#im gods weakest soldier
peachanonie · 8 months
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fratboykate · 1 year
I swear I'm not lying Papi but when I saw the Muna ask I started reading and before I ever got to your tags for some reason my brain thought: 'I bet Papi thinks the guitarist is hot'. I should maybe play the lotto tomorrow or go to a casino. Because I was right on the money.
listen...are you psychic or do i just have a VERY SPECIFIC and predictable type that you all know about??? ask yourself that before you go betting your rent money lol. dark hair? pale as shit? big eyes? a really shaggy bi bob as a bonus to really seal the deal????? if you thought i watched this video:
and didnt walk away ready to buy a ring and propose you give me far too much credit and think im stronger than i am because PHEWWW
i already had it BAAAAAAAD and then they realeased their latest video in april. ma'am?! im signed sealed and delivered.
she just needs to drop a pin so we can talk. respectfully. like adults lol
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luisabeccaria · 1 year
every time i step foot in a grocery store i immediately panic and get overwhelmed
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sunkissedlouis · 11 months
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when you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
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chinelacanta · 7 months
portgas pokemón :3
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sharowolet · 1 year
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mood for the week
[ID: digital drawing of a rowlet popsicle but it’s one of those scuffed ice creams you get from the neighborhood ice cream truck. Its eyes are off-center and horribly askew. Its mouth is above its eyes. Everything about it is melting. ]
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malleleothreesome · 2 months
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Okay okay FINE due to popular demand (2 people) i'm proud to announce I'll be cosplaying tits out no thoughts in brain Dorm Malleus at Anime Expo 2024 see u there godspeed 🫡
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nyaskitten · 5 months
God please I don't have the strength... Dragons Rising season 2 part one dropping FIVE DAYS before Ramadan ends this year OH I will shrivel up and DIE!!!! I THINK!!!! IN THE LAST 10 DAYS OF RAMADAN TOO MANNNN WTF...
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cowboybirdie · 9 months
normal admitting that hermie and scary have “good chemistry” is doing something weird to my brain. bc on one hand im like, this is awesome development for normal especially with letting hermie not just be an entity to have an infatuation with. but like. see him as a person and give him space to really solidify himself in the group by forming bonds with other teens, etc etc. but im also like: shut the fuck up shut the fuck up why would you say that hermies an idiot why would you say that
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lilliemadoka · 21 days
finally made a list in comic studio of cookie run characters im deeply in love with. in lesbians with. cookie run characters i'd let hit me with a car. how does it feel following someone with such immaculate taste (i am feverish right now.)
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nightmare blunt rotation
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past-venus · 9 months
"I'll never play genshin again"
"It seems I am making a continuous lapse of judgment. It will happen again."
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hayaku14 · 2 years
kaishin au where kaito unwillingly received immortality from pandora. kaito is torn and broken upon the burden of eternal life. shinichi promises to stay with him forever. to do so, he drinks aptx 4869 every 10 years.
years go by and soon everyone in their life passes. kaito and shinichi learned how to create the poison from haibara before she left the world as well. but though it works in consistently turning back time for shinichi, it is still a deadly poison. accumulated, it slowly weakens him.
as shinichi's body slowly deteriorates, the poison chipping away at his life, kaito spirals. once again, torn and broken, kaito is desperate. feeling this to be their last years together, he decides to find a way to stay with shinichi forever.
a way to reverse his immortality.
a way to die together.
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0rdinaryth1ngs · 6 months
me for the last six months: noah kahan fic will be here so soon!
also me: i cannot figure out for the life of me how to write the middle chapter.
anyway. scream at me to finish this please. i love it so much yet i cannot seem to write more words in this google doc
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sumarmz · 1 month
This may sound controversial but atp I wish I was physically incapable of feeling love than whatever I'm feeling right now you have no idea how much it hurts to know everything I could ever want all conflict with each other and I will never really be happy
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yeommijeong · 2 years
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Mr. Cheon, someone is out there!
Baek Ma Ri & Cheon Ji Hun Episode 4, One Dollar Lawyer (2022)
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
.............i just saw the tweel broomquet cards.........no.......no comment ? or maybe, so many comments ??? too many comments ???? brain is going brr ????? brain is going brr.
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