#im just. anxious bc i had to leave my new trainee to run things on her own ig and ik she’s good she’s so good w the dogs
milfsco · 2 years
went and typed out a whole work rant but remembered that i’m supposed to cool and sexc and mysterious on this blog
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peachymhaechan · 5 years
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera.”
Tumblr media
Genre: fluff, babey !! nothin like a good ol idol au, am I rite, laid ease??
Warnings: bad words (like everything else I've written ever lol)
Pairing: Taeyong X female idol reader
A/N: junior year is almost over, thank god. I am so tired. writing this was such a good break from studying for my ap exams and cramming for finals. thank u, Taeyong. also, im working on something for the superhuman comeback, stay tuned, yall :)
you had been a model for sm for a few years now
well within your first year you had gained so much popularity that you became the company’s most hired model and had received a nickname from your employers and fans
you were their Golden Girl (hhhhhffk listen,,, we been knew I ain’t creative), and everyone was dying to work with their Golden Girl
most notable for your bubbly personality and striking looks, every employer was fascinated by your ability to pull off any look 
very similar is lee Taeyong, another artist signed to your company
with his stark beauty, it was no understatement to say that you would not have minded working with someone as pretty as him
so, when your manager told you about an upcoming project where you’d be working with Taeyong and a few of the other nct boys you were #sh00k to say the least
“wait..... WHAT?!” was all you could say in response to your manager telling you the good news
“Yeah, I know. I know how long you’ve wanted to work with him. Well, get ready. For this photoshoot they need you to have bubblegum pink hair, and.....” 
for the next few days, you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what was about to happen
yeah, you guys were signed to the same company but that doesn't mean you saw him all the time
you had only seen him once, and that was when you had just become a trainee and were walking through the halls to try and find the recording studio on the third floor
you accidentally went into the dance studio and found yourself interrupting a dance practice for nct u
“Sorry, I have to find someone in the recording studio, where-” 
“You’re fine, don't worry about it! If you go out this hallway, make the next left turn and it should be the second door on the right,” Taeyong said, giving you a small smile 
that was the ONLY interaction you had with him, but boy even when covered in sweat was he gorgeous
and you got to WORK WITH THAT 
the day finally came where you got to work with him yayayay
you woke up at 4 am after having only 1 hour of sleep, thriving
you got up and took a quick shower, did your skincare routine, and changed into comfy clothes for the day
on your way to meeting your manager you grabbed a few coffees for the staff as a thank you for the opportunity
you met your manager at the company building and it started to hit that 
//ohmygod this is really about to happen//
your manager tried her best to calm your nerves but damn, you were not having any of that
scrolling through Instagram, you anxiously awaited the company van that would take you to the photoshoot set
when it pulled up after about twenty minutes of waiting, you and your crew piled in and then you heard your manager tell the driver to hold the van for a few more minutes, seeing as Taeyong and his people were running a little behind
that only made your heart beat even faster
hgjaonfnwnw anxious from waiting, you just wanted to get it over with and rip it off like a bandaid
five minutes later, you saw three people walking over to the van
one of which was wearing sweats, sneakers, a hoodie, and a mask
you automatically recognized who that was despite the baggy clothing and half hidden face
oh fuck oh shit
one of the other two men talked to your manager, who had gotten out to speak to taeyong’s manager and the other person there
Taeyong climbed into the van and made eye contact with you in the back row, spotting the empty seat beside you
“Is this seat taken?” he asked, nodding to the spot right next to you
you felt a blush creep into your cheeks and your throat started getting closed up from nerves
so all you could do was shake your head no
he sat down and gave you a small smile, then started yawning and stretching out his arms
you had one extra coffee left from earlier and you figured it’d be a great ice breaker maybe 
“I have an extra coffee from a coffee run I went on earlier, do you want it? It’s not super hot or anything, but its still a little warm, and its caffeine,” you said and his eyes immediately lit up
“Oh, yes please!!” 
you grabbed the last cup from the drink carrier and gave it to him, and he thanked you right away
“How did you have enough time to go on a coffee run this morning?” Taeyong asked in shock
“I got up at four and am running on one hour of sleep,” you explained, not even trying to seem like you have it together
that's what its like being a hot mess, babey !!1
“That’s not good, you need to get more sleep. Were you out late last night with your schedule or something?” 
concerned mom? yes
“I was out until about eleven pm, yeah, but in all honesty... I couldn’t sleep because I was very nervous to meet you.” 
bro you need to get some sleep and get your filter back in place
bc when you get no sleep?? a bitch has NO filter whatsoever
Taeyong was genuinely surprised that you were nervous to meet him
“Really?? You were nervous to meet me?? Why, am I really that scary or something??” 
“Its not that you’re scary, exactly, but... I have wanted to work with you for a very long time, and it still hasn’t fully set in that this is my reality.” 
he nodded after you spoke, and it seemed to both impress and confuse him
no matter how popular him and his group got, he never got used to having people look up to him
and to hear it from someone as successful as you, someone he has constantly seen in the media for so long?? mind boggling
it kind of made him nervous tbh
before he could reply, the managers and everyone piled in and the van started moving to the photoshoot set
as soon as you guys left the company building, your head leaned onto the window and you passed tf out
when you woke up, Taeyong was tapping you on the shoulder and telling you that yall got to the set finally
taeyong’s face greeting you when you woke up? shocking, but not an unwelcome sight
“Alright, we need to get you guys into hair and makeup, then we will send you both over to wardrobe and they'll make any last minute touchups and then you can get to work. Sound good?” your manager told you two, and when you both nodded, she immediately directed you to the makeup studio
your artists were very excited to work with you, which made everything much more pleasant
“The feel we are going for with this shoot will perfectly fit your aesthetic and your features, I’m so excited!!” and “You’re naturally this pretty? And after only one hour of sleep? Oh my god, my under eye bags are permanent and it looks like you don’t have any at all!” or the occasional “I wish I could be as stunning as you without even trying...” 
it sounded like Taeyong was going through the same thing, as you could hear some of the other makeup artists gushing about his sharp features
“Wow, your eyes are so beautiful!” and “Your smile is stunning!” and “I wish I was half as pretty as you are!” 
you could tell it made him a bit uncomfortable because he sat there with a :} face 
(unrelated but: that face looks like the grinch lowkey, ok sorry for interrupting lol, back to the fic)
you two made eye contact in the mirror and you could practically read his mind
I want this to stop, they’re making me uncomfortable, oh my god. 
to which your eyes said, Same here, and I am used to dealing with this on a daily basis.  
luckily, they finished putting shadows and liner on your eyelids, and then they sent you to the hair department
for hair, they teased and curled your hair, giving you a tired and just woken up look
well, a styled just woken up kind of look
Taeyong came in halfway through your hair and all they had to do for him was throw some gel in his and make it a little messy and he was good to go
by the time you made it to wardrobe Taeyong was already on set and getting individual pictures for the concept
they threw you in clothes, and by clothes you mean a men’s oversized white button up, short shorts, and a bright red bra
and before you could even leave to head to the set, they made sure that the first few buttons were undone on the shirt
to say you felt a lil bit exposed and cold was an understatement
the second he saw you, Taeyong had a glint in his eye and he couldn't stop staring at you
naturally, that made you blush and get really self conscious
?? wot
“Hello, I am your photographer for the day. This shoot is supposed to be sort of a couple, romantic fashion shoot, so I hope you two know each other very well and are comfortable with being close to one another. Do you two have any issues with that?”  
you both looked at each other, 
and then lee Taeyong, 
while staring dead in your eyes, 
“No, sounds perfect!” 
what the fuck was that supposed to mean ?! 
“sounds perfect” uhhhhhhhhhhh lemme get a mcfuckin explanation 
he gave you a small smile before you managed to get out, “No issues here.” 
that only made him smile more
njsdncvcaehcfabcafcb bitch!! you were whipped for him already
“Great! Let’s get started, then. Y/N, I will have you stand over here, and...” 
let’s just say that the photographer had you two start with basic stuff, like you two standing next to one another with Taeyong putting his hand on your shoulder and things like that
it quickly escalated though, and he had you doing things like laying your legs across his lap and running your hands through his hair
“Sorry if this is a little too intimate for you,” you whispered into his ear during another shot, where you were draped over his sitting form and your hand caressed his cheek
“Don’t apologize, it’s not. If anything, I’m a little flustered to have someone as pretty as you staring at me the way you are, Y/N, even if it is just for the camera,” he told you, shifting so that you were turned with your back to the camera and chest flush to his, your hands delicately placed on his upper arms, his hand resting on your lower back and you staring up at him
faintly you could hear the photographer say,  “THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE ONE!”
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera,” you mumbled, not able to filter yourself due to sleep deprivation
you thought he didn’t hear you, but then a smirk formed on his face and you knew you #fucked up
the end of the shoot was arriving, and there were a few more pictures the photographer had in mind, but he wanted to let you guys do your own thing and see where it ended up
“You guys can do what you want for these next few pictures, just do what feels naturally and I’ll angle it well.” very encouraging, right
making use of the pieces of furniture on the set, you decided to lay on the bright red couch and Taeyong looked down at you from behind it
“I couldn’t hear what you said earlier, can you say it again please?” he asked, trying to fish a confession out of you
Oh, Mr. Lee Taeyong, it won’t be that easy. 
“Hmmm, what do you mean?” you asked, purposefully trying to be as close to him as you could, so you sat on your hips to the side more and pulled him down so your hand rested on his cheek and your face was //right there, you could feel his breath on your lips//
(the photographer would have fainted there if he could get away with technical time theft while on the job)
taeyong’s breath hitched and a blush crept onto his cheeks and you knew you got him
ladies and gentlemen.... we got ‘im
even still, he tried to get it out of you
“Well, I thought I heard you say something under your breath before the photographer spoke to us,” he coyly explained, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap
at that point it became a game of who could get the other to blush more
and lemme just say, mama didn’t raise no lil bitch, so you were NOT about to lose
grabbing both sides of his face in your small hands, you leaned in and whispered, “I hope it’s okay that I’m going to kiss you now.” 
his eyes went wide, and then he said, “MORE than okay.” 
and the next thing you know, your lips were planted on his and the photographer was sobbing genuine tears
of course his enthusiasm made you start giggling, and you could feel Taeyong smiling into the kiss
when you two broke apart you leaned your forehead on his and stared into his eyes
“I think we both know what I said earlier,” you told him, throwing your arms around his neck
“Good, because I hope we are both on the same page,” he said, smirking slightly
“And that is?” 
and all he did in response was kiss you again, but this time not smiling from the photographer’ s goofy remarks
the photographer gave the okay after he got that shot and told you two that he wish he’d gotten to work with you sooner
the ironic thing here is that you and Taeyong wished the same thing
you headed back to the dressing rooms, hand in hand, getting stares from the staff but not caring much
or at all, really
#bad bitch club: RISE
“I hope you know that as soon as those pictures get released, people will assume we are dating, right?” you said, wiping the makeup off and combing through your hair
you quickly ducked into changing room, throwing on the clothes you were wearing when you arrived
you heard him chuckle from the other little makeshift room
you exited your changing room and found him waiting for you
“Why let them assume when we could tell them the truth ourselves?” 
and somehow, despite the crazy hectic schedules you both had, 
and all the crazy ups and downs of being in the public spotlight,
a few months later, when the magazine finally hit the shelves and the cover image was you two kissing each other and looking like the happiest couple in the world,
when you got invited to an interview to discuss the inspiration for the images and the experience of working with each other, 
you two walked in hand in hand, smiling brightly and looking like your average couple that was in love
and when asked if you two were dating, 
you replied, “Yes, and it has been the best few months of my life so far.” 
:) uwu
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