#im mad they killed her off☹️
uzi-x33 · 15 days
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doomed lesbians ☹️☹️
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butchlifeguard · 6 months
interacting with my mom when shes drunk is like being stabbed to death with a paperclip
#not even. i think its worse#victim of the self harm to weird masochism tendency pipeline here. its like being stabbed with a paperclip once#and then no other stimulation for the next 5 hours#anyway she keeps making EVERY FUCKING THING about how its so hard to be white in todays society#ok girl :) ill make sure yr nursing home doesnt have any brown pwople in it good to know#today we were at a shopping center in the middle of the day because me and mj were checked out from school for something#lets play a fun guessing game. did my mom a) get food and drive out like a normal human being#b) get pissed off because they didnt get her order right. or c) bitch about how theres too many nonwhite people shopping during the day#if you guessed c after asking yrself 'wait what the fuck lmfao' congratulations! you win a fraction of the pain im feeling#'they dont have jobs 😡😡' ok! religiously i cant tell you to kill yrself but i think you should take some time away from society#i was filling out a form to try to get hired at this place soon#i started counting how many times she was mad that it was hard for me and soooo easy for illegal immigrants. it was 5 btw#'this must be wjy i go to any place in the 3 towns near us and no one speaks english 😡😡'#< poor baby had a spanish speaking cashier at wingstop a week ago ☹️🥱#ALSO ITS FUCKING TEXAS. YEAH THERES SPANISH SPEAKERS..#ITS NOT EVEN THAT the person shes thinking of also spoke english just seemed mad at her#it takes concentration to speak a language that isnt yr own! could you imagine if anyone else had this attitude#i walk into my 3rd year of asl class and the teacher is like USE BETTER FACIAL EXPRESSION.#can you even SPEAK asl what has this country COME TO. like im not speaking a new langauge with a slightly bad attitude#anyway. not necessarily praying on her downfall but praying on my ascendance#ill get a good offer from a college 500 miles away. minimum
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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dipperscavern · 2 months
can i just say. i think it’s a good thing we don’t have women in medieval set tv shows who are made to look “glamorous”, hotd and got are so refreshing in that sense. plus, rhaenyra is literally a dragon rider. makeup?? SHE IS CALLED THE DRAGON QUEEN GET OUT OF MT FACE
rhaenyra was denied her throne because she’s a woman. her mother died. her father died. her son died. she had a stillbirth from the stress of it all. her closest advisor died. her husband is raising an army for himself instead of for her. her council think her as the “weaker sex”. she is fighting for what is rightfully hers in a world that wasn’t designed to give women any power. she is fighting to ascend the throne not only for herself, but to create a new order. to look at a character like that and only see “plain features”…. it’s just so frustrating sometimes. y’all heard what brittany broksi said, “imagine a world where you could pursue the things that make you happy and not have to worry about if you look good doing it”
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arillusionist · 11 months
shadow and bone!! ep7!! reaction!! book update: i've barely read any of siege and storm i've been so busy 😭😭 this is feeling like soc book one where it took me 3 weeks to read the first 10 chapters 💀💀 then i finally got invested and read the rest in less than a week. anyways
we starting with a flashback?? or at least im assuming this is a flashback
stop i just realized he has long hair definitely a flashback
Why tf couldnt he have killed all those men before his girlfriend literally got mudered??
oh wait shes not dead yet
now she is
baghra kinda pissing me off but the darkling is crazy so
damn how long is this flashback!! if its the whole episode im gonna cry i wanna see the crows😭😭
yayy its over he looks so much better w short hair 💀
aww inejjj ☹️ they better not show that wound up close like they did with mals...
JESPER IS ME like keep that camera back!!!
"thats dark" thats fr all you have to say??
"i think he'd murder heelen himself" HE WOULDDD
im glad theyre somewhat talking about inej's backstory.. this is such a painful scene and its not just because of the stitching
they rlly going for blood every 2 seconds this episode huh
god i love this scene so much 😭😭 shes his saint 😭😭
they are just so. ahdjfjfk literally the best part of this universe, separately and together
also i love how she kept pushing him, she wouldnt just take a little bit, she made sure she got something real out of him
THEY SMILEDDD or at least i think, can never tell with kaz
im honestly a bit confused tho how can inej leave?? i dont think kaz payed out her indenture yet??
i know this is a dramatic big scene bla bla bla but why does alina look so good in that fit
oh thats fucking gross when i was reading book 1 i didnt realize the collar got fucking engraved in her
that shit on his hand looks so weird too
oh my god why tf did they have to make it look like that 😭😭 i literally cannot look at alina anymore
he cant bring himself to get mad at her so he has to say smth else 💀💀 hes definitely jealous too lmaoo
"its suli for friendship" "no it not" PLEASEE
he looks so fucking done im crying
keep the coat on alina...
yayyy genya!!!
this scene is so fucking saddd
he really thinks he can lie to her like.... be real with yourself
"but its alright, because i do" no you DONT ur literally just a pedophile
"you look fine" "oh i look more than fine" HELPP
"no one is ever gonna believe im that old" INEJ'S SMILE and then "you tell yourself that" I LOVE CROWS BANTER
is that fucking milo
they rlly put the keys on a goat?? or maybe its not the keys but its something 💀
PLEASEE GET THAT UGLY ASS THING OUT OF HER NECK 😭😭 im literally covering that part of the screen
"well i thought you looked older" LMAO
its over?? that felt quick idk it probably wasnt actually
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television-pil0t · 1 year
Unsurprising I went to the mental hospital. The Carolina Center for Behavioral Health. I stayed 2 almost 3 days.. maybe 3 almost 4 days idk. Idk time blindness is a bitch but whatever. I’m back so I’m gonna talk about it because.. GENUINELY what the fuck.
So I was having a episode odviously. Full out psychotic ass bitch. Voices, believing I was god, thinking there were tall black people in my room (shadow people I just like sounding racist) like the whole nine yards. After I got off I’d tumblr swing “I keep hearing shit” or “seeing shit” or whatever I said I’m not gonna check. I called my friend queenie. She was asleep.. of course. Like no duh it was late.
I’m talking to her and I have her my account so know she knows about my awful bad boy tumblr account but I wanted her to understand what was going on. She dead ass is like “daemon this is really bad. Like your not thinking straight.“ I’m like “whatever whatever I do what I want.” I hang up and sleep like nothing happened.
Next day hits me like a fuckibg truck. I completely convence myself to go to the FUCKING AIR FORCE! LITERALLY LIKE
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BRO WHAT LMAO!! I GOT IN CONTACT WITH A FUCKING SARGENT BRO!! AT MY SCHOLL LIKE!! ?!?? So I clearly had no intention of.. preserving my life. I get into a PHYSICAL fight with one of my DEAR FRIENDS and tell him to FUCKING KILL MYSELF. Like.. basically pushing everyone away as fast and aggressively as possible so.. as I told my psychologist ”If I say something or do something so bad then I won’t be tempted to come back to them. And they will hate me to much to come back to me.” 😀? What was I on? Nothing MOTHERFUCKER AND THATS THE PROBLEM.
So after that I go home. I told queenie I was going to the military. She’s like “literally don’t cancel that. Like your not doing that. That’s as never in your plans. Your going so far off the rails rn. What’s up with you. You had a whole plan and you’ve gone so far from what you wanted to do like.. your so creative you can really do something with all this..” blah blah blah saying every true stuff but I was insane so I didn’t care. Hung up. Blocked her in everything. Said fuck her she doesn’t undersand me 🥺 and.. she called the police telling them I need to be taken to the hospital..
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THEY HAD EVERYONE OUT THERE BEO. The cops were farther down but they were making sure I didn’t try and kill myself or something so they brought everyone.
So I go to the hospital and I’m out of it at this point I can’t lie I barely remember this shit. Straight up. I don’t remember a lot of this whole.. few months because I’ve been stirring up a episode but like.. I really did good on dissociating the entire thing.
I do remember them giving me apple juice but it was open. I was like “can you.. give me another one I’m not happy that it’s open.” And they were like.. :/ and got me another one but THAT ONE WAS ALSO SLIGHTLY OPEN?! SO I WAS PISSED OFF. Because I was like?? ARE YOU TRYING TO DRUG ME LIKE?? WHY IS IT FUCKING OPEN CUNT?! I eventually just said fuck it and drank it and it did have meds in it because I was knocked out in a matter of a few minutes but like.. if they just told me I’d drink it?! I just don’t like they were like.. hiding it.
So some shit happened. At night they would watch me and I’d be like :/ and they would be like 🤨😦😑🫤 and I be like ☹️🥱😴 and that was that. So then..
This nurse?? Come in. It’s like 8 in the damn morning and I’m tired as fuck and she gives me breakfast and asked if im ok. I’m like “yeah whatever”. She’s like.. “do you know why your here” im say “because im a bad person.” He’s like “can you explain to me how.” I’m like “that would be to long and you have other patience and I’d rather just talk without a time limit.” She looks at me with the most.. “damn.. you right but shit” look I’ve ever seen and then leaves after writing something down on her little tablet.
I stay in the room almost all day. They keep checking in me. I keep responding the same.
So at the end of the day.. bout.??? 9 or 10 idk they didn’t have a clock in there. That nurse came back and sat down in a chair. She was like “would you like the light on” I was like “nah it’s better it adds dramatic effect when it’s dark” I make her laugh at this point I’m like “Hehe I’m in baby!” In where idk but lord knows I was fucking ovulating so nothing I was saying or doing was making since. Thinking with my dick and shit or something idk idk.
So we have a long conversation.
She gives me my phone… and I show her my tumblr..
She looks at me with the most 😐😧😦😬😨😰 look I’ve ever fucking seen. Like bro was SCARED.
She sets my phone down.. DOESN’T TURN IT OFF BTW. And goes “so you think you have aspd. You know you have bpd right.” I was like “very aware.” She was like “well.. I think you have some define characteristics of both.” I just kinda was like thinking ok the worst that could happen is that I stay here for like.. a month if I tell the complete truth. So I go all out. Say fuck it. Tell my whole ass truth because I’d im gonna be here im gone leave with a correct diagnosis and help that I need. I’m like “I feel like I’m constantly in conflict with myself about caring and not caring. Like I know I have abandonment issues but I broke up with my bf out of pure anger and then did shit just to hurt him and I did that to my friend when I got into a fight with him and I did that to my mom when she was still alive.” She as like “do you feel bad?” I was like “I don’t know.” She put her tablet down and it felt like she was just taking to me and not working. I know that’s literally just a ploy. She way probably recording the conversation but it felt nice. “Do you know what it feels like to feel bad about something?” I’m like “I think I remember.” And that goes into my emotional blindness and perception. After a while of not feeling a emotion I forget what it’s like and it feels like I’ve never experienced it before and I tell her that and she’s like “well that sounds like both disorders working together pretty well. Do you ever feel like your fighing against someone else in your head” and I’m like I don’t have DID but.. sometimes sure I do. Because it’s hard to keep both feeling in check. I don’t wanna be reckless but the more I think about something the more in convence myself what I’m doing is right.
So we start talking about people. We talk about the first and I admitted it was a bit irrational (now I know it was very dumb but I wasn’t there yet) and we talk about my mom because I just kept being her up and then she looked at my phone again and asked me how I felt about my ex. I was like “I feel like I did the same thing to him as my friend except I feel like I lost feeling.”
This woman said something that ripped my apart. “Did you lose feelings or did you just not remember them once he hurt you.”
Bro I’m gonna throw up at this point. She goes on because I’m completely silent because I never thought of that but she was completely right. “you wanna feel better than everyone else because that’s how you think you deserve to be treated. Do you treat others like that?” I’m like “yeah I treat all my friends well.” She looks at me and she’s like “do you? Do you treat them and say things you’d like to be said to you? Or do you stop being nice once you realize you can’t control them.” And I’m like “I think I’m nice.. I think I say nice things.” And then I remember again.. she was right. I’m just kinda a asshole. Once I realize I’ve lost someone’s “undying loyalty.” I stop caring for them. Happened with my mom. With Mali once he got a gf I almost completely treated him like a completely different person. Happened with khye. And we didn’t even talk about the “others” until the second day but..
I’m like at a lose. I’m really sad because I realized how bad I fucked up and I start feeling empty and like shit. Idk if it was guilt but.. it all made a lot of since
I felt like I couldn’t feel love for a very long time because I just forgot what it felt like. Not that I want loved by my bf I was. And I loved him. It was just I was having a episode and genuinely couldn’t see it or feel it at the time because sometimes in her words “when your long distance it’s hard to hold someone with your words. You seem to crave that. Even if you don’t want the physical affect do you think he hugged you with his words enough.” And I’m like “I think so. He wrote me letters and gave me gifts” and she as like “ok.. did those make you happy or did they make you feel warm. Did they remind you ‘oh yea this person loves me’ or was it more if just.. this is how I should be treated.” And I was like :( because damn girl this hurts. Your hurting me. She was like “did you stop loving your mom when you realized she didn’t do anything worth loving.” And I was about to fucking kill myself because as much as I saw her struggle.. in my mind the bare minimum was her feeding me and giving me a house and shit. That’s all she COULD do. That’s literally it. She could only do a little bit for me and I didn’t feel love for her when I realized that’s all she could do. That’s.. awful. I feel so fucking bad that I thought like that.. and that I thought like that too late before I could change it and be better. Yes she fucked up. We would fight and argue and she would say some awful shit but she also tried so hard to give me a good life with the best possible education and food on the table as often as she could and the fact that I didn’t see that as enough.. that sucks.
She basically kept going on for about an hour or 2 until I was like.. “damn. I’m tired.” She gave me my meds and I went to bed and the next morning I went out and talked to some people.
Met this guy that was pretty neet. I got called into the office and they talked to me some more this after noon. It was basically just “you have very conflicting mental illness and we’re surprised you haven’t ended it all yet. Here have meds.” Lmao
Fr tho. I have autism, bpd, adhd, and some kinda aspd (not officially diagnosed.. or maybe I am but they gave my paper to my parents and I never saw it.) but they were like “Your listed here as a self centered .. extremely selfish narcissist with paranoia, social anxiety and general psychosis or schizophrenia (like all of it delusions, hallucinations, disorganized, thoughts and behaviors etc I was fucked up yeah I know.)
So paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic personality disorder and religious psychosis. (Supernatural reference) and I was like :/ damn son where’d you find this.
They gave me some meds to take and the. Kinda watched me for a while.. I have to go back and be watched a few more times cuz ya know but I’m not excited about it.
My meds definitely work. I’m not like.. batshit insane anymore but I still have my symptoms because they didn’t cure me. I still have to go to therapy and shit for a while. I feel bad because my friends fucking hated me for a while because queenie told them what happened and tbh I’m surprised I was even slightly forgiven. I don’t use my mental health as like a “sorry I did that” moment but literally they was no other explanation for what that happened. It was straight up I thought I was god full on insane mode and then basic “your think in a shitty way and that’s not your fault but you still have to work on changing it.” Therapy.
Am I gonna apologize. Yeah. When.. idk. I pissed off so many people I’ve the past couple of days including my parents. They didn’t believe me at first but now they feel really bad for everything and shit.
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fushigujiro · 3 years
TR Manga Chapter 219
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okay so it looks like senju just wanted to go out with a friend to the amusement park. so hina has nothing to worry about…yes💀
okay soo, this chapter was very shocking because it looks like now sanzu wouldn’t be the one to kill his sister but it would be,
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and the people that are as of now, i’m Rokuhara Tandai is,
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i re-read the last few chapters and looks online so these are the members we know that are in that gang for now.
so it looks like that they were gonna come have takemitchi but in this panel that i’m about to show,
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that’s the promise she kept saying everytime when takemitchi takes a look in the past. She wanted to protect him so in order to do that she will sacrifice herself to save him!!
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senju is really looking forward to beating mikey and sanzu may not like that one of his own, his blood, wants to deafest his god like what we were talking about in the last 2 rants. so who knows but senju did say that takeomi was acting strange.
i cant put up no more pictures but there was a panel where takemitchi and senju were on the rollercoster and senju was speaking about how takeomi was acting strange and about how he wants to make brahman “bigger.” and not “stronger”
so this just seems like when senju died takeomi just stayed with his brother, sanzu in to bonten years later to the future which is where we seen him when before mikey jumped off of the building and shot takemitchi.
it’s weird though because i would think that aht sanzu would be the one to kill his sister because he doesn’t want her to defeat his ‘god’ mad would threaten takeomi into going to bonten..sorry sanzu again😒
HES STILL LYING ASS HOE but who knows what could happen next chapter because this manga is known for plot twists and shit😭
i think that is all i need to cover for now so until the next chapter, see you later🧞‍♀️
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