#im getting my hotd fics ready
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me forcing my followers to look at my newest obsession
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psa !!!
just watched the first ep of hotd s2 and let me tell u it was soooo good !!! i got a story idea alr just from the first twenty minutes 👀 im rlly excited tho for what is gonna happen in the future eps, i just hope its as good as the trailer for ep2
also, i have a special part for one of the fics i’ve made ready to post so look out for that 🤭 i’m not entirely opening my requests but if u guys want to send in random blurbs and headcanons, u may do so 🫶🏻
i’m restarting my taglist for jace and for “for the kingdom” so if u want to get tagged for either, u can send me a message or reply here 😁
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hello, i hope your day is going well. i was wondering if you could answer this question for me. i want to get into writing small things like fics, but every time i have an idea, i never have an idea on how to start. i'm really into HOTD and want to write something about it but i don't know where to start or how to continue after starting. do you have any advice??
p.s. i really like your writing; how it flows and it's different tones!!
Hello love! thank you for your kinds words!
Well... I don't know how to start myself! hehe, let's talk about my process, maybe that will give you some ideas
First, I start to imagine "scenarios", or "scenes" as I like to call them, scenes with conversations, or where reader does something badass, or anything really, it can be sad, happy, badass, nsotalgic, cool, ANYTHING! then I try to start picturing the events that led to that point or scene. who is MC? who are their parents? where did they came from? where is they going? this will open a fan of possibilities.
It will help you with a background story, and it will give you characters that will be and influence in their lives! and yous tart working from there
Where to start a story, is a tricky bit, the very first opening sentence, I take a lot of inspiration from movies or the very series, for example... what was the very first scene we got of Rhaenyra? her flying her dragon! that is a cool beginning!
I also love the movies and series with a chaotic rebellious MC so, I imagine them doing something they enjoy doing... or if its more dramatic I'd start right by the problem, or the very moment they are born if its relevant to the story. I'm writing a story when it starts even before their birth! its how Viserys sends her father to court and marry her mother! its relevant to the story!
Think about your favorite movies and series! that will help
Also... at first, it will be hard to "sow" everything together, like, the beginning with the scenes you draw in your mind, but let me tell you, it will start to make sense, and when it happens, its magical, like really... everything starts to click into place when you have a good MC and the characters around it, and the way they act. And if you have said scene in your mind, WRITE IT, leave it there and then it will come to be! believe me! I just put everything together with a very unlikely scene and it came to be really nicely.
YOU WILL feel like... pressured, and you don't know how to go from point A to point b, it happens to me a lot, I end up writing a few smaller "scenes" that when Im writing them its like, "why am I writing this? is this relevant?" and I do get away with it most times, it doesn't feel less useless though, but you will have to write some "filler" pieces, but everything is part of the story, all of it
Think about the fact that YOU are the one that is writing the story! we don't know anything about it! its all up to you and what YOU want to show us! you can do no wrong!
If you have two great "scenes" you really like... just make a cut, sometimes it is more dramatic, just...
. . .
And then another scene! jeje
Sometimes it also helps to get "lost" in reader's mind, like, write what they are feeling, what he thinks, how he/she perceives time and let time fly around the character, to slip from one scenario to the next, narrates what they are doing
I came to realize its very nice when MC had a background, a story where they are a kid, built a character, what are they relationship with her family? what do they want to do?
And fill that thing up!
Write everything that comes to mind! in ALL of my fics I have written scenes that takes me dozens of chapters to reach, WRITE IT ALL DOWN (I personally use drive, so they are safely stored in the cloud and it can correct my grammar, that's a tip), I have endings ready before they are beginnings, and that is part of my process
Writing everyhitng down helps, to where you want to take the story
I have started stories with no clear end, and that is also fine, a bit confusing for you, but just... let it rip! like Beyblade
I hope this helps! you can also, if you have the time and means, to make a nice header to the story to set a tone, It's fun for me, but i'm a designer so... jajaja a nice collage! pinterest can become your best friend!
I'm having the time of my life writing for HP, although its not my most popular fic, but its been a while since I felt like this.
It's not easy! you are not born with it, but the good news is you can practice it! put into words what is on your mind!, its magnificent and it feels so so good!
Never forget that you evolve, and you improve, and you will get better once you start! My english had improved A LOT (i think) hehe. Don't be discouraged! this is your own world and you can do whatever you want with it!
Anyways! come to my next ted talk and I hope this helps! I really rambled with this!
thank you noonie ❤️
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theres so much stuff to talk about im getting overwhelmed (/pos) idk what to focus on first and its not even about the chapter itself yet lmao
latin series and chapter titles? oooh cool, more stuff to look into
like "we keep the names bare"? thats metal as fuck
"so it happens" in itself is interesting and very fitting but in latin its just so much more fancy
I love how their official names are different (and unusual), like wilum, nikanna, tomys, alecs
once again you have something special about names and looking back to the series name I have a feeling there will be moments where the choice between formal name and nickname will be important
(the lengths stories in english have to go to show the border between formal/informal addressing /hj, names have a different beat to them but the technique is actually similar
its a bit sad actually, I feel like so many english texts could go bonkers if "thou" and "ye" still existed and didnt get merged into you)
I mean we already saw something similar in the prequel with phil calling wilbur wilum to show importance of the situation
gotta say, the importance of names is always a bit different and never boring and I love it
origins characters and character traits oh my that opens up so many possibilities i love the sound of this
also just the phil we see in the prequel has some "harsh" qualities, setting kids up against each other which fits o!phil much more than c!phil, so many new traits to play with
excited to see how this might change the characters and relationships and stuff (sandduo is bound to be interesting, not that they werent before, but yk)
looking at tags there's no major character death, should I probably not mention that in comments as not to spoil anyone? or spread fake news
there are other tags that sound really fun tho
before reading the summary I havent even realised that we havent heard about tommys role in all this before in neither the prequel nor the snippets we got
hes thirteen and a problem? oh its going to be a blast
cant wait to see the worldbuilding and fashion in this, youve been so excited about it for so long and I havent seen hotd so im ready to be impressed
the latin series title is one I like quite a bit :)) also the only latin chapter title i think we're going to have is the first one (it also translates to 'so it begins' which I just thought was fitting). maybe the last one too to round it out but i dont plan chapter titles ahead of time so we'll see lmao
oh I had such a fun time coming up with the names. I also struggled so fucking hard LMAO. I think Nikanna is my favorite of the names I came up with, although I thought Alecs and Tomys were clever since it's just alternate spellings. also it hasn't been mentioned in text yet, but Sam's full name is Samuel Aswyn and I'm pretty happy with myself for coming up with Aswyn as a surname equivalent for 'awesamdude'
but yeah there's always going to be an element of importance given to names in a fic like this. like, it's one of my favorite tropes to use. it definitely isn't going to have the same weight as names in glass and stars did, but it'll be there for sure.
you get it though. like, we would benefit SO much if we still used thou and ye because we could go insane in the membrane with the way we write interactions between characters. but alas i just have to create convoluted worldbuilding rules about the roles of names to get my point across instead...
yeah I mean stars!phil definitely had elements of o!phil in him, but it'll definitely be more obvious in rose. also, ngl, a huge part of why I decided to throw osmp in the tags was because I just wanted to write o!sneeg. I fucking love o!phil and o!sneeg's dynamic they're so funny together so when I was like "holy shit I could put sneeg in rose" I knew I had to do it
bestie I don't know where you're looking because major character death is 100% in the tags. like, go do a double take it's in the archive warnings.
yeah a part of me wanted to keep tommy's role entirely a secret until his character got introduced in ch 2, but then I realized I couldn't really write a compelling summary without throwing him in somewhere so I had to bite the bullet and ruin the surprise a bit lol. but yeah he's gonna be GREAT
aaaa thank you so much I'm so glad you're excited for this!! I really hope you guys like this journey we're gonna go on
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HII gorgeous 👋👋 I wanted to say I love your writing and honestly your brilliant mind gracing us with all of your stories 🤩 with that being said my birthday is in a week— eeekk 21 BITCHHH 😛😛😈 and I wanted to request a HOTD cast imagine since I’m pretty sure they’ll start filming soon, so imagine maybe a raging birthday party just before filming or something and it gets crazyyy and wild and wouldn’t it be great to get sloshed with Emma D’Arcy 😃 doing this would be a pretty rocking birthday present soo… not to put pressure… 👀👀🤭
(Also I’m the star points bitch. So keep that in mind hon 🔍🔍 this is your redemption arc)
Sloshed 🥴
HoTD Cast & Reader (there's a paring here somewhere if you quint hard enough)
Summary: To celebrate your birthday, your castmates in HotD throw you a makeshift party with a karaoke machine, a poorly homemade cake, and lots and lots of alcohol.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, drinking/drunkenness/everyone gets cronked, super chaotic everything, grade school bullying (affectionate), crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY START POINTS NONNIE! (im not going to call you bitch because i dont like that word) im sure at this point youre prolly 22 T_T but better late than never. also Omg my child 😭 you think i give a shit about redemption??? HAHAHAAH IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCK THIS UP SO BAD but the request is so compelling that i'll silence the part of my brain that is screaming for murder HAHAHA idk it all kinda went all over the place but lol enjoy star points nonnie! or dont i dont care Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony
You had your phone on, eye level, recording, flashlight and all, so did Milly. You were both snorting to yourselves as you made your way through the streets-
"WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME!" you sing, flailing your arms around as you spun on the pavement.
No, no, you weren't drunk yet. But boy were you were excited to be.
Milly had picked you up and, like an idiot, spoiled the surprise party altogether by being too giddy and blabbermouthed. It was obvious she was leading you to a 'secret birthday party' and though Milly adamantly denied to her final breath, when you got to the venue, still somehow startled by the loud scream of 'SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!', Emma gave her a piece of their mind for being so obvious.
You immediately hugged the gals, namely Olivia, Emily, and Phia, then after gave a kiss to person who remembered your birthday at all, Emma.
"I love you so much," you muttered as you pulled them into a hug, nearly choking them in the process. Emma chuckles, sealing their arms around you with a lot less enthusiasm, only cause in you were a python comparison.
They turn to Milly, who was already heading for the food, "did you two drink already?"
"No, babe, we're drunk on life!" Milly responds, pouring herself a drink.
Emma and Olivia turn to each other, the latter rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, "dear god, to be twen'y somthin'."
Emma snorts as you finally pull away from them.
You spin your arm overhead, stupidly forgetting you had your phone in hand. This allows it to get darted across the room, nearly hitting Phia on the way.
You scramble for the object, amazed that it was uncracked and still in one piece, camera still filming everything. You look up to everyone and call out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!"
Each person in the room cheers and claps for you, immediately getting ready for the festivities.
At one point, you managed to end and restart recording on your phone as you eat some chips and ready the second song on a karaoke machine, and by karaoke machine, I mean a big-ish laptop propped on an box on a table connected to a Bluetooth speaker that was honestly impressively loud for its size.
It was also at this time, the MIA boys finally arrived, as in Fabien, Tom, Ewan, & Matt, carrying fast food and drinks, cheering as they came for absolutely no other reason than to be loud.
Now. Now, the party was really getting started.
After eating and the singing got old, an idea was proposed. You don't know whose genius (stupid) idea it was to play fucking marco polo, but DAMN was it intense.
You down the last for your 3rd(?) beer before running off as the it of the game neared you. You find yourself in a corner where Matt now to your right. You do your darndness to evade the blind folded Tom, who by the ways was insanely horrible at the game.
He was so bad, Olivia, like the mom she was, had to keep reminding him he could call out Marco, so that you lot could call out Polo and give some semblance as to where you were in the Emma's largish flat.
"Babes," Olivia calls, beginning to remind the lost puppy, Tom.
Elbow pushing the massive block of doofus (Matt), who was CHEATING by using you as his shield from the nearing lost, blonde boy, you struggled against the man, both of you fairing horribly to hold in your giggles as you push deeper into the corner of the room, trapped behind the sofa.
Tom turns behind him, blindfold on and all, at the sound of Olivia's voice.
"You can call out Marco," Olivia reminds before going back to a conversation with Phia safely a distance away in the kitchen.
"Oh-right- MARCO!"
"POLO!" everyone screams except you and Matt.
"THEY'RE CHEATING!" Fabien calls loudly in protests from behind the dining table, "TOM, TURN AROUND! TOM, TURN AROUND!"
Fabien's plan backfires as Tom instead heads for him. The former runs over to where Ewan was, who then runs over to where Emily was, by the front door.
"POLO YOU CUNTS!" Fabien shouts with a chuckle, extending his arm out to your direction, accusingly.
You stick out your tongue to Fabien as Matt begins to shove you the opposite direction.
Ewan to Fabien's side drops his jaw over the brunutte's backfired attempt in both a 'STFU' manner and 'this is kind of funny but STFU' manner, then slaps his hand on Fabian's blabbermouth.
Tom was nearing them. Emily begins to push back against Ewan, covering her mouth as not to make a sound. This allowed you to climb from the back of the sofa, onto the cushions, escaping the entrapment in the corner with Matt.
Emily topples onto Ewan and holds her breath as she barely dodges Tom's reaching hands.
And then-
"POLO! POLO! POLOLOLOL!" Matt screams, grabbing you by the shoulders, alerting everyone in the room.
Tom takes the bait, turning about as you squeal and wrangle out of Matt's cheating grip.
Emily, Ewan, and Fabien sneakily evade him whilst Tom is distracted.
"MATT YOU FUCKER!" you whine, finally escaping him. You swiftly run past Tom, who almost managed to grab you and make it towards Emma, who was had been sitting in an isolated corner of their flat, drinking a can of pop.
They give you a nod and you look over finding Tom was approaching the corner where you and Matt had been, yet the man was nowhere in sight. Rats, he was good.
Fabien, running towards you out of nowhere, grabs you by your arms and offers you as a sacrifice, "POLO! POLO!"
Tom turns your direction as you shriek.
"YOU CHEATING RAT!" you protest mid arm imprisonment.
Tom, now at his limit, stops then pulls down his blindfold, making everyone groan. The man, who had been it the WHOLE time you have been playing, sighs and places his hands on his hips, "guys, ain't no way I'm this bad at Marco Polo. You lot are double crossing me!"
Everyone gathers over towards Tom in a chorus of laughs and disagreements.
Olivia speaks, "I'm sorry, love, but honestly, this flat isn't that large."
"You just suck," Phia deadpans, making Tom give him a sour look.
Milly crawls from underneath the table she had been hiding from the entire time, "who's it now?
Milly jolts when Matt sneaks up from behind her and screams, "YOU!" The moron evades Milly's incoming punches.
Meanwhile, you have been chasing Fabien across the room, pulling on his hair when you catch him.
Between that point and when you all (mostly you and Milly) began to cry while singing Hello by Adele, another 3(?) bottles of beer was consumed by your person.
This was why when you reached for another bottle, Ewan (who had been watching you the entire time) took the thing from you, "that's mine."
You blink slowly, turning to him as he takes the bottle from you, handing it to Matt, who was cheering Emma and Olivia on as they sung from the top of their lungs. Matt turns to Ewan, taking the bottle from him, "thanks, babe."
You move to take another bottle, and Ewan grabs it again, "that's also mine." This time, he takes a swig of the alcohol when you turn to him.
You grunt, taking another shot at grabbing one of the last two bottles on the table. Before you could even reach out for it though, Tom grabs the two bottles and you watch as he hands the other to Fabien. They clank it together, then sit next to you, unwittingly triggering your tear ducts.
They were so mean. You flat out begin to sob. Each man on the sofa turns to you.
"It's my birthday!" you whine under your breath, tears streaming your face, "I'm being oppressed."
Tom beside you hears your mewls then panics, "hey, hey, what's wrong?"
Ewan ,on you other side, stiffens turning to you, face falling at the sight of your tears.
You choke on your tears as you whine.
"MATT YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT NOW MATE!" Fabien screams after seeing you.
Matt turns to you, as does the singing Emma and Olivia, as well as Phia who was doing background vocals and Emily and Milly who was recording the whole thing.
"Me?!" Matt calls out with a chuckle, "what did I do," he leans towards you, "what's happened, love?"
You ignore them as Emma makes a beeline for you and grabs your hand, "come on babe, boys suck."
Ewan begins to explain the situation to everyone and Fabien calls out, "you want my beer, baby?"
"What about my beer?" Tom asks.
"S'fine," you mumble as you get in front of the make shift karaoke machine where Olivia then wraps her arms over your shoulders.
"Hey! Why the hostility!" Fabien calls out.
"Because you're ugly mate," Tom sneers, chuckling before he drinks his beer.
Matt says, giggling, "I mean you did make the birthday baby cry."
Fabien's jaw drops, "yeah, yeah, yeah, says the man with no eyebrows."
Tom hollers, throwing his head back in laughter. Ewan snorts under his breath, holding in his laughter.
"Woah, woah, woah," Milly walks over with a camera, "is there a row goin' on 'ere," she points her phone camera to them, "come on," she says in a thick Australian accent, "have at it!"
Fabien exaggeratedly bites his lower lip and flips Milly's cam off.
Meanwhile Phia and Emily are cheering you on as the next song begins to play. The intro has everyone in a frenzy.
You burp as you croak out the first lines of the song, "buHaybe can't you see-- I'm callin'. A guy like you should have a warning, it's dangerous-"
"IM FALLING!" you lot sing out in various keys.
Absolutely feeling yourself with the music, you begin to dance to Britney Spears, doing body rolls against Emma and Olivia.
By the time the chorus hits, you and the girls are dancing and singing to Toxic. You twirl all the way over to the sofa, nearly falling on your way as you tell the yucky boys to join in the festivities.
Yet all it takes is one loud bang on the door to burst everyone's bubble.
"Oh fuck," Emma calls, turning frantically around everyone, shushing them as Emily scrambles to cut the music.
Blissfully unaware of everything, you clumsily continue to dance and hit not one, but two faces (Ewan and Matt's) with your hands.
"Alright, Britney, that's enough of you," Fabien calls, pulling you away from your accidental victims of violence.
"There's something to be said about the fact both of your chins were hit," Milly says under her breath, but both men she was teasing hear her loud and clear, in fact, everyone hears her, which is why Tom wheeze with Phia as Olivia holds back her laughter.
"Oh fuck off," Matt says as Ewan purses his lips and shakes his head.
"At least I can reach the bars in the tube," Ewan rebuts.
"OH! For the jugular!" Emily calls just as Olivia hushes everyone.
Emma comes back with clenched teeth, turning to you, "right, uh... my neighbors say happy birthday, also, shut the fuck up."
#house of the dragon fanfic#house of the dragon rpf#hotd rpf#emma d'arcy fanfic#matt smith fanfic#olivia cooke fanfic#ewan mitchell fanfc#tom glynn-carney fanfic#fabien frankel fanfic#emily carey fanfic#phia saban fanfic#house of the dragon fluff#hotd fluff#im tired this fic makes no sense#emma d'arcy fluff#matt smith fluff#ewan mitchell fluff#tom glynn-carney fluff#fabien frankel fluff#milly alcock fanfic#milly alcock fluff
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10 Second Elder
The Blonde Boys Club
Daemon Targaryen x Sorceress!Reader, Geralt of Rivia & Sister!Reader
Summary: Yeah, so your twin tried to kill Caraxes and now you have to convince his rider, the mother fucking Prince, that it was all a misunderstanding (it was not).
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: THE ONLY INCEST IN THIS IS THE CANON TARGARYEN INCEST ALRD IN HOTD OTHERWISE MISS ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT, fem!reader, witcher!twins, reader is kinda a witcher lol, I describe reader's hair and eye color, crack fic, typos, etc.
A/N: I JUST GOT A BUNCH OF IDEAS FOR THESE BLONDES AND OTHER FICTIONAL BLONDES PLEASE IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS ??? SERIES???? (dont quote me on that, idk what it is) ASKFL:AFHALS:F. AND SHHH whatever plothole you have for the witcher!twins, just, just, roll with it i beg also I'm tagging @lexi-anastasia HI!! i actually thought of this prompt cos of your display pic. IDK IF YOU EVEN LIKE hotd but i hope you like this for the witcher!twins LOL I'm also tagging @avaleineandafryingpan because they reblogged my the blonde boys club post T_T (mahal kita) and of course @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda P2 "Dry Humor"
Geralt had smelt it in the air before anything else. He had his bow in his hand, drawn and ready. His stance was low. The steps he took against the leaf covered ground barely made a sound.
He straightened himself up when he saw an opening and pulled his arrow all the way.
When a gust of wind blew, he inhaled deeply, now certain of his opponent. A dragon.
Geralt inhaled deeply as the beast shifted in the spot it was laying. He saw the saddle on it, scoffing. Suddenly things were clearer as to why a dragon would be out in the open, so exposed. It was also clear that whoever the rider was did not care about how their ride had ravaged the nearby farm and village.
He knew his arrow would barely injure the creature, if it could pierce its skin at all, and yet he shot at its curled neck anyway.
No avail. The thing didn't even flinch.
Geralt purses his lips as he redraws his weapon. The dragon shifts again and this time, Geralt's golden eyes see an opening, quite literally an opening by the rib, just below the saddle.
The sound of the string tensing fills the witcher's ears. He narrows his eyes as he adjusts in his spot to further assess the wound, as well as to properly get an opening.
He notes how the injury was a not new, and yet it was still healing. He tries to listen in on the heartbeat, but even with how large it was, it was still too far for him to hear anything.
He withdraws a bit of tension from his bow, enough for it to still reach the dragon, but only to cause it discomfort, not really to reopen its wound, to rile the beast up enough for it to want to leave with its rider.
Geralt draws in a deep breath and releases it along with his arrow.
The dragon roars and rises from its place once the arrow hits its side.
Dramatic, if you asked him. Geralt was certain it didn't hurt as much as the thing was making it out to be.
As the dragon whined, Geralt unsheathed his blade and surveyed the area, listening in on the rider that would inevitably come next.
He inches closer to the dragon, by its tail, and soon enough he hears quick footsteps and frantic breathing.
When he turns over his shoulder to the source of the sound, the wound tension in his shoulders relaxes a fraction, then tenses again at the shrill whisper-yell.
"What the fuck did you just do?" I demand, throwing the severed head I had in my grip off to the side as I readied my sword in my hand as I went into a defensive stance, "we came for the monster I already slain."
"This thing is the reason why the village burned."
"And you think you can kill it!?"
"No, but its rider will get the message."
I lower my sword, in utter disbelief of what I was hearing, "you think it has a rider?!"
Geralt narrows his eyes, "It has a rider," he corrects, "I shot at its open wound below its saddle."
"THEN YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" I seethe, gritting my teeth, raising my sword again. Geralt watches me as I stalk closer to the dragon. I catch the way he knit his brows, and it makes my eyes twitch, "you don't know what it means."
Geralt nears me and I elbow him to the chest, "motherfucker."
All at once, the dragon is alerted by our presence.
The massive creature stands on its legs and growls at us.
I feel him, the dragon. I feel his regality, his tie to his rider, and his distress over the arrow. He knows it was one of us that caused it. He draws in a deep breath, ready to burn us both, along with the entire forest.
I drop my sword and I raise my hand, speaking in the dragon's tongue, "calm yourself."
Geralt measures my reaction and is unconvinced by both the language I am speaking, and the fact I disarmed myself.
"We mean you no harm, your grace," I call out, slowly walking over to the dragon.
He screeches and shakes his head.
"You think it can understand you?" Geralt grunts, tensing his jaw as he brings his weapon higher.
The dragon does not appreciate this one bit.
"Just because you don't doesn't mean he doesn't," I quip.
Geralt does not care and pulls out an elixir from his pocket, quickly downing it.
"You fucking idiot! We are not-"
All at once, a command is shouted, "DRACARYS!"
Without thinking, before fire could leave his jowls, Geralt shoots chaos, causing the dragon's head to shoot up and his fire to burn above overhead.
"LYKIRI!" I repeat the same High Valyrian command to the dragon. As his head downturns, the flames he breathed ceases.
Before I realize what is happening, I hear a man shout out as he charges, "WITCH!"
Geralt blocks my view of the incoming assaulter as well as his sword that was sword meant to slay me, "Witcher."
Their weapons skid against the other's. They are upon each other, attacking aggressively, as though their lives depended on it. The dragon grows, restless in the background.
"GERALT, STOP!" I scream as my brother's silver hair swooshes in the air, as does his equally blonde opponent's. My stomach drops at the sight of him, at the sight of the man who bore all indications of a Targaryen prince.
They charge at each other, stepping forward and back, metal crashing against metal. And for a moment, the long haired prince' anger gave him the upper hand, but I knew how Geralt was evading him; he was pulling his punches, but not for long.
I decide to divert my attention to the distressed dragon, finally seeing his saddle, and the arrow stuck to his side like a thorn he could not get out.
He does not like the fact I am quickly nearing him and snaps his teeth at me.
"Do not be insolent," I quip in High Valyrian at the creature, lifting my head up to him with his hand, "I am here to help you."
I could feel my pulse quicken as I make my way to his side.
I decide it's enough that he has not yet killed me for getting this close to him.
"Calm yourself, boy," I mutter under my breath, as I reach up to the arrow on his side. The dragon does a clicking noise, and I do not have time whether to debate it is a warning or a cry for help.
Without another thought, I pull out the arrow with a grunt. The beast whines then withdraws a long breath. I turn to him as it cranes it neck to do the same to me I drop the arrow coated with his blood in front of him. I raise my hands, "it is done."
"Shut the fuck up."
So that's his name. Now who would be his rider?
I turn to Geralt, whimpering in annoyance and dread. I watch him dig his knee on the man's back as he pulls his arm behind him, causing him to yelp. Caraxes rises at the sight of his overcome rider, screeching just as the prince pants beneath my brother on the ground.
Geralt makes a face and shuts his eyes when dragon spit splatters on his face. He clenches his jaw and mutters, "lyriki, beast."
"You do not even know what that means," I retort, "and get off him."
"You do understand that the only reason why that thing hasn't killed us is because its rider is under my knee."
"FUCK OFF!" the said rider growls.
Caraxes responds to this with yet another ear piercing cry.
Through all this, I suddenly remember the name I was looking for, "Aemon! Aemon. Caraxes' rider is Aemon."
Geralt makes a face, realizing what I meant, "you're telling me this is Aemon Targaryen?"
"Well, do you see anyone else commanding the dra-"
"CARAXES-" breaks into a yelp.
"We are having a discussion," Geralt leans down as he growls.
"Geralt," I quip tightly, "get off him," I step closer to the both of them, "now."
The black of Geralt's eyes begin to fade once I am directly in front of him. I kneel down on his side and meet the telltale violet of the eyes of the prince. They narrow when they meet the violet hue of my own.
"You must forgive my younger brother for his insolence, my prince," I mutter as I swat Geralt by his thigh.
He rolls his eyes and finally gets of his captive, "ah yes, older sister," he mocks.
"Time is time and blood is blood," I retort as I eye him before helping the prince from where he laid.
"I remember," the Witcher mutters, "High Valyrian. An elective."
I smirk as I turn back at him, "one you did not take."
"Yes," he sighs as he stands, motioning to his side, "language of the dragons."
"Old Valyria," I correct as I help the prince, who was catching his breath, rolls over, "the Tar-
"Targaryen," he says, heaving, as he falls to his back. He reaches his hand out to me. I knit my brows at him as his fingers find my cheek.
Geralt looks down at him with contempt, lips curling in disgust, "watch your fingers, prince, or you might lose them."
I grunt, "I've quite had enough of you," I snap, rising to my feet. "You have been insufferable since we got here-"
"You're one to talk, little girl," Geralt eyes me darkly.
I crane towards his, "you do understand the consequences of-" I cut myself off when the prince stands to his feet. I change languages, "he is the prince of the seven kingdoms, heir to the throne."
"You whisper this to me as if I have ever cared, sister," he replies in Elder Speech.
"You should," Aemon responds as he looks between us.
We turn to him.
"You know Elder Speech?" I question, narrowing my brows.
He smirks at me, as he brushes his shoulder off, "an elective," he offers, "though I admit I only understood the word prince and guessed what you were saying." He tilts his head, "it seems my intuition has not failed me yet."
Geralt hums deeply and steps forward, "but it did when you misjudged me and allowed me an opening to strike you."
Aemon lifts his gaze upon my brother, whatever smirk that was on his face fades away.
"Enough!" I grunt, pushing them away with chaos.
A gush of wind rips between them.
My brother, who is used to it, steps back once, but the prince reels back and falls to his hind. I quickly extend my hand out to him and flash a guilty look, "apologies."
He looks at me for a moment before taking my hand, "Daemon."
I pull him up as he repeats, "Prince Daemon, son of Prince Baelon, brother of Prince Aemon."
"Ah," I nod as I pull away from him. He steps forward when I do and watches me as I respond, "you are Aemon's nephew. His second rider. I will do well to remember, Prince Daemon."
"Indeed," he mutters with a soft smile.
I am pulled back by my arm and wind up crashing against Geralt's armor.
I look up at him he roughly swats the white streaks of my black hair away from my face that consequently was flying up to his because of the wind. He warns me in Nilfgaardian, "focus."
"Do not speak to me as though it is you who has a plan to get us out of this mess," I quip back in the same tongue.
"It would be easy to kill him and make it look like an accident."
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"So, you are a witch," Daemon cuts in, making both of us turn to him.
"Sorceress," I correct as I pull away from my brother.
"And what house do you belong to?" the prince asks, tenting his hands before him.
Just then, the dragon who we seemed to have forgotten, makes himself known and cries out to his master.
Daemon raises a dismissive hand and swats his away, sparing him only a second's glace. My brother and I watch as Caraxes huffs and rolls into himself, closing his eyes without another care.
"Kaer Morhen," I say, although questioningly, as I turn to my brother, "perhaps for me, I suppose, Aretuza."
"But Vesemir gave you your name as well."
"Yes, well, in that case, I do su-"
"And who are your parents?" Daemon interjects, tone less curious, and more impatient.
"Now that is the question indeed," Geralt grunts, then once again when I elbow him roughly.
"He's being serious."
"I know he's being serious, look at him."
"Why do you ask, prince?" I shake my head, stepping towards the said man.
Daemon examines me intently, so much so that, had I not been used to such scrutiny, I would have broken eye contact in discomfort. "Your eyes," he trails off as he peers down upon me, "are Targaryen's."
"Ah," my jaw drops. I find a chuckle leave me. "Much like his white hair is," I say, pointing to Geralt. I snort and slap a hand on his arm, "brother, you never told me we were secretly royalty."
He hums, nostrils flaring, "slipped my mind."
I chuckle to myself as I turn back to the prince. I watch as his jaw clenches and will my amusement to evaporate with my sigh, "tis not royalty that made our features so, prince Daemon, but the cruelty of magic. My own hair burns with white streaks because of his," I say.
"And what good is that knowledge to him?" Geralt makes a face as he turns to me.
"Well," I turn back to him, "he asked, did he not?"
"He did not ask you about your hair, any more than his dragon did."
"This is exactly why you have no friends."
"And you say that as though it is a bad thing."
"And you two are blood siblings?" Daemon cuts yet again.
We turn to him.
A moment passes.
The insinuation of the idea we could be anything else with our dynamic brings the familiar shiver down our spines.
"It gets no less revolting through time," Geralt mutters, "much less, knowing the traditions of his house."
I ignore his comment as I clear my throat, "twins, your grace, and I the el-."
Daemon ignores me, averting his attention to Geralt now, "you mention the traditions my house, and yet it seems you are unaware of how it is in my nature to seek satisfaction."
"Hmm," Geralt's brows quirk, "I would too, if my arse got handed to me."
I step in between them before Daemon could lunge. Because of this, I am trapped between the chests of the two hot headed blondes.
"Move," Geralt warns me, although his eyes do not leave Daemon.
"My prince," I ignore him, grabbing onto the fabric Daemon's arms, "you must forgive my baby brother."
Daemon dryly scoffs, eyes not leaving Geralt, "he'll have to get on his knees, my dear."
"You mean my soft belly-"
I shut him up with a gesture and heave, "it is a misunderstanding that we find ourselves in."
Daemon watches as Geralt struggles; he is unable to open his lips.
The prince's eyes finally turn back to me, they glimmer with mischief, "a misunderstanding, you say."
"I should like to treat you to a pint, if you would allow me the honor, so that I may... explain our predicament," I offer a soft smile. I feel my brother move from behind me, and so I shove him away with chaos, lest he shove me away to batter the prince in silence.
Daemon watches as Geralt propels back and hits a tree. By then, my incantation is lifted and so a string of curses leave his lips.
"That depends on whether or not your twin will be joining us."
"If you would prefer only one of us to drink with you, then I shall make it happen."
"Like hell, you would!"
"Then I will hear your explanation for this terrible altercation."
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