#im just lurkin
naenaex0xx · 4 months
Hello, to anyone who sees this, are there any songs you consider summer to you? It can be your favourite summer song, just anything summery !!
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10shadowd · 8 months
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apologies for being a lil quiet lately — irl's been a bit of a nightmare but things have finally gone back to normal, so hopefully i can be here a lil more
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thunderboltage · 9 months
yall mind if i pop in here for a moment
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argentnaivety · 1 year
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ooc; hi hello i am back
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michaelwatt · 1 year
yerlilbeau → michaelwatt
I've finally got internet at my house so I've returned with that impulsive url/username change taking over
Don't expect me to be on too terribly much tho. But I'mma try uploading some oc art on my art blog.
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halflifedump · 1 year
lol. half life.
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thoughts on the big 4?
Hmmm this uh, this feels like a risky question to answer just cause i dont really want ppl bothering me about ship stuff in general 😅
But uh, i like 2 of em well enough i guess, neutral on 1 and i dont like the remaining 1. You figure out which is which ✌
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
Getting off Facebook for a while and then using it again is insane because you come across a bunch of discourse that you didn't know existed
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Sorry for ruining your posting kfjdj I also didn't know such a person existed but I ended up finding the post where they defended him because it was the same one in which they said they hated Park cos she was abusive and manipulative to Haruka 😭😭 like. The dissonance between what they can't accept and what they CAN just cos they find a guy hot really gets me
OH NO YOU'RE GOOD THE TIMING WAS JUST REALLY FUNNY the halo effect and misogyny can hold grimy ugly hands unfortunately
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oh damn i aint readin all that. i skimmed it just for you but if i read it any more i was gonna feel my eyebrows merge as i pinched them together perplexed
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anatomical-puppet · 2 years
i think u should watch beyond at least once tbh! while its not as good as the first 2 it really isnt the worst horror movie ever made either. also middle aged jeff is always a blessing
yea i think i’m gonna watch it this weekend lol, the lack of dan is devastating but middle-aged herbert is sooo special to me ,, <33
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cflight · 2 years
I passed out for a few hours and now I'm here oop-
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tundraecho · 2 years
*crawls my way out of the finals hell pit* h ello,
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1streason · 2 years
I think im gonna make a ganyu & work on my fate oc
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had a lil makeover *smiles cutely*
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naenaex0xx · 2 months
ohh I reblogged a lot.. sorry I'm alive hello hihi
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enchantechante · 2 months
hi :)
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