#im gonna end up moving to touching grass in the backyard if this keeps up
fecto-forgo · 1 year
tumblr and the neverending curse of "please for the love of god dont let this become common discourse for the next month its literally so meaningless" im just training myself in recognizing when yep thats gonna happen better throw that term in my filter list before it starts picking up traction
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moonlight-shanty · 6 years
Garden life
The sun was coming in as i was working on a garden project I had my flowers arranged and my herbs all planted neatly growing and in the shrubery some ferns. Theres beans growing out and sticking out and i reach to pick them and take them indoors. I wait further on for my zucchinis they grow quickly. My grass is taking over the joint. I need to get out the mower and work to trim it down later. I should be moving the tree branches I cut the other day. It's a heavy task and alot of people would put it off but I continue on and move those wide, unruly branches and put the ferns on the countertop in my kitchen to bring a little tropicality indoors. As i get indoors i sniff my black tea brewing, keeps me wide awake and on the task. I have a little bundle of teas one for every occation in my life. Whether I need to wake up or cool down and sleep soundly at night. I have my assortment there safely put away in my pantry. It is always smelling fresh. And my dog Barbara sits by that pantry. She whiles away the hours hoping to get a treat for keeping guard. I hop, skip and jump off to the next task of the morning. Fixing my bed. I'm putting the covers up when I hear a little peep outside my window then what arrives is a baby bird on my window sill. The same one i had rescued the other day. It pecks at the net behind the window hoping it can get in. Its a cute little bird, black with an orange beak. I watch it as it hops by pecking at the little spiders and gets it beak stuck into them. It seems very hungry and its mouth is open again creening its neck towards me i quickly run to the kitchen and put some water in a spoon before carrying it back and giving it to the helpless little creature. It gives me a peep in return and i carry it indoors and put it back in the basket i had created with the fresh towel and the spoon. I let it be in the backyard where i can keep an eye on it and Barbara follows. Taking it down to the swingset to be set for its mum or a friend to find it. A friend like Link, who comes over for the day. He pushes open the lid of the box and peers inside, looking at the bird and sees how special it is and how he takes care to not touch it too much. I tell him how i had found it the other day tangled in some net its mouth open waiting for a drink. Its a cute little creature with a big lot of energy from all bugs. I move him closer to the tree. Give him more oxygen.
His mum flys down and tells him to stop lounging around.
And hope I see him again.
I get out the front and something yellow catches my eye it watches me i see its big yellow seed storage system and wide open petals reaching towards the sun. But i notice something the head of the sunflower has turned. As it grew up and back to front. It has now turned as to face one another. Greeting the day it turns its head to the other one and I love to go out a see both of them. My sunflowers, i take a breath and go and visit them leaving the door ajar. It is fresh out there full of oxygen and it keeps me goin as the light shines down from above. Barbara comes up and lies down next to me, her head tilted and i move to rub her little tuft of hair. I'm now watering my sunflowers to keep them healthy.
And now not too many potatoes and eggs left for lunch i have to go see if my potato plant has sprouted any new plantation.
As the day progresses i become more aware as i hang out with Link that he is always gonna be there for me. He is my rock. Its times like these you need a friend to tell your stories and write about my feelings. All of the memories surcum to greater thoughts and all of them you have throughout the day. Keeps you in tact and getting by in the world.
Each day is a new adventure
I better get on with mine
I take out the mower and start it up i see that left out from the other night as im mowing i stop and turn and see a little rock has gotten caught in the wheel to mower ratio, i look at it bug eyed take a glance at Link and he comes to look at it as the end of the mower chuffs and comes to a stop. I pick at the interior of the mower and wedge the little rock out. When everyone is clear. That sparks the mowers return to life. Link goes indoors and I get onto my feet again and peer at the start switch, press the button returning me to mowing once more. Soon, I smell delicious smells coming from the kitchen. There's an arrangment of different aromas. Theres one aroma i reconise at the end of the day i would reconise, thats beans. I quickly finish up my task and put away the beast before returning to the kitchen. I put on an afternoon cuppa and sit by the doorway watching the last of the sun go behind a cloud. At the end of the pot next to me and spotted a little bug it was golden and very busy i put it on my hand and watch the irredecent way it shimmys its body to the music in its own head. Its trying to fly but keeps stopping itself as it likes the feel and texture of my hand. Its hanging around and i do like looking at its little body. Its probably the prettiest bug ive seen, ever. I do some reasearch on the little guy and find ive come across a Christmas beetle.
And its not even Christmas, this guy mustve stayed back to find a partner. We dont often see Christmas beetles this time of year in January.
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