#im like that meme of marge covering her face
pig-wings · 2 years
I. I don't want the w//btoons red h//od: outlaws series. I don't want it.
Edit: ok I guess its rebirth team but. Still
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i can SENSE the hate anons im gonna get for this but FUCK IT i don’t care it’s important. copy-pasted from a DM with my friend. i’m not gonna tag her bc i don’t want to make it easier on people to be assholes, but she did agree to having her name in here.
also bc i was like "im smart and that means im better than you" bc i was insufferable full stop lmao
I had an "I'm the smart kid!!" phase and oh god [Marge covering face meme]
it's why i dont like annabeth lmao i see too much of my younger self in her
Frick I can't stand her because when I first read the book I know I loved her, I loved all "smart girl" characters
But once I realized I'm not that (or white or light eyed or blonde or beautiful) it all went to pieces
oh mood
my catalyst was i grew up with the books, so as i grew i related to annabeth, and then......i grew up, and she didn't
Now all I can think is how prideful she is and I know that's her flaw and all but it's so condescending and I hate it. I never thought seaweed brain was affectionate it was demeaning
She didn't change!!!
it never clicked for me that we were so dissimilar in the physical aspects bc back then i avoided thinking about my appearance as much as possible, but i did notice that as i grew out of my pride and need to be better than everyone around me, she....didn't
and honestly as i started growing up and realizing percy was like a mix between myself and my younger brother i just disliked her more bc of how rude she (and honestly literally everyone else) was to him
Oh boy I . Due to external factors you already know I was pretty much constantly concerned about my appearance
once again im on my "percy isn't stupid y'all are just mean" soapbox
you're right and you should say it
right!! there's more to being smart than knowing a lot of book stuff, because books are biased and history is written by the winners
ok so annabeth and hermione granger
they're both the smart best friend archetype
I'm Listening
but while annabeth never grew UP she just grew OLDER, hermione did
as she said in the first fucking book, "Books, and cleverness! There's more important things, like kindness and bravery, and---be careful!" like im paraphrasing bc i really only remember the first part but that's the jist
hermione, as she grows up, realizes some extremely key things that annabeth just didn't.
authority figures (the teachers in hermione's case, the gods in annabeth's) aren't always right. in fact, sometimes they're wrong, but nobody really realizes.
sometimes adults can't be trusted to do the right thing (to be fair annabeth DID kinda get this one, but honestly only because there ARE no adults beyond chiron and dionysus in camp half blood)
sometimes the only one who can get something done is yourself. if you see injustice, whether it's small (like someone calling your best friend a delusional liar) or large (umbridge's whole thing), it's your responsibility to do everything in your power to correct that injustice.
there are more important things than being smart. being smart is fine, but if you're prideful about it to the point you reject criticism on principle, you're not going to be in the right.
and by small things i mean things that affect one person, in your immediate life, whereas the large things affect more than just you
in annabeth's case, a couple examples would be, say......i dunno, the lack of a hades cabin??? the fact that the minor demigods had to stay in the overcrowded hermes cabin????
like im not saying annabeth COULD do something, i'm just saying there's a CHANCE
she was at camp FAR longer than percy, she could've petitioned the gods for more cabins, or at the very very least permission to expand the hermes cabin. she could've even brought it to mr d and asked HIM to do something, but she DIDN'T
because "that's the way it's always been"
She's literally so accepting like
Maybe because it's not a problem for YOU sis
and im just
like hermione saw the enslavement of the house elves and even though her methods could've used some work (she could've TALKED to the elves first, or tried some sources other than her own biases and pureblood wizards) she still tried to DO something about it
CLAPPING!! I've decided I stan Hermione
or how she kept lupin's secret, because even though a LOT of people use that as "proof" she "respects authority too much" it was because it WASN'T HER SECRET TO TELL
it'd literally be outing lupin without his permission, something EXTREMELY dangerous when the ministry is very trigger happy on killing dark creatures like werewolves
i love hermione granger so much
She's got white privilege vibes I'm not gonna like .. that scene in Mark of Athena messed me up because she's like "boohoo everyone thinks I'm a dumb blond because I'm so blond and white and blond and beautiful and blond" and it's like... This book is filled with stereotypes about the Latin, Asian, and black characters... Am I expected to feel bad for you because you're conventionally attractive????? Seriously?
and YEAH she had her immature moments and im not saying she's infallible while annabeth is an irredeemable troll, but hermione GREW UP
YEAH god i hate that
She's human and has character development!
i will admit i see hermione as black i just hate how she-who-shall-not-be-named decided to address it by saying "i always saw her type of character as black" but the fact is, harry potter characters aren't described as well as the pjo characters are
and yeah a lot of that is due to writing style, since pjo is first person, but STILL
annabeth babe ur a blonde white girl from virginia forgive me if i don't feel bad for you
Oh true true, but to be fair HoO got to take turns
PJO puts such a huge emphasis on character appearances it's unreal
im at that point where i cherry pick from riordon canon and i elected to ignore most of hoo lmao
me holding jason close: stay back r*ck and shut up
probably bc percy isn't about as observant as a brick unlike SOME people harry
im once again thinking about latino percy sdhkdsh
ANYWAY hermione and annabeth are two sides of the same coin send tweet
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