#im gonna make a nightcore vers one day
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jojotier · 1 year ago
"Karkalicious psychic damage" this, "karkalicious 2012 homestuck cringe" that. none of you motherfuckers would've survived the fandom maelstrom that was Sexy Kan I
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Discord pt 50
[Date: 25/02, 6.59 PM - 25/02, 07.51 PM GMT]
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[‘Puppet’ from the Ib OST is playing in the VC.]
fetch: “:)”
Prince: “Oh! Crown said this was a good song! He says it reminds him of being a kid again! Don't you guys think so?
fetch: “YOU RE R I GHT PR INCE ! TH IS JS A VE R Y G OOD S ONG .” [You’re right Prince! This is a very good song.]
Prince: “I like it! It makes me feel all happy inside :)”
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fetch: “TH OUG H ITS A L ITT LE F AST ER TH AN WH AT I U SUALL Y L IS TE N TO . N IG HT COR E HA AHA AHA .” [Though it’s a little faster than what I usually listen to. Nightcore haahaaha.]
Prince: “It is a little fast, but it's very nice :D”
Prince: “It makes me kinda sleepy :) How about you, fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I GU ESS A L I TT LE HA HAA . B UT I GOT PL ENTY OF SL EE P LAS T N IGH T!” [I guess a little hahaa. But I got plenty of sleep last night!]
IM SO ENE ER GIZED AND R E ADY FO R THE D A Y” [I’m so energized and ready for the day]
donti: “Isn’t too much sleep a little bad for someone?”
Prince: “I don't think so :) It's nice to sleep. You don't have to think about all the things that might be stressing you out :)”
fetch: “I AG REE PR INC E . SL EE P IS NNI CE B UT D OGS CA NT S LE EP ALL D A Y ! THAT S A CAT TH ING TO DO L OL” [I agree, Prince. Sleep is nice but dogs can’t sleep all day! That’s a cat thing to do lol]
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[‘No One in Sight’ from the Ib OST starts playing on loop]
fetch: “N OT AS G OOD AS THE LA ST ONE B UT S TILL A BOP” [Not as good as the last one but still a bop]
Prince: “Oh! This one is nice, too! Relaxing, like you’re outside listening to the breeze~”
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Prince: “I can put on the other one again! :D”
[fetch: “ HM . TH ANF YOU PR INCE BU T I LIKE VA RIE TY SOM E TIME S :)” [Hm. Thank you, Prince, but I like variety sometimes]]
Prince: “Oh, ok :)”
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fetch: “IM H APP Y TO SEE C R OWN ANS W E RIN G T H IN GS! YO U M UST BE H APPY T O O” [I’m happy to see Crown answering things! You must be happy too]
[donti: How had your day been so far Prince, while you’re here? This music really gets me in a convering mood.]
Prince: “It's been great! everything is fine :)“
fetch: “TH AT S GOO D :D” [That’s good :D]
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[donti: Thats nice to know! How’s everyone in the court doing?”]
Prince: “Everyone is doing well :D i miss Knight, though... He hasn't been around in a while.”
fetch: “AW SADGE D: I H OPE Y OU F IND Y OUR KN IG HT BUD D Y SOON !” [Aw Sadge D: I hope you find your Knight buddy soon!]
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[donti: Oh no! did something happen? Do you know where he is?
Prince: “No... He just... Went away one day... Crown said he'll find him for us and bring him home again, though, so it's ok! :)“
fetch: “AW HA HA HA H OW N ICE OF. H IM :) :) :)” [Aw hahaha how nice of. him]
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[‘BGM008′ from the Ib OST starts playing]
[Povas: “Where did you last see knight?”]
Prince: “Um...Here, I think :)”
fetch: “O H G OOD SON G [Oh good song]
TH IS MAK ES THE FUN NY PIA NO T INK Y NOIS E” [This makes the funny piano tinky noise]
Prince: “I like the tinky noise too! :D”
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Povas: “Why is it giving me a sense of dread?”
fetch: “I DK WHA T YOU M EAN BY D R EAD :/ ? IT S OUND S F INE TO M E !” [Idk what you mean by dread :/? It sounds fine to me!]
Prince: “Yeah! I think it's lovely! :)”
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Povas: “It might just be me”
fetch: “PR OBAB LY Y OU LOL :D” [Probably you lol :D]
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[donti: “Hm, change of music aside, whatcha been up to?”]
Prince: “Not much has been happening :) I just like to listen to music here. You can't be sad if there's nothing to make you upset, you know? :)”
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[fetch [responding to donti]: “WH O ME ? OR PR INC E ?” [Who, me? Or Prince?]
donti: “Either or! I care about both of you :D”
fetch: “OH IM D OI NG GR E AT :D APP A RE NT LY M I SS E D D INN E R LA S T N IGHT SO M ONA (G OOD GO OD F RIEND MO NA) L EFT OUT A BR EA KF AS T FOR M E TO M UN CH WHI LE SHE WE NT TO W O RK” [Oh I’m doing great :D Apparently missed dinner last night so Mona (good good friend Mona) left out a breakfast for me to munch while she went to work]
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[fetch: “HAV E BEEN VE RY TH IRST Y SO D RINK ING W AT ER” [Have been very thirsty so drinking water]]
Prince: “That's good! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and get plenty of sleep! Crown would want you at your best :D”
fetch: “Y E AH :) TO AST WITH RO SE PET AL J AM M M  AND GO OD C E R EAL” [Yeah :) toast with rose petal jammm and good cereal]
[‘The Little Doll's Dream’ from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “OO OO O GUITAR R R [ooooo guitarrr]
I LI KE GU IT AR” [I like guitar]
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[donti: Prince, you have a very wide range of music in here! Where did you find so many songs?”]
Prince: “Oh, i just like to listen to a lot of things! These songs are from a game called Ib! You should play it :)“
[fetch: “IT I S A VER Y F UN G AME ! GARRY IS MY F AVOR I TE CH AR ACTER” [It is a very fun game! Garry is my favorite character]]
Prince: “Garry is my favorite, too! he's so nice! :D”
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Bea (she/her): “I've heard of that game before. What's it about?”
[fetch: “A G IRL GO ES TO AN A RT ME USE UM AND THE N SHI T GE TS F UCKED LOL PAI NTINS COM E TO L IFE N S H JT” [A girl goes to an art museum and then shit gets fucked lol]]
Prince: “I guess... But i'd describe it a little differently...”
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[”Inquiry” from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “I M EAN AIN T THAT WH AT HAP PENS LOL” [I mean ain’t that what happens lol]
Prince: “A girl named Ib goes to an art exhibit and ends up in finding herself inside a painting! She meets a nice man named Garry and they have to make their way out together! There's lots of different endings and lots of puzzles! :)”
fetch: “MY DE S C RI PT ION W AS BE T TER LOL” [My description was better lol]
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donti: “Oh! So its not a horror game?”
Prince: “It can be a little scary sometimes, but it's not terrible :)”
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fetch: “ANYW AY NIC E B OPS IM GONNA GO EA T THE R ES T OF THE ROSE PETAL JAM :) Y UM BY E G UYS DONT FOR GET TO AS K CR OW N TH IN GS” [Anyway nice bops I’m gonna go eat the rest of the Rose Petal Jam :) Yum bye guys don’t forget to ask Crown things]
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[donti: Alright! What other games do you play?]
Prince: “Lots of games! I like Skyrim, Overwatch, Undertale and Minecraft the most, though! :D”
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[donti: “thats awesome! I like Minecraft too! I also play Pokemon and some rhythm games :D”]
Prince: “Ooh, what's your favorite Pokemon? i like Mimikyu and Ditto the most! :)”
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donti: “Gengar and Joltik! the Mareep line is also pretty cool!”
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Prince: “Oh, I have to get going! Crown's asking to see me :)
Bye bye! :D”
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