#im gonna have to make and keep an oc tag like the gay little fool i am now huh
wallbang-buzzkill · 2 years
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older jagger stuff, feat. an op design
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mythril-mine · 7 years
Ahhh thank you, Hannah!! ;7; I can do both for you!!
My little Princeling is a very new character so I’m still figuring some things about him and his story out, but I’ll list what I’ve got so far! This actually helped me figure out quite a bit about him, so thank you again haha! And Emmerson is my most good good boy of all my characters so get ready for that haha. ;;
Under a cut because together they’re rather long!
Full Name: Ralis — his name will be fuller than that, but I have to figure out some things related to his Kingdom, first. He is, however, known as the Star Prince (the astronomical body, not like he’s in the limelight haha).Gender and Sexuality: Boy, and I can guarantee Ralis has never thought about his sexuality or even dating a day in his life. This is less due to him really being aromantic or anything (though he might be ace because most of my characters are idk) and more because of the following factors: 1. he doesn’t have a lot of prospects where he’s from, 2. he assumed from day one he’d be in a political marriage, 3. he’s actually relatively young, like 14-16 depending on how writing the story goes, and 4. despite his young age he’s actually very driven and focused on the state and wellbeing of his country more than anything else.Pronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: Sky…. person….? I don’t have a name for his people yet hahaBirthplace and Birthdate: He was born in the Kingdom of the Sky from a Star but I haven’t picked a birthday for him yet.Guilty Pleasures: Humans! He’s incredibly interested in the humans below and how they live because he’s been so far removed from them due to political reasons, and he’s curious about them and if they can be useful towards his goals as a Prince. He observes them often and his story begins when he gets a little too close.Phobias: THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION that I honestly haven’t figured out for him yet, I’ll have to think about it!!What They Would be Famous For: Well he is the prince of the entire Sky, Day, and NightWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Probably Trespassing. ;; Ralis forgets that being a Prince doesn’t mean he’s the Prince of everything. ;;OC You Ship Them With: There is one, maybe! But he doesn’t have a name yet. He’s human and gets up to hijinks both with and without Ralis, though, and definitely always BECAUSE of Ralis.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Mmmm I’m still figuring out the story, but probably Somnus, who’s royalty from another kind of Domain… thing, other than the Sky.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He wouldn’t have access to much but it would definitely be something with themes of political intrigue and espionage.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: The weak and oblivious prince/princess that needs saving. Ralis works hard to NOT be this trope, and yet he finds he’s often still viewed this way. He hates it, and would hate seeing it in media, too.Talents and/or Powers: He’s fairly persuasive and charismatic, and decent at acting. Incidentally but not really related to anything, he’s also good at weaving. As for powers, he has a cloak that allows him to decent the distance from the Sky to Earth safely (and also disguises him as a shooting star as he goes!), and he has a tattoo running up his right arm that allows him to use… kind of light-related powers? I’m still figuring out the mechanics of that and what it does, because I keep changing my mind about the purpose I want it to serve.Why Someone Might Love Them: Some people definitely just love him Because He’s The Prince, and he’s not into that. He just wants to be known as Ralis. But he’s really trying his best to think of what’s the best for his Kingdom and his Court, and although he doesn’t know much about Humans, he is always trying his best to learn and understand things that are foreign to him (even though sometimes he might need to be convinced that he didn’t already understand something in the first place). Why Someone Might Hate Them: Some people definitely just hate him Because He’s The Prince, and he’s not into that either. But also, he’s cocky as heck and full of himself due to his position, and as a result of how he was raised kind of judgmental even though he tries to mean well. He’s also very brash and impulsive, prone to acting on plans without thinking them through literally at all, and this can get both himself and other people he’s with in trouble, or make them angry.How They Change: Over the course of his story Ralis learns so much about the world outside his Court in the Sky that it would be impossible for him not to change. He becomes more empathetic and a more balanced leader, eventually actually being able to strategically assess what’s needed for his Kingdom rather than just fool-heartedly rushing into what he thinks is right.Why You Love Them: I’m not gonna lie I’m just really excited to draw his character design HAHA but also I’m fond of young and brash character-types, as well.
Full Name: Emmerson Lu (Full Disclosure: I’ve never been able to settle on a last name for him, and literally picked this just now. I think I like it for him, though.)Gender and Sexuality: Boy, gayPronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: Fictional city in Northern California, November 17thGuilty Pleasures: He LOVES animals!? Emmerson volunteers part time at the local animal shelter after school, not because he needs to fill any kind of time quota but because he genuinely enjoys it. I don’t know if that’s really a ‘guilty’ pleasure because that’s also community service, but he really loves taking care of them and helping get them adopted into loving homes.Phobias: Losing those he loves, and although it’s not to the point of a phobia necessarily, he’s also scared of forgetting people and things that are important to him.What They Would Be Famous For: Emmerson is actually on the football/soccer team! I don’t think he’s really good enough to become famous for it, but he’s pretty alright and has a great relationship with his teammates because of it!What They Would Get Arrested For: Emmerson is actually the most cautious, voice-of-reason character in this story for the most part ;;;; If he gets arrested it’s absolutely for being an accomplice to Todd.OC You Ship Them With: Todd!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Clair, I guess…? None of the characters in Skulk are very violent LOL but Clair thinks Emmerson is a bad influence on his brother Todd. (I forgot to put Clair’s name in my tags, whoops.)Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He actually likes superhero/super team genres, because he hates media where people die, and likes the idea of them still getting saved even if it’s an ridiculously disastrous situation where that wouldn’t be realistic.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: See above, so for that reason he doesn’t like any war/disaster movies or tv shows with the ‘everybody dies’ cliche. It’s too sad for him.Talents and/or Powers: This is an only slightly-supernatural slice-of-life story and Emmerson is human so nothing too exciting, but aligning with the above he’s very good with animals, and his patience with them makes him a good listener and (usually) level-headed advice-giver.Why Someone Might Love Them: Emmerson is a good good boy!! ;7; For much of what’s listed above. He cares very deeply about his friends and helping them and does his best to generally be nice and good to everyone. His Momma raised him well.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Emmerson is actually also incredibly stubborn, to the point of having a bit of a temper about it sometimes. He can get very heated about certain subjects that are extremely personal to him, and although I mentioned he’s usually pretty level-headed about other things. Although, this distanced-approach can make him seem as though he lacks empathy (even though he’s actually trying very hard to help and come up with what he thinks the best solution to a problem is, he just doesn’t always express the emotions he’s coming from).How They Change: Emmerson suffers a huge loss at the beginning of the story, so despite of a lot of what I’ve described here, he’s actually very sullen, depressed, and closed off when things begin. It also makes him a little more reckless and irritably stubborn about certain things he needs to open his mind to, which he’ll work to overcome much with Todd’s help over the course of the story.Why You Love Them: He is a soft and sweet boy and doesn’t deserve to suffer, but whoops. ;; Also, most of the characters in Skulk represent something about human interaction that’s important to me and/or that I wish people (including myself) were better about, so in Emmerson’s case it’s a lot of taking time to understand yourself and be vocal about how you feel rather than bottling it up, and also the importance of not being too stubborn.
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