer than you expected but when you arrived the arena was filled to the absolute brim with others awaiting to see the duel. You were close enough to see the king and whoever this princess-looking girl was next to him. However, you were far enough that it would take a good minute to get to them if needed. Down below in the middle of the arena were what looked like rows of blocks and cubes with question marks along with vines that hung off some.
Even lower than that were red construction bars and EVEN below that was the clear water of the kingdom. In a weak attempt to find the two competitors, you shuffle between patrons with a small ‘excuse me’ and ‘pardon me’. Your plan was to inch closer to the middle and toward the king. Low and beyond, at the farrrrr left end of the ring was the person you’d been hoping to get back to. 
“MARIO!” You yelp, cupping your hands over your mouth to try and project the sound. 
He seems to have heard something and looks around in the area to try and find a face to match the voice. You try calling out again, louder this time and it had finally worked. 
“MARIO!!!” You yell, waving in excitement but then being more shocked and concerned. WHY THE HELL WAS HE IN THE ARENA?!
This was more of a question for the king, however upon trying to get to him the sudden uproar hinders you. Lord knows they weren’t cheering for Mario but whoever was on the other side of the-
Oh lord have fucking mercy
As of now any manners had flown out the window as you haul ass to get to the king. You’ve made it as fast as possible to the king's throne, giving a small wave to the Princess beside him before tapping his shoulder with a scowl.
“Hey yeah umm quick question….why is my associate in the ring about to get HIS ASS BEAT?!” You whisper yell, pointing below at Mario trying to hype himself up while DK shows off and all the way tf out. Well, at least he wasn’t lying about the people being big fans.
“You know him?!” The Princess gasps, taking your hands into her own. 
“Yeah came down the pipe together but got separated? Where’s his brother, did he not make it with him?” You question, seeing her shake her head with a frown. 
“I’ll explain everything if we can make it out of this. Please,” she offers you a seat next to her and you wait for the dual to begin. 
You were beginning to get really tired of people telling you to wait for an explanation. There was absolutely no way this wouldn’t end a disaster. Knowing Mario he wasn’t going to quit. He’d take any and every punch determined to at least try. And of course, with DK wanting to show off, he wouldn't hold back.
Even though Mario was your associate and you wished the best for him considering this duel could be important…part of you really really wanted DK to win… and maybe it's cause you're biased for some odd, totally not obvious reason. 
“Sooooo, what's this whole dual for?” You ask the princess, trying to get info as the two get ready to charge at each other. 
“Bowser is coming to destroy my kingdom and we need an army to help stop him. The Jungle Kingdom has the strongest and with their help, we can defeat him. If Mario wins, they will lend us their help.” She explains, her attitude seeming more determined than anything. 
Of course, as a princess, she'd be willing to do whatever it takes to protect her kingdom by any means. 
“I see. Well, I hope I can be of some help. This place is amazing and- GAH DAMN” You gasp mid-sentence, seeing Mario getting beat tf up. 
It was like he didn't even stand a chance with DK giving him about 5 bitch slaps back to back. The cheering erupting from the crowd was enough to boost his ego even further. There was almost no chance for Mario to breathe but of course, knowing him he stood his ground, trying to reach one of the question mark boxes. 
“Use the blocks!” The princess calls, seeing Mario trying his damndest to get to one, DK hot on his tail. 
“What do the boxes do exactly?” You question, seeing what looked like a little blue mushroom appear from out of the box. 
He quickly eats it, waiting for the effects to occur as he charges toward DK. It was as if almost in the blink of an eye Mario was shrunk down and almost impossible to see. He was really about to fuck this whole thing up for the princess, a look of worry written over her features.
Mario returns to his normal size again, trying to escape punches being thrown at him as he tries to reach another mystery block. You sigh in relief when he reaches it, a red flower now falling out but before he can even get a chance to use it, DK has already blown it out. 
“OUHHH THAT’S GRIMEYYYYY” You call out, wishing there was a referee or SOMEONE to call foul play. Guess that's not how this dual arena ordeal went. 
Now he was back to getting beat up, round punches making contact with his face as he was thrown into beams and blocks. DK wasn't letting up, taking any chance he could to land another hit. However, on Mario's way down he manages to score one last mystery block with the help of the princess. Hopefully, this would even the odds and turn this whole fight around. 
He had landed a cat box, a fur suit covering his once overalls. Even though it looked cute, its effect on his reflexes was amazing! It was much easier to dodge attacks and land his own. After a few good hits, DK fell, earning Mario the title of the victor! 
It was much after the duel now, and you were finally able to get a chance to chat with Mario. There had been so much to catch up on. According to him, he had stepped in to try and find Luigi, who had stepped down the tunnel to try and find you!
He explained that they got separated and Luigi was somewhere ruled by this Bowser character you were teaming up to defeat. The Princess, whom you had later found out was named Peach, gave him a run-through of the obstacles and blocks before even bringing him on this journey to the Jungle Kingdom.
You then explained how you'd been working on the cart for the most part and got to explore a bit with DK, whose name when mentioned made Mario scoff. Of course, they'd be on the rival's side after that fight. In all honesty, you couldn’t help but feel a little bad for DK, the scratches left on his face looking like they stung more than anything and those punches from Mario during his counterattack were nothing to scoff at either. 
Where was he anyway?
“I let him win by the way”
Speak of the devil. Almost instantly the two (Mario and DK) began bickering, only to be put to a stop by the king who had come to discuss the next plan of action. Even though you haven't learned much, you were willing to help at this point. You weren't one to back down from challenges and now certainly wasn't the time to run and hide. 
And so, the plan was devised.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
Sorry in advance for the long block of text here… Ive been seeing your ocs all over my feed and now im obsessed!!! Hope you do not mind answering my 5000 questions!! . ~ What was Hercules like as a wee lad?… For the sake of science if you stuck him in a room with 6 other children, what would he do..? would he have any notable / unusual habits compared to the others….? ~ If Hercules could wish for anything ever in the world what would he wish for. Also whats the most expensive thing hes ever bought! ~ Does he have any consistent quirks/stims…? Any silly gestures or quotes ? ~ What do you think an average day would be like for him ? What does he usually eat ? … Hows his morning / evening routines? Is it basic or extensive? Do you think hed be the type to take an hour long candle-lit shower and bathe himself in 50 creams lotions perfumes … or does he just dip and go ? ~ What is his house like…? Does he have his own or is it a family home / did he inherent it. Do you have any idea what it would look like ? What does his own personal room look like ? does he enjoy keeping/collecting anything in particular , or is he a minimalist
Okay now for the sake of science and connecting to Hercules psychologically I must know how he would react to the following scenarios: ~ If he one day woke up in a 4x4 cage in the middle of the Arizona desert what would be do? … ~ If he was walking around one day and suddenly the government said his city was gonna be nuked in 10 MINUTES what would he do? … ~ If he went to walmart and saw a child throwing a tantrum over toys what would he do? …. ~ If he was sitting around and a cute little kitty or puppy came up to him and wanted food and pets really badly what would be do? … ~ if he was going on about his day and, bare with me now, was firsthand witness to the oppa homeless style tumblr text post scenario, in real life, what would he do? That is all .... Thank you for your time homie of tumblr nation
please DO NOT apologise these sorts of questions and character analysis things are the stuff i LIVE for. strap in folks its gonna be a long one gonna answer these in bulletpoint form maybe a drawing or two scattered throughout!
~ Hercules was,, uhhh,,,,, Not that similar to other children and that fact only exacerbated as he got older. At his mentally healthiest he probably would’ve gotten a lot of ‘wow you’re so mature for your age!’s from adults. Growing up being completely desensitised to violence and in a relatively loving but still very fucked up environment will do that to you.
In regards to sticking him in a room with a bunch of other children and seeing what happens- he actually went to kindergarten! Titan was surprisingly firm that he have as regular of an education and upbringing possible for the kid of a mafia boss. She…. half-managed.
In regards to your thought experiment, here are some drawings from his time at kindergarten when he was at his least traumatised!
Tumblr media
~ If he could wish for anything. This is an amazing question- what do you give the man who thinks he has everything he wants? He’d probably wish for whatever problem in the moment that was stumping him to be fixed (gang relations, nosy detectives, etc). Personally I think he should wish for some therapy but thats just me.
In regards to money, he’s really not that extravagant a spender (leave that to Titan) and his quarters are rather modest, the most he’s ever spent on things are probably gifts for his mother lol.
~ Oh BOY does he have stims- he taps. He’ll rhythmically tap his cane on the floor, tap his feet, twitch his tail and tap his nails against the nearest surface. He usually does this when he’s impatient or bored and it’s Not a good sound to hear when in a meeting with him. Though he tends to do this unconsciously and will usually stop if he notices and is in the company of other people (he thinks its unprofessional).
~ Like I said above, he’s really not super into decadence, he thinks extravagance and showy displays of wealth are tacky and unnecessary. His morning routine is probably something along the lines of wake up at 8am, take an ice cold shower, get dressed, eat breakfast (homecooked meals only. He’s a surprisingly good cook), check up on his finances, go do all the things he needs to do for the day, come back home and go to sleep. Very important note is that he wears those cartoon blue and white striped pyjamas.
~ DESPITE not being into overt displays of wealth, he does in fact live in a giant fuck off victorian mcmansion that he inherited from his mother. He doesn’t even use half of it and spends all his time in the house either sleeping or holed up in his study.
His study is a mess btw. Papers everywhere, needs to be swept. He’s very embarrassed about it but since he only ever uses it for all-nighters he never has any time to clean or organise it. His bedroom is immaculately tidy with only a few personal effects and the rest of the house aside from the essentials and a few guest rooms is covered in a fine layer of dust.
okay and here are his reactions to some hypothetical scenarios!
~ Cage in the desert. Okay so his thought process would probably go something like this;
Step one. Don’t panic. Evaluate the time of day through the position of the sun. Scan memories from last night to check for any gaps or places he could have been drugged.
Step two. Go down through his list of enemies and try and figure out who was most likely to have done this.
Step three. Do not panic. Felines can survive for three days without water. It likely hasn’t been more than half a day since he was kidnapped and Leroy will have been alerted to his disappearance and is likely looking for him now.
Step four. Do. Not. Panic. Stay put and attempt to look for weaknesses in the cage, if none can be found stay put and don’t waste your energy. Prepare to drink your own piss if things get bad. Also prepare snarky retort for when Leroy finds you.
~ Nuke scenario. Probably try very hard not to panic and follow his emergency evacuation plan of the city and try to get as far away as possible with his friends most valuable employees.
~ Child tantrum. Depending on the age of the child he might just straight up flash a gun at them to try and get them to shut up. He wasn’t this whiny as a kid- what’s their problem?
~ Very cute animal begging for attention. If alone, the most logical course of action is to acquiesce to its’ demands and give it a pat. It doesn’t take away attention from the task at hand will get it to stop making annoying noises. If he’s with other people he would ask them to give it attention to get it to stop bothering him.
~ Oppa homeless style. He would slowly back away, go home, get out a bottle of his strongest liquor and re-evaluate what he’s doing with his life. Too bad oppa homeless style doesn’t exist in the canon of sadboycats 😔
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS and apologies for the absolute wall of text in response. These kitties have been eating up my brain.
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furballfaggot · 8 months
my buddy convinced me to make an animal jam play wild account since it actually still gets proper updates and so far my feelings have been. mixed. overall i havent done nearly as much as anyone else bc my account has existed for maybeee 2 or 3 hours? so this is just my first impressions. im also kinda biased bc ive been playing animal jam classic for years and years and YEARS. back when 9 + 10 = 21 was still unironically funny and every cool kid in class read warriors. might update this post with extra thoughts as i go along! all opinions below the cut bc this is an absurdly long post
ive only played a few levels of overflow (and it might be because i played on expert because i Definitely have no overbearing hubris casting a shadow upon my better judgement) but the gem payout being higher than AJC for each level you complete is a very welcome change (2 gems times X number, seemingly determined by how long your path is, vs AJPWs i think it was like 5 gems times X number determined by how long your path is? either that or like 10. idk i blew a whole half hour on overflow alone and it was almost 6 AM by the time i finished so my brains kinda muddled)
also, membership has become far less of an overbearing nightmare monster for AJPW in comparison to AJC! thats a good thing! personally i think that membership just Shouldn't but thats because i think any monetarily-accessed subscription anythings just Shouldn't especially in this day and age. i got to go to the clothing store and buy things i liked and i didnt just have to longingly stare at the paywalled options like a maiden gazing out to sea and it felt great
dont like how theres so many fewer options for shopping for Like Everything but its a far more ambitious game than AJC what with everything being 3d modeled, and its got a younger target demo and theyre usually happy with whatever looks cool, so it checks out. haha. funny pun that was intended definitely. whats there is also pretty great and the den item options you get started off with are both way more cool and way more More than classic in its hayday. idk about the ajc starting den items now though i dug my old account from the ashes of who i once was when i decided to pick classic up again. i dont actually remember if you start with any den items in ajc now that i think about it i might be misremembering. that still means play wild has that point against classic though. shame theres no water animals but they could maybe possibly be added in an update pretty please wildworks if by some miracle youre reading this i am begging and pleadi
really my main issue so far is with how many things cost real-world money. theres next to nothing that requires a membership to even be bought aside from one members-only map location my buddy warned me about beforehand -- which, as a reluctant f2p since literally like 5th grade, ive been playing this game for Far too long, i do genuinely appreciate -- but boy oh boy you can sure tell this was mainly developed as a mobile game. there is so much pay-real-money-for-trinkets stuff and you just Cannot disable that menu. at least let me get rid of the little button that tells me i can spend the hard-earned bucks on moms credit card to get 1/4th the amount of animals of AJC man thats all i ask of this part
also this is largely unrelated but can i just say i DESPISE how many things are like "hi heres a welcome bonus :) oh but you need to pay like 3 bucks for it. yeah its usually 5 but for a Special New Player Like You? its a steal!" like thats not a welcome bonus thats an entry fee. i know thats like a paltry amount of money compared to most things Just Ever but its also coming from a guy whos family usually has zero money to spare
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year
HELP I can't see my therapist for a couple of weeks and am currently having something i like to dub "yet another hiro autism crisis" where i contemplate if my therapist gave me the right diagnoses (she has told me she is not certified to give autism diagnoses, and instead more things like depression) Right now, I am diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety/ Social anxiety (its still up in the air, DPDR, and depression. idk if that matters SO NOW I LIST RANDOM THINGS that could be considered symptoms or not I DUNNO HOW TO DO THISS feel free to ask questions about some of the crap i say here half of it doesn't make sense
First off, I have a general trouble understanding most social situations, and struggle sometimes when talking about practically anything. For example, earlier today my step-mom basically said she wasnt going to finish her food and let my brother have it. my brother said he would leave 2, he didnt (BOZO) and later after he left she found the empty container and said something along the lines "HAH! I thought he said he was gonna leave me 2!" and immdeiately without thinking i went "hey! you said he could have as many as he can! and hes working 10 hours a day and needs his energy!!" half jokingly and she got mad at me for it, we got into a mini argument over that.
When saying something thats serious, i tend to make a joke around it and i have NO CLUE why. I just CANT be openly upset around people. For example, when being told about something that happened to me as a kid that NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED RAGRHAGHAG, instead of having a breakdown and being reasonably upset, i burst out into giggles and laughs while my brother was just so fucking confused on what was wrong. It was kinda like i couldn't stop and it fucking sucked
The TINIEST things can upset me, and other HUGE things can have little to no effect. Its so incredibly annoying
I have INTENSE fluxuations in interests, hobbies, and motivation for certain projects. I will start on this huge project that im INCREDIBLY excited for, and then a week later have little to no interest in continuing it.
I make everything about my personality a joke, i dont know why. EVERYTHING i tend to say or do has to be funny. it's like i dont want people to see beneath that
I fluctuate in personality A TON, especially depending by the people i am around. At school, I'm the quiet kid. I don't talk to anyone except maybe 5 people, but other than that i tend to stay completely silent. It could be a mask? i dunno. but when im at home, ask my brothers, i am BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS. it might also be me just getting some of my energy out? RRAHHH I DUNNOOO
I will simply forget to do very important things to the point of endangering my health. Like forgetting to eat for a day straight. my step-mom thinks i have an ED AND I DONT. i literally just keep realizing suddenly at like 6 pm all i have eaten is a couple of skittles and pringles.
i have no clue how talking to people works and im constantly winging it. I forget how to have friends especially how to even talk or interact with them and its so stupid. I can't ever start a conversation with someone without having at least 5 minutes going "am i weird for this am i being annoying am i being clingy".
If i say even one thing wrong i WILL be thinking about it for DAYS thinking about how they probably hate me now and im a terrible person ect. ect.
I tend to hide many of my traits (especially good ones) because i am incredibly embarrassed and never want anyone to EVER compare themselves to me.
im a people pleaser does that count
i tend to get extremely upset if i get told one bad thing about something that i like or just a project i have. For example, I had this fandom silly man poll because i just wanted to find out who was silly. Then one of my friends just posted something like "i hate fandom polls theyre the worst" and i just lost complete motivation afterwards. I haven't touched that blog in WEEKS at this point becuase i simply have no more interst
I have had a meltdown or 2 before, and they both stemmed from being told about how i was a bad person. i don't know why the hell thats a thing
I can't stay focused on one thing for long periods of time (ADHD cough cough) Like literally earlier i was watching this video about autistic traits and i kept having to back the video up because i would get sidetracked in my mind to the point where im just not listening anymore
if im not paying attention to people sometimes I SWEAR theyre saying "ffajaleifnanamzmaldafjkjeffnma" and as soon as i start noticing it suddenly theres words again. hate that.
i have times where it can kinda seem like i cant speak, and if i do everything comes out wrong and jumbled. Like when my autistic friend would have a sensory related meltdown, i would never know what to do and end up going dead silent because of being so mad at myself for not knowing how to help (any tips actually hahahahaHOW DO I HELP)
i have little idea who the hell i am. had a mini-crisis because i didn't know what my favorite color was because before, it was the color my friend with synesthesia said i was and i just went with that (i think its purple or blue i have no fucking clue JFALJK)
i will have spikes of random motivation on one thing. like learning lanugauges, i will have a week where its so easy to get like 10 lessons on duolingo done a day and then the next week its a struggle to get even one done.
i focus better with distractions ??? I can't focus without music and tend to do better on reading tests if everyone else in the class is talking ???
i remember the most random things about certain things. Like, i could not for the LIFE of me remember what color that one persons hair that i was talking to for 15 minutes straight. but i can remember that they had pink socks on. WHY IS THAT WHAT I REMEMBER??
I hate organization and doing the same thing every day. i NEED chaos. My brother a little bit ago helped me out and got me to make a personal to-do list. i couldnt do it a single day even though the things were extremely simple like "brush hair, make bed, eat breakfast ect."
i zone out a LOT. especially when people bring up topics im uncomfortable with or conflict with my current feelings. i go into a kinda little talking (not nonverbal, i can still talk) or just confused state that freaking sucks.
when im in a high energy mood i tend to not feel.. reall???? I do many things overboard and annoy the heck out of my brothers. i always feel terrible afterwards.
Idk if this is weird to say but i tend to get really off put when people im comfy with get haircuts or major changes in their appearance. I never like the change no matter what the hair cut looks like. i dont have any clue why
i have no clue whether or not any of this is real or if I have managed to make it all up in my head. (bascially when i was younger i wanted attention and ended up faking depression for a year straight and was an absolute ass to my friends and blah blah blah)
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catspinach · 1 year
ive been meaning to vent on here about work for a long time now so here
i was hired in as a shift supervisor at a brand new starbucks with all brand new employees aside from another supervisor, Mylah, who is a 4yr partner(remember her), and maybe 2 others or so. none of us knew what we were doing. i was barista trained separately from the rest, followed by supervisor training, and then a week off. I came back and had no idea what the hell i was doing, and everyone was mad that i didnt know what to do??
Mylah trained me, and it was brutal. She would critique everything i did, and I always defended myself, saying "why do i need to do it that way if this way gets the same results?" and she did Not like that lmao and the entire training was incredibly tense.
Months pass, and she is worse than ever. she's had several lectures about her behavior but not a single writeup. Nothing has changed. She trained a new supervisor a few weeks ago, and she treated her the same way as she did with me. At some point she slammed a freezer and started shouting, making her cry, and Everyone in lobby turned their heads. i felt awful and wanted to say smth, but I'm genuinely scared of her. Everyone is. Several people have admitted to me that they call off when they see Mylah on the schedule.
The other day, the lobby was empty, and we were free to talk about all the harassment we've faced with her. I cant even remember all of it there's so much but uh here's a list of stuff i remember:
My manager gave Jenn some extra hours, and when they came in, Mylah cornered them, asking why they stole all her hours?? Jenn was comfused because they were literally just added to the schedule so that they would have enough bodies on the floor. Apparently Mylah was pissy at them for the entire rest of their shift, which sucks bc they were already working 12hrs that day:'(
I became friends with a barista named Diana, who is hispanic, and Mylah (white) would always say rude things that made her uncomfortable, saying its okay because her bf is mexican ._. It became a problem and eventually Mylah started looking through all her stuff to get her fired, and succeeded. Diana told me that Mylah would joke with the other baristas about how im stupid and bad at my job, and she said she always stood up for me which definitely did not help her with this whole situation but I greatly appreciate her for it, and we still talk!
Anna said Mylah was talking to her about me and how i do my job wrong. she said i don't face the bills the same way in the deposit bag, and that I dont fill in the money order right so I'm the reason we have so many goddamn nickles, and she said I don't double count the drawers and that's why there's so many mistakes with the deposit. the funny thing is, i DO face the bills the same way, I have never even DONE a money order because that's morning's job, I TRIPLE count the drawers bc i have anxiety, and nobody has EVER said anything to me about the deposit being off.
At some point someone said ret*rded, and Mylah is autistic and was rightfully mad, and brought her to the back to yell at her. not sure what she said but when she came back she went up to me, and only me, and apologized. so like that really hurted but okay whatever ill just go kill myself ig
Mylah was opening one day and told Morgan that since I was closing that it would probably take longer than usual to close? I asked Morgan how Mylah was with closing, and she said that nothing gets done until the absolute last minute, and it takes at least half an hour to finish closing. My record is 2 minutes past close.
Jenn and Taylor told me that I'm their favorite out of all of the shifts, because I make sure to get everything done, I am fast, efficient, and if they have a question I will do my best to figure out a solution for them. Apparently, when they ask Mylah a question, she answers with, "I dont know man, I just work here" and walks away. which like. mood. but she's getting paid 20/hr compared to the baristas at 15/hr, and there is absolutely no reason that the baristas should have to pick up her slack.
Anna used to be friends with Mylah, and they went to get piercings together, and Mylah thought it would be super funny to snapchat Anna having a panic attack about the needle! outside of work, but still fucked up
theres more idk
Mylah got it in my head that I'm the worst of all of the supervisors, and when I found out I was almost all the baristas' favorite, I started visibly shaking with relief! Ive been trying so so hard to make up for how "bad" i am at my job in fear that everyone will hate me otherwise, and now I gind this out and I don't know how to handle this information jdgdheb
I asked them if they would like to talk to the manager as a group, hoping that will show her just how serious the situation is. I don't usually pray for someone to get fired, but I want her ass permanently out of my sight asap
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imjellyannrvs · 5 months
script writing
Jelly ann david Reeves
Sanisidro Rest magalang Pamp
Cast of character
Lorie: She's the girl who's loved by three guys.
Aira: She's Lorie's friend who's always by her side.
Pual: He's Lorie's ex who cheats.
Jack: He's also Lorie's ex who hurt her.
Michael: The one who truly loves Lorie.
It's a tale of a woman who pours her genuine love into three men, believing in the sincerity of her affection. Despite her earnest efforts and deep emotional investment, she finds herself confronted with the harsh reality that love doesn't always guarantee reciprocity. In the end, despite her best intentions and heartfelt devotion, she's left with the painful realization that loving deeply doesn't shield her from the potential for heartbreak.
The past and present
The day is beautiful today, the air is refreshing to breathe. The sky is clear, and I'm sitting in the midst of all this. It would be even happier if you were here beside me.
The alarm blared loudly (tot, tot, tot)
(Lorie turned off the alarm)
Lorie: "Here we go again... (sigh) Good morning to myself! Good morning, Charlie!" (Charlie happily bounding towards Lorie, while his tail wagging with excitement.)
After a while
Lorie: Baby you're my serenity, My favorite melody my remedy i need you gonna be my one and only (singing the “baby you’re my serenity” by : deonella , while taking a bath),
An hour after
Hmm what will i wear (while looking at mirror) is this good (tried to compare the ,clothes ,facing it to mirror ,fitting in herself ) would i wear casual? Hmm maybe a dress? I guess this dress would be fit ,Im sure he will love this hihihi (giggling excitedly)
Tururut tururut….Tururtururt….(phone ringing)
Lorie: Hello Paul!
Paul: Hello baby
Lorie: Are you already there baby? Wait for me i'm still getting dressed
Paul: Baby im sorry but our date today won't proceed."
Lorie: "Why is there anything happening?" (she asked, her tone tinged with disappointment.)
Paul: Yes, Mama asked for help to drive them, they just need to go somewhere.
Lorie: Why, aren't there others who can drive the car there? Even among your siblings? (Lorie's sarcastic tone)
Paul: Well, there are, but Mama said I should do it since I haven't been able to join them for a long time.
Lorie:( Sigh) okay, take care then. I'm already dressed anyway.
Paul: I'm really sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you next time.i love you
Lorie: It's always like that. I love you too (signs in disappointment)
….Sigh, I'll just lie down again since I don't have anything else to do anyway.
As she slept deeply, her phone rang again, disrupting the peace like an unexpected guest at a quiet gathering.
(seeing Aira’s call’s in her phone, then answered it)
Lorie: Hello? (im her half sleep voice )
Aira: Hello best, are you still asleep? I thought you have a date today
Lorie: As you can see it didn’t happen
Aira: Why not?
Lorie: Because he said he'll accompany his mom.
Aira: Oh, is that so? That's sad. Well, just come with me to the mall!
Lorie: Nah, I don't feel like it. I think I'll just rest.
Aira: Oh, you'll probably just sulk there. I'll wait for you here. Bye!
(Aira abruptly ends the call)
(Lorie Just sign in defeat)
At the mall
While Lorie was talking to Aira at phone:
Lorie: Hello, where are you?
Aira: I'm here at the entrance.
Lorie: Where? Wave so I can see you.
Aira: Here, my hand is raised.
Lorie: Oh, I see you now. I'm coming over.
"Best!" Lorie startles Aira.(then both lough)
while walking to mall
Lorie: What are you going to do?
Aira: I'm just going to buy something.
While Lorie and Aira were walking, Aira spotted something ,
Aira: Best, where did your boyfriend go, by the way?
Lorie: Oh, he drove his mom somewhere, I think.
Aira: Then who's that? (looking in another direction)
Lorie: Who? (also looking at what Aira is seeing)
They saw Paul kissing someone else.
Aira: Isn't that Paul?
Lorie: Huh? It doesn't seem like him. Maybe just someone who looks like him.
Aira: What? Are you blind? That's Paul, aren't you aware? You say He's with his mom? Should we confront them? I've always said that guy can't be trusted since at the beginning! (Aira's angry outburst)
As tears welled up in Lorie's eyes, she rushed forward and suddenly slapped her boyfriend.
Paul: Lorie?! What are you doing here? (Paul's startled question, holding the cheek that was slapped).
Lorie suddenly slapped the woman.
Lorie: That's for you!
Lorie was about to leave, but Paul stopped her.
Paul: Baby, I'm sorry. Give me a chance.
(Lorie shook off his grasp on her arm)
Lorie: I've given you too many chances already! I can't take it anymore! Let's end this. (Lorie's voice trembled as tears streamed down her face)
Paul: Please! I'm sorry, Lorie. (While tightly holding Lorie's hand, Paul pleads desperately.)
Aira forcefully removed Paul's grip from Lorie's arm.
Aira: Let her go! We're leaving. (Aira and Lorie walked away.)
In the midst of the loud, bustling bar..
Lorie: huhuhu (Crying in agony)
Aira: Stop crying , Bessy. He doesn't deserve you, don't cry just because of someone like him, that girl is like a leech, she clings to Paul as if they're a perfect match, both cheaters, okay. Let's go, you've had too much to drink.
Lorie: I gave my all, why does he still deceive me? I've been so foolish for him, but he still does this. I've experienced so much trauma because of him, (crying while drunk).
Aira: Just keep crying, the right person will come for you, I'm here as your best friend, okay? Just stop this nonsense with that guy. (Aira's long speech)
When Aira looked at her friend, she saw her deeply asleep, snoring loudly and hunched over.
Aira:(sign) Lorie, Lorie That;d right, Just sleep i will just take you home
As the days go on Lorie always cries suddenly even when she's just eating or any simple thing she does. For almost two months all she does is get too busy in her work until she exhaust herself and get drunk after.
TOT TOT, TOT (The alarm blared loudly)
Lorie turned off the alarm then take her time to gaze in the ceiling
Lorie: You can do this Lorie you need to stop this madness and move on.(Lorie said to herself,).
he began to tidy up, preparing herself for work.
Co-worker Jack: Good morning, Lorie. You seem down. Can you smile once in a while?
Lorie: There, I'm fine now. (Lorie smiled sarcastically)
Co-worker Jack: Tss, that'll do. Better than always having a frown on your face.
(Jack has been Lorie's colleague for a long time, but they've become close friends, and at one point, they even became romantically involved.)
Jack:Love, don't you want us to live together? We've been together for 2 years now, right?
Lorie: Can we handle that? It's not something we can just jump into. It's not like rice that you can spit out when it's too hot. We'll be facing different responsibilities.
Jack: I know that, dear. As long as we're together, we can handle it.
Lorie: Okay, sure.
Jack: Shall we move to my apartment then?
Lorie: Sure, that way we can save money.
(Lorie's relationship with Jack started off smoothly, but as time went by, Jack's true colors began to show. His temper flared more frequently, sometimes escalating to physical and verbal abuse.)
Jack: What's this? Why isn't there any food served yet?
Lorie: You saw that we both just got home from work, right? We're equally tired.
Jack: Your responsibility is still to prepare the food! I don't care if you're tired, I'm already starving, you're useless as always. (He suddenly slaps Lorie)
Lorie: Why did you slap me? (Lorie covers her cheek while tears well up)
(Lorie is about to leave but Jack stops her)
Jack: Lorie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm just really hot-headed right now, I'm sorry. (He tries to embrace her)
Jack: I'm really sorry, okay? It won't happen again.
(They reconcile again, but the same thing keeps happening repeatedly.)
In the dead of night while everyone slept, Lorie and Aira conversed over the phone.
Lorie: Hello Aira, Are we still meeting today?
Aira: Of course, you need to leave that guy now before I end up seeing you as a corpse.
But suddenly, Jack shouted upon seeing Lorie talking on her cellphone.
Jack: Hey! What are you doing?
Lorie: Why are you shouting? (Lorie's surprised question)
Aira: What's going on? Is he there?
Lorie: Yes, let's talk later.
Aira: Okay, but call me immediately if there's a problem, okay?
*tut.tut.tut*(phone shut)
Lorie: And you, why are you shouting?
Jack: I've been calling you since earlier, you're not answering. And why don't we have any soap here? Didn't I give you money for groceries?
Lorie: The money was just enough for the electricity bill.
(Jack suddenly slaps Lorie again)
Jack: If you just listened to me, you wouldn't
get hurt! This life is so annoying! "I want go out of here! I can't stand the sight of your face!"
Ringing phone
Aira: hello lorie
Lorie: huhuhuhu
Aria: "Why are you crying? Wait for me there, I'll come to you."
Door ding dong
[ Lorie went to the door, opened it, and let Aira in. They discussed what had happened.]
"Aira, there's no excuse for what he did. When he hurt you, you should have left him."
Lorie"He said he didn't mean to hurt me."
Aira"Enough. Let's leave before he arrives."
[ Days passed, and Jack visited Lorie, asking for forgiveness, but Lorie didn't forgive him anymore.]
"Lorie, please leave. I don't want to see you anymore."
"Jack, I hope you forgive me."
"Lorie, forgiveness takes time."
[ Jack stopped seeing Lorie, and Lorie's heart began to heal. After a year, she found peace within herself.]
Ringing phone
Aira: Are you busy?
Lorie: Not really, why?
Aira: Let's go out. Let's meet at the mall.
Lorie: Okay, see you then.
[ The two friends met, and Aira said something to Lorie.]
Aira: You know, I met a guy who might be perfect for you.
Lorie: What's that supposed to mean?
Aira: I've thoroughly checked him out, don't worry. I'll set up a meet-up between you two.
Lorie: I don't want to, Aira. I'm not interested in being in a relationship. Stop bothering me.
Aira: Come on, just give it a try.
Lorie: I said no.
[ The next day, Lorie was at work when Aira suddenly called.]
Lorie: "Why did you call?"
Aria: "I was thinking of inviting you to eat out. What time will you be done?"
Lorie: "I'll be finished with my shift soon."
Aria: "I'll wait for you at our favorite restaurant."
[Lorie finished her shift and went to the restaurant.]
"Lorie: Why are there three seats? Are we meeting someone?"
"Aria: There he is, Michael. Lorie, this is Michael. Michael, Lorie."
"Lorie: Who is he?"
"Aira: He's the one I told you about earlier. Alright, I'll leave you two alone. Bye.
[The two ate and talked].
Lorie: "Sorry, I'm just not ready yet."
Michael: "It's okay, I can wait."
Lorie: "It's up to you. Let's call it a day."
And from then on, Michael often visited Lorie's place As Lorie was cleaning, Aira knocked on the door.
"Lorie: Oh Aria, why are you here?"
"Aria: Hi, I just wanted to tell you that Michael is on his way here. He said he has something to tell you."
"Lorie: What, is he going to bother me again?"
"Lorie: What did he say?"
"Aira: I don't know, but he said it's something important he wants to tell you."
"Lorie: Where is he?"
"Aira: He's just outside waiting for the signal to come in, Michael come in."
"Lorie: Oh, there he is."
"Michael: Yeah."
"Lorie: Did you hear everything I said? Sorry."
"Oh, what were you going to say?"
"Michael: Um, I'm actually leaving. I didn't realize I'd be gone for so long, I don't know if I'll be able to come back."
"Aira: Oh, you're leaving?"
"Lorie: Where are you going?"
"Michael: Uh, just need some time to think."
"Lorie: Oh, I hope you'll be happy wherever you're going."
"Michael: Alright, I'm leaving."
"Aira: I'll go with him, bye best."
"Lorie: Why does his face look so sad?"
["Two days passed and Lorie still couldn't stop thinking about Michael."]
"Lorie: Aria, I have something to tell you."
"Aira: What is it? You look serious."
"Lorie: You know what, I've realized that I still love Michael."
"Aira: So what now? He's already left, are you willing to look for him?"
"Lorie: Of course, I need to tell him how I feel."
"Aira: I know Michael's roommate, let's call him."
[Phone ringing]
John: Oh, hello?
"Aira: Hello John, is Michael with you?"
John: He's at the hospital.
"Aira: What? Okay, we'll come over."
"Lorie: Where's Michael?"
"Aira: He's at the hospital. Come on, let's go see him."
[As they walked, they saw two people.]
"Aira: Lorie, isn't that your ex?"
"Lorie: Yeah, it is."
"Paul: Hi."
"Aira: Well, what a small world. Looks like you two will always run into each other, huh?"
"Lorie: Aira, that's enough. Why are you even here?"
"Paul: Oh, I just dropped by. I have something to say."
"Lorie: What is it?"
"Paul: Oh, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I hope you've forgiven me by now."
"Lorie: I forgave you a long time ago."
"Paul: Thank you. You know, I've changed, and I'm getting married soon."
"Lorie: Oh, congratulations."
"Paul: Alright, I'll go ahead then."
As they continued walking, they saw another person.
"Aira: Oh, there's your other ex."
"Jack: Hi."
"Aira: Oh, you're going to hurt my friend again."
"Jack: No, I won't. I've changed."
"Lorie: Well, that's good. Good for you."
"Jack: Yeah, I was jailed because of that girl's false accusations. That's when I realized all the wrong I've done. I hope you can forgive me for what I did to you."
"Lorie: I've forgiven you."
"Jack: Thank you. Alright, I'll go now. I still have somewhere to go."
"Lorie: Okay, take care."
"Aira: Why do your exes keep showing up here?"
"Lorie: I know, right? Let's hurry."
"Aira: Oh, there's John. John, where's Michael?"
"John: He's in the patient's room."
"Aira: You go ahead and talk to him first, I just need to speak with John."
"Lorie: Michael, what happened?"
"Suddenly, Aria arrived, crying."
"Lorie: Why are you crying?"
"Aria: Lorie, Michael has cancer, for a long time now."
"Lorie: What? Michael, why didn't you tell us?"
"Michael: Lorie, I love you so much."
"Lorie: I love
"Michael passed away."
"Lorie: Why didn't he tell us?"
"John: He didn't want you to worry."
[Michael has been laid to rest.]
"The day is beautiful today, the breeze is so refreshing, and the sky looks stunning. I'm here amidst all of this, and it would be even more wonderful if you were here beside me, Michael. I love you so much."
The day is beautiful today, the air is refreshing to breathe. The sky is clear, and I'm sitting in the midst of all this. It would be even happier if you were here beside me.
The alarm blared loudly (tot, tot, tot)
(Lorie turned off the alarm)
Lorie: "Here we go again... (sigh) Good morning to myself! Good morning, Charlie!" (Charlie happily bounding towards Lorie, while his tail wagging with excitement.)
After a while
Lorie: Baby you're my serenity, My favorite melody my remedy i need you gonna be my one and only (singing the “baby you’re my serenity” by : deonella , while taking a bath),
An hour after
Hmm what will i wear (while looking at mirror) is this good (tried to compare the ,clothes ,facing it to mirror ,fitting in herself ) would i wear casual? Hmm maybe a dress? I guess this dress would be fit ,Im sure he will love this hihihi (giggling excitedly)
Tururut tururut….Tururtururt….(phone ringing)
Lorie: Hello Paul!
Paul: Hello baby
Lorie: Are you already there baby? Wait for me i'm still getting dressed
Paul: Baby im sorry but our date today won't proceed."
Lorie: "Why is there anything happening?" (she asked, her tone tinged with disappointment.)
Paul: Yes, Mama asked for help to drive them, they just need to go somewhere.
Lorie: Why, aren't there others who can drive the car there? Even among your siblings? (Lorie's sarcastic tone)
Paul: Well, there are, but Mama said I should do it since I haven't been able to join them for a long time.
Lorie:( Sigh) okay, take care then. I'm already dressed anyway.
Paul: I'm really sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you next time.i love you
Lorie: It's always like that. I love you too (signs in disappointment)
….Sigh, I'll just lie down again since I don't have anything else to do anyway.
As she slept deeply, her phone rang again, disrupting the peace like an unexpected guest at a quiet gathering.
(seeing Aira’s call’s in her phone, then answered it)
Lorie: Hello? (im her half sleep voice )
Aira: Hello best, are you still asleep? I thought you have a date today
Lorie: As you can see it didn’t happen
Aira: Why not?
Lorie: Because he said he'll accompany his mom.
Aira: Oh, is that so? That's sad. Well, just come with me to the mall!
Lorie: Nah, I don't feel like it. I think I'll just rest.
Aira: Oh, you'll probably just sulk there. I'll wait for you here. Bye!
(Aira abruptly ends the call)
(Lorie Just sign in defeat)
At the mall
While Lorie was talking to Aira at phone:
Lorie: Hello, where are you?
Aira: I'm here at the entrance.
Lorie: Where? Wave so I can see you.
Aira: Here, my hand is raised.
Lorie: Oh, I see you now. I'm coming over.
"Best!" Lorie startles Aira.(then both lough)
while walking to mall
Lorie: What are you going to do?
Aira: I'm just going to buy something.
While Lorie and Aira were walking, Aira spotted something ,
Aira: Best, where did your boyfriend go, by the way?
Lorie: Oh, he drove his mom somewhere, I think.
Aira: Then who's that? (looking in another direction)
Lorie: Who? (also looking at what Aira is seeing)
They saw Paul kissing someone else.
Aira: Isn't that Paul?
Lorie: Huh? It doesn't seem like him. Maybe just someone who looks like him.
Aira: What? Are you blind? That's Paul, aren't you aware? You say He's with his mom? Should we confront them? I've always said that guy can't be trusted since at the beginning! (Aira's angry outburst)
As tears welled up in Lorie's eyes, she rushed forward and suddenly slapped her boyfriend.
Paul: Lorie?! What are you doing here? (Paul's startled question, holding the cheek that was slapped).
Lorie suddenly slapped the woman.
Lorie: That's for you!
Lorie was about to leave, but Paul stopped her.
Paul: Baby, I'm sorry. Give me a chance.
(Lorie shook off his grasp on her arm)
Lorie: I've given you too many chances already! I can't take it anymore! Let's end this. (Lorie's voice trembled as tears streamed down her face)
Paul: Please! I'm sorry, Lorie. (While tightly holding Lorie's hand, Paul pleads desperately.)
Aira forcefully removed Paul's grip from Lorie's arm.
Aira: Let her go! We're leaving. (Aira and Lorie walked away.)
In the midst of the loud, bustling bar..
Lorie: huhuhu (Crying in agony)
Aira: Stop crying , Bessy. He doesn't deserve you, don't cry just because of someone like him, that girl is like a leech, she clings to Paul as if they're a perfect match, both cheaters, okay. Let's go, you've had too much to drink.
Lorie: I gave my all, why does he still deceive me? I've been so foolish for him, but he still does this. I've experienced so much trauma because of him, (crying while drunk).
Aira: Just keep crying, the right person will come for you, I'm here as your best friend, okay? Just stop this nonsense with that guy. (Aira's long speech)
When Aira looked at her friend, she saw her deeply asleep, snoring loudly and hunched over.
Aira:(sign) Lorie, Lorie That;d right, Just sleep i will just take you home
As the days go on Lorie always cries suddenly even when she's just eating or any simple thing she does. For almost two months all she does is get too busy in her work until she exhaust herself and get drunk after.
TOT TOT, TOT (The alarm blared loudly)
Lorie turned off the alarm then take her time to gaze in the ceiling
Lorie: You can do this Lorie you need to stop this madness and move on.(Lorie said to herself,).
he began to tidy up, preparing herself for work.
Co-worker Jack: Good morning, Lorie. You seem down. Can you smile once in a while?
Lorie: There, I'm fine now. (Lorie smiled sarcastically)
Co-worker Jack: Tss, that'll do. Better than always having a frown on your face.
(Jack has been Lorie's colleague for a long time, but they've become close friends, and at one point, they even became romantically involved.)
Jack:Love, don't you want us to live together? We've been together for 2 years now, right?
Lorie: Can we handle that? It's not something we can just jump into. It's not like rice that you can spit out when it's too hot. We'll be facing different responsibilities.
Jack: I know that, dear. As long as we're together, we can handle it.
Lorie: Okay, sure.
Jack: Shall we move to my apartment then?
Lorie: Sure, that way we can save money.
(Lorie's relationship with Jack started off smoothly, but as time went by, Jack's true colors began to show. His temper flared more frequently, sometimes escalating to physical and verbal abuse.)
Jack: What's this? Why isn't there any food served yet?
Lorie: You saw that we both just got home from work, right? We're equally tired.
Jack: Your responsibility is still to prepare the food! I don't care if you're tired, I'm already starving, you're useless as always. (He suddenly slaps Lorie)
Lorie: Why did you slap me? (Lorie covers her cheek while tears well up)
(Lorie is about to leave but Jack stops her)
Jack: Lorie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm just really hot-headed right now, I'm sorry. (He tries to embrace her)
Jack: I'm really sorry, okay? It won't happen again.
(They reconcile again, but the same thing keeps happening repeatedly.)
In the dead of night while everyone slept, Lorie and Aira conversed over the phone.
Lorie: Hello Aira, Are we still meeting today?
Aira: Of course, you need to leave that guy now before I end up seeing you as a corpse.
But suddenly, Jack shouted upon seeing Lorie talking on her cellphone.
Jack: Hey! What are you doing?
Lorie: Why are you shouting? (Lorie's surprised question)
Aira: What's going on? Is he there?
Lorie: Yes, let's talk later.
Aira: Okay, but call me immediately if there's a problem, okay?
*tut.tut.tut*(phone shut)
Lorie: And you, why are you shouting?
Jack: I've been calling you since earlier, you're not answering. And why don't we have any soap here? Didn't I give you money for groceries?
Lorie: The money was just enough for the electricity bill.
(Jack suddenly slaps Lorie again)
Jack: If you just listened to me, you wouldn't
get hurt! This life is so annoying! "I want go out of here! I can't stand the sight of your face!"
Ringing phone
Aira: hello lorie
Lorie: huhuhuhu
Aria: "Why are you crying? Wait for me there, I'll come to you."
Door ding dong
[ Lorie went to the door, opened it, and let Aira in. They discussed what had happened.]
"Aira, there's no excuse for what he did. When he hurt you, you should have left him."
Lorie"He said he didn't mean to hurt me."
Aira"Enough. Let's leave before he arrives."
[ Days passed, and Jack visited Lorie, asking for forgiveness, but Lorie didn't forgive him anymore.]
"Lorie, please leave. I don't want to see you anymore."
"Jack, I hope you forgive me."
"Lorie, forgiveness takes time."
[ Jack stopped seeing Lorie, and Lorie's heart began to heal. After a year, she found peace within herself.]
Ringing phone
Aira: Are you busy?
Lorie: Not really, why?
Aira: Let's go out. Let's meet at the mall.
Lorie: Okay, see you then.
[ The two friends met, and Aira said something to Lorie.]
Aira: You know, I met a guy who might be perfect for you.
Lorie: What's that supposed to mean?
Aira: I've thoroughly checked him out, don't worry. I'll set up a meet-up between you two.
Lorie: I don't want to, Aira. I'm not interested in being in a relationship. Stop bothering me.
Aira: Come on, just give it a try.
Lorie: I said no.
[ The next day, Lorie was at work when Aira suddenly called.]
Lorie: "Why did you call?"
Aria: "I was thinking of inviting you to eat out. What time will you be done?"
Lorie: "I'll be finished with my shift soon."
Aria: "I'll wait for you at our favorite restaurant."
[Lorie finished her shift and went to the restaurant.]
"Lorie: Why are there three seats? Are we meeting someone?"
"Aria: There he is, Michael. Lorie, this is Michael. Michael, Lorie."
"Lorie: Who is he?"
"Aira: He's the one I told you about earlier. Alright, I'll leave you two alone. Bye.
[The two ate and talked].
Lorie: "Sorry, I'm just not ready yet."
Michael: "It's okay, I can wait."
Lorie: "It's up to you. Let's call it a day."
And from then on, Michael often visited Lorie's place As Lorie was cleaning, Aira knocked on the door.
"Lorie: Oh Aria, why are you here?"
"Aria: Hi, I just wanted to tell you that Michael is on his way here. He said he has something to tell you."
"Lorie: What, is he going to bother me again?"
"Lorie: What did he say?"
"Aira: I don't know, but he said it's something important he wants to tell you."
"Lorie: Where is he?"
"Aira: He's just outside waiting for the signal to come in, Michael come in."
"Lorie: Oh, there he is."
"Michael: Yeah."
"Lorie: Did you hear everything I said? Sorry."
"Oh, what were you going to say?"
"Michael: Um, I'm actually leaving. I didn't realize I'd be gone for so long, I don't know if I'll be able to come back."
"Aira: Oh, you're leaving?"
"Lorie: Where are you going?"
"Michael: Uh, just need some time to think."
"Lorie: Oh, I hope you'll be happy wherever you're going."
"Michael: Alright, I'm leaving."
"Aira: I'll go with him, bye best."
"Lorie: Why does his face look so sad?"
["Two days passed and Lorie still couldn't stop thinking about Michael."]
"Lorie: Aria, I have something to tell you."
"Aira: What is it? You look serious."
"Lorie: You know what, I've realized that I still love Michael."
"Aira: So what now? He's already left, are you willing to look for him?"
"Lorie: Of course, I need to tell him how I feel."
"Aira: I know Michael's roommate, let's call him."
[Phone ringing]
John: Oh, hello?
"Aira: Hello John, is Michael with you?"
John: He's at the hospital.
"Aira: What? Okay, we'll come over."
"Lorie: Where's Michael?"
"Aira: He's at the hospital. Come on, let's go see him."
[As they walked, they saw two people.]
"Aira: Lorie, isn't that your ex?"
"Lorie: Yeah, it is."
"Paul: Hi."
"Aira: Well, what a small world. Looks like you two will always run into each other, huh?"
"Lorie: Aira, that's enough. Why are you even here?"
"Paul: Oh, I just dropped by. I have something to say."
"Lorie: What is it?"
"Paul: Oh, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I hope you've forgiven me by now."
"Lorie: I forgave you a long time ago."
"Paul: Thank you. You know, I've changed, and I'm getting married soon."
"Lorie: Oh, congratulations."
"Paul: Alright, I'll go ahead then."
[As they continued walking, they saw another person.]
"Aira: Oh, there's your other ex."
"Jack: Hi."
"Aira: Oh, you're going to hurt my friend again."
"Jack: No, I won't. I've changed."
"Lorie: Well, that's good. Good for you."
"Jack: Yeah, I was jailed because of that girl's false accusations. That's when I realized all the wrong I've done. I hope you can forgive me for what I did to you."
"Lorie: I've forgiven you."
"Jack: Thank you. Alright, I'll go now. I still have somewhere to go."
"Lorie: Okay, take care."
"Aira: Why do your exes keep showing up here?"
"Lorie: I know, right? Let's hurry."
"Aira: Oh, there's John. John, where's Michael?"
"John: He's in the patient's room."
"Aira: You go ahead and talk to him first, I just need to speak with John."
"Lorie: Michael, what happened?"
"Suddenly, Aria arrived, crying."
"Lorie: Why are you crying?"
"Aria: Lorie, Michael has cancer, for a long time now."
"Lorie: What? Michael, why didn't you tell us?"
"Michael: Lorie, I love you so much."
"Lorie: I love
"Michael passed away."
"Lorie: Why didn't he tell us?"
"John: He didn't want you to worry."
[Michael has been laid to rest.]
"The day is beautiful today, the breeze is so refreshing, and the sky looks stunning. I'm here amidst all of this, and it would be even more wonderful if you were here beside me, Michael. I love you so much."
1 note · View note
shinystar678 · 10 months
sorry for disappearing, it will happen again (/half-jok e
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im sorry for not posting art in awhile, irl things
... im homeless! but it wont be too long.. or will it? who knooowwwws,, 🐌
my laptop is alsoooooo... experiencing problems, keyboard wont work, wont turn on unless plugged up, and allat crap.... i cant play patapon (heart brokn😔), i cant play... some roblox games now, but thatsss fine... i guess (i havent logged onto roblox for days)
art... er, i have not finished any of the art pieces i WAS working on, but i am trying to get back into animations (seeing that ibis paint has an animation feature now)
ive been kinda avoiding social media, i like going onto it when i have something to post (like art, most of de time), and when i dont? er... 🚪 (ive just been avoiding opening twitter because i have no ART!!!)
i rarely post text posts like this because WOW!! anxiety!
me? okay!! im makin it through this!! do not worry
if i DO finish something, i may not post it right away.. i just wait until the next day.. or wait a few hours before doin allat (i let you know rjght now i have nothing but doodles/scribbles)
but heres something, its comet redesign attempts!! the reason immmm redesigning it is because... i realized the first look.. looked toooo close to a character.. and i dont want em to get compared!! .or something,,, AND, i want them to look cooler .anddd a little like me (i dont even wear glasses🐟 i just put them on em because, i think glasses are cool..)
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but now that i think about it.. i shouldnt care too much?? but i feel the need to redesign comet.. (I STILL .NEED TO REDESIGN KAYOPON'S MASK what was i thinking .what is that. what was i thinking of?????? maybe its like a crown or something?? but thats dumb........ anyway the new mask will be likee.. a flower, yeah, i already made one mask for kayopon)
anyway... THATS ALL!! ill still check discord n tumblr!! for messages n stuff (and avoiding twitter til i get sumn done) i just wont be super-dooper-hyper-active..
0 notes