#im like ''it MIGHT go well but it's likely to go WORSE so let's prepare''
inkskinned · 2 years
i couldn't really do optimism, it felt stupid to me. i am hopeful by nature, but not optimistic. optimism feels like closing my eyes. it feels like doing subtraction and calling it multiplication. it feels like the type of romantic even poets can't be.
but how are you supposed to recover without optimism? without that sense - eventually, good things will happen for me. i couldn't even type that sentence without hissing through my teeth. it feels so - sorry, holden caulfield - fucking phony.
i like cautious optimism. i like testing the ice. i have this thing where i can't really picture a "best case" scenario without knowing i'm jinxing the outcome, so instead i think - what is something i would like to happen, and how would i get there?
that's the thing i feel control over - doing something to get there. it's easier to picture myself, deer-legged and balancing; rather than having fate scoop love and virtue onto a plate and feed it to me like grapes. it's easier to picture a world that's still-pretty-bleak, but one that i am trying to be good in. one where the actions are mine to complete.
i would say i'm realistic about the world. i almost never find myself saying this is going to be amazing. i am often instead planning for the worst situation, and saying; well, as long as we're all surviving. i don't push myself towards any specific goal or dream. i am swinging from branch to branch, quietly enjoying the trees. i have never pictured that there's an end to the jungle. mostly i'm just glad i spend less and less time picturing falling.
the thing about cautious optimism is that it's also more forgiving. i don't assume i'll always have the energy to brush my teeth. optimism is buying the planner and making new friends and signing up for a thousand activities and redecorating. optimism peters out after a week. instead, i give myself the credit for just-doing-the-little-things. despite having no time for failure, i spent wednesday on the ground, staring at nothing. but while i wasn't hungry, i did make sure to eat something.
how many times have i said "recovery isn't pretty". most of the time it does feel fucking ugly. but there's this little glitter about cautious optimism - she says well, but you did try. and maybe tomorrow we can do 1 more beautiful thing. she sees me sitting on the bare floor in dirty clothes and she says you're resting. she sees me eating 3 cookies for dinner and says aren't they tasty? she tells me to view the things in my life not half-full, not half-empty. instead, she says. the glass is neither empty nor full, but at least you're drinking :)
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nightsmarish · 5 months
Summary: after talking to Regulus, you both decide to take the offer to stay with the Potters, and barty gets thrown across the slytherin table by Evan
A/n: very focused on Reg for some reason, not 100% sure why, but it's lovely, also we love bestie barty. ALSO ALSO, reader is aggressively, very aggressively, hinted to be slytherin
Poly!moonwater x reader (Remus lupin x regulus black x reader) | 1.4k words
Tw: toxic family, running away? Family disappointment, ect. Barty jinxing Gryffindors for sport and an owl flying into a chess game
Asked to be tagged: @misacc08
It's finally two weeks until the end of this year at Hogwarts. Class times have been filled with going over study guides and reviewing for the final exams only a few days away. 
Neither you nor Regulus have said yes to staying at Potter Manor this summer. Despite James being very adamant about it.
“I’ll just mention you blokes might be joining us.” James told you when you visited Gryffindor table one morning, as he wrote his parents. 
“No, no, let ‘im. No harm in it? Is there?” Sirius cuts you off, feet extended to rest on the bench across the table from him. 
“But Mrs. Potter shouldn’t prepare an extra room if neither of us will be joining.” Your points are acknowledged when James hums to confirm he heard you, but his quill never stops moving.
Remus has been looking at you the whole time. Not in a creepy way, you're both pretty sure not in a creepy way at least. Just in an undivided attention way. Practically ignoring the other two boys to admire you, other than when he occasionally slaps away Sirius’ hand on his fifth attempt to grab Remus’ food. 
You look down to where Remus sits as well. Honestly, he's not that much shorter than you sitting down, but wherever. Your hand that's not holding the strap of your bag gently scratched the hair at the base of his head before kissing his cheek, mumbling a small promise to see him during your study time later. 
It's not like you don’t want to go to stay with everyone else. It’d be amazing; it really would. But the idea of going when Regulus stays at the Black House feels wrong. You know being with your parents won’t help him, nor will being at James’ house, but it feels wrong. 
Remembering how destroyed he was when Sirius left. When he came back to school, you two hadn’t known the Marauders like you do now. The anger he knew was misplaced, but he couldn’t help but feel abandoned by Sirius. You remember it—the crying, the way he couldn’t focus until a month into school. And you remember Sirius being disowned.
And maybe that's part of it too. The idea of being disowned. Even if you know they are horrible people, people you don’t wish to be related to. The idea still makes you sick. Their horrible and evil, but dear Salazar, parent approval is so addicting and you hate how much you still want it. 
So which is worse, feeling like you betrayed one of your boyfriends, or your parents disapproval? 
“Regulus?” You keep your voice low in the library. The aforementioned boy looks up from his textbook sitting across from you. Remus, next to you, pauses, moving his quill to focus on you two as well.
“Yes?” His voice matches yours, despite being a little more stiff. 
“I wanna talk about it again. About James’ house.” You rush the words out. Probably because you know Regulus will want to shoot it down immediately.
“Love, you know I’m not going.” He sighs, sitting up straight in his seat. 
“Why? Why not go?” 
"Dove-" Remus tries to interject, not sure how well direct confrontation will go after Regulus has already denied it far too many times.
“What would I do?”
Both you and Remus pause, looking right at Regulus. Who stares right back at you.
“What do you mean?’ Remus says what you think.
“I leave, I get disowned, I lose the family fortune.” There are unspoken words there; everyone knows. He loses the Black name, he loses the reputation, and he loses everything he ever knew. Sirius had always wanted to leave; he had dreamed about it long before the possibility ever even crossed Regulus’ mind. The older Black had an idea of what would happen long before he left. Regulus hasn't gotten that right. 
“We can figure it out when we get there, love.” Remus rests his quill in the small ink pot, reaching both his hands to cup Regulus’ hands between his own. 
All three of you stay silent for a second, Regulus looking down at Remus’ hand covering his own, you staring at Regulus, and Remus looking between the two of you, trying to figure out what to do. 
"If..." you sigh, shifting in your seat, “if... you go... I’ll go, and we can figure it out together.” 
Gray eyes shoot up to yours. “Are you serious?” His voice is unsure, like you're going to take your offer back for no apparent reason. 
“Yeah. I’m scared too, but I don't think I can bring myself to go back, not this time. But at the same time, I won’t be okay with going if you don’t go.”
Remus takes a deep breath, one hand still holding the younger boy's hand, other moving so his arm wraps around your shoulder, gently rubbing your upper arm. “So, it's settled. I can tell James.” 
“Thank you,” You whisper, and Regulus takes one of his hands from the lycan to intertwine your fingers. 
The letter felt wrong to write. Less than a week before you're off to Potter Manor is when you get a response.
You're sitting at the Slytherin table in the morning when the letter holding their response arrives. Your owl landing smoothly, unlike the poor Hufflepuff owl you see sly head first into a game of Wizard Chess.
The seal of the letter belongs to your family, and it's painfully obvious. Regulus had gotten his response within a few days. Hurtful and harsh, despite never reading it yourself.
Looking around, Regulus is watching Barty, who is sitting on the long table rather than at it, cast small, mostly-hopefully harmless jinxs on a few older Gryffindors who haven't seemed to notice who's doing it. While Evan is whispering more and more jinxs for Barty to use.
Deciding that you might as well get it over with, you break the wax seal. The letter was nothing but vile, as you expected, the threats, the anger, the disappointment. Yet, you are honestly relieved. Like a huge, bolder is off your back. Sisyphus would envy you.
"And what do you have? A secret admirer? Are you planning on finally leaving the wild beasts you call boyfriends?"
Barty turns his attention to you as you finish reading, snatching the letter to inspect it.
"Ew, is that from your parents?" Evans nose scrunches up, noticing the names signed at the bottom of the parchment when he leans over Bartys shoulder.
"Yeah, I wrote them last week that I'd be staying with the Potters this summer, and they finally got back to me." Your voice remains surprisingly even, despite feeling somewhere between calm and like you're going to vomit, cry, and punch a wall.
Evan and Barty continue to scrutinize the letter, the phrasing, and how your mother writes the letter S weird. While Regulus leans closer to you.
"Everything okay?" His quite, a stark contrast two the boys sitting acorsd from you as Barty pushes his boyfriend off the seat for something or another and Evan kicks a little too close to Bartys dick.
"Yeah, it'll be okay." You hum, scooting closer to the pale boy, "would you and Remus want to come stay at my dorm tonight? At least for a little? Serenella and Iris are both going to be out all night."
"Of course, love. I'll grab Remus after charms and we can meet you there before dinner?" A soft kiss is placed on the top of your head when he finishes his sentence.
"That sounds good."
The peace of the situation is cut off by Barty falling off the table towards you, taking you down to the floor with him.
"God damnit Barty!" A smile far to big for the situation paints your face face.
"Evan threw me, gem! He tried to kill me! I'm wounded." Barty sits half on hus knees, half laid out on the gross Hogwarts in such a pathetic manor Regulus chuckles under his breath.
"And I'll do it again idiot!" Evan sits back on his spot at the long table. Huffing while smoothing out his hair and uniform.
"Oh God, gem, I won't make it." Barty throws himself onto you, your back to the ground as you laugh. "If I die will you leave your loser boyfriends to join me and Evan?"
"Okay, junior, that's enough." Remus appears in your vision, slightly nudging Bartys side, like touching him too long will make whatever is sodding wrong with the boy rub off on him.
"Hello, big boy." Barty stands up and takes you with him, dusting off his and your clothes. "You know, both of you could leave Regulus and-"
"Okay Barty!" Regulus pushes Barty to sit back down, shutting him up as he begins to bicker with Regulus next.
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angelcakegirl · 3 days
ʚ recognize ! ɞ
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fboy!leon kennedy x fem reader
wc; 2k
cw; smut (mdni!), p in v, unprotected, degrading, hickeys, re4r leon but in college au!!!, ooc leon(he's kinda icky), mentions of substances(alcohol n cannabis), i made leon a tits guy sorrryyyy
note; so sorry if this is kinda shitty im rlly sick rn n i wrote this at like 3am ;((( i rlly luv fboy!leon n just shitty leon in general so enjoy!!!<3
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you hate leon is putting it real nicely. you loathe that man! he's a freak!! (in a literal sense too, he'll fuck whatever can breathe). to put it simply, he's a notorious man-whore around campus. sure he's attractive! but he's always rude, always judgey, and always horny. wouldn't be a shock if that man had a disease by now...
you were always a good girl. you tried to stray away from all the recklessness of life and focus on yourself, on your studies, and your future. the future meant a lot to you! okay?!
that didn't mean you could just stray away from any and all social interaction forever– as much as you wanted to. so you agreed to put on a slutty cop costume on the big night of halloween, and go to a party with your girls. you'd never turn them down! besides, how bad could that be?
so you sucked it up and went to the party. the place had blaring music, tables full of booze, and a few blunt rotations happening around the place. honestly, you never understood the point of doing this all at a party. would the alcohol not taste the same at home? would the cannabis not hit the same?? whatever, guess it doesn't bother you.
and the second you entered the place, there went all your friends now making out with random guys. really, this is why you didn't go to these places. same reason as before, why bother going to a party if you're just gonna end up alone? might as well just be alone in the comfort of your dorm! so you decide you'll just walk back. well, not yet. first make use of some of the free drinks lying around, then walk back.
so you pushed past the crowd of drunk party goers and make your way to the kitchen. pouring yourself a drink in one of those basic red solo cups. straight out of a party scene in an all-american college movie. as you took a sip, you suddenly felt someone push your head from behind with a finger, causing you to spill your drink all over your costume.
"hey! what the fuck was that for?!" you immediately turned around, preparing to scold whoever it was before rushing for the bathroom. instead, you're met with snickering from that stupid bleach-blonde boy. "you stole my costume." leon spoke with that same stupid smirk he always had.
you immediately scoffed. "excuse me?" and glanced him up and down. yeah, he was a cop too tonight. and obviously it was also slutty, but in attempts to get laid tonight. much different than your intentions! "so you spill my drink on me because of it?"
"yep." he said with a sly grin. the audacity! but whatever, you don't need unnecessary negativity. like, it's a fuckin' costume, get a grip bro? you push past him and make your way to whatever bathroom was available. albeit, it stunk of sex, but it works. you just gotta wash off so your shirt won't get all sticky, then leave. simple as that.
that was until you were met with a bit of banging on the door. probably two people out there waiting for their chance to get in, were people really that desperate for sex? just go home!! but no matter how many little occupied!'s you yelled, the knocking was persistent. okay, maybe someone needs to throw up or something? you unlock the door to let them in, only to be greeted by the one who caused this mess.
he swiftly shut the door, locking it behind him before coming to stand by you at the mirror, cleaning off your shirt. he immediately begun his stupid snickering again, "that look's worse than before." as he nodded towards your shirt. you wanted to kick him in the balls and tell him off, but he was honestly right on that one. the stain only got bigger, due to more liquid just being added. "whatever, this is literally your fault." yeah, like you care to hear his opinion!
he only continued to smirk at you through the mirror. goosebump inducing, really. he looked good but you had to remind yourself to stand on business! "you seriously think i care about a stupid costume?" he laughed a little more. "you look great tonight, princess. not as great as me... but still great." ...what the fuck were you hearing right now?
"you think i look good yet proceeded to ruin my clothes? doesn't sound very believable, leon." he looked at you as if you were the stupidest person in this room right now. "how else would i get you alone if i didn't?" he continued to grin at you. okay! you had to be going crazy at this point! "okay, so you did this to be alone with me and... why?"
leon shrugged, "you look hot and your tits look big." great. here you thought you were gonna get a good answer. yeah, no way this was happening! you immediately scoffed and went for the bathroom door knob, "bye!" but he stopped you by your wrist. "nuh-uh, you don't go anywhere yet."
you turned to face him and honestly... he was looking real sexy right now. but no! that had to just be your girl hormones talking, cause no way. he looked down at you with a straight face, before slowly beginning to smirk again. that stupid smirk might as well be his resting face at this point. "so, ya' gonna let me hit it or what?" honestly, you'd never agree to this!... you think. maybe it was the lighting in here making him look more appealing than usual, or the sexual music playing right outside the door, or the fact that it's been a hot minute since you last got off but... yeah, you caved.
as he took your small, embarrassed nod as his yes he was quick to press his lips to yours. now both moving in rhythm together as if you were made for this. he was quick to introduce tongue, making out with you as you dug your nails into his shoulders, but he couldn't have that. he pulled back, allowing you to catch your breath while his much stronger hands went from your waist up to your wrists. grabbing them both and pinning you to the bathroom door just like that, before bending down to press wet kisses down your jaw and neck. letting you whine and groan all you want. honestly, the melodies you sung went straight to his dick.
you tipped your head back, allowing him to more access to your neck. and he took this as his go to start sucking down on the skin, painting you with a few hickeys which will be embarrassing walking out the party with later. as you continued to let out a few strings of whimpers from the assault on your neck alone, he begun to snicker against your skin. "relax, girl, barely done anything yet." however, he wasn't complaining for sure. the sounds were one big ego boost to him and again, a giant boner booster as well.
his last hickey was placed right on top of the plush of your breast, which your low cut costume showed off anyways. thank god pushup bra's exist! he was quick to swing you back over to the counter, letting you watch yourself in the mirror. "s'gonna bend you over this counter like the slut you are, yeah?" if anything, he was the slut here! he chuckled over the clicks of his belt coming undone. "can't even recognize you right now." you'd much rather just not speak. mind too foggy with lust.
he easily ripped your little fishnet tights off you. whatever, they were from the dollar store anyways. and slid down your pink panties, chuckling when he saw the wet stain within them. "aw, all this for me?" as he sneakily tucked them into his pocket. as he freed himself from his pants, he nodded towards your shirt in the mirror's reflection. "take that off. wanna see those tits bounce." always swore you'd never listen to a man, yet you were quick to do what he said. he grinned when he saw them out. quick to give one a little slap, just to see them move around a bit.
he swiftly grabbed both your wrists in his one hand, noticeably very big. pinning them both down to your lower back. "it's a shame neither of us got handcuffs on us, huh, cop?" he joked as he pushed you over, using his other hand to push your skirt up to reveal your sopping wet cunt. he let his cock head glide against your folds, collecting some of your arousal on it. even rubbing his tip against your clit just for your own sake which sent jolts of pleasure through your body.
when he finally pushed himself in, you immediately gasped feeling that burning stretch. no wonder he always had girls on his dick, this thing was huge! real thick, too. he gave you a second to adjust, before slowly pushing in and out of your cunt. feeling your velvety walls stay nice and tight around him.
the feeling was all too much. moaning out, you let your head drop forwards to hang low as he started up his thrusts. which earned a tsk tsk from him, his free hand which weren't holding yours moved from your hip to your jaw, now holding your head up to make you watch yourself in the mirror. "need you to watch, can you do that for me, pretty girl?" you were fast to nod through moans, his words alone were giving you a clit hard-on.
he quickened his pace of thrusts. his talk continuously degrading, but with such sweet names in the mix. "taking this cock good, huh?" he spoke through little grunts. "like such a good slut. ye'made for it, baby." really, you shouldn't have gotten as tight as you did upon hearing that. feeling your walls squeeze against him did a number on leon, causing the blonde to throw his head back momentarily. "fuck– it's like she's sucking me in." he moaned out. and as in she, he obviously didn't mean you.
the room was filled with the lewd sounds of skin slapping and the squelching sounds your cunt made for him. that, plus both your moans, of course. maybe be a little grateful that the party music outside was loud enough to cover this all up, okay? he continued his thrusts, noticing the way you were getting closer. he's done many girls before, of course he can tell by now. his hand snaked down from holding your head up, to your clit. (but also giving your tits a quick squeeze as he moved), where he begun to rub you just in the way he learned majority of the girls he slept with liked. that, paired with the way his cock head kissed your cervix did a number on you. "you like that, baby? gonna cum all over this dick?" you made it very apparent that you in fact loved it actually, by the way you moaned his name and writhed for him.
as your orgasm began to topple near, leon found himself getting close too. really couldn't help himself, your tits in the mirror were just to mesmerizing. when he was really close, balls heavy with cum, he began his dirty talk again. "gonna cum inside this pussy, yeah?" he grunted. "like she's made for me, take it all." the sex was just all too good, and you were being sorta a pushover right now, so you really didn't care at this point!
his words pushed you right off the edge, as you began to writhe and cry out while you creamed around his cock. he took this as his cue to finally cum himself, throwing his head back in a low groan as he filled your cunt. "oh, fuckk yes–" he moaned out as your babbled through your orgasm, calling out his name and his only. that shit alone got him going as well.
as you both came down from your highs, he let go of you. quickly getting his pants back on. "well, i gotta bounce," he said in a hurry.
at least he did the you the courtesy of pulling your skirt back down. "hasta luego!" he shut the door again, leaving you in the bathroom of a party, out of breath, with his remnants spilling out your cunt. how fucking rude.
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cod-dump · 7 months
🔫 i demand a immediate continuation of teen!au roach!!!! ((only if you feel up to it and have time if not im sorry for *bugging* you))
Roach (teen!Ghost au)
It was a strange morning. Nik was nowhere in sight and John was quietly preparing breakfast.
Farah was the first down, wondering where Nik was and why the coffee pot wasn’t on. Kyle was down next, half asleep and unaware of the changes as he sat at the table and slumped over. Farah wouldn’t say anything, just stare at John. When Simon came down to let Riley out into the garden, he noticed Nik’s absence.
“Where’s Nik?”
John slowed his movements before he started making plates, “Something… came up last night.”
Kyle perked up awake, Simon’s anxiety spreading to him. John’s silence made it worse, which he realized, so he quickly started to explain in order to calm them.
“He’s fine, he’s actually in the bedroom.”
“Did you two have a fight?” Farah asked, concern deep in her eyes. She had plenty of experiences of fighting parents.
“No, no fight. Just Nik’s usual antics and… well, I need to call Kate.”
They all stared, looking at each other as if the other might know more to what was happening. John gave them all plates before he made another. When he walked past them all to go upstairs, that’s when their suspicion peaked. He didn’t eat in bed, neither did Nik.
“Is someone up there?” Kyle muttered, unable to find the will to eat.
“Has to be.”
Simon was very quiet, staring at where their father disappeared to. Everything was so out of place that Riley came into the room. He was being trained to not be in there when they ate but he was confused with the lack of the usual breakfast chaos. Simon just passed him a piece of toast, the pup taking it gently before he ran off gleefully with his spoils.
An hour would pass and the three barely ate even half of their food before they heard someone coming downstairs. John re-enters the kitchen, standing in the threshold as if he was meant to prevent them from coming through to the hall.
“Kids, we… have a guest. He’s staying until Kate can come and sort out his situation.”
Their attention was directed to a very happy Riley, who was trying to play with someone. They assumed it was Nik until they saw tiny hands pet him.
They collectively gasped, Farah pointing past John.
“You have another child-“
John sighs, “Nik found him.”
Kyle had leaned down from his chair in order to get a better angle and see the kid in the hall. They made eye contact and the boy abandoned playing with Riley and ran to into the living room. There was a grunt and quiet Russian. He ran to Nik.
Simon blinks after hearing Nik try to comfort the child, looking at his father with wide eyes, “When I said I liked being a big brother, I meant that as I like Kyle and Tommy.”
John glares and Simon looks down. He sighs after a moment, knowing Simon didn’t mean it to be rude and was definitely in shock of a child becoming a surprise housemate.
“He’s not staying long. I… Kate is going to see to making sure he goes to someone who can care for him. She’ll probably call a friend of hers to help.”
The boys look at each other, Farah making a face as she thinks. No more words would be exchanged on the subject between them, at least not to John. They were quiet and made themselves scarce, allowing their young house guest to have space.
The boy had been with them a little under twenty four hours and he had not spoken a word. They had no idea what his name was and where Nik found him didn’t give any answers. They didn’t know how old he was other than he was a small boy, they didn’t know if he could read or write considering he never reacted to the note pads or them gently asking if he could write his name.
They knew nothing about him and John couldn’t help but worry. This little boy, found by a group of thugs that were probably speaking a language he didn’t understand. John wondered what he had gone through, what he had seen.
“When did Kate say she’ll be here?”
Simon was attempting to befriend the nameless boy, five or six hours after he and the others learned of him. John gave him some credit despite his approach being similar to what one would do with a stray dog. The boy wasn’t very fond of letting him get close and would dart away if he made one move out of place.
He was determined, he’ll give him that.
“Later tonight, I believe. She has to wait for Alex to get out of band practice before she heads over.”
“Nerd,” Simon muttered, remaining on the floor as he watched Riley make fast friends with their house guest.
John sighed, he couldn’t handle another kid. He adored his sons and Farah, but to add another child to the mix? One that is younger and at a different point in his life than the others? It seemed too much but… he had a hard time turning away those in need. And even though the kid wasn’t trusting of him, he was in need.
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vonpharma · 1 month
sorry im late my bank account was fucked and i needed to be mad for a while. here's something from my day 9 of sicktember!
Rolling to her side, Maya feels the congestion shift in her skull, bump into the back of her eyes before sinking down into one nostril and damming it fully. The movement burns as it comes and goes, sparking into a horrible itch that builds and builds and builds, and the tissue box is on the other side of the bed, and all Maya can do is curl into herself and sneeze desperately and viciously into her bunched-up comforter. She doesn’t have to look at the aftermath to know how disgusting it is—it’s been like this all night, tossing and turning in her empty apartment in a desperate attempt to get even a few minutes of rest.
Looking past the cover of the blanket, she can see her phone flipped onto its back, in desperate need of charging. She can’t put it on the charger, though, because to put it on the charger would mean to touch it, and to touch it would mean to fight the biblical temptation to open and check it, and Maya’s not strong enough to resist or brave enough to face what she might find there.
Instead, Maya stares. Stares at her phone in a hell of her own making, breathing painfully through her mouth and running through invasive thought after invasive thought that tells her she blew her chances for good, flaking out the way she has. Downhearted, Maya lets her eyes flutter shut in resignation, trying to guide those thoughts toward anything but Franziska von Karma. 
Franziska von Karma and her silky-rich voice. Franziska von Karma and her curving, enchanting accent. Franziska von Karma’s long, elegant fingers, her always-shimmery hair, her conniving half-smirk, her crystal-blue eyes—
Maya’s phone vibrates, several inches away. It tickles at her cheek, brights her eyelids in the split second before they snap open, before she dives for the thing and flips its pink finish back. In the haze of illness, her oversore eyes need a moment to adjust—she fumbles with the arrow keys, desperate to check her texts. At 2% battery, she’s on an unfortunate time limit, and so she races to her messages and selects the newest one without processing anything about it and sees—
[MagiSteel Trashlord]: Good afternoon, Maya. Forgive me for contacting you unprompted like this, but I was wondering if you were still at the Cerise address?
Right. Just Edgeworth. Who was she to expect anything different?
Feeling twice as low as before, Maya replies with a simple ‘yeag’ and closes out of the window. Whatever plans he wants to make, they can wait until she’s done mourning all the face-sucking she’s not doing with his crazy-hot sister. 
And Maya knows. She knows she shouldn’t. She knows it isn’t going to make her feel any better… but if her phone is already in her hand, she might as well check. Get it out of her system, and get back to wallowing and eventually moving on.
An attempt is made to take a deep breath, but it really just ends up making her cough the second it hits her tender throat. Regardless, Maya powers through—clicking herself one down to the message she’d sent at six in the morning. There on the lip of her bathtub, hair dripping a puddle onto the failing bathmat as she shivered. Her clothes laid out on the counter in preparation the night before—she would not be late, she would not get distracted, she would impress the pretty girl with the eye for perfection, enough that maybe someday she wouldn’t have to.
So much for that.
Hovering over the send button for what must’ve been a good hour. Jaw set, face tight, trying not to cry—crying would just make the headache worse, and she only had enough tissues in the house for a breakdown or a common cold, not both at the same time. Poking and prodding at the phrasing, the word choice, the grammatical structure—things Maya never even dreamed of caring about before she met Franziska. Why do I care so much? Why do I want her to like me so bad?
A thirty-third readthrough. Above her, the failing bathroom fan stutters in tandem with her wavering heart.
[Me]: Hey, Franziska, I hope you’re doing well. I’m really sorry to bail on you like this but I caught a pretty bad cold and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting any better. I feel like hot garbage and I figure I’m not exactly date material right now, you think we can reschedule? 
And there at the top of her screen it remains.
Maya’s almost grateful for her dinosaur of a phone. If she lived in a world of read receipts, she’s certain her despair would be tenfold, right now. For so long she’d given Nick shit for that dilapidated brick he carried around, but knowing how anxious of a creature he could be, maybe he was just being smart. More likely, he’s just a notorious cheapskate, and skimping on tech comes with at least a few benefits.
Defeated, Maya snaps the thing shut and throws an arm over the pressure bursting behind her eyes. By now, the sunlight has crept in through her dented blinds, illuminating the offwhite of the walls and turning it into a sleep deprivation chamber. Maya knows she’s not going to be able to squeeze any more rest out of this day.
She should get up and fix her fitted sheet. She should get up and throw her snotty blankets in the wash. She should get up and plug her phone in. She should get up and answer her door.
Instead, she just lays there, an invisible weight balanced on her chest. The bathroom fan is still humming. The traffic outside joins it. The knocking at her door grows urgent, and in her head Maya wills the solicitor away. No one should be forced to see her, right now. She barely wants to see herself.
Gripped loosely in her fingers, then, her phone vibrates.
Another deep breath. Maya thumbs the thing open, poised there on her one-sided plea for even a modicum of Franziska’s time. She’s ready to hit the back button, certain it’s just Edgeworth following up, already having accepted her heartbreak when her eyes fully adjust again and—
[Prosecutie]: Answer your door.
Her phone dies.
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lunicho · 9 months
hii hope ur doing well today hh <3 i was watching some bnd videos and….. can we pls talk about jaehyun….. jaehyunnie….. puppy 😞 i can’t stop thinking abt overstimulating him till he can’t think straight pls he’d be the cutest sub :( n he’d be so messy too, i can see him sobbing n trembling whenever he’s in ur mouth and he tries so hard to be good but he cannot help but cum bc he feels so !!!!!!, moving his hips so desperately but he’d apologize so quickly too pls how could u not forgive him </3 it’s so early and i’m alr daydreaming abt him byeee
— 🫧
(send bnd asks to @angeltsan)
hii 🫶 im in a pretty good mood cuz i actually slept rlly good. hope u had or are having a wonderful day !!
sub jaehyun :(( he's the cutest,, cries so easily too. he gets desperate so fast so the moment he's close to cumming he's begging u to let him release and he's such a good boy so you let him ofc but what he doesn't expect is for u to keep going,, he wanted to cum so bad so maybe he should do it again? he's already so squirmy so you gotta be prepared for him to be even worse when he's overstimulated,, he just loses it a little and tears would stream down his face and his voice would be even raspier than usual,, i feel like he also loves to hold ur hand or some part or ur clothing or at least have his hand on ur thigh or smth,, whatever it is he's gonna grip onto u so hard when u do this to him. when u take him into ur mouth he just about passes out,, he'd be mindlessly babbling and he might even put his hand on ur head/in ur hair so if u told him not to touch u that's gonna be another thing he has to apologize for but he just doesn't know what to do with his hands!!! and he'd be mindlessly babbling so much he would be so out of control :( but that's the way he loves it,, he's definitely the type of sub that's not bratty on purpose,, he'd do everything out of pure desperation,, he didn't mean to cum so fast his body just got ahead of him,, he didn't mean to put his hands in your hair he just couldn't figure out another way to express what he was feeling,, he didn't mean to sob so hard but ur making him feel too good :(
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noellefan101 · 10 months
Baby Sitting Is Not Always Easy
Characters: Klee, Qiqi, Sayu
Summary: you were asked to baby sit them, how did it go?
Warnings: fully platonic!!, not romantic, reader is not the traveler, bombs(klee), maybe ooc
Note: i wanted to do smt for the kids, so here i am. if you think of them romantically, get out of here, pls. (Man I hate writer's block, I have litterlly no ideas for anything) updated with: wtf this is so long ago im finally f*cking done, luv you
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You were so kindly asked by Jean and Albedo to babysit Klee for a few days/you don´t know if you regret that or not/since it was a busy time for the nights, and you were their best option that weren´t too busy.
you didn´t do much the first day, other than trying to get Klee to not bomb something. and then getting her to play small games all day instead, so you played hide and seek for at least a few hours. in the middle of a game of hide and seek she got a little distracted with some crystal flies in the area, and started trying to catch some for you. she eventually caught one and showed it to you, and then made you get down to her level so she could put it in your hair.
What she enjoyed the most: she mostly enjoyed it when you let her bomb something, even though it was just a ruin guard(it was away from people, and couldn´t harm anything). and she also loved to make glitter bombs with you, though now there´s glitter all over you both.
"If big brother albedo and all the other nights are busy again, could big sibling y/n come and babysit Klee again" that´s what she asked you on the way home, with her best puppy eyes i might add.
It was really hectic in the pharmacy, so Baizhu kindly asked you to look after Qiqi for a day or two, since they were all busy and also didn't want Qiqi to work too much. Although she wanted to help.
What she enjoyed the most: she really liked when you helped her gather some flowers for Baizhu. she wasn´t asked to do it, but she overheard some of the workers there needing some more flowers for someone's medicine, so she wanted to help out. but of course, she was under your watch, so you helped her get them.
She got distracted a few times, by finces, pretty flowers/veiws, and ofc Yao Yao, speaking of Yao Yao, she joined you both half way since she had also went flower collecting, as she wanted to make a flower crown for granny. and she was helpfull for sure, especially with keeping Qiqi occupied and not getting distracted as often. she had to leave at some point though, so you helped Qiqi say goodbye and get the last few flowers before carrying her back to the pharmacy.
When you got back Qiqi was about half asleep, and was even worse at remembering things, but it was fine, and you would totally do it again.
"if Baizhu is... uhm extra busy again can you... look after Qiqi again?" she asked just after you had gone collecting flowers with her how is a zombie that fucking adorable.
you were asked by the Kamisato siblings, and Guuji Yae herself, to babysit Sayu for them. of course you accepted the task (otherwise you wouldn´t be here, duh) and were told to pick her up the next morning. as they were all going to be busy with preparing for a festival that's coming up, as well as with the rest of the shrine.
the first day was rather normal, for her at least. she slept through almost all of it, while you just carried her around, and did some other tasks you also had to do that day.
the second day was the most interesting, in your words. maybe it was the fact that she had to do some training. or maybe it was you cooking for her, cooking whatever she wanted. but she loved the food you cooked for her, and even wanted to try herself. so you taught her how to cook some basic recipes of your own, she was pretty good at it, but was very tired after the first two. so you put her to sleep for a few hours, and then you could continue after if she wanted.
What she enjoyed the most: the thing she enjoyed the most was(ofc)sleeping, on your lap to be specific. she normally sleeps a lot but it just felt better on your lap that day, especially because nobody could come and annoy her about work.
"y/n? can you come and babysit me again? i would love to sleep like this again" she asked while half asleep in your lap.
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Thank you for reading this "small" fic of mine, luv you-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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multi-fandomsfreak · 2 months
For my silly delusions
Can you make romantic horror peach x [female] reader fluff/sfw?
Prompt: it's the first date in their relationship and it's slightly awkward considering neither of them know what to say to eachother and it's the first date they ever had in their lifes, the date in question takes place in a amusement park or carnival [takes place around night time if you're doing carnival]
This would make my day if you do this because i got a crush on horror peach and I show no shame in it :3
Going On A Date With Horror Peach
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
Honestly I’m in the same boat as you. I’m so gay for Horror Peach it’s surprising. Im gay for Peach in general. I have no reason to deny it. Hopefully this does her justice and you enjoy this. Also I did carnival hope you don’t mind 👍 ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mention But Reader Is Referenced To Be Female
Warning: ⚠️Mentions Of Threatening Someone (Not Towards Reader)⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Horror Peach
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Me + Banner by LuaGhostk on Pinterest
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- Today was the night. You and Horror Peach were officially going on your guys first date. Honestly you never thought you would get to date the lovely princess let alone swoon her over. But you couldn’t help it. You found her so interesting and captivating that you couldn’t help but get to know her. Luckily the feelings were mutual. She really liked how upfront you were towards her. I can imagine her being the type of person who appreciates honest and upfront personality in a relationship. Especially if it was coming from you so when you asked if you two could go on a date she happily accepted. The two of you had agreed on going to a carnival and went our separate ways so you two could prepare yourself.
- At first you were filled with joy. The fact you managed to have a night with her made you feel proud of yourself. You honestly didn’t think she would accept considering what she is known for. But as you started to prepare for it started to sink in more and more that this was actually happening and not some sort of dream. This is when you started to panic slightly. You wanted to make sure you looked your absolute best. You started to panic about every single thing that you can possibly think of. You wanted to get her stuff you knew she would like so the date could go by better.
- I can imagine Horror Peach being a little panicky herself. I like to think she’s a BIT of a perfectionist. She needs everything to be perfect and going her way or else she might lose it. She wanted to make sure that the night was perfect for both you and her so admittedly she was a bit panicky in that sense as well. It was even worse considering it was a date with you, a beautiful woman . But regardless she had to go through with it so she put on an outfit most suitable for a carnival and headed towards the area with you going the same route.
- When you first saw her in her outfit you couldn’t help but look at her in awe. She looked absolutely beautiful and to think she dressed like this just for you. Admittedly you kind of felt a little self conscious seeing how good she looked. You could feel a slight blush forming on your cheeks and butterflies in your stomach the longer you looked at her. Eventually you managed to snap out of your thoughts and walked up to her, clutching the flowers you had for her in your hand. “Hey…Peach” you managed to croak up which caused Horror Peach to whip around and was immediately in her words blessed with your presence. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise seeing you all dolled up just for her. Even the simplest things like the way your hair was done was enough to swoon her all over again “well hello there dear, you look beautiful tonight.” She chuckled to herself a smile forming on her face as she looked you up and down. You felt yourself chuckling out of embarrassment feeling Horror Peach’s eying you up and down “Thanks, you look really good as well” you exchanged your compliment while extending the flowers towards her to which she thanked you happily taking the flowers. “Are you ready?” Horror Peach asked to which you gave her a nod and headed inside the carnival.
- Immediately as soon as the two of you entered you were already captivated by the scenery of the place. All the things that the two of you could do together that admittedly it kind of overwhelmed you. Plus it didn’t really help the awkwardness between the two of you. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy being next to her, of course you do. It’s just this is the first time you have done this with her. You don’t really know what to do exactly to make sure she’s enjoying it. “So…what would you like to do first?” You asked slightly awkwardly trying to break the tension between the two of you “well…I guess a rollercoaster wouldn’t be a bad start” she replied back sensing you trying to break the tension.
- I feel like Horror Peach would be the type of person that wants to sit in the front just to enjoy the thrill of the rollercoaster first hand. But since you're here alongside her she wanted to make sure you were alright. She understands that some people don’t like rollercoasters and since this was her first date she didn’t want to give off the impression that she didn’t care about you. Even on the way to it while the two of you were in line she kept asking things like “are you sure about this dear?” Or “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” She wanted to affirm to you that she was there for you and you couldn’t help but fall more in love with her every time she tried to comfort you despite you telling her you’ll be fine. Even to the point of her holding you hand tightly on the ride as the two of you scream from the thrill before laughing at the fact the two of you screamed.
- I feel like due to her nature she would LOVE those haunted rides. Of course she’s a demon so she’d love them but just like the previous point she knows some people don’t like them. As soon as she sees as much as a slightly worried look she would insist that you don’t have to do this and just like in the previous point you have to tell her that you don’t mind. Even though you may slightly be scared but with Horror Peach with you you could felt more at ease.
- I also like to think she’d be a fan of Carousels or Ferris Wheels. Although they don’t create much of a thrill like something a rollercoaster can, when it comes to things like just enjoying what she has or just wants to enjoy some time with a friend or in this case you her lover those are the exact type of rides she likes. I can imagine you and her patiently waiting while holding each other's hands while having something like candy floss/cotton candy in your other hand then entering the ride. Feeling it slowly go around as the two of you enjoy the view from up above. The lights from multiple stands and rides lighting up the ground below you. Even either you or her just resting yours/her head on the other's shoulder as you look up at the stars thinking to yourselves as how lucky the two of you are.
- When it comes to those types the games that you swear are rigged e.g. ring toss, hook a duck etc. You can bet your ass you’ll be winning because Horror Peach will be threatening them. As I said before, she's a perfectionist. If either you or her are trying to win something for the other she will threaten them to let you win. If she is trying to win she can easily use her powers and pretend that she won but in your case you might not have the powers she has. So as soon as she sees a frown on your face because you failed she immediately goes into protective mode and starts threatening the person in charge of the game saying some shit will go down towards them if they don’t let her girlfriend win. She will continue doing this until the game owner cowers in fear letting you win. Meanwhile, she has a smile on her face as if she didn’t just threaten to kill someone but she doesn’t mind it if it’s for you.
- I feel like if there were food courts at the carnival she would definitely go for the sweet type ones. Ironically considering who she was I like she would still have some characteristics of Princess Peach. Since Princess Peach is pretty known for liking things like cakes I feel like Horror Peach would go for things like that. Things like candy floss/cotton candy, caramel apples, ice creams, slushies, fried Oreo’s and more. She doesn’t go for those greasy foods because she’s afraid it’ll ruin her outfit. But she’s more than willing to get it for you if that’s what you want.
- Overall, the two of you had an amazing time. Despite the slight awkwardness at the beginning. You two found yourself enjoying the night giggling to yourself about the fun the two of you had. “I had a fun time with you [Name]…” she said having your arm in hers holding you tight “we should do this again maybe just the two of us” she said giving you a genuine smile of happiness to which you give her one in return “yeah I’d love that as well.” You replied as the two of you left the carnival.
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samcscreams · 1 year
I got this idea from @krikeymate here
“Are you sure you really want to do this?” Sam asked as she walked hand in hand with her younger sister 
Tara just looked up at Sam and shook her head with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Okay big girl. Go give it your all” Sam kissed Tara on the forehead as she ushered her off. 
Tara had recently become infatuated with soccer and insisted she try out for one of the local YMCA teams. Of course their mother was nowhere to be found so Sam took it upon herself to take Tara to try outs. 
Sam’s chest burned as she watched Tara run with the other kids, as she was already a head small than most of the players. If Tara got hurt Sam would never forgive herself for taking her to tryouts. But those big brown eyes, how could she say no. 
That was two years ago.
Tara was now a star player, the fastest on her team. She mainly played striker after the one incident where they put her in defense and some kid from the other team rammed her so hard she flew out of the field. Tara was completely fine but Sam had a “talk” with the coach after that. 
Sam was at every game and practice with anything and everything Tara could need. Snacks? Check. Water? Check. Ice pack, Sun screen, extra inhalers? Check, Check, and Check. Some of the parents eventually try and talk to Sam but she’s not there to socialize. She just wants to watch her baby sister be the star that she is. A couple parents are almost intimidated by how prepared and supportive Sam is. How is she already a better parent than they are? 
The whistle blows and that’s half. The team hustles in for a water break and a pep talk. They're only up by one so they need to stand their ground in this next half. 
“Great job guys. As a reminder let's keep our eye close on number 18. They’ve got a great cross and we can’t be caught off guard.” The coach is optimistic about his team winning in the second half. That is until the refs pull him aside. 
“Sam” Coach called 
Sam confused got up from her place next to Tara and walked over.
“So I know what we talked about before with Tara and everything. But there’s this rule that the Y mandates.” He hesitated to finish his sentence 
“What’s the rule?” Sam asked feeling like something was wrong
“I have to put Tara in as goalie. Now before you get mad, if I don’t we have to forfeit the game.”  He grimaced at Sam waiting for her to blow up. 
“What kind of stupid rule is that?” Sam wasn’t as mad as she thought she would be. It could have been worse. Honestly out of any news he could have given her it was the best. The goalie is protected more than a regular player. Sam was more upset that Tara would have to play a position she’s never played before. 
“I know its dumb but rules state every player in the under 10 bracket have to play every position on the field to make it fair. I put off placing Tara in goal as she’s well ya know. Small” 
Sam didn’t know whether to agree or be mad the coach thought less of her sister. 
“She’ll be fine. Just let me tell her.” Sam said walking away 
“Hey baby girl I know this might not be what you would like but your coach has to put you in at goalie for the second half” 
“What why?” Tara groand at the idea 
“Its some rule the program has in place. Every player on the team as to be goalie at least once.” Sam stated 
“Aww fine. I really wanted to score again.” Tara had a passion in her eyes that made Sam buzz with delight 
“You can score every goal next game.” Sam said giving Tara a little nudge 
“Well if goalie is what they want goalie is what they’ll get. Im small so they’ll underestimate me. Then i'll show’em who’s boss.” Tara was determined to be the best goalie she could be. Her team was gonna win and she would protect the goal at all costs. It couldn’t be that hard she thought to herself. She’s watched her sister for years. All she has to do is what Sam would do. And Tara did just that. 
If a player broke through there defense Tara met them head on. She new the closer she was to the player the bigger her body would be in the way of the goal. She made five saves. One was a bad kick and an easy scoop. Two were her quick thinking and kicking the ball out and the other two were half way decent shots. Tara was so proud of herself even if she wasn’t scoring to help the team out she was protecting their goal. 
Sam thought she might pass out. Tara had full forced run at two people sliding to get the ball. She could have easily been hurt. Sam didn’t take into consideration how often Tara would be running and sliding into danger while playing goalie. She knew she was probably over reacting but still. 
“Corner Kick” Yelled the Ref. 
Corner kick Great… Sam thought to herself. She couldn’t even see Tara anymore amongst the players crowding in the box. Sam looked at the score board 4-3 and a minute and 30 seconds left. Shit, it’s now or never for the other team to tie.  
Tara found herself crowded with players from both teams. She couldn’t even see over anyone to where the ball is coming from. But that didn’t stop her. If she couldn’t see the ball then she would listen for it. She closed her eyes and focused on a sounds of the grass. Then she heard a big swish and thud. They must have kicked it. Tara looked up to watch the ball fly threw the air. If the player wasn’t on the other team she would be impressed with the control and power of the kick. When the ball landed everything went slow-mo. Every one looked around to try and find the ball but Tara saw it first. Being lower to the group allowed her to see through the crowd and find it. Before she could even think twice Tara dove for the ball. She looked down and she had it. She actually had the ball! She was about to get up when she felt a striking pain shoot through her torso over and over. Then WHAM. She couldn’t see. The pain traveled through her nose to the back of her brain. It knocked the wind out of her. Tara opened her eyes to a girl kicking the ball in her hands over and over again. (Which is illegal by the way) She had missed one of her kicks and kicked Tara square in the nose. Tara felt the blood leaking down her face as she stood up. She felt wobbly but noticed she still had the ball. She ran forward and dropped kicked it as far as she could. The players chased after the ball leave Tara along in her goal bleeding profusely. 
Sam didn’t breath until she saw her sister again. Once she saw tara break out of the masses ball in hand she jumped with glee. Only to be halted as she was staring from the side lines she saw red. Blood. Taras face was covered with blood and and it was all over her jersey. Sam was certain Tara would be crying if she was bleeding that badly but her sister just stayed in the goal eyes every so carefully watching the ball. Sam lunged forward but a hand came out of nowhere holding her back. 
“Let go” She growled 
“20 seconds and we win. Tara did good. You running on the field would causes, problems” It was the coach holding Sam back. He was right. Tara seemed to be perfectly fine other than the blood loss. She wasn’t crying or seemed to be in any pain. So Sam just stood there, eyes locked on her sister waiting to see. 
3…2…1… The whistle blew. They had won. Tara immediately locks eyes with Sam. Before her teammates could even congratulate tara on a good game she was sprinting full speed for her sister. Seeing Sam let Taras body know she was in a safe place to hurt and hurt it did. Tara started to cry before she could reach Sam. However, Sam knew the second they locked eyes her sister needed her. Tara flew through the air with how fast she was running straight into Sam’s arms. 
“Did I do it? Did I protect the goal?” Tara said through muffled cry. 
“Of course you did big girl. Im so proud of you.” Sam said as she pulled Tara back to get a better look at her nose. 
Before Sam could go get their bag, hands from all around them reached out with towels, wet wipes, and water. The parents of other players understood the importance of Sam staying with Tara until she calmed down. 
Tara just clinged to Sam as Sam cleaned her face up. Taras nose didn’t seem broken but she defiantly might have a black eye after this. As time went by Tara started to relax more and the bleeding stoped. Her teammates congratulated her on a job well done as they all went home. 
“You think you're ready to start walking home?” Sam asked looking down at Tara
“Mmm ya” Tara added reaching for Sam’s hand. They said their goodbyes and headed home. 
“You were amazing out there today” 
Tara perked up at the compliment. 
“Well I couldn’t have done it with out you.” Tara admitted 
“How do you mean? I was just cheering you on like always.” Sam watched her sister walk next to her. 
“I protected the goal like you protect me. Ive never even played goalie until today.” Tara didn’t even look up at Sam as if her words were a simple fact that everyone should know. 
Sam just squeezed Taras hand. Her heart fluttering at the reassurance that Tara dose in fact know how much she means to her. 
“Wait but why didn’t you flag the refs down after you got hurt?” Sam asked oozing concern 
“The goal wasn’t safe yet. If the game stopped and I saw you I don’t think I would have been able to pull it back together to finish. I didn’t want to let my team down.” 
“Oh baby girl you didn’t let anyone down. But maybe next time it’s okay to say you got hurt. Okay?” 
“Okay fine.” Tara seemed upset she couldn’t play through injury. Maybe her baby sister’s tougher than she thought. 
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seventhcallisto · 10 months
You, who has landed in my garden.
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Dear, hyunjin.
What it feels like to fall from grace as an angel with wings that spand taller than creatures who can't seem to hold the weight of a person.
These angels know these feelings. As their wings grow and a new feather appears from all the hurt in your soul. One more for the broken heart and the way you cry to yourself at night, wishing knowing you'll be loved. When your arms drape across a pillow as if it's a body coddling you so softly in the dark. When he hears your voice, the sorrowful shadow of your life flashes in his mind. Even as you prepare your day. Go about everything the same. A routine that adds another feather. The heaviest of them all. Days turn to weeks, and more angels appear as your gaurdians unbeknownst to you.
You have conjured a rare phenomenon, where love finds its way through shells on the beach, and your smile finally comes back only for a week. And then it's gone as soon as it comes, then you've got another guardian angel. Weeping over the clouds above your head. You realize rain pours more often when you're sad.
You are so very loved. But you don't know that. You don't feel that. And one of your angels is tired of it. He leaves. He who has fallen from grace like a raindrop through the sky.
He who ends up in your garden, smushing your healthy tomato plant as he lands.
Your window is cracked open ever so quickly as you peer out your balcony at him. His eyes twinkle like stars as he realizes it's really you. Pajamas that are childish and yellow themed. Your face is clear of tears and makeup as it most often isn't. You... who is suddenly cry-whining about your tomato plants.
"Hi," he says so breathlessly as you step up to him. Never once has he moved. Nor has he blinked back the dazed look in his unnaturally sparkling eyes. "You broke my tiny tomato garden." You sob once, sniffling and wiping as fat tears begin to cascade down your cheeks. It has him standing up as quickly - and as gentle as he can. Twisting one of your tomato branch limbs as he goes. He grimaces. Tomato smeer all over his clothing, that.. he didn't know appeared on him when he fell. You continue to sob up at the sky.
"Why does this always happen to me!?" And he's realizing your day must of be so crappy if you're crying like this in front of a stranger.
"Please don't cry I can pay- i, well- I don't have money and.. but.. i can help you replant?" He scales his pockets for anything to cheer you up. Only to find he has a measly leather wallet, with an ID in it. His face, magically there.
You sob harder at the thought. Do you not like the idea at all? His hands shoot out to wave the air around you down. He's panicking! Being a gaurdian angel isn't as easy as having real experience. "It'll take forever!" You fall to your knees. He finds this childish. But.. yet. He thinks if you hear him say that. You might end up crying worse. The dirt is cold, yet you dont care.
Pajamas soaking up the wet grass and dirt when you lay on the ground. Tears streaking down your face as you try to let the ground eat you. Try. You will. Even as hyunjin bends down to your level and tries to quiet your hiccups.
"Let's start over!" He abruptly says. "I'm hyunjin. I'm so sorry about your plant. And i- I like your dog." You sniffle. And stop. "I don't have a dog" you shake your head.
"Yes, you do. Her name is magdelo." he laughs. Blonde hair cascading around him like a halo. You do, in fact, have a dog. And that is, in fact, her name.
"Are you a stalker or something?" You sit up, looking him up and down. He pulls back so quickly that he's falling on his butt. "No-I just know your dogs name"
No one knows your dogs name. Not even your only acquaintances. "Who are you?" You hiccup a final time, smearing snot on your long sleeved shirt. Hyunjins lips pull into a grimace.
"Im.. hyunjin?"
"have we met?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"In a past life. Possibly."
"You're weird"
"I know, but so are you. You're the one crying on the ground."
"I'm not crying. I'm just.. laying down.. letting the ground take care of me."
"And that's what makes you weird."
"So are you"
"Yes, I guess so. We're both weird."
Why does this feel so human? So raw. So alive. So true, compared to how you interact with real people. Why are you so comfortable? Why does he feel like he lived in your bones and is a figment of your imagination?
"Are you real? I'm not dreaming am i?"
"I think I'm real. Pinch me?"
"Ow! Yes. I am. I'm real. You pinched too hard.."
This is so very real. You are so very real, and hyunjin is so very real. "Why my garden?" You ask. "Because it only has tomatos." He answers. his hair captures hues off the post light outside your home. He looks angelic. He is angelic.
Hyunjin, who is your gaurdian angel. Who fell into your garden. And killed your tomato plant.
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caluski · 2 months
hi… any tips how to spend your birthday alone :-(
hiii im so sorry baby i know this sucks :(((((( i might be not the right person to answer this bc i always freak out about my birthdays BUT maybe some of these could soothe your nerves a little as well.
choose music for yourself. what i usually do when im having a tough day is picking either a) a playlist of mine that i know will keep me feeling alright, or b) a playlist with new music that i can listen to thorough the day in hopes of finding something new (like my favorite genre playlists from everynoise.com). if youre likely to feel crappy on ur bday best to not choose either too sad or too happy music!!! too sad for obvious reason, but too happy - might make you feel even worse, like forcing yourself to smile in the mirror when you feel like the absolute failure. if youre out of ideas lmk what genres/artists you like and i would love to try to pick out a playlist for you!
the classic go to cinema/cafe/restaurant/gym/beach whatever to keep yourself busy. im sure you probably thought of this yourself but its a standard advice for a reason; activities are good for you!!!!!! since its summer, maybe your city has some fun events? flea market or thrifting? being a tourist at your own city? maybe a free museum or art gallery exhibit? think it through, im sure theres something you can come up with!!!! for me, free-to-attend events work best, because i dont have to worry about feeling guilty about spending much money.
if youre like me, you might feel worse if you pretend its a day like any other - for me, celebrating things is super important, so i have to acknowledge birthdays properly. so what i do, instead of acting like its nothing, is trying to make it as special as possible. if you cant be with your loved ones, try to make it a day of preparing yourself for the upcoming year. for me, its usually meditation, taking some time to relax with my thoughts (like during yoga), lighting candles, and so on and so on. for me this past sunday, it was a lot of listening to the rain and intense wind. maybe take a super long bath, or if you prefer being more active, a longer than usual walk/run to help you clear your mind.
this is connected to previous point, but - remember to look at your future with hope no matter what. its really important to try and find positives, even if being alone for one reason or another sucks so much. good ways of doing it are listing ways in which your life has become better than last year (there MUST be something - maybe youve become better at sex, maybe youre feeling a little more comfortable in your gender expression, maybe you finally learned how to love food you used to be grossed out by, whatever). think of what youve overcome since past birthdays, think of how youve grown or what youve learned, and then set yourself some goals to achieve over the next year. dont be TOO ambitious because then youll just feel upset bc you didnt manage to meet your expectations. aim low and specific! explore a new city, try to overcome your anxiety about phonecalls, find a new comfort tv show, and such. think of small things youve always wanted to improve on that feel more achievable. you can put it into a letter to yourself to open in a year, maybe a word document, an extra long journal entry. remember that a you from the next year will likely read this! be kind to them and give them as many excuses to feel proud and hopeful as possible.
start the good change & embrace new things! dont let yourself drown in sadness by staying in bed all day. its okay to have bad days and let yourself process them - we cant possibly be doing our best all the time, and sometimes slowing down for a moment really is necessary to keep moving forward - but it'll feel so much better to do something meaningful (to you). if youve been wanting to start working out for a while, a day like this might be good to do it for the first time. or maybe youve been putting off cleaning your bedroom or your bathroom or something. change your sheets and pajamas! start fresh! crack open a new book! maybe you have an unused notebook laying around - start a scrapbook with a beautiful collage on the very first page. make that recipe youve kept in your bookmarks for years - its so fun to look back at your memories like, "oh i remember ive made my very favorite meal for the very first time on that lonely birthday!!! how symbolic is that, now i cant imagine celebrations without it!!!" and so on and so on.
and these might be super obvious but theyre also super important: stay well fed and hydrated! get plenty of fresh air! if possible reach out to someone for some human contact! go to bed at proper hour or take naps (dont stay up for too long esp if you know you'll do nothing but feel sad - and lack of sleep will only make you feel shittier).
these might be pretty plain but i hope something can be helpful. so sorry about your birthday being in solitude! i hope the next one will be much, much better and you'll be surrounded by your loved ones. happy birthday sweet pea! and let me know how the day goes for you :-) mwah!
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19 with nivanserra because im weakkkk for fake relationships
prompt 19: a kiss during a fake relationship
🌼 HI here you go!! This got 1000 words away from me because ~setting~ and also these two are ridiculous. I hope you like it!
tags: going undercover; fake relationship; kissing.
One of his hands is braced on the armrest of Luis’ chair because he’d asked, and the other is around a glass because it’s that kind of night out. The place is dark and bright at once—dark wood stains in gray brown, golden light from lamps on the bar and metal-trimmed fixtures on the walls—and it feels less like a bar and more like someone’s overly expensive basement remodel. This is a few degrees nicer than what he’s used to.
There are long floor rugs with flowered, reddish Persian design, and paintings and tiled backsplash on the walls that pool soft shadows below every ridge. It’s cozy. It made it easier to slide to the edge of this couch and put his elbow on Luis’ armrest. Like this, side by side and drinking, he thinks they pass off well. People are standing close to each other here as they drink and talk, and the place murmurs gently with it. 
“Why me, again?” Piers asks. When he turns, Luis is closer than he thought, and he sees reflections of gold and the miniature figures of people walking in his eyes. 
He’s sat near Luis in meetings before, and met him often at organizational get-togethers, but that’s never gotten close enough to see the deep, warm brown of his eyes. There’s a hint of lighter color in the inner ring of one, like a flare of sunlight off of a stone. It’s interesting. 
“I needed the muscle,” Luis says, shrugging. He has a swaying and confident air to him, and Piers is learning that it’s more genuine than he thought. His mannerisms are quick and light, even as he carefully watches the room, and his smile is the only familiar thing here. 
Piers takes another drink. His shoulders have gradually crawled up towards his ears, and he makes them relax. 
It’s been a minute since he’s gone out.
“Should have brought Chris, then,” he says into the glass. 
“I thought about it,” Luis says. He looks around the room. The man of the hour—lead investor or something like it—stands at the bar chatting with another one of the guests, and his teeth are alarmingly white. He stands out exactly the way Piers would expect, the business-type middle-aged man with a strong posture and the confidence of someone with too much influence. 
Luis goes on quietly. “But I thought I could use someone more convincing.”
“My acting might be worse than his, believe it or not.”
“I doubt it.”
He says this so sincerely that Piers has to laugh. He puts down the glass and lifts an eyebrows at Luis. “You’re about to find out.” 
“Just follow what I say.”
The evening has gone smoothly so far because Luis is the boss. Sending in the attendance confirmation, requesting a plus one, getting them out of the car and up the curb and into the little basement entryway in the ground, that was all his doing. 
Piers can be muscle. He carried the chair down the flight of steps to the bar, and offered an arm for Luis to hold as he came down after it. And he’s fully prepared for the crucial part of their plan later tonight, the real reason they're here. It’s the little details along the way that have him asking questions at all. 
He can go out to a bar and have fun with someone, but he’s never had to pretend that he was going out to a bar and having fun with someone. 
They sit on the couch and let the gathering simmer around them. As Piers watches the investor from across the room, he feels a knuckle at his jaw. 
“You’re being too obvious,” Luis says. 
Piers blinks and follows the warmth, letting Luis turn him by the chin. “You said not to trust him.” 
“Yes, but— I don’t think he’s going to do anything here. Don’t try to screw it up before then, ey?” 
They’re so close to each other. The whole atmosphere of the place—spirits in bottles, people talking, velvet and finished wood surfaces—feels like it’s pressing in around him. 
He feels Luis’ thumb on his chin. His skin is softer than Piers expected. “Is it time for acting?” he asks, barely audible. 
Luis’ eyes roam around to the other couches and the people occupied with chatting there, before they come back to Piers. “I think so.” 
There’s a moment of considering. Luis looks over Piers’ face, and his hand does a brief squeeze at his chin he might not be aware of, and then he pulls in close. 
Piers tips his head just enough, and the kiss is chaste. It’s something any two people might do while out together, a little reminder that the other person is there, or maybe on an affectionate whim. Piers draws from that feeling and plays on it here. 
When they part and he opens his eyes, the investor has moved. He looks around the room for the man, Luis’ hand dropping away, and finds him at the opposite wall near some bookshelves. He’s talking to another guest. 
“Dios mío,” Luis says beside him. “You need to tread more carefully, Piers.” 
“If he’s going to do what we think—”
Luis tugs on his ear, and he shuts up. 
The second kiss breaks his concentration completely. It’s got a hint of urgency to it, a bit of shut up and remember what we’re doing, especially when Luis’ hand slides down over the flat part under his collarbone. He can feel the man’s fingers firmly planted, the rings on his fingers pressing in. His hand reaches out for Luis’ knee reflexively. He might be the one who turns it into a third kiss, but he’s not sure. 
Luis is gentle with it, little seeking motions that somehow don’t feel desperate. 
Piers smiles before the kiss is even over. It makes Luis stop and huff, shooting a nervous look over to the bookshelves. 
“Are we convincing?” Piers asks him. He doesn’t know why he’s laughing, why they both suddenly feel so clumsy and unsure even though they’re in the middle of an operation that’s going so well. 
“If you would listen to me and stop staring, we would be,” Luis whispers. 
“Alright. I’ll get my act together,” Piers says. 
It becomes a little easier after that to keep his eyes away from their target. Maybe it’s the fact that he knows what Luis’ beard feels like on his face, or that there’s a flustered edge to Luis as he steals Piers’ drink from the table. This undercover thing might not be as difficult as he thought it'd be.
(read on ao3)
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
Callum's home visit: Part 2
Munch entered the now open door, and immediately had the wind knocked out of him by Callum running up and squeezing him tight.
'Munch! It's good to see you man, I've missed you! How are you?' Munch laughs at his friend's clinginess, 'Callum, I saw you yesterday! I'm fine.'
'Alright, let the poor boy breathe Snugglepuss, he's not going anywhere!'
The weak voice reminded Munch that he was here to see Callum's father. He looked up and was immediately shocked by who the voice belonged to.
Mr Cuddlekit was a crimson cat, slightly shorter than his wife but no less accommodating and friendly. Like his son, his fur was always washed and tidy, though he could be a bit of a neat freak at times. Now though, he was almost unrecognisable and looked wildly uncomfortable. His right arm was in a sling, much of his body visible above the bedcovers was bandaged and he looked to have been burned in places, judging by the blackened fur patches polka-dotting his upper body.
Callum released his grip and stepped back to his father's bedside, lowered himself down and grabbed a hold of his hand.
'So, you ok Mr Cuddlekit?'
'Well, I won't lie to you by saying I feel perfect, but honestly, I've been hurt worse before. I just need a pair of gritted teeth and a good glass of scotch and I'd be all right by tomorrow! But, doctor's orders are bedrest and just taking it easy.'
'Too right! You work yourself too hard far too often John. In fact, I'd say this is probably doing you a world of good!'
'How did it happen?' Blurted out Munch. He immediately went beet red and added 'If you don't mind my asking...'
'Not at all Munch, not at all! Though I hardly think it's that exciting of a story. All that happened was that, ummm... Oh yes that was it! Lord Ponsonby was mucking around with a large sceptre, and all of a sudden it shot out a bolt, severed a rope, and a, um ahh... Oh what do you call them? I can never remember...'
Callum piped up, 'Chandelier?'
'Yes Callum! A chandelier came crashing down onto my head. Hurt like hell, but I survived. What in the world would I do without you Callum?' He leaned forward and kissed his son on the head with a large 'Mwah!' and Callum returned the favour by gently wrapping his arms around his dad and hugging him like a clingy koala.
Munch was suddenly remembered the box he had in his hands, the whole reason he came here. 'Oh yeah, Mr Cuddlekit, I made these for you to help make you feel better. I made a lot, so feel free to share them out to anybody who might be nearby, or anyone who might have skipped breakfast.' As he said it he handed over the box, which Callum eagerly helped his father in opening. Mr Cuddlekit pulled out one of the beautifully shaped biscuits and his face morphed into pure elation as he sank his teeth in. Munch once again felt the arms of Callum's mom around him, and this time turned to embrace her properly, squeezing the coral cat, trying to leech out from her body some of the sadness he had seen in her face earlier.
'Thank you so much Munchy, you really are such a sweet boy!' These words set his tail to wagging, and fairly soon the Candy-pink dog was waving goodbye to Callum and his mom, the former promising he would be out with the gang again tomorrow. GRRRRZBZZRT-
While he walked, MunchyPup began to think to himself. It really wasn't fair that Catnap's family had to go through that. I mean, It was a horrible accident, no family should! But it happening to a friend made it seem so much more real. He was always so quiet and thoughtful and... -BZZZT PHZDZZ- Munch stopped. He just had the weirdest sense of Deja vu... like when you forget why you walked into a room but only bigger... Oh well, he was probably just starting to feel the effects of hangriness. So, Munch raced home to begin preparing the likely metric tonne of food he would be consuming for his Lunch.
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seeinginthedark · 1 month
What is written in this blog is the same as what I say in this 7 minute video .
The topic is the benefits of transmuting actual demons .
I want to say something based on my experience with demons . I think it’s a bit controversial what I’m about to say … they are sort of like a part of us … when we go through a horrible trauma , especially as children … sometimes a demon attaches itself to us as part of our darkness. They attach and become part of that darkness . As a way of protecting us. But sometimes it takes over and causes us harm or pushes people away. Makes us do dark things. What I’ve learned is that You can actually tell your demon that you don’t need it anymore to step in because u aren’t a young child anymore needing protection. Healing from your trauma will intergrate the demon to work with you and not against you . That’s how I managed my trauma demons , I transmuted them into my whole entire self so they work for me now and don’t haunt me or push others away . To heal from my trauma I did quite a few different healing methods . I won’t list them in this video. Different methods of healing work for different people. You can try a few different things to see what works for you I did a lot of screaming . It helped me . I learned to accept my darkness, I realised its value and potential . Accepting it means you need to release any guilt , shame or doubt that you have . When you get depressed or anxious or low vibe, don’t try to numb it away with things. Let it pass through you .
I found with demons , true ones, you can make them submit and work for you for your benefit.
Some Demons are enamoured with us, I feel. They want to like merge with us and assist us but they act out like a disobedient child in need of authority . We show them authority , they submit . I’m learning more and more that this is true . If it doesn’t work this way for you , showing authority and they Lee doing evil things , then maybe what we are dealing with, isn’t a demon or an earth bound spirit . It’s something else more evil . But what is more evil than a demon, you might ask. Well,
An inter dimensional “ being “or “entity “ or a collective group of entities from another dimension. That are here to torment us AND our demons . Suppress our powers . Or disrupt the connection between us and our “helpful” demons.
I believe reptilians and most of the aliens are worse than demons , but they are sometimes referred to AS demons. So the whole terminology is confusing at times . Organised institutional religion really confused it for us.
I’ve been trying to categorising these entities, beings and demons for some time now.
And if we are dealing with reptilians or other nasty inter dimensional beings , than there is a that they have done one of these three things :
1/ they have made alliances with demons and are like “contracting” them out to do fucked up shit to certain humans . Such as the “chosen ones” or I refer to them as the “spiritual warriors” in my other videos .
2/ they are maybe blackmailing demons into doing evil things to us or tricking them into doing it
3/ they are using advanced technology which is out of our current understanding , to do evil shit to you. And it isn’t a demon attack .
Another point I want to address is this:
They potentially are able to give us false visions and false prophecies to get us off track of our true missions. And I have to maybe face the fact that they have done this to me , and this “ancestor mission” that im on is false and a waste of time for me.
I want my demons to make an alliance with others , to make us strong. I’m prepared to go to the Underworld to muster up an army of them if I have to. In some ways , I think I may already have done that . I’ve come to the conclusion now that my ancestors aren’t around me anymore . But they’ve left spirit minders around me and my family . Like Djinns. For protection during the spiritual war. We need all the help we can get in this war against these interdimensionals . Perhaps, reptilians . Who I suspect have upgraded themselves to be semi robotic now.
So how I see it in this war we have humans and spirits and demons on one side and on the other we have interdimensional beings with advanced technological weaponry, that may or may not be in control of some demons .
I believe they are the ones that gave King Solomon his “magic ring” that could control Djinn. It wasn’t a magic ring , it was advanced technology . And they weren’t all evil Djinn. They were spirits of Earth, some of them.
So it’s a battle for Earth and humans of Earth .
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alicentsgf · 2 years
What do you like in rhaenicent? What attracts you to them as a couple, and what attracts them to each other in your opinion?
i was so tempted to just respond with 'im a lesbian' but imma bite. prepare yourselves.
the basic cornerstone of it is i love women and i really really love tragedy, so this pairing is Perfection. on the most basic level, episode 1 rhaenicent was just cute like anyone who denies that just hates joy i guess. i was at least a little invested from scene 1.
you've got these two girls who have such different temperaments but then theres this undeniable element of sensual intimacy and chemistry. to me it seemed obvious even without the comments from the cast and crew that alicent and rhaenyra were in love with each other (in some way) as girls. they start off so comfortable with each other, reaching out for each other at every opportunity. rhaenyra even admits, however flippantly, to wanting alicent (and freedom) to the detriment of everything and everyone else. she would leave it all behind except alicent. but this means the dream dissipates with alicents disproval. rhaenyra is All desire, whereas, for better or worse, alicent tempers that because she is All duty and shes been raised to perform it without question (initially for rhaenyra as her companion, then later for her king/husband and their children). the biggest themes in the story are brought forth by rhaenicent's dynamic and by ways in which they act as foils for each other: loss, betrayal, duty vs desire, generational curses, motherhood, the madonna/whore dichotomy and its impotence, and the inevitability of a tragic ending.
they loved each other so deeply because growing up they were each others everything. i honestly think alicent only ever experienced unconditional love with rhaenyra, which is why she clings to the memory of it so desperately, (whereas rhaenyra had aemma perhaps?). alicent and rhaenyra were never without each other in their formative years, and they probably thought they never would be. in some ways they were torn out of each others lives with the same amount of violence and resulting mutilation as aemond losing his eye. they had molded themselves into each others empty spaces, making up for what the other lacked. they're incomplete without each other and deep down they both know that, and its why even after everything, with all the reasons they shouldn't care about each other anymore, they still find themselves desperate for reconcilation. and alicent still wont see rhaenyra dead, even when shes a possibly lethal threat to alicent's family. otto sees the truth of it, forcing alicent to acknowledge it too - even at the peak of their estrangement a world without rhaenyra is a world alicent cant make sense of.
and heres the really delicious part: they're going to destroy each other. its inevitable and it always was, because the world they live in would never have let them do anything else. its the curse of the targaryens meets the curse of westerosi womanhood. idk maybe at this point some people might wonder 'well then why bother having them love each other at all, if it ends with them alone and afraid and hating each other?', but isnt that the point of tragedy? love matters even if it sours. it matters even if it cant save anyone. theres catharsis in acknowledging the cost of human frailty and not doing anything to suggest things should or could have happened differently, but just encouraging us, very simply, to indulge our own ugly, stupid humanity.
the truth is the moment their relationship first truly gripped me was actually episode 6. i loved young alicent and rhaenyra but it was seeing their older versions so at odds with one another in contrast to their past that captured my interest. which is why i feel 'shipping' is just... not the right term for what where my brain is at with them. i feel it implies i want things for them as a pairing that i dont: i dont want them together, i dont want them to be less resentful, or to reconcile, and for all the jokes i dont even want them to be physically intimate. i want them to hate each other and i want them to hate how much they still care, i want it eating them alive, i want them unable to deny it because its the love, grief, and betrayal thats at the root of their resentment.
for me it seems like the reason grrm and the development team okayed this change is because whilst a 'history' book like fire and blood doesnt need an element such as this, the change in format to an intimate portrayal made it almost necessary. rhaenyra and alicents dynamic anchors the plot whilst also critiquing the nature of the shows own source material for its inaccuraces and misogyny. as a result the story of the dance becomes not just a story of targaryen entitlement and the resulting retribution, which i would have been a fan of anyway, but the tragic love story of two women who fell victim not just to the unforgiving nature of the world they were born into, but to their own human frailties. and im honestly just basking in it because this is so much more than i could have hoped for.
so i guess my point is that rhaenicent are barely even a 'couple' to me lmao, im studying them like a live specimen under a microscope and im not afraid to prod them with sharp implements.
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veintrry · 2 years
must be another one.
wanderer x gn!reader, im/mortal reader (no difference), unrequited love, angst.
synopsis; kuni has been entranced by you for the entirety of his life but he only watched as he loved you passionately but always seeing you with others, other lovers.
an: obvi inspired by another one - mac demarco because that song gets me.
@57and13 on twt
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he himself would say he had roamed all over the world, seeking purpose, but anyone who had a keen eye would realise how he seemed to follow your footsteps, walking a different path and direction at times, but his steps in sync with yours, always. yet, you never thought to look back, you always focused on what was before you, and in that same way it was made evident that he wasn't at the forefront of your mind either.
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You always had much to offer the nations of Teyvat, someone as yourself could give the universe to anyone, and you did just that. You didn't call yourself a hopeless romantic despite how often he mocks you for being one, swooning over the slightest kindness shown to you and thinking of something extravagant and cheesy to do, as expected. Though, he found himself disappointed it was never for him.
He surprises himself with how he still has the capabilities to be disappointed, this has been going on for many years. Lots of things have changed, but never this. Wanderer prefers not to acknowledge this, because doing so means being aware of how long he has yearned for your attention, and honestly, to care for someone so deeply for this long... it was both passionate and humiliating, for the core reason of your dense being.
You have witnessed him evolve, seen him at his best and his worse. You were there for everything. Of course he is fond of you, he always had been.
At first he mistook it for adoration, maybe a hint of attachment, too. But he quickly realised the differences between that and... love. Archons, how he hated that word. Though it was true. He loved you. No, he liked you. He actually wanted to be around you, but most of all he wanted to be with you. He wanted to say that you were his, that no one else can come and take you. But he liked you too much to even forbid you from your stupid temporary joys.
Wanderer is used to having to take the backseat when you fall for someone once more. He might even say, you've built a routine, a dynamic of what occurs in these cases. He lets you have your fun, but he deals with things eventually.
Because, he loved you. He couldn't say that your face though. You blurted it out so easily, he questions your views on romance since they seem so messed up, but you're always so ambitious nevertheless.
He wishes he could say he would be happy just watching you from afar, but that would be a lie, one he couldn't live by. In fact, why would he make such a proclamation? Why should he move over for someone else? He was best suited for you, you two knew each other so well you could probably switch bodies and no one would realise.
There was a natural understanding between you two, so why is it that you never looked over your shoulder to him? Surely you noticed how he treats you differently than others, it doesn't take a genius to tell,
and he thinks you're beginning to realise.
You have been spending a lot of time with him lately, this wasn't unusual, you two wandered together, but he feels that you've been more focused on him, plus you haven't rambled about anyone else in a while. It was nice this way, waking up beside you, complaining to you that you hold him too tightly in your sleep as if it actually bothers him, getting up and preparing breakfast as he urges you to stop lazing around in bed already. To think he's savouring these kinds of things like some love sick moron... you've rubbed off on him too much.
He feels your touch on him as he continues to cook, though slightly startled by the feeling of your hands, slithering from his waist to his stomach, pressing his back to you as you hug him. Your breath hits his neck and it makes him straighten up, your face is stuffed into the crook of his neck and he wanted to insult you, to scold you, but he liked how you clung to him for warmth despite him lacking any. It means that if there was any felt, it was because of you. Moron.
These are what make enduring those tough times when you're with other people you like worthed; Getting you to himself at the end of the day. It's awful to be glad about having you only for a limited time, but this was what you rendered him to. To think love would be this pathetic, his heart thumping, aching at the slightest attention you give him, making him, making the both of you, feel eternal, like this could be your forever, but never is.
The moment of peaceful silence only filled with slight sounds of sizzling is interrupted by the ring of the doorbell, and he curses whoever dared to come here so early in the morning, being the cause to you ripping away from him, and he immediately craves the warmth that was lost. "They can wait outside."
He spoke, his voice still slightly raspy as his throat was dry, but you could still easily tell how annoyed he was. Turning off the stove, he glanced over to you. "No no, I think I know who it is!" Your voice is chipper. That should be a good thing. But it never is, not when it comes to this. You always used to get this joyful tone when you spoke of someone, it was really cheerful, too cheerful. The voice he'd get used to would alter slightly that your voice pitched higher out of sheer excitement like you were in immense glee that you had never experience before despite this being a common occurance. Please let him be wrong.
But he never was.
And he can hear the chatter out by the door. He reminiscences on the moment that just occurred between you two, how it only happened behind closed doors, and how you left him so quickly for someone else. You love him, he reassures himself biting the inside of his lip.
You love him. Though him standing alone, knowing you'd come back in and ask him if he could make another plate, said something different. Maybe he wasn't as important as he used to be, but what does he have other than you? I guess the reason saying 'I love you' came easily to you wasn't because you liked him that much, but it just didn't mean anything to you.
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