#im gonna finish a sketch i started and then i got a fun comm to work on :]
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daigo looks great in the new gameplay teaser clip rgg posted <3
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eirian · 8 years
important thing regarding doppelganger, ask blogs, and etc. art endeavors
ok so y’all ive decided on something that i feel like ive been needing to do for a while
in order to get myself to work on doppelganger again like i used to (im talkin dishin out 10 pages in like a month before i started posting and then dishing out a page per week at the end of chapter 1) im going to have to halt all of my ask blogs and animations and limit my personal art to an extent
i’ll still work on commissions when ive been paid, but after i finish these comms i wont open them again until my next hiatus, which, hopefully, will be after i finish chapter 2 completely !!  Hopefully,
the reason im doing this is because my main issue ive found is that i get overwhelmed by how much shit i have on my plate ??? the comic, ask blogs, etc. is just too much for me to focus on individually, so i end up procrastinating ALL of them, especially dpg, which is not what i want u-u so i figure the only way to get back into that groove is to recreate the work environment i was in when i was in that groove, which was back when i had only one ask blog to worry about and literally nothing besides that and the comic ???  and even then the ask blog as totally for fun (as it should be rn) and i was able to almost completely focus on the comic
uhh so !!  im rly sorry tbh, i love my ask blogs and im not ABANDONING THEM at all, i’ll probably try to update them during hiatus times (so that might end up being once every like..6 months or so...mayb....depending) and same goes for the animations n stuff !!!  so uh,,shit lmao, i rly am excited for blogs like feint-ler and im still invested in hallow and wolf and ghost and dan and im even considering a new onceler blog b/c i hate myself so expect that at some point in the future :’) animations too, i have a lotta animation memes i REALLY want to do, i dont care if theyll be old by the time i get around to them
personal art wont be completely gone either, im just gonna try to not do fuckin full-fledged illustrations n shit with warmup doodles like i have been doing dsjkl so doodles and sketches will be more frequent than the other stuff for sure
this also means i’ll be streaming a lot !!  b/c streaming helped me get through my comic pages A LOT during chapter 1 and now that i know what im doing it’ll probably help move things along faster
so uh !!!  yeah expect that kinda thing in the future <3 im rly gonna try b/c y’all deserve chapter 2 since its been a got dam year and nobody knows what the hell is happening
im gonna start all this in march b/c im getting braces next week and no way in hell am i starting that shit next week lmao
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