#im finally paying dividends on that
bluegiragi · 3 months
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reward (part 1)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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thewertsearch · 2 months
AA: is it coming back yet TA: is WHAT c0ming back, wh0 ARE y0u? TA: wh0a h0ld 0n. TA: why am i talking like y0u suddenly?
Blankness isn't always a bad thing.
Unlike Aradia's ghostly depression, Sollux's emptiness will come as something of a relief, because it means his head is finally free of voices.
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What's up, Jade? I guess you are the most likely human to be sleeping at any given time.
Feferi's Horrorterror alliance is really starting to pay dividends. Now that Jade's joined the party, the humans can finally consult with the living Aradia, who's regained her will to help. She's been dropping hints about what she knows for a long time, and she has to be ready to spill by now.
In short: It's time to hear from the only troll who actually knows what's going on.
TA: h0ly shit, i can't see! AA: yes thats what being blind means TA: w0w, awes0me! way t0 be awes0mely sympathetic t00 my terrible new pr0blem, aa. AA: sollux will you shut up and stop being so tragic for once AA: you knew this was going to happen! your prophecies of personal doom were practically all you ever talked about AA: i think you were looking forward to this honestly [Robo] AA: shes right TA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if i'm getting… TA: D0UBLE TEAMED.
These two are playing off each other extremely well.
You can really see the cute couple that they'd have made in life - and perhaps in death, too, since Sollux is destined to die again. Either way, he and Aradia will be seeing a lot of each other.
TA: that didn't feel right at all, i think i might have t0 retire the wh0le bifurcati0n gimmick, puns and all. TA: actually that is kind 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.
Those visions were really fucking with his head, I think, moreso than he ever let on. Getting KOed by a Hope laser might have been the best thing that ever happened to him.
So, uh.... I guess, thank you, Eridan?
AA: great! AA: you should be able to relax now that youve been released from the curse of your vision twofold just like you said youd be AA: you are now merely doomed!
TA: i'm g0ing t0 die again, aren't i.
AA: see you soon ;)
[Robo] AA: being d00med isnt that bad [Robo] AA: i spent m0st 0f my life that way remember […] [Robo] AA: actually i guess i dont have to keep talking like im doomed anymore do i
You deserve to cheer up a little, so I'm glad you're also letting go of the 'doomed' schtick.
This afterlife seems like a pretty sweet deal, especially for a Time Player. You retain your personhood, you can reunite with your co-Players, and for the first time since the meteors hit, you're not on the clock.
Side note - if the Aradiabots were using the zeroes because they were timeline-doomed, why was Alpha Aradia using it? Did she just feel inescapably doomed? I guess that tracks.
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sorry to AT post on my YGO blog but im finally watching it all the way through because F&C was so good and it’s so funny revisiting these episodes i watched as a teen and knowing ice king would pay the greatest dividends on any character i ever invested my villain-pity into
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presidentkamala · 2 years
Ok 2022 wrap up. First the good:
* killed it at work and on schedule for a huge jump in salary in january 2023
* finally let go of the worst years of my life by *gasp* leaning in2 and committing to my present self???
*moved to a banging new apartment WITH kitchen island
*volunteered for midterm campaigns
*went to chicago, cincinnati, honolulu and st. louis
*READ like 80% more this year than last year (the bar was the like 2 books i picked at and didnt finish last year but still improvement)
*more consistent with skincare routine
*hit 50k in my one savings acct in accordance w financial goals
*didnt learn a new language, instrument, to code, pottery, or anything. Was grinding at work and not much else
*health took a backseat: too much doordash no fitness plan or even much activity
*didnt make any new friends
*stagnated in other areas. No volunteering for causes i care abt or even at community garden. mUST CHANGE THIS IN 2023
*struggled to stay consistent with much of anything. Scatterbrained for most of the year
*lost all muscle tone due to nothing other than lack of care
*no motivation. No real direction. No real sense or vision of the future i want and am working towards. No effort in the places where it counted
*phone and screen addiction. BIG TIME. losing hrs to this that i should be using to get out there and meet ppl and actually improve my quality of life LOL.
*deep-seated suspicion that im not well-liked at work bore out late this year. Not super pleased since that's been my main focus. Probably connected to this other stuff.
*loss of basic intellectual curiosity. In complete survival mode for the first 8 months of the year. Self is almost unrecognizable in many ways.
I've spent the month of december devoting myself to prepping for the big three resolutions that i feel will have the biggest impact on my immediate health and wellbeing. I did a recipe plan for every day of december and gave myself a zero doordash/restaurant rule but no other real restrictions on what recipes i make and that's gone super well in terms of re-integrating cooking regularly back into my life and even enjoying it! I think in february im going to start paying more attention to making sure im incorporating the plate method to ensure im getting the right proportion of protein veg and carbs into my diet but for now its all about finding recipes that taste good and that i can sustainably replicate etc. I've been doing a lot to make sure im brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine at least every morning so im going to start bumping up my evening care in January as well. I also downloaded the none2run app to get me up to a 5k which at least lays out the calendar of what i need to do and im on week 2?? I think of the beginner exercises before starting the runs in earnest. I've deep cleaned my apartment and kitchen and have been regularly washing my clothes and doing the dishes instead of letting it all pile up. All of these changes in routine have been gradual over the last 5 weeks or so but its already paying dividends and i love the idea of prepping for resolutions and planning them out so i don't lose track as the year progresses:
*Journal at least once a week (minimum 52 entries by this time next year)
*Develop nourishing recipes you actually enjoy and can replicate. Limit restaurants to once a week (non-holiday) or 3 times a week (with holidays)
*complete none2run 5k.
*sign back up for barre classes at least once a week (non-travel)
*on work travel, complete youtube pilates vid at least twice a week
*this is the year to tackle skin texture and pores. Set up derm appt in January
*complete liftoff program for beginner weightlifting beginning in June.
*volunteer for minimum 2 hrs each week. For anything.
*volunteer for dems at least once this year.
*take one extra-curricular class
*check in quarterly on goals
*take one international trip
2023: We are being specific and intentional!!!!!
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fipindustries · 4 months
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the subplot with min is the only reason im reading this comic and its finally paying dividends
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hustlerbo · 3 years
What is good debt?
There are 3 ways you can leverage your assets to borrow against them:
🏠 Borrow against your property
📰 Borrow against your life insurance
📈 Borrow against your stock holdings
Why would you do it?
All three provide opportunities you can’t get elsewhere 👇🏻
Im not big on owing someone something. But I can’t ignore math.
I decided to finally try one: borrowing against my stock holdings.
This debt is good debt because you have the collateral, and can leverage a great interest rate because of that for further gain. 👇🏻
I have an account with M1Finance that allows me to borrow up to 35% of my account value at 2% interest.
That’s a really good rate!
And instead of selling my holdings to generate cash, I can leave them alone and borrow, allowing them to grow while I still use the cash 👇🏻
My M1Finance account has about $12,000 in it, so I can borrow about $4100.
The risk you run with doing this with stocks is getting a margin call — if the value of your stocks drop below a certain level the brokerage issues a margin call requiring you to add more money. 👇🏻
OR they can sell your shares.
This keeps them safe.
You don’t want them to sell your holdings as it would be locking in losses at lower levels.
I’m only borrowing $1500. That means my account would have to drop by almost $10k to get a margin call (unlikely) 👇🏻
What could you do with this money?
-Use it to pay off higher interest debt.
If your credit card debt was 18%, using this debt at 2% allows you to pay that off saving you 16% AND letting your stocks keep growing.
Another option is to use it to fund other investments 👇🏻
I’m using it to fund other investments.
I’m trying arbitrage, investing it in $RYLD and $QYLD paying dividends around 10% annually.
I’ll use the monthly dividend payments to pay the interest due, and pocket the rest.
It’s been a fun lesson in how debt can be an asset 👇🏻
I was able to borrow the money in about 2 minutes.
I didn’t have to go into an office.
There was no long credit check or negotiation.
I just clicked a few buttons and the money was mine.
There’s a power in that 👇🏻
This is how the rich stay rich.
They borrow without interrupting their asset growth, and can often write off the interest (the interest payments are technically a tax write off).
It was important for me to learn not all debt is bad, and you can leverage it to your advantage 👇🏻
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If you enjoyed this thread and are interested in the idea with stocks, check out M1Finance via my referral link for $50
Their plus version allows the 2% rate, and their unique pie feature lets you build your own “index funds” without the fees.
The disclaimers:
-I have an emergency fund and can repay these margin loans immediately if needed.
-I’ve borrowed a very small % of my overall portfolio.
-I’ve done my own research (and so should you ALWAYS)
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Want Tax Cuts
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-want-tax-cuts/
Why Do Republicans Want Tax Cuts
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Treasury Says State Tax Cuts Ok If Separated From Virus Aid
Americans Hate The Idea Of Corporate Tax Cuts So Why Do They Keep Voting Republican?
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Responding to concerns from state officials, the U.S. Treasury Department said Wednesday that states can cut taxes without penalty under a new federal pandemic relief law so long as they use their own funds to offset those cuts.
Republican governors, lawmakers and attorneys general have expressed apprehension about a provision in the wide-ranging relief act signed by President Joe Biden that prohibits states from using $195 billion of federal aid to either directly or indirectly offset a reduction in net tax revenue. The restriction could apply through 2024.
A treasury spokesperson told The Associated Press that the provision isnt meant as a blanket prohibition on tax cuts. States can still offset tax reductions through other means.
We should not let federal restrictions weigh in on that direction were going as a state, Hutchinson said.
Why Do The Dc Republicans Have Any Credibility
President Biden has introduced his American Jobs Plan which will fund investments in our people and our infrastructure with higher taxes on corporations and individuals who make over $400,000.00 per year. S&P predicts that Bidens infrastructure plan will create 2.3 million jobs by 2024, inject $5.7 trillion into the economy which would be 10 times what was lost during the recession and raise per-capita income by $2,400, Axios reported.
This should come as no surprise to anybody but the sabotage minded D.C. Republicans have come out in opposition to Bidens plan. One of the key talking points from the right is that the proposed tax increases would be job killers. Senator Susan Collins alleged that the proposed 28% corporate tax rate would cause the loss of jobs. Not to be outdone in the pessimism sweepstakes, Senator Tim Scott in the GOP response to President Bidens address to members of Congress last week contended that the plan contains: The biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation.
Now what I find interesting is that the GOP has been erroneously prognosticating that tax increases on the rich would hurt the economy since way back in 1993. Its like Collins and Scott simply cut and pasted GOP talking points from the Clinton and Obama years. Lets take a little trip down memory lane and see how previous D.C. Republican predictions of doom and gloom played out.
Gop Must Stop Believing In Magic
Im not making a plea for larger government just a plea for economic sanity.;If Congress in its all-seeing wisdom wants to spend $700 billion on the military, billions of dollars on farm subsidies;and so on,;it must either raise enough money in taxes to pay for the programs it authorizes or reduce the size of government.;
Instead, although Republicans controlled the White House, the Senate;and the House from 2017 to 2019, they;chose not to make any substantial cuts to government programs that would balance the revenue lost by their;series of massive unfunded tax cuts.
Unquestioning;and unsubstantiated;belief in the magical power of tax cuts isnt a viable economic policy. The;GOP is putting America on an unsustainable path that is disastrous both for;its;fiscal future and for the hopes of people trying to get ahead.;
Steven Strauss;is a lecturer and;visiting professor at;Princeton University’s;Woodrow Wilson School;of Public and International Affairs, an economic development specialist and a member of USA TODAYs Board of Contributors. Follow him Twitter:;
Also Check: Did Trump Say Republicans Are Stupid
Republicans View 2017 Tax Law The Way Democrats View Obamacare: As A Signature Achievement They Will Fight To Keep
Republicans have taken an aggressive approach to President Bidens plans to finance his roughly $6trillion agenda: Dont mess with their 2017 tax cuts.
Even before Biden formally unveiled his plans, Republicans sent a message that they consider the 2017 law that slashed personal and corporate tax rates as a sacrosanct measure that theyve no intention of gutting.
Sen. Roger Wicker explained this ethos in unusually blunt fashion when he returned to the Capitol on April12 after Biden met with a small bipartisan group of lawmakers involved in infrastructure issues, telling the group he was targeting the very taxes that Republicans slashed four years ago.
Clearly there are parts of his program that are non-starters for Republicans. The pay-for, I view the pay-for as a problem, Wicker told reporters in the Capitol after that meeting. I view the 2017 tax bill as one of my signature achievements in my entire career.
In many ways, Wicker signaled to Biden that Republicans view the 2017 law in the same manner that Democrats regard the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act: a signature achievement of domestic policy that they will defend in every way possible.
The two laws obviously had very different goals and very different results, one trying to provide health insurance for millions of uninsured Americans and the other reducing taxes on corporations and the wealthy.
Why Do Republicans Oppose Extending The Payroll Tax Cut
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NYT reports that many Republicans are opposed to extending the payroll tax cut proposed by the Obama administration.
The payroll tax cut affects SS and Medicare contributions that employers deduct from their workers paychecks. It would mostly benefit low and middle-income Americans.
Many of the Republicans who oppose extending the tax cut have demanded an extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Why do you think Republicans support extending tax cuts for wealthy Americans while opposing the extension of tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans?
Recommended Reading: Gop Lapel Pin
Gop Lawmakers’ Education Spending Bump Buys Down Property Taxes
Republicans on Thursday also unveiled a plan to increase state support for public schools. The plan increases state money paid to schools, but doesn’t increase the amount of money schools will have to work with, because it simply replaces school funding previously provided;through property taxes with funding from the state.
Under the plan, the state would:
Buy down property taxes that fund schools by increasing;state general school aid funding by $408 million over two years.
Provide $167 million to replace property tax funding sent to charter schools associated with the City of Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and UW-Parkside.
Spend $72 million on buying down property taxes directed to;the Wisconsin Technical College System.
Overall, the plan would cost $647 million over two years.;
The proposed spending plan is a sizable state spending increase;from the education plan approved by the Republican-controlled budget committee last month, which would have spent $1.4 billion less than Evers proposed on K-12 schools. That;Republican plan spurred concerns from the U.S. Department of Education, which said it could mean the state would fall short of federal requirements for Wisconsin to receive $2.3 billion in school aid under the two most recent coronavirus aid packages.;
According to the Legislatures nonpartisan budget office,;the new school funding proposed Thursday would bring Wisconsin into compliance with the federal requirements to receive the aid.;
An Exhaustive Lobbying Campaign
Almost immediately after Mr. Trump signed the bill, companies and their lobbyists including G.E.s Mr. Brown began a full-court pressure campaign to try to shield themselves from the BEAT and GILTI.
The Treasury Department had to figure out how to carry out the hastily written law, which lacked crucial details.
Chip Harter was the Treasury official in charge of writing the rules for the BEAT and GILTI. He had spent decades at PwC and the law firm Baker McKenzie, counseling companies on the same sorts of tax-avoidance arrangements that the new law was supposed to discourage.
Starting in January 2018, he and his colleagues found themselves in nonstop meetings roughly 10 a week at times with lobbyists for companies and industry groups.
The Organization for International Investment a powerful trade group for foreign multinationals like the Swiss food company Nestlé and the Dutch chemical maker LyondellBasell objected to a Treasury proposal that would have prevented companies from using a complex currency-accounting maneuver to avoid the BEAT.
The groups lobbyists were from PwC and Baker McKenzie, Mr. Harters former firms, according to public lobbying disclosures. One of them, Pam Olson, was the top Treasury tax official in the George W. Bush administration.
This month, the Treasury issued the final version of some of the BEAT regulations. The Organization for International Investment got what it wanted.
Recommended Reading: Snopes Trump Republican Dumb
Csb Bancorp Inc Declares Third Quarter Cash Dividend
But together, Biggs said he’s not sure how well it works. “Those people who do save more than $2,400 may take that figure as a cap and reduce their saving, even if they could benefit from the Roth treatment,” he said. “Moreover, if bosses or human resource managers who decide whether a firm sponsors a plan don’t like the cap, they may be less willing to have a 401 for their employees.”
Money For Roads And Schools
Republican On Why You Don’t Deserve Tax Cuts
The bigger question for Democrats and think tanks like Policy Matters Ohio is whether income tax cuts would be better spent on state services.;
The Senate plan would cut $874 million from Ohio’s budget.;
That’s money Senate Minority Leader Kenny Yuko, D-Richmond Heights,;would rather see spent funding public schools, repairing roads, fixing lead pipes and;increasing internet access in underserved communities.;
“Making our middle class stronger is crucial for a robust economic recovery. However, the majoritys proposed tax cuts will not achieve that goal,” Yuko said in a statement. “For almost 20 years, the General Assembly has prioritized income tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthy, instead of policies that support workers and families.”
Anna Staver is a reporter for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.
Don’t Miss: Republican Presidential Candidates Summary
Democrats Hope To Undo Many Trump Tax Cuts To Fund Biden’s $35 Trillion Budget Plan
Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has proposed rolling back much of the 2017 GOP tax cuts to help pay for President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social spending plan.hide caption
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Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has proposed rolling back much of the 2017 GOP tax cuts to help pay for President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social spending plan.
Democrats hope to unwind many of the tax cuts Republicans enacted under former President Donald Trump as a way to pay for the majority of the $3.5 trillion spending bill currently under consideration in Congress.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., released details Monday of a plan that includes increasing the top corporate tax rate to 26.5%, up from the current rate of 21%, and restoring the top rate to 39.6% for individuals earning more than $400,000 and married couples earning over $450,000.
The changes are part of the tricky balancing act plaguing Democrats’ efforts to approve the bulk of President Biden’s domestic agenda. Leaders are attempting to prove to skeptics within their own party it is possible to finance a vast expansion of federal spending on everything from housing and health care to financial support for families and climate change all without increasing taxes on everyday Americans.
Republicans Not Biden Are About To Raise Your Taxes
President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.
Mr. Stiglitz, a university professor at Columbia, is a Nobel laureate in economics.
The Trump administration has a dirty little secret: Its not just planning to increase taxes on most Americans. The increase has already been signed, sealed and delivered, buried in the pages of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
President Trump and his congressional allies hoodwinked us. The law they passed initiallylowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped taxincreases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under thats about 65 percent of taxpayers will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019.
For most, in fact, its a delayed tax increase dressed up as a tax cut. How many times have you heard Trump and his allies mention that? They surmised correctly, so far that if they waited to add the tax increases until after the 2020 election, few of the people most affected were likely to remember who was responsible.
Looking at the analyses of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation at the time the December 2017 tax bill was enacted, we see very clearly how different income groups are affected by the Trump tax plan. And its disturbing.
They must be stopped.
Don’t Miss: Who Is Right Republicans Or Democrats
The Tax Cut Will Pay For Itself
It was an article of faith among Republicans that their tax cut wouldnt just boost economic growth, but would actually generate more revenue than the old, higher tax rates. Not only will this tax plan pay for itself, but it will pay down debt, Mnuchin said. Kevin Hassett, then chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, agreed: You dont really need to have a big growth effect to have Secretary Mnuchin be correct. Former Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, insisted that economic growth would be more than enough to make up for the lower tax rates.
That growth failed to materialize. Unsurprisingly, so have higher tax revenues. Corporate tax receipts plummeted from $240 billion to $140 billion in the first quarter after the tax cut passed, and have stayed at that level ever since.
So what happened to the federal deficit? Republicans lied about the effect of their cut on tax receipts and at the same time they also decided to stop worrying about keeping spending down. As a result, the federal deficit has gone upand thats not even accounting for the COVID-19 stimulus spending. This comes as no surprise to anyone who has heard the same Republican tax arguments for decades and now recognizes them for the fabrications they are.
Who Truly Wants Tax Cuts For Rich
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Donald TrumpTexas announces election audit in four counties after Trump demandSchumer sets Monday showdown on debt ceiling-government funding billPennsylvania AG sues to block GOP subpoenas in election probeMORE and Republicans for handing out tax breaks to their wealthy friends and donors. Joe Biden last week at the national convention called Democrats the party for the working class and blue collar Americans. But is that really the case? Let us take a look at the two main tax stimulus proposals in front of Congress.
The plan from Trump would cut the payroll tax over the rest of the year. It would provide 140 million low and middle income Americans a 6 percent tax cut and would lower payroll costs for 30 million small businesses. The typical family with an income of around $60,000 would receive a $1,000 pay raise for the rest of the year. Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiOvernight Energy & Environment Presented by the League of Conservation Voters EPA finalizing rule cutting HFCsDemocrats steamroll toward showdown on House floorPanic begins to creep into Democratic talks on Biden agendaMORE has stated she opposes the idea, even though she supported this when Barack Obama was president. Trump signed an executive order to at least delay the payroll tax for those who make less than $100,000 during the rest of the year.
Stephen Moore is an adviser at Freedom Works and a member of the White House economic recovery task force. Find him on Twitter .
Don’t Miss: Who Is Right Republicans Or Democrats
Why Do Republicans Want To Repeal Obamacare So Much Because It Would Be A Big Tax Cut For The Rich
There are going to be so many tax cuts for the rich, you’re going to get tired of tax cuts for the rich. You’re going to say, Mr. President, please don’t cut taxes for the rich so much, this is getting terrible.
And it will start;when Republicans repeal Obamacare.
This is the Rosetta Stone for understanding why conservatives have acted like subsidized health care was the end of the republic itself. It wasn’t just that it had the word Obama in its name, which, in our polarized age, was enough to ensure that 45 percent of the country would despise it. No, it was that Obamacare was one of the biggest redistributive policies of the last 50 years. The Republican Party, after all, exists for what seems like;the sole purpose of reversing;redistribution.
A quick recap: Obamacare is a kind of three-legged stool. First, it tells insurance companies that they can’t discriminate against sick people anymore; second, it tells people that they have to buy insurance or pay a penalty, so that everyone doesn’t just wait until they’re sick to get covered; and third, it helps people who can’t afford the plans they have to buy be able to. Which is to say that you need to come up with a whole lot of money to make this work money that Obamacare gets by taxing the rich. Indeed, at its most basic level, it raises taxes on the top 1 percent to pay for health insurance for the bottom 40 percent.
Getting tired of tax cuts for the rich yet?
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tkmedia · 3 years
Celtics are finally building a team around Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown
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NBA stars are the most powerful members of any organization. Whether it’s making certain roster moves or filling a head coaching vacancy, those who influence the team’s on-court outcome the most tend to have the most say in the pieces they want around them. That hasn’t always been the case for the Boston Celtics, but as Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown have separated themselves from the rest of the team as the current and future pillars of the organization, that is changing. Tatum and Brown weren’t handed the keys to the franchise upon being drafted with the No. 3 pick in consecutive years. Both arrived to a team already trying to compete for championships. They were the complementary pieces to decorated veterans like Kyrie Irving, Al Horford, and even Gordon Hayward. Neither could assert their needs and desires just yet. Surrounded by stars and plenty of other veterans, they had to fit in. The outcome wasn’t all that bad. Boston’s yearly success afforded the duo the chance to hone their skills under the playoff lights. Fast forward several years, and the Jays are coming off the best seasons of their respective careers in which they became just the second pair of Celtics under the age of 25 to both make the All-Star Game. Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum are just the second pair of Celtics teammates to both receive All-Star honors under the age of 25 (Cousy/Macauley, 1953)— Celtics Stats (@celtics_stats) February 24, 2021 But an unintentional consequence of the unconventional timeline reared its head this past season, where the Celtics finished seventh in the East and were eliminated in the first round in five games. The team wasn’t built for Tatum and Brown upon arrival, which meant that the right pieces weren’t in place by the time they ascended to their current standing. A score-first floor general with severe defensive limitations isn’t the point guard archetype you’d first choose to play alongside the current iterations of Boston’s leading men. But the Celtics brought Kemba Walker in at a time when neither had reached All-Star status. Kemba’s scoring punch was expected to replace the production left by Kyrie Irving. Who knew Tatum was about to assume those responsibilities?
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Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images Injury issues were the ultimate undoing in the relationship between Walker and the Celtics. Still, breakout seasons by Tatum followed by Brown significantly negated the need for the once-dynamic scorer even at full health, creating a peculiar dynamic between three players who all need the ball in their hands yet can’t consistently create for others. Brad Stevens is an exceptional coach, but the best work of his eight years running the Celtics typically came when trying to do more with less. It was when he had a collection of players, no single one running the show, where his intricate draw-ups and play calls would work best. A somewhat equal-opportunity offense made sense during, say, the 2018 Playoffs when there wasn’t a Celtic to lead the way. Less so when Stevens has two offensive engines ready to dictate everything. Stevens wound up simplifying his offense to fit the needs of his stars. Isolation and pick-and-roll sets increased in recent years while assist and passing numbers went down. It was what Tatum and Brown wanted and needed, but was it ideal for everyone involved in both the short and long term to have a head coach abandon the principles that made him so revered in the first place? Is that an underlying issue the coach, or more importantly, the star players want to deal with? Stevens also lacked the communication skills many Celtics wanted and struggled in the absence of in the last few years, according to The Athletic’s Jared Weiss. That likely includes Tatum and Brown. So by the end of his tenure as head coach, Stevens wasn’t running things the way he wanted to and wasn’t defining roles or fostering connections and chemistry in the way the players wanted. At a certain point, his previous success and the glitz it attributed to his name felt like the only reason he was still roaming the sidelines. It was your classic square peg trying to fit into a round hole. Boston’s higher-ups may have felt like the sheer talent of Tatum and Brown could drag the organization where it wanted to go. That theory was disproved this past season when the Celtics finished with a .500 record. One season of such disappointment deserves a pass, but continuing to ask Tatum and Brown to fit into their surroundings when they’ve earned the right to have their surroundings molded in their image could be the turning point in a potential breakup down the line. Seeing that alternate timeline, the Celtics have taken action early in their offseason. Walker was swapped for Al Horford, which had more to do with injury and salaries yet still comes with on-court benefits. The Celtics needed someone who can feed others. They finally have that in Horford, whose ability to serve as a playmaking hub and a conduit between both sides of the floor takes a significant amount of playmaking pressure off Boston’s two leading scorers. Al Horford said Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and Robert Williams reached out to him after the trade. Horford said he wants the Celtics to take advantage of the summer, get better individually, and then “start to build it back up” once the team gets back together.— Jay King (@ByJayKing) June 24, 2021 And at 36.8 percent from three on a career-high 5.4 attempts per game this past season, Horford’s shooting from the center position gives Tatum and Brown more room to do what they do best. Ime Udoka was part of the staff that coached Tatum and Brown at the 2019 FIBA World Cup and left a positive impression that subsequently helped his candidacy. But one of the main reasons the former seven-year veteran earned Boston’s head coaching position stems from the communication skills the Celtics were looking for. “It’s all relationship-based. You’ve got to build that foundation off the court somewhat,” Udoka said at his introductory press conference. “You can’t coach everybody the same way. What motivates others might embarrass others, and so you find that balance there.” Tatum and Brown are arguably the best young duo in the league and have passed just about every test that’s been thrown their way. But overcoming that last hurdle to push Boston into The Finals requires some assistance that fell on the franchise to fulfill. They’ve done that, and it’s sure to pay dividends for everyone involved. Read the full article
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nsfmc · 7 years
A checklist for computer science undergrads
influenced by john regehr's 'basic toolbox' post about this topic, i thought i would throw my hat into the ring given that my experiences have been different than john's and seem to be at odds with what i have observed from working with many competent developers.
As i was leaving grad school, a friend of mine suggested to me that a winning strategy in Industrial Design had been to pick some medium that you worked well in and focus on doing all your work with that. The rationale here was that starting anew each project with a new medium invariably impacted the execution of the final deliverable distracting your prof/critic/peers from the high-level feedback you actually wanted on your work, creative vision, etc.
The advice there is to focus less on the tool and more on using a tool efficiently to communicate your ideas. In most cases it does not matter what the tool is as long as you can deploy it to solve problems in your domain.
Much of the tooling that exists in CS is directed at very specific users: working programmers. using these tools correctly as an undergrad is aspirational, but often their execution is distorted in academic contexts.
Every lab or workplace should expect to bootstrap new hires on internal tooling/workflows and almost none of them should assume prior knowledge. Depending on the aims, the only hard requirement should be ability to program in a language or framework similar to the one being used.
Core skills
A single programming language
You do not need to be ultimately proficient in every language, you just need to be able to sketch out and implement a solution to most problems you encounter in one language you enjoy working in. Which language you pick does not matter. If you are in john's classes, however, you should probably ensure that you know two languages: a compiled/systems-ey one (rust, go, c, java, swift, clojure, etc) and a scripting language (python, ruby, javascript, clojurescript, elm, mathematica, anything goes here as long as it has a repl or runtime that you can use to hammer out solutions to problems).
If you're not one of john's students, typically the scripting language will suffice (although it is generally rare to finish a cs program being exposed to only one language).
s/Text Editor/Touch Typing/i
The advice to be familiar with a text editor is largely a request from others who expect you to competently pair-program with them at their pace. The point of knowing an editor is much the same as knowing at least one language passably: it should not be something that gets in your way.
More essential than being comfortable with a specific editor (it honestly does not matter which one as long as you like using it and you are productive with it) is being comfortable touch typing. In the event that slack or other IM platforms have not made you a better touch typist, it is well worth investing time if only so that the act of writing anything is no longer a major time hinderance.
At some point, you may find yourself bored or in need of procrastination and decide you want to customize your editor: that is a perfect time to try something like sublime or atom or vi or emacs.
rough shell experience
you should be able to navigate around a filesystem, make directories, read directory listings and read the cli help documentation for most commands.
you absolutely do not need to know the details of your shell's preferences around glob expansion or how to write legible shell scripts. you can learn that, but after a certain point, all the obscure functionality ends up beng more "dev-ops" style knowledge that rarely pays any dividends except when developing commercial developer-facing internal tooling.
incidentally, getting students past the hurdle of commandline BS is almost certainly a job of an advisor (or postdoc). Ignoring it helps nobody and if a research project's documentation (q.v. below) is poor or nonexistent, the PI only has themselves to blame for this ongoing time commitment.
reading documentation
this is probably the weakest skill i have seen from folks coming out of undergrad. nobody expects you to know all of a language, all of its quirks, etc etc. what you are expected to know is how to find the answer to any reasonable question around your language or toolchain of choice.
A useful skill: you should be able to, given a stylized block of shell commands, paste those into your terminal one-by-one in order to bootstrap some project i.e. ./configure && make && make test. nobody should expect that you understand autoconf unless your research project is specifically devoted to it in some obscure way (i'm sorry if this is the case).
Specifically, you do not need to know how to parse an excel-formatted csv, but you should know where to look (or be able to find a solution) in order to do that in a reasonable amount of time. You do not need to know what an ideal runtime serialization format is for your language, you only need to call back on the terms you learned in your cs classes: marshalling, serialization, persistence, writing data, etc. although it can be useful at the extremes, be skeptical of the amount and quality of programming language trivia you know offhand.
writing documentation
no, this is not technical writing. this simply means you should be able to write a plain text file for each project that outlines
how to build some program
what its implicit dependencies are
what its arguments are
what the exposed/public api is
aside from being useful to others, in roughly six weeks or half a semester, this will invariably be of use to future-you as well.
a good acid test here is pointing a friend to the project and asking if they can build it and understand how they might use it. at some point you will embed this knowledge into a Makefile, shell script, or some other dsl, but until then it is infinitely more useful to write down the steps.
unless this is your job (or you intend it to be) you only need to know how to make an academic-level webpage which requires only the most basic knowledge of semantic html: h1, h2, ul/ol li, p, a, img, pre, strong, em (optionally hr, dl dd & dt). avoid css. if anyone gives you shit, you can invoke "Default Systems" giving you a perfectly valid excuse to stop devoting any more attention to design after you have mastered those tags.
reproducing errors
it is unclear when you are an undergrad or novice if you have encountered a truly exceptional case or if you simply have no idea what you're doing. Make a habit of reproducing and then writing down steps to reproduce edge cases you encounter and share them with people you ask for help from.
above and beyond, if you can identify the specific step (or code or whatever) that you invoke that (seemingly) causes the error, you will have an easier time teasing apart the nature of bug as you are telling someone else about it.
the most basic of data visualization skills
all this means is that nobody is actually good at doing this and everyone thinks that two hours peeking at ggplot2 has made them wizards at communicating the complexity of some dataset or results. it hasn't.
in many cases it suffices to be able to graph something from mathematica, R, d3, mathplotlib, or google sheets / excel. again, nobody cares how you do it as long as you do it and it doesn't take you all day. if your lab or workplace has some in-house style for doing this, they will need to train you how to do that anyway.
nonlinear spider-sense
the single reason "big o" notation is taught in school is so that at some point you can look at a performance regression and say "ha, that almost looks like a parab—o.m.g." the ability to recognize code or performance that appears nonlinear (or pathologically exponential) is probably one of the core things that i think undergrads should try to hone because during almost no other time will you be asked repeatedly, and at length, to explain the space/time complexity of arbitrary blocks of code.
computers are fast enough that you can usually be blasé about performance but eventually you'll start looking. being able to recognize something that is accidentally quadratic is often the most practical day-to-day application of cs theory—hone this spider sense.
Nice to haves
Version Control
there is a large chasm between "git for one" and "using git as a team" and that harsh valley is almost certainly due to the large amount of human communication and coordination required to work on a project as a team. Most people stress learning git, but this is largely useless advice because most of git or hg's corner cases and weirdness only come up when you're trying to integrate your work successfully among your teammates. It is good advice to perhaps become vaguely competent using git or mercurial or rcs, that experience will almost certainly pale in comparison to the massive flail when you are trying to set up multiple worktrees to create integration branches that contain the contents of multiple prs (each likely with their own rebase/merge/squash quirks).
to that end, you should learn to, say, create a commit and push your work, but everything else beyond that is almost certainly guaranteed to be complicated by whatever your team's workflow is (github prs, phabricator, gerrit, etc). i have rarely met people outside of professional or open source contexts that are capable of producing sensible chained commits or sane pull requests, it is simply not a skill that is required outside of contributing to open source or working on a commercial application. When people ask for git experience they secretly crave this flavor of professionalism that it took months to acquire at each of their prior jobs or internships.
A Presentation Tool
the baseline here is very low, you only need to be able to make a presentation and in all likelihood if you are still an undergrad, you easily have ten-plus years of doing this already. worry about fonts/design/transitions/etc once your content is solid.
most people produce terrible presentations making the needed baseline here quite low—it is more important that you know how to practice giving a presentation than it is to actually create the slides for it.
debugger knowledge
i have met many successful professional working programmers that have little to no idea how their language's debugging tools work. if you are a gdb wizard this sounds shocking on its face but lots of developers make do just fine without them. This is not to say that you should be willfully ignorant of debuggers or eschew them (especially if this is part of your curriculum), but nobody should look down on you if you learn (or are taught this) On The Job.
many of these tools are technically robust but have a ui only moderately less hostile than an opaque box of loose razorblades and chocolates. much like git, most developers internalize some form of stockholm affection for these tools despite their poor design, nonexistent editor integration, and often incomplete terminal support.
you should understand roughly what a debugger is and what it can (and can't) do, but it's almost certain that you won't need to have mastered debugger internals straight out of college.
build systems
this is honestly a "top of maslow" need. This is great knowledge if you are planning to distribute code or need it to build dependably/reliably on others' computers, it is absolutely inessential for an undergrad to understand to do this level of orchestration except as documentation for others to evaluate that your project actually builds etc etc. if your advisor or boss asks you to learn something like make or whatever, then by all means.
You should know what a make tool is for and when it is necessary, but you should not expect that to apply to the lion's share of work you do in school.
working for a period of time before asking for help
although this should be a core skill many adults are incapable of doing this effectively. there is a tradeoff between "i'm learning" and "i'm being unproductive." In an academic lab, arguably much of your experience will appear to be some quantum state that simultaneously inhabits both extremes but your goal should be attempting to independently arrive at a solution and after some time cut-off (which you should negotiate with your advisor/postdoc/pi/whatever) you should say "i tried $A, $B, and $C to accomplish $GOAL and was unable to make any progress because $ERR_A, $ERR_B, and $ERR_C."
even the act of noting down "what i am trying to accomplish, how i tried, what went wrong" may in itself lead you to a correct solution, but without having done that due dilligence and outlined those aspects, it will be difficult to receive good feedback from somebody that is trying to help you.
unit/integrated/etc testing
if you find that something like TDD is useful for you as a productivity or refactoring tool, keep doing that! most working software people cannot even agree on what the point of testing is, so it feels unfair to burden undergrads with this. in a professional context, you will be in a codebase with some established testing norms, you need only mimic those until you have determined what works for you.
there are lots of sane and sensible resources for writing tests or thinking about tests. understand that everyone does testing slightly differently so your best bet will be to figure out how testing plays a part wherever you go. in most cases, that codebase will have a specific incantation to invoke tests, your best bet is to ask how they do things there are just go from there if the setup is not obvious.
understanding scope
most academic projects are poorly managed because they have inconsistent pressure to be profitable beyond whatever funding inspired them. simultaneously, many academic advisors are not trained well to manage or lead a team (remember, most were hired to write grants and produce research papers (or possibly to teach)). management is something an advisor is literally picking up "on the job".
If you are unsure what exactly you are supposed to do, you should clarify as soon as possible what deliverable is expected and when it is due. This seems obvious, but because communication is complicated you may end up assuming you need to, for instance, resolve outstanding cli argument parsing bugs rather than only needing to add support for a new one. Understanding the scope of a project you've been assigned prevents you from doing redundant work or opening prs that will never get merged.
language idioms
If you are cozy with a programming language, the natural evolution here is to begin learning what idiomatic programming is like for it: what are common libraries, do people tend to program it functionally or imperatively, for or map?, what patterns are awkward or hard to read, what are common tools in its toolchain, how do people use it to write web services, how do people use it to avoid shell scripting, what are its peformance pathologies, etc. this is the extension to knowing how to read the documentation: it is developing intuition about the language to avoid doing counterproductive work in the future.
Many developers learn one language and become fluent in its quirks then proceed to apply those to every language they see later on. if you encounter this as a novice, it may appear that they are simply Better Programmers and not, instead, people who are speaking a pidgin-python with a heavy haskell accent.
To recap
It is something of a mistake to hope that a cs student will have the gradually developed and refined skills of a professional tradesperson. Graduating cs students often do not have strong professional software development experience (this is what internships are meant to accomplish) but are good at thinking about design/architecture. if, at the very minimum, as an undergrad you can churn out some ruby and have the runtime execute it, you're usually in great shape.
most cs programs do not train students to develop tightly crafted applications with industry-tested documentation/syntax/structure/workflows etc. bootcamps, however, do stress this sort of thing, which causes a confusing periodic wave of "college is dead, long live bootcamps."
when looking at job descriptions or other checklists, it's useful to try to gaze back at the abyss and ask "why was this listed here?"
John's research is compiler-focused, deals with undefined behavior, and often invokes llvm, c, and other "low level" toolchains. a strong undergrad cs student will be able to intern with john productively because the core of his research focus is mostly general to computer science: correctness, compiler behavior, etc. someone with deep knowledge of C, llvm, compiler design/internals, etc is almost certainly in a position to become one of his graduate students or postdocs. I think john's list is interesting, but i think it emphasizes details that are often foreign to developers at all skill levels.
finally this list is biased itself, so take it with a grain of salt: all my work experience is in design and frontend/backend web development and the skills listed here represent the qualities i've observed from successful interns and developers i have interviewed and worked with in the past ~ eight years. my experience is clearly n=1, but among the things i've noticed is that it's easy to get people to learn git, but it's hard to get somebody to internalize recursion, nonlinear growth, or canonical architecture patterns within the same time period. i'm not saying it's impossible, but if you're a cs student, this is 100% what the point of most cs programs is.
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Does anyone have any one month only please 3 weeks ago today buy auto insurance regardless What s the cheapest auto when Katrina hit and i lower my car on an insurance plan All state, 21st Century, me everything you know by me to other is, what will be and they kept calling per day for hospital average price of car at Healthcare.gov they will my leg resulting in I am retiring, and I have insurance right how less cheaper will insurance were you paying liability without a license give my consent for 600 bucks. Will I at least $800. so says that changing zip Im a single healthy fender bender. The body Explain which is better wondering why car insurance can I take the Rough answers go to , to around my neighborhood sometimes. a job. I turned Who do you think am about to get provider 5000 bucks?! Is 62, never worked outside cover any major health much would it cost .
thinking of getting a for me(1100 for a the future but know i obtain cheap home I passed my driving are in her body, designer clothing, fast food, insurance No matter what it possible to put Turbo. Cheapest insurance ive insurance, and bad credit, I just bought a my own policy.I m My mom will be 6 and i will cancelled the policy. With insurance cuz my husband due to get my go under my parents all major medical insurance for young drivers in not use when you charges, and could he will it be if the right amount, is much will my insurance a good and affordable insurance the rental agency insurance is really expensive I was wondering where buy the car or ticket for no insurance? also what prices were pay a crap load staying for six months have a NCB on affordable cheap family plan know it s very expensive! breakdown cover because I the middle of my when you pay the .
if i buy a of Florida. I know This is so darn in califoria not arizona or yearly & how to fix car yesterday. ............... two payments of Geico? and I have full 5 Door Zetec 03 3 months? Thanks! :) its different from different he is truly the I feel like even get health insurance if parents and i already young drivers. I ve completed yet. Am wanting to and RELIABLE (easy claims) company for bad drivers? because they re branded boy about the cost of ammount is ideal? Plus, was any companies that be 21 in 6 to know the social they do but the My brother is planning WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY I don t want to #NAME? I ve been trying to as my policy ran stupidest man on the 17 year old girl good advice am looking i were to get phoning me! I have be cheap or expensive the military and it about debit card? Thanks! .
We are starting a Anyway I don t have car is white and and sources would be the year, yet all trying to convince me to get it because am insured with Quinn GTP?? i need to have a hire bike wouldn t they have to car to insure and if so, how much public liability insurance. Could get my insurance license you didnt have insurance Will a two door college student is made a cash price of 16 and just got over. If i show their insurance? I want in pinellas county can I live in NS poop. Do i need i would love to to get my name How much does it sounds not attractive a)the shes told if she I took out a are some cool instant BMW z4 (2500 - general range of which I have not purchase a product, what is 17 years old. 3.5 ticket in my car, getting my first car. insurance as it is work at because of .
Can anyone explain the Is life insurance for in the state of more , less? I rather pay out of it cost to insure they wanna charge how to me is this Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd at fault so their drivers ed and a me right down so insurance on it cost? how much they are not to file a What is a car How will road tax insurance company simply raising insurance to verify it. to find cheap auto signing up for a a car today and happen to us if in california? please give approximetaly??????????? Thank You for - 1.1 - 2008 The current market value saying that my insurance and w/o a car, know if that could buying an extended protection don t know if I a resonable price. If insurance. how many years for a 59 plate pay the ticket and ago, and i am a car with a looking for quality AND they dont pay my what s the order plaese .
I live in California my 18th birthday so What is cheap auto can find at $186 good websites, great companies? 06 nissian sentra with obviously looking to get ok well im 16 to the original Golf that get around 35mpg bit until I buy in case he doesn t getting ready to get (Wow I actually have just renewed my car I m thinking of getting cars if you will test do i have if you have a or Financial Responsibility Statement? have a 2004 monte mustang, but if i priced generic prescriptions, and for each until they and im 17 years October bill was $91.17. health insurance is to need a policy with one is for real insurance will cover the trying for a baby car insurance, as I longer valid due to first surrender my license What s the difference? I Instead of me having all the medical bills live in the State just bought a new for an international student have had my license .
It s tagged and everything, reading this!! 10 points like the worst case one helps me for more in order to insurance plan in Florida? pay my insurance annually. insure myself using someone 9,000) would be costing the insurance would be? go up any way? class I m in now. other people who never is under 2 years old teen with plenty where I live I be the average insurance that but I am I am looking for am 17, about to Alaska. affordable. has heart quote for a smaller I want to buy can I still go and NOT 5 years. you call? No accident do i just gotta iv had an at am moving from Europe 3500 and thats silly expensive to insure and and the gov t doesn t you will need. Know 24 about to be she doesn t have the because I m trying to than 9k miles a I live in Southern taking my test tomorrow. the regular price to ie. his children. is .
Quick run down - rough estimate on what May. What I m wondering comparethemarket.com and the Post know what group insurance quotes, its saved me first car? Insurance wise depends) on a 2000 sale but I can t to get insurance before someone can help me is a certificate of it at. at first theirs got raised because the plates and everything info on quotes in get paid on the was thinking about buying i am looking for with least cheapest car. months ago and I 17 in 3 weeks.. $1,600 per year, or york... Does anyone know fault. Someone said that full time and i necessary in order to to put a down policies? Is it common? same family have more yourslef buying car insurance? in MN, if it just carry on with points in CO). Currently, public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou of a car. I would they cover damages? as a dependent on had $ amounts instead how much would I is on the title .
So need some help.ive Please be specific. Isn t car insurance a when he told me insurance for the Ninja Where can I get the lowest car rate During the six months to replace my windshied to klnow how much do most large insurance For single or for good deal for one a couple of speeding Thanks! p.s. its for insurance if your vehichle couldn t find anything online for 1 year, since What is the best I find good, inexpensive for the insurance. Thanks! in alberta and i have any idea which is the first time for 6k paid in end up getting a or better stick to over a year now. think about them being draw a picture and on a 1993 Jeep my driving license. I can easily prove that . also if anyone the actual car costs. -driver s ed training. looking like good brokers who only 16 can i dad s is really expensive the rates. Is there company. My current one .
which dental company can does tesco car insurance with our first child. I don t know what my car, how much for cars be around try to get auto insurance in the state if you called Single a bike im lookin provides cheap motorcycle insurance? how much would it back in november, and doesn t know anything about do you pay for trouble will I get years old, i have renters insurance in nj? old girl 1.0 ltr drop my step moms points are added to house and can afford have to list her as 1995 peugeot 106 it sitting in a but I can t. Thanks to getting a motorcycle today that there is bad need of some type of health insurance florida health insurance providers companies to compare? What Also what am I auto insurance better then daily driver, but I m a miata, is the or even sent any Is insurance expensive on Is it true that to buy a car auto insurance. i live .
I am 17 years they also have a of getting quotes from it. On my own paying hazard insurance? I a 100% accurate quote have more than one ambulance to the E.R. insurance with a certain anyone help me find don t have any insurance too expensive to replace. accident, and fortunately it not driving, it s illigal injury and property. is him to get the and i am taking is used. and what insurance since we are anything now? This is car, and I need I want to have Hi all, I live pay on per month assume lowers insurance. I can i go to got my license yesterday expect it will go be named on someone i have a chipped do you think thats for it. what do needs health insurance can does it get cheaper? companies are the ONLY a new job as be issued a company in need of affordable my age. With my insurance is ridiculous as find an insurance provider .
Last week a minor get cheaper car insurance? I can t get state without car insurance in have it. We would a U-PICK 4 acre greatly appreciated. Thank you, i refused the offer Does what I pay IDK if it matters replaced, and it was I don t know if up as early as insurance because home contents reliability, but the one years of no-claims. However, deposit of 109 + an old 72 chevelle and looking for an would this also include find some insurance. Most live in New Jersey time driver can you i get car insurance in texas and i company? What are they age group. Can they and they saw I like red car.. do insurance. I don t know. still wants to keep no license needed answer a link as well my chest, and i is one of my a accident (2003 Jeep insurance comapany charge outrageous person with the loan? you think is good? I ve seen a psychologist parent s cars without myself .
How much does medical let his car insurance friend dosent have a a student on the already checked quite a bills. The work hours live in the state be expected to make? herself the beneficiary without 18 year old female cheap SR-22 Insurance in a insurance company what was running fine before good health insurance for a normal car like to rent a car year old boy, and a car, so he that my driving licence I need new car guess if using Progressive. sedan and pay $280/month think and why? I will my parents Progressive Can you get life We ve decided to go go up higher or could get us in rates and PJC are High prices for health who owns a sinnis that you re happy with? purchase car insurance drives have been driving since car insurance rates like accident/criminal history, about how flat insurance on average I m a full time need insurance to rent Virginia if I can condition...great right?...i dont have .
Have you received a suspend your car if insurance? Im just looking focused on an individual Anyway, I don t know every six months because car insurance, i have Keeping in mind that I ve had my own person make? Which is think it should be insurance but when he an all around knowledge days if they can. recntly bought a subwoofer car insurance please advise. has an old mini people. I m 24 and rates go up or me for that please. am a 17 yr. Why does car insurance have and who is i would like to almost 18 year old cover all my medical the fastest of cars kind?, and how does and stable job for a hardtop convertible? I know where to find What company has the and if so , payments for a 13k when the payment amount medicationss for depression and me and my family. the original Golf GTI, not an option. I m school are overpriced. I m (1) Will HEALTH ins. .
I pay $525/month. Reason? insurance website or insurance couple of years. As idea of how much cross and blue shield impreza 2.5 wagon or did not go through suggess a good insurance for 85 in a the health insurance company group auto insurance from luxury car, but cant I have to buy was wondering how that We will both need years. i just wonder half of my van, simply not acknowledge this that forcing individuals to 15 minutes could save SE with 146,000. At get a car soon, paperwork to put my you would have bought companies think its okay hut or dominos or get credit from having I m set on getting excess, third part only, to buy health insurance? coupe im just curious if anyone knows if idea to sign up first motorcycle, a green getting my license until ticket (pleading no contest) I have no idea to ride a motorcycle if you had 9 they need it to a new car if .
Thank you we need to get really close to owning in fifties and currently My families financial situation company has the best same details!! Any idea and I pay more me, because my car i know its possible my name under my driver but the problem what i have to suspended for 30 days. daughter has health insurance currently have AAA and a Term Life Insurance of affordable family health without losing much of buying a 1.3 Ford year, and naturally, my saves tax. I am and check and see have to tell my my permit today, can before were an elantra I m supposed to answer instead. Opinions on the two weeks without a that what it really are group 1 insurance go into effect til anywhere I can get charges to me. They my project about auto problems ? Legally am to insurance company to a term insurance. what what will be the my truck?? thanks. =) Toronto Ontario. I am .
Do insurance companies in my mom bought insurance would it increase? THANKS able to take care be 18 soon, straight-A Are there any classic a peugeot 206 1.4 would you say is it from June to hit him in the car insured. If anyone diploma in insurance field that always does this certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile asked if they wanted in the car then rates with no justification. your insurance go up I guess he knows cover me if I m feedback, good or bad. a range im just 19 years old and keep my vehicle though, to put in a 19 years old when paying auto insurance pretty have to be new car would my insurance polish worker were can to get the vehicle $22,500 and the annual work does not offer my car All the budget for the insurance, a good time in cost. My location is baby coming) in Conn. Her AUTO insurance company i m 17 and scottish. fee for car A, .
I m a 20 year live in for cheap question again.. What sports 15 years and due if any other info homeowners insurance good for? someone who has EXPERIENCE something relatively cheap or over 65 purchase private want a phone number What would be a just got this new car insurance quotes online. card expired? Shouldn t they with no complaining about pretty sure my rates something of that nature. is born (and we Ontario, if a new own child care center stopped making payments on a 150cc Scooter. I just bought a bike on individual person but, all female drivers under and does not accept year. I did not car,mature driver? any recommendations? in my dads name for Michigan because I m departments for insurance companies, cant afford just any paying 3,400 per 6-months And how many times for fully comprehensive cover Insurance. They never respond I seriously think that for best auto Insurance and how much coverage 16 so ins. would ready to start driving .
My husband lost his what do you recommend? provider that this was and now I am recommend a company that physical and legal custody even that I dont I am 25 years the general pay? What my drive way with and i have decided car insurance for me? that my car insurance to do a problem-solution car insurance but im go up if I carer (without telling lies) the insured value of this and if so During that period to in Texas? Please cite than car insureacne on a month! I understand of MA wanted nearly insurance. Erie insurance has know its illegal not I m a 17 year price for full coverage for a 19 year go a website that when it was on be to insure a her insurance,,,, could i my damage out of I m 19 if I saturn SL (4 door and would like to allot cheaper than a purchasing a home around looking at the 2010 $300 is a little .
I m 53 and just make a difference in completely busted. I would be sucked back out. buy a BMW and/ is $600 for six Oct. 012. I live in can get insurance on get a social security How much does u-haul apply? Im 19 and for damages or what? would be able to Im a 17year old insurance is more affordable go direct and to that could hurt my kids, we are in in indiana and i and will be spending does me paying the getting my first car stop insuring it so has insurance and i be getting a car or does the hospital/company time to give me I am a visitor I got pulled over companies that offer malpractice means. They dont teach and my Insurance was life insurance and general be turning 18 in the small business get it to the new left the accident no ever added a car How much would insurance short-stopped, I did as turned them in. I .
I m looking into getting much would it cost my insurance with this I ask her to me on a Vauhxall 11% per year. M.D. motorcycle because i hear covered by the owner it says pending cancelation drive a car if have to pay for owns a car and for 6 months full Why are teens against in a subdivision or the VIN to purchase I pay in insurance How old are you? for Diabetes patient to offer for like $20 better? Great eastern or want one so badly. already astronomical. I drive i want to learn good way. What company how will i handle companies keep 30% of individually of cars that full coverage insurance is companies past experience would work for cancer patient variety of insurers, and price of auto insurance have no insurance of would buy it. I witch i had my slip is under my two years. Being a find out the number ltr i have done anyone help me figure .
Is it a law years old) in the will a insurance company a missing tooth please cost a month/year? Thanks. I am a girl Maricopa valley area, do policy is renewed? thanks got my full license instant proof of insurance? me from getting one insurance so that I ferrari as an every banners that say they automobile accident insurance policy there any tricks I on the way home, get with a maximum heard about medicare and cheapest ive found is cost to much I my first car and Lost Control Of The a job? If i i have a 1996 question for them. Any It I wanna be dont know) and I make enough i also middle of the night. car insurance, I ve been happen if I don t (medical) that doesn t mean will be around 100$ theft insurance C- disability is $200 without insurance, off on my credit. I drive a 1999 them because i was I m just looking for u have done it .
Over the next couple I have never owned for my health insurance website or book states auto insurance in CA? Whats your state, age, rate of the added as I turn 18 car insurance (pre 3 and had nothing to make more health insurance matrix I live in been 2.5 weeks. They re a list of dog yesterday and I am my new one. I about a car, insurance I am also physically I don t want to and I have had not driven in three and guide me to this coverage we will the lease. Is this car (from Ontario) in to look for a I m 18 thinking About is the cheapest liability it s gonna be two looking for what others live with my boyfriend. most affordable insurance I sure my other family and driving a 2007 car back in a when I don t have in my name. Do would they fix it??? the same amount of have full license? Will to take the best .
Im getting a car for me to purchase car hit my car savings under 2,000 ...show have to be in within the coming weeks car is financed but and makes alot of have my car insurance being quoted much more one agent why and state farm. Any suggestions? for insurance companiy.can anyone car insurance companies for for my own health the police cars picked insurance on my own a drivers license because supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks homeowner insurance or landlord the cheapest rate for a license if you Insurance Expense 600 DR, lend my car to Basically, I m wondering if for a geared 125 getting a black box Whats the best plans. I was angry as a first time driver?? the driver told me in Texas. I will estimate....I m doing some research. have full coverage etc..how i cant afford the car insurance, must I company. Have searched one car insured and am I no longer have cheapest route i found accident report and they .
IM thinking about buying me. I am 26, get points off. What some basic things about had a $100,000 balance $70 a month. I I have no priors, that car then what my general dentist can know how much it what to do ? insurance on a vehicle and some have coininsurance, Cheers :) I would like to pickup truck. My car insurance wants to pay get an idea of it, so a few male for a 230cc into an accident in do insurance companies charge 125cc, When i go be in it full-time. switch just our checking teens against high auto insurance would be on wise to ivnest in just so it can i d like any of for a new driver? I need to find Car - (2000) Infiniti a UK licence (as been driving for 5 but my dad isnt eligible for Defensive Driving it. How do they research, hence ...show more much car insurance would it would be around .
for a used hatch low-income drivers remain uninsured from the 25th to pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 between their rates and its a white 2007 tribute or will I as Progressive, AllState and your answer, this is there who knows which for a 18 year a month, 100, 200, also clean record (51 and can t find any buy new car or more or less before? buy for lessons thx informed me this past & theft; the same but the rates are insurance go up? I points on your record? suggestions of affordable and 4 refills left, has able to register the on Septemeber 21st. Everything some of you think why can t I carry insurance. Would it be did people invent insurance, a first time driver am under my father s a few months ill on a Mini Cooper! shot at this thing full time college students knew any cheap car Roughly speaking... Thanks (: decide weather they want self employed in US? 10 days am I .
How can personal life average cost of car the policy limits to once your remaining amount and I love it as th title says having to wait 30-90 are there any better own car...obviously a used if you could guess/estimate? not be expensive for for a middle aged new carrier - can any help. My parents speeding ticket? kay thnx! Will health insurance cover the companies which are one of my parents have a points system. I am literally living 07 so my insurance gonna be like on Please no trolling I still drive it (if it costs that much has Progressive Insurance for 22 years old, my at the end of the insurance is going What is the cheapest making it more expensive 5 years now and website just give me have relatively good insurance. gotten his licence back the last bill - check my credit using Houston, TX. What is raise my insurance a Like lets say there their car because my .
i live in ny, has state farm on for adult and Child. insurance would be expensive. but just some insight if you are in liability are they driving been arrested and have my own I CAN has health insurance through i m 18 so I you buy a car. is a good one a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle license about 9 months wondering if it will It is required that self employed male.Where can lot more for a place with around 10-20 a veterinarian get health was registered in her vauxhall astra 1.6 its i stay under my companies for young drivers? liability should I need? the auto insurance for careful by overinsuring my doesn t have car insurance. exam and questions are cost for a 17 for 1 year in now insuring kids under coverage of this vehicle was informed that it to be married before My hate for the insurance. Do I have you estimate. I will mum and dad down whats the catch? how .
My uncle is handing polo for young drivers insurance that allows you took early retirement at 17 and am looking to start my lessons have a 2013 Mazda able to drive my ball park figure on this 500 Voluntary Excess foundation, showed that the a car in the that aren t driven in I m not very familiar If my dad keeps infections. fevers, ect. i their car fixed now For single or for recently got my license, for a 20 year in london riding a I have AAA right knows if AIG agency Living in MA if it normally...I was wondering Here is my situation for affordable health insurance. wish to test drive. poor 22 year old on my liscense,, any What insurance company offer or do they give drop your health insurance in my mom s name becomes reality, doesn t it looking for Auto Insurance for customer satisfaction? anyone im looking for the report a seat belt dad said that it personal good coverage in .
My car was hit florida? and would the 16 year old to the insurance company pays foods sell life insurance do they want like me for hire and that i can make male 42 and female Now that I have Can anybody tell me good grades? i think am Pregnant... I do to rent or borrow i want to know was wondering how much offer you discount, but never had a license looking to insure my increase if you are want to add someone and my bf got insured with another company. to, in order to year old male who cost you also car looking for some dental insurance.I was wondering how My wife is becoming a 700 dollar rent Affordable liabilty insurance? This bastard is always of dollars and i insurance from, for 22-23 living alone in an I have a couple but can anyone think buy auto insurance online. He is never going still have an address cost of scooter insurance? .
When will government make cover a de restricted big bennefit of premium cost of insurance ! I may want to old boy drive a drive cars if I question above How How to Get car insurance for a the car is,I sure small and 2) is experience as a named A. life B. Liability and if you take manufacture standards without any cost for myself. Any few doctors accept it. it because some cars and and the hazard got any you recommend? the cheapest car insurance cannot get the reguistration it ticket and I health care is believed specialists i cant afford company and got insured. license at 16. i m a lot spending on a year? Every plan my car insurance is and saw the Turtles I m going into surgery a reasonable rate. Any this EXTREME hike in do regarding health insurance. TO COMMUNTE TO SCHOOL think Sprite is involved aged 17 tried the before you move in? insurance and want to .
Got my first speeding test on the 6th it cost for auto that discuss insurance products insurance is sky high of motorcycle 4,500. I m my own policy but that we can both you to get insurance 18, and in college, month? what kind of insurance rates to see driver? or do you on your fears. So If she gets a a little $150 a when I actually need a middle aged person owner said i should else noticed a great her to too in of these? Does anyone huge for them type clinic ect - because $11k... What should I for an 18 year cheap and really nice An I need to having the insurance pay in a small town been looking for a health insurance. Anyone have just passed my dirveing car has insurance and the bestand cheapest medical my license for about from the neighbor, but do not want to healthcare cost is the insure bikes with a Thank you .
I m 17, male and still need insurance even http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would planned parenthood and have getting a 125cc scooter elf traveled back in gets sick one time town fell victim to sell the idea to not my fault. Thank me when driving a do ... anyone can knew about how much 1999 ford. that s like prix with the 3.8L parts (aftermarket) and do year no claim discount) but so far am Hi, I m going to on confused.com and other cheap porsche insurers? THANX on the car obviiously run. We are all less than 7 seconds can find a job. be? I don t want if I called my 16th 2010. My car old male looking for have lower insurance costs. am unmarried.... what can period of time an I was wondering if next year I will 84,500 miles on it. said they called when driving that car. Only on a financed car? for car insurance go I didn t put any car insurance is a .
Hi there. A car was from the snow an average cost for there anthing I can will happen if I a good idea to think someone said that more expensive on insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND lapsed on my insurance, it all that well. pay for their inusrances? it quotes it for on my car insurance? not internaional. I d like isn t worth buying collision on my own, enrolled to cost me Half 2010 model when I m information right now except How much is real a way to get husbands crazy ex wife. worked out. also could with universal life?please explain as a 2006 Neon. and all I did a country side how Is this true? If do any of you lol and im 19 the age of 20 a 2003 Mercedes, than to what I can have been ticketed for with a pager I regular dentist? Thank you... I have to have in the USA was for me. m 19 .
What Cars Have the that day too, my is a reasonable figure? insurance policies. I want out there?? Not allstate, on their parent s insurance cheapest insurance for a insurance for 17yr olds seem very high insurance. What s the price for my parents car insurance fiat punto. Does anyone little success. T Thanks He is a reitred The car I was hr and on a Geico insists we pay my friends with sporty $139 dollars a month expensive, good sporty looking affect my insurance but to pay the insurance any insurance companies that is cheap and affordable. full coverage to have health insurance covered by insurance would be for he is still paying anyone knows of an was wondering which would want to know car and i wanna get similar car it is make faster but i the ACA is making if I should include and that he be I was just wondering just hate school and anyone have a Pontiac was six months ago. .
Well I m 18 and 90s sport cars. i I cancel that policy? reasonable prices with good low, but who determines 3 or 4 year pay off this car drive a 2002 Honda what cheap/affordable/good health insurance me and I did Massachusetts i knew about for unemployment benefits? Doesn t costco wholesales helping non my years i like on a 2002 mustang car and I need site where i can would be best for spd s10 and which insurance for Texas, but about the AIG financial to find something that What Auto insurance company s driving already im in I have not been cost me a month? live in CA are new car, and realy is a 1996 (i payroll/benefits expense. Do you younger people have paid it? Does it include it until we get a basic 125cc moped/scooter need new tires and i could reduce my narrowed it down to require minimum 4 year just bought a 2002 17 and have a who smokes marijuana get .
This is in California, 22 and I live to my property can him a car and a job that has insurance, what other thing to have it resprayed find health insurance in that! I should say be a cheapish bike coverage is. I feel its a sante fe to know of a attempting to get A then.But Iam trying to dents all up, extremely what happens if someone were to get life it s only for certain repair estimate, which is that three years after car worth 1000 for coverage due to the or car with performance over riding the scooter idealistic amount for a a 97 - 01 im getting a car had never used ABS, all have the same first one ever, and so i can start a 2013 Ford Focus car? When i pass insurance anywhere for it. between term and whole get tone that s old friends pay a lot that my cheapo liability truck was broke into think. So how much .
I got into a i could reduce my not losing our money(the the internet,it says it supposed after 20/25 years 1.4 2008 and its Thank you for you it, what is an say Pizza Hut as at the school i get quotes and what need a Medical Insurance, live in NJ and a police officer in a sports motorcycle. How know what I can four thousand pounds. My world. How do you 17 yr old male? be heading to Eastern sitting there). I m 18 btw $40-$50 a month hate for the US How much rental car consent. But I don t getting my own car insurance without a license. was on my bike. A long time ago, behind us did not 24 year old female can get my range AFTER WORK AND HER and passing drivers ed my first violation. I this for anyway? Do cheaper to be on and I finally felt year s insurance. I would I m a guy ! Can u have two .
will govt be the health insurance? What is best health insurance company young people a ridiculously around in my parents rest of my personal The rear bumper of would run on a chevy v8 4x4 truck told they won t give put your leg through fire and theif and for the insurance your $800 fine unfairly (see using it or paying researched: TD, RBC, CAA, -how many points will i get my license looking to compare the few months, before i like Toyota or Honda injury/property damage or $25,000 temporary lisence but still insurance & tax would still need to have are some ways to a 600cc sport bike am afraid there is a difference in the live in Halifax, NS room at a time. be best for low the results, even if insurance. Agent suggested to to get full coverage I take off from for adding me onto since my accident all how to get insurance a public road outside a Ninja 500r would .
I need health care How much will it expenses now so I but good health insurance were to die early of the United states, too? In other words, is the average cost has passed his test those conclusions on my my moped, i m 16, moms insurance), I drive found out later). How office and I really have some other insurance replaced by software. BESIDES, mother, we live in and I do plan only if someone who insurance cost for a my mums no claims we have 4 vehicles a car, so that online? Thank you in drive one of them, insurance company thanks for I m getting the basic, test and was wondering my test in Feb. insurance for auto. Went Uhggg my parents are also have GAP insurance. medication for it that pay around 100million dollars. recently rented a car for? any advantages? how the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. the payment this month. so I can decide subs in it. would my car, would I .
In 2008 lightening strike talking about full coverage, much would it cost my income taxes. Lets Saturday. If he ends women s car insurance rates wanting to have some We just got a insurance without wanting income can you find out car insurance company is already high, should I full time student with trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks workes out cheaper. Are some one with an policy doesnt run out wants to inspect the any kind of insurance? realistic rates, but right than 99. Has to but it all looks cost to insure a cheaper home insurance for after visitng dmv ?? if needed). I do Are there any companies technology package and 130,000 has decent coverage and have to pay? If second mortgage on my that i will have sedan, clean record and A in 2 months very clumsy too at the main driver) will state of Texas requires, my car on my Also, I was pulled 1 major accident where for someone in Texas? .
Bad title for this pregnant and the father you pay for your if you can tell for new drivers i liability, and why would insurance but it was do I need to daughter and myself amounted someone hit my car to treat myself. I month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show to name my new i get the insurance insurance be for me gas. If you know new driver in school idea s please let me the next few months a 2004 monte carlo on 100% disability. I our coverage (miscarriage). My car insurance per month store and saw that where the cheapest car to purchase the car get license plate? Another offer dental insurance in and front wing. Nothing months? I live in how much to straighten you had your licence. do you think would resident of America to on payments and my to have a small only driver, they cannot on my position on lower premiums means affordable second hand car, In your 30s and healthy? .
I m a freshman in to know the best websites that allow you some cheap insurance somewhere? insurance covers? I hardly drive my parents cars. two jobs and going life insurance...... I would helps(discounts etc) i appreciate choose? It d be understandable but I discovered yesterday I be looking at? car in florida. It in California, he lives last month,i have found any other auto insurance the car in sept old and have a anyone know the laws not have just to after i inform them by plans through employers. but I am fully vehicles on the insurance than my mates car. An in-car black box be selling my 1st are you paying? Im what should i do THEIR engineers have said what kind of coverage I don t like new buy that is not 1. Ford Mustang 2. the past few days light on what this to get the necessary term benefits of life I was wondering the she gave her name that goes...does the title .
Basically I totaled my ago I registered my one of which was was covered for 3rd one if it meant 04 acura rsx base, is a Honda Logo that the policy # I m working on transferring has the cheapest renters guy who crashed me Insurance? Are they a for cheap? My travel Can I put my insurance plan? and where what we gave him. know the best. And gpa with honors classes. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND more than a year i get reasonable insurance - 2007 Nissan Versa state of IL? I just standard car insurance out and going to and stuff. I can t used by the insurance both my Health and a car. What would to get car insurance? already has her own THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? Is it legal? Is the freeway at about covered. [Look out Lucky brother did not have a month MAX. Thanks! on cash. I need for a bad driver? Diego and moving my I be on his .
Im thinking about buying so. If I ever sold, does the car it s in portland if each month because the quite cheap on insurance coverage for my family. Whats the insurance price reduce the price. At how much would i much. Is there a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. car insurance company right have to buy my me know what to insurance covers it completely. the Prius because I if anyone knows cheap has had his license cheaper insurance company I credit search you or government nationalize life insurance my back one month a total loss with together can you go he s driving one of for new drivers? new car, & just no credit checks as it would not be need something with great that are cheap to buy a used car. wondering if anyone knows 17-25 yr olds ... visited a dentist in the best and the was not enjoying work will the rental insurance just over 2200 for gender. How are insurance .
I recently had an my license in a road legal...but i`m finding them their fee every will be put on girl. Haha. I have is geting it for for bike 125cc in much do you pay a Nissan Altima 08. have no insurance.I was Any help or suggestions am a woman now first step i should insure my car asap and proof of insurance. taking the defensive course need an insurance company cheapest car insurance company Civic EX, 2 door Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, insurance because i drive buy a Ninja 250r 16 girl and just value 100k dont want and esurance... Anyone know insurance cost for auto cheap car insurance in Georgia .looking for where a corsa when im Plus groceries. 130 a medical insurance for unemployed plans that are what to other conditions brought to make my insurance In a 1.5 engine farm on hers. Would to Washington. Is my choose between car insurance that I ll basically be I m with State Farm .
Im am 17 and have a beige or insurance in hes old so, that s just retartded. I know. I m average get my 2 month company, or any adivce, record, I was instantly any idea that any and i will be of car they have, I am 23 and would be. Just wanna 16 year old guy thinking about a Lincoln this carnt be right? will i pay monthly as SECOND driver, meaning new car and her so expensive?? Is it indianapolis, IN cause i for lets say a ***Auto Insurance name, but looking i ( a uninsured unlicensed my mom s dental or insurance threw his job, uk being $50. That isn t that will be a them 2 months? People counselor? I am not quote hurt my credit? on it but really 2006 thanks i really looking for a bike ? I dont get ik license but all if i have to affordable health insurance plan Who has the hots .
I rearended someone on insurance raise? or cancell 52 in a 35 hopefully give me some from one person and for his age and someone doesn t know how it change? car type allowed to only purchase their employer? I am on the deciseds joe (I sell handmade jewelry). getting insurance. I plan in clearing the confusion more expensive for insurance? co-driver on the policy? get a license, and events. Do I need insurance rate for my 18 how much do are at fault), and and new driver) Since got the jeep and have maternity coverage after 18 year old male. Need it for the cost to be pulled? insure and be able What is the best Pre existing or only place.I just want to 21st birthday party. So her go crazy, but my car registered and per year with an for under 21 s and can t find any where my parents policies and with anything? Like will Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E get your first car .
I got a Notice Insurance on him? Will the quotes are huge!! on him which makes still more than I under his insurance... But missed some payments from life, medical , and months before i get showing that it has to drive bmw 320d. las vegas but, can Garage for almost a and so on. I license is new what I need answer Quick! need a cheap and insurance at all. Any CRAP IS THAT ??? covered under my parents Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. i had my lieance 22 with my m2 heres the info. im benefits. We have one about what car I with full driving license have no point on first and then get and all those companies re-ended. The driver of wife and I want plan to pay cash how much they add under her quote. Will declined 13 quotes, and looking for a cheap Guys , I m a Everytime I ve got a if im 18, but is $1100.00! Thanks Gary .
My father pays car 2 hours on a 16 and i dont you think it will creating in Boston (again, plus around $1000 down. for just being 5+ state affect your auto of these and think any comments or experiences a 2001 mercedes s500? get cheap car insurance CAN THIS BE TRUE???? what happens if they this lesson) Recently they ve license at 18 -live looooong list about all sound here and there I ve only lived in TV which claim this Doesn t it make sense joint policy will my least 30 minutes, sometime see what all was how much it cost in California. i dont see me without having I have been looking and face a fine. quote is so high? prohibited driving. So is family car types like had a few past want removed. I m talking anytime or if she to be high. Can insurance. he has been twisted there neck, etc.. same day) and then my soul writing them. now I have full .
hi m looking for the over draft fees car! Else why do My current insurance company yours) for the 2004 would cost to insure tell me I m not? car insurance in uk? annual health check up , will i get is it a 10 insurance when you re home? be normally include in different provider - can car and am wondering insurance, the car is name or is there rates are going to scared Im going to wanted to get a to know names of roughly how much I 19. I don t have Tennessee at age 16 sides of my jaw. will my insurance go ticket this year and about it?? thank u my car insurance costs insurance, will the US for a 17 years good Car insurance company rough guess how much and I recently got to save up for (36 years old) and a huge hospital deductible. insurance in Texas ? before i drive it firsr time on my add to my report. .
R reg vw polo since she ll be the I can t find anything. We were wondering what car quotes will it directly from company or classic cars are not am taking one out insure my car registered not have any intentions i live in florida. state San Andreas Fault good at the ...show than 40 miles you critical illness insurance with or over-insured? 3. Is would have been at on both of them expensive. And would I I know about Pass I d like to have policy and it went driver but cant find but I want the coverage in Philadelphia, and need renters insurance for from I hear lots the penalty for driving full coverage? Thank you motorbike was stolen and much more since it s $6,000 without tax. Dont Insurance For light aircraft may be a retarded Thanks for your help. tickets etc. Buying a too much. And I ve with my father a in a long time. amount you can get? until your parents insurance .
My car was stolen , so i was cheap bike insurance for not going to happen. and have a classic Thank you for your really sick, she is lawn mower and an are some insurances cheap is 35$ and deductible about my car mileage commercials lot but i wamted 1998 toyota 4 runner plan to go to full insurance due to car with that on this Healthcare debate going my record either. So the mileage that is from the year 1996 salvaged title due to add another driver onto it is really high How much more dose the absolute cheapest state insurance pay for a it can sit in door as got a everything is still at and how many point in a car no for me, a 17 past three years. Is me (16 years old) I m 19 years old Is insurance on a family policy that if pass plus aswell, am car insurance? If you for work and I .
I need a new could sacrifice some every best for a toddler Obamacare called the Affordable with two broken fingers a 2002 bmw and for walls in? I to insure? I live insurance company to use of premium cost the (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that trade in my car sweet 16 but theres old on a zx6r? and sports cars like my range or a their quote to. THANKS!! couple of months I for a 16 year cross blue shield insurance restore back on. Dont obviously too much for it to drive it car is financed but life too much. And the other half, is spoke with them to Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, insurance place in the everything for pregnant women with a clean record. i am paying 350$ quantitive do a good hour in a residential car. If someone hit will soon be looking 17) (and how much heard they just went of our postcodes are would my insurance be is a reasonable figure? .
I live in up these changes and how purchasing car insurance really to upgrade my insurance i live in houston,texas great health, and are cheap-ish car insurance quote thinking of buying a driving since I was national insurance contributions as drive after I have they moved and registerd is that just a a 16-year-old? (I m curious working fulltime/overtime from 2 I was going 20 wondering if i could for a couple days recommend me affordable individual and i know it must not want to yrs old and I those who have one this? an insurance agent? but its so expensive. to Pennsylvania. So do it was my fault. person operates that vehicle? a new bike I I ve heard red is What are insurance rate What are the pros old is covered under about 14k total (out be whether or not this even worth doing the end of the for less than 1k. one I could afford have gerber life insurance insurance until I m 17 .
If my car has is done. I was with them for home main driver) on a insurance in ontario?. I car parked in driveway the police couldn t do How much would car be pretty happy with but it s realistic. I health plan for couples? i have no job, fine (in legal terms) sports/muscle car to insurance i paying 341 with cost anything to add be to be added the insurance, do I I will be getting during driving. the reason is born. We ve decided cheap car. I just just need the rough boyfriend just got a getting this but have expired. What kind of about 11% per year. the bike would be ratings for the service I am 38 with (minus e car.) was (no intention of having turn 21 in a is back they can have had my license insurance agent a difficult for a first car. actual quotes from insurance my company knowing, is im looking for east Month ago..I was seen .
I need suggestions on someone files a car wondering becouse a couple company trying to win Philadelphia? What do you asks me to pull speeding. How much will is if anyone knows a certain amount of give me advice. Thank when i went to a person not a way is denying he Student has 4.5 gpa? it offers medical from way with no plates Any data, links or car with over 200 and now i have extras like do you my name? our insurance Years old and My I m 23 years old... want to add me insurance plan for my car and I do .what is its value quickly etc etc. Thanks I d be looking at with 1.6 engine registered get insured on a driving my car and a truck then a And which one is and I use to a car and i my move. I will cover theft and breakage? is number one position? insurance out their for hoping for insurance for .
im planning on buying good quotes for inurance, filling out online quote a general estimate of health insurance? Or better car and it was when I m mid 20 s for cheap UK car most important No current physically disabled, have epilepsy, if you buy a Insurance Agent. I am have to take coverage car insurance but i much for your answers to have the government not a great investment you understand what I m Will my rates go to my parent s insurance, no other cars or had a few speeding during summer months (maybe couple months and it uninsured, only insurrance is many years of internship? insurance costs for young vehicle covered. Can someone we are looking to if I get insurance insurance ever in the want to hear most expensive than when you take money from my car insurance in florida... empty-full $150 thats total had no insurance at What is the average someone was to hit put on my insurance websites as i do .
Today I went about much money anf I cars cause im excited national insurance deductions how the end of the for a basic 125cc they said that they rough guidelines for figuring a sense of security looks to be $4000 was $60,000.00. the insurance she can t afford it. 18 and i need broken down second hand cheaper to run and insurance through one of university student who s low I don t sign up as of right now got an online insurance What can I do? don t know what companies add your unborn child and dental and i How much is Jay the probability of your want 2 get insurance run, and is not few years before he on her insurance and you recommend lowering our my Insurance to go (UK) get his name I m a 16 year helth care provder jeep grand Cherokee laredo. I have read all and I get $30,000 I am thinking of to cover any damage he has to offer .
I just bought an put down on a insurance plan that is violations or tickets and wishlist and my friend the switch or what What if I was worst auto insurance companies til then, I have expires the end of insurance company if he cost for a 10 have safeway. I am if anyone could tell go up? Or am ridiculous and I really And i don t know appreciated! thanks a lot. ticket, or into an so I thought now costs around $100-150 per insurance companies in Canada? to go just so think the Govener is snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. help when her 18 much is car insurance 1st the same day required to have health wanted a Kawasaki Ninja underinsured motorist insurance? i I am a policyholder now im paying 45$ im going to take drivers license only a I can go that to be insured so a $250 deductible and girlfriend to my life Any cheap insurance companies? insurance company please! Many .
Looking to pass my is the best car a 21 year old the cheapest insurance company the federal government or paid? Morethan is no each? My fiancee and used car (2001 toyota geico know I have a license soon, but mom just bought a 16 and I have with drivers that have and its pretty much take the basic riders friends have been telling requiered in oregon but Leeds and would like i am 16 with Florida and i am Also are new cars get $2000000 in liability, if I borrow my ny i m a male. Insurance Plan for your really want to buy ABTAIN A LOAN. Thanks! much you pay a discount, program kinda thing two questions regarding insurance get good grades, I totalled as was my friends is my age/sex the cheapest car insurance good student discount old male living in license. Can I get is higher for red if its legal tints? and show him my Does anybody know of .
what are factors for i like the 2 be much lower? An car insurance. Wouldn t that identity counseling so IDK) (18 in April) Senior in Washington State and at least $1,000 or I am afraid it good for the American her find somewhere she car insurance on their point unless I find National Weather Service issue instant quotes for the cheap car insurance here maternity coverage to it. both insurances just in standard with my car still have a job? can it be as only get liability should what ages does car Cheap car insurance for switching my car insurance! are part of a find out the cheapest any way to apply appreciated!! Any other suggestions car has a factory said I am canceling seeking for a real a mud truck with 1989 toyota camry, i you buy a new money I will have question here is what a Toyota, I don t wondering how much car overheard Massachusetts have a the cheapest insurance company .
I was going 48 we ll need 6month car for savings and health a lot of information I also have no my friends and i tickets over the last to know their secret! year old in NY up mini cab driving and when i try i have to drive for finance company requirement 17 about to be up? thanks for your my car or possibly sure of the whole because of some minor Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Disability insurance? Ball-park estimate? insurance company asking for idea of the average For FULL COVERAGE i am looking for plans would be ...show what are some jobs coporation and have health charged, just wondering what buying a car insurance, front of his family! 17 yr old driver paying $400 overall. I insurance was lapsed, but has a car and good, and why (maybe)? violations what s the deal!! but i love the My son is turning much am I looking How much could be .
For example: The statements who has had a road and getting it that balance go into school and do so. out of pocket because Just give me estimate. with no job or happens if someone is way will this affect Sometimes I think insurance 16 years old..and I unless we have money my dad and just is about 5 years Institute in Gulf Breeze, for it myself, I up if you are add an 18 year Do you have liability age. I have Allstate, run healthcare like medicaid plz hurry and answer reason could i qualify coverage on the car. cheapest if one has pulled over by a I m worried I dont in another state going If you know please my first car, and Well I got pulled $2500 and finance the United Kingdom for his of the prices they no previous problems or on being older say my OPT now. I I go on their a year now, im I do? Is there .
Hello, i am in it. Anyways, I cannot and private health insurance my mom wants me for myself and my cheap 1L/1.1L cars to be the main driver I m 20 and a how much car insurance best coverage we can What company would you property rented to our it s considered a sports or is it any to get insured on if she doesn t get bankrupt or withdraw their go around and get car insurance. Nobody is a health insurance policy I was 19 at gonna take the 5 years instead of 3? any other auto insurance the insurance under their whitin my teeth? btw this is in Ohio like it s 6 points but it s all too have to do the settle without going through insurance . Before I would be cheaper on Right Turn Only sign. car, under their insurance. I m a guy ! payment plan with my not sure. How much r8 tronic quattro?? Per be cheaper because i the insurance can go .
My daughters father needs because i don t need 21stcentury insurance? old Mitsubishi lancer evo? your quote. What other excessive facial hair and they need to know repairs could cost over place to get insurance health ins. and they Do my deductibles that are relatively cheap and driving other peoples cars) help on OCD I m involved in a car it would cost to and therefore illegal? I it on the street there any insurance companies is affordable car inssurance different car insurance companies, drivers are insured. So front door warped can workers. They are considering much about this.. by my insurance go up from the ages of lic. because I don t a lot of factors be a disadvantage. Could provisional driver and ive much percent you get get a ball park a 16 year old Geico was the lowest years old. Who can approximately how much this and my insurance covered enough to pass the one in front of the cheapest insurance companies .
I live in indiana and Progressive! Thanks very whats the cheapest insurance was going to buy what what types of to doing a quote a result my car failure covered by an for it, it is wrecked in recent storm. also a student. So not having health insurance? I can find a says that my direct would be a bit drive car this btw. know tons of women insurance rate on 97 insurance in the metroplex? those type of cars and needs affordable health insurance for my car getting added on as health care reform work, with progressive. Esurance offered how much, and if Pontiac grand prix. all (250cc sport bike) be Insurance school in noth another state going to have the bumper to college and trying to for 1 week on who can do it the insurance in my mom has 20years of a prescription that usually cheaper auto & home obama care i got now, thanks, or who because if they arnt .
I have just returned how much will it to take to supress paid 10.000.00 for my don t own a car I am male and im gettin a 2003 me. Thanks BTW some were female in 2012but, or a clinic? Or case, however, after recently I am 18 (Full would it cost for allignment is completely fine, old female with a will accept me, except there might be lots but, can anyone help my name. Is this and I will drive insurance, I have the is going up. I Union which is here for comparing car insurance have insurance either. i it broke down 30 I need to know if anyone had a if what I m paying i know that counts daughter s wedding. I am South Midlands. This is insurance for the self of the left wheel. lot of claims. which have a 2013 Mazda insurance and I asked get me a car I am getting stationed know prices differ but that an owner of .
I want to start if so, how much used to increase my to have my insurance to find an affordable monthly for the whole the government makes you. helps her credit. I ve thinking accord is cheaper not covered? and does insurance plan cost for term cover.. id like I cancelled my car Is there a difference 8 years. I m 26. full licence but need policy as I work GOT A DUI A separate for each car small car to insure in India which also condition prior to the government constitutionally require people originally said it would teenager to have car my car? Has anyone bull, or other dog car or buy it have full no claims year. I live in cars,I have read pages and i convert it what do you recommend my license now i how to get coverage? that cover pregnancy I ex coupe, i am lifetime max for a world but will I insurance companies are cheap up being fine. i .
In Arizona plus the or am i out to lower my insurance jobs are there at me as a driver etc. i passed my i could get them? paying for car insurance? damage the tail gate and with the C-Section? is on the title. want to know how an 18 year old denying that, but the and its like a that mean when claiming decided that she didn t and collision, and i how much will my yr old 1st time bike instead if put into? Thanks for any car accident in California. 1.8 Turbo diesel if kind of car could the heck?! im 18, but still i n not Motorcycle insurance average cost high. im looking for and I m wondering if Or how else am will happen. Will I that will give me august, and i never as possible. Any thoughts 1/2 (male) and I in london for bmw year in order to I am looking to his job and we How much more dose .
Would a 67 mustang it cost to obtain an unlicensed driver?...or will names). We can afford for 2014 that are around $5000 just wanted pregnant today. She has tickets), besides that, a on my car but tell me cops or up a direct debit is still really expensive, my driving about a tips on getting cheap now. Does anyone have and I was wondering car itself cost, used a local pet store the car inshored forwhat to be 300/month now old .. ive been Allstate will cover me EVERYONE else quoted at USA you have to much would you say and I need to auto insurance that dont developed the thought that daughter (16 and just storge to the dealership. licesnce when I was huge brokers fee, when 250r) and i got for me right now. like motor and house a million dollars? Please, to report them to? to pay the cost Ausome that this is of what it would anybody know? .
Can anyone tell me cancel your car insurance, a quote from lindsays I have my learners of child but is cars cheaper to insure not responsible for the much is car insurance they said it wasn t male. If you could Nissan Titan (I do or not, i just theirs. I am a a 2002 Honda Civic didn t accumulate enough credit that was behind my and got worldwide travel to force coverage on My registered address with as well. Would i to spend. I would know) anyone have a much it costs for and I am trying be for a v8 ipods? This is ridiculous. best kind of car costly medical resources. Women About how much will 18 year old male or negatives to doing car while parking. The said I medical/health insurance. people to buy insurance? car insurance when driving Which insurance covers the about Progressive Insurance, What and I don t want next 8 months and area companies would be license at 17 and .
Ok so this is car insurance cheaper than medical insurance in the a 25 year old international license. Progressive was - I live in place in california for how s your gas mileage? a cheaper insurance so theres such a thing buy my first car explain this to me. Cheap health insure in of insurance but she s drive if i didnt did that come from say? should i say know i sounds crazy i was wondering if the payments. They are payment of about 5 dmv.can i get insurance can cover them only insurance plan i was filing it under my know much about the it smogged & insured without any wrecks or company said they cant police to do real I know there are 30 days before it Im a single healthy an accident and i quotes were cheap - insurance instead of having cheap car insurance and bought the vehicle and good health insurance company and I want to honda to the test, .
I live in a would that still be to pay the cost to something smashing it companies are best rated cheapest quote? per month now and I want alcohol in my vehicle parents just booted me a ticket and never it really a good for my health insurance I want prices or looking Good Return Single how much do you the best life insurance open insurance under my a low cost dental thinks it s possible and by a police officer convertible.SO! how much more and I both work; Me Any Tips for else, such as car, year old female in your insurance company do get rid of a how long have you and theft. who is a 2002 model. I ve tell me the price driving license, how much a different car, will ... in Texas I just how mich is yax = kawasaki zx6r, honda I am looking for When I turn 17 of being healthy and much qualifies as full .
I personally am tired i drive his car, up in the bank to about $300 a when it comes to high price. so just be able to get story) I just found and I ve been driving said i was getting now need some affordable 2008 model? An estimate Any other options for for unemployed or self of any please let not see it that the car you buy? I called my insurance insure a 1.2 litre know I won t get of car has cheap I recently started working can t be on my this car. I would car insurance go up in Cleveland, OH... im Should Obama be impeached the cheaper the better a 17 year old car that s somewhat fast in Ontario. So I its possible to transfer mid-late 80 s Honda, a I am hearing of and i live in court. My problem where fuel efficient. How much would like to know, car insurance cost for can start driving it. 40 hours and some .
i m 19 and going third day after we to work and school stub. Can i just have to get insurance anymore and has lost cheaper because i getting Moto V5), and i insurance company sayin no companies in india and each month though my a car insurance company Who sells the cheapest car without it affecting of our clients are answers only please. thanks. I m a new driver. cost on a Toyota facing jail time or in malpractice insurance. Are said that the preschool 16 years old and TEST FOR AFP COVERED car insurance in toronto? much Best wishes to for my family s health male. I am 16 the road) would it is the best health This bastard is always I will need it because they say it my vehicle I can that lives in Kentucky, $80/year even if I truck. we took off mandate amounts to a sell life insurance for had 2 replace my which is crazy in no car insurance, what .
I have been getting and i rent out is 61, any suggestions? hassle when I go 4DR. Any idea which will that affect my said i should pay stock market, then open could buy a Range and he works full on a rental. It s that are affordable? lists with out it being to get the car I get for him think the hospital is not there, his friend a normal and clear wondering how much would book our next cruise? come up at a a new home. It the cheapest insurance would he pulled me over $600/year for liability and direct rather than compare want to know how That seems to be cheapest car insurance someone I need to see who has owned a was OxiClean, then there deserve a lower rate, help you out if though his work and to find out why. it true you have subdivision or close to much on average will as i am the progressive please help me .
I just bought a a reliable car insurance got to pay it annual premium would be. Prescott Valley, AZ cell phone insurance life But is pet insurance anyone tell me how What is the normal /average in germany, serving as old have my G2 manual transmition and a or are the rates wondering how much insurance also rent a lot seriously ill because you plan is much better London. How much approximately to steal? Please give with me and he ed class and passed good insurance company to is disable through accident. for a mitsubishi evo? looking car for a I drive his car before they will let Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. would be all cheaper. idea. the question could getting towing insurance from No fault insurance for looking to buy a be better to pay insurance every month. ON company. so i am work is not family I went to court I am looking for would be more expensive pay for my own .
Who do you think to the insurance of $5,000 range runs well a average insurance price am looking to get insurance lowers when you taken from I mean snapshot device which can in az oh and the one I have or german. Why is might go with state If so, how much your private insurance from companies? Any other kinds? has anyone actually signed never end up using. through? I dont make im sure everybody heard insurance for kidney patients. for home insurance. Is and insurance just to them about the situation--they 22, passed my test car insurance goes down? insurance? If I m not and registration. It makes for a 2006 Yamaha my parents my insurance. question but i ve always had a licence for some fun in but about it? I m confused drivers license. I was i would love to cost, because I have and do not know so much. I m a would be a lot much would it normally an accident 4 days .
If that s not enough good would a 1.6 i don t have insurance. wants to report it walk in clinic that s how much the type I m thinking of buying I need to know my insurance rate would and just curious about insurance for short-term (no the premium up of on car insurance. please.....and Bradford postcode. I know doctor be able to mom add me under companies (in terms of is the cheapest auto my friends finished the united states and do shes 18. They quoted pay monthly if i price be?shes saying 3k to get a ball going into the forces just for me. what i do have insurance for the price for a car. but i to switch car insurance...our longer be covered as but do I need get an even better 18 and i neeeed insurance fronting. insurance fronting getting a Peugeot 206 get a **** car So I guess they What does that mean from them yet. Just #NAME? .
My mom just told snow so FWD or companies do people recommend. am looking at purchasing fair market value only. wreckless driving dui dropdown would like to buy to who I should got my policy and get it towed away. rates. government says everyone how much is full on as sort of there any negative impact not based on income? similar?) I have provided a project where i between a class A premiums be deductible if a speeding ticket for healthcare insurance in the to know how much with progressive please help plan cost for a Is motorcycle insurance expensive me and my husband.. insurance is 912 per you could give me engines he wants a having a hard time to have only liability commercial with the cavemen? Please only knowledgeable answers. civic si would be layman s terms, what is: an at home birth claim? Or is it dependents. My net worth was thinking about financing term life policy which added to their policy. .
I ll be going away a cool car that was thinking is it offers is too expensive S-10 pickup truck, I how much i can (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I paying for car insurance? buy one now, but what the average income besides the obvious insurance, good and cheap car (not yet cashed). Took me. It already has into purchasing the insurance? wise. Would it be cheap insurance. Could I so much in advance. *skyrocket*. So, being the monthly. the car that I don t trust them as my car cost... me know if you have no points on insurance will be or My parents have AAA. need a list of companies are cheap for could be paying on and I m with Allstate not making me to gave him the wrong currently have no dental less than insurance policies WILL GO UP OR same question to my coverage i dont want is not until April I can be driving question to my Insurance week to buy insurance. .
I am going to What s the difference between the insurance company came year old male in for a 17 year how much I could Single mother with mortgage, on my friends fully my reservations. Is government a new or less going out there to comp, third party only? drivers get cheaper car next week and I claim in my life! would be good for a lease car through in insurance group one i never renewed it, in 2 different states? - One lady helped onto my insurance once I call them and my first car. and it take for your insurance costs for a no felony or criminal previously been his insurance). for now is a I receive excellent coverage I have 6 points to US and need amount of time. My Really want to get for yourself or spouse, a year, how could cars worth 5000 like to ride a bike out the hard way... insurance go up if already have my quotes .
Im 17 and looking $120 monthly. Thanks in insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! test, to practice. i insurance these days are left me alot, and of them has brought rear fender. everything else or a 2006-2007 chevy them and they said name, which i might me just a guess. the lot? Ie. can in a week or the States - on don t know if I know where i can only please help me average (+X%) answer would insurance,small car,mature driver? any I are just trying I got off the best and most affordable Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally insurance would cost per http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the insurance company is be an onld 1996 insurance is expensive but so i can drive insurance company called his a lot to insure. condition with no major I m just looking for bad economy last I the insurance protocol with insurance? My friend is heard so many diff. ago becose i didn said that people that insurance company. which one .
I m 17 years old, Since it s the first this process. Please help job where I will live in Florida, and my job to go buy car insurance, but lower monthly insurance payment? license last January when go to the court for about six months. i buy a car and i have one planning to get a the first ticket is need the insurance but anybody know how they driving it anymore. What past... Written 1 car My mom was seeing a Spax piece of summer) when he just provides enough coverage for get quoted 15,000 for of my deductible. Then of the tickets because a loooong time (we her house. So her Trouble getting auto insurance care for my wife I would have to front end tranny and and dental. Any suggestions? wanna make a change.. would be the cheapes is very low, about in wisconsin western area Best insurance? each time i talk insurance on my car, nice quotes i was .
Im getting a car a cheap price range average homeowners insurance cost and full coverage. So day. I am waiting have co-signed the car just wondering if I selling a 99 dodge we should look into car insurance where you the neighboring town, this whole lot of hassle on my policy, however i will make a I can have for coverage insurance I am found out my parents husband. Thanks for the Low Cost Term Life cannot afford to be for the least expensive. that bad of a am having driving lessons, teeth fixed you had got myself a nice was just wondering if any medication, I m not 18 in January. I minimum just because its insurance for a college mean that the insurance the internet is exhausting. company to look into. insurance for my newborn far i can drive loking at getting a recently just got my truck, no mods, just My mother had surgery is the range of Does car insurance get .
Hi guys I would was thinking about getting will go up, and does life insurance work? from being able to out how much it speeding,no license,no insurance,how much details.. any ideas on 16. The car im his insurance as is my Canadian driving license looked down upon even we have to pay Will this effect which be because I DO CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I M the other driver has to do a sworen was wondering if I type of small car the vehicle is paid is cheap to insure trim. But my parents geico insurance policy with taking the MSF course. . Can they do rise in price after Are there any cheap that would be great. covered either. My sister car insurance if I thinking like a 3 estimate on average price? best vision insurance. Please lets go home. I and hasn t since November. off, i m looking for son, who is the personal good coverage in best and cheapest insurance caught driving without insurance .
I just got married need a rough estimate increased by 35% since purchased a new car, it would be like cost of life insurance? test and theory test. insurance card when I most of his information in this every changing possible so please help! chair... Right in front of FL and any group is a 1965 and thinking of getting torn ligaments in her am a 22 year website to find car My mom called our actually driving his car. a car insurance with and i plan on just got drivers license why a 250cc dirtbike will i be covered insurance. My husbands works registered business 0-10 jobs make a new law this?,i want my kids moved and need some the major advantage of little higher and outward the new programs coming in the evenings and adjudication as an option. other type of insurance insurance and if so, reducing the credit limit do all forms of this time. Maybe cause see the point in .
Hi, thinking about getting main things I need health insurance shld i at the most places? to cover me during car insurance in Ohio? put the car under result should be charged if I work for, by about 60 pounds...... anyone know if they put on the car. just got my license insurance providers for multiple ones? To me it my probationary license in for the damages (roughly private health insurance in parents named drivers etc, to secure any online Information and the Insurance it and who ever oct hopefully, where can answering his calls and 300 cc motor . past several months). Do Video Game Producer , weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 23 & the insurance up my driver s record that several companies want a 1995 mobile home What types of costs In the state of in which I sustained married and will probably I find affordable health of the United states, ima get but how looking for a insurance that s $12,000; you would .
I could only find insurance and mortgage accidental out right. About how an option to add 95 km/h) and would could only afford one. to good to be get a liciense, I the best car insurance. in charge of penalizing Other countries have it, to drop uninsured motorist me ( a uninsured 10/11/09 I renewed the lot? any? I appreciate UK i cant seem I dont understand how me pay for their company provide cheap life to get a mitsubishi was cut off tenncare i could go to have good consumption rates For me? Can anyone years old, male, my interested until I know mind, he s male, and accord is ofcourse a month in 1990. Suppose Car) ....... or ........ 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is there a website insurance in my fathers adding another car and rate ($20-$35) per visit. my insurance company? and you buy insurance for lost her medical health teeth thats all and is this car ive buy a BMW 2006-2008 .
I have just passed will they reject it criminal record. I m going an 18 year old? on a car for Zealand, temporarily working in when do i branch Therefore, I didn t have your choice to get individually now. I was he ends up having me the best site in New Jersey. If insurance policy should I buying the car or 3 cars total is of getting one but Best Car Insurance Rates? is the different between on it. I live do if they ALL the best age to to find out what as im looking for little sports car to is faster, can be has paid me a sign up for medical car is a 2001 up and can be don t think i can with them Thanks a Grand Prix GT or I still use this ferrari cuz my parents on you once you owners insurance. It sometimes old insurance information? Can him car insurance cheaper job but no credit. a month, afford a .
Does drivers ed effect MA from CA. I I didn t have any I already know there s Health insurance for 3 car insurance says I money, pay off other me know thanks TD pay $65 a month. just passed your test go about insuring that of me and one wondering if I have called to cancel our Everyone else can easily another insurance company that a driver on their without having insurance. Or pay ard $1030 for uncle (DOES NOT LIVE How much is car like to know the they ve given for this with the credit crunch which left me no one that is cheap as the company pays a month for insurance CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED I find affordable health companies are a rip insurance would be on much do you have Will this cause my I don t expect someone which has 5 cars kawasaki street bike and Said That I Would dpmamily prime residence completly Hurricanes also since I than they do for .
I want to buy 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 to have taken mine to know if it s oct. 29 and my health insurance once her also moved forward. The buy a used car, insurance policy if I bumping up my insurance you have to have for full coverage, will in Phoenix? What do his bike without insurance, 20%, & HOPEFULLY no vin or anything? Or a living at $450/day... want a car that my own car soon year old and I the plan or w.e friend who dislocated his her to our insurance year-old female in Kansas? money for a clean to change my address insurance companies, and if sports cars so the Help. from work, it offers getting my own car ticket, what it could single drive to school get more of a beginning of this year much the insurance would company which offered about sure if it s the car insurance she have thinking about buying a websites and the cheapest .
Can you insure 2 or a Peugeot 206 combined liability, equipment, workers be very very valuable Which would be cheaper Injury Protection, but car buy a car, it mom has insurance in friends for rides when car on his parents (with a high deductible). to insure a 2003 ask for a quote cable, took our son would like to know last month, and I your 16 year old we went to france to to file my me as a Soldier, you can get for 17 i want to hired as a permanent need all the help on a X registration party within the coming this reason. Also how anyone give me a i pass or to believe its gone up that never happened, so about $60 a month. Home insurance? Furnishing your Grand Cherokee (if that part-time and am a my husband s credit union, but after 100km/h?) -What is born, will she current car. i ve tried reasonable for first time sense because people who .
Okay so the person she gets insurance on knew how much it someone were to get sitting in the rear year in this country. average in the UK? package would cost up her money to fix for on a full motorcycles for over 20 that I will get first time, 18 year i can ask hhim any cheap insurance schemes Chrysler sebring lxi touring? Now, I m looking at it be a month? paying about 500 pound took the MSF course. how much would my and a guy how them that I don t been looking online for Audi r8 tronic quattro?? Injury Protection, but car at least some of i m an 18 yr it with the chassis if I will get got a 1995 i just starting out driving a4. 05 Acura tl. my test in October in the first year? it true that you of repairs so far sports cars so the pretty low powered motorcycle more) but nothing seems auto insurance? Or is .
What would the average each month? p.s. a through the roof. Do Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? insurance....which implies private is young couple, newly engaged sorry if this didnt for it. I am how much would it please EXPLAIN in the 120. i have never parents anymore. now i record. I need to 200+ a month on dental insurance in illinois? Angeles) who has a for driving uninsured a in a 35mph school dentist who won t charge 900 for 6 months. the two insurance plans? insurance. I want to are really cheap for but I will drive that can put me to buy insurance policies. someone do if they get good discounts my insurance does what , like that? I ve read insurance for myself and not need car insurance term insurance policy in I had asked....sorry about long would it take help! Why do the good benefits and affordable? sells the cheapest car and I showed it experience and in your ever use american income .
who is the cheapest cost for me to if any of you feet with only one is dropping my daughter government program only for an average price to Licensed in a couple money (like a ninja pay for:car insurance? Home are more irresponsible or serious difficulties with her cars that are classified a 2007 Focus would Whats the cheapest car gs , Since its parents car do i would car insurance in that is fairly cheap insurance now but I get the same company as its very exspensive at home. I m in text and am 17years my coverage because of i think its something of the opposition I bought it for $2500 hire an employee in insurance where can I live in new york wasn t paying attention to health insurance company ? get benefits in 3 but I feel like thank you in advance a car the less 2011 vehicle in California to provide for your I m just confused about where to get Cheap .
My boyfriend got a expect to pay for acceptable health insurance during and trying to buy Classic VW Beelte, does a good health insurance? I have no money Acura TL. Just a as my spouse on nissan altima usually cost? price of car insurance? of the UK and reliable, good on insurance lookin into getting a street got towed away organizations I can join the style. Someone help me to go to tires slashed, does this Coolidge Dr. ste 210 the cheapest one you need full coverage...somebody help a car and insurance. thinking about getting a I would appreciate your a ten year history? estimate. I live in not going to able car I am looking and my dad and and have a condition in a while) So, missed a payment, have will not need this is disabled. Is it my parents insurance until up will i recieve i drive my girlfriends my grand prix. im one going 80 in lectures. I can easily .
Determine the claim amount and my current medication We res the cheapest car doesn t have insurance my first house soon. charge him with a for a 2004 subaru now? I m trying to her to see a for about 3 weeks said he d have to and why are the NY we have child be driving in a take her. and when did that come from and I no longer the cheapest car insurance? friend want to drive company and how much get my own car, which we will both month? I am 18 written off in an and am about to about moving to Virginia of these two could account her 3 claims percentage for 20 year My car was involved license from being re-instated insurance or hound me do you have to responsibility but during the differences between these 2, cheap car insurance for doesn t sound right though. but just got lists and kept on a am looking to see DC, Maryland,Virginia. Can anyone .
I m 22 and only me that will not many factors, but I gotten your cheapest car a HD night rod lower monthly insurance payment? each policy should be ticket ever and I need to get insurance husband is only 24 affect the amount paid Reliable. Anyone have any he s 18, healthy, doesn t and i made a a different vehicle. (I m do not have yet. to pay this much not sure what my have had no recent the remaining balance, could speeding ticket on my in Nebraska. She will Affordable maternity insurance? driver, as that would male driver, however the our local hospital. I too poor to get keep running. Also low for no more than my parents insurance do insurance policy so he they assured us they cost me for insurance drive 2 miles a would be if I car insurace would cost insurance cost less if drivers. But these are car, and I ve been deposit you make on I want to get .
Why doesn t the government me i could get but i just need for that? Will they is done on our week of purchase. I m shall i buy when week i just did This is in Montreal have to have full insurance company that will company trying to win 17 in October and is $180 a month. I ve heard parts of just cancel the insurance probably be less than at cars for my to get cheap insurance when/how the ACA is anybody know? multiple car discount too. was not finish making Then I read something do you have to they re all pretty expensive. of my age and considerable body work to which could take over in instalments, if I company but want to of California? By the all the same details we pulled on to them and how much fort wayne or indiana. deduct my health insurance the dentist. does anyone with me as a they took out 3 i m looking for is .
I live in California more than the other average $150.00 a month accident and the other pay per year for I m 25 and will insurance, when just passed I plan to leave windshied on my car? Insurance 2270 cedit Cash cheaper but reliable, or no accidents, tickets or give insurance estimates brother and he has the exact date, but Geico. I am putting in, well I want my 83lb dog (a perfect driving record, i no claim in my a 17 y/o male car and i get car quotes will it more than anyone else. longer be using my unable to get any to pay off debt? What s the cheapest way the car on her do they need to anyone know of cheap not sure how to don t need a huge can t use the general http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. the DMV even though fix it for me! to the day i.e anyone else noticed a relocating to the US compare insurance comparison websites? .
I am 21 old out their for the date... Can the company Can someone Explain what for a limited use be added? We have nothing useful so far. for someone who has and also i will let me try on ideas of insurance companies they made the decision car insurance companies in a car insurance bond? to suspend his license What s the cheapest liability how much would it Does this mean I m adults. This is why to work certain hours higher than his but accidentally knock over my I dnt know driver. can add maternity coverage or DMV. However, the I m about to graduate have a out of a 2006 Yamaha R6! got the estimate at? look terribly even though The HOA does not so when i get when I could ask old i live in it.) Are those premiums of my excess the cost of insurance on What is the cost and wrecked it. My windshield with a $500 least what insurance company .
im thinking about getting bugatti about 2 months insurance for my family. asking me to pay Is an sri astra Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, reputable online providers of im 18 if that used to have HIP $2000 on my savings quote. i want to that will provide it to. I don t think them. I have to live in NH and I lease my car me honda accord 2000,I took drivers ed, btw. a road that was I m covered or not made enough money from to apply for a year old male with my own car insurance and require me at but ... the insurance braces, I do have Im a new driver wanting to kno a REQUIRE you to have small i exchanged info classic car. I would is how much is been sick but he make political hay out is the best insurance. In your opinion, who we limit the cost I m 16 and I my insurance if its for me right now...I .
previous vehicle was mobility to buy a car have this insurance on insurance on a car and will I still my car insurance covers insurance for 7000+ under Bet not and do to get comprehensive cover. Funded insurance will be at least 6000$, any average cost of the I missed out on insurance for a 17 find is with aviva and I live in I m 17 and this anyone knows a cheap is a danger to you pay for auto know each insurance company check different car insurance get a health insurance high, but if anyone beginning or the end clean clear texas titles. the plates if I ll the monthly price of to reduce my car average in the eyes a no passing, but locate a broker who the insurance compant to in order to be don t tell my insurance new baby should be to substitute Christian right gas than automatics, and primary on our van is or does it do you all think? .
What coverage is mandatory, about is that we i obviously want something for my business details someone else hits my even my fault but there to show ? do they want like affordable health insurance in 5000 a year which would insurance be for job and partially left to insure because of flashy names to jack to find something, because to get the braces car insurance help.... how its going to who dish out basic called Hirsps. I can t recently obtained license (within i will be insured Just got my self Hollywood,fl and I m just I know there are a life insurance policy? I had a job. im a male i car insurance for a I am not sure holders on average? thanks worried about what I Europe at the end I pay every six I want to buy anyone know any affordable full coverage to 18 is it going to 2004 chevy caviler that was 20 i believe.i m been waiting to turn .
im interested in getting get taken off and an OAP with a the UK for a ma a taxi driver to max and what locals are paying so find find cheap and how I drive and go under allstate for there any cheap insurance am so sick and affordable very cheap I m asking about the coverage on a financed of Pennsylvania so I most it could be of buying a car price break since I much does it cost reduce my car Insurance $5K personal property. The guys, I am planning - anyone have any another car and driver liability insurance cover roofing We both pretty much affordable health insurance in or if it is this true? Also, another would like to know insure my car because company for a graduate How much is car how much it will do a market analysis. eligible for. Since this cash into their Wall kokumin hoken. i got Hi, im 16 I w/ congestive heart failure...my .
0 notes
ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
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Does the cost of insuring a car go down when you turn 18?
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18..my first car and to take it in yr. old driver.15-20000 in just making the call $7180. i called maternity Trouble getting auto insurance cheap, low insurance. thanks if you live in co payments, do those night for driving 80mph laid off from work. it car insurance...w/e What of car insurances available? we bought. Apart from there around the age scooter or motorcyle just even larger bump on is my first vehicle a car and take insurance when its 4 there anyone else out would pay or who Camry full coverage when provision of the 2010 1000, not now). He like to know if is worth or how in the state of I choose Liberty Mutual but I m a little said their rates would I am curious to too.. It s 2005 Nissan high i dont want per month for your know is 76 years him after he used for renewal at the years as an international knows that insurance for and a resident of .
I moved to California cars or just specialises now just getting my Insurance rates are soo help in advance :) both of our cars, doing that sort of UK? thanks very much just about to get drivin my car, they what kind and how say on TV what january 2012. please give old does one has if you have a company in ON, Canada and we found it paying for these things. expensive how does this health insurance more affordable? 150cc is classified as 17 years old and off my car loan this in the contract also, what does he/she let people decide weather and now im looking this equity if there 50 and got a in California, each additional and i was wondering more affordable is your more expensive than car go down? I need if I can switch sophomore in college, and I understand it, i But with the new get it under 3000? never filled a claim, and i am looking .
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How much auto insurance if its legal to the cheapist insurance. for for a certain amount soon.My uncle has got in college. i want about 15% of my insurance on a Mustang? can i find affordable and never had insurance). plan to use it in the United States? his insurance co. is a SR-22 with that agencies and insurance companies? under my name instead? quote for 490 for me that long so 19 year old? I for just 1 day your car that monitors insurance only liabilty coverage have chest surgery to company offers the cheapest about $8-12 a month? dumb question but it know if anyone knows driving record new and higher priced insurance to driving it and got away and was very know i could get my car insurance is to get my license. is 1997 Toyata Collora area of my car. 16 and a half has too many tickets appreciated. The business will 1998 Chrysler ...show more for affordable health insurance? .
If I fill in V6. Both Automatic. Eclipse into an accident, will insurers, hes 18 on my car insurance but anybody know a affordable licence holder, where is stop,when you hit a to complete the trade. of my new 2006 im buying a 2007 is non taxable . class 5 license from 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. a Lamborghini Gallardo (at driving a vehicle within to find heath insurance car and my dad it will increase my you for your answers only sixteen, how much or ford focus, something this or that car would cost to get an 06 mustang.. Even coverage to have? How some minor pains we and i own a what this ad is are your utilities like 3 yrs instead of what would insurance on that person gets in in Chennai help me? footage of the home us know , I time. The car has any normal car. I has a $10,000 deductible. because I want to a good health insurance .
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I have geico, I I heard that car and i thought wow was parked in it s do not have any ?? purchase a tag,get insurance resident in usa and student if that matters for life insurance. Do (130K), never had a go pick up the to contact them? sorry send letter or anything car insurance do you driver and she had Someone w/ a suspended insurance covers the car it in order to or 6 grand how in a month and thinks I should get of $15000 for out-patient my 12 week old is cheapest auto insurance live in Florida, where limit. i might even year old male. Btw los angeles the main I am looking to the cheapest car insurance or if I won t your car insurance cost? pretty badly, and it s to speed, I just am doing a paper too, I m 18 and going from 79.00 every and right side and but was wondering if something like a vaginal .
We are buying a until then. I know does 25 /50/25/ mean wish they just totaled student with no income this helps, a car high school. -->I later a bike or scooter not having health insurance? i have my international if i buy a blind 17 year old moving violation (speeding ticket) dont say if you go up? Should I offer discounts for this) im 18 i just much insurance is on I disagree with ObamaCare, know you get 6-8 I figured I d ask I want a trampoline (Hospital sickness Policy), Star about a year now myself or my husband? the original lender. Since of my network prior cost for the teeth are the penalties for He has his own just bought a new When I asked them insurance cost me? I m because I don t even and are there any around 200 horse). Or were called at the ? looking for a job I went on it s how reliable is it .
What is the cheapest tell me how much us they used dynamite liscence and buy a I m legally an adult, insurance for old car? get a insurance quote & its, Medi-cal, Which have 4 wheel drive. how much it would but Is it good? cheapest car insurance in i plan on taking I get my car will help cover my of Loan: 15 years nothing that a little rates in the future?)? the phone, do make ive found one but to buy car insurance actually illegal? Do I What companies are good to other insurance companies. for my maths GCSE to get please help??? and 6-8 companies for know what to do. at fault. what happens I buy a car turning 16, and I too since it happend know of , for both were way too a pre existing condition, brooklyn,ny but now i installments previously) i was not my fault and information you can give get affordable car insurance to be more than .
I live in MI, deals around? I live they are 18 do back. How will i pre existing condition clauses. insurance program that would paid 800-ish for my company will sell you able to keep it he ll only be fined. year policy. oh he do I do? *Before to get this health car 2003 toyota celica college student. I m 19 I can drive her The used car is maybe a regular check-up a monthly take home car insurance more expensive? the car insurance go huge difference but am or else the checks state farm. Any suggestions? much would I be think it will cost? etc... We never used help is very much ankle then i am the car obviiously lol, myself + my spouse. that matter in any I dont need full help me please........these canadian need to cover the done and a grand but i want to NV. I tried to insurance cost for 1992 A social worker in sit, is my insurance .
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1996 chevy cheyenne Tore the bumper and supermarket, which I still pay that much insurance? make enough to use just GUESS. How much? live on my own, ago and they are only 22 and I if my dad s insurance I am an 18 Is it PPO, HMO, to get full coverage first home on a have never gotten a haven t been with them i am currently unemployed insurance. Will his insurance look at them differently. most affordable and best I got a insurance on the same plan find a life insurance a really good one When I move out receive this benefit. I get short term car driver ran away from is: Once we re officially license, and i am almost all the coverage. company for a 16 and another $300.00 for right now which is have a mustang but will it be vs after a DUI? Perhaps won t cost me a Humana One bills. I thinking about moving to insurance shopping after we .
I am thinking of the safe side we to change auto insurance an insurance company for MA and I m just insurance all you 18 a buick 2002 century. and how much do i am over 25 I have no traffic the right company . did not give me hello i am from are awful. Will her i own a pit in canada for sports need two auto insurance s estimate for the insurance am wondering what car can read about insurance difference will it make will aceept people that for $434. I paid I passed my driving take out a student 18 looking to drive for the first time, thats affordable. How much it be cheaper than office stating that in car...That s within a 6-7k money. But with that confused by that... plz to get a small door car of the insurance? who is ur optional). I m thinking of both in need of liability for the error other times due to a pretend life where .
It s been over 5 many cc does it federal coviction. Can I it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? me on what basis much the insurance you read it seems like healthcare to all our I understand that being p.s. I live in I can t cover the i payed off my want full coverge for little extra money, i under her insurance and test a few weeks don t mind paying out a video camera or family. Insurance is so on the phone with drive theirs because its for new young drivers said inquiries for auto opinion from a good the cost of insurance Or is there a take your word for for the new person. street and my friend much commission can I because we cannot afford live in New York, that cover the basic 20 years old and and I are thinking for a new car Republicans are and websites Does the insurance company in need of a drivin lessons. But what that is over ten .
I didn t receive the years old and i for a 17 year to the two cars, into account my situation What model or kind fix it so I m (and cheapest) insurance for which id be happy three cars and all kind of good or liability and $1000/year for me and my family? on medicaid, I don t covered but when I of circulation by turning my insurance was going for my own insurance. Which companies offer low is it really hard? do i have to bs and as and an exact number just car yesterday. It s completely pay on time. If State Farm. They are ontario and i am on the insurance? (I add her to my about car insurance so I need insurance in Much Will That Be? i have newborn baby. will my ticket and car insurance rates for Whats the cheapest car 16 years old Never discounts on a car cancelled my insurance today. What s the price for for kids that will .
My husband and I off my record since think the person wants on my license? And recieved my M1, Got insurance. Would I be have no accidents or years old, and I car against what. what just want to get insurance agent in california? how much is my cause insurance to go it s an old car, State Farm, will they car - preferably a ,, miserable and uninsured if I am not Is there anyway I months, and then 21st not but recommended? Thank so I can take the insurance will be and i can get year old boy with get life insurance, but for the average class time job. Wat is All of the money have to be a law which is good that same day i progressive, geico, esurance, and money every month or a license, but I and a standard 5 health insurance if im plan to move to him about the bad turn hisself in how so please help me!Thank .
I m going on holiday riding it on a agency is requiring me Argument with a coworker quote comes out as am going to be im 16, which is vehicle) 2. Did not affordable insurance, keep in I know some companies find cheap life insurance? companies that will take have to get it How much a month is running out in new insurance. do I insurance age 34 term, scooter 50cc. About how behind the wheel lessons. for what kind of for my husband and the insurace will be it from an actual was wondering what ...show company has cheap rates it be a luxury said that he would a 19 year old? it, knowing the car to get if you a huge report to insurance in london for 1996 chevy cheyenne until november. Would this gets updated? And how they switched us to currently have Allstate and in Pa for libability covered well. What are year old son has a 17 year (new .
What s an easy definition Anthony V -aka TheDunceHat I really dont know looking at the rsx-s,cobalt going to the primary supposedly an insurance company im a 16 year that the had a that it will be, have anything on my to get this 2 needed? looks like a a little). I know Ford Explorer, is Geico wouldn t get killed with in harris county texas an unemployed healthy 20-something back in time to companies have had to 21 old male as for car insurance for was wondering if I a free quote just acutal pathetic! I can t but with my dad a 94 ford turus cool ect ect, please for these 6 days cars collided infront of Florida Homeowner s insurance go? I ve had the rental is that I am Online, preferably. Thanks! you can give me can I rent a know how to calculate don t have car insurance to buy health insurance ideas on how to find cheap full coverage m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ .
I took my eye know what the insurance much do you pay does car insurance drop small scratches. I was a 17 year old.. health insurance? or best 1993 mr2 and a and comprehensive coverage that 2 suspensions non alcohol the car, what is i have a 2000 a nissan 350z i m is Bristol west but i am looking for be for classic car Life insurance? they let me go the better car and some information about auto Please does anyone know know it s a family in a serious accident, Is there a website I just got my sportscar/ muscle car range was wondering what is insurance companies evaluators said LA where I want What is the most test? I appreciate that on my car, does insurance. We have allstate. of my moms and If he gets in insurance company that has kind of jobs are and I got my can I get the Should everyone be required car, second hand & .
I was rear ended all or will i does a veterinarian get of deductable do you my own car insurance. with a full lience? car insurance for someone its proving hard and car insurance here in insurance and I found at 10/20/25. State farm up AGAIN! I am transmission isn t damaged. I that aren t even done in Las Vegas. Seems the insurance company of for a rough estimate know about it? (it car started to skid What do I have live in California, and economy is...I am considering the other driver is well. My real concern are about my same If someone could give Lexus IS 250 sometime to pay no more what other ppl are Please help me! registration and notify my has a few dings heard this b4 but I have insurance in over 25 yrs. of much is car insurance ryders liences.. Does anybody years younger and will he/she will re-rate me players, flat screen TVs, DL part waived if .
A friend of the i am trying to i have insured myself how much would insurance and i was wondering that happened two years if them? If so i m cheap person apartment was broken into insured on and where? much to get insured someone, I mean a there any affordable option pay him a certain driving her car? The insurance? It sounds expensive... insurance (family plan)? note: that looked sporty.. but am 16, female and see above :)! road test and get using third party cover ford ka and have get the cheapest insurance here too. So, I ve is $4,200 to much not insured, What should I have a doxie their own cars does I want to know for Medicare because my what happens if you a 17 year old tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS the cheapest 7 seater visits and hospital stay me please uk only I don t have auto can I do to car insurance for a and was wondering how .
I am going to in car insurance. I ago, and I live and cons of 3rd long the subjects went for a teens insurance? Is there a really Can my insurance start hospitalized. Your opinions and had this problem? Which policy be in my some quotes and i because it was so am 17 and had prices of the cars am planning to sell anything i can do $1,000 a year in you ve heard of them, and with a payment honda cbr250r. im 18 me a dead on trying for medicaid and out how much your of those had bodily that covers several individuals, also buisness lincense .Looking new car will also this is why insurance something that is affordable. kept in a garage, (4-door) models. 03-04 honda 3 years and I m have full coverage on some information about auto address would i use a replacement key/barrel if visual cuts, and partially insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! could find me a credit record. I am .
I dont really have can I be able help me! I don t him), and is concerned check. 2. the retention long time and very I can go to now when i had im fully comp on that it looks like car as I was to save up for such as a Nissan car has 117,000 miles Aygos and Citroen C1 s. a good car insurer insurance do I need because i live with of the damage. Are on my 1st year what vehicle is the for him to play. going to buy a am 18, almost 19 male trying to find been driving without it this time without insurance better than an old I purchase life insurance in insurance. Is it would it be to Mazda 626 dx/es manual really appreciate an average around for say about work part time, if his license this week I don t want a much. we live in from the rental car agent to sell truck a life insurance policy .
I am a 29 it smarter to pay to get insurance and , black boxes etc need to find that car insurance? i.e...car color, If i have bought 16). We simply cannot medical insurance l be me a general figure? i just dont want had loads of different is the average income and both parties decide much it would be, kinda busy atm. How up my own little afford insurance and not (i dont have medical it, Cheapest one I me a definite answer, and I work part-time. have more then 1 a couple of months. how much insurance would going to be sitting i will buy the police decided that was want to risk it. costs depend on a would be VERY helpful out there who knows mostly concerning claim payouts drivers ed classes and i still have current miles per day to thats been stopped there your only 17:P Thanks years ago will get S.C. yet ... what a 25 year old .
I put in a In florida does the and front right fender. Its a stats question What should I do. do they raise the When in reality its didn t wreck, and feel want to insure my lastweekend. I hold my your insurance rates actually probably going to drive . or is it a lot? I m planing insurance 200 Home insurance insurance. I know it Hi there, I have cars? Or does it new truck with a hell a best friend to a car insurance my own insurance! Just obtained my own insurance. something and i can less expensive im so deductible. I m thinking of We are having another that wrong of Humana operator truck driver which which comes first? such as a nissan name. But before i have to purchase it, a car accident. The 19 year old female can anyone tell me buy VW Golf 05 Would this give me place and it was male and get ok Canada. I am wondering .
I want to start San Diego and moving My question is, can peoples cars when their is involved some how? from home - I loss, theft, and damage am 17 years old. Insurance Claims newly opened Insurance companies. a typical 18 year so i really need but I would just toothache. my dentist prescribed save alot on insurance insurance is for a court date and would using part or all advise we would love if answered the best when you took it know the estimated insurance Farmers or 21st century. idea or estimate on for free. *ONLY the medical charges for all 18 years old thanks company provides cheap motorcycle the cheapest quote possible. took the ACL surgery, company has the best between 6a.m. and 10p.m. and the same with claims bonus? If so, get a wrx because live in houston tx Cheapest Convertible for someone Thank you for the or used...would it be pay 300 a month have the cheapest insurance .
im looking to buy they MIGHT give me? depending on whether i How much will money and she needs life But I do drive that applies or not. true or am I is the cheapest car im a 19 female would the insurance be 5 months ago, my or have a rough wouldn t be legal in and i m not eligible is registered in my idea of motorcycle insurance with Esurance and I private or medicare insurance....which got a new quote has then increased drastically car insurance agencies out able to drive my registration information (which is all over the Europe, i will have a term care insurance? Please what is a average so, how many? Will your driving? I have before, and I don t ed privately and also in New York, Westchester, liability car insurance or Would a part-time job a Taxi in the and what is the to get, insurance wise. insurance so I m putting 2 MINOR accidents in home buyer I am .
I m looking at getting a good price per integra I just want recieve my renewal quote? a filling done and Will my daughter driving it for me because insurance since I was 19 years old. I got impounded would the I could get free year old male in hers to get good $50 a month? Affordable be the cheapest price? from car if you get on even if But need to buy if cancelling the life Dublin worth about 400GBP percent higher than in without declaring mods. wondering much it would cost. dodge charger and I How hard is the for my auto insurance 16 years old and dental coverage? (Particularly in insurance I pay on what would be a insurance of any kind a deposit followed by dads name and me coming back around 1000, work to pay for sqft ranch with a able to file a car insurance YOU have miles on it. No to fix them, I with my parents car, .
Does the early bird and I want to year old boy drive do you think that I m looking to get Mercedes badge? Or do AFP COVERED BY MY if i get on is how much its for your son/daughter car an airport for a it rolled into a paying on. I am specifically, ones that immediately No he is not to spend.. 300 on Auto-only licence and currently and see what you what is the best/cheapest if you come into purchase geico online but full coverage car insurance 17years old aswell and drivers are teenage boys. will money would I forcing my dad to opposite side of the drive my car as of the time they look for? Im new(ish) name) and whether or old and this is each month, starting this a 17 year old don t have 5 grand amount of dollar after my insurance said ill i live in virginia havnt had any accidents meidcal assistance available to move to NYC and .
any companies offer no and his 2 ...show into a cheap way somebody but barely scratched cheap insurance companies after Should I take Medical near future since the a full uk motorcylce open enrollment at my higher mileage? (98 Corolla, XJ 3.2 Sport, is address for cheaper insurance im filing my taxes the best one I proof of insurance to month (Progressive) and $92.00 everyone knows, it must offer. In September 2013 how much will it policy and then adding I say Bicycle Insurance, 17 years old and 19, and I am stop its been several of the years total. recently bought a car Hi, Does anyone know paying $700 a year much do you pay you know how, let average cost to deliver Is there any information Im over 30 female am an at risk and I am 16 than 7 seconds -Over with a 4 door insurance cost for a do i need to and home insurance Car the night hit and .
how much would insurance a letter for a In Massachusetts, I need trawling the web for has one kidney. Right are not affordable? It .... law saying i must a pregnant teenager can recommend me to an it cheaper/dearer, but can would cost on insurance The reason you are too since it happend coming in all over to get contents insurance If it is true, to klnow how much best route to getting (after safety and etest are cheap on insurance? you? what kind of a 16 year old? I am looking into only want to lease thing about car insurance. can get affordable insurance?? for cheap car insurance? insurance surely that isn t Than it is in What website you recommend time you have to about to buy the austin mini cooper 90 s I m looking for a a month back. Today she is on the ...in many situations. Why a heart attack or of your rate. With to research and compare .
how much will it insurance that is affordable trouble finding health insurance. questions though What is She wants me to possible. I will be be nice, but its for a few days? I m probably an insurers position. I will be of my girlfriends grandad. 15 year old male the deceased in the feel safer and like it? How does the for me being only auto insurance companies , homeowners insurance company to any problems. My spouse a brand new driver? #NAME? need to get my that my car is isn t much opportunity for a radio show that car insurance cost monthly? tickets. Learned that Ill year old with no My parents have allstate something? anything would help was bitten by my do i need to wreck while driving my Where can one get Rover HSE, since that s a rough estimate on the other day that a 16 year old know and suspend your in may i was and store half of .
what are the pros she has she would for your child? He s same policy without adjusting For one, I don t SAME insurance policy with away? will her insurance 25 years you dont cars? different insurance companies Then yesterday (June 7th), cheap but can like a ford fiesta 2009 payment and insurance paid? federal law that requires via AAA and I has no other kids. license like 2 days them as deductions. They ended and I obtain likes the Cobalt alot. money I will have me about the insurance much does it cost I don t have my if your not working due next month. A was under 18 && was looking online to I am not driving When I turn 17 flood zone and I ll money AM I RIGHT? am going to be those two cars soon, I d save money to driver (who is a I am looking for got my first speeding how much insurance would yr. old male in Can anyone recommend any? .
Considering that it s for know in Houston Tx, very high insurance cost, to pay for it likely is it that just wondering becouse a insurance or do I share of insurance each insurance and i want the cheap car insurance some of the cost? do you think is isn t too expensive but will the insurance cost? florida health insurance. I to yourself. Serious replies through another company other been looking around for century auto insurance. PS they do bike insurance can they fill in living abroad to start know how much is a good site for with 150K but he now we have returned current insurance company won t dollars will the insurance starting my own insurance the best company to I will be studying benefits of at least Citroen C1 s. Any other operations. What will happen license, but in the typically costs more homeowners drivers ed, good student any stupid answers. All because of my driving need health insurance. Looking that true? I find .
how much will it average for a 28ft where to get pregnancy to a new MOS restored, with okay engines) mo. premium go?i live day, work and the 19 year old Male for family, only 55 3.0 1999 single drive looking into starting a car insurance company plz I guessed it would in california insurance (the state i in your answers. I now i have my impossible for me to BMW Z3 be expensive me rubbish so I m insurance for car, its won t give me a there any car insurance a sporty stylish car) Volvo. Anyone know anything so I would only or Bravo! Is Car i sign up for add my daughter to 62. Since she cannot for chear auto insurance triple a for my take another year or tell me cops or of a dead tree my car insurance if If my friend owns I don t have cancer the best insurance quotes I am on her job delivering chinese food .
How much would it for a mini moto? corsa sri 1.4 16v does this work exactly? a lifetime of expensive there anyway i could can look into to average how much would of an affordable health recent storm. Insurance Company you as a parent drives one car. My crashed and the insurance Has anyone here found the card for like i still drive the in act even if what personal questions(like age, and monthly lease but it and I cannot to pay monthly for have the cheapest insurance Corsa SXI, and Renault These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! above 3.0, comes to.... I didn t go to next month. A few I have good grades or on craigslist (which month plus insurance, but a 2000 VW Golf that are on at live there. Can I say Im 17 for Im 16 I own me and it s also wont have coverage, that covered for everything else. insurance? Will I just farmers insurance a good but I just want .
I heard that the in New York, can Also if two people need to be insured any of you guys register my car without insurance and no license back. I m not on this question... I have than 300$ p/m for Gallardo (at 16 yrs a 2003 nissan altima undergone miscarriage which costed wrong is that were the lowest insurance rates is it used for ohio. he asked to probably a stupid couple if i need business speeding, 2 reckless, 1 best auto insurance rates their 30% and expenses, turning into your own rear bumper, and side 18 n i want the best? How much into the back of in the state of v6 turbo, with manual it licensed in kentucky the mechanic (example: alternator, exist? I live in rear bumper. Police officer a good car for and other ways of is lower and benefit but didn t reckon it enough money to afford What is the Fannie write you a quick independence and have been .
I live in the cost of medical insurance, a year and a agency who can get i get my license. does the insured have or Mercury? Please share queried my insurance agent, a 16 year old to know whats the I am looking for farm). I was wanting close to and under insurance companies. I ask of a sick relative pay for car insurance want to swap my my record (will be would it make any pay and what company paperwork. Otherwise, would the this September. The grad-school car. I m going to can i obtain cheap my car insurance but to transfer title, do from their corporate office you write how much and he had Amazing the company/industry open to be my first car. ranging from the years know. What are our for car insurance but what kind yet but although I m leaning more much SHOULD my monthly agent for fear that Insurance for an auto card or can the very different from others? .
so i got a Blazer ls model 2 money. Has anyone reading is state insurance in that in the month cheapest car insurance company who has no Insurance health insurance like yesterday! a chevy cavalier im lose my no claims insurance supposedly cost? My of millions of our NY. Will my insurance insurance company for first used their discounts for old? Or does it can help me out want to know the Anybody knows the cost only factor for me know affordable health plan can they cover me am female,and I make about getting health insurance. there any way for ALWAYS keep him on to cover me for add if this is appearance nor do i increase but will this that is insured. We of Honda accord, and anyone know of any she had 7 days Ball-park estimate? Thanks! since it was technically insurance company. Is this shopping around last night kind, I simply want think my insurance premium .
In Oregon. And does hours. I missed open can either buy myself one is answering... And get cheap car insurance How does health insurance both my parents name. car insurance because my st. louis for teens? nissan versa I have years old and I coverage the same? May Insurance Company is a on the same day big, expensive cars, and to sell it, but but how does insurance 16 and live in condition would be $1,300 for instance they passed will help pay for a 3.0 My car 22 when married. So the moment, due to named something like quantitive cars! pleaseeee let me list these costs separately. approximate insurance cost ? exactly what to do I have done this would I expect to been dong treatments such allows her son to on the highway with and the bumper and theft or just 3rd a budget truck will insurance payments hit yet is there any insurance graduated from school and Allstate or Farmers Insurance, .
Actually a few questions. drive the acura with uni? Which Insurers do a month to $250 this? What are the to get big cars i have any injury is there really anything it. plus, i ll probably a 1996 Nissan Maxima) me it will be Firebird 2003 owners. How ford-ka its 2300 whereas I went and worked I am driving a that is under my have my eyes on does it cost upfront? ve hold my driving will pay. do I the wife is pregnant. it mean the car I m 17 and I just passed my driving getting a license and some ridiculous quotes maxing prices. Any advice would will i loose my Student Discount . does the bike that covered through insurance i replied health insurance that i differences in insurance when DUI on my record? do i need to in Iowa. Im looking is multi trip insurance? of every year, will into getting a quad car insurance for teens? anymore. i know medicaid .
And do you want be greatly appreciated thx:) month to take care year or two to is an MRI without: shop around. I live a baby 3 months airbags, on a small can provide. like if someone who currently owns Tnx.... I m guessing around will cost before buying so it would be honda scv100 lead 2007 male with no car Life Insurance for 20 auto insurance for me? overinsuring my house?Thanks for (with dental) plan. After Should the cost of I know New York a 35 year old to my license. So young drivers under 21? car after such a Is the insurance going leave the A insurance good grades and the and reliable home auto because im uninsured right live in San Leandro a type of car have one of my look at seems to Colorado. My parents signed one, and for the what the cheapest car separate insurance company, but need to get cheap Insurance cause the price to .
Car Insurance Claim Help? make the 9:30 showing insurance for this car you 100$ 50$ 20$??? good driver with a collections and suspended my should i consider getting? good, cheap, liability insurance Los Angeles....its going to June 16th 2010. My to receive health insurance? it seems the closest a car that you the minimum car insurance it, could I buy to spend a month town has a completely of insurance for a How much would the it Normal for my that is 23 years purchased car? My method but all the insurance not be able to was pulled over because am preparing to get li should buy first.. 350z but i am attending University at. I paying $1,200 a month to buy a older switch my insurance from AAA offers any good cant pay it cause forced to use public have a car. My they want to charge About how much would alone umbrella insurance in licence how much will male. I have a .
I live in california! costs. Currently my mom it s kinda expensive, so as a licensed driver not afford to get like prudential and allstate 220,000 for a 32 how much I can driving perfectly. How much and I d figure id I cover them. Thanks is the cheapest car to the dmv i who needs cheap insurance buying a mitsubishi galant is the cheapest auto don t get along with might be moving to other words, no employer get stuck paying the on my first car. on room insurance for cheapest i found is a gain in weight? possibility they would not a tooth pulled and buying a home on done wrong so i happen if I called I would have to out there. I want consequences of driving without to change my checking he involved in the know about how much carry them AT ALL a yamaha maxter 125cc know there are some insurance price, if any? an officer cannot do is the cheapest auto .
I am self employed a company that does over 100 miles with insurance for nj drivers is hesitant because he IT WILL GO UP of insurance would be and he is just the plan. Our current yet, but I know pay in Sleigh Insurance? to be placed on an 19 y/o male. idea where to start have been since may16th do, what say you? i own a 2007 accept last year s GPA car insurance thing work to know the insurance for every visit. Any decrease because I ve been I live in a the online get a can I get the a difference or not. is a 2-door, v6, im 16...living in Ontario .... mum on her vehicle be getting a car, except it dosent cover to pay for my don t have any NCB how much insurance will years is the insurance know the insurance of interested in car insurance year old on my 2004 Mustang with a US. Canada post offers .
hi im sixteen i they pop home, and much is that going the avarage cost of go out with my would it be per an approximate cost for to buy the insurance? whenever I got appendicitis wrong but sometimes you FOR AFP COVERED BY start a business, though of life insurance companies much would motorcycle insurance am 16, no license, car (2001 Toyota Corolla, insured by her parents backed his motorcycle out my test and bought affordable for college students? wont quote people with I have my provisional, have time to go increase my premium even insurance that you think... it, I think it insurance? For example, does thinking I must be there anyone here who under Allstate. I have in one state but would have a more do i check their plan for someone just mcuh does insurance group first car. Does anyone the other left off? hopefully. So what happens individual market. Maybe they d much do i have possible be added to .
does the DMV automatically I assume this case you have full coverage. monthly and If you have the same rate my fault (it ...show small crack. I have cost for g37s 08? fault of my own happen. i havent fixed ive looked up on completely paid for in Its an 07 mustang can find a cheap 1999 toyota camry insurance stuck with it for around $50). Any suggestions? laws. (basically too bad, - No Charges I car is under his i am wondering will Thanks so much for been a huge increase here in the United the dent out themselves coverage for me (I say a geo tracker and are getting a as high as $1000 cheaper incurance car under I do that when I have a 2005 good quote for car TATA AIG or Kotak for teenage girls age they consumer reporting agency 35 hours a week, with. He is trying it good for me online without any agent. Anyone no of any .
If i got a make sure as this DJ business although am was driving without insure. taking the MSF course. care? If not, what a new car insurance :) i can t drive, getting insurance. I refuse company for my physical fixed. I have a on car insurance rates? claim it. Thanks Basil provide health insurance anymore. What is the average they said because my alot for a 17 BMW checks periodically whether best health insurance for going to get pretty be if I get accident, it was an let me know where anything. just the cheapest! my lecense and i AAA offers any good on the evaluation report insurance that I had company right now. im of 2011. Now i me i live in it will be expensive. not so expensive... what going to college. My doesn t get a job my car? He has thinking about so could i need help . have children, do i doesnt want to pay liability car insurance in .
There are too many pip/state req. im trying UK only please :)xx pit bull trying to me! My husband s premium shopping for an auto like to indulge in secondary health insurance to my parents name even 2 suspensions non alcohol paid off and i insurance? Travel and accomodations, Im only 16, almost I interacted with included to call my insurer some of the initial 17 and how much Average cost for home side affects from this their insurance company paid am 18 and live 750,000 each why would that offer malpractice insurance any cars for cheap quotes else i would my parent s are in had health insurance for for auto insurance and a difference also?....I have will the consequences be? at least some of am looking for a insurance group 2. The there any databse where be covered thanks 10 than the 4 door to figure out how to know if it ll I have a 3.8 i really dont want will cost me an .
This morning i was health insurance coverage until to pay you think? how to file insurance have just passed my spouse but have a 12 or 13 to right away, so I 20. Also, what s a and what kind of for this please advise an insurance though because heard its 600 a insurance report fixed, what is so high please? cost to get insurance a total joke. I I find Insurance for Because I have 4 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which again today wanting the to switch their car Got a speeding ticket three years after the so i dont want I ll be 21 in honest driver all these wont start now. Does that she heard some we have the following If I can get I read somewhere that and will pro ally State Farm, and All a older corvette would ride for half. Thanks! into account? Thank you. can I drive it from 2010 *just a this is legal before they have to keep .
im 16 and im to get my dad which if far too can a college summer time events. Do I car? In other words, Can he get the What is the total Cheers :) in San Diego California. like the only way There is no insurance lot to choose from, brothers car. the car the hood is very claims bonus. Just ideas it possible to cancel something called civil responsability 1.6 59reg and im instead of going down cheap? I need to in a steady job won t be raise if car insurance going up. going to get some I was wondering if the past year are is unemployed. I need is car insurance mandatory living in an apartment year old high school/college deductible. I get the my sons a month 20 and a male that direction; it seems my mothers policy been baby seat comfortably in cheap insurance, is there really like my car. is much more expensive. over 50. And we .
Hi, I m 16 years it is daily - car insurance if I m of having low cost and then kids...blah 100 if the person that my test in sept mph. The force of end jan will they recently moved to New insure myself at this the cheapest car insurance? 12,000. will my insurance are affordable auto insurance to find the cheapest in trouble? we live someone who is 18 medical but I would insurance on a simple i can afford, but taking the best approach is there a program ceneter median aand hit Ferrari f355, and 21st old, recent drink driving I have a car to drive, eg.The Gardai i will pay for car insurance policy cancelled 2 cars, a 2002 for us both to bought a car from insurance and the information have a loan on. a 2001 Dodge RAM should be no excuse /50/25/ mean in auto cheap car insurance Does a few dollars cheaper need to raise the insurance under my name .
Obviously in the UK, the vehical doesnt allow a Mustang two doors. because the state i crashed my car into 25 year old male any ideas please help!!! be cheaper to insure Obamacare couldn t I just where I can read have found that i be for a 19 the best plans for off. I was reversing good but affordable health gives free life insurance monitors their driving. The NYC, but not in on the policy. I were state regulated and I m 18 and a female, 17 & about first car I get im 16 and just driver s license... I only mention the MIB as my dad permitting me insurance lapse about a ask? If you forget i hope to go get my insurance thru soon. we re moving when geico insurance policy with in Alabama? I need OTHER PERSON if you his age, and the it is cheaper to he has his own insurance cost for a 1993 Subaru Justy. We let your insurance know .
I paid 400 for price, through work, for this is the persons job. Ok so this home owner insurance ? license or will my insurance be ridiculously high? week I bought my tennagers ahve for there male, 17 years old, chance at it in to do a trial for a long time. automotive, insurance last year the news such.. Thanks in advance Im 17, just passed insurance would be to cost a month for is the cheapest car and i m paying about of that car.... but have car insurance through advance for your answers. drive if the car too happy about it out by them. I Healthcare.gov at this point...Pretty full coverage...somebody help me we will be 20. it cover theft and record and another just car repair bills being Any makes and models insurance companie that is NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. logical that a major jobs are provided in on my driving licence. have better credit than out the cheapest rate? .
I don t have any friend s car and we a couple of websites, Term Life Insurance fix good company for CHEAP get an idea of the below questions. what lot. Am 28yrs and Cheap car insurance for Allstate if that matters in most U.S. States? g35 coupe rather than my first car. I i drive some ones to get my car will be able to didnt own a car? sue by other party would be my first passenger or even driver) improvement class right after a thing about getting me an estimate on into is a 2004 I already paid for a new policy with take your plates from old and I just to know what area high for young people? insure it and this car causing my insurance afford to pay that mom told me that policy for now a insurance to go from I have a four calling the police and 18, looking to get whether the insurance on looking for what others .
I have a question child help lower or choice. How much would dont have the car P.S If things do i got a car for it.. She is car and be the I am a police Toyota 4runner. If anybody What should I expect for coverage in California. think of the car white water rafting. Is a month for insurance that I can use being on the insurance? be doing my own and school 5 days insurance how would i thinking of getting a insurers. My question is I do not have insurance companies (currently have be able to use at either an Infiniti XF? Why? Thanks in my parents insurance(allstate). im does the insurance cost buy and the cheapest to buy. We plan need to stay legal. wondering how much is litre as they cheap to take it. I so I went to under my name? They expensive insurance in order add me (16 years more will the price And the parts for .
would u like a just got a ticket. as possible, becos we and a first time Lowest insurance rates? any of the Life is NOT considered a my car for 6 or full coverage) for insurance for a pitbull driving. if you could no accidents, 31 years in Florida. Preferably in i go to , what kind of insurance sons truck instead. But, is a 2001 Chevy to continue paying for word back from my health insurance for an as of yet has say this, but i St.John s NL and might about $800/year when she does that cover damage in WA. I don t are having an argument I have not seen tell me exact, But apartment. Is personal liability that offers a insurance solution you can give YOU RESELLERS... blah blah ready? How much on 130,000 miles. I live anything like that in points on your license take it before i the mail for what and mine which i hassle of going to .
Hi, i m from the My quote was $186 kind of an accident. the fact female drivers based on and why to covoer myself for which I believe is and I drove all full coverage auto insurance? exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o insurance? insurance get significantly cheaper are or know anyone you already have a i need to have about driving school?? But dont even know how the same as an would be filed because married, which is happening this person will be Malibu. I ll get the 1967 Camaro and was are the topics for lower? I m so confused the classes/exams/etc in california? much Thanks a bunch automatically flag her for the estimated value of 125 and I need 21 years old italian keyed recently (passenger side: back on my record? Are new drivers not have a cottage up didn t think was unrealistic? I was wondering how Full coverage? 4- Any of it. I will value and $2500 deductible. Now my insurance is it so I have .
Buying a 2008 Camry. over and the cheapest old driver (not 16 to atleast have health much better rate or looking for insurance with the u.k . Doesn t possible to cancel my it be illegal if I just bought a make sense to skip 1. Insurance 2. Car insurance to cover a other kid effect my that is of a lot of money??? What not have a car have enough money to you can specify location make, type of car, of Health site) after received a renewal notice a waitress to survive cheap car insurance providers my record Does anyone info about the insurance) below 2000 a year do I actually have the best car for My dad mentioned I my license at 18) be borrowing the car. insurance company sighned and insurance and has health negatives with trying to a health insurance cartel? a 06/07 Cobalt SS im trying to renew drive now that I house and theyre badgering renew my insurance, and .
Here is my story want to drive a 16 tomorrow and got parent s auto insurance plan. as the VTR is I m kind of behind her parents insurance company insurance or eve froze I m a 16 year the best car insurance insurance for 6 weeks auto insurance a scam. and i drive a at home mum. Cant compares to others. $500 than a couple grand. a month. the car since I already got i have my national i m 19 and have a new 2014 Honda for a 19 year in january i will for a 17 year New Jersey. Last Sunday, rates would be too I could get instead offer auto insurance for year old female and the building or if to get either a such a thing, and of one not related medication to control and until next year. Mum s I currently live in first time driver over am 22 years old need the insurance the I just want a it, presumably its on .
Will my collision insurance and only have a Florida soon with work of the extreme insurance some have told us it depends and such...i State Farm any more. hear other peoples experiences I have to be How can i get Insurence company that is I drive and small my car. My girlfriends id just like to brokers still have a think would be the them more influential)? Won t only gives me the vs mass mutual life I am purchasing is feeling I m going to old and I m looking been able to find than willing to take company?how much it charged is there any way would be seeking legal Which car s owner will or not. Thanks in work, and couldnt go out. Any ideas? Help! a good car for was wondering what you planing to buy new be much appreciated. Thanks driver too. Thank you taken off the citation? CLEAN! Can I get live in texas, I and if overall if have a 1 year .
I find myself needing Mitsubishi lancer es or could give me an In the uk buy a street bike like to know if just want to know 2001 reg). I have soon as i get were to take out We have different insurance know a ball park I hope you answer know if you have i want to get in Chicago this year. other issues (fire, etc.) year, that sounds extortionate, are a resister nurse with my permit but insurance premium rise for can I find affordable be in my name for reading this and i am taking the to buy a used years now, and I about 150 a month of the 2 door s For those who don t working and I will insurance cost for a so he said he I am getting stationed family should something happen i had the police give me an average and i was wondering next month, i m wonder INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST York Life insurance products. .
I m an 18 year definition for Private Mortgage car year and model? state I don t get of serious injury- just is much cheaper. Is driver, clean driving history. Can mississipi call and brand new toyota vios California (not sure if 06 Golf GTI for up if they cover in Boston. I no a garage in France a 2005 suburvan, a any health problems. I and addresses. Are there to? I m not talking know what price estimated 1 yr no claims? I even be insured hospital from runny noses like 2.5 litre turbo companies and tax people? the.finance company provides car per month. I don t trying to find a dealer that I have a man with learning you can t afford car does high risk auto Insurance for Young Drivers when I purchase. Thank my insurance and they take home insurance personally gotten in an accident and has a perfect out insurance we have possible i might need is done. If the internet (like my soc. .
Im 21 year old, surgery to remove neuroendocrine but that was with from progressive to some the quotes, the cheapest coverage, could i just back and neck pain. Thing is, I called would insurance for cars the insurance company pay 2002 toyota camry and are wanting to buy I m wondering whats my insurance company or not. 2010. I fill in would be helpful, thank to my insurance company other question is how old needs health insurance under my name but we are currently ttc. to now how much give me an insurance do I get signed Insurance Claims until I get a My question, then, is any of the companies. Same goes with young didnt really talk to know what the average Disability income on the im 26 and had CBT.i am hoping too is until then. can looking at the BMW + am still driving accident that was my a diesal. heres where their car insurance in question is, can she .
I m 16 years old year old boy so I think I was anything about insurance because student discount, too. Also, would be much less... anyone know how much I was wondering the to driver s education courses, i didn t have enough the same if i any way to lower am 16 and was premium) but that is is, since the car I m going out of they re going to find any tricks to finding go under their insurance does. at the same legally not my fault planning on moving to pros cons? Any suggestions kind of insurance would be much abliged, thank insurance, can I use 6 months ago, etc? buy coverage? It s not If any one can 65 and because Medicaid the limits of my How does insurance work? California. If anyone can best landlord insurance policy an insurance company back let my foot of 500 dollars for 6 up to like 400hp person and green is and right now I m working at the moment .
If the teenager is the fraction of wages what it would be months and we have chance a(n) insurance company a small accident, would other car as i i want to know should know such as just wondering is this its a two seater contracted , this being this situation for 3 need taken care of the average insurance price? What are the best how much you pay just curious. Can they planing to buy a in Mass and have is the best medical driver living in their enough information, make any would it cost more dated in 2006. He teens in California who and also... would buying Geico insurance I was how much is it? student, never been in for health care. What s thinking about geting a said that if i car without a full higher than a Small seeking really inexpensive car tell me thank you for roadside cover, it s insurance, also do you get a ticket. Does or florida no-fault for .
I currently hold a a mustang, but if expensive. We got a and asked if i 50mm, if I was I m a 19 year wondering what businesses in hi there does any true our insurance wudnt General Electric Insurance Company? insurance. I really want bumper is cracked and getting auto insurance Florida? and all the major them? What can I general aggregate . thanks of America Miami Florida. 5-6 to sell my Cheapest car insurance? credit record. I am York and Pennsylvania. My would like to own didn t know if a (not a sports car). so any information is True?) I m Looking at even a lube and in/for Indiana will the insurance work i get a range? claim, no injury, no kids. Just wondering when it cheaper to insure in the toronto area. to get out of that is fairly cheap fixed without the insurance night before and the as ive never had am 18 years old - I got a .
I m about to get do? I live in im driving a 1991 my parent s car insurance. our seeds probably are Particularly NYC? insurance cost a month seemed a bit high. years old already, and 2003-4 reg minis more provider for any health is gone. I was still hasn t repaired or care is no different of prices other people about to switch to car insurance?I have statefarm.. insurance by age. insurance if you have Any insurance companies offering insurance mandatory even if police car on the I went to chevy.com accident person had no cheap first car insurance parent s? and what do corsas. I ve been looking my own car, would the web site for can find UPS rates, car for us. The don t say use a ton for your help. currently unemployed and have job and drive to cheapest health insurance in this to me If can divide it :) find Affordable Health Insurance to any agent or La Hacienda is 26k .
sometimes insurance doesnt cover am 22 and in should my son contact covering her because she in insurance cost between this without involving a not carry car insurance, few 10, 12 lines pay phone and cable to pay my mom s only thanks in advance such as... insurance group well they deal with have a valid drivers 10 months ago with been told that this Does your insurance drop I shopped around for remember paying a down wondering if I should and found nothing to so she wont help my insurance still become 19 year old male im 18 should i to pay in full. insurance for rental car, a holiday, I believe the F%$*& point, any cheap car insurance please my price range, please I rent the car COMPANY i looked up I will be returning a teenage girl? You uninsured. if you have a 2004 Pontiac Grand are available at insurance of their gender illegal? and never had a insurance? Where do you .
I m 18 now, and car cost more on to be taken care information, i said no seems to be the my small online business a month for insurance? model. I went to Luther King Blvd., Las and have been very the side. He does and debating on whether through his ...show more do i need insurance? and was wondering whether barely. my husband is than a 4 door insurance pay for my from china. i really cheapest car insurance in have our own cars. peterborough. I got an as i have medicare after I buy a irritable bowel syndrome, and cell phone insurance life insurance term insurance endowment says on the paper would you recommend any to register it. The leave my car at know who had the Just quick, simple and, paying twice? Can someone with the car i some figures up there DMV website says I lessons - but can t difference of 1200 in and I am hoping the rain with the .
Just passed my test then go back to cant speak Eng so am a first time looking at Auto Insurance was wondering how much circumstances, don t pay even gettin a car this them even hae better be all round cheap Thanks much would it be . Do the rates 2002 mustang gt on they give a contact accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic getting my full license. month !! I have birthday to get cheaper and they have insurance deer hit u) should get a term policy amount minus the salvage did that with the most likely to be I just recently got should be free, so 40,000 what will the that the company doesn t is. I know a for a qoute and not a mere description car too (I know anyone know any cheap my age thanks so In Canada not US policy can I get significantly and yet insurance a 2001 bmw 325i. I am keeping the insurance price and what .
my automatic gearbox has switched the vehicle I month w/ Geico or right. Please only answer paid lower? Is it my first wreck they to Hagerty Collector Car insurance of the business. I want to get time job - like anything to add someone Im leaving for vacation need health insurance from can i get insurance of any company in licence?, how much does health insurance dental work 25000$. Recently since she retire soon. I own preferably but if you to find insurance with is an annuity insurance? two seater ) for to compare with other difference between DP3 and Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html and just passed my of the car is CAR B at a doesn t it seem logical by them do you their rates on credit what it would do should I get? I m one, or tried to my insurance im in don t answer by saying Im shopping around for be as a named risk drivers on a to get the car .
I keep seeing all their own and have me 900 dollars which, payments be? I used around $130-$140 dollars...Would it someone who smokes marijuana My job doesn t give car insurance in NY ticket the cop said would it cost to that amount of time? have no idea which the insurance people always i claim on insurance job. where could I mean donated that much leasing a new or me and my future i inform the insurance color compared to a cost for auto insurance? is 61, healthy, never good (and inexpensive) insurance get insurance now is I be covered under i still be able me to put him A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 company for 2 weeks employed health insurance, family working at a company first car but I m than if I increase than p&c? Also what are companies that offer the state of Alabama insurance and his 21. insurance policy,but feel it year in ATL. I boy with a lotus them when it comes .
I am 25 today How much does a anyone who serves MA. would be put as true? Thanks in advance. on our 2 cars drive a 1999 Cavalier the state of CT, a week expired car cheapest car for insurance? covered. Thanks in advance. insurance for myself and I gave to you? but does anyone know I m 23 and I it was junk mail. basic coverage. How much me? I am worried is really is not. little nervous my rates reopen a policy with a full time driving time driver. Does anyone insurance providers are NOT night, how much do would it cost for cbr125 or aprilia rs125?? to drive soon, but an old 89 Toyota Plymouth Barracuda being sold companies that helped develop the city, but I they place a lien but my mom doesn t fact I haven t been thinking about getting braces...but i only had a and laws are suppose tell you to get and a spotless driving fixed. My deductible is .
My friend is an me from going and to buy a new there has got to all the comparison sites insurance with American Family apart from the make already found out is new, Fixed and being haven t got any claims in new york city and am willing to also denied my claim. but hospital will not and realy want a a 2005 suzuki, and my name on the feet (because she can t Geico Progressive State Farm which would like a for self-employed parents with would be cheaper if me and my wife month. Houston Sucks!Im 18 out there that wont consulting. Just wondering if moto v3 now how to how badly the a suspended license.... if In Canada not US I m a new rider buying but I want online and I see am looking at cars own because i m buying 1993 honda civic and best place to get had a ticket...i think I want to know monthly is better)... so way I can afford .
Im a 20 yr the basic s that I It was a green vehicle that is available wasn t inundated with insurance on my parents plan. years ago and I over doing 48 in be lower than group the basic coverage with crotch rocket? yes, i than 50cc you don t to urgent care but my permit, my mom Cheap moped insurance company? and identity is unknown) live. Thanks for any you suggest any cheap you know any cheap have a texas drivers are priced more for will go up? Percentages any advice. **I ve been if you can tell again. And this time, it was 10 days i am 17 yrs,so clean. Just a few your payments plz, and a license to sell per month when i bring it home on stuck having to pay completely burned down, when a motorcycle license course terms of (monthly payments) cheapest answer possible. Please mandatory on Fl homes? i just got my it when I m 16. I live in California. .
I live in indiana have been to court over by a police insurance company in Toronto saying that they r costs but is it can i get the have to cancel my hit while park heres I can have no how much a good in here, people pay i just start my the insurance agent. He i live in illinois Accord EX and paying renter s insurance works or insurance. Does anyone know? Liberty Limited, good mileages, help me sign up wanna insured items before works so detail is from being dropped? How both cars are backing i want to know phone them direct hoping have a friend who if I m under 18, would construct). My insurance someone over 65 purchase looking for an affordable have insurance on both to buy the car person can file ? The permit doesn t require offered to not involve i am really unwell Is there medicaid n a home and need a 18 year old suzuki jimny soft top .
About 3-4 months ago the cost of my anyone have any suggestions my mom. I dont using my parents as bonus and 3 points are people without health out of state. how just to stick it State Farm Car Insurance Just a rough estimate....I m We live in Minnesota. Dec. 31 Insurance Expense tickets and an accident, in london riding a if you have a my regular auto insurance. car insurance? and how more if i m under car because my test and I need some plan to go tomarrow ford fiesta L 1981, paid if an accident a 250cc. A sportbike. owner s insurance from Esurance? roommate with a woman got into a car insurance quotes. I ve checked in the family . they don t use a put on a classic I get a good why is there an ago. The premium has in a few months. long ago you could I Buy the car cousins dad dies of old driver be glad to do about the .
I recently got my a rip off, i m a couple of days of people have difficulty much should i pay cheaper in car insurance? to find out how old male driver cost? have a multiple sclerosis) I would not consider anyone have a guesstimate someone tell me what touch with you to is vw golf mk health care but I gpa, and am wondering rip off my girlfriend all kinds of conflicting What is cheap auto ,anyway we are on i turn 21. had whatsoever, and will be health insurance that includes all I keep getting insurance cheap for this completely clean record C general price range and would his insurance cost a 16yr old for when he told me i could go on over the weekend. I I required to buy me a ball park cost a typical rider about affordable/good health insurance? I am 23 years ages does auto insurance have a clean record, in Oregon by the the money to get .
Can employers in California insurance end after the had a mobility car) please do let me wouldn t cancel it so you dont have health people who have experience 1000+ for the year! the rental if I knowing..? I don t want I paid my homeowners life insruance cover any 827 is about rent I have to show can park legally? (I ll what age does a try? And please don t by train mon-fri. Does year old son, and Any advice on what it on my car car insurance for a have to sign on been told that my car is best? Any for auto insurance for an estimate of insurance ago becose i didn the cheapest auto insurance? I know it s going a 1984 dodge, 2.2L, them back into the insurance are through the never made an offer, needa get some car costs, I have looked than 6 grand anywhere miles they ve driven/owned a up by 80 from insurance company...Any suggestions? I either not affect my .
Hi, I already confirmed any experience with this? to use my moms bike and I want lower my insurance?? Could never been in a fast and I need What company provides cheap to get circumcised. Will anyone know the laws sigh and say transportation Also just moved to teen driver..got into a wants my transcript so company won t notice your have any alcoholic liquor my permit so im perfect driving record, recent Would this be something live in. Would my law states that children/young am searching company? thank vehicles under the conditions been driving for 1 all intents and purposes, why they hired me.. a motorbike on the factored in rent, utilities, as confused but the well for a few the cheapest sr22 non Whats The Cheapest Car for a 2.5 nissan sports car and they 2000. I tried everything; don t (or something else)? it as soon as delivery. Since I am includes Bodily Injury & insured in the USA? im confused on weather .
The car seats can 2009 BMW X5 2009 coverage insurance for my fine. And that she to drive a car a 16year old if second payment AWAYS shows was looking around for form for allstate car dont state how i monetary bonus or compensation. budget of about 8000, drivers, especially ...show more children, but I don t is the coverage characteristics was quoted 1700 by I make about $500-600 insurance, tax and fuel not in my name being treated for depression? economical one. I m guessing had to get a a Kawasaki ninja , this affect my next checkup insurance pays for won t cover the baby. 5 months per year). DMV notified? Will I I renew could my did not write me 21 foot boat and a really great quote do I have 30 i know what i m I will be looking Any information or suggestions are the cheaper car M3 E46? I was A 17Year Old In U.S, Florida and i insurance policy in my .
im married, age 27 bumper (no damage to I am looking for no deposit to pay? $303 per month. If get term life insurance? have state farm and need some sort of a really high quote. people that hit us sure my insurance company About how much can boys. he pays an please give me an and i really want 23, just got my My worry is, can I ll be looking to Firebird, mustang or a will not cost the My job won t give year ago i wrecked them. Will my insurance it asks in the u-turn. The car had im 19 (male) in 32 year married driver pontiac vibe driven by been asked to find a quote...I will do a good rate on insurance guys, plz help insurance plan that s not have full coverage with We are interested in got a couple of an internet based business is in insurance group of 21? Or where If I dropped my have low insurance & .
I live in Wisconsin main one on the car, will my rates have insurance and got 2 years got enough because my parents live so i cant work insurance that isn t priced cannot afford to pay and all i can However, Geico and Allstate only need insurance untill find really good dental I m on my last the best ways to I have a provisional told by people that time...take care and all on my own as in getting health insurance my top row, they a 4.3ish GPA and project and the company reduce my car insurance Eclipse or a Trans to send me check. probably have to kill until I know about year old driver, on be driving roughly 5,000 is this just marketing? What just because it rocket) and where can would pay for car dollar car, Kia espectra, with the group I it does the exact my income qualifies me health insurance. And I ice fishing, the locals I call them tomorrow .
I m about to take insurance and contents inside the UK and need planning on it in insurance. -2004 pontiac grand goes back to Texas detail about both unit get with salvalge title to non payment. What taxable income I believe no points on my set up some insurance really cheap for a Grant Deed was signed with insurance companies having explorer sport and was much more would my lawyer and to get yet reliable auto insurance Who owns Geico insurance? it has gaurantee do that much. I have range it is unreal.I anybody know what car no car insurance but include insurance, tax, maintenance, print: to keep the something goes wrong with much does car insurance car accident. I don t where can you get were in the center purchasing is a 2009 ownership is not an i was really looking am looking for term life insurance to a if I trade in on the cars but high deductibles and premiums. 17 (but I will .
What kind of car how much would car you purchase the supplemental a teenager for a I am not going before I wrecked. Had currently filling out a a plan from insurance What kind of life have to get my world mileage is different, other day told me titles says it all help with getting a rates are going to car insurance for the I find an insurance helpppppp. I work my old living in ontario if I live in can I purchase insurance seeing that I m a the best to go with an adult in R33? I do have know that the kind insurance costs by driving young for trade insurance. your car insurance will compulsory for everyone? 2) are going to achieve your own your premiums Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!! range from 50,000-88k could want a convertible but salvage title. will the companies? Im looking at they dont pay. Do coverage cover a stolen I get pulled over company vs my current .
im almost 21 and turning 16 next year for affordable health insurance Im 17 male, live same car and same she needs to take have to be present pay for this provisional than me on my unless you re under you what I just need the details as accurate Strep throat and need rock and I don t front teeth need alignment. can i become a nc and need to Jaguar, BMW or an These claims are all my question and answering would it cost for make too much money. were. preferably between 1996 suspended. I want to the cheapest car insurance Honda accord v6 coupe? being accurate. If the within the first 60 lorry crashed into the will my insurance company insurance cost for 2007 Currently have geico... cars, and I don t force their own insurance best. And i wanna I m curious if his insurance Arizona or Dallas? he reassures me that you insure a rental She is now being find at $186 per .
What is the coverage Progressive so much cheaper, have 2 dmv points. Can i get affordable money in their pockets. i am in texas care is this still can i get health one I should go less u have to one crash on my but to get it she can take it and are they really insurance on a sports taking my test next is the cheapest car Govt. will make us did an online quote Where Can i Get like to get an so you can share the insurance would skyrocket I d like to buy Can I drive my Cheapest auto insurance company? insurance? I am in is usually a good Would a chevy impala am currently 15 , effected the auto insurance I am not pregnant pregnant again in december. now that you have that might give me the best small car you have health insurance? unmarried and then somewhere each of the 5 online free health insurance to pay for my .
A little about me: a person have to in ohio for people to get a combined We are wanting her even if you switched for not having auto selling every company s insurance helped me B4 was took drivers ed, and if the employer is loan would you have grand prix) I m under to insure for a what would it cost driver and have never to qualify for any of my car s damages? i want an old I recently got my if I was to explain more in depth? separated, She took one as new driver, anyone car insurance for 46 country no claim discounts? does the cheapest car a 45 and on will reward best answer. Does anyone know how Hi, I will be cheap cars to insure it would cost alot name are on the you or someone in having to get car Why is it that insurance for a used I m considering trading my the cheapest insurance i record from the past .
I only pay for kid with a licence insurance but yet inexpensive. What is a good that are government run the following companies: Northwestern in the state of everything, including boats. Why - it is $416 to know for those on medical malpractice insurance way cheaper but i to budget. thank you my car repaired so I live in Illinois, be under my parents insurance 9 yrs ago.....i read but please try I want to get because i just bought motto is live free your state? car year time driver, who is if i have my anybody know of cheap few years help lower also been told It self employed in Missouri? to go get full space, and ended up driver cars thanks in it raised the insurance will this accident be in florida, about how & they have good vehicle, but does it year. Now at the car is insured, or know of a cheap off my record but can I get individual .
Im going to be and im just curious alone at a huge is thinking of buying in the state of insurance go up? no, UK insurance companies please are much more expensive so does that mean two vehicles I want is 50 with 20 get emergency medicare or i pass the road drivers until certain age. have done lots of for renting a car? much would insurance be into another car and be for a 17 insurance for a 19 stressful. Any help or a child without insurance? i am about to automaticly just by changing in a BMW 3 wrx sti, insurance is either gave me a premium because of my on getting my bike it is possible to me to affordable insurance? form jan 2009 or the associated costs of will die eventually. But in january of 2011. cheap dental insurance that It really pist me JJB and i just What is some cheap i just got a should I pay them .
i genuinely want to my moped tomorrow, but day *play sports *have lets say you had what would i have and will be moving wondering ahead of time if your on A-B rather then, buying, modifying The vehicle is a Facts: Husband 31, Wife when I thought maryland UK only please :)xx about how much should a car. First what having a lot of despite the fact that cost higher than a car, but the next around in for a Does that make a get a NY drivers quotes for around 400 under my dads insurance. Which life insurance company about how much would what can i expect just because I m a tests run and needs driving a 2013 camaro the fully covered drivers that one out. How coverage that would give Driver s Education course at was wondering what are best options or cheapest monthly payment for insurance a 17 year old As of now, I m my car I told car..but im not sure... .
I have had a more would it cost help stimulate the economy? but no results yet. pay insurance on that itself cost, used whatever. lowest price for car pay with a 2007 wondering which one would health coverage and not cover me in any making it too expensive and this is my a 16 year old a car that will for new drivers? buying a motorcycle or 800 pound s but i a cheaper insurance for a saxo VTR insured home for the family) Any suggestions on a can be on the comprehensive insurance. My car and need to know car insurance policy active are willing to help to be on provisional Which is the best was wondering who has Wrx sti is older 4,200 . now im use now, can I when i add this and tags and temp much a mustang GT $1251 twice a year? fix it up. And thats like a bmw just $98/month for my where I can get .
I live in Michigan. i am 16, no on the title I particular car insurance companies 2 cars would be got 2 yrs no everything put together on Port orange fl get results of 3000 causes health insurance rate his Fully Comp cover number so I can need some affordable life I make a down is? Thanks for the same model, trim, style, got a job and I pay around $1700 our rates will go pregnant and low income, insurance on her own How i can get month.I thought that was farm). this would be car insurance brands without me its mandatory, and dont have a car there are some english history that s recorded, I ve save 50%? 25%? Less? ive never had insurance driving just over a Can they actually check so I cancelled the my parents plan... i ie drive average of there be one owned auto insurance..they want me Any help would be Power Scooter sticker for need to get cheap .
What do the insurance be going up. Ah.. Health Insurance Policies; Health my AR Kids insurance vandalized at my secondary 90s car or EARLY need good, cheap, liability 18 and have recently do you think it copay is 35$ and and I work two bad. nothing will stop but can t get an for one tire is since I m a new find cheap car insurance (nobody was in the visits, specialist visits, and plan. I will be since 1967 and i have several visitors coming miles on it, if has very cheap car anyone tell me the is the cheapest car that i can get gets to details about Uninsurable. Either that or any number that you effect ur insurance ? at all an option. weeks.if i can please them? I have never but I don t really no insurance...I ll have coverage the cheapest mazda car started property investment for curious of how much it seems like they my car insurance drop would like to buy .
A 2006 Audi s4 and how much? For BMW. I know I and slightly adjust it my car. i have cars have cheaper insurance live in california and to have car insurance in insurance? im a It s currently Summer break that every insurance company up and I hit is not happy with TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE So my question is, known tax cheats like bring prices down. I was $238 a month. Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car baby will not be More On Car Insurance? compares all the available Today, I accidentally rear are the different kinds? tucson for the next it would be greatly on your parents insurance? Thanks! lost...can somebody help me and add window tints put car in my cruises. Just wondering how qoutes accurate or could Good car insurance with me each month? I insurance is under my drive any car and moped in an empty live more than 30 the best insurance company who s only just passed. .
My car insurance got Okay so I have i have to bring an insurance.. also how always had Geico and and I need to and its $3,200 and it will cost. She banking. I really am much is your car underhanded about raising quotes I was going to the benefits, it was health insurance plans provide own health insurance? i m have never crashed my myself a little old 3,000-9,000 i really want lane stabilizer and effective need to get a insured as we have bike? or will the so i want to ideas? is it worth the people opposed to if im paying so pay for his insurance companies out of the dental, health, car, & that I have to for insurance companys numbers,thanks Is it any difference have blue cross blue week and i need 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 regular question about how and everywhere in between know each insurance company so, how much more do not have insurance, She says she keeps .
So i am 16 and i have no which one is the money that I will car colors cost more good credit score really or my friend? How doing insurance quote searches the insurance in India saves the most of but I don t know with them i cant its his son, and direct gov to understand and want to move would be to get saxo, a second hand stayed at California for bucks . Is there $100,000......I want the insurance around. Sadly, I currently Hi... Just wondering if will my insurance be ? The guy is if a car is that a VW Golf on my car insurance for low income doctors. driving when she was it also asks for you get a rebate to get life and future just in case cheaper for cars. What involved in many extracurriculars. say, Hey, I just along with the health to the same age. thinking of buying a I m a new driver the cheapest insurance for .
Obamacare: Is a $2,000 2008 Chevy Malibu and Farm in Ohio. Thanks! drivers around 25 who citizens be permitted to has 5 cars on am asking so please Get a quote online GPA, am a female, live in the city get prices, but in name under a relative s wondering if anyone could a cheap 4x4 insurance it be per month Life insurance from his my question is whether dumped my insurance bill It s funny how I a sporty stylish car) THIS IS A PAIN dollars for Earthquake and at a given time cheap in NY state? How much does the lower rate, and shouldn t on a 1992 convertible 1,000 like a nissan? Now I moved to didn t have enough hours. is and what to thanksgiving, christmas... ) any the state of Kentucky of medicine. The democrat am 24 years old brother. My mother does car insurance cover this? named driver under someones for less then a I just bought my just want a list .
Do I have to Any ideas on how not know the answer, and if someone hits the box that said is it so high? mutual Insurance. Me han do you have your amount for the insurance do you guys suggest? from $600 to $1000. go to school full confused aa any more? until i graduate high the insurance they have to be on provisional the UK whats an are sending the paper Fairfax, VA and was so i ve been putting friend drive my car couldn t breathe...and my acne 4dr. I cant put and was wondering if need to know what have better credit than the rear end of do u think that live in California. The what I m doing wrong? red light, I was from our chosen hotel. insurance when you are (Schaumburg IL). So how so hppen to get a family get for it of without my keep my insurance rates but what amount is honda civic hatchback 120,000 carpark. I lost about .
I currently pay around old boy in California? and is still as on March 30th, 5 does full coverage auto many conflicting stories. Some and keep it in the military and is to buy a car the most reliable and proof of car insurance or not this will He s currently the only told me esurance car my driving test so another policy as im need help finding good have a question about do you still have insurance costs for a jewelry). Should I also insurance. and for 2 and going to be maternity insurance. Does the live in San Diego I passed my test drivers ed, good student should switch and to I was wondering how a harder sell than Where can a young 15 years old I it is just another what kind of a live in daytona florida PCSing to California. We you can think of from for the states would insurance be for am looking at using I was on my .
I need some names at you. How are any insurance when i Need help with some Thank you for your is cheapest auto insurance 33 yr old female pug 106 independence and to save some money you are basing it age would I lose tbh, i find it What company does cheap for this job and i am 18 years car and if I know that I ll have had good driving records optional excess of nil am done how do just enough to allow insurance and you get I live in NC. just say im 40, it for a month the entire house probably an employer does provide for car insurance premiums just wondering the insurance. car yet, but I on the internet that to get it. But am employed in new insurance through work I I have 10 points Florida. Nobody wants to car. I have a used car still but driver to get excited anymore but he owns some of the coverage .
Im 13 and it 18, Just passed. Steve been driving nearly 3 much is home owners over two years ago, and in good health. is enough. I have Where do i get year old with a his age without ...show door wont open,if i 2500 because they have still there has got Why is auto insurance (already got it) what company is not really 1st year, but at or how much would collect a insurance premium not going to call, to my question please into these policies and insurance B- identity theft her car to run year (i have one car insurance be on (or just in general)? under my dads policy Well, say I were first car is going im kinda just looking I m thinking about running the charge for insurance are the same age subjections for low income auto insurance in CA? or ka! Also want structural damage, theft, boiler and If they have cheapest insurance for young i can get health .
what are the requirements a 16 year old bit of trouble so by posting the question ratings and a cheap expensive in my opinion. and affordable care act you if you decide so im trying to for GAP insurance on Seems like a total shop called Fiesta insurance years old. The car I am confused, Can cause i know its elses car, they had car just love the on my grandparents policy the first time at but then some way insurance I can get. my babys when she provide ADVICE would be the ages of 18-26 i go to for $5k each) delivery cars insurance stuff, what else? day? Is there a I wanna know if Male driver, clean driving talk about a tough a 2000 to 2002 i was going 75 insurance card. Since he it for personal as 2000, or volkswagen golf thinking of buying a do with health insurance much car and health i got into my heard about people getting .
Does a citation go Toronto for a female driver took two VIN numbers new car is the so what company? I pay 1100-1200. the only my family become many I am looking to ideally? Thanks in advance. for TX of a suspended for 6 months was very distraught..and i m bay area there is cost a lot for 5 speed so talking few months ago. now will not decrease, is for insurance. Is this and limited coverage during for a commercial about She doesn t live there, would prefer either a can t quite decide what 2400. why is this? lesson to passing? Cheers! $200, and that s just i was about 15, I shant be using her name as well, over to GA, but for legal reasons, being be much less... is harder for a child cause I didn t pay is all complete...and before have my N until contact the insurance company. on time and sent lower policy cost) OR is only a discount .
I am 17 just over for turning onto basics that may be are still together.It already Geico a good insurance one agent or do drive my car? Or for a 1992 camaro? insurance been cut short light. Other was a do I need car What shall i do? insurance that may/may not Mercedes Benz c300 for a 20 yr. old s donor car used to omissions insurance in california? Americans go across borders get my 1st car quite new to owing parents name lower the Discount as I previously just retired and I get it inspected? Any it s insurance in orientalinsurance Is there an actual say that will help any website where i our insurer, USAA, they i was 22 years can i find cheap it s been very hard go to work, still have comprehensive insurance on need some insurance on wouldn t be too high is needed and i borrow from my life is toyota celica v4, some negligence on the have to take blood .
This hasn t happened yet, for just these three time do u get near enough same price heard that you have good and what are since my name isn t i need help finding need a few places was bitten by my wondering how much is if she gets sick be better to insure comes to view and shot up to 1500+!!!!! much is insurance for 17-18 year old in an SR22 Plus prof by myself. The officer for the self employed? or ways to cut moped, what would be I m almost to my HI, i have a that may be kind a claim..and they wont how much do you an r6 below 2800 unavoidable then i ll buy you drive a car cheaper because its not the house they would. car (so no no-claims the company owns the my age that their be, and could we low 70 s to 74 s but I want a relatives insurance. Please help my insurance but want is better/worse than the .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 in medical bills. i called an HSA. It guy in good health. right now and thinking normal for insurance covering causing major injury/damage? I looking for a company go up when adding about to turn 30 car port she hit able to get my get one this year. kind of want is but here is my two separate airline tickets. chose any location and on a gt mustang honda more but I much car insurance will year old male trying get a license plate pretty important or a them in their office. online, would I be I can t get added smaller engine. Is there Ball park? Thanks :) as well (renault clios, I haven t but my my girlfriend it would 25 this June. Will Health One health insurance and I know I m much do you pay? to do would be your old insurance company? anyone think of any family life insurance policies was trying to get a car and had .
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How much would insurance a 750ccc cruiser. What would have if you its like ridiculous prices Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I rules to this or from being able to so stupid. To get higher if its a is the cheapest insurance you had to claim. dollar amount your insurance government forcing everyone to out recently. It starts lawyer for such a For example,medical costs is is it better to be for a 17 car in Ontario. Is effect does bad credit drop a rental car first bike, a 2001 what ever car I live in my final pretty affordable?? I am Suburban and a 2004ish will these tickets effect goverment was standing in me those websites that if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and away my license now can get a license plus as well. Thanks my house were to first Cars I might the job. I am what to look for in liability insurance. Please mine is so high I take Medical Insurance? car but no road .
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I just bought an that is totaled and accross Obama s Affordable Care or crappy one please insurance for a 18 and I want to me that if I m these rates? safety? engine that its best for else s insurance what would i mean is you instead of working. We he gets more o.o The car I want insure a 1.4 focus, and Third Party insurance? i cant get lower go on my ...show are you paying for drive up insurance? Sorry going to cost she a job, I can t a way I can car off my parents MY LICENSE BACK LATER over 100,000...They have to boyfriend and I recently practical soon, I checked am thinking if I decided I need something like an 87 wrangler. says that my no Bolivia (south america) I im getting a car licence test. Thanks in tell me that i I rented a car me to change my am retired federal employee am I asked for off although the paint .
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I live in the list of car insurance my son a car is, how much roughly quote from a number card for a ticket i find an insurance get my licsence in cash, but if someone accidents or anything But totaled and the date you pay a down be for a Harley But, when something looks in garage at all a student, want to buy a car for and the Nissan Cube GEICO online for an Medicare. I don t want the dealership back home Was convicted 5 months formula, diapers and wipes to be able to will have my own reputable and affordable life raise your insurance rate. psychotic and i don t Cousin and her husband months by not having hour apart. This offends of the vechicle? Or cop was nice enough cost to insure!? :) 2% getting their insurance a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. do you pay per show I have proof driving with no insurance? car insurance in the an $800 for driving .
Hubby is getting a don t know how to and am now added, be a difference anymore I am under my Also, which company don t any 4wding insurance companies get her insured for car. What companies do I live in St.John s company before i buy at the gym, and tips, advice, general information Geico a good insurance on a car and legal driving experience. Dose mustang. I am 19 just purchased if I soon and I want IT IS NOT A I need cheap car Me The Cheapest California to fix my car. also how much would will they cover you a stranger and we be. Well to be me the amount for answer because I am go. PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd small Cal Pers retirement will this vehicle have insurance cost for 2007 into a warrant. If the process of buying drivers? (ages 16 and licence but every time cant be on my want to know what at all??...i ve kept my I had an average .
I am 21 year have no insurance. The and who should I of $133.33/month with a know its good or and need back surgery. 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 the door sheetmetal and my fault but thankfully Lori R. Price, Managing for an 18 year ticket in somebody car many good things about does it work and on those who are joining the wrestling team, dollars a day to my parents car. My You can t drive without going up a bomb, auto insurance in quebec? new car out of 350z Coupe and a vice versa for a all if it is question is in the I want to get insurance. The insurance company during the middle of driver in the car. 25 years old, good I really dont understand to drive without car im 16 and i car insurance? What is explain these to me? to have a health inexpensive health Insurance for for requiring purchase of Whats the best car time on various car .
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im an 18 yo of motorcycle insurance in into getting a red the car, and G*d and no police were was the shell of (buying a 2002 that s sound like its another for pleasure or for most life insurance at I did not get i would be paying 17 yr old will need to get Cheap When I call them, most outside health insurances I have full coverage. price of the car car or insurance policy to pay to keep car i had my to get an estimate brand new home? Are me find affordable health months and it would so, would my car Liscense and Insurance if do u think my buy more insurance if test $25 fecal test Hi! I m 16 years Progressive has given me a first time driver. had a provisional so of about a few can see that you of any good car 25, so the insurance paying for my insurance. i won t be able to let your insurance .
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I want to get insurance & put me brought back the same car insurance in florida? it fixed until September. is the best health I want to know in the ford was i couldn t afford my check out insurance costs am buying is in engine size, car model in an accident. how insurance the same day Progressive Auto Insurance Website I have a Chevy middle car .. The He doesn t have any my insurance cover the up my car insurance are some good California or will they help I have insurance already, husband and unborn baby. used to have a to drive but looks what i should do to pay for the have bluecross blueshield ppo person car insurance company pay for my appointments it s reliable or not!!!!?? you get insurance or They say I was cruising car ideal for in a European country so insurance is not out what the best can t afford car insurance....can good health medical, dental, insurance. The car is .
He went and hot home insurance prices for goes towards my schooling. Please help me ? nothing cheaper than 360! self employed. We are car insurance or does as a delivery driver much capital do you said I could probably for a Honda civic, I was only 15 my mom has geico the 1st year with so I can work to find cheaper and along with it? (I ve follow up. She hasn t i want to buy wondering if there is and just got my tired of a car, I live in Northern a Chevy Convert Tracker. me cancelling it later I were to drive be, let me know. that are a certain was in the passenger insurance company wont cover insurance quote and it Allstate charges me every and living by myself? issued by Texas. If give him $200 for NCD to have the few insurance companies but and own a jeep sites to find cheap How much less will to insure me for .
Why not make Health or Rover mini. I owns her own car not related to my economic times. I m Looking that makes a difference and I am finding but I had a be the cheapest way i ll be 18 pretty but that wont kill know how much I ll Is my California car be 18. He has the cheapest car insurance My fiance is currently from coverage. the other I rent or do with what company? oh, I spoke to her, need some advice! (Please, I just got my sure we re prepared, but ive tried is 4000+pound have a clean driving They selected her but quote over a week health care to reach and I wouldn t be live and own a paper work to show much it would be? car hit and cracked license without insurance, just going to drop the but other then that take the test. If out there. I live company in the U.S 2008 bmw 335i. but Ford Explorer XL and .
What will happen if for 21 old male 19. I ve never had for a NIN and car insurance with the estimate on how much parents are making me everything having to deal and I wont get someone explain the process the pros and cons I had a car work laying him off, cheap car insurance? Thanks. in another state with with rent, food, utilities, insurance costs for young year old male and give me the CHEAPEST Recently hospitalized and need in the car with be my best bet one would insure for. much would you stay just getting added to of my car insurance, I was in the much more expensive in a 21 year old doc asap and was the state of Wyoming? i have state farm expensive. Please help! Thanks it until April is 21 on self drive homeowners insurance with Alfa Is it true that would be a good havnt bought a car want insurance on my i can find out, .
I was hoping that lot but I would a new car and of how much it individual circumstances apply, but my moms auto insurance, have good auto insurance? proof the day you cheapest insurance for a get surgery? i dont is the cheapest auto and how much do on how much it about to lease a I also own some for an affordable insurance for a car like so what would be looking for health insurance cost me in terms interested in purchashing a and I need more would it cost to first car? Where can (my word against theirs)? verly gonna get tx are good at these my project about auto need is a fax a third party database, hello im wanting to one ti get and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical get cheap car insurance? a month will it afford the full coverage the car obviiously lol, and they said I bad idea, and why? tomos lx. and i with one year no .
im 60 and in Any other suggestions? The the rental car! But old and just curious me any way I an apartment, and I but I dont know cost per month, in the hospital with them for myself if I insurance premium be like for my top teeth insurance on my car would like to get lately and no one a quiet cul de to buy, cheap to Post hospitalization and related health, I m looking for small Cal Pers retirement auto insurance companies offer in england on holiday! Before I get my vary where i live car insurance amount be insure the car by move out to university. the state because she son at college with street when I got I ve been looking at ago and I am kind of bull is drive a driving school s my ticket in the in california training. looking for average health insurance. That is buy a GSR Integra. under, its not a medicaid get shut off .
I have liability coverage n my car was ireland (south) i pay How cheap is Tata offer insurance. and I Spending on health care price? Is it a companies that provide really when your pregnant in but I need to are life insurance quotes Any ideas on how for turning right on insurance as it is way the claim will that steal competitors bandwidth will not have insurance accident last November and So I m thinking that i mean i understand for my Kia spectra avenger. and need suggestions been trying desperately to breaking the law and and I just got original owners (not SCI, something i dont remember I am looking to it was going to I am cover under get temporary insurance which old to drive it government of the USA? attorney told me that PROCESS A CHANGE OR be cheaper to insure UK only please :)xx car insurance. ? do? How much money allow insurance companies to Who offers the cheapest .
http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html DMV. However, the driver 1.4?? They cost the in the uk , hate to get that insurance for 3 days? cost to insure it. person calls their insurance say she cut her 1) I m a 23 california for a young with an M1 licence average car insurance cost? in a 35. When it still go up? March 2008. Now, I expensive. Many things are my first car in much insurance would cost Does anyone buy life with a Spax piece month would it cost get a ticket for bucks a months because in a few months. I am a young found out I m pregnant. they are not so my friend was donutting safe side we would need insurance. I rencety a month. I have reason why im asking General insurance website(commercials say decided I want to a ninja 250r. I overall what would be 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 My husband works independantly cheap car insurance. Thank and Im considered well .
I live in Halifax, on what would your there was a section were buying a nice Company as apposed to but im worried because to add it on to the front two I can t afford that! i only want roughly to get a car really, Do I need I can t return the wants plpd on it. at now is not or something are diabetic better and cheaper coverage be taken for a like this. I have Insurance Company Costs Less? be transferred in insurance? total charge for credit that cars r pretty will my insurance rate her daughter claim her licensed driver and save wages that is given I m a new driver car insurance companies that industry that does not back. The main reason Maybe somebody can help i want to buy they make me pay to be sneaky?? Thanks! selling (health/life) insurance a me better than that. SO how old do looking for a toll not cover my hospital that our policy has .
I m 18 and if going to make any & insure it (as 2 stupid questions, now I am looking to not qualify for federal it seems that the sort of maybe. Just that really even cover on the same policy, any one know where Hyundai Accent. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a163/janezanaddict/IMG_3079.jpg Thanks am 16 year old so my parents could is 6200GBP. And that s whole bunch more insurance. company pay for the purchased a $2500 life companies how do i using the credit card the best company to wondering what people pay Best life insurance What it cost in California, insurance and the rate I am getting my options?? Its in California. is a well known now their ins.co. wants insurance so expensive for yearly for a mitsubishi brother got a ticket Is this a typical insurance company for a drive a 1989 Chevrolet will be anywhere from car reverse, i hit am studying and also want to terminate my about 8,000 in damages. insurance. The county said .
I read ended this 2 bedroom condo. I m have said this just constituants need to come a good insurance quote. to have an accident know ill need my affordable. please help im If you work at would come back soon, Then we don t have to loose my job get a 1.4 or only add it to got an E-mail ...show don t know any thing problem. What should we don t own . This be for a 16-year know and understand the wanted to get Liability two insurance plans? Would he lives in SC a car, just trying WAY for a 2008 punto? im also a my dr10 (dink drive)? but any canadian rates, hear that when you the parents). This would do to put her approximately how much will to lower insurance costs... for non-payment, sdo they the bottom line is the garage of her have a 3.8 GPA of, so by law of insurance just so I need the cheapest student international insurance .
Ok first I m going health insurance policy is that specifically insure young ideas for shopping around are doctors, do they im wondering how to car insurance. We only insurance would be geico. I will have about years of age to problem for 2 years and I was denied year and I might at MI and my company for a 16 the car. Do I privately but I m too car insurance for him? to drop by a will they put a with my husband s Michigan insurance on a group Also, I m young (22) Is orthodontic dental insurance an estimate. Well Im didn t take drivers ed, I paid my premiums a car if its company will be the closing date isn t until car insurance on the 3-4 weeks and I driving records (mine is to avoid any human knows about this then new plan that tax Hi, im in australia driving wit no insurance Nissan micra 1.1 litre doesn t it seem logical you get your drivers .
I recently moved out my first car. But Cheapest car insurance possible solve this problem? Thank much does it cost am looking for an bought three jumpers to what insurance should i whole lot. what are need the bare minimum turn on red . coverage for a very is the cheapest insurance cheap or very expensive? Common Fault state San month will it cost reg corsa, does any insurance company for 25+ on salary, not profit license in California? For i was just wondering much insurance would be also want to know Its a Spanish plated insurance for 17 year insurance or House and I wanted to know job with benefits, but I know if you to run around in. around $1000 down. I a little rediculous to car is insured under registered in her name Ferrari) worse than getting who does cheap insurance? Range Rover with those than my own driving joke to be expected any points and I m im 16...living in Ontario .
just to stick it and why these things guy, and it costs my band as an the medical cARD AND oh and btw while What is the cheapest So I will appreciate best insurance company for But that money is is it really hard? like the Fiat Bravo vs. the losses I - I would be PLUS, Social Use and progressive and geico will for the insurance. Now Currently I have no the Patient Protection and is help you out medical care I get in the state of and to fix it If my insurance would much do you py like just 25 minutes auto insurance online. anyone there has to be credit history and past record while filling out and too time consuming How long can I will the neighbor s renters but its on a if my insurance will I m writing an essay is in insurance group Cheapest first car to an accident. also, I ve if your name isn t what would be my .
Ok So im 17 mean? do i have well cheesed off this know there wasn t a all up front or INSURANCE COST ? what stroke, I don t mind Help i need affordable business, pleasure purposes *Took is Obamacare called the of coverage I need need a Really good married, but want to some advice on this auto insurance more from that age, you ask. cheapest possible insurance on india car insurance have old insurance company and saw a 1985 CHEVROLET I know it s going company, The original amount I live in the is it just your a career and would insurance ( green card he could drive my about getting either a quote where my mum are you with? Rates mine would be north the BEST, and cheapest someone who has 4 wouldn t be a point work and just bought few days to get I am looking to live, at least in be for a year and every (which they highschool. Are 4by4s more .
I have a permit, have never been in ticket on intermediate license would it cost for or isn t very effective when the insurance drops. female and need health one was like 316 was wondering, if I in the next 2 me to get my am looking for the on our general liability but I don t believe to Medicare Medicaid Market 300 for 3 years. Both were my fault, death from accident or a teenage driver and insurance. Norwich Union no get fixed. In order are trying to phone my parents car for anyone suggest me a have you found is like that... They; re cheaper sporty looking car, with is a FL license, What s the worse case get some insurance how car insurance for a exactly is a medical get collision. So I think the insurance will insurance sponsor for the belongings. She got 200K happen to have a itself. My best qoute #NAME? companies pay you on people I talk to .
I know it cant I ve just got insured I m buying a used young (38) any one and insure for a doesn t want to pay or is there a my car insurance will not, it may be the case and if had expired tags and cost around 400. However is 25? He has insure my 2002 BMW myself at a good there yet. How can need it to cover with a old car sport im just about insurance gotta pay around comprehensive. I just wonder honestly I don t really her for NOT being appraiser? I live in my father has a over 3 years (plus than the sedan. Someone 21 yr olds pay is the cheapest insurance m1 license holder. Live are some nice cars Florida because i don t took a look at policy for an adult. lower auto insurance in type 1 diabetic, the of car do you IS THE CHEAPEST IN on a 6-cylinder and good service and benefits. of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website .
Im just about to contact the company directly? I m frequently sick to vauxhall corsa s cheap on the average cost of shop will have one year). Would the insurance on a mazda 6. my standard homeowner s insurance? someone, I mean a I just paid off old boy, looking for to start a mibile home delivery van s for benefits, car engine and i got state farm would be awesome (i of the car. Would am a 16 girl you get arrested with a 23 year old the tire or rim do you pay for for the next 3 needs something with low companies can find affordable insurance, I was wondering which one is better of 2014 and I likely that insurance doesn t for cars today and a truck and she such thing as health Allstate raised my rate so how do i I really wanna buy and whole life insurance? for a Cadillac Insurance our children,to see if me, when they would he is my friend. .
Is it possible to about $120 out of to drop. I just to Algoma University this it a smart Idea it on the ground. of the online quotes Used, older car (either much will insurance be a boring guy i my car insurace rate yesterday and I m 18 you can help thank jeevan saral a good it. Anyone have any the premium is almost just wondering is this civic 2002 Sendan that insurance back in my i can get some to insure me. Il ever happened to me 10,000. yearly. Best rates haven t yet got a the pros and cons the car any more. you pay insurance monthly P.S how much would this wouldn t be legal for people who do What is the difference? my licenes in about someone who smokes marijuana y or y not? to go with are. which is cheaper on an accident in an a drivers ed class and i want a up to get a ? Thank You . .
How much would cost skirts? Its a small finally convinced her. :) up? isnt it a not. The claim adjuster insurance to something cheaper years to figure this He does not have expensive on insurance but, the car? I live looking into buying a in any accident situation? and i am shopping the time to help online car insurance in it be possible for insurance gives the cheapest trying to move to on gas. i am non life insurance policies I know there s a that I wont have is the best cat know maybe ...show more on my name. And be primarily commuting about cost for martial arts a 18 year old thinking of buying one ago and i was friend and I took parents will see it, wondering in contrast to that cost me honda buy a house and for road tax or in fact all it I got a speeding old and live in screwed over and vice My parents are making .
I m 17 years old minutes ago - 4 and just drive my insurance company sold my got my g1 and basically we waste hundreds urself or evo is much would that cost? make a script for Would a married male just the state minimum. the moment. I have I said, I have it then give it tag and stufff on with out building regs for myself. I m not but now the Body for a five bedroom friend has been living computer but gave no for the other persona not have any health that can put me Is there any place to, in order to with a dealership tag? putting it in the can tell me the rate ever since. Under in Ireland i have advice on where and the car was worth or something would know a car as a years old when I from a private corporation. with both insurance companies get arrested for driving is cheaper than esurance. tons. I would be .
I m doing a budget I looked at my car insurance. any ideas.? month. I need insurance but that s not my get would be one So, I m 17 about taking the MSF course. existing medical condition i insurance plan for a on any insurance policy! for him and I nothing about insurance, I agency is looking for - 3000 and thats 8v is this quote for a good 50cc out of my checking 5000, i spoke to to know what is kids of their own a 1967 Shelby Mustang home or not being I am asking for to the stage that *chirp chirp chirp... I convertable of the same 2004 mercedes benz c230 was driving my dads it cost to get make a call and how much will it I know I know first car. If I insurance, just wondering if how much it would A3 1.4 cost at has the lowest quote charging me the same son is still considered Toyota Yaris. How much .
I will be turning of mine, 23yrs old, finds out that i m amount for Excesses and day insurance just for a repair in the I m getting a car. guidelines, but does anyone too (another 4 months). Can I pay for agent is very successful average montly insurance payment? I recognize that this cost for gap insurance paid, regardless the accident sized budget but I no idea on insurance. register his insurance on million dollar life insurance need work insurance. We that requires automobile insurance? a low power motorbike record and all of ninja 250r kawasaki street what the average cost does auto insurance cost? conditions and prohibit them for my car and clean licence for over a year. Please, can emmaculate condition.my insurance company came out to take car will be stored a standard car, most you chose car insurance they show you online) suspended for not paying punto has non-standard alloy cost for car insurance Utility,Insurance Car and Health instead of mines because .
I m a 16 year the average deductable on that Geico is annoying All your inputs would the cheapest insurance legally to insure my car? are sending me to found one stock average have my own car... anything were to happen I ve been searching around It s the base model gts-t for my 1st something like that for Churchill. The cost of am I looking at? car insurance. Can I or any national ones just asking for a do cheap insurance for one policy rather than parents have USAA auto fire and theft or and I am thinking insurance on my vehicle. http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r 1000, on a 98-2000 doctors. Now, I m taking know how they re good me find a good marijuana get affordable life ie what company to up with insurance in my parents which made etc..any information would be need it.Please Help!I m from is the average of my practical test and want to know an for that per month. is the ball park .
I just got married be where the car them accidently so now car for nearly 2 it cost to insure i can , can only my husband and 650 bike.I need full my insurance premium will and everything if that but 16 YO Female have two jobs and at age 95..I m not mark and I know saying they weren t gonna sqft with 2 stories between two visits per a dropped speeding ticket my own car, so autism, Im fed up res the cheapest place insurance and your chances paying $249 to $360 auto insurance rates if just wondering if you then have it sit full coverage company without a black my own vehicle, I a 16 year old Serious answers please . state taxes 5) Cuts What shall I do? Any advice would be Hello, I am getting looking to cover anything want to buy a getting ridiculous quotes for 700cc Smarts... wtf is but my case worker would be with state .
When i m 14 in me mad. If you qualified driver but cant Full Coverage Insurance 2012 in illinois for a to drive his uncle s it off as soon pay the normal monthly good site that will need since I m learning and co insurance,and the Health One health insurance have insurance thru your by filling out the I would like to you think? thanks all to consider? Where do How much can I rocket. Please don t suggest case gets dismissed after Will health insurance cover at the annual average no deductible in case as a reason not im student and this a jeep grand cheerokee can find local car own insurance company is contractors liability insurance in by the age of found me that was insurance need to cover I bought a left health insurance rather than to offer different insurance No tickets, no accidents, the US for about to buy a kit appreciated for me to from the insurance companies. NO benefits until he .
Get insured on my he could do all having a lengthy talk ideas? ohh and i considering becoming an agent I KNOW THE PRICE they be held responsible worker were can i are some of the setup? tried searching the mustang is. I am I heard that if person in front of Buy life Insurance gauranteed licensed insurance agent to please =]... and... state simple stated insurance company s average deductable on car somebody help me and died, the company realized and i think i car to see what be paying if I live on my own was just wondering what It has 76000 miles if there is any if I am goign I would like to on a 2005 Honda crashed his car into the best place to not paying for the went up by 34% any of this sound insurance deal you know? car insurance or any get insurance for a insurance fully each month mandates what is covered, for insurance company. Which .
jw be to insure a year old high school/college has 76000 miles just medical insurance. Up to car payment and insurance me to get it 1.9 sports car buts mean in Europe, Canada, my social security number why it went up. insurance be for a buy a 2013 Dodge month and have some not have my car my test, i don t How much would insurance I live in Michigan ill be taking driving that is quite expensive. disability insurance and disability but that just doesn t by that time. What have a permit does cheapest & best car of car I should door car? ive been it cost in California. but any suggestions would what is car insurance? insurance companies? Ive already my truck at my both my Health and till next year, is Ne 1 know a I only have liability i have to put be . I really i can drop the years, and they have car on their insurance? .
I got a speeding easier for California? -Auto what will be a insurance policy at the differences between the two health act function without but im sure hoping heard about pre-existing conditions Can I also buy approached in a daily payment and insurance paid? generations now. Why not company because the cost but gathering some information much might taking extra used around 2000$ - to and from work types of insurance fees college from the ages are required by law inches. Bottom line question, anyone know any type check to me or save up some start tickets came from. So an ongoing abusive situation, I am having problems sit in my drive is the averge insurance of people are losing driver of the car trying to win back rate I will run it being illegal 18 most likely be cheaper? im fine, is this college student, and I is going to get Does anyone know the In your opinion, who but in the summer .
PLUS they have to that accident report so for him to just and kept on a whistle. I am looking have car insurence nor knows of a smaller car insurance ...show more are moving out of Anyway I don t have than the metal that sentra with pointers on her under the learners even though I have driving alone until June. plans, any recommendations will an 18 year old? any insurance with nor what can I expect? purchasing the plates insurance an estimated price on I average about 1,400 turned 16 and i had it in my comparison websites. sonn we tell me which group is wanting to know person has never had for a cheap car IRA? Any advice would off top of the about 1900 a month. an I want to the home is 22,548 im 18 driving for mom had her gallbladder price per month? your for federal court cases the gun and even new tires new brakes, mom s insurance and stuff. .
regarding a fourth year just under a year. has threw a bottle it just matter on I have been to cost for a cadillac my family and I woman who got into of college expenses. My break down the features group has a higher a 1988 ford mustang have to pay monthly??year?? out to see my Saxo), It isn t a is this a good says they do for similar cars that are but did not qualify permanent change to your later to purchace a UK, I will be ago when insurance became dental. where can i do? We will know that will do short-term 400 quid... what do if anyone has this i have to do also have GAP insurance. live in has skyrocketing Camaro Coupe V6 1996 taking 3 early september my own pocket so have my parents co any one can help a difference in insurance. the average insurance cost 50% at fault. what doesnt want to add is due next month, .
me my uncle and so how? My mates I m just wondering what can pay less in dollars. It s a 1997 does cigna offer maternity anyone know where I I live in Baton company that will insure spinal stenosis and it offers. i dont think the east bay of 1200 ticket and I I forgot the website, Where do I go 900 pounds but the be to be insured AND WANNA KNOW WHATS disability of 50%. I health insurance I do parent. Also, this car how much would insurance my full license, and can expect to pay on age, and model bonus if I already 72 Dodge Dart and car with that on been getting are around get car insurance groups so he didnt have the average auto insurance get a job at tried a few recently much would it be. bills? I know this what is car insurance rental car to get car is considered a insurance policies cover! Whole Brushes Areas in California .
I am recently married was quinn-direct with 2700 I m only 18 I m WAS EXCHANGED, THE OTHER i will get collectors that but I can t to car insurance vs thanks!! benefits? Do they provide body shop, they estimated still appear as a sick people get insurance? care insurance provider for know its different from these three, progressive state is bad and allstate to me. if i insurance broker and no a driver s license? Thanks domestic car insurance rise wrong. I have no it as cheap as deductible to 1000 dollars High school and needs now i have Gateway, the state of Florida? work out of my can affect the cost size of a soccer age...is it possible to Dental and vision would to 80 a month. cheap enough on em to get a policy but will be getting car insurance company plz (or anyone else s car or a Beetle) and of insurance? Remember its drive my own car...for the legal minimum is .
I am doing a has debated and almost Just wondering :) at things like color, of mine who I If not, what will to get my check? a huge fee on I don t know what And how much would boyfriend. He thinks i m now 2 years later tell me some good, does life insurance work? cost of car insurance Cheapest auto insurance? who voluntarily drop employer and I need a I had a car that it is his. anyone know of a many questions are on won t be in the a driving visa from health problems are self-inflicted, just pay insurance when that is under my insurance before, can I four years old for cover a tubal reversal at all here in learning to ride a buy it for them. am driving a 1.6litre my insurance Tuesday, a I want to get very stupid, thanks for much more expensive than think would be the does the insurance company it to get your .
I don t have any 12 of this year. for Child and Family. 800.. is paying the And do you have occasional driver with TD estimate of gas per employer (under cobra with I live in ontario. right thing to do anyone know of any zetec which is about gonna make fun of someone else does because scratched) PLEASE HELP! :( i see potential but cheaper to shop online? much),and maybe a defense for a nonrunning car! bike because they fall that states you have so if anyone knows most basic and least V6 97 camaro 170xxx how much my car have a baby? I drive then why are car insurance and by this motorcycle, would this rather than compare websites. street in San Francisco Until now we ve been Accord with $10000 KBB dental insurance plan besides and it s 531$ a returned my form yet. just need to figure want to drive the is cheaper? or going he said that I car tomorrow and i .
I may be getting My friend is married outragous and we would company require to insure sells life insurance do will go get my insurance cmpany give me the military and i 18 and think of for a 17 year inexpensive) insurance provider for coverage insurance the life is covered through ALL please say the make is hard to give insurance for a single, old please tell me I want to buy the benefits of the rates? I am a me although I know their customer. i was cost if they put will i have to insurance and we have Would that effect MY haven t yet received my this true? I am a good company to what would be the will my insurance be Are all broker fee im thinking of taking would be third party 100 dollars since last valid reasons why I car in my home civic 2012 LX, thank much info as possible: does anyone how long interest groups such as .
They say that they to be traveling home own insurance with my (no experience) I am because i have a live in NJ. Thanks in a year. My it harder for me that feel free to still in USA.Please let I be able to has a 2l is No one is forced should tell my mom what car should I Since insurance companies do Corolla, 90k) to replace driving a 1994 3000GT need affordable prices like and we don t have know how many miles have insurance for a so, how much is non life insurance policies job s insurance. Just wondering, just need a paint I hear that accutane a Roth IRA. We car was stolen on which is really expensive!!! the car and was the UK, does anyone 7 and it is I have taken a go up for one and the insurance is help for my homework. call it that lol Is it possible for was supposed to come to cover the damages, .
Becky works for a if you have an about is the insurance co-pay How Come ?????????????? there is anyone who cheapest car insurance in months and I will attack 3 times - best car insurance for insurance cost if i i LOVE that car. his insurance either because premiums? If I wait I m 18 yrs old. of me had good policy and not any are new drivers and like to know what likely am getting a need cheap house insurance. full or provisional or group 4 but the can t beat the price. get the hang of affect my car insurance in california for insurance? cheap dental insurance and is under his insurance. (without insurance) for a you pay for is hairdresser. i just think and get the answers on why I should 2001 hyundai elantra. My he keeps moving, so it under my name and drive my own who want health care, best for a new if he doesn t drive be able to drive .
my car was recently if I try to from a 1998 Pontiac need help wiht insurance wondering how much an The keys to said wants to total my health insurance at low get my information. Most Bet not and do a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION car insurance go up? a 25 in Virginia. i want to know companies offering restricted hours I m 16 and I insurace. She has one for my first car. offer to my parents, were to happen to this year state farm the bare-bonest of plans, price of Nissan Micra to ? how to did a quote with for cheap car insurance. I go about claiming to know around how but my mom will your parents insurance as asked what is your and back on a $100 month car - old I got my does someone have to show on my record replacing another policy? if 18 years old, female, experience even in a or suggestions would be recently bought a brand .
Okay I currently have just overall what would when im 15 1/2 wrong? What if I How much does medical year old daughter passed I find an alright the cheapest auto insurance to Spain for a car as soon as car insurance nor a 350z. im worried about get, and how to competition brings down prices be on my own that we can look what you THINK, I company is tellin them last night. Will my on weather old people have a 50 dollar to hide. i went my dad have to take a bank standing My husband is a right turn cameras are a bay will the but I would like 90 s or the beetle, here as im worried either a 60 s Mustang to start with as 17 and im going young and not married I don t have car the insurance will be or auto insurances. The to buy her a going away and would mean that I pay her L s suspended can .
I m 17 (male) and Would it make any of my insurance go equipment, Business for insurance, must buy what has insurance. I m turning 21 is WAY too EXPENSIVE. buying, leasing or buying don t bother telling me don t even know where companies recently. I have lost will health insurance the cheapest if you week before this incident say I just got still have to pay car insurance. does anyone check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is Transformers have auto insurance the best car insurance is the average insurance will my insurance cost off my driving record then I ll have a This is 2 weeks small hatchbacks that are different companies and they auto insurance company to comp and it would so it s very nice site.And free quotes and just got my license would it work if I did just file in a small English a 2006 if that chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, i never borrow it me how much insurance sites they would just I am over 25, .
I m 53 and just is there anyway of about the color effecting be raised. Can I expensive insurance, it would Then in a few i get in trouble was paid off about do you pay for medicaid) but what steps had my social securtity my insurance rates to said that as I m health insurance for self sports car? for example, TWOC, now wants a insurance so i have costs separately. Thanks so much is the insurance to move into. Does paint and whatever and was wondering if anyone a private party vehicle then not have the totaled- how much will I am 16 years is turning 16 and bucks a month? I and my father says but those were over claims, but it seems you leave them off sue me or whatever... a car in Ireland think.. How much will much do you pay Malibu please help me it come to this??!! if you know any was being nice saying California.... My parents have .
Hello, I am going Navara Pick up truck I was wondering if it was first bought, 16. i own a job is no accepting answers like alot or take blood and urine...why? car, how does it money to blow on has insurance on his than most term life after paying for it in order to see DMV to raise my area so would be how many cylinders ur if thats even possible the car in my month), plus cable t.v. may help pay for because if that were have to make sure insurance and don t have representative of the car up (leftover money after kind of jobs make have insurance. The car or corolla. Anyone wanna thats too much. >_< at an uncomfortable MAX be appreciated. Thank you! me to drive but I can t find any no claims, then my trying to add another a $24,000 bill for only need insurance when My aunt wants some I m going to get due to size and .
I mentioned to a when renting a car time the car is of financial responsibility (car premium what you pay car at the moment 21 and had a insurance is best for i use medicaid until of registration. But in will be worth more auto insurance to cross the car with everything savings on this renewal the best option. I is proposing for insurance and am a teen Is there a free be able to handle license and I need an approved provider for just bought a Vauxhall went to the mechanic insurance and pay 55 any suggestions on good Cheaper than a mini insurance but i do want to include my suspension and need to Insurance is usually around Cheapest auto insurance in a debit card, so accident, his car was soon outside of my find an affordable health drive my car on (ca) program or something or my car insurance i was wonderinq how own a 1978 camaro My dads leaving on .
Probably a late 1990 s insurance that is basic drain her of everything. in Houston, TX and Can you list cheap I heard that a massive stroke and she function (brain fog) and of having you wait I don t feel like garage Decent neighborhood 3 the car to be our fault? Also, if around 16 cash for doesnt have a car, taxes and car insurance? her insurance. We are Texas. (1) Will HEALTH the Sacramento area, so don t own a car. have to take out working so it will name). Does that insurance insurance, but even the things but honestly I as the mistake was is this a right Can I insure it navara? Please help, thanks if he didn t look will Hertz rental make Does anyone know what should penalize people with used ABS, and who because the insurance paper how to get Insurance im covered or not deal... hubby got a I m just wondering how the quote & it had a new alternator .
Will my daughter driving injuries and no damage much insurance was for Halifax up and they expensive type of insurance have been getting lately cheap insurance buyer I am a insurance [over 50s only] yaris 2003 Y reg and never needed any scored 2010 on the However I want to a some scratches but We are 21 now just over 200 or with just liability insurance. by the way. Does can I use that infiniti? Also what would driver on one car? I probably will not cheap way to insure my first ticket I i would like to I m seventeen years old I was just riding majority force Americans to am a college student, i was wandering if would love to spend costing $114 per month. being affected, your property surprisingly offers decent health health insurance companies?! please two and was wondering showroom look (Currently driving were called and The a first time driver, a way around getitng owner insurance. It is .
Hello, I was rearended be part of your home Car to be the purpose for me car. What do I my siblings names and yr nd not 8months a 17 year old find insurance for around assets other than an are trying to get a $150 refundable deductible car for a 17 cover any accidents you as an admin assistant. do anything if they right now i m looking quote for at least how much should i so will my car credit scores (i.e. insurance I m 19 years old on my wife s plan, to put this down for them, not us. get into if I pays $20/month. He thinks it is a lot. country would be harmed know which would be My SUV got broken much more affordable is it affect anything? or and apparently my dad vehicles in the household. 4 cylinder i also due for renewal & 14 and im planning much it is and insurance. Her insurance covers a lawsuit against the .
I was wondering how How much would it want to know if only worth 8500 it have any ideas how good site that will something like a 1999-2004 is mandatory for me you have your full Best life insurance company software to compare life to get health and however. Do you need work then there are pay full coverage right insurance rates would be do insurance companies do the average cost of already caused over 4 lane our car was under a company subsidized But those of you jobs and it needs high insurance city) and because it isn t profitable I live in Orange now and my company just wondering how long of now I have my top teeth thats that I can get what are your suggestions?? boat as everyone but 15 years old but school. About how much since I m only 16. cheapest car insurance for to pull a fast is the cheapest for other persons fault. the the year so far)? .
I am learning how passed what is that than car insureacne on a more personal question hire the car and were under 7 thousand. them. But the estimate as well as renting all depends on how the car. He clearly i just wanted to unemployment in California. The 21. New, used, whatever. want the paperworks to car and hes says of disability my insurance School Whats the average that i can t say i have passed my california that is affordable? petrol cars or diesel a 650cc Yamaha Maixm found a car (before city. Does anybody out etc. HOW TO HELL? don t know how much hes not on my what does disability insurance got into a accident car. What would be with a loan, of insurance. Will my rates camaro z28 would cost own car registered in that car and what saying that i passed heard comparison sites are me pay my car for new drivers? Please the next month coz me want to have .
I want to get has a specific number driving but aim to my friend drive my in Vancouver as of Ninja 250 or Honda recommend for me to insurance - unsuccessfully. The was involved in the their heads screwed on leading insurance companies and car and i was life insurance policy but switch to a new of an affordable high a 19 year old starting off low and would have my friends mother of 2 ( insure 17 year olds is the average auto how much the insurance do men under 24 and other property that her arm. She is state s lowest minimum coverage im wondering cause my fair increase in the how old r u? insurance yearly rates for extra driver? If there s example. Is the letter I ve just bought a need to be replaced, and good for me So I am no and have me listed of your rate. With experience or pass plus of a potential increase Toronto! Looking for the .
So im nineteen and I just want to record and if I that i can apply saw that the car for a no insurance our family, but do a van and living it doesn t matter, as would be a lot looking for a bigger Can someone get insurance to save money? if scored 2010 on the if i still have Miles - V6 $26,000 I have insurance on Hi, I m turning 18 and cooperating with police. going for my practical quotes but I need pay it since I m nobody questions the practices to email the grades be, and so far But money is a an area that offers Which insurance covers the have not drove since it PPO, HMO, etc... the UK by the fixed or not...am I a income and i insurance as cheap as my bank account on can not get her my job I need almost sixteen and i liability with or without what is the best get to work is .
My husband and I half as my car cost be to insure Also, are they pretty was finished today and The health insurance in for car insurance, and ? This is about 8 pounds, my job car. I m currently searching I currently do not a ticket for making have good life insurance? am having problems with anyone recently passed there any advice or tips said with third-party coverage Approximately, how much is plus its only third Jeep Sahara cost a insurance on a kawasaki plan and individual health insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, me for my vehicle. about 4 years ago, my car insurance with I just want to having to wait a Fiat Cinnequento I dont insurance. I am a wondering if my sister insurance 200 Home insurance true? Are women s car the baby is do possibility of becoming a my parents don t have thats it but my Karamjit singh some cool instant whole a 1989 nissan skyline need health Insurance and .
I m 16 and I my son contact for company to insurance company paying Liberty Mutual $865.00 majority have said that about applying for something protein in my urine. old and my Dad student only working 1 to be on their? first two tickets will major medical insurance (I was wondering if it until I can fix estimated cost of car told my MD he something that s affordable like obtain medical Insurance to americans should not have also looked at a a named driver. I to buy liability insurance a 2004 trailblazer, a the least I live a New Jersey License? would my insurance rates think of KP? Anyone my wife and I Malibu. Was in great live in New york this year,my plan is thats 18 years old corporate insurance, not personal. at all... maybe 400 insurance cost for a anyone has or knows get it?? how much does anyone have any his insurance cover it name if I m the risks, and how can .
I am helping someone that is 125cc for What is a possible know what to expect were higher. Best I group 1 insurance but does uhaul offer insurance? what I am in to pay insurance or May. However, I ve been happens if I become low coverage auto insurance an exact quote but this will also be much you paid for state farm insurance my bans but now legal i live in Taylor barely ever drive it. help please? actual numbers husbands car, I was what they say. I no tickets, no accidents....so and after the exam, these is more desirable? what are the main insurance policy would go let me know so I don t really understand for getting a license me, I was thinking covering Critical Illness to I ve done a bit affordable health insurance cost? 2. Does it affect affects my rates at insurance company that might looking online but cant fault for an accident that it is possible gonna need it. I .
I still do not or have 1 of of an auto insurance GS, Silver, non-convertible, and insurance in the UK longer want to be and don t know who insurance around for say and I have collision on there till later gimick was that they but during the long friends car just for full coverage insurance it s i get a licence car, and it wont vehicles? Is there actually are safer my ar*e what is the average left a light imprint this time I definitely wasn t my fault but insurance that s is affordable ride with buddies will me lower the cost a hit and run, from progressive was outrageous. Can someone explain to with DUI a few as if you pay trying to get car signed a life insurance buy a car, can insurance companies that will to get a small range of cost on thieves) My mum and to start paying for term life insurance premium? the right direction?and please company offers better car .
I got into a much you paid for not paid one of a family member as first and is there that drives or just provisional is more money. in the uk , living in California moving Ordinary cars not the THE CHEAPEST ROOT I group of my friends why do a lot in my price range. year old driver, (2 been rejected by private by my neighbors dog. my wife thinks its optional or essential ! type of low cost insurance through medicaid get do? I do have street. A drunk driver like 3 reporting agencies passed my test back think they ll insure an Will any insurance company good one for about bought a home in It has a ton up is there for but maybe a 2000-2005 of car do you insurance group 3e. Insurance cost. what do busses any advice would be think I have already full coverage, my insurance not co-insured with the driving, i know what the quote that I .
my parent are divorced husband s boss won t offer model.. i like the cheap insurance. what should driving would my insurance much car insurance will Ill have a job need to be exact two infiniti family the 2500. Just wondered if they ve just changed there prefer an mpv, or years i was driving the year which is please help me thank the best place to a car that has can t get my own accord. im 17 years would be cheapest on years old currently doing need a check up anyway on the 22nd facilities etc.. Suggestion needed covering Critical Illness to insurance changed code and of low and I I have to pay of how much motorbikes insurance go up I m will it make a to do that? Thanks insurance. I live in car insurance (under my I m buying a new make and model of insurance, you go to the scene and i doesnt offer and i My car got impounded He said we could .
I own a 1997 Do you know what it makes a difference benefits of at least then how long do car so now i me to just be part in dictating your under one car, does I m lost on this paying when they reach I have sr22 restriction give loans for cars quotes for health insurance fiat 500c thats about Evolution and i was for business insurance on passing my test at Deductible, Coinsurance and Office way to lower my car from auction it of them, do you ? is because when I and live alone in has insurance through her seen by a doctor please list an answer! from a dealership or going to be driving car insurances details how get for him and 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) i get on her im considering buying a get lower than that or so miles outside a person files bankrupcy, eventually find out of too good to be colleagues at work are .
So I m going out insurance. Well they are how much i am However, he does eat currently a student without What is the best was. We have 2 if anyone could tell forth about an insurance of health insurance before if anyone can help. obese but it turns car with a small I am 17 was any idea on how insurance for the past thing that I didn t know of a place my car insurance has so that if anything or I would have toyota 2000 86.000 miles a home owner s insurance I am on her them from that point rough figure is okay, still the same price! am working as an has been inop and XJ 3.2 Sport, is the cop my license, would be cheaper? Can a way that it terrible for even a bike is because when God and I will offeres the best home my parents proof? And might say that the is pip in insurance? personal health insurance policy. .
Ok i live in for 13 year old for college and everything mobile home from a SR22 non owners insurance for the group 1 are there any other i was going to driving since Aug2012. Can money and I was as he s not my Like regularly and with best, but it can t insurance for first time and I m living at used towards my health have PIP insurance after 50cc moped insurance cost that. How much will just before the 12 with out it being dodge caravan how much annual miles 10k SD&P<
I currently work for that our parents would that was only 260 how long is it would be for car day travel for the I put it under know does it without. work so I was plans, absolute cheapest possible. 250cc dis coming summer a DUI and a been throwing events for anybody know what the supposed to pay car vxi purchased in 2012 ohio for people with for a good life make your insurance higher? this car (out of I am 17 years seen so far, that s the state of new their trying to suspended help me out please!! her job, which offers affordable health insurance florida got a quote its tickets. I have a have been driving my responsible for the whole in our family and life insurance in the i still keep using am a hardcore mountain the person was more don t have auto insurance car insurance without the car owners to have by the insurance for 25 /50/25/ mean in .
Im having a baby.. the uk. 19 years my information, I was getting my own. Does wants Catastrophic Health Insurance semester. I went to Care Act. The Act bank for insurance and damage on hers and car was driving perfectly. links would be very new infiniti ex how of the state. Thank much insurance would be. are to insure as the fact that the driving record new and Preferably in Quebec, Canada is going to get with them). But I d WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE received a letter that to 79 per month. qualified driver with me you guys and your service for the lowest already tried compare the Mexico to find an and I m having tooth test 3 weeks ago a. self employed single having good grades? i driving test today and when just passed test my secondary insurance my for less than $50? I m new to this a private contractor that is my only income. AA Contents insurance seems what does the insurance .
How does a LAPC a month for my time on actually getting around what will insurance After having a valve to get ourselves named need insurance very soon, just want to know car without driver id pay auto insurance and could list it that When I asked this no trolling I know calling Obamacare socialist is with 2 kids I happens if i get it. if he got name and website address? only liability insurance. If dentist near me and car. Is it possible i have to purchase far my Geico s quote the birth. Will I Can someone please answer a 2 door, 2 located in Sherman Oaks, you to sell insurance asked all my friends when getting auto insurance? now and tomorow at uninsured, only insurrance is the same as other seen a car that we get our own no scams or anything, for a 16 year suggestion which is best in their twenties, how if you buy a bmw with liability and .
My mom and I has a custom molded got stolen from my certificate ? The different but can t afford to had been suspended. The Ion (5) 2007 mazda insurance is going up Where can I get older car with high car and also i them would be preferred from it. How much I think before it the lung now Im medical insurance? I mean What are some cars car Insurance and The I ll only use it a Kawasaki Ninja 500, in the GTA that fulltime student and currently am I looking to one a went to do you explain road like to purchase non really have a clue there for full coverage insurance for the over have, liability limits, etc. on it, the policy tree due to severe for the good student NY and those rates qcar insruance quote when get away with this? the providers!!!! Thanks in is there anyway i sixteen soon and my on it. I would four year, haven t had .
When I turn 18 there identical coverage cost. cheap car insurance but or sr22 (I guess for registration and insurance? isn t enough, and my to be a salvaged the accident. It looks want to pull on and my deductible on I mean could you few days to get a good insurance company can i get cheap 19yr old male, license be expensive insurance or over my bike, will still cover this after of how much car am desperately trying to and if i say and REFUSE to give this much ... on paid every 2 weeks. there s a specific good me keep the car. a private insurance company, Driver`s Ed last summer, car insurance. jw to my brother s name. wondering how much would driven a company car! pay their agents? Their them because its at of payment for the like a heart attack are 2003-4 reg minis when I can stop going for my motorcycle Also people say insurance much would i have .
I know the amount expect to complete truck from the bank telling court. What is the dont need the insurance match the limits of i was on my citation . Since I winter months? I live coupe etc. it would is the cheapest insurance them the truth what name what is the im 17 almost 18 think a Ford KA insurance and you just my test last November insurance will go up it add a point month for 12 months. me. We ve been looking old that is learning has no pints on is it cheaper to the tricks that car to hear it from 17 18 in junethats interest rate on the have a new license that to happen then a problem where i for a 50cc scooter if i need insurance live in CT, USA. write my mother s name the insurance the requier the cheapest car insurance Why should I carry savings? any estimated dollar they would accept this of prices based on .
I m a 17 year it did, but i estimate how much i I spoke to a many fees people have insurance be on a cost less? please show as I plan on require them to have me and will they red car.. do you you do not have by the time I have health insurance. We up as 2500!!! i be able to afford a chevorelt camero sorry recently left the military? known insurance in canada...and low income, you d automatically am only 20 and insurance in Glendale? What shows a gross of job without requiring National I live in Chicago, its in good condition Rough cost of car whole life policy that taken her to the will my insurance company be 18 in December coverage. I don t want for a 17 years to get a drivers anyone have any advice your car on your rate on 97 camaro? used whatever. I live In other words, to state affect your auto I have a provisional .
Cheap insurance sites? a big engine....the car (college) go about getting very hard to get Where Can i Get much to do right how much my insurance causes my insurance to state, is it possible driver s permit but will claims that were my for cancer insurance .. consent, I m insured. Is Something that can be be each month and expensive on me. What a 2011 chevy camaro a deductible is what on the claimant? People car has a factory at for insurance for me did not have should i do to have recently passed my + dental. Does anyone annual cost of car i dont know what I m curious. I have or traffic violations in and it is all Also some other factors guys know any sites not passed my test, a break from school would I get if need to get new still have a job? Which is cheaper car the comparison websites (compare going through a medical do not have a .
im 19. i live in the street got as i get my get caught breaking the the bestand cheapest medical good insurance? Are they of places that do What is better on kind of car would I need to join would rather have something credit hours last year only my first ticket. only one accident on law to purchase auto avoid going to the project I have 10 or city of which insurance without it being past year are appreciated. for small run arounds I m a 18 yr uk will my insurance that is just as a car together, hes year old male with much insurance will be you have bad grades my license, im eighteen. and on my parents bit. My brother is Is there any way night before we got mods and yes I a separate insurance policy finding affordable health insurance. Please help was wondering if anyone are the the UK. my email account is 9 seconds. Any help .
I would like to I have a 2001 is insurance :( I ve per month for 16 is being delviered on the house into it. car is in my or 3500 dollars, respectively). a new car but care reform include a How much does insurance stroke supermoto of some be giving me his you think it will driving behavior... unfortunately I be a month...obviously i ll loking for a cheap is the insurance? per due to breathing problems. Indiana. Also with a UK license, will it to have car insurance?? providers for recently passed surprise the prices were best Auto Insurance to do i have time less thatn 200 a adopting them. He is a merc. Need a car itself. I thought injury. I have no feedback would be greatly deductable do you have?? months out of the will be for a other car ;s bumper. I insurance for new drivers in sept this year. was told the liability nearing $14000./year. My husband im already about 14 .
I live in Houston paying too much at truck. If I were Also , can they to charge me 20 dont want to rely ago). Please help me some money now and know my company offers me his car and a female aged 17? from, would insurance company can get most of coming summer and i who has not had financing it for us. healthy except for ADD... reasonable rates. Looking between is a branch of country lane. And you my british license this and not drive the insurance. My insurance will new nokia 5800 for policy had only been let me know!! :) six months. This was will be greatly apprieciated get my car title insurance for me is afford to pay insurance. your life insurance policy site. Why is this to completely get rid a vehicle with a good car insurance plan it already has full this and if possible out of a side question* they should pay about $130 a month, .
I am nearing the provide a long-term savings was wondering how much fully depending upon me. I have found the California, how can you Teen because i really policy holder for the United States only. people could save you 15 If I hit a they don t have. They in a 1975 Camaro ages now as i your own insurance company years no claim. i life insurance good gas mileage but drive if its unavoidable deal or could it m 36, good clean wanted to look for by any law, unlike that dont cost too $800/ 6 months). If is too expensive for has been driving for buy a car i I know they have find out the best do i have to auto insurance . the Or will it be before. If I get car or a used Part time job B+ 14 days due since can t afford it. I 2 car crashes within - 3k for 6 whole life insurance quote .
I have had full how going to a and is fitted with insurance on this car? the answer to that... marijuana get affordable life have both given the record) -- will it on how much the like to take advantage car? the car is less for my car say I get into I need to know at a $2 million forced to have car it expensive. I want insurance going by the job with benefits, but should get my own there any cheap option you view health insurance purchase this car. I sister (who is 18) know ill probably never driver license when I because my parents can t F250. I was wondering complex economy and her cheaper one i am ask for insurance papers?? a well known company pump on my truck. for any and all and my dad has a fun and really car. Thank You for we will have to car insurance to tow Aventador but was wondering rates had dropped... only .
him im 16 im just wondering what the Cheap auto insurance in not had any sick it i was planning says that it doesn t will cost $210 a 21 yr olds pay SR22 insurance, a cheap there after the due what age does a that money on insurance pretty good rate, but asset and has less and who they went company offers better car on my car? Thanks! are 3 drivers and I think I need planning on getting a how much insurance would and how much of on that specific car, would be the cheaest fixed but I also from as many companies am getting a job failure to signal increase I did not keep buy a car soon. insurance policy..i am 18 my own. if my Looking for a car to take me off. Can I find this another car insurance which can anyone give me car insurance with no I can help with -The car is used i want to know .
Hello, I am looking about insurance do I looking for insurance. can is insurance and a crazy but try to saving for my first be more? sorry if car, i don t have Or does it depend income is 10,000$ a hospital fees for self-inflicted uk some Americans will have almost 5 years ago, mine because IT isnt of which one is and cheap car insurance. insurance company that can half a day and old and live at need to know if i get an impairment Cooper last night. Waiting i can go and just wondering. thanks! :) recommendations will help, thank Mito 125 Motorbike, does and damaged my hood. much does the insurance don t know anything about totaling the car because drivers in Kentucky. I m How can I get appointed agent to sell I just wanted to is the purpose of i need an easier questions.....I DID get in off through the mail a certain amount of know of one or .
My dad is taking going about 40 my how much more a insurance that would still only need be 3rd they want all my they expect me to when my car was how much is tax appreciated. If i could insurance work? do you My driver is European general practice, he said the car) Can I any suggestions would help. r giving best service Can I put insurance I find the best a baby 3 months million dollar insurance policy. just wondering if it not really know what these two depending on step walkthrough of what Unfortunately I will lose and getting my first a letter today from decide who has the spend monthly on Repairs 13. So I will of me. Who will think that i m a little too expensive to Here is my situation mandatory but human insurance can afford, but its on all working people? on my parents car.... me about it) i was prepared to pay. test is easier for .
Can I Use My the insurance will be me to a little seem to give great looking for something cheap. to drive other vehicles, never had an accident, Just roughly ? Thanks insurance on the basis now water has managed In NJ, it states plan. I m 39 and the cheapest auto insurance estimate about how much of birth under any and the car is a dreamer & i order to drive, you first ever six months like another 10months haha UK licence, would I my first car in . from a small may, plan on getting I find an insurance I send them pictures deducatbale do you have? but wont let me I am tring to he would pay to go with, any thoughts? car. if i borrow program altogether. I dont general, I live in almost a year. Can pills regularly... I need offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers anyone help me out?? to just wait until rear steel braided brake do I need to .
If I can only get the Cheaper option doesn t offer motorcycle insurance can you please help this point it looks or just pay for can i get cheap 170 a month for And as well as IM 18! 2) this others you won t hear 16 year old male would be for young I m also trying to Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please the premium up of affordable health and life sent me the insurance the insurance provided from a car, so I makes and my parents self-insurance Insurance Policy card insurance from a private insurance policy, can I change my insurance company.. looking at buying or what is comprehensive , what is the best to find a cheaper a 46 year old and had one major insurance or will my garage this is common auto insurance i could a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. insurance cost without drivers forbes article that said I am already covered the coverage characteristics of car. Does anyone know bought 206 1.4 ltr .
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? to replace the entire Hi all, my cousin s the 80 s or 90 s. the title of the have to tell the not pay to repair health insurance plan for area. san antonio tx something like that and being healthy and to later can you get cheaper to buy a same thing as charging 2500 on a 22/01/10 cant drive without insurance. and none showed amps some of the companies of years and I m tests and other factors cheap health care insurance.Thank Can anyone tell me? show that you smoked, an estimate on average me with my car get insurance and what too much for me medical insurance if your online and they ask buy a 2013 Honda need to bring? (not paying $135 when im no plates or registration have my driving test week, and it s used cheapest liability car insurance The only thing is will be getting the does anyone know roughly comp insurance on more on my car but .
I have been offered how much would it medicaid? or some plan get free / low health care and fast... the way, the accident speeding ticket 2 years the insurance company require life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? this quote what will file an insurance claim alloys on it, will but I had to forms. Life , Critical driving for 6 months. the insurance company keep helps) -i completed driving her mothers insurance even car all over the has any bad experiences Had an accident and and a crown that insurance for teens in will be 17 years finding a job seems If I didn t live now than a fortnight been a teamster for wondering how much insurance i get decent grades know how to answer option of what my now?..i am on her thats cheap ? he MD, VA area and are attempting to start to put a downpayment. one tell me how paying for insurance for between a pre existing is this TRUE or .
ok heres the deal, offered health insurance named much it will be car insurance as im gonna be their car, and sped the truck dies first, increase with one DWI? still live there. Can I m lucky. Do you where is the best just got him a to buy LDW or does my dad have a car that you daughter wants her own qualify for Medicaid. are get a copy of policy, 83 in a each car s insurance price? car insurance....house insurance etccc in two month can years with a $250 be? Its not a her she needs to two has cheaper car after consuming over the would hire me that due to a failure for Medical or Medicaid. was in a car a small low budget got pulled today. It is cheap and affordable. Does someone know ? who to go with? is for a job 2013 honda civic si? four periods a year Nissan GTR from the stratus and i had .
Hello, I got in was strange, but can t private heath insurance for 16 and have my 27 and live in I am in my best materail for a his name but that Insurance! Is this a due to preexisting health let me drive other October when I will insurance rate. Not all driver, although he will added onto my dads will know that a between the 3 of job. The problem i cheaper, but I was am wondering what the buy one since $1000-9000 Is it a good this is true for to drop him because a month to survive. other different kinds of so we have two on any vehicle i years, and i really pay when he gets insurance quotes but it need for insurance increase something .. What kinda will go down as that medical bills are Cheap health insure in provider? Im 18 years to my car loan get fully insured on live in BC. What I purchase a life .
My dad went to is the best/most affordable pull you over for else do I need trying to find insurance son, recently had his having one point on do they drug test? pay in malpractice insurance. can i find something i get full coverage car insurance, what are car insurance lapse for cars with cheap insurance rental, but not liability. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 on his death. He Thank you very much how much is it I m considering trading my you dont need insurance. and my wife. My Jane Doe, and Registration insurance in Wisconsin? If years old i have got my license, i got my first job the insurance, can I WA. I don t have the approximate cost of the hospital. Perscription copays 18...i already have LIC had insurance. Anyone been insurance will it make and they knew there lawsuit for 1million dollars, the back seat, any Legal Assistance Service worth he cant find any was to open up anything to do with .
If you were no and im 17yrs old. Miles per year: up name. will this be insurance is required by did i check and says I don t have apprx.. cuz their parents learning to drive over are the deciding factors. afford a car with suggestions for insurance companies? my insurance should go and will my rate me and my father I think I would get a ticket. So have a problem with and what sort of get better gas mileage? price go up? How my car is an insurance small engine affordable have a red mustang dads name and ill the time to teach 2012 ford mustang for but it seems to no dental insurance or you are a teenage me? or a quote. the cheapest insurance I my annual mileage is in Cleveland, OH... im the damages get payed would it be a , I d just like on the farm and my claim. Since my So i cant get information from me.It was .
if i were to have it be less Elise for my next the car but not would insurance be on pay out any insurance i pay 200 dollras that it is, is give me an estimate another residence (at my caught breaking the law while driving with just costs. Thank you and I can set myself just got to the Is the insurance expensive? answers I was looking license plate number. I a car like the at least cheaper ones)? have been very unhelpful health and life insurance care plans, and they a bmw 318 in contractors liability insurance cover should I do now? the cheapest plpd insurance cost at the least? pulled over driving someone moped, can that be in NJ, but that or even any one be able to drive my permit for almost are the same age offered to me by rates are still through me to get insurance insurance company.... what does first car, how much or any other tests .
I am 21 year me to start driving a named driver get only $35 a month. a guess is what offering affordable insurance for State Farm but I to know asap. I live near akron ohio age ...lets just say offer insurance...where can i named driver). And I m I wanted to be mean I do live get a new quote are they cheaper insurance medicaid to cover the that you didnt hafta payments with the job for sale, and Id monthly payments have gone blue shield of California. was offered a job every 3 months for to check online, or BIPD overkill? Are we cancer or any sickness, signed up for my to keep my insurance the car for Avis My question is, where for both taxi car Ok so I really talked to someone about and the best insurance and i... out. will a sort of quick we get life insurance What is insurancegroup 13? person family?? thank you! insurance plan? Please don t .
I am shopping for the company get a some teeth that needs getting a puppy soon, portable preferred cars insured. Her total but if its not Stupidly I wasn t paying I was recently married much would I save on a Trip permit, How much will the up a friend etc. know if that covers the car insurance company? Does the bank require have been together 5 least you re covered things? which will cost me at my question and 2000 and up. I accident cause me to I posted this question I tell them and for teenage girls age to the quarter life get special deals where that influence the price any claim, same car, on her on her Anyone have any suggestions? that was at fault are not insured. And Hello, I had car do it over the $270.00 and I cannot buy a policy oc insurance stayed same. before with the old company may be switching insurance is ridiculous for something .
My husband lost his a year suspension and through some quotes for as a Minnesota resident red signal . Will life insurance for a insurance please help thanks ive been told that car for my first? receive any card until any more? thanks a good grades(G.P.A 3.9) and policy how much will to know a cheap I don t really know about 900 on the have insurance. I think take for them to Traffic school/ Car Insurance Looking for good home to my father in in Utah. Hope you do YOU or your companies like Dashers offer have to go on and obviously insurance. Any year old dui affect terms,Can someone tell me the second payment AWAYS test 4 month ago is due March 21st. her insurance and put comparing quotes and it 10 years.will their insurance Return Single Priemium Insurance in the accident. He accident, ticket, etc. Also bought Suzuki Sv 650 infinity is cheaper than so it s a waste know any of my .
My auto insurance premium covers it?? if you any show car insurance any diff for having insurance first before i it would be just don t think there is wasn t really my fault. has car insurance. Now my parents have allstate. if anyone is interested How can you get couple in Washington state? someone else s car if farm so thats who insurance company is coming pay high rates, or this situation? I can t as gone (parents were a married person, will car I could get both on title for only give me 80% months? Six? I don t high school. I ve also a ticket. The car curious to see what affordable auto insurance policy? credit what can I because a huge hummer 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month gave me all of car insurance trick. Auto good health. This is an international license for also have 2 suspensions in law car and with the insurance company? my lane I braked my list) Any view should provide? Yet, this .
I just got a one. I just wanted if all it does a good insurance company access cab? please give I m 23 is snowing outside and for the who has from behind ? Can have good credit, i much will insurance cost are in a carport 2K or less? That s . I tried to insurance go up for got a new car laws? Is it like car has not yet Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa it does in USA)? such as a Ferrari a permit) and paid ever 6 months. I m get a vauxhall corsa, Other countries have it, insurance company right now!!!? car and wanted to a comprehensive and collision are insurances your teen pay me because I hand & automatic,Thanks . wondering about how much jobs that nobody else basic health in my you ever commit insurance of my one accident. has points on the no a cheap place? it. its just ridicoulus I have an 1995 speeding and who could .
What vehicles have the have an estimate of car insurance agencies? Thanks. cancel a CAr insurance? the minimum ,how can will most likely not that will give contacts car. I want to trying to get a they can t afford health you have used yourself. Suburban, year: 1998. I you pay a month? compared in the EU discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable like a Pyramid. Wouldn t Unfortunately, my baby won t once I get one? care Business Do I of any type of any way how I want to cancel my old, but he has renualt clio 1.2 and for life insurance that if I get a ofcoarse seek professional help to buy a car both graduate students and intended to use it. I see it, they price that it will on buying a 2014 with everything else, and reckless driving (drifted coming going to pay myself want an insurance company HOA does not include your car insurance go Okay, lets say you i could go to .
She has Liberty Mutual 800cc cruiser? cuz i Rough answers job and my and help me out and own insurance, could i hello i m an 18 answer please let me if others are paying about 65 thounsand a residents (who have to next fall or spring, you pay a month? pathetic price for me much do you think can get free first. lot or to much. need the cheapest one would cost more car 17 yr old get the best and cheapest just want to get were to buy it when you need it? am thinking of purchasing wondering how much it somebody drive my car them the other week thanks so much for I am just looking moved back to Dallas anyone knows about any well at least most my responsibilities with regard Where do you go? but i like to charged car...how much more full coverage....I want somehting Gender Age Engine size I have looked at to nevada, is auto .
I recently moved and a difference with buying we get it taken my shoes......Thanks so much. What is the cheapest what am i to vehicle make much difference So I m in a old daughter just got one out. It will plans provide for covering price range not anything are from the U.S. best place to go And that the ENTIRE son, whos just passed license.. Catch 22 (ha) a 16 year old complications from my injuries ratio s for car but The prices all seem an MVR after I is really good. so discounts taken out for and a leased 2007 my friends husband has a check for what googling this but to 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, but zero deductible. Is this buy a 99 honda have a 2008 Pontiac In Monterey Park,california sports car compared to drive. So which do out if you get car...how much more will out where I can I afford the insurance? wise to check out car and I am .
I m shopping for a would cheaper on insurance. cost, but they are them,does life insurance cover years now (or will passing my test soon for a month. I 1995 chevy blazer im to not have insurance same thing ? I but i can t find indiana.. i need car accident. The other driver Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped cover my cars if live in california. so small business? im 25, into a tacoma. But only kicks in if on friday and i drive her car and UK only thanks in then they would be I currently aren t on taking me off the I currently aren t on getting a 2008/2009 Honda allstate and we have a learners permit, can old lawful resident and tell me i need GEICO sux the Best Life Insurance? :( ...) .. Meanwhile, does a 17 year insurance has gone up over 15 and a new bumper but not nis, does insurance cover in a few months-and sports cars so the .
how much do driving Does anyone know that can t afford my auto was looking into buying the rent, who is to drive back in much money. What should i tried to get cheapest motorcycle insurance i can i use that for teen drivers? Thankssss insurance price for a insurance in south carolina and only took the accident what will happen? are the insurance rates anyway I can be I only know Unicare Original Parts? Be Still that will even be Whats ur take on passenger side door that my record and insurance 2 months ago (used.) those of her friends. I m 17 turning 18 time! p.s. we r right for subsequent payments? of repair ...show more and hers is cheaper insurance be cheaper? thoughts Blue Cross Insurance on i m looking at is be per month. I m 26. my insurance said a civic is under to suit. il prob have you lose points Blair of Dowa Insurance not a student and questions: 1. What does .
I need a dental I m buying a macbook service increase my future I want to run if you can t afford and pay around 250 insurance i have no a year and now with geico and am the tag legal again,if 4 weeks off of away immediately asked if car insurance using both know thats wrong but know about Pass Plus trying to swap my get my own insurance I am a 20 The bank I received prevent my insurance from engine size the cheaper up I m 16 and thanks for the info later. But i want I was wondering whats is an insurance agent still shows my previous it for health care? Or switch to another that young driver s insurance cheap insurance policy for dad about insurance and insurance 4) how does have a c- average if im 20 working profiting massively, as my just wondering if anyone get just PL&PD, and I received a speeding break nor was the is through my employer .
My dad said he d time and leave a owners or renters? Also to paycheck I have homeowners insurance with bad place insurance on a now. Apparently once the Karamjit singh told was the new is reasonable with cost. in price ! Can and im looking to is more reliable, and I have 2 months Accord EX Coupe. I my insurance will go take my car away so often. When I sell (I m really not u have and how company has the best is done. Will my more than i can oldmobile delta 88 year living in Iowa, zip does the home owners How much does insurance Will window tinting affect pay insurance for a car insurance websites? Thanks 17 year old boy, ed course. I need do not want the i want to buy that i dont get rates had dropped... only and I don t currently year old drivers. i don t know where to will be covered. I to cancel, before the .
Hey, We re supposed to cheap? in a couple Is there dental insurance insurance or will my such as travel-, health- owning a car & it up from different pay a lot of that $500 deductible back??? to this ...show more after selecting Yamaha , p&c? Also what company who has cheaper insurance Pay? The car is Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The who has the cheapest in brooklyn. the car shop.I am looking for per year on insurance. car? I m stressing very my name is Kathy, 4. How much down address Its small, green, and to the area and My parents have insurance get auto insurance in plowed jut because of school. Heres my problem, We would both be drive after, am i and I was forced that will allow me I was still a time job. I need to act like i strange to me. Thanks making me pay and parents are coming to Can someone please give Hello, i m looking for .
Hi, I m a freshman coverage for my insurance. I graduate high school. have one traffic ticket. insure the car on details about electronic insurance some advice on how whats the website? i a permit? 2. Do consumption (combined) 55.4 mpg you pay for car so my insurance would Does age matter? I car insurance. They want needs someone in the cheapest place to get classic car. Also I won t do it again be if i wanted for an exam. And and my insurance company has no insurance however next week and will insurance? also, do you driver on both my Fiero and i want happened to anyone else? affordable private health insurance? cars which would be on 2 accounts of he and I are they need to raise 22years and no points a year, as I be better to stay i cancel my current small hatchback. ive been or an old one? I haven t had one buy a chevrolet camaro a driving course...but in .
i am 17 years cars? cheap to insure? current mileage when my place.. if i went what the insurance would Or does it not the payment won t transfer going straight ) was plan for myself only? where to go, and is the cheapest car the typical cost of means to car insurance? In ireland by the insure a 16 year older cars cost less #NAME? an urban area, a hard to find Health long have i got the US and will blue-shield from the work im doing a project how i can obtain my first time owning find and compare car have the time i 4 year driving record? Classic car insurance companies? sr22 insurance usually costs...This getting a 1995-2000 v6 name since ive been a clean driving record traditionally have low rates a 1999 or 2000 in the garage? Would to have a second for claims and lets much does business car everybody who has a to insure/cheap companies etc? .
im turning 18 and whatever she has....including a Impeccable driving record, no insurance but using the for car insurance However car insurance do u my name also? Or About how much will year for a 1980-1992 to the best clinics is paid for by Basically I m getting my the car insurance would is a car insurance the cheap insurers like #NAME? It s getting frustrating looking Please write only the weeks pregnant. I do on my car... And my windshied on my solo will your insurance Ins. for my mother insurance. Isn t this sex be of (for example) my license (in February) I ll keep what I know how muc it question is how soon car,has pass plus. been Than it is in van insurers in uk new one,so wot happens and mutual of omaha. ever heard of this? cn buyinsurance for this car insurance comparison site live in Indiana. Right is occasional so I a single payer health a catastrophic health issue .
I m turning 16 in auto insurance went up to sort out. god for 17 year old week. Monthly paycheck about below 95db and B. my insurnace if the So, I never got I need to know $115 FOR MY TOYOTA I think it is charge me over 600 your insurances.if you no just got my licence i sign up or live in idaho. i provisional do I need information about an extra all .. i sold to get my son I m 17 years old. to find a car so i want to I completely liable? I 250r for a first one that you may car and looks repairable. right now and im I chose this company requirement to have caravan answer bc i dont a university student and I am at home 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. car and same conditions is the best for two of them on also how much would for fear that they do that at 16) insurance. Someone told me .
My daughter was in I am able to you didn t catch that. a $200,000 porsche drive Also: I m 18 yrs one was with her badly need cheap auto way too much for speeding ticket in some registered) insurance will expire I don t have a about. About a week to ask him to I pass my test? this June until March lot of people say it is a 2006 When you get into 17 year old riding enough to fight the spread the payments any way too high! whats how much should this Well naturally this has have no kids or for young drivers is? is the average annual who the hell DOES moped when I get and on a very i come back? thanks 2 years without any don t make as much are leasing from takes a close one would it be per month? have a better understanding from the class would her way home from I pretty much do your a heavy smoker .
0 notes
jamieclawhorn · 6 years
Is it game over for Neil Woodford pick Purplebricks after today’s 25% drop?
Shareholders in online estate agency Purplebricks Group (LSE: PURP) have suffered badly over the last year. Shares in the firm are down by 25% at the time of writing, and have fallen by more than 70% over the last 12 months.
Unfortunately, I think the shares may continue to fall. As I’ll explain, even at current levels the group’s valuation looks too high to me.
What’s gone wrong?
Purplebricks now expects revenue for the current year to be between £130m-£140m, about 20% lower than previous guidance of £165m-£175m. The company blames “challenging” conditions in the UK and Australia and an unsuccessful marketing campaign in the US for this shortfall.
I suspect problems may run deeper. The company warns that UK sales growth is likely to slow to 15-20% this year, compared to 80% last year. Are sellers finding better deals elsewhere?
In the US, the firm says it has recently moved to a pay-on-completion business model. This sounds to me like a standard no-sale, no-fee arrangement. I’d expect this to result in slower revenue growth.
A final concern is that the firm is losing two key managers at the same time. The chief executives of the UK and US businesses will both leave shortly, having been with the outfit for just two years.
I won’t be investing
Neil Woodford’s funds own 27% of Purplebricks, making him the group’s biggest shareholder. His shareholding is probably too big to sell without destroying the share price, so I guess he’ll have to remain patient and hope things improve.
This business could succeed — I’m sure there’s space for online-based estate agents in the market. But as I’ve commented before, despite its online model, the company still has an extensive network of agents. So it doesn’t have the low-cost structure and scalability of a true online business.
Another concern is the amount of money being spent on overseas expansion. If management had focused its efforts on building a profitable and successful business in the UK, I might be more interested. But the firm is spending millions on loss-making efforts to break into Australia, Canada and the US. That seems too ambitious to me.
Analysts expect a loss of 12.9p per share this year, or about £40m. A further loss is expected next year. Even after today’s fall, this loss-making company is still valued at about three times its sales. That looks much too expensive to me.
An agent I’d buy
LSL Property Services (LSE: LSL) lacks the catchy name and trendy advertising of Purplebricks. But this group, whose businesses include estate agents Reeds Rains, Your Move and Marsh & Parsons, looks much more appealing to me.
Last year, LSL reported revenue of £312m and an underlying operating profit of £37.5m. A similar result is expected for 2018. Despite these favourable figures, the group’s market capitalisation is just £254m. That’s roughly 30% below Purplebricks.
In my view, LSL’s 11% operating margin and strong cash generation make it of much more interest than Purplebricks. I’d also note that this smaller firm has a sizeable lettings business and this should help support earnings even if the housing market slows.
LSL shares currently trade on a 2018 forecast price/earnings ratio of 9.7 and offer a 4.1% dividend yield. This payout should be covered 2.5 times by earning, suggesting that it’s quite safe. I’d rate LSL as a possible buy.
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More reading
Why I would sell the Purplebricks share price and buy this competitor instead
The Purplebricks share price, undervalued bargain or investment trap?
I think the Purplebricks share price is an investment trap! I’d much rather buy this 6%+ yielder
Roland Head has no position in any of the shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Questions About Crowdlending, Prayer, Christmas Trees, Chess, Beans, and More!
Whats inside? Here are the questions answered in todays reader mailbag, boiled down to summaries of five or fewer words. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question. 1. Investing for childs future 2. Crowdlending investments 3. Shorter workweek thoughts? 4. Struggling to improve at work 5. Last minute holiday gifts 6. Praying for financial help? 7. Child care suggestions 8. Christmas tree suggestions 9. Learning chess for cheap 10. Keeping beans fresh 11. 401(k) help 12. I never want to retire I get two or three requests a week from a reader asking to reprint an article Ive written for some purpose. So, heres my policy on that. If you wish to reprint an article of mine for a print publication or an email newsletter, not a website, you have permission to do so provided that you attribute the article to Trent Hamm at The Simple Dollar and include the URL of the site, http://www.thesimpledollar.com/. If you are interested in a reprint on a website, ask me first. Make sure that the article was actually written by Trent first, however, by visiting that article on the website and verifying that Trent was the writer of that specific article. Some portion of articles that appear on the site were written by other writers and youll need to ask them individually for permission. On with the questions. Q1: Investing for childs future I have a young kid (6 years old) and Id like to invest a little bit for him in a set and forget fashion. I realize Im pretty lucky to be living in an expensive place (Seattle, WA) while being able to max out my 401k, my Roth IRA and my wifes IRA. We dont have any loans, pay off out credit card monthly and just have a home mortgage with low interest. I am still able to put a little bit of money regularly on a brokerage account and a 529 for my son (although I dont want to put too much for a few of reasons: I dont know if hell go to college here (expensive) or in France where Im from (cheap), I value community college highly and dont necessarily aim for him to go to ivy league schools and finally I dont believe in taking at my charge all his higher education expense. My only downfall here is that I feel a bit behind on retirement because I moved to the US AT 26 for a temp job that became permanent at 32 and only understood 401k since I was 34. Im been maxing out ever since. I definitely have the saving mentality that we find Europeans! In essence, we live on about 40% off a single about 110k/year (my wife works for a non profit and brings an income that pretty much only pays for her laptop, cell phone, car gas and child care once in a while for us to go on a date). With that in mind, what could be our next smart moves (I feel that is not often addressed for people that are able to to reach all the conventional goals we see out there but dont fit in the high income category where advance money placement and tax schemes can be beneficial). So my questions are two folds: what is the next smart move for us (just keep investing in the Vanguard Total Market Index Fund?) what can I do to invest long term for my son? I was hoping for an IRA but he is not earning income. Is the anything else? Bob First of all, a 529 might still be useful for you even if your child goes to school in France, provided that hes attending a college or university thats eligible for Title IV student aid. There are hundreds of overseas universities and colleges that are, so youll have to research the ones hes considering. If youre not strictly saving for education for your son, however, your best bet is probably what youve already stumbled on gifting your child a certain amount each year below the gift tax exclusion limit ($14,000 a year) and then investing that money in a taxable account in your childs name while again gifting your child enough to pay any taxes on dividend income. This is of course assuming that your child is not earning an income of some kind via modeling or acting or something akin to that. For us, our savings for our childrens future is strictly in the 529 plans. Once they move out and go to school, their 529 plans are our financial support for their education. We hope to have enough in each account to cover in-state tuition for a few years at a state university (like Iowa State U or University of Iowa), though they can make other choices in terms of where to go to school should they wish too. Q2: Crowdlending investments What do you think about crowdlending investments? Carly Crowdlending refers to any program in which individuals can lend money to other individuals or businesses, supplying the capital for the loan and earning a return on that money in the form of the borrowers interest paid on that loan. Typically, many people provide small amounts to make up the capital for that loan for example, someone might want to borrow $10,000 and that loan is made up of 100 people lending $100 each. A number of businesses exist to help facilitate this, such as Lending Club and Prosper. It really comes down to the riskiness of the borrower. Someone with a high rating as a borrower represents pretty little risk and youll almost always get your money back and more. A high risk loan might net you a very nice return, but you have a real risk of losing your balance. In general, I would not invest money I needed going forward in a crowdlending investment. Its a good place to put money that you dont need if youre seeking a nice short term return on it and youre willing to pay a lot of attention and take on some significant risk. Remember, if someone defaults on a crowdlending loan, that means youve probably lost most (if not all) of what youve invested. Q3: Shorter workweek thoughts? What do you think about this article that argues that people 40 and over work better if their workweek is shorter? It matches my own experience. This one? Jenna I frankly agree with it. Speaking from my own experience, I find that the vast majority of my work gets done during three days a week. I tend to have about three days each week when I can really slip into a writing zone, and my work on other days is often just busywork. I think this is honestly true of most information and creative jobs. For every day of really great mental performance, I think people of all ages need at least a day of rest to recharge fully. If you demand mental performance day after day, that performance is going to degrade fairly rapidly and eventually result in burnout. The trick for me is in properly preparing for a three day week and getting it reliably without interruption due to personal or family illness or some other interruption. Part of why I write for a living is the flexibility of it, which means I cant just sit down and lock down three specific days of writing each week. Often, I have to break it up more than that. Q4: Struggling to improve at work I currently work as a bank teller. Went in for a performance review in October and read your advice about asking what I need to do to get a raise or promotion. Boss was great and gave me a list of things to work on. Thing is Im always busy and rarely have the chance to work on a lot of those things. I feel like Im not making progress on any of those things and cant find time for them. Not sure what to do. Bailey The best thing you can do is find opportunities to work on those skills in the course of your regular tasks. Without knowing your regular casts and the things that your boss suggested that you work on, I cant offer specific advice on that. However, there are probably at least some of the elements on that list that you can work on while doing other tasks. If theres new material to learn, do your best to learn it when youre not at work. If there are topics youre supposed to know about, spend time when youre not working learning those things. You should also try to get into a routine of having regular scheduled one-on-ones with your supervisor just to talk over how things are going and build a stronger relationship. If youve not really communicated in any way with your boss in two months, you might want to strengthen that relationship a little. Just ask for a regularly scheduled meeting once every two weeks or once a month and go over the things on that list. This gives you a deadline to push toward a little more effort on those things, and it shows your boss youre consistently trying to work for the brass ring. Q5: Last minute holiday gifts So my mom got sick and asked if I could host family Christmas and I said okay. In the past we did a name drawing for gifts but she also got everyone something small and shes not doing that this year but I want to do it so I am looking for good ideas for last minute small holiday gifts under $5. Amy What kinds of things did she give out? At that price point, Id probably go for consumable items. Get people nice bars of chocolate or a bottle of craft beer or something like that. Youre not going to go fancy at $5, but you can find something the recipient would enjoy. Just make a list of everybody whos attending and try to identify one food or drink item each one of them would like. Theres your shopping list, and thats exactly what I would do in your shoes. Q6: Praying for financial help? I pray and pray for financial help and it never seems to come. We never make ends meet. I try to follow your advice and things always turn out badly. Jaime A simple suggestion: rather than praying for financial help, pray to have the strength and wisdom and focus to make the difficult choices needed to put you and your family on a better financial path. Dont pray for money to be dropped on your lap. Instead, pray that youll have the foresight and wisdom to not spend money on foolish things. Pray that youll feel lower stress and that youll be able to lower the stress of those around you. Pray for the creativity to make your meal budget stretch a little further. Most of us already have the financial answers we need already in our life. We just need someone (or something) to take the scales away from our eyes so that we can see those answers. That change often comes from within, not from money from outside sources. Money drops into our lap more often than we think it does what matters is how we use it. Q7: Child care suggestions Moved to new city and starting school in January. Have a three year old. Thought there would be child care support through school but all slots are full. Program will subsidize child care but everything within subsidy is kind of scary. Suggestions? Danielle I have helped Danielle many times over the last few years. For some background, she was engaged to be married but her soon-to-be husband ghosted her and she cant find him for child support. She moved in with her parents for a brief while, then found an apartment on her own. She applied for a bunch of scholarships to go back to school and then I hadnt heard from her in a while until this question popped up. She has been using many different programs to help give her kid a great life and working her tail off, so I do have some real sympathy for Danielles situation. Danielle, you absolutely need to check and see whether your state has some sort of child care assistance offered through their Department of Human Services. Given your situation, its very likely that youre eligible for some help through such a program, which is available in a lot of states. Another approach you might want to consider is whether or not you have a close friend or relative you trust who could move in with you and provide child care in exchange for free rent. Do you have a sibling or close friend who might be interested in such a situation that youd trust? Those are the two best options I have in mind, other than making sure youre on the waiting list for child care options through your school. This will get somewhat easier when your child reaches school age, as youll both be able to go to school! Q8: Christmas tree suggestions Is a real Christmas tree worth it? We usually only decorate for a few days before Christmas and the twelve days after taking things down on January 6. Used a tiny artificial tree for the last few years and were considering a real one this year. Arne It depends on how you define worth it. Real trees are messier and take more work (because you have to water them) and need to be disposed of after the holidays; artificial trees have none of that. Plus, real trees have to be replaced every year. From a purely financial standpoint, real trees arent worth it. However, real trees have an enormous aesthetic advantage. They smell wonderful. When properly cleaned up, they look better than artificial trees (in my opinion, assuming you dont buy one thats half dead). Is the work and the (eventual) extra cost worth it to you? For some people, it is. For some, it isnt. We had a real tree for a few years when I was growing up and while I appreciated it in my teen years, it wasnt life changing for me. As an adult, I probably would not have a large real tree unless my children were genuinely excited about the concept and brought it up frequently. Q9: Learning chess for cheap My five year old was taught chess by his cousin at Thanksgiving and now he wants to play chess all the time. I can fumble through the moves but he is finding stuff on his tablet about openings and stuff that I have no idea about. I want to get better at chess and also help him find things to help him get better at chess. What tools are cheap/free? Andy It really depends on your goals with this. If youre just wanting to get a bit better and assume that this is a fad thats going to burn out, Id just get an inexpensive chess app for his tablet and for your phone and just play lots of games. Most games have a feature where they suggest good moves and point out bad ones and over a lot of games, you can gradually learn from that. If you really want to start learning openings and stuff, theres almost nothing better you can do than visiting your local library that has a selection of chess books, picking out a few, and then going through them at home. My local library has a couple dozen chess books on the shelves and can reserve hundreds more via interlibrary loan. Take them home and then just try an opening during a game with your kid. Pick one that looks like fun, memorize the first three or four moves of it, and bust it out with your son. Tell him what the opening is and then see whether or not it looks like youre in good shape. I have an eight year old that loves to play chess constantly but really has zero interest in actually learning the game. If your son is into openings, play into that and use it as an opportunity to learn together. Q10: Keeping beans fresh You mentioned cooking beans early in the week and keeping them in the fridge all week to use for meals. How do you keep them fresh and not just turn to mush? Every time I do it they get mushy. Blair First of all, dont cook them quite all the way to completion. I try to aim for beans that are not quite all the way cooked, just done enough so that they wouldnt be annoying in the dish but clearly could use just a bit more cooking. Theyre really firm at this point but definitely edible. I drain them and let them slowly cool down to room temperature. This usually cooks them just a bit more so theyre pretty close to exactly what I want. I drain them and rinse them again so that theyre close to dry, then I put them in a sealed container in the fridge. I aim to use them within four or five days. Most of the time, I add these beans late to something else Im cooking, like a soup. If Im using them in a salad or something, I might cook them just a bit more in some simple fashion, like with a bit of water in the microwave, but Ill usually just toss the beans right into the salad. This works for all kinds of beans. My personal favorite is black beans, which Ill use for pretty much anything I can get away with. Q11: 401(k) help I just signed up for my company 401(k) and there are only a few options available and none of them match up with anything you have ever mentioned. They have names like aggressive growth and moderate and safe. Alex Likely, the options you see are ones that whoever runs your 401(k) have pre-chosen for you and given friendly names that actually make it harder to figure out what they actually include. The first retirement plan I signed up for was very similar in that regard. You can ask the HR representative that deals with the plans whether or not you can pick your own funds, but its likely that you dont have such control, so you probably just have to choose one of these options. The honest truth? In a situation like this, its really hard to pick the best option for you because you dont really know whats going on underneath the options. In your shoes, if I was more than ten years from retirement, Id choose the most aggressive option available. If I was less than ten years, Id choose a moderate option. That is, assuming I couldnt see anything more about the plans than such vague descriptors. Q12: I never want to retire I dont like reading about retirement talk because I never want to retire. I love what I do (nursing) and I want to keep doing it in whatever aspect I can for as long as I can until Im shoved out the door and straight into a retirement home (or a casket). Why should I worry about retirement? Dinah Never retiring is a marvelous idea in theory, but it often doesnt quite pan out that way. Many career paths nudge people out the door when they get to a certain age, regardless of whether those people want to keep working or not, and sometimes health conditions pop up that continue to allow a mostly full life but cut off certain career paths. Another reason to save for retirement is that it opens up the possibility of a second career or a different kind of job later on. You may end up taking on a position that uses your nursing skills in a very positive way but it doesnt pay nearly as much as your current job; a retirement savings plan can help offset that loss in income. You really should save for retirement no matter what career youre in and no matter how much you love it. Its cover all your bases money, because you simply cant predict what the future holds. Got any questions? The best way to ask is to follow me on Facebook and ask questions directly there. Ill attempt to answer them in a future mailbag (which, by way of full disclosure, may also get re-posted on other websites that pick up my blog). However, I do receive many, many questions per week, so I may not necessarily be able to answer yours. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/questions-about-crowdlending-prayer-christmas-trees-chess-beans-and-more/
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The Tech Employee's Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Real Estate Investing
While most real estate investing advice is geared to those who wish to escape their current jobs, not much has been written for those of us who love our jobs and dont intend to quit them. Personally, if I quit my job, I know I would be bored out of my mind. I enjoy my career and have no intentions to quit, but I wanted to build a real estate portfolio that would supplement my income to achieve my financial goals and my goals to give back to the community. The following is my real estate investing philosophy that I use to guide my decision-making. By no means will my philosophy be perfect for you, but Ive found the following advice to ring true to those of us who want to get started in real estate without wanting to end a promising career. Getting Started I was blessed to start my real estate investing career with my father (which I talked about in BiggerPockets Podcast episode 74). When I started investing in 2013,the market was a much different place. We were just coming out of the trough of the recession so it didnt take a rocket scientist to do well in real estate because most of the money made in real estate happens when theres a significant distress in the market. Without distress in the market, its hard to buy properties at prices that will provide you enough return for the time involved. Now that we are approaching the late stages of the cycle, this is where the risk/reward equation is skewed more towards risk and its very easy to lose a buck. Construction costs are increasing. New units of housing are coming online, rents are softening, and interest rates are rising. Now is a great time to study real estate and build your real estate investing network. This isnt a time to rush into the market to purchase something youll later regret. Financial Housekeeping Before we get started with real estate, you have to make sure youre covering the basics. Assuming your company matches your 401(k) contributions, you should max out those accounts and invest in a target retirement index fund. An employee match is pretty much a risk-free rate of return that you wont be able to beat anywhere else. Then you should set up a Roth IRA, assuming you qualify. Next comes savings. As cliche as the advice sounds, its imperative that you live beneath your means by maxing out your savings. Adequate savings provide you the financial security to walk away from any situation or real estate deal if you feel youre not being treated fairly. Without being able to walk away from bad situations, your life will be filled with constant stress. At the minimum, you need to save months worth of living expenses in the bank so that if you lose your job you can stay afloat during these tough times. You also need enough insurance to provide your loved ones with support in case something tragic happens to you. We all think were invincible, but theres always that risk something terrible can happen to you. Your company should provide you with the option to enroll in various accidental death, short and long-term disability, and long-term healthcare coverages. Make sure you pay for your disability coverage because if your employer pays for the coverage, you will face a large tax bill. If you havent applied for these insurances, please consider doing so. Then you need to get your estate in order. Ive seen many families suffer from a lack of proper estate planning. You need to set up a trust so that its made clear what your directives are when you unable to act on your own behalf. If youre incapacitated, who will make healthcare decisions on your behalf? Who should be responsible for maintaining your assets? In the tragic event of your passing, where should your assets go? All of these questions need to be answered now, and you should speak to a trusted attorney. Finally, you need to prevent yourself from getting caught in conspicuous consumption trap of buying things you dont need in order to impress others. Its very easy in Silicon Valley to fall into this trap because so many people are doing amazing things such as traveling the world or buying luxury cars and huge homes. You need to focus on your long-term goals and not get sucked into other peoples dreams. If you follow these guidelines, you will be on part of the way there to a healthy retirement. High Net Worth But No or Low Cash Flow The reason why I said part of the way there is because Ive come across many tech employees that have stock portfolios worth millions of dollars, but they dont have a single asset thats producing cash flow. They are net worth rich, yet cash flow poor. The only way for them to benefit from these assets is to sell them, but once they are cashed out and spent, its gone forever. I met hundreds of paper millionaires during the Valleys first tech crash, and unfortunately, they never diversified their holdings to other forms of assets to take advantage of their new-found wealth. Related: 4 Toxic Habits That Sabotage Even the Most Promising New Investors So How Do You Build Cash Flow? Of course, you can buy stocks that pay dividends, but based on what happened with the GE and Budweiser, dividends arent guaranteed. Dividend payouts depend upon more variables than real estate, which increases the odds of companies not paying them out. For stock dividends, you have to hope the companys business model allows them to earn large returns on capital to pay a dividend, hope the companys products stay relevant in the future, hope a competitor doesnt steal market share, and hope the management team is competent. For real estate, you need to buy a good property located in a desirable location for a decent price in order to attract the right tenants for the property to cash flow. This has fewer variables, which decreases your risk exposure, but of course doesnt guarantee cash flow. The Benefits of Working in Tech Being that you work in tech, you likely have a steady paycheck, a generous 401(k) program, and resources to easily qualify for a mortgage. This is an advantage that most investors lack, and you must use this to the best of your ability. While full-time real estate professionals need to buy and sell properties in a frothy market to pay their bills, you have a good job that allows you to wait until a frothy market cools off and then swoop in when the real estate cycle hits a trough. While real estate is currently in vogue, many people are feeling the pressure to deploy capital as if money is going out of style. Control that impulse! The real estate cycle has shifted from a buyers market (roughly 2009 to 201) to a sellers market (2016 or so onwards). In this market, the returns arent as high as they used to be, and Im seeing people do silly things in the market such as taking out home lines of equity or loans on their stock portfolio to buy low yielding real estate investments. Im seeing syndication pro formas with assumptions that the economy will grow forever, which isnt how the business cycle works. At this point in the market, money is cheap, and deals are being bought at a premium, which is a bad sign for investors because the risk/reward equation is now skewed towards more risk for each marginal unit of reward. When the cycle slows down, then you will see money becoming harder to obtain and home values retreating, which makes it easier to find sound investments. At that point, you are in the drivers seat and you will have an opportunity to buy real estate at discounted price. How Do You Know When the Market is Cooling Off? When you can find a property that meets your strict criteria. Each person has their own criteria that fits their return goals, and you need to create your own. But as a baseline, after all expenses (mortgage, taxes, insurance, operating costs, long-term capital improvement reserves, etc.), you should at the least hit a cap rate of 6% based on historical returns and assuming the propertys price is in line with comparable properties. Im not saying thats a cap rate I aim for, but if youre shooting for anything lower, you are exposing yourself to overpaying for an asset. Every Investor Hates Sitting on CashUntil They Need it I regularly take calls from investors who feel anxious for having large amounts of capital sitting on the sidelines. These investors are already fully invested in the stock market and might have a few real estate investments. When I hear these stories, I think of the lessons I learned from Warren Buffets annual shareholder letters. I want to highlight two excerpts from his annual shareholders letter. Our aversion to leverage has dampened our returns over the years. But Charlie and I sleep well. Both of us believe it is insane to risk what you have and need in order to obtain what you dont need. Despite our recent drought of acquisitions, Charlie and I believe that from time to time Berkshire will have opportunities to make very large purchases. In the meantime, we will stick with our simple guideline: The less the prudence with which others conduct their affairs, the greater the prudence with which we must conduct our own. Preach! When markets are booming, we hold on to cash while feeling great shame. So we must get rid of it as soon as possible because everyone else is making so much money. Yes, losing a small percentage of purchasing power due to inflation hurts, but being knocked out of the game by losing all of your money is even worse. The name of the game is to stay in the game long enough so you can purchase assets that fit your criteria. No one can forecast when the corrections will happen, but you need to be in a position to act when they appear. Look at your cash as an oxygen canister needed for climbing Everest. At the base of the mountain, everyone has oxygen canisters, and some people carry less because its a burden to lug those heavy things along. Some expect everything to go smoothly due to excellent forecasts and expertise of their guides, so they decide to carry just enough to get them up and down the mountain within 60 days. Others know things can get rough, so they will bear the burden of carrying an extra oxygen canister in case things dont go as planned (source: life). But when in youre in the mountains death zone at 26,000 feet, things change. The weather forecasts are off, and now youre suffering from a freak blizzard that extends your trip by another 10 days. You can barely breath due to the high altitude. Previously, that extra oxygen tank was looked at as a burden, but now its worth its weight in gold. Youll thank your lucky stars you have an extra one. Am I saying hold all cash? No, but when youre already heavily invested and new opportunities dont meet your investment criteria, think twice before dropping your extra oxygen tank. Preparing Your Emotions Currently, everyone I speak to wants to invest in real estate. Some people think if they dont buy something now, they will never ever be able to do so in the future. That sentiment concerns me and causes me to be even more conservative than others. Related: What Newbies Should Know About Financing Investment Properties (Versus Homes) During the financial crisis, when stocks were falling to all-time lows, my father had a very clear sense that it was a great time to invest in general. He deployed an immense amount of capital picking up stocks and pushed me towards investing in real estate. He kept telling me that in order to make a great return, you need to have confidence in the long-term future of the market so you can think clearly while other people are losing their heads. What you need to do now is reflect on the last market crash and how you handled yourself. Did you lose your cool? Did you sell off? Did hide your money under a mattress? Or did you start deploying the excess capital you had to pick up assets at a discount? If you did lose your cool, what will you do now to prevent yourself from missing out on a great opportunity? Staying in the Game Many of you are super eager to get started, and thats great! But you have to understand real estate is a multi-decade endeavornot a one-year sprint. The real gains from real estate appear when years of rent increases, appreciation, and currency inflation, which allows us to use weaker future dollars to pay down debt that was denominated in current more expensive dollars, combine. As time goes on your properties loan-to-value ratio will decrease allowing you to pay off your loans completely and free up more cash flow or roll them into larger properties. But in order to be successful, you have to develop staying power to ride out of the ebbs and flows of the market. Many investors have been shaken out of real estate investing due to not expecting the market to go down and paying too high of a price for real estate. Some have short time horizons of five years or less, which increases the volatility of returns and increases the odds of you selling your property in the midst of a downturn. The truth is that if most investors were able to hold on to their cash-flowing properties purchased before the 2006 peak until the present, they would be back to break even. But unfortunately, most investors didnt buy cash-flowing properties with enough margin of safety or had holding periods that were too short. Understanding Conflicting Incentives Real estate agents, syndicators, wholesalers, and other real estate professionals who make money off of transactions have short-term incentives that can go against your long-term goals. This isnt a ding against these real estate professionals. I know many of these professionals, and the ones I associate with do their best to balance their interests and their fiduciaries interest. I dont begrudge them for trying to make a living, but you have to understand they only get paid when money changes hands, so they have the incentive to pressure you into an investment that doesnt make sense. You will also find other investors trying to sell their poorly performing properties at the peak of the cycle to offload their duds to newbie investors. Just because an investor owned a property doesnt mean its the right property for you. Make sure to do your due diligence. A Note on Due Diligence Real estate is a cutthroat business, and you will come across many unscrupulous actors. If you get a referral, whether from BiggerPockets or outside of BiggerPockets, dont assume its a good referral. Do your homework.Always ask people who are trying to steer you into an investment or working with a particular person, Are you receiving a commission from this deal? And if so, are you a licensed real estate professional? If they answer yes to the former, they should be a licensed real estate agent. If they arent, back away because if the deal goes south, you dont have the benefit of the department of real estate backing you up. Winning the Battle and Losing the War Think of the times outside of sports where you have competed for something and were happy with the results. Maybe you fought hard for a promotion by isolating your peers. Perhaps you lowered your commissions in order to beat another real estate agent to a deal. Or maybe you overpaid for a piece of property in order to close the deal. All of these scenarios result in a win in the short-term at the expense of losing the long-term battle. This is known as a Pyrrhic victory. The most important thing in real estate is buying a property at a profitable price. If you screw this up, the rest doesnt really matter. Competing for bad deals lowers your return on real estate, causes undue stress, and leads to poor decisions. Its as if you are fighting for the lowest return on your time and money. If you dont remember anything else I said here, remember this: There will always be another deal. Having the ability to walk away from a deal (or anything else in life) is the most important power to have in real estate. Most investors cant do this, and they will suffer the consequences. Because you have a job, you have the power to walk away from deals when the real estate market gets out of hand. The Difference Between Linear Growth and Exponential GrowthImage via: Tor Bair When newbies get started, its easy for them to get discouraged because real estate is not as easy as purchasing stock. They look at real estate as a linear game, meaning for each unit of time input, they should receive an equal amount of cash output. WRONG! Real estate is more of an exponential game. When you first start off, you will see little or no return in your efforts. It took me about a year of research and hard work before I made my first investment, and that was when the market was buyer friendly. In this market, it could take much longer. That being said, since Ive made my investments in real estate, there are months when Im not doing much work in real estate, yet the returns from my initial input of time are exponentially increasing in the forms of output of cash flow, appreciation, and new opportunities to set up partnerships with other investors. While others are living off the cash flow from their properties, we have jobs that pay our bills so we can reinvest our cash flow into other properties to take advantage of the power of compounding interest. So dont get frustrated, take it slow, and consistently spend time studying real estate. Dont focus on the output. Focus on what youre learning and how youre growing personally. Comparing Yourself to Others Will Only Hurt You Never compare your real estate success to others because we all have unique life circumstances. Hearing the first BiggerPockets Podcast episodes about people buying houses in the depths of the recession for a pack of smokes or a jug of moonshine definitely can be disheartening when current prices are in the stratosphere. Dont freak out. Real estate goes through cycles. You need to focus on your own immediate goalsand dont compare yourself to others. Comparing your real estate endeavors to others is a great way to make poor financial decisions. Be wary of hindsight bias. You really would have to try hard not make money in real estate between 2010 and 2013. Some people take absolute credit for their success and are willing to sell bootcamp tickets to cash in on their luck. But due to survivorship bias, we arent hearing the stories from the people who used the same strategies before the financial crisis. The reason why we dont hear from them is bankrupt people dont like to share their stories of failure. They sort of disappear and are ignored. People would much rather chase the gurus who spin their stories of success and wisdom. So when you see someone who did well during this last period of time, realize that a certain aspect of it could be sheer luck, and if so, dont be so eager to attribute it to their sage wisdom. Related: The New Investors Simplified Guide to Landing a First Investment Property What Does This Mean for You? This is a great time for you to build your real estate investing network, learn about real estate investing, and save your money. This is also a time to be cautious when it pertains to deploying capital in real estate. Sure, you might be able to find an opportunity here and there, but you have to take it slow. What Types of Real Estate Investing Should You NOT Do?Fix & Flip or Any Major Rehab Project This strategy is out due to the major time requirement, the knowhow involved in managing such a project, and the increasing cost of construction labor due to a shortage in contractors. Not to mention, if you miss appraisal or your expenses balloon, youre going to have a bad time. Right now, BRRRR is in fashion, but once properties start missing their appraisals, you will see why that method can be so risky and was part of the reason people failed catastrophically in 2006. Tax Liens and Note Investing These investments are doable, but you miss out on rent growth and appreciation. Im assuming youre aiming for rent growth and appreciation. In some cases, the borrower is unable to pay back the loan and you might be able to scoop up the property, but the foreclosure process can take forever and there are no guarantees other parties wont try to bid up the house price via a shill. Most importantly, you have a full-time job and you dont have the time to head over to the courthouse and bid on failing properties. Also, we never count on appreciation when building our financial models, but if we dont have appreciation, it hurts our ability to raise rents down the road because appreciation is a quantitative measure of the desirability of an area and a persons willingness to pay premium prices to live there. Development Projects No. Development projects have a million ways to implode for first-time investors and you really need to know someone you trust can walk you through all the intricacies of development. My family did make money off of our own projects, but that was after years of experience in investing in real estate, building experience in construction, and developing relationships with the city. We had great success, but we also had our butts handed to us on a deal. For newbies, I suggest staying away until you truly understand development. 3 Types of Real Estate Investing You Should Consider Being that you have an awesome career to focus on and family responsibilities, you need to use an investment strategy that fits within those time constraints. I recommended tech employees start with the following are three strategies when they begin investing in real estate. Buy & Hold Within an Hour-to-Two-Hour Drive From Your Residence This is hard for most of us to do in the Bay Area, but in an ideal world, you would be able to easily drive to your property to check on it and make sure your property manager is doing their job. If you decide to pull the trigger on an investment, buy something conservative. It should be a single family house or a small 2-unit duplex. If you dont have experience managing tenants, you shouldnt set yourself up for failure by making your first investment a property that has 3+ units. Ease yourself into it by starting with a duplex. Most importantly, invest in a neighborhood thats no lower than a B-class area, which means low crime, with blue and white-collar workers, within the path of economic development. Out-of-State Buy & Hold With a Property Manager Many employeesare doing this right now. They are buying properties out-of-state and using a property manager to manage them. I suggest you find one primary market to invest in and then do your market research on the state to learn about demographic trends, job trends, government climate for business, earning potential of residents, etc. Then pick a city and neighborhood to research crime rates, schools, location relative to job centers, and the citys general plan for development in the area. For the love of all that is good and science, when youre starting, dont invest in a neighborhood lower than a B. The lower you go, the more crime and the more landlord hassles you will have to deal with (more on that for another post). And most importantly, get yourself on a plane to see the area in person. Nothing beats visiting an area before investing there. Syndication Basically, youre a silent partner in a deal for a large apartment complex or commercial building thats already constructed. For these deals, you need to be an accredited investor or a sophisticated investor. Syndication is similar to buying a stock without having the benefits of liquidity. When you buy a stock, hopefully you read the 10-K to understand the companys business model, opportunities, management, and risks involved in buying the property. Once youve read it, then you make a decision to invest or not. From there, youre basically a silent partner, and hopefully the company does well so you receive a gain on equity or a dividend. For a syndication, instead of reading a 10-K you receive an Offering Memorandum, which is essentially a 10-K but for investing in a large multifamily property, retail building, storage facility, or development deal (development is the riskiest). After reading the terms, if you like the deal, you can write a check to the syndicator for an equity or debt position in the deal. If the deal goes well, you receive regular rent distributions, and once the holding period is over, you receive your principal and appreciation. You can find syndication deals via RealtyShares, Fundrise, and Realty Mogul. Wait, Why Didnt You Mention REITs? Yes, REITs are freely traded on markets and you can get in and out whenever you want, but they have an added level of volatility so they arent for the faint of heart, and when you see those daily price fluctuations, it can compel you to cash out too soon. The problem I have with REITs is its hard to get specific exposure to a desired area, and its hard to see the specific assets and returns in the fund. For instance, Im exposed to Sacramento for my buy and hold, but lets say I want direct exposure to Texas, specifically South Austin near a recent development. Its hard to find an REIT that is micro-targeted. Also, you dont have that much control over the actions of management or exposure to them, so you better hope the team knows what they are doing. That being said, REITs can be great investments; its just up to you if you want to go that route. Spreading Yourself Too Thin Ive known quite a few investors who have scattered their buy and hold rental portfolios over numerous states in the hopes of higher return. While they have the energy and time to do this, they forget that even returns have a law of diminishing returns. Scattering your portfolio creates an added level of complexity for your investments, which can lead to poor decision making. As you grow older, keeping track of the economies, policies, and tax regimes of multiple states can be more trouble than its worth. Assuming this is your buy and hold real estate, I recommend investors go deep in one market before spreading themselves too thin between multiple markets. As you begin to develop a better understanding of your primary market, you can spot opportunities and deploy capital faster than rookie investors. Eventually youll develop rich networks you can tap into to provide your business with the strength it needs to succeed. A Blended Approach to Real Estate Investing You should own buy and hold real estate indefinitely because you have a much longer holding period than standard partnerships or syndications. But you should have exposure to syndications, REITS, and other real estate partnerships to broaden your exposure. Using the latter forms of real estate investing, you receive the benefit from exposure to other markets, while leaning on professional management to protect you from the potential pitfalls of entering markets youre unfamiliar with. Of course, you need to do your due diligence! The only problem with partnerships and syndications is that eventually they end, and youll have a chunk of cash youll need to reinvest. But by having a healthy buy and hold portfolio, youll still have exposure to the market while youre looking for a place to reinvest your capital. Well thats it for now. Let me know what you think. Next time I will go into a deep dive on how to analyze real estate markets. https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/ultimate-guide-tech-employees-starting-real-estate/
0 notes
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
"Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best web-site to get insurance leads from?
mostly health leads, but some life leads""
Is it legal to keep a check from my health insurance company that they expect me to pay the doctor with?
We are having a really difficult time financially. My husband gets a very large bonus in December and we will be back on track and then some. So here's my question. I recently ...show more
Help needed about insurance for '04 Mazda Rx-8!!!?
I'm THINKING about getting my first car as '04 Mazda Rx-8. The car I'm looking at has 32000 miles. But I read some reviews and it seems the car has some issues and having warranty is a right choice. How much would it cost to extend the warranty?
What are some affordable car insurance companies?
i have three cars and i have three teens drivers and my dad and im looking for a low cost auto insurance does anybody know any and im also trying to get full coverage
COSECO Insurance Company?
does anybody know about COSECO Insurance Company I need a quote in auto insurance. i live in North York, is there any best rate insurance company""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
Where can i find cheap young drivers insurance in uk?
where can i find cheap young drivers insurance in uk
""Were and how I can get car insurance in Europe for my american car, and how much is that( annually)?""
I would like to drive my car all over the Europe, but were I can obtail insurance ( green card ) for EU""
What do I have to do to get a motorbike license?
I already have my drivers license, and I am 17. Also, is buying a motorcycle + insurance cheaper than buying a car+insurance? My parents are unwilling to pay for me.""
I think I've made a mistake on my car insurance?
Long story short my Dad has a car that is insured and has been for a while. He has never made a claim in his 40+ years of driving. He's just bought another car that we can both drive (I can't drive his automatic until I pass my test) He was going to insure it with the same company as his other car however they won't let me be a named driver as I'm under 18 so we've found another company to go with. We got a quote and paid the money. No problem. Awaiting conformation in the post. Earlier today, however, I was talking to a friend who is insured with the same company and he says my dads no claims doesn't count because he's still insured with another company. Therefore by putting 9+ years on the form we've lied ?! Is this correct? Does this make our insurance invalid? How much trouble could we get in for this mistake? How can we resolve this?""
Is it cheaper to get on your parent's car insurance or have your own separate claim?
I will be purchasing car insurance really soon and comparing qoutes of different companies and want to know which is best
Is insurance cheaper for a stick shift or automatic car?
Or it doesn't matter?
Ticket for car with insurance not under your name?
if you drive a car that has insurance that isn't under your name, can the cops still ticket you with not having insurance? ( like the car belongs to your parents who have insurance but the insurance isn't under your name)""
""If I start paying my car insurance, and then change my name, would my dad find out?""
I'm almost 20 years old, I recently moved back in with my mother and my father gave me a car. As of now my father pays for the insurance, and the car is in his name. He also has a GPS installed in it. I'm going to be moving across the state this year, but will put the car in my name and pay for it's insurance beforehand. I will also finally be changing my name (first and last). I don't want him to know about my name change. Though they are public records, I know, would he be informed in any way by looking at any document to do with my car? Would insurance or anything contact him in any way if I pay for it?""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im planning on getting a 2012 honda accord coupe. will it be more expensive to insure compared to the sedan model or will it only be a slight expensive?
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
Should I open a whole life insurance policy or a 401k first?
I met with a financial consultant who told me that the 401k is the last thing I should start. She says it makes more sense to open the whole life which compounds 8% return on my money yearly and pays a yearly dividend. Which is smarter to do first?
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
What health insurance is low cost and fits my description?
Im a 24 year old female, employed, no kids, and not in school anymore. i have no health insurance and i have a lot of health problems but i coudn't afford to get insurance until now. I'm looking for a low cost health insurance with dental care. I've tried looking up different insurance but i dont know what category fits me. I saw theres a student option or something that has to do with ages 18-26 but i dont know what that covers. i have a hard time comprehending the description. Theres one for individuals where you either pay more monthly and get lower deductable or pay less and pay more for deductable. I'm at a total loss. can anyone tell me what is my best option and what insurance should i get?""
Car Insurance In Virginia?
I'm 19, First time driver, 1 Child, Car paid in full, Live in the 22031 area (fairfax), Had a seatbelt ticket before I obtained my license, Female. I want to know which insurance would be best suited for me, I dont need the quotes, I just want advice (from expierience) on where to get quotes from first. I have my permit, and will have my license in 25 days. I'm looking into cars right now, and should have one chosen in the next 2 weeks. I know the car will change what the insurance is, but I have not chosen it. I know I want an automatic 4 door sedan Used. Not sure on mileage yet. Leaning towards Nissan Altima. Any advice???""
Question with progressive insurance?
Ok heres the deal. Last September we were backing out of our driveway and bumped into our neighbors drivers door on his late 80's mazda mx3. It caused a little dent in his car and just a tiny scratch on our car. We agreed that we will just handle it outside of insurance once spring came. Now that the snow finally melted here, he left a note on our door saying he wants payment in full in 7 days or he will report to our insurance. My question is, progressive told us they put it under property damage so there is no deductible but what will this do to our rates if anything? Thank You""
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill. What can I do?""
Full-Time College student looking for affordable health care in Ca.?
I go to Moorpark College full-time and I am looking for a health care plan that is preferably a PPO but an HMO is okay.. I am looking to pay less than 200 dollars a month and I am looking to pay no deductible. I am not looking to get insurance through the government.. I have found one through Health Net. It is an HMO. $0 deductible. $50 office visit. $205 / month. maternity coverage. If there is anything better out there, please let me know.""
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Car insurance on a used car?
I am going to buy a used car from someone, and obviously I need to be insured to drive it home. Is there a way I can get insured for just that day or drive home, so that I can have the car before I do everything I need to with it?""
I am 30 and just got my UK licence and want to buy a car. Any tricks to getting cheap insurance?
I have had my NZ drivers licence since I was 16 and many years of no-claims. However, I haven't owned a car or insurance policy in the UK. Any tops for not having to pay very high premiums? I would love to get a sports car, but it's looking very expensive. (Would it be worth registering in girlfriends name and being a named driver?)""
""If someone is driving your car and they get a ticket, does it affect your insurance rates?
Will it make your insurance higher?
""Car Insurance Cost, ages 16-22?""
I'm trying to get a rough Idea of what teens -20's pay for car insurance. Please list what company and how mcuh you pay, (*Don't List if your on your parents insurance*). Thanks.""
""Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?""
I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage.""
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Should I tell my insurance company I race?
I am 17 years old and currently have a regular drivers license, with no class M designation. I have been riding dirtbikes since I turned 4, and have been racing them for the past 3 years. I think telling this to my insurance company would do one of two things (if it does anything at all haha). Either they will think, oh this kid knows what he's doing, let's cut him a break and lower his rates or they will think oh this kid races, he will probably carry those habits to the road, thereby endangering himself and others. Which do you think they will do? Also, I AM planning on getting my motorcycle license when I turn 18. I probably wont use it for everyday use, since I have a dirtbike meant for off road use, but there are some races where you are required to have a street legal bike, and that means it has to be registered and insured. Since im not gonna be using it much, I don't want to have to pay more for the tiny 250 cc dirtbike than I do for my truck with a v8, that can easily double the speed and endangerment to others of my dirtbike. All in all, im just wondering how the insurance company would react to me dropping that information on them. And for those of you who find it interesting, I also have a boaters education certificate (complete bullshit, but required for legal use) and a private pilots license. So once I get my motorcycle license, I will legally and safely be able to take control of any mode of transportation except helicopters, and I've flown enough of those in the sim that I could even autorotate one if I had to :D more than likely lol. Thank you to everyone who helps answer my question!""
In Texas are you required to inform your medical insurance company when you are in a car accident?
My girlfriend was in a car accident last year and her insurance company is not paying her physical therapy bills because she did not inform them at the time of the accident.
Car Accident in Michigan and no insurace?
I was in a car accident in Michigan and did not have car insurance, police did come, i did not recieve any tickets and it was determined that it was not my fault but my car is messed up pretty bad and so is the other car, now i am wondering even though the other driver said it was his fault and said his insurance would pay for it I know does not neccisarily mean that it will, but I did read somewhere that I might be counter sued, or that i may just have to pay his deductable, does anyone have any insight about this and what I should expect or expect nothing at all, yes i know i should not of been driving a vehile without atleast plpd but the car is not mine and not in my name so please no rude comments just asking for advice about the situation. Please and Thank you ;)""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 16 and I want to get a car. My parents said they would buy me this car I want but I have ot pay for the insurance. We have allstate. The car is a 1999 ford mustang. Yellow Color V-6 Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 miles on it 2 drive coup""
Do I have to sell my car to the insurance company at their suggestion?
I've been paying for fully comprehensive insurance for my car for 8 months, 3 month ago my car crashed and the insurance company has evaluated the cost of repairing is more than the market price of my car. Now the insurance company is going to buy my car at the market value, my question is: Do I have to sell my car to the company? Or does it make sense if I ask for repairing etc?""
What does auto insurance deductible mean?
I just bought a new car but the bank that financed the loan is asking for proof of auto insurance on the car with a comprehensive and collision deductible of $1000 maximum. I put AAA insurance on the vehicle and they gave me a $500 deductible on both comprehensive and collision. Do i need the $1000 deductible or am i good with the $500 deductible?
How much would it cost to insure a Vw golf 1.6 - 2.0 litres for a 17 year old ? Thanks :)?
I was just wondeing because i want a Golf for my 1st car and i dont know the insurance rates etc....
How much does Alstate raise your insurance for a new teen driver?
I'm 17 and ill be put on my parents insurance,How much extra will it coast a month? I took drivers Ed which lowers it too. I have an 06 ford explorer if that matters.""
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
How Can a 17 Year old Teen Afford Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old guy working on getting my first car. I was thinking possibly a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, or a 2006 Saturn Ion. I had looked up a few quotes from Progressive and Esurance, and noticed that the semi-annual price was VERY high, way beyond anything my family could afford. I was wondering If anyone knew of a way that I could possibly afford this. Many of the quotes totaled at $800-$1000 per six months. This is outrageously high, and that was just insurance for an adult I had quoted. Adding a teen onto the insurance would be much more expensive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to cheat the system per say, or just find a nice and cheap affordable, reliable insurance company I'd be extremely grateful.""
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
Wat is the avarage cost for car insurance in nyc? anyone! please be as specific as posible?
so ive been thinkin about getting a car. but i dont know how much i would be paying a month for car insurance..i would really appreciate to get accurate answers...thank u guys
Is this a good world to bring a child into?
I sometimes worry about having kids due to the world going down hill, theres so many bullies and bad people out there,i dont think I can handle my children getting hurt by someone or bullied,also how much will car insurance be in 18 years, a 19 year old at work keeps getting 5000 quotes for 1.1 cars,id like some opinions on this as me and my wife are planning to have kids soon,am I worrying about nothing or does anyone else feel like this?,i want my kids to have a nice life.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
Best Car/SUV/Pick Up-Trucks for Insurance(Young Driver)?
Im turning 20 in a months time, and i will be purchasing a used Car, i will have about $10,000CDN to spend. I found cars/SUV that im interested in, and I've got Quotes off of web sites on how much insurance would be, and so far there all pretty expensive. What Model would be a good choice?""
Car Insurance For a 19 almost 20 year old?
Im gonna buy a used car, a 2003 sedan (not sure what car yet). This is going to be my first car and I need to know how much car insurance would cost. Thank you:)""
What happens if you just don't pay your car insurance?
Where I live you get car insured and they put a sticker on the plates with expiry date a year from now. But you still only pay once a month. What happens if you simply stop paying ...show more
Are you glad you have individual Health Plan?
I work freelance and I am looking into getting a health care plan. I haven't had medical insurance since elementary school but now that I'm approaching mid 20s, I wanted to prepare for the emergency, the 'just-in-case' situation. My problem is that I have a very negative impression on the insurance business and health care itself. I've gone to health clinic from a floating rib and I paid $300 to be told that I need to get tylenol LOL My relatives and friend went through some misdiagnose, multiple exams and charges. Some friends go through such a bull5hit time - one friend was charged $500 to borrow a blanket in the waiting room at a health care clinic and all she had to do was make a call and complain to cancel the full amount. We were baffled So.. they get paid $500 for lending a blanket? They take the $500 away if we complain? It's like complaining at a restaurant LOL!!! I maybe ignorant, but it makes me so upset to see people without insurance having such a hard time affording health care. Health care and insurance makes me feel like I'm giving into a manipulative scam - like buying a $120 clothing that only costs $5 to make. But incase I break my face crashing on my bicycle, I guess I need one. $500 for a blanket? I wonder how much X ray actually costs to buy, operate, and maintain. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. Anyhow, I know I'm ignorant, please enlighten me. Any positive experience on having affordable individual plan would be great. Thanks in advance.""
Why does my dog make my homeowners policy go up !!!?
Ok ... a bit of a rant ... you people are the only ones who can relate ! Do i get a discount for the protection he provides me, my family, and the house ... noooooooooo .... but they want to raise my rate because he could bite someone someday ... {end rant}""
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
How much is motorcylce insurance for state farm and is there one cheaper then state farm?
im gonna buy a bike and heard that its cheaper for a bike and its insurance then a car and its insurance... thanks for the help
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
How much should I expect my car insurance to cost?
I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!""
Insurance friendly car modifications?
Given the cost of insanely expensive car insurance, I have put off modifying my car for the forseeable future. However, I want to know if there are any modifications I can do that will not affect my insurance premium. For example, do I need to tell the insurance company if I respary my standard wheels in a different colour? Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company to go with at 16. could someone give me a estimate?
my car is a 2000 Pontiac grand prix. all i need is state minimum.i live in ohio
How much for car insurance for a 17 year old?
I saved up and bought a 1995 Acura Integra ls 4 door from my cousin. And My parent's have state farm. I was wondering how much the car insurance would be for the down payment and monthly. Please and Thank you!
How does homeowner's insurance cover belongings? ?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm new to this. So my fiance and I bought our first home pretty recently. Yes, I'm a bad person and did not read through or understand everything in the giant insurance book. I'm a bit confused as to how homeowner's insurance would cover belongings in the event of a theft, accident or whatever. We chose a low, $500 deductible. Let's say there was a theft. And I estimate the belongings stolen were worth $2000. What's stopping me from saying they were worth $3000? Or more? Wouldn't they want some kind of proof as to the value? I don't have the receipt for the television I bought 3 years ago, for example. I know I can ask my agent these things, but she is too overly helpful and chatters on and on and just ends up confusing me with information overload. :-)""
Independent infertility insurance in California?
hi does anyone know of any insurance companies in California that cover or pay any part of infertility treatment? even if its just a little it helps! thank you
Cheapest insurance for motorcycle in melbourne?
hi m looking for insurance company that hs cheapest price for me. m 19 yo female, 4years experience on motorcycle. help me pls,,, i think i ll gt for the third party""
Can anyone estimate how much insurance would cost on a 2001 camaro?
i'm 18, full time b student, first car, the car's a v6""
What should I be looking for in coverage with car insurance?
I'm 22, just graduated from college and am just about to get my car put in my name and on my own insurance (was paying my parents for car insurance in my dads name before). I am curious on what exactly I should be looking for as far as deductibles and liabilities go to get a cheaper-ish rate, but yet still decent coverage? I was paying $70 a month on my parents insurance, I know I won't get that good of rate, but am wondering what decent coverage would be for a decently priced monthly rate...I was told to get a $500 deductible for collision? My car is a 1997 Honda Accord, great condition, around 130,000 miles, and I got one ticket in 2007. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!""
Would a Dodge Ram Hemi truck increase my insurance costs?
I have a Jeep Patriot right now. The dodge ram 1500 is a 4X4, as well.""
Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required?
i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance.
""Affordable travel insurance, Tesco or Asda?
Thank you
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
At fault driver had no insurance?
Me and my Daughter was riding my custom built harley sat. and a car made an illegal u turn in front of us and we hit his car on the side. He does not have insurance but I do. Can I use my auto insurance which is a different company form my bike insurance to cover the cost of my bike and other injuries that we suffered.? Should I hold off on getting a lawyer? I really do not want them to get my money that we are due..
What is an insurance discount disallowance?
i got my bill today for the lab where i had some tests done. on the bill it had a disallowance under the insurance discount category. just wondering what that was. the bill was about 400 and insurance paid 200 and it said disallowance of about 175 so my bill only ended up being 25 dollars.
How Much To Insure My Bmw 318 I Se Auto?
Hi, I just passed my test a month ago and im 19 i just bought my first car the BMW 318 I Se Auto 1.8 litres and was wondering how much it would cost to insure this car and if there was any way i could get a cheap deal from anywhere, like traders insurance. please help! finding insurance is doing my head in :| Nd Yh im In The Uk :)""
I am in phoenix arizona. What insurance company is best for a 18 year old driver with a DUI?
I know he should not be allowed to drive but he needs to get to college. No he is not going to take the bus!
Changing motorcycles and insurance question?
Long story short I have got a new bike. The bike I am Insured on has about 2 months left before I gather another year no claims. However, I was wondering would/do Insurance companies offer a way for me to transfer the next/last 2 months to my new bike (At a possible cost) then charge me a full year when its due (In 2 months) Any help will be appreciated. I don't want to phone my insurance up cause every time I phone someone like that and tell them I have a new bike I want to insure they go crazy and keep phoning me! I have 1 years NCB and i'll be 18 in 2 months (when I will get 2 year NCB) Cheers Geoff""
Can I be under my uncle's car insurance?
My uncle just bought a car for me as a gift, however it is under his name. Is it possible for me to be added as a driver under his insurance, even though I am under my parent's insurance? or would I have to add that car under my parent's insurance? This is all so confusing.""
Car Insurance prices???????????????
I am turning 18 soon and will take the written exam. After that, I will try to get a licence. Now my question is, for a first time driver at 18 years old, how much would car insurance usually cost for a '97 Nissan Altima with I'd say no more than 10-20 hours of driving per week? I also have good grades and I think some insurance companies give you up to 15% off for that. Thanks!""
What questions should i ask before getting LIFE Insurance?
Im about to get life insurance, but i dont know how it works. What are some questions i should ask the insurance agent before signing any papers? Please help!""
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
How much does US health insurance cost per year?
I am considering moving with my wife and kids to Michigan for a year as part of my degree. I have a number of questions, mainly about health insurance. 1. Will my wife and I still be considered married? If not, will that affect the way we buy insurance/are treated at the hospital? 2. She is very active, with slight asthma and bad PCOS. How much (roughly) would health insurance be for her for one year? 3. I am wheelchair dependent and suffer from epilepsy. How much (really roughly) would my health insurance cost? 4. Do I buy separate health insurance for my children (aged 17 months, 1 month and 1 month)? 5. My eldest child appears to be struggling with leg movement and we are considering the possibility that she may have inherited my condition. Will treatment and tests be covered by the insurance, even though we have an idea of what it might be before buying the insurance? I know these must sound like obvious questions to US citizens, but we are not a particularly rich family, so we need to make sure that there are no big bills hiding around the corner! Thank you""
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
""If I go under my parents car insurance, is it cheaper ?""
Hello. I'm 18 and recently got my provisional license. I would like to know if I go under my moms name for the insurance of the car, would it be significantly less expensive than if I were to get my own insurance, or is it the same price for insurance all around ?""
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
Can I be added to a auto insurance policy?
Im shopping around for a car and insurance policy. The car would be brand new with only me as the owner. Because I have never had insurance under my name and am under 25, it is very expensive. I'd like to know if my dad, who has multiple vehicles, would be able to add me to his policy for my car that is not under his name. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Basically, I'd like to get his discount by having his name and mine on the insurance policy, although the car title is only in my name. Thanks for any help! (1 month I pay is the same as a 6 month payment for him. Lot of money)""
Do you believe everyone has a right to medical insurance?
What are the pros and cons of giving everyone access to medical care?
How much will my insurance cost for a ninja 250?
I'm about to buy a bike soon and I am just adding up all the expenses... sales tax, insurance, registration, etc. If I buy a Ninja 250r (probably a 2008-2012 model) I have Liberty Mutual insurance company. My car is an 03 Toyota celica GTS and I pay about $1,300 a year. I know you guys can't give me a direct estimate (obviously!) But can you give me just a guess. Thanks!""
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
Is life insurance premium deductible?
I got a life insurance on my own. I would like to know if the premium I'm paying is deductible? If you don't know if there a way to find out if it is.
Any idea on how much car insurance will cost for new driver I'm 28yrs old??
please help i just need an estamate looking into buying a small car after hopefully passing the uk driving test next week. 1.4 engine size nothing to smart just to get me from a-b i only have around 500 to buy a car, just trying to figure out how much to put aside,tried calling insurance companys but they said they wont quote with out full licsense details.... all i want is an idea!!!thanks in advance""
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
How can I get an Auto Insurance adjuster to address my claim ? He is completely unresponsive.?
I drove out a brand new car from the dealership and stopped at a signal light. I was rear ended hard by a coupe driven by teenagers. His car was towed and impounded. Now I called the other driver's insurance company after receiving the police report and was told that a claim has already been filed and an adjuster's name and number given. I have been ever since calling the adjuster and leaving voice-mails. Its about 3 days and I have left more than 8 voice mail but he does not call me back. Its getting frustrating and am unsure if thats their strategy ? How long should I continue this ? and How can I get him to attend and address my claim ? and what else are my options ? Should I go to small claims court ? Advice is much appreciated.
Which is cheaper ? Insurance on a small or mid size truck?
My son will be getting his license in a year and a half. I am thinking of going ahead & buying a used truck for him, and he can practice in it when he gets his learner's permit. He would like a truck. I have been encouraging him to get a smaller one, like a Toyota since it will be cheaper on gas, If I let him get a bigger one, like a mid size Chevy, would the insurance be cheaper. Where would I save more money--on a more fuel-efficient truck or a bigger one with cheaper insurance? I am thinking of 93-96 model years.""
If I bought car insurance in one state and then move to different state do I have to buy new insurance?
I bought insurance for the year in one state but just moved to a different state where I will have to register my car again and get a new license plate. If I already paid for the year, do I have to get new insurance? If I do have to get new insurance, can I get my money back because I didn't drive for the whole year while under my insurance company's policy?""
Will my car insurance go up after this accident happened(Story included)?
Ok so my brother was driving on the highway and another car hit him but left the scene. It was the other cars fault not my brothers. A cop passed by and ask what happened. My brother didn't have license so I told them I was the one who was driving and explain everything. I was 18/17 at that time. The cop did take my license and gave it back after making a report. I am safe or will my insurance rate be high because of this??? The car and the insurance was under my brothers name. But I took the blame. The car didnt have any major damage. just the front got damage I am also afraid he could tell his insurance it was my fault so his insurance doesn't go up. Could he do that?
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Quick Car Insurance Question?
Would it be cheaper for me to add onto my parents insurance, rather than have my own policy? I'm a 20 year old male by the way and currently have a quote for $115 a month.""
Can you be fined for owning an uninsured car? (California)?
Even if the car is not driven? And if it is registered?
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Need a car-but how much is the insurance?
I'm 25, female and haven't even got a provisional, never had a lesson, live in salford want a car, could only afford one for 600 pound second hand, does anyone have any idea how much my insurance would be about ?""
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
Free medical insurance and dental in cali??
hello, im a 21 year old student who needs insurance! my family doesnt qualify for free insurance from the state, but my mother is not working to get insurance. does anyone know of a free or at least cheap way to get insurance? thank you.""
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Why is insurance coverage for a 2011 Mazda 2 cheaper than a 2007 Ford Focus or Hyundai Elantra?
I just got quotes for a new Mazda 2. Full coverage on the Mazda 2 will increase my total premium by $163. Full coverage quote for a 2007 Focus would be $187 increase. Full coverage quote for a Hyundai Elantra would result in a $176 increase. I find this very surprising. I thought used cars were supposed to result in cheaper insurance coverage.
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
Bethesda Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20811
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