#im in a very sentimental mood tonight this made my DAY my WEEK my YEAR
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anonymocha · 11 months ago
THATS ME IMB THE YURI LIKER 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥺🥺😭😭🥺🥺😭🥺🥺😭🥺🥺💖💕💖💞💞💗💖💖💞 [mocha explodes under the cut]
URHQJGAJEGWJHAUDHWHGWISHWHHAGA KISWAAAA KISW 🥺🥺😭😭💞😭💕💖🌟🌟🌟🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭😭😭😭💯💯💯🦅💯🔥💯💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥
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Adam and Eva real!!! Gosh this reminds me I should draw these two again fr my soul is yours here's the certificate as promised. Thank you for drawing my no 1 bbs they look ADORBABLE in your style!!! Eva is not my sona but Adam lowkey is so you're very close on that fr ong omg I ADORE IT 🥺😭🥺😭
KAALAAPOCKET IN THE WILD [car crash sfx, explosion, man screaming, cat hissing, dogs barking, big loud airhorn] Thank you for being the only other person I know to draw KaalaaPocket I will hand you a medal 🏅 you are SO REAL for this. Cooked, plated, served, ate, cleaned, left no crumbs, employee of the year.
(Yes you drew Kaalaa Baunaa very well she's so endearing in your style im gonna cry /pos pos pos. + I am happy to be a rat in a glass box I am honored that you're observing me)
Goodluck and hang in there at boarding school I truly truly wish you the best... WILL MISS YOU... 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 May asrama life treat you kindly and do feel free to send me your ocs or more requests as a treat for whenever you go online I dont mind omg kiswa again thank you so much sorry for rambling but im genuinely so happy fr 😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💕💓💞💗💖💕💖💕💖💞💗💖💗
what a great last night b4 I go back to boarding school! it's time to be annoying to the people I love n enjoy being around by sending them low quality gifts!
starting with the yuri liker @anonymocha ocs (I assume eva is your sona that's why I drew her) + kaalaapocket whatever the hell is r1999 about (I hope I drew kb right) . love seeing you being insane in the tl it's like watching a rat in a glassbox having fun /j
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then for @escapeboat n their ocs. teeheej. sneaks to your blog and throws this at you.
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@norri-toad @9617saphs @lostkalei @cookiewitch-trin hi :pkNom: (+ a bit fixing I forgot trin wears glasses..)
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you're telling me this app has a damn image limit💀
alright that's all !! full thing under cut
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+ sort of an announcement?
I'll be much more inactive on using social medias (aka not lurking as much as I did) because I'll be back to my boarding school tomorrow so.. yea. I only have access on my phone every thursday and sunday only fyi. This info was meant for if you want to send me smth then don't expect a quick response yeagh
I made these drawings b4 my long ahh hiatus so despite this being just a little doodle I hope y'all still like it!! alr bye
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years ago
The one where Goku tries his best (wc. 1200+)
Oh Goku, your sweet kind and caring Goku. He always has the right intentions, but always just barely missed the mark. But you couldn’t blame him really. All he wanted to do was show you love and appreciate you. It wasn’t his fault that somethings just managed to go over his head… a lot of the time.
Example A would be if you needed him to grab you something.
“Flower. Don’t forget flower when you go to the store hun. I need a lot of it”
Or at least you had said something like that. To be honest Goku wasn’t exactly listening as closely as he should have been. He was just so excited to head out and pay a visit to some of his old friends that he left the house with a hasty ‘yes yes of course’ as he pressed his lips to yours one last time before he took off to the sky. The request for flower sitting at the back of his mind.
Next thing Goku knew, sunset was already quickly approaching and he was waving goodbye to Roshi, Krillin and his family. The day was filled with smiles and laughter after reconnecting with Master Roshi, Krillin and his family that he had almost complexity forgotten your request. With sky darkening behind him, Goku asked for directions to the nearest flower market, thanked his friends one last time and took flight.
Hmm how many should I get, Goku thought, she did say a lot. Unsatisfied with any of the suggestions the florist provided for large bouquets, Goku suggested just taking home a majority of what was on display. The shop keeper stood in shock, jaw basically dropping at the demand, but made no complaints as the strange man handed him enough money to pay for nearly a months rent of the shop. And with the obscene amount of flowers in his hands, the onyx haired man made his way to the sky on route to his home.
“Hun?” He calls out to the house, his view obstructed by the various flora. “Im back with the flowers you asked for.
You pause to blink at him. One. Two. Three times before you sighed and started picking them from his hands as you place them in vases around the house. One at the bed side, one on the dining room table, a couple around the living room with you as you think to yourself oh my Goku. My sweet, sweet Goku who means so well.
“I meant flour. Like to bake with.”
Example B would be when he tries to surprise you
You would first notice something was off at the very beginning. When Goku began planning he would start sneaking around in the mornings when he thought you were still asleep and at night after you started dozing off in his arms. You had so much faith in your loving husband that you never questioned if there was ill intent to his sneaking out so you never mentioned it. If he was trying his hardest to keep something hidden from you, you were going to wait until he revealed it to you as a courtesy.
Of course it became harder to ignore his attempt to surprise you when he started asking all these questions out of the blue with his horrific timing. You could be in the middle of a shower and he would peek his head past the curtains, eyes only locked on yours despite your soapy naked figure, and he would be asking you if you preferred to have onigiris or takoyaki. How could food be on your usually insatiable husbands mind while you looked like that? It was a wonder. 
Eventually the reason for his wild behavior the past few weeks was revealed as you stepped in you kitchen after waking up alone in bed, the sleep suddenly leaving your eyes as you took in the banners and balloons and the table full of onigiris. Happy Birthday To The Most Beautiful Wonderful Love Ever the banner read as your eyes stayed wide, your voice stolen from you from the sheer surprise of it all. And there he stood, with his stupidly big grin, eyes shining bright with pride at his big show of love. He would move first, grabbing one the stuffed rice triangles, and offer it to you with a quiet murmur of an I love you.
All you could really do was kiss his cheek, then his mouth and whisper a soft thank you and you grabbed the treat and brought it to your lips. The two of you enjoyed the meal happily together and lazily napped the rest of the day to your request. And sure Goku was confused the following day when your friends called the house phone to wish you a proper happy birthday but you couldn’t be bothered that he got the day wrong with how much effort he had clearly put in.
Example C would be if you we’re trying to tell him you were pregnant
I would assume that after you found out, you would want the moment to be special because Goku puts so much effort into trying to make every little thing special for you, so the least you could do was return the sentiment. 
The first attempt would be while the two of you sat and enjoyed dinner alone together. As you brought him his second bowl of rice, you would drop a tiny shirt that you say Daddy’s munchkin or something similar. He would look at it and blink and say with his trademark grin, “Well that’s not going to fit either of us!” 
You looked at him with disbelief, before remembering that this was your Goku. And for how smart he truly is, you would somehow need to be more obvious in letting him know that he had a child on the way. After that you would take care in mentioning how you felt like you were eating for two or mention the baby names your mom had been messaging you the past couple of days. But it would seem that your husband was struggling to take a hint.
Of all the times for him to pick up on what you had been tell him for the past few weekends was at Bulma’s. She had invited the two of you to a casual dinner at hers with Vegeta solely for the reason of keeping well in touch after realizing Goku’s habit of disappearing for years at a time. Before asking Bulma had popped open a bottle of red wine that the two of you shared often any time you go together. But as she reached to fill your glass you quickly waved her off, stuttering out that you were fine for tonight. Your husband furrowed his eyebrows next to you before turning his whole body towards yours.
“If you’re worried about getting home I can always drive back if you don’t feel good enough.” But you were quick to wave off his concern and utter that you really didn’t want a glass one last time. Bulma simply shrugged and topped off the rest of her glass before putting the bottle away, ignoring Vegeta’s huff at the possibility of dealing with his wine drunk partner. However, Goku was still stuck on your refusal. You always had a glass of that wine whenever you got the opportunity because you had mentioned how you could personally never stomach paying that much for a single bottle. 
And then suddenly it hit him. 
The tiny shirt, the mood swings, the spontaneous vomiting and the wild cravings for octopus and mochi in the middle of the night.
“Your pregnant.” “Yes.”
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raiswriting · 6 years ago
it sucks part two
a/n : please read part one before this
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warnings: one instance of profanity
genre: angsty fluff
pairing: jaehyun x reader
summary: after a drunken confession the reader and jaehyun must face one another the next morning (im sorry I suck at summaries)
word count: exactly 2.3k (once again I got really carried away djskdh)
“i love you too jaehyun…”
i stood up and left his room. the door quietly shutting behind me.
“…more than you’ll ever know.”
as i found my way through my apartment and into my bathroom, my mind was oddly quiet. no racing thoughts. no overwhelming feelings. just an odd calmness. i peeled the remainder of my clothes off before stepping into the shower. this calmness wasn’t founded in assurance, instead in confusion. i didn’t know what he meant, he could have simply been showing appreciation as a best friend or confessing his feelings for me. either way, there would be no way of finding out tonight so why worry about it. my mind was too tired to think and this can be a conversation for the morning over breakfast. after getting out of my shower, i managed to throw on a fresh set of pajamas and sink into a blissfully warm bed.
i had woken up alone in my own bed again. strangely cold despite the layers i was covered in. and lonely even in these groggy moments the silence echoing in the room was deafening. my clock read 10:37. i should probably go check on jaehyun. after dragging myself through the process of looking decent, i made two cups of coffee. luckily we took it the same way, drowning in creamer and sugar. enough to be sickeningly sweet to anyone else but perfect for us. while allowing the drinks to cool slightly i decided to text him and let him know im on my way.
y/n 10.58 – hey loser unlock your door im on my way over with coffee
jaejae 10.59 – you are a godsend, consider it done
i grabbed the mugs and headed over. i clearly didn’t think ahead because i was greeted with the task of trying to open door handles while simultaneously trying to not spill coffee all over myself. once i had managed to get out of my apartment and into his, a new fear quickly settled in. confrontation. i would have to talk to him about what was said last night. jaehyun clearly said he loved me. if he remembered what happened last night then we’d obviously have to talk about it, which could end 2 ways. but if he didn’t remember then i’d have to wonder what he meant forever. Both options seem fucking terrifying but there was no turning back now, i am already at his bedroom door.
“knock knock,” i said softly as i pushed open his door. there he lay, only half awake and on his phone. he looked absolutely unreal. wrapped in a hoodie and blankets up to his chin. hair tousled, wavy and sticking up in all directions. his glasses sat low on his nose as his gaze glanced over them and up at me. a small smile graced his lips despite his eyes looking tired.
as i close his door i finally hear his voice, “good morning y/n.” you have to be kidding me. i have heard his raspy, sleep coated voice almost every day yet it still has an effect on me. my throat goes dry and i stumble over my words.
“morning, umm, here is your coffee.” i hand him the mug and take a seat at the end of his bed furthest away from him as i sip my own. i let the warmth from the coffee spread throughout me before looking back up at him. in that moment he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.
“how are you feeling jaehyun?”
his eyes sluggishly looked over at me. “much better than i would’ve been thanks to you. thanks for getting me here and taking care of me.”
i nervously sipped my coffee and nodded. “of course. what was i gonna do leave you on the lawn of some frat house.”
he warmly chuckled. “is that really where you picked me up?”
oh no. he doesn’t remember last night. no. i didn’t know i’d hate this so much.
“haha yeah. do you not remember?” please. remember something. please remember what we talked about.
“bits and pieces not much to be honest. i remember you promising me breakfast, which you don’t really have to do by the way-“
“no no no. i promised so i’ll take you if you’re feeling up for it.” but it’d be kinda awkward if you didn’t remember what you said.
“okay, okay. umm what else?” he tapped his mug in concentration. “oh yeah! i didn’t remember it at first but then i saw your sweater in the trash. so i am really really sorry for throwing up on you. you can have one of mine or i can buy you a new one because i really do feel really bad.”
i could see the sorrow in his eyes. he looked like a puppy who got in trouble for destroying a slipper.
“oh jaehyun don’t even worry about it. i was just worried about you. you haven’t gotten that drunk in a long time and i just wanted you to be safe.” i took another sip of my coffee. my hands were shaking slightly. he still hasn’t mentioned it. he really did forget.
even though my eyes stayed glued to my mug, i could feel his on me. after a few seconds, i glanced up at him. i couldn’t tell the emotion in his eyes. his mask had gone back up. he moved over slightly and patted the bed next to him. when i gave him a confused look, jae only patted it more aggressively. so i moved from my comfy little spot on the far corner of his bed to the top, next to him. like directly next to him. as in i could feel the warmth radiating off of his body type of closeness. i could feel the heat rising up my neck, painting my skin a nice deep red. my coffee was getting dangerously low and soon i would no longer be able to use it as an excuse to not talk.
“y/n.” he finally broke the silence and i only hummed in response. i could feel his intense gaze looking directly at me. my own was focused on my mug, suddenly the marble pattern on the side was very interesting. before i was able to commit each swirl to memory, it was taken from my hands and both mugs were placed on the nightstand. jaehyun turned back to me and i had no other choice than to face him.
“y/n. we need to talk.” nope. i can’t do this. you know what, i’m still young. i could always leave right now, move away, maybe change my name. i heard new mexico is nice this time of year.
“i meant what i said last night” the second those words left his mouth, my eyes widened and met his.
“i really am sorry.” oh. that’s what he remembered.
i cleared my throat kind of awkwardly, “i know you are, jaehyun. and i hope you remember when i told you that you have nothing to be sorry for.”
he sighed deeply while pushing his glasses higher on his nose. “but that’s the thing. yes i do so please just let me get this off my chest.” silently i nodded and let him continue.
“look i know this friendship isn’t always easy and it has been especially rough these past few weeks. you don’t deserve that. i keep putting myself before you, y/n and it isn’t fair,” he turned, even more, to completely face me, so i did the same. “you have your own life to live and you shouldn’t have to worry about me 24/7. and i know you’re gonna say ‘jae i really don’t mind’ and that’s exactly it y/n. you always put others before yourself, you always put me before yourself.” his eyes left mine only for a moment to glance at my hands and take them in his. they were warm, which wasn’t surprising. they matched the rest of him.
“i’m sorry because i never return the favor. i’m sorry because i’m never there for you the way you’re there for me, y/n. you’re my best friend and i don’t know where i’d be without you.” his eyes were so intense. suddenly he just pulled my into a hug, burying my head into his shoulder, as his words echoed throughout my mind.
you’re my best friend
he really doesn’t remember. maybe he didn’t even mean it. maybe it was just a slip of the tongue. just a drunken moment.
a shakey sigh leaves my lips as i tilt my head towards his ear.
“jae.” y/n can do this. “you are one of the most important people in my life. i care about you so much and i just want you to be healthy and happy.” even if it isn’t with me. “so of course i accept your apology, even if you don’t have much to apologize for.” this hurts. so much more than i thought it would. my head hurts. my throat hurts. my heart hurts. but he can’t know. unfortunately, my body betrays me as a few tears fall and i begin to sniffle.
jaehyun presses a kiss to the top of my head before pulling away and wiping my tears.
“hey, hey. everything is gonna be okay. go ahead and let it out, i’ll be here for you. forever and always.”
i let out a pathetic laugh that sounded more like a sob. “so now you’re quoting me huh?” wait. how could he quote something i said last night if he could barely remember throwing up on me. “i guess you’re memory from last night isn’t too far gone.” i sniffled a little, trying to reign it all in, i can cry over sad rom coms tonight but not right now.
his eyes went slightly wide before chuckling lightly. “uh yeah i guess it has been coming back in pieces.”
as much as i wanted him to say it again, sober, and mean it. i also didn’t want it to be when he wasn’t ready. if he remembers what i said then he knows I feel the same and he’ll tell me when he’s ready. 
even though i know that, it doesn’t make it hurt any less. and it still doesn’t eliminate to the possiblity of him not meaning it.
quickly i try to change the subject. “so do you wanna get dressed, we can go out for breakfast,” i glance down at my watch, 11:49. “well it’s more like lunch but it’s the same sentiment.” i chuckle softy trying desperately to lighten the mood.
“yeah let’s do it. if you want you can grab a sweater out of my closet.”
i smiled at him before getting off of his bed and heading to his closet. i already knew what sweater I was getting. it was plain grey but it was the softest material I had ever felt in my life. I remember the first time he had let me borrow it.
we had only been neighbors for a few months but we had a few classes together. it was the coldest week of the year and my heater just had to break. he was coming over for a quick study session when he was confronted with my 50-degree apartment.
“goodness y/n. why do you have the air on in here?” he quickly pulled his own sweater tighter around himself.
my teeth chattered slightly. “i don’t. my heater is broken and won’t be fixed until next week.”
“you’re kidding me.” his eyes were opened wide in disbelief when i shook my head.
“well grab your stuff you can come over to my place and I’ll give you a much warmer sweater to wear.”
i couldn’t find it in me to argue so I gathered my things and followed him to his place. the warmth was inviting. he quickly disappeared around the hall as i set my stuff on the living room table. he came back holding a large grey sweater that looked enticing.
“here you go. i hope it’s warm enough. you can keep it with you until your heater gets fixed.” he handed it to me, his eyes fixed to the floor.
“thanks.” quickly i discarded my flimsy, too thin sweater and replaced it with his. immediately i was entranced with the smell of the hoodie. it was probably his cologne. i was intoxicated with it. vanilla. raspberry. and a burning fireplace. for some reason, the scent matched who his personality perfectly. it was inviting and warm. it felt safe. like home.
when I finally looked up at him there was a small smile on his face.
“you look cute.”
my cheeks flushed red. “so do you want to start with english?” i plopped myself down on the couch ignoring his slight chuckle at my attempt to change the topic of conversation.
“sure let’s do it.” he sat beside me. too close yet not close enough. i craved his presence to be nearer while simultaneously wanting him to sit on the other chair in the room.
when he saw what i had brought out he shook his head incredulously.
“of course. i knew you’d take that one.”
“you know it’s my favorite,” i quickly pulled it over my head, “but for some reason it feels softer when I steal it from you.”
we chuckled together while i put my shoes back on.
“wait where are you going?” he called out to me as i passed his bed.
“well we need to go get some lunch. I need to grab my keys and wallet. i’ll be right back. you can start getting dressed while i’m gone.”
i reached for his bedroom door. but his voice stopped me in my tracks. my hand gripping the knob. knuckles turning white.
“oh okay. i love you, see you in a bit.”
part three
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