#im just saying that it bothers me that i can’t engage with the content I’d like freely
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months ago
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months ago
Chaos Theory sounds so good!! I hadn’t heard of it until now. I’ll definitely be adding it to my list. I love a good found family series! I’ve only watched 2/3 (?) of the newer Jurassic World movies. I still need to watch the Original Jurassic Park movies. Which one is your favourite?
Fair warning you have triggered a topic I’m very autistic about there’s a TLDR bolded & surrounded by TLDR disclaimers at the end of this post lol —
I love all Jurassic Park content even the objectively kinda bad stuff aghhh it’s such a special franchise to me <3
My favorite of the movies is the original like. It’s just a classic. A great adaptation of the book’s themes. (& the book is good but im aware not everybody had the patience for that & that’s ok don’t worry the movie is great in its own right too, I actually saw it before I read the book & loved it so much I read the book which is kinda the reverse of the usual order of events for me lol).
It’s just. A brilliant thriller that all other movies attempting to put audiences on edge should take notes from. One of the most amazing stunning pieces of cinema with practical effects that will ever be made. If you like the Jurassic World movies I feel like the Jurassic Park sequels are skippable but the original at least is mandatory viewing. Then again I think the original Jurassic Park is mandatory viewing for all movie fans.
Then there’s the Jurassic park sequels which…. are great & all because hiii dinos I mean I like them but also if I’m being so honest they blend together in my head there’s nothing particularly stand out about them I’m so sorry. I like them for what they are which is fun Dino movies.
I clown on Chris Pratt & he does deserve it BUT the start of the Jurassic World trilogy WAS what was needed to revitalize the franchise whether a lot of og fans want to admit it or not. It’ll never be the brilliant original & it’s not trying to be & that’s ok it shouldn’t! It’s fun cgi & bigger louder scarier monsters & here’s a hot take - the trilogy eventually does some pretty interesting stuff as far as exploring what a post Jurassic Park technological innovations world would look like & the discussion on cloning & biological warfare is actually pretty surprisingly clever for an action movie starring Chris Pratt.
Chaos Theory is great & I’m glad I got you excited about the idea but unfortunately it will probably mean nothing to you if you don’t watch Camp Cretaceous first & I KNOW I know that’s an annoying thing to say. I know that’s overwhelming. I’d be over it already if someone told me I have to watch another show first to get into this show they mentioned but I’m sorry it’s a follow up series that will make no sense without Camp Cretaceous & Camp Cretaceous is also really really good.
I will say this. I struggle with attention span & Camp Cretaceous & Chaos Theory are both shows I found impossible to turn off because the characters are engaging & the action & pacing are just so enticing it’s like a delicious drug for my adhd brain.
If you love a good found family you will LOVE Camp Cretaceous. It’s a show that keeps me, a seasoned horror fan, stressed & tense & gripping the edge of my seat but it also has some of the most compelling characters & dynamics I’ve seen in a show. What makes it a quality boost for the franchise in comparison to the fun but ultimately shallow in terms of characterization Jurassic World movies is that it does what the original does in even more intensity given the series format - it makes you CARE. These aren’t just vaguely likable action heroes (like Chris Pratt & the hot ginger & their adoptive creepy clone daughter I can’t be bothered with their names rn) these are kids whose insecurities & trauma & relationships you relate to & care deeply about!!!
Anyway. TLDR: if you like the Jurassic World movies I highly recommend you at least check out the original movie if nothing else. Camp Cretaceous as a show actually stands on its own if I’m being honest & if you love found family it’s kinda a must see it does it so well & you WILL want more & Chaos Theory Is a rare brilliant flllow up (so far as of season 1) to a show that actually had a decently satisfying ending overall. It does a really good job going just a little darker than the original while feeling true to the characters & themes. I mean the Jurassic World movies are helpful for context since they’re all part of the same cinematic universe but it’s not hard to pick up context clues. You should watch these shows regardless if you watch anything else in the franchise if you like exciting shows & found family. TLDR over.
Also like I haven’t even talked about what the shows are about lmao — Camp Cretaceous: A group of teen campers at Dino camp get abandoned after Dino’s in the theme park get free. Horrors & bonding over horrific trauma ensue also lots of horrifying reveals & mysteries & conspiracies regarding the evils of humanity that fit in with the themes of the franchise about greed & exploitation & lots of fun animated Dino’s & brilliant use of what I think of as the Batman Animated Series rule. (If you haven’t heard me talk about this to sum up - BtaS is brilliant of course. It was tv y7 but it’s famously a bit dark. That’s because it took the ratings rules as a challenge in creativity! Scarecrow can’t be a serial killer? Ok. Instead he has poisonous gas that makes you see your worst nightmares!) It’s Tv y7 & that means no fun but ultimately forgettable Dino’s chowing down gory style onscreen. Instead you get much more creative & terrifying shots of things about to happen or characters in terrifying situations. There’s a scene with a woman trapped on a boat with two hungry Dino’s closing in that comes to mind.
100/10 highly recommend as a show. Chaos Theory picks up years after (spoiler) the (surviving?) campers are rescued & now they’re all young adults & it’s a lot darker & one of them was investigating a conspiracy & now she’s dead (or IS she?!). It also uses the Batman the Animated Series rule in some GENIUS ways like a particularly haunting shot of a boy staring at his fathers face as a raptor taps his claw against the fathers forehead & a return shot of the boys face. I could go on & on about why this show is pure genius.
Anyway stan Camp Cretaceous & Chaos Theory for slowburn nuanced sapphic representation a racially diverse main cast complex found family a cast compelling characters each so enticing it’s hard for me to pick one favorite excellent mysteries & exciting tense well done action & thriller moments. I cannot recommend these shows highly enough. Camp Cretaceous has a bit of a slow start the first few episodes if im being honest when they’re just like. At Dino camp. But TRUST me when it picks up it stays picked up & it does not slow down.
Anyway I did a tldr then kept going because talking to me about anything related to this franchise is like hitting a button that gets me talking & then I just don’t stop thank you so much for the ask I’m done for now 🫶🫶
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heytherejulietx · 3 years ago
as a writer, i've found that people are more likely to reblog if you don't mention it constantly and instead tell them only once in an encouraging way like 'i'd love to hear your thoughts' or something. if the lack of engagement is really bothering you, i think it helps to only write what you want to read! i've found that it helps a lot when i write for myself because i know i'll be proud of it even if the engagement isn't great :)
i don’t know, i think no matter what content interaction on this site sucks
i’ve only been writing on this app since september 2020, and i was writing for a fandom that’s basically the same in numbers as stranger things. and interaction sucked in 2020, but even just two years going past has changed a lot and the interaction is even worse. i cant for the life of me remember the post i read (it might have been @ao3commentoftheday but im not entirely sure, either way they have a GREAT take on this and i suggest reading their posts) but content nowadays is tailored so that people have to use as minimal effort as possible. the tiktok algorithm gives you videos based on what you watch, so you only have to like, and tiktok is arguably the biggest social media site at the moment. and all of the new people joining tumblr from tiktok are going to use the same rules. interaction is shit on tumblr and even worse on ao3 where there is no algorithm, but people treat it like it is.
i’m really glad that you write for yourself and enjoy writing what you’d like to read — i promise i’m not trying to tell you that you can’t or that it’s bad. if i’m being honest i’d love to settle with that. but everybody loves hearing good things about what they’ve done. engagement isn’t about popularity or however many followers you have, it’s about appreciation for the work that content creators spend their own time making for free (not including commissioned work, though that isn’t to say they shouldn’t receive good feedback too). and when you receive a compliment on your work, you’re more likely to make more because you know people enjoy it.
i’ve done many requests that didn’t get feedback from the requester. i’ve made fanfiction based on other people’s fanart and never heard back from them about it, even though they are also a content creator. and as much as i’d love to sit here and not care about the interaction, it’s disheartening when you put hours and hours into writing that people won’t even reblog or say anything about, but they’ll reblog from creators that already have a big following because they’re popular, but that’s a whole other thing i won’t get into.
i think it’s great that recently i’ve seen so many writers talking about the shit interaction because it gets people noticing. for example, if i hadn’t spoken about it then you wouldn’t have sent me this ask. tons of people are currently joining from tiktok and twitter, and they won’t understand how tumblr works unless people tell them. maybe this whole post is just a dumb ramble but i think it’s important that people know why reblogging / commenting is so important. and if they do nothing about it after they’ve read about it then it’s on them.
this is no hate to you btw nonnie, it’s just something that really annoys me as a content creator.
sending love :)
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siswritesyanderes · 4 years ago
This is a series of asks bc, while I do LIKE all the charas of Fantastic Beasts individually, much of the romantic pairings dont sit well with me. By that mean the messy love polygon w Newt & I think I finally figured out why & I'd like another's opinion on it. For starters, Newt's attraction with Tina is too fast for me considering he was friends w Leta, got expelled out of Hogwarts for Leta, carried Leta's photo in his case, & basically loved her for YEARS. But this is all undone by a [1]
jaunt in NY having met a woman, who he admittedly went on a huge adventure w, over the course of maybe a few weeks. He's so taken w her she replaces Leta's photo w her own &, after refusing to go to Paris for Dumbledore, leaves immediately once he finds out she's there. I just find this unbelievable. I can rationalize it from Newt's perspective where Tina is a fresh breeze sweeping into his life on (percieved) unrequited pining, but this is my conjecture based on my understanding of Newt. [2]
The audience shouldnt be left to rationalize endgame couple of the mc on their own. & the whole thing w Leta is so messily handled I dont think they can save it even if they bring her back in FB3. How she feels for Newt vs Theseus & unresolved lingering affection, etc. She & Newt were SO important to each other & we SEE that & they dont HAVE to get together, but they need proper resolution bc they have actual history between them. God Leta in general deserved so much better. [3]
But my main gripe is that this love polygon serves no purpose to what I believe is the main selling point of FB: the world. HP having love stories makes sense bc we're following the story of a boy as he goes through adolescence & his journey through that via school is part of that, which is why the romance feels fitting. It's a very personal story. FB on the otherhand is the best peak we have at the wider wizarding world beyond school. HP introduces the world of magic, but FB rlly expands it [4]
To that end Jakob & Queenie's relationship is the only one I find myself liking, bc it's deeply tied to the world setting, the series' biggest selling point (in my opinion, should have said this earlier). It underscores the attitudes of the period & the conflict they face feels suitably substantial & not like filler. There's a moral question between them of are they worth it? And how far should they go to be together?
Imma be real hear & say FB2 was rlly Queenie's movie & they should have been ballsy & just make Queenie the mc for FB2, bc her story was actually considerably more important to the overall development of the story than Newt's, which mostly came off as a rushed & a tad clichè soap drama. & making it about Queenie I think builds more room for good conflict & independent narrative for Tina that would serve her chara better. [5? 6?]
If I bad to be REAL ballsy, I'd say my big issue w/ the relationships in the FB series & how it enhances or impedes the main story & what I believe to be it's biggest attracter (the setting) could have been solved if they made Newt's romantic interest a muggle. It attaches a deeper meaning & relevance to them & the story so it felt more deeply that they truly moved WITH the narrative rather than beside it but I guess Im just picky. Thx for putting up w this! [Final]
(My response below the cut.)
Yeah, pretty much all of this is right.
Regarding the Tina thing, it was definitely rushed, especially since there was literally nothing romantic between them in the whole first movie, except maybe the end part where they're stumbling over their words. Despite knowing how movies work and knowing that they were the male and female lead, I still found that completely out of left field, because they don't really share any interests and I didn't feel like they felt anything in particular for each other before that. She really wants to be an auror and feels really intensely about it; he just wants to travel the world and write about magical creatures and take care of them. I don't see a lot of compatibility there, and the movie didn't really do anything to reconcile that gap.
Jacob and Queenie made sense, because they actually sowed some seeds for it. It's not even about the fact that they both like to cook; they showed an interest in each other throughout. They noticeably like each other. Newt and Tina never really had that, to me, so it was bizarre for her to become his primary motivation in the second movie.
Queenie's trajectory in movie 2 overall bothers me, so while I agree it would have been better if they'd centered it more around her, I definitely think they needed to drastically rewrite pretty much everything she did. Enchanting Jacob at the beginning never sat well with me; I usually only have to say this in the Descendants fandom, but if one half of the ship is magical and the other half isn't, we can't have the magical one enchanting the non-magical one for romantic reasons without addressing what a violation of trust that is. Like, Jacob would be justified for never trusting her again, over that. Also, the fact that she apparently holds it against people if they think bad things about her is not something I would expect from someone who has been a Legilimens as long as she has, and not a detail I like, at all. Especially since it was used to give her justification to be mad at Jacob after she enchanted him in the first place. I find it sad, because Queenie was definitely my favorite character in the first movie. (Also, joining Grindelwald was a nonsensical thing to do. I can only assume she's there to spy on him or something, because it makes literally no sense.)
As for Leta, I really don't like how that was approached. First of all, I don't like how their mention of her in the first movie was "She was a taker; you need a giver," because once we actually met the character, that only made me resent Queenie for representing her that way. Leta deserved better in pretty much every way, and they definitely shouldn't have killed her off like that. I find the whole situation really iffy from a racial standpoint. The first black character to be written three-dimensionally in all of HP lore, and they make sure to preemptively tell the audience that she's a "taker", kill her in the same movie we meet her, and manage to trivialize her death by turning it into a little "Who was she saying 'I love you' to?" mystery. I like her relationship with Newt and Theseus, and I'd definitely want to see more of it.
Yes, it definitely would have been better, thematically, if they'd made the love interest a Muggle. (I'd honestly say they should've paired Newt with Jacob, but I know they're unwilling to do that. That would be kind of cool, though, to see the movie shaping up with two male characters and two female characters and have the men end up with each other and the women just live their lives as humans.)
With the story they ended up telling, though, I don't think that is needed; since Queenie is already dealing with the wizard/Muggle storyline, Newt could have a different conflict. Maybe his love interest should be a werewolf or something, to tie in the wizarding world's unresolved dislike for "half-breeds". And if he were in a relationship with someone already regarded as a creature, the wider wizarding world might take a different view to his studies and look down on him a lot more. Idk, a thought.
And then, with Leta/Theseus and Grindelwald/Dumbledore (if they were willing to actually deal with that), they'd pretty much hit every controversial beat they've got: wizard/Muggle, wizard/"half-breed", interracial, homosexual. Credence and Nagini are both creatures, kind of, but I still like them together, so their relationship doesn't have to tie into any theme; it just has to be developed way more.
On the whole, Crimes of Grindelwald felt like they skipped a movie. It feels like they needed a middle installment to make these relationships happen, instead of jumping from "Do Newt and Tina maybe have feelings for each other?" to "Newt loves Tina and Tina is possessive enough of Newt to be outwardly upset with him when she thinks he's engaged to someone else," and creating a whole relationship between Credence and Nagini that we see none of.
The fact that Queenie and Jacob were done well in the first movie gives me a fair amount of goodwill for them, but that goodwill only offers enough cushioning from the botching that movie 2 did that I'm near-indifferent to the ship, now, instead of actively opposed. I'd like to see things improved, but as it currently stands, I'd be just as happy seeing them end up not together as together. The fact that Leta's relationships with Newt and Theseus were more interesting than any of the aforementioned makes it that much more ridiculous that they killed her. What ship am I supposed to care about how? If I can't go into the next movie delusionally hoping Newt and Leta will get some moments, or enjoying the Theseus and Leta content, then I'll just be sitting there waiting for Credence and Nagini to share a screen, and who knows when that'll happen?
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cozymochi · 3 years ago
Hey, i just want to say you are one of the coolest people ever-seriously. I love your art, even if you dont think so yourself. So many people here enjoy the content you make. Fanom will always be pretty…. y'know. It's always okay to not engage with it. Just do things that make you happy; thats really all that matters in the end. (1/2)
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I dunno if I’ll make it worse but not just answering this with “🥺🥺😭💕💕💕💕”, but I really feel like I should dive a bit deeper (not too deep, im not comfy enough for that), but dive just for a second.
I understand the intent behind this, I promise it’s really nice and I appreciate it.
But external validation online isn’t the problem I have. I’m aware other people outside myself like it. I didn’t say they didn’t. I’m aware enough. I’m not as extreme popularity levels where I’m actively spoken about or have influence to an obnoxious-name-dropping degree, but it’s a comfy enough spot I can recognize to some extent. I only know my bubble, though.
I just do not like my work. I feel like whenever I say anything close to that, people are quick to assure how much others like it- so that must mean something, and mean enough for me to take a second-thought if only for a minute.
My issues stem from personal stuff and enviromental things IRL outside of my control that have been building for years. But when I wanna (in theory) get away from thinking about that, or make a teeny tiny vent that doesn’t so much as scratch the surface, I come here. Which, yeah, it’s tumblr. No social media is a good spot to go. I don’t even care if people just scroll by them, nobody is obligated to say anything in my book. They’re not comfortable and look really bad- tho that comes with being emotionally charged.
However, this place reminds me how much (and this expands to IRL) how much I’m just not satisfied with my work. It doesn’t stem from a perceived lack of external validation.
I just don’t like it.
I don’t know why.
But just to curb this before anybody wants to try: I’m not looking for others to analyze or theorize “why” either, that’s not anybody’s place to do that (frankly i’d be insulted if anybody tried to). I probably won’t figure out “why” for a while. If not for a long time.
And sometimes, it feels like I’m not allowed to be dissatisfied with it. And if I don’t have a sufficient enough answer as to “why” it’s perceived as irrational and not warranted. And while I know it is at least the former in some capacity, I’m not given enough respect to just let me feel the way I do. This expands IRL with my other work, where I can’t even change my mind about something without being interrogated for it. I can take breaks all I want to (I do it a lot), but it wouldn’t really adjust my mindset.
But this has been an ongoing problem for years, and not a new thing. I just don’t actively bring it up much. I don’t bring up a ton of stuff here, cuz frankly, much of my personal life isn’t anybody’s business. I can’t even count how often I stop myself from hitting that post button to make two sentence remarks. I just bother somebody else with paragraphs. But sometimes it will leak out in these awkward posts that happen in spurts. So, to that end, all this would seemingly look “new” to everybody else and purely recent- when it isn’t.
I swear external validation isn’t the problem. I’m aware.
This will be more confusing. But, this whole “not liking my art and not finding it worth showing” isn’t even the problem either. This isn’t even what sets me off.
But, it is an issue that exists— but it’s at the bottom. It’s not something I “worry” about or fret over, so much as it’s just a very minor thing that’s present. This place mostly just reminds me of that bottom tier issue when this place is supposed to be, and I hate using this, “an escape” from all the other more damning and ongoing more serious issues that actually make me break down and lose my composure and want everything to stop.
It’s mostly just the equivalent of being beaten up in an ally, getting mugged, getting fired, ur pet dying, then when you’re trying to finally go home to unwind you trip and fall into a puddle and skid your knee.
I don’t lose composure from that. But it doesn’t help when u wanna get your mind off everything else.
P.S this wasn’t “saying the wrong thing” or inciting worse feelings!!! I don’t feel much, I just felt like I should clarify— tho I have enough sense to know my own response like this was likely presumptuous and unwarranted too. I dunno. Seemed like a decent springboard to jump from to talk a very vague concept.
P.P.S: my digs at fandom stuff was just me being salty and unrelated tacked on remark and not so much personal nor related to any of the above, i promise i dont care about the cringe
but thank u for calling me cool
i wish i did more to really warrant that, though. It’s hard to feel good about what others say when you yourself don’t feel it
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years ago
hey from one nd person to another the comic where fm gordon says a slur seems kind of in poor taste. ik ur not intentionally making light of it and tht occurring in fm should be criticized but while you dont make it out to be a good thing making jokes about it and calling him a "slurboy" is kind of questionable? it makes it seem more like a plotpoint and angst rather than the creator of fm genuinely fucking up in the past (and having moved on from it)! i think exploring fm coming to terms with being nd is a good idea but this isnt the best way to do it. if you want me to explain my point more lmk if/when u post this and i will! someone already made a post abt it but it was kinda strongly worded and i wanted to approach you more calmly because i genuinely dont want to call you out or start drama or anything ;-;
first off thank you for being civil and patient with me i appreciate this ask a lot- also this got long- im not in a flying rage or anything when i bold or emphasis text, i just needed it also for my own readability and since im not the best at wording- hopefully this hellsite works and my response is under the cut
i would like to know how is it in poor taste when freemind explicitly gets clocked at the very end for saying it. the entire point of the comic was to show that saying the r slur has existed in his source and is bad
im not sure how much more direct i can get, with the disclaimer/warning list growing longer and longer and out there for a huge sign that says “this au can get dark as fuck and these subject matters are treated seriously/not something to mess around with.” Like yes, there are some jokes in the asks and other comics, but that specific comic is not supposed to be “haha thats funny”. it has a serious tone using a rough sketch style bc i was super tired and wanted to vent
was it just the direct reference to it that just made people uncomfortable? because thats 100% understandable, and i made sure i tagged it appropriately (although admittedly, a little bit late since i thought the filter would catch at least the main thing)
i think what some people somehow got from it is “exploring sensitive content = endorsing said content” which! that is not the intent! i absolutely do not want people saying that word! I don’t want people thinking that is any way okay for this character to say
its more of a damned if i do address it, damned if i dont.
if it never comes up, people are gonna assume that ‘oh this character says slurs and is shit, surely the creator or fan-creator MUST be okay with it and woobifies freemind and absolves him of any mistakes’ or something like that. no. this asshole has an arc and i want to do it right. its serious and i think it shouldn’t be shoved under the rug
and people just. dont want to read for context for whatever reason. theyll start watching it and get taken aback by the slur and start blaming me ‘hey you never warned for this’ when very early on i keep mentioning over and over ‘you dont have to watch it if you dont want to! This has slurs and 2000s internet brand humor/style’ You really dont, I’m not forcing you to watch it- Literally all you need to know is either canon half life or hl/vrai. thats it. fm mostly follows hl1 with very slight changes.
so i had to make something that:
1. warns people who arent aware and dont want to go through my asks or about/warning pages (for whatever reason) and just want to see the art
2. also NOT downplay freemind’s canon assholery. listen, i kinda despise writing mean and cruel characters, theyre hard to do, and a lot of people get shit for doing it wrong or people going “character = author”
i’ve also considered leaving the bubbles blank, but then people could fill it with whatever they want, then blame me for being vague. or they’d fill it in with a different kind of slur that freemind has never used, even if he MIGHT be the type to do that. I needed to explicitly mention that it is ableist slur. There are shitty racist and other problematic jokes, but never those kinds of extreme racial slurs to my knowledge.
Although I do see your point that maybe joking about it outside of the serious stuff might not be the best route. The slurboy jokes are getting stale, and I will try a better way to remind people.
The thing that gets to me is that it feels people are more than ready to defend either Ross Scott or Gordon Freeman the fictonal character himself. I don’t??? really care for Ross Scott, so I don’t know if he’s ever brought it up specifically. I’m not really calling him out or cancelling him. Idc for some white man’s feelings, im only bringing the timeframe of That era and reworking it to fit in This current era.
And I hate to break it to people: Gordon Freeman is a blank slate character, you can project whatever the hell you want on him as long as it’s not freakshit illegal garbage. The machinimas (fm, hl/vrai) do have SOME characterization that I want to nail down. It fucking sucks when characters are ooc, and I’m trying not to do that, even if it means sacrificing some comfort. But still mostly staying in my comfort zone if that makes sense
Now about the callout that I do not want to engage with the op directly:
Honestly im very surprised the comic was called out when i just. thought my stuff is relatively tame on exploring the bad shit canon freemind does. ive seen him in fancontent where they really dont hold back and its still played off as ‘kinda funny’ tone.
I really don’t know if people just want any reason to hate me for whatever reason. That’s fine I guess, I can’t please everyone and they dont have to like me.
But like. isn’t it so much easier for the op of that to block me and the post and move on. Why kick up such a fuss. I can see that thinly veiled death threat of a vague. That’s pretty fucked up- Like holy fucking god, you do not have to like my stuff. I’m not holding you at knifepoint to like my stuff. I’ve specifically made two different tags (one general au, one specific au) if anyone wants to blacklist it for their own reasons I do not need to know. I don’t want to know.
You’re allowed to be uncomfortable. You’re allowed to unfollow/blacklist/block.
However you just don’t go ranting about it for something you horribly misinterpreted. If it bothers you so badly, literally just. drop me a message to clarify. thats it. or save yourself the time and block me.
I’ve blocked the op for both our sakes, but if anyone wants to send this post to them, then thats fine. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I don’t want to link the post and blow it up. I just want shit clarified, dropped and we can move the fuck on with our lives. 
If you’re reading this and don’t know what the post is, please don’t bother. I do not want people going after the op with threats, please keep it civil, I’d prefer if you don’t engage with the post at all on my behalf.
Despite this huge wall of text, I do not want this to be a big deal, so please don’t ask me about the details.
As for anon, feel free to dm me either on here or. Maybe on discord if you’d still like to suggest or have something more cleared up. I’m still willing to hear any kind of feedback, and i want to thank you again for being reasonable about this
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zayadriancas · 5 years ago
A, B, K, L, N, T, U, W & Z
Thank you!!!! 😃😃💖💖
A: A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. For ships, Zaya(always), Drianca, Cheronica, Choni, Sparcy, Bughead**aggressively ignores canon***, Jemma, Fimogen, hmm that’s about it lol.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. Believe it or not I wasn’t huge on Sparcy in the beginning but now they’re in my top 5 lol, also Sellie, Spaige, Crash, Lopaz, believe it or not I wasn’t huge on Gracevas either but that was more cuz I still wasn’t a huge fan of Zoe back in the day. No one really changed my mind on these it was just me growing to love them on my own over time.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? I loved Holly J, Fiona, Zoe, Spinner, and Bianca’s development arcs but I think Bianca’s was my fave mostly cuz she was my favorite lol but in all honesty I love all their arcs pretty equally
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) Mia was actually likable in season 7 and had good potential, even in season 8 she wasn’t a bad character just a victim of a bad storyline/bad writing.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice). PEOPLE REBLOGGING EACH OTHER’s GIFSETS/EDITS instead of just liking (this goes for any fandom), for the Degrassi fandom more new content in general cuz it’s pretty dead (but there have been some active gif makers lately so that’s nice), and for Riverdale fandom, even though Im not really hugely apart of it, for people to stop harassing the actors over their characters actions, it’s just a damn show and as frustrating as it can be, nothing excuses harassing the actors.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? Zaya lives in California together with Tiny as well and Zig is the manager of a restaurant still working on becoming a pro chef and Maya’s already released two albums and she’s super successful. Also Drianca got back together and are married (the Degrassi writers recently said Drianca aren’t officially back together but they’re quarantining together and I mean that’s great and all but no, they’re engaged again lmao).
U: Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. Degrassi: Bianca Riverdale: Cheryl 13 Reasons Why: Justin This was hard cuz I have a lot of favorites for Degrassi lol. Bianca’s my favorite because she’s fierce, strong, confident, has great lines lmao, had amazing development and was always compelling to watch. Cheryl’s my favorite because I find her the most intriguing to watch and she’s just so sassy and iconic tbh. I really don’t know I just love her. It was hard to choose between Jessica, Justin, and Tyler but Justin’s my favorite because I think his storyline is one of the most interesting and compelling and he’s had great development. I hope Season 4 does him justice.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. Any trope involving cheating. Just no.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.) I’m really sick of the Riverdale fandom tbh. Again I’m not hugely apart of it and I do love the people I follow but so many people are so hateful and gross and it’s just upsetting. And it bothers me honestly that I’ve seen so many people not caring about Jugheads feelings regarding the cheating and saying “I’d cheat on Jughead too” like???? He’s been one of the most supportive and loving partners on this show. It’s okay to not like him or not like Bughead but he hasn’t done anything wrong. I also just hate the way people are romanticizing the cheating in general to prop up B*rchie. I may sound hypocritical cuz two of my favorite ships involved cheating on others with each other but I never romanticized or excused those incidents even though I hated the rival ships (Zori, Krew). Not saying people can’t like B*rchie or any ship in spite of those circumstances but it just rubs me the wrong way the things I’ve seen said.
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snarky-sims-witch · 6 years ago
Ask Pileup
It’s finally here! The asks that have been collecting dust in my inbox! Doing them in one post just because it would be hella spammy if I did them all individually.
Don’t see your question here? It’s probably because it’s a 100BC ask that I’ve either answered before or is already clarified in the rules.
@simvanglade:  I love your sims medieval posts! I've never put that much effort into it before but you make me want to!
Aw thank you! I assume you mean the ones I was posting in the Sims Community Facebook group? I don’t think I’ve posted a lot of Sims Medieval to my tumblr, but I’m super happy you love them so much! I’ve wanted to do a Sims Medieval story for a long time on this simblr. Remind me when I finish one of my current stories. ;)
@consultingpolymath:  I have a question about the 100 baby challenge!! When my matriarch is an elder and ready to move out, is it ok at that point to make her immortal, or is it still against the rules? Even if she's not in the house anymore, I wish she could live to see some of her grandchildren, instead of just dying of old age after a week.
So I don’t typically answer a lot of 100BC questions anymore but this is kind of an interesting question that I don’t actually think I ever thought to address??? Yeah, it’s fine. You can basically do whatever you want with moved out kids and elderly matriarchs as long as it doesn’t break any rules that would in any way affect your active household. Moved out kids and matriarchs aren’t technically part of the challenge anymore.
@darkgrungemusic:  Hiya I just saw your answer to the ask of your text color on your blog and I wanted to let you know on Mod the Sims there's a mod to change the load screen and the main menu so its like normal, and there's one that lets you pick the colors instead. Just letting you know in case you didn't. Love you and your blog! Have an amazing day!
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you love my blog! I knew about the mod but since I knew a darker load screen was coming soon, anyway, I didn’t really want to bother with another mod that I’d just end up uninstalling again in a couple weeks, anyway. I appreciate the help, though!
@hotcocomash:  [i swear this isnt a 100baby ask] I found you from the buzzfeed 100 baby videos and got hooked on your not so berry story! ive kinda been reading it backwards cause of how mobile works but im still loving it. when i have time im gonna sit down and read everything chronologically. thank you for making so much interesting and fun content!
Lol I don’t actually mind answering 100BC asks. I just don’t like repeating myself. I’m so happy you found me through Buzzfeed (which is kind of surreal, wow) and I’m even happier you like my Not So Berry Challenge so much! I hope to get back to the Sweet family soon! They’re lots of fun.
@tekimimotaku: So I've only just found you. By looking up the only challenge I knew: the 100 Baby Challenge. But I'm looking through your blog and I'm captivated by the other challenges so far. Some aren't to my taste, but I can still appreciate the thought put into them and that others will enjoy them. Had I not already made my matriarch, I'd say F it and do a different challenge of yours. I can't wait til I'm done with this one so that I can start on the others! I wish I could think things through like that!
Aw thanks so much! I hope you’re having fun with the 100BC and it’s totally fine that not all my challenges appeal to you. :) I try to create different challenges that appeal to a wide variety of players so for most people, some of my challenges won’t be all that fun for them, but there could be others that they love so much, they just want to play over and over. That’s always sort of my intention when making a new challenge; trying to engage a different group of Simmers.
@mmfinch: I know that you're completely tired of the 100 baby challenge questions. I went back and read your Midford series as an apology of sorts and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your creativity in storytelling is amazing. I read through all the Q&A but this hasn't been asked. Is show hidden objects allowed to get a birth certificate for non hospital births? The have baby option was clicked by accident and couldn't be cancelled. Show hidden objects is a cheat, but the object is decoration only.
I’m so happy you love The Midford Legacy! As for your 100BC question, there are definitely a LOT of objects in the debug menu that I would consider cheating and not allowed, but the decorative birth certificate isn’t one of those things. Go ahead and buy it if you like. :)
@bipolarrrbearrr: Hey! I know you’re not super into this page right now, but I’ve been keeping up with your not so berry story and I love it. I haven’t been able to go past peppermint because I’m on safari and can’t get the app right now. I wish you could have streamed or recorded it because that would have made the story so much better! You’re awesome 😎
I have kind of a personal loathing for the YouTube/Twitch scene for... many, many reasons, some of them valid and some of them petty, lol, so I don’t think I’ll ever take up YouTubing again. I like the written word too much and the freedom of being able to stage my shots, but I appreciate the sentiment! I hope you get to read the rest of the challenge soon!
@sim-sizzlin: I did originally follow you cause you are the 100 baby (and many other cool challenges) OP writer, but it's really cool to see an active simblr making sims medieval posts it makes me want to reinstall my old copy it was YEARS AND YEARS ago ty
Aw, thank you! Yeah my Sims Medieval content is surprisingly popular. I think I need to make one of my next storytelling projects a Sims Medieval one. Thanks so much for the feedback!
@yennibelle: Hello there, I have an inquire about your unnatural genetics for children and toddlers in the sims 4. I just re-downloaded it, due to this months patch and was wondering if you have added Island Living hairs? Or did I miss them? And if you have not, will you? Either way, I appreciate your mod/CC :)
Hi there! I’m so sorry, but I haven’t updated the hair for Island Living, yet! All my files and palettes I used for those hairs is on my old laptop and I haven’t gotten around to transferring everything I need onto my new one, yet, but thank you for reminding me that’s something I need to do. :) In the meantime, all the hair should still work fine in your game. You just won’t have funky varieties of the IL hair (yet). I’ll be sure to post when I take this on but it may not be for a while, yet.
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vixenfur · 7 years ago
Tag at least 5 people you love and give a few words on why!
Since there was so much BS in the fandom today, time to share some love! :)
- @zeta-jane is an absolute godsend of a friend. They are sassy, funny, talkative, energetic and so full of amazing ideas!!! Zeta is always there for me when I need someone to lean on. They’re such a kind friend and they will not hesitate, baitch to fight people who hurt me- probably because they know I’d do the same for them! They’re such good company both online and IRL, and I am blessed to have met them! I am even more blessed to be writing City of Dust and Shadows with them, which has become the longest fic either of us has ever written! We may or may not surpass it with our future collabs, however ;) They are just the coolest person ever and they deserve all the love in the world. I adore them so much!!! TUT 
- @mikayu-chan is such a got damn SWEETHEART. They are trying to see the positive side of things, especially after so much fandom drama in the past, and I’m so so proud of them for trying their hardest to live their best life. They have it way too hard and I want to give them a big ole hug and many days of fun!!! They always make me laugh and we have a great time on calls! I’m glad that we see eye-to-eye on so many things and that we continue to teach each other new things all the time!! They are really an irreplaceable friend and such a joy to talk with, to write with, and to laugh with. I love you Chan
- @crazyloststar deserves the entire world and more!!!! oMg I cannot express how much I love Alex!!!!! Alex is just a big bundle of happiness and fun and she makes me so so so so so so so happy. I love calling with her and talking, I love writing with her and everything else!! We always have so much fun, I swear I can’t talk to her without laughing my ass off at least once XD we’re always DJDJDHDHDHDJD’ing at each other because we just can’t find the right words to express how hard we’re agreeing with each other/laughing omfg. I adore her and I cant WAIT to cosplay KimiYoi and RyuuTenn with her hopefully at next year’s Yaoi Con WOOT WOOT :D!!!!
- @yuudefensesquad is sUCH A GOOD BEAN who deals with SO MUCH and she just needs a big ole hug and lots of Yuuchan i stg. Caydence is such a funny funky lil nugget and I protecc her with my life okay. Her art? Flawless. Her shitposts? FUCKIN HILARIOUS. Her meta? Super engaging and intriguing! Her bravery? ABOVE US ALL LOL. She is just awesome and I’m glad I forcefully adopted her into my lil family of mikayuu nerds bc it just wouldn’t be the same without her. Caydence ily never stop being you. A lot of shit challenges her irl and everywhere else, but she still keeps her head up and man I really respect her.
- @mikaisatop is MY FRICKIN RIGHT HAND MAN. My SOULMATE. SARAHHH I ADORE YOU. You might be busy rn but I love you so much girl ;__; even though she’s busy I always bother her bc I want her to know I wouldn’t ever forget about her!! I’m so happy we got to collab so much and will continue doing so!! Winter’s Waltz is so much fun to write and I’m so happy she is writing it with me anyways despite such a busy schedule. If it weren’t for Sarah we wouldn’t have so much good MikaYuu content and I applaud her for it!!
- @6lilystrings9 IS JUST THE BOMB DOT FUCKIN COM. Lily and I didn’t super duper connect until more recently but omg talking with her is just a freakin BLAST. We always get so hype with each other, even over each other’s fandoms that we aren’t even in!!! Something about the energy in her pulls out the energy in me and we just get GOING lmao. She is so very talented and amazing and a fascinating person all around! I’m so glad we got to hang a bit at KatsuCon in 2017 but I hope we can do that again in the future! I miss her all the time!
- @weirdfairytales is the MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. Anna is just the biggest definition of a meme I can think of and I LOVE her for it. I’m so glad that we met way back when MikaYuuHell Skype existed and that she thought of the masterpiece that is Cherry Boy one wild night. I’m so glad we continued to be great friends and talk about so many things. I love when our messages get super long cause we just have so many things to say XD Cosplaying Victuuri with her at Katsu was so lit, and I can’t express how much I love her Victuuri fic too!!!
- @hannaadi88 is such. a. sweetheart. I can’t say it enough. Hanna does so much and gets so little I stfg yall need to APPRECIATE HER MORE. Her writing is STUNNING and the projects she makes for this fandom are just outstanding!!! From gift exchanges (I SAID ONS REMIX BEFORE IM SORRY i was wrong XD) to 365 Days of Mika and Yuu, she has put in so much for us constantly! She has also granted us with the lovely fic Scented, and not to mention one of my favorite fics of ALL TIME, Eye of Horus- the Ancient Egypt take on Unwritten!!! And she named it that without knowing my first tattoo is literally the eye of horus! XD I was shook lmfao and I still am. Meeting Hanna was amazing and the day I spent with her and @ihavetobenkyou (who is also a-freaking-MAZING and a big bundle of goodness!!!!!!) is one I’ll never forget. She’s so chill and just gives off this ‘wise’ aura idk why but I just look up to Hanna so much. No matter what she writes I will always support her and you all should too!!!
- @just-another-dream-about-yuu is ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS TO EVER HUMAN. Julia omfg I cannot express how much I love you. TwT Julia is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever seen, but she is so sweet and fun and so full of energy and excitement!! She’s super busy with adulting so she’s not around in the fandom a whole lot but I always make sure to include her bc I won’t let her leave XD JULIA YOU CANNOT ESCAPE…. lmfao I will always drag you back… I won’t ever forget the day I got a twitter notification that someone drew me Unwritten fanart and the croaking sound I made was insane LMAO my friend who was with me was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED XD I was so excited!!! I still adore every piece of fanart she’s given me and I always will. Thank you, Julia, for bringing my imagination to life so many times, for showing me what you saw when you read my writing. It means more than I can say.
- @coleglend is the most underappreciated person in this fandom I swear. Or, who was in this fandom- Cole is off doing other things besides OnS, but regardless, she is so very amazing and beyond talented. I can’t even express how beautiful her art is and the emotions each piece sparks in me. Even her new Marvel artworks are just breathtaking and I truly admire them!!! I don’t know anyone who can make such detailed, visually engaging art- everything she creates belongs in a museum I swear. I want to print them and frame them for my walls!!! I look at her art all the time!!! Now that I’ve established how gorgeous her art is, talk about Cole as a person! She’s so sweet and kind and I love seeing her little posts on Instagram and such, even though I can’t understand most of them, I like seeing that she’s with friends and having a good time.
- @linnpuzzle is one of the coolest most amazing people in this fandom!!! Her art is STUNNING and as she knows, I will drop everything to commission her and buy her merch because I just am addicted to her gorgeous art!!! I am so honored to have some of her art as part of my collection of OnS things and I am forever going to treasure the commissions I’ve purchased from her!! Besides being a great artist, I love talking with Linn, too! I’m so glad we have things in common outside of MikaYuu, like Voltron and Kyo Kara Maoh :D Linn is truly too good for this world and she deserves everything okokok.
- @zilleniose-chu is truly an ICON of this fandom. We don’t talk alot outside of business stuff lolol but they are just freakin amazing!!! I adore their art so much- I always have, ever since I first saw their page!!- and I LOVE their AU’s and headcanons!! They are full of such great ideas and humor and they can share those ideas through really stunning and captivating artwork
- @absolute-exclusivity IS AN AMAZIN. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BEAN OH MY GOODNESS i cANT TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE LYSIA. AAAAAAAAHHHH THIS GIRL IS GONNA SPEND MY BIRTHDAY WITH ME OUT IN LONDON LESSGO GIRL!!! I’m so excited you have NO IDEA. Lysia is so so so energetic and cute and overall such an amazing friend!! She’s so caring and always willing to listen even when things are busy for her!! She’s full of hilarious, tragic, and heart-pounding ideas and AU’s. We always get lit together talking about fics and headcanons and I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. I can’t wait to meet her and I can’t wait to collab with her and Zeta soon, too!!
- @rindartist is absolutely one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME no doubt about it. Rin is so amazing, always making so many beautiful artworks of MikaYuu, and now of other lovely series aswelll! I may not be into GBF but her art of it is just lovely and I suggest everyone to commission Rin if they have the means!!
- @p0isonpez is someone I’ve only seen from afar but I absolutely love her art and posts!! I am so happy to see someone new in the fandom sharing such lovely things and interacting with the rest of us!! you seem so friendly and kind and I hope we can talk more sometime! :D
- @temesasu is such a sweetheart!! We’re just starting to talk a little more, but I am soso happy!! They are such an amazing cosplayer and their ONS cosplayers bring such a big smile to my face. They are beautiful and able to make themselves look like so many different characters!!! They are so talented with makeup, I am in awe!! :D And they are so kind and fun to talk to, and I hope we talk more! Thank you for sharing your cosplays with us, you are amazing! Don’t stop!
- @seraph-star is such a good precious person who makes endless good content!! Omg, their edits are just so awesome!! they always have me bouncing my head along, or completely enraptured and breathless, or laughing!! They are so good at evoking different emotions through video editing and as a very casual video editor myself, I am so impressed with their work!! I also love their memes and art and everything else that they share!!!
- @angeru-artist is a precious PRECIOUS ANGEL who deserves the entire world!!!! Omg, Angeru makes such amazing art, with such expressive characters and cute little attributes!!! I love it when I see their art and I’m so glad that we share a few fandoms together rather than just one. Angeru is really bighearted and she goes through way too much hard times, and I wish I could just take her away to somewhere better!!! One day my friend we will forget about the world and just have fun!!
- @maqui-chan iS ONE OF THE BEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER KNOWN OMFG. her art is iconic and unforgettable!!!! Maqui’s art has always been one of my favorites of all time and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve commissioned her LOL!! I JUST LOVE HER ART SO MUCH OKAY!?? ITS SO GOOD GO LOOK AT ALL OF HER GLORIOUS CREATIONS! she is so talented and she can create anything, from angst to smut to humor, leave it to Maqui to create amazing things!! And omg Maqui ignited the fire in all of our ShuuNaru hearts amiright!??? GOD her art inspired me so much to the point to where I wrote a ShuuNaru fic and it was so much fun!!! Maqui, thank you for drawing so many awesome things and creating so much for the fandom!! Even if you’ve mostly fallen out of it, your creations are always going to be treasured by me and many other people- you’ve impacted people way more than you know! Thank you for always making me laugh on twitter aswell XD you’re amazing and ily!!! 
OK OK I;M OUT OF STEAM I’VE BEEN TYPING THIS FOREVER OK i could go ON AND ON about even MORE people in this fandom but that would take me literal ages LMAO
TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHO I DIDN’T MENTION BC MY BRAIN IS JUMBLED AND I AM EXHAUSTED: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DONT STOP CREATING. THE FANDOM IS A FLAMING GARBAGE HEAP SOMETIMES LIKE IT WAS TODAY. But DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU from having a good time, doing what you love, and creating things that you are proud to share!!! And if your heart leads you elsewhere, to a different brand new fandom, I hope you always remember the people you inspired with your work!! I hope you forget the bad memories and always treasure the good ones. I hope that we can be friends and/or that I can continue supporting you no matter where we all end up in the years to come. And if you decide to support me too, I give you my biggest, most heartfelt thanks.
No matter how ridiculous this fandom can get and how much stupid discourse can dampen the mood and disappoint me, I will never let it stop me from loving MikaYuu and OnS and what I do. I will never let it stop me from writing all that my crazy little heart wants. I will continue to write until my passion dies, and when that day comes I will probably cry as I say goodbye and resort to watching from the sidelines as everyone else carries on. I will never forget the fun I had here. These past 3 years have been so impactful already, and I know the future ones will continue to be- with the old friends, with the new friends, and with friends to be made!!
Let’s spread love more often rather than hate. I encourage anyone who feels inclined to make posts (maybe not as long as mine if you dont want XDD) talking about your favorite creators and friends in the fandom, too! Or, if that seems too corny to you, just continue to draw, write, edit, and cosplay! Continue to make people laugh and smile and cry and swoon! Continue to support creators by leaving comments and kudos, by liking and reblogging, by following and commissioning, and sharing and crediting their work wherever you can! Continue to make a difference!
I love you all so much!
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devoraakss · 7 years ago
Maybe for modern au...Drunk one night stand with Aveana and Lucio but HE gets attached and keeps finding excuses to visit her
this is going to be so fucking long oh my god i gOT CARRIED AWAY. Maybe i’ll start a series in a modern au centered around this? a whopping 2,585 words im fdgsf
Lucio was no stranger to one night stands. They were fun, simple, easy, chaotic. Everything that Lucio adored. It started like it always did, he had maybe a biiit too much to drink… but he was sober enough to have a coherent conversation and not come off as a total ass.  
He had seen her from across the bar. Like some kind of awful romantic comedy, he knew he had to get closer to her, talk to her– something! If he was lucky, take her home. Lucio knew he was a catch, he’d been flirting all night but… well, he hadn’t seen anyone quite as… eye-catching as she was.
A mess of dark brown hair tied up in a messy bun, pale skin speckled with so many freckles he could make constellations with them if he wanted… Her right arm is inked with intricate geometric designs and he can see the beginnings of another tattoo on her thigh, peeking out from under the hem of her short dress that hugged her hips so perfectly. Her body was sinfully curvy, with thighs that look like they could kill a man. she looked so soft and plump… He had to at least try to get a piece of that.
When he finally tears his eyes from the rest of her, he’s been caught. a startling pair of mismatched eyes are staring him down, and a teasing smile plays on her full lips. Well, if he didn’t move now he’d just look like a creep.
With relative ease, Lucio stands and strides over to where she sat at the bar, taking the empty seat beside her and offering her a charming smile. “You come here often?”
This… exquisite woman laughs, blessing his ears with her musical voice– He swears she looks more beautiful than he does… It must have been the alcohol.
“Classic conversation starter… maybe I do.”
Her voice is like silk, sending shivers down his spine and making him think of what else that mouth of hers can do… especially with those pouty lips.
“That’s odd, because I’ve never seen you before, and I know I’d remember a pretty face like yours.”
“Oh? you sound very sure of yourself.” She moves and her skirt slips a little higher up her legs and gods, what he wouldn’t give to have those thighs wrapped around his head– Lucio quickly looks away banishing those thoughts from his mind. The last thing he needed was to pop a stiffy in the middle of the crowded bar– though it would be interesting. He wasn’t interested in a quickie by the bathroom, he wanted so much more than that. To drag his hands over her curves, bruise her, mark her, have her screaming his name… Speaking of…
“If there’s one thing I have an abundance of it’s confidence, my dear… I don’t believe I caught your name.”
She gives him a look that is mildly amused, giving her drink a stir. “Aveana. and you are?”
Lucio grins, resting his elbow on the bar as he leaned a bit closer to her. “My name’s Lucio, Aveana.” He lets her name roll off his tongue in a sultry purr, and by the way her eyebrow arches at him, biting her bottom lip… She was as… interested in him as he was in her.
“What do you say we get out of here? I’m sure I can show you a good time, if you’re interested.”
Aveana laughs once again, finishing off her drink with a smile. “That sounds like an invitation if I’ve ever heard one.” 
Lucio can feel his heart racing in his chest, holy shit this was working? of course it was, she would have to be blind if she wasn’t interested in someone as enthralling as himself. “It was, are you coming with me, or am I going home lonely tonight?” Lucio teases, but he hopes to god she says yes. Being able to run his hands down those supple hips of hers… He just might be drooling a little. Aveana gives him a look that’s almost searing, incredible mismatched eyes gazing at him like he is the mouse and she is the cat. She stands from her seat at the bar, flagging down the bartender to pay for her drink and then turning back to him, a haughty smile on her lips. “Your place or mine?”
Lucio woke up with the hangover from hell, coupled with two sets of paws digging into his back. Mercedes and Melchior were barking up a storm, excitedly stepping all over him in their attempts to stir him from his sleep, which only served to make his head throb even more. His dogs still when they see he’s awake and they excitedly shove their cold snouts under the covers, the shock nearly making Lucio fall off the bed, but he manages to keep them at bay with his foot. “m’fuckin’ dogs… go away.”The dogs huff, but seeing as they are not  dragging their human out of bed anytime soon, scramble over him and run out the door to his bedroom, barking and snapping at each other.Bloodshot silver eyes flicker open, squinting angrily at the sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window of his penthouse. He huffs angrily, grabbing one of the satin red pillows and putting it over his head, trying to bury deeper into the sheets. He was almost back to sleep when his phone buzzed from where it sat haphazardly on his nightstand. With another irritated huff he reaches for his phone, feeling around before his hand closes around the device. He turns it on and winces at the brightness, quickly turning it down before squinting to read his notifications… A new text from Nadia– he had seventeen missed messages, and two missed calls… Damn… what time was it? He glares at the clock and groans. 2:30 pm. 
He had a lunch date with Nadia and he missed it. Well he didn’t want to go anyways but he always at least tried to make an effort. He sighs, quickly typing back a half-assed response to Nadia– ‘srry noddy 2 hungover to care lmao’ with a few emojis just to piss her off.The missed calls were both from Valerius, no doubt because Nadia had been furious he missed their engagement. Lucio shrugs and sets his phone back on the nightstand, content to go back to sleep before– There is a angry banging on his door, muffled voices reaching his ears. The sound makes Mercedes and Melchior go ballistic. Lucio snarls a few curses into the pillows, kicking the covers off himself like an angry child who was just told to get up for school. Pulling himself from the comfort of his bed he is suddenly struck by the fact that he was bare ass naked. This wasn’t too odd, though a quick look in the mirror reminded him of the… adventure he had the night before. Dark purple bruises are setting in on his neck, shoulders and chest, a quick glance at his back shows angry red scratches– and it all brings a shit eating grin to his face. It came back in blurs, but the more he remembered the faster it started coming back. Aveana. He didn’t bother looking for her, he figured she was long gone, but there was that small part of him, the silent disappointment that he likely wouldn’t see her ever again… another impatient bang at his front door drags him from his thoughts and he quickly fishes out a pair of sweatpants from the clothes piled on one of the couches in his room and tosses them on, hand coming to rub at his temple as he makes his way towards the door. “Fuckin’ hell I’m coming! good gods…” Lucio barks out, and Mercedes and Melchior race to the door, nearly tripping him as he reaches it. 
“Mercedes! Melchior! G– augh, Go away!” 
He shoos the dogs off, placing himself between them and the door to keep them from running out. He grumbles as he undoes the lock, cracking the door open to reveal a furious Nadia. Scarlet eyes bore into him but he can’t find it in himself to care how angry she was, returning her gaze with an unimpressed praise of his brow. “What did I do this time.” Nadia’s gaze is scorching, and not in the good way. “I know you don’t care about a lot of things but when we make plans to have lunch, with my parents, I expect you to arrive!! I can tolerate being a bit late but blowing it entirely? And making me look foolish?!”  
She shoves her way into the luxurious penthouse and he lets her, rolling his eyes as she passes– though he wasn’t expecting the shorter, white haired person that follows her. Asra is staring at his phone texting someone as he enters behind her, gaze flickering to look at Lucio with a disgusted scrunch of his nose, shaking his head with a sigh. “Nadia, I hate to say I told you so, buuut…” “Then don’t!” Nadia fumes, heading to the kitchen and grabbing one of Lucio’s favorite wines. Lucio makes a face, like he just bit into the worlds sourest lemon. 
“Sure, make yourselves right at home.” He comments flatly, glaring at Asra as he shuts the door behind them. His house was by no means fit for guests, and Lucio was only just now seeing the clothes strewn around the living area… were those his boxers on the counter?Nadia doesn’t seem to notice, not even bothering with a proper glass as she uncorks the bottle and takes a strong swig of it. “Aw, c’mon, Nadia that’s–” “Shut up! You don’t get to bitch about your wines! Do you know how long my sisters are going to hold this over my head!? ‘Oh, poor Nadi, can’t make her husband show up for a simple luncheon’ I’ll never hear the end of it,” she rounds on Lucio, pointing accusingly at him with one perfectly manicured fingernail.
“And it’s all. Your. Fault. Our relationship is for show but you kind of defeat it’s purpose when you don’t fucking show up!” 
Nadia collapses into one of the chairs at the island counter, steepling her fingers against her temple. Asra clicks his tongue, sliding into the seat beside her and propping his feet on the counter. “Gonna take a bit to fix that one, Lucio.” Lucio rolls his eyes again, willing to say just about anything to make them both go away. His hangover was making Nadia sound like a shrill harpy, and Asra was beginning to sound a lot like Camio…
 “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I forgot.” He begrudgingly apologizes, moving to rifle around in his medicine cabinet for something to soothe the ache in his head. “Convenient.” Nadia snaps back, but she doesn’t sound too mad anymore… she must have ranted most of her anger to Portia before coming over to chew him out. If it weren’t for both of their parents fixing up their relationship Nadia and Lucio wouldn’t even have to make an effort to be together– but alas. Here they were. Nadia makes a disgusted sound, and when Lucio turns around Nadia is glaring at a.. Thin piece of fabric draped over the table, the dark red lace a clear indicator that it wasn’t his. Lucio quickly grabs the underwear and tosses them somewhere in the living room– if he had any shame, he would be blushing, but the only thing on his face is that shit eating grin. “Sorry about that.” he remarks, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. “I cannot stand you.” Nadia fumes, taking another drink of wine and resting her head on the marble counter. Lucio chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. “So you’ve said before.” the next hour is Nadia ranting about what exactly transpired at this lunch, and the longer she talks the more Lucio is glad he missed the damned thing. The second the two of them leave he promptly passes out on the couch. 
Lucio spends the next few days making it up to Nadia, going to a brunch with both her parents and her sisters– it was painful to sit through. Especially when his thoughts were occupied with someone else. He couldn’t get Aveana off his mind, it was stupid and foolish but he was 100% sober and remembered every moment of them together. It was a simple one night stand, but he silently hoped that if he returned to that bar… he would see her again. This distracted state of mind led to many questions from Nadia’s family met with a confused ‘Huh?’ or ‘I’m sorry, what?’ Which served to make Nadia more flabbergasted, and afterwards Lucio made up some half-assed excuse about having another engagement to get away from her.A quick text to Valerius and he had a ride home, so that was taken care of.. in the mean time, maybe he could do some shopping– Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice the person in front of him until he walked right into them. A disgruntled ‘oof’ left Lucio’s mouth, his face screwing up in a displeased scowl, perfectly stylized brows drawing together. 
“Hey, watch where you’re–” His breath caught in his throat when he saw those familiar blue and gold eyes, expression going from a scowl to one of utter shock. “Lucio?!” Aveana looked just as startled, her voice cracking on his name, nearly dropping her phone in her hands.They both stare at each other for a few seconds– though to Lucio it seems like hours, and his heart is slamming against his ribcage. He knows exactly what she looks like under those clothes, the expanse of soft skin covered in gorgeous lines of ink, the freckles that dot over every inch of her. He knows how she feels beneath his hands, soft and perfect. He knows how she sounds when his lips are on her neck and– “Lucio, what the fuck” Asra’s voice shatters his thoughts and his expression is back to that scowl of his, silver eyes darting over to him. He’s so thrown he says the first thing that comes to his mind. “What are you gawking at?” Asra has his arm hooked through Aveana’s in a friendly manner which floors Lucio even more– Asra knew her! Asra knew her and all this time he could have– no, no, scratch that, Asra probably wouldn’t have told him even if he asked. “You’re the one gawking, goatshit–” “Asra.” Aveana gives him a hard jab in the side, cheeks bright red as she cuts her eyes at him. Asra makes a face, glancing at his friend. “Hold on, are you telling me you know him?” Lucio grins, folding his arms. “We do indeed know each other. I think I still have something of yours back at my apartment, too…” he remarks offhandedly, giving her a knowing look and watching the blush on her cheeks just spread.  
Asra opens his mouth to speak, but then he stops himself, eyes going wide. “Hold the fuck on, just a minute,” He’s sputtering now, violet eyes wide and accusing in Lucio’s direction.“Asra, we really should get back to Muriel, you know he doesn’t like staying in the food court by himself…” Aveana tries to interject but Asra is all out glaring at Lucio now, it was too late. “Those– on the counter?!– I cannot fucking believe you!” Asra’s abject horror only makes Lucio’s grin widen, which in turn makes Asra even more irritated. Aveana quickly pushes Asra towards the direction of the food court, offering Lucio a sheepish smile. 
“I’ll, uh… stop by your place later to grab that… thing..” She mutters, averting her gaze from him and tugging Asra off in the opposite direction. Lucio watches with an emboldened sense of glee forming in his chest. He had this little dove in his grasp again, and this time? He didn’t intend to let her go.
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not-poignant · 8 years ago
[1/3] Hi Pia, I wanted to ask u something cuz Im getting shit for an OC Im writing & idk what to do. When I read ur Fae Tales I was v confused by Gwyn&Augus' relationship as I felt like Gwyn hurt more than felt better during their scenes. W time tho I kinda understood that in order for Gwyn to overcome part of his trauma, Augus was having him deal with it by doing stuff that Gwyn hates. Im trying to deal with a similar topic here, but Ive been told that my dom OC is abusive & that its disgusting
[2/3] of me to think abt it as something acceptable. My OC has been abused since he was a kid, both physically & emotionally and he’s now at a poit of his arc where hes desperate to feel better and not disgusted w himself. So he asked his dom to help him break (and he’s v resistent, since he bottled up everything since he was young). Im not writing that the dom enjoys it in any way, but I still get shit like “youre sick, you cant do this, you know nothing abt ptsd”. // [3/3] I really feel bad for this, since I dont wanna pass the message that I condemn abuse in any way. I dont understand whether this is fandom purity or me not doing my research right and fucking up. Also bcos it’s a one-time thing, it’s not something that will go on and continue, since I myself am not comfortable with writing abuse. Idk what to do, can u help me?             
It is really tough for me to give advice on something I haven’t read. I mean I kind of…can’t? I can only really give like, very very general advice, to you as a writer, and I’m not sure how helpful it will be.
Like, maybe you are misrepresenting PTSD. Maybe it is coming across a certain way. I can’t tell you whether that’s happening or not. I don’t know if you’re getting any positive comments, or any positive feedback, and I don’t know what fandom you’re in to say whether it’s definitely purity wank (like Dragon Age, where it often is, but still doesn’t mean that some people don’t make good critiques of things).
However, I will say this:
An author has the right to write the scene you’re describing, and even misrepresent PTSD or BDSM or whatever is happening, and it still has a right to exist in the world. That doesn’t mean it will be free from criticism, and if you write controversial or ‘dark’ content, it likely won’t be free from criticism. Them’s the breaks.
You have the right to delete comments, ignore them, or choose to take them on board. And probably some other choices (like taking some of it on board, adding an extra warning in your story like ‘this isn’t a representation of a healthy relationship’ or whatever, and then deleting the comments or ignoring them).
You’re clearly being bullied, and getting personal hate. As soon as someone takes the feedback from ‘this is unhealthy and squicky’ to ‘you’re sick’ - they are erroneously assuming that you are the same as your writing, and that’s not okay. It’s not accurate, not correct, and usually indicates the comment itself is only really fit for the trash. It strongly points towards purity wank bullshit. You don’t have to honour attacks on your personal character, and I strongly believe that folks shouldn’t bother engaging with people who attack their personal character in fic feedback.
I get comments like this on my work sometimes. I delete them. On the very rare occasion I might respond, when I think it’s more valuable for a reader to see a sound, reasoned, non-defensive response that calmly explains what I’m doing in a way that shows both sides of the situation. That’s rare. I just delete them. Once or twice those people have chased me into my inbox, where I block them.
I can’t comment on your story, the quality of your story, or whether you’re achieving what you set out to achieve, or if it’s being done well. I haven’t read it, I can’t do that. The only thing I’d say is make sure that your tags are comprehensive, and if you don’t have one already, maybe consider a warning in your author’s note at the beginning that you’re not trying to write a realistic/healthy relationship and anyone expecting that should exit stage right (or something similar).
I warn for the same with Gwyn and Augus. Honestly you’d think people would know this, being in the fiction tags, but they don’t. Especially people who toe the purity wank line.
I can say that you - as a human being - do not deserve to be personally attacked for what you’re writing, and the delete button is within your reach re: these people’s feedback (if it’s on AO3 anyway). You need to make sure you can look after yourself, and also that you don’t cave to people who cast aspersions on your character. Maybe there are flaws in your fic, all you can do is change that in the future or choose to edit now, if you decide to do neither because you’re not comfortable with abuse, then that’s that. You still have the right to protect yourself from people who are hounding you, and blocking folks who don’t understand one of the most fundamental laws of fanfiction - The First Law of Fandom: ‘Don’t like? Don’t read.’
And maybe take some time to remember what you like about writing fic. Go find some positive comments you’ve had, or read some stories you’re proud of. I’m not sure if any of this stuff helps, because it always hurts a lot to get these kinds of comments, but haters will always exist in the world, and sometimes the most important thing is to just let them know that you won’t tolerate them around the things that you’re creating out of love, for free.
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