#im likely keeping 1520 as canon but changing it so it lands properly
I wrote this about 4 days ago to myself-
“I’m writing this damn fix-it because at this point, im out of hope for the finale. Cas is dead, they left a bunch of plot holes, and the ending isn’t going to solve any of them, so I’ve decided that John and Sherlock eventually fall in love with them raising Rosie, and Dean just went to save Cas and bring him home to tell him how he feels and that’s just what happened, I do not make the rules. Mofftiss and all the writers at Supernatural are a bunch of queerbaiting idiots who don’t know how to wrap a story up and follow through on queer chemistry so-” this aged so horribly and yet so well Don’t get me wrong. I really did enjoy the finale. It was emotional, and it hit the marks, but as many things, it was good in theory and bad in execution. Is it how I would’ve written it? No, but it had some high points for me.  Dean’s scene was heartwrenching. The acting was superb. The dialogue sent nostalgia and sorrow through me like a truck.
Sam’s scenes? Well, I’m going to throw shade at the wig because you just have to, but again, not terrible in theory. Seeing him and Eileen together and raising their son, Dean, that’s poetic and what Sam always wanted.  Castiel back with his son who obviously didn’t just abandon him to the Empty, fixing heaven, the place that was corrupt and horrific to him, anything but heavenly to him, for so many years? Poetic. But so much of it fell flat because of how it was executed. We didn’t see Cas, didn’t even get a “Hello dean” off-screen, didn’t get informed how, or when, or why Cas was resurrected by Jack. We didn’t, because of Covid, get to see the people we lost in Dean’s heaven. We didn’t even get a photo of Sam and Eileen, or Sam teaching Dean 2.0 ASL.  Idk. I loved the finale and yet I will likely never rewatch it.  And don’t get me started on that Dean survived angels, demons, monsters, God Himself, to get taken out on rebar. No. As a Dean fan, I refuse that. Again, good in theory is dean dying on a hunt, bad execution is him dying, not in saving Sammy, or a good hit from a monster while he saves people, but from an accidental The Last of Us Style impaling. I know a better ending would be happily ever after with TFW 2.0 but even if they wanted the same plot as the finale had, it could’ve been altered just ever so slightly to hit the marks for fans and not leave us feeling *gestures at tumblr* like this. Just No. All in all, I give it a 6/10. So, now that I’ve digested the finale and I can come on here and see the memes and laugh, I’m going to fix it. I’m making a video to give us visual satisfaction and I’m likely gonna’ write a fix fic. 
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