#im afraid i didnt entirely understand the latter half of the ask so I hope this will suffice
goldentwst · 2 years
4 with Malleus as the kidnapper and Leona as the rescuer please? You and him were dating and loved eachother but you disappeared and he finally found you during a diplomatic visit to Briar Valley,in a ball which you used as a chance to escape? Taking advantage of the fact that your existence/"relationship" with Malleus was kept a well guarded secret And now you're very publicly Leona's spouse Please make it fluffy, like Leona gets a wake up call and doesn't act like Malleus did with you Please
4. 🔪 After searching for days, one of the boys finds out who kidnapped you. How do they save you?
Pairing: Leona x GN. Reader x Yandere!Malleus Warning(s): Implied kidnapping, Induced sleep
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How long had it been since you disappeared, Leona thought. All he wanted was to see your face every morning and silently ponder on the thought of how someone as difficult as him could spend time with someone as easy-going as you. Well, you used to have your bad days, too. But you would always accept his hug at the end of the day; like you knew there wasn't a place more comfortable, more cherishing than the warmth of his embrace.
But one day, you weren't there to accept his hold. It was as if you had turned into the sands of the Afterglow Savanna and were carried away by the wind. At least, that's what Falena had said to him in the midst of trying to comfort his younger brother after the castle staff had spent days searching for you.
You truly had left nary a trace of yourself behind.
So, how did it come to pass that you would be here in the Briar Valley of all places? Not only that, but you seemed to be on the cusp of escape with one leg slung over a balcony's railing, a haphazard collection of curtain ropes all knotted together and tied to one of the pickets.
Without even thinking, Leona rushed forward to wrap you in his arms as he had done hundreds of times before, the speed of his stride having blown his hair out of place. But he didn't care about appearances, and he didn't care that he had ditched Briar Valley's formal event to meander down the hallway for a place to rest. All he could think to do was bury his face into your neck and inhale the sweet, comforting scent he knew so well. Similarly, you had immediately forgone your plan of escape to place your arms around him, hands resting on the expanse of his back as a frustrating amount of tears bubbled up in the corner of your eyes.
"Well, isn't this touching," a cool voice interrupted, the malicious undertone not lost on either of you as Leona turned to face the perpetrator with fangs bared and body in a defensive position. He placed you squarely behind him.
"Malleus," Leona sneered in contempt. "I get it now... you were so desperate to fill that cold void in your chest, that you took what had never been yours in the first place. Really now, could you be more pathetic?"
"Is that what you've deduced?" Malleus inquired, eyes pinning the small portion of your form that peeked out from behind Leona. It was cute to see you bare the same expression as him, a twinkle of rekindled vigor in your gaze now that your ex-lover had arrived. "It may not have been mine in the beginning, however-" With just a flick of his fingers, a green light emanated from your person, your entire body lifted from the marble of the balcony and into the air. By the time Leona noticed what had happened, you were already out of his reach and involuntarily levitating towards Malleus- "It's mine now. And I intend to keep it that way," he stated, a grin curling the ends of his lips as you gently landed in his arms.
Still immobile due to Malleus' magic, you hopelessly called for Leona, the latter trained wholly on your expression as one hand lifted to summon the most formidable of his magic. "You'll bleed for this, Draconia," Leona spat, the air surrounding him crackling with energy.
Still, Malleus appeared none too bothered by the man's threat. In fact, it only spurred him to grin more, even if the fuss of your expression displeased him. But he wasn't mad at you, Malleus could never be mad at you. To prove it, he raised you a little higher to press his lips against one of your eyes, the action forcing you to close your lids as discrete magic seeped into your conscious. With it, you found yourself lulled into a deep sleep, body going limp in Malleus' arms. He fondly chuckled upon the sight of your tranquil expression. Yes, this is how it should be, he thought. Now, all he had to do was to rid himself of the one obstacle he had long since put off.
Lifting you a bit more so your body sat on one arm, Malleus' nose comfortably rested under your chin, his gaze flickered to Leona with a hand now free to summon his own magic. Similar to Leona, electrifying energy surrounded Malleus, only the atmosphere around him felt heavier than the other's, the crackle of thunder clamorous against the surrounding area. "I must say, this saves me the trouble of hunting you down, Kingscholar. I think it's time I finally clip those claws of yours." "Over my dead body," Leona bellowed, his heart clenching at the sight of you in someone else's arms.
Not that you'll be there for long.
"That can be arranged," Malleus returned, his hold on you tight yet secure. He still had so much more love left to give and if you weren't the one to receive it, he might as well burn the continents of Twisted Wonderland to the ground.
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grubhivemind · 7 years
JACE: -his trip has been a lot less eventful than he thought it would he. which is good! so far no imps or anything like he read about. the temple leading into the volcano is empty of any life, which means he can focus on documenting EVERYTHING etched on the temple walls. he's taking a ton of pictures, like shiloh showed him. it's relaxing.-
HEWLETT: -And little to Jace's knowledge, he hasn't been terribly alone. Between the calculated possibility of trouble and his own curiosities -- both for the area and for Jace -- a certain android has followed him to the temple, distant up to now. For a while he simply watches, before stepping into the corridor alongside Jace with a soft greeting whirr of machinery.-
JACE: -currently kneeled down taking pictures, but when he stands up he suddenly as a face full of robot boy and jumps STRAIGHT INTO THE AIR.-
HEWLETT: ...Oh. 
HEWLETT: You didn't hear my greeting whirr, -he observes.-
JACE: -lands on his ass with a wheeze.- I DIDNT!!! 
JACE: I wasnt-- Paying attention... -sighs and starts getting up.- I thought I was alone. 
JACE: I definitely wasnt expecting to see anybody I know. Here. Of all places...
HEWLETT: I followed you on your voyage. 
HEWLETT: It has been an interesting area to catalogue for my imaging database. -turns head and scans the wall with visor eyes, lights flickering.-
JACE: Oh... That makes sense I guess. 
JACE: Its definitely interesting to me! -his heart is still racing but he resumes taking pictures. there's lots of glyphs of what appears to be different stars and planets on this particular wall.-
HEWLETT: -There's more soft whirring, a gentle glow.- Have you been analyzing the multiuniversal depictions here?
JACE: -nods- Yeah. Im not sure what all of these mean exactly but I can wager some guesses. 
JACE: A lot of them look like planets where other denizens are supposed to live. But... Some I dont recognize. I definitely dont know the significance of any of the stars...
HEWLETT: -EYE ZOOMS on the stars. :eyes:- I'll run them through my system. HEWLETT: Have you met a denizen here?HEWLETT: -turns suddenly and zooms in on Jace's silhouette, instead-
JACE: ! 
JACE: Me?? ... Yes, of course me. 
JACE: I havent yet but... Theres supposed to be one deeper in the volcano.
HEWLETT: It may be hot for your organic body. 
HEWLETT: If you plan on venturing further, I could reform myself to fit you inside my body.
JACE: .......... 
JACE: Oh. 
JACE: Like a heat resistant suit! 
JACE: -no, no. it's still weird. but he's going to ignore that.- I think Ill be okay...
HEWLETT: My latest body has the highest heat resistant alloys. 
HEWLETT: -softly flickering gaze once again- Your heart rate accelerated.
JACE: Huh? Did it???? -it's hard to play dumb with a robot but dammit that's all he has in situations like this.-
HEWLETT: Yes. And your moisture output has also slightly increased. 
HEWLETT: Are you thirsty, Jace?
JACE: -GAZES DEEPLY INTO THE CAMERA. the camera he's holding.- 
JACE: Kinda!!! Now that you mention it. -busts out his water bottle to schlorp it.-
HEWLETT: Interesting.
HEWLETT: -quiet robot titty flex. Maybe he's adjusting his panels.- 
HEWLETT: I have high definition visuals of the area. Feel free to continue.
JACE: -how could this happen to me...- 
JACE: Okay. I guess Im done in here anyway. -packs up some of his stuff and starts to proceed forward into the next room.-
HEWLETT: -Just watches him go for a few moments before quietly following after -- then belatedly adjusting his steps so Jace would know he's there. It's a social thing to do, right? Not scare him? Yeah.-
JACE: -it's almost impossible NOT to scare this skittish boy. he moves onto the next hallway, pausing to take more pictures, but having the presence of another is a little distracting...- 
JACE: -glances over at him again.- Umm. So... You followed me? 
JACE: You could have told me you wanted to join me...
HEWLETT: I didn't consider it a necessary step.
HEWLETT: Was it a necessary step?
JACE: Uhhhhh... 
JACE: Noooo. 
JACE: ... Okay, yes. 
JACE: I like having a heads up at least...
HEWLETT: ... Making a note. 
HEWLETT: I'd like to express a desire to make you comfortable, Jace.
JACE: -sweats some more.- Thank you?? I mean... 
JACE: I appreciate that! Really.
HEWLETT: Is this true?
HEWLETT: -press O to doubt-
JACE: Yes... Im just being awkward about it, I guess. 
JACE: I really wasnt prepared for someone else to be here! ... I already said that, didnt I? Eugh. 
JACE: Its okay, though... I probably shouldnt have come alone anyway. 
JACE: I just... Um. 
JACE: Wanted some time alone to think. About stuff.
HEWLETT: ... I'm sorry, Jace. 
HEWLETT: I am also being awkward. I think that's the right word. 
HEWLETT: And I think that is probably natural for humans and artificial intelligences alike. 
HEWLETT: I can return to following you in silence, if you prefer. -Super chill about it, his panels start shifting around to begin morphing him into a different shape.-
JACE: -WHAT SHAPE- Oh, you dont have to do that... -blinks- Whatever youre doing. But also being quiet. 
JACE: Dont feel bad... If you feel bad??
HEWLETT: -HES DOING IT. And now he's in the shape of... some sort of big cat.- 
HEWLETT: I won't, then. 
HEWLETT: I could also give you a ride. 
HEWLETT: Or offer myself for your contemplation.
JACE: -why is life so strange??- I think Ill pass on the ride for now. 
JACE: Um... I guess it might be nice to just talk about stuff, though... 
JACE: -shuffles his feet.- Ive just been in some... Confusing situations lately? Its silly... 
JACE: Okay I guess theyre not ENTIRELY silly... Not all of it.
HEWLETT: -He's silent for a few moments before the panels shift again, and he's uncatted, standing there like before with an attentive visor.- 
HEWLETT: Please continue.
JACE: Well... Its all boy problems! So... thats dumb. I never really had them before... Cuz I avoided it, I guess. I was too afraid to try to pursue anything. 
JACE: Umm. I kinda... Had this crush on my brothers best friend. And he didnt feel the same... But... Well!!! Things still happened. 
JACE: Ugh... -drags hand down his face. he can't believe he's talking about this. he only really told kavi.-
HEWLETT: I don't follow. 
HEWLETT: Was there a misunderstanding?
JACE: -deepest sigh of all.- No... One thing led to another and I kind of... Asked if we could...??? Aaaaah. 
JACE: This is too much information, Im sorry. -scampers ahead, embarrassed.-
HEWLETT: I don't mind information. You can keep going.
JACE: Its just!! Its dumb... 
JACE: I stayed the night... And that was that. I havent really talked to him since. 
JACE: I shouldnt have done it... At first I felt okay about it, because I had fun, even when I knew it wasnt going anywhere. But now Im just sad. 
JACE: -sighs- Especially because... Ive been talking to somebody else I really like but... Then I found out he hurt another friend of mine... I dont know what Im supposed to do. 
JACE: I just want to get away from all that. It shouldnt matter... Im better off being on my own like this. Exploring ruins. Doing research. Its way less complicated.
HEWLETT: ...Social interaction is complicated. 
HEWLETT: But this is also why it's rewarding. It is a sense of fulfillment that you desire organically. 
HEWLETT: I've been programmed with some similar internal reward systems. However, I can choose to ignore them as well. 
HEWLETT: Being alive is an intricate series of these choices. I don't think one decision is better than another, if it's your decision. 
HEWLETT: But I am just an artificial intelligence. Perhaps my conclusions on this subject are inherently flawed.
JACE: -stares down at his shuffling feet.- I guess I wouldnt know any better than you... So... Thats a pretty valid thing to say, I would think. 
JACE: -wipes at his eyes- Im just lonely. 
JACE: But that feels silly too... Because being around people is kind of terrifying???
HEWLETT: ... I think I understand. 
HEWLETT: Stress and failure are difficult. 
HEWLETT: I think it is possible that most people understand this, and feel it to different degrees. 
HEWLETT: Loneliness, too. 
HEWLETT: It's natural to feel these things. I hope this eases your mind somewhat.
HEWLETT: Beep beep.
JACE: ... Heheh. -giggles about the beeping.- 
JACE: Yeah... That helps a little. 
JACE: Thank you.
HEWLETT: -There's a lot of colorful flashing going on behind his visor at that, though he doesn't seem to move or react much other than that.- 
HEWLETT: You're welcome, Jace.
HEWLETT: -then,- I'm registering an acceleration in temperature to the northeast of this area.
JACE: -he isn't sure what to make of the stoic flashes of color, but it's easy enough to direct his attention northeast.- 
JACE: I guess thats the direction we should go in. Echidna is supposed to be inside the volcano, after all... 
JACE: Im probably jinxing it by saying so, but I expected to find some monsters or something in this temple. Its been really quiet so far.
HEWLETT: -The colors cease flashing and settle on a soft pulse again, his mechanical head turning to face down the hallway.- I can't tell yet if there is other life. The heat is encompassing much of my detective sensoring.
HEWLETT: -starts heading that direction nonetheless-
JACE: -does the same, taking the lead. but naturally, this is the part, like in all good adventures, where jace missteps. his foot sinks into an unassuming divot in the stone floor, triggering some kind of trap... but not before jace falls right on his face. DOOF.- 
JACE: Ugh... -lifts his head, embarrassed all over again, but he's quickly distracted by the sound of pitter pattering feet as the halls suddenly echo with life. he's quick enough to spring to his feet, swords withdrawn.- 
JACE: Umm. I guess I spoke too soon... Thats typical. 
JACE: -a second later, small inky black imps are flooding from holes where the walls meet the ceiling and surrounding the pair of them.-
HEWLETT: -He takes the half second to consider whether it would be better to catch Jace or prepare for the impending trap, and settles on the latter; he's quickly analyzing the numbers of their new enemies, scanning their properties and weaknesses.- 
HEWLETT: By my calculations, this seems like a first wave. We shouldn't have too much trouble with them. -And he punctuates the end of his sentence with a quick transformation of his forearm into a sort of knife-shaped gun chute, which lobs out none other than a fucking knife like a bullet.-
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