#im laughing he completely overlooked everything boothill and said okay make it factual instead of whatever weird shit youre into
gemkun · 6 months
@duelmarks said : ❝ Alright, doc, let me paint you a clearer picture : do you get all hot under the collar when those engines start purrin'? Maybe you take a shine to the way that metal gleams, all sleek and smooth, or their cuttin'-edge innovation — perhaps you're even one of those peculiar type that gets a thrill from takin' them apart, who knows. Ain't no judgin' here, but a man's gotta wonder. You wouldn't be the first with a hankerin' for robots. ❞ // looks at my own two stupid hands for typing this out so seriously
      ⸻       his   expression   somehow   manages   to   morph   more   and   more   into   utter   repulsion   ,   with   each   passing   second   ,   as   boothill   lists   off   this   ridiculous   set.   how   imaginative.   his   students   may   even   benefit   from   listening   to   this   outlandish   usage   of   imagery   —   involving   the   five   sensory   senses   :   tactile   ,   olfactory   ,   visual   ,   auditory   and   gustatory.   though   ,   perhaps   not   the   latter.
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  ❝   i   suppose   commendation   is   in   order   ,   for   executing   what   i   required   of   you.   now   ,   as   for   what   you   covet   —   ❞   unperturbed   ,   his   countenance   reroutes   to   its   origin.   remaining   as   impartial   as   his   debates.   ❝   —   you   deliberately   tailored   your   descriptors   to   inspire   a   proclivity   ,   spurred   by   your   utilisation   of   words   that   leaned   into   gratification.   ❞   but   the   hot   —   headed   gunslinger   was   prone   to   being   biased.   that   was   a   given.
  so   ,   to   correct   this   abhorrent   error.   he   must   educate   him.   and   how   better   than   to   make   him   aware   of   his   obvious   and   blaring   flaws   in   his   argument   ?
  ❝   revise   your   points   again   ,   and   enlighten   me   when   it   is   objective   and   factual.   ❞
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