#im a poc you fuckface
bakeinthesun · 3 years
Hey racist. Dalton can sing rings around Louis. Its the absolute truth. Louis getting kicked 3 times out of XFactor as he got put in the band only the 3 time he came for his pretty face not poor vocal abilities. That white pretty face and conspiracy theorist maked you racism flare up huh? You speak over POCs and disregard the facts all in service of your cult like conspiracy theory. You are just like trumpies.
Me reading this ask;
At first glance : cause how the fuck was I racist?
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Second read : cause it still makes no sense
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Conclusion : can't stop laughing
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To quote your fave to you anon :
Suck my dick 💅
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redpandamemes · 4 years
me: i don't want to talk about the riots or racism breaking out it gives me very bad anxiety issues and i don't want to have another episode. i will say its awful and i hope that we win in the end
my thoughts about what everyone within a five mile radius will think/say about me: its because your white and privileged you absolute piece of shit, you care about your virtual numbers more than actual people dying i fucking hate you, you boot licking bitch we're all afraid you fucking snowflake shut up and man up, you can't live in your fantasy world captain fuckface, you kkk coward, i will stomp on your fucking head, eat shit, you just want to keep your racism in your fanbase, i going to slaughter your fucking family spits
its all fucked, im not a POC but i still want action to happen, for all the innocent lives lost from blantent ignonce. while all police brutality needs to be fixed, this one needs to change here and now. it's depressing that its gotten this bad and this violent without any change, how all POC are in so much danger when others aren't whilw doing the same things. its wrong, its all wrong
But please know the difference of people who don't talk about it for their mental health and those who just want to ignore/let it continue. Remember all this takes a serious physical, mental, and emotional toll on everyone involved. We can't forget those who aren't protesting out of fear, those who are so scared of what's happining they can't function right, those who aren't eating or bathing because they're paralysed by anxiety or depression. Support those protesting and keep those who need to be comforted safe, support the families who are terrified for their family protesting. Support the ones who are affected but too afraid to say anything. Support those who are so overwhelmed they'll fall victim to scams and fake news.
All groups need to come together to form a resistance, we all need to make sure that we build a sheild to keep everyone safe and the corrupted out
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