#im jus gonna tag this for her heh
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shamefulzombie · 7 months ago
Fish .3.
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librainlov-remade · 8 years ago
get to know me tag!!! hello!!!
hello!!.! i was tagged by my favs!!! @joonjulyagustd n @eunwoosgirlfriend to do this!!! n even tho its long,, it was worth it!! thank u for tagging me in this ilu both!!! :* 
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: iced coffee!!
2. phone call: probably my sister??
3. text message: “the bald mario is both of u” lmaoakdvdfjn
4. song you listened to: still - loco ft crush!! so good vkfkvkd
5. time you cried: i think it was??? two nights ago??
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: ehhfhfj some regret was involved,, got over it quickly tho
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: ehh?? kind of?? yea,,
10. been depressed: yup,,
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope!
12-14. red, pink, n white atm!! jus a whole valentines day display lmao
15. made new friends: yes!! ppl whomst i lov th most in this world
16. fallen out of love: don’t think i’ve ever truthfully fallen in love so no
17. laughed until you cried: YES!! best feeling in the world :))!!
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah,,, both good n bad unfortunately
19. met someone who changed you: definitely
20 found out who your friends are: kinda??
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: don’t even have fb
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: we’ll never know hahhjkdnc
23. do you have any pets: 3 dogs n a cat!!!! guess what!!!! i’d sacrifice my life for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24. do you want to change your name: yes hence why i go by my middle name lmao
25. what did you do for your last birthday: beach w my friends n there was a carnival nearby!!!!,,, a good memory :’)
26. what time did you wake up: ,,,,,,1 pm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching brooklyn 99
28. name something you can’t wait for: hopefully visiting Seattle this summer!! (((ps rec me some places to visit wink wonk))
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i literally can’t think of anything rn but i know i complain a lot lmao,,, i wish i was rich?? tf???
31. what are you listening to right now: palmar - caloncho!! my fav!!
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i have
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my gemini brother
34. most visited website: most likely tumblr n youtube
35-37. lost questions??
38. hair colour: dark brown!!
39. long or short hair: i like all lengths but i prefer mine longer :))
40. do you have a crush on someone: no but i wish
41. what do you like about yourself: ,,idk if this is physically?? i’ll say my goofy laugh bc it makes other ppl laugh n my eyes prob!!
42. piercings: just one on each of my ear lobes!! i wanna get another ear piercing soon but i can’t decide which to get :o,,
43. bloodtype: no idea fnvdklfnldf
44. nickname: isa, isha, i guess those count?? 
45. relationship status: i”’’m goign to die alone,,
46. zodiac: libra,,, i can’t remember th rest of my chart hehahshdh
47. pronous: she/her
48. favourite tv show: i just finished chewing gum ANDJFNV ITS A FAV!!!. but I’m down to watch the office at any given moment heh o also oitnb n htgawm!!!!
49. tattoos: not rn but hopefully one day!
50. right or left handed: i’m right handed
51. surgery: don’t think so!!
52. piercing: @@ 42
53. sport: i played volleyball for like,,,,, a year n i hated every second of it ooopsnjfnvf
55. vacation: i wish i could go everywhere honestly but first on my list is Seattle ((hopefully pls,,))!!! but in general someplace cold!
56. pair of trainers: my white converse or birkenstocks now that its summer ayayayhfjn
57. eating: jus ate sum lasagna binch,,,, am garfieold
58. drinking: drinking water rn,,, hydrating my cells,,?
59. i’m about to: finish up som other tags to spam y’all with hmmmkm
61. waiting for: my dumb ass to graduate fuckfvkf
62. want: more rilakkuma plushes + skincare products
63. get married: definitely!!
64. career: NO IDEA LMAOMDF,,,,,th dream would b something that i could do semi independently??? idk i hav no real passion for anything so far,,
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!!!! especially when they squeeze you really tight out of nowhere!!!! i love hugs!!!!!!! pls!!!
66. lips or eyes: on other people? lips for sure
67. shorter or taller: its nearly impossible to be shorter than me so
68. older or younger: i don’t mind either? i jus never really pay attention to age unless its like,, a really huge gap :/ but something like 2-3 year gap doesn’t matter to me
70. nice arms or nice stomach: idk!!! arms i guess!!! goes along w the hugging thing hahsjdcn jus never let me go ;;
71. sensitive or loud: i’m both honestly
72. hook up or relationship: i’m definitely a relationship kind of person but i wouldn’t say no?
73. troublemaker or hesitant: EXTREMELY HESITANT goddjkfjlkf i overthink n contemplate everything,, anything at all n i hate that 
74. kissed a stranger: nah
75. drank hard liquor: i don’t drink!
76. lost glasses/contact lesnse: yes all the time but my eyesight isnt too bad so i dont stress abt it 
77. turned someone down: yup
78. sex on the first date: no
79. broken someone’s heart: uhhhlkdm don’t think so?
80. had your heart broken: i don’t think so,, but i’ve felt like i have? if tht makes sense :/
81. been arrested: no but i got kicked out of target once
82. cried when someone died: yes but it was more of a reaction to others reactions? i didn’t know the person well so..
83. fallen for a friend: yes ohgod
84. yourself: i try!!
85. miracles: hhhhh it depends..
86. love at first sight: i don’t believe in love at first sight,,, just being extremely attracted to someone at first sight?,,,, like theres no way u could love someone,..........at ...first sight,,,,...
87. santa claus: no hhah
88. kiss on the first date: ye!!!
89. angels: idk,,, no?
90. current best friend’s name: i hav multiple!! “best friend”,, its a tier
91. eye colour: jus brown
92. favourite movie: kiki’s delivery service!!!!! or while you were sleeping
this shouldnt have taken me as long as it did omg,,, but thanks for tagging me yall!!!!! ilu!!! im gonna tag: @flameoflov , @rmsgirl , @namkwan u dont hav to do this at all tho!!!! 
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