#im having the bff household live here
antiquetrait · 2 months
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working in progress
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clvmtines · 3 years
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welcome aboard, clementine martinez, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like alexa demie? according to our records, you hail from florida, usa, prefer she / her pronouns, are a cis woman, and are here to study creative writing. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charming, + free-spirited, but also - restive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the billiards room. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a casino chip carried around for luck from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi friends! i’m very excited to be here. i’m jay (est, she/her) n i used to play astrid nyland a few months ago if anyone remembers bt i had to leave for personal reasons. i’m so glad to be back now that i hve life sorted and some free time for summer break <3 read on for some details abt this new muse of mine, clementine. 
01. biography !
so ! clementine was born in florida. & yes, her real name is clementine. her mom thot it was the cutest name idea ever. clementine mostly goes by clem. she comes from the town [redacted] in florida bcoz i am too lazy to look up a specific town <3 but alas ! it was swampy and humid and she lived in a trailer park. 
her parents got knocked up at nineteen. clem was born nine months after a particularly wild 1999 fourth of july. her birthday is march 26th and she’s an aries. 
(TW: addiction, child injury) clem’s dad was a gambling addict and petty criminal—he wld steal credit cards n whatnot. he wld gamble away diaper money n it would cause constant fighting until her dad finally left. her mom took this very hard n began drinking a bit too often, leaving clem to to make cereal for dinner n fend for herself. once clem tried to make hot dogs on the stove and spilled boiling water on herself. got a p bad burn on her arm/shoulder and still has a big scar.
the soundtrack of her childhood was cicadas buzzing and stray dogs barking. the sizzle and pop of natty light cans. turning up her ipod to max volume to drown out the sounds of her mother fighting with her new boyfriend.
throughout her upbringing, clem’s dad was always in and out of the picture. he’d blow into town when he hit it big. he’d take her on these little “adventures” like staying in a motel 6 n renting movies at block buster n ordering good pizza nt the dominos shit she ate with her mom lol. ofc he was charging it all to someone’s stolen credit card. he’d always promise to, like, take clem away. n clem was a daddy’s girl so she believed him. the last time it happened was her h.s. graduation. her mom didn’t show ( "overslept” after a bender ) but her dad did and surprised her n said everything wld be different. bt then he bailed on their plans for the next day n when she called his cell, the number was disconnected. tht was the defining “i’m done” moment. clem promised to never be disappointed by her father again.
(TW: racism) her mother has mexican ancestry and clem’s always been called her twin. but clem was raised in a predominately white area and honestly ?? it was really hard without her even realizing it. she’s still unpacking a lot of things today abt her youth that jst weren’t okay bt she thought were normal. like microaggressions, stereotypes, being fetishized by boys in high school. gross shit.
as a kid, clem was rumored to be really poor bc she wore tattered clothes n got free lunch at school. once she invited a friend to her house & the next day they told everyone it’s in a trailer park. that reputation—the “trailer park girl”—was really hard to shake. and clem got almost desperate to shake it. she was endlessly trying to set her old self on fire and emerge from the ashes like a phoenix.
eventually clem became more “popular”. in school she was, like, a straight b student. very average although super creative and quick-thinking. she always had street smarts. problem solving skills. independence. more of, like, practical intelligence as opposed to book smarts because academia bores her tbh. she was like why am i reading these overrated boring books by dead white men or learning abt polynomials when i know nothing abt how to pay a mortage or do taxes. like...she saw the american education system as bullshit and put in modest effort because she didn’t believe it deserved her sweat and tears. 
however, she entered the online lottery for the seas program on a whim and got in. so she’s studying creative writing now.
02. personality !
first thing you shld know abt clem is that she’s a compulsive liar essentially—she tells various stories to make her life seem better than what it was. to one person, she’s an heiress to a real estate company and grew up wealthy. to the next she was raised by nomadic hippies. some of her lies are small fibs while others are grandiose tales. she rarely talks about her actual upbringing. she hates talking abt her family or the v real trauma of growing up in a household where both parents struggled w/ addiction; the uncertainty, the broken promises, the fact that she had to grow up so soon and deal w/ so much. it wasn’t fair, and if she thinks about it too much, she feels this anger. anger at the universe. anger at her circumstances. she doesn’t know where to put this anger. she doesn’t know how to shrink it. so she avoids it.
despite her rough upbringing, though, clem is actually really sweet and kind. she’s adventurous, fun-loving, free-spirited, and bold. 
bt ! she can also be closed-off, competitive and restive. 
she’s seemingly tight with everyone? like she’s jst that girl who can get along with anyone tbh. 
in her spare time you can catch her tanning by the pool, hanging at the bar, playing pool ( which she learned from her dad ), and socializing. she’ll never say no to hanging out with people. 
she learned a lot from her little “adventures” with her dad, who was very good at conning others and often involved her in his dumb little scams. clem is suuuper good at pulling the ‘im baby 🥺’ card to get what she wants.
she can be a little selfish, because she grew up looking out for herself. 
stubborn and dogmatic as hell !!!
she doesn’t do too many relationships but when she does fall, i imagine she falls hard and fast. she refuses to be made a fool of, tho. when she gets vulnerable she flashes back to being a kid, waiting all day for her dad to show up only to have him bail on her. again. she hates that feeling. so if she, like, senses a shift in someone’s energy she’ll b like, “i’ll break up with u before u can do it to me” and the person wasn’t even tryna dump her lmao.
has a lot of sex. too much ?? sex?? mayb. but she’s v sex positive.
her personal style is v late 90s. hair clips, big scrunchies, neon, fur trim, crop and tube tops, hoop earrings, chokers, patterns, platform shoes, biodegradable glitter cuz it’s good fr the earth *winks*. clothes from o-mighty.......actually jst google o mighty, pull up the images and That is clem. she dresses like a bratz doll. she’s dedicated to the aesthetic.
03. headcanons !
her item brought from home is a hot pink poker chip from a casino. her dad gave it to her. he said it reminded him of her because of the color; he got it during one of his winning streaks and said it was lucky. she has a complicated relationship w/ her dad n doesn’t even speak to him anymore, bt she will never go anywhere without it.
she’s a smol bean—only 5′4
an astrology girl and she reads palms ! she absolutely makes astrology tik toks that people only watch because she’s hot. her flirting technique is to ask you to read your palm.
she doesn’t typically drink to get drunk. but she does love a good sugary cocktail. to her, a drink is like an accessory. a blue fishbowl by the pool, a jack and coke as she stands around a bar. usually she'll nurse the same beverage for a while. if you see her wasted it usually means she’s going thru it emotionally lol. the one thing she does do is drugs tho 
pretty much listens to exclusively female artists.
a bit of an activist. environmentalism, feminism and the like, she’s v outspoken. vegan for ethical reasons (TW: drugs) bt still does cocaine. she wears shirts with ‘my pussy my choice’ bedazzled on the front.
loves to rollerblade ! back home she didn’t have a car so she’d bike or rollerblade. now she still has her blades and she’ll use them when the ship docks. 
03. wanted connections !
Friends, bffs, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe a friend with an unrequited crush on either side ??
an ex she dumped/cheated on/otherwise self sabotaged their relationship because she was afraid of vulnerability.
an ex friend who realized she lies a lot abt herself n felt betrayed. OH ! ESP if they opened up to her on many occasions abt intimate, personal stuff. imagine the betrayal they felt when they found that everything they thought they knew abt clem is a lie.
someone who she actually opens up to. a confidant. or, maybe, like, a stranger she drunkenly spilled her soul to and now she avoids them like the plague.
a rival. clem can be competitive.
her drug dealer 
someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and… does it anyways. like a friend’s ex or smthing. spicy <3
i welcome anything !
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Johnny Seo NCT 127 Astrology : How He Loves
“Hi love!! Can I get a johnny: how he loves?? Thank youuuu💗💗💗💗 “-  @itsthequeenofhearts
“ Hello, it’s me again. So me and my bff both loved your astrology post about yuta and since he is my bias I was wondering if you could do an astrology post about her bias in nct127 as well ? Her bias is Johnny and I hope I’m not too pushy but SOMEONE in this household has to ask!😂😂 I LOVE your multi fandom blog and I hope I’m not too much of a bother! Thank you very much! 🌸💗🌺”- @marinemousemarie
“ Heey ~ Can you make a How x loves with NCT's Johnny?? I love your astrology posts ❤💎 “- @oshivana
A/N Thank you All for requesting ! I am so happy you have liked what I have done so far and I hope this lives up to your standards as well!! Thank you for your patience as well!!
So here, comes, Johnny!! 
That was bad I apologize no i don’t
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We all know our chaotic and boyfriendy Johnny is an Aquarius
We all know Aquarian’s are basically just aliens VERY UNIQUE
We estimate his rising as Taurus , and we know his moon is Gemini
he has a 3,3,3 split of earth fire and air with only one water sign, 
 his chart leans mutable, but he has a decent amount of both fixed and cardinal.
This means he is a pretty easy going guy. None of his big three are particularly “strong” leader signs
Aquarian’s tend to march to their own beat, so he will likely have many opinions and want to talk about them
Aquarian’s have a lot of love and desire to change the world, so a part of him is going to want to be your hero
Lunar Gemini, while outgoing and fun loving, is also very emotionally tactful--- STILL A FLIRT THO
they don’t expose their true feelings and tend to be more analytical than they at first seem
because of this people think Gemini are being two faced, when generally they just want to keep a tight grip on their own feelings without interference
Taurus in rising suggests he is deliberate, practical and patient. 
I know he seems pretty silly a lot, but a good chunk of his chart is very practical and pragmatic. 
his venus is in Capricorn, which is misunderstood as a less feeling sign
in reality, Capricorns aren’t unfeeling, they just choose to express their love and affection very differently
honestly he isn’t going to be very EMOTIONALLY open but he WILL be very physically open
Leo Mars so even though the Capricorn venus is pretty resserved, he will have the drive to go for what he wants, as well as the confidence to follow through
In general, there are 3 things that are known for a few SPICY things that we will discuss in the SPICY section so .. keep that in mind I guess
Let’s put the puzzle that is JOHNNY SUH together 
SO with Aquarius in Mercury and Sun, he likes a debate
he likes to verbally spar and enjoys anyone who can keep up with him
this makes me think it will be more likely for his trope to be an almost enemies to lovers style
not real cut throat enemies, but like... you will constantly bicker at first if he likes you because he is vetting you only the strong will survive this
he WANTS you to push back just as hard
he LIKES to stir up your emotions
the more fired up you get the more fun it is for him
what a little SHIT
i think, if it TRULY bothered you he would lighten up, and if he thought you could keep up he would totally let up
because now 
now you’ve hooked him
heart eyes motherfucker
NOW comes the deeper conversations
remember all that save the world he has in him? 
he wants your opinions
he wants to have really deep conversations and examine all the sides 
His Gemini will be FLIRTING NOW
AIR SIGNS ISTG... a self own??
Will 10/10 try to make flirting as awkward and unique as possible
or will use the cheesiest lines ever used
Aquarians are like that girl who isn’t like other girls okaaaay  they have to be different
Anyway once he feels like you are HOOKED on his awk ass charms
he will reel you IN
The sweet little gestures will begin
Capricorn Venus’ are very thoughtful they tend to show affection through gifts and help 
so if you’re working on something they will already be there to help
if you need something he knows before  you do
very attentive and very caring, just not as vocal as some other signs
that doesn’t mean you’ll NEVER get an I love you, it just means his love language likely revolves around making you feel taken care of!
The kind of boyfriend who sees you’re having a rough time at work so he picks you up in the parking lot one day and takes you to shopping and picks you out something nice to wear
then takes you to some great little place for dinner that is kinda quiet and the atmosphere is relaxed so he can just talk to you and make you feel treasured
likes physical affection and will reciprocate it !at first I thought he wouldn’t initiate it but actually with Gemini and Aquarius in those placements he actually might be hella touchy
holding hands touching your face while he smiles at you pulling your leg into his lap while you are relaxing together
rubbing soft circles on your back during hugs
i hurt my own feelings and he isn’t even my bias damn
the boyfriendiest tbh!!
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Here’s where things get a big different
we all know he’s boyfriendy af
we all know he is KINKY af
He’s not the ULT DOM DADDY
let me explain first
Aquarius and Gemini are... probably the two least dom in the zodiac.
.both are ... REALLY open minded,have incredibly high sex drives
they want to explore their sexuality and yours but they all don’t mind taking a backseat to someone else
and his Venus in Capricorn.. Oh here is where it’s POSSIBLE
BUT his mars is Leo,for men, Mars can be JUST as important to one’s bedroom inclinations as their Venus is
so he might LEAN more in control but he may also be fine with the roles switching around
he honestly just wants to blow your mind
Leo mars is ALL about showing off
this means he got that PRAISE KINK
they LOVE sensuality in the bedroom
they have this DEEP desire to be the best you have ever had
try hards
so expect to be pampered
Capricorn Venus is ALL IN once they are all in
SO  all together
He is open minded and kinky
might be in to slightly more risky sex play
I could see role play being something he loves
sexy lingerie ABSOLUTELY
especially if HE PICKED IT
remember cap likes to show their love through gifts
the type of guy who you come home and he has a pile of boxes with a pretty bow and tells you he wants you to go put that on
and inside is all manner of vibrating panties and restraints and maybe a cute little crop he plans to use on you 
What I am saying is he may be just fine giving you control of the bedroom antics but in the end he wants to be the one you scream for
he wants to show you that no one could ever fuck you like him and no one could ever make you so happy
and if you’re into it...like... don’t bring up past loves or heaven help your ass and thighs, because you are in for a pretty severe punishment
ooooh is that a promise 👀👀👀??
The type of man who REALLY loves when you say his name or title in bed
Oh Daddy she likes to be so bad for you 
might be a little into nicknames that make him feel extra extra special
very into using his hands
a little squeeze around that necklace
light pressure to make you gasp his name in pleasure
pressing two from the other hand deep and intimate
likes looking you in the eye when you come
is absolutely the type who drags you back into his pelvis when you pass  him in the house,just grinding into you with a muffled promise of later
digs his fingertips in too hard when he hits it from the back
pretty purple reminders of a passionate night
He wants his baby all his, marked and messed up
and so so so satisfied
aftercare is thoughtful and gentle,talks you down and praises you 
won’t be cocky about it until the next day when you are walking a little... more tenderly than usual
has a comment all prepared tbh
will take the smack against his chest with a cheeky grin
he loves you so much he can’t stand it
WHEW honestly his was a little hard I am so glad I got it finished.thank you ALL for requesting and I hope you Love it!!
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I got out of the house because my step mom asked for help cleaning her garage. When I got there i told her whats going on at home and I need help. It took 6 hours with a break for dinner.
Then she asked what my plan was. And we polished it up.
Step mom is opening a bank account and making me a signer on it so I can have that set up without any entanglements. Every penny I've earned, and tried to save, has conveniently been needed, even though he makes a few thousand more than we need per month.
I used her phone to call Friend-R. She talked with her husband and said yes about the living situation.
Brother-B did the phone thing, brother-in-law- J is setting the phone up for pick up in bremerton OR overnighting it to BFF-A's house. Then sent a follow up message saying He doesn't know, nor needs to know what's going on, but if I need anything to re-start my life that they're more than happy to help. First, last, & deposit. Legal. Food. Whatever.
Brothers M & C and dad thought I was talking about next week, they're all out of town right now, but will be back.
So, Plan is to do the TRO with papers while the guys are here and use that time to pack and move without his interruptions. I'll message attorney-H about what I need to do about legally taking the kids without it being kidnapping, setting a temporary parenting plan, how long the TRO lasts. THEN relocating the goats, getting a storage unit and cost, and getting a truck and horde of people to get it done in a day or so. AND take pictures of the condition I leave it in. Then a job.
What actually happened..
Had a very challenging night with husband. He began a conversation that pressed all my buttons and I remained calm. Right up till my refusal to react brought about the mother of all reaction grabbing requests. "One last night together." He knows I'm an assault survivor. Barely. He knows I get wound up with touching, hugging, and can't get to kissing. He knows these all affect me. He knows I've had sex with him because I was too scared to say no. He knows im scared of him now. And it did affect me. Yay for him. Almost passed out again from the heart rate and panic. And then he tried to calm me down by holding my hand and rubbing my back. And he knows that doesn't help. But he's "being nice and trying to take care of me." I should just calm down. Stop acting so crazy.
Eventually the conversation ended. I can't remember what we talked about. Obviously I didn't log it. Stupid.
The next day I ran school with the kids and compulsively cleaned. (Stress management) He showed up unexpectedly with lunch for everyone. Asked me if I wanted to kiss him. Jesus fucking christ with this. He stared at me till I made a semi verbal grunt of disagreement. Then he left saying he was used to my rejection. He's supposed to work late, about 7 or 8. I never know when he'll be home. At about 3 I started to panic. I can't do this again. I can't make it another day with another conversation and more messing with my head. What if he presses the sex issue more? I can't do it. So I hid in my closet with my secret phone and called my brother-M. He walks me through my plan. Suggests I go to dad's rather than a friend. Dad is a marine, armed like someone in a post apocalyptic movie, and more than anything, intimidating as fuck. Husband won't dare darken his doorstep to mess with me. Then he tells me, call dad, call the attorney, make it happen. And I do.
So I call dad. He wants me to stay in the house. Don't lose the house. By all means, if I'm not safe, then bring the kids and get on the road, but don't lose the house. He's talking like I've taken a hill in Nam and retreat will be handing the ground back to the VC.
I call the attorney-H. She assured me I'm not losing the house. Abused spouses don't forfeit their homes when they run from their partners. We'll get the papers started for the TRO. We'll set the court date. I come back when he's gone. He can't come near me or he'll be arrested. I don't have to fear his divorce papers reaction. He can't come near me for 2 weeks, at minimum. And that's only because the temporary is reviewed to be permanent in 2 weeks.
I hang up. Barely grab enough stuff for 2 days for myself and the kids. I couldn't think. I'm shaking. I grabbed 6 pairs of socks and only 2 pairs of panties. 2 shirts, then the kids. 1.5 pairs of pajamas, 4 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, a bra, 2 pairs of underwear...in total, not per kid. Went downstairs, told the niece to pack. She knew it might happen. She jumped up and got packing. I grabbed essential stuffies, 2 kid blankets, school laptops and books, and told the kids we were going to visit grampa. Thank God we're in a quarantine and school is online.
I was shaking. I was afraid he'd come home while I was packing. I was trying to plan a lie to explain what the fuck I was doing in case I got caught. My son started an autistic meltdown when he had to put on shoes. I yelled at him. I was scared. He was slowing us down. I promised him a milkshake, which I forgot about. I left all the phone chargers, my daughters ADHD medication...my own ADD medication. I thankfully remembered insulin. No toothbrushes, no books, no pens or pencils for the road. No snacks.
I had $100 from my step-mom and a $200 gift card that was delivered with the phone. All of my $900 had to be used for medical and household stuff. Eyeroll. That is called financial abuse. Trapping someone by removing their access to money.
We got in the car. The video camera alerts him any time anyone is in the driveway. We hurried. Pulled out of the driveway while daughter was still putting on her seat belt. By the time I got to the end of the dirt road my phone was ringing. 4 minutes down the main road and it was still ringing. GPS was still on. I turned off my phone. Asked niece to turn off her phone. He's gotten into both of them with his contract holder privilege. He can read any text, observe any app, track any location, unless the phone is off.
I used the phone gifted from my brother-B and in-law-J. I sent messages while shaking and driving. "Headed to dad's" I copied it and pasted it into text chats of the essential people but couldn't reply while driving. Of course it's dark and raining. Don't fucking wreck the car!!! Is ringing in my head. The data doesn't work. Messaging does. Daughter-R is asking where we are, how long till grampa's house, what city....she's got her phone. She has no fucking clue what we're really doing, and I'm worried she's on a messenger with him. Thankfully she wasn't.
A white car is tailgating me. It pops out to pass, or pull along side me. I ask niece what kind of car it is. It's a jeep. Then it happens again, it's a silver suv. Then it happens again, it's a white truck. Fuck. ...Is there a mismatched gas cap? ...No. Ok...sigh of relief. Tacoma rush hour traffic. Fuck. Searching rear view mirrors, checking the phone checking daughter. Answering questions vaguely. Wrong freeway exit. Can't see well at night . Back on the freeway. Panic. Right freeway exit. Shaking stops. Nerves are calming. Stop for food. Accidentally order 60 chicken nuggets. Who fucking cares. Get to dad's house. .... I can breathe.... I almost cry, but I gotta be normal for the kids. We unload. He's taking them around the house, and the night progresses from there. I check in with friends to say I made it. Brother-B tells me he's proud of me. He's never said that to me. He's my little brother, and he was the key to me getting out. I almost cry again.
I managed to get out of the house, with all 3 kids. The controlling mentally abusive commanding officer of military police/ training officer for the DoD husband didn't pull me over on the road or track me down and stop me.
It all happened because I was given a phone that he couldn't track. This is the same phone I'm using to write this post.
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faithbishop · 5 years
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[ FAITH BISHOP. 24. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 2 YEARS ] and are originally from [ BIRMINGHAM, AL ]. They are a [ GRAD STUDENT ] and in their downtime love [ ANNOTATING THE BIBLE ] and [ WATCHING FOX NEWS ]. They look a lot like [ NICOLA PELTZ ] and live [ ON REDCLIFF ST ]. 
it’s me ya girl dia here to bring u the worst person ever :/ i have just a few connection ideas at the bottom bc unless ur muse is a horrible person they’re going to eventually hate this bitch syfteguajlks but fr bring me all the angst im ready to plot or just work with chemistry ok!!!!!
full name: faith esther bishop nickname: fay (her parents) birthday: september 12, 1995 zodiac: virgo hometown: birmingham, alabama sexuality: heterosexual height: 5′6″ career: grad student
born and raised in birmingham, one of the most religious cities in the state of alabama, faith grew up in a deeply catholic household with a preacher for a father and a mother who loved nothing more than cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her husband and only child. faith went to a private catholic school where she was popular in a strike-fear-into-their-hearts kind of way and spent most of her time outside of school helping out with church activities when she wasn’t with her bff alexis. she got good grades, was part of her church’s choir, on the cheerleading team, student council, in the bible youth group, and aside from being a lowkey demon telling everyone she didn’t like that they’re sinners was a textbook “perfect student”
it was towards the end of high school that her father decided to run for political office. as much as the church community meant to him, he felt his particular talent for speech and persuasion would be better used in an attempt to fix what he saw as the liberal corruption of the united states government. he ran for a senate seat and won, and teenaged faith was enraptured by the glamour of dc when he took her on trips there. she felt that her dad was quite literally doing the lord’s work and seeing all of that only managed to reinforce her extremely conservative beliefs as well as filling her with determination to dedicate her life to it.
after high school she went for her undergraduate degree at stanford for religious studies, where she made less friends than she made enemies. most of her peers even in her degree program were extremely put off both by her hardcore religious mania and her ruthless judgment of everyone around her. after graduating from stanford, she decided to stay in california but move to LA for her graduate degree at ucla, which is how she ended up in silver lake in a house on redcliffe st two years ago that her parents are paying for. she has no idea what she wants to do with her life beyond making sure everyone around her knows they’re sinners and going to hell :/
is extremely pristine in the way she dresses and likes brand names. she’ll never wear anything super low cut or overtly provocative and will absolutely call other women sluts for doing so bc she’s the worst
carries around a little spritzer of holy water and will definitely spray people with it
has no qualms about saying what’s on her mind, thinks she’s right 100% of the time and living on some moral high ground no one else can touch
has a little bit of an alabama accent but doesn’t generally use the dialect bc she sees her dad using his Standard American Accent™️ for politics and lowkey highkey tries to emulate everything he does
generally likes having a bf but will not put out and is waiting for marriage
60000000% believes the coronavirus is a liberal scare tactic
has an old man crush on sean hannity that she should be shamed for
is always wearing a little silver cross necklace which is a bff necklace with her bff from back home syugerhukd
connection stuff:
somebody who’s fully trolling her and pretending to also be a hardcore christian but rly just laughs at her behind her back
an ex of some kind who was maybe like syugehu ok maybe i can handle this but definitely couldn’t
obviously most people aren’t going to like her but give me some people who especially hate her and call her out 24/7
a roommate she’s constantly at war with
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crvelsovls · 4 years
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ophelia tate has been walking around town. hazelgrove is familiar of the thirty-one year old hunter. she is aware of the supernatural residents in town. the people of hazelgrove can agree that the librarian can be vehement yet still be reticent. let’s just hope things in town can settle down. + delicate fingers adorned with moonstone gem rings, a coy smile spread across peach-tinted lips and a slender form shrouded in an air of mystery and intrigue. 
s’up buttercups ?? ‘tis me again, here with my second gal ; ophelia. she’s my clever lil huntress who’s loosely based on various past muses of mine. she’s a lot more... innocent that delphine but she’s still quite fiery and sarcastic dkjsdsh anyways, i’ll save you all from my pointless babbles but as usual, pls flick that lil grey heart n i’ll shimmy my irish butt into your ims for plots !! : )
full name. ophelia penelope tate.
nicknames. o, phe, & effie.
current age. thirty-one.
birthday. january thirty-first.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
species. human.
nationality. british.
religion. raised a catholic but no longer practices.
birthplace. london, england.
current residence. hazelgrove, me.
sexual orientation. bisexual.
romantic orientation. demiromantic.
education. english literature degree.
occupation. librarian at hazelgrove public library.
birth mother. natalie tate. †
birth father. alexander tate. †
full blood siblings. astrid tate. †
maternal grandmother. katherine reynolds.
maternal grandfather. marcus reynolds. †
paternal grandmother. anika tate.
paternal grandfather. edward tate. †
maternal aunts. odette reynolds.
maternal uncles. none.
paternal aunts. sophia tate.
paternal uncles. duncan tate. †
spoken languages. english, french, & latin.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, & caustic.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, & poised.
strengths. etiquette, bold, rational, practical, original, perceptive, direct, & sociable.
weaknesses. dramatic, impulsive, quick-tempered, insensitive, impatient, risk-prone, unstructured, misses the bigger picture, & defiant.
skills. skilled with blades and various knives, hand-to-hand combat, perception, persuasiveness, good judgment, & able to use initiative.
talents. retaining information, memory recall, knife throwing, & quick thinking.
eye colour. blue.
hair colour. blonde.
height. five feet, four inches.
weight. 52 kg.
build. she is of quite a petite stature, and slender with mild curves.
scars. a long, silvery one running along half her spine.
tattoos. n/a.
piercings. earlobes.
glasses. yes, but usually wears contacts.
zodiac. aquarius.
element. air.
house. ravenclaw.
myers briggs type. estp-t.
alignment. neutral good.
enneagram. type seven.
temperament. sanguine
intelligence type. interpersonal.
character label. the orphic.
past mental disorders. post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, & suicidal tendencies.
current mental disorders. undiagnosed.
addictions. nicotine.
vices. wrath, envy, & pride.
virtues. temperance, charity, & diligence.
allergies. penicillin.
diet. vegetarian.
dominant hand. left.
accent. mostly english with a mild twang of notable american.
blood type. b negative.
vehicle. bottle green 2015 volkswagen beetle.
trigger(s). mention of exorcism, mentions of murder, & mentions of death. 
born and raised in london, the tate family seemed picture-perfect. though, underneath, the story was very different from how it seemed. while ophelia and her younger sister were showered with love and affection, their parents remained mostly absent albeit for fleeting moments in time. it wasn’t until ophelia grew older that she became more curious about what led her parents astray for weeks at a time. under the illusion that her parents were simply important figures, perhaps lawyers or detectives, a childish ophelia had never considered that their lives had been tainted by a much more corrupt presence. 
eventually, it transpired that her parents were hunters. more specifically, people who hunted down supernatural creatures and put an end to their existence. or, tried, at least. how ophelia stumbled across this fact was by pure chance. her grandfather had been visiting and she had walked into the basement where she witnessed her father and his father attempting to exorcise what she then described as a ‘man with black eyes.’ nowadays, she’d refer to said man and his kind as demonic bastards. 
of course, with their sights elsewhere, the demon managed to free himself only to murder her father and grandfather in the process. if it hadn’t been for her mother, ophelia would have ceased to exist that night also. it was that night that her mother shipped them off to live with their aunt for a while but eventually, after a week or so, her mother returned.
seemingly, everything had been fine until one night when their home was attacked by a pair of vampires. these vampires having been survivors of their mothers attack on their nest, thus they tailed her and laid low until the most opportune moment where they attacked. how ophelia managed to escape that night was anybody’s guess. though the rest of the household hadn’t been so lucky.
having lost her parents, sister and aunt to supernatural creatures, ophelia grew up with a deep rooted hatred for every creature of the night. it had taken her many years to learn of each creature, their weaknesses, strengths and, most importantly, how to kill them. but once she had mastered the art, she set out on a mission to hunt like her parents before her. admittedly, in the beginning, she’d had some near misses, brushing with death many times. but with more hunts under her belt, the better she became.
eventually, ophelia decided to leave london behind in search of the states where she was certain there would be ample supernatural beings endangering the lives of innocents. she moved around for a few years until she settled in hazelgrove where she soon learned that the town harboured an abundance of things that went bump in the night. it was this fact alone that she opted for staying put where she also works as a librarian; constantly researching and reading up on various creatures.
becoming a hunter hadn’t been something that had ever crossed her mind until she’d lost everything. in fact, it had been a path that she should have never stumbled across if it hadn’t been for her witnessing the demon that night. still, nevertheless, it was the road she’d travelled down now and with resentment deep in her bones, there would be no stopping her.
to all who encounter her, ophelia can appear on the surface an extremely reckless and careless woman with a huge tendency to adopt a sardonic tongue during almost all occasions. given her demeanour and attitude, it would be fair to assess that all the blonde is, is a satirical mouthpiece with a permanent simper corroded into the corner of her lips. despite this all, the shell of ophelia does contain much more substance. regardless of her blasé attitude, a passionate, whimsical girl remains deep within the high walls of her persona. it’s almost safe to say that the facade she paints over herself every day is nothing more than a basic ruse; a temporary fixture to aid in slowly but permanently fixing the broken fractions of her mind. it goes without saying that ophelia is constantly shrouded in mystery, concealing her true emotions and feigning any feelings whatsoever. although a sensitive, vulnerable aspect of her persona remains, it seldom prevails against her impulsive, sarcastic, intelligent nature. the problem with being clever is already knowing the things others try so desperately to hide from you. ophelia knows how others view her, she sees how they look at her. everybody assumes she’s too difficult to reason with and believe she’s even tougher to understand. it is this that enables ophelia to flirt with danger, use her words as a weapon and also a bargaining chip. it is this that gives ophelia an overwhelming sense of adrenaline, swimming through her veins and fuelling the fire that lies within the pit of her stomach.
can drink any man under the table.
smol but fierce.
one of those people who just excels at everything they try their hand at.
has a very high pain tolerance. seriously, it’s kinda freaky.
the only thing she’s truly terrified of is spiders. those eight-legged cretins have her shaking like a leaf.
absolutely adores animals. much prefers them to humans.
was raised a catholic and went to an all-girls catholic school but she no longer practices.
doesn’t drink much as she doesn’t like to be out of control even in the slightest.
she quite likes being a hunter and she does the job very well. attention to detail is key when she’s working.
is a very reckless driver, it’s a surprise she hasn’t been in an accident yet.
looks innocent but really isn’t in every sense of the word.
she’s that bitch that loves reading and has a thing for poetry.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her blood.
doesn’t take herself or her life too seriously.
a bit meddlesome and a troublemaker.
always up for a good time and is usually the life of the party.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
for wanted connections and potential plots, i’m open to just about anything so feel free to hmu for connections or any plots you can think of !! some i’d really love are :
best friend ( pls give my girl a bff she can tell everything to and can party with and just do best pal stuff with like platonic soul mates pls. )
childhood friend ( they maybe drifted apart ? )
an on off relationship ( pretty much like a fwb type situation or casual hookup situation that could develop into feelings or just remain casual. )
a potential love interest ( bonus points if it’s angsty. )
exes / past flings / one night stands.
enemies and rivals.
drinking / party buddies.
and obviously connections with fellow hunters and the supernatural oOoOoOo.
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niicolc · 5 years
     hello  hey  what’s  good  hunnies,  i’m  rollin  up  late  but  uh  !!   my  name’s  maia,  21+  y/o  living  it  up  in  the  ast  part  of  the  world  and  uh  listen  i  don’t  have  discord  bc  i’m  a  literal  grandma  when  it  comes  to  keeping  up  with  all  the  new  means  of  being  social  lmao  so  if  you  would  like  to  chat  and / or  plot ??  just  shoot  me  an  im  on  here —  i’m  usually  always  mobile  &  i  obviously  love  to  talk  a  lot !  and  i’m  a  heaux  for  dramatic / angst-fuelled  plots .. just  a  little  fyi … i’m  excited !!  so  anyway !!!  onto  the  Idiot  of  the  Hour  you’re  actually  here  to  read  about;  my  darling  nicole.  i  have  a  pinterest  board  for  her  HERE  ,  her  stats  page  set  up  HERE  ,  and  a  connections  page  HERE  which  as  you  can  see  is  bare  as  all  hell  so  let’s  plot  <3
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     virginia gardner .  cis female .  she / her .  /  nicole  porter  just  pulled  up  blasting  prophet  by  king  princess—  that  song  is  so  them !  you  know,  for  a  twenty  three  year  old  actress,  i’ve  heard  they’re  really  -inquisitive,  but  that  they  make up  for  it  by  being  so  +piquant.  if  i  had  to  choose  three  things  to  describe  them,  i’d  probably  say  silk  robes,  vanilla  vodka  &  berry  liqueur,  knotted  cherry  stems.  here’s  to  hoping  they  don’t  cause  too  much  trouble !
okay so homegirl here has had it pretty easy her entire life. both of her parents are well established in the industry ( which is actually how they met; mr & mrs smith style u know ... sfdgsg ) & household names, featuring in several blockbuster hits. like the infamous philosopher dr justin roberts once said: “six figures, i was only four”, nicole was born with several silver spoons in her mouth. while most would assume she’s a straight up trust fund punk, though, she inherited her parents’ impeccable work ethic and talent to a fault.
as an only child and therefore sole heir to the porter estate, her parents have been on nic’s ass her entire life to give her absolute best in everything she does. health, school, sports, friendships, relationships, the whole shebang. raised as a poster child, her marks were always near the top of her class, she excelled in the ballet classes her mother insisted nic attend since she was a little girl, took on leading roles in almost every school play / musical, and even tried her hand in softball. but it wasn’t until she hit her mid adolescent years, that her focus on going to university and becoming the world’s next best neurosurgeon faltered.
after graduating high school with exemplary marks, instead of taking the opportunity to potentially thrive in the big leagues of the surgical world, nicole opted to stick to her creative roots, following in his parents’ footsteps. she auditioned for several roles, acting small parts here and there, but it wasn’t until she landed a role on fox’s musical show glee ( as quinn fabray ) that nicole earned her stripes and leaped to stardom. since then, she’s also made big waves with her role in house at the end of the street ( as elissa ), starred in an episode of black mirror ( as yorkie in san junipero ), and even voiced a video game character for until dawn ( as jessica riley ).
wanted connections ; 1) ok so uh she obviously needs her cast mates / ppl she’s worked with. hc glee is just in its third/fourth season rn so uh......gimme some glee cast. also somebody pls somebody give nic the kelly to her yorkie oml. past & present ( & future ?? if y’all wanna plot somethin cool like that idk ).   2) also on that note, maybe a fellow actor/actress that she’s worked with &  hooked up / had relations with?? but that would be kept v lowkey bc her pr wants her to be single ( and so does she tbh bc commitment freaks her out dsfkhgdfg ) so that would be a loAD of angst huh.   3) she need her some fwb / hook up type deals, whether they be a regular occurrence or a one time thing. sweet girl is lowkey hypersexual.   4) ex gfs/bfs!! i don’t see her having like… a SHIT load of exes bc she tries to stay away from relationships but probably anywhere between 1-4?? whether they be on good terms, bad terms, lingering feelings, maybe a publicity stunt, etc. i’m cool with whatever.   5) how about some enemies tho. like… idk man i’m SURE there are ppl she rubs the wrong way bc she’s a pretty nosey girl lmao. or maybe they think she’s fake. or maybe there’s some acting rivalry or publicity rivalry or she broke ur bff’s heart?? the possibilities are endless.   6) some PARTY PALS!!!! girl loves to hit up the clubs / events, dress to the nines & drink fine wine. ppl she is regularly seen with, either out in public or at awards shows, etc.
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akalegos · 5 years
Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
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Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
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oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
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Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
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here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names! 
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god. 
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
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However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
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Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
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I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
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Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
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the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
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Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
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her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
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Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor 
he also have issues
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she doesnt have that much issues tho
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basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname​ and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
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here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
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tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
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Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
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Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
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Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
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anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
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Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part 
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and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes. 
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
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Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
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Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
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im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
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 Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
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Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
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Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
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Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
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LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou. 
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A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
Surprise! Your bias asked you out on a date! The only thing is, he wants you to match 8 of your mutuals with the rest of exo for a group date. @ the mutuals you're choosing for each member (not your bias) and explain why you chose them.
so this came in ages ago and just...i love seeing this? idk why lmao they make me laugh and theyre so much fun. i also take shipping and biasing so seriously because im that hoe. im 200% soft tonight after my dys update and im about 2/3 bottle of red deep so i figure now, at 1 in the morning - slightly tipsy and soft af - is the perfect time to answer this. 
i also love these cause yeol is just arriving all the time to ask me out on dates. chanyeol, i love you but maybe ask me for my number? call me? text me? this is cute but like do all your friends REALLY need dates? its ok i love your cute knees and years and neck and butt and hands and everything so ill be matchmaker all night
@kpopandlock - jongin is DUMB excited for his date with kara. lowkey this my greatest otp for a lot of reasons. they both have this crazy intense energy where they connect deeply with those around them and have this strong desire to see justice fulfilled. like, this a couple who roots for the underdog and wants to fix and mend the world. spreading love and good will, not in a cheery santa way (tho they for sure are the type to wear reindeer headbands from december 1 to like...jan 27 just because, and maybe even on a random day in june), but in a charity work/political activism way. and then, after theyve saved 2/10 of the world, they nap. their date is a pajama party filled with wine (for kara), popcorn, and movies about dogs...like airbud. 
@yehet-me-up - junmyeon spends 10 hours fretting over his date with sarah because dating is weird and hard, and intimacy doesnt really come naturally to him. the minute yeol and i say were hooking him up, he instantly starts trying to run before he walks, but as soon as theyre together its literal fireworks. these two need each other so much. theyre both halfway to being nervous wrecks about something, but they balance each other out so well its crazy. this the mom and dad couple who know where everyone is at any given moment, but also are SO INTENSE and devoted to one another it causes most people in the room physical pain. also, this couple looks and acts like royalty. bow down, kids, pledge allegiance to the real otp. 
@from-dae-do-dae - when jongdae hears hes going on a date with fei, he immediately becomes the noisest, happiest man in the room. fei and dae have the most amazing dynamic in which they are every couple at once. loud and noisy? sure bet. jazz hoes who sip bourbon and study art? friday night at the feidae household. the quiet serious couple who spend too much time focusing on work? always. the couple that will kick your ass at scattergories and not even feel badly? for sure. i love them. hes liberated and wild enough to make sure fei cuts loose when shes getting too withdrawn and fei is a rock on which dae feels supported and grounded. im getting so emo thinking about this. one date turns into 300 years of marriage. iconic. 
@nunchiwrites - kyungsoo is relatively quiet when he hears about a date with nunchi, but he does that cute, tiny soft smile because BOYYYYY is he excited. its not that nunchi is innocent, its just that she radiates goodness at every turn. shes funny and sassy enough to keep him laughing, incredibly well read and intelligent to fuel conversation, and warm enough to draw him out of his shell. their dynamic starts pretty shy, but by the end of the date neither of them want it to end. they go on a date for pizza because they both live on cheese and carbs, and neither of them want to go home because why go home when there are stars they could watch together AND MORE CONVERSATIONS TO HAVE? date ends with date numbers 2-8 already planned. 
@co-kai-ne - yixing blushes only slightly when he hears he gets to take sofi out on a date. few people on this earth are worthy of yixing and sofi is one of them, for sure. the purity and softness radiating out of this couple will heal the world, im already picturing the way their dynamic makes the sun rise. both of them need each other in various ways - the reassurance that will grow naturally between them is unreal. it will never be question because it just is. instinctively, theyd understand each others needs. sofi would feel like a home for yixing and therefore would be the only one who could convince to rest when he needs it. yixing is fixed and stable enough in his energy to ensure sofi feels safe, nurtured, and adored. date is at an arcade in which yixing wins her 3 stuffed animals and walks here home where he kisses her cheek. second date only happens after he gets permission from the family and promises to take good care of her. 
@queenoftheimpala - baek is already on date 17 with ali so this is run of the mill for him. hes obsessed with my bffs quirky and playful energy. on every level, they match each other. this the couple that never stops laughing or coming for others - either in jokes or pranks or in simple teasing phrases. alternatively, this the couple that never stops HYPING one another. ali the type to watch baek make an ass of himself and smile like ‘thats my guy.’ baek the type to see ali trip over nothing yell ‘GODDESS’ in the middle of a crowded street. also the nurturing mother hen vibe from them is just perpetual and constant. also hes the only man i would ever let take my best friend out because his heart radiates angelic goodness and she deserves NO LESS THAN PERFECTION OKAY.
@pebble-xo - sehun giggles with joy that he gets to take jade out on their, what, 100th date? theyre basically a canon, official couple at this point. this my fashion otp, my youth otp, my real otp. theyre SO INCREDIBLY soft for their friends, like more devoted than most, but still so mature. this the couple that are young af but like...22 going on 76. so mature in all of their actions and choices, and intensely dedicated to their passions. their encouragement of one another is silent yet totally profound. also, they the brunch couple we are all secretly jealous of. 
@yeol-stole-my-soul - minseok is utterly thrilled when he hears he and maria are going on a date. its their first one and even though this energy never really makes it to romance, these two become fast, rude af, hilarious friends. their dynamic is SUPER playful and they devote themselves to teasing the living shit out of their friends. also, soft kids who love their friends too much. also, fun kids who like...are so the type to go to an amusement park and ride everything 4 times. also, BOTH are wildly intelligent and achieving the literal most in school. and whenever minnie starts kicking off being a lil too beautiful, maria will be there to tell him to stop. KING AND QUEEN OF DORK SOFT I LIVE
omg i love doing these so much why am i like this
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cheswirls · 7 years
a quick sum-up of che’s future career plans, bc reasons
im halfway through the dive!! anime show that came out this summer season, and i’m having a lot of thoughts, and plus i finished going through all the footage i missed today of skate america while i was at a bball game, and it’s made me realize different things i guess? 
it might be mid-long length so its going under a cut, but to gain intereststart off, this is all about my desire to be an athletic trainer for the usa olympic center at colorado springs, co !
ive been an at(now when you see that abb. you know what it means hah!! not assistant teacher hmm) student since my freshman year of high school, and i’ve loved it a whole bunch. back then i was set on going to columbia U for their writing program, and i wanted to major in graphic design afterwards/during/it wasnt super planned out i was a fr. i didnt know what bfa or mfa stood for yet. it wasnt until end of sophomore year than i thought about being an at for realsies.
but i also still loved gd. so there was a confliction there.
junior year i took a break from working volleyball in the fall and did my one and only year of football and it was terrible primarily bc the team i worked with didnt know how to function as a group and half the group were selfless bitch whores but like thats another storyyy, secondly bc i jus really discovered i didnt care abt football at all. it was mostly for the experience and i gained it and i liked it bc i hung out w a lot of people from helping out w varsity (i was one of two our of the five juniors that had been there since my fr year and was only on jv bc it was my first year w football, but one of the seniors had to work a bunch so when they needed an extra person i was the one w the most experience so i was w them a lot,) point was it was fun!!! and you have fun w ppl you like that you dont work w all the time and i shouldnt say fun bc lots of times it was awful,
basically! it was fun being w the varsity trainers which were the seniors and the other junior that had been around since fr year. volleyball was fun but it had always been a one-at-student-per-team sport , so it was different jus being w other ats that shared the same team and not the same sport(which in the us is made up of at least three different teams, a fr,jv,and varsity). it was a more open environment and so it inspired a lot of talk with the at grad students we had that semester (we got 3-4 every semester in a partnership w the D1 uni in town, it was always cool to hear stories from them!) and anyway i remember talking w a couple of the grads one practice and we were discussing all the different occupations athletic trainers could have, and what they wanted to work with in the future, and the topic veered towards professional sports and the olympics.
i thought it was really cool when we were talking about it, and then we got busy and it flew out of my mind. i dont remember when it came back and became a focus, but sometime before my senior year, i had decided i wanted to work at the olympic level.
real quick i mentioned gd and the struggle, so to bring that into focus, my junior year i took a whole bunch of different tech classes (gd&i, compsci, webtech) and in one of those, i had the opportunity to go to a ... i cant remember what the term was for it, but it was kinda an event for gd students and it had a little competition and stuff, and it was really fun! nd you got a lot of info abt the community college hosting it and i learned their program was really good, so the gd versus at internal struggle continued, and i remember talking to my sponsor teacher (she actually taught all three of my tech classes that year aaa i loved her) about how i didnt know what to do and shit and i dunno what she told me but like, i think she was trying to be encouraging but she basically said it was up to me, like she didnt try and nod me into a direction, that i can recall.
so SOMEHOW bc i honestly cannot remember, by senior year i’ve decided that im gonna jus fuck it and pick BOTH and double major in gd and athletic training. AND i had it all planned out, where i was gonna get a degree in gd and open up an online business, and then go into a masters program for at and then enter into the olympic field. 
by this point creative writing is still cool and a great hobby but i couldnt possibly double major AND have a minor that’d be too much. id still love to take a cw course tho one day.
basically a buncha crazy stuff happened that first semester but by winter break i had an acceptance letter to a uni a couple hours north of home with a good accredited undergrad program (accredited basically means you graduate w a masters in four years so its fasttracked which woulda been great but uh..) and by the time i found out that next semester that they were doing away with the accredited program i was already too emotionally invested to consider panic-switching(panic bc it was february and id already been admitted hah...) but i decided it’d be okay. basically if you dont remember/werent around one of my school’s head ats died in a car crash died around early october ‘16. she went to undergrad where i go now, and i’d talked to her about it september that semester wondering if she knew anything abt their program and uh surprise, she’d done the same program small world. after the funeral in november and a ton of thought i applied there. (november was.. crazy in general last year. rly crazy)
may was when i started adding on sports to the future olympics job, bc i started thinking about it and after finally getting a friend to watch yuri on ice, he started making his was through all of sochi’s figure skating stuff, and then the 2010 vancouver olympics, and i decided i wanted to recap a bit on that too.
the 2010 olympics was really my first experience with figure skating. i’m a west texas gal and so theres not a lot out here to get exposed to, so seeing these best-of-the-best class sports was fun, and the earliest experience i can remember of such. i was in fifth grade so i dont remember a ton, but i do remember being captivated by korea’s yuna kim, who won gold that year in fs. shes an fs legend at this point, so if you’re into figure skating and don’t know who she is, go look her up. you wont be disappointed.
in 2012 was the london olympics. i remember a lot from it, like watching the opening ceremony with my parents and seeing the queen jump out of a helicoptor(which is like,, still cool to this day wow) and being fascinated my michael phelps and all the swimming he did so grandly. it was also my first real exposure to diving. the oldest i could recall anything abt the sport was at a pizza hut somewhere.. in town i think, and i was w my best friend at the time and my mom was there so i think maybe we were on the way back from the lake??? sounds right, i think. and we were talking abt how i always held my nose when i went underwater bc i didnt know how to not get water all up my nostrils and be underwter(and i still dont to this day aha) and she mentioned like, joining a diving team would be cool! would help me get over it and all! and i like recalling it dunno what she was talking abt bc we lived in dirt city nothing so i highly doubt there was or is any sort of diving sport happening. swimming, yeah maybe, there were lessons at pools and bodyworks areas around town, competitive teams im not sure tho, but not diving like at all so??? dunno.
so my next and technically first real experience with it was watching the london olympics. and i thought, wow, this is so neat!! i watched from that one day like the opening events, and i think i was old enough to search online like yea i had a laptop by then so i looked up the schedule for the things i wanted to see most of, and i ended up watching i think most of the diving events (i missed a couple for.. archery, i think? maybe?) and absolutely loving it. iunno what it was, maybe something i never thought i could do?(bc not hold my nose?? while i dove???????? scaryy) but i enjoyed it a bunch.
i was older when sochi was a thing, my 8th grade year. i was able to appreciate things a lot more. when i tuned into events, tony hawk and snowboarding were the main focus, but figure skating was on a lot as well. i had a tv in my room by that point, so if i didnt like what was playing on the main tv, i could go watch another event. i learned a lot of names and faces through that, and so while my bff was watching it our senior year if i was with him id point out skaters and their nationalities and stuff, like yuzuru hanyus always been a modern day household name w figure skating, but i leanred abt him BECAUSE of the sochi olympics, and he was one of the ones i’ve never forgotten. i really really liked it, so much that i watched worlds after, and around the same time my fr year, i tuned in to just the worlds championship again. i didn’t pick up trying to watch grand prix(which is their regular season, for those unaware) season until my junior year, and most of it was day-or-two-late videos from youtube, since the ice channel i think it a paid-for thing (i still dont know much abt it hah) and nothing was on tv otherwise, aside from the skate america event. but since that first time after sochi, ive always been around watching worlds fs near the beg of each year. i’d familiarized myself by senior year with the fs world, and actually,
early (i think march?) of my junior year, i searched up trying to find a figure skating anime at the time. and what did i find?? ginban, the only figure skating anime at the time. i watched like maybe all of one episode, it was abt a girl who shared her body w the ghost of a former figure skater while she was competing in events, and it was.. okay? lackluster, in the animation dept, but it was a 2005 show so.. yeah.
so after that i was like kk that wasnt good lets find another. and i didnt. not yet, anyway. instead, i found an announcement for violet evergarden’s animated adaptation, and yuri on ice, a realistic adaptation of the sport of figure skating. thats bolded bc its important. i found that shit abt yoi before it even had a promo poster, certainly before the pv came around that got everyone hyped up. i found it bc i was looking for figure skating in the first place. in fact, i think when the pv came out and got popular, i didnt even relate it to the upcoming fs anime i’d read about previously. it took me a bit to connect the dots. 
watching yuri on ice at the same time as the gp 2016 season was surreal, but really interesting. i got my bff into it before the second to last episode came out, and i only remember that bc he finally showed any interest when he found something on twitter abt it being gay (newsflash/// hes gay, and before yoi his fav show was no6 bc that was as close as it got. he still rly likes it, we both do, but his solid favc is now definitely yoi. representation matters and all) and was like well now i HAVE to watch it and i was all yes it ends soon so pls. and he watched it twice in a weekend, and thrice before the finale came out, and then a few more times after that, iunno how many times but certainly more thn i have(i went back after the .. maybe ep 10? w/e ending had the after party reveal that changed everything, so i went back to analyze everything before the next ep) and between the week of 11 and finale 12, he started watching the sochi fs competition, and then the 2010 after the show ended w ep 12. 
seeing this great fs show and getting a friend into the world of figure skating really renewed my love for it all. before the semester went out i went back and watched the reruns of the sochi fs stuff. and by may i’d decided i wanted to cosider that to be the sport i worked with.
with diving, it took a similar twist. in the form of the rio 16 olympics. i was all over that shit, i downloaded an nbc app on my phone so i could watch events live while i traveled with volleyball to a tournament in dallas and while i was at practice w them at home and generally jus away from the house and a tv. i planned that shit out had a schedule and everything for what i was watching live, and a lot of it was swimming, but a whoooole lot of live stuff was the diving. 
in the hotel room in dallas the tv would always be on to w/e olympics events were airing at the time, either track or diving tho, one or the other, or recaps. quite a few girls ended up in the room in the evening and we’d all do stuff and watch in passing at the same time, and it was suuuuuper fun. watching the chinese women perform flawlessly and walk away w all the gold was fun, but finding a good commentator to actually say such was a disheartening challenge( one of the most memorable moments w live commentary that year was hearing a woman say of one of the chinese ladies that she’d done better before, after they revealed her personal best score ever like rly cmon be unbiased and jus passionate abt the sport youre covering pls.
ive always been super fond of the diving scene. it may not be as much as fs, but honestly, i wish i grew up in an area w a diving team now, or wish i could try it out now, bc thats how much fun it seems. i still wanna go up to the big city like 30min away from uni and learn to ice skate in the civic center there, but hands down if i had to pick a sport to join tomorrow or die i’d pick diving. 
so also by may, and throughout the culmination of senior year, diving was the second sport on the olympic to-train-for list. you get a five-year contract w the olympics, now i think it’s usa as a whole and i think its by center so say, if i get a job in colorado springs i cant apply in another five years to chula vista or even like lake placid, but iunno for sure. the five-year thing is involved somehow bc i’ve heard it from a physical therapist and trainer-that-works-in-a-sports-med-clinic duo in one body named sarah, who’s been contracted out from the clinic by my high school since junior year also, bc she knows people who’ve worked w the olympics, and then another from church that worked w olympics that knows my family uh iunno how well but i know of him, i think he also works in the clinic as some sort of on-hand surgeon but a diff person than who sarah knew. so its five years somehow and then i’ll take my bfa in gd and open my online business and do that from a studio at home and look after my owl/cat pet combo.
since may, it had been ‘olympics, with either figure skating or diving’. and it stayed that for a long time. now, since a couple weeks ago, and this is again while gp season is happening for fs, its diving. i wanna work w the usa olympic diving team as their team athletic trainer, and i cant do it this summer bc i have to have completed two years of uni, instead of a certain standing, like be a junior, but so NEXT summer, before my senior year of uni, (i came in a sopho so 6 sem only ah) i’m applying for an internship at the center in colorado springs, and that’s the team i hope i work with. 
now i tell people, diving, but if i get offered figure skating, i’ll take it, but diving is the goal now. if i love it and wanna continue professionally, great, i can do that and have an online gd shop. and if i decide i want something different? i’ll work olympics and then join w a professional-level figure skating i actually dunno how it works. coach, and their skater in turn. coach, with multiple skaters under them. a culmination of diff usa skaters. w/e, something in the professional fs world.
and thats uh, thats it! dive has been so much fun to watch, and i realize i talk a lot on here about working w basketball and being an at student in general and the vast majority have no idea what i mean, so hopefully this clarifies. thank you!!
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odrseasonone · 5 years
Episode Emphases???
i thought it might be useful to sort of note the sort of like ~themes or emphases i’m seeing coming out of each of our eps now, in terms of sort of pumping them out into 60-min eps, etc, so i thought i’d write this down and we can discuss our thoughts on this when we get a chance!  (if we like this, if we don’t, etc)
note: so this one’s a bit different bc its obv a pilot buT i did notice some things about it
dragons are a major focus of this ep which is GREAT!! and exactly as it should be!! but also the power that comes w them - a power all-but gone in aragoth now but clearly v desired!!!
guy is the protagonist but that also works out really well ((still forever laughing that he’s actually guy now lasjdlfkjdsjkf))
guin is also big which is important bc she bridges the gap we’ve got between two of our three main locations in the ep (1 - court, 2 - guy’s town, 3 - resistance camp)
house fontaine also takes a front seat in the action, w guin as the protagonist of their subplot
((im laughing at those poor ppl who’ll be watching this ep imagining that guin and guy are the main characters and will fall in love etc and then BOOM #angstslutalways))
cedric is big in this, actually???? but that’s great bc he only has 8 eps total so *thumbs up*
cassius is clearly the main antagonist in this ep which is another great thing
this ep is action-heavy which is great!!
also, weirdly loving that the pilot ep is technically a tragedy bc the bad guy wins in the end bc im a sick person???????? #empirestrikesback
so obv helena is the protagonist of this ep!! i feel like, the next major character in this ep may actually be lynessa!
w charles and alex figuring strongly
the main action of this ep is the ball, itself
we also learn more about aragoth’s history which helps worldbuild 
but mostly we get to see how the nobility lives in stark contrast to how the peasants live
also features house beaumont (as a whole) pr heavily in this ep!! i also like that we see them both individually and as a whole
we even already have establishing character moments planned out for half of them!!
lynessa and celia are the focus of this house in this ep which i think is good since there’s a lot going on - evie and avelina figure more prominently next ep
we also get our first hints of the godiva vs arrington thing but aren’t drowned in it which’s a really strong way to go!!
it raises questions and draws us into the next ep and does NOT clobber us!!
roran and charles sort of share this ep!! like they share everything <3 v degrey, much dragonrider
w cassius as the antagonist
speaking of which, this one sort of solidifies what dragonriders can do and thus sets the stage in terms of dragonrider worldbuilding for the rest of the series!!
also, since this one’s gonna be exposition heavy and therefore maybe a lil confusing, it’s great that we have helena’s dreams going on in the prev. ep to literally illustrate what we’re talking about
speaking of which, i wanna find a few movies or eps of smth to watch to analyze ~how they handle heavy exposition
like, if we get a really strong charles actor, it will be fine but...if we don’T we wanna make sure it still flows...
i also feel like this is really our first good look at rowena!!
on the court side of this one, tho, this is really alex’s ep and through him we meet the other two beaumonts - in avelina’s case we get to know her better than anyone really wants to know her ;DDDD
this is also where it’s most natural to delve into the godiva/arrington thing a bit more, since avelina will mostly rave about it ;D
it would also be a good place to develop the dmitrei/avelina and lay the groundwork for general #teambeaumont stuff
note: so far, this is the least developed ep!! bc of this, i was actually thinking maybe we should move the alex/avelina confrontation and therefore the godiva/arrington backstory to this ep?? it would also cut down on the amount of exposition in the prev ep which i think would be good
i feel like james and guin are at the forefront of this ep
this one is action heavy and also explores the theme of what we’re willing to do when pushed to extremes 
the resistance faced w the starvation of the ppl, james faced w a literal volcano ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s also v much a ‘passage of time’ ep as roran and arya train and james learns how to eat mangoes the right way ;D
also w the alex/guin plot, we have lots of opportunities to strengthen the suspense of her entire...situation
and wrap up anything we need wrapped up at house fontaine before jon arrives
also the fontaines prepping for jon’s arrival
also, if we haven’t before, here would be a good place to firmly establish arthur’s connection to the two elder fontaines so we know he’s in ~deep before jon arrives...and stiLL does nothing when he does
this is a big beaumont ep!! i feel like the big dynamics in this ep are celion and team beaumont
i also feel like it’ll be interesting to watch those develop in conjunction esp since celia gets her rude awakening soon
dezod also figures prominently for the first time so this might be a good place to learn more about him
jon is the main/obv antagonist of this ep - dezod is also but its not yet clear he’s an antagonist yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also, lots of sorcerers in this ep, what w the whole #dezodclassreunion thing going on
in fact, this may be where we learn rowena’s a witch, once and for all, tho im sure we’ve had many hints before now, if not a definite confirmation
either way, this is a good time to talk about magic
if we wanna do avelina’s dabbling in sorcery in season 1, this might be a good place to put it
this might also be where we learn about the prophecy?????
this is really a fontaine-centric ep
actually, in a way, lord fontaine is the central character tho also not ;D he’s sort of the macguffin, if you will hahaha
i feel like this is a good place to further explore each of the fontaines and their various relationships both together and w others
the other major set of characters here is the pirates - including james
w jon firmly in place as an antagonist and the compare/contrast w the various fontaine courtship styles going on, i feel like this is where we more fully explore the softer side of cassius which we’ve been developing the whole time
we also get the interplay between lynessa’s feelings vs the demands of her ambition - tho its not necessarily written in such clear terms yet 
we see diff vers of her firmly set w 3 diff men: cassius, jon, and joseph
we also see team beaumont actually at work as they lay a trap for jon and thus seal lord fontaine’s fate
so obv the big four here are isabella, ophelia, roran, and cedric
also we should show whatever the other resistance members are doing as well, esp if we can come up w a plot for charles and alaric and arya
a theme here could be unity/faith - the having thereof as seen in cedric and roran and the lack of it as seen in the fontaine household and the appearance of it as seen in cassius and guin and the betrayal of it as seen by isabella against roran and cedric
it’s also about the pov of the peasantry vs the nobility that we’ve been seeing so much of
since there’s only one plotline here atm i don’t have a whole lot more to analyze about fluffing out this ep atm hahaha
this could be a big alaric ep, given that a lot of the plot revolves around the plans and actions of the resistance
we could fill in about his past here - his rearing as a lord, his seat on the council, his imprisonment
potentially we could juxtapose alaric to arthur, here, since we see some of arthur in present and would, if we decide to do flashbacks, see him there
and next week arthur’s own past actions and choices will be revealed
in any case, this or the next ep could be a good place for jon and arthur to fight (tho it takes on much more significance in the final ep so this one might be better)
that way, it was last season so he’s not as big a suspect as cassius and alex who fight w him in s2 but their dislike is still firmly established
we also see that roran has not learned anything from the past two eps - reinforcing his growth when he does after cedric’s death
stopping the enforcer and taking the castle are the main action of the ep
also we could def have some wedding prep in this ep
possibly avelina and lynessa extract a promise from jon/his men to retrieve celia asap
obv this is rowena’s big ep where we get our answers about her and she takes her place as a fully-fledged (but sympathetic) villain
that being said, she’s technically a protagonist of this ep
this one’s also action-heavy, what w the whole siege of the castle
we should also give each member of the resistance a hero moment that sort of closes out their character arc for the season and points them towards next season’s arc or at least gives the viewer whose fav character they are some sense of closure for the season ;D
we also have to give our other plotlines for the season some sense of closure tho not necessarily resolution
for example, we have to do something w the lynessa plotline even tho we know she marries jon in the v next ep so there’s no resolution - for example, maybe joseph admits his feelings to her or smth
so yeah we need to do smth momentous for each of our key characters:
the thieves thing + kiss will serve for celion
obv he dies heroically
fights cassius w charles and arya and learns the dire consequences of recklessness, etc.
finally takes up arms against cassius for the first time since cassius murdered his bro and all their friends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but only to protect roran #iweep
dezod - actually im not sure he needs anything but isabella and ophelia may
the thieves thing + kiss will serve for celion
learns there’s a new dragonrider and she’s noT safe
learns that there’s a new dragonrider - his bff’s kid - and fights both him and charles
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plinys · 8 years
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@slamncram replied to your post
“i have determined what makes the difference between being redeemable...”
But what happens when the murder of said dog may or may not have been put into action due to outside factors (i.e. five years of gaslighting and conditioning)? Discuss. (I'M JOKING IT JUST SOUNDED VERY ACADEMIC)
okay but this is the thing, like this is what makes me so angry sitting here being like angry at how my fave baddies from legends of tomorrow basically have half of wards backstory each (and are way bigger fucking villains) but still end up being considered good guys on their fucking team like how does this happen? is it better writing? is it fandom being better? is it the fact that nobody killed a fucking dog
so for those of you that follow me for aos and dont know any lot (because its my new obsession) this will contain some lot spoilers
which is why its under a cut, also it got fucking long, if nobody reads this but chris i will still be content tho cause im upset
lets refresh what some brief bullet points we know about grant ward and how aos did him so dirty
has an abusive childhood (parents/older brother)
sets house on fire to try and kill his abusers fails and goes to juvie
gets busted out of juvie by hydra agent, gets dropped off in the woods, major gaslighting
may or may not have killed a dog
because hydra spy inside of shield 
joins the team 
caws fucks up aos plot reveals that he is hydra and kills hella people
drops fitz & simmons (cute nerdy scientists) into the ocean
gets captured by aos team, locked in glass box of doom
while depressed and in glass box told to kill himself by his romantic interest (for all of season one at least)
gets sold off to his abuser (older brother) - but then busts out and finally succeeds in kill his abuser (burns them alive) 
hydra agents some more
becomes possessed by alien demon thing
eventually gets blown the fuck up but was basically dead earlier and we just kept the actor around for some reason
(okay this is short but i tried to delete most of aos from my memory)
like - when we break this down as bullet points we can see this is shitty right?
now lets compare mick rory and leonard snart’s combined narratives from lot/the flash
(both) grow up in abusive house hold - abusive fathers in both cases i believe
(mick) has severely untreated pyromania, lights a fire in his house that gets out of control, and is so anxious about his family finding out that he doesnt tell them when he runs outside and they all burn alive
(mick is also briefly kidnapped by his future time traveling self right after this but we’ll assume he forgets this)
(len) is forced to commit crimes by his crooked cop father, eventually is forced to take the fall for one of them, and ends up in juvie
(both) meet in juvie, become bffs / partners for life / future husbands
commit a bunch of crimes together and basically just be hardcore criminals that break into places and steal things - oh and kill people, they def kill people
(also they basically raise len’s sister lisa during this time) 
(len) steals/kills someone for a cold gun, so he can go from basic criminal to supervillian and fight the flash. literally kills hella people with the cold gun
mick gets the fire gun
mick also kills hella people
kidnaps cute scientist friend of hero caitlin snow and straps her to a bomb at one point just to be extra (tm) super villains
kidnaps cisco (the other nerdy science friend), forces him to make weapons, tortures cisco’s brother (like freezes his hands?!)
(len) eventually after his sister is threatened gets a chance to get back at his abuser and literally freezes his heart and kills him (in front of the fucking superhero)
and when superhero visits len in prison he is literally like “there’s good in you” 
(both) get recruited to a time traveling team in which is basically a time captain, four superheroes, and these two villains 
somehow this turns out to be the best found family combo in the fucking history of ever? like even tho they are baddies their bad skills are still put to use to help out with the mission and generally (at least len) is always considered to be part of the team in spite of the fact that they are super villains normally. 
mick maybe sells them out to time pirates after their captain mentions that he was only brought along cause he and len are a packaged deal
len is forced to kill mick??? (or so we think for far too fucking long, even for someone just binge watching the series)
jk mick isnt dead he’s the bounty hunter working for their worst enemy (evil org) who has been hunting them since the pilot
as bounty hunter mick kidnaps len and is like “im gonna go back in time and kill your bby sister (aka the only person you love)” and like somehow in the span of this episode len is still like “dont kill him” to the rest of the team when he gets captured
gets put in glass box of doom on ship, and the team has like restorative convos with mick? wants to help him even tho he went evil and tried to destroy the team / threatened people that they cared about
mick is eventually given the chance to kinda heal and is brought back into the fold of the team and a full functioning member again even though he went extra bad for a bit there
one of them gets blown up and dies a fucking hero (also is probably not actually dead, but its been half a season and im not even fucking sure) 
the other one is currently very depressed and not getting the treatment he needs for that, but ill fight those battles later.
so in summary for comparison 
all three grew up in abusive households 
mick and ward both burn their childhood homes down (but mick actually killed his family)
len & ward both have younger siblings they tried to protect from their abuser (but lisa actually likes len and theyre super close, where as you now aos....)
all three ended up in juvie (tho ward got broke out by garrett and that fucked him  up good) (whereas mick & len meet to becomes criminal partners)
all three are bad guys (ward is a double agent) (while mick/len are major criminals and then super villains)
they all kill all kinds of people
they all hurt the fan favorite good guy scientist characters (mick & len with bombs and cold guns) (ward by dropping them into an ocean in a pod that shoulve floated) (i mean honestly like ward was the nicer one when you look at it like this)
all three kill their abusers (though micks was technically on accident)
all three get thrown in prison/glass boxes where their super counter parts come to see them (ward gets told to kill himself) (len gets told there’s still good in him) (mick gets help getting back to a stable mental state)
mick & ward both betray their found family team for their own person interests (and do get kinda shafted by this, like wards whole plot line vs mick’s time as a bounty hunter)
len & mick are both really bad guys that are given hero arcs (len is season one, mick in season one/two ish) and given a chance to redeem themselves while still being a-holes at times.  (whereas ward gets murdered by his old team leader and gets possessed by an alien monster)
in LoT the character dies a hero. whereas in aos... you know how that goes
the thing that gets me is
the plot lines are so fucking similar
and like these characters have been around as minor characters/villains for two seasons of the flash, and then as main characters for a season and a half (so far) of legends of tomorrow
and the villain with an abusive childhood story line is just handled so much better over there. with the characters given chances to heal. rather than pushed off to the side and made worse and worse
and as someone who lived in an abusive household for far too long
getting to see the snarts story line (and mick’s too) is just such a relief after suffering through all that was aos okay
this is why im so angry.
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