#im excited to use the sewing machine tho
agdab · 2 days
me after ive done a craft or perhaps project, a hobby even: maybe life IS worth living
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bishiglomper · 2 years
Owie owie oww
Went shopping out of town for moms family birthday outing. Hit up Joann's because mom wanted me to do a blanket for her birthday. Lucky for us fleece was on sale for $5 a yard. All the fleece! So I got the shit I needed for mine too. Because of the sale we were saved from paying $130. 😳 price was like $68 for... 12 yards? Plus a yard of satin. 👀
I found 2 pairs of pants that will actually fit me and i was excited so i went through like 3/5 of my pants drawer when i got home. Got rid of half. Theres still a few left to try on though. I have a shitton of pants. I'm glad i have a big stack to keep, im still not convinced im gonna keep/lose more weight. I kept the shit that wont immediately fall off my butt. 👀 I had to stop tho cause i got tired and hurty.
But i was excited to try to figure out my stripey situation for my blanket. And mom brought over aunts sewing machine for me. I got bored of shitty results so i started mom's blanket.
It was a pain and I'm disapointed because the fleece was in pieces and i had to sew it together to get blanket size. I tried to line up the pattern but i forgot to take into account the fact that the seam would eat up space. So i cut like 8 inches off for no reason(to reach the nearest pattern overlap) and theres a seam off center. 😬😬😬
If i could start over i would. 😣
I pinned it 3/4 if the way but i needed a break. The pain of the day is catching up.
Then i was like fuck it it's midnight. Mom and sissy are being productive but i havent any spoons left. Even if i took drugs for the pain I'm still too exhausted to function. 😭
Im useless
Why did i use all my spoons on unnecessary things
I hated it when they were doing that so now I'm a hypocrite. OTL
I really just wanted a nap but I doubt they'll still be working at 4am so.. 😔 guess im just going to bed
I just hope im not knocked out all day tomorrow 😥
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cerneterydrive · 4 years
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Saw V8 C11
Omg i cant believe they still believed in him
"I used to wear this rank with pride, but now i see it for what it really is: a collar" AHHHHHHHH THATS SO POWERFUL WITHOUT HIM BEING A DOG FAUNAS AND THAT DOUBLES IT
Winter tackling Marrow to the ground and then deeping her voice to say shes taking him to the cells COULD NOT BE MORE STAGED im so happy
Really wanted like a close up of Winter releasing Marrow's bonds and him realizing that shes faking it but not knowing why
While im here are all Atlas uniforms sewed with magnets??? Like Winter just attached Fetch to her back no problem and she doesnt carry her weapon like that so? Like we know Blake wears a magnet backpack (how do Qrow's and Ruby's stay on tho? A belt is not strong enough)
Ruby's run was SO EMBARRASSING i accidentally watched it twice bc i rewinded to get a screenshot of Emerald for art refs
Did the Nora reunion go how i wanted? No. BUT IM STILL SO HAPPY. Ren acknowledging his failings and talking to them as a team and referring to them as a team IS MORE THAN MOST SHOWS WOULD GIVE ME and most would not of had Jaune there AND HE WAS
Not to over use caps bc this whole post is caps but FOREHEAD TOUCH FOREHEAD TOUCH FOREHEAD TOUCH
When people dont kiss it makes the scene stronger in my opinion. Idk kissing just feels like it dismisses everything or its like a shortcut to repairing relationships
Robyn reeling Qrow in YES THANK YOU
We havent seen much of her personally and im a bit excited bc theres so much fanfic of her and Qrow being like a duo but honestly we dont know much of her besides: hates lying, obsessed with the rich-poor divide, is caring enough to make horrible jokes to a sad stranger
Actually what if its the Ace Ops ohhhhh
Watch it be Ironwood and all of Robyn's work is null
At first i saw Ruby hugging the banister and thought that was so unrealistic but then i remember me hiding out on the stairs with my forehead pushed into the hole between the bars and i took that statement back
"thats what happened to Mom" *Yang proceeds to start bawling* YES
She wiped her face with her metal hand
1) Yang hugging Ruby was not something i knew i needed 2) YANG'S HAIR SQUISHED!! I hate hugs on this show bc the models are hard while bodies are soft and it makes hugs look awkward BUT NO this time it looked like Yang's body squished a bit and her hair smushed (i am aware it was prob a illusion of her jacket added with rounded shoulders and that her hair was moved behind her bc it has individual sections that can move because she has more "bangs" than the others but still)
"Ruby stop me" NO
Ok everyone trying to hold her down was so sad but a really cool visual
I had NO IDEA that was Emerald's weapons and thought it had to of been like Willow or Klein having a secret weapon
So Jaune can really Aura Amp without touching them he just chooses to usually
"Kill me. Kill me" NO NO NO
Nora really was like "we've been through this Penny"
"Jaune! Boost her aura!" "You have a soul Penny, you're not a machine" *hand holding* *everyone hugging* MY HEART OKAY
Jaune held her hands for like a second did anyone else see that?? But Nora squeezing her hand while hugging her with the side of her body was so cute
Side hugs are great AND SO UNDERRATED i cant believe we got 3 this ep
Everyone sitting on the ground together was like a cinematic and metaphorical thing i know but IM JUST HAPPY THEYRE ALL HUGGING
Emerald ive never liked you but im starting to love your character
I love how its always Oscar reminding him of things
I know its not happening bc Cinder is persuasive but i can dream
But seriously what is Watts doing
ALL-IN-ALL i loved this episode. Its was emotionally heavy instead of action heavy but it still felt heavy you know? Anyways i love it when characters are touchy-feely and this ep delivered
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soulnottainted · 4 years
I'm using fleece on him and honestly idk if my sewing machine works still but I'm totally prepared to sew him by hand! Im so excited to make his whole lil outfit too and including a bunch of headcanon stuff on him like,, a squeaky nose n that cute lil >: o 3 face of his 🤡💦
Talk to me!
Fleece is SO soft! That’ll be perfect! Omg what about putting a lil squeaker in him tho xD
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hella-free-space · 5 years
Life update nobody asked for :)
Hoooo weeee... we're like 3 weeks into 2020 and i know the world is lookin r o u g h rn... but i just wanted to take some time to shout into this wonderful dark blue void we call tumblr for a sec
I put all of it under a readmore, but tl;dr is that i got time off of work this week and next week to write some more fishy articles for yall! Also i filed for divorce last nov, which should be finalized by may, and i am so SO excited for this year :)
2019 was a rly wild year... i think its the most personal growth ive experienced and i dont regret any part of it (even though some parts were genuinely terrifying or rly hard to go through).
I lived somewhat independently for most of it (i rly loved having a place to myself :3 even tho taking care of it and myself and all the kiddos was sometimes hard, it was wonderful to have so much freedom and independence).
I made lots of new friends :D
I filed for divorce! (this ones a big'un and by far the best! Itll be final in may hopefully). I had to say goodbye to the cats and the dog (i couldnt keep them and my ex was the one who brought them home originally. He moved to a place with a backyard and more people to help take care of them. It was definitely in their best interest but I do still miss them♡).
I moved back in with my parents, but got to keep all of my other babies :3 the pumpkin patch sling im raising went thru their first molt (fingers crossed they continue to eat like a tank and grow up big n strong). My hamster is an old man now but the vet said hes lookin great for such an old man :) it makes my heart happy that he'll be around a while longer ♡
I got a raise at work! Ive had this job for over a year now and i like my coworkers. Bossman gives us days off when we ask and cooks everyone home made lunch when he comes in once a week :p
I decided to take time off of school to sort out my life and academic habits. Most of it has to do with anxiety (hence the counseling) and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Also figuring out what I really want to do... because i dont have to consider how my career will affect anyone but me now... so im switching to environmental science :) it doesnt pay as well as computer science, but im more passionate about it and even when i went thru a rly bad depressive episode last year and failed half my classes... i aced the heck out of my ES ones and enjoyed the material :)
I signed back up for counseling! Went to my first appointment last week and my therapist is super dope.
I wrote some freelance pieces. (Which i have been very very slow to finish recently... i hope to have some more turned in soon tho! I’m sending in my tiger barb care article today and I asked for some more days off at work to be able to work on freelance more! Ive only had 1 day off per week for the past few weeks @.@ but I had 3 days off this past week so no excuses!!)
I started new hobbies! I got a sewing machine for xmas (shout out to my mom, who is the dopest woman i know) and am excited to try some more challening projects :p i made some simple stuff, but i really wanna make plushies!
I finally found a dnd group and its SO MUCH FUN :3 ive only been to 2 sessions now but the dm is great and also patient about all my newbie questions :3 reddit has also been v helpful ^-^ I’ve also been having a ton of fun dndiying stuff for my character (like spell cards/stat cards) and making miniatures with sculpey (first time working with polymer clay, so thats been cool too) :3
Going into 2020 im really excited to travel this year. I’m going to denver next month!!! and possibly a cruise with friends at the end of the summer?? we’ll see :p I’m also excited to get more into my new hobbies (DND, sewing, miniature-making, etc) and getting back into to older hobbies (terrariums, scrapbooking, snail mail, etc). I’m trying to go back to school in the fall as well so fingers crossed my change-of-major gets approved >w<
all in all though, i’m hype for 2020 and i hope everyone has a good year too :)
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joplayingjaks · 6 years
life update
cody’s car is back in the shop again (this time with a specific problem that we can fix and its in a WAY better shop so we know it will get done soon). but a couple people at work quit recently and also had a no-call-no-show today so cody (thinking he would have a few days off to not worry about his car in the shop) had to come in with me and use my car again. but also the check engine light came on yesterday in my car and we’re going to wisconsin next week on thanksgiving over the weekend lol, so monday is the only day before our trip that we both have off, so hopefully we can bring it in monday and get it all checked over and everything. (cody or i will call the shop tomorrow and hopefully be able to schedule something for monday. perhaps tomorrow while im at work cody can bring it to the shop and they can run a diagnostic?)
during the trip i have a doc appointment and im trying to make a list of everything that i need to talk to her about, physically and mentally. im finally determined to get my shit together. it seems like every time i go to the doc, it happens to be during an upswing or i feel like its a burden, so i dont mention bad symptoms im experiencing, but i just want to move forward in my life and fix shit. so hopefully i will: 1) be able to start on the road to finding out what all my pain and stuff is caused by whether it be lupus or arthritis or a connective tissue disorder or something, 2) tmi be able to figure out my painful/heavy periods and whats going on with that, and 3) find out ways to deal with all the various mental health issues i have and discuss meds and therapists and stuff like that. im making sure to write out an actual paper list that i can bring with me and just go through bullet-to-bullet with her. the only discouraging thing is i know everything is going to be extremely costly. im still a little behind on funds rn, and my insurance is still through parents for a few more years, but i still have to pay the actual bills themselves. but i guess we’ll see. i can figure out money and stuff later, i just need to get myself back on my feet and feeling human again
but anywho, im kinda excited for the visit to see my bro and parents and other family maybe and have good food. maybe mom will have time to touch-up my haircolor and give me a little trim. and she is gonna be giving us a bunch of stuff i think, random stuff that she’s trying to get rid of probably lol, clothes and towels and christmas decorations. and she got me a bday present :,) and i think she also made a mini lettuce garden for salem, so sweet
in other news, our couches are comfy, a little dirty but easily cleanable. we need to buy a vacuum asap. the one we got secondhand is d e a d and there are little bunny poops in the carpet and the inside of the couches need to be vacuumed too. also idk if i mentioned that cody is a SUPER THOUGHTFUL SWEETHEART. he got me a sewing/embroidery machine for my bday!! ill be able to make clothes and stuff and do alterations and make patches and embroider designs and so much more!! gotta get thread and everything tho, and i’ll need an iron/board and some other stuff before i can really start delving in, but im just really thankful for cody and for the extremely fitting gift
the next thing we’re looking towards after wi is a little christmas/holiday get-together with friends. we have the tree out of storage sitting in the box waiting to be put together after the visit. i wanna make ornaments and stuff and get tons of lights (we already have some lights up in the apartment cause we’re Mid-2000s Hipster Teens™) and just be cute and cozy and crafty. im excited
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As you see the icons are all WHITE.
Every person even the two birds are white.
I have finally established full ownership of all Congra brands (excluding stock holders and bla bla bla)
Congra was established as a CONGlomoRAate between unlawful invading aliens and myself. CON like conman and G-RAated as in grating my fucking teeth at feeling forced to due to my kindness.
There's a bit more Brian can post for you. Im excited to tell you the what i consider to be
the name Congra will be established as the past and history that will never again occur in the future thus the name is eradicated as is allowing alien life to enter our universe's atmosphere.
The name will become
The Niggers' Foods.
The back label will say "The Niggers' Foods" as opposed to Congra and the stock number will change to NGR
All recipes will state "brought to you by "The Niggers' Foods"
Our country. Our world was all black. All African. We all lived in Africa since we allowed Venus to inhabit the Earth for protection.
We used the word Nigger to mean teacher.
Duncan Hienz Wil change the spelling to the Spanish DUOcan Heinz
But no other changes will occur.
The icons will remain white.
In the commercials and advertisements it will become biracial.
Please understand from white to black includes tan.
And those also will be included in the background but the main advertising will be DUO.
Bi racial.
Cause we always look for a great slam dunk.
It can still be pronounced Duncan and likely will but the spelling will change as the fore runner for our overall change
This will occur late next year.
When the world is safer.
Not because im afraid people will not purchase our foods but because until then we will still be accompanied by racists in Our world and they are not worthy of our food.
This was a request of George Floyd because he saw how I always picked on Snoop for saying niggha day in and day out. He said "why don't you honor him like you will us with the torches?"
I said "because he won't say the R. He's afraid to. And when I push him to say it he always blushes"
"So then here's what you do...." George Floyd told me.
He is also from Venus and he will be ghosted back to life in a firm and stout physical body. More on that later.
And so while I'm "just a lil ole white girl" in the midst of tragedy after tragedy. This comes from a completely different economic and political reason than several companies.
Of course y'all know me. And you know i wouldn't politicalize on economic gain.
And in fact due to him mentioning the torches and I had to stand to argue that he can't base one on the other when one removes all economical growth
And he interrupted "just make it cheaper then" as he looked into the McDonald's bag presented to him for lunch. Said Thank you then chewed on a fry and said "you know what I mean?"
So our costs to the customer will cut on average 75%
Packages will change to reflect this price change. Instead of a cake mix coming in a box and a bag it will come in one, likely a cotton sac that can be reused.
"How does that cut cost tho?! Sounds like it would be more expensive" said George Floyd "unless you use like a dispenser in the store to dispense the cake mix into the reusable bag"
"Sounds unsanitary. We will just have the machines make them. But I like you George Floyd! You're real industrial!"
"No one's ever told me that before. That I'm smart, just that you can't read" and he couldn't. But he learned he began the next day. And he could read a bit more than he thought he could. Just from signs and labels. He finished a whole comic book in 2 and a half days with help.
He had looked shocked because I had said that then I had continued. "I really like that though. I was all for it until I thought sanitary then i thought just put the bags next to the dispenser but then there's no point to make them reusable .. So I thought paper? Then I realized your question was in relation to the economy and so i went back to that and i thought cotton gin and instead of making people sew just have the machines do it all! We will still have to employ people for machines safefy but not that many and we can afford it especially since cotton is grown just as trees and then we have two factories running progress on the packaging. Now its just one and therefore economical. If you will excuse me my kid isn't eating and I have to tell her to or she acts like it's positioned or something and i don't want her food to get cold"
While i finished eating I thought about how he said he couldn't read. They say that about my Uncle and even Blackfeet but I knew they could. They just took slower and then I had an opportunity that is rare.
"George Floyd. I'm going to write to what we just discovered with Dunking to Duo" and i did. And i said it out loud I told him to verify our discussion.
And then i slid the laptop to look at him "now explain to me why you can't read"
It took some convincing ... "Now what's that word right here"
"Principle and just in case you need me to tell you it goes with the word economic before it"
"Well why didn't you just write economy?!"
"And that George Floyd is how they got the black man ineligible to vote. They taught one word then used the same meaning of two other words or vice versa and failed them all... They weren't... They weren't... They were terrible Niggers, George Floyd. Just terrible"
And so that's how we got George Floyd on his determination to read and write better.
And he did.
So we're very proud of him, he had his girlfriend fly down and and see he wasnt lying that he had learned.
And he learned a lot by listening then reading what i typed and he even got some of the others who didn't read or write well to look it over as well.
"Well we already knows what it says" he told them "now we just have to find the hidden words so we can vote" he understood it was a long ago thing back in slave days but it was the importance of reading it together.
So eventually we had it printed and we did "find the mistake" so it was the same passage from what i typed during our meeting copy and pasted to add in spelling and grammar errors they could find
Rayshard Brooks actually requested that. And he earned him a torch.
So these criminals .... Reading and writing was their issue. And they knew it had some bearing on their skin color and where they went to school as to why their education wasn't good enough.
So i ask that schools don't reconvene.
We have hooked on phonics and so on.
Yes. I do want schools. But until racism is over if schools can skip the school year so to speak, we can fast track a lot better
We have a new program based on this learning concept where kids and adults speak into a microphone. And it is typed.
Different levels will change the words in a thesaurus manner.
Then the grammar and spelling difference.
And even it will take simple words like "the cat" and change it to "dog" to see that the author can catch that extreme meaning change.
And tree has and will offer to pay for learning in this manner.
Michael Jordan had interest in the software being developed and it was his idea
And we named it Torches' (for Reading) and he and his father developed Torches' Publishing for the recently illiterate to publish their own books with help of editors to show them what a fluently reading human can read and catch what the computer reading can't. And to publish has differentiating fees. Ebooks cost $15 to publish with professional editing of 25 different people and different races and ages.
$150 to $250 for paperback to hardback books.
And it says in the fine print, "brought to you by nighas" in honor of Snoop which is why this fine existence of these 3 companies came to be.
.... .... ....
We have a special medal award system
You've heard of the Caldacott medal.
We have an Independence Parks Medal. For those that are illiterate previously as adults and write books of historocal truths
You will want to seek that award medal. Tree gives them.
So you may wanna order those books into paper authors, nothing feels better than an embossed medal which Will actually be printed with a special ink of crushed diamonds and iron.
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