#im fineimfine
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wwhat do i do after a post gets kinda popular uhhh hi
#cosmicjart#chonny jash#chonnyjash#fineimfine#cj fine im fine#tvau#i still don't know what i'm doing#yonkagor#linger in the rain
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.04 ‘...The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding’ | 2.07 ‘I Could Not Prevent It’
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Discord pt 99
[Date: 20/03, 06:01 AM GMT - 20/03, 07:15 AM GMT]
[CW for minor/background character death, transphobia mention]
[Read Fetch's recent asks for context]
Little-K1ng: “hey guys im home!! is fetch here yet?? how did everything go??
...haha are you guys even still awake :)”
Maxwell: “yeah
god/dreaming crying: “im awake”
Maxwell: “shit went down....again....”
Little-K1ng: “oh of course, hope it wasnt too bad
are you guys at least okay?”
Maxwell: “so...fetch isnt coming tonight...”
Little-K1ng: “...oh
uh!! well!!! just another day to make sure... make sure everythings right for him coming back”
Maxwell: “his headache got worse”
Little-K1ng: “oh no poor thing :(”
Maxwell: “and i think he got really bad sensory overload”
Little-K1ng: “oh no !!!!!
did you have him do his anxiety exercise?”
Maxwell: “so he hid in the bathroom when....knight starting talking through the blog to us”
Little-K1ng: “oh dear”
Maxwell: “he was upset that fetch kept "barking"
cause he was upset and in pain”
Little-K1ng: “huh... internal arguing? thats interesting
"upset and in pain" wonder how that happened knight”
Maxwell: “we all tried to help him but he just kept getting madder and madder until...
he got pissed at knight”
Little-K1ng: “did he yell at you?”
Maxwell: “and wanted to scare him somehow to get him to be quiet i guess”
Little-K1ng: “oh? thats weird”
Maxwell: “we thought maybe he'd say something but then someone knocked on the bathroom door apparentally”
Little-K1ng: “you're shaking, max, do you want a hug?”
Maxwell: “ah....maybe in a bit”
Little-K1ng: “im sure it was scary watching fetch get angry like that :(”
Maxwell: “he....he said the person opened the door and there wasnt anything on the blog from fetch or knight for a couple minutes”
Little-K1ng: “.....”
Maxwell: “till fetch answered an ask asking if they were alright....he said it was warm
he...said there was a lot of red”
Little-K1ng: “..........uh.... i...
....i ....... dont follow”
Maxwell: “lawerence is gone now”
Little-K1ng: “what.?
Maxwell: “one of the gas station employees
it wasnt crown”
Little-K1ng: “it....
??? im”
Maxwell: “fetch....he...ripped his throat out (gore warning)”
Little-K1ng: “..............................................................................................i....................
i dont........
............i dont know..................... what to say.. to that”
Maxwell: “he didnt realize what he was doing”
Little-K1ng: “i dont think he did”
Maxwell: “when he did he panicked and started crying
its why he didnt come home
he...thought I was scared of him...”
Little-K1ng: “thats...
Maxwell: “i wasnt...but he didnt believe me”
Little-K1ng: “of course he wouldnt, max
do you know where he is now?”
Maxwell: “knight was still there and he was being kind of condescending”
Little-K1ng: “i have to go get him whether he likes it or not, he must be terrified”
Maxwell: “i dont know...im assuming he left the gas station but I dont know where”
Little-K1ng: “fuckkkk”
Maxwell: “last i heard from him
i...called him my brother....and he said he wanted to come back but knight wouldnt let him”
Little-K1ng: “oh max....
....thats........ thats really sweet”
Maxwell: “.....i wasnt lying....”
Little-K1ng: “i dont think you were, max
i know he wants to come back. im gonna go get him first chance i see where he is
i wont hurt him, i wont force him, but knowing he wants to come home is the only confirmation i need
i just-..... fuck, dude........
he really.... fucking killed someone”
Maxwell: “yeah...I guess none of us really expected that to happen”
Little-K1ng: “just like that....”
Maxwell: “he hasnt been in the best state of mind though
I know I haven't....”
Little-K1ng: “not to cool motive still murder at him but, running around drenched in blood as a hybrid in this type of neighborhood isnt. exactly a good look. and not too many folks are gonna take "i was upset" as an answer”
Maxwell: “yeah...i wish i knew where he was...”
Little-K1ng: “i should- i should wake up marcus-... does marcus know?”
Maxwell: “no though im surprised marcus didnt wake up when i started crying
i...cried a lot when he said he was scared to come home”
Little-K1ng: “oh max..... that hug is still on the table?”
Maxwell: “yes please”
Little-K1ng: “uwu;;”
Maxwell: “thanks mona...”
Little-K1ng: “anytime
!! and i mean that”
Maxwell: “i know you do, ha
now how to we wake the shithead....”
Little-K1ng: “ah, cold water
maybe sit on him
dip his hand in warm water prank?”
Maxwell: “jump on his stomach”
Little-K1ng: “something light hearted
and sibling-like ;)))”
Maxwell: “we could slap em”
Little-K1ng: “forgive me if im in like, way too good a mood. just coping with shock i guess”
Maxwell: “nah its fair...”
Little-K1ng: “hard to believe its real, ill try to contact his blog again
damn, that ask i sent without actually checking mustve been uh, Not The Vibe”
Maxwell: “....im gonna hit marcus with a pillow”
Little-K1ng: “yes please”
Maxwell: “not really he answered it saying he was sorry
Marcus: “ow”
Maxwell: “we need to talk”
Marcus: “dude
what the fuuuck”
Maxwell: “important talk time
wake up”
Marcus: “Is fetch here?”
Maxwell: “so, fetch aint coming home tonight...”
Marcus: “What’s going on?”
Little-K1ng: “hey marcus...
im.... home....”
Marcus: “.....hi
..whats going on?”
Maxwell: “he left the gas station after knight started trying to take control with as we know suffocates him and he got bad sensory overload and then he--”
Little-K1ng: “max, do you want to keep going?”
Marcus: “Why do I feel like I’m in trouble you both look....off”
Little-K1ng: “you dont have to”
Maxwell: “no no im good just one second please....”
Little-K1ng: “take a few breaths, its alright”
Marcus: “.........”
Little-K1ng: “ive got you, ill hold you dont worry”
Maxwell: “Okay....fetch...killed one of the employees...Lawrence”
Marcus: “.....he...
Little-K1ng: “im so sorry marcus...”
Maxwell: “he wasnt himself...he was talking through his blog to us as himself but knight was too....”
Little-K1ng: “ill give you a bit to process... the shock hasnt actually worn off for me yet..”
Marcus: “....fetch
Maxwell: “he kept switching back and forth between the too and lawrence came into the bathroom when he was pissed and fetch wanted to get knight to shut up...
so he tried to scare knight....not realizing hed gone too far...”
Marcus: “........”
Maxwell: “when he snapped out of it he had no memory of what hed just done and he was panicking and...crying....”
Marcus: “...I don’t... I don’t like this
Please tell me this is a joke”
Maxwell: “he said he didnt wanna come back home because he thought I was scared of him...”
Marcus: “Please pleasepleasepleaseplease”
Little-K1ng: “im checking his blog right now...... and uh.....
yeah no.. its not a joke
its a fucking horrorshow”
Marcus: “no no nonononononononono”
Little-K1ng: “marcus, do you want a hug also? or do you not want touched”
Marcus: “stop please stop stopstop”
Little-K1ng: “its a lot to take in...”
Maxwell: “i tried to get him to come home....i called him my brother....”
Little-K1ng: “im having so much trouble convincing myself its real”
Maxwell: “but...knight wouldnt let him”
Marcus: “no it’s not it’s not it’s not it didn’t happen nonononono”
Little-K1ng: “i havent even. caught up to the part where im supposed to be upset or angry. i just. i just want him home and safe and warm where i can see him i just..”
Maxwell: “he had control over the two of them...but fetch got control bacck and left but I dont know where im sorry”
Marcus: “it didn’t no nonono”
Little-K1ng: “i-..im going to sit down next to you marcus, but dont worry, i wont invade your space im just worried i might faint”
Marcus: “nothing happened everything’s okayokayokay it’s okay it’s fine everything’s fine”
Little-K1ng: “thats alright marcus, its okay. denial is okay for a while”
Maxwell: “putain
mona look”
Little-K1ng: “it helps it set in better as a gentle present
Maxwell: “flowers....”
Marcus: “everythings fine it’s fine it’s fine finefinefine”
Little-K1ng: “o-oh...
oh marcus.....”
Marcus: “its fine
everything’s okay”
Little-K1ng: “marcus... loosen the grip on your hair, okay? you're gonna pull too hard
you might yank some of the flowers-”
Marcus: “no nononono
Maxwell: “Ah putain putain putain!”
Little-K1ng: “marcus, please-
please give me your hands, if you can, i dont want you to hurt yourself,”
Marcus: “everything’s fine everything’s going to be okay it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay”
Little-K1ng: “exactly”
Maxwell: “marcus please”
Little-K1ng: “shhh sh sh sh just stop pulling your hair, just calm down, deep breaths”
Marcus: “its..it’s okay it’s fine
nothing happened it’s fine”
Little-K1ng: “marcus-
its okay to say nothing happened but... you have to come to terms with it at some point. i just want to know you're okay”
Marcus: “im fineimfine”
Little-K1ng: “you're fine, marcus
you're fine, i promise”
Marcus: “im..fine
...im fine”
Maxwell: “you aint”
Marcus: “..I’m.....im fine
I’m fine :)”
Maxwell: “youre not”
Marcus: “I’m ⎎⟟⋏⟒”
Maxwell: “NO”
Marcus: “-!
Little-K1ng: “WHAT
let me not
let me not yell
nnnnnoooooOO okay okay”
Marcus: “....”
Little-K1ng: “vwoop vwoop dont do that”
marcus...?: “...”
Maxwell: “No....”
marcus...?: “..I..”
Maxwell: “please no....”
Little-K1ng: “marcus...?”
marcus...?: “.....
Little-K1ng: “are you...... is that like... "you"?
are you sure you're still marcus? i wont be mad
you tend to just kind of.... accept it”
marcus...?: “I’m...
Little-K1ng: “you can think about it if you want
ill call you by whoever you are”
marcus...?: “....”
Little-K1ng: “your flowers are blooming and i dont know if that....... blurred the lines? or if "you" have bloomed”
marcus...?: “...I don’t know
I hate not knowing”
Maxwell: “that's okay...i didnt know for the longest time...
not like my family tried to help....”
marcus...?: “...what are they?”
Maxwell: “the flowers...?”
Little-K1ng: “they're pretty... they suit you.. at a glance, i think they're hyacinths? and... rhododendrons? huh”
Maxwell: “theyre Purple hyacinths and rhododendrons”
Little-K1ng: “yeah
do you want a mirror?”
marcus...?: “...heh
...that’d be nice”
Little-K1ng: “here you go”
marcus...?: “....oh
Little-K1ng: “yeah! purple and gold is a good look”
marcus...?: “Red too”
Little-K1ng: “im........... sorry about the other night. i realized while i was at work today what i had actually said
i didnt mean it”
marcus...?: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i didnt mean to make you feel like viscount was less you than you are”
marcus...?: “......
...I don’t...want to be sad anymore
...I forgive you Mona
......sorry about this whole mess”
Little-K1ng: “that..... i dont deserve that, but ill take it
dont be...”
Maxwell: “anyone else still having slight headaches?”
marcus...?: “It’s..kind of my fault that we’re here”
Maxwell: “its not man..”
marcus...?: “...it is
I was...
I wanted to stay”
Little-K1ng: “it wasnt your fault. i left the doors open, maxwell gave himself up, fetch uh. we'll skip that one”
marcus...?: “But I got scared when...page..took off his circlet”
Little-K1ng: “when we're all to blame theres enough to go around, dont hurt yourself carrying it all”
marcus...?: “I didn’t want to leave”
Maxwell: “you helped me get away and im thankful for that”
[Maxwell: “anyone else still having slight headaches?”]
Little-K1ng: “i mean always”
marcus...?: “but you were so unhappy
And...and crown said that if you ever wanted to leave, you could
He said that
But he didn’t want to let page max leave”
Little-K1ng: “he said you could leave? he might be banking on no one wanting to, which is..... surprisingly childish”
Maxwell: “thats why im confused why not just let me go...”
Little-K1ng: “almost adorable, frankly”
Maxwell: “im just a kid
not really”
marcus...?: “........he”
Maxwell: “im not a kid but im young”
marcus...?: “None of us
Before Max and fetch...
None of us...wanted to leave
We all went...for reasons
...I don’t like being marcus”
Maxwell: “.....”
Little-K1ng: “...you dont have to be”
marcus...?: “......”
Little-K1ng: “you can be viscount and still stay here, i wont hurt you”
marcus...?: “..........”
Maxwell: “yeah”
marcus...?: “...what about...knight fetch”
Little-K1ng: “i... they need to figure out what actually makes them happy. for that, they're gonna need time to work that out if crown wants anything lasting. but either way, neither one is gonna hold it against you”
marcus...?: “......”
Maxwell: “yeah
i know i would prefer to stay as max because....
page reminds me of who I was before I was myself....who I truly was
when i was kid who didnt know anything”
Little-K1ng: “so... page makes you feel... helpless?
Maxwell: “yeah
hes who i was before
who i am to my family
accept my family sees me as a 'she' even if I've told them im not....”
Little-K1ng: “oh ew
have no fear max, you're you. no matter what they say
same goes to you”
Maxwell: “...i....
you know how im part rat?
but dont fully look like one?”
Little-K1ng: “yeah?
Maxwell: “like fetch kids loved the make fun of me for how i looked....my grandmother gave me a necklace when I was about 10 then helped hide those features....
made my ears more human like, pointy but easier to hide
and....got rid of the other stuff
im not supposed to wear it for more than 2 weeks but i've been wearing it ever since crown took me”
Little-K1ng: “oh no is that.... like.... unhealthy??
i dont usually have to do anything to h-.... well
yknow, like i wouldnt know”
Maxwell: “.....
i hadnt taken it off cause i got so used to wearing it
and uh....didnt know what you would do”
Little-K1ng: “....do you want to take it off?”
Maxwell: “kids used to pull on my ears and yell in em
Little-K1ng: “honestly”
Maxwell: “yeah....my ears have been hurting because in order to hide em it squishes em”
Little-K1ng: “do you........ want us to turn around first?”
marcus...?: “We don’t have to look if you don’t want us to”
Maxwell: “perhaps it takes a second to set in and it might be helpful if you do...”
Little-K1ng: “i can chat with marcus while it... wears off i guess?
wait, marcus uh? viscount?
marcus...?: “...I don’t know”
Little-K1ng: “ill wait for confirmation on that
but uh
are you...... feeling okay?
better, at least?
i can get you some water”
marcus...?: “...I’m..yeah
....I’m alright”
[The rest of the conversation is speculation about whether Mona truly is “the fourth” member, as well as what kind of personality her court version would have. There’s only one day left before Spring is supposed to arrive, and the court members return “home”, so there’s still a possibility that Fetch might return before then]
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