#im gonna be.. sheith posting.. for a bit.. just like a little every once in a while
holysheithyall · 3 months
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very quick boxer vanessa bc i had a vision
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kairiofknives · 6 years
Oh god. Voltron was....a lot. Just... everything all at once. That review was so so right when it said it was the best season yet. Just. Fuck.
Not so brief thoughts, mostly related to my one true ship:
-Keith's arc was the single most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He not only got to see with his own eyes how his mother and father met, but he spent two years with her and their new space wolf companion, getting to know her, growing to love her. It made him so much more grounded. The Keith of this season didn't fall for Kuron's aggressive "I should have abandoned you" bullshit specifically because he knew he wasn't abandoned by his mother. She left to save him and fight for a cause he himself believed in. He knows she loves him and he has no reason to doubt that now. His newfound confidence was shown in everything: his readiness to jump into black, how he directed people without getting way too focused on Kuron getting away, the way he thought of the plan to get himself through the wormhole and then successfully got shit done! It was amazing and I loved every second of it. His new scar looks wonderful.
-Im so fucking relieved they didn't kill anyone off in that last part of episode 7. I was sweating, imagining Krolia or Romelle trying to stay behind. It was a mess. But, that being said, losing the castle of lions hurt way more than I thought it would. The panning scene with all the places that were the common back drops of the last 5 seasons was really like losing a home.
-Allura and Lance both had excellent arcs that developed exactly as I thought they would. I can't wait for little half Cuban half Altean babies. It's gonna happen, folks. Done deal. That's all she wrote.
-Sheith. Oh fucking boy. Sheith. First, may I say, that if not for the Krolia arc, that fight with Kuron would have gone very very very poorly. When Haggar told him to use Keith's feelings against him, my heart stopped. Shiro is Keith's weakness, but also his strength. But, since two years of bonding time with Mommy got our baby to love himself, he was able to handle that fight exactly as it needed to be handled. The animation in all of Episode 5 was breath taking. The slight fraying of the lines of Kuron's face as he hurdled himself towards Keith was agonizing. He looked like a monster, which was the point. Whatever used to be Kuron was gone. Im slightly sad he didn't get more of a personality of his own, but I cannot mourn his loss knowing we got Shiro back.
Something that hit me very hard was the difference in Kuron's reaction when Keith said "you're my brother" and when he finally said, "I love you." The first line? Ineffective. No real change in expression. The second line kinda broke Kuron a bit, which stands to imply that its possible Shiro himself had never heard that from Keith before. And maybe it's just me, but I viewed the second line as more of a...reprise of the first. He's trying to describe his feelings for Shiro, he's used to using You're my Brother. But strip away all the context and the only thing that matters is that Keith loves Shiro. That's what ended up mattering.
And the flashbacks to their past! Ahhhh!!! How old must Keith have been to look that tiny and defenseless? I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that unless his dad had another secret wife out there somewhere, Shiro and Keith aren't actually brothers, but rather Shiro met Keith when he was either still in foster care and brought him to the Garrison himself, or when he was new to the Garrison. Either way, we now have confirmation that Shrio stuck up for and befriended Keith when no one else would. And that's the most beautiful thing I've heard all week.
Every single thing about actual Shiro's interactions with Keith oozed affection. The spectral shoulder touch, the heartbroken look on Keith's fucking face when Shiro said he had died, that fond, tired look when Shiro woke up in the real world and said "you found me". God. My crops have been fucking watered my friends. I just...ack.
I have more thoughts. I probably won't post and tag them unless they're in fic form. They fucking might be though. If anyone wants to scream with me, please DM me. Ahhhhhhhh.
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