#im a sucker for a redemption arc
ceruleanslob · 4 months
really need fic recs of wrightworth being rivals to lovers... i swear i've scourged the whole of ao3 just searching for some with this premise...
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riotinyellow · 7 months
Spider better change before the writers think of making him and amerie a thing.
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thelooniemoonie · 11 months
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snaillamp · 1 year
JOD - Day 8 - A Hero’s Hero
I was thinking a lot about hypovolemia when writing this one, considering my practical exam was about it! I passed it which is so good, now I can relax. Also check out what other people have been writing, everyone is so creative  and thank you @juneofdoom​ for existing I would be so bored without this!
Anyway, enjoy!
Day 8: “Breathe, damn you!” | Shock | Amputation | Infection |
Villain’s heart skipped a beat as a jolt of shock ripped through their body. Superhero was collapsed on the roof in front of them, face down.
Villain had exercising, going for a casual fly, when they had noticed a figure fall from the sky. Curious, they had decided to investigate.
Superhero was pale, sweating and limp, Villain could barely hear them take shallow breaths as they felt for a pulse. It was racing. “Superhero? Can you hear me?” Villain shook the limp hero, confusion morphing into fear. They hated Superhero, sure, but did they want them to die? Not really, half the fun of their job was fighting Superhero and coming up with plans to defeat them.
Superhero shuddered and let out a soft sigh, opening their eyes. Their fingers twitched as they whispered, “Villain…” Villain leaned close, grabbing their nemesis’ hand. “Superhero, what’s happened?” All Superhero could manage was a groan as their eyes rolled back in their head. Their head rolled to the side as they sighed and stopped breathing completely. “Superhero? Hey!? Supes?” Villain shook the hero, but they didn’t move. “Shit.”

Villain’s mind was racing as they tried to figure out what to do, which is when they noticed the blood. Superhero had a deep gash in their side, and it was leaking blood. Villain removed their shirt and pressed it into the wound, blood covering their fingers. They felt for a pulse again, it was barely there. Picking up the limp superhero, Villain ran, jumping off the edge of the building, taking flight.
They didn’t know this part of town well, so they couldn’t find the nearest hospital. Below them, a siren sounded, Villain looked down and watched the little white van race down the maze of streets. It was a 50/50, it was either going to or leaving a hospital, and from what Villain could make out, they were going to one. 

Villain soared above the city, following the ambulance, watching it like a hawk until they saw it stop in front of a building with a large driveway. Even from as high as they were, Villain could tell it was a hospital. They looked at Superhero, who looked pale. The arm that was not pressed against Villain dangled downwards limply, and their head was flopped over Villain’s arm, chin pointing at the sky above them. Their legs swung heavily with every movement Villain made.
“Come on Supes, nearly there. Hang on a little longer.” They dropped down to the ground, “You’re always so stubborn, you can stick this out too.” Villain landed on two feet with such speed they left a small crater in the pavement “Woah.” They steadied themself, trying to to drop their patient, before sprinting towards the door of the ER.
They burst through the doors, finding themself descended upon by doctors and nurses. Immediately a nurse grabbed Villain’s arm and tugged them towards an empty room with a bed in the middle. Villain lay the fallen hero gently onto the bed, watching them, expecting them to take a breath. “Breathe, damn you!” They screamed at Superhero, hot tears streaming down their face.
A doctor rushed in, surrounded by nurses and began issuing orders. Everyone moved like clockwork as Villain stood there, covered in the blood of their enemy, watching them become effectively a human pin cushion. Needles and pipes and tubes were stabbed, slid and shoved into Superhero’s body, keeping them alive.
Time almost seemed to stop as Villain watched these experts mill around the hero, before they were wheeled off, attached to just about every bag, vent and machine Villain could imagine.
They blinked as reality came rushing back to them. The floor was covered in blood. They were covered in blood. Superhero’s blood.
A nurse gently guided Villain to a chair, and began checking them for wounds, but Villain brushed her away, muttering they weren’t injured. They asked if there was somewhere they could clean up and the nurse nodded, guiding Villain towards a bathroom.
Villain was for some reason enamoured by her hair, long, box braids twirled into a neat bun on the top of her head. Her scrubs were a such a nice shade of blue and they smelled like fresh linen. Villain realised they were thinking strange thoughts, but felt like they were floating on a cloud. They had just seen Superhero nearly die and they were thinking about a nurse’s hair and the colour of her scrubs?
Villain anxiously tapped their foot against the floor in the waiting room. They were nervous, now that the adrenaline had left their body. They realised, that despite concealing their identity, someone might recognise them as Villain. Sure, right now they looked like a regular person but what if? They forced the thought from their mind. Superhero had been in surgery for ages, and they still had no idea what was going on.
They got up and went to the vending machine, looking at the overpriced drinks. An energy drink was the last thing they needed right now. They lifted their wallet from their bloodstained pants, it had a card connected to their stash of money, they could use it to buy something. Just to give them something to do. Maybe the nurses would like some overpriced... “Zoom Juice?” they exclaimed to themself, reading the name for the first time. “What the fuck is Zoom Juice? Eww mint flavour? How does that even work?” They mumbled to themself, catching their reflection in the glass. They looked like shit, being covered in blood was a great fashion statement. “Ok no shitty ‘Zoom Juice - Electric Mint Flavour’ then. Honestly they’d rather eat a battery than try that for energy.”
They noticed the glossy mags on the table across the room, going over they grabbed one and flicked through it. Celebrity divorce drama, crossword, vegan brownie recipe, celebrity marriage, pictures of clothes only a 50 year old Karen would wear. This seemed mind-numbing enough to distract them. They flicked through, not really reading any of it, just barely looking at the pictures. They sighed and placed the magazine on their lap, staring at the wall.
Hours later, a nurse came up to them and waved to get their attention. “Your friend is out of surgery. Would you like to see them?” “They aren’t my friend.” Villain grunted.
Villain sat by Superhero’s bedside. Machines beeped around them as they slowly breathed in and out for Superhero. They had stayed like this for days, Villain watching vigil over the fallen hero. They only left them if they had to. Villain didn’t know why, they could be doing all sorts of things right now. Whenever Superhero was out of commission they always raged havoc on the city, but they couldn’t bring themself to leave.
The strong, proud hero looked so delicate and broken in this bed, tubes and pads and needles all over them. They watched the heart monitor beep slowly, wondering if it was a good rhythm or not. Superhero had been intubated, with a ventilator breathing for them. ‘That’s so cool, that we’ve been able to invent a machine to do that.’ Villain thought to themself, thinking about the mechanics inside of the ventilator that they could see.
The doctor had said they had something called hypo-something. Hypo-volleyball? No. Hypovelmatic? No. Villain wracked their brain for the word. It meant lack of blood, and was to do with shock. Hypovolemic shock? That sounded right. 

About a week in, Villain looked up to see Superhero stirring. They leapt from their chair and raced to the nurse’s desk down the hall. Excitedly they exclaimed to the nurse that the hero was waking up. Next thing Villain knew, they were watching a doctor pull a long tube from Superhero’s throat as they gagged. Superhero’s pupils were wide as they sluggishly moved their head to look at the blurry figure in their vision. They could hardly keep their eyes open, as they tried to make them out. Their voice sounded familiar but they couldn’t place it…
Villain watched as the hero’s eyes slid shut. The doctor said they still needed to rest, but Villain could wait. They decided to go to the vending machine, they were in the mood for something different, maybe they would finally give Zoom Juice a try.
Villain looked up from their 4th can of Zoom Juice that week at the sound of Superhero moving. It had been about six days since Superhero had woken up, but they had done nothing but slept since then, so maybe this was it? “Maybe I should stop buying these?” They pondered to themself, thinking about the amount of chemicals they had probably ingested over the last week. “Stop what?” A groggy Superhero asked, looking over at Villain.
Villain jumped at the sound of Superhero’s voice. They missed it, even in its raspy state. “Superhero, how are you feeling?” Superhero considered the question, “Shit.” they replied. “The nurse said you can have water if you want.” Villain suggested, reaching for the paper cup beside the bed. Superhero nodded, and Villain adjusted the bed so they were sitting a little. They held the cup the Superhero’s dry lips and gently poured a tiny amount into their mouth. They did in twice more before Superhero lifted a hand slightly to ask them to stop.
“That’s better.” They mumbled sleepily, their voice a little more normal. They lay back into the bed, clutching their side in pain. “Did you want any pain meds? I can ask the nurse for some.” Villain suggested. They realised they had grabbed onto Superhero’s hand, which sat limply in their own. There was a massive cannula sticking out of it. “No. It’s fine.” Superhero managed to say, slowly. Villain squeezed Superhero’s hand gently. They sat in awkward silence until Villain couldn’t help themself. “Hey, how much do you remember, you know, of what happened?”
“I remember…” Superhero lay back and seemed lost in thought. “Supervillain. They attacked me. They hit me with a… a sword I think?” Villain frowned. “Supervillain? But they haven’t been seen in years. You defeated them when they tried to blow up the news station.” Superhero nodded slowly, “I guess they came back. They surprised me… next thing I know I’m falling. I-I remember… someone held my hand and said my name… Then I felt… like I was flying… then falling… and then nothing.” They looked at Villain, “Next thing I know I’m talking to you.” Both of them were silent for a minute. “It was you, wasn’t it? With me. You saved me.” Villain nodded, “Yeah. It was. You scared the hell out of me Supes. Really.”
They both fell silent again, now it was getting really awkward. “Why?” The hero asked. “You could have left me there… it would be better for you… to… I don’t know what you do…. Crime?”
Villain let out a snort, “Yeah… crime. Sure Supes.” They sighed, “Truthfully, I don’t know why. Something came over me. I saw you so weak and helpless and I…” Tears welled up in Villain’s eyes, “I don’t wanna lose you, Supes. You’re- You’re half the fun of my job, if you could call it that.” This time Superhero let out a small laugh, but stopped when pain ripped through their body. “I guess the human part of me won. I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. I couldn’t let you die.”
The villain talked, recounting their previous escapades, in which Superhero had foiled their dastardly plans, until Villain looked over and saw Superhero was asleep. They brushed a strand of hair from Superhero’s face smiling at how they looked more peaceful.
All this time, they had hated the hero for existing, but now that they had spent time with them, they realised that they actually quite liked them. They had a wicked, dark humour, a mischievous streak and above all, they didn’t seem to judge Villain, even after everything. Villain felt welcome around the hero, like they were close friends who had known each other forever. Looking out the window, they talked to the unconscious Superhero, “Supervillain is still out there. With you the way you are, you won’t be able to do anything about it.”
They didn’t realise that the hero was listening in, drifting in and out of restless sleep, “I think I know a guy…” They mumbled into their pillow. Villain looked over at Superhero. “They’ve been talking my ear off all day…” Superhero groaned, rolling onto their side, trying to get comfy.
“You don’t mean…” Villain started, “Yeah, dumbass. The city needs a hero and… I think you’re its’ best shot…” Superhero mumbled, drifting away again. Villain thought about it for a second. Them, a hero? The thought never occurred to them before. Maybe… just maybe, Superhero was onto something. Villain nodded in agreement with their new unconscious friend, “You know what. I think you’re right.” they replied.
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
Dreadwing babygirl why did they do you like that
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diientedegato · 8 months
I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what Ben Paul would look like if he was alive years after S1 of TWDG :> I honestly prefer to imagine both him & Kenny going off on their own adventures after S1, because Idk if I'd've had Kenny as part of S2, it felt like when he returned it became less Clem's story & more his. That might be controversial among fans but it's how I feel :s I like to imagine Ben, Kenny & Sarita forming their own little family in fact <3 I'd expect Ben would end up with shaggier hair after a while but I wouldn't mind knowing what he'd look like with short, spiked up hair ;>
IM SORRY BOTH THE ASK AND DRAWING ARE OLD- but I came across the sketch I had eugeugeh. I do not have many headcanons but behind the cut is just a rant about. Kenny mostly. Too much should I warn? But yah I'm sorry it took me like 5 months lol
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The only headcanon (regarding Ben's appearance) is that he'd keep his school jacket for as long as possible. Until it thorns apart. Or until he dies.
I'm big fan of Ben lives possibility btw I've gotta draw sum about that sometime (I say, about every twdg character i like,)
And dude, do I agree about Kenny. Man doesn't belong in season 2. The character they made him to be in the second season is not Kenny, it's just a nostalgia element. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, I'm biased as hell, I break that hug choice every time. But it made the character development in the first season just.... pointless. "For some reason, I saved that piece of shit Ben", man, that quote just disappoints me. Kenny lost everything. Father and husband of none no more, which was pretty much the arc of Kenny on the first season?? I think? . Everything he loved and he had he lost, and he killed the person responsible for it. But not as revenge, he killed a kid out of mercy. He saved the boy from suffering a painful death, and that was forgiveness, to the reason he hadn't any. He took a decision he would be fully responsible of, when it was time for him to go. And he was perfect.
Hell, if he had appeared during season 2, I do prefer the Kenny as Carver idea. Clementine wasn't even that close to Kenny in the past, the player was, so even then it feels... off, off to be forced to care about a man that says so much he wants to protect you. (They're not really family, but is as if Kenny tries to protect and have Clem on his side, to have Clem's loyalty through and through. Though he does let her go and is proud of her on her individuality... hm.) But still, I mean, second season Kenny is not first season Kenny, and it isn't even a change that made sense. If he had been antagonist (which pretty much feels like it in the Canon story already), he should have had some other background story, no Sarita or company. Maybe then the cynical view he has would have mattered. The violence and anger and whatever else. For him to change that way was a consequence of him losing what he represented, protection of family? Wasn't failure and grief and acceptance meant to be important after all?
But otherwise yea I think it would've been pretty cool if Ben survived :3 I am a sucker for tales of redemption, forgiveness, and found family. And I hadn't thought about Kenny, Ben, and Sarita, but hell yeah. Man, even if they appeared in the second season, it would've been interesting if the choice wasn't between two individuals, but between two families. Ben already had a relationship with Clem! He appreciated her and calls her his only friend during season 1, he did leave her behind during that scene, -but the point of Ben was that- He was a coward all the season, until when he wasn't. He wanted to help Lee help Clem. They would've had an interesting sibling relationship-? also Ben had a young sister before the apocalypse so ooooh projection and parallels and shi. And if Ben had lived, he would've completed his development to something close to bravery-?
Well, I don't know, at least I think that'd be one interesting way to bring back old characters. Otherwise, Kenny should only be mentioned on dialogue maximum. The way I see it.
(I repeat the same thing over and over when I talk about something I'm sorry
(I've developed no language skills whatsoever in my life
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fraudulent-cheese · 6 months
I think im actually going to change who wins in my team escope tdwt au?
Originally Noah was going to win and alenoah was gonna be the final 2, but it felt both like a disservice to Heather's character who does have development over the course of the season and it wasn't super compelling to me (she's way more invested in the competition than Noah is + my personal agenda of making Alejandro loose the competition in every single AU i write) + Noah winning just not making for a satisfying ending
Heather in this AU would end up in a similar "previous antagonist becomes antihero due to a bigger vilain popping up" position as she does in canon, but it's combined with her making a genuine friend on the show in Harold; she's shown in the best light she's ever been shown on the show and while a good chunk of the audience is supporting Noah for the finale, she still has a decent crowd of supporters.
It's also my personnal mission to make Alejandro loose in every Total Drama AU i write apparently, and him loosing the tie-breaker is perfect for angst. Also i've seen my fair share of tdwt alenoah rewrites and none of them have included both in the final 3 tie-breaker so it would be fun to explore, with Noah only standing a chance against Alejandro thanks to his dodging ability and wanting to put an end to their endless pining...
It could go two ways - either Noah wins the Tie-Breaker or Alejandro wins the tie-breaker.
Noah at this point in the competition is sure of three things:
Alejandro's a very competitive guy, with a flare for the dramatics
Him and Noah have had been semi-friendly semi-fighting all competition, with it dipping more into a rivalry as of late (the thing keeping him trying after Eva's elimination)
And based on both of these facts:
Alejandro's most likely looking for a dramatic victory over him. Noah's not willing to give him that.
So, mid-spar, Noah's trying to solve this conflict once and for all - Not his brightest idea, but he's joined Total Drama so he's made worse decisions - and opts to be genuine while dodging Alejandro's hits. His earnestness does break through eventually, and confesses to him. They're both standing near the edge of the fighting platform, and are both tired as hell from the previous challenge.
That is the only reason Noah considers as the one behind Alejandro leaning in and kissing him.
After this is where the ending would diverge depending on who ends up in the final two: Alejandro would win by Noah falling into the water right afterwards on his own accord, and Noah would win by tricking Alejandro into falling into the shark infested water.
either making it to the final 2 doesn't change the outcome of Heather winning in the end, but it would change the banter and Helpers; Heather would pick Sierra (who got over Heather booting her back in Paris because she's "a sucker for redemption arcs") and Leshawna (who's friendly with her in this AU) while the boys would pick a combination of the third placer + one of their closest friendship on the show (Courtney and Noah for Alejandro, Alejandro and Izzy for Noah). Heather still ends up in the cage trap and is genuinly pissed at this, but Harold and Leshawna (through the power of friendship) snap her out of it with a similar line as in canon (that she's a better person now and either 1. more deserving of the win for them if she's against Noah or 2. the 'good guy' if she's going against Alejandro) and manages to climb up the volcano.
If Heather's against Noah, she catches up to him due to his garbage athletisism and if it's Alejandro, it's the cast catching onto his distaste of the "Al" nickname and using it against him (probably Owen and Izzy, the latter joining in for shits and giggles). If it's against Noah it'll be a roundabout way of having a friendship finale, it's just the good guy with friends vs the less good guy who's gotten better thanks to friendship and self reflection, and if it's Alejandro and Heather it's just bad guy vs good guy, more like in canon :p they could have a stupid dramatic swordfight with the dummies that Alejandro looses like an idiot and it gets him slipping to the volcano's base (because it would be a funny visual).
The volcano still explodes at the end, but i don't know if i want the "alejandro gets partially burnt" ending or "everyone (but the million dollars) is fine" ending yet. idk
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i admit it.
i rlly liked duncans whole arc in all stars.
ik its bc im a sucker for redemption arcs, but i thought it was rlly cute (the ending sucked tho he should have brought the bird home n became besties w/ it)
if i had a nickel for everytime i liked the idea of a total drama male contestant who was on all stars, who camonically went to juvie, who has dark hair, n who behaved pretty villanously getting a redemption arc n having a happy ending, id have two nickels
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royall-ass · 1 month
12, 15, 16, 18, 22
12. idk if she rlly counts as popular maybe im on the wrong side of Tumblr BUT STEPHANIE FREAKING LAUTER 😭😭 i love her so much and i need to draw her more as soon as i figure out how to draw plus sized bodies 🙏🙏 shes literally me and ALSO MARIAH IS GORGEOUS SO THATS A PLUS ❗️❗️ idk i just love steph and i never see content of her but im probably just not on the right side of the fandom
15. ummm im not rlly sure for this one?? i’ll have to think abt it idk if i have an answer. maybe just height differences??? or not drawing steph plus sized
16. again idk 😭😭 maybe just like. IDK SHHAFSGSGS i like most headcanons ☹️☹️ maybe just like ALL of the jon matteson characters being related??? except i do this too cuz its silly but there are times when it annoys me idk 😞
18. JASON X RICHIE. OH MY GODDD i need to draw them,,, i adore michie cuz,,, heh,, toxic,,, ALSO IM A SUCKER FOR REDEMPTION ARCS 😞😞 but i just love how richie and jason interact in the scene before npmd and that jason was willing to be nice to the nerds even before max died whhsfs
22. that ruth and pete both did dance,,,,, i have so many headcanons about this you dont even know.
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crystal-cliffs · 2 months
Wanting to make a Danganronpa AU where Mukuro Ikusaba survives but it already exists as Danganronpa IF
Which bothered me as content material in the sense of it wasn’t what I imagined for that sort of scenario which is extremely picky lol, so I reject the “canon” of that and have created my own essentially rewrite. Although I feel like a lot of danganronpa IF’s plot is sorta relied on the fa cry that not only does mukuro live, Makoto almost dies, and within the canon of the game, Makoto is a very important person to her.
Idk though I haven’t finished the entirety of IF because girl didn’t really enjoy it past Makoto saving Mukuro. I should get to that but that’s so much work and I already have so much other danganronpa content I have to consume forevermore because of my AU.
(Not saying Danganronpa IF is bad, I enjoyed the first half I watched it just doesn’t work for me)
I already have it all planned out it’s just a matter of committing to it, which is difficult because I can’t commit to my projects 😞✋
But I want to make it because I love redemption arcs when done right and Mukuro already had the setup, she was just killed before it could take root. Must write but also is this too much lol?
Also it would have Mukugiri because im a sucker for shipping as always and that ship has always been integral to every iteration of this au so it has to stay
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pupuyvs · 2 months
damn. i know we've still got the epilogue and bonus chapters but its been a ride dude 🥹 i remember when i first found you and this smau, i read all the chapters you did (i think only 12) until you went on hiatus (possibly when you were thinking of not continuing it). i remember thinking it was so good and how happy i got when i saw you came back and decided to continue it. gonna miss jihye and chaewon (you wrote their characters so well) and all the others too 🩵 (the chaos of jihyes friend group will always be my fav lmao)
glad chae acknowledged her mistakes and shortcomings and apologized to both jihye and ning. and im glad jihye didnt forgive her right away. also that cute moment between chae and her mom?? 🥹 mrs. kim backstory??? 😭😭😭 wonyoung telling the girls about yujin and chaewon confessing about dating jihye with aeri accepting both??? we love a redemption arc 🥹😭😌 and also fuck chaewons dad. fr 😤
i do have to agree with the one anon about wishing for more jihye and natty interaction with jealous/sad chaewon lol (you know im a sucker for jealous chaewon) but the ending?? chaewon posting jihye on her main???? yeah thats right claim your girl chae 👏🏼😭🩵🩵🩵🩵
ty for writing and making this amazing smau!!! you da best and the most amazing author 🙂‍↕️😘🩵 i cant wait to read the epilogue, bonus chapters, and the upcoming smau/stories you've got planned!!! 🫶🏼
omg u were here for a while…yeah the beginning was…rough i was fighting for my life but im glad i finished it cause goal was so fun to write and u guys are amazing readers
ill make sure to include more jealous chaewon in the bonus chapters cause yall love em 😭😭😭
and ty for staying with me for so long and planning to stay even longer i cant wait to hear ur thoughts on the upcoming ones even though they wont be as deep as this one 🥹🥹
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starfayy · 6 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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alonelyoperator · 1 month
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more riddler wips.. including a post redemption design! because i cant help it im a sucker for redemption arcs ESPECIALLY w villains w obvious mental health issues. recovery and support beam GO
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piggyintheflesh · 8 months
Hi! I saw that you ship Jiggy and I'm curious on why you do? This isn't ment in a rude way I'm just genuinely interested in what you see between them!
okay so the reason why i ship jiggy,,,, at first i was like. huh. you know.. i really wish piggy was represented and liked more from the fandom, and that's where some of my general absolute BIG love came for piggy,
im a HUGE sucker for like mended relationships or just. cute friendships in general. on ao3 i came across this fic literally called "jiggy oneshots" or something like that 😭😭😭 i thought it was hilarious but i took it into thought
im a big fan of rivals to friends/lovers and i was like.. hey....this isn't so bad.. i really like this actually. i wrote a story on ao3 with my friends called caprecornius, which was basically my first ever "jiggy" media ive made. and then i flew too close to the jiggy sun and my platonic wings melted
NOW im like. they'd be so cute actually together guys. hear me out, give me the mic for just a second. i don't know it like was a crackship at first and i laughed at it, now im like guys im so genuinely normal about jiggy WAUGHHHHH
OKAY. as for the characters, i don't have much to say but.. the whole rivals to best friends to lovers thing i make up about them really gives me life. like...... redemption arc jack because i crave it LMFAO
they're just so lovely 😭❗
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also have this. smiles
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maybeimamuppet · 8 months
favorite thing about them
heheeeeeehoooo i’m a lesbian but honestly she has so much like depth to her in a way that’s not immediately obvious and it’s really interesting as a writer getting to explore that beyond canon
least favorite thing about them
i don’t like that i relate to her!!!! i don’t like the idea of being mean and she is and i’m entirely convinced she and i have the same personality disorder and i am terrified that i’m like her. some people have said it and i just hate that it might be true
but like as a character in and of herself it’s how she uses people for her own gain. that’s not cool boo
favorite line
“boo, you whore” from the movie
“that’s what i keep trying to explain to the president on twitter but he blocked me” from the show
i can’t remember enough of what she says in the new movie rn but i’ll find smth later i’m sure lol
damian. she and damian both love taylor swift and they listen to every song together and fangirl together and also damian gets her into musicals. regina likes the dark gritty ones with good music like les mis and little shop and damian likes the classics (obvs)
post redemption arc i ship her with like every woman in this. like any combo of gretchen and karen, i’m an absolute SUCKER for cadina (like i’m literally on my knees begging for cadina fic prompts please), rejanis is. it has potential not my fav but i do partake from time to time.
but like aaron would just turn out bad nobody really likes shane or kevin and damian. is gay. so none of the men lol
this woman is GAY so again any of the guys lol. also if it’s done wrong rejanis can be real icky and i don’t like that
random headcanon
she can juggle. cady is the only one who knows and regina will absolutely kill her if she lets it slip
unpopular opinion
she is a victim who made the wrong choices and not the monster a lot of people make her out to be. she is not the villain of the story she is the villain of her own life by fault of her own mind which is the fault of her upbringing and she is making the only choices she knows how which just so happen to hurt a lot of people. she absolutely can be redeemed and she deserves it. which is why the bus doesn’t just straight up kill her.
song i associate with them
i think i said this for janis but monster from frozen has very much internal regina vibes to me that she like is terrified of letting anyone else see. also i know it’s about something VERY DIFFERENT but all grown up from bare seems like it would really speak to her. and also just all of renee’s songs bc duh
favorite picture of them
it’s a gif and this is how i lost the post last time but uh
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like. holy shit.
favorite thing about them
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again but that boy drinks his loving janis sarkisian juice every morning as part of a balanced breakfast. he knows they’re each others person and i think he navigates their admittedly strange relationship really well. 
and also i love that this ~17 year old fat openly gay kid has SO MUCH confidence in himself. could he be overcompensating and actually have a lot internally that he doesn’t like about himself? yes absolutely . but the way he chooses to handle himself with such grace and confidence as he navigates such a complex web of social issues is really admirable to me and i don’t think he gets enough credit :))
least favorite thing about them
some of the stereotypes aren’t like super cool but like they had to come from somewhere so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite line
damian is what got me into this show tbh i have so many
but i thiiiiiink it’s gotta be either “and they are more addictive than opioids and girl scout thin mints combined” (also hot take but i’ve been a girl scout for 18 years and thin mints SUCK)
“did she just leave while i was actively caring about her? no. / she’s leaving! just like my DAD.”
honestly just like all of stop all of cautionary tale just him i love him yes
besides the obvious answer of janis again i would say regina. but also he and gretchen get coffee at least once a week and bond over dances and choreography and whatnot and he and karen are joined at the hip whenever they’re together and you cannot tell me otherwise. and cady is basically his little sister
THEATRE BOY FROM THE NEW MOVIE OMGGGGG but also like. i don’t really know lol
i usually write him as being with aaron but that’s bc when i was writing like three months in i asked and all my (four) readers at the time said they wanted damiaaron it was not my first pick. but it has grown on me a lot and i think they’re super cute together
i am terrified of the amount of romantic fic out there for him and janis?? like y’all ran face first into the point and hit ur heads so hard u still couldn’t see it huh
random headcanon
he kicked janis’ front teeth out in tap class when they were five and janis still has a small scar on her lip
unpopular opinion
i know i write about it a lot and stuff but making him trans feels really reductive of his personality sometimes. we need more trans rep obviously and i love people being able to take characters like him and feel seen but i question it with him in particular a lot. similar vibes to people who make matilda trans i just dk. lots of complicated feelings about it
also that he is the best goddamn character in the whole thing
song i associate with them
uhhhhhh for whatever reason 9 to 5 by dolly parton?? and jolene are the first two to pop into my head lol idk why
oh and also better work bitch by britney spears (i think??)
favorite picture of them
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opal-owl-flight · 1 year
Hi hello I just binge read your Back to Zero AU and GOD it’s so good!! I’ve always seen Metalor having really good angst potential, and the way you write their relationship just hits right in the heart, and it’s so so good!! I‘m not very good with words but like.. I just love how you depict their relationship, how it falls apart and gradually comes back together. I‘m a huge sucker for angst with a happy ending, and reading this au was just,, chef’s kiss, amazing.
Buddy thats not even ALL OF IT
It was just so terrible for a long ass time. They both had trust issues with each other.
Mags didnt show all of him to Meta bc hes afraid Meta would hate a part of him that was such an integral part of his being. He hid himself. (Throw in the whole "Im a monster" insecurity as well. Part of him thinks he doesnt deserve this kind of happiness.)
Meta didnt trust him bc of rtdl and other bastard acts he did before his true redemption arc in the Nova incident. He was willing to give him a chance, but the deeper into the relationship they got, the more afraid he became with the possibility of Mags just lying about this whole thing. It was an insecurity that grew and grew with time, which was spurred on further by Mags not trusting him with his whole self. And why should he, when Meta is a perfectionist who holds everyone to impossible standards?
BtZ was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
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