#im a story teller by heart i need it to be fulfilling
taiyami · 13 days
Mai Tai Time!!!! I haven’t watched/ read Golden Kamuy but I wanna know more about your new boo! I’m all eyes & ears if you wanna share any selfship hcs or just thoughts about your new babes 🌚
YOU ARE TOO SWEET TO ME ❗️❗️sorry this ended up being long winded ough...
Sugimoto Saichi.... To say I'm enamored with him is kind of an understatement. He's kind of my twin flame, as we have a lot of similarities ^_^ He's goofy, endearingly sensitive about animals and has a crazy appetite... dare I say we were made for each other. What gets me so caught up in him is the fact that he just.. so obviously LIVES and loves to be needed by people and takes a lot of pride in being a protective figure, because he has spent so long being alone after his family and loved ones had passed and left his life. 🥹 It really breaks my heart to see him so achingly lonely.
In our lore, I'm a transplant to the countryside in Hokkaido and live in the mountains with my horses (or something of this sort). Just me .. alone in the cold mountains..... I always kind of imagine my life before meeting Saichi and Asirpa (his little platonic/familial girl companion I'm sure you've seen her) was kind of lonesome too. Maybe I had a wife who died, or I left her for my own reasons.
Point is, I'm alone and fine with it. I'm a craftsman just as I am in my life now, and just prefer the company of my animals to people. Then, through the events of the story, Saichi and I meet and get the slow burn of a life time. Two bisexual fools, who lost the women they were supposed to marry/their traditional families, and " for some reason " couldn't find it within themselves to find a replacement (i.e GAY THOUGHTS), end up bonding over their mutual protective nature .... and also a love of food and living on the mountain. Ugh literally why can this not happen irl. We're brokeback mountain-ing all around in my head !!
I just love Asirpa so much 🥺 and I want to be in her little family with Saichi and watch her grow up. And Saichi needs someone who isn't afraid to wait for him on their own terms. And for him, I'd wait years... I think the subtle intimacy and love queer men had for each other back in historical times just really grips my heart and I want that with him.. orz
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astorsa · 6 years
wip prep tag
tagged by: @montevena ilu
rules: answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
ok so this will be for ungodly hours!
1. describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
a criminal, the prime minister’s daughter, and a demi-god race against time (wink wink) to piece together the scattered soul of a powerful magician
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
unlike my other wips it’s planned to be a standalone (unless i miss the characters and think of a new adventure for them to go on).
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
vibrant colors, different art movements (esp impressionism, abstract, and social realism) old clockwork, empty alleys, glass houses
4. What other stories inspire your novel
the first one that comes to mind is the kdrama tomorrow with you which made me a lil interested in time travel again and about the consequences of it. also the shades of magic series with the idea of different worlds, however ungodly hours is more of timelines that began at a singular point and diverged at different periods of time to create the world that it is 
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel.
im going to just plug in the ungodly hours pinterest board
6. Who is your protagonist?
bishop aka our criminal
7. Who is their closest ally?
it was ivan his childhood friend (who he also had to betray early on in the novel sad face), but jane soon fills that void and become almost like extensions of each other
8. Who is their enemy?
the main enemy would be stoker, the head of the pseudo orphanage/crime organization that forced bishop into being her hound and living this lifestyle that goes against everything he believes him. even when he visits the other timelines, he can still feel the hold she has on him.
9. What do they want more than anything?
he really just wants freedom to live the way he wants, to get away from stoker and from the town that fears him. during the time where bishop florence was his guardian, he was really encouraged to pursue his gift for painting so he created this idea of living away from the big city, taking each day one at a time, and painting as much as his heart desires, but as the years goes on that dream seems further out of reach
10. Why can’t they have it?
stoker pretty much owns him and his life. he tries to work off his debt to her but it’s just never enough and if he were to run away he would be hunted down and killed
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
he views himself as the villain of his story and that he’s undeserving of good things. but even though he forced to do these awful things he cares so deeply about everyone and everything
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
he’s v v tall, black hair, v dark brown eyes. he has a long scar on his cheek from a run in with one of the magistrate’s goons. he wears this realllly old worn coat with sewn in patches and a cross necklace both given to him by bishop florence before he died. 
13. What is the internal conflict?
there’s actually three stages of the novel that correspond with the three characters of the novels. the first is jane and her need to belong, the second is werner fulfilling expectations, and the third goes back to how bishop sees himself as the villain and treating himself as one, and consequently the lack of self worth that comes with it. 
14. What is the external conflict?
stoker, the magistrate aka our powerful magician, and werner’s dad aka father time all chasing after them lmao
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
that he’d be condemned to continue to live as stoker’s hound or to be the cause of his friends’ (esp jane) death/accidental obliteration from the three timelines
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
there’s two actually. 1. they see very very familiar faces in these timelines, and 2. the magistrate had more power originally than he let on
17. Do you know how it ends?
yes and it’s v bittersweet
18. What is the theme?  
um acceptance is huge. also despite the time travelling, time isn’t going to stop and wait for you. and with that is the concept of personal destinies and the paths that you have to take ???
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
not to be like obvious, but clocks.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
the first is drona, the capital city and the home of stoker’s crime syndicate and the prime minister. it’s a pretty grey town, lots of brick and the empty lot that was formerly the beautiful cathedral that burned down. the other 3 are wyn (one of the timelines that embodies like abstract paintings with the colors and the avant garde fashion), yune (a timeline in black and white where a cult is in power), and su (the land of the gods, and werner’s home)
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
there’s two that come to mind, 1 is jane’s run in with the cult and her accidentally taking part of one of their rituals and another is this mirror maze in a fortune teller’s tent
22. What excited you about this story? 
originally the protagonist was werner and he was created after reading all these like stories of gods that were super powerful and i just wanted to make one that was v clumsy and dorky and just not what you would expect of him. also thinking about these worlds and how different they are, idk it’s really cool to me
23. Tell us about your usual writing method?
um lots of outlining and character/world profiles that are longer than the actual draft itself. opening the doc and staring at it for a long time and only writing a sentence lmao. but for u know actually writing, it’s writing a v shitty rough draft written at like 4am where i’m too tired to criticize it and then looking over it again when i wake up to make changes.
TAGGING: @hajaara @stegladent @furybloods @girlnovels @wartificial @briannaswriter @the-ichor-of-ruination @melissaswriting @dandagostino @sarmarble
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