#im almost done with s6. feel free to drop your sex files opinions.
fagsex · 6 months
sits at conference table.
so yeah essentially it boils down to scully and mulder are in love and only need each other. but mulder and krycek have fucked. mulder sees topping as an act of love, and he dom bottoms krycek, who is an extremely pathetic, dog like service top, you know what i mean? its happened around 5 times, but once mulder really starts recognizing he Love loves scully, he just starts kicking him a lot. krycek still appreciates it. scully has considered fucking skinner before, but hasnt. skinner is painfully in love with both mulder and scully, to the point where he doesnt say or do a thing around them, because he believes (knows) they are happiest and best for each other, and will not ruin that or make it weird. he appreciates what he can get. i think hes smooth like a ken doll down there honestly. maybe gets it from his secretaries if he needs it. theyre happy to dont worry this isnt a contract deal hes just really good at accidentally hiring dominatrixes. dominatrixi? who knows.
spender wants to hate fuck mulder BAD. like BAD. but hes a little late. krycek and he take the fact that they cant fuck mulder out on each other. they dont spend the night. they throw each other around a dingy motel for a few hours, drink, smoke, leave. scullys had a few dreams about diana fowley and she HATES IT. hates it and she'll act out on mulder for it the whole day. hes so confused. she will never tell, not because he would be upset or judge her, but because he would never let her live it down. hed be like ohhh... do you two. need to be alone ? and she would kill him and itd all be over. she wouldve tried marita if she had known her, for the same reasons that spender/krycek did. outside of krycek mulder has not had sex since 1989. he is flirtatious and known for his issues with porn, but he and scully would wait until marriage, to the latter's dismay. he would cry before, and during, and after. sorry
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