#im just ranting cause i saw that new trailer
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swimmingferret · 1 year ago
man, House of the Dragon is still such a let down. Like the dragons look cool but I so do not understand so many of the changes they made, especially with making Alicent such a dumb-fuck loser in the show.
And before you go all 'Fire and Blood is written in HEAVY bias so its okay that the show is an au' its established as being heavily pro-Green and Alicent is stated to be a calculating, ruthless woman instead of the abused, spineless under-her-daddys-thumb waif she is in the show. I really wish we would've gotten the Alicent who was the driving force behind the coup, the one who intentionally hid Viserys's death for a week as she specifically ordered servants to only tell her when he passed and helped kill Rhaenyra's supporters and sent Criston to crown Aegon and where the fuck was 'Kingmaker' Criston anyway???? he did jackshit while in the book he was the one who convinced Aegon to steal the crown- its literally his nickname!!! Instead in the show Alicent mis-hears Viserys death ramblings about that dumbfuck prophecy and thinks he means her son Aegon and then later screams at the Green council when they suggest killing Rhaenyra. Like what the fuck did you think a coup meant you stupid moron. She's so idiotic in the show, I really wish HoTD wasn't so scared of putting in scumbag ambitious women- cause a woman can in fact, be an opportunistic piece of shit that Alicent should have been like her bookself was. The same way Rhaenyra was a negligent idiot and hid on Dragonstone for years rather than consolidate her power to take over the realm. Which is sorta funny 'cause they kept that part of Rhaenyra in the show but whitewashed the shit out of Alicent to make her some hapless victim instead of the ruthless schemer who basically blew up the realm because she wanted her blood on the Iron Throne.
Then there was Daeron, who was literally never mentioned in the show. Ya know, Daeron the Daring who was like the only Green dragonrider who wasn't a complete fuckwit and they just somehow never mentioned the fourth of Alicent's kids lol how many peop,e are gonna be like 'who the hell is this' when he shows up.
Also with Blood and Cheese maybe it would be more impactful if we actually saw Heleana's and Aegon's children at one point lol rather than just a few random shots with zero interaction. Like who are these children
And wtf was that stupid scene with Rhaenys in the dragonpit, cause that was so stupid. That moron could have ended the Dance right then and there but didn't for no reason. then again they admitted in behind the scenes that only added it cause it would look cool so...meh
Idk House of the Dragon is pretty lame in my opinion cause of the random time-skips, bad pacing and fucking up Alicent's character so badly. Sometimes a woman is an asshole.
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lemonlinelights · 4 months ago
Hey so uhhh I've caught up on Arcane
Spoilers aka me ranting
IS EKKO OKAY???? WE SAW JAYCE'S DISHEVELED POSTER WHERES EKKO...just remembered he has more scenes cause of the trailer XD
But also there's so much going on but at the same time I'm not confused- like I can follow all these different storylines they have going and that's really good writing
Caitlyn's really having a time right now. She didn't get time to properly grieve (THANKS AMBESSA*) I don't think her and Vi will ever be close like they were again. BIGGEST thought im having is Caitlyn's comment "I keep telling myself you're different but you're not. It's her blood in your veins." is that how she is going to view anyone from the undercity now? We already know she was willing to poison the air (but Vi did agree to that plan) and used brute force that bothered Vi. Like I LOVE HER- the changes she promised not to have is so interesting and I'm curious to see what actions she'll take next.
*holy shit Ambessa is such a cool character she's truly a new chess piece that is NOT following the rules. She has her own agenda and Piltover is collateral for her SHES SO NEAT
Loris, which is the guy Vi got drunk with, walks away when Caitlyn is put in charge and I wonder what he's up to
Anyways gonna go rewatch the fight scene at the end again the visuals are SO COOL Okie byyeeeee
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buffyfan145 · 7 months ago
so i read quite a few of your posts and spammed you with likes, i hope you don't mind too much but you are perhaps the most informed person on trop tea i have came across and your speculations make me more excited for s2 😅
so from what i understand, there has been a very little info on galadriel's storyline compared to other characters? all we know is that she is with adar and elrond is trying to save her, then she fights sauron. and as for sauron, he spends most of the season with celebrimbor (can i ask what's that horrible fate of his? i havent read the books).
tbh, my delulu ass hopes that the fact that gal's storyline is so under-the-wraps means that it's going to be smtng special and spicy (instead of her having a reduced screen-time), and the actors being more open about haladriel stuff is bc that "surprise" storyline has to do with them. has it been conformed that they will use their mental bond in the season?
ahhh, anyways, your theory about galadriel going with sauron after being alienated by other elfs is *chief's kiss*. i will personally go and kiss the ring of the writers if that's true! i have also been seeing speculations about sauron chasing galadriel but not sure what's that based on (saw it on twt but then decided to avoid the twt space bc im afraid of possible ship wars ruining my experience for s2 since i saw a couple of sauron and celebrimbor shippers say they will have sexual tension or smtng. totally fine with shippers being shippers but i have had such a bad experience with ship wars that i want to just altogether avoid even witnessing them).
sorry for a long ask/rant! thanks for all your posts, they are really interesting! ❤
That's no problem and thanks so much!!! 😀 Yeah, I keep up with all the spoilers and news now as this show has become one of my major fandoms now and I get like this and those who followed for over the years know when I get into a show or movie series. LOL I'm going to post most of this behind a cut since it's got major spoilers for the season but will say Morfydd has talked a lot about Galadriel's storylines and her getting Nenya is huge part of this too, and her, Charlie, and the writers did talk about her and Sauron's mental bond and that it will be a huge part too. Morfydd did film "Starve Arce", a horror movie which is out now, while s2 was filming but I don't think it impacted production that much since the cast is so large and s2 was filmed over 9 months. Also this season has been confirmed to be Sauron centric so it's more centered around him as the lead, but she's still listed by Amazon as the female lead and has second billing under Charlie. So now to the spoilery parts.
So again Galadriel's main storylines from interviews and the trailers are receiving Nenya and learning how to use it, the mental bond she has with Sauron (which they also confirmed will be a huge part of the show till it ends with season 5) and some sort of creepy vision early on in the season, being outcasted by the other elves and even causing issues with Elrond, she has scenes with Cridan and Gil Galad too as her fellow elven ringbearers, the fight with the barrow wights with a team of other elves, getting captured by Adar, learning from Adar more about Sauron, forming an alliance with Adar including what seems like to use her as bait to lure Sauron out, and then as we saw in the final trailer the big confrontation she has with Sauron and showing him Nenya. Plus, they could still be hiding things from us too as these trailers are only mins and we have 8 episodes total and if like in season 1 they likely are all over an hour long.
Celebrimbor's story is so tragic too. He actually gets killed by the orcs and dies in a horrible manner, which is also likely why the show's rating increased as it's even more violent than season 2. I don't want to spoil it too much, but he will die in the season finale and Sauron does horrible things before that to him both physically and verbally. It's very much like an abusive relationship which is why I don't ship them. I understand that others do but their scenes are going to be so hard to watch. Both Charlies and the writers have called it a friendship or bromance, but those terms seem to suggest they aren't going for it to be romantic either but a friendship that turns violent and more into Sauron/Annatar being master. But this does show Sauron treats Galadriel differently to everyone else.
But yeah I'm hoping there won't be a ship war but I doubt it'll be in this case. Celebrimbor also in the books wanted to marry Galadriel himself in the 1st Age but she fell in love with Celeborn and married him instead. I posted before how that could bond Celebrimbor and Sauron as they'll both end up losing her to Celeborn. If any ship war happens it'll actually be whenever Celeborn comes back as we all know from the books and movies Galadriel ends up with him and they still have to have their daughter as they can't change too much and still have to make sure the LOTR books/movies play out the way they do when this show ends.
I'm still thinking, like others now too, that it is possible she does go with Sauron at the end of season 2. Especially if she fully is cast out after working with Adar, using Nenya, and then all those that die in the battle including Celebrimbor. Sauron still hasn't given out the 9 rings to the men or created the One Ring by the end of s2 so he has to get to that in season 3, and her s3 storyline is a mystery too. It seems like a possibility like others and I have pointed out that they could leave together, whether she's in charge for now thanks to Nenya and her new powers, or not. She will find her own kingdom of Lothlorien and be queen there so we might see that play out but eventually if Sauron's with her it will still end in tragedy as he keeps falling deeper into his dark ways and will go back to Numenor, and her husband Celeborn will be back. We'll get more info as the episodes air but I can see something like that happening.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
Now a game im interested in is assassin creed title that will take players to feudal Japan. Here the announcement video they did for the franchise 15th anniversary https://youtu.be/gD_DemeUuy8?si=oFcOY8AW_uHmo4N9
Now leaks revealed we are going to play as two characters, a female Shinobi who in the trailer named Naoi/Noae Fujibayashi, a daughter of a famous ninja. And African samurai who will slowly join the order that Naoi is part of the assassin brotherhood.
As you probably guess the African “Samurai” is very likely to be or based of the famous Oda Nobunaga retainer Yasuke https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke
In the story leaks in reveals that Naoi and Yasuke will start out as fierce rivals/enemies as historically Nobunaga constantly tried to wipe out the ninja clans. But will later become close allies in their desires to unify Japan
Now I did my research on yasuke, he never joined the samurai class and such. I have theory when Japanese were reviewing their samurai ancestors. They made Yasuke a “honorary” samurai but Afro centrists twisted it
Now for the game they changed Yasuke backstory where he was a slave on a slave ship that was attacked and he was the only survivor. And he eventually end up under Nobunaga learning the way of the samurai
Now some people think Yasuke is as just Nobunaga pet…though it stated he was 6’2 and I can’t really believe didn’t trained him in at least the bushido code.
Now in assassin creed settings, human history was influence by mainly two secret orders and their incarnations. The assassin brotherhood (Free Will) and the Templar order (social order)
Now as I theorize about how ac red could use Yasuke, I realize that they could do a story where Yasuke joined the assassins and goes into the shadows and protect and unify japan so they don’t suffer the same hardships as him. Basically an immigrant protecting his new home.
Now it caused a shitshow on twitter when the leaks came out as they thought it was form of Afro centrism after you know the Netflix cleopatra thing. Mainly because the headlines forgot to mention he was one of the two playable characters
Now for me, Yasuke help inspired one of the first seinen anime’s my father introduced me to being Afro Samurai which the titular character was voiced by Samual Jackson.
Now we probably won’t get a proper reveal of the game until April or May as that when the company Ubisoft like to do such a big reveal. But I know he going to very likely be in the announcement trailer. So prepare for the shitshow
Sorry for these long anons, yes people pointed out ac could done a game set in Africa
But I think Yasuke fine, as 1. The Japanese has references him several times and been used as inspiration. 2. Help this feudal era game stand out from the many ones
And of course the Europeans will play important roles in red. Can I please get a historical black project that isn’t “Fuck white people!”?
I’m so starving I’m taking a video game with a huge Illuminati war and I’m leaving out the crazy scifi part
Sorry for ranting these past days. I feel like you’re one of the few tumblr people I can truly talk to
Still remember how incredibly blown away I was when I saw the first videos of the first AC game. I could never play them I knew that way the camera moves gives me vertigo and a splitting headache if I try and play games that do that for more than a couple min, never could play DooM for the same reason whole 3D thing caused actual physical pain.
Still these are beautiful looking games, *personal tangent over*
Not at all sure how accurate the stories about Yasuke are, guy absolutely existed and as thing go this is still a work of fiction so that'll be less important imho.
I'm sure we'll get people saying that if he's not chosen to lead the shogunate it's racist but those people we point and laugh at.
Now it caused a shitshow on twitter when the leaks came out as they thought it was form of Afro centrism after you know the Netflix cleopatra thing. Mainly because the headlines forgot to mention he was one of the two playable characters
Nothing like incomplete information to start a fight, you just reminded me I haven't seen anything about the Hannibal thing they're doing in a while, gets all kinds of free advertisement when the angry mob starts up and the people with the full information start responding. Do they do that on purpose as a form of viral marketing that they don't need to pay for, probably.
I know I've played a few Ubisoft games, can't remember what they were, looked at their list and it's too long so I'm letting it be.
And of course the Europeans will play important roles in red. Can I please get a historical black project that isn’t “Fuck white people!”?
Probably not, maybe they could do something where the British fleet is enforcing their blockade they set up in order to stop the ocean going transport of slaves to the Americas, or maybe French or British army going in and going to war with the various kingdoms and such in Africa that were still trying to keep the slave trade going after they were told to knock it off and stop selling their fellow Africans.
But that probably wouldn't go over too well in certain communities. The discourse would be delicious though.
Sorry for ranting these past days. I feel like you’re one of the few tumblr people I can truly talk to
you're good, it's why I leave anon on even when I'm getting attacked I like to be available for people that need a place to vent or anything really, other than the weak ass threats some of them send, if they could actually do what they say they'd do it instead of whining in my inbox
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hohoz · 4 years ago
The ones that suffer the most
I wanted to talk about this for a long time.
I’m a Resident evil addicted, I finished almost every RE game released and I must say that Capcom made some poor choices regarding Jill and Chris, they are EASILY the most mistreated characters in RE Franchise. 
But let’s explain why is that: 
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Jill and Chris are survivors, they had to survive in a mansion with a lot of puzzles and zombies, while looking for items that could help them to progress and find a way to reach Brad. 
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When they arrive at STARS Office, they are revolted that Umbrella did all that under their noses and innocents were dying because of that and they explained EVERYTHING in a report - but Irons made that go away. 
In the ORIGINAL RE3 we had this special file (Jill’s Diary) 
August 7th Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating people's flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet...
August 13th Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris's face with coffee. I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away. I wonder what happened to him...
August 15th Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that, "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that, "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me.
August 24th Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with them somewhere in Europe. That's when my real battle begins...
For some weird reason this file isn’t available in RE3 Remake. 
But ok, here we see that Chris was doing some investigation - in the RE2RMK  you could see this letter that Chris left in a way that normal people wouldn't understand - the only thing that Claire says is that “doesnt look like him” but how normies would understand what Chris is like is he is not well represented in media ??????????????????
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And Jill had all the detective work in her wall. 
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So far so good - we understand the basics about them - they are Special police force, the elite, they had a traumatic experience and they survived to tell the story. 
Some problems until now:
Jill had a MAJOR personality change in RE3 RMK- I honestly like most of that, she is a badass in the originals and she is a badass in the rmk but I still dislike the fact that she swears all the time (specially because in RE1, RE Rev, RE5 she doesn't do that) 
We can tell a lot about her personality just looking at her room, but I still miss some stuff (I had expectations - so this is not a real problem. but still) like a Vinyl player (since she is probably into classical music), some letters from her father so new players can understand her origin and why is she so good in lockpicking and more about her dog (she had a pic in the original that could’ve been her boyfriend but it was replaced by a dog in RE2 rmk but in RE3 Rmk there in no dog) 
Okay - after you finish the game the only thing we see is this: 
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In my opinion this is Chris since he is always associated with Green colors while Jill is associated with blue. 
So my speculation here is that she found him while in the original we had this: 
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This is not a major chance but still is important (lore of course - duh) but the problem here is that while Jill is looking for him - Code Veronica is happening. 
So I can only assume two things, they did not show him because they DON’T HAVE A FACE FOR HIM or I am wrong and that is Jill, but if that is Jill so why there is no decent epilogue like the original ? 
Okay, now we are arriving in the real trouble area
I will do RE5 first and the Wii and Rev1 (even tho those two comes first in the lore) 
So before the game was release we had some propaganda, including this: 
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So have in mind that Jill was dead, I thought that she died and RE5 would explain that shit. 
But in the beginning we see that Chris is looking for her and have in mind that Chris HAD A MAJOR CHANCE IN HIS APPEARANCE, and I’m not talking about his muscles. 
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I will not address Chris in CV since he was good in that game but I the team that made CV also made the original, it had CONSISTENCE. 
Here we have Chris, he’s THE classical american soldier protagonist from Hollywood in the 80′s/90′s and he had some omage to TOPGUN
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He also shares some traits with his sister
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A major trait here is that HE HAS BLUE EYES, typical good looking soldier from US. 
and now let’s have a look at Chris in RE5...
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Yeah... I still hate this face even tho I love his Character in this game, this ugly a** monkey looking mf and he had a lot of steroids
So we have some lore to him in RE5, Jill and Chris went to a mansion looking for Spencer (one of the fathers of Umbrella and the one that was behind project Wesker, he wanted to do this Virus so he could live forever, so RE has a good lore, it’s not just about zombies) but when they found him, he was dead and Wesker was by his side, in a fight Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris’s life. 
Chris started doing mission after mission because her body was never found, and he made a name for himself, he became a ‘legend’ inside BSAA and you can see that in the beginning of RE5.
The reason behind the muscles was probably to fight Wesker mano to mano but still is not well made, it really felt weird playing for the first time. 
So now we have a problem here, there is thing that you use in a narrative that is to make someone strong af powerless, and they did that to Jill. (a good example of this is in TWD- Ricky is a fucking legend and Negan made him powerless in the face of a event) 
Jill was used in a Boss fight and that is it... She is not in the game as a character, she is being manipulated and her whole design was changed, she looks like Nina from Tekken. WTF. - BTW, the fact that Wesker had mind control over her created 1000 fics of sex 
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 So that is it, my main problem here isnt Jill itself, but it’s the fact that they used her character as a boss even tho she is the heroine, she never appears in RE lore again until some guy inside Capcom said “Well people are asking about Jill so let’s place a file in Rev2 saying that she is in rehab” 
The only time that she appears again is in a 3DS NINTENDO ONLY game, it felt that Capcom simply don’t care about her character. 
By the way Revelations 1 is a great game and was adaptable some years later for PC and consoles
But you think that this is bad, wait until we arrive at RESIDENT EVIL 6 
When I learned that Jill was not in RE6 I was mad... But after I played that game I said “thank you God” that game was bad, transformers kind of bad, it had bad writing, the lore was all over the place and Chris was the one that suffered the most in this game. 
He was responsible for the death of an entire squad, suffered amnesia and people still wanted him in the command 
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The golden boy of BSAA reduced to THIS. 
By the way, the director said that HE WANTED TO KILL CHRIS IN THIS GAME to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS - so if you liked Piers now that he died only because of that. 
So now let’s analyse what we know: 
The first 2 main characters are not well represented in media until RE6, they don’t know how to re introduce Jill in the games and Chris was reduced to a normal guy at a Russian bar;
But it gets worse... 
Capcom LOVE Leon, we know that. he is always the hero, he is the protagonist in almost every movie and he is always the cool guy so when he get’s a new model, he looks like this:
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But When Chris get’s a new face he look like this: 
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WHO DAFUQ ARE U, no offense to the model but he has NEGATIVE JAW LINE.
And still he doesn't look like Claire’s brother, there is no blue/green eyes and he looks younger that he was in 6 (and 6 still uses that ugly character model) 
But let’s go in the lore- we HAVE 0 info on Jill in RE6 / RE7 and no sight of her in RE8 
And speaking of which, they tried to make Chris the bad guy in the trailer so when we play we see “Ohhhh he was not the bad guy, that happened and that is why he did that” 
But still... 
If they are going to do that to his character don’t use this character, shit ! Do something with that Wesker’s son that made 0 sense in RE6 but leave Chris out of this - it really feels that they simply don’t know how to treat him right
And you may think that I may be complaining a lot because of his appearance
But this is him in RE8  
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(to me this is some random dude from Russia) 
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And this is him in RE:Verse (that is going to be release TOGETHER) 
So this tells me that they have 0 clue of how to handle his looks
Jill got RE3Rmk but it felt like a cheap game compared to RE2Rmk where the original RE3 was SO MUCH BETTER
And this is bad because there are so many new fans joining the fandom only to see 2 great characters suffering from poor director’s choices. 
I’m sorry about this rant, if you like Chris face and looks its okay, really, but dont tell me that Chris from 5/6/8 is the same from 1/CV and if you think im wrong about Jill its fine, but she is an amazing character that could have so much more impact in RE universe (I mean, she never even appeared in a RE movie - animations) 
But it’s sad to see so many characters that receive good representation in media and good games/lore while Jill get’s almost none and Chris is handled like random face guy. 
I was going to talk a little bit more about Rev 1 and RE Umbrella Chronicles but there is no need since Im mad right now and it seems that Capcom has 0 interest in making Code Veronica and Umbrella’s fall after that since their fav boy Leon need a rmk in RE4 even tho RE4 is not that old. 
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Fun fact: Chris served in the Air force, so yeah, to me even Tom Cruise looks more like Chris than Chris from the games
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esperwatchesfilms · 4 years ago
Planet Terror (2007)
All right. This one I saw once before, long ago, when I was about 19 or so. But I’m learning fun new facts about it today, and I honestly don’t remember a lot of it, so it’ll feel kind of new.
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IMDB Fun Fact: While on set, Robert Rodriguez would play the soundtracks from Escape from New York (1981) and The Thing (1982) to set the mood for the movie. I really love all the connections to other films I’ve been watching. Connection is lovely, and it just sort of makes me happy. None of these films exist in a vacuum. We are always pulling inspiration from each other, and I think that’s kind of the most beautiful thing about film... about art, generally speaking, honestly.
Kill Count Fact: Total body count of Planet Terror (2007) is 281. El Wray has 52 kills, Cherry Darling has 50 kills and Sheriff Hague has 13 kills.
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Cool Reference: Escape from New York (1981) "Black Flight", the name of the Special Forces unit Snake Plissken served in, is featured on the back of a humvee.
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Abby: Not so fast! [one of Abby's men brings over a large jug of formaldehyde with various circle-shaped objects in it] Abby: I also want your balls. Romy: I’m really quite attached to them.
Oh lord, whatever tool they use to remove those balls is horrifying. Yikes.
Tony Block: [while playing with toys] I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.
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Always a nod to Quentin Tarantino’s foot fetish.
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Cherry Darling: Name's Cherry Darling... El Wray: Sounds like a stripper name. Cherry Darling: No, it sounds like a go-go dancer name. There's a difference.
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Dr. Dakota Block: Hi, Joe. I'm going to give you a very strong anesthetic, so you won't feel anything during the procedure. These... [pats the needles in her shirt pocket] Dr. Dakota Block: ...are my friends. My yellow friend is to take the sting off. [injects Joe in the arm with the yellow needle] Dr. Dakota Block: My blue friend you'll barely feel. [injects Joe in the arm with the blue needle] Dr. Dakota Block: That means my yellow friend is already taking effect. See how fast my friends work? [injects Joe in the arm with the red needle] Dr. Dakota Block: And after my red-headed friend, you'll never see me again.
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El Wray: Get up. We're leaving. Cherry Darling: I can't walk. El Wray: So what? Get up! Cherry Darling: Motherfucker! Look at me! [removes blanket to reveal her missing leg] Cherry Darling: Look at me! I was gonna be a stand-up comedian! Who's gonna laugh now? El Wray: Some of the best jokes are about cripples. Let's go. Cherry Darling: It's not funny. I'm pathetic. El Wray: Would you stop crying over fucking spilt milk? Cherry Darling: I have no leg! [looking frustrated, El Wray rips off a wooden table leg and shoves it in Cherry's stump] El Wray: Now you do. What do you think?
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Cherry Darling: You could carry me, Wray. El Wray: You never wanted that before. Why start now?
J.T. Hague: Hey, hey. You want some barbeque? Best in Texas. Cherry Darling: Oh, no thanks. J.T. Hague: What's the matter? You don't eat meat? Cherry Darling: Oh, I eat meat. I also eat lots of shit. [grins] Cherry Darling: See that? J.T. Hague: What's that? Cherry Darling: Shit-eating grin. J.T. Hague: [laughs] You ought to be a comedian. Cherry Darling: What do you think of the leg? J.T. Hague: [laughs] Oh, that’s funny.
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Cherry Darling: Look, you were being an unbelievable dick. I was walking out on you. I was cold, I took your fucking jacket. So, if you're go on one of your psycho, obsessive, controlling rants about a fucking jacket, then fucking take it 'cause I'd rather fucking freeze than fucking hear about it one more time!
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“That boy’s got the devil in ‘im.”
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[watching Cherry and Dakota on a TV monitor] The Rapist: I'm gonna go get my dick wet. Rapist #2: She's only got one leg. The Rapist: Easier access. Rapist #2: Oh... good point.
Cherry: Dance for me, motherfucker.
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Cherry Darling: You're a doctor? Dr. Dakota Block: Hmm. I was earlier tonight. Cherry Darling: I always wanted to be a doctor, instead, I can do this. [Cherry arches her body up in a bridge position] Cherry Darling: Useless talent number 66. I'm very pliable. Dr. Dakota Block: You know, my girlfriend had a theory. She said at some point in your life, you find a use for every useless talent you ever had. It's like connecting the dots. Cherry Darling: I'm not that optimistic. I feel like I'm sinking down a drain and I can't get out. Dr. Dakota Block: She'd say, "when you're stuck in that spiral, you reach up". Cherry Darling: What if there's nothing up there? Dr. Dakota Block: Just reach up.
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“Cherry Darling, it’s all you.”
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ESE: 97/100
50 -25 for Harvey Weinstein +5 for the entire grindhouse film aesthetic +5 for fake grindhouse trailers +10 for kissy girls +5 for Naveen Andrews +3 for The Bone Shack +5 for Dakota’s list including “Kill Bill” +5 for J.T.’s dog +10 for Rose McGowan +5 for bisexuality -15 for Dakota’s shitstain husband +6 for Dakota’s cleverness +5 for table leg... leg -5 for giving Tony a gun +10 for repeated scooping brains line +10 for the “missing reel” during the sex scene +2 for the pocket bike -15 for rapists +5 for rapist’s junk melting off +10 for machine gun leg -5 because how is the gun leg firing without the trigger being pulled? +5 for helicopter kills +2 for reaching up
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imgonzoingrightnow · 3 years ago
Boutta rant about toy story 4 even though I’m over it but i saw someone saying it was a good movie WHICH WASNT EVEN THE PROBLEM
Okay so when I watched toy story 4 I was really into Toy Story. I read so many fics i watched all the movies and i drew fanart cause I’m an idiot. SHIT I EVEN READ THE COMICS. SO The night before the movie came out I watched every single one of the movies and then the trailers and on my way to the theater I rewatched the when somebody loved me clip cause sure prepping myself for emotions. Point is im a Big BIG fan and I from all the movies the message i got was: found family. I mean in the second movie Woody says that when it all ends he’ll have buzz to get him through it (gay anyway)
so when I watched Toy Story 4 and Woody literally abandons not only Buzz but his entire friend group for Bo who in this movie he had NO CHEMISTRY WITH LMAO and some toys he met that day because wE gOTta hELp lOsT tOyS it felt so unnecessary. I wanted toy story 4 to be a last adventure to tie up loose ends you know? Find bo, how life with Bonnie, Hows Andy stuff like that. But it just decided to throw the message of the other 3 movies out the window like hU
My problem isnt that Toy Story 4 is a bad movie because its funny and good pacing and stuff like that the problem for me is it’s a bad toy story movie. The main group is barely in the movie in favor of these new guys who were cool ig and the characters that were in it WERE SO OUT OF CHARACTER OH MY GOD THEY JUDT DID THAT TO BUZZ FOR NO REASON LMAO. Honestly the only good thing they did is make Bo a girlboss but they could’ve had her have a little bit of chemistry with woody you know? But yeas uhhh I’m incoherent if you read this no you didn’t
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fthisshiiimout · 5 years ago
" Hope is a dangeous thing" Michael Guerin's words of wisdom! He said it to Max and said it to Maria! But I really hope every single MALEX fan took it to heart cause it was really meant for US!
I dont care what people say in this fandom anymore. "I dont want to hear spoilers" " no spoilers" " you should tag your shit as a spoiler" NO IM NOT GOING TO! Ya know why?? Because Carina herself wouldnt have shown her shit if she didnt want SPOILERS OUT!! DUHH! And Im ranting because Im sick of the headgames with this show..it ridiculous..no wonder why people in this fandom are dropping like flies.
And Im sick and tired of the back and forth between M/M and M/A. Im sick of the headgames with the showrunner as well! One day its " Oh its Maria..shes his light" and whatever else is spewed. And the next its " Ohh Michael and Alex there journey is from darkness to light" and whatever other bullshit is spewed. Cause in reality its all Bullshit to keep Malex fans and Miluca fans to keep watching and fighting. If you ever cared to look at the ratings for season 1 they were abysmal. Only the first 2 episodes got over a million viewers. Which is horrible..but in full disclosure Theres only 1 CW show that has really any kind of following ( and hint hint its not Supernatural..That shows ratings are going down faster then a hooker on payday). Believe me I did the research. I dont understand why they are putting it after a tanking show if they want more viewers ( No disrespect to Supernatural, my daughter and husband love this show). But I digress..
The show runners know where there bread is buttered on this show and it is with MALEX fans. It even overshadows the Liz/Max shippers and Definitely over shadows Michael and Maria. Hell Vlamis and Tyler realized it pretty quickly..Vlamis made a sold out Merch line because of it. And they are the captains of this ship because they see the potential of how big it can be. Hell even the CW pr team figured it out! Thats why in the trailer we saw Malex and no Miluca?? Its not rocket science to figure this out!
So why now are the showrunners literally shitting on the LGBTQ+ community by taking away the only couple that represent that population on that show?? Then placating the community with "ooh Alex gets a new love interest" and the obscure and downright awkward " oh someone who Identified as straight in the beginning of the season will not be at the end". What a FUCKING FARCE! Like really?? As a community are we that desperate or obtuse?? Did nobody roll there eyes at this bullshit? Or am I the only one? We have a perfectly "cosmic" gay ship in front of us! Yes with baggage..no denying that..but thats the drama of TV I get it.
The reason is because the showrunners have no plans to make Malex anymore. There I said it and I SAW IT FIRSTHAND! In 2x01 Michael told Alex straight up they "were done" it was pretty cut and dry and lasted all of 2 mins...good to know Malex fans get two mins of heartbreak..that should tell you something. While Michael and Maria had 3 scenes..maybe more together. Granted they were not together at the end of 2x01 but According to Heather they will be trying to " ignite the spark between them" for the entire season. And that they're love is " exciting and blah blah blah".. No one gives a shit. Least of all me. But you can clearly see thats where its headed.
Also in season 1 there were some big hints too that I myself overlooked but they were glaring but subtle like the Max/Cam love scene intertwined with the Michael/Alex scene and the song playing in the background..that was telling... You dont see Max and Cam together. Or 1x12 prison scene " Cant love me" playing in the background and the words Michael spit at Alex..I dont think they were complete lies. Michael felt them on some lvl. And Alex's own words " Sometimes the world ends with a wimper, Guerin".. Those were all meant for Malex shippers as well.
And what about this "see if we can " be friends" or " we didn't even know each other" bullshit! I hate those lines..Like really?? Michael moved back to Roswell when he was 11..which meant that they went to school and living in a small town grew up together. At least for 7 or so yrs. They must have knew each other just for the simple fact of the Liz/Max dynamic..I grew up in many a small town i know this dynamic well. EVERYONE LITERALLY KNOWS EVERYONE! Maybe they didn't really hook up till the end of senior year. But they knew each other and I can almost bet that Alex admired Michael's protectiveness and Michael admired Alex's strength. And they also must have known about each others abusive pasts to a point..logic dictates that. And relationships have been built and survived on less.And if the showrunners wanted to make them " friends" for a time I could even tolerate it..tolerate being the operative word.
But no Michael's gonna "light the spark" with Maria..because in reality thats what the showrunners want. They dont give a shit about Malex working through their shit like logic adults would. And that's fine It just frustrates me that I was sold a lie..and every Malex shipper was too. Wake up fellow shippers and see it too. Or dont..Lies are comfortable like a warm blanket on a cold night. Everyone has some delusion they cling to..much like hope.
My last frustration with the ending of this ship will be that it is laid solely at Alex's feet. "He kept walking away", " He abandoned Michael for 10 yrs", "He left him behind", "I love him, I probably always will..but hes tied to all these horrible memories in my life. All the things his family did to mine. Coming back to him always feels like a crash landing" or the newest and deepest when Alex was giving him the file from Caulfield " Manes men did this to her".. Its always going to be Alex's fault. I wonder if Tyler knew the full extent of the way Alex was gonna be shit on. I dont think Tyler being openly queer himself would be ok with that kind of representation of the Gay community. Its pretty jarring... Honestly I can almost guarantee they probably " promised" him a more normal gay relationship with this new " character" Forrest. Whatever the case may be its still bullshit. Michael seems to hold no responsibility to it.
And Michael will still get the girl and be in his hetero relationship with Maria..because Im asking the question..is he really bi? Evidence in the show doesn't specifically back that up. The only man we see him with is Alex..I havent heard or seen him with other men. Even Michael himself said "Its just him..screws me up".. So maybe "Pan" is a better description?
So RIP Malex! It was good while it lasted.."cosmic" even..but the showrunners killed you off before you even got the opportunity to take flight! ( This is a rant about the showrunners and writers for the fake promise of Malex. I seriously have no issue with Maria or the actress per se...and if the showrunners wanted M/M they should have just started in Season 1 with them).
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cruddyborderlandstheories · 6 years ago
u guys know how crystalisks change color depending on element?
ohhh yeah
tl;dr: i went off on crystalisks for a while, started talking about vault monsters/guardians and siren tattoos, bloodwing, krieg, the elemental hierarchy, the bandits that got mutated by the vault key piece, the eridian ruins powering up, the moon [elpis] being teleported in that new vid we got with steve and claptrap, i rant about eleseer and technologically created pocket dimensions (heyo), and also there’s commander lily spoilers in here so be warned
i talked about a lot of things. i promise i linked them all together. somehow.
so we got the normal crystalisks that do explosive stuff
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got Blue (the aptly named big blue crystalisk) that deals shock damage
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(we also see a few more in hayter’s folly)
got Rouge the red one that deals fire damage
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I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen any green crystalisks since they’re pretty common in the caustic caverns.
anyway the reason im bringing this up now is because a very very long time ago (jesus christ, 2017) i had a theory that crystalisks were kinda like pets to the Eridians, like guard dogs of the ruins in the caustic caverns. which could explain why they were friendly (iirc Blue was even playing fetch with Booth) until Dahl started mining them
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mostly cause of the guardian ruins everywhere
also, they show up in the Vault of the Warrior, as well. which is curious.
the other reason im bringing this up now is because im wondering if their crystals have any relation whatsoever to the purple crystals we see sprouting out of the ground in bl3.
they hang out in the ground when not active, mimicking said crystals, and there are yellow crystals sprouting out of the ground in bl2 that, when meleed, produce the same crystals crystalisks do when they die. (tho now im wondering if we’ve just been senselessly murdering crystalisk babies :|)
bonus: we know threshers are native to elpis, not pandora, and their blood is green. Crystalisk blood is blue, which could possibly hint at the fact they’re an alien species to Pandora. AFAIK rakk, skag, bullymong, stalker, and spiderant blood is all red. and so is bandit blood. (unless they’ve been huffing Eridium sludge like Zarpedon. then it glows purple i guess.)
you guys know how vault monsters change color based on element?
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just recently fought this bad boy so i have a plethora of pictures
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(this one is cryo)
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(slag/base- which you know, makes sense. gotta slag em before u can swap guns)
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(this one is shock)
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nasty boy
also, interesting to note: we never got ‘explosive’ as an element with the sentinel and in bl3, explosive was taken out of the element list
you know how Siren tattoos also change color based on element?
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sorry i would show amara’s green/corrosive tattoos BUT this was the leaked clip that i had on hand
ohhhh yeah.
now we know Siren tattoos are blue when using their base powers. according to amara, this blue means electricity is the ‘base’ element for sirens (which just plain isn’t true given what we’ve seen with maya and lilith, unless they show that further in bl3 where lilith uses phasewalk without her tattoos going red... which I’m guessing will not happen lol)
which has me like 🤔
we know in the original borderlands the vault key is blue for the vault of the destroyer
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in all it’s technological glory
then it changes to purple in bl2. and apparently, we even get red in bl3.
so i know what you’re thinking “well blue must be the base element then” but imma posit that it’s actually not
We know the sentinel, when it comes out of the Vault, the first element it is is ‘purple’ (aka slag/eridium i guess, since slag isn’t in TPS). which, as we said above, makes sense.
we know the Warrior was a biological weapon built/modified by the Eridians for... some reason. It was under complete control of whoever opened the Vault. (the warrior actually has 2 elements afaik, the slag tail/wings and the fire)
I wanna say we were SUPPOSED to open the Vault of the Warrior first. Then open the Vault of the Destroyer and annihilate it with our new cool biological weapon
so then the order would be purple -> blue -> uhhh something something
oh and Siren tattoos appear to always be purple when interacting with Eridium stuff
like when Lily touches the vault key in the Vault of the Warrior, her tattoos glow purple
when Lilith is being mind controlled by Jack/the collar/charging Eridium her tattoos are purple
etc etc
her tattoos glow purple during the final cutscene i believe. bonus i’m pretty sure the vault map was glowing white when inside hector. it was still purple on the outside tho soooo take that as you will. i had a picture but i removed it because i didn’t wanna spoil anything for anyone. the whispy bits do remind me of angel’s wings
dunno if any of this is important but i will say
when u fight a badass skag that’s been charged by an element and is implied to be the result of eridium runoff aka slag? mmm that’s the good shit.
Bloodwing?? her base color is purple. but jack is able to change her element based on outside stimuli (and, again, explosive isn’t actually seen as an element, just a joke... a really... fucked up... joke...)
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we also know a lot of the bandits were mutated by the vault key (piece?) in sledge’s mine. might help explain burning psychos (the ones that are literally on fire). 
also maybe the eridian ruins are starting to give off ‘radiation’. you know how the original Eridian Ruins in BL1 were like white/blueish and then all the ones we find in BL2 are purple-ish? maybe they started charging up once the first Vault was opened and that allowed more and more bandits to start getting 
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borderlands 1
borderlands 2
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(sorry for the shitty screencap, i hope it’s clear enough)
oh also maybe krieg’s ability to breathe fire and light himself on fire since he was a hyperion experiment. dunno if they did slag testing on him or not but... all things considered... it’s a probably maybe. wasn’t his assassin’s assassin the woman in the ECHO logs you find around the WEP?
also Terry the thresher? probably mutated like hell from living in those Vault ruins. might explain the size. also threshers being from the moon might just give them the fire/wormhole abilities inherently. since apparently the moon is some top secret eridian base that can see the future. im not even surprised. also you know. terry drops e-tech stuff upon decimation.
anyway i think Pandora is a lot older than Elpis and that’s why Elpis appears super fucking high-tech compared to Pandora’s ruins.
I mean look at the above then look down here
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which makes sense, you’d make the planet before you make the moon yeah?
so elpis was probably put in place to watch over Pandora, maybe the Destroyer and the Warrior’s fight or maybe even to predict the future of that fight. maybe the eridians got paranoid and were like ‘fuck this’ and vanished because they were told they couldn’t win.
i do go into that whole theory of ‘zarpedon saw what the twins are about to do in bl3 and jack ain’t shit’ in an older post of mine so i won’t go into it here, but that’s another option as to why the eridians just booked it the hell outta dodge
bonus: in tycho’s ribs, some of the glowy lights are not actually purple, they’re red-ish
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which has me thinking about the glowing red Vault Map we see in the Dev trailer. wonder if that’s going to lead up to elpis
oh! and speaking of elpis
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yeah i don’t think that’s just an aesthetic thing cause holy shit
we’re all going to die!
yeah i actually have no idea what’s happening to the moon here
but im going to take a wild guess and draw your attention to that one scene with lilith
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when she uhhh teleports in using her firehawk powers
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we see it again when tyreen teleports in bandits on promethea
and they look
im not saying we’re gonna teleport the moon but hOLY SHIT would that be F*CKING AWESOME
we also know ‘the moon is the key’ as shown on the cover art sooooo
it’s entirely possible?
which brings me to another point i made a while ago when the booth intro got leaked and i was talking about the ‘vault’ ‘not-vault’ area and decided it was on pandora because of the moon, but made a joke that maybe it wasn’t because i guess we could just move the moon.
what if it actually wasn’t lmao
nah im just playing, i’m pretty sure those are Rakk flying around there, but HEY it’d be cool!
also it’s pretty fucked up what’s happening on elpis considering it looks like it’s being bathed in fire... sucks for everyone on concordia but hey, if it means getting rid of pickle, im game.
i wanna move the moon
oh also im still not convinced eleseer isn’t found by going thru a wormhole/alternate dimension/pocket rip/whatever
like, you know how to fight the Sentinel you go inside that giant purple crystal that looks like/is probably eridium? and the arena is WAYYY bigger than it ought to be? and it looks like the outside is made out of glowing graph paper and sick guy fieri flames that’s probably supposed to imply some sort of technological feeling?
oh and it does the “lilith just yeeted u to bloodshot stronghold- just kidding’ effect! which... y’know. my only gripe with that is it actually does appear to be somewhere inside eleseer given if u look at the ceiling it does look to be the same sky you see outside eleseer... but where the fck is eleseer... is it in another dimension inside the moon? bc i still refuse to believe the entire moon is being supported by that area... wouldn’t you see the crust?? somewhere? and it being in another dimension would help explain the whole ‘yeah you’re exactly where you were five seconds ago... but also you’re not because you’re in this arena and it’s clipping except it’s not so even though the sky looks the same because you’re in the same exactly spot you were in 5 seconds ago, you’re actually not (but you are)’. because what the fuck my scrub brain can’t comprehend that!
but god i wanna know if the eridians were harnessing the power of eridium and learned how to create pocket dimensions using their technology and fuckin DID IT the mad lads. i mean isn’t that what Vaults are? just little rips in this dimension. it’s the good shit.
also i wanna know why the Destroyer seemed to have pockets of slag/eridium on it’s tentacles when he’s supposed to be the VILLAIN tm of bl1 and also the eridians. might help explain why eridium only starts appearing after you off that physical rendition of him. also [see that one post i made about the crystals being corpses].
i just spent a straight 2 hours doing nothing but typing this post. i should really go to bed. imma go do that
tomorrow i wanna talk about the seraph vendor. cause i can.
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just-another-winchester · 7 years ago
My Supernatural Origin Story!
I know it’s getting close to the time where everyone goes to bed, so I wanna send you all goodnight messages in thanks.
I had no clue when I started watching Supernatural that I would meet so many wonderful people. I want to explain to you what happened, if you are interested, read on! If no, then that’s fine, there are thanks beneath the cut as well.
I will honestly be amazed if you guys don’t get bored reading this.
I am a strong advocate of sharing the love. And that is something I haven’t come in contact with a lot.
My family is not physically loving people, I am a person who enjoys physical love. And no, I do not mean sex, I mean hugs, cuddles, kisses. Stuff like that, and my family, they don’t do that, especially now that I am an adult, they think I shouldn’t need it.
I got my first job when I was 17. I was hired as a Crew Member at McDonalds. I worked from 11 am to 4 pm most days, the only day I always had off was Sunday.
I loved my job, I got along well with my co workers mostly, and the customers were generally not that bad. I was very new to the world since I had been home schooled most of my life, so I generally had a positive opinion of everything, even when I dealt with a rude or mean customer, I shrugged it off and thought, ‘oh well’
When winter came around I switched my hours to full time because I wasn’t willing to walk in the cold.I worked 6 am to 2 pm. I slowly became more and more exhausted, less willing to do things. Before I knew it winter was over, but I liked my paycheck, so I kept the hours.
The job and the people slowly began to weigh me down, I was always exhausted, and I didn’t want to do anything.
Finally, in March of 2016, my grandmother passed away while I was at work. I have never experienced a worse feeling than when my brother, who was working there as well at the time, came up to me and told me that my grandmother was gone.
My grandma was my rock, she was my happy place, when I went to her house, all was well with the world, I was allowed to be a child, I goofed off and had fun. It was grandma’s house, but it was home.
When she passed, that was when my world came crashing down. Anxiety and depression set it, something I had never dealt with before. I was always a cheerful kid, while my brother and cousins had a song that my grandma would sing to them, I had my own special song, You Are My Sunshine, because I was always happy.
After I lost her, that song was a bitter reminder of what I wasn’t anymore.
I finally ended up leaving the job on good terms after a panic attack. My GM had anxiety issues as well so she was very kind and understanding.
I began looking for a job after a few months, and it was a struggle to find one, no one was hiring, but I couldn’t go back to McDonalds. It was just too much stress, I needed to ease into something, not go back to what caused a lot of problems in the first place.
Finally, I came to a book bindary that had employed my older brother over the summer for the past three years as summer help for college kids.
I wasn’t in college, but I was hired on full time as a processor. Ya know the stickers, bar codes and such you see on library books? That’s what I did. Seems easy right? It was, for the most part.
The problem was speed. We had a quota, and for me, someone who needs to take her time otherwise I’ll screw up everything, that was problematic.
Is was here though, that I found friends. Good friends. I had my first ever girls night out with a couple of the women from this job.
This was the start of Supernatural for me.
I saw one of my coworkers wearing a shirt with the words Carry On My Wayward Son, and a sillhouette of Sam and Dean. I didn’t know about Kansas, but I had heard the song before, so I asked if that was the band.
Then, low and behold, the community gathered around! Okay, so it was only three people at the time. But it still counts!
They said it was a shirt for this show called Supernatural. I’ve always been interested in creepy sorts of stuff, so I asked what it was about.
After it was explained to me, I decided it sounded interesting. I was curious, and wanted to know more. 
I had been in the middle of watching Prison Break, and decided when I was finished with that, Supernatural was next on my list, because I was needing something to watch anyway.
A couple weeks later, I was fired. Unfairly by my opinion, and the opinion of all of my co workers.
They all found it unfair, my co worker Teresa, she trained me, she had told me for a fact that I was not the slowest person there, and the problem was, I was fired because they said I was just too slow.
I had been happy while at this job. But when I was fired, the depression set back in, I was sad, and discouraged.
Then I remembered Supernatural. I decided, I had plenty of free time, let’s check it out!!
I looked up a trailer for the first season, and... I loved it. I don’t remember my original thoughts or feelings exactly, I just thought it looked interesting. So I said Yes to the dress!
I found the first episode, and watched it, and before I knew it the seasons were flying by.
I’m a lot like Sam, but I’m more of a Dean girl, because there is nothing I love more than a big brother. Dean’s entire personality made me wanna cling to him.
I cried, I laughed, I got angry, I got happy. The show was my solace in a way, it made me happy, it made me forget the crap that was happening.
I had already been on a writing site, and as I was finishing the first season, I decided I wanted to roleplay. I created a character, that I, to this day, am very proud of. Her name was Hali.
Through this character I got out all my feelings, all my bad negative thoughts and emotions. I worked them through her, I became Hali when I was alone, I turned myself into her and used her to work my way through my struggles, through my hurt.
My first encounter with a member of the supernatural family was @blue-heaven-winchestergirl83. I roleplayed with her where my character was Hali, and hers was a nephilim named Kass, who was easily incredible.
I rped through the rest of my time watching, right up until the season 13 premiere, and I loved it. Carmine was and is my friend. She guided me through the beginning of my love of Supernatural.
There wasn’t too much love for the show there however. I wanted to read more! Especially, Dean smut. Cause I mean... come on, this guy.
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And so, I searched on google for some links to fanfiction, it always led me to tumblr when I was interested in 5sos or 1d fics, but I had never been interested in tumblr, it was just... confusing to me. I didn’t understand it, and I am not fond of new things.
Finally, I read through all of @theinsandoutsofcastiel masterlist. OH MY GOD I loved it all, so I finally decided to start using it.
I had already created a tumblr previously, but hardly used it because I wasn’t much into what I had created it for.
I logged on, and we were in business.
I wrote a fic, that was honestly so many kinds of bad that I am probably going to end up taking it down and rewriting it. But with that, spawned something.
The first memorable encounter I had was with @impala-dreamer, I started following her cause I liked that she said Castiel was her patronous, I thought she was funny. Then I got through her masterlist and I decided she was also pretty damn cool.
I loved her and her work, so, one day I sent an ask, wondering if she would review one of my fics, and she did, and it gave me hope.
She helped me through a lot of things, she was patient with me, and kind to me. Even though I know I annoyed the crap out of her, because I annoy the crap out of myself.
With Beka, I learned a lot about tumblr, I became more comfortable with it. I joined a couple challenges, and that got me more likes and followers. She reblogged my fic, I believe it was about removing plastic from a turkey. 
I made a post, telling her about how grateful I was to her. And from that, came Amanda.
I don’t even remember how @amanda-teaches and I fully began talking, unsure which of us started it, but it doesn’t matter, cause Amanda, she’s my people. She is a constant ray of sunshine and I love her with all my tiny little heart.
She beta’s my fics, she helps me through them, she lets me rant at her about ideas, and she’s just so incredibly patient with me. She is still, and hopefully always will be, one of my closest friends.
@queen-of-deans-booty is another one I don’t fully remember meeting, I remember loving her so much, she was so sweet and I just loved her writing. I left her an anon ask, I was getting down on myself, and she was kind and patient with me, she told me it was safe to come off anon, and then, she allowed me to put her on my Dream Team, or forevers list.
She reblogged and commented on the first chapter of my series You’re Not Alone. I still read that on bad days, to remind me that I can still do good.
With that, came a flood of love. It spiked me to more followers, more likes, more reblogs. I was more noticed.
I don’t remember how I came to know @katymacsupernatural, but I will never deny it was one of the best things ever. Undeniable Heat was what I found of hers. I loved it, with all my heart, it was incredible and I immediately wanted in. Her story inspired me to write my imaginary world where Jensen and Jared are my honorary brothers, where Dani and Gen are my best friends, and where Misha is just a constant goof of a great friend.
I love writing it, even though Im not comfortable sharing it yet. Her inspiration to write it aided me a lot, she was so incredible, and then one night, she opened her inbox, and I pulled a full frontal attack.
I bombarded her with stupid little poems, goofy things and just me being a dork. I told her I was kidnapping the Winchesters, and for the next few weeks that was just our thing. It made me so happy. She was the first person I was comfortable not doing anon with, because she played along, and made me happy.
And thus struck up that friendship, which, wow... has done more for me than I can say. She and Amanda are what I call my butter pumpkins. And let me tell you, that it the highest honor.
Katy, you are constant and wonderful.
Since then, I have gained more than 200 followers, at this moment I have 243.
I was lucky enough to meet @becs-bunker, @sillesworldofwriting in a way through my fic called Just A Touch, which was a fic I wasn’t even proud of. I got such a roar of feedback from that fic, and it was at a time where I needed it most.
After that I met @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, and I love her to pieces because I see her and I see a strong, and brave person. She reminded me that you don’t have to take crap. She showed me how to stand up for someone, and for myself.
I don’t think I can say enough about the people who have helped me on this site. But to all of you who I have tagged, and will tag.
I’m sorry if I don’t have much to say about you, but you all mean more to me than I can say. Thank you for sharing the love, thank you for being there.
Thank you for helping me feel like family.
The #spnfamily, it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me. Through all the hate I have recieved today, I laugh at it, because I know I have all of you. So thank you.
@manawhaat @polina-93 @cassieraider @dizwinchester @babypieandwhiskey @nightlyinsomnious @cass-trash @ladywinchester1967
And anyone else I may have forgotten. I love you, your support is keeping me going everyday.
You will never know, how much it means.
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aratanaruu · 6 years ago
my thoughts on KH3′s endgame
a lotta endgame stuff but there’s gonna be a lot of talk about general KH3 things too. Spoilers for KH3 (+ KHUx) and be warned, there’s going to be a lot of negativity. Ish.
don’t get me wrong I loved KH3 as a Kingdom Hearts game. As a standalone game. But as a finale to a saga? I’m feeling disappointed. Like, really disappointed but in some cases, not surprised. Loved the game. Wished there were more.
I think my biggest gripe was that there was no mid-point. Or no “hub” world. KH3 started off great! I loved what they did with the KH2.9. That was cheeky, real cheeky. Good stuffs. Going to Twilight Town + Olympus really set things up. Sora’s going to find a way to bring Roxas back. Mickeyriku is going to find a way to bring Aqua back. Kairi and Lea are training. I was so excited to see how things would develop. 
Then it turned into... well. Sora just. kinda forgot about Roxas for the rest of the game?? Like?? After Twilight Town, the game turned into a “go to this Disney world and fuck around. Then go to this Disney world and do the same thing with no plot relevance whatsoever.” There was no midpoint in the game where we were like oh yeah, there’s kinda an upcoming keyblade war.
I think that’s what made the endgame feel so rushed. Everything happened in the Keyblade Graveyard and beyond instead of being spaced out. Aqua’s back, hooray! And in the next ten minutes, Ven is back. Yay! And in the next five minutes, we’re at the final battle spot! Wait, what?
so i’m just gonna gloss over the whole timeline shenanigan stuff because my one brain cell is too tired to think about it rn.
I’ll talk about the individual scenes like Terranort + Xion/Roxas’ return + THE WAYFINDER TRIOS REUNION???? in separate posts cause i don’t feel like making this get long and they each deserve their own post.
but yeah anyways back to the ‘plot’. Sora forgot about Roxas? Sora did so little to actually... bring Roxas back. The keybearers just charged into the final battle without worry and the people who were supposed to come back kinda just... did. Like, Sora bringing Roxas back was emphasized so much in the trailers. And when Roxas finally does come back, he and Sora nod at each other and... that’s it? That’s all the character interaction we get?
To be fair, though, there were hardly any character interaction (coughvenandroxaslookingateachothercough). I think that’s what a lot of the fandom was looking forward to most. Ven seeing Lea? My boy made no remark on how things really have changed in the ten years he’s been asleep? He called Lea his friend (which was sweet) but that’s it? Aqua talks to Kairi sure. But Terra never once speaks to Riku, his apprentice? Terra and Riku never talk about how they both fell to darkness???? Roxas and Riku never talk things out???? Kairi and Namine??? oh thats another story. namine, sweetie, im so fucking sorry you got done so dirty sweetie i am so sorry
Everything felt rushed! Oh, the war’s starting. Oh, look, everyone’s back. (speaking of which, Xion, baby, I love you but how did you get here..?) Oh, look, Kairi’s dead. (yeah im. not gonna go there. i think the fandom’s got me covered regarding how kairi was done even dirtier in kh3.) 
Scala ad Caelum is fucking gorgeous. and there’s daybreak town and since im a slut for khux ofc i ascended when i saw it. Theme’s great. If only we got to listen to it for more than fifteen seconds. I’m with the party that believes Scala was supposed to be a playable, explorable world but was cut in development. smh
I think the ending was. Well. I loved everything to do with the Wayfinders??? LIKE??? Eraqus shows up!! And HUGS! HUGS GBSIHBGKHSB im’ losing my mind over this scene one month later like??? ERAQUS APOLOGIZES TO VEN AND AQUA and Terra’s so hesitant to approach Eraqus because he thinks he doesn’t deserve his Master’s love but Eraqus brings him into the grouphug KHGBSKHGBK and he tells Terra to “take care of the two” which shows that he trusts Terra!! He still trusts Terra!!! AGBAKHGBAKHGAB
sidenote: i can’t fuckning get over terra approaching xehanort and getting ready to fuck., him up. and aqua grabs his hand because she’s afraid not of terra but of losing him again and seeing hikm hurt but terra just looks at aqua with a gaze that asks her to trust him and she does so she lets go oh my gfucking god kh3 made terraqua canon without making it actually canon BL ES S my crops have been watered my skin is cleared my fucking depression is cured BLESS
so after xehanort gets away scotch-free from giving like, everyone PTSD, there’s a satisfying ending of Sora holding the x-blade and stuff like that but. Kairi?? Where’s Kairi?? Like, all the keybearers are here. All the trios (namine sweetie i still love you) are here. Except for Kairi. It’s just. Augh. 
I feel like things would have made a nice conclusion. Hell, things did make a nice conclusion! But then Kairi’s not there! It’s kinda like Nomura didn’t want the story to end. I was looking for a satisfying end to the saga but Nomura kept it going with an “oh yeah kairis kinda gone soras gonna look for her btw” while I’m just??? let it end?? endings are okay sometimes?? please//??
yeah and then sora’s like, fuckig dead or whatever. yeah im not happy about that from a writing standpoint. I want a closed ending! I want the Destiny Trio to have justice! I want them to be together like in KH2′s ending! But did Riku and Kairi even talk to each other once in KH3? It feels like the ending was just a giant set up towards the uh, secret ending.
yeah im currently playing ffxv right now. im in absolute love with the game. like, literal, absolute love. can’t stop thinking about it and making content for it. it’s great. i love it. 
verum rex.
oh boy.
When I first saw Verum Rex, I was like “this is kinda getting a little too meta but maybe it’s just another cheeky easter egg.” Then later, I was like holy shit wait Verum Rex is Latin for like, True King or something. That’s a little too-too meta.
...the secret ending. yeah. to me, it just seems like nomura is still salty over versus and i feel like that affected kh3 poorly. i know he stated in a recent interview that the two had no correlation but sure. okay. i believe you. 
bleahgkhsbg. I dunno. The Wayfinder Trio got done so much justice in the ending. Like, fucking Aqua and Terra adopt Ven and his cat/???? They live happily in the LoD??? Ven’s reunited with Chirithy?? More KHUx content??? Akusai got fuckign married and adopted 5 dumbass kids??
Destiny Trio got... shafted and fucked up. and versus is forcing itself into kh3 and. aaaaaa
once again. i love kh3 as a standalone kh game. I could rant about the positives (WAYFINDER TRIO?? HOW CUTE VEN LOOKS IN THE NEW ENGINE??? THE FUCKING MUSIC???) but ye. im here being negative woohoo
KH3 felt lacking to me. Wished there was more content. Pacing was horrendous for me. Ven is adorable. I’d die for the Wayfinder Trio. Ienzo is fucking adorable. I’m not fond of the ending.
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