#im listening to vivaldi can you tell
malusienki · 1 year
why does listening to classical music automatically make you “an old soul” “nerdy” “weird” “boring”
more under the cut (it’s long, sorry)
like? is it just me having a different standpoint or do i not get it? why is it that classical music is considered boring? what caused that? what???? im convinced the people saying these things have listened to like. vivaldi’s four seasons. boccherini’s minuet. offenbach’s can-can. and called it a day. these people probably don’t even know that it’s called “minuet” and only refer to the toreador march as the “fnaf song” <- (i don’t have anything against this per se, fnaf is a really cool thing i just never got into it fully and it only irks me just a little but that’s a whole other topic) without knowing what it’s from. now that goes to say i don’t expect everyone who criticizes and doesn’t like it to immediately go listen to the entire library of classical music and be enlightened but it’s a little offputting when you go out of your way to continuously remind someone that they’re weird for listening to and enjoying operas and/or classical music.
that last little bit was taken from what my friend— or i guess ex-friend now but the term still seems unfamiliar— would kind of do to me but to a lower degree i think. they said they found my interest in opera cool and would .. kind of listen to my rants and stuff and i appreciate it but then they’d go and make offhand comments about how weird i was and would use my interest in opera to sort of like.. “you can’t be talking you like OPERA” in a jokey manner i guess? that sort of thing. i thought that was normal and even though it hurt my feelings, it was all jokes, yeah? [i recognize now that thats not how that works and even though occasional jokes are okay your interests should never be the butt of the “joke” if it’s constantly repeated and hurts your feelings] and i think people don’t realize how much of a foundation classical music in itself is. i cannot tell you how many times i’ve recognized a piece to be a fragment from an opera or a mozart composition or like.. jeez i don’t fucking know, beethoven. out in the wild. in pop music, in movies, in shows, etc. even instagram reels/tiktok. if you frequent those you’ll come to find that there are a lot of trending “audios” using like.. lacrimosa or vivaldi’s four seasons or fuckin like prokofiev’s dance of the knights or act II of swan lake. i remember my mom was watching a netflix movie, a fucking cheesy ass romance or something, and there was a moment where the flower duet from lakmé played. the goddamn mario movie has a clip of carmen’s “l’amour est un oiseau rebelle”/the habanera within the first like, what. ten? fifteen minutes? i might be getting needlessly annoyed but it’s really fucking aggravating getting told i’m weird for liking something supposedly no one else under the age of 50 does. thanks guys. i really appreciate your supportiveness— but that’s besides the point.
my main reason that i’m even writing this is because my assumption (of course, this is most likely an incorrect assumption because i’m only 15 and only have so much life experience) is that the same people who often go around saying that classical music is boring and dull are the ones who are constantly wanting to push the arts to be funded. if you’re gonna fund the arts, fund ALL of them. not just “‘“‘“modern”””” stuff. not just musical theatre or plays. i think people forget that? maybe they ignore it. maybe they just don’t know. that’s why education is so important.
now that being said, i know seeing an opera or going to a concert can be expensive— and i wish that wasn’t the case. there’s always free livestreams, there’s always concerts, there’s albums, youtube videos, i know when i was in chicago i listened to the classical radio, etc. nothing beats seeing these things live in the theatre but it’s better than nothing i think?
also, i don’t mean to say classical is better than anything i mentioned above. no. i’m just sick and fucking tired of being told this and that about my interest when all i want to do is to be happy and consume something in peace without being hardcore judged for it and i really appreciate the small little operablr community.
there’s definitely more that i missed to this so if i think of anything more i’ll add on to it but i’m just… hrrrrgggg anger rage frustration. head in hands. so tired.
thank you for your time
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Would you mind if I asked for any classical recs. I started listening to Bartok and something clicked (also because I like hearing you talk 🗣️ )
- Penalanon
Aaahhh omg penalanon hiiii!! 🥺 so glad you liked Bartók! That's on such the deep end of classical honestly so I'm rly so glad to hear you like his work! Alright sry in advance if any of these are basic bcs im not sure what you've listened to before. But here you go, in no particular order
1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky
Okay hear me out ik this is pretty basic but I love this recording so so much, I listen to it constantly. Tho it's especially fun to listen to when I'm drawing something Napoleonic, it's very fitting
Marche Slave - Tchaikovsky
Another Tchaikovsky piece! I just really like this one :)
Piano Concerto No.2 - Rachmaninoff
Most beautiful piano concerto of all time?? Perhaps. I just love this one, and the story behind it is very sweet to me(Rachmaninoff was very depressed but his therapist helped him get back to composing, and he dedicated this piece to him)
Rite of Spring - Stravinsky
If you liked Bartók, you'll definitely like Stravinsky!!
Firebird - Stravinsky
Also must link this hilarious vid that I always think of every time I listen to this piece
Gayaneh - Khachaturian
My fav ballet EVERRRR. Okay bear with me, I know it's two and a half hours long, but I listen to it constantly
The Planets Suite - Holst
You've prob heard these before but ahhhh one of my favorite pieces, it never gets old. They are all so unique, and I love how you can tell how much they inspired modern film scores like Star Wars
La Follia - Vivaldi
My fav Vivaldi piece other than Four Seasons(not linnking it here bcs I think most people have def heard it, but go listen to it again ofc dklaskjl.) But man Vivaldi always goes off so hard
String Quartet No.8 - Shostakovich
I linked this in my prev music reccs but I'm not sure if you listened to it so I will again!!
Symphony No.5 - Shostakovich
I love Shostakvich so much waahhhhh, his life makes me sad :( But he's one of the reasons I got more into classical music!
Symphony No.7 - Shostakovich
The story behind this one is so sad to me :( It was a song of resistance for the people of Leningrad while they were being seiged in WWII. Also I love how the conducter in this vid literally looks exactly like young Shostakovich
Battle on The Ice - Prokofiev
such a sick piece
Dance of the Knights - Prokofiev
Symphony No.2 - Weill
I randomly heard this at a classical concert, and I've been in love with it every since!
Masquerade Suite - Khachaturian
Gnossienne No.1-6 - Satie
I can't link all of them so just start with the one I linked!!
New World Symphony - Dvorjak
I love the fourth movement especially, there's parts that sound like Jaws and Star Wars
Danse Macabre - Saint-Saëns
The Swan - Saint-Saëns
This song is what I imagine falling in love feels like. It always makes me teary eyed. Also Vienna has stars like the hollywood stars in some subway station, and I took pics of both Saint-Saëns and Debussy when I saw them, and two people I was with had no idea who they were SOBBB
Raindrop Prelude - Chopin
Arabesque - Debussy
I'd recc Clair de Lune but I'm sure you've heard it, so here is another Debussy piece :)
Miserere mei, Deus - Allegri 
Lacrimosa - Mozart
You've def heard this before but GOD it makes me cry every time, soooooo iconic
Funeral March (Orchestral Version) - Mendelssohn
There's such a cool video of this as an actual march but it's for Thatcher's funeral ugh, so here's the orchestral version too
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
@jester-mereel tagged me in this, thanks💌
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
i unironically love my unironically abysmal music taste. im also a spotify user and my playlists are too specific for this ask so i put my liked songs on shuffle
1. Come Sail Away by Styx. lmao i remeber i put this on the playlist for my postcanon ghost onsen takabansai nonfic
2. Cây Đàn Bỏ Quên by Tran Thai Hoa. i don't actually listen much to him, but. cherish thy tenors whose voice is actually nice
3. The Glow by Sylvan Esso?? unliked, i hate this song actually
4. S.K. Remembrance Noise: Road to Damascus by hungarian composer Kurtág György. <3 this had to be for a maglor playlist
5. Russel Shaw: Let Me Tell You A Story. no memory of this piece. cute but I've no idea what it is. movie? game?
6. some kind of piano-cello arrangement of an aria from a js bach cantata. not good and not bad? sorry im getting tired
7. Pricantula (corsican polyphony) sung by im guessing a chamber choir called Per Agata. 10/10 no notes teach me your ways
8. vivaldi flute concerto in g, run over with a car and sprinkled with extra spice. im just gonna link it because it's not bad if you, like me, love it when violence is done on baroque music. it is one of the joys of my life for sure. also, several blorbos with flute trauma so this particular piece always comes in handy
9. ohoo boy. wagner Liebestod but maria callas. controversial💅
10. Tchaik Nut sugarplum fairy. i think i put this on a bomb yuri on ice playlist a couple of years ago when i was going through it* (*end-of-twenties grief)
huhh @kraniumet @hadrianspaywall @amethysttribble my brain stopped but anyone else who feels like it, i wanna see your music recs
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tythanhcs · 8 years
Can we get some fluff tythan? Like a date to a park with flowers and light kisses?
-let’s pretend that LA has actual seasons like here on the East Coast or Europe-Tyler and Ethan go on walks to the park nearly every day, for either a casual stroll or a date-They always hold hands, unless they’re out for a run (or if it’s summer)-They bring Chica with them whenever they can-The park has a giant pond with ducks that Ethan likes to feed-The park management gets pissed about the fact that they’ll climb the trees all the time
Spring-Tyler likes to take advantage of the nice days and will often drag Ethan out for a morning run-Tyler carries tissues in case Ethan reacts badly to the pollen-During the day, Ethan loves to take pictures of the flowers and the baby ducklings-He always gets too close to the young birds and the parents will angrily chase him so he jumps on Tyler like “run fucking run”-Tyler is actually surprisingly good at making flower crowns and bracelets and will pick buttercups and daisies to string them together-Tyler will also bring him actual bouquets of flowers -When the wind picks up, the cherry blossoms will fly everywhere like snow and they’ll sit under the trees while Chica happily runs around-Them kissing under all the blooming trees-After a movie date they’ll come to the park when it’s like dark and stuff because they can see the stars and it’s very quiet and peaceful-Ethan secretly still plays Pokemon Go but you can hear the little ding whenever an egg cracks and he gets all flustered about it like “aaa sorry” but Tyler just kind of takes his phone out to show that he also has the app running-Tyler pushes Ethan on the swing set and sometimes they’ll sit in one of those spinning things and see how fast they can make it go-If the forecast says that there will be rain, Tyler will bring an umbrella for them to share -When it just rains without warning they just kind of flit from tree to tree and they laugh a lot about it and when they get home they towel each other dry
Summer-Ethan just wants to stay inside with the air conditioning because he’s still not used to hot summers-Tyler makes them go out anyway, especially if he knows that Ethan will have a busy day recording ahead of him-Tyler makes sure Ethan is absolutely covered in sunscreen so that blue boy doesn’t burn-Ethan complaining about it a lot and refuses to let anything touch him because he is sticky and feels like the sun is out to kill him-Tyler always packs a picnic with like sandwiches and cool drinks-Ethan finds the absolute shadiest/coolest spot in the whole park and demands that they lay the blanket down there-Tyler gets really calm when it’s hot so he’ll immediately take a nap shirtless and sometimes Ethan takes a nap with him but he usually stays awake to watch Chica-Ethan has one of those handheld tourist fans (that don’t really do anything and are scams tbh) pointed at his face 24/7-He lives for those small refreshing breezes-Tyler’s actually lowkey really scared of bees and fireflies so he’ll quickly move away if one gets too close-Meanwhile Ethan’s over here, letting them land on his skin and trying to convince Tyler that they won’t hurt him-Tyler buys them ice cream and Ethan’s trying to eat his as fast as he cans because it melts so quickly-Tyler’s like “this is why I got my ice cream in a cup” but Ethan argues that it’s not a proper scoop without a waffle cone-The sun sets really late in the day so they stay out a lot longer than usual-Sometimes the park has like? An outdoor movie thing? That they’ll go to at night and it’s really cute
Autumn-Eth and Ty enjoying the leaves, taking pictures of each other in it, making leaf piles-Tyler makes leaf crowns for himself because he thinks they suit him better than flower crowns-Chica likes the leaves too-During fall harvest festivals they go to those market things and buy autumn things-Ethan makes Tyler buy him the biggest pumpkin and they eat squash soup or whatever-Tyler buys those apples that taste the best in autumn and he makes his own apple cider out of them-Ethan and Tyler on a hay ride and Ethan just tosses the shit everywhere-Ethan gets too excited about Halloween tbh he starts singing the songs in September -Pumpkin carving feat tythan in which Ethan aims for a scary face design and Tyler aims for like. A graveyard landscape-Tythan going out to stores to pick out decorations and costumes for each other-They get a couple costume because they’re cute like that (what ship though that’s the question I’m a big fan of Harley!Ethan but?? oh I knOW THEY TOTALLY COSPLAY AS SPIDEYPOOL because!!! Idk with the size difference I think it fits pretty good and ye acrobatic Ethan and heart of gold Tyler)-Ethan being on a sugar high after eating all of the carefully sorted Halloween candy and Tyler’s just like pls it’s five go to bed-Tythan getting ready for thanksgiving, just cooking together and stuff-They try to make everything from scratch because it’s more fun tbh-Tyler has a “kiss the cook” apron and he’s always pulling Ethan away when blue boy tries to taste the gravy or apple pies or whatever-Ethan runs off with the cranberry sauce -Thankful boys-Walks in the park in the crisp autumn air in which the strong wind blows leaves everywhere -Um idk if this happens in America but in Germany the young ones come out en masse and collect a bunch of chestnuts so I just want Ethan dragging Tyler out and forcing him to hold like a wicker basket while Ethan just excitedly darts around and comes back with armfuls of chestnuts-“I’m not helping you prepare these” sure Tyler
Winter-Ethan and Tyler cuddled up in blankets with mugs of hot chocolate (this is canon though bless)-Chica enjoying the snow!! Ethan enjoying the snow (they both like catching snowflakes on their tongue)!! Tyler not enjoying the snow because he is cold but as long as Ethan’s there he’s happy-Ethan is always pelting Tyler with snowballs and making snow angels and entire armies of snowmen -Ethan makes a big snowman and just puts a beanie on it “it’s you Tyler”-Them going ice skating over the frozen lake and Tyler being a very cautious boy while Ethan’s doing all of these tricks and going really fast because ice skating is big in Maine and he’s acrobatic I recommend him for figure skating-Ethan holds Tyler’s hand like “it’s okay” but then he just drags him along because it’s easy on ice and Tyler’s like !!!!! Too fast-Ethan’s nose and cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink in the cold-Ethan steals Tyler’s beanies during the winter to keep his ears warm and buys both of them scarves with pictures of cacti or doggos on them-Does America have Christmas markets? Idk but it’s basically like a bunch of outdoor stalls where you can buy a lot of things like semi precious stones and intricate wooden boxes and glass bird figurines and honey candles and there’s always Christmas music playing and a constant smell of Glühwein and frying Kartoffelpuffer it’s great-But anyway tythan going to one of these and they hold hands while they browse the stalls-They find a lot of cool things so basically Christmas shopping for the gang-Mark’s house is honestly filled to the brim with mistletoe because they’re all little shits. The mistletoe is legit everywhere you can’t walk two steps without encountering another bushel of it (there’s some in the fridge too why)-Tythan decorating the tree!!! And explaining the story behind specific ornaments because many ornaments will usually have some story tied to it-Ethan excitedly running down to the stairs with Chica on Christmas morning and Tyler’s really tired like pls why-New Years kisses!-Ethan sledding down a hill and falling on his ass and when Tyler laughs at him Eth tries to tackle him so just laughing boys rolling around in the snow -Tyler just wants winter to end tbh because while he’s a fan of the winter Starbucks flavors he doesn’t like the cold
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delwrites · 3 years
Akaashi being your Roommate would include...
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otherwise known as another episode of me projecting <3
you guys are roommates from strangers, being housed together on a whim of panic of not having anyone else to go to
best choice ever
okay so we all know how perfect this man is
bestie it doesn't matter how messy or clean, loud or quiet you are, this man is gonna love you.
he finds cleaning really therapeutic, so if you are messy and have a messy room, this man will definitely find solace in helping you clean it, viewing it as the best bonding exercise there is
if you're loud,, no worries baby, Akaashi absolutely adores the background noise of you talking, singing and being your beautiful self,, he enjoys the comfort of knowing he's not alone
if you can cook, he really enjoys time spent cooking with you, if you don't however (join the club), he will insist on teaching you
and he would always try his hardest to eat with you, no matter what
mans just needs to make sure you eat :((((
he cooks you breakfast every day oh my gosh what a god
he just sees how tired you are in the mornings due to the lack of sleep the previous night, bubs is just trying to help you :((
and once he finds out just how bad your sleeping schedule is, he starts reading you to sleep, insisting the sleep is very important for your health (even if he barely sleeps too)
this man is lowkey a sugar daddy like just look at him
if you can bake oh my gosh get in his pants
he'd absolutely love any little treats you'd make specifically for him
you cannot tell me he doesn't have such a sweet tooth
watching horror films with him is the best, he enjoys it so much just because he gets to comfort you fjbfuy32fj0j9c
please for the sake of my delicate sanity please hang up his pieces of art that you can tell are his favourites, just around the apartment, in hallways and the living room, I promise you, he will cry.
I see Akaashi as someone who cries a LOT,, just only in front of selected people
he doesn't like to cry in front of Bokuto, don't get him wrong, its not that he doesn't trust him, its just that he doesn't want Bokuto to worry for him :((((
so when he cries in front of you for the first time, bestie just hug him and let him sob into you please you just mean so much to this beautiful man <3
this is my favourite ninoencoiniof but Akaashi secretly writing a poem about you :((((( and keeping it hidden under his bed in a locked box (beside his diary because bestie you just know he keeps such an aesthetic diary) :(((((
and every time he feels himself missing you, he gets it out and reads it over, maybe even adding more :((((
for your birthday/ Christmas, after you two are so tight-knit, he gives you the poem :(((( that's how much he trusts your pretty ass
this man has such calming music taste, he feels most content when he may be listening to a gorgeous classical piece, maybe Winter by Vivaldi, or maybe the soundtrack to a ballet, such as None but the Lonely Heart by Isaac Stern, playing with your hands as you both lay snuggled up to one another on the sofa, waiting for the cookies you'd just prepared together to finish baking in the oven, the smell nostalgic to him
you'd also go on dates that aren't quite dates so often, like once or twice every week, he'll treat you to a "hang" at the cinema, then a few days later he finds himself asking you to a new candle lit restaurant that just opened up around the corner of your apartment complex
yet he still decides to tell himself that he insists on taking you because he's never felt so close to someone else before, in a different way from Bokuto (and wHY MIGHT THAT BE AKAA-)
this man plays the violin. so. well. try tell me im wrong. go on. pm me. tell me how the fact I just told you is incorrect. you'd look stupid <3 when you both get closer, he'd give you private performances in the living room. bae if you don't appreciate them and hype him tf up-
the best four am therapist there is
it takes a while for him to confess to you, because he has trouble admitting his feelings to himself. he doesn't mean to, its just that this god has trust issues, and its difficult for him to believe he could have such intense romantic feelings towards you. just give him time bestie, give him time
is definitely a romantic, so to confess, he writes a little monologue to recite to you, during a home made dinner that he was to surprise you with once you got back home to him,
he had set the table perfectly, singular rose matching the bouquet he had bought to gift to you, candles scattered around as well as one placed next to the rose on the centre of the table
he had worked so hard on it, put so much effort into it
and you just know his confession shall be wonderfully worded and elegantly executed
when you say yes to him asking to be your boyfriend (not if, when), he wraps you in a loose hug, not wanting to startle you with any overwhelming physical attention (poor overthinking bby) and mumbles a sincere thank you in your ear.
this man is a keeper <3
this man makes me weep and he should make you weep too.
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ethereal-blossom · 4 years
HII so UUHHH i hesitated a LOT before sending this because I thought college is still slandering you 💢 and your availability to write but JWKDJSIS im gonna participate in your 500 followers event 🥺🥺 congrats again bby kissy 🤩💕💫
character: oda of course <3
uhh typical slytherin, not a genius lol,, but i can be quick witted I think.. i love doing analysis; story themes, characters, real people. those kind of things get me excited
im loyal, the ride or die kind. i can be super affectionate borderline romantic but if the favour is returned im super shy and become "rude" awkward 💔 almost exactly like Lucy to Atsushi i tell myself that im compatible with Oda because of his unlimited patience
this is shameful but i have low self esteem and overthink things. if it makes sense, probably not, I kin Akutagawa and Sigma/Fyodor
appearance i love: maybe that i roughly look like Yosano (or at least try to LOL) except im way shorter and way less hot i like my hair,, it's black, straight, and smooth. im not too ugly but not that pretty. just balanced.
hobbies/passion: i enjoy classical music (currently super into Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Giuseppe's Dis Irae, and Bach's Matthaus Passion. ok ignore these), fictional literature, and especially writing
idk about relationship lol, maybe a relationship? platonic would be nice too 👉🏻👈🏻 whatever you see fit dearie~ if these don't make sense then just ignore it ok ?????????
xx 🍒 (for the spice)
a/n: mon cheri🥺🥺 AND AHHH YOU'RE THE SLYTHERIN TO MY HUFFLEPUFF. also you sound absolutely fantastic. i actually gave the music you named a listen and ksjskaka it's so beautiful?? and don't worry, you make sense <33 i hope i did justice to your personality combined with oda💞 also, i wrote a relationship for the two of you because I SHIP IT.
oda couldn’t help falling in love with you. it all started when he saw you for the first time. he isn’t the one to think much about appearances, but when he saw you- there was something about you that made his heart skip a beat. maybe you weren’t overly gorgeous, but he loved the simplicity of your face. if he had to write about beauty, oda would write about you. 
this feeling only increased when he got to know you. he loved the way you analysed the people around you. it reminded him a little bit of himself.
nevertheless he also enjoyed hearing your views on writing, fictional literature, characters- oda could listen to you talk all day. he loved your logical way of thinking, trying to make sense out of everything. 
he also noticed how quick witted you were- and that was the moment this man knew he was whipped. you surprised him sometimes by your fast and reasonable reactions. oda’s lips would slightly part and after you made a quick fun remark of that, the only thing he could do was stare you intensely in the eyes. 
that was another thing he loved about you: how easily you seemed to read him. the way you paid attention to all of his features, the change in his voice, his body language- and you never missed the warmth that his eyes radiated whenever the man looked at you. 
oda found himself listening to classical music often now you were in his life. he could feel the passion and emotion in the music, it was fascinating. sometimes words weren't needed to tell a story. soon oda found himself listening to it daily with you by his side. 
oda was the first one to talk about his feelings for you. oda would let it slip through his sentences that he felt something for you and it became clearer every time he would look you with eyes that radiated warmth. although, he would give you space and time to think about it, knowing how much you overthink and how you can feel awkward with too much affection. 
but when you two got together- everything felt right. oda would find the perfect balance between being affectionate and making you feel comfortable, although his heart stuttered whenever you would act rudely awkward towards him since he was so soft for you. he was in love with every single part of you. 
the affection you would give him left him speechless and overwhelmed regularly. he accepted your love what felt like a warm blanket in a cold winter night. 
oda loved playing with your hair. it felt so smooth, he could run his fingers through your black hair endlessly.
your dates would probably be like visiting a book store or a classical music concert. you'll sometimes go to cafés with each other and have deep or light conversations.
as perceptive as oda is, he noticed the moments you would start overthinking. it was oda who would talk you through it, who tried to calm you down when your thoughts got too overwhelming or when you stressed about non existing situations. it was oda who got you through it. especially if it happened in public, oda would put a hand on your shoulder, elbow, leg, any small touch that could remind you that he was next to your side, ready to catch you. 
also, oda would in the most ethereal way describe how beautiful you were, how you finished him, how he admired you. he wants you to feel confident and beautiful. he wants for you to enjoy life, to find the reason to live.
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curious-menace · 4 years
Have I really ever requested one thing of you (the pegging telltale Riddler h/c)? Time to change that; let's see how the Eddies would respond to being told by their partner that they're a "bad boy" and "need to be punishment" (sexually, of course) - Pegging Anon.
I really enjoy these kinds of asks. honestly just give me a blank check for mayhem, unleash me upon the riddlers like a plague of locusts 
nsfw below the cut
Arkham! Riddler
please be careful with this riddler. He has problems reading peoples tone and if he thinks youre angry at him you're liable to send him into a panic.
he really doesn't like dirty talk. dont call him a slut or a whore or anything like that. Not only is it demeaning and humiliating( 2 things this riddler doesnt deal well with) its just a terrible way to get him to do what you want.
again, the idea of punishment in a sexy setting is a turn off for him. He’s afraid of being strangled or choked and he doesn't find being hit sexy.
to put it simply, this riddler reacts better to the carrot than the stick. if you want a good reaction out of him, praise and affection work better. call him a good boy, give him pets and rewards. 
IF you were to coax him into it, safeword, soft restraints and reassuring from you that everything will be ok, he’ll still probably cry. he might enjoy himself but the emotional stress will still leave him in an utter state.
i know some people use BDSM to cope with trauma but maybe dont try this on him. pitch the idea and let him mull it over. dont bring it up more than once or twice and let him decide
he always needs a lot of aftercare. he needs to be constantly reassured, not just after sex, that you love him , that he’s done well. lots of kisses and soft words and let him rest from the heavy stuff for a little while. 
Blacklight riddler
another riddler you need to tread carefully with. he’s a kinky shit but like...a soft kinky shit who bruises easily.
He wont need coaxing. its either a hell yes or a hell no and you shouldn't push that. He likes sex games but he’s got trauma, sometimes something that was fine yesterday is triggering today so please be gentle and respectful with him.
He doesnt mind being called a bad boy, just not too often. mix it up and don't patronise him all the time . you can tell him off without treating him like a kid. 
he likes edging and orgasm denial as a punishment. just dont ruin his orgasm or he wont let you do it again. 
please don't ever hit him during sex. a playful thump on the arm when he’s telling a bad joke is one thing but if you touch him roughly during the act, even if he knows its coming, he finds it triggering. 
He’s pretty exclusively a sub but don't think that means he’s into punishment all the time. mostly he just likes his dominant to take care of him.
BTAS Riddler
i feel like it would throw him for a loop. he’d be confused as all hell, even if you said it in a sexy voice he might not get the message.
 he’d probably scoff at the idea. the notion that he’s anything other than perfect is laughable. he’s certainly not some sort of bad boy. you should sit on his lap and get him on the same page as you. watch his mouth go dry and his eyes go wide as you explain all the things you're going to do to him for being bad. he’ll do his best to stay composed but we both know its you who’d be wearing the pants by the end of the conversation. 
he’d want to be tied up. he’ll be gibbering and rambling the entire time, desperately trying to stay in control of the situation.  He’ll try to do things for you but a gentle reminder that you’re in control and if he doesn't anything he’ll be punished more will have him biting his tongue. 
I think humiliation works best on this one. im imagining something with rope or his suits since he’s so fond of them. maybe try and make him cum while still clothed? maybe some shibari under his suit jacket? i’ll let you decide. 
he doesnt have a safeword bc he thinks its strictly a bdsm thing and refuses to admit he’s into that. he prefers to use the traffic light system. although you probably had to teach him that. before hand he was using some nonsense riddler made system involving humming different songs. ode to joy for fun/keep going and  vivaldi winter for slow down.  you will have to gently explain what a batshit insane idea that was. 
Original Riddler
I imagine he’d be into it, moreso initially than the others. He doesnt have so much emotional baggage and he’s game to try anything once. 
I dont know if he’d find the idea of punishment sexy but he’ll try it for you. he’d probably just prefer you to frame it as impact play or degradation or whatever “just because” you wanna try it. something about it being a meant as a punishment just seems weird to him 
he does like being called names but in a cute playful way. he’s not liable to take offence at anything you say, inside or outside the bedroom but digs at his appearance do sting a little. even if youre “in character” so to speak when you say them. just reassure him after that you dont really think those things.
He’s one of the tallest riddlers and also has zero shame so you’ll need to be inventive when thinking of punishments. tying him up could actually hurt him with his circulation, he runs around in glittery spandex all day anyway so good luck trying to humiliate him. 
Because he is so tall and strong, its hard to hurt him. you could try spanking him, ask him to count out the spanks and listen as his voice gets higher and more unsteady with each one. 
actually in that note and given his penchant for dress up maybe you could try sub/dom roleplay? pretend you're a doctor/nurse or something and you're punishing him for his bad diet? if the punishment thing doesn't work out at least you’ll both get a giggle out of it. 
Telltale Riddler
Oh he is absolutely going to fight you on this one “i think YOU'RE the one who needs punishing , love.” . if you want to punish him you’ll have to fight for that right
he’s never really subbed before he met you. He’s happy to show you how to punish a sub but he really needs practice letting someone else hold the reins.
he pretends he doesn't like dirty talk. if you get him riled up and start whispering filthy things in his ear he’s going to melt a little. 
I cant think of a specific he’d like or something he’d find egregiously offensive, so i think you've got a blank cheque for mayhem here. do what you like and he’ll tell you then and there if he’s into it or not.  
but no blinders or restraints though. he’s claustrophobic after being in that icebox. He IS an escapartist mind you. even if you put him in something he’ll have wiggled out of it before you can blink . he MIGHT tolerate something just there for aesthetics or because the fabric feels nice, like maybe his tie or your hair bow tied loosely around his arms.
in the same vein, he’s sensitive so maybe you could lightly torture him with some sensory stuff. ice cubes or wax play?
Zero year Riddler
i Cannot stress to you enough what a horny fuck this one is. at the mere MENTION of sexy punishment he’s like “oh yes punish me ive been bad “ wiggling his ass in the air like a target. will call you Daddy regardless of your gender because we all know he has  issues. 
He’s 100 percent going to lean into it, goad you and taunt you to punish him more, get angrier or hit him harder. he gets off on the pain, yes but he also just really enjoys being an insufferable shit. 
i dont think the traditional sexy punishment things will work on this one. youre going to have to get creative. like tell him you are in charge of his wardrobe and death traps for the week. 
something that MIGHT work would be forcing him to wear a toy or even just some lingerie under his suit. He’s going to be embarrassed as all hell because this riddler is a big buff cheeto puff who takes his appearance seriously. BUT he cant deny the thrill of maybe the lace poking out over his waist band when he bends or the outline of a bralette being seen under his shirt, isnt a little arousing.
please dont be surprised when he turns around a week later and pulls this exact same shit on you. 
there you go nonnie !  this one was quite a lot of fun! i have a rule of trying not to write more than 6 points for each but it was hard to compress down this time around. so much variety in personality and temperament in the one character there's a lot to write about 
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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coffintanz · 7 years
Review: Vivaldi die fünfte Jahreszeit 26-2-18
It took a few days, but here it is, my thoughts about Vivaldi die fünfte Jahreszeit.
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Something random that needs to be said first, the Volksoper is one strange building! I sat at the right side of the galerie, row 2, seat 6, and the people working there almost expect you to know where you are supposed to go, well, I didn’t, so I ended up hanging up my coat in the wrong cloakroom, but I found my seat eventually.
For the €21 that I paid I had an excellent view, I could see everything clearly and the stage felt very close to me.
The show:
The overture started and I was already a sobbing mess with a trembling lip. The massive joy of actually being there and being able to watch the show came out and the tears flowed. (I’m currently exporting the audio, and you can hear me occasionally sniffling for the first 5 minutes, so that isn’t all too great.)
I am going to do a lot of comparing to the CD/DVD, because that’s what some Vivaldi people here on tumblr also said, if you watch the DVD enough times, even the littlest detail that they have changed will be noticable.
Only 1 of the 3 girls from the girl band who first come up on the stage was someone I recognized, the other two girls were completely new to me. Forget the CD/DVD in terms of the music, there were so many sounds and elements in the music that simply can’t be heard on the CD and that in real life really pack a punch, this happened throughout all of the show, and sometimes my mouth dropped open because it sounded so different compared to the official recording.
Something that I noticed when the stage was turning is that the stage is tiny! The sets are quite simple, you’ve got the set with the Karlskirche, the study room and the wooden stage, and they are all simplistic but work well for what they are supposed to be.
Then we get to Drew, Drew is everything that I expected him to be and more. He is just perfect and in this show he sometimes sings a bit opera-ish, but of course there also is the classic Drew scream in Lebenslange Haft which was so freaking awesome, there are some other types of singing in this show which he also nails. You can see that he has a lot of joy in what he does, his laughs and little gestures during the show are typically Drew.
I’m gonna discuss the tiniest detail here, the moment when Vivaldi gets his revelation wasn’t very over the top like the gif that I posted a while ago. Also, Drew loves his cane! Every instance that he will get to tap with it he will use. And then we get the first scene with Goldoni. I love that he wears those stupid sunglasses in the beginning. Boris is such a happy chap and I love his chemistry between him and Drew. It’s a shame that he sits still for a lot of the time, but when he does get his moments to show himself, he really shines.
Brotlose Kunst was such fun, and here the strength of the orchestra could really be felt. And the reaction of the audience to the over the top look of Antonio’s dad was very funny. Vivaldi’s “ja” when Goldoni asks him if Ruffo did that certain thing wasn’t harsh this time, it was just a confimation and that was it.
Something I did not like was child Vivaldi, he only had 2 lines, and he sounded so strange! Then to continue with something negative, the beginning of Venezia when they all sing sounded very cluttered. But then we get to Drew in the skull shirt and everything is alright again ;) It was so relieving to see that my favourite songs were done so well. And Drew was so smug when the group of girls noticed that he was Vivaldi, I loved that moment. When Ruffo takes Vivaldi’s violin away, Drew’s reaction was very different to the one on the DVD, he was quite concerned about the violin in this one.
Lebenslange Haft is my favourite song of the whole show, and because I love it so much it went way too quick for me to fully enjoy it. It could be that the perfume of the lady next to me was really strong, but do they use real incense during the Weihrauch allergie scene? Because I swear that I smelt something. And that scene was just pure awesomeness and over the top and I loved it. And that laugh of Drew towards Ruffo when they do the sign of the cross, I’ve got no words for it.
Somewhere in the first act, Goldini accidentally dropped his quill, and it landed in front of the desk, but he didn’t notice, and so that was a bit of a strange moment when he wanted to continue writing but his quill was on the floor. The transition to when Goldoni comes up with the seasons idea was strange to look at because it remained dark on the stage, and although that’s the way it’s supposed to go, the audience reacted a bit weird to it.
The following tiny moment perfectly describes how I feel about Drew, when he lets the girls listen to his new piece of music, he had his one foot on the stool and the other he threw in the air behind him and it looked so silly but that is one of those moments when he takes his freedom of the role and makes use of it.
One thing is for sure, Rebecca Nelsen can sing! But unfortunately I don’t like any of the songs she sings. During Eine Locke für den Kaiser the scissor fell of the pillow and that was unintentionally funny. Sünder, du entkommst mir nicht was powerful as heck! I don’t really like that song, but it felt so dark and with a lot of doom and it was the perfect end of act 1.
Rom, stadt der Kastraten is another of my favourite songs and it was perfect. I got surprisingly happy after Rom when he jumped on the chair.
Then comes the part that I like the least out of the whole show because it drags too much for me, and that is Anninas Traum and Einmal im Leben, I couldn’t care less about those parts. But Heiß, heiß, heiß was surprisingly good. I really don’t like that song on the CD, but in real life it was so much better. And the audience totally wasn’t prepared for a sauna scene at all! It was funny to see their reactions.
I’m just gonna call Caffarelli the bird guy, I get that he’s meant to be over the top, and the whole scene is so over the top with the pink and yellow costumes but let me tell you, it’s VERY over the top.
And then after Ich bin Künstlerin we get to the last song of the show that is one of my major favourites. Die fünfte Jahreszeit, just like Lebenslange Haft went by way too quick to enjoy it fully. This song always delivers to make me happy and I’ve already said it, but the interaction between Drew and Boris is so lovely!
I’m just gonna skip over the last bit, I haven’t got much to say about that. So, to round it all up, it was so much more than I could ever have expected. My dream of seeing Drew in real life has come true, and it was a joy seeing him in such a great show. Vivaldi die fünfte Jahreszeit is a very unique show, and it’s definitely not for everyone, but I freaking loved it. Thank you to the tumblr Drew Crew for getting me into this show, I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t come across it on tumblr, and this experience of having seen it is worth so much to me.
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11 Question Tag!!
tageed by the ever-so-lovely and perfect @hearteu33! thank youuuuu!
Rules: Answer the questions you’ve received and create 11 more for the people you tag!
1) Best hair color on your bias?
inkwknuduinssnioojhbjysbuj black hands down oh my god mom i love him
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i loVE HIM
2) Favourite time of day?
right before bed because i can snuggle into my blankets and just rest and oof nice. either that or two am in my cold bathroom because that’s when my over creative imagination goes bonkers and vomits up fanfiction prompts.
3) Favourite part your bias has sung/rapped?
you are going to murder me at this rate, jess
hand down that one part in highlight where it goes
“i want to match you to my heart, just like the sunlight before dawn”
although any of lines in who are a close second (you didn’t hear that from me lmao)
4) Favourite soulmate marking to read?
i’m surprisingly enough not huge on fluff but i’m interested in the ones where whatever you write/draw on you turns up on your soulmate (rip soulmate, im not allowed to quote-unquote mutilate my arms that way) and the one where you can hear what your soulmate is listening to. i’d love to hear what their life sounds like but all they would hear from me is violin screeching and tinnitus.
5) Angst or fluff?
angst, hands-down
6) Favourite songs that not a lot of people listen to?
Winter by Vivaldi! i adore that piece but no one listens to it bc it’s outdated and supposedly boring. huh.
7) Favourite ice cream flavor?
birthday cake :D
8) Ideal first date?
i’d love a chill cafe date. those seem really nice and you get sweet cafe food too.
9) OTP?
i don’t have any kpop otps (although i’m a bit partial towards vmon) but hetalia wise, i like hongice, korice, hongkorice, luciano x kiku, sufin, hre x chibitalia.
10) Do you like the RS, green, orange, or white version of Teen, Age best?
i like all because they’re allowed to flaunt a different aspect of themselves in each one so i don’t think i’m especially partial to one.
11) Why are you so wonderful, and talented, and beautiful and such an amazing person?
wonderful: lmao what
talented: eleven years of shitty ass practice
beautiful: it’s my inner gay ;0000
amazing: looK WHO’S TALKING, BINCH
My eleven questions for y’all (ufufufu):
1) If you could tell your ult bias one thing, what would it be?
2) Favourite dessert?
3) Would you rather have your bias back hug you and have late night cuddles or a picnic date?
4) What is your K-Pop and non-K-Pop biggest pet peeve?
5) If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
6) Favourite fanfiction trope to read/write?
7) Is you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
8) What’s a weird but harmless secret you have?
9) Would you rather spend 10 minutes locked in a small room with your bias wrecker or have 5 minute fansign-esque session with yout bias?
10) OTPS and NOTPS?
11) What is something that makes you happy, no matter what?
TAGGING: @scoup-d-etat, @aph-piccollage-lockscreens, @sofiafabulousphan, @hallo-wen-junhui, @cococupcake17, @svt-seokhoon-17 and anyone else if they’re interested! 
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icharchivist · 7 years
Sooo we watched the end of the CA arc with friendos, up with Meruem and Komugi’s death. Here we go:
- Gon, as he leaves the castle with Pitou: “everything will be fine” A: “no it wont be”
-A: “this kid scares me…”
-Looking for the king after the explosion, A: “where is waldo in mont doom”
-T: “the King is as rotten than the yoghurt I’m eating”
-Pouf: “i know how to save the king” A: ‘as long as you dont play violin…’
-as Pouf and Youpi starts to feed themselves to the King, as we were eating, A: “i’m not hungry anymore”
-At Pouf orgasm they were speechless and burried their face in hands in horror
-T’scat ran away when Youpi and Pouf were screaming rip
-A: “was togashi on crack when he wrote this”
-A: “… i prefered when The King was dead” Pouf: “his powers are getting bigger” T: “oh ye this is exactly what was needed he was so weak before. everyone is screwed.”
-Pouf : “at this point it’ll take twenty minutes before going back to the palace” A: “oh it will fit another season”
-Pouf: “i have five minutes to kill Komugi” A: “and hide her body and the gungi?- not a good plan”
-Meruem: *starts to get used to Youpi and Pouf’s powers* A: “Please just tell me the king won’t play violin”
-Meruem: “it doesn’t make any sense” T: “hxh in a nutshell”
-Killua, on God’s speed, at Pouf :“i can go on running from you all night” A: “Thats a lie Killua”
-Pouf: “i have a plan” A: “oh no he will play violin”
-they really love palm now
-they are getting horrified by Gon’s breakdown
-as Pouf laughed: T: “what weird kind of cicada- picture finding that in your bushes in summer, laughing like that” and then he immitated the laughing.
-As Gon started to use his power and it was explained that it was the whole Nen’s A condition for an end, and how the stronger the thing you give in the stronger you will be, so Gon is giving his life to defeat Pitou, A. Immediatly went “please no one tell Kurapika” ljdfjkhdf
-A: “Killuaa please come fast”
-Gon-san: “I’m okay...” A: “STOP SAYING THAT NO YOU ARE NOT”
-As Gon blows himself up, T: “how is there still… how are they carrying in the anime”
-A: “how are people still alive in this world, this is the second bomb in three episodes T: “how did Gon survive this far”
-T: “how are they planning to erase Komugi entierely her smell must be everywhere”
-Pouf: “we must make sure that Pitou doesnt tell the King about Komugi” A&T: “Don’t worry about that.”
-Meruem’s aura is turning the colors of the bi flags and A went : “is he turning bi? it’s a bad news it would mean he will survive. he thought about it that asshole”
-As Meruel picked a target, at once, both of them: “NOT THE OCTOPUS”
-A: “i’m impressed at how the arc was written, this is such a huge work!”
-Episode name : “The Limit date” T: “see like i said, like my yoghurt”
-T: “so much happened since the Hunter exam… wow..”
-T: “what abour Gyro?” Me: “It seems to be a set up for a future plot.” T: “the writter is quite something, the amount of writting in it…”
-T: “But most of the chimera ants we saw are dead at this point..” A: “Except that fucking Koala. what happened to the Koala” T: “thats true we hadn’t seen it again..” Me: *takes my phone to type it in the recap* T: “something will happen with the Koala??”
-T: “the only one of the guard still alive is the butterfly… i didn’t expect that” -A: “well 6/7 of one”
-Narration: “We are worse than the ants” A: “i wouldnt go as fa-” shows: *shows the bombs* A: “okay except once in a mountain house” (Note: It’s a French Meme that would basically mean “okay it happened once but actually it didn’t happen once and it was something horrifying so it’s not like it’s okay” I legit can’t translate it dkjfhdf)
-As Pouf was telling his feelings again for the King, T. started laughing. A: “and the violins again….”
-As Pouf starts to talk about his secret and Meruem starts to get mad A: “com’on meruem its the last guard remaining be careful about it”
-Meruem: “All i want is see Komugi. thats all.” T: “Thats… almost too cute..”
-During the Palm and Meruem’s conversation. Me: “can’t believe Meruem forces her to come out the closet” A: “her lipstick is too cool for her to be straight anyway.”
-as Meruem and Komugi are sharing their last moments: A: “it was.. beautiful” T: “it seemd like the end of the anime…” A: “the anime cant end until we see Leorio. he would have come fighting the prince with a wooden spoon tho.”
-At the end of the arc: T: “wow… that was really powerful” A: “ye.. you’re not disappointed of the end of your arc”
-They went on to make me listen to some themes that inspired hxh music. Pouf’s “In the Castle” comes from l'Estate by Vivaldi and the Zoldyck Theme is like the Dance of the Knights from Romeo and Juliet neat
So we stopped right as Komugi and Meruem dies because it seemed a good way to end the session and it was really intense after all.
Watching it together was extremely interesting tbh. I mentioned some of the anti-war subtext and the Meruem/Gon parallelism, and we discyssed about it a lot, and they really find it well thought of and well written, which makes me happy.
We also talked back about Gon’s development toward the serie and how, if you’re used to shonen basically you can sometimes overlook all the clues that would drive him this far in the end.  A. Especially kept repeating all the time she found this kid scary and was often expecting him to blow up anytime and... well..... 
They were really touched and serious during the big scenes, it was really intense and emotional.
It was a great sessions o/ 
Only 13 episodes left... :DDD
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
KAAAT! Nigel Kennedy is coming to Salzburg (idk if you know who that is but he's a famous classical violinist and he's SO GOOD) in like two weeks and he's going to be playing Vivaldi's For Seasons with a full orchestra and I just 😭😭🤧🤧 I'm like 99.9% sure I'm going, but I just wanted to let your beautiful classical violinist self know I THOUGHT OF YOU INSTANTLY WHEN I SAW THE PROMO FOR IT. Hope all is well with you dear. Hopefully we can catch up soon!💛💛
ASKDJSALDJALSFJ ARE YOU GOING?? listen you have to go if you can and if you can afford it. i saw the london symphony orchestra perform the four seasons wayyyy the hell back in 2012. i lost my ass at like...500mph over this because it was so beautiful. heres the thing: if you go, you have to go ok. if you go you need to come back here and tell me all about the ENTIRETY OF WINTER and the second and third movement of autumn FUCK AND THE SECOND MOVEMENT OF SUMMER listen im dying ok lmao im so jealous. my classical violinist butt is GONE. also my bae
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mothman-on-ice · 7 years
Tagged by my lovely @1800-gay-for-mothman c:
RULES: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put you music and shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
1) I bet my life - Imagine Dragons.
2) Tears - Dramatical Murder OST.
3)  When I was your man - Bruno Mars.
4) Miles Away - The Main.
5) All Star/Midnight City remix.
6) Immer Sie - Dramatical Murder OST.
7) The Four Seasons - Vivaldi.
8) In the end - Linkin Park.
9) Untouched - The Veronica’s.
10) Dark Necessities - Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I tag @spaceygh0st @berrybri @im-batt-mellamy @trancymanormadness @trans-boy-yuri @nico-nico-nii-angelo and if someone else feels like doing this, go ahead!!!
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icharchivist · 7 years
Ayy saw friendos today again, we watched a bit more hxh, from ep 118 to 127 - we had to stop this one in the middle tho djkhfkhjfd
So so far, we watched more of the Attack on The Castle stuff, up to Netero’s blowing up.
So as usual, A. = Her, T. = Him
-As Brovoda shoots Ikalgo A: “NOT THE OCTOPUS” T: *to me* “If i learn you lied to us about the survival of the octopus istg I will cook you into an octopus sushi for lying to us”
-T: “I’m not even on tumblr and yet im gonna be known as the Octopus lover”
-T. kept making bad french puns about Ikalgo and the fact he’s an octopus (poulple in french, which lead to him saying Poulpe Fiction)
-T finds Knuckle’s technique as adorable as annoying. When Youpi fakes being angry against it, he said “I wouldn’t have to fake it tbh”. he also said Knuckle could copyright the cute yet annoying concept
-As Knuckle is having his life flashing in front of his eyes before hitting Youpi for Shoot: T: “That’s not the time to fall in love Knuckle”
-As Knuckle says he’ll die, A: “OH NO”
-At Killua coming to save him, A and T were speechless, A’s mouth opened wide with a smile before saying “THAT’S some good stuff!”
-A: “He’s been going through a hard time - No luck, Youpi he’ll put it all on you.”
-A: “Killua, it’s when he’s calm that you have to worry. the issue is that he’s mostly calm, also when he’s angry.”
-A, as Killua covers himself in electricity: “oH I SAW THIS GIF A LOT ON YOUR BLOG”
-They are amazed by Killua’s power, they find it cool af. but i love A’s : “And then they say Kurapika is op???”. i love my friends :’D
-they yelled “oh no” when Shoot’s technique disappeared out of Youpi, thinking he’s dead
-T. squeeed at the way Ikalgo walked ahah
-T. is threatening Brodova by telling ways to cook him, I’m concerned
-As Ikalgo is in trouble, A: “you didn’t lie to us right??? nothing will happen to the octopus?? i don’t care about the others”  Me: “you yelled when Shoot and Knuckle almost died” T: “Sure but it’s okay if they die if octopus survives” A: “i mean I’ll survive people dying. just not him. please”
-T: “[Brodova] doesnt have a face so his acting must come from his antena”
-As Ikalgo cry because he’s too weak to kill someone, T: “noo he’s so pure! It’s not a weakness to not kill someone, it shows humanity. or octopusity.”
-Morel: “could Pouf be tricking me?” A:“I’m always expecting the worst of shaiapouf”
-As Knuckle discovered Shoot disappeared, A. facepalmed
-As Pouf divided himself in multiple mini-him: A: “it’s a nightmare. It must be one. that’s the creepiest power yet”
-The violin keeps playing and it’s inspired by Vivaldi. T: “it’s a shame. i liked Vivaldi. but that was before. or well it’s not really Vivaldi or else i would have destroyed that butterfly.”
-About Pouf, A: “CAN SOMEONE BREAK HIS TEETH ONCE AND FOR ALL” T: “Go crash yourself on a Car’s glass like the fucking butterfly you are”
-About Hina, T: “Aww she’s cute” A: *shakes her head*, T: “Not cute?”
-As Pouf devides himself again: A: “as if one wasn’t annoying enough.”
-Still about Pouf, A: “Kill me if you want but never play violon again”
-They were so glad Knov saved Shoot ahh
-We reached the mistranslation about Killua saying he wanted to die for Gon. when i explained it, A said “so it’s completely canon”
-A: “There’s a lot of word to describe Gon, but “under control” isn’t one of them”
-Gon at Pouf: “Shut up” T: “you’re asking a lot. next you’ll ask his violin, it’s all of his personality”
-When Knuckle released his technique to protect Morel, A. remained with her mouth wide opened in shock when T. said “the fuck”
-they are so hype about the Netero v Meruem fight.
-A: “Netero fucking fight with socks and no shoes”
-T: “We got this far for a ted talk?”
-T as Netero starts using his powers: “It’s so good so pretty! so nice to see omg”
-they yelled when Netero told the King “do you want to know your name?”
-We always skip the opening but T. started dancing on it
-Also he tried to prononce what Potclin keeps saying, adding “me, checking my bank account”
-As Ikalgo gets attacked, they’re worried aldhdk. when he said “I’m not dead!” T. said “Me after writting law essays”
-When Palm comes back in the story: A: “i don’t know who she is but i want her lipstick”
-As Palm arrives, T: “new look for a new life”
-As Killua realizes something is wrong with Palm: T: “I’m just gonna say, he thought about how it would affect Gon first. just saying. it’s sad for her because he doesn’t care for her but… ye”
-A: “you think too much Killua. I’m that close to say that it’s because you think it’s better than handling your emotions”
-As Palm and Killua start talking, A: “She seems calmer…” T: “dunno… I’m scared there’s no music”
-Palm: “No point in keeping those emotions inside or resisting them…” A: “you should listen to her Killua” Palm: “It includes killing you!” A: “...Until that point”
-A: “oh great we needed another problem”
-A: “Palm looks like she’s out of Coraline”
-As Killua broke down, they both were really quiet. A. eventually said : “let it all out Killua” with softness. they both seemed quite sad about Killua’s state
-As Pouf says he wants to rule alone with the King, A: “how many people are doing their coming out this arc?! like, Killua we knew for a while but now it’s canon, but between Knuckle and Pouf now…”
-A., seeing all of that, is curious to see where Leorio and Kurapika’s relationship could go on considering where Killua and Gon’s relationship, and probably from the fact I ship them and they know it. I had to tell them that While I ship them, they have far less content and far less obvious material and that it was up to interpretation, even if to me, they have a relationship i have more interests into. but ye, less material. to which A. replied “at the same time Killua and Gon are completely canon. the only way it would be more canon would be with a kiss and even that we got one! so less content doesnt mean much” it made me laugh, but ye, still told them this is far less obvious and up to interpretation. rip.
-As Pitou is begging for Gon to not be mad at Pouf, A: “she’s making her case worse”
-As Gon restrict Pitou’s time after the Pouf’s incident, showing he’s in controle of the condition regardless of what the enemies would try: A: “It reminds me of a certain person who puts his conditions before anything the enemy has to say. to the point of hanging off the phone.”  i love my friends alhdkd
-A: “Gon lookd like Killua when Killua is about to do something that implies something bad for someone…. like killing…”
-A:“With the two kids being emotionally unstable, i feel like the others hunters are just trying to handle bombs that are about to explode…”
-A. is getting some pleasure to see The King being beaten up ahah
-They find Netero’s technique too amazing. A. wonders whats the point in putting so much nen in the earpierces
-As Netero’s theme starts playing: A: “Did they summon Chrollo for the chorus”
-Apparently this theme is inspired by the requiem of Vivaldi. My friends are amazing and i love them for noticing those stuff.
-They laughed and put hands on their faces at Netero’s heartshape
-T. says his fav characters are Ikalgo, Netero and Nobunaga.
-after the fight, the King still asks for his name. T.: “it’s Asshole. Piss of a Cow”
-They… were speechless suring the explosion. like “whaat”
-A: “I have a question. How are people still alive in this universe?”
That’s about it? About all I noted at least dkjfhdkf a few things were very french jokes rip. Also some IRL stuff were happening so dkfhkjdhf
But ye :D It was a tons of fun!
Next time we should get done with that arc.... :D Hype.
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