#im having to look at ida and try to separate out the parts of me that became her and the parts of her that became me
cactusfru1ts · 1 year
as i learn more about aac + the people who use it im starting to feel incredibly complicated about my one active dnd character being autistic + mute + those two things being completely unrelated (at least in terms of origin obviously theyve become very much related over the years). like. i dunno. i love ida and i love playing ida and if i was coming up with ida today she would be virtually unrecognizable because holy shit i did not think this character through when i was coming up with her
#quetzposting#a lot of my issues with the way i wrote ida basically stem from the fact that i came up with her when i was like. what. 15?#and ive been able to iron things out a LOT over the past four years#but i still feel a little weird about playing a character whose autism is like. definitely a disability. and trying to figure out how that-#-works with and impacts her acquired disability because while i do still sometimes lose speech i really dont have the like. lived experience#that would make me fully comfortable playing her the way i would probably write her if she wasnt. yk. a dnd character.#i guess what it comes down to is like. all of my best characters have had a part of me in them. usually that part comes with a little autism#or bipolar or aromanticism or dysphoria or compulsive behavior or superstition or whatever the fuck else#and while im trying to figure out my own disability (and coming to terms with the way my autism impacts it + often makes it worse)#im having to look at ida and try to separate out the parts of me that became her and the parts of her that became me#and her disability is… not really either one of those#even though it did come from me because at the time i pretty much had a selective mutism thing goin on#and it did come from her because playing her has helped me understand my own disability#even though its so different from hers#its just really weird to think about. and i do wish id played her a bit differently from the beginning#its extra weird because i straight up dont remember huge chunks of the campaign lmao#thanks for that dissociative disorder. really appreciate it (sarcasm)
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chococustard · 5 years
Hi.. just out of curiosity, do you have favorite fanfic or fic rec for bnha?
first time putting this together my chrome closed and killed all of it=‘D
they’re mostly one shots since on going ones, cause of my shitty memory i can’t remember most of them otl
they’re under the cut and separated into categories//shot sorry i can’t word well;;; enjoy//shot
—- GENERAL (mostly)/ OTHERS —–
you’re a good man midoriya hizashi - deku’s dad is a lawyer and a nerd
no happy endings, just beginnings - eri getting used to civilian live and it’s the cutest fucking thing
nya means i love you in cat - IICHAKO DATE IICHAKO DATE IICHAKO DATE
sleepless - todo sleeps everywhere. that’s it
see me and you’ll know you’re sleeping - baku and todo talks at 3 am
iida tenya is best mom - that’s also it
send endeavor to the shadow realm - a whole series of roasting flaming cheeto man. also deku’s a fucking savage god bless
perfect timing  -  present mic and aizawa visits tensei at the hospital ft fuyusei. part of the author’s 12 days of christmas set, all of it is cute
a riddle to guess if you can - all might has a few words for the new number one hero
heroes’ day off - domestic shit ft tododeku, kiribaku, momojirou and tsuocha
bakugou is human - ft kiribaku
fallen heroes - villain!class 1A and others
looking glass - kidnapped and forced to join the villains as a child, deku got caught by the heroes during the usj attack, and joins their side instead
little, and broken, but still good - momo protection squad
pressure points - todoroki shoto finally became a child at 15
lazy day - soft
(all I knew this morning when I woke is) green eyes and freckles and your smile - sleepy. kisses.
count your blessings, not your flaws - deku’s used to getting asked out by people as a joke. the one time it’s not, he laughed
sickeningly sweet - omegaverse au where todo is possesive and deku’s a little shit and i love him?? also  like, no relation, here ojiro’s the dominant alpha of the class and he’s just. so done. i love it
heroes, love and soulmates - what you write on your skin appear on your soulmate’s, also. soft. so soft.
conventional taste - deku won an essay contest and took todo to hero con. as cute as the tododeku stuff was i also like it just as a general fic, like, the con stuff in there i just can’t help but “i feel u”//shot and the uh, the other parts also hits to the heart
cold hands, warm heart - todo likes deku’s hands
reunion - apparently middle school reunions are a thing ft baku being not shit
sweater weather - this. just. this whole thing. i have diabetes from this
get me waken up, shaken up, tangled up - omegaverse au where todo and deku just date and it’s cute
bonded - omegaverse au drame™ also like the only omegaverse fic with all my ship as far as i know thank u op
your biggest fan - ….they buy each other’s merch- im dying, deceased
the five times shouto found his hand in izuku’s hair and the one time it happened in front of bakugou - deku’s hair floof appreciation fic
I’m yours if you’ll have me - omegaverse au where deku tries to get todo to just get a fucking clue ft bakushima 
i’ve tried every hobby, and you’re all that’s left - everyone got todo to try and find a hobby
all your little things - deku wants todo to love himself
Marry The Mole - flaming cheeto man tried to bribe his son’s bf to break up with him
petal steps - hades/persephone au
a whole series where kiri and baku are THAT couple
a many splendored things - anniversary fluff
anniversary - ^another one
little words - soulmate au where you’re born with the first words your soulmate directs at you
free at last - omegaverse au where kiri’s parents are assholes
angel’s kiss - FRECKLE. KISSES.
beating in time - vampire!au where some hunter thought baku’s a vampire, while it’s actually kiri, tho baku doesn’t know that either
teach me how to surf and other stuff - surfer au whee as a pro baku pretends to suck so he can get close to the cute surfing teacher
flowers speak louder than words - baku has hanahaki
crystal tears - kiri cries crystals, and he and baku learns how to do relationship
all the make up that MAC can make - kiri tries make up
nothing ever goes wrong at the mall - baku and kiri meets baku’s old middle school classmates
13 things best bros do together (+1 thing they don’t) - oblivious idiot
Next to You - sOFT
Pining and Pinning - quirkless au where guitarist baku has it bad
A Consequence of Constant Explosions - deaf baku and supportive bf kiri
white walls - kiri’s injured, baku’s worried
hold my hand until I feel whole again - kiribaku ft post raid ptsd
tuesday i was through with hoping - ^another one
after the fact - ^^again, another one
sunshine flutters - ^^^^another fucking one but it’s from baku’s perspective
something like an earthquake - another post raid hospital fic
tender loving care - another one this time ft momo
hoodies - omegaverse where baku gets possessive 
a boy & his dragon - fantasy au where kiri and baku date
Soft - omegaverse au where kiri tells baku they’re gonna have a kid
baby steps - bakugou’s journey to be a decent human being ft. eri kiri and momo
romantic displays of a barbarian - baku openly showing his love for his wonderful bf
make a spark, break the dark - fantasy!baku went to the canon verse
there’s a space here shaped like you - ^another one
to win back your heart which was mine - ^another one but fantasy!kiri is fucking dead
bakugou’s (wikihow) guide to making friends - baku attempts to amend his friendship with deku ft kiribaku
will I ever be more than I’ve always been?  - baku trying to apologize for his shitty past. part of a series of future fic, they’re also great
white lily - midoriya izuku hates himself
scorpions and chains - hit by a quirk deku’s put to sleep, everyone else ended up seeing the past he never says
out of reach - @garbageisland-0​ ‘s nomu!deku au. it hurts 
for the future - during the sludge villain attack, baku watches deku dies right in front of his eyes, and he mourns
the stars welcome them home - on weekends students go home for the weekend, except satou, hagakure, baku, and todo
the sadness behind their eyes - as a teacher fuyumi wants none of her students to end up like her brother
this sick, strange darkness (comes creeping on, so haunting every time) - todoroki shouto is dead
so big / so small - sads but it’s todo, bday angst
Escape - the sads now ft kiri
the song of a broken past - kiri copes with his feelings with the violin, quirkless au
hit me up if you want the dirty//shot
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thorne93 · 7 years
Decisions, Decisions (Part 6)
Prompt: Imagine Tom Hiddleston has a crush on you and he is feeling jealous of James McAvoy on “The Graham Norton Show” because James talks about how great the chemistry was between you, his co-star, and him in your latest film.
Warnings: language, sexual content, adult content…?
Word Count: 3882
Note: Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​ - This fic would NOT be possible without you, and @amarvelouswritings​ - who let me badger the hell out of her. Thank you both a million! Used @theartofimagining13​ imagine
Also, some of the timelines are going to be off in this, to make stuff fit, and James’ wife and child are nonexistent - nothing against them, just easier to write if he didn’t have an ex wife and child. Texts are in italics
Tags: @wordacadabra   @frenchfrostpudding @lisssays @cocosierra94  @staceycasey123 @lucianightwolker @tacohead13 @queen--valeskaxx
The next day, you slept in, then went to the gym, grabbed some iced coffee, then went home to relax for a day off. But you couldn’t help but think of James. You toyed with texting and calling him or leaving him alone. Finally, you caved.
“I’m sorry about last night. Could we talk about this, please?”
No response happened for five minutes and you sighed. What were you going to talk about? You knew you wouldn’t confess everything, but maybe you could buy a tiny bit of more time, then no one could be hurt. You thought maybe, just maybe, you could have one more date with each of them, and then you’d decide.
Ida was busy with her job, otherwise you would’ve reached out to her, but you didn’t want to bother her or distract her. You felt so alone in that moment and you knew it was your fault. Watching James walk out the door last night hurt you far beyond what you thought was capable.
To drown out reality, and all the pain that went with it, you had a quick lunch and binge watched a couple of episodes of your favorite show, after which you decided to start surfing the web, responding to Twitter and Facebook alerts. Just as you started to get underway, you saw a new post that tagged Tom on Twitter. You opened it and saw Tom at a restaurant with another girl, then walking down the street with her. It was titled, “Is Y/N out and new mystery woman is in?”
For some unspeakable reason your blood was boiling. Maybe it was because you wanted something to lash out at. Maybe you blamed Tom for cockblocking you last night. Maybe you wanted to displace the anger and guilt you were feeling at yourself to someone else. No matter the reason, you decided to confront Tom on his little rendezvous and wasted no time calling him.
“Oh, hi there, darling,” he greeted happily. It was hard to be pissed when Tom freaking HIddleston was calling you darling, but you had to focus.
“What is this? I saw online that you went out on a date?”
“What? Woah, who? I wasn’t on a date with anyone.”
“Oh, yeah, like that’s true. I don’t know, some brunette in a red romper,” you informed. “Who is she?”
“Excuse me?” he said, disbelief in his tone.
“You heard me, who is she?”
“She’s an old friend from college. She was in town and we went for lunch and I showed her the sites. Why does it matter?”
“Because we’re dating, Tom,” you pressed angrily. Suddenly, you realized you’d been pacing in your living room and you only did that when you were really irritated.
“And I can’t go out to lunch with a friend?” he asked.
“How do I know she's just a friend?”
“How do I know James is?”
His question caught you off guard. “What did you just say?” you demanded, your tone dark.
“You know two can play this game. I saw the photo of James leaving your house after spending the night.”
“We were running lines and he fell asleep, it was innocent.”
“Well so was mine,” Tom insisted.
“How can I believe that?” you asked.
“How can I believe you and James?”
He was met with silence because you were so angry at this point, and you had no one to blame but yourself.
“Look, I’ve got to get going. In the meantime, try not to believe the media over me, for Christ’s sake.” With that, he hung up.
You wanted to scream. You were mad at James for not listening to you, but he was right. You were mad at Tom for calling, but what was so wrong with wanting to hear your voice? You were mad at yourself for even starting this stupid thing. You really didn’t think anyone would get hurt. All you wanted was to date the right guy, and not let them get away.
James had finally texted back and simply said, “I have to get ready for an interview and some other stuff in the next few days.”
Three weeks blurred past as you didn’t hear from either James or Tom. James was busy promoting Split, separate interviews for Juxtaposition, and auditions. Tom was in NYC filming for Thor 3. The silence and cold shoulder from both of them was killing you. You noticed you were drinking more than just a glass of wine each night. You were beginning to think you were right about the whole “co-stars shouldn’t date” thing more and more, but you knew deep in your gut it wasn’t about the fact that they were costars, it was about how you were unwittingly pitting them against each other.
You had told Ida what happened but she couldn’t offer much advice except to apologize or come clean. Half of you wanted to confess all of your sins, but you also wondered what good it would do. At this point you just prayed one of them wanted you and you would move on with that.
After a few of your own auditions, a reading with a new cast for a new movie that you were going to start filming in four months, interviews, photoshoots, and two premieres of friends, you found yourself in NYC, same as Tom. You were here for a radio show and another Late Night show.
Tom had suddenly texted you middle of the day and said, “You’re in New York.”
The sudden contact took you aback but you responded. “Yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Honestly, you replied, “I didn’t think you wanted to see me.”
“I always want to see you, Y/N.”
“I want to see you too,” you admitted. “Lunch?”
“Not today, darling. But, tell you what, two days from now I have a charity ball back in LA, would you care to be my date again?”
“Love too. Can’t wait to see you.”
You decided to try harder to patch things up with James, regardless of where you stood with him romantically you wanted to be friends and you needed to have him to not resent you while you finished the last six months of this filming.
Eventually, he warmed up and started responding to texts and calls for the next two days. He seemed to be back to his old self and that made your heart sing with joy. He was joking, teasing, and flirting again.
Ida told you she would be in LA, and coincidentally at the charity ball you were going to because a pop star was going to be performing there. You excitedly told her you could introduce her to Tom and she was beyond thrilled. You helped her pick out a cute black cocktail dress to wear to the occasion.
The charity ball started out like any other occasion: Tom picked you up, you went to the event,  the speeches were made, the pop star played, donations were made, then finally the mingling and socializing began. At two hours in, you went and found Ida as soon as you could break away from the table and pulled her over to your table.
“Tom, I want you to meet my best friend in the whole world. I would die for this girl,” you informed, pushing her toward the table. “This is Ida Smithson. Ida, this is Tom HIddleston.”
“How do you do, miss?” he greeted as he took her hand, kissed it, and stood.
“I--I--I’m...I’m fine. I can’t believe I’m meeting you, I’m sorry,” Ida tried, stumbling over her own words as her stunning blue eyes danced between you and Tom.
He laughed that signature laugh as he offered her to sit with you all. “Oh, don’t worry, I don’t bite, at least not very hard.”
Ida giggled and you smiled in response.
“Please, I’m just a normal person. So Y/N tells me you are a music journalist, that’s amazing,” he remarked.
All of you were talking as Tom got to know Ida better and after an hour, you realized nature was calling.
“I’m going to let you two talk while I go powder my nose,” you informed. They nodded in response as you got up and went to the restroom. You touched up your makeup, checked your phone, sent a quick flirty text to James, then went back to your table, only to find that table empty.
You verified the table was correct and it was. You sat there anyway and just figured Ida and Tom went and got more drinks for you all, but after ten minutes they didn’t return. You texted Ida - no response. You texted Tom - no response. You called Ida - four rings then went to voicemail. Same for Tom. You walked all around and looked for them. You were waiting for so long, you realized the charity ball was ending and it dawned on you that it must be late. Checking the time, you saw that it was 2 am.
What were you going to do? Tom was your ride home, but now he was nowhere in sight and you were seemingly stranded. You could call a taxi service but at 2 am, that was risky in LA. You made the only call you thought you could count on.
The phone rang twice before he picked up.
“Hello?” a groggy voice answered.
“James, I am so, so, sorry to bother you,” you started.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” James asked, concern thick in his voice.
“I’m not sure. I’m at the charity ball and my friend that I came with sort of ditched me. I’m really sorry to bother you so late, if I had another option, I wouldn’t but...I was just wondering if you could take me home?”
“I’ll be right there,” he promised breathily.
“Thank you so much.”
You hung up and went outside and waited for him on the steps.  Still no text or call from your date or your friend as you waited. You were worried about them, but you assumed if they were together they must be okay. Thirty minutes later, the Maserati drove up and you stepped over to the car and hopped in.
“James, you’re like a saint,” you said, but you couldn’t add anything because James found your lips immediately with his own, drowning out everything else. The sensation was overwhelming and welcoming. His lips felt so comforting and...inviting. The hunger in his kiss was amazing and surprising.  “Uh, wow,” you breathed. “What’s the occasion?”
“The occasion is that I missed the hell out of you,” he said. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up. Forgive me?”
There was nothing to forgive though. He was right. He had a right to be jealous, yet...you weren’t his property, or Tom’s. So why did you feel like a slimeball? Because you knew what you were doing was wrong...or did you? Everyone involved seemed to be going on these blind notions. It wasn’t the guys’ business who you were or were not dating….so...why for the life of you did you feel so guilty? So wrong? So...dirty…
At this point you were in too deep to give up or come clean, so you decided that things would sort themselves out, when the time was right.
“Thank you.” He pulled out into traffic and held your hand.
He drove to your house and this time when you arrived, no distractions got in the way. James and you barely made it to the bedroom, shedding layers of clothes as you went, barely breaking the kiss. He laid you down on the bed and began kissing all over you. You were in your black lingerie and he was in his boxers as he hovered above you, making you suddenly incredibly happy. You flipped him on his back and began to continue to undress yourself then finished disrobing him. When his head dipped below your navel, you thought you’d come undone then and there, but he was relentless, gripping your hips as his his tongue worked expertly on you.
Eventually, your legs had wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you, hitting your sweet spot, forcing you to cry out.
Again and again, you found a release within each other, screaming his name (something you had fantasized about for years), moaning, clawing into each others backs as you bit and bucked into each other. God, his face was a glory to behold as he plunged deep within you and when he climaxed.
When you woke up, you felt so relaxed and blissfully happy...until you noticed the bed was empty. You grabbed your satin robe and went out to the kitchen to see if he was making coffee but he wasn’t there. You checked both of your bathrooms, still no James. You checked the driveway and his car was still there.
Odd, you thought. You checked the house again, calling for him, but no response.
Checking his car again, from the window, you noticed a small envelope under the windshield wiper. You padded out to the envelope in the early morning mist and opened it. Inside was a small note that said, “A Token: That you may never be stranded again.” For a second, you just stood there, unsure what this was. Suddenly, it hit you that he was giving you his car. He was giving you his Maserati.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, your hand flying to your mouth as your breath caught in your throat. You suddenly became dizzy. This couldn’t be real. You ran inside and called him. “James! James, what are you doing? Where are you?” You sounded frantic.
He laughed joyfully, your tone must’ve tipped him off. “I’m on my way to the airport, I’m so sorry I have to leave like this. I have some business to take care of in a few states, you know, usual business. How do you like my gift? The keys are in the drawer you keep your corkscrew.”
You spluttered out, “James...I-you-this-You can’t give me your Maserati.”
“Why not?” he asked innocently.
“Because it’s too much!” you shrieked.
“Not for you. You were amazing last night.”
“So, because I’m good in the sack, you give me a car?”
Laughing again, he said, “No, you misunderstand me. I’m not giving you the car for the sex, I’m giving you the car because I could see how much you loved it. Just think of it as a little piece of home, whenever you drive it, think of Oklahoma.”
“James….Thank you. I don’t know what else to say.”
“Thank you usually does the trick. But hey, if you want to repay me, I know someone who wouldn’t mind the form of payment you gave me last night again,” he teased.
“You dirty, dirty, Scot,” you said, shaking your head and smiling.
“Oh, I’m more than dirty, baby. Enjoy the car, darling. I’ll be back in three days. Keep in touch.”
“I will.”
As soon as you hung up, you were curious and worried about Ida and Tom. You texted Ida, asking where she was and if she’s okay. She immediately called you.
“Hey,” she whispered.
“Hi? Why are you whispering?”
“I’m at Tom’s. Hang on, let me get outside”
Your eyes narrowed as your stomach dropped. “You slept with him?”
“What? No, no...We went out for drinks then it became too late so he brought me back to his place to crash.” Her voice was the normal volume now, you imagined she was outside of his house now.
“Ah,” you said simply, relief flooding you. Somehow, after the mind blowing sex with James, him giving you a car, and apologizing about the fight, you still wanted Tom in some way. What the hell was wrong with you? “I tried to call both of you last night, neither of you answered.”
“Oh! My phone died. I’m not sure why Tom didn’t get anything though.”
“You do realize, he was my ride to and from the event, right?”
After a second, she responded, “Oh! Oh my god. No! I had no idea. I’m sorry Y/N. I feel like shit. How did you get home?”
“I...uh...I called James.”
“Oh? How’d that go?”
You were staring at your new car as you spoke. “Great. We uh...He’s really great in bed,” you blurted out, laughing afterwards, still in disbelief that it even happened. Remembering how being with him was...different than with Tom. Tom was an exceptional lover, yes. Generous, all around good with foreplay, but between you and Tom it felt like pure lust. Something about James...it was more intimate, even if it wasn’t exactly making love, or slow, or tender. When you looked into his eyes, you never wanted to look away.
She laughed with you. “Haha, go you! That’s amazing. Is he still there?”
Sadly, you responded, “No, duty calls. But Ida...he gave me a car…”
“Like...Hotwheels? Or a model car?” Ida questioned, although you could tell she knew the truth.
“No, like...an Italian car, Maserati to be exact.” You were met with silence and you thought the call had dropped. “Ida?”
“No, yeah, I’m still here, I’m just gathering my jaw off the ground. Dude! He gave you a fucking Maserati? How good are you in bed? I need to learn some tricks!”
“Shut up,” you laughed. “He said he gave it to me to remind me of Oklahoma,” you explained, your voice filling with sentiment.
“What the hell does a Maserati have to do with Oklahoma?”
“I used to street race, remember?”
“Oh that’s right. So...are you two official now?”
“I don’t know...He’s definitely amazing, but I can’t deny that I love Tom’s energy and how I feel around him,” you admitted, feeling like the world’s worst, slimiest person. Why couldn’t you just make up your fucking mind? Simple: you had the two greatest guys in the world to choose from.
“I can see the appeal. Tom is really amazing.”
“That he is.”
After a bit of silence, she asked, “So are you okay with this?”
“With what?”
“Tom and me...being friends?”
“What the hell kind of a question is that? I’m not your keeper, Tom isn’t my property. You two can be friends all you want.”
“Oh okay, good! I was worried I was stepping on your toes.”
“No, no.”
Two more weeks flew by as you worked on the film, keeping in touch with both men. You could definitely tell something was off with Tom. He was texting and calling a little less but you just assumed it had to do with work. Working with James was mesmerizing again. You were both incredibly in sync and in tune with the other, the chemistry even more undeniable. While you ran the sex scene, it was a little odd with everyone standing around - but that was work, but it also made it a little more believable now that you actually knew what it felt like to have slept with him.
One day, when you and James were dining at your house, just having a normal date night, he asked you something that took you aback.
“Y/N, I have something I’d like to ask, feel free to say no,” he started, clearly nervous. You’d never seen James nervous at all.
“I’ll keep that in mind but I can't say no to you so…” You laughed and he gave a small smile.
“Since we have a break in filming coming up in a couple of days, I was wondering if you’d….ugh why is this so fucking hard?” He stopped, took a deep breath, then spit it out. “I was wondering if you’d want to come to Scotland with me to meet my family.”
The food and drink that was in your mouth went down the wrong pipe and you coughed and choked. His family? He wanted to introduce you to his family? It’d only been two and half months. What did this mean? Were you ready for this?
“Are you alright?’ James asked, getting up to assist you before you grabbed your water and took a drink.
“I’m fine.”
“I guess I need to stop asking you things when you eat, you seem to choke on a lot of stuff around me,” he said, running his tongue along his lip.
“I do indeed….”
“So...what do you think?”
“About meeting your family?”
“Yes. If that’s too much too soon or….” He seemed like he wanted to take the words back as he started to pick around in his food and avoid your gaze.
“I’d love to. When do we leave?”
His face lit up with relief. “Sunday, so two days from now. Will that work?”
“Absolutely. How long will we be staying?”
“A week, if that’s alright?” he questioned tentatively.
“A week sounds perfect,” you breathed, still shocked. “What’s the weather like in Scotland around this time? I want to make sure I dress appropriately.”
“Cold, so you may need some sweaters, or we’ll just use body heat,” he implied slyly with a wink.
“Maybe we should practice that?” you offered with a raise of your eyebrows.
“You do not have to ask me twice.” He smiled, jumped up, grabbed your hand, and led you back to your bedroom.
You called Ida immediately after he left to go arrange for your presence for the trip and told her what happened.
“He asked you to stay with him and his family?” she shrieked.
“Yeah, I’m really fucking nervous, Ida. He must be serious about me.”
“Well, aren’t you about him? Or are you still caught between him and Tom?”
You bit your lip, dancing from one foot to the other in your kitchen as anxiety built within you. “I don’t know any more. I mean, I love being around James, but I still wait for messages from Tom and I still want to see Tom again. I’m a mess, aren’t I?” You sighed.
“Just a little.” She chuckled. “Hey, hey, it’s not the end of the world, women have been in your position before.”
“They have?” you asked, a tiny flicker of hope blooming within you.
“Well, without all the nice cars and gifts, but yeah, sure, women have been torn between two men a lot, think of all the affairs out there. Or do you remember that guy Johnny and Alex that I was dating at the same time?”
You recalled it and it was a relatively similar situation, for about four months, she couldn’t decide who she liked being around more.
“Yeah...yeah, I guess you’re right. But, shit, man if he’s taking me to meet his family, he must know what he wants,” you stressed. “I just...I don’t know if I can give him that back.”
“Why don’t you take a break from both?”
“I can’t do that, I already had a break and it just made me want both of them more.”
“Then you are up a certain creek without a paddle, missy,” she informed.
“I know. Hey, I’m going to go to bed, I have a lot of shopping to do tomorrow. Talk to you later.”
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